Modern reality: persecution, harassment, surveillance, psychophysical terror. How can remotely influence the health and psyche of people? The essence of psyterror The main tasks of psyterror are

What Everyone Should Know About Psychotronic Terror

2. A new type of crime - psychotronic terror. Putting a person "on the computer" as the main method of influence.

3. Types of radiation used in psychotronic terror.

5. Tactics of conducting psychotronic terror at the place of residence.

6. Tactics of survival in the conditions of psychotronic terror.

7. Torsion radiation and sex for three.

1. Do I need to contact the police if you are irradiated?

On June 28, 2001, the State Duma adopted, and on July 26, 2001, President V. Putin signed an addition to Article 6 of the Federal Law “On Weapons”.

In accordance with this law, on the territory of the Russian Federation, the circulation of weapons and other items, the damaging effect of which is based on the use of electromagnetic, light, thermal, infrasonic or ultrasonic radiation, having output parameters exceeding the values ​​established by state standards of the Russian Federation, is prohibited as civilian and service weapons. . The ban also applies to weapons of this type produced abroad.

So what do we end up with? In fact, this is an official confirmation of the existence of weapons and other objects of a radiating type.

Four years have passed since the adoption of the addition to Article 6 of the Federal Law “On Weapons”, but so far Russia has not decided on the state structure where a citizen could apply with a statement on the fact of exposure. From the beginning, we decided that it would be law enforcement agencies. They became stubborn - they say that this weapon is not allowed for distribution, and it is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense and the FSB. But these structures are against it. So, we'll have to wait some more. And why?

Naturally, no one conducts state examinations. Therefore, the facts of irradiation cannot be proved. This means that the perpetrator cannot be held accountable. And the very responsibility for such acts is not provided: neither criminal nor administrative. So, go for a walk - I don't want to.

All this means only one thing - the irradiation will continue further, and the number of victims will increase. After all, there are no obstacles to this. And one more thing - if you don't like the game: “Police? You're a fool!", it's better not to play it.

On the facts of directed exposure of people, you can contact:

To the International Alternative Court ( At least they are waiting for you. They even offer a standard application form. But no more.

To the Moscow Committee for Housing Ecology ( They will provide you with psychological support, help organize measurements of electromagnetic radiation in the apartment, give advice on cleaning the body and home, and tell you about the results of filing your application about numerous facts of exposure of people to the European Court of Human Rights. If you're lucky. That's all they can.

Currently, not a single criminal case has been initiated in the Russian Federation on the fact of directed human exposure. Not a single guilty person has been brought to justice in a civil manner. We will not talk about other countries in the post-Soviet space - everything is clear and so. One of my acquaintances categorically stated that a covert directed impact on people's health is impossible. He argued simply - this is not, because it cannot be. At this time, he was irradiated so that he could not straighten up from the pain. That would be his private problem. But he worked as a prosecutor.

Draw your own conclusion.

2. A new type of crime - psychotronic terror. Putting a person "on a computer" as a way of psychotronic terror

Approximately 20 years ago, in the post-Soviet space - in Russia, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Latvia, Ukraine and other countries that have become independent, a new type of crime arose and is actively developing - psychotronic terror.

Psychotronic terror - deliberate actions by prior conspiracy by a group of persons aimed at creating a situation dangerous to human life, health and well-being, its direct destruction or artificial induction of various diseases, as well as violence against the physiological functioning of the body and psyche, causing material damage as a result of damage housing and property, discrediting a person to deprive a source of livelihood, committed by using weapons and other objects of a radiating type, striking in a special range of frequencies, focusing and power and used in conjunction with other methods to achieve a common goal.

The purpose of psychotronic terror is destruction, temporary deactivation, slow defeat, the creation of controlled human material, as well as the artificial creation of a situation to deprive a person of a source of existence and housing, as well as causing material damage.

The appeal of the Moscow Committee for the Ecology of Housing to the President of the Russian Federation V. Putin states that since the beginning of the 90s in Moscow these weapons have been used as an apartment racket, the owners of the apartments are destroyed, and the apartments are taken away. In Latvia, psychotronic terror is used to seize apartments pledged in banks to obtain a loan.

Psychotronic terror is carried out in three forms - secretly, openly and combined. The main part of the victims is not even aware of either the terror carried out against him, or the very fact of irradiation, since the emitters act in the invisible spectrum and beyond the threshold of hearing. And only exposure to ultrasound (frequency over 20 kHz) is felt as a slight vibration.

When conducting psychotronic terror covertly, all conflicts that arise at work and at home, the deterioration of health are perceived as arising by themselves or by accident. Even if a person is warned about the conduct of terror against him, the artificial origin of the problems is denied. Everyone thinks: “Who needs me?”. But that's exactly what this position is all about.

In the open implementation of psychotronic terror, a different tactic is used. Pressure on a person is carried out demonstratively and aggressively. The facility under development will be openly monitored on the street. When a person is in an apartment, his words, actions, physiological functions will begin to be accompanied by grunting and a toned buzz in the heating pipes, at work - clicks on various objects that are heard when moving from room to room.

With the combined conduct of psychotronic terror, one of the family members will correctly understand what is happening and respond adequately to it. This will cause quarrels and disputes, as the rest of the family will regard his behavior as a mental illness.

3. The peculiarity of psychotronic terror is that it is carried out consistently and comprehensively.

When developing an object, all its connections, route of movement and habits are studied. Psychotronic terror is carried out sequentially - at work, at the dacha, in a hotel, on the street, when traveling in transport, in shops and in other public places. But the main focus is on conducting terror at the place of residence. After all, a person always returns home.

Psychotronic terror is conducted in a complex manner. Its components are radiation, constructive-network, criminal, electromagnetic, chemical, electrochemical, bacteriological, psychological, and financial terror. But they all share a common goal.

It was in psychotronic terror that the phrase was born - to put a person "on a computer." What does it mean? This means that the developed person will be influenced remotely using a special complex, which includes a computer and a psi-operator. The emitter will affect a person around the clock and anywhere, destroying the entire body at the cell level, penetrating into the psyche and modifying consciousness. Neither the walls of the house, nor the depth of the metro, nor being in the crowd will save a person - he will be identified everywhere. And yet - "from the computer" is not removed.

The chosen victim becomes physiologically dependent on the actions of the psi-operator. This means that now a person will sneeze, cough, involuntarily let off gases, urinate, defecate (we will especially highlight uncontrolled diarrhea when exposed to certain infrasonic frequencies), experience thirst and hunger, heat or cold, have sex solely at the whim of the psi-operator.

It is he who will decide what to do with the dinner eaten by the victim - whether to turn it into vomit, send it not yet digested into the toilet or put it on the formation of adipose tissue, whether to deprive a person of sleep and how to wake him up at night - lack of air, an injection in the heart or make him run to the toilet.

The psi-operator can not only distort the victim's facial features, disfigure the figure, artificially age, change the composition of the blood, burn the retina, deprive of strength, purposefully destroy the work of any organ, but also infuriate a person, plunge into apathy, or instill panic fear .

Torture by increasing the pressure and temperature of the blood, burns of the genitals - all this will torture anyone. In this case, no one will touch the person. It won't even be around. There is one more feature - even the most cruel tortures do not leave any traces. So they kill slowly. And you can do it quickly - just by stopping the heart. There will also be no traces of violent death.

Microtraumas, respiratory distress, spasms, hemorrhages, dehydration, overheating of tissues, pathological changes in the functioning of internal organs are the usual consequences of the use of psychotronic weapons. If this is not enough, we will have to mention the erasure of memory, suppression of the will, a sharp decrease in intelligence, artistic qualities, and sports achievements.

As a result of criminal activity, the victim of psychotronic terror loses his job, housing, property, family, forcibly acquires incurable diseases leading to premature death, is often declared a person mentally ill, is deliberately driven to suicide or dies in a specially created emergency situation.

Why is psychotronic terror so dangerous?

First, it happens here and now. Any person can be subjected to psychotronic terror almost instantly. To do this, it is enough to make unwanted contact with the object being developed, just be close to it or get into the observation radius of persons with mobile special equipment. Consequences - uncontrollable diarrhea, vomiting. cough, urge to urinate, acoustic shock, fainting, etc. The victims will be random people - a passerby crossing the road, a child, a pregnant woman, a seller behind the counter. They will be more lucky - the impact will be temporary. It will be worse for those who fall into the lists for development.

Secondly, diseases resulting from prolonged directed radiation are very dangerous: malignant neoplasms, lesions of the cardiovascular system, diseases of the brain, eyes, genital organs, functional changes in the peripheral and central nervous system, disorders of the musculoskeletal system, damage to internal organs and leather, etc.

Thirdly, there is a concealment of information from the population about the presence of radiation-type weapons and their unauthorized use, about the conduct of psychotronic terror at the place of residence by separate semi-criminal groups in order to take possession of citizens' apartments.

Fourthly, information on biomedical methods of protection from directed radiation from the public is classified, and technical means of protection are not available for sale.

Fifthly, the regulatory and legal framework for conducting state examinations on the facts of exposure and bringing the perpetrators to justice has not been developed.

Sixth, there is no state rehabilitation for persons affected by directed radiation. On the contrary, psychiatric registration is carried out in order to suppress complaints and statements.

Currently, new social relations are being formed, when people fall into biological slavery. For those who possess psychotronic weapons, we are all just biological objects - without division into sex, age, nationality, citizenship, religion, beliefs and wealth. This has never happened before in the history of mankind. And this is just the beginning.

4. Methods of protection against directed radiation

There are pharmacological substances that can protect the body from directed radiation and contribute to its recovery, but this information is classified.

It can also be concluded that if special-purpose chemicals that increase the electrical conductivity of the body are used to enhance the effect of directed radiation, then in order to reduce such an effect, one should strive for the opposite.

To protect against directional sound radiation, it is recommended to install acoustic wave absorbers.

Bioshielding and the use of shielding products are effective alternative methods of personal protection of a person from directed radiation.

1. Bioshielding

The hands of each of us radiate a heat flux around us, which is 100 times higher than the threshold sensitivity of the skin. By acting with palms on biologically active areas of the skin surface, anyone can improve their health.

But hands can not only heal, but also shield radiation directed at a person. This can be done both contact and non-contact. It is necessary to determine the point of influence and hold the palm over it. Or just put your hand on this place. Do as you please.

1. For shielding, it is necessary to determine the place that is affected. As a rule, this is the place that worries. However, with pain in the heart area, the effect can also be on the walls of blood vessels located on the left forearm (in front, but more often behind) or in the left armpit. That's where you need to put your hand. At the site of exposure, during palpation, a change in the tissues is felt in the form of a hard seal or swelling, sometimes painful.

2. If you have correctly determined the point of impact, after shielding, an automatic breath occurs.

3. The emitter has a point effect (the size of a trace from a needle). The exception is an acoustic shock wave (an elastic wave with a diameter of a saucer will deliver a sensitive blow to the head or neck area).

4. At the same time, the emitter can only affect one point. If they connect the second one, they will act on two points.

5. The speed of transition from point to point is the same as when working with a computer mouse. Actually, this is done with the help of computer programming (thermal, computed tomography). If the psi-operator wants to joke a little, the person can clearly feel the mouse cursor jumping over him.

6. Shielding happens instantly. The signal will go off immediately.

7. Shielding will continue until you remove your hand. The impact can be directed to another point, and then go back. Then you need to apply the screening technique again. Usually, to protect a specific place (throat, joint), 3-4 times such a blockage is enough. Block the suffocating cough by running your hand down the throat, screen the tonsils with your fingertip.

8. Shields both the inside (better) and the outside of the palm. Right or left, own or someone else's - it doesn't matter. Therefore, you can ask someone to run their hand over points that are hard to reach for you, for example, the spine. Of course, you can help others too.

9. The palm itself can be shielded with another palm.

10. Fingertips have the strongest shielding properties. A finger can be shielded with another finger, even one located on the same palm.

11. Shielding can also be done with the feet (leg area) and tongue (oral cavity).

12. The presence of clothing on the body does not interfere with shielding.

13. Artificial amplification of the pain reflex from already existing injuries or ongoing manipulations (for example, an injection) is also shielded by the palm. You just need to run your hand over the affected area. The natural pain level will be restored. The psi-operator always knows what and where a person hurts. Even if it's just a small scratch or callus. How? Ask him yourself. Moreover, the psi-operator can turn a small pain into a big one. What can we say about serious inflammations! That's where the expression comes from - hellish pain. So let's screen!

14. Using your palm, you can shield a smell that does not really exist, and is designed specifically for you (people standing next to you will not feel this smell). To do this, you need to run your fingertip over your nose - the smell will instantly disappear.

The palm shielding technique is available to everyone and everywhere: at home on the couch, and in the train car, and in the hospital ward, and in the prison cell. Doesn't require money. Doesn't raise questions from others. But she has a significant drawback - she is useless during sleep. Individual shielding products can help you with this.

2. Customized shielding products.

There are two types of materials that shield radiation directed at a person: metallized fabric and metallized film.

1. In Russia, metallized fabric article 56041 of domestic production can be purchased in Yaroslavl using the services of Center-Service LLC, e-mail [email protected] Metallized fabric is designed to protect personnel and patients of physiotherapy rooms from microwave radiation, but it can also cope with deliberate exposure.

Products made of metallized fabric are air-conducting. They can be done in one layer. Sew such a cape on a blanket - and it will protect your legs from cramps, and your hands from numbness. Make a bandage on the nose area - and stop choking at night from lack of air. It will reliably protect both from superficial tissue burns and instantaneous heating of the cells of internal organs, carried out using a narrow beam of millimeter waves. In the manufacture of individual products, it is better to strengthen vital places (solar plexus, etc.) with two layers.

2. German-made metallized film can be purchased in Germany and Latvia. There, ordinary grocery stores sell special bags for frozen foods of two types - ISOUERTASCHE and EISBAR. The basis of the package is a metallized film measuring 1 m by 0.5 m (unfolded) of silver color. Outside, it is protected by a transparent polyethylene coating with a pattern.

In the open form, the metallized layer is unstable, and is easily destroyed by physical and chemical influences. To protect it, two films must be folded together with the metallized side to each other.

Protective products made of metallized film are made of 6 layers. Vital areas (heart area, solar plexus) can be reinforced with additional layers. Protective products made of metallized film will allow you to keep lunch and medicines in the stomach, get rid of forced diarrhea and urination, rape, and save you from many diseases artificially caused by external influences.

Metallized film can be used to create two-layer coatings that exclude viewing of rooms through ceilings or a TV.

Manufacturing technology of individual protective products from metallized film.

1. Cut off the handles of the package, cut off the edges around the perimeter of the package, remove the polyethylene coating, and remove the metallized film.

2. Cut the metallized film into pieces, making a plate of 6-12 layers. Layers can be folded arbitrarily, but the outermost plates with a metallized layer must be inside.

3. Using adhesive tape, fasten the layers in the middle so that it is more convenient to work with them. Trim the sheets, round the corners.

4. Vacuum seal the plate using self-adhesive TESA fabric construction tape or adhesive tape.

5. Prepare the next plate in the same way.

6. Form cutting elements from the obtained plates. They can either be glued together with the same tape, or sewn overlay with a needle and thread. This does not affect the protective qualities of the product. Remember that the use of an awl, like the wrong cut, a split seam leaves holes open to attack. Make patches for these places also from a metallized film.

7. All products must fit snugly and fit your size.

8. Vest - the most complex type of product for personal protection. Having torn the old vest, according to the details obtained, you can make a pattern for a vest from metallized fabric. The vest made of metallized fabric is also thermoregulating, which allows you to keep warm in low temperatures and wind. The disadvantage is the lack of air conduction.

9. Velcro is sewn on in helmets, vests, collars, bandages for fastenings and size adjustment.

10. Finished products can be worn over ordinary clothes - a T-shirt or T-shirt, and put on a sweater on top. Some products, for example, a headband or armband, a stand-up collar, can simply be sheathed with a decorative fabric.

Types of protective products and shielding areas.

Vital organs, as well as organs and tissues that are purposefully affected in order to disrupt their functions, such as knee and hip joints, lymph nodes (especially in the armpit), and individual blood vessels, are subject to protection with shielding products.

1. cap, headband

Head area

2. stand-up collar

Lymph node, thyroid gland

Lungs, chest, heart, spine, stomach, pancreas, liver

4. overlay plates

Belly, kidneys

5. universal gaskets

genitals, anus

6. bandages

Hands, feet, joints

7. earbuds

Heels, feet, armpits

8. insoles

If someone is interested in the reason why you are wearing a vest, refer to osteochondrosis. It is not necessary to explain the true reason - no one will believe in radiation. Wear double underpants and socks - shielding plates can be inserted between them. Do not use smooth and loose underwear - the plates will slip. Cover the inner layer with adhesive tape to prevent slipping. And vice versa - it is better to leave the inner side of the protective vest smooth. Choose tight-fitting underwear and lycra socks.

It is recommended to make personal protective products combined, using both a metallized film and a metallized fabric. The use of such products causes certain inconveniences, but eliminates physiological dependence, illness and torture, and allows you to return to life. For additional protection (when increasing the radiation power), as well as protection of exposed areas of the body (for example, eyes), use shielding with the palm of your hand.

6. Tactics of survival in the conditions of psychotronic terror

The main signs of conducting psychoterror at the place of residence:

The systematic appearance of a large amount of dust and soot in the apartment, the presence of dust on the bed, bedding and underwear, inside socks, on clothes and shoes (including inside slippers)

The appearance of the smell of fried chicken, smoke, dust - masking for chemical aerosols for special purposes, incl. with heavy metal oxides

The appearance of various hairs in the kitchen, bathroom and toilet

Systematic burning of dishes and food during cooking

Odorless cooked food

The occurrence of odors that do not really exist (urine, smelly socks, burnt food, or tantalizing smells of freshly cooked food), as well as the smells of objects depicted on a television screen (for example, the smell of lilacs when shown on a screen). People who are nearby do not feel this smell. How to get rid of: if the recipient runs the tip of his index finger under the nose, the smell will instantly disappear

The systematic appearance of holes, the divergence of seams, the opening of lines on clothes and linen, in the same place - the appearance of various spots; sticking or other damage to shoes

The systematic appearance of various spots on the walls, the divergence of seams and the appearance of air bubbles on the wallpaper, flaking of putty, damage to paint on doors and windows, cracking of tiles in a circle (using an acoustic generator leaning against cast iron pipes)

Systematic damage to the lock on the front door, damage to door handles and boxes, furniture and other handles

Blockages and leaks in sewer pipes

Systematic damage to plumbing

Remote disruption of the electrical network, knocking out traffic jams

Remote disruption of the TV, telephone, radio, washing machine, microwave oven, computer

Remote control of the front door bell and lights

A systematic change in the combined conduct of psychotronic terror, one of the family members will correctly understand what is happening and adequately respond to it. This will cause quarrels and disputes, as the rest of the family will regard his behavior as a mental illness. The quality of tap water, its pressure, temperature, acidity, the appearance of impurities and odors

Increased noise and vibration during operation of the refrigerator and washing machine

Change in the quality of the laundry after washing: washed clothes become hard and wrinkled, dirty gray or dirty blue

Unfavorable change after taking a shower: skin and hair become sticky, hands peel off

clouding of glass on windows as a result of splashing an alkaline solution (just wipe the glass with a dry cloth)

The appearance in the apartment of foreign objects, as well as things that you previously threw away

The appearance of acoustic noises characteristic of water pipes and a heated towel rail (a compressor is used), as well as other sounds - for example, water discharged into the sewer, a drill, tinted beeps, knocking and obsessive clicks on various objects in your presence (transmitted remotely using an ultrasound beam)

Various damages in the work of a personal car, incl. remote, which occur only during operation.

Tips for protecting against psychotronic terror

If you have become the object of psychotronic terror, do not curse fate. Yes, you are out of luck. But it can be worse. These are extreme living conditions. You just need to get used to them. And you can do it.

1. Living in an apartment

Please note that your apartment is visited by unauthorized persons both in your absence and when you sleep or wash in the bath. Accept it as a fact and just draw the appropriate conclusions. Do not rely on any locks, especially electronic ones - you can open any. But if you equip the front door from the inside with a conventional mechanical latch, you can live in peace - when you are at home, no one will sneak into the apartment unnoticed. Do not leave the windows and the balcony door completely open unattended - you can get into the apartment through them.

It makes no sense to specifically stay in the apartment in order to protect it - freedom is more important. It might be better to carry something with you. What exactly - decide for yourself.

Do not try to hide anything in the apartment. This is useless - after all, your conversations are listened to with the help of an acoustic beam, your actions are monitored using special equipment, and the psycho-physiological state of the body is controlled using torsion influence. For example, the psi-operator knows when you are awake, even if your eyes are not open.

Don't leave large amounts at home. If there is still something that can be taken to the bank, divide the money into parts and put it on deposits in different banks. Store documents in the apartment so that you can immediately detect their absence.

If something is missing from the apartment, do not panic. This is done on purpose - both to shake the nerves and to discredit the owner. After a couple of days, the stolen is usually thrown into the apartment, leaving it behind the curtain, under the bed or in the closet. Although the corpus delicti is completed (the person entered the dwelling, stole property and disposed of it), with psychoterror it is impossible to initiate a criminal case and prove the crime. Be prepared for the return thefts to be repeated.

If you are deliberately harmed by systematically destroying doors and walls, furniture and clothes in your apartment, it is better to repair and restore the damaged than to write useless complaints - unfortunately, in this situation, everyone is completely defenseless. Learning to putty and paint on your own is not so difficult, but there will be fewer problems with repairs. Putty choose ready, in small packages. Do not mix paint - then it will be difficult to choose a tone. Pour the rest of the paint into a small jar - useful for tinting. In extreme cases, watercolor paints can be used to tint damage to furniture.

Despite the psychoterror, the apartment is still your fortress, although its walls do not save you from torsion impact. But nowhere can you protect yourself from radiation better than at home.

Do not think that you feel bad only in your own apartment. If you don’t believe me, organize a tour of the apartments and cottages of your friends. Soon you will return home, and it will be a very educational experience. There is nothing to say about hotels - it is recommended to avoid them during psychoterror.

For the same reason, it makes no sense to go abroad. Many have tried - directed irradiation pursued them everywhere. If you don’t believe me, first use a tourist tour, and don’t cut off your shoulder.

Do not accumulate debts on utility bills and do not mortgage the apartment as collateral. If you are specifically persuaded to sell an apartment, do not do it. Use the experience of other victims: even if you manage to buy another apartment, the terror continues in the new place.

Don't rent out your property to strangers. Monitor individuals who have access to your home under the pretense of helping. These individuals may be specifically referred to you.

Please note that tie-ins are made from the neighbors' apartment (usually located above) along the common risers into your water pipe, sewerage and gas pipe. The ventilation shaft will also not be left without attention. Now, completely silently under pressure, “gifts” will begin to enter the kitchen room - special-purpose chemicals, dust, insects, hair that will be thrown out through the faucet and sink drain, gas stove burners, gaps in the joints between pipes, air vent.

The main problem is tap water. Conductive acids will be added to it (baking soda can be used to neutralize) and heavy metal compounds. Here is a typical situation: a cut is made from the neighbors' apartment into a common gas pipeline. When cooking food through a gas pipeline under pressure through a burner, a special chemical substance is sprayed onto the pan - transparent, odorless. The pan instantly burns, part of the substance gets inside, and the food becomes unfit for food. To prevent this, it is recommended to use a lid with a steam hole, which can be firmly fixed to the pot with 2 paper clips (metal). If the hole on the lid is large, the part can be sealed with a piece of foil.

There is another option: when visiting the apartment in the absence of the owners, the specified substance from the aerosol is applied to the inside of the pan. During an external examination of the pan, the substance is completely imperceptible, does not appear during boiling, contributes to very rapid evaporation of water, and only after evaporation of the liquid appears in the form of hard-to-clean dark spots at the places of application.

Eliminate enamelware from use - it cannot be cleaned of this substance. From it, the tefal coating in the pots quickly collapses. Choose stainless steel cookware - she is not afraid of anything. The pan can be washed by boiling water in it with the addition of baking soda.

After turning off the burner, immediately close the tap on the gas pipe - this blocks the entry of other chemical aerosols into the kitchen, and prevents contamination of the surface of the gas stove and dishes.

In order to cause material damage to the person being developed, when visiting the apartment in the absence of the owners, some of the purchased products constantly deteriorate. However, not all products spoil, but selectively, so that it looks natural. For this, various chemicals in the form of aerosols are used. One of them is a colorless, odorless liquid, similar to water, which, when splashed, immediately spoils meat and fish, and vegetables and fruits rot completely. From the other - products are covered with terry green mold, including butter and bread. There are also those from which bakery products instantly become hard as a stone.

Knowing your route and regular purchases, products can spoil in the store. Choose products in glass or metal containers. Do not buy food and drinking water in large quantities. Avoid stockpiling - no need to tempt anyone again. Carefully inspect food before eating. If the product is damaged, throw it away. It's better than getting sick later. If you feel bad after eating, save the leftovers. They will be useful to determine the cause of poisoning. In case of poisoning with acids and alkalis, vomiting cannot be induced.

1.2. bathroom

Please note that you are being watched in the toilet not out of sports interest, but in order to influence the body with torsion radiation, conductive acids and bacteria, which are fed into the toilet under pressure through a water pipe when you sit on it. Therefore, let's leave morality aside - in war as in war. Temporarily cover drain points with toilet paper. Tape the gaps between the parts of the drain tank with transparent tape. In order to neutralize conductive acids, after visiting the toilet, wash yourself with boiled water with the addition of baking soda. And sit comfortably on your home throne: if you like to read - read, smoke - smoke, if you prefer music - turn it on.

Remember that the tinted plumbing noises that comment on all your actions with the help of a compressor are for demonstration purposes only. Chemical compounds for special purposes, causing real harm, are supplied under pressure silently.

If, after going to the toilet, cracks appear on the heels, holes appear on socks and tights, this is the result of being hit by a directed jet of a special gas. Holes for it are made near the toilet in the connections of sewer parts or at the bottom of the door frame. Put on two pairs of socks, and between them on the heel area put a piece of film from a plastic bag - the problem is solved. You can do even easier - use slippers with a closed heel. If cracks appear on the hands - the above gas is supplied through the tap. For example, when you wash your hands or dishes.

Close the drains in the washbasin and in the bath, including when washing or doing laundry - because you are leaning right over them.

Perhaps you decide that it is better to temporarily close the ventilation hole - after all, the ventilation shaft is actively used to spray under pressure into the room chemicals for special purposes, dust, hair from various parts of the body (all this is brought from the morgue), ticks (if you are unlucky, wipe skin with hydrogen peroxide), fleas, etc. To hermetically close the vent, you can use a plastic film, which is easy to fix with tape. Actively use natural ventilation, ventilate all rooms in the apartment more often.

During bathing, alkali, oils, acids, dye are often added to tap water. Faucets are best equipped with at least fabric filters. To avoid unpleasant sensations on the body from conductive acid - itching, tingling, irritation, rinse with a solution with the addition of baking soda. If lye is added to the water, which roughens the hands and makes the fabric stiff, soften the water with vinegar when hand washing.

1.3. Bedroom

To supply dust and chemicals into the room, specially made holes are used in ceilings (often near heating pipes), door frames and channels for built-in electrical wiring. In the middle of the room or the bed, "gifts" will fly through the open part of the lamp. If necessary, you can throw a plastic bag over it. If a special gas is used that corrodes the putty, a foil gasket can be used to seal the created holes - it is acid-resistant.

Often a special powder with a masking smell of dust is placed in the vacuum cleaner, which, when the vacuum cleaner is turned on, is sprayed through the air.

When visiting an apartment in the absence of the owners, bed linen, upholstered furniture, and carpets are treated with chemicals. If you feel a metallic smell, for example, on underwear - you can’t put it on, on a pillowcase - you can’t sleep on it, replace it.

Discard the foam mattress - it activates electrical viruses. Dust, which rolls into shaggy tufts, is also electrically conductive and is sprayed in the apartment in order to increase the efficiency of electromagnetic radiation.

Please note that in the room you can also be monitored through the TV screen. When you turn off the TV, cover the screen with a decorative cape with an inner layer of foil.

You can learn more about the tactics of conducting psychoterror at the place of residence from the books of Professor Vasily Lensky "Sadists", "Mutants" and "Oh, Lithuania!" (

Don't lock yourself in. Communicate more. Create a new circle of acquaintances for yourself, but do not trust anyone - information can be used against you. It is better to refuse alcohol and drugs - they help the psi-operator to control you.

Do not comment on your feelings and well-being. This is used by the psi-operator to adjust the impact, because radiation affects everyone differently.

Walk more. There are trees in the parks. They are waiting for you. Pay attention to single oaks - you can feed your biofield from them. There are still clouds and stars in the sky. Everything is for you. You may discover that you love feeding birds and that they have different personalities. You can get a cat. Being in your hands, it will remove part of the directional radiation.

Watching sports will give you energy. Humorous programs and concerts will help to cope with psychological shock. Avoid programs with prices of violence, murders, accidents, diseases - you get it anyway.

Appreciate what you have. Take care of those around you. Even if they don’t understand you, we are all just people. Ask how your friends and relatives feel, incl. living abroad. In order to put pressure on you, psychoterror often extends to them. No one will be notified about this. You know the signs of directed exposure.

It is not necessary to explain to everyone what is happening to you - there are other topics. If you told about exposure, and the person did not believe you, do not condemn him. Before, you and I would have done the same. For mutual support, exchange of information and search for technical means of protection, look for those who also realized that they are exposed to torsion radiation - there are a lot of such people, special societies have been created in Moscow and St. Petersburg. For those who suffer from directed exposure, but do not believe you, just tell us about bioprotection techniques. If a person refuses to use them - do not insist.

Watch how things change. Do not make contact with performers and do not try to pity the neighbors with whom they settled. These faces do nothing. Psychoterror for performers is just a job. Please note that if you were not killed immediately (and this can be done at any time and with complete impunity), then you have time.

In principle, it does not matter at all who exactly is engaged in psychoterror. One thing is clear - no single neighbor can do it. There is a system with very good documents in your pocket. No one will fight alone against such documents - there is no point. The equipment used in psychoterror is expensive, its quantity is limited, and it will not stand idle. So remember that you are covering for other people. This cannot be consoled. This is simply a fact. And yet - you are worthy of respect, if you just live.

So, for 20 years now, all of us: some - voluntarily, and some - forcibly play the game “And we have gas in our apartment! And you?". At the same time, the state pretends that everything is fine. Join now! Perhaps, in this situation, this is the only reasonable solution.

There are people who will not like this material. Yes, I'm afraid. Well, nonsense, you say? Of course. Have you decided that this will never happen to you? And you are right. And someone will say: “Finally, I know what is happening to me.” Do not Cry. You are not the first, you are not the last. Close your palms. Close your eyes. Take a breath. Hello! Now we are all with you.

7. Psychotronic influence and sex for three.

One of the tasks of torsion irradiation is the destruction of the family of the person being developed, as well as any obstruction to the formation of a sexual couple. After all, if a person is left alone, it is easier to break him. For persons subjected to psychoterror, the moral and material support of relatives is often the only support. After all, state protection and rehabilitation of persons exposed to non-ionized radiation are simply absent now.

With torsion irradiation, it is not a problem to provoke a family quarrel or a conflict between sexual partners. Throwing dishes, an attempt to hit a partner, shouting with lips whitened with rage: “I’m tired, I can’t do this anymore!” means only one thing - the psi-operator irradiates the lady, acting with a beam on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe brain located in the lower part of the back of the head. The signal can be shielded by placing a palm on this place.

The psi-operator can influence both - then there is no need to go to the theater. If you are familiar with such a situation, shield at least the signal directed at you - there will be a chance for reasonable actions.

"Well, where's the sex?" - you ask. Will be. After all, before, as it was - everyone decided for himself how important sex is for him, where, when and with whom to engage in it. It was called privacy. For persons subjected to psychoterror, these issues are transferred to the jurisdiction of the psi-operator.

If you are exposed to torsion radiation, there will always be three of you when having sex. Or two - if you choose masturbation. The psi-operator can even enter into forced sexual contact with his object - remotely. If he decides to have fun with friends, the rape will be group. But more on that later.

By irradiating a certain part of the brain and genitals for a long time (usually at night), a psi-operator can turn a healthy man into a sexual cripple and completely sterilize him. Or maybe vice versa - arrange a hopeless impotent sexual revolution.

From burns of the genitals, as well as other organs and tissues produced using a narrow beam of millimeter waves, the metallized fabric article 56041 of domestic production protects.

Look for the point of impact - palpate the places of possible radiation, check the prostate gland, inguinal arteries and lymph nodes. The impact is on the place where there is a solid compaction of tissue with increased sensitivity. The directional signal can be shielded by passing the palm of the hand over the point of influence, or simply by placing the hand on the spot. The signal goes off instantly. First, learn how to screen yourself. Then you can ask your partner about it. Indeed, for shielding the signal, the belonging of the palm does not matter.

When an experienced impotent starts screaming: "I'll rape!", the whole trembles with impatience, and the blood rushes not only to the genitals, but even to the face - this is also the result of torsion exposure. Only to the other side. Why not take advantage of this? Here you need to pay attention to two points:

The "necessary" sexual partner may be sent to you. If it's a woman, it doesn't matter what she looks like. After the psi-operator has worked a little, you will not need her, but her genitals. Adequately assess the threat to your life and family that such a sexual partner carries.

With your participation, they can arrange a free sex show. Psychoterrorists can use the acoustic beam for more than listening to your conversations. With its help, they can make the whole entrance into unwitting listeners of the sexual games of a love couple. And when the neighbors discuss it among themselves, they only laugh. There are such jokes too. But that's not all: using a directed beam of ultrasound, any acoustic noise can already be transmitted to you - for example, sighs from the closet, the ticking of a metronome or someone's steps. Various special equipment is actively used in psychotronic terror, and torsion generators are only a part of the technical means used. But now you know about it.

When sexual partners caress each other, they provide themselves with protection. They say correctly: do not go ahead of the father in hell! If problems arise, it is recommended to use the possibilities of oral sex, and women's hands can be safely classified as genitals.

By the way, every woman has a zest. If a man knows this, he is a wonderful lover. It doesn't matter how old he is, and potency has nothing to do with it - he will never be exchanged for another. And if he doesn't know, let him look. At the same time, the signals will be driven away.

With torsion irradiation, sexual sensations can not only be enhanced, but also completely blocked. You can run to your beloved, and then just lie with her. The desire was, and went to bed - gone. The same goes for masturbation. No matter how hard you try, it's all to no avail. It seems that no one sees anything. Did you forget about the psi-boss? What to do? Of course, not the first to say hello at a meeting - it still won't help. Run your hand a couple of times along your bottom. Now forward.

All this could not be discussed, but we are talking not only about the return of sexual freedom, but about the ability of a person to freely breathe, swallow, and think. Everything is important here, which we simply did not notice before, what happened in the body by itself. Now it must be protected, getting rid of psychophysical dependence.

For example, a psi-operator can increase or decrease the pain reflex. The irradiated person can stop such "modifications" himself, using bioshielding techniques. If you have a scratch on your finger, put the tip of another finger on the sore spot. That's all it takes.

But back to sex. Using torsion radiation, there are many ways to complicate an intimate life and humiliate a person. For example, by acting on the stomach area, a psi-operator can cause a flatulence attack in a man (or woman) right during sexual intercourse - just like that, for fun. And also - uncontrollable diarrhea, sneezing, vomiting, burping or choking cough.

A psi-operator can also do this: turn the hands and feet of sexual partners into ice, “walk” a chill down the back. Are you still undressed? Who runs into a hot bath, who puts on boots. You can do it easier: massage your wrists from the inside, rub your feet against each other. And if the legs are frozen at the beloved - rub the feet with your own hands. If there are two of you, give each other the warmth of your own bodies. It is most important.

The psi-operator has another way to play pranks - psi-smell. This is the forced imposition of really non-existent smells on your object. And, any: from the aroma of French perfume to the most disgusting - bad breath, urine, sweat, unwashed socks, etc.

It differs from a real psi-smell in that only the addressee will feel it. A person who is nearby, even in the same bed, will not feel anything. If a sexual partner suddenly starts to turn away from you, and why he won’t explain, you yourself will never guess.

Smell is a powerful tool for influencing human behavior. Especially if there are two of them, and the smell is secret and controlled. But it can also be shielded: just hold the tip of your index finger under your nose, and the smell will immediately disappear.

Yes, it's that simple. You just need to know. But this is already a problem. That is why many people know nothing about psi-smell, as well as about torsion irradiation of people - you and me, even today.

If the psi-operator begins to act on the sternum, you can forget about sexual desire - we will talk about unbearable torture. By acting with a certain power and disposition on the region of the heart, the psi-operator can remotely kill a person. Moreover, completely impunity - everything will look natural, without traces of violent death.

When choosing a sexual partner, keep in mind that he will also be subjected to psychotronic terror. As a result of torsion irradiation, women develop various gynecological diseases, incl. prolapse of the uterus, the monthly cycle is destroyed, there is desiccation and burns of the external genital organs, their infection with electrical viruses. How?

Here's how it's done: When the intended victim enters the toilet, the viruses enter the toilet through the water outlet. This happens under pressure and almost silently. If we are talking about a home toilet, the tie-in is made into a common water riser from the neighbors. In a public toilet, viruses can be sprayed into the toilet with an aerosol, and then simply covered with a lid.

The defeat of the genital organs by electrical viruses is also practiced for men. A torsion impulse to the stomach area - and the man will go to the toilet exactly when he needs to. Unusually liquid stools (like in a baby) are a characteristic sign of directional exposure.

If unlucky, wash yourself with boiled water with the addition of baking soda. It neutralizes the action of both electrical viruses and conductive acids that can be added to tap water. But the foam mattress, on the contrary, activates electrical viruses. If you don’t like itching from glass wool, decide the fate of such a mattress yourself.

When deciding to conceive a child, keep in mind that the fetus will be irradiated both during fetal development and after birth. Hence, babies have genetic abnormalities, deformities, mental disorders and atypical diabetes mellitus, anemia, hypertension.

It should be taken into account that not only torsion radiation is used in psychoterror, but also aerosols of chemicals for special purposes, in particular, compounds of heavy metals, the ultimate goal of which is damage to the rectum, itching and swelling of the genital organs. If there is such a problem, you need to cleanse your body.

If the genitals are irradiated in the right mode, you can forget about impotence and frigidity. These are the possibilities of torsion weapons. Yes, it’s weapons: one of the Latvian media mentioned the appearance of a military device, when turned on, soldiers, forgetting about their tasks, chase each other on the battlefield to satisfy the sudden surging of growth - regardless of their sexual orientation.

If there is no sexual partner,

And they tease you with an increase in sexual desire, enjoy it - use self-discharge. With torsion irradiation of the genital organs, masturbation gives an unforgettable experience. Both for men and women. This is a chance to support your body, maintain sexual sensations, and get the necessary relaxation. The torsion signal affects the blood flow in the arteries of the penis. While masturbating, a man protects his penis from directed radiation with his own hand, without even realizing it. For individuals subjected to psychotronic terror, the benefits of masturbation are undeniable. In this case, a person's sexual life becomes independent of the presence of a partner, and almost independent of the actions of a psi-operator. Currently, doctors also recommend masturbation.

And don't, your intimate life is also quite independent of the actions of the psi-operator. Until he decides otherwise. After all, sex is included in the scope of his activities. It used to be that asexual relationships were a conscious choice of a person. Now that's over with.

But it is necessary, you can choose it among those who prefer virtual sex, search among those who are also subjected to torsion radiation. Unfortunately, there are many such people now. The choice is yours.

Finding a sexual partner has always been difficult. Even harder to keep him. Especially for persons subjected to psychotronic terror. And it doesn't matter how beautiful or smart the lady is. The main thing here is her devotion. In such situations, many women act heroically by knowingly staying with their husband or boyfriend who is being targeted. An example of this is the history of the family of Professor V. Lensky, described in his books on psychoterror "Sadists" and "Mutants" ( Read it very instructive.

Of course, this article may seem like complete nonsense to you. But only until the torsion radiation touches your own life. It's good that you're all right. Only now it means one thing - you have something to lose. I don’t know how it was about sex, but I think that you spent your time not in vain.

8. Peculiarities of conducting psychotronic terror in closed institutions.

Complaints of victims of psychotronic terror, used as a pretext for psychiatric registration, and the reasons that cause them.

1. Complaints resulting from exposure to a torsion emitter:

Complaints of constant pain in various parts of the body. During the examination, specialists do not detect any pathology.

Reason: torsion irradiation of the body in a "soft" mode with the manifestation of pain in various organs due to spasms.

Complaints about irradiation and remote effects on the body with some kind of rays.

Reason: torsion irradiation of the body in a "hard" mode: an instant increase in blood temperature, damage to internal organs by a beam in the microwave range, a sharp increase or decrease in blood pressure, a torture effect on the sternum using physiological resonances, electric discharges in the heart area, shock wave damage in the head and neck area, a sharp decrease in the temperature of the extremities, psi-rape, etc.

Reason: torsion effect on the brain, the creation of sound modulations in various parts of the body.

Complaints about the sensation of non-existent odors. For example, the smell of a rose when it is shown on a TV screen, etc., as well as smells, the presence of which is categorically denied by other people.

Reason: torsion effect on the olfactory organs of the object being developed.

Complaints of depression and suicide attempts.

Reason: torsion effect on the brachial arteries.

Complaints of apathy, loss of strength and chronic fatigue.

Cause: Torsion effect on the upper part of the vertebral artery.

Complaints of prolonged insomnia or unnaturally prolonged sleep.

Complaints about the appearance of unreasonable aggression and hysteria, inappropriate behavior.

Reason: torsion effect on the lower part of the occiput.

Complaints about the appearance of a strong unreasonable fear.

Reason: torsion effect on a certain part of the brain.

2. Complaints resulting from the use of other means of psychoterror:

Complaints about persecution by various persons.

Reason: the organization of constant meetings of the person being developed by the same persons on the route of his movement and in public places.

Complaints about systematic failures in the operation of the telephone (including a pay phone), TV, radio, flashing lights, closing automatic doors in the presence of an object, etc. When checked by specialists, malfunctions are not detected.

Reason: remote control of electronic equipment using special devices, incl. mobile (can be carried in a pocket).

Complaints about the appearance of strange acoustic signals where they should not be. For example, someone's footsteps are heard in the upstairs room or in the attic, although it is known that no one is there; fragments of some conversation are heard from the nightstand, the noise of water being flushed down the toilet is heard where there is no sewer riser, etc.

Reason: remote transmission of various acoustic signals using an ultrasound beam.

Complaints about the systematic penetration of unauthorized persons into the apartment, damage to food, personal property, furniture and internal housing arrangements; theft with the return of the stolen, the appearance in the house of foreign objects or previously thrown things. At the same time, the front door always remains without traces of damage, the internal order in the apartment is not violated.

The reason: the organization of psychoterror at the place of residence of the object being developed with the involvement of special executors, the renting of an apartment above or below, with the involvement of its owners and some neighbors in terror.

The reason: the organization of infection of the developed person with dirofilaria repens - subcutaneous worms that look like hair. When connected to a water supply, dirofilaria larvae come with tap water, and when they enter an apartment, they are applied to underwear or socks from the inside.

Problems that arise in victims of psychoterror in connection with psychiatric registration:

the impossibility of an objective investigation by officials of state institutions of complaints on the fact of directed exposure

the impossibility of initiating criminal cases on the fact of crimes committed in the course of psychotronic terror, the termination of proceedings on previously initiated criminal cases

the impossibility of bringing to justice those responsible for psychoterror and compensation for the damage caused

the impossibility of obtaining qualified medical care due to non-ionized irradiation of the body and the necessary rehabilitation

inability to obtain (continue) higher education

restrictions on getting a job; automatic dismissal from the service of employees of law enforcement agencies

refusals to issue permits for the acquisition of weapons, obtaining a driver's license, etc.

Placement in a psychiatric hospital

One of the goals of psychotronic terror is the placement of the object being developed in a psychiatric hospital with the continuation of torsion irradiation in a closed environment. If you are exposed to this type of radiation "in the wild", be prepared for this.

Prepare a bag with the personal items you need in advance. Take a reasonable amount of money with you. Bioshielding techniques can be used everywhere - you just need to run your palm over the place that hurts. If your hands are bound in a straitjacket, ask another person to do so. But try to avoid such situations - no need to complicate your situation.

In any hospital they give injections, which are always painful. However, when the pain reflex is strengthened by a torsion signal, the pain can become simply torture. To avoid this, it is enough to run your palm over the place intended for the injection. With or without clothes, it doesn't matter. If the pain increases after the injection, just hold your palm in this place. To avoid bump-like hardening after injections, from time to time massage problem areas with your own palm - you can use both left and right. Use the energy of your own biofield.

Do not openly oppose the medical staff, never go on hunger strikes. You should not unconditionally trust doctors, but you should not show it either. Take every opportunity to reduce the amount of psychotropic drugs you take. Don't stand out - act like other patients.

Reach out to sympathetic medical staff and patients. Keep in mind that among them may be persons recruited for your terror. Present a box of chocolates to the nurses you need, treat other patients with cigarettes and coffee - their location will come in handy.

If you have left your radiation protection equipment at home, ask your relatives to bring them. When using protective equipment in a hospital, do not explain their true purpose to anyone. Suffice it to refer to osteochondrosis. Do not tell other patients about targeted exposure - information can be used against you.

During medical rounds and medical examinations, praise the attending physician, assure you that you feel better, express your readiness to take prescribed drugs, ask for walks and short vacations, demand a free regimen.

Use your stay in the hospital to get free tests, check-ups from various specialists and receive the necessary treatment.

Perhaps it makes sense to take advantage of the situation and apply for disability - this is a pension and free travel. Practice shows that persons subjected to psychoterror in a strict regime are always deprived of their means of subsistence, and first of all, the opportunity to work.

Sooner or later you will be discharged from the hospital. But they will put you on psychiatric registration forever.

If you were in a psychiatric hospital on the territory of the Russian Federation because of the alleged use of directed radiation against you, you can appeal against the fact of involuntary placement in a psychiatric hospital, referring to the addition to Article 6 of the Federal Law "On Weapons" of 2001.

This law actually confirms the presence of weapons and other items, the damaging effect of which is based on the use of electromagnetic, infrasonic, ultrasonic and other types of radiation. It is not recommended to mention the name "torsion" radiation in the complaint, because this type of radiation is not listed in the law (information about the effect of torsion radiation on biological objects is classified).

If you live in another country that is located in the post-Soviet space, you can also write similar complaints, but it is useless - there is no legal basis anywhere else.

Another thing is important: you can not visit a psychiatric dispensary, now there are no compulsory sanctions for this. Yes, you can't get away from the fact of being placed in a psychiatric hospital. But it's not worth picking up on this. In a conversation with curious acquaintances, one can simply refer to stress and depression - now this is a problem for many. It is not worth explaining the true reason - no one will believe it anyway. And one more thing: psychotropic drugs, narcotic substances and alcohol help the psi-operator to control the behavior of the irradiated person. And that means his destiny. I do not call for them to be abandoned - just do not forget about it.

Imprisonment in places of deprivation of liberty

Persons subjected to psychotronic terror often find themselves involved in specially fabricated criminal offenses committed with the participation of a team of psi-operators.

From the point of view of the criminal process, in one case, the objects being developed can be victims, in the other - the accused. But always - victims of unauthorized manipulation of their behavior and control of the subconscious.

And one more characteristic detail: being a victim, it is practically impossible to initiate a criminal case on the fact of a crime committed, and being a defendant to be guilty without guilt and count on a fair trial of the criminal case.

As a result of provocations, one can easily accuse the person being developed of committing various types of crimes, both intentional and those committed through negligence, and then arrest them.

The torsion effect on the person being developed is both in the cell of the pre-trial detention center and in the colony while serving a sentence. At the same time, accomplices of persons involved in psychoterror will be among the administration and among the prisoners. It is necessary to be internally prepared for provocations, for the seizure of screening equipment during inspections and searches, as well as for their theft.

To raise your authority, use your knowledge and skills in bioshielding of torsion radiation - not only you will be irradiated. When bioshielding, use the palms for the head and body, the feet for the legs, and the tongue for the oral cavity. Remember that you can shield the signal with your own hands, directed not only at you, but also at another person. Anyone can relieve your pain - for example, if you are in handcuffs. To do this, you need a person to put his hand on the place that hurts you. You don't need to explain anything - just ask for a massage.

As a result of torsion exposure, pain can be sharply increased even from a rubbed callus. What is there to talk about injuries, burns or bodily injuries, causal intentionally. So the pain can be just hellish. But an increase in the pain reflex is easy to shield: put your palm on the place that hurts you. You don't need to take off your clothes.

A lot of trouble brings a forced cough. After all, the throat is the weakest point. Tablets won't help. Salvation is in your own hands. Pass the palm over the lips, chin, throat, and with the tip of the index finger along the adjacent cervical arteries (the point of action may vary). I assure you - the cough will stop.

The main problem for survival in the colony is the preservation of their vitality. This will depend on where the food you ate goes - into the blood or into the toilet. If after eating you rushed to the toilet, the stool was liquid - this is the result of a signal with a certain power and exposure on the stomach or pancreas. Nutrients are practically not absorbed. In order to avoid this, it is enough to put a shielding plate made of metallized film on the abdomen. If such material could not be obtained, some experts recommend using a dielectric folded in several layers. In the conditions of the colony, the book will be the most accessible means. In extreme cases, you can keep your own hands on your stomach. Hard stool is an indicator that there is no forced evacuation of the contents of the stomach.

Act according to the unspoken rules of the environment. Keep yourself neutral. Do not oppose the administration and leaders. Avoid participating in conflicts and riots - remember that you are in a special position. Good answers: “I didn’t notice, I didn’t pay attention, I don’t remember.” After all, the best diplomat, lawyer and doctor is you yourself. Seek any easing of detention and parole.

If you manage to go through psychotronic terror in closed institutions, stay alive and keep your mind, then this article was not written in vain. The rest doesn't matter.

9. Psychotronic terror: questions and answers

A person who is exposed to radiation is immediately visible: he no longer smiles - not before. Not to sweet but empty talk about the weather, gas prices, a plane crash or a hurricane that has swept past. He has his own problems and disasters. Typical complaints: fatigue, insomnia, pain in various parts of the body. The body is exhausted and weakened. There is only one reason - an external influence of the radiating type.

Are there legal provisions confirming the presence of weapons and other objects of a radiating type?

On July 26, 2001, an amendment was adopted to Article 6 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Weapons”, which actually confirms the existence of weapons and other objects whose damaging effect is based on the use of electromagnetic, light, thermal, infrasonic or ultrasonic radiation.

Are there legal norms regulating the conduct of state examinations on the facts of non-ionized exposure of citizens, the identification of persons involved in irradiation, the suppression of their activities, bringing to responsibility and compensation for the damage caused?

In 1999, in the State Duma, several deputies submitted for consideration a bill of the Federal Law "On Information and Psychological Security", which regulates these issues. However, the bill was not approved. Currently, the Russian Federation and other countries located in the post-Soviet space do not have the necessary legal framework.

Are radiation-type weapons and items currently being used against the civilian population?

Over the past 20 years, there has been an unauthorized use of weapons and other objects of a radiating type for the purpose of psychotropic terror of citizens on the territory of the former USSR.

What is psychotronic terror?

Psychotronic terror is a set of measures carried out by an organized group using torsion, electro-magnetic, sound generators and other special equipment with the aim of quickly or slowly destroying a particular person by remotely disturbing his health, causing property damage, discrimination against the individual, deprivation of housing and livelihoods.

What is torsion irradiation?

Torsion exposure consists in the perturbing effect of torsion fields on a person. For this, special emitters are used. The torsion complex also includes a computer with special software and a psi-operator.

Is there a portable torsion emitter?

There are two types of torsion emitters:



How to control your health?

With a sharp deterioration in well-being and a decrease in performance, perform simple tests:

Overcome chronic fatigue? And you wake up with this feeling? Check the vertebral artery. Run your hand over the back of your neck and upper spine. If a solid convex seal is clearly felt there, you are being irradiated.

Tired of frequent and profuse urination? And at night too? Run your hand over the kidneys, and check the inguinal arteries. If you find a painful area or induration there, you are irradiated.

Place a houseplant near the head of the bed or near the computer. If its leaves begin to darken and dry out around the edges, you are irradiated.

What are the forms of radiation?

Hidden - the irradiated person does not realize that a directed effect is exerted on his body and psyche. Irradiation is carried out in a soft mode. This is the most common form of radiation.

Open - the irradiated person understands that a directed effect is exerted on his body and psyche. Irradiation is carried out in a hard or torture mode.

Complex - the irradiated person understands that a directed effect is exerted on his body, but does not realize that his psyche is also subjected to the same effect.

What are the signs of exposure?


Constant fatigue

Insomnia at night, sleepiness during the day

Frequent and profuse urination, incl. at night

loose stool

Headaches, dizziness and nausea

A sharp decrease in working capacity and rapid fatigue, the emergence of a desire to constantly lie down and do nothing

Unnaturally long sleep

Falling asleep in transport

Inability to concentrate

Gaps in short and long term memory

Rupture of the eye vessels and decreased visual acuity

Changes in the composition of the blood - a decrease in hemoglobin, an increase in fat content and sugar

Enlarged lymph nodes

Translucence and swelling of the veins on the arms, legs and body, incl. asymmetric

Increased heart rate, arrhythmia, increase or decrease in blood pressure, the occurrence of hematomas on the extremities, and in women in the chest area

Tremor of limbs, leg twitching, convulsions

Numbness of hands and feet

An increase or decrease in body temperature, in torture mode - an instant increase in the temperature of the blood or tissues of internal organs

Pain in the sternum, in torture mode - unbearable pain

Superficial burns, including the face and genitals

Damp clammy sweat on hands and heavy sweat all over body at night

Acute pain in the heart, spine, kidneys and other internal organs, in the ears, while walking - in the heels or joints, spasms in various parts of the body

Pain in teeth and gums

Difficulty swallowing (an X-ray examination shows that the swallowed liquid "stands" in the esophagus)

Painful sensations in various parts of the body - on the thigh, if you are lying down; on the buttocks when sitting

Sensation of slight vibration of the chest, abdomen, individual muscles

Feeling cold in the back

Rigor of the hands and feet

Cooling of the nasopharynx and the appearance of a runny nose

Systematic sneezing, coughing, yawning, belching, involuntary gas, lacrimation, salivation

The appearance of the urge to vomit when performing certain actions (for example, when brushing your teeth)

Temporary facial rejuvenation, replaced by a sharp aging with the appearance of deep wrinkles on the face; the appearance of bags under the eyes, swelling of the eyelids and muscles under the eyes

Slow down or speed up the body's metabolism

Dehydration, as well as the emergence of a desire to drink sparkling water

Rapid weight loss or rapid weight gain with bulging belly

Sensation of non-existent smells

Change in food taste: increased spicy, bitter, salty

The occurrence of a strong feeling of hunger, the lack of a feeling of satiety during meals

Metallic taste in the mouth

A sharp increase in pain reflex and pain sensation

Unreasonable irritability, hysteria, aggressiveness, fear

Urinary incontinence

Systematic loose stools or constipation

Uncontrollable one-time diarrhea (later - normal stool)

Sharp increase or suppression of sexual activity

Pain in the genitals and anus

Sensations of impact of a foreign object (computer cursor) on the genitals and rectum during psi-rape of women, men, children

If you are familiar with these symptoms, your health problems are the result of remote external influences.

How can you protect yourself from radiation?

Directed radiation can be shielded using bioshielding of individual shielding products made of a metallized film or metallized fabric of special technical means

What is bioshielding?

Using the electromagnetic field of his own hand, everyone can shield the radiation signals directed at himself or another person. To do this, you just need to hold your palm over the impact site or put your hand on it.

What diseases arise as a result of prolonged torsion radiation?

cardiovascular diseases, malignant tumors, diabetes,

chronic fatigue syndrome, varicose veins, anemia,

cataracts, burns, hematomas, inflammation of the joints.

What should be considered by exposed persons when visiting a doctor?

As practice shows, doctors refuse to record patients' statements about directed irradiation in medical records, arguing that this does not happen. If such a complaint is nevertheless recorded, the patient is referred to a psychiatrist.

When complaining of acute pain in a particular organ (including pain in the heart), specialists do not detect any pathology. If you insist on treatment, they will refer you to a psychiatrist. Please note that with targeted radiation, acute pain occurs as a result of spasms.

Now many psychiatrists are aware of the directed irradiation of people and deliberately hide it, assuring the emergence of a new type of depression, psychosis, a special "sluggish" schizophrenia and the need to constantly take psychotropic drugs (chlorpromazine and others). These drugs suppress self-control and increase the influence of the psi-operator on the behavior of the irradiated person.

As a result of prolonged exposure, a person acquires severe chronic diseases, and here one cannot do without qualified medical care. However, diagnosis and treatment must be critical. For control, consult with different specialists and under a different name.

When prescribing pharmacological preparations, the doctor does not take into account the radiation factor. But this is important for finding out the cause of the disease, taking into account the effect of drugs on the irradiated organism and on the features of their assimilation. For example, if after taking the pills you want to go to the toilet, the stool is liquid, this means only one thing - as a result of a torsion effect on the stomach or pancreas, the medicinal substances will be removed from the body without having time to be absorbed. Therefore, it is preferable to inject - the medicine will enter the bloodstream immediately. It is recommended to bring your own ampoules. Better yet, learn how to inject yourself.

As a rule, the apartments of persons exposed to radiation in the absence of the owners or during their sleep are visited by unauthorized persons for the purpose of sabotage. At the same time, the entrance door has no traces of damage, the internal order in the apartment is not violated. Please note that these persons can replace the tablets that are in the placer, and simply add something to the bottle with a liquid pharmacological agent or ointment.

Psychotronic terror in Russia (according to information taken from the Internet, Ph.D. Tretyakova T.V.)

“Being a victim or becoming a Warrior is everyone's personal choice. And everyone is responsible for it.” - Don Juan Matus

Psychotronic terror is the use of radiation-type weapons and objects, biochemical (bacteriological) means with the use of hardware and computer technologies for covert remote control of the behavior, physiology and health of people in their familiar household and industrial environment. In addition, psychotronic technologies are used for remote killing and inducing suicide, organizing accidents, deliberately damaging electrical and radio electronic devices and equipment.

The terrible reality of today is the psychotronic terror of peaceful citizens of different countries, carried out by the world psychotronic mafia, "zero power" using psychotronic (psychophieic, non-lethal, psi-weapons) weapons. As the 1st International Conference against PSI weapons showed, in addition to Russia, they are being developed and used in the USA, Germany, Israel, Pakistan, North Korea and other countries.

Due to its versatility, psychotronic weapons surpass all others put together - it allows you to control both one person and a group of people, entire countries and peoples.

Psi-weapons are used for political, military and criminal purposes by both the international "psychotronic mafia" and the "psychotronic mafia" and the authorities, law enforcement agencies, scientific, commercial and criminal communities of individual countries.

The results of exposure to psychotronic radiation are intelligibly set out in the secret document “Help on Potential Threats. KGB of the USSR ... ". “The principle of remote influence of a psychotronic generator on a person is based on the resonance of the frequency characteristics of human organs - the heart, kidneys, liver, brain. Each human organ has its own frequency response. And if at the same frequency it is affected by electromagnetic radiation, then the organ enters into resonance, as a result of which either acute heart failure, or kidney failure, or inadequacy of behavior manifests itself. As a rule, they beat on the most weakened, painful organ. In some cases, death can also occur.

Psi-terror of a person is carried out in two stages, remotely and covertly. “... at the initial stage of the covert processing of human material, electromagnetic, sound and torsion radiation are used to suppress the will of a person to resist, resist, disobedience, and also to reduce the protective properties of the immune system. The next stage is neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) specially selected for this human material - zombification ... ". In NLP, the attack is carried out by radiating equipment operating in the range of alpha-beta rhythms of the human brain in order to program its subconscious. Any information is stored in the subconscious, and a person takes other people's thoughts as his own, he can be controlled as you like. "Hard" and "soft" psychoprogramming are known. Moreover, a “hard” zombie can often be identified by its behavior (detachment on the face, slow reactions and memory lapses, incorrect speech and lack of ability to concentrate, ridiculous behavior, etc.),

whereas a "soft" zombie is essentially no different from other humans.
Created by psi-processing Psychotronic matryoshka contains several completely different personalities. When switching from one to another, the mannerisms, gait, smile and even the expression of the eyes change. When zombified, a person’s memory is destroyed, the perception of reality is disturbed, there is an increase or decrease in tone, the appearance of a runny nose, arrhythmia of the heart and numbness of the hands are possible.

Psychotronic processing is carried out by an organized group using torsion, electromagnetic, sound generators and other special equipment and biochemical means, with the aim of quickly or slowly destroying a particular person by remotely destroying his health, causing property damage, discrimination against the individual, deprivation of housing and livelihoods. In the "soft" mode, irradiation occurs through the electric-radio network of the room and other communications, and at the same time the person does not realize that his body and psyche are affected. With a "hard", torture mode of exposure, the victim understands that they are torturing her and trying to destroy her.

The main tasks of Psi-terror are:

Organization of psychophysical pathologies of individual organs and the whole organism as a whole, up to a lethal outcome.
- Organization of management of human behavior and consciousness by forcible programming of his subconscious in order to create a "mass" citizen, turned into an "economic animal".
- Destruction of the human race at the genetic level due to gene mutation due to radiation. How these tasks are solved can be seen from the list of programs of one of the numerous research institutes in Russia - the private enterprise of A. N. Kochurov. (previously - Moscow Institute of Psychotronics). To control the psychophysical state of a person, suppressive radiation equipment, immune destructors-manipulators, hormonal modulators, paralyzers that block the conduction of nerve pathways and ... other similar equipment were developed. To control the psyche and consciousness of a person, developments are provided - mental modulators, activators, switches, translators of thoughts and actions, "Radio Voice", psi-generators based on the principles of sympathetic magic. And to work with a person at the genetic level, gene destructors, modulators, manipulators and a set of other programs were developed. All developments of this Private Enterprise were and are being carried out for the needs of the authorities, the military, special services, police, commercial and criminal communities.

The gradual psychophysical destruction of a person occurs by the following methods:

1. Chronic stress is created using the developed methods of psychophysical and material terror.

2. For a long time, tortures with insomnia, sophisticated tortures with pain, man-made rape, man-made energy suction, the introduction of man-made diseases, etc. have been carried out. The consequence of this is a weakening of the immune system and aggravation of stress.

3. The main organs of cleansing the body - the liver and kidneys (adrenal glands) - are put out of action.

4. A directed slagging of the body with toxins due to the pathology of the liver and kidneys, drugs, special chemicals used to diagnose the state of organs and body systems is carried out. All this leads to poisoning of the body. Special chemicals and other substances are introduced into the human body with drinking water, food, household chemicals, aerosols and gases are sprayed. Skin-penetrating chemistry is applied to clothes, shoes, bedding, the human body.

5. In the diet of the processed person, there is a lack of proteins, vitamins, microelements due to insufficient assimilation of them due to irradiation and material terror. The system of psychotronic processing and terror of people leads to chronic diseases and death.

In 2004, the Red Cross gave the following assessment of "psychotronic terror": "the construction of such a system cannot be considered otherwise than a deliberate system of cruel, unusual ... torture."

The development, testing and testing on citizens of psychotronic weapons “did a lot of trouble, first in the USSR, and then in Russia. The brainless old men who rule the country, scoundrels in uniform and scum from science did not understand that the uncontrolled use of these weapons led and continues to lead to terrifying demographic consequences for the country.

Russian psychotronic mafia

Based on the materials of the Internet, one can trace the ways of creation, development and use of psychotronic weapons used in Russia for the psi-terror of citizens. (The annual population decline is greater than during the war years).

... in 1921, a special committee was created in the structure of the Cheka of the USSR for the impact on biological objects at a distance. And, precisely, the developments of this department formed the basis of psychotropic and psychotronic technologies. It is believed that D. Luni and F. Dzerzhinsky's daughter Margarita Teltse were at the origins of the development of methods of brain stimulation in the USSR. The main attention in these methods was paid to the use of psychotropic drugs based on synthetic and natural drugs.

In the mid-30s, our compatriot Mikhailovsky found that various combinations of electromagnetic pulses with a duration of 20 ms to 1.25 sec, repeating at a frequency of 25-0.4 Hz and modulating the carrier radio frequency (range of medium and short radio waves), affect separate areas of the brain responsible for the emotional mood and for the work of internal organs. This discovery was used to develop a technique for psychotronic processing by radio engineering means.

In 1932, the Institute of the Brain. V. Bekhterev received an official task to start an experimental study of distant (remote) interactions, the scientific leadership of the research was entrusted to Bekhterev's student L. Vasiliev. By 1938, a large amount of experimental material had been accumulated, summarized in the form of reports issued
in 1934 - "Psychophysiological foundations of the telepathic phenomenon";

in 1936 - "On the physical foundations of mental suggestion";

in 1937 - "Mental suggestion of motor acts."

After the end of the Great Patriotic War, research in the field of brain influence continued. At the same time, in research work, developments in this area and scientists from Germany that lost the war were used. All research and development was strictly classified.

In 1965 - 1968, the works of the Institute of Automation and Electricity of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences in Novosibirsk were most famous. The mental connection between people, as well as between man and animal, was investigated. The main material of the studies was not published due to security considerations.

In 1969, a decision was made in the Soviet Union to build over-the-horizon radar stations - Duga-2. Near Kyiv (station "Chernobyl-2") and in the Far East - near the village. Big Cartel (Komsomolsk-on-Amur), later - Krasnoyarsk-26. These complexes, presented as air defense systems, were actually intended for psychotronic influence on the population.

In 1970, by order of the Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, Pyotr Demichev, the State Commission for the Examination of the Phenomenon of Mental Suggestion was established. The commission included the largest scientists-psychologists of the country: A. Luria, V. Leontiev, B. Lomov, A. Lyuboevich, D. Gorbov, B. Zinchenko, V. Nebylitsyn.

In 1973, Kyiv scientists received the most serious result in the study of psi-phenomena. Later, the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted a special closed resolution on Psi-research “on the creation of the research and production association Otklik under the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR”. At the same time, part of the medical experiments were carried out by the Ministry of Health of the Ukrainian SSR at the Institute of Orthopedics and Traumatology. Studies on the influence of mental suggestion on the psychopathology of the central nervous system were conducted at the Republican Hospital named after. I. P. Pavlova.

In 1973, the testing of the Radio Hypnosis installation in military unit 71592 became well known (where it was created). The report on this test: "Impact on biological objects by modulated electrical and electromagnetic pulses" was heard at the Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The unit generates microwave radiation, the pulses of which cause acoustic vibrations in the brain. The capacity of the plant is enough to process a city with an area of ​​about one hundred square kilometers. At the same time, all the inhabitants of the city are immersed in a deep sleep, and the side result is the mutation of the cells of the human body. These works were supervised twice by the Hero of the Soviet Union, Air Marshal E.Ya.Savitsky.

Since the mid-1970s, in Omsk, at one of the numbered plants, psychotronic equipment for weapons systems has been produced, along with control systems for intercontinental missiles and spacecraft. After the start of "Gorbachev's perestroika" at this enterprise (together with one private company) they began to produce the Miranda biophysical metatron.

On July 4, 1976, radio communications on the entire planet in the range of 3 - 30 MHz were broken by unknown impulses with an interval of one tenth of a second. The signal was heard in conventional radios as a pulsing thud. In the West, it was determined that the source of the signal was the ZGRLS "Chernobyl-2", which was nicknamed the "Russian Woodpecker". The population of Western countries was seized by panic - the front pages of newspapers were full of headlines: “The Russians are on the verge of discovering new technologies and weapons that will leave rockets and bombers in the past. These technologies will allow them to destroy up to five American cities a day by broadcasting radio pulses. They will be able to bring panic and disease to entire nations. “It was understood abroad that over-the-horizon radars were transmitting signals that could affect the psyche and behavior of the population. The carrier frequency of the radar was modulated by ultra-low frequency pulses, which caused the population to become depressed, fearful or irritated. Such low-frequency pulsed signals from Soviet over-the-horizon radars were recorded on the territory of many Western countries.

By the 1980s, compact microwave generators had been designed that could send commands to the human brain that controlled his behavior. This miracle of military technology is called a pulse-wave myotron. If you direct the radiation directly at a person at close range, you can completely suppress his will and paralyze.

At the beginning of the 80s, experiments were actively conducted to influence the subconsciousness of large masses of people (regions) from the territory of neighboring states. Zombification technologies are developing - the process of introducing specified information of a certain direction into the psychophysiological sphere of a person.

The largest closed centers for the study of mental impact on a person were located in Kyiv, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Novosibirsk, Minsk, Rostov-on-Don, Alma-Ata, Nizhny Novgorod, Perm and Yekaterinburg - a total of 20. scientists.

In 1982, the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Andropov ordered the creation of the main center of psychotronics in Ukraine. The main laboratories were located in the underground facilities "Chernobyl-2". Several types of psychotronic generators were developed in them, and a series of verification experiments were also carried out there. Emissions from powerful over-the-horizon radar systems controlled theta-delta brain rhythms. Control tasks were practiced at two over-the-horizon stations Chernobyl-2 (type - "Duga-2") and Krasnoyarsk-26 (type - "Daryal-U"), which were part of a single psychotronic system with the code name "Shar".

On January 27, 1986, a secret decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 137-47 was issued. on the development of the program "Management of living objects, including humans." This large-scale program has begun to be implemented.

In 1987, the global program for the development of psi-technologies fell on the table of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, Nikolai Ryzhkov. Their use in the national economy and in military remote control systems was planned. The last section talked about the creation of "means for controlling the psychophysical state of a person and influencing the decision-making mechanism." These developments were supervised by General of the Main Intelligence Directorate F.R. Hantsevero v.

Since the late 80s, within the framework of the project "Development of principles, methods and means of remote non-contact control of the behavior of biological objects", sections "Lava-5" and "Ruslo-1", many research institutes, military design bureaus and defense plants have been involved in the development and production experimental and applied equipment of bioenergy-information impact on a person. This project

was carried out under the general coordination of the Moscow Interdepartmental Scientific and Technical Center for Venture Non-traditional Technologies (ISTC) "Vent" (created by the State Committee for Science and Technology of the USSR with the participation of the USSR Ministry of Defense), General Director A.E. Akimov. Funds to finance the closed resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated January 27, 1986 went through the Ministry of Defense of the USSR and the military-industrial commission under the Council of Ministers of the USSR and by 1991 amounted to 500 million rubles, this turned out to be only part of the "cost" of the project.

One of the co-executors of the sections "Lava-5" and "Ruslo-1" was the then deputy head of NPO Energia V.K. Buzzard, who testified: "... We were developing principles, methods and means of remote non-contact control of the behavior of biological objects. Including humans" ...

“On the basis of the developments of our center, ... seven military design bureaus were created. In them, ideas were embodied in metal.

One of the goals that the military set in their research was to exert such an influence on the enemy that the population, in the event of a military conflict, refused to support their own army. This technique was developed on the basis of the theory of information management and disinformation.

And by order of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the Shepherd project was carried out. Its essence is the search for methods with the use of which it would be possible to "create" party secretaries and charismatic leaders, whose words would penetrate the very souls of people, and it would be impossible to disobey the leader's order. Currently, these developments are in high demand and are used in other areas, which we observe every day.

At the end of the 80s, on the basis of modifications to the Beridze device, stationary and portable Deev psychotronic generators were designed. These generators, leaving the assembly shops of the Kyiv defense plant "Oktava", arrived in almost all regions of the USSR. It is known that with the help of these devices mass experiments were carried out on people at the naval base in Sevastopol, in the Baltic States, Georgia, Chechnya, Novosibirsk, Moscow and other cities. The development of Psi-generators was also carried out near Moscow in Sergiev Posad in a twelve-story underground center for genetic weapons, and experimental devices were tested on animals there ... "

In one of the capital's military research institutes, a torsion generator was created, which, according to a photograph, had an effect on a person, wherever the latter was. It made it possible to induce a feeling of euphoria or horror, a heart attack or stroke, to make the irradiated person jump from a balcony, etc. The author of this development was an academician, a leading specialist in bioenergetics V. Kaznacheev.

The team of scientists, headed by Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences I.V. Smirnov, is a representative of the latest scientific direction - p sychoecology. This is a set of information about the behavior and condition of a person in the information environment and methods for their correction. The main areas of research in psychoecology are psychoprobing and psychocorrection.
Psychoprobe allows you to determine the attitude of the subject to certain areas of life and activity, it is possible to unmistakably identify whether he has any inclinations that are dangerous for society or for his health. With the help of a computer, questions are asked to the patient (at an unconscious level) by acoustic or visual presentation in the form of symbols - words, phrases, images. The subconscious registers them and honestly answers questions. The data is processed according to a scheme that takes into account the patient's preference hierarchy, and those behavioral reactions that are subject to correction are highlighted. Then the task arises - to muffle the negative motives, to support the positive ones in every possible way.
Psychosensing is already finding wide practical application. The personnel services of enterprises and organizations are offered hardware and software systems based on the method of psychosensing.

Psychocorrection allows you to control the state and behavior of a person.
Audio psychocorrection is a technique in which a person with music or speech unconsciously listens to coded words or whole phrases that correct him. Video psychocorrection - coded images, plot pictures and words are embedded in the video sequence that the person views. I. V. Smirnov, referring to his works, emphasizes that:
“The current state of science and technology makes it possible, completely imperceptibly for a person’s consciousness, to enter into his memory any information without his knowledge, which ... becomes his own, i.e. determines his needs, desires, tastes, views, well-being, picture of the world.

Technologies for transmitting information over electrical networks have created the possibility of audio suggestion through any modern electrical devices: refrigerators, washing machines, irons, etc. To do this, it is enough to include in their design a miniature speaker capable of reproducing sound. If, however, a chip microcircuit with a set of zombifying speech settings is mounted in household appliances, then the devices will become autonomous psycho-correctors.

New areas of scientific research include the creation of implantable chips implanted in the human body and brain, capable of controlling the physiological and mental functions of the body.
At the Pushchino Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics of the USSR Academy of Sciences, research was carried out on radio sound (the effect of voices sounding in people's heads). In 1991, with a circulation of only 250 copies, Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences R.E. Tigranyan published a monograph entitled "Physical Basis of the Auditory Microwave Effect".

Psychophysical terror is a modern form of slavery, oppression and intimidation, the destruction of the individual.

Causes of terror:

  1. You crossed the road to "servants of the people" or bandits (in general, this is the same thing)

  2. You have been purposefully selected for experimentation

  3. You just didn't like someone

  4. They want to persuade you to some kind of decision, to take something away, and so on.

You can be beaten, doused with some kind of acid every day, openly persecuted, but then you can report it to the valiant police. How can you make sure that you are afraid to even hint at your torment and endure them until the end of your life? How to make sure that what happens to you is for others so incredible that they had a desire to hurry you "cure"? At the same time, it is desirable for the customer of terror to incur as little material costs as possible or to make a profitable business.

The solution has already been found - remote impact by torsion generators, which extends for many kilometers and follows you everywhere: in the subway, in the air and under water. There will be a separate article on torsion generators, until you just have to believe that they exist.

This can be done by both criminal gangs and special services like the FSB. According to some reports, this equipment is concentrated in the hands of the psi-mafia (special departments are actually subordinate to it, and not to the state administration apparatus).

The problem of psychophysical terror exists in many countries.

An example processing scenario:

  1. The victim is openly pursued, "passed" to each other

  2. Acquaintances, work colleagues, passers-by begin to behave according to the same pattern (for example, they say the same thing, poison with some liquid substances, gases, make the same gestures, etc.)

  3. Street performances are being played

  4. Trouble at work, in the family

  5. The victim feels the consequences of the use of "some substances" in the form of headaches, diarrhea, coughing, strange smells, tastes, fatigue, inability to concentrate, irritability, and so on.

The purpose of this stage is to intimidate the victim, make him panic, bring him to the desired condition, and most importantly, root him in his creation. "I'm being watched all the time", "they are everywhere", "worked with everyone".
Troubles, nervous breakdowns, unreasonable suspicions of “wrecking” of friends and colleagues, poor health are enough for a person to lose his job and quarrel with colleagues and acquaintances, or even take his own life.

Sometimes processing in the "hidden" mode can last for years.

Along the way, the habits of the victim, her routes, reactions to various stimuli, the plan of the apartment (roughly speaking, where the pipes, radiators, windows, walls, doors, etc.) are found out. According to the testimonies of many victims, psi-operators (people who control miraculous equipment) can see through the eyes of the victim and hear with their ears.

Then you can no longer watch the target. Where can you get so many psi-operators and "assistants" on the streets when the number of victims is calculated by the thousands?
And here comes the solution - automation all processes. The 24/7 processing program starts. The program can be constantly adjusted based on the success of certain types of impacts. The “open phase” begins, a person is brazenly pressed.

What are these influences? Here is an incomplete list:

  1. Pain, cramps, radiation in various parts of the body and organs

  2. injections

  3. Squeezing

  4. Pushing, pulling, jerking, punching

  5. Heat and chills

  6. Injection of air into "physiological holes", "breeze"

  7. "Running insects", scratching

  8. Smells that do not exist in reality

  9. Voices in the head (sounds, someone's speech) that no one else hears

  10. Sounds that everyone hears. Usually published directly near the victim, but she gets the feeling that "this is a neighbor behind the wall"

  11. Hallucinations, substitution of reality, visual special effects

  12. Imposing other people's thoughts

  13. Action management (zombies) and so on.

  14. Full control of each organ separately

The effect differs depending on the place of influence.
For example, if the carotid arteries, the back of the neck, the back of the head, forehead, eyes are attacked, the person gets tired quickly.
If the back of the head is affected, the heart - the person becomes excited, begins to feel dizzy.
Effects on the internal organs can cause nausea, hunger, diarrhea, urination, a strong heartbeat, and so on.
On the skin - increased sweating
On the throat - dry mouth, choking cough
On the tongue - salivation, metallic taste in the mouth
On the nose - sneezing, heartburn

In addition, unsuspecting people around you may continue to behave "weirdly" depending on your actions.

It is also interesting that telephone interlocutors or contacts from skype are also affected. They may also start yawning, coughing, sneezing, suddenly complaining about not feeling well, etc. (or someone close to them).

The goal is to keep a person in a state of constant stress, capture his attention and hold attention on influences. With “disobedience”, the pressure increases, children, relatives, neighbors, passers-by are affected. Even the harmless sounds of a quarrel or a working hammer can distract you. No wonder they are published on behalf of unsuspecting neighbors. It is difficult to withstand this, as the victim is attacked daily and around the clock.

As you can see, a very rich arsenal. It allows you to maintain the illusion of observation, pursuit and keep the object in a state of panic, preventing him from concentrating on his business. Many victims are sure that they are "irradiated" by their neighbors. Above them (or next to them) someone walks, rolls something, unwinds some cords, turns something on. People on the streets may also make the same gestures, say the same phrases, say the thoughts of the victim, turn around, and so on.

If the victim turns to acquaintances with his problem, he hears answers in the form of jokes “about cymbals”, “aliens”, advice on “treatment”, exclamations “who needs you”, and so on. After that, your friends may consider you "not quite normal." In the case of persistent appeals to law enforcement agencies, you can generally end up in compulsory treatment.

They try to discredit the victim in the eyes of acquaintances, partners and just surrounding strangers, to cause embarrassment, shame, guilt. For example, in the case of belching, nearby people will feel the smell of sausage or something that does not exist in reality, the victim may “stink” for those around him with feces or sweat (in this case, the program will pump air into the rectum and treat the skin). This can easily unbalance an impressionable person. But the worst thing is that the victims are deprived of the strength for a full life, the means for a normal existence and are subjected to real torture.

The victim’s belongings (spots, holes, etc.), technical devices (lights flashing, wi-fi speed decreases, router reboots, mobile communications are cut off, etc.) can also be affected.

How it works?

The system is tuned to the unique wave parameters of a person. Your genetic material or photograph can be used for connection. The parameters are constantly changing, but slightly due to the emotional state, health status, your actions, thoughts, sensations, and so on.

Man is a very complex energy-information system. Every time our attention (and where attention is our energy) switches to something new, we begin to think, worry, laugh, calm down, and so on. - our wave parameters are changing. The program has to adapt to the new state of the person. If you are in a state of fear, panic - you will not notice it. The less focused a person is and the more emotionally open he is, the more tired he is, the more vulnerable he is. Especially dangerous are the negative emotions that they try to evoke all the time.

The computer "knows" your emotional state, controls muscle activity, ailments, inflammation, skin damage, your attention, and so on. There are medical devices that register the slightest deviation in the activity of organs. These devices are based on the same principles of torsion diagnostics.

The program goes through different types of influences, finding the most effective ones. Effective influences are influences on which your attention can be held if you are carried away by something. For example, it can be a joint that is under load, a hand that is holding something, a bad tooth, a headache, the urge to “go to the toilet”, and so on. If due to mental activity, excessive enthusiasm or screening (this will be written in another article), the signal is constantly lost - the computer amplifies the impact or switches to another area.

The children of the victims are usually attacked indirectly, through their parents. Wherever your child is, he will cry, fall asleep, run excited, experience hunger, pain, if this is provided for by the program.

Remember films about fascists? So, psychophysical terror is the same thing. All means are good.

They suddenly thought about something, concentrated or quickly switched their attention, changed the type of activity - pain in the intestines began, a child began to cry, a fellow traveler coughed, the driver sneezed - get used to it, welcome to the matrix.

One of the causes of VSD, depression and PA can be psiterror. The victim of psiterror is first diagnosed by doctors with VVD, of course, when the victim does not know about the impact on her. When the victim learns in the open phase of psiterror about the impact on the body by hardware methods, more and more often incompetent people will advise the victim to contact a psychiatrist. Here we can talk about energy-informational defeat. Before questioning the information below, look at YouTube videos "How to make a microwave generator with your own hands, How to make a frequency generator, How to make an infrasound generator." quests "Hunting for people" with a prize fund, where the victims of psiterror go under numbers, and put the victim on this list under the heading "criminals" who will be hit by microwave radiation at home, on the way, at work, in a cafe, CUSTOMERS of psiterror (whom do you they crossed the road in something, and they will destroy you with the wrong hands of unsuspecting questomaniacs "fighters for justice"). Further on psi-terror in the theses. -Psyterror concerns not only the target victim, but also her family, which is affected in a covert mode; -psiterror methods are practiced on ordinary people who do not suspect anything and attribute their ailments to age; - the goals of psiterror are different: the discreditation of professional activity, elimination from society by slander and destroyed relationships with relatives and friends; , exposure to Akimov's torsion generators, a microlepton gun, a painful torsion beam, a frequency generator to influence organs, exposure to weak currents to cloud consciousness and other wave psychophysical weapons; - there is a total slander ahead of you to destroy relations, so as not to find support anywhere; - psiterror includes obstacles to making money to reset income; - psiterror includes total surveillance of you and family members using satellite systems, including messengers and mobile phones; -psiterror may include experiments with health in the form of exposure to the frequencies of a sick organism (author Goryaev, see photo) that cause diseases; - psiterror is based on maintaining the state of trauma in the victim by any means from microwave radiation to gangstalking; -psiterror is complete control over your life using your passport's biometric data; -psiterror means satellite control of such a property that the face recognition system (using a photo for biometrics) will find you wherever you go; -psiterror drives a person through wave weapons and low-frequency irradiation into depression (with its somatic masks), and can also manifest vegetovascular dystonia and panic disorders; - psiterror and radiation cause nervous system agitation, which in turn leads to the release of cortisol, adrenaline and noadrenaline, that is, stress hormones leading to VSD or PA; - further, violations of all types of metabolism of carbohydrate, protein, fat are connected, the body's COR is disturbed with dehydration; - the impact on the psyche (programming, NLP impact) goes in parallel with the body's need for survival and weakening of mental activity (from radiation and related diseases), which is what psiterrorists achieve, creating reasons for creating an image of abnormality or inadequacy of the victim (since no one does not believe); - with a long-term psitrauma from psi-terror, when the adaptive forces are exhausted, the VVD transforms and depression with its many-sided somatic masks turns on; the aerobatics of psiterror and the highest prize bonus in the form of a million banknotes is received by the one who puts an end to your career or even your life; - do not let some bastard, shaved freak or nonhuman make money on you! Do not let the program of self-destruction be introduced, since the reserves of the psyche of resistance to the alien are huge! There is a phenomenon of disobedience (the phenomenon of resistance of the psyche), when the psyche rejects something alien that is contrary to basic values. There is a phenomenon of free will. And there is your system of values, instilled from childhood by your parents and rooted with the help of personal insights. To deal with such a problem as the use of wave weapons against civilians, watch the video of Deputy Voroshilov and K. Yu. n. Lozovitskaya. Do not think that I have described the state of the situation, which is somewhere out there, but we do not have it. The Internet knows more about this topic. Enlighten yourself! Forewarned is forearmed.

"To believe or not to believe?"

How can remotely influence the health and psyche of people? The essence of psyterror


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2018-11-25 14:20:53

In general, as a result of all my research, I came to the conclusion that the cause of "voices in the head" can also be cervical osteochondrosis - a very insidious thing that leads to impaired blood supply to the brain. But here complex long-term treatment is required. The fact that with “voices in the head”, “psiterror”, “demons” and the like, a salt-free diet and a lot of water and a protein-free diet help, is quite consistent with cervical osteochondrosis and its treatment. A protein-free diet relieves inflammation in the cervical region and throughout the body, and a salt-free diet improves blood circulation. That's just how "voices in the head" are treated, of course, not in one day. I hope you understand that proteins are not only meat, but also all proteins of animal origin, and this is milk, kefir, cottage cheese and other derivatives. This is all verified from our own experience. The "voices" and the so-called "tortures" weaken, and then completely disappear, various pains in the body disappear, and normal sleep gradually returns. It doesn't matter what you think of these "voices", whether they are "psiterror" or demons or aliens, what matters is how they can be removed.
Naturally, there are many nuances in how this is done. The main thing is how to convince yourself that this is a disease, but it is easier to do if you understand that this is a disease of the blood supply to the brain, oxygen delivery to it, blood inflow and outflow, and not a mental illness.
I know that when this happens to you it's hard to believe that it's all unreal, it all seems o-very real, but! However, know that all this can be stopped and even forgotten over time.
The appearance of "voices" is already the final stage of a long period, when negative factors accumulate for years, this is already the "finish" after prolonged violence against the body. Athletes, jocks, sedentary workers, drivers, drug addicts, smokers - you are all at risk.
Then something happens that overflows the bowl, some stress, a traumatic event that you have not coped with and the subconscious puts you on adrenaline, the blood vessels narrow even more and you go into a state of "fight or flight", you can not relax, you can not sleep -which in healthy people leads to auditory and visual hallucinations after two or three days, the subconscious begins to generate fear and see danger in everything around, the speech of others is incorrectly interpreted, the vessels throughout the body begin to shrink and the pressure grows again, lays the ears, pain in eyes, voices.
Imagine all this from a violation of the blood supply to the brain, a violation of the inflow and outflow of blood.
Existing "methods of protection" reinforce the theory of "impaired blood supply to the brain":
The fact that many people get relief from "voices in the head" and "torture" after an enema is quite understandable, the colon is freed from fermentation products that poison the blood.
Various copper bracelets have long been used to reduce pressure, perhaps this is a reflex effect on the skin, I do not presume to say, but this is a well-known thing for a long time to reduce pressure from traditional medicine.
Various ionizers-ozonizers that cause relief, this is again an improvement in blood flow and active oxygen, as written in the instructions.
The fact that people are wrapped in foil, covered with foil at night and it becomes easier, just because of the infrared radiation reflected back to the body - the heat of your body, the foil causes the vessels to reflexively open up.
What helps the magnets applied to the head is the action of Foucault currents in the liquid - the applied magnet slows down the blood flow and apparently this has some positive effect, the blood pressure in the brain area becomes closer to normal and some "enlightenment" occurs.
This is not a "reflection of radiation directed at you", this is all due to simpler things.
Although, of course, "electromagnetic smog" should be considered as another traumatic factor for the body - there is evidence that EMR of a certain frequency causes contraction of smooth muscles - causes spasm of blood vessels and constriction of capillaries, along with health-damaging counterfeit food products oversaturated with preservatives, various stabilizers, thickeners that again, they interfere with normal blood flow in the body and which should be excluded from your diet.


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2019-11-20 11:59:34

You are a dirty bastard from this gang of psychopathic scum. Suck satan's faggot unfinished.


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nick opp liar

2019-03-29 04:13:01

It is immediately clear that you are from this gang of scum, proteins are needed for the construction of the human body: this is blood, immune bodies, hormones, brain neurotransmitters, etc. What kind of microcephalic diet are you talking about without a protein diet !!! Before writing your vyser shiz, I would argue this with at least one scientific article INCREDIBLE !!!


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2018-09-30 12:08:27

If you have the opportunity to contact any specialist in the field of radio electronics, ask him to make such a microphone or build it from improvised materials, the instructions must be posted on the network, since in my opinion they can be heard with the help of such microphones, they control us and only bother us infrasonic waves - this is not so difficult for specialists in certain areas, thus we will have real evidence of their existence and bullying


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2018-09-30 11:08:38

These are over-the-horizon stations, infrasound (sound waves) reflecting from the ionosphere determine the exact location, and the signal, the bandwidth is huge.

In the future, everything will be controlled by this weapon, maybe they have been controlling it for a long time.

The vaunted super system consists of only transmitters and receivers.

Many methods have been invented from psychology and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), influencing people.

And with this divine weapon they mock ordinary people.

Only a receiving microphone capable of picking up infrasound can bring them to clean water.


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2018-09-24 21:36:11

Today I will teach you to hear infrasound

Initially, they taught me to listen, watch and listen at the same time to the radio and TV, computer and TV or smartphone, or the body is trying to fall asleep, but a whisper or conversation is clearly audible, in general, a half-asleep organism or with a hangover clearly hears and reacts to infrasounds or light waves. -- how to find out what they are saying because it is a simple whisper conversation or dialogues among themselves .........., I attribute all such conversations more to myself than to others. But in your case it will be to someone else in your city
because their sound is hardly directional. Of course, there are many degrees of protection, for example, being with many people in the same room, the dialogue will be clear with the subject, while others are distracted by the same sounds, that is, the signal is masked.

There are also visual effects, for example, they develop the transmission of a picture, that is, a half asleep organism or a frightened one may not wake up, the ability to blurry or not very clearly see the picture 3D model of a completely real person or other inspired or not inspired objects.
(that's why they tell us to take alcohol - don't drink they just need a visual effect check - I'm ours)

There is also a shear where they can cause various pains, and so on and so forth arrange torture - it is difficult to detect (it seems to me that it is difficult to detect with simple low-frequency microphones) with sound level meters for the supply of Db and Dba for example - only specialists can

Now I can easily distinguish the sounds and visuals that they show me, they say a lot of things for example: a prison system is being developed, that I am investigating some kind of blunting, that they are developing weapons of the future, that this is happening all over the world, that people are actually living from the situation that they project for them.......... and so on and so forth. - of course, I understand that they are constantly deceiving me, misleading me for 6 years now, they have been mocking me, and they are unlikely to turn it off (I think if only the conscience of the military wakes up and they stop experimenting on people), they observe even in the toilet, often discuss the most shameful things, make the most heinous accusations, and assumptions.............and these are the little things and so on.

They say that they force people to take bribes, they will commit workers and economic crimes so that they don’t leave the country, don’t run to bug families, don’t get divorced .... they want to do good, in general, a big experiment is underway

And if people learn to recognize them, then talk about it, write articles, so much the better!!! Try, for example, to hear them with high-ranking people, because they are probably guarded by them or help in some business.
In short, I want to declassify this weapon if people find out about it, the torture will stop.


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2018-09-23 13:09:01

I want to invite people victims of psychotronic weapons to unite, on the Internet too.
Create websites, forums, chats... discuss and solve problems

Having found a way to influence people from a far distance, the military began to develop new weapons to control and influence people using NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and other methods of influence.

Like a programming language, any of them have a bunch of programs written in them - they use the influence on people and program a bunch of programs only with people.
Do you know that the computer is controlled by programs, all of them in the analysis consist of zero and one? they don't need to know much to do all this is what I want to say.

Sound waves, infrasound-signals mask their own in every possible way, they give parallel signals of a higher frequency so that the equipment cannot detect it, but the person understands.

We need to work towards individual protection of a person, to invent a complex of a microphone, a smartphone, software - so that we can hear them, then it will immediately be clear to us what they want to do at the moment.

Many world powers have this weapon and hide it, moreover, there is an undeclared "war" on this front.

Suppose a military conflict: a company of well-armed and trained people (they are instilled with simple thoughts that they are fighting against their family and friends, they inspire fatigue, a sense of anxiety, etc. - in every possible way taking them out of their normal state) and a company of less trained and poorly armed soldiers (and they inspire them that they are heroes, brave, accurate, .......- encouraging and helping them in every possible way) who do you think will win?

Weapons can also be used for peaceful purposes, such as elections, interfering with freedom of choice and the rights of a citizen.

Also, by managing the heads of state, you can manage the state at a distance, even a stranger.

That's what I'll tell you, that's what they do with us, they need to learn how to manage a person's feelings, they play with our feelings with us, make us make opposite decisions, think differently, and then vice versa, all these feelings that visit us during bullying, passing action is what they need. -- torture (I hope the world will someday know who we are and how we were tortured)

My guess is that a lot of people are under their influence, they just don't know about it. Many people still don't know what it is.
For example, city madmen, ordinary people whose psyche suddenly began to deteriorate, criminals who committed crimes due to mental disorders - we just have different aggression, different characters, different upbringing.

In some case, do not make any blunts !!! We will outlive them all!