“Special processes. Certification of technological processes and assessment of their level Certification of technological processes

CD analysis

At the first stage, the initial data for the technological process being developed is selected, a thorough analysis of the design documentation, production program, basic and reference documentation is carried out.

At the second stage, classification and preliminary grouping of assembly units of the product are carried out. In system design, the design and technological classifier provides communication between ESKD, ESTD and ESTPP. Based on the design-technological classifier in accordance with design-technological, planning and technical-economic data, coding and preliminary grouping of assembly units is carried out to assign standard or group assembly technological processes to them. The final grouping is carried out based on the results of designing assembly processes.

At the next stage, the indicators of manufacturability of the design of assembly units and the possibility of automating their production are assessed. Requirements for the design of assembly units can be divided into three groups:

To the range of ERE components;

To methods and means of implementing connections between electronic energy resources;

To the general layout of the design of assembly units.

The first group includes requirements for the design of electronic electrical devices - housings, terminals, etc. The main requirements for the design of electrical electronic devices for assembly as a whole are: a simple shape (cylinder, rectangle, etc.), allowing the use of simple designs of grippers for manipulators of assembly process equipment; convenient orientation of the ERE body relative to the base part; fastening terminals, ensuring ease of installation of electrical electronics.

The second group includes requirements for methods and means of implementing connections (electrical and mechanical) between electrical electronics and other parts, which must be characterized by:

Minimum number and length of connections between ERE;

Simplicity of the methods used for connecting, securing electronic components and parts;

Minimum amount of auxiliary materials and parts.

Similar and other requirements can be presented to the third group - the general layout of the design of assembly units.

In general, assembly units and the product must differ in the minimum number of electronic components, standard sizes, installation options, connection methods and protection from external influences, the minimum quantity and range of materials used.

When automating assembly technological processes, testing the design for manufacturability, which determines the ability of the design to achieve minimal resource costs during production and operation for given quality indicators and volume of output, is of particular importance.

The need to improve the quality of products, save labor and material resources, has put forward the task of certifying technological processes. A modern technological process must ensure not only the highest labor productivity, but also the possibility of widespread use of waste-free or low-waste methods for manufacturing products, and have a high level of mechanization and automation.

The results of technology level certification are widely used in determining the technological readiness of enterprises for serial production of newly developed products, as well as when submitting products for the state Quality Mark.

Certification of technological processes is carried out in two stages: first, the level of technological processes is assessed, then the certification of technological processes is carried out directly.

The tasks solved at the certification stages are given in Table 5.

The results of certification of technological processes at an enterprise can be used to solve various problems: preparing products for certification; assessment of the organizational and technical level of production of the enterprise; workplace certification; carrying out work on technical re-equipment of the enterprise, etc.

Calculation of the level of technological processes for the production of a product in conditions of mass, large-scale production is determined by the level of the totality of technological processes for manufacturing parts and assembly units included in the product.

The level of technological processes in the case of medium-scale, small-scale and single types of production is determined by the level of technological processes of types of production in workshops, production areas (foundry, thermal, stamping, plastic, electrochemical, assembly, etc.).

To assess the level of technological processes, four indicators are used: labor productivity, the progressiveness of technological equipment, the coverage of workers with mechanized and automated labor, and the efficiency of use of materials.

The level of the technological process is determined by the formula

at a=1,2,3…m, where Kia- weight coefficient (); Pia is an indicator characterizing one of the properties of the technological process; P n i a- standard value of an indicator characterizing one of the properties of the technological process; i- serial number of the indicator; n- number of indicators.

Labor productivity indicator determined by the formula

P P = V Ch.P / Ch P,

where V Ch.P is the volume of production of standard-clean products per year; N P – number of industrial production personnel.

Table 5

Indicator of the use of advanced technological equipment determined by the formula


where T PROG is the complexity of manufacturing the product on advanced equipment; T is the complexity of manufacturing the product.

Indicator of coverage of workers with mechanized and automated labor determined by the formula

P MEX = H M.A / H P,

where Ch M.A - the number of workers engaged in mechanized and automated labor; N P - number of production workers.

Material Usage Rate determined by the formula

P IM =M/N,

where M - product weight; N - material consumption standard for the product.

The formula for assessing the level of TP takes the form

U T = 0.Z P P / P N P + 0.ZP OB / P N OB + 0.2 P MEC / P N MEC + 0.2 P IM / P N IM,

where the denominator is the standard values ​​of the corresponding indicators.

This method of calculating the level of technological processes has a number of significant disadvantages:

The list of advanced technological equipment and the values ​​of standard indicators are relative concepts, which does not allow objective comparison of the levels of technological processes in different industries;

The formula for covering workers with mechanized and automated labor does not take into account the level of automation of work. With the introduction of flexible production systems and modules with “sparsely manned” technology, the number of workers engaged in mechanized and automated labor will be reduced, which will also significantly affect the numerical value of the level of technological processes.

Level of technological processes of this type of work , used in the production of a product, characterizes the technology of this type in the production of a product and is calculated using the formula

Where a a b- coefficient of weight of the technological process; m is the total number of technological processes.

A technological process is a part of the production process that contains targeted actions to change and (or) determine the state of the subject of labor. In technology, it is customary to distinguish tools and objects of labor, methods of their interaction. The work of workers brings these elements into interaction and ensures their functioning. The quality of the final product is also determined by the quality of the technological process. It is quite natural that, when conducting certification of final products, it is necessary to also engage in certification of technological processes, which should precede product certification. Certification of technological processes" defines the range of main quality indicators, the procedure and rules for certification of technological processes. The Unified System of Technological Preparation of Production (USTPP) is the basis for the development of relevant industry normative and technical documents (NTD), taking into account the specifics of production in the industry (sub-industry).

Certification of technological processes is carried out for the purpose of:

Objective assessment of the level of technological production processes, determined by the degree of compliance of the main parameters of the applied technological processes with the best world and domestic achievements;

Obtaining the information necessary to develop a plan of organizational and technical measures in order to create conditions that ensure the stable production of products of the highest quality category.

The objects of certification can be individual technological operations, technological processes for the production of products (parts, assembly units), technological processes of a type of production (machining, casting, forging, stamping, etc.).

Certification work is carried out in two stages: first, the level of technological processes is assessed, then the technological processes are directly certified.

Certification of technological processes is carried out on the condition that this technological process ensures the quality of the products consistently.

The tasks solved at the certification stages are shown in Table 1.

Table 1 – Stages of work and tasks solved during certification of technological processes

The results of certification of technological processes are used for:

preparing products for certification;

making a decision on the technological readiness of the enterprise to produce products that meet the specified technological conditions;

assessment of the organizational and technical level of production of the enterprise;

workplace certification;

carrying out work on technical re-equipment of the enterprise.

Assessment and certification of technological processes must precede product certification.

A product should not be submitted for certification if the level of technological processes of its production does not correspond to the highest or first category. Product certification is not carried out if the level of technological processes of its production corresponds to the second category.

The connection between certification of technological processes and product certification is shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6 – Relationship between process certification and product certification

The following terms with corresponding definitions are used in this standard:

3.1 process certification: Determining the level of compliance of the technological process with established requirements.

3.2 discrepancy: Failure to comply with requirements.

3.3 particularly important technological process: A technological process, a violation of which can lead to failure of the product or to a change (loss) of its functional properties.

Note – The classification of a process as particularly responsible for defense products is carried out by the organization in agreement with the PP.

3.4 workplace: A place of production with equipment and equipment placed on it, where one or more workers perform certain operations.

3.5 resources: Staff; infrastructure (buildings, equipment and support services), production environment (the set of conditions in which work is performed).

3.6 Quality Management System: A management system for directing and controlling an organization in relation to quality.

3.7 special process: A process in which confirming the conformity of the final product is difficult or economically impractical. Malfunctions of products made using a special technological process may appear during operation.

Note – Classification of a process as special for defense products is carried out by the organization in agreement with the PP.

4 Symbols and abbreviations

The following abbreviations are used in this standard:

PZ – customer representative office;

KIO – control, measuring and verification equipment;

TS – means of technological equipment;

TD – technological documentation;

TP – technological process.

5 General provisions

5.1 Special and particularly critical technological processes are subject to certification in order to verify and evaluate compliance with the requirements of regulatory documentation of a product manufactured using a certified process under specific production conditions.

NOTE A special process can be considered a particularly critical process. Certification of the listed processes is carried out in a uniform manner. Further in the text of the standard, a single term is used - technological process.

5.2 Certification of the technological process (TP) can be primary, periodic and extraordinary.

Primary certification of TP – certification of a newly developed TP. Primary certification is carried out at the production development stage. The basis for the initial certification is a comprehensive schedule (schedule, plan) of activities for launching production in accordance with GOST V15.301 (subclause 4.5.2) and the requirements of GOST RV 15.002 (subclause

Periodic certification of technological equipment is carried out after the expiration of the previous certification at established industrial production based on the requirements of GOST RV 15.002 (subclause The frequency of certification is indicated in the TP certificate. It is advisable to conduct periodic certification no later than three years from the date of the previous certification.

The basis for carrying out an extraordinary certification of technical equipment may be:

Deterioration in the quality of the manufactured product;

Increasing the number of comments received based on the results of TP control by the PP;

Changes in technological documentation (TD) (for example, introducing new technological equipment into the process or expanding the scope of use of existing equipment);

Reconstruction of production premises;

Moving the workplace to another room;

Deviation of the operating parameters of the TP by more than 10% (unless otherwise specified in the program) from the nominal values ​​​​specified in the technological documentation;

Overhaul of equipment;

Recruitment of new performers of technological operations;

Each technological operation, to one degree or another, influences the accuracy of the output functional parameters. This influence is determined by the dependence of the functional output parameters on the parameters of the physical structure formed during these operations. With an increase in the complexity of the product and, accordingly, the complexity of the technological process, the number of physical structure parameters that have a significant impact on the functional parameters increases. The physical structure parameters formed during TP depend, in turn, on the operating parameters. Under these conditions, the importance of optimizing the TP for accuracy at the stage of its development increases. In this case, it is necessary to establish such tolerances on the parameters of the physical structure, the observance of which will ensure a stable yield of suitable and high reliability of products. Their certification allows us to ensure that only optimized processes are transferred into production.

To carry out certification, it is necessary to formulate the requirements that an optimally designed process must satisfy. We will consider such a TP to be optimally developed for which the following requirements are established:

1. The most important parameters of the formed physical structure are identified, which have a significant impact on the yield of suitable and reliable products.

2. Optimal boundaries have been assigned to these parameters, which provide high values ​​of yield and reliability.

3. Methods for operational control of all the most important parameters of the physical structure have been developed, which provide their reliable and objective control.

4. Using adjustable operating parameters, it is ensured that the most important parameters of the physical structure are stable over time within the boundaries established for them.

To certify TP according to these criteria of accuracy and stability, the yield coefficient of suitable products is most often used.

To certify a technological process for accuracy means assessing the compliance of the actual accuracy of all its operations or blocks of operations with optimal standards. The degree of compliance is expressed by a quantitative indicator. TP is usually assigned one of the following quality categories:

1) the highest corresponds to an optimally developed TP. In this case, the TP is recommended for implementation without modifications;

2) the first corresponds to a quasi-optimal TP. In this case, the TP is recommended for implementation with subsequent refinement;

3) the second corresponds to a non-optimally developed TP. It is not recommended and is being reworked and modified.

| next lecture ==>

In order to improve the quality of maintenance and repair of aircraft, as well as improve certification procedures for repair production, I propose:
1. Put into effect the technical guidance material RTM 1.4.2118-2003 developed by the National Institute of Aviation Technologies (JSC NIAT) “Special technological processes. Requirements for the procedure for the development and execution of documentation during the preparation of production, manufacture and repair of aviation equipment”;
2. Centers for certification of organizations for the maintenance and repair of aircraft equipment require strict compliance with the provisions of these technical guidelines when assessing the conformity of organizations for the repair of aircraft equipment.


Date of introduction 2004-01-01


1. Developed by JSC NIAT
2. Approved by PC 10
Registered TC 323
3. Introduced for the first time

1 area of ​​use

1.1 This Guiding Technical Material contains requirements for the procedure for the development and execution of documentation for special technological processes during the preparation of production, manufacture and repair of aircraft.
1.2 The technical guidance material, together with a set of guidelines developed to implement the requirements of the technical guidance material in relation to specific types of production and repair, is intended for the technological services of enterprises involved in the development of special processes in the technological preparation of production, manufacture or repair of a specific aircraft product, and supplement the documents in force at the enterprise.
1.3 Guiding technical material and a set of Methodological Instructions have been developed in accordance with the requirements of current domestic and foreign standards for quality systems, as well as the requirements of Aviation Rules regarding the technology of manufacturing and repair of civil aviation products.
1.4 Documentation for special processes, developed and executed in accordance with the requirements of this Guiding Technical Material, can be used in the preparation of evidentiary documentation for certification of quality and production systems of enterprises that develop, manufacture and repair aircraft equipment.

This Technical Guidance Material uses references to the following regulatory documents:

GOST R ISO 9001-2001

Quality management systems. Requirements

GOST 2.503-90

ESKD. Rules for making changes

GOST 2.004-88

ESKD. General requirements for the execution of design and technological documents on printing and graphic devices

GOST 3.1109-82

ESTD. Terms and definitions of basic concepts

GOST 3.1116-79

ESTD. Standard control

GOST 3.1119-83

ESTD. General requirements for the completeness and execution of sets of documents for individual technological processes

GOST 3.1120-83

ESTD. General rules for reflecting and recording occupational safety requirements in technological documentation

GOST 3.1121-84

ESTD. General requirements for the completeness and execution of sets of documents for standard and group technological processes (operations)

GOST 3.1127-93

ESTD. General rules for the execution of text technological documents

GOST 3.1128-93

ESTD. General rules for the execution of graphic technological documents

GOST 3.1129-93

ESTD. General rules for recording technological information in technological documents for technological processes and operations

GOST 3.1502-85

ESTD. Forms and rules for preparing documents for technical control

GOST 2497-87

Incoming product control. General provisions

OST 1 90339-91

Incoming inspection of non-metallic and metallic materials. General provisions

OST 1 00221-84

Industry system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Metrological examination of technical specifications, design documentation and technological documentation. Organization and procedure

OST 1 02772-98

Aviation equipment products. The procedure for carrying out and content of work on particularly critical components of aircraft and helicopters

Guide 145.1, 2001

Procedures for certification of repair enterprises

Guide 23-29.605, 2000

Guidance on methods for determining compliance of aircraft sample manufacturing technology with the requirements of Aviation Rules

Manual AP-21.2V, 1997.

Guidelines for aircraft production certification

R 50-54-76-88

ESTD. Rules for recording technological operations and transitions. Technical control

R 50-67-88

R 50-92-88

ESTD. General provisions for making changes

R 50-609-38-88

R 50-609-40-88

Regulation P 1.1.99-93

The procedure for carrying out and content of work on particularly critical components of aircraft and helicopters

MM 1.4.2070-2001

Technological processes for manufacturing aircraft equipment

MU 1.4.2055-94

Metrological examination of design and technological documentation. Procedure for carrying out and maintaining work

MU 1.4.2125-2003

Special technological processes. Instructions for the development and execution of documentation for heat treatment during production preparation, manufacture and repair of aircraft

MU 1.4.2126-2003

Special technological processes. Instructions for the development and execution of documentation for arc welding during production preparation, manufacture and repair of aircraft equipment

MU 1.4.2127-2003

Special technological processes. Instructions for the development and execution of documentation for resistance welding in the preparation of production, manufacture and repair of aircraft

MU 1.4.2128-2003

Special technological processes. Instructions for the development and execution of documentation for electron beam welding during the preparation of production and manufacture of aircraft equipment

MU 1.4.2129-2003

Special technological processes. Instructions for the development and execution of documentation for soldering during preparation of production, manufacture and repair of aircraft equipment

MU 1.4.2130-2003

Special technological processes. Instructions for the development and execution of documentation for forging and stamping processes in the preparation of production and manufacture of aircraft

MU 1.4.2131-2003

Special technological processes. Instructions for the development and execution of documentation for casting during the preparation of production and manufacture of aircraft equipment

MU 1.4.2132-2003

Special technological processes. Instructions for the development and execution of documentation for the manufacture of parts from PCM during the preparation of production, manufacture and repair of aircraft

MU 1.4.2133-2003

Special technological processes. Instructions for the development and execution of documentation for the production of honeycomb laminated structures during the preparation of production, manufacture and repair of aircraft equipment

MU 1.4.2134-2003

Special technological processes. Instructions for the development and execution of documentation for making connections with rod rivets during the preparation of production and the manufacture of aircraft equipment

MU 1.4.2135-2003

Special technological processes. Instructions for the development and execution of documentation for galvanic coatings during the preparation of production, manufacture and repair of aircraft

MU 1.4.2136-2003

Special technological processes. Instructions for the development and execution of documentation for dimensional chemical etching during the preparation of production and manufacture of aviation equipment

MU 1.4.2137-2003

Special technological processes. Instructions for the development and execution of documentation for obtaining VAP during the preparation of production, manufacture and repair of aviation equipment

MU 1.4.2138-2003

Special technological processes. Instructions for the development and execution of documentation for obtaining paint and varnish coatings during the preparation of production, manufacture and repair of aircraft equipment

MU 1.4.2139-2003

Special technological processes. Instructions for the development and execution of documentation for plasma spraying during the preparation of production, manufacture and repair of aircraft

MU 1.4.2140-2003

Special technological processes. Instructions for the development and execution of documentation for sealing during preparation of production, manufacture and repair of aviation equipment

MU 1.4.2141-2003

Special technological processes. Instructions for the development and execution of documentation for hardening during production preparation, manufacture and repair of aircraft

MU 1.4.2142-2003

Special technological processes. Instructions for the development and execution of documentation for the manufacture of rubber technical products during the preparation of production and manufacture of aircraft

3. Terms, definitions and abbreviations

3.1 This document uses the terms established by GOST 3.1109.
3.2 To present the text of the document, the following definitions have been introduced.
3.2.1 A special technological process is a technological process, the results of which cannot be fully verified by subsequent monitoring and testing of each product sample and cannot be established to ensure compliance with the requirements of the design documentation, so that product defects can only be revealed during its use.
3.2.2 Key parameters of a special technological process are those selected measurable process parameters, the control of which is essential for managing the quality of manufactured products.
3.2.3 Nonconformity is any deviation from the established requirements.
3.3 The following abbreviations are used in this document:
AT - aviation technology,
MU - methodological instructions,
ND - regulatory documents,
RTM - technical guidance material,
SpTP is a special technological process,
BTK - technical control bureau.

4. General provisions

4.1 The documentation for the STP, along with the design documentation, is the main document according to which the manufacture and quality control of parts and assembly units of the AT product is carried out.
4.2 Documentation for the STP must provide:
a) constancy of the product quality specified by the design documentation throughout the entire production time of the AT product;
b) compliance with the requirements of the design and technological documentation of the enterprise-developer of the AT product and the current regulatory documentation;
c) optimal costs of living labor, material and energy resources for specific production conditions;
d) labor safety and environmental protection.
4.3 The purpose of documenting STP is:
a) ensuring a guarantee of consistency in the quality of manufacturing products by regulating key technological parameters of the process and requirements for them, as well as procedures for monitoring technological discipline;
b) demonstration of compliance with the requirements for SPTP during type certification, certification of serial and repair production and certification of quality systems of organizations in accordance with the requirements of GOST R ISO 9001, Guidelines 23-29.605, AP-21.1B and 145.1.
4.4 Documentation of a special technological process includes:
a) mandatory documentation in accordance with the requirements for technological processes established by the industry normative documents;
b) additional documentation in accordance with the requirements established by this RTM, taking into account the features of quality assurance during manufacturing using SpTP.
4.5 The following are subject to additional documentation:
a) lists of technical specifications used in the manufacture of the product;
b) key technological parameters of STP, ensuring product quality, their permissible values ​​and frequency of control;
c) procedures for certification of equipment, fixtures, tools and personnel;
d) rules for regulating SPTP;
e) rules (procedures) for the acceptance of products based on the results of monitoring the actual values ​​of the key parameters of the SPTP and compliance with the requirements of this RTM.
4.6 The composition of additional documents and the requirements for them are determined by the features of ensuring quality assurance at each of the following stages of the joint-trade process:
- development;
- certification of equipment, accessories and tools;
- certification of performers;
- certification of workplaces;
- implementation;
- sales during production;
- control and regulation.
4.7 If the STP is also a particularly critical process, when documenting it, all the requirements for the SPTP data RTM, and the requirements for particularly critical processes imposed by OST 1 02772 or P 1.1.99 must be met.

5. Formation of lists of special technological processes

5.1 The initial documents for carrying out work on the STP are the basic list of STP developed by JSC NIAT for the aviation industry as a whole, as well as the lists of STP compiled for specific AT products by enterprises that develop, manufacture and repair aviation equipment.
The interaction of enterprises and the sequence of formation of lists are presented in Figure 1.
5.2 The basic list of SPTP is intended for aviation industry enterprises when compiling their lists for specific products and contains:
- names of types of production;
- names of special technological processes;
- ND containing methodological instructions of JSC NIAT on the procedure for developing and processing documentation for SPTP.
5.2.1 JSC NIAT develops and adjusts the basic list of special technical requirements, and also provides technical support for RD for special processes in the aviation industry.
5.2.2 The basic list of SPTP as of 2003, formed taking into account the accumulated experience in the manufacture and repair of AT, was approved by NIAT OJSC and is given in Appendix A.
5.3 The developer company compiles a list of technical specifications for the manufacture of a specific AT product, which must contain:
- name of the type of production;
- name of the joint venture:
- designation of the recommended ND and/or directive STP;
This list of special technical requirements must be included in the design documentation and transferred to the manufacturer at the beginning of the pre-production stage.
5.3.1 In this list, the development enterprise includes STP (and the corresponding RD) from the parts and assembly units specified in the basic list and used in the manufacture, determined by the developer, taking into account their impact on the quality of the product.
5.3.2 Recommendations for compiling a list of technical specifications at the product development enterprise are given in Appendix D.

Figure 1. Interaction of organizations during the formation
Lists of special technological processes

5.3.3 The developer enterprise must send proposals to JSC NIAT for the introduction of new special processes into the basic list of SPTPs and the development of the corresponding RD.
5.3.4 The procedure for the formation, coordination and approval of the list must be regulated by the regulatory documentation of the developer enterprise.
5.3.5 The form of the List compiled by the AT developer enterprise is given in Appendix B.
5.4 The manufacturer must develop its own list of technical specifications for a specific AT product during its serial production, which includes:
- type of production.
- names and drawing numbers of parts and assembly units manufactured using this STP;
name and permissible values ​​of key technological parameters, as well as the frequency of their monitoring.
5.4.1 The manufacturing enterprise must include in its list all STPs established by the developing enterprise (clause 5.3).
5.4.2 The manufacturer may include in its list those SPTPs from the basic list of SPTPs (clause 5.2) that are used in the manufacture of this product, but are not included in the list of the developer enterprise.
5.4.3 The manufacturer has the right, when forming a list of technical specifications for a specific AT product, to introduce additional technological processes (not related to special ones), to which it applies the rules for documenting special technical requirements.
5.4.4 The manufacturer must include in its list the key parameters of the STP specified in the list, as well as the requirements for permissible values ​​of the parameters and the frequency of their monitoring.
5.4.5 The procedure for the formation, coordination and approval of the list must be regulated by the regulatory documentation of the manufacturer.
5.4.6 The form for presenting this list for use in preparing the production of a specific product is given in Appendix B.
5.5 The repair company must draw up its own list of technical specifications for a specific AT product when repairing it, which includes:
- type of production;
- name and designation of the working SPTP;
- names and drawing numbers of parts and assembly units repaired using this STP;
- name and permissible values ​​of key technological parameters, as well as the frequency of their monitoring.
5.5.1 The repair enterprise must include in its list the Special Technical Specifications that are indicated in the Repair Manual provided to the repair enterprise by the developer or manufacturer for a specific product in accordance with the requirements of Guide 145.1.
5.5.2 The repair company may include in its list of special technical equipment from the basic list of special technical equipment (clause 5.2), which are used in the manufacture of this product, but are not included in the Repair Manual.
5.5.3 When compiling a list of technical specifications for a specific AT product, the repair company has the right to introduce additional technological processes (not related to special ones), to which it applies the rules for documenting special technical specifications.
5.5.4 The procedure for the formation, coordination and approval of the list as a whole and for its constituent sections must be regulated by the regulatory documentation of the repair enterprise.
5.5.5 The form of presentation of this list for use in preparing repairs for a specific product corresponds to that given in Appendix B.
5.5.6 If necessary, NIAT OJSC may be involved in developing a list of special technical requirements for a particular enterprise.

6. General requirements for the development, execution and modification of working documentation for a special process

6.1 Development and design of special processes
6.1.1 Documentation for the STP must be developed on the basis of the design and technological documentation of the enterprise-developer of the AT product, the specified product release program, instructions from the guidelines and methodological materials of JSC NIAT and FSUE VIAM.
6.1.2 Guiding documentation for the development of the STP can be:
a) state standards establishing requirements for technological processes, management and control methods, equipment and technological equipment, methods of environmental protection and occupational safety;
b) industry normative and methodological documentation;
c) standards of the manufacturer;
d) technical conditions for the supply of materials, semi-finished products, blanks, parts, assembly units and finished products;
e) methodological materials on the choice of processing modes, rationing of material consumption, etc.;
f) types of technological equipment, technological equipment and tools;
g) design documentation for technological equipment and tools;
j) tariff and qualification reference books.
6.1.3 The following should be used as reference documentation when developing the STP:
a) technological documentation of pilot production of the AT product;
b) technical reports on the research and development of new progressive methods of manufacturing and control;
c) catalogs and directories containing information about advanced equipment, technological equipment and tools;
d) special processes for manufacturing analogue products, etc.
6.1.4 General rules for the execution of technological documents and recording of technological information must comply with the requirements of GOST 3.1127; GOST 3.1128; GOST 3.1129; GOST 3.1120
6.1.5 The completeness and execution of documents must comply with the requirements of GOST 3.1119 for single processes and GOST 3.1121 for standard and group processes.
6.1.6 Technological documentation for STP must contain, in accordance with GOST R ISO 9001, section 4.9.1, information defining the technological sequence of operations and transitions indicating:
a) requirements for the production environment;
b) terms of delivery of materials, semi-finished products, blanks, parts and assembly units;
c) volumes of incoming inspection, controlled parameters, methods and means of incoming inspection and the procedure for documenting inspection results;
d) work on setting up, checking and controlling the process;
e) the equipment, fixtures and tools used;
f) processing modes;
g) controlled parameters indicating their permissible values, stages, methods and means of control;
j) a list of documented parameters and the procedure for preparing acceptance and accompanying documentation;
k) methods and means of marking and branding;
m) requirements for loading and unloading operations, transportation and storage;
m) requirements for ensuring labor safety;
n) actions to protect the environment.
6.1.7 In general, the development of the STP should be carried out in the following sequence:
a) development of design and technological documentation of the enterprise-developer of the AT product;
b) selection of guidance and reference documentation;
c) selection of workpieces and technological bases;
d) development of technical conditions for the supply of blanks, parts and assembly units;
e) selection of a standard (group) STP;
f) determination of specific requirements for SPTP;
g) determination of the sequence and content of technological operations;
j) selection of technological equipment, selection and ordering of new technological equipment and special tools;
k) assignment of controlled parameters, their permissible values, stages, methods and means of control;
l) calculation and assignment of processing modes;
m) establishing labor safety requirements and environmental protection conditions;
o) purpose of methods and means of marking and branding;
p) determination of conditions for storage and transportation of parts and assembly units;
c) determination of professions and qualifications of performers;
r) standardization of the process;
y) development of a form for presenting the results of measurements of controlled parameters
f) preparation of technological documentation.
6.1.8 Automated development of Documentation for SpTP must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 2.004 and R 50-54-71.
6.1.9 Technological documentation for SPTP must be drawn up using ESTD forms or forms provided for by the regulatory documentation of the enterprise, and be subject to metrological examination in accordance with OST 1 00221; MU 1.4.2055 and standard control in accordance with GOST 3.1116.
6.1.10 The procedure for signing, agreeing and approving technological documentation must be determined by the regulatory documentation of the enterprise.
6.2 Development and execution of control processes
6.2.1 Technical control processes must be part of the STP for the manufacture of parts/assembly units.
6.2.2 Control processes must be developed by the technologist simultaneously with the development of the SpTP.
6.2.3 Control processes should be developed in the form of control operations or be included in the SpTP as separate transitions.
6.2.4 The documentation for the technical control process should indicate;
a) controlled design and technological parameters, their permissible values;
b) methods and means of control and measurement;
c) requirements for verification and calibration of control and measurement equipment;
d) stages of SPTP at which control is carried out;
e) regulatory documentation regulating the implementation of control;
f) qualifications of the controller;
g) the procedure for documenting control results;
j) methods and means of branding.
6.2.5 When developing technical control processes (operations), their order must comply with the recommendations of R 50-609-40.
6.2.6 Forms and rules for preparing documents for technical control must comply with the requirements of GOST 3.1502, and the rules for recording operations and transitions of technical control must comply with the recommendations of R 50-54-76.
6.2.7 The procedure for registration, coordination and approval of technical control documents must be regulated by the regulatory documentation of the enterprise.
6.3 Changing a special process
6.3.1 Changes to the SpTP should be carried out in the following cases;
a) changes in design and regulatory documentation;
b) introduction of more productive equipment, equipment and tools;
c) changing the technological route;
d) changes in technical conditions for the supply of materials, semi-finished products, blanks, parts and assembly units;
e) detecting errors in technological documentation.
6.3.2 The grounds for changes must be regulated by the regulatory documentation of the enterprise.
6.3.3 Changes to the STP should be carried out on the basis of a change notice, which should be issued by the departments developing the STP.
6.3.4 The rules for developing change notices and the procedure for making changes to technological documentation must comply with the requirements of GOST 2.503, taking into account the recommendations of R 50-92 and are established by the regulatory documentation of the enterprise.
6.3.5 Notifications of changes must be approved and agreed upon in the manner established by the ND.

7. Additional requirements for the development and execution of documentation for a special process

7.1 Design of a custom process
7.1.1 The set of technological documentation for the SpTP must be identified on the title page with the inscription or stamp “SPECIAL TECHNOLOGICAL PROCESS”. If the STP is also a particularly responsible process, then the inscription or stamp “SPECIALLY RESPONSIBLE” is placed first.
7.1.2 If in a technological process only individual operations are special and it is considered inappropriate to extend the requirements established for SpTP to the entire process, then it is allowed to put the mark “OPERATIONS No.... -SPECIAL” on the title page, and on the first sheet of the special operation card mark "SPECIAL OPERATION".
7.1.3 The title page of the special process must also indicate the number of the implementation act, STP.
7.1.4 The following information must additionally be included in the general technological instructions for the SpTP:
a) the procedure for setting up equipment, setting up and testing the process for the production and control of technological samples and/or witness samples;
b) requirements for marking, branding, storage and transportation of technological samples and/or witness samples, their quantity and parameters;
c) key technological parameters, their permissible values, regulatory documents for SpTP, process stages at which control of these parameters should be carried out, methods, means and frequency of control, as well as recommendations for regulating the process;
d) types of production and control documentation (technological passport, control log of the industrial process, measurement cards) to be used in this industrial process;
e) the procedure for registering key parameters of the SPTP;
f) the procedure for documenting control results;
g) mandatory maintenance of a sheet of familiarization between the performer and the BTK employee with the technology for implementing the STP and the changes introduced in accordance with the requirements of MM 1.4.2070;
j) special requirements for the production environment.
7.1.5 In the operational route maps of SpTP, which indicate the need to maintain or fulfill at least one of the key technological parameters, it is necessary to enter the following technological instructions:
a) on the contractor’s mandatory verification of the availability of documents confirming the fact that the equipment, fixtures, tools and means of control and measurement used in this operation are certified and verified (calibrated);
b) according to the order of actions of the performer when key technological parameters approach the limit values ​​or parameters go beyond the boundaries of permissible values.
7.1.6 In the operational control charts of the SpTP, it is necessary to enter the following technological instructions on conducting BTK before accepting inspection products:
a) the contractor has a certificate for the right to carry out special technical procedures;
b) registration in the SPTP control log of the key technological parameters of the completed process and their location within the specified limits or a note about exceeding the tolerance and the measures taken.
7.2 Certification of equipment, accessories and tools
7.2.1 Certification of equipment should include the issuance of a passport for the equipment and a certificate of suitability of the equipment for operation.
7.2.2 The procedure for the development, execution and approval of documents according to clause 7.2.1, the forms of their submission and the timing of revision are regulated by the regulatory documentation of the enterprise.
7.2.3 Certification of equipment must be carried out when putting it into operation (in a specific workshop) and after major repairs.
7.2.4 The need and scope of work to certify equipment after routine and emergency repairs are established by the regulatory documentation of the enterprise.
7.2.5 For each unit of certified equipment involved in the STP, it is necessary to have a form that includes:
a) technical documentation of the equipment manufacturer;
b) equipment passport;
c) certificate of equipment suitability for operation;
d) equipment status log.
7.2.6 The equipment condition log must contain all information about routine maintenance performed, current and major repairs, identified malfunctions and measures to eliminate them, replacement of parts, etc.
7.2.7 The procedure for maintaining a log of equipment condition and the form of its presentation must be established in the regulatory documentation of the enterprise.
7.2.8 A passport must be issued for each type of equipment and tools used in the implementation of special technical procedures and requiring maintenance.
7.2.9 The list of routine maintenance performed and the timing of their completion must be recorded in the log of the condition of equipment and tools in relation to a specific industrial process.
7.2.10 The procedure for issuing and approving passports for equipment and tools, the procedure for maintaining a log of the condition of equipment and tools, as well as the forms for submitting these documents are regulated by the regulatory documentation of the enterprise.
7.3 Certification of performers
7.3.1 The procedure for certification of the performer of the STP and the form of the certificate for the right to perform the STP are regulated by the regulatory documents of the enterprise.
7.3.2 STP performers subject to certification must pass a theoretical exam on knowledge of all necessary technological documentation for STP and pass a test of practical skills, certified by the relevant document of the enterprise.
7.4 Certification of workplaces
7.4.1 The main document for organizing the workplace of an STP performer should be a “workplace passport”, reflecting the requirements for its placement, organization and maintenance, as well as working conditions and qualifications of performers.
7.4.2 A workplace passport must be developed for each individual workplace or collective workplace (production site passport).
7.4.3 The procedure for processing, maintaining, registering, storing and periodically revising a workplace passport is regulated by the regulatory documentation of the enterprise.
7.5 Implementation
7.5.1 The development and implementation of the STP must be carried out by performers authorized and certified to perform this process, according to technological and production control documentation that meets the requirements of this RTM, at certified workplaces using certified equipment, fixtures and tools.
7.5.2 The procedure for introducing SPTP into production, drawing up the necessary documents, including the Implementation Certificate and the form for its presentation, is regulated by the requirements of R 50-67 and the regulatory documentation of the enterprise.
7.6 Sales during production
7.6.1 All materials and semi-finished products used in SPTP must undergo incoming inspection in accordance with the requirements of GOST 2497 before their immediate launch into production. The methods, scope and performer of the procedure for this control must be indicated in the technological process.
7.6.2 Production equipment, fixtures, tools and control and measuring instruments used in carrying out special technical procedures must undergo periodic certification or verification or calibration with the results being recorded in the documentation for these production means and the dates for the next certification, verification or verification being marked directly on these means calibration.
7.6.3 The frequency of certification, or verification, or calibration of production equipment is regulated by the regulatory documentation of the enterprise.
7.6.4 It is not allowed to use the means of production specified in clause 7.6.2 of this RTM when performing STP if they have not undergone timely certification, verification or calibration.
7.7 Control and regulation
7.7.1 Monitoring and regulation of key parameters specified in the documentation for the SpTP must be carried out in accordance with the recommendations of industry regulatory documentation and/or the relevant production instructions of the manufacturer (repair enterprise) with registration of process parameters in an automated or manual mode.
7.7.2 Key parameters of the STP that are not provided with automatic control and registration of process parameters must be entered in the process control log. The form of the journal and the procedure for filling it out are regulated by R 50-609-38.
7.7.3 If key parameters exceed the permissible values, the order, composition and content of actions must be regulated by a documented enterprise procedure.

Appendix A

Basic list of special processes,
used in the aviation industry

Basic list of special technological
processes used in the aviation industry

Name of the special process

Used for



Heat treatment

MU 1.4.2125

Type of production: welding

Arc welding

MU 1.4.2126

Contact welding

MU 1.4.2127

Electron beam welding

MU 1.4.2128

MU 1.4.2129

Type of production: forging and stamping

Forging and stamping processes

MU 1.4.2130

Type of production: foundry

MU 1.4.2131

Type of production: production of polymer parts
composite materials (PCM)

Manufacturing of parts from PCM

MU 1.4.2132

Type of production: production of honeycomb glued structures

Production of honeycomb glued structures

MU 1.4.2133

Type of production: execution of rivets,
bolted and bolted connections

Making connections with bar rivets

MU 1.4.2134

Type of production: coating production


MU 1.4.2135

Dimensional chemical etching

MU 1.4.2136

Preparation of polymer antifriction coatings (VAP)

MU 1.4.2137

Production of paint and varnish coatings

MU 1.4.2138

Plasma spraying

MU 1.4.2139

Type of production: sealing


MU 1.4.2140

Type of production: machining
metal structures


MU 1.4.2141

Type of production: rubber production

Manufacturing of rubber products

MU 1.4.2142

Appendix B

List of special technological processes
for a typical product design

Special technological process

Part/assembly unit


Regulated RD


Drawing No. (code)

Type of production: heat treatment

Type of production: welding

Appendix B

List of special technological processes
during the manufacture (repair) of a product

Working special technological process

Part / assembly unit

Designation (code)


ND for production and control

Key technological parameters (name)

Drawing no.

Type of production: heat treatment

Type of production: welding

Regulatory documents on the quality management system GOST R ISO 9001-2001, as well as Aviation Rules AP-23, 25, 27, 29, Guidelines for certification of a standard design R 23-29.605 and Guidelines for certification of its production AP-21.2V establish the need to identify and assigning additional requirements to technological processes of a certain type, which in this work and in a number of normative documents are called “special.”
A feature of special processes (SPTP) is that the results of their implementation cannot be fully verified by subsequent monitoring and testing of each product sample and to establish compliance with the requirements of design documentation, since the technological process does not contain operations to control the implementation of some parameter(s) , established by the designer, due to the lack of necessary control means and non-destructive methods or the high costs of their use. Such design parameters will be uncontrollable. An example of a non-controllable design parameter is the tensile strength of a part.
To include a technological process in the List of Special Technical Specifications, the aircraft developer must establish that the design parameter of the part and/or assembly unit obtained as a result of the specified technological process is:
- significant,
- uncontrollable.
When determining the “significance” of a parameter, the designer first of all evaluates its impact on flight safety, as regulated by OST 1.02772. “Significant” should also include design parameters that identify (define) the standard design and are included in the specifications for the product as a whole and its components.

Change registration sheet

No. change-

Page sheet number



Date of entry

Date of introduction





