Mediterranean tortoise (Greek). Exotic animals Where the Mediterranean tortoise lives

Testudo graeca Linnaeus, 1758

Description: A medium-sized turtle with a high, more or less jagged in the back shell, up to 290 mm long along the upper edge. Forelegs with 5 claws. There is one distinct horny tubercle on the posterior side of the thigh. The dorsal coloration is yellow or brownish-olive with dark, sometimes almost black spots, clearly defined in young individuals and gradually blurring and increasing in size in adults. The underside is monochromatic or with irregularly shaped dark spots.

Spreading: The Black Sea subspecies T. g. nikolskii, described from the Sochi region, back in the 30s-40s. was widespread on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, from Anapa to the north. to Sukhumi in the south. At present, the range has been significantly reduced and is divided into a number of isolated, more or less extensive populations. The tortoise has almost completely disappeared along the stretch of coast from Tuapse to Adler. On the sowing range in the triangle between Anapa, Nizhnebakansky and Gelendzhik, where until relatively recently the tortoise was common, its numbers also fell sharply. Finds in the Khostinsky yew-boxwood grove of the Caucasian Reserve have not been confirmed for a long time. Outside of Russia, the species is found in Georgia, sowing. Africa, in the south Spain, in the east. parts of the Balkan Peninsula, in Asia Minor, Syria, Iran and Iraq. Transcaucasian subspecies T. g. ibera is found in the foothills of the Caspian lowland southeast. Dagestan, where sowing. Its range has not been precisely defined.

Habitat: In the Black Sea region, it lives in dry shrubbery, juniper sparse forests and forests on adjacent slopes. Penetrates cultivated land, vineyards, orchards and tea plantations. In the foothills of Dagestan, it inhabits, in addition, preserved areas of virgin semi-deserts on the foothill slopes and in some places penetrates the coastal dunes. It feeds on succulent herbaceous vegetation, in particular, legumes and Compositae, also eating berries and fruits. It can bite the foliage from the lower branches of the hold-tree and jasmine. Rarely eats molluscs, worms and other invertebrates. After wintering, which it often spends, digging into old burrows of badgers or foxes, it appears in March or early April. Immediately upon awakening, mating occurs. Approximately from the end of May, throughout the summer, females, usually three times per season, lay 2-8 eggs, burying them in a hole dug in the ground. Eggs are spherical in shape, 32-36 mm in diameter, weighing up to 23 g. The incubation period is about 3 months. Young turtles, up to 45 mm long, hatch in nesting chambers and usually winter here, appearing on the surface only next spring. Sexual maturity occurs at the age of 11-13 years. They are active during the daytime, hiding from overheating in bushes and under the forest canopy.

Number: All in. part of the range in the region between Anapa, Nizhnebakansky and Gelendzhik, according to estimates in 1987, 6-8 thousand individuals lived on an area of ​​​​2 thousand m2. The total number of turtles in the Black Sea region probably does not exceed 10-15 thousand individuals and continues to decline. The main factors in the decline in numbers are the intensive recreational use of the territory within the range, which is almost entirely located in the resort area. The uncontrolled catching of animals by tourists and holidaymakers and mechanical tillage, in which masonry is destroyed, have a negative effect. The modern range of the subspecies has broken up into genetically isolated populations, within which inbreeding occurs due to the small number. Many sexually mature females remain unfertilized due to disturbed sex ratios. Within Dagestan, where the subspecies T. g. penetrating here from Transcaucasia lives. ibera, the situation with its abundance is more stable, however, its reduction is also observed here, especially in the delta of the river. Samur and in the coastal lowland of the Caspian Sea.

Security: Listed on the IUCN-96 Red List, Appendix 2 of CITES. It is under protection in the Caucasian Reserve (yew-boxwood grove) and the Pitsundo-Myussersky Reserve, where its numbers are extremely small. The only radical way to preserve the Black Sea subspecies of the turtle, as well as the entire complex of vulnerable species of reptiles and other animals living in its range, is the creation in the region of a National Natural Park with an area of ​​up to 250 km2. As a first step, the creation of the Novorossiysk nature reserve in the area from Cape Utrish to the Dzhubga region in the south could be. The Mediterranean tortoise breeds relatively easily in captivity, in particular, it is successfully bred in the Moscow Zoo. Reintroduction into the nature of young animals obtained in captivity is possible.

  • Family: Testudinidae Gray, 1825 = Land turtles
  • Genus: Testudo Linnaeus, 1758 = Land tortoises, European tortoises
  • Species: Testudo graeca Linnaeus, 1758 = Mediterranean [Greek, Caucasian] tortoise
  • View: Mediterranean tortoise - Testudo graeca L., 1758

    Type area: Saita Cruz (Oran).

    Forepaws with 5 claws. The carapace is high, usually serrated in the back. On a light olive or yellowish-brown background of the carapace, there are black spots that increase with age. There is one horny tubercle on the back of the thigh.

    Distributed in North Africa, southern Spain, the eastern part of the Balkan Peninsula, Western Asia, Syria, Iran, Iraq. In the USSR it is found on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, south to Abkhazia, in Dagestan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia.

    Forms 2 subspecies. The nominative form of T. g. graeca L. is distributed in southern Spain and North Africa; T. g. ibera Pall., 1814 inhabits the rest of the range, including being found within our country. It is characterized by a wider and relatively flattened caranax and larger overall dimensions.

    Inhabits a variety of habitats - from dry steppes and mountain slopes covered with shrubs to lowland forests and gardens. It feeds on succulent herbaceous vegetation, mainly legumes (up to 98% by volume.), Compositae (up to 20%), sometimes fruits and berries. It eats small amounts of mollusks and insects. In summer it is active mainly in the morning and evening, spending the hottest hours in the bushes. At the end of October - in November it is buried in the sand.

    Previously, the name "Greek" was used, this is not true, since this species does not exist in Greece, another species of the same genus lives there - the Balkan tortoise (T. hermanni), which is distinguished by a paired overhang shield. land, usually in the old times of foxes, badgers, where it hibernates. In April-May, mating takes place, accompanied by fights between males. Starting from June, it lays eggs three times a season, 2-8 eggs in each clutch. Eggs are buried in a hole dug in the ground. The eggs are almost spherical, 32-36 mm in diameter, weighing 22-23 g, white, covered with calcareous shells. The incubation period is 2-3 months. The length of the shell of newly hatched turtles is 35-45 mm. In most cases, they come to the surface next spring. Sexual maturity is reached at 12-14 years of age. The number is sharply reduced. Included in the Red Book of the USSR.

    The Mediterranean tortoise (T. graeca) has an extensive range. It lives in North Africa from Morocco to Egypt, southern Spain, the eastern part of the Balkan Peninsula, Asia Minor, the Caucasus, the countries of the Eastern Mediterranean and Iran. In the Soviet Union, the Mediterranean tortoise is common on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Dagestan.

    The Mediterranean tortoise is often called Caucasian and Asia Minor, as well as Greek. The last name, like the Latin name, is completely unfortunate, since it is in Greece that this species is absent, being replaced there by another, close species - the Balkan tortoise (T. her-manni).

    The shell of the Mediterranean tortoise is convex, smooth, slightly serrated along the posterior edge, up to 30 cm long. The head is covered on top with large symmetrical shields. Large overlying shields cover the outer surface of the forelegs, there is one large conical tuber on the thighs. The tail is blunt and short. The coloration is yellowish-brown above, usually with dark spots on the scutes. The habitats of this turtle are diverse: dry steppes, semi-deserts, mountain slopes covered with shrubs, dry sparse forests. It is quite common in the lowlands, but also penetrates the mountains up to altitudes of about 1100 m above sea level. Willingly visits gardens and fields in search of tasty fruits. It feeds on all kinds of juicy greens, sometimes it diversifies its diet with worms, snails and small insects.

    Turtles spend winter time in hibernation, climbing into holes, crevices between stones or burrowing into the ground to a shallow depth. In the spring they appear very early - already in February - March - and soon begin to breed. Mating is vigorous. Everywhere in the meadows and in the forest you can meet married couples. Females, trying to get away from annoying males, hide in the bushes of sucker, in the thick of grass, and excited males force the females to leave the shelter with shield blows and strong bites on the hind legs. They either run ahead or try to climb onto the female. During the act of mating, the male opens his mouth wide, tensely stretches his neck and emits strong growling wheezing. If one female is pursued by several males, which is quite rare, then fights occur between the males. Enraged males grab each other by the head, legs, sometimes inflict serious wounds, tearing out pieces of meat along with hard, keratinized skin. When the strongest male manages to climb onto the female, the rest of the males, despite the wounds, knock him down with blows from their shells, and the fight begins anew. This is repeated many times until, finally, one strongest male remains, who manages to fertilize the female. Mating occurs up to 8-10 times a day, and there are times when several males fertilize one female.

    In June-July, females lay 2-8 white, almost spherical, slightly flattened eggs about 35 mm long. Egg laying occurs three times per season, and thus, during the summer, one female lays an average of 16 eggs. After 2-3 months, young turtles emerge from them. In most cases, they do not go outside, but burrow even deeper and winter in the neighborhood of the nesting chamber. Only in the next spring, having grown stronger and grown due to the yolk sac, they appear on the surface.

    The Mediterranean tortoise is very often kept in captivity. It is unpretentious and with an abundance of heat and food lives for decades. Individuals are known to have lived in captivity for about a hundred years. The meat and eggs of this species are eaten in some areas. Only occasionally can a turtle be harmful, damaging crops.

    Mediterranean tortoises are perhaps one of the most popular pets. Yet most reptile enthusiasts know surprisingly little about them.

    Maintenance and care of Mediterranean tortoises


    In nature, reptiles consume flowers, stems, and greens. They rarely eat fruit and are never exposed to canned dog food, ice cream, bread, pizza, cheese, cakes, or some of the other fancy "treats" that some people offer to pets.

    Most turtles fed on inappropriate diets become seriously ill. Many are dying. If you become the owner of a turtle addicted to such food, immediately rid the reptile of addiction. Resist the temptation to give food off the table. Let the turtle get hungry enough to resume eating a normal, healthy-looking diet. This will take some time, during which time offer safe and healthy food.

    In captivity, a diet high in fiber, low in protein and calcium will ensure good digestive tract function and shell growth. Mediterranean tortoises fed on cat or dog food or other high protein foods such as peas or beans die of kidney failure or uric acid bladder stones.

    Unfortunately, advice not to give water to reptiles has appeared in books on caring for Mediterranean tortoises. They drink water, both in the wild and in captivity. Drinking is not a sign of ill health (although a sudden change in drinking habits indicates a problem). Most turtles prefer to drink from a shallow dish. And they are encouraged to drink by sprinkling lightly with a garden hose in fine weather.

    Too much water...

    Drowning. Yes, there are cases every year. If there is a pond, make sure it is completely safe and 100% turtle proof. Mediterranean tortoises do not swim, and any outdoor pool or pond poses a serious danger to their lives.


    Hedgehogs, raccoons, badgers, rats, dogs and even large ones attack and kill turtles, especially young ones. Make sure the reptile enclosures are 100% safe. If in doubt about the strength of the shelter, move the turtles to the house for the night.


    Male turtles tend to be territorial animals. Two males can fight quite viciously over a range, sometimes resulting in serious injury. Keep these males separately. In a confined terrarium, males cause severe stress to the opposite sex and injure females.

    Enclosures should be large enough for the female to escape and hide from unwanted attention. In no case do not overcrowd with Mediterranean turtles too small a vivarium. This is a sure recipe for trouble. Placing older females with young, active males is also extremely risky.

    Human efforts and investments are required to create conditions for the life of Mediterranean tortoises.

    Mediterranean tortoise - video

    ■ Systematic position

    Kingdom: animals (Animalia).

    Type: chordates (Chordata).

    Class: reptiles (Reptilia).

    Order: Turtles (Testudines).

    Family: Turtles (Testudinidae).

    Genus: European land turtles (Testudo).

    Species: Mediterranean tortoise (Testudo graeca).

    Subspecies: Iberian (Ibera), Nikolsky (Nikolskii).

    ■ Why is it listed in the Red Book

    So it's time to get to know another amazing animal - the turtle. Two species are listed in the Red Book of Russia - the Far Eastern and the Mediterranean.

    The conservation status of the Mediterranean tortoise is the first. This species of reptile is on the verge of extinction. The fact is that almost all areas where Mediterranean turtles are found are actively used by humans for recreation and tourism. Animals cannot stand such a neighborhood and simply die. These reptiles are very sensitive to the anxiety factor. In addition, they often become living and inanimate souvenirs - for the amusement of a person.

    Two subspecies of the Mediterranean tortoise live on the territory of Russia, and in total there are more than 20 subspecies in the world.

    ■ Where does it live

    The range of the world population of the species is limited to North Africa, South Europe and Southwest Asia. In Russia, this inhabitant of warm regions is found exclusively on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. Outside of Russia inhabits Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Dagestan. Throughout its habitat, the Mediterranean tortoise adheres to open flat areas. She loves sand dunes, woodlands and forest clearings, sometimes settles in gardens and vineyards near human habitation. Occasionally, the Mediterranean tortoise is found on mountainous slopes, but it almost never goes far into the mountains, limiting itself to a height of 800 m above sea level.

    ■ How to find out

    This is a medium sized turtle. Her carapace, in scientific language - a carapace, has an oval shape, it is high and raised, and also slightly serrated along the rear edge. This is an excellent protection against predators, overheating and hypothermia.

    On the head of the Mediterranean tortoise there are shields overlapping each other. Similar ones are on the legs. The whole body of the animal is protected by reliable armor. The length of the shell reaches 35 cm in males and 20-25 cm in females. The rich yellowish-olive and sometimes ocher hue of the carapace sparkles beautifully in the sun, which is an absolute must for the tortoise. She is very sensitive to heat and light. After all, when kept in captivity, these animals can even die from lack of light. Such warm-hearted creatures!

    In this species of turtles, the “outfit” is noticeably brighter than in their close relatives. The scutes of the carapace usually have two dark brownish-brown spots, which often merge, and it seems as if the whole carapace is painted in a dark color. The shape and size of these dark spots vary greatly, and therefore it is impossible to say about one or another strictly defined color of the turtle shell.

    On the front legs, the animal has five fingers with small claws.

    Young turtles are painted in very light colors and are so funny that they seem like toys!

    The Mediterranean tortoise is active in the early morning and evening twilight. Maybe one day at dawn you will be lucky enough to meet her somewhere on the Black Sea coast... At night and during the day, animals prefer to rest quietly in a fox or badger hole. Turtles can simply hide between stones or burrow to a shallow depth in warm sand. It must be said that Mediterranean tortoises always fall into hibernation, from which they emerge only in late March - early April.

    Representatives of this species can start breeding only at the age of 10-12 years, not earlier. During the mating season, males behave very aggressively, fierce battles take place between them, in which animals often receive serious injuries. Approximately one and a half months after the mating games, the female makes three clutches with eggs, burying them in warm sand. Each clutch usually contains from one to eight eggs, with up to 15 eggs laid per season. Now the future turtles are left to their own devices, the female leaves this sandy shore forever.

    In order for the further development of the eggs to be successful and babies to be born after a set period, 90% humidity and an ambient temperature of at least +27 ° C are necessary. Of course, it is important that no one finds the masonry and ruins it. Hatched turtles are born tiny, only 5 cm in length.

    Babies break the shell on their own. Most often they sit in the sand until the next spring, burrowing as deep as possible, not far from the nesting chamber. Throughout this period, they feed on the yolk sac, and only a year later, noticeably stronger and grown up, they go on their first hunt. Turtles grow rather slowly, but still intensive development occurs just before puberty. At this time, the age of the animal can be recognized by the horn rings on the shields.

    Turtles feed mainly on plant foods - cereals and various legumes. They are happy to eat berries, fruits and young shoots of plants. However, the Mediterranean tortoise is not as harmless as it might seem. Unlike other species from the same family, she likes to feast on animal food. This reptile preys on insects, and sometimes it can even eat eggs and chicks of birds nesting on the ground.

    Mediterranean tortoises are long-lived. There is evidence that some representatives of the species lived to be 100 years old.

    Exotic animals therefore they are called exotic because they are not common, and common in certain geographical latitudes.
    To date, exotic animals have become quite popular. Exotic animals have settled in the apartments and houses of many of our friends and acquaintances. This could not but affect the fact that the sale of exotic animals increased: amphibians, spiders, lizards, snakes, and behind them the demand for terrariums and accessories for animals increased. However, I would like to note that not all exotic animals, photos of which you meet on the Internet, get along well at home.

    The main reason for this is that not always exotic animals have the conditions that they need. Buying exotic animals is one thing, but maintaining and providing conditions for a normal life is quite another. In addition, exotic animals that are sold by, let's say, not quite qualified sellers, may suffer, which most often happens. And this, in turn, can become an emotional trauma for the owner of the animal.In order to avoid such "surprises", and in order for exotic animals to be healthy, it is necessary to responsiblygo to the choice of a future pet, get acquainted with the recommendations for its maintenance in nwilly-nilly, determine for yourself the most suitabletype of future pet.

    The next step should be to find that particular animal: turtle, spider, snake that suits your tastes and needs. Before you buy, exotic animals must be tested for health. They should look and act cheerful and active. Also take careon the acquisition of an appropriate terrarium or insectarium for its maintenance. Made specifically so that various exotic animals can live there. You can select and order a terrarium, insectarium and accessories for them on our website.Our specialists can help you with all the above questions., amphibious , invertebrates and other exotic animals.

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    We will try to give you as much information as possible so that neither your exotic animals nor you are harmed.