Central Asian land tortoise, description. Types of tortoises How much does a tortoise weigh? Turtle sizes

All turtles are associated with the eternal slowness inherent in these reptiles, but not everyone knows that turtles are one of the oldest representatives of the animal world of our planet. These creatures have been living on Earth for more than 220 million years, yes, they are the same age as the extinct dinosaurs. The very name of the word "tortoise" comes from the Old Slavic "shard", "tile", similarly, the Latin name of the turtle - "testa" is translated as "tile", obviously, the turtles were called that due to the similarity of their shells to the tile itself.

Turtle: description, structure, characteristics. What does a turtle look like?

Perhaps it is the tortoise shell that is its most characteristic difference, a kind of tortoise calling card. For a turtle, in fact, it is such a mobile home + a means of protection from enemies. The turtle shell consists of a dorsal (carapace) and an abdominal (plastron) part. The carapace, in turn, consists of two parts, one of which is the inner armor formed from bone plates, and the second outer part, consisting of horny shields. In some species of turtles, the bone plates are covered with skin.

The shell of a turtle is very strong, so it can easily withstand a load exceeding the weight of the turtle itself by 200 times.

What size turtle?

The size of the turtle and their weight are very different from the species, so in the turtle family there are both giant turtles with a weight of more than 900 kg and a shell size of 2.5 meters or more, and small turtles with a weight of up to 125 grams and a shell size no more than 10 cm.

Turtle head and eyes

The head of a turtle is streamlined and medium in size. Such dimensions allow turtles to quickly hide their heads inside an impregnable shell in case of danger. Although among them there are also species with large heads, which either do not fit well in the shell, or do not fit at all.

In land turtles, the eyes are usually directed to the ground, while in aquatic turtles they are located closer to the top of the head and are directed forward and upward. The neck of many turtles is usually short.

Vision in turtles is well developed, even more, turtles, like people, have color vision, they can distinguish colors, very few animals have this gift. Also, nature gave them excellent hearing, allowing them to hear potential enemies at a distance.

Do turtles have teeth? How many teeth does a turtle have?

Modern turtles, unfortunately, do not have a tooth, but ancient turtles, those that lived in the era of dinosaurs, had them, but over time they disappeared. Then how does the turtle eat? To bite off and grind food, turtles use a strong beak, the surface of this beak is covered with rough bumps, which practically replace turtle teeth. The tongue of turtles is short, it serves exclusively for swallowing food, but not for capturing it, and as a result, it does not protrude.

Tortoise limbs and tails

Without exception, all turtles have four legs. But the very structure of these paws depends on the species and habitat of the turtle. The paws of land turtles have a flattened shape, they are adapted for digging soil and are quite powerful. In sea turtles, in the process of millions of years of evolution, their paws have turned into real flippers for the convenience of swimming in the depths of the sea.

Also, almost all turtles have a tail. The turtle's tail is also able to hide in the shell, like the head. And interestingly, some turtles have a real pointed spike at the tip of the tail, which serves as another means of protection from enemies.

An interesting fact: some land turtles can shed with age, and their old skin exfoliates and falls off, both from the paws and sometimes from the shell.

How long do turtles live

Turtles are truly long-lived even by our human standards, because they live many times longer than us humans. So the average life expectancy of turtles in natural conditions can be 180-250 years.

The oldest tortoise in the world, named Jonathan, lives on St. Helena and remembers (probably) still the time of Napoleon, because the former emperor of France lived here for some time in exile.

Where do turtles live

Turtles live in all tropical regions, as well as some places with a temperate climate. Sea turtles swim in the warm oceans of the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans. They are not only near the Arctic and Antarctica, which is natural, because all turtles love warmth.

Land turtles live in the steppes and semi-deserts of Africa, South and North America, Australia, and Asia. In Europe, they can be found in the south, in a number of southern countries: Greece, Italy, Albania.

What do turtles eat in nature?

The diet of turtles directly depends on their species, habitat and lifestyle. Land turtles are practically vegetarians, their main food is tree branches, fruits and grass, mushrooms and vegetables. However, it was not in vain that we wrote practically, since in order to maintain the protein balance in their body, turtles can sometimes eat various small animals, such as snails, slugs and worms. Also, land turtles drink water with pleasure.

But sea and freshwater turtles are already real predators, as their diet includes various small fish, frogs, snails, crustaceans (some sea turtles eat squid, cuttlefish and other shrimps with pleasure). But also the gastronomic addictions of aquatic turtles are not limited to living creatures, along with it they also eat plant foods: algae.

An interesting fact is that there are species of sea turtles that eat poisonous jellyfish. From such food, the meat of the turtles themselves, in turn, becomes poisonous, which scares away potential predators from them. Such is the gastronomic remedy.

Turtle Enemies

Speaking of enemies, under natural conditions, the main enemies of the turtle are some birds of prey (eagles), which grab small turtles, raise them to a great height, from there they throw them onto stones and peck out their insides from a split shell.

An interesting fact: the great ancient Greek playwright Aeschylus died an extremely ridiculous death, he was killed by a tortoise that fell on his head. The eagle, which lifted the tortoise to a height, mistook the bald head of the playwright for a large stone suitable for breaking the tortoise shell.

Death of Aeschylus by an eagle and a tortoise.

As for the giant tortoises, with their weight and size, they have no enemies in nature. Even people are increasingly treating these majestic long-lived creatures with due respect.

When the turtle hibernates

Yes, turtles, like some other animals, have a habit of hibernating, during which all life processes in their body slow down for a while. This usually happens in winter, and hibernation for heat-loving turtles living in temperate latitudes allows them to survive the winter cold without any problems.

How to determine the sex of a turtle

The sex difference in turtles is so weakly expressed externally that it is sometimes difficult to determine who this turtle is: “boy” or “girl”. Nevertheless, if you approach this issue with due attention, you can identify a number of signs that help determine the sex of the turtle.

1. Shell, in females, the shell has a more elongated shape than in males.

2. Plastron, he is the lower part of the shell. If you turn the turtle over, you can see that in females the lower part of the shell (the one closer to the anus) is flat, while in males it is slightly concave.

3. Tail, in males the tail is longer and wider at the base, while in "turtle ladies" the tail is straight and short.

4. Claws, in males they are usually longer on the forelimbs than in females.

Types of turtles, photos and names

The family of turtles is divided into two suborders, divided by the way turtles put their heads in their shells:

  • Hidden neck turtles fold their heads into shells in the shape of the letter S.
  • Side-necked turtles hide their heads in one of their front paws.

Also, according to the habitat, all turtles are divided into land and sea turtles, which in turn are divided into freshwater turtles that live in rivers and lakes, and already actually marine turtles that live in the seas and oceans.

Below we take a closer look at some of the most interesting types of turtles.

She's a turtle. These are real giant turtles, the weight of the Galapagos tortoise can exceed 400 kg, the length of the shell reaches up to 1.9 m. These turtles live on the Galapagos Islands, which gave them their name.

This is already a small representative of land tortoises, the length of the Egyptian tortoise shell is no more than 10 cm. They have a yellow-brown shell color. This turtle lives in northern Africa and the Middle East.

This is a small turtle, living respectively in Asia, has a rounded shell and is painted in yellow-brown tones with dark spots. The shell size of this turtle averages 10 cm. It is also one of the most popular types of turtles for keeping at home.

She's a turtle. It has a medium size, the length of the shell is 0.7 m, with a weight of up to 50 kg. The shell of this turtle is high and has a domed shape. In the pattern of the shell, a spotted pattern is visible, similar to the color of a leopard. The leopard tortoise lives in Africa.

Notable for being the smallest turtle in the world. The length of her shell is not more than 10 cm, with a weight of up to 165 grams. Lives in South Africa.

Types of freshwater turtles

This little turtle lives in the waters of the United States and Canada. It has an interesting olive-green or black color of the shell and leathery membranes between the toes.

This small turtle lives in the waters of Europe and a number of Asian countries, its shell is 35 cm long and weighs 1.5 kg. It has a brown or olive color of the shell, as well as a very long tail, like for turtles.

It is named so due to the presence of a bright red spot on the head. The length of the shell of this turtle is 30 cm. Red-eared turtles live in both Americas, in the United States, Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela and several other countries.

Its characteristic feature is the presence of a cruciform plastron and a long tail covered with small spikes. It has a medium size, the weight of this turtle reaches up to 30 kg. It lives in the USA and in southern Canada, it survives the winter cold in hibernation.

Sea turtle species

She's a real carriage. The shell of this turtle is painted in brown tones with a pattern in the form of multi-colored spots. The front flippers of this turtle are equipped with two claws. This turtle lives in almost all oceans, with the exception of cold waters near the poles.

Notable for being the largest turtle in the world. Only the span of its front flipper legs reaches 2.5 meters. Its weight is more than 900 kg, and the length of the shell exceeds 2.6 meters. The surface of the shell of this turtle is covered with a dense layer of skin (hence the name). It lives in the tropical regions of the Indian, Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

It is also a rather large turtle, its weight reaches up to 450 kg with a shell length of 1.5 m. It has an olive or green shell color, which, however, may have white stripes and dark spots. Its shell has a small height and oval shape, and its surface is covered with large horny shields. The head of this turtle is much larger than that of other relatives, and therefore does not hide inside the shell. It lives in the tropical regions of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

turtle breeding

The mating season for turtles occurs at different times depending on the species. However, for all turtles, it goes in a similar way: males arrange real battles for the right to mate with a female. How do turtles fight? Very simply, the land ones try to turn the enemy over with a shell strike, and the water ones beat and bite each other with their beaks. Only after driving away a potential rival, the male turtle begins courting his “lady”, forcing her to take a position convenient for mating itself.

Some time after mating, the female turtle lays eggs of a spherical or elliptical shape, from which little turtles will be born. Turtles dig special holes for their eggs, and sometimes they can even use crocodile nests.

From 1 to 200 eggs can be laid at a time (depending on the species). Also, the duration of the incubation period can last from 2 months to six months or more.

After hatching, little turtles begin to fight for survival, not all will survive to adulthood, turtle fry are an excellent target for various predators, especially birds of prey.

How to care for a turtle at home

Keeping turtles at home has recently become very popular, and both land and water turtles are kept. And why not, because caring for them is extremely simple, and the turtles themselves are unpretentious creatures. True, all of the above is true for small turtles, since it would not be entirely appropriate to keep large turtles in the house.

So, what are the rules for caring for turtles. Firstly, in the habitat of turtles, it is necessary to keep a thermometer to control the air temperature and a thermometer to control the water temperature (if it is an aquatic turtle in an aquarium).

The water in the aquarium for turtles must either be cleaned with filters, and if they are not, then change every day. Maintaining the hygiene of aquatic turtles is to remove algae from their shells. But land turtles need to be bathed daily in warm water, washing away dirt and food debris from them. Also in winter, it is desirable to irradiate the turtles a little with the rays of a quartz lamp, thus creating a kind of sunbathing.

How to feed a turtle at home

Turtles need a balanced diet. Land turtles can be fed with cabbage leaves, dandelion, pulp of apples, cucumbers, tomatoes. To meet the need for protein foods, they can be given boiled chicken eggs and vitamin supplements.

It will be a little more difficult with feeding aquatic turtles, because they need small living creatures, you can feed them with dried daphnia, bloodworms, earthworms, boiled chicken or beef meat. They will not mind eating various insects, cockroaches, small aquarium fish.

It is necessary to feed adult turtles once a day, young animals twice a day and once a week to arrange the so-called unloading day.

  • It was the turtles that were the first to fly around our moon satellite aboard an experimental research probe launched by the Soviet Union back in 1968.
  • Turtle meat in some cuisines of the world is an expensive and delicacy product.
  • Turtles are also present in heraldry, on the image of the coats of arms of some cities.
  • Despite the fact that turtles do not pose a danger to humans, there are exceptions, as male leatherback turtles can confuse a swimmer with a female, grab them with their paws and drag them to the bottom.
  • The sex of turtles in an egg is determined by the ambient temperature. At lower temperatures, males are born, at higher temperatures, females.

Turtle video

And in conclusion, your attention is an interesting documentary about turtles.

Turtles (lat. Testudines) are representatives of one of the four orders of modern reptiles belonging to the Chordata type. The age of fossil remains of turtles is 200-220 million years. is 200-220 million years.

Turtle Description

According to the testimony of most scientists, over the past 150 million years, the appearance and structure of turtles have not changed much.


The main distinguishing feature of the turtle is the presence of a shell, represented by a very complex bone-skin formation, covering the body of the reptile from all sides and protecting the animal from the attack of numerous predators. The inner part of the shell is characterized by the presence of bone plates, and the outer part is characterized by leathery shields. Such a shell has a dorsal and abdominal parts. The first part, called the carapace, is distinguished by a convex shape, and the plastron, or abdominal part, is always flat.

It is interesting! The turtle body has a strong fusion with the shell part, from which the head, tail and limbs peep out between the plastron and the carapace. When any danger appears, turtles are able to completely hide inside the shell.

The turtle has no teeth, but has a beak pointed at the edges and strong enough to allow the animal to easily bite off pieces of food. Turtles, along with some snakes and crocodiles, lay leathery-type eggs, but reptiles most often do not care for their offspring, so they leave the place of laying almost immediately.

Turtles of different species vary greatly in size and weight. For example, the length of a land spider turtle does not exceed 100 mm with a weight in the range of 90-100 g, and the size of an adult leatherback turtle reaches 250 cm with a weight of more than half a ton. Among the currently known land tortoises, the Galapagos elephant tortoises belong to the giant category, the length of the shell of which exceeds a meter, and the mass can be four centners.

The color of turtles, as a rule, is very modest, allowing the reptile to easily disguise itself as objects of the environment. However, there are also several types that are distinguished by a very bright and contrasting pattern. For example, the radiant tortoise in the central part of the armored scutes has a characteristic dark background with bright yellow spots located on it and numerous outgoing rays. The area of ​​the head and neck of the red-eared tortoise is decorated with a pattern represented by wavy lines and stripes, and bright red spots are located behind the eyes.

Character and lifestyle

Even despite the insufficient level of brain development, as a result of testing, it was possible to determine that the intelligence of the turtle shows quite high results. It should be noted that not only terrestrial, but also many freshwater species of turtles, including European marsh and Caspian turtles, took part in such experiments.

Turtles are reptiles leading a solitary lifestyle, but such animals need a society of their own kind with the onset of the mating season. Sometimes turtles gather for the wintering period in not too numerous groups. Some freshwater species, including toad turtles (Phrynops geoffroanus), are characterized by an aggressive reaction to the presence of their relatives, even outside the mating season.

How long do turtles live

Almost all existing species of turtles deservedly belong to the category of long-lived record holders among numerous vertebrates.

It is interesting! The well-known Radiant Madagascar tortoise named Tui Malila managed to live for almost two hundred years.

The age of such a reptile often exceeds a century. According to scientists, the turtle is able to live even two hundred or more years.

turtle shell

The carapace of the turtle is distinguished by a convex shape, represented by a bone base and a horn covering. The bone base of the carapace consists of eight pre-sacral vertebrae, as well as dorsal costal sections. Typical turtles have fifty plates of mixed origin.

The shape and number of such shields are a very important feature that allows you to determine the species of the turtle:

  • land species usually have a high, convex and very thick upper armor shield, which is associated with general indicators of intestinal volume. The dome-shaped form provides a significant internal space, facilitating the digestion of vegetable roughage;
  • burrowing land species have a more flattened elongated carapace, which helps the reptile to easily move inside the hole;
  • for various freshwater and sea turtles, the presence of a flattened, smooth and streamlined carapace, which has an oval, ovoid or teardrop shape, is most often characteristic, but the bone base may well be reduced;
  • soft-bodied species of turtles are distinguished by a very flat carapace, the bone base of which is always quite strongly reduced in the absence of horny scutes and the presence of a leathery coating on the shell;
  • the carapace in leatherback turtles does not have any fusion with the axial part of the skeleton, therefore it is formed by a mosaic of small bones combined with each other, which are covered by the skin;
  • some tortoises are characterized by a carapace in the presence of a well-formed, semi-flexible synarthrosis-type junction with cartilaginous tissues at the junctions of the plates.

The border of the armored horny scutes can be imprinted on the surface of the bone carapace, and the horny shell, or horn-type scutes, have names similar to the located bone plates.

Turtle species

Currently, more than three hundred species of turtles belonging to fourteen families are known. Some of these peculiar reptiles lead an exclusively land lifestyle, while the other part is characterized by excellent adaptation to the aquatic environment.

The following species live on the territory of our country:

  • big-headed turtles, or caretta, or (lat. Caretta caretta) - reaching a length of 75-95 cm with an average weight in the range of 80-200 kg. The species has a heart-shaped carapace, brownish, red-brown or olive in color. The plastron and bony bridge may be cream or yellowish in color. There are ten costal shields in the back region, and large shields also cover the massive head. The front flippers are equipped with a pair of claws;
  • leatherback turtles, or loot(lat. Dermochelys coriacea) is the only modern species belonging to the leatherback turtle family (Dermoshelyidae). Representatives are the largest modern turtles, having a body length of 260 cm with a front flipper span of 250 cm and a body weight of up to 890-915 kg;
  • Far Eastern turtles, or Chinese Trionics(lat. Relodiscus sinensis) - freshwater turtles, which are a member of the family Three-clawed soft-bodied turtles. In Asian countries, meat is widely eaten, so the reptile is an object for industrial breeding. The length of the carapace of an adult, as a rule, does not exceed a quarter of a meter, and the average weight is 4.0-4.5 kg;
  • European marsh turtles(lat. Emys orbicularis) - freshwater turtles with an oval, low and slightly convex, smooth carapace, which has a movable connection with the plastron through a narrow and elastic ligament. The length of an adult individual of this species is 12-35 cm with a body weight of one and a half kilograms;
  • Caspian turtles(lat. Mauremys caspisa) - reptiles belonging to the genus Aquatic turtles and the family of Asian freshwater turtles. The species is represented by three subspecies. An adult is characterized by a length of 28-30 cm and an oval-shaped carapace. Juveniles of this species are distinguished by a keeled carapace. Adult males have an elongated carapace with a somewhat concave plastron;
  • mediterranean, or Greek, or Caucasian tortoise(lat. Testudo grace) - a species that has a high and oval, slightly serrated carapace with a length of 33-35 cm, light olive or yellowish-brown in color with black spots. The front paws have four or five claws. The back side of the thighs is provided with a horny tubercle. Often a turtle of this species has an unpaired tail shield, the plastron of which is distinguished by a light color and dark spots.

On the territory of Kazakhstan and the countries of Central Asia, the Central Asian or steppe tortoise (Agrionemys horsfieldii) is often found. The species is characterized by a low, rounded, yellowish-brown shell with vague-type dark-colored spots. The carapace is divided into thirteen horny scutes, and the plastron is divided into sixteen scutes. The grooves present on the shields make it easy to determine the number of years lived by the turtle. The average length of the turtle does not exceed 15-20 cm, and females of this species, as a rule, are noticeably larger than males.

Range, habitats

The range and habitats of different species of turtles are very diverse:

  • elephant turtle (Chelonoidis elerhantorus) - Galapagos Islands;
  • Egyptian tortoise (Testudo kleinmanni) - the northern part of Africa and the countries of the Middle East;
  • (Testudo (Agrionemys) horsfieldii) - Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan, as well as Tajikistan and Afghanistan, Lebanon and Syria, the north-eastern part of Iran, the north-west of India and Pakistan;
  • or ( Geochelone pardalis) - countries of Africa;
  • Cape tortoise (Homorus Signatus) - South Africa and the southern part of Namibia;
  • painted or decorated turtle (Chrysemys rista) – Canada and USA;
  • (Emys orbicularis) - the countries of Europe and Asia, the territory of the Caucasus;
  • or ( Trachemys scripta) - the USA and Canada, the northwestern part of South America, including the north of Colombia and Venezuela;
  • (Сhelydra serpentina) - the United States and the southeastern part of Canada.

The inhabitants of the seas and oceans are real carriage (Heretmoshelys imbricata), (Dermochelys coriacea), Green soup turtle (Сhelonia mydas). Freshwater reptiles live in rivers, lakes and swamps of the temperate Eurasian zone, and also inhabit water bodies in Africa, South America, Europe and Asia.

Turtle Diet

The food preferences of turtles directly depend on the species characteristics and habitat of such a reptile. The basis of nutrition of land turtles is represented by plant foods, including young branches of various trees, vegetables and fruits, grass and mushrooms, and to replenish the amount of protein, such animals eat snails, slugs or worms. The need for water is often satisfied in the process of eating the succulent parts of plants.

Freshwater and sea turtles can be classified as typical predators that feed on small fish, frogs, snails and crustaceans, bird eggs, insects, various mollusks and arthropods. Plant foods are eaten in small quantities. Herbivorous individuals are also characterized by eating animal food. There are also species of freshwater turtles that, as they grow older, switch to eating plant foods. Omnivorous sea turtles are also well studied.

Reproduction and offspring

With the onset of the mating season, adult male turtles arrange traditional tournament fights and fights among themselves for the right to mate with the female. Land tortoises at such a time pursue their rival and try to turn him over by biting or hitting the front of the shell. Aquatic species in battles prefer biting and chasing an opponent. Subsequent courtship allows the female to assume the most comfortable mating position.

Males belonging to some species, in the process of mating, are able to make rather primitive sounds. All known species of modern turtles are oviparous animals, so the females lay their eggs inside a pitcher-shaped hole dug with their hind legs and moistened with a liquid secreted by the cloaca.

A hole with white spherical or elliptical eggs is filled up, and the soil is compacted with the help of plastron blows. Sea turtles and some side-necked turtles lay eggs covered with a soft and leathery shell. The number of eggs varies among representatives of different species and can range from 1 to 200 pieces.

It is interesting! Giant tortoises (Megaloshelys gigantea) have behavioral mechanisms that regulate population size by the number of eggs laid annually.

Many turtles have several clutches during one season, and the incubation period, as a rule, lasts from two months to six months. An exception that takes care of its offspring is the brown turtle (Manouria emys), the females of which guard the nest with oviposition until the cubs are born. Also interesting is the behavior of the Bahamian decorated tortoise (Pseudemys malonei), which digs up the egg-laying and facilitates the exit of the cubs.

The Galapagos tortoise is most commonly referred to as the elephant tortoise. The life expectancy of these reptiles is very long. There are cases when elephant turtles lived up to 400 years or more. The areas of distribution of the large Galapagos tortoise are savannahs, broad-leaved forests and shrub plains located in a tropical natural zone.


The shell of an elephant tortoise can reach 1.5 m in length and 0.5 m in height. The body weight of adults is from 150 to 400 kg.

Sexual dimorphism is pronounced: males are much larger than females. The paws of the elephant tortoise are strong and thick, with short powerful fingers.

Compared to water turtles, land turtles are not as agile, so in case of danger they hide inside the shell, rather than flee.

There are no webbing between the fingers. The neck is thin. The dorsal carapace is black, covered with small, weakly expressed mounds. In adults, the shell is covered with lichen.

Galopagos tortoise


Elephant turtles are herbivores. Their diet includes grass, green parts of plants. Turtles that live on the lava plains of the Galapagos get their food on the plateaus formed on the site of an extinct volcano. Such plateaus provide turtles with an abundance of fresh water that accumulates in the depressions of the volcano.

The large size of the elephant tortoise makes it impossible to keep it at home.

Turtle mediterranean

The Mediterranean tortoise is a small land animal, the size of which in adulthood does not exceed 25–28 cm.

Under natural conditions, this species is found in the Mediterranean countries, from where the name of the turtle comes from, as well as in Iran, Iraq, Georgia, Azerbaijan and on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus.

In the Caucasus and Transcaucasia, Mediterranean tortoises live in steppes, semi-deserts and on the slopes of mountains covered with bushes, and on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus - in forests. Sometimes Mediterranean tortoises live in fields and vineyards.


The shell of this species is strong, well developed, convex, covering the entire body. The scutes of the carapace form a complex pattern in the form of irregular rings, dark along the outer edge.

The older the turtle, the more rings on its shell, although their number does not correspond to the exact number of years of the animal.


The most active Mediterranean tortoises

they show during the day, but in the summer, in hot weather, in the middle of the day, they often hide in the forest under fallen leaves and branches, and burrow into the ground in the steppe. In cool weather, in spring or autumn, turtles crawl out into the open to bask in the sun.

These animals are quite slow, but in the spring, during the breeding season, they often have to travel considerable distances. The Mediterranean tortoise feeds mainly on plant foods, occasionally eating worms, snails or insects.

For the winter, animals take refuge in crevices, small depressions between tree roots, or burrow into the ground. They come out of hibernation in March.

After waking up, the turtles begin mating games that take place in open spaces. The male during the games comes close to the female, hides his head and taps the edge of the shell on the shell of the female.

In June-July, females begin to lay their eggs in specially dug holes. During the summer, turtles lay eggs on average 3 times. Each clutch contains 3-8 white eggs. The tortoise lays eggs and fills it with soil and rams its surface, passing over it several times.

mediterranean tortoise

After 70–80 days, cubs are born. Since young turtles hatch from their eggs in late summer or autumn, most of them do not crawl out to the surface, but burrow into the ground and hibernate until spring.

Mediterranean tortoises, especially young ones, in which the shell is still soft, often become easy prey for predatory animals and birds. In many ways, people contribute to the decrease in the number of Mediterranean tortoises, catching them in large numbers and destroying their natural habitat. Therefore, you should not take home very small turtles, which practically do not survive in such conditions. Preference should be given to adults and sufficiently developed individuals.

coal turtle

The coal turtle is also called the red-footed turtle. It lives mainly in the forests of Venezuela, Brazil, Paraguay, Guiana, Northern Argentina and Bolivia.

In length, an adult reaches 55 cm.


Coal turtles lay their eggs in autumn. In clutch there are from 5 to 15 eggs. The duration of the incubation period is 3.5–6 months at an ambient temperature of 26–30 °C.

coal turtle

The coal turtle is an omnivore. When animals are kept in captivity, they are fed fruits (apples, pears, plums, bananas, oranges), vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, cabbage), chicken or lean beef, and even dry cat food.

Particular attention is paid to the temperature in the terrarium, which should not be lower than 27 ° C, and to humidity - a sufficiently high one is required.

turtle leopard

The leopard tortoise is common in the territories adjacent to the Sahara. Some populations live in South Sudan, East Africa, Botswana, Ethiopia, South West Africa.


The carapace is high, rounded, up to 60 cm long, light brown in color with small dark spots. Animals are easy to distinguish by gender: males are much larger than females. Old individuals can weigh up to 35 kg.

leopard turtle


The leopard tortoise mainly lives in deserts, semi-deserts, plains with thorny bushes, some populations are found in mountainous areas.

The diet of the leopard tortoise is food of plant origin (prickly pear, aloe, euphorbia, thistle).

The terrarium where leopard turtles are kept must be equipped with an artificial reservoir.

Since this species of turtle does not tolerate the effect of low temperatures, the lamp in their terrarium should be turned on all the time during the cold season.

Yellow-footed turtle, or shabuti

Shabuti turtles are common in South America east of the Andes, on the island of Trinidad, in Venezuela, Brazil, Paraguay, Peru and Guiana. In recent years, the number of yellow-footed tortoises has declined significantly.

In captivity, shabuti adapt to the most adverse conditions.


The carapace reaches a length of 60 cm, in nature there are individuals with a length of 1 m or more. The carapace is convex, oblong, the carapace is fixedly connected to the plastron. On the plastron and carapace there are many thick, large horny scutes.


The head and limbs are dark grey, almost black. In many individuals, the limbs are colored yellow, which is why the turtles got their name. However, there are individuals with orange and red legs, which is why they are often confused with red-footed turtles.

Turtle radiant

Previously, this turtle was called the steppe turtle and was assigned to the genus Testudo, but then it was separated into a separate genus, which includes only one species.

Radiant turtles live in Madagascar. Until the end of the first quarter of the 20th century, these animals lived in prickly pear thickets, but after the Dactylopus coccus beetles, which actively reproduced at that time, destroyed most of the plants, the turtles had to change their habitats.


The radiant tortoise is considered one of the most beautiful tortoises in the world. This is a fairly large land animal up to 40 cm long and weighing 15–18 kg, with a very high, domed carapace.


The yellow-footed tortoise lives in tropical forests. The main part of her diet is plant foods: fruits and green parts of plants.

The female arranges a nest in a pile of fallen leaves and buries 4-12 eggs covered with calcareous shells there.

The scutes of the carapace are black or dark brown, on each of them there is a yellowish spot resembling a star shape with rays diverging to the edges. The head and limbs are yellowish, the upper part of the head, muzzle and neck are black, there is a bright yellow spot on the back of the head. Elephant limbs. Male ray turtles have long tails and a notch in the plastron at the base of the tail.

LIFESTYLE Under natural conditions, radiant tortoises live in arid areas with scrub vegetation, most often in wooded areas in southern Madagascar. Recently, the number of these animals in nature has decreased significantly, as they are often used for cooking. Since 1979, radiant turtles have been bred at the Wildlife Recreational Center. So, from 500 eggs laid by turtles, about 300 cubs were bred.

radiant turtle

The mating season for radiant turtles begins in early spring, and offspring appear in September. During mating games, the male walks in circles around the female, trying to pry off her shell with his own, while making sounds reminiscent of clucking. The male shakes his head and sniffs the cloaca and hind legs of the female.

Sometimes he lifts the female with the front of his carapace to restrict her movements. Females choose males with a carapace length of at least 33 cm.

Females lay approximately 4-12 eggs in a pre-dug hole 15–20 cm deep. The incubation period is 145–230 days. The shell length of newly hatched turtles does not exceed 3 cm.

Central Asian turtle

The Central Asian tortoise lives in the countries of Central Asia, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran. On the territory of Russia, this animal is found on the northeastern coast of the Caspian Sea.

Inhabits mainly desert and semi-desert areas, as well as mountainous areas.


The shell of the Central Asian tortoise is round, not too high, yellowish-brown in color, with dark spots. The carapace consists of 13 scutes, the plastron of 16. There are 25 scutes on the sides of the carapace. On each shield of the carapace there are grooves, the number of which corresponds to the exact number of years of the turtle.

The plastron of males is slightly concave. The length of the shell of this species in some cases can reach 28 cm, but most often it is not more than 20 cm. Males of the Central Asian tortoise are usually smaller than females.

Central Asian tortoise


The Central Asian tortoise in its natural habitat usually hibernates twice - in winter and during the summer heat. Before falling asleep, turtles dig holes, the depth of which can sometimes reach 2 m. In captivity, these reptiles rarely hibernate. In March-April, turtles come out of hibernation and start mating. From April to July, females make 2-3 clutches, each of which contains from 2 to 6 eggs. The duration of the incubation period is 80-110 days.

These animals reach puberty in the 10th year of life.

panther turtle

The panther tortoise belongs to the group of terrestrial tortoises and is quite large in size.

Panther tortoises are native to South and East Africa. These animals live in various areas, both in the savannas and in the mountains; moreover, turtles living in highland areas are usually larger than their flatland relatives. These reptiles are distributed mostly in North America.


The length of the carapace of an adult can reach 70 cm, and weight - 45-50 kg, so you should keep the panther tortoise in captivity only if it is possible to provide it with a sufficiently spacious terrarium.

The shape of the carapace in this species, like in most land turtles, is domed. The color of the shell is dull yellow. In young individuals, the scutes are decorated with dark brown patterns, which in some cases look like rectangles connected by a common center. With age, the pattern becomes more faded, and the lines are bent.

The shell shields are uneven, shaped like asymmetrical pyramids. The carapace is brown, uneven, with a keel, its length is 13–23 cm. The plastron is yellow, with black spots on the outer edges of the scutes.

The neck and forelimbs of the turtle are often reddish or orange in color.


The diet of panther tortoises is dominated by animal food. Sometimes turtles eat green parts of plants and ripe fruits.

panther tortoise

The mating season for this species is in autumn. In September and October, males win the females they have chosen, while females also take an active part in mating competitions.

The eggs of these animals are spherical, with a hard shell, with a diameter of 2.5 to 5 cm. Each clutch contains from 6 to 13 eggs. The duration of the incubation period is, depending on the ambient temperature, from 189 to 440 days.

Indian star tortoise

Indian star tortoises live in India and on the island of Sri Lanka. Individuals are found on the small islands of Karaduwa and Ramaswaran.


The carapace is black, painted with yellow lines emanating in the form of rays from each shield. The pattern on the shell resembles a large star. The scutes on the shell are relief-convex, protruding in the form of a pyramid.

Indian star tortoise

Sexual dimorphism is pronounced: females are much larger than males. The largest male reaches only 15 cm in length, and the female - 25 cm. The shell of females is wider than that of males. The shell length of newborn babies is only 3 cm, but during the first 6 months of life, turtles grow their shell by about one third.


Under natural habitat, the mating season for Indian star tortoises begins in June and usually lasts until mid-October.

At this time, the males fight each other, trying to turn the opponent upside down. During the year, the female makes three clutches of 4–6 eggs.

The incubation period is 100 days at 28°C.

In warm weather, adult turtles are sure to arrange a corral in the open air in an area with diffused sunlight. In rain or extreme heat, turtles are moved indoors.

In captivity, Indian star tortoises are kept in a fairly spacious enclosure with bedding of dry grass or sawdust. A large cardboard box with a hole cut into it is installed as a shelter.

Turtles require daily bathing, so a large container of water is installed in the aviary, which is changed daily.

The diet of Indian star tortoises is made up of food of plant origin. Occasionally, you can give dry food for dogs and turtles, meat products and eggs.

Turtle Balkan

The Balkan tortoise is a small land animal that lives in southern Europe. In nature, this species is currently rare, but in European countries there are special farms where animals are bred artificially.

There are two subspecies of the Balkan tortoise - western and eastern. The latter differs from the former in large dimensions.


A distinctive feature of the Balkan tortoise is a long conical spike on the tail.

The carapace is small in size, most often 14–16 cm. In young individuals, it is colored brownish-yellow, and in adults it is dark in color with a bright yellow border around the edge.

Under natural habitat conditions, the Balkan tortoise prefers to settle in dry steppes and shrubs.

Balkan tortoise

Turtle stellate

The star tortoise is a land animal that lives on the Hindustan Peninsula, in Sri Lanka and nearby islands.


The name of this species was due to the pattern on the shell in the shape of a star with rays diverging from the center to the edges.

star turtle

The background of the carapace is black or dark brown, and the color of the star is yellow. The carapace of females is wider than that of males, and the costal and vertebral scutes stand out more clearly. The caudal shield is shorter in females. The length of the carapace of males does not exceed 15 cm, and that of females - 25 cm.


Star turtles are most active in the morning and evening, preferring to rest in shaded areas during the day and sleep at night. When it rains, they go out into open areas.

The breeding season for star tortoises is during the rainy season, from June to October. During this period, females make 2-3 clutches, each of which contains 3-6 eggs.

Eggs develop, depending on weather conditions, 45-147 days. Young turtles do not have a star pattern on their shells; they may have either a yellow or orange carapace with a yellow stripe along the spine. On the carapace of young individuals there are black spots resembling blots, and on the plastron there are five pairs of black spots located at the junction of the scutes.

Egyptian turtle

The Egyptian tortoise is one of the smallest species of these animals. The maximum length of the carapace does not exceed 12.7 cm in females and 11.5 cm in males.

The Egyptian tortoise is found only on a small stretch of the Mediterranean coast between Libya and Israel.


Outwardly, the Egyptian tortoise is very similar to the Mediterranean one, however, the spots on the plastron of the first are located only in the region of the abdominal scutes, while in the second they cover the entire plastron. In addition, Egyptian tortoises do not have growths on their feet.

Egyptian tortoise

In the back of the plastron, the female Egyptian tortoise has an elastic ligament that allows you to cover your hind limbs and tail with a shield. In males, this ligament is ossified.


Under natural conditions, Egyptian tortoises hibernate during the hot season, from June to September, and from autumn to spring they lead an active lifestyle.

Animals begin to mate in March. During the mating season, both females and males make peculiar sounds. Females lay 1-3 eggs in small holes up to 5 cm deep. The eggs mature in about 3 months, but there are cases when the incubation period lasted 10 months.

Flat-tailed turtle, or capidolo

The flat-tailed turtle is found only in Madagascar. This small animal is often kept in a home terrarium.


The carapace of this animal is elongated, with large yellow scutes, 12 cm long. The scutes have yellowish or light brown spots, around which black stripes crossed by light ones pass.


On the marginal shields, the stripes are vertical, light.

The plastron is light, with dark spots, without an elastic ligament.

The head of the turtles is painted black or dark brown, the limbs are yellow. The tail is flat, with a nail-like outgrowth at the end.


The capidolo hibernates during the hot months, and the period of activity in animals falls on the rainy season.

Female flat-tailed turtles usually lay only one fairly large egg.

Desert tortoise, or Western desert gopher

The desert tortoise, or the western desert gopher as it is sometimes called, lives in the deserts of North America. Also found in southwestern Utah, southern Nevada, Arizona, the Mayave and Sonoran deserts.

Most often it can be found in areas overgrown with shrubs with fairly loose soil. Life expectancy of 100 years or more.

Gopher or desert tortoise


The carapace is domed, as in most tortoises, low and rather wide, and can be up to 38 cm long. The color of the carapace is brown, with dark patterns, the plastron is yellow, and the marginal scutes are serrated.

The limbs are large and very powerful. Males have elongated throat shields, which they use in mating competitions.

The head is large, on the paws there are often horny growths that look like spurs. Males are smaller than females, marginal shields on their carapace are pointed.


The gopher tortoise spends most of its life in a hole up to 9-10 m deep. It moves rather slowly. It is most active at night and early in the morning.

The diet consists of leaves of shrubs and grass. Despite the fact that turtles can go without food for a long time, captive turtles are recommended to be fed 2 times a day.

The breeding season lasts from November to March, the female usually lays eggs in March.

The female desert tortoise digs a nest hole in the sandy soil, where she then lays 4 to 12 round white eggs. The incubation period lasts about 4 months.

The shell of newborn cubs is soft, which makes them easy prey for other animals and birds of prey. As the turtles mature, it gradually hardens.

Turtle yellow, or oblong

These turtles are common in Asia, they are found from Nepal to Malaysia: in India, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Kampuchea, in southern China. Quite often imported for sale from Vietnam to China.

Currently, the number of these turtles has decreased significantly, in a number of countries this species is under protection.


The length of the yellow turtle is about 30 cm, body weight is not more than 3.5 kg. Sexual dimorphism is pronounced: the shell in males is convex, while in females it is flat. On the hind limbs, females have long claws adapted for digging the ground.

The color of yellow turtles is light or dark yellow, on each shield there is a black spot. Sometimes there are individuals of black or light color without spots.

The head of animals is yellowish, during the breeding season, both in females and in males, a pinkish color appears around the eyes and nose.


The yellow tortoise lives in humid forests, but can sometimes be found in drier areas.

It shows the greatest activity in the dark: at this time it hunts and eats food. These turtles tolerate low temperatures well, become active at a temperature of 20 ° C, but in the morning they like to bask in the sun. On hot days they become lethargic, try to hide in the shade.

yellow tortoise

Females become sexually mature, having reached a length of 23 cm. A pair of turtles is kept in a fairly large aqua terrarium (5 x 3 m).

During the mating season, the male becomes aggressive, so when keeping turtles in captivity, a couple from which they hope to get offspring are planted. The behavior of reptiles must be monitored: the male can inadvertently injure the female by biting her head, paws and tail.

The female about to lay her eggs becomes active, tries to get out of the enclosure in search of a nest, often stops and sniffs the ground. As a rule, she chooses a wet patch of land, devoid of vegetation, and digs a hole there 15–20 cm deep. During the season, the female makes 3 clutches of 2–4 eggs each.

Laid eggs are carefully transferred to an incubator with an air temperature of at least 28 ° C. The incubation period is 130–190 days at 28°C. Body length of newborns is 50–55 mm, weight is 30–35 g.

Hatched cubs are kept separately, fed with protein-rich food, and only at the age of 9 months are transferred to a large terrarium.

steppe turtle

Contrary to its name, the steppe tortoise does not live in the steppes, but in clay and sandy deserts, and occasionally settles on economic lands.

Distributed in South Kazakhstan and on the plains of Central Asia.


The length of the carapace is about 18 cm, in some adults up to 30 cm. The carapace is low, rounded, yellowish-brown, with blurry dark spots.


These turtles are most active during daylight hours.

They hibernate during the hottest time of the year - in July-August. The mating season for steppe turtles begins in February, and in April the females lay their eggs.

In one clutch there are from 2 to 6 eggs. The incubation period lasts 60-65 days. Males reach sexual maturity after 6 years, and females - after 12.

Large pebbles, shell rock are used as soil. Smaller soil turtles often eat. Also, one part of a sawn in half and inverted ceramic pot is installed in the terrarium.

steppe turtle

Adult turtles are sprayed once a day with a spray bottle, preventing the soil from getting wet. It is best to take them out of the terrarium at this time. With the onset of warm days, turtles are transferred to the pen in the open air.

In captivity, adult steppe tortoises are fed no more than 2-3 times a week, young ones - daily. The diet of these reptiles is varied: they can be given grass (plantain, lawn grass, coltsfoot, clover, dandelion), berries (strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries) and almost all kinds of fruits.

Moorish tortoise

The Latin name for the Moorish tortoise is Testudo graeca, or Greek tortoise. Carl Linnaeus described this species in 1758, suggesting that it comes from Greece. In fact, these turtles are most widely distributed in the territory from North Africa to Western Asia, inclusive, so the German name of the species - Mauritanian tortoise - is considered more correct.

Currently, the number of these animals has reached a critical level, so the Mauritanian tortoise is included in the Red Book of Russia.


The length of an adult is 20–30 cm; there is a shield on the shell above the tail. The color of the shell is dark yellow with dark spots. Paws are yellow-brown with dark spots.

Mauritanian tortoise


The diet of the Moorish tortoise is food of plant origin.

Animals are most active in the morning and evening hours, and during the day they hide in dense thickets of shrubs or other shady places.

Turtle Chaco

Despite the fact that the Latin name for the Chaco tortoise is the Chilean tortoise, it is not found in Chile.

Distributed in South America: in southwestern Bolivia, northwestern Argentina and western Paraguay. Homeland - Argentina and Paraguay.


The Chaco turtle looks like a gopher turtle. The length of the carapace of an adult animal reaches 20 cm. This is the smallest tortoise of the Geochelone genus, which also includes the giant Galopagos tortoise.


Chaco turtles live in dry deserts overgrown with shrubs and grass. They mostly spend their time in burrows. So, in the north of Patagonia, where the temperature in winter sometimes reaches -10 ° C, animals hibernate in deep burrows.

The mating season lasts from November to December. In February, the females lay their eggs in nests they dig in the sand. The incubation period is 125–365 days.

Chaco turtles feed on both plant (grass, fruits, cacti) and animal (insects and their larvae) food.

Kinix Homo

Turtles of the kinix genus live in tropical rainforests and scrublands of Tropical Africa and on the island of Madagascar.

The length of the carapace of an adult is about 25–30 cm. The carapace is convex, with strongly serrated edges. The rear third of the carapace is very mobile, covering the body from behind.

Kiniks Homa is common in Côte d, Ivoire (the old name is Ivory Coast), Congo, Nigeria.

Some species settle along the banks of reservoirs and swamps, others - in arid plains overgrown with grass and shrubs. Usually they lead a hidden lifestyle, they are most active at sunrise and sunset. They like to bask in the sun for a long time after swimming, while simultaneously producing vitamin D in the body.

Under natural habitat conditions, they never hibernate.


The head is light, the eyes are large. The carapace has an angular outline with a pronounced angle in the back. The general color is brown.


The diet of the kinix Homa is made up of snails, slugs, various insects, and plants. In captivity, turtles eat fruits, vegetables, flour and earthworms, and occasionally specialized dry food for turtles.

In a terrarium where turtles are kept, there should be high humidity. If the air is dry, the animals hibernate, after which they become lethargic and soon die.

Turtles of this species do not tolerate bright sunlight, so they arrange an open-air aviary only in the shade.

Dry food for dogs should not be given to kinik-sam, and food of animal origin should be added to food no more than 1 time per week. Pregnant females and calves should be given a turtle calcium supplement daily.

Schweiger turtle

Schweiger's tortoises are widely distributed in the evergreen forests of West Africa. They live along the banks of water bodies and in humid tropical jungles.

APPEARANCE Schweiger's tortoise is the largest among other representatives of this genus. The length of the carapace of an adult reaches almost 30 cm.

The color of the carapace is rusty-brown, with light spots on the central plates and a border along the extreme plates.

Males differ from females in their long thick tails.

Schweiger turtles are kept in conditions of high humidity. Unlike other species, these animals are undemanding to lighting.

For animals, a spacious terrarium is equipped with shelter - a cardboard box with a hole or a piece of tree bark bent in half.

Be sure to take care of an artificial reservoir. It may be shallow, but the water in it must be constantly changing.

The Schweiger turtle is undemanding to food: it can be fed with grass, fruits, small invertebrates.

Once a week, animals are given mineral supplements for turtles or, as a substitute, pork or beef bones.

Mating in turtles of this species occurs throughout the year. The mating behavior of the male is very interesting: he walks around the female in circles, suddenly knocking her over on her back. A fertilized female eats a lot, is almost constantly in the water.

After 4 months, the female is given a shelter in a terrarium - a small cardboard box with a closed top, a layer of sand is necessarily poured inside, in which the turtle will lay its eggs.

The eggs are carefully transferred to an incubator at 30°C. The incubation period is 130–157 days.

Hatched cubs are transferred to a special "children's" terrarium with the same shelter from the bark. Young individuals are fed bananas, pears, cucumbers, peaches and finely chopped earthworms.

Asian turtle

Asian tortoises are widespread in the mountainous regions of Northern Vietnam (from the Vietnamese language, its name can be translated as "three-tailed tortoise"). Also found in Malaysia, Thailand.

The plastron of these animals is used in Chinese traditional medicine. Currently, the number of these turtles has declined significantly.


The color of the carapace is grayish-brown, sometimes orange, with a dark border on the plates. The limbs are dark, the head is light. Individuals living in Malaysia are brown in color. The plastron is light yellow, with a dark spot on each plate.


Asian turtles live in forests and highlands. They feed on bamboo shoots and other plants.

The mating season begins in the rainy season.

The greatest activity of the young Schweiger tortoises is shown in the morning hours, during the day they rest in the shelter, in the evening they crawl out again to eat.

In captivity, Asian tortoises are often sick, poorly fed, and usually die within a few weeks of being caught.

Many lovers who have achieved certain results in keeping reptiles are advised to give animals juicy fruits (mango, guava, black grapes, bananas) as food.

Asian turtle

Turtle Hermann

Hermann's tortoises are widespread in Southeast Europe, Southern California, Southern Italy, Albania, Greece, and the Balkans. The second population lives in the north of Spain, the south of France and some islands of the Western Mediterranean.

About 10-15 years ago, these turtles were often exported to the UK and many other countries, where they could not acclimatize. Currently, the number of these turtles has recovered.


Young animals have a bright yellow pattern on the carapace, darkening with age. The inhabitants of Italy, France and the Mediterranean islands are colored brighter than the representatives of the second variety. They have red spots and specks on the plastron.


Under natural conditions, the female arranges a nest on the slopes, in which she lays from 2 to 12 eggs.

The incubation period, depending on the temperature, is 90-120 days. Newborn cubs are just as brightly colored as adults. Already on the third day after birth, they begin to forage.

In captivity, Hermann's tortoises eat plant food, as well as snails and slugs. Particular preference is given to strawberries, figs and snails.

Evgeny Sedov

When hands grow from the right place, life is more fun :)


Exotic pets are a popular trend. The land tortoise, when kept at home, will not bring any special worries to the owners if they initially create the proper conditions, and then follow the diet and carry out animal care procedures. There is practically no noise and smell from these reptiles, and with proper care they live for several decades.

Who is a land tortoise

The animal got its name for its strong shell, it comes from the Latin Testudinidae - brick, tile. A hard shell covers the back (carapace) and belly (plastron). It serves as a shell for protection, withstands a load that is 200 times the weight of a turtle. The size of an individual depends on the species. There are both very small representatives up to 10 cm long, and giants up to 900 kg. The limbs are shaped to hide compactly inside the shell. Almost all species have a tail, and at its end there is a spur. Reptiles have well-developed hearing and color vision, which helps them to get food.

The main types of land turtles:

  1. Leopard - reaches 50 kg in weight, high shell has a spotted color.
  2. The Central Asian tortoise is a small reptile, reaching a length of up to 20 cm. Its shell has a rounded shape of yellow-brown tones. The most common option for home maintenance due to the unpretentiousness of care. It is also called the steppe tortoise.
  3. Asian - has two subspecies: depressed and brown turtle.
  4. Mediterranean - common in Europe, up to 35 cm long.
  5. Radiant - got its name for the characteristic geometrically regular yellow lines on the coal shell, a rare species from the Madagascar Islands.

Where does he live

Land species prefer steppe, desert and semi-desert terrain. They can be found in the following geographical areas:

  • savannah and desert Africa;
  • in North and South America;
  • Asian and European countries: India, Greece, Uzbekistan, Russia, Kazakhstan and others;
  • in Australia and nearby islands.

How many lives

The lifespan of a reptile depends on the living conditions and species. Answering the question of how long land turtles live, it is worth mentioning that under natural conditions, some individuals have reached the age of over 100 years. At home, everything depends on the conditions of detention. The more varied the diet and the more competent care, the longer the pet will live. Age can reach more than 30 years.

Photo of a land turtle

Land turtle at home

For apartment keeping of a reptile, it is important to create a comfortable environment by organizing a terrarium. It is worth considering the features of the life of turtles:

  • animals molt, exfoliation of the old cover occurs in small quantities on the skin;
  • may go into hibernation. Under natural conditions, this is due to a change in temperature and a lack of food;
  • they do not like drafts, they can easily catch a cold.

What to feed

In the wild, the steppe tortoise feeds on plant foods, supplementing the diet with protein elements: snails, worms, slugs. Feeding in an unnatural environment should be as close as possible to the usual menu. Considering how to feed a land tortoise at home, make up a diet so that it includes not only grass, vegetables and fruits, but also feeding protein foods - small insects and meat.

The summer menu may include fresh seasonal products: clover, mushrooms, zucchini, dandelions, cucumbers, radishes, berries, sorrel, pumpkin. For the winter period, the basis of nutrition is steamed straw, available vegetables: cabbage, carrots, beets. Pets also need to be given fruits so that the body receives a sufficient amount of vitamins. The menu should contain special foods with calcium. It can be bone meal or ground eggshells. Land pets satisfy the need for water from juicy food. Feeding is carried out 1 time per day.

How to care

It won't take much effort. Caring for a tortoise at home is simple. For a comfortable habitat, it is necessary to equip the terrarium, where it will be most of the time. Periodically release the pet for a walk around the apartment. Turtles are famous for their slow terrestrial movement, so it will be easy for you to follow her movements.

When considering how to care for a land tortoise, keep in mind that the reptile sheds. For the period of changing the cover, it is necessary to bathe the animal with a weak soda solution. It is necessary to cut the claws using a special nail cutter for this. In winter, turtles may not have enough ultraviolet light, for this they are irradiated with quartz lamps, avoiding the rays from getting into their eyes.

Turtle terrarium

It is not allowed to permanently keep the reptile on the usual floor covering. You can organize an aviary for walking by fencing the area. A turtle terrarium is an aquarium with a special substrate. The ratio of the length and width of the base must be chosen based on the size of the largest individual. Dimensions should be 2-3 times larger than the reptile. The minimum length of an adult steppe tortoise is 20 cm, so the dimensions start from 100x50x30 cm.

The pallet is filled with gravel, sawdust or sand, which will have to be changed as it gets dirty. On the territory of the terrarium, it is important to arrange a bathing area so that the pet can take a bath. Observe an acceptable temperature regime of 25-35 degrees and sufficient lighting with a fluorescent lamp. With a lack of heat, the reptile can go into hibernation. The humidity in the aquarium should be low, and the turtles themselves should be sprayed once a day with a spray bottle.

turtle house

It is worth organizing a shelter for a pet in a terrarium. It is intended for overnight stays. For this you can:

  • cut a hole in a plastic non-toxic box;
  • build a house from boards;
  • use half of the flower pot.

Diseases of land turtles

Mostly pets get sick due to improper care or maintenance errors. The most common diseases, manifestations and how to treat them:

4. Conjunctivitis is manifested by tearfulness and redness of the eyes. Avoid drafts, and use drops in case of illness.


The continuation of the genus in turtles requires special conditions. Mating is carried out in the spring, when the reptile has completed wintering. Successful breeding involves keeping one male and several females. They are kept separately, for reproduction it is necessary to move individuals of two sexes to each other so that they get used to a companion. Reptiles lay eggs from which offspring are produced. The incubation period is from 2 to 6 months, depending on the species.


You can find out how much a land tortoise costs by deciding on the species. The cheapest way to buy a Central Asian reptile. Exotic species of turtles will cost more. The price of such a pet ranges from 500 to 2000 rubles. The sale is offered by both specialized stores and private individuals who are engaged in breeding.

How to choose a land tortoise

For home breeding, Central Asian (steppe) individuals are chosen. They are small in size - up to 20 cm long. The color of the shell of a young individual is in yellow tones with round brown spots. Pay attention to activity. The turtle is awake in the morning and evening, and rests in the shelter day and night. The animal must look healthy, have no defects in the skin.

How to determine gender

Main gender differences:

  1. The shell shape is more elongated in the male.
  2. Plastron (lower part of the shell) - in the male, near the tail, it has a concave shape, which ensures mating. In females, the plastron is straight, so necessary for carrying eggs.
  3. Male turtles have a V-shaped notch on the top of the shell near the tail.


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Amazing variety of land turtles. There are crumbs among them, which, no matter how much they grow, will not grow more than 10 cm. There are also heavyweights - up to half a ton. And there are ordinary species and subspecies ... It is called Central Asian, Steppe, Russian. She is the Horsfield Turtle.

Central Asian, Steppe tortoise (Testudo horsfieldii, Agrionemys horsfieldii) - semi-deserts of Central Asia. It is found both in South Kazakhstan and in India. Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan are states where you can also see these reptiles. In Russia, the Central Asian or steppe tortoise is extremely rare and has been seen near the northeastern coast of the Caspian Sea and in the south of the Orenburg region.

River valleys, sandy and clay deserts and semi-deserts, and even fields and agricultural lands are the "home" for this species of turtles. It was also found in the foothills and mountains (up to 1200 m). This confirms the evidence that Central Asian tortoises can move perfectly along steep steeps.


A low shell from 3 to 20-25 cm long. Rounded and slightly flattened at the very top, similar to a pie. The color of the carapace is brown-yellow-olive with vague outlines of dark spots - the color of the soil where it is found. The plastron is dark in color and has 16 horny scutes. The carapace also has 13 horny scutes, with grooves on each. Their number corresponds to the approximate age of the turtle. 25 shields are located on the sides. On the front paws there are 4 clawed fingers.

The male on the back of the thigh has 1 horny tubercle. The female has 3-5. Females are always larger than males. Hooked upper jaw. With favorable conditions, it can live 40-50 years. The Central Asian tortoise grows throughout its life.


In its natural environment, the Central Asian tortoise feeds mainly on vegetation: perennial grasses and shrub shoots, gourds, berries, and occasionally fruit carrion.

At home, turtles are useful. Greens, lettuce, coarse fiber (dry grasses and hay), leaves of edible plants should make up about 80% of the total nutritious diet. About 15% vegetables. Fruit - 5%.

It is better not to feed the turtle from the hands. And it is advisable to put the chopped food in a bowl or specially adapted "lunch" surfaces to prevent swallowing the soil.

Young turtles are fed daily. Turtles "aged" - once every 2-3 days (individuals whose size according to the plastron is 10 cm or more). The amount of food should be given within reasonable limits, usually from ½ the size of the shell, until the turtle is saturated.

In nature, the steppe or Central Asian tortoise lives in arid conditions with sparse vegetation. Therefore, when compiling a diet, one must take into account that very sweet and overly juicy foods are not natural for them and can cause fermentation in the stomach. Plant diversity of feed should be moderate!

Do not feed turtles cat or dog food. "Human food" - meat and fish, bread and milk, cottage cheese, eggs is also not recommended to feed the animal.

In a terrarium where a pet lives, it is desirable to have a source of calcium. It might be sepia. And powdered vitamin supplements. Many companies produce such drugs, there are plenty to choose from.

The turtle does not need regular water. Water bowls in the terrarium are not required, as they can be trampled, spilled, turned upside down. But excessive humidity in the "turtle house" is highly undesirable.


In nature, only by the age of 10, this type of reptile reaches sexual maturity, and females are later than males. In early spring, when the steppe turtles have a mating season, in their habitats, the sound of shells and the hoarse cries of males caring for their chosen ones are heard.

In captivity, the sexual maturity of animals occurs at the age of 5-6 years. The time for laying eggs in dense soil or slightly damp sand is April-July. The wells are 0.5 cm deep and about 4 mm in diameter. Clutches can be from 1 to 3, with 2-6 eggs each. Eggs are 40x57 mm in size, weighing about 30 g. Incubation lasts 60-65 days at a temperature of 28-30 ° C and a humidity of 50-70%.

Small turtles 3-5 cm in size hatch in August-October. But it happens that they stay for the winter, coming out "into the light" only in the spring. At birth, the yolk sac is not retracted in baby turtles, and the egg tooth is well defined. They begin to feed 2-4 days after the yolk sac is retracted. At 2-3 months, standard food is added to the diet of turtles.

Terrarium arrangement

There must be a soil consisting of large pebbles in a warm corner, sawdust / wood chips / hay. Feeder and house.

An incandescent lamp (40-60 W) is a source of heat, creating a necessary-sufficient temperature gradient, in which the reptile itself can choose the ideal temperature for it. The vital importance of heat contributes to the development of processes in which the turtle is able to warm itself only thanks to external sources of heat and thereby ensure the normal functioning of the body. In the absence of heat, the reduced metabolism slows down even more. Food rots in the stomach without being digested, which may cause gastrointestinal disorders. The temperature regime of keeping in the cold corner near the house is about 24-26 ° C and 30-33 ° C - in the warm corner under the lamp. The temperature regime of the lamp can be adjusted by raising or lowering the lamp, or by placing incandescent lamps of different power.

A special ultraviolet lamp for reptiles (10% UVB) should be placed at a distance of 25 cm from the animal (not higher than 40 and not lower than 20). The UV lamp does not heat the terrarium, but provides the turtle with the necessary ultraviolet light, which is needed for natural life - the assimilation of vitamin D3, calcium and all the necessary trace elements. In nature, the turtle receives it through the sun's rays.

Turtles prefer to "seek their own shelter" by themselves, burrowing into the gravel. Any draft or sudden change in temperature, even in a terrarium, can cause a cold in animals.

Turtle pen

It is done in one of the free corners of the room. The heating lamp is located at one of the walls of the corral. The turtle itself is able to choose the temperature it needs at the moment. In the summer, it’s a good idea to equip a corral in a summer cottage. To make it easy to find the "hidden" turtle, you can fix a balloon or a conspicuous flag on a high pole with tape on the carapace. If temperature conditions allow, then you can leave the turtle in the corral for the night.

Free content on the floor in the house is not allowed! An exception is when the pen is on a fenced and heated floor with soil, without drafts and temperature drops, with the necessary lamps.

Care: It is advisable to bathe turtles in ordinary warm water once every 1-2 weeks. Water temperature 31–35°С. Height - up to the level of the turtle's head (2/3 of the height of the shell). Such a bath replenishes the water-salt balance and moisture reserves in the body of the reptile, and normalizes the functioning of the intestines. No water additives are required.

The species of the Central Asian, steppe tortoise is listed in the International Red Book.

An Uzbek legend tells about the origin/appearance of the tortoise. One swindler-merchant so unceremoniously and openly hung on his customers that, in the end, people became indignant, calling on Allah. Allah, getting angry, took the merchant's scales and squeezed the swindler with them: "You will always bear the evidence of your deceit." So the head and limbs remained sticking out of the weight bowls, turning the merchant into a turtle.

In the heat, the turtle hibernates, not burrowing very deep into the ground. In autumn, the depth is 1 m.

Turtles can dig tunnels up to 2 m long with chambers up to half a meter in diameter.

The tortoise shell is the fused bones of the spine and ribs, and just as humans cannot "get out" of their skeleton, so the tortoise cannot free itself from the shell.

The excrement of the Central Asian tortoise is brown in the form of oblong sausages and can appear 1-2 times a day. The amount of urine depends on the composition of the feed. In appearance, it is transparent, sometimes contains white secretions of uric acid salts.

Land (steppe) Central Asian tortoise — Video