Start in science. Research work "determination of contamination with spores of bacteria and fungi in different rooms of the school" Research work of bacteria


1 Research work "Oh, these bacteria!" Completed by: Reznik Artyom Alekseevich, 3rd grade student of MBOU "Secondary School 13", Kaluga Head: Smagina Maria Alekseevna, primary school teacher, MBOU "Secondary School 13", Kaluga

2 2 CONTENTS Introduction... 3 Chapter 1 Theoretical part Bacteria are microorganisms Classification of bacteria Bacteria and humans Harmful bacteria... 6 Chapter 2 Practical part Preparing conditions for bacteria culture Culture of bacteria and follow-up observations... 7 Chapter 3 Questionnaires for primary school students schools... 8 Conclusion... 9 Bibliography Appendix... 11

3 3 Introduction From childhood, parents tell us to wash our hands, not to put them in our mouths and scare us with germs. Who are these microbes? Turns out it's called bacteria. A bacterium is a living organism. Scientists have found traces of bacteria that are over 4 billion years old. Currently, scientists have described 10 thousand species of bacteria, but in nature there are much more of them. The purpose of my work: search, study and analysis of information about different types of bacteria. In accordance with the purpose of this study, I set the following tasks. Research objectives: 1. Find the necessary information about bacteria in various sources. 2. Find out what bacteria are (types, forms, categories). 3. Learn about the effect of bacteria on human life. 4. Conduct experiments to identify favorable conditions for the reproduction of bacteria. 5. Conduct a survey of third grade students of our school in order to find out their opinion on the issue of personal hygiene. 6. Make a conclusion about the benefits and harms of bacteria and the need to comply with hygiene rules. Hypothesis: it can be assumed that under different conditions of existence, the number of colonies of bacteria of existence should be different. The relevance of my work lies in the fact that it is necessary to pay serious attention to bacteria in conditions of adverse environmental effects on humans.

4 4 Research methods: - collection and analysis of information; - generalization of the studied material; - questioning; - observation. Chapter 1 Theory 1.1 Bacteria are microorganisms These microscopic organisms, invisible to man, play a huge role in his life and nature. Most of them are beneficial. They participate in the formation of the structure and fertility of soils, in the formation of minerals and the destruction of the dead remains of plants and animals, in the digestion of food by humans and animals. But, unfortunately, among the bacteria there are pathogens. When ingested, they cause various (often very severe) diseases in humans and animals. Bacteria are still not fully understood, just as their influence on us and on the world around us has not been fully studied. Bacteria are found everywhere: in a drop of even the purest spring water, in grains of soil, in the air, on rocks, in polar snows, desert sands, on the ocean floor, in oil extracted from great depths, and even in hot spring water with a temperature of about 80ºС. They live on plants, fruits, in various animals and in humans in the intestines, mouth, limbs, and on the surface of the body. They are very hardy and adapted to various conditions of existence.

5 5 1.2 Classification of bacteria Although bacteria are very small, they can be distinguished by their appearance of course, using a microscope (Appendix fig.1). One of the most common classifications of these microorganisms is the classification by shape (Appendix Fig. 2). Species names are derived from the geometric shapes of bacteria: Microbes called cocci look like a ball or a number of individual balls when it comes to a colony. Bacilli look like cylindrical formations, sticks of different lengths and widths. The name "spirilla" indicates that the researcher is dealing with a bacterium in the form of a spiral. Vibrios are bacterial microorganisms that look like commas. All bacteria living inside us and surrounding outside, according to the degree of danger to human health, can be divided into two categories: - harmful to human health; - beneficial to people and the environment. Even those that are conditionally safe for humans can become a threat when immunity is reduced. And there are also bacteria that are very dangerous. They cause many deadly diseases, infect animals, birds, fish and plants. 1.3 Bacteria and humans We have already figured out what bacteria are, how they look, what they can do. Now it's worth talking about what their

6 6 role in the life of modern man. First, for many centuries we have been using the amazing abilities of lactic acid bacteria. Without these microorganisms, there would be no kefir, no yogurt, no cheese in our diet. Apart from this, such beings are also responsible for the process of sourdough (for bread). In agriculture, bacteria are used in two ways. On the one hand, they help to get rid of unnecessary weeds (phytopathogenic organisms, like herbicides), on the other hand, from insects. Bacteria are also used in other areas. With the help of microorganisms, ores are enriched and water bodies and soils are cleaned. According to researchers, there are about one kilogram of these microorganisms inside the body! If there were no decay-causing bacteria on earth, our planet would gradually become covered with the undecayed remains of dead plants and animals. And thanks to the bacteria of decay, these remains are not only destroyed, but all the substances that made up the bodies of dead plants and animals are continuously returned to the soil. Returning to the soil, these substances serve as material for new generations of plants and animals. In everyday life, we encounter pathogenic bacteria everywhere. According to statistics, the largest number of colonies is on the handles of supermarket trolleys, followed by computer mice in Internet cafes, and only in third place are the handles of public places. 1.4 Harmful bacteria Earlier we talked about what bacteria are. The species and names of the most common microorganisms were named

7 7 earlier. Further, we will talk about the "unicellular enemies" of man. So, first of all, let's find out the features of pathogenic bacteria. Their main weapon against us is toxins. With the help of such substances, they poison the cells of organisms. The diversity of the animal world explains the diversity of bacteria. There are those that are harmful only to humans, there are deadly to animals or plants. People have learned to use the latter, in particular, to destroy weeds and annoying insects. Before delving into what harmful bacteria are, it is worth deciding on the ways they spread. And there are a lot of those. There are microorganisms that are transmitted through contaminated and unwashed products, airborne and contact routes, through water, soil or insect bites. The worst thing is that just one cell, once in a favorable environment of the human body, is able to multiply up to several million bacteria within just a few hours.

8 8 Chapter 2 Practical part 2.1 Preparing conditions for seeding bacteria In order to try to grow a colony of bacteria at home, it is necessary to prepare favorable conditions for their development. We used special laboratory glassware Petri dishes. They placed a nutrient medium to accelerate the growth of bacteria. Most often, broth, a solution of gelatin or agar-agar is used for this. We prepared a nutrient medium based on agar-agar in the following way: stir half a teaspoon of agar powder into 60 ml of water. The solution must be brought to a boil and completely transparent. Cool slightly and pour into cups in a thin layer, barely covering the bottom. 2.2 Culture of bacteria and follow-up observations After the culture medium in the dishes had solidified, I cultured the bacteria by simply touching it with my hands. The first two cups with dirty hands. One of them was left at room temperature, and the other was placed in the refrigerator to see if the ambient temperature affected the rate of bacterial reproduction. Then I washed my hands with ordinary soap and touched the cups with my already clean hands. An additional drop of an antibacterial agent purchased at a pharmacy was added to the fourth cup. These Petri dishes were also left at room temperature to compare whether hand washing helped get rid of bacteria. The cup numbers, sowing date, sowing and storage conditions were indicated on the paper:

9 9 1 dirty hands, test at room temperature; 2 dirty hands, experience in the refrigerator; 3 clean hands, experience at room temperature; 4 clean hands + antibacterial agent, test at room temperature. Sowing was carried out on November 23, 2016 (Appendix fig. 3). The first results of the appearance of the first colonies of bacteria in Petri dish 1 (dirty hands, experiment at room temperature) we saw on November 28. We summed up the results on December 10, 2016 (Appendix Fig. 4). As a result of observations, we have determined that dirty hands at a comfortable (room) temperature are an excellent environment for the growth of bacterial colonies. At the same time, on clean hands, even without the use of antibacterial agents, and at room temperature, the number of bacteria is much less and this does not pose a threat to human health and life. Chapter 3 Survey of Primary School Students We conducted a survey (Appendix) among third-grade students of our school in order to find out their attitude to bacteria and ways to protect themselves from them. 72 people were interviewed. Almost all students who filled out the questionnaire know what bacteria are. Only 6 people answered negatively. According to the results of the survey, most children know that there are useful bacteria among them. 14 people do not know about it (Appendix diagram 1). From the questionnaires, we learned that among the 72 third-grade students surveyed: 66 people consider it necessary to maintain cleanliness; 64 people consider it necessary to wash their hands more often; 63 people consider it necessary to wash fruits and vegetables well;

10 10 58 people know not to put fingers and foreign objects in their mouths; 58 people believe that nail biting should not be done (Appendix Diagram 2). The presented diagrams show that the majority of third-grade students of our school are aware of the need to comply with hygiene rules. However, not all children understand that it is necessary to give up bad habits of biting nails and taking fingers and foreign objects into their mouths. Conclusion Studying the literature on bacteria, I came to the conclusion that we must understand that humans and bacteria are inseparable. They can be both enemies and friends. My research has shown that among bacteria there are both beneficial and dangerous for humans. Bacteria are able to survive in various environmental conditions and penetrate the human body, causing harm. Therefore, our parents are right that they teach us to wash our hands more often, not to bite our nails, and to keep clean.

11 11 Bibliography 1. Biological Encyclopedic Dictionary / ch. ed. M.S. Gilyarov. M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, p. 2. Children's Encyclopedia. For middle and older age. / 2nd ed. M .: "Enlightenment", In 12 volumes. Volume 4. Plants and Animals. 3. What is. Who it. Children's encyclopedia in 3 volumes. 2nd ed. M.: AST, Tom Molecular biology: textbook / A. S. Konichev, G. A. Sevastyanova. - M.: Academy, p. : ill. - (Higher education). 5. Ustinova A.A., Ilyina V.N., Shishova T.K. Microbiology: A guide to practical exercises. Samara: PSGA Publishing House, p. 4th edition, rev. and additional

12 12 Appendix Fig. 1 Appearance of bacteria

13 13 Fig. Fig. 2 Forms of bacteria

14 14 Questionnaire for 3rd grade students 1. Do you know about the existence of bacteria? yes no 2. Can bacteria be beneficial? yes no 3. Where do you think bacteria can live? 4. What rules should be followed to avoid infection with diseases caused by bacteria? - maintain cleanliness - wash hands more often - wash fruits and vegetables well - do not put fingers and foreign objects in your mouth - do not bite your nails total of the students surveyed know what bacteria are know that there are beneficial bacteria Diagram 1

15 it is necessary to maintain cleanliness it is necessary to wash hands more often it is necessary to wash fruits and vegetables well do not put fingers in your mouth and foreign objects do not bite your nails Diagram 2

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Theme "Bacteria living around us"



INFORMATION ABOUT VARIETY OF BACTERIA……………………………………………………………………2-5




Introduction: Bacteria play a very important role in the living world. Bacteria were one of the first species to appear on Earth (they appeared about 4 trillion years ago), and it is more than likely that they will outlive us humans. Despite their huge diversity and the fact that they are settled almost everywhere on Earth - both at the bottom of the ocean and even in our intestines - bacteria still have something in common. All bacteria are approximately the same size (several micrometers)

Target: the study of bacteria living in the human body and the reproduction of bacteria at home.


    Find out what bacteria are.

    Do experiments on the reproduction of bacteria at home.

    Analyze information about bacteria.

Object of study- bacteria.

Subject of study the importance of bacteria to humans.

Working methods: experiments, observations, analysis of relevant literature.

Relevance: the world of bacteria is part of our life.

Once I asked my parents why people get sick? Mom said that bacteria enter the body and the person gets sick. And then I thought, what are bacteria, where do they live, how do they reproduce and why are they dangerous? And are all bacteria harmful?

Hypothesis: I want to suggest that many bacteria live in the human body, they are both beneficial and harmful. And also that bacteria can be propagated at home.

But what is bacteria?

Microbes are very diverse. The best known of these are bacteria. So, bacteria are microorganisms, they can only be seen under a microscope. A bacterium consists of only one cell and has the properties of both animals and plants. There are about 2000 types of bacteria, and they live everywhere: in the mouth, in the nose, in the intestines of all living beings, including humans. Others live in fallen leaves, dead trees, the remains of dead animals. Bacteria live everywhere.

Their shape is varied: balls, commas, sticks, some have flagella. Bacteria reproduce by division.

Each type of bacteria has its own specific shape.

I decided to study in more detail the bacteria that live in the human body. By researching bacteria, I learned that there are good and bad bacteria. And now I will talk about some types.

1. Lactobacillus

ABOUT provides control in our insides

lactobacilli, live in the human digestive tract since prehistoric times, do a great and important job. Like vampire garlic, they repel pathogenic bacteria, preventing them from settling in our stomach and upsetting our intestines. Pickled cucumbers and tomatoes, sauerkraut will strengthen the strength of the bouncers.


ABOUT stop hunger pangs at 3 p.m.

This is another bacteria that lives in the digestive tract, developed from our childhood and helps maintain a healthy weight throughout life by controlling the hormones responsible for feeling hungry! You need to eat 1 apple every day. These fruits produce lactic acid in the stomach, in which most harmful bacteria cannot survive.


Likes showers, hot tubs and pools

The warm-water bacterium enters under the scalp through the pores of the hair follicles, causing an infection accompanied by itching and pain in the affected areas.

Don't want to put on a bathing cap every time you take a bath? Defend the carder's intrusion with a chicken or salmon and egg sandwich.

4. Bad bacteria

Harmful bacteria can lurk in the most unexpected places. They can cause rashes and love to live on the touchpads of phones and tablet computers. Many companies make phone and tablet cases with an antibacterial coating that is guaranteed to stop bacteria from growing.


Good and bad bacteria

E This bacterium is thought to cause tens of thousands of infectious diseases each year. But she only gives us problems when she finds a way to leave the colon. Normally, it is quite useful for life and provides the body with vitamin K, which supports heart health.


P nourishes the youth of our skin

Most often, acne is caused by this bacterium, which lives on the skin of most people. Acne is, of course, unpleasant, but, having penetrated through damaged skin into the body, this bacterium can cause more serious diseases: pneumonia and meningitis.

A natural antibiotic that is toxic to these bacteria is found in human sweat. Therefore, at least once a week, it is necessary to include high-intensity exercises in your workout, and always use a clean towel.


® Lives in fermented milk products

Bacteria inhabit the contents of jars of yogurt, bottles of kefir, curdled milk, fermented baked milk and other similar products. And these products are becoming very useful.

This is what some bacteria look like under a microscope in computer processing

Eyelash bacteria On human skin In the stomach

Cause of pneumonia In the intestines Floating bacteria

While studying bacteria, I simultaneously took up creativity, I drew, sculpted, painted, embroidered them. So I learned even more about these mysterious microorganisms. My classmates also became interested in this topic and performed various creative works.

Here are our works:

All over the world, much attention is paid to these microorganisms:

A documentary video is being shot, in which they talk about the dangers and benefits of bacteria;

Educational and educational video for children;

Interactive and computer games are being created.

Masyanya and bacteria

Lessons of caution

Interactive game on the floor (catch the bacterium) Interactive game on the glass

(catch a bacterium)

Computer game "Escape from the test tube"

Studying this topic, I concluded that a person serves as a haven for a wide variety of microorganisms and bacteria, most of which can become the culprits of deadly diseases. But some of these tiny creatures are beneficial to the body.

So what is the role of beneficial bacteria in our body?

With the help of them, vitamins are absorbed into the body.

They suppress the activity of putrefactive, causing toxicity of the body.

Enhance immunity.

Prevent the penetration of pathogenic bacteria through the mucous membrane.

Normalize the composition of the blood.

Helps improve metabolism.

And now I want to talk about fermented milk products, in which beneficial bacteria multiply - gluttons, which provide digestive functions.

I conducted a survey among students of grade 4A of school No. 5, in which 30 people took part. It contained the following questions:

1. Do you eat dairy products?



2. If yes, why?




3. What fermented milk products do you prefer? Why?

4. Do you read the description of this fermented milk product on the packaging?



5. Do you know about the existence of beneficial bacteria in fermented milk products?



As a result of the survey, it was found that fermented milk products are popular.

Almost all classmates use sour-milk products for food.

Most people use it because it's delicious.

I mostly prefer yogurt.

But when asked if they read the product description or not, most students don't.

It turned out that almost everyone does not know about the existence of beneficial bacteria in fermented milk products.

Thus, it turned out that my classmates like lactic acid products. The most popular are yogurts because they like their taste.

It turns out that if there are beneficial bacteria in fermented milk products, then such products as yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese are good for health.

And you don't have to have a microscope to see bacteria. Try to find them yourself right in your kitchen.

For the reproduction of bacteria at home, I conducted several experiments:

1 experiment:

I took raw milk. I put it in a warm place and left it for a few days, it changed its appearance - lumps will appear in it, a transparent liquid exfoliated from above, the milk began to emit a sour smell. So they say that "milk turned sour." This happened due to the fact that in milk there are always some bacteria of a certain type - lactic acid. In a warm environment, they begin to multiply rapidly. An adult individual of a bacterium is divided into two completely identical ones, which immediately begin to grow, and when they grow to an adult state, they again divide. From one bacterium two are obtained, from these two - four, from four - eight, and so on. And in a few days, millions of them settle in our milk! They all live, move, reproduce. As a result of their activity, the fermentation process begins in milk and a lot of lactic acid appears in it. What we are seeing.

2 experiment:

You can speed up the process of souring milk. To do this, you can add a little sour milk, a piece of cottage cheese, or a little homemade sour cream to fresh milk. The lactic acid bacteria found in sour milk or cottage cheese will begin to multiply and fresh milk will quickly turn sour.

I also decided to control the changes in the process of souring milk. To conduct it, I decided to use a special equipped digital laboratory "Archimedes", which includes a data logger, a special sensor, a connecting wire and a thermos with a capacity of 1 liter and a personal computer.

I heated 750 ml of milk and cooled it to room temperature. She poured milk into a thermos. I immersed the sensor electrode in milk and closed the thermos with a lid so as not to damage the electrode cable passing through the cork. Multilab software is pre-installed on the computer. And started logging data. The readings were displayed on the screen as a graph. Stopped signing up after 30 hours. The graph shows that with an increase in the number of bacteria, the line of the graph changes.

Conclusion: So, my assumption was confirmed. Many bacteria live in the human body, they are both beneficial and harmful. And also that bacteria can be propagated at home.

And I would like to give everyone advice. Since bacteria are the cause of so many diseases, and in order to prevent this, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system, and for this it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, monitor nutrition, observe the daily routine, play sports, and not have harmful.


    Big Book of QUESTIONS and ANSWERS


    Computer encyclopedia - UMNIKI

"Studying the Planet".

    FirmaMir website -

Maslov Arseniy

Research work of a 3rd grade student on the topic "Bacteria: harmful and beneficial."



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Relevance… Once I asked my parents why people get sick? Mom said that bacteria enter the body and the person gets sick. And then I thought, what are bacteria, where do they live, how do they reproduce and why are they dangerous? And are all bacteria harmful? The purpose of the study: to study the characteristics of the life of bacteria and find out whether they can be beneficial and harmful. Tasks: to study the literature on the chosen topic, to get acquainted with the diversity and classification of bacteria, to find out what are the harmful and beneficial bacteria, to cook homemade kefir

Object and subject of study Object of study: bacteria Subject of study: the importance of bacteria for humans Hypothesis Hypothesis: suppose that many bacteria live in the human body, they can be both beneficial and harmful and they can be propagated at home. Research methods: Working with additional sources, searching for the necessary information; Observations and analysis of the received information; Experiences; Test; Data processing

The History of Bacteria Bacteria were first seen through an optical microscope and described in 1676 by the Dutch naturalist Anthony van Leeuwenhoek. The name "bacteria" was coined in 1828 by Christian Ehrenberg. The study of bacteria and their structure is carried out by microbiology, which was formed in the second half of the 19th century as the science of pathogens, that is, as a branch of medicine. It is difficult to find a place on Earth where there would be no bacteria. They are found in a wide variety of places: in the atmosphere and at the bottom of the oceans, in fast-flowing rivers and in permafrost, in fresh milk and in nuclear reactors; however, especially a lot of them in the soil

The structure of bacteria A bacterium has a complex structure. The cell wall protects a unicellular organism from external influences, gives a certain shape, provides nutrition and preserves its internal contents. The plasma membrane contains enzymes, participates in the process of reproduction, biosynthesis of components. Flagella are called surface structures that serve to move cells in a liquid medium or on a solid surface. Cytoplasm serves to perform vital functions. In many species, the cytoplasm contains DNA, ribosomes, and various granules. Pili are filamentous formations, much thinner and smaller than flagella. They are of various types, differ in purpose, structure. Pili are needed to attach the body to the affected cell.

Types of bacteria cocci (have a rounded shape); bacilli (have a rod-shaped form); spirilla (have the shape of a spiral); spirilla (have the shape of a spiral);

Classification of bacteria Beneficial bacteria Escherichia coli It is an integral part of the intestinal flora of humans and most animals. Its benefits can hardly be overestimated: it breaks down indigestible monosaccharides, promoting digestion; prevents the development of pathogenic and pathogenic microorganisms in the intestine. Lactic acid bacteria Representatives of this order are present in milk, dairy and fermented products, and at the same time are part of the microflora of the intestines and oral cavity. Able to ferment carbohydrates and in particular lactose and produce lactic acid, which is the main source of carbohydrates for humans. By maintaining a constantly acidic environment, the growth of unfavorable bacteria is inhibited. Bifidobacteria Through the production of lactic and acetic acids, they completely prevent the development of putrefactive and pathogenic microbes in the child's body. In addition, bifidobacteria: contribute to the digestion of carbohydrates; protect the intestinal barrier from the penetration of microbes and toxins into the internal environment of the body

Harmful bacteria Salmonella This bacterium is the causative agent of a very acute intestinal infection, typhoid fever. Salmonella produces toxins that are dangerous only for humans. Tetanus bacillus This bacterium is one of the most persistent and at the same time the most dangerous in the world. Produces an extremely toxic poison, tetanus exotoxin, leading to almost complete damage to the nervous system. Mycobacteria Mycobacteria are a family of bacteria, some of which are pathogenic. Various representatives of this family cause such dangerous diseases as tuberculosis, mycobacteriosis, leprosy (leprosy) - they are all transmitted by airborne droplets.

My experiences… Making homemade kefir

Cultivation of hay stick Among the bacteria that are widespread in nature, hay stick is also included. It was first described in 1835. And it got its name due to the fact that initially the culture was isolated from rotten hay. This bacterium is one of the largest. It has a straight elongated shape with blunt rounded ends and is usually colorless. This bacterium is quite easy to obtain at home. For work, I needed the following: hay (you can buy it at a pet store), a pot of water, a jar with a wide neck, gauze for filtering. For one liter of water you need to take 10 grams of hay. Boil the hay for 20 minutes. The resulting broth is filtered and poured into a jar, diluted 1: 1 with settled cold water. In another jar, I decided to pour undiluted broth and see what happens. Banks put in a warm place. The best conditions for the life of hay sticks are a large amount of dissolved organic substances, an abundance of oxygen and a temperature of about +30 degrees. Under such conditions, a film consisting entirely of bacteria should form on the surface of the hay decoction in two days.

The results of the "Bacteria" test It turned out that many guys do not know about the kingdom of bacteria and the existence of beneficial bacteria in our dairy products.

Conclusion By studying bacteria, I got acquainted with their diversity and classification, I was able to grow bacteria on my own at home. I learned that there is a huge amount of beneficial bacteria that we consume every day with fermented milk products and about harmful bacteria (dangerous to humans) I found out that bacteria are an indispensable part of our life and all living things. They are absolutely everywhere and in everything, play a colossal role in human life. People have learned to use bacteria: Based on the above material and the studies, I believe that my hypothesis was confirmed: “Many bacteria live in the human body, they are both beneficial and harmful and they can be propagated at home”

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Purpose of the study: study the characteristics of the vital activity of bacteria; learn about diseases caused by bacteria and their prevention.

  • study the available literature on the subject;
  • analyze the effect of pathogenic bacteria on the human body;
  • receive and summarize information from the infectious diseases doctor of Rospotrebnadzor about bacterial diseases in our area, their prevention.

Research methods:

  • study of literature;
  • collection of information;
  • analysis of the collected information and systematization;
  • presentation of results.

Lesson progress


In the 5th grade we started to study a new subject - biology. I was interested in the chapter “Bacteria Kingdom” and I had questions:

Why are bacteria, relatively simple microscopic single-celled organisms, so viable?

What conditions contribute to the spread of pathogenic bacteria and what preventive measures are in place?

Theoretical part

Bacteria were first seen through an optical microscope and described by the Dutch naturalist Anthony van Leeuwenhoek in 1676. Like all microscopic creatures, he called them "animalcules".

The name "bacteria" was coined by Christian Ehrenberg in 1828.

Louis Pasteur in the 1850s initiated the study of the physiology and metabolism of bacteria, and also discovered their pathogenic properties.

Medical microbiology was further developed in the works of Robert Koch, who formulated the general principles for determining the causative agent of the disease (Koch's postulates). In 1905 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for tuberculosis research.

The study of the structure of a bacterial cell began with the invention of the electron microscope in the 1930s.

The body of bacteria consists of a single cell. This cell is arranged completely differently than the cells of plants, animals and fungi. If their cells are separated by numerous partitions (membranes) into special compartments where the processes of respiration, nutrition, photosynthesis, etc. are carried out, then the “blocking” of the bacterium is in its most rudimentary stage. The most important difference is that bacteria do not have a nucleus. Another difference is that there are no mitochondria and plastids. DNA in bacteria is located in the center of the cell, folded into a chromosome. If you “unroll” the DNA of a bacterium, its length will be about 1 mm.

Under favorable conditions, bacterial cells multiply very quickly, dividing in two. If a cell doubles every half an hour, then in a day it is able to give offspring. And some bacteria can multiply even faster.

And another interesting ability of bacteria. Under adverse conditions, they can often turn into spores. Such disputes remain alive for tens and hundreds of years, and in exceptional cases, even millions of years.

These features of bacteria allow them to survive in any conditions.

Depending on the shape of the cells, bacteria are divided into several groups: spherical - cocci, rod-shaped - bacilli or rods, spiral - spirilla, in the form of a comma - vibrios.

Human diseases caused by bacteria

Bacterial diseases are among the most common human diseases. Such diseases include some pneumonia (causative agent streptococcus), anthrax (causative agent - anthrax bacilli), cholera (causative agent Vibrio cholerae), tuberculosis (causative agent - tubercle bacillus (Koch's wand), plague (causative agent - plague bacillus) and others.

"Black Death" in ancient times and in the Middle Ages was called this disease, which inspired people with panic horror. In the VI century. the plague epidemic killed 100 million people. Some states, such as the Byzantine Empire, were almost completely depopulated.

From 1346 to 1351, 24 million people died from the plague (“great pestilence”, as they said then) - a quarter of the population of then Europe. With a story about the plague epidemic in 1348, the Italian Renaissance writer Giovanni Boccaccio begins his book “The Decameron”: people called them buboes. In a short time, this deadly tumor spread to other parts of the body, and then the symptom of this disease changed into black and purple spots that appeared on all parts of the body. It seemed that neither the doctor's advice nor the power of the medicine helped or benefited against this disease ... neither the wisdom nor the foresight of a person helped against it. Almost everyone died on the third day after the appearance of these signs.

In the XX century. plague epidemics practically ceased to threaten humans. Why did this happen? Of course, the systematic fight against this disease has played its role. Almost disappeared, displaced by the gray rat, the black rat, whose fleas served as carriers of the disease. But still, an exhaustive and accurate answer to the question of why the plague epidemics stopped has not yet been found.

Cholera is often compared to the plague because of its short duration and lethality. Cholera was brought to Europe only around 1816 from India, where it had been known since ancient times. In Russia, before 1917, more than 5 million people had been ill with cholera, and half of them died.

By the end of the XX century. epidemics of cholera have become quite rare thanks to prevention. We are currently living in the era of the 7th pandemic. For Russia, the problem remains relevant, the epidemic situation is assessed as unstable.

cholera prevention

Since cholera is a “disease of dirty hands”, it is necessary to wash your hands systematically before each meal, and in no case should you touch the mucous membranes of your mouth with unwashed hands. Wash hands only with hot water. Products must be kept in a place protected from flies and insects. Hygiene skills are the main weapon in the fight against cholera.


The sinister symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis (consumption) - weakness, shortness of breath, and with advanced disease and hemoptysis - were familiar to the inhabitants of ancient Egypt and people who lived hundreds of thousands of years ago. This was shown by studies of their remains.
In antiquity and in the Middle Ages, there was a belief that crowned persons could cure tuberculosis with their touch. English King Charles II in the 17th century. touched more than 90 thousand patients. For the "treatment" a considerable fee was charged, which went to the royal treasury.

Only in the 19th century the first tuberculosis sanatoriums appeared. But the real fight against this disease began after the discovery of the tuberculosis bacterium by Robert Koch in 1882.

Tuberculosis has not been completely eradicated even today. In the former Soviet Union, prisons and camps have become breeding grounds for tuberculosis, where a significant proportion of prisoners become infected with the disease. Tuberculosis is a social infection. “The poorer the population, the more often it suffers from tuberculosis”

Prevention of tuberculosis

For newborns, BCG vaccination is essential. Further, according to the stage of their maturation, a mandatory (every 8-12 months) setting of the Mantoux reaction is carried out. It is desirable to choose a place of residence in dry, well-lit places. The apartment is systematically done wet cleaning and ventilation.

Ways of transmission of pathogenic bacteria

Airborne way;



contaminated water and food;

Carriers of diseases are rodents, fleas, ticks, lice, cattle.

The poet Vladimir Mayakovsky, who undertook any kind of propaganda work, even wrote a poetic explanation for a poster dedicated to the fight against cholera. : “Citizen!

Not to die from cholera
take such steps in advance.
Don't drink raw water.
Drink only boiled water.
Also, do not drink kvass on the street.
Boiling water is a lot of work.
To keep up with your kvass early,
they just cook it from the tap...”

How does a bacterial infection progress?

With the development of a bacterial infection one of the first symptoms will be fever. Fever is a protective reaction of the body, as body temperature up to 39 degrees stimulates the immune system. If the body temperature rises above 39 degrees, then it must be brought down with paracetamol or, indirectly, with antibiotics (a decrease in body temperature within 24-48 hours from the start of antibiotic therapy is a sign of a properly selected antibacterial drug).

Another manifestation of the bacterial infectious process is the intoxication syndrome. It is manifested by a deterioration in well-being, apathy, a decrease in mood, headaches, pain in muscles and joints, nausea, vomiting, and the like are possible. To relieve these symptoms, you need to drink plenty of warm water (at least 2 liters per day). Excess water will dilute the bacterial toxins, reducing their concentration, and also remove some of them in the urine.

These two signs of bacterial inflammation are universal to almost all infections. All other signs are due to the characteristics of a particular pathogen, their exotoxins and other factors of aggression.

Immunity- immunity of the body to a foreign agent, in particular, to bacteria.

Human immunity protects our body constantly and always.

Task and human immunity find and neutralize bacteria that have entered the body, as well as their toxins.

To prevent the disease, some bacterial diseases are vaccinated. At the same time, weakened pathogens or poisons secreted by them are introduced into the body of a healthy person. The body creates special substances that help the vaccinated person to quickly cope with pathogenic bacteria in the future.

Practical part

I must say that recently there has been a “crowding out” of bacterial infections by viral ones, but their significance does not cease to be relevant. So, for example, in the 90s, having “calmed down” that diphtheria was not registered, the percentage of those vaccinated against this infection decreased, as a result, an increase in the incidence, outbreaks of this infection with fatal outcomes that could have been avoided. Among bacterial infections, intestinal infections occupy a huge place:

  • cholera
  • typhoid fever
  • dysentery
  • salmonellosis.

Incidence of bacterial infections by country

Diseases cases Causes Prevention
1. Cholera 1994 - Chechen Republic, 415 cases;

2005 - Rostov region;

2006 - Murmansk region;

2008 - Bashkiria;

2010 - Moscow.

Changing socio-economic conditions: refugees, tourism, pilgrims; worsening of the ecological situation poor water quality - Improving water quality

Cleaning, sewerage of populated areas;

Strict supervision of the work of public catering, the quality of products, suspension of patients from work;

Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;

Veterinary Animal Control

2. Typhoid fever Cases of infection are constantly recorded in Russia Migration, unsatisfactory state of cleaning of populated areas; poor quality of water supply, catering
3. Dysentery Salmonellosis Non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, eating contaminated products
4. Tuberculosis The number of new cases has been on the rise in recent years Social - poverty of the population - Early immunization of newborns;

Statement of the Mantoux reaction for all children;

Fluorography (adult population)

What about bacterial infections in our area? What are their causes and prevention? I learned about this from a doctor - an infectious disease specialist of the territorial department of Rospotrebnadzor in the Valdai district of Guseva Natalya Tomovna.

Incidence of bacterial infections by region

Disease 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
area region
abs per 100 thousand abs per 100 thousand abs per 100 thousand abs per 100 thousand abs per 100 thousand abs per 100 thousand abs per 100 thousand abs per 100 thousand abs
Dysentery 9 59,4 5 33,0 5 34,0 - - - - - - - - - -
salmonellosis - - - - 2 13,7 - - - - - - 3 23,7 1 8,0
Scarlet fever 1 6,6 - - 15 103,2 3 20,6 7 49,2 4 28,7 - - 1 8,0
Diphtheria - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7
Whooping cough - - - - - - - - - - 3 21,5 - - - - 7221
meningococcal infection 1 6,6 - - - - - - - - 1 7,2 - - 1 8,0
Tuberculosis 9 59,4 3 19,8 7 48,1 9 61,9 10 70,3 11 79,0 4 31,6 3 24

The diagram shows that over the past 5 years, no cases of dysentery and diphtheria have been registered (although 7 cases were noted in the region in 2012). Meningococcal infection (there was 1 death), salmonellosis and scarlet fever are constantly recorded. But the most noticeable increase is the number of new cases of tuberculosis patients and the average number of annually registered patients in our region is 6-7 people.

Recently, there have been many parents who refuse to vaccinate their children, thereby exposing their children to mortal danger, as well as endangering other children. It is reliably known that a decrease in the incidence is possible only with a high level of immunization of the population - 99%, in 2012 this figure for all infections in our region decreased to 94%.

The implementation of this study allowed me to develop the skills of working with additional literature, the ability to conduct research, and substantiate the results of research.

During my research work, I came to the conclusion:

1) bacterial diseases are still one of the most common diseases;

2) to protect yourself from bacteria, you need to follow the rules of personal hygiene, do not eat unwashed fruits and vegetables, do not drink unboiled water, eat only fresh food, and, of course, do not forget to wash your hands more often.

3) an effective measure for the prevention of bacterial infections is the immunization of children and adults.

Practical value work consists in the fact that the materials obtained can be used in biology lessons when studying the topic “Bacteria” or during extracurricular activities.


1. Borisov L.B. etc. Medical microbiology, virology, immunology. M.: Medicine, 1994.

2. Vasiliev K.G. Segal A.E. History of epidemics in Russia. Moscow: Medgiz, 1960.

3. Likum A. Children's encyclopedia "Everything about everything." M.: AST, 2008

4. Galpershtein L.Ya. My first encyclopedia. ROSMEN, 2007.

5. Children's encyclopedia "I know the world." The medicine. M.: Astrel, 2006.

6. Internet resources (illustrated materials for the presentation)

Research Topic : Determination of contamination with spores of bacteria and fungi of different school premises

Job done :

Zharkova A., Petrunina D., Safoneeva V. students of the 10th grade.

MBOU secondary school №2


Supervisor: Blinov A.E. biology teacher of the 1st category

different areas of the school

Research hypothesis .

  • It is known that airing the room can reduce the level of bacterial air pollution, however, due to the cold winter, this possibility is limited.

2. It is also known that many indoor plants have volatile properties and can also reduce the number of microorganisms in the air.

3. It is possible to presumably include bacterial microorganisms, which can be opportunistic pathogens, and fungal organisms, which are allergens, in the composition of the air pool of the school.

choice of methodology, place of experiments and preparation of equipment; preparation and conduct of experiments; description and processing of the received data; conclusions." width="640"

Determination of bacterial and fungal spore contamination different areas of the school

aim This study was the study of the microflora of the air basin of school premises, as well as the study of the cleanliness of the hands of primary school students. In the course of the research, the quantitative and qualitative composition of the air microflora of school No. 2 and the cleanliness of hands were studied.

Based on this, tasks studies were as follows:

Choice of technique, place of experiments and preparation of equipment;

Preparation and conduct of experiments;

Description and processing of the received data;


Determination of bacterial and fungal spore contamination different areas of the school

The urgency of the problem.

Microbes are ubiquitous in the environment. Air is a medium containing a significant number of microorganisms. The largest number of microorganisms contains the air of industrial cities, the air of enclosed spaces with a large crowd of people.

At present, when the use of disinfectants and disinfectants is sharply weakened, there is a spread of diseases that were considered defeated. Outbreaks and epidemics of bacterial and viral diseases often occur in children's and school groups: dysentery, diphtheria, typhoid fever, hepatitis and many others. This circumstance makes it necessary to strengthen the sanitary and environmental control of air, especially in children's and school premises, in order to improve its sanitary condition.

Method for preparing nutrient media for growing microorganisms.

For the cultivation of microorganisms, various nutrient media are used. This is necessary for the differentiation of infectious diseases, for the preparation of vaccines, antibiotics, etc.

The following requirements are imposed on nutrient media: they must contain all the necessary substances for the nutrition of microbes, have a certain reaction of the medium, be sterile and must be moist. Nutrient media are divided into simple and complex.

Simple media include meat-peptone broth, meat-peptone agar, and meat-peptone gelatin (MPG). All simple nutrient media are prepared in meat water. For its preparation, the meat is separated from fat and fascia, crushed, poured with water in a ratio of 1: 2 and boiled for 30-60 minutes. Then it is filtered, topped up to the original volume and sterilized at a pressure of 0.1 MPa for 30 minutes.

Culture medium preparation

Dense gelatinous nutrient medium.

Ingredients: edible gelatin 30 g, Gallina Blanca chicken cube, fish, water 200 ml.

Cooking: pour gelatin into a glass of boiled water at room temperature, leave for 40 - 60 minutes. Boil fish - got fish broth. Dissolve chicken cube in fish broth, add gelatin and heat without boiling.

The method of sowing microorganisms on a nutrient medium

The method of sedimentation of dust particles containing spores of bacteria and fungi was used. Petri dishes were placed in various rooms of the school (canteen, recreation, toilet, hall in front of the entrance) and chaotic movements were made around these dishes (dust was raised) for 5 minutes.

Petri dishes were closed and placed in a dark cabinet.

The study of hand cleanliness in primary school students

Samples of fingerprints on a nutrient medium were taken from elementary school students (grade 4 "B"), Petri dishes were also placed in a dark cabinet.

Growing microorganisms

Growing microorganisms on a nutrient medium provides for the growth of these organisms for approximately 2 weeks to 2 months.

1st floor (recreation at the entrance)

Bacteria colony

Bacteria colony

Method for counting microorganisms

For quantitative accounting of microorganisms, such 3 dilutions are selected, when sown on a nutrient medium in a Petri dish, at least 50 and no more than 300 colonies grow. If few or many small colonies have grown, then they are counted with a magnifying glass, turning the cup upside down. If a large number of colonies have grown, then the bottom of the cup is divided into sectors, and counting is carried out in each sector. With a very large number of grown colonies, a special Wolfgügel counting chamber is used.

  • Dining room - 6 large colonies of mold fungi;
  • Recreation -3 large colonies of mold fungi;
  • Hall - 1 large bacterial colony;
  • Toilet colonies of bacteria and mold spores were not found.

  • The first row is 10 bacterial colonies;
  • Second row - 83 bacterial colonies;
  • Third row - 54 bacterial colonies; 1 colony of fungi.

The most polluted room in the school is the canteen, and the cleanest is the bathroom. node. Why? Cleaning in the bathroom The unit is produced with a more concentrated solution of bleach (bleach), so contamination with spores of mold fungi and bacteria is minimal.

The school most visited by children is, of course, the dining room and buffet. It is because of this that it is the most polluted building in the school.

The cleanliness of the hands of children leaves much to be desired, on the hands of a large number of bacteria.

  • Do a wet cleaning of the dining room more often.
  • Use weak solutions of detergents and antiseptics.
  • Carry out general cleaning of the premises at least 2 times a week.
  • Ventilate rooms more often.
  • Students must practice personal hygiene.
  • Wash hands not only before eating, but also in the intervals between training sessions (after 2, 3 sessions).