Articles not fit for military service. Who is not suitable for military service? Diseases for which they are not accepted into the army. How does classification work?

After passing a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office, a health category appears on the conscript’s military ID. This letter, often with a number, will affect not only the troops in which the conscript will serve, but also the rest of his life. Those who want to serve in the elite troops and wear a blue or maroon beret must prepare several years before conscription. The fitness category with code A1 is not simply issued. To do this you need to have health, height, and athletic achievements. Many people don’t know what the A1 suitability category means for them. Some people dream about it, but for others it’s a complete lack of hope to “sink”

Suitability categories

After a complete examination, the young man’s military ID is assigned a fitness category. It can consist of only a letter or of a letter and a number. The letters indicate the degree of suitability, and the numbers specify which troops the conscript can be sent to. There are 5 letter categories in total:

  • A - the conscript is fully fit. With such a designation on your military ID, it is mandatory to join the army, and absolutely any branch of the military is suitable. Restrictions may arise on the height or weight, as well as on the professional skills of the young person;
  • B - suitable with minor restrictions. With such a mark, you will also have to go to the army, but to calmer troops and to positions that do not require increased physical activity. Most often, with such categories they go to armored forces, as a driver or crew member of a tank, also to a warehouse or food supply. You can get a job at the headquarters or crew of an anti-aircraft missile system;
  • B - limited fit for military service. These conscripts are enlisted in the reserves and then sent home. Such warriors may be needed during war or during turbulent situations in the country. In peacetime they are not subject to conscription;
  • G - temporarily unfit. In this case, re-conscription is scheduled after six months or a year. The conscript may currently have an injury or illness with which he cannot serve, but it is completely curable. After passing the medical examination, after a while, another fitness category is assigned, in connection with which the young man goes to serve or is enlisted in the reserve. In some cases, the category is reset and extended for another year, then the conscript is subject to a second medical examination, where his suitability for combat service is clarified;
  • D - not fit for military service. These are those who are removed from service due to health reasons. Young people from this category have very serious diseases and pathologies that radically affect the functioning of the entire body. Such diseases include HIV infection, diabetes mellitus, missing limbs, and malignant neoplasms. People with such categories are not subject to conscription, either in peacetime or in wartime. Even during general mobilization, men with category D cannot go to service.

Fitness category A

Fitness category A means that a conscript can serve in absolutely any branch of the military. This category is assigned to young people in excellent health and good physical shape. If a young man dreams of landing in a parachute or becoming a Marine, then it is imperative that the letter “A” be on his military ID. In addition, you will have to play sports and be able to fulfill certain standards.

To do this, the draft commission must prove that the young man does not have the following disorders and pathologies:

  1. Mental problems;
  2. Vision problems - astigmatism, nearsightedness or farsightedness;
  3. Allergies;
  4. Congenital developmental defects;
  5. Metabolism problems;
  6. Pathologies of internal organs;
  7. Infectious diseases;

Pathologies of the nervous system, musculoskeletal system, and endocrine system.

In order to identify all existing violations, it is necessary for the conscript to undergo an ECG, pass all tests, necessarily fluorography and, at the request of specialized specialists, additional examinations. Only after a comprehensive study of health will specialists set an indicator of purpose, which will be expressed in a numerical index.

Suitability category A1

At the moment, the number 1 next to the letter A is extremely rare. A1 is the best suitability category. This stamp speaks of absolute health and excellent physical fitness. Such indicators are usually found among those conscripts who have been involved in physical activity since childhood and have a rank in any sport, and have also received prizes in competitions.

In addition to health, there are criteria for appearance. A conscript who wants to join the airborne forces must have a height of no less than 175 cm and no higher than 190 cm. For those who want to serve on a submarine, the upper height limit is reduced to 182 cm. In addition, the conscript must fully meet the weight parameters. Both obesity and underweight are not allowed. Whispered speech must be recognized from a distance of 6 meters. The future private of the elite troops must have excellent vision and not have problems with color perception. The visual field limitation for those assigned to group A1 should not exceed 20 degrees.

Other indices in category A

If a conscript has been assigned category A2, it means that serious illnesses or injuries have occurred in his life that were completely cured, but did not worsen his health. Perhaps there are still some unpleasant moments that do not, in general, affect the functioning of the body. This category is suitable for service in the navy, including on submarines.

Category A3 is assigned in case of the presence of certain eye diseases. It is enough to have some myopia or farsightedness within 2 diopters. Suitable for service in armored forces, chemical formations, as well as in internal and guard troops. With such indicators they will not be accepted into the elite troops.

Category A4 implies some eye problems or mild flat feet. Can serve in any army, with the exception of elite special forces, marines and airborne troops. Most often suitable for naval and missile units.

During the medical examination, the young man will visit all the doctors. In this case, each specialist will set his own health category. As a result, the last commission will enter the result on the military ID using the smallest item. That is, if all the doctors gave you A1, and the surgeon wrote A3, then A3 will appear on your military ID.

It is important to understand that the destination indicator is set as a recommendation, and where exactly the conscript will go to serve is finally decided by the military registration and enlistment office and the recruiting station upon arrival. Of course, someone who has serious health problems will not be sent into the airborne assault, but they may well transfer a conscript from index A2 to A1. Also, if you are not satisfied with the type of troops, you can eventually try to transfer, the main thing is that in the troops where the conscript is striving, there are free places for conscripts.

Which troops can you join with category A1?

If after the letter A there is a number 1 as an indicator of purpose, it means that all roads are open to the young man. Any elite unit will be glad to accept him into their barracks. It is with these health indicators that you can serve in:

  • Airborne troops;
  • Special Forces;
  • Marine Corps;
  • Special Forces;
  • Border;
  • Airborne assault brigades.

A1 – fitness category, meaning: a conscript can choose at his own discretion which troops to join. In any case, with such a health group, the choice will be extensive. Restrictions can only be based on height, since the Airborne Forces do not accept anyone shorter than 175 cm. With such height, you can apply for tank forces or a submarine.

How to get into the best troops

Among those who want to serve in the army, more and more people want to join elite airborne units or special forces. It is important to understand that the conscript’s opinion at the military registration and enlistment office, although not a priority, is taken into account. Therefore, in addition to training in health and compliance with standards, a young man who dreams of joining the airborne force is recommended to directly tell the military registration and enlistment office about this. If health allows and there are places in the airborne units, then there is every chance of fulfilling your dream.

Sometimes a conscript believes that his health group is higher than what was indicated to him at the military registration and enlistment office. If the military ID says A2, and a young man wants to join the army elite, then it is necessary to file a complaint with a higher commissariat. It is also worth understanding that preference will be given to soldiers with certain skills, and therefore the presence of a profession can play a key role in the selection of soldiers for a particular unit.

How to move from one health category to another

Most often, the opposite situation occurs when the category is inflated in order to fulfill the plan for recruiting conscripts into certain troops. Therefore, a young man must come to the recruiting station fully armed. Be sure to have all possible confirmed diagnoses and tests with you, which will not allow you to receive the highest category of health if you do not meet it. After the medical examination, you can undergo a follow-up examination, as well as an independent medical examination. In any case, it is recommended to use the services of a professional lawyer who has experience in handling such cases.

The last authority to turn to in case of disagreement with the medical commission of the military registration and enlistment office is the court. To do this, you will need to draw up a statement of claim and provide evidence that the young person belongs to a different health group.

The influence of a stamp on a military ID on later life

No employer wants an employee in poor health. Therefore, if a young man dreams of “selecting” from the army, he must understand that the health category on a military ID with the inscription “unfit” or “limitedly fit” may prevent him from getting a good job in the future.

First of all, a bad category on a military ID can affect obtaining a driver's license or a license to carry a weapon. Accordingly, they will not be hired by state law enforcement agencies, as well as by some private organizations.

Therefore, it is worth thinking carefully about what and how to change in your life in order to achieve the highest health category possible. This will have a positive impact on the entire fate of the conscript.

How to achieve category A1

Sometimes, in order to receive the coveted A1 category, a conscript does not have enough weight. This should be taken care of in advance. You may be in excellent health, but if a young man is 180 cm tall and weighs less than 75 kg, he will not get into the elite troops. Therefore it is worth strengthening

nutrition and monitor your weight category. Young men who are too plump also need to take care of their weight. If you weigh more than 90 kg, you should not count on a blue beret. Therefore, you need to take care of your diet long before the draft board. The weight of a paratrooper should range from 75-85 kg.

In conclusion

In order to show off a blue beret in the future, you must serve a year in the airborne forces. But not everyone can get there. Elite troops also require appropriate conscripts. Those who dream of conquering the sky must have ideal health and suitable height. Only then can you receive the coveted A1 category on your military ID. Otherwise, you will have to prove your case through lawyers and independent experts.

​​ It is recommended to prepare for the military medical examination in advance. To do this, you need to know on the basis of what standards fitness categories are assigned. After all, the assigned category will determine the type of troops and the location of the unit where the conscript will be sent. Getting the “correct” category is also important for those who dream of connecting their future with contract service or work in law enforcement agencies.

The concept of military fitness category

The categories of military fitness of conscripts are assigned as a result of a medical examination. They make it possible to differentiate young people entering military service based on health conditions. Categories are assigned on the basis of the Federal Law “On Military Service and Military Duties”.

Important! It depends on the assigned category whether the young man will get into the service or not. Some categories allow admission, but impose restrictions related to service.

The process of assigning a category is strictly regulated by the Regulations on military medical examination No. The document, called the Schedule of Diseases, contains a list of diseases and diagnoses. Each of the five categories is divided into subcategories. Depending on the category to which the recruit will be assigned, the branch of troops in which he will serve is determined. Restrictions or prohibitions may be placed on types of service that involve heavy physical exertion. For example, service in special forces or airborne forces requires excellent health, category A.

  • dentist;
  • otolaryngologist;
  • psychiatrist;
  • neurologist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • therapist;
  • surgeon.

Each doctor examines the conscript and assigns a category. The function of a doctor during an examination is not to make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment, but to state the fact that the conscript has signs of disease. After this, the inspection results are systematized. The grand total is displayed and a final category and subcategory are assigned.

You must come for inspections with the following documents prepared in advance:

  1. Certificate from a psychoneurological clinic.
  2. Certificate from the skin and venereal disease clinic.
  3. Certificates from an allergist and infectious disease specialist.

Test results are also required:

  1. Chest X-ray.
  2. Complete blood test for HIV and syphilis RV.
  3. Urinalysis.

You must come to the meeting of the medical commission with a medical card from the clinic at your place of residence. You also need to have test results and certificates with you. The conclusion of the medical commission will be drawn up based on the results of tests, certificates and examination.

If the commission has doubts about the health status of the conscript, he will receive a referral for consultation and examination by a highly specialized specialist. The referral is given to a specific medical institution, where a specialist will be seen free of charge, in the direction of the military registration and enlistment office.

The category affects the type of military service and the location of the unit to which the conscript will be sent. This is due to the fact that if a person has certain diseases, high physical activity may be contraindicated. Reduced hearing or visual acuity also impose certain limitations. In addition, the climate (southern or northern) has different effects on individuals suffering from allergic reactions or pulmonary diseases. Growth also has an effect. Being tall can be an obstacle to serving on a submarine or in tank forces.

Special forces, marines and airborne forces select conscripts with impeccable health. This is due to increased physical activity that requires great endurance. In this regard, special attention is paid to recruits with a sports rank.

If a person has a congenital or acquired disease, it is necessary to prepare in advance for a medical examination and confirm the presence of the disease by undergoing examinations in advance. If the disease has been present since childhood, you can bring a child’s medical card. If in doubt, the medical board doctor will prescribe additional examinations.


Let's take a closer look.

Category A

Category B

Assigned if there are health problems that do not interfere with military service. Such employees may not be permitted to perform certain tasks. A digital value is added to category B, subcategories:

  1. B1. Assigned in the presence of a non-dangerous illness that does not interfere with service. It could be a food allergy.
  2. B2. Assigned as a rule when there is a slight decrease in vision.
  3. B3. Presence of mild chronic diseases.
  4. B4. It has borderline value with category B, which excludes service. You can fall into this category if you have chronic diseases that do not interfere with military service, with decreased hearing or vision, excess weight or lack thereof, and short stature.

Category B

A person with this category cannot perform military service. But during military operations he will be called up. A military ID card for category B holders is issued on a general basis. This category is a target for those who, for whatever reason, want to avoid conscription into the army.

The other side of the coin is that when assigned to this category, a person may lose the opportunity to get a job in law enforcement agencies or serve under a contract.

Category G

If at the time of conscription a person has serious health problems that exclude military service, he is assigned category G. This may be an injury or a serious illness. The military commission makes a decision on the postponement. A person is given six months or a year, depending on the severity of the disease. After the specified period, his health status is checked and the issue of category is reviewed. Next, there are two options:

  1. My health has improved. A higher category is assigned, and the conscript is sent to serve.
  2. Your health status has not changed or has worsened. A category is assigned that excludes military service, B or D.

Category D

The person has serious health problems. Not fit for military service. Not subject to conscription in wartime.

Is it possible to change the fitness category on a military ID?

The fitness category assigned by the medical commission based on the results of the examination is displayed on page 13 of the military ID. The military record reflects only the category, without indicating a specific disease. There are situations when, after passing the commission, a conscript is injured or falls ill. His health condition does not allow him to serve. In this case, you need to write a statement to the military commissar. It indicates the reason for the application, a reasoned request for re-examination.

Pages 12 and 13 of the Military ID

If the assigned category, in the opinion of the conscript, does not reflect the real state of his health, he can appeal the decision. To do this, a complaint is sent to the draft commission of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Upon application, a repeat medical examination is organized. If this was refused, or the conscript does not agree with the conclusions of the repeated medical examination, then he can go to court. Going to court will allow you to undergo an independent examination, the results of which will be considered in court.

If a conscript does not agree with the decision of the medical commission, he has the right to appeal the decision within three months to a higher draft commission. The complaint is considered within five days, during which time the call is suspended. If the appeal period is missed, if the person is already serving, the complaint will not be accepted.

What category is required to serve under a contract?

The suitability of contract military personnel is determined in the same way as for all conscript military personnel. Categories A, B, C, D, D are used. Accordingly, people with categories A and B can be accepted for contract service.

Fitness categories of military personnel and illness schedules

The disease schedule is a table of diseases, numbering more than 2000. It is divided into three columns, the first for conscripts, the second for officers without officer knowledge and the last for officers. Using them, you can set a fitness category for both those currently in military service and those who are not.

Schedule of diseases and fitness categories

It happens that a conscript is absolutely healthy and does not have any of the diseases listed in the schedule. Then he receives category A. If there is a disease, then you need to find it in the document and see which category corresponds to it.

Is re-examination required?

Previously, there was a procedure in which it was necessary to undergo re-examination every three years. This was done to confirm the diagnosis. There is no need to do this at this time.

  1. Category D means that the person is temporarily unfit for service. He is given six months or a year. After this period, a re-examination is carried out. A category is assigned depending on your current health status.
  2. If the conscript does not agree with the category assigned to him. Then he submits an application to the draft commission with a reasoned request to conduct a re-examination.


If a conscript has a disease that prevents him from performing military service, he must prepare in advance for a medical examination. It is necessary to undergo medical examinations to confirm the diagnosis. Bring supporting documents to the medical commission meeting. The commission's doctors can issue referrals for additional examinations. If after this a category is assigned that does not correspond to the real state of affairs, the conscript can appeal the decision in court.

There are a huge number of military professions and branches of the military, but all conscripts are suitable candidates for “vacant positions”, because they do not have the same physiological data, level of physical fitness, and everyone’s health status is different.

To determine the degree of readiness of young people for military service, a whole system was developed to determine how suitable each conscript is to serve military service. The law established eligibility categories, which in turn were “divided” into several subcategories.

What are the eligibility categories for?

The selection of applicants for military service has existed since time immemorial, and now this selection has a scientific basis. Fitness categories allow you to determine in advance whether a candidate soldier will be able to perform combat missions, and whether his body will cope with the stress without harming his health.

There are very few absolutely healthy people, and therefore the bulk of conscripts fall under category B. The “lucky ones” who fall under category A will have the opportunity to serve in elite units - special forces, marines, airborne forces, etc. There are five categories in total, but “ conscripts”, not all of them:

Category A. Assigned to people who have excellent health and are fit for military service without any restrictions. Category A is divided into A1, A2, A3 and A4. Depending on the subcategory, the conscript will serve in one or another army:

  1. A1. This subcategory is assigned to people who have no restrictions at all. Such conscripts have normal hearing and vision, and their height and weight allow them to serve in elite troops, such as airborne troops.
  2. A2. This subcategory also means full suitability for military service in elite troops. The number “2” indicates that the conscript has suffered a serious illness or previously received an injury, for example, a broken bone.
  3. A3. Limitation of the visual field and not too sharp vision are the main reasons why persons who fall under this subcategory cannot serve in special forces and airborne forces. But they are fit for service in the Strategic Missile Forces, chemical and other troops.
  4. A4. Assigned to persons who fit this subcategory in height and weight, but also have vision problems. But this defect is not an obstacle to serving in various military units.

If a conscript or serviceman suffers from certain diseases that do not allow him to be classified in fitness category A or enlisted in the reserves, then he falls under category B, and such people are the absolute majority.

Category B. Assigned to citizens who have certain health limitations. That is, they can serve, but performing certain functions is strictly contraindicated for them. Category B is also divided into subcategories B1, B2, B3 and B4.

Likewise, depending on the additional digit, the young man will serve in certain troops.

  1. B1. Assigned to people suffering from mild and non-dangerous diseases and disorders. For example, an allergy to any product. The conscript may well become a border guard or be enlisted in an assault brigade.
  2. B2. Basically, it is assigned to conscripts who have minor visual problems. As a rule, such guys are called to serve in the surface or submarine fleet, tank, engineering and other troops.
  3. B3. It assumes that the conscript has more serious illnesses, which means that he cannot be a paratrooper or special forces soldier, but he can become a radio operator or a member of the internal troops.
  4. B4. This subcategory is probably the most “unfortunate” in the sense that it closely borders on the non-conscription category B. As a rule, B4 includes citizens of small stature, overweight or vice versa - its disadvantage, having poor vision or hearing, and suffering from non-hazardous chronic diseases. Such conscripts may well guard radio installations, serve in communications troops and other units.

More details can be found.

Category G. Assigned to conscripts who, at the time of conscription, suffered from any illness or were injured. The law provides for a deferment for either 6 months or 1 year. If his health improves, the guy is assigned a “conscription” category and sent to the troops. Lack of changes is the reason for assigning a “non-conscription” category B or D.

Definition of a category and its assignment

A citizen who has reached conscription age undergoes a second military medical examination. Why repeat? Because he has already participated in such an event once, when he received pre-conscription status, and the preliminary results of the medical examination are already known to the military registration and enlistment office. Based on this data, a recruitment plan is drawn up. But the draft commission is of paramount importance, because it is at such an event that the category of suitability is determined. It cannot be said that it is final, because a young man can always express his disagreement with the verdict of the medical board in court. True, if there are legal grounds for this and there are violations of the law.

Passing a military medical examination involves visiting seven doctors of “popular” specialties. If a conscript has medical documents that clearly indicate that he has any disease, then he must take them with him when going to such an important event. How is the category assigned? Based on the worst-case principle. That is, during the medical examination, each specialist assigns a fitness category. And if all the doctors put category B, and the therapist – D, then the chairman of the commission will make a verdict: assign the conscript a fitness group D.

Where is the fitness category displayed on a military ID?

Information directly related to the medical examination is displayed on the thirteenth page of the military ID. Thus, one of five categories is indicated, and it does not matter at all whether it is “conscripted” or not.

Is it possible to change the eligibility category?

The procedure is possible, and the conscript himself acts as the initiator here. To do this, you just need to write an application addressed to the military commissar, which sets out a request to organize a repeat medical examination. That is, this process is initiated if the health of a citizen liable for military service has improved or worsened. There is a separate section on our website dedicated to this issue.

It is known that young people subject to conscription into the army must meet certain requirements regarding their health status. In accordance with federal legislation, the so-called fitness categories of conscripts have been determined, which are determined based on the opinions of medical specialists of medical commissions at military registration and enlistment offices. There are five categories of fitness for military service.

Main categories and their explanation

Fitness category A

Suitability without restrictions. This eligibility category includes young people who do not have any health problems. Fitness category “A” is divided into two subcategories:

  • With fitness category A1, conscripts are fit without any restrictions, do not have pathologies or health problems, and have not suffered from serious illnesses;
  • With fitness category A2, conscripts are fit, but they have some restrictions on the loads with further selection, they were seriously ill, they suffered serious injuries (fractures or concussions). This is not an obstacle to serving in special units or troops. Conscripts in this category are distributed among elite troops such as the Marines, Airborne Forces, and others.

Fitness category B

Passable, but there are minor restrictions (apply to some branches of the military). This category is assigned to conscripts who have some minor health problems that do not prevent conscription for military service. This category has four more subcategories.

  • on submarines, surface ships;
  • drivers and crew members in tanks, self-propelled artillery units, engineering vehicles based on military equipment.
  • drivers and crew members in infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers and missile launchers;
  • in internal troops, guard units;
  • in chemical parts, specialists in refueling and storing fuels and lubricants;
  • anti-aircraft missile units.
  • in special structures, security and defense specialists on combat missile systems;
  • in communication units, radio engineering units;
  • other parts of the Russian Armed Forces, other troops, military formations and bodies.

Fitness category B

Limited fit for military service. Conscripts with serious illnesses are exempt from conscription during peacetime, receive military ID cards marked “fit for non-combatant service” and are enlisted in the reserves. During wartime, they are subject to conscription when staffed in units with the second stage.

With this category of military fitness you will not be drafted into the army. As a result, many guys who want to leave the army legally have a desire to obtain or change this category of fitness. They turn to lawyers and doctors for assistance to find out how to change their category. They can get all this from specialized companies involved in conducting independent medical examinations, identifying non-conscription diseases, correctly filling out a medical history, preparing packages of documentation for submission to military registration and enlistment offices and achieving legal rights to be written off to the reserves. This is basically how the fitness category changes.

Practical experience demonstrates that in recent years a large number of conscripts have many non-conscription diseases. In the process of conducting thorough independent examinations in a wide variety of medical institutions, it is highly likely that serious diseases are diagnosed, which exempt from conscription, but require detailed and lengthy medical histories. The decisive factor for decommissioning conscripts to the reserve or changing their fitness category can be played not only by the level of severity of the disease, the number of visits to doctors for diseases, but also by medical documentation confirming the facts of visits to hospitals and documentation of treatment, which alleviates the course of diseases, but does not cure them entirely.

Suitability category G

Temporarily unfit for military service. Conscripts with this category receive deferments from 6 to 12 months, after which repeated medical examinations are held at military registration and enlistment offices, where fitness categories are determined. After which a conclusion is made on the category of suitability for military service.

This fitness category is assigned to conscripts when they have any health disorders or injuries, such as bone fractures, dystrophy or excessive obesity, etc., giving grounds for a speedy recovery. It often happens that after several such deferments, fitness categories “B” are assigned.

Fitness category D

Not fit for military service. Conscripts with this category are issued military ID cards, which indicate absolute unfitness. After that, the corresponding stamps are placed in the passports.

This category of fitness for military service is prescribed for extremely serious illnesses. These are usually diseases with “significant impairment of body functions.” According to the list of diseases, these may be absence of the stomach, glaucoma in advanced stages in both eyes, repeated strokes, HIV infections, etc.

Restrictions on professional activity related to fitness categories

When citizens receive fitness categories “B” or “D”, they are likely to have restrictions in the process of getting a job subsequently. First of all, this applies to attempts to get a job in law enforcement agencies, in which military service is a mandatory condition. Having the “B” fitness category, you have a chance to become a civil servant in the office, work in reputable institutions, factories, etc.

There are many legends about prohibitions when obtaining a driver's license. This can only be due to serious diseases in the musculoskeletal system, diseases of the sensory organs, or mental illnesses that prevent one from obtaining these rights. For example, the presence of cardiovascular disease is not often taken into account by medical commissions when determining the likelihood of obtaining a driver's license. However, with some diseases, you may not be able to obtain a driver’s license in general, but only obtain certain categories or the right to engage in professional activities in this area. In particular, become a bus or tram driver.

Eligibility categories in military IDs

The categories of suitability of conscripts for military service are indicated on military cards in special columns. When conscripts are exempt from conscription for health reasons, only categories B or D will be indicated on military cards, without indicating the specific diseases for which the conscripts were exempt from conscription. Typically, eligibility categories on military IDs are not subject to change.

All boys subject to conscription must undergo a medical examination. Based on the results of passing a medical commission, they are assigned categories of conscripts based on health conditions. This is due to the fact that the state of health directly affects the degree of stress to which a soldier will be exposed during service. For example, some branches of the military make excessive demands on health, and not every young man will be able to cope with the task.

Decoding the category of medical fitness allows you to find out whether a person will serve, and if so, to which military units he can be distributed. In this section of our website we will take a detailed look at all categories of fitness of the Russian army, and also talk about how they can affect future life. We hope that this information will be useful to everyone who will soon undergo a medical examination.

Category A

With this category, a conscript is fit for military service without restrictions. Most often, this category is assigned to those who do not have any health problems. They are the ones who are sent to serve in the elite troops, which include the marines, airborne troops, submarines and surface ships.

  • category "A1". It means that conscripts do not have any pathologies or abnormalities. In addition, she points out that at the time of the medical examination he did not have any serious illnesses;
  • category "A2". This category is given to conscripts who have had a serious injury or suffered a serious illness. Most often this concerns fractures or concussions. However, this category does not prevent military service in special forces.

Category B

This eligibility category has minor restrictions that apply to service in certain troops. As a rule, this category of fitness for military service is assigned in cases where a young man has minor health problems.

Fitness category “B” and its varieties.

  • category "B1". Upon receipt of this category, the conscript is considered fit for service in special forces units, marines, airborne and air assault military units, as well as in border troops and troops of the Federal Border Service of the Russian Federation;
  • category "B2". With this category you can be called up to serve on submarines and surface ships or become a driver or crew member of tanks, self-propelled artillery units, engineering vehicles based on tanks and tractors;
  • category "B3". This category of fitness for military service applies to drivers and crew members of infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers and missile launchers. In addition, with this category you can get into the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation;
  • category "B4". If a guy is assigned this category, then he is subject to conscription for the protection and defense of combat missile systems, radio engineering and communications units, as well as other military formations that do not make serious demands on the health of military personnel.

Category B

This mark on the military ID indicates that the man is partially fit for military service. Most often, this category is assigned in the presence of serious diseases. After receiving category “B”, the young man is exempt from conscription in peacetime, receives a military ID and is enlisted in the reserves. When conscription begins in wartime, it will be used to staff units of the 2nd line.

If a person does not want to serve in the army, then receiving this category allows him to avoid conscription on completely legal grounds. Our company “” has extensive experience in this field. By contacting us, you will receive the help of our specialists, and under their guidance you will undergo an independent medical examination, which will allow you to identify the presence of non-diseases and correctly document your medical history. After this, the collected package of documents is sent to the military registration and enlistment office, opening the possibility of obtaining a military ID and being written off as a reserve.

Our practice shows that many guys have prerequisites for the development of serious diseases. But this is not always possible to detect during a medical examination, which is often formal in nature. Therefore, an important role in setting the category for young conscripts is played by medical documents, which indicate the frequency of requests for medical help at the place of residence.

How to get fitness category “B” at the military registration and enlistment office. Video

Category G

This category indicates that the young man is temporarily unfit for military service due to health reasons. As a rule, a deferment is given for a period of six months to a year, after which a second medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office is required. Most often this happens due to the fact that the young man has a bone fracture, dystrophy, excessive obesity or other health pathologies that may go away after a certain time.

Unfortunately, very often employees of military commissariats use this category for guys who have every right to be exempt from service. As a result, a person who, due to his health status, does not need additional checks, is forced to undergo regular medical examinations. In this case, it is necessary to appeal the decision of the draft commission so that the correct eligibility point is set.

What does “temporarily unfit for military service” mean?

Category D

This category means that, due to health, a person is completely exempt from conscription and from military service in general. When assigned to this category, the young man receives a military ID card, which contains a note stating that the army will not threaten him. In addition, a stamp is placed in the passport. In most cases, category “D” is assigned in the absence of a stomach, glaucoma in both eyes, repeated stroke, HIV infection and other serious diseases.

Fitness category “D” in the military ID. How to get it? Video

Restrictions related to the conscript's fitness category

Many people do not know that some categories can lead to problems in the future when applying for a job. First of all, this applies to category “B” or “D”. If a young man has such a clause, then he will not be able to work in law enforcement agencies, which include the Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB, FSIN and FSKN. This is due to the fact that these departments do not hire applicants who have not completed compulsory military service and, accordingly, have the specified degrees of fitness of the army of the Russian Federation.

It is worth noting separately that today there are several myths regarding the ban on obtaining a driver’s license. Some diseases do not prevent this procedure at all. For example, when passing a medical commission to obtain a license, it is not always the case that a number of diseases associated with the functioning of the heart or stomach are taken into account. Therefore, a person with these diseases can obtain a driving license without any problems.

Vladimir Mozhaisky

Vladimir Mozhaisky is the author of articles and, perhaps, the best online consultant of the PrizyvaNet company. For more than 9 years, she has been advising conscripts and their parents on issues of legal exemption from the army in accordance with the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service.”