Scary stories about mirrors. Mysticism of mirrors: why you should not photograph your reflection. The most famous mirrors

Mysticism of mirrors

Since ancient times, people have a special relationship with mirrors. And this is due to the belief that with the help of a mirror you can do a lot of magical actions, for example, look into the future or protect yourself from the evil eye. On the other hand, mirrors are hung in the room where the deceased lies, so that they do not capture his image. It is also considered a bad omen if the mirror is broken or chipped. Of course, most modern people will call all these beliefs dense prejudices. But is it really so?

Take, for example, a story that happened in the 80s of the nineteenth century in Sicily. There, at that time, one of the inhabitants of the city of Messina was considered an insidious killer, but it was almost impossible to prove his involvement in numerous deaths, since he killed in a rather unusual way: with his eyes.

And yet the killer was punished. Somehow his attention was attracted by a suit on display in a shop window. The man stopped and began to carefully examine first the suit, and then his reflection. And suddenly, at some point, he fell unconscious on the sidewalk. It turns out that he killed himself with his own gaze, reflected from the glass. At least later, this version was put forward by the inhabitants of Messina.

How to figure out where is a bad mirror and where is normal?

It is quite difficult to distinguish truth from fiction in this story, but at least neither the so-called sorcerers nor psychics try not to look in the mirror without special need. And it is possible that there is a certain logic in this. Indeed, back in the middle of the 19th century, the German naturalist and technician Karl von Reichenbach argued that if the rays emanating from the eyes, carrying negative energy, are reflected from the mirror, then they can cause serious harm to the health of just those who sent them. And who knows, perhaps our distant ancestors did not wear miniature mirrors on their chests instead of a pendant for nothing?

At least some of the modern scientists are sure that any object is surrounded by some kind of invisible field that has a reflective ability. If the object has irregularities and roughness, then the field around it is loose, and therefore it reflects only a small part of the energy incident on it. But if the object is even, like a mirror, and even shiny, then this field is so dense in it that almost any wave streams are reflected from it without significant loss of energy.

This amazing feature of mirror surfaces has long been used in the East. For example, in order to protect yourself and your loved ones from the negative energy of an evil neighbor or prisons or hospitals located near your home, mirrors are placed on the outside of the house.

There is another belief in the East, according to which almost all mirrors, except for reflecting negative energy, can attract positive energy. For this reason, bedridden patients who are not able to get out into nature on their own are recommended to use a mirror. To do this, it should be placed in such a way that the energy of the sky, forest, meadow, etc. falls on it through the window at approximately 45 degrees. The landscapes reflected from the mirror must be directed into the eyes of a sick person or to an unhealthy part of the body.

Sometimes a curious point of view on the aging process of men and women is expressed in the press. Its essence is that women fade faster than men because they look in the mirror too often. Again, this view is quite consistent with the findings of modern bioenergetics. Indeed, in fact, the subtle energies emanating from a person, especially from the organs of vision, are thrown back by the mirror surface and therefore, to one degree or another, destroy his protective aura. It turns out that the longer we look in the mirror, the more energy we lose...

It has already been said above about the existence of a belief, according to which the image of the deceased can be imprinted in an open mirror and remain in it forever, like a portrait on a canvas. True, on a mirror surface this image will be invisible.

And if for some reason such a mirror ends up in the apartment of another person, then it is possible that subsequently it can bring a lot of trouble to its new owner.

But how, in this case, to figure out: where is the “bad” mirror, and where is the “normal” one? In general, it is not so difficult to find out: the surface of such a mirror is relatively cold. In addition, the candles consecrated in the church go out in front of him. And even if such a mirror is sprinkled with holy water, it will not get any better. The only recommendation for such a case is to simply smash it and throw it away.

But if the presence in the mirror of the image of the deceased or his soul is a controversial topic and is not taken seriously by most scientists, then the attitude of researchers to the existence of mirrors with huge negative energy is completely different.

At the very least, paranormal experts are convinced that such energy accumulates in especially large quantities in old mirrors, which, over their long lives, have absorbed the scenes of violence reflected in them, and even more so murder. Therefore, bioenergy experts advise, in order not to bring trouble, to refuse to purchase used mirrors. After all, the mirror not only accumulates negative energy, but can also “infect” other people with it. Apparently, it was not in vain that Ivan the Terrible, fearing the evil eye and damage, ordered that only blind craftsmen make mirrors for his wife Maria Nagoya.

Many nations have a belief that a broken and even cracked mirror is a bad omen. And there are good reasons for this superstition. Today there is no doubt that faults in the earth's crust lead to the emergence of so-called geopathogenic zones, which, in turn, cause many negative processes and phenomena that adversely affect human health. For example, people living in houses located in these zones have problems with the psyche, as well as with internal organs. But after all, a crack in glass or a mirror is, to a certain extent, the same as a break in the earth's crust. The difference is only in the scale of these two phenomena. Therefore, one cannot deny the fact that cracks in the mirror are also capable of accumulating and then releasing radiation hazardous to health. On this occasion, there is an opinion in the East that a broken window can cause serious illness.

Another argument in favor of the special properties of mirrors is their use in divination and predictions. For example, legends say that the famous medieval mystic Cornelius Agrippa had a special mirror in which his guests could see their loved ones.

So, a mirror is not at all a harmless object of our everyday life, but a real force that, under certain conditions, can have one or another effect on the state of our body. But how this force appears in the mirrors and how it affects the human body is for scientists to find out.

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Method of mirrors To perform the ceremony, prepare three candles and holy or baptismal water. The ceremony is performed on the night from Tuesday to Wednesday at twelve o'clock in the morning. The time of action is from the seventeenth to the thirtieth lunar day. Before this on Monday read

Each person's morning is different: someone gets up early, washes, brushes his teeth, has breakfast, goes to work; some get up later, but also brush their teeth and wash their faces, and then have dinner. And inevitable in our usual ritual meeting with a mirror. Someone looks in the mirror in order to smile and cheer himself up, someone looks at his face in it, looking for acne and other kinds of flaws, someone just amuses himself by making funny faces.

Mirror ... how many different kinds of superstitions are associated with it (or maybe it's not superstition at all?). Many argue about the real meaning of this interesting object - some believe that this is a means of communication with the dead, others say that the mirror is the door to the other world, others do not notice anything unusual in it at all. But I am sure that everyone has ever seen something unusual in the mirror, only some have noticed it, and some have passed by consciousness and did not pay attention. Still, it is difficult to specifically see anything in the mirror, only a person immersed in his thoughts will be able to catch a stranger in the mirror.

I love horror movies, and especially stories and films about mirrors. And I so wanted to see something mystical, frightening in the mirror, that every day I stood near it both straight and from the side, from the other side - I couldn’t see anything. Initially, I was curious, but what if I see something, then it already became a game, and then it was just a habit, even some kind of obsession.

And then one day, when I was about to go to bed soon, I was brushing my teeth, and, as usual, again tried to discern someone else's presence in the mirror. Luck smiled at me (whether she smiled, that is the question, rather, she even laughed at me and my desires). Out of the corner of my eye, I sensed the vague silhouette of a man, which at first did not seem strange to me. Finishing the evening ritual of brushing my teeth, I looked around, but there was no one where the supposed person should have been. I felt lighter and at the same time scared, because I saw the reflection. The outline of the man in the mirror did not become clearer, but something irresistibly attracted me to him. I looked and looked. Finally, the vision became clearer, and I realized that I saw a man, completely naked, middle-aged (forty years old), standing right behind me in the reflection! Most of all, I was struck by his eyes - white, without pupils, completely empty eyes ... He stood with his head slightly up, then began to move smoothly and slowly towards me. Do not even walk, but float through the air.

He did not look in my direction, but I felt a tingle in the back of my head from his gaze, the ghost was approaching me, and I was fascinated by how he moved. I was scared, goosebumps ran through my body. I couldn't help myself. Various thoughts began to flicker, one worse than the other ... Why did I start looking? Why did I need this game? Why did I, in the end, began to look closely at this man? Well, I would let it pass by my consciousness, I would convince myself that it just seemed, and so ... What will happen to me now?

When he was already close to me, judging by the mirror image, in the end I could not stand it, my nerves were just at the limit of what I saw, my hand clenched itself into a fist and hit the mirror. Cracks appeared, the man disappeared, as if he had not been at all. I think I would have forgotten about this incident, if not for the fist that was broken at this time.

Sergey Zhnetsov worked as a programmer in our company. Until recently, he was a cheerful, cheerful 30-year-old guy, the soul of any company, the first ringleader and inventor at all parties and corporate parties. Now it is a gray-haired, prematurely aged, gloomy bearded man. Those who knew him before never cease to be amazed at the metamorphoses that took place in Sergei. “It’s necessary, how life hit a person,” thought many of his acquaintances, following the stooped figure with their eyes. And only a few knew the reason for the changes that happened to Sergei. And this is what happened...

In one village, Sergei bought a small house for a summer residence. And he was seduced by the fact that a wooden bathhouse was also sold along with the house. “Now I will have my own sauna,” he said to his friends. - "I will make repairs, and I invite everyone to the bathhouse to wash off the city's dirt and stress." Sergey straightened the house, repaired the roof, the porch - the local craftsman cut it down with an ax so that at least now to the exhibition. Although the new owner invested a lot of money in his dacha, everything turned out perfectly. Well, there is nothing to say about the bathhouse. What was not in the bathhouse was billiards. And this should happen - a mirror hung on the wall in the house in a beautiful carved gilded oval frame, still left of the old mistress, and Sergey hung it in the bathhouse. And so he flooded his bathhouse, washed himself and steamed to his heart's content, his wife rubbed his back, and walked with a broom to mutual pleasure. After the bath, the wife, wrapped in a sheet, ran into the house, and Sergei remained to shave. Laying out his shaving accessories on a shelf, he looked at himself in an old mirror. And here is what Sergey said later:

- I look in the mirror and see an old woman in it, and this old woman is looking at me, her mouth is open, only two teeth are visible, but she herself does not say anything, but in my head I have her voice, and this voice hisses like a snake:

"Put the mirror back in place, damned one!" I'll die, Herod!

And I see that her hands are reaching out to me and grabbed by the throat, and then I don’t remember anything. Later, my wife told me that she heard screams from the bathhouse, ran there and saw me rolling on the floor, and my hands were squeezing my own throat. In short, if my wife had not arrived in time, I would have strangled myself, it was already blue ...

The news that the mirror almost killed the new owner of the house quickly spread throughout the village. And the old-timers began to remember that in the 30s of the last century there was a wealthy large family in the village. When the family came to be dispossessed, the case ended in bloodshed, all the Chekists were slaughtered, one grandmother remained. So this grandmother cursed everyone in front of the mirror, and set fire to her house. The house burned down, and the grandmother along with the house, but the mirror miraculously remained untouched. And over time, this mirror and what was once reflected in it, went to Sergey.

For a long time Sergey came to his senses after such a bath. For several years he was afraid to look in the mirror, he could not look at the monitor screen. Thanks to the help of kind people, he somehow returned to life, but how is another story.

The mirrors have been shrouded in mystery since their inception. They saw portals to other worlds, magical attributes that could show the future and change fate.

The human imagination has made mirrors part of the legend. Despite the fact that most of them do not have any reasonable basis, they are still alive.

The first mirrors were metal

Secrets of mirrors that scientists talk about

The mirror can cause hallucinations. The human brain is a unique tool, the possibilities of which are not yet fully understood. To check the version of hallucinations, it is enough to conduct a small experiment. You need to sit in front of the mirror, dim the lights and just carefully examine your reflection.

Scientists Confirm Mirrors Can Cause Hallucinations

After a while, there will be a feeling that your face does not belong to you, a fantastic copy of yourself will look at you from the mirror. Quite often, such experiments lead to the fact that people begin to see strange and sometimes frightening visions in the mirror surface. In scientific circles, this effect is called "meeting another self" and has been successfully applied in psychiatry.

This property made the mirror an attribute of fortune tellers.

Mirror therapy. One of the clearest examples of how a highly effective human mind can be deceived was the experiment with phantom limbs. The mirror is installed vertically in such a way that the reflection of a healthy limb "replaces" the missing one. When a person, for example, sees both his hands (although he lost one of them), it seems to him that he again has a healthy body. At the same time, he can move it and the feeling that the reflection in the mirror is his hand does not leave him.

Mirror therapy helps to cope with phantom pains

This effect can be explained by the fact that the brain is reconfigured to new sensations after an injury and creates a number of neural networks that replace each other. And another theory says that vision is directly related to the work of the brain and is the main source of information.

Real and fake mirrors. Normal reflection shows the person "inverted", the right side is on the right and the left side is on the left. But there are also real mirrors, or as they are also called "truthful". The reflection in them is shown the way other people see you.

The reflection of a real mirror looks unusual

This effect can be observed at home. Two mirrors are installed perpendicular to each other, you need to look into the reflection from these mirrors.

"Smart" mirror exists. This is an unusual media carrier, which is designed to select and display advertising to the target audience. As soon as a person approaches, the mirror comes to life and shows a video that could potentially interest the approached person.

"Smart" mirror can interact with a person

A special system is built into the miracle mirror, which recognizes and processes the image. It determines age, gender, emotional state and displays a suitable video on the screen. The probability of hitting the target is 85%, but specialists are working to increase the accuracy of the system to 98%. A similar technology was used for the needs of the beauty industry. The media can provide expert advice to help you look your best.

mirror rides

Mirrors can not only scare people with their amazing features, but also entertain. At the beginning of the 20th century, the so-called Palaces of Illusions came into fashion. One of the first mirror attractions appeared at the World Exhibition in Paris and was simply wildly popular.

Parisian Palace of Illusions with visitors

The principle of its operation is simple, a huge pavilion was built up with a number of full-length mirrors. Thus, the one who entered inside had a crazy illusion of being in the crowd. Add to this the suspiciousness of a person of that time and you will get a frenzied hype around a unique attraction.

Empty hall of the Palace of Illusions

Even today, mirrors are often used to create an unusual effect for the amusement of the crowd. The Disney amusement park has an Infinity Hall where two mirrors are placed opposite each other. Naturally, the reflection of the mirrors in each other is multiplied by an infinite number of times, and this has become the main "highlight" of the attraction.

Modern mirror maze

Mysticism of mirrors

A huge number of beliefs and legends are associated with mirrors, which have become so firmly established in our lives that mystical rituals have become a habit for some:

True sign: “The mirror has broken, so there will be a new one”

If you break a mirror, do not despair, you need to throw salt over your shoulder, turn clockwise, collect mirrors in paper and throw them away.

Another persistent myth is that vampires are not reflected in the mirror. This is due to the fact that otherworldly entities in our world are only guests, and mirrors for them are a portal to enter another world. That is why they will not be able to admire their own reflection.

Vampires, doppelgangers and ghosts are not reflected in mirrors

In a house with a dead person, the first thing they do is curtain the mirrors. It is believed that it is through the mirror that terrible ghosts can enter the house. In addition, the soul of the deceased can "get stuck" in the mirror and suffer until the end of time.

Looking in the mirror in a good mood

Mirrors can attract good luck if you work with them correctly. Standing in front of the mirror, smile at yourself and say that you can handle everything. Positive energy will literally be absorbed into the mirror and will become an excellent protector of your home.

Mystics believe that all secrets are kept in the looking glass.

For the same reason, you need to look in the mirror when you return home if you forgot something. With your reflection, you will restore the protection of the house and will be able to calmly continue on your way.

There is a belief that a mirror can double your profits if it reflects beautiful things, or cause financial ruin if it reflects unpleasant things - dirty laundry, a toilet bowl, or any other garbage.

The most famous mirrors

Mirrors rarely have names. This is such a familiar thing in the house that you remember about it only when it is not at hand at the right moment. However, there are mirrors about which they write stories, make films or dream of seeing at least a glimpse.

Mirror. Entrance to another world

Bagua Mirror

It is known for its unique ability to ward off negative energy and is one of the essential tools for any follower of Feng Shui philosophy.

Bagua mirror can be purchased at an esoteric store

The shape of the mirror itself and the individual sectors on its sides form a powerful tandem for attracting positive energy and reflecting negative. Like any tool, it can be used for good and bad. Perhaps only Feng Shui masters know the full rules. We will tell you about the most important thing: you should not look into this mirror.

Mysterious Chinese mirrors

There are bronze mirrors, over the riddle of which the best minds of mankind are still struggling. They have been found in several ancient Chinese tombs and are a small disk with a bronze reflective surface. On the reverse side, they are decorated with hieroglyphs and mystical signs.

Modern technologies are not able to reproduce such mirrors.

The main mystery is that the sun's rays falling on its surface trigger the appearance of light signs that have nothing to do with the back of the mysterious object.

Chinese mirrors are like a miracle

The technology of creating such mirrors is still a mystery to mankind.

Bronze mirror Yata-no-kagami

Yata-no-kagami literally translates as "mirror in eight spans", or rather a very large copper mirror. The legend says that it was cast to lure Amaterasu offended and hiding in the cave of the goddess of beauty. Seeing her reflection, she changed her anger to mercy and light returned to the world. And the Yata-no-kagami mirror, according to legend, still retains the appearance of the goddess.

Cave-grotto Ama-no-Iwato, in which the goddess hid

The most interesting fact associated with him is that none of the mere mortals have seen him. It is located on the territory of an ancient temple and is carefully guarded as one of the symbols of imperial power (along with Yakasani-no-Magatama jasper pendants and the Kusanagi-no-tsurugi sword). The appearance of the mirror is also unknown to anyone, because it is stored in a special case, which is sealed personally by the emperor himself.

Cellini's magic mirror

Every beautiful woman would gladly agree to keep her youth forever. The cherished thing for many ladies for a long time was a magic mirror that could fulfill this dream.

Cellini mirror - could look like this

According to legend, the sculptor Benvenuto Cellini managed to create a similar thing. The first owner of this coveted item was Diana de Poitiers, the main favorite of the French emperor of the 16th century. It is believed that it was the mirror that helped Diana become the only and beloved woman of the monarch, who was 20 years younger than her, it also attracted a huge crowd of fans to her feet and gave eternal youth.

Mirror by Benvenuto Cellini. The secret of eternal beauty

The mistresses of this mysterious mirror are Isadora Duncan, Marlene Dietrich and Anna Judic. Maybe that's why the beauty of these women inspired poets and composers, and they themselves are still considered the standards of femininity.