Own business: production of construction nails. How to open a building materials store

Opening your own building materials store may seem like an easy and low investment business. But is it really so?

Currently, there are more than 100 building materials stores in Yekaterinburg. Among them there are both small highly specialized shops and large hypermarkets, occupying thousands of square meters and having a huge range of products. So how do you stand out in this market?

This business plan is designed to open a small building materials store in the center of the newly built residential complex "Kamenny Ruchey". The store development strategy allows you to save on attracting customers, meeting the most important requirements of the modern market environment: flexibility and mobility.

Of course, this business does not promise to bring you millions of profits, but it is quite possible to have a stable income of 100-150 thousand rubles. As the advantages of this business, it can be noted that the main investments fall on working capital. That is, if necessary, you can quickly release the invested funds.

The main thing is to clearly identify the target audience and try to satisfy its needs as much as possible when choosing an assortment of building materials.

Sum initial investment is 893,600 rubles.

Maximum revenue - RUB 1,168,333

Time to reach the breakeven point is 4 months.

With rock ROI is 13 months.

Maximum Profit- 147,800 rubles.

2. Description of the business, product or service

Each of us, sooner or later, has to deal with the need for repair. And this issue becomes especially relevant after the acquisition of a new apartment. However, when planning to start repairs, few homeowners understand how difficult the process is for them. In order for repairs to be completed faster, it is necessary to ensure an uninterrupted supply of materials. And since there is not always time and opportunity to go to large hypermarkets, a small building materials store located nearby will come in handy.

The main idea of ​​opening a building materials store "ByStroyka" is to open a small building materials store in an area that is being actively built up. The opening of the store is planned for the moment when the housing will be handed over, and the owners of the apartments will begin to repair, starting from the stage of rough finishing of the premises.

"ByStroyka" opens for the period of settling the owners of apartments in the house. As soon as the residential complex is occupied, the store moves to another quarter under construction. The term of operation of the store in one place is 3 years.

In order to realize this idea, it is necessary to minimize the financial and time costs of opening a new store. For example, indoor repairs are done with minimal investment in the style of industrial design. This does not require high-quality finishing materials and qualified specialists. The main thing is to keep it clean and dry. And as trading equipment, collapsible metal racks are chosen, which are easy to transport and install.

Assortment of building materials store

The assortment of the building materials store will be focused on all stages of interior decoration. Thus, the store satisfies the needs of both those who want to purchase all the materials needed for repairs in one place, and those who are simply not ready to travel far to buy the missing parts.

Most of the assortment will be displayed on the trading floor. Buyers will also be able to explore the catalogs of suppliers for which you can place an order. Among the suppliers there are both foreign and domestic manufacturers.

Approximate list of goods:

  1. Building mixes: plaster, putty, leveling mixes;
  2. tile adhesive;
  3. Plasterboard sheets;
  4. Self-leveling floors;
  5. Paints;
  6. PVC pipes;
  7. metal-plastic pipes;
  8. Polypropylene wires;
  9. Construction tools;
  10. Electrical goods;
  11. Wallpaper;
  12. Ceramic tiles, etc.

Due to the limited size and small stocks, the ByStroyka building materials store is able to quickly adapt to changes in customer demand.

3. Description of the market

The difficulty of opening a building materials store is that there are many construction hypermarkets and retail companies on the market that provide a huge range of products. Large networks cover all stages of construction and repair - from the beginning of development to the final finishing of the premises. In addition, it is impossible to compete with such companies on price due to the huge difference in the scale of activities.

Nevertheless, it is possible to occupy your niche in this business if you choose the right location, think carefully about the assortment of the store, and also carefully organize the process of delivering materials to the end consumer.

A hardware store is best opened among new buildings and near transport interchanges. The location of the ByStroyka store is Yekaterinburg, residential complex "Stone Ruchey". Completion date of the residential complex - IV quarter of 2015. Address - st. Shcherbakov. The residential complex consists of 4 houses of 26 floors. The total number of apartments is 904. The first three floors will be used as retail space.

The target audience of the ByStroyka store is the owners of apartments in the residential complex Kamenny Ruchey.

The main goal of opening the store is to facilitate the process of carrying out repairs, as well as to ensure an uninterrupted supply of materials for target customers.

The main advantage of the store is that it opens on the first floor or basement of new buildings. In other words, he is nearest hardware store for the designated target audience. That is, the store will not have competitors in terms of location.

In addition, since the store is close, there is no need for customers to stock up on merchandise. It is possible to calculate the required amount of material for each stage of work and place an order in advance. This allows clients reduce shipping costs.

SWOT analysis

Strengths of the project

Vulnerabilities of the project

  • Location;
  • Quality of service;
  • Range;
  • Ability to change the range of products, respond flexibly to demand;
  • Close proximity to the end user;
  • Sale of assortment in stock and on order.
  • Small warehouse;
  • Lack of large wholesale discounts from suppliers due to small volumes of production.

Opportunities and prospects

Threats of the external environment

  • The settlement of the area will provide an increase in the level of demand;
  • After full settlement, the store moves to another area under construction.
  • Increase in prices for raw materials and materials;
  • Failures in the supply of materials.

Due to the fact that the modern real estate market is unstable, the building materials store must be flexible in every sense. The ByStroyka store meets the requirements of mobility: we easily adapt to changes in customer demand and change location, focusing on the target audience.

4. Sales and Marketing

The main principles of the company's work are flexibility and mobility.

Flexibility allows you to quickly adapt to changes in demand from the buyer, as well as capture an audience of various incomes.

Mobility allows you to be in close proximity to the target client.

This business strategy is uncompetitive, as there is no need to wait until the client finds our company. We ourselves find a client and provide him with comfortable conditions for cooperation.

It is important that the building materials store has a bright sign. The sign must be located on the facade of the building, and also be clearly visible from the side of the road when moving in any direction. The cost of the sign is 60,000 rubles.

In order for the target audience to learn about the opening of the store, it is planned to distribute leaflets inside the residential complex. The flyer provides a 10% discount on your first purchase.

After this, additional involvement is not required, since the client receives a sufficient number of benefits from cooperation: no need for delivery, convenient location, quality service, relatively low prices.

5. Production plan

6. Organizational structure

Minimum staff - 7 people:

  1. Director;
  2. Purchasing manager;
  3. Accountant;
  4. 2 sellers - cashiers;
  5. 2 sales consultants.

The cashier and the sales assistant work in pairs and are simultaneously on the trading floor. They can replace each other in the workplace during periods of active sales.

Sales Consultant Responsibilities:

  1. Provide quality assistance to customers in the selection of materials;
  2. Generate orders for materials;
  3. Receiving goods to the warehouse;
  4. Arrange the goods on the shelves of the trading floor;
  5. Monitor changes in demand, participate in the formation of the range of goods in stock (together with the purchasing manager).

Responsibilities of a sales clerk:

  1. Release goods to customers, accept payment, issue receipts;
  2. Work with a cash register and the 1C program;
  3. Arranging returns and exchanges;
  4. Monitor the compliance of the availability of goods in the warehouse and in the program;
  5. If necessary, replace or partially assume the duties of a sales assistant.

The volume of sales directly depends on the quality of work of the employees of the trading floor. After all, it is they who establish contact with the end consumer. Therefore, sellers must be well versed in the product range, have an idea about the technical characteristics of materials, and be able to sell related products. They should be friendly and sociable, stress-resistant and resourceful, they need the ability to quickly resolve conflict situations.

The work schedule of sellers is 2 working days / 2 days off. Opening hours - from 9.00 to 22.00. Salary - 20,000 rubles + bonus (1% of revenue)

Also, once a month, an inventory of the warehouse is carried out, in which all employees of the trading floor participate. Inventory is carried out during non-working hours and is paid separately - 250 rubles per hour.

Purchasing Manager Responsibilities:

  1. Search for suppliers, conclusion of contracts;
  2. Servicing large customers: from ordering to delivery;
  3. Formation of the assortment of goods (together with the sales assistant);
  4. Drawing up a logistics chain and searching for a transport company;
  5. Research of the competitive market, search for opportunities to expand the range;
  6. Formation of a pricing strategy (together with the director).

The Purchasing Manager must be an enterprising employee who explores the market daily and looks for opportunities to reduce the purchase cost of materials. He must quickly find opportunities for profitable cooperation with wholesalers and distributors, and maintain further relationships.

The work schedule of the purchasing manager is 5 working days / 2 days off. Opening hours: from 9.00 - 19.00. Salary - 25,000 rubles + bonus (1.5% of revenue).

Responsibilities of an accountant:

  1. Organization of company accounting;
  2. Timely reporting;
  3. Management of cashiers;
  4. Inventory control;
  5. Execution of director's orders.

The accountant must be an attentive and demanding person who structures and maintains the order of the entire document flow of the company. He must also regularly monitor changes in legislation and find ways to reduce costs in the field of mandatory payments.

The work schedule of an accountant is 5 working days / 2 days off. Opening hours: 9.00 - 18.00. Salary - 25,000 rubles.

Director's responsibilities:

  1. Manage store employees
  2. Develop a company development strategy;
  3. Explore the real estate market, as well as look for opportunities to expand the company;
  4. Prescribe job descriptions, systematize the work of all employees;
  5. Replace employees if necessary;
  6. Analysis of the company's activities, development of measures to improve the quality of trade.

In our store, the store manager is the owner. He controls the entire process of the store from the conclusion of an agreement with suppliers to the delivery of goods to the end consumer. But his duties include not only ensuring the smooth operation of the store, but also looking for further ways of development. First, he needs to carefully track changes in demand, depending on what stage of repair the bulk of buyers are in. Secondly, he needs to look for opportunities to move the store to another quarter under construction after the residential complex on which the store is currently located is fully occupied. That is, the store must have time to move before the moment when revenue falls below costs.

Since own business can be compared to a child, the owner's work schedule is not limited. The main task is to always be aware of both internal business changes and external market changes. The owner's salary depends on the profits of the store, as well as on the profit distribution decision.

The total payroll per month (excluding bonuses) - 130,000 rubles.

7. Financial plan

Investment costs

Income and expenses

The income of a hardware store is calculated based on the size of the potential market.

The volume of the potential market is equal to the number of apartments in the residential complex. 20% of apartment owners are purchased exclusively in building hypermarkets, respectively, only 80% of potential buyers will visit our store. Of these, 50% are active customers who regularly order and purchase the necessary materials. The frequency of purchases varies from 4 to 8 times a month. Another 30% make purchases 2 to 4 times a month. The remaining 20% ​​of customers visit the store only when necessary, their visit frequency is 1-2 times a month.

Also, do not forget that the average apartment renovation lasts from 6 months to 1 year. That is, during this particular period, an individual client makes active purchases.

Average check in a hardware store 5 thousand rubles.

Based on this, we calculate the estimated revenue.

Market size and revenue potential

Total number of potential buyers

The size of the target market of regular customers, of which:

make purchases 4-8 times a month

make purchases 2-4 times a month

make purchases 1-2 times a month

Average check, rub.

Average revenue per month, rub.

1 168 333

Revenue per month for the initial period (first 6 months), rub.

584 166,5

Full settlement in new buildings occurs within 3 years from the commissioning of houses. But the change in customer activity has the following trend: in the first six months, revenue grows smoothly to 500,000 rubles, as apartment owners are just starting to carry out repair work. After about 8 months - a year, the store reaches its maximum revenue. During this period, there is an active settlement of the residential complex. Almost every apartment is being renovated at different stages of finishing. This level is maintained for a year and a half, after which the settlement comes to an end, and revenue drops sharply.

The markup on building materials ranges from 40-70%. Let's take an average markup of 50%. Consequently, the average revenue minus the cost of materials will be 194,722 rubles. And the maximum revenue minus the cost of materials will be 389,450 rubles.

Consider the structure of fixed costs:

Construction store cost structure

Premises for rent

Monthly salary for employees

Taxes + social contributions

Gazelle rental for a month

Communication services

Communal payments

Trade is considered the domain of start-up entrepreneurs. “This is the simplest and therefore the most common type of small business,” argues Moscow-based sociologist Arkady Semyonov. - Take, for example, building materials store. According to selective surveys, where would you start your business, from the list of ten ideas proposed, many preferred the trade in goods for the repair and decoration of apartments. It turned out that this is even more interesting than a car service or ".

And in fact, almost all people, with very rare exceptions, one way or another at least once in their lives bought wallpaper for an apartment, self-tapping screws for fasteners, taps for plumbing. Moreover, due to the constant fuss and queues, one gets the impression that almost all stores of this profile are successful. Is this really so and what needs to be done to open a successful retail outlet with goods for repair, we decided to find out.

Optimists and pessimists

Judging by the information and discussions in Runet, the theme of your building materials store is popular. Here are some posts worth checking out:

“...I would like to hear the opinion of knowledgeable people: how profitable is opening a building materials store?” - the forum member bulavka is interested.
“If there is an opportunity, then there is even nothing to think about, open up, develop, prosper! This type of business will always be in demand,” another forum member shahter78 is convinced.
“I have been in the subject for a long time,” a certain Dmitry Ivanovich doubts. - There are enough problems, of which the most important is an attractive price. How to achieve it - I do not know. Repairmen - the people cunning. Looking for cheap places. They dig the ground with moles. If you raise the price a little, customers will be blown away by the wind. And trading cheaper than competitors is at a loss.”

Expert economists, in particular Mira Kolomiytseva, who specializes in small business, considers the last statement a kind of cry from the heart. “Numerous publications on the topic of “own building materials store” have nothing to do with reality,” she says. - For example, some authors link starting amounts with retail space, they say, these are key indicators. Abstract figures are given, the observance of which allegedly guarantees the success of the undertaking. In particular, 500 thousand rubles are needed as working capital for a point of 100 square meters. Meanwhile, it is disorienting for aspiring entrepreneurs.”

According to Kolomiytseva, people have a false impression of a calm business that will bring income in any case. Meanwhile, the store should be "correctly configured" in terms of assortment with taking into account the prices of the nearest wholesale distributors.

We are talking about a kind of road map, which should be drawn up before the start. “Customers don't like the narrow specialization of a building materials store,” says Valery Andreev, a businessman from Rostov-on-Don. - As a rule, they come with a list, according to which they buy. Therefore, the assortment should be as thoughtful as possible. I know one entrepreneur who stood at the cash register in a large chain supermarket of building materials and imperceptibly took into account who buys what and how much.

In this assortment, on the one hand, duplicating positions should be excluded, since it is too expensive to maintain. On the other hand, transport and storage costs are optimized. “It is necessary to establish a clear system of interaction with distributors,” advises Anna Smirnova, director of a small building materials store. - Good personal relationships are important here. In this case, it may be possible to access the wholesalers' changing prices via the Internet.

Cost arithmetic

Anna Smirnova, based on personal experience, says that the store should have convenient transport accessibility. It can be a sleeping area, and even an industrial zone, and the territory along the main entrance-exit from the city or village. “Repair of premises can be the most budgetary, but you will have to fork out for equipment,” Arkady Semenov is sure. “Psychologically, it is important for people to buy in a familiar working environment, and certainly not in a barn.”

Therefore, it is necessary to install a height of up to 3 meters and a width of 1 meter, as well as several glass showcases that can be locked with a key. Surely you will need a turnstile for buyers, a packing table and about ten chrome-plated carts for purchased building materials.

Of course, each store should develop its own business project, but the basic indicators should still be taken into account. We present them in a simplified table.

Items of expenses for opening a store

Position Amount, rub. Note
working capital 5-7 thousand per sq. m of space But not less than 600 thousand rubles
Commercial equipment (racks, showcases) 2-3 thousand per sq. m of space -
Rent and salary 2-3 thousand per sq. m of space 1 manager per 50 sq. m

Summing up, we can say that opening a building materials store will require a businessman detailed planning and precise implementation of the plan. Experts believe that the "break-even point" will be passed within a year from the date of opening, while the profitability of the business should be at least 15%.

The demand for building materials is stable and no changes are expected in this segment. With a competent organization of trade, the right choice of suppliers, location, selection of assortment, the store will bring good profit.

The trade in building materials is booming. The constant demand for building materials makes the business of selling them promising, despite the growth in supply (see "").

Trade in building materials is carried out at different levels: they are traded in large specialized construction supermarkets, medium-sized stores, stalls in bazaars and other crowded places. Conventionally, outlets with such specialization can be divided into four groups:

  • Small shops or pavilions up to 100 sq. m, assortment - 10-20 positions.
  • Shops in 150-200 sq. m area, with partial renovation. The range of such stores includes 40-70 items, they can offer 1,000-2,000 varieties of goods.
  • Large stores (500-1,000 sq.m.) with good design and a warehouse of goods (200-2,000 sq.m.). The assortment of such stores includes 70-100 commodity items and 10,000-15,000 articles
  • Stores-warehouses with a total area of ​​2,500 sq. m. From 15 to 30 product groups and 200-1,000 articles in stock. Sometimes such stores have a "showroom" where samples of the offered goods are demonstrated.

According to the scale of trade, profits can range from hundreds to tens of thousands of dollars per month. Sellers note the high profitability of this business and the ability to get a very good profit if the business is properly set up.

Economic feasibility of business

The profit of a building materials store depends on the turnover, and the businessman will have to decide the main question: what kind of store he would like to see and what he can count on in reality.

The starting capital for a building materials store is about $10-15 thousand for every 100 sq. m. m area. According to the conclusions of market experts and shop owners, the operation of small shops is not economically feasible.

For example, the monthly turnover of a 100-meter store is $6,000-7,000 with an average markup of 25%. After settling with suppliers, the entrepreneur has $1,500-2,000, of which you still need to pay taxes, pay salaries, and so on. Net profit, therefore, simply does not remain.

Costs of a 200 sq. m subject to advance payment for the goods will require $ 50-60 thousand. The monthly turnover of such a store will be 25-30 thousand dollars, and the net profit will be $ 1,500-2,000. A store with an area of ​​​​1000 square meters. m will provide 300 thousand dollars of turnover. The monthly turnover with proper advertising promotion will be about 100 thousand dollars, net profit - at least $ 5,000.

Permits to open

The first step in the organization of the store will be the state registration of the chosen economic and legal form of the enterprise. In most cases, one of two options is chosen - LLC or IP. IP is more suitable for a small store with a single owner. For a larger business with several founders, it is more correct to register an LLC.

You can choose a taxation system depending on local legislation specific to a particular region. The most convenient will be UTII (single tax on imputed income), which is typical for retailers in most Russian regions.

In the absence of UTII, the USN (simplified taxation system) is most acceptable. Goskomstat must provide a notification on the assignment of the OKVED code to your enterprise.

To open a store, you need permissions:

  • local city administration.
  • Chamber of Commerce.
  • Sanitary epidemiological stations.
  • Fire inspection.
  • State traffic inspectorate (for parking approval).

Store location selection

The criteria for choosing a place for a store are standard with some specifics:

  • Proximity of highways and human flows.
  • New building areas.
  • Large construction market.
  • Proximity to related stores, but not duplicates.
  • Urban industrial zone with minimal rental prices.
  • Non-residential fund (otherwise firefighters will not allow rent).
  • Mandatory free parking in front of the store.
  • Convenient automobile (for a large store - railway) entrances.
  • Compliance with the requirements of SES and fire protection.

Of course, it is preferable to have your own room. But, in the absence of such, rented is also suitable. When negotiating the terms of the lease, ask if it is possible to buy the premises over time. When things are going well, this is a very convenient way to buy out retail space.

Store Equipment

Trade equipment for a hardware store includes the following items:

  • One-sided racks with fastening to walls.
  • Bilateral racks for placement in a trading floor.
  • Glass display cabinets for small items.
  • Show-windows counters for certain departments.
  • Trading grids for certain types of goods.
  • Fasteners for placing goods on the wall.
  • Packing table.
  • Cash register (possibly several.
  • Carts and baskets for customers.

Product range

The assortment of the store should be formed taking into account:

  • Shop floor space.
  • Availability of certain product groups in competitors' stores.
  • The needs of the local market demand.

In any case, the assortment should be as diverse as possible. The modern buyer has the opportunity to choose a store, so it is impossible to lag behind competitors in any case. An additional opportunity to increase trade turnover in the event of a shortage of space may be trade in catalogs on order.

Typical product groups for a hardware store

Lacquers and paints. The group will include paints for all types of work, impregnations, primers, varnishes, coatings for various materials.

Wallpaper of the widest range: paper, fabric, silk-screen printing, for painting, with the possibility of coloring in the future, color, plain. The group will also include the entire range of wallpaper glue. Dry building mixes, sand and cement.

Tile tiles, imported and domestic, floor, wall, various sizes and textures. Tile adhesive, joint grout, everything for cutting, leveling and laying tiles.

Plumbing: showers, baths, sinks, toilets. Various plumbing accessories: faucets, corrugations, pipes, faucets, shower racks, etc. Shelves, mirrors, bathroom furniture, hangers, soap dishes and more are also required.

Floor coverings: board, parquet, carpet, laminate, linoleum, cork and bamboo flooring. Roofing materials: metal tiles, slate, etc. Doors: entrance, interior, plastic, glass, wooden, MDF. Elite and inexpensive.

Electrical equipment: chandeliers, lamps, lamps, LEDs, wires, switches, extension cords, etc. Construction tools will include rollers, brushes, spatulas, etc. This group will also include power tools: drills, rotary hammers, grinders, grinders, jigsaws, etc. If there is free space, you can offer gardening equipment and country furniture

Supplier selection

You should not be limited to suppliers located in your city - deliveries from neighboring cities often turn out to be more profitable, and the supplier often takes on transportation costs for large volumes of deliveries.

Use the internet to select providers. The most convenient suppliers are those who give goods (or part of it) for sale with subsequent settlement or some delay in settlement.

Store staff

Store employees should be well versed in the assortment and be ready to advise the client on any issue. Each department should have at least one consultant who is well versed in the product group of the department.

The manager can be an experienced specialist who knows this area well. The assortment, relationships with suppliers, and personnel management of the store depend on the manager. In addition to sales assistants, cashiers, warehouse managers, cleaners, and loaders will be needed.

The number of employees is determined by the size of the store. It is better to build remuneration on the principles of incentives: salary and bonus, depending on the quantity sold and the quality of work.

Economics of a building materials store

The amount of initial investment in the business depends on the scale of the store. According to the reviews of entrepreneurs with experience in organizing stores of this profile, a retail space of 100 sq. m accounts for about 300-400 thousand rubles of investments.

As noted earlier, it makes sense to open a small store only if the trade margin is much higher than 30% and the possibility of supplying goods for sale. In this case, the size of the rent for the premises is also important: it should be minimal for sufficient profitability.

Here are some economic data on the organization and operation of a store with an area of ​​​​about 200 square meters. m.

  • Total opening costs from 1,500 thousand rubles.
  • Of these, working capital is 700 thousand rubles.
  • The monthly turnover of the store is 900 thousand rubles.
  • Net profit 60 thousand rubles.
  • Payback period 25 months.

Building Materials Store Promotion

This type of business is highly competitive, so the promotion of activities must be carefully thought out.

By the time the store opens, an advertising campaign should be carried out in local media. Advertising posters, streamers on city streets should not only report the date of the store's opening, but also carry information about its benefits, discounts, assortment features, etc.

The store must have a website on the Internet. Do not skimp on a bright, informative site that reflects all aspects of the store. Regular website updates are a must.

Cooperation with repair and construction organizations and individual teams is very effective. It makes sense to develop a special system of discounts for them to stimulate the attraction of new customers.

To study all the features, of course, it is important to know the financial performance of the business. Even taking into account the fact that they are approximate, in any case, you can evaluate the approximate profitability and expediency of the business. Due to the fact that we are planning to open a building materials store, we will give the average figures for Russia.

So, this business plan involves opening a small store selling building materials.

The amount of initial investments will be 893 thousand 600 rubles.

Total earnings for one month: 1 million 168 thousand 333 rubles.

Maximum profit for one month: 147 thousand 800 rubles.

The breakeven period will be four months.

Total payback period: thirteen months.

Thus, the main points are indicated, so in the future you can proceed to the study of the details. Once again, we emphasize that these figures are approximate, that is, they are indicated for guidance only. In reality, these figures may differ slightly.

2. Description of the business

Almost every modern person at least once in his life faced with the need for repair or construction. This is due to various circumstances, but most often this problem appears after buying a new apartment. As you know, many new buildings offer a rough finish, so the owners of apartments of this type need quality materials. Of great importance here is the time spent on home repairs. When planning to start it, people want to receive everything that is necessary for this on time. There is not always time to go to a large hypermarket, but a small store located nearby will be most convenient. That is, our point of sale will fully meet the needs of the target audience. It is possible that some products will be even more expensive than in a hypermarket - this is unlikely to be a problem, since most people would prefer to save time and buy everything they need here. It turns out that high demand here will be provided with a high probability.

The main idea of ​​our business plan is to open a full-fledged outlet in an area with active development. This will allow you to get a solid number of customers in need of a large number of building materials. It is better to organize the opening of a store at the very moment when the housing has already been rented out and its owners are ready to do repairs. As a result, it will be possible to sell all the inventory balances quite quickly, which will allow you to get a very high profitability in general.

Perhaps, over time, the store will move to another quarter, in which new houses are also appearing. In this regard, the estimated period of business operation at one place will be three years - during this period it is planned to achieve very high results. In order to implement this idea and get the maximum profit in the specified time, it is necessary to minimize all financial costs. In this business plan, we will just consider all the features of this approach and indicate the most appropriate ways of development. Only first you need to study all the features of the products offered and various external factors.

As for the assortment of the store, it will be selected specifically for the interior decoration of the premises. That is, absolutely everything that is necessary for a full-fledged repair will be sold here - this will allow you to keep customers and not force them to go somewhere far for other building materials.

A significant part of the assortment is recommended to be displayed on the trading floor. Also, buyers will be offered to study supplier catalogs - this will allow customers to place orders. By the way, both foreign and Russian enterprises will be used among partner companies.

Here is a list of the main products:

  • building mixtures (plaster, putty, etc.);
  • drywall sheets;
  • tile adhesive;
  • paints of different types;
  • PVC pipes and metal-plastic pipes;
  • polypropylene type wires;
  • wallpaper;
  • construction tools;
  • electrical goods.

The limited size and small inventory will allow the store to quickly adjust to changing customer demand. As a result, it will be possible to avoid illiquid goods to the maximum and successfully sell almost all products received from suppliers. Thanks to this approach, all kinds of time costs in doing this business will be reduced.

3.Description of the sales market

The complexity of the market is due to the presence of similar companies offering a fairly large range of products. Large networks cover almost all stages of construction and repair at the expense of goods. It is quite difficult to compete with such companies, not only because of the price, but also due to the large difference in the scale of the business.

The solution to the problem will be precisely the right choice of location. The product range will also be carefully worked out and the process of delivering products to the client will be organized. As mentioned above, our store will appear among new buildings and in a place with good transport interchange. It turns out that the main target audience of the store will be residents of nearby houses. The presence of competitors within walking distance from this outlet is not expected. The store will be located on the first or ground floor in a new building.

4.SWOT analysis

The strengths of the project are understood as such points as:

  • store location;
  • quality of customer service;
  • variety and breadth of assortment;
  • the ability to change the product grid depending on demand;
  • proximity to the place of residence of potential buyers;
  • the possibility of selling goods under the order.
  • As for the vulnerabilities of the project, they are as follows:
  • small size of the warehouse;
  • no wholesale discounts from suppliers.

Opportunities and business prospects:

  • gradual settlement of the area will allow for higher demand over time;
  • after full settlement, the store will move to a more promising and new area.

Threats of the external environment:

  • increase in the cost of raw materials and materials;
  • failures in the supply of demanded products.

Thus, the solution to many problems is based on the flexibility of the business and the ability to quickly reconfigure in accordance with customer requests.

5.Marketing and sales

Flexibility and mobility are a significant advantage here. This approach allows us to provide the client with the most comfortable conditions for cooperation. Thanks to this, a very wide target audience is also captured.

Particular attention should be paid to the store sign - it should be bright and visible from afar. The cost of its manufacture will amount to 60 thousand rubles.

In order for the target audience to learn more quickly about the appearance of a new store, it is planned to distribute leaflets at the entrances of the nearest residential complexes. Having come to the store with a leaflet, the customer will be able to get a ten percent discount on the first purchase.

No additional events are planned as the buyer receives the following benefits: convenient location, low prices and professional service.

6.Production plan

The hardware store will be registered as an LLC, and the simplified taxation system will be chosen here with a rate of six percent of income. In the course of work, the 1C system will be used. The staff will include an accountant who will manage all related documents.

The store will be open from 9.00 to 22.00 and seven days a week.

Our hardware store is launched as follows:

Selection of suitable premises and conclusion of a lease agreement

It is important to take into account here that the premises should be from 170 square meters, and the retail area should be 100 square meters. At the same time, it will take fifty square meters to organize a warehouse, fifteen “squares” to organize an office, and five square meters to organize a bathroom.

It is imperative that the store is located in the most convenient area with good transport interchange. Naturally, there should be a convenient entrance nearby and at the same time it is desirable to organize parking. The premises must be non-residential. It is also important to provide for the possibility of placing bright outdoor advertising.

It is worth emphasizing that the selection of a suitable premises is a rather serious issue, since it depends on its location whether the business will be profitable or not. Various permits are also of great importance here. In particular, it is very important to officially agree on the project, because it must comply with the requirements of firefighters and SES.


Much attention should be paid to the selection of personnel. They do not require special skills, but it is still important that a person is set up for long-term work. The priority here should be a decent salary, which will allow you to find and keep in place sincerely interested employees.

Purchase of the necessary equipment

To work, you need high-quality equipment:

  • metal racks - 70 pcs.;
  • counter - 1 pc.;
  • cash register - 1 pc.;
  • office tables - 2 pcs.;
  • office chairs - 6 pcs.;
  • computers - 3 pcs.;
  • aluminum ladder - 1 pc.;
  • laser printer - 1 pc.

A thorough search and selection of the most suitable suppliers will also be carried out. Various schemes of cooperation are expected, which will be discussed on an individual basis.

The store will use a landline phone, as well as internet and an alarm system. Employees of the company will use a cash register and programs for document management in their work.

It is planned to create an outdoor sign, which will be ordered at the most affordable cost. In the future, a sign will be installed above the entrance to the store.

Start of the store

At least one hundred square meters will be allocated for the trading floor. The warehouse will occupy an area of ​​​​fifty "squares". The most demanded goods will definitely be used as warehouse balances.

Due to the fact that the trading part of the store will not allow to lay out the entire range, part of the products will be sold through delivery. The maximum term of the latter will be two days (the goods must be in the supplier's warehouse).

7.Organizational structure

The minimum number of employees will be seven people. The company will have:

  • director;
  • purchasing manager;
  • accountant;
  • two cashiers;
  • two sales consultants.

The cashier, together with the sales assistant, will always work together, and at the same time they will be on the trading floor at the same time. During the period of active sales, they can be replaced at workplaces.

8. Financial plan

To make everything as clear as possible, we will break the financial plan into several components.

Investment spending

A significant part of the investment in our case will be for working capital. In order for them to be always available, it is important to carefully calculate the structure of the required capital. It is assumed that there will be a significant demand for materials necessary for finishing - these are, in particular, various building mixtures, drywall, plaster, metal profiles, putty, mounting foam and other primary materials. Based on customer demand, we will focus on these items in initial purchases.

Let's go directly to the figures characterizing the total amount of investments necessary for the legal registration of activities:

  • registration of a legal entity - 3000 rubles;
  • obtaining a permit from the fire service - 10 tr;
  • installation of 1C accounting - 5 tr;
  • obtaining permission from SES - 6 tr;

Thus, 24 tr. is needed to register a business.

Equipment that you need to buy to get started:

  • metal racks (70 pcs.) - 140 tr.;
  • shop window (1 pc.) - 3 tr.;
  • stepladder (1 pc.) - 4 tr;
  • office tables (3 pcs.) - 6 tr.;
  • office chairs (6 pcs.) - 4 tr;
  • laser printer (1 pc.) - 4 tr;
  • cash register (1 pc.) - 10 tr;
  • computers (3 pcs.) - 40 tr.

Total 211 tr. for the purchase of equipment.

First month expenses and working capital:

  • purchase of goods for sale - 350 tr;
  • salary for employees (1 month) - 130 tr.;
  • payment of taxes and social contributions - 30 tr.;
  • GAZelle rental (1 month) - 9.6 tr.;
  • stationery - 1 tr;
  • production of signs and leaflets - 70 tr.

Total: 658 tr.

So, for the opening and the first month of work, an amount of 893 tr is required. Next, consider the amounts that are planned to be earned and spent in the following months of work.

8. Income and expenses

It is assumed that about eighty potential customers will come to our store. Of this number, about half will be regular customers. The frequency of purchases of the latter varies from four to eight times a month (such buyers will be about fifty percent of the regular ones). Another thirty percent of regular customers will make purchases with a frequency of two to four times a month. The remaining twenty percent will come to the store only once or twice a month.

It is also important to consider that usually apartment renovation lasts from six months to one year. Thus, it is during this period that the client shows the greatest activity in purchases.

The average check in our store will be about five thousand rubles. Based on this and the above indicators, let's try to calculate the approximate revenue per month.

Let's say for a month the number of potential buyers will be 904 people. Of these, 452 people are expected to be real buyers, of which: 226 people will make purchases 4-8 times a month; 136 people will make purchases 2-4 times a month and 90 people will buy goods in our store approximately 1-2 times a month. It turns out that the average monthly revenue will be 1 million 168 thousand 333 rubles. At the same time, in the first six months of work, the total revenue will be 584 thousand 166 rubles.

Settlement in nearby new buildings will occur within three years from the date of commissioning of houses. In accordance with this, the first six months, profits will gradually grow, as homeowners will not begin to repair immediately. In just eight months from the start, the store should reach maximum revenue. This level, most likely, will last for a year and a half, after which the settlement of apartments will come to an end, and as a result, revenue will noticeably decrease.

The markup on building materials in our store will be approximately from forty to seventy percent. Let's say the average markup is fifty percent. It turns out that the average monthly revenue (minus the cost of materials) will be 194 thousand 722 rubles. Maximum revenue with all expenses: 389 thousand 450 rubles.

Now let's move on to the structure of fixed costs:

  • rent of premises (170 sq.m.) - 68 tr.;
  • salary of employees (1 month) - 130 tr.;
  • taxes with social contributions - 30 tr;
  • renting a GAZelle for 1 month - 9.6 tr;
  • communication services - 600 rubles;
  • utility bills - 3 tr;
  • other expenses - 1 tr.

Total: 242 thousand 200 rubles per month.

Goods will be delivered three times a week. Owning a car will increase the initial investment, so an agreement will first be concluded with a transport company. Due to the fact that one hour of renting a GAZelle costs 400 rubles, and the minimum order in time will be approximately two hours, the payment for the services of a transport company will be 9,600 rubles. The cost of renting 1 sq.m.: 400 rubles.

Considering income and expenses, we can calculate that the period for reaching the break-even point here is four months. In other words, only on the fourth month of work the owner goes “in plus” and begins to make a profit. The payback period of investments in this case is thirteen months. The maximum earnings of an entrepreneur for a month (“net”) will be 147 thousand 800 rubles.

9.Risk factors

The main risk factor here can be called the fact that the real estate market today is showing a certain decline. This is due not only to financial crises, but also to the fact that many people are still buying resale properties. In this regard, it is obvious that new tenants in newly built houses appear for a long time.

At the same time, people who have bought apartments in new buildings, as a rule, have been engaged in repairs for a long time. Most potential buyers try to purchase building materials at the most affordable prices - this, in fact, will allow our store to receive a stable profit for several years.

Also, when opening a store, it is worth considering that in any million-plus city, new quarters do not stop appearing, which means that a stable flow of customers here is one hundred percent guaranteed. In order to be convinced of this, one should find out the plans of local developers for building up the city.

The key point here can be called the fact that you need to occupy your niche as quickly as possible. This will allow you to exclude competitors in your microdistrict to the maximum and become a “monopolist” in terms of the sale of building materials in the new quarter. To achieve this goal, it is recommended to open a store almost immediately after the delivery of the first house. As a result, it will be possible to confidently talk about the emergence of new customers, who will find it much more convenient to go to a store located within walking distance, rather than go somewhere for building materials to the other end of the city.

The production of building materials in Russia demonstrates sustainable development. In the manufacturing industry of the country, this direction occupies the fourth or fifth position, sharing it with the light industry, but letting machine building, the electric power industry, and the food industry go ahead.

However, fluctuations in demand for building materials are subject to the same factors that affect GDP growth rates. Recent years have been characterized by a negative trend - a slowdown in its growth. After the "take-off" of GDP growth dynamics in 2011 (4.3%), the rate of its increase began to decrease in 2012 (3.5%), and in 2013 this trend intensified (1.7%). The slowdown in development has a corresponding effect on the sale of building materials in general.

Building materials stores are part of the construction infrastructure

The question of how to open a building materials store is very relevant, because small miscalculations are fraught with high costs. The challenges of the economic crisis are forcing businessmen in this industry to build their relationships with suppliers more clearly, analyze consumption pragmatically and carefully compare their market strategy with the situation.

On the other hand, the desire of people to improve their living conditions, build new commercial and industrial buildings for various businesses is eternal. Therefore, entrepreneurship in the form of a building materials store continues to be promising. Although it should be recognized that the profitability of this direction of trade is not the highest among the alternative ones. Its effectiveness is largely determined by well-placed management that corresponds to the business plan.

What should you think about before opening a building materials store? What factors determine how profitable a business will be? Answering these questions, we can identify several positions, the proper execution of which contributes to commercial success: the location of the store, the features of the premises, the level of cooperation with suppliers, the degree of advertising support for the goods supplied, the qualifications of the staff, and, finally, the general level of organization of work.

An important role in the efficiency of the sale of materials for construction is played by a well-balanced business plan for a building materials store. What kind of outlet is appropriate to open? Let's figure it out. According to statistics, about one and a half thousand hardware stores operate in Moscow. Among them, four typical forms can be distinguished. But this will be discussed later. Let's start with the question of where the store should be located.

Place for a building materials store

The most important organizational factor influencing the success of the sale of building materials is the convenience of shipping goods to buyers who arrived in their vehicles, including trucks. (As you yourself understand, a building materials store is not a bakery: you can’t take away a purchase in a shopping bag by whistling.)

The above is most critical for construction supermarkets. However, it cannot be said that mini-stores are insensitive to the convenience of shipment. Potential customer visits will be maximized if your building materials business is versatile and close to major highways, the store has convenient access and a well-planned parking area for customers' vehicles.

Having found a good place, we will decide on the type of room.

Premises for a building materials store and its equipment

The premises for a building materials store should be selected carefully. Its layout should be convenient for maintenance and sales. It is desirable that the condition of the building does not require major repairs. Mandatory requirements should be recognized as the absence of dampness, good ventilation, and illumination.

Not only commercial equipment for a building materials store should be inexpensive. The "rule of the genre" is an economical repair. A neat finish with modern, inexpensive building materials is preferable for a store. $10 per square meter of painted drywall walls is fine. The saved funds are better directed to the main activity, they will be useful for purchasing goods from suppliers.

Work with providers

The trade in building materials is fueled by wide-range deliveries. How to start formulating the principles of interaction? A reasonable tactic on the part of the store is important here.

A supermarket for full filling with materials used in construction must cooperate with 90-150 suppliers. And all of them are vitally interested in 100% prepayment. However, the entrepreneur (shop owner) "hacks" their intransigence by gradually persuading them to work with him for realization.

This activity involves a two-stage combination. To begin with, the entrepreneur seeks to purchase goods at a discount or with a deferred payment. Then, clearly and steadily following partnership principles, he agrees to receive building materials for sale.

There is simply no other way. You will not work for a long time on 100% prepayment with all suppliers. In addition, the latter, realizing the stability of the work of the building materials store as their partner, are also interested in the efficiency of its finances. In a word, compromises are possible here.


Mini-shops occupy an area of ​​up to 100 m 2 . Up to 20 items of goods are presented on their trading floor, the total number of articles is up to 200. Among them, there are often highly specialized ones. For example, wallpaper or selling ceramic tiles. Even large entrepreneurs, but newcomers to this business, not wanting to risk big money, begin to gradually pour their capital into the industry, having “trained” first at a mini-shop and trained the backbone of staff for the future supermarket on it. Therefore, the question of how to open a building materials store from scratch is relevant.