Taisiya, Taechka, Tasya, Tasya!!! What's in your name?! Taisiya: origin, meaning and characteristics of the name

The name Taisia ​​(Taisya) of Greek origin, and its meaning, is worshiping Isis (Isis or Isis is the ancient Egyptian goddess, the patroness of sailors, slaves, sinners, the protector of the dead, and she also had many other powers). Additional interpretations are “full”, “fertile”, “feminine”. Taisia ​​is a rather rare, and undeservedly forgotten name in our time. The diminutive and affectionate names of Taisiya for a child sound very beautiful: Taisa, Tayushka, Taya, Tasha, Tasya.

Taisiya: meaning

His name has a huge influence on the character and fate of a person. All parents should remember this. What is the meaning of the name Taisiya for a girl?

We will reveal an interesting secret. Depending on the season when the girl was born, the owner of the name can demonstrate various character traits:

Some historical facts and legends are associated with the name of Taisiya. The meaning of the name and fate are associated in Orthodoxy with the names of two Taisii, can be shortened to Thais.

  • An Egyptian Thebaid, a repentant sinner who died at the end of the 3rd century ()
  • Taisia ​​of Egypt, a saint who lived in the 5th century (name day May 23).

Character and fate

All Taisii have an unusual fate, full of ups and downs. This means that they seek to manage their lives, to go beyond the ordinary. And usually they achieve everything they want from life. However, at the same time Taisia ​​- always reserved, modest by nature, claims only what she earns or deserves with her work.

If they are lucky enough to have a talent for something, they will be able to fully realize it, thanks to their inexhaustible hard work. In addition, they are sometimes too ambitious to achieve nothing from life.

Nature did not deprive Taisiy of health. Getting used to a certain routine from early childhood, they do not allow themselves to mope. They learned from an early age that getting sick is bad, you need to take care of your health and take care of it. Most Tas do not have a fragile physique, they are slender, but not thin. In their youth, they worry because of their insufficient, in their opinion, thinness, but over time they get used to it.

Taisiya has many friends, she easily gets along with people, she likes to meet friends, communicate with them, especially to communicate on interests. For friendship, girls with names are suitable for her: Anna, Alice, Olesya, Yanina, Alevtina, Raisiya, Faina.

Tai do not suffer without the presence of fans. Even though sometimes they don't even notice.. Tasi are proud and impregnable, they have many friends, but not lovers. Their favor still needs to be earned. They tend to take the initiative in relationships, but often remain lonely due to disappointments in love. Under certain circumstances, they can marry "by calculation". Everything will turn out well if they manage to compromise at least in some way, and show more indulgence to their beloved.

Taisya's determination will not allow her to choose the role of a housewife. Although with this role, as, indeed, with any other, she would have coped well. But “good” is not for her, only “excellent” is suitable for her. Therefore, she seeks to acquire a profession that gives her material independence. He chooses for himself those areas where there is a high probability of career growth and obtaining a high position in society. Certainly, if for some reason she if she fails to implement plans on her own, then she will try to seek help from influential people from her close circle, for example, her father or husband.

Love and family happiness

Taisiya's family life is going well under certain circumstances. If she marries at an early age, then only for great love, and this will most likely be a mistake. The realities of life can easily destroy enthusiastic feelings if they are not fed by anything else. Family happiness cannot be built on feelings alone. Next time, Taya will be more far-sighted, the consequences may not be too simple. And also, she will be sorry for the lost time, because she could spend it more productively.

That's why Tai are so picky and unhurried in choosing a husband, which even often remain lonely after several unsuccessful attempts. But still they have a chance, and even a very good one. Men will always like them, because, regardless of age, they have charm. Thanks to a sense of humor and a certain dose of female cunning, which are given to them by nature, they can easily please so many men. Over the years, they have improved their sense of style, and they know how to amaze and enchant. And most importantly, they know how to use them.

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Do you want to know what awaits a girl with such a rare and mysterious name that unites people who wear it? Today the topic of our article is Taisiya: the meaning of the name, character and fate that awaits the girl in the future. We will start, as in other articles, with the history of its origin ...

Surprisingly, the name Taisia ​​has Greek-Egyptian roots.

Name history

Translated from the ancient Greek "Taisia" means "dedicated to Isis."

Isis was one of the most revered goddesses of Ancient Egypt, the personification of femininity and motherhood. Her name is translated as "fertile".

Description of personality

This woman does not know how to compromise, she is quite categorical in her judgments and assessments, she is well versed in people, therefore, already at the first meeting, she quickly forms her opinion about a person and then rarely changes it. If she did not like the person, further communication with him is unlikely to continue.

The strengths of Taisia's character include:

  • Independence;
  • Independence;
  • Originality;
  • Honesty;
  • persistence;
  • Ability to understand people;

Friends and relatives can always count on the advice and participation of Taisiya

In relations with people, she is reasonable and balanced, since it is not in her character to openly demonstrate emotions, she is secretive by nature. However, if a girl is pissed off or something is contrary to her principles, she can easily flare up and express her point of view frankly.

In general, she is characterized by such behavior that she can be silent for a long time, accumulate resentment or indignation in herself, and then suddenly throw them out, dumbfounding the object of her claims with such a storm of emotions.

With friends, she is honest and frank. She prefers to speak her mind, even if she knows they might not like it. The girl does not like to gossip, to talk "from empty to empty."

She prefers to achieve everything in life herself. Many things are achieved only by hard work and the desire to achieve the goal at all costs. Along the way, she encounters many difficulties and problems, but she rarely complains. Even close friends and relatives do not always know what is happening now in a girl's life or what is in her soul.

Taisiya prefers to report on her successes and results already achieved than to share her problems.

The girl does not have many friends, because she deliberately limits the circle of people close to her. By nature, she is secretive and not disposed to openly share her thoughts, only with close friends she can allow herself to be herself, and then not often.

Taisia ​​also has enough ill-wishers, not everyone is ready to accept her uncompromising, sometimes categorical, habit of telling the truth in the eye.


The girl lives a bright and eventful life, the way she defined it for herself.

She loves traveling, goes in for sports, enjoys hiking and loves seasonal activities. In winter he goes skiing, in summer he windsurfs.

Work and business

In her student years, she studies a lot and successfully, leads an active social life. She can easily become the head of a group or even a stream, as she is honest, responsible, principled, able to stand up for herself and the team.

Best of all, she will be able to realize herself in business, this is her element. She can be called a classic business woman - the one who will lead the company, the team to success. With equal success, a woman can become a director of personnel, finance, sales, and marketing.

In business and projects, she is persistent and patient, she persistently goes to her goal, despite the difficulties and obstacles that arise. Rather, they make her move forward even more actively. A girl can stand up for herself, not particularly relying on outside support.

Taisiya has all the opportunities and abilities to build a dizzying career. She has excellent organizational skills, the ability to understand people, responsibility, perseverance, work for results.

In this case, it is important not what profession she chooses, but the fact that in any of them she can achieve a high result. If everything goes according to plan, then in the future Taya has every chance to become the director of the company, she is absolutely up to it.

Family and marriage

With all her masculine character traits, Taisiya is romantic at heart and is waiting for great love. Unable to reveal herself and open her feelings, she expects from her chosen one that he will be able to understand and feel her, to penetrate her thoughts and soul. Only such a person is she ready to open up to meet and connect her life with him.

Therefore, she gets married quite late and only when she loves herself and is loved. As a rule, at this time she has already realized herself as a person who has achieved great success in her career. At this stage, she can relax a little, devote more time to her loved one and family.

Approaching consciously to marriage and the birth of children, Taisiya becomes an excellent wife and a wonderful mother. As a business woman, she does not devote much time to housekeeping, but she knows how to organize and organize life well. Her home is always clean and comfortable, she is happy to receive guests.

She raises her children in an atmosphere of mutual respect and independence. From an early age, he educates them as individuals who can and should make their decisions and be responsible for their actions.

What will the girl be like?

She is inquisitive, asks a lot of questions, very independent.

Little Tasya is growing up on her own, independent. From childhood, she gets used to being responsible for her own actions, and becoming a little older, she makes decisions only herself, without asking the opinions of others.

Parents and relatives hear the words “I myself” from a very early age.

At a young age, he is distinguished by mischief, tirelessness, a penchant for pranks and pranks. It is difficult to keep her in place, she constantly comes up with some new games and entertainment, and not always innocent ones. The girl has enough friends who are ready to follow her and repeat all the tricks with pleasure.

In relation to her parents, she behaves like a loving daughter, even in difficult periods she tries not to quarrel with them. You can always have a serious talk with her and agree, explain your point of view. What should not be allowed in communication with her is screaming, then the girl becomes isolated, withdraws into herself, and next time it will be very, very difficult to call her to a frank conversation.

With adults, she behaves kindly, but cautiously. Before trusting a stranger, even a pleasant family friend, the girl looks at him very carefully. Despite her curiosity and mischief, she feels people well and she chooses the one with whom she is comfortable communicating.

Friends, on the contrary, simply adore Taisiya. It is never boring with her, and she is ready to come up with so many interesting and varied games! The children are looking forward to the girl going out into the yard, vying to offer her their company. In her youth, she will remain as bright, energetic and extraordinary.


At school, the girl has many friends, but also many ill-wishers, especially among the female half. Not everyone agrees to recognize her leadership and admire her talents. He studies mostly, not bad, but there are ups and downs due to mood swings.

From time to time, teachers, neighbors, parents of friends from the yard, kindergarten teachers complain about her. But it is impossible to be angry with her for a long time, the girl does this not from evil, but simply because she has such a lively and restless character.


Taisiya grows up as a healthy child, rarely gets sick in childhood, only periodically with colds. If you start tempering her from a very early age, the girl will not have health problems.

Many parents want to name their child both traditionally and originally. For this, there is nothing better than remembering old Russian names. Taisiya among Sofia, Mariy and Anastasy will look original, but not pretentious and not alien. What is this name? What is its origin? Is it in church calendars, and when are they celebrated? Our article will be devoted to these issues. If you believe in the influence of a name on a person’s fate, you will be interested to know the characteristics of the name Taisiya. We will also tell you about the woman's horoscope and answer the question of which men she will be on her way with and which will not. There is an opinion that the name lays a certain code in the character of a person. And if the king does not always grow out of Vasily, then imperiousness in his character can be traced. What about Taisiya? What will this name give the girl? Let's take a closer look at its origin.


There is no doubt that the name Taisiya appeared in Russia since the adoption of Christianity. The origin of this name is Greek. But not quite ordinary, Christian, but rather pagan. In Greek, it is written as ta Isios. What does it mean? In ancient times, Greece maintained economic and cultural ties with Egypt. Among that pantheon of gods was Isis - the wife of Osiris, the mother of Horus. The Egyptians believed that she was responsible for making the earth sprout. The goddess of fertility was served by priestesses. “The one that belongs to Isis” - ta Isios - this is the exact meaning of the name Taisia. For a girl born in Greece, it was reinterpreted as "she who is fertile." If you read the name together, then Taisiya sounds like "late". In Byzantium, this was the name of the younger daughters. After many Thais died for the faith in the first centuries of Christianity, the name entered the Orthodox calendar. It has become widely used. But in the twentieth century, somehow forgotten. It's time to remember it and make it popular again.

When is Taisiya's name day?

This name has a special energy. Perhaps that is why it quickly took root in Russia and became its own, native. Of course, Christianity left its mark on the meaning of the name Taisiya. According to the church calendar, there are two dates dedicated to these saints. The first is May 23rd. On this day Blessed Taisia ​​of Egypt is commemorated. Previously, she led a dissolute life, but, having heard the sermons of St. John, she turned to God and became a righteous man. For the second time, the Orthodox Church celebrates the day of remembrance of Taisiya the Recluse on October 21. This saint was also a harlot, a professional courtesan. But when she saw the Lord, she publicly burned all her jewelry and wealth in the square and “went into seclusion” (to the skete) to lead a righteous life. As you can see, this name is very sonorous, feminine, shrouded in mystery and mysticism. In Christianity, its meaning has changed. This is no longer a priestess of the pagan goddess Isis, but a wise saint, aware of her feminine power, but neglecting it for the sake of divine wisdom.

Taisiya: characterization of the name and fate. Childhood

In infancy, the girl will be a joy to her parents. Little Taya has a great appetite, sound sleep, and excellent health. She gets on her feet early, mobile, talkative. But then Tayushka begins to withdraw into herself. She becomes uncommunicative - and especially with strangers. It cannot be said that she is uncommunicative or asocial. Just to enter her circle of friends, she must like a person. She will zealously win back her living space. And this must be taken into account when raising a girl. There is no point in yelling at her or punishing her - so she will put her parents out of her circle of friends. It is better to give her this space for a personal spiritual life. Little Taya has one or two girlfriends, but prefers to play alone.


The characteristic of the name Taisiya for a child is of no small importance. The epithet "wise", which is of Christian origin, suggests that the girl will grasp knowledge on the fly. She also has perseverance, and therefore succeeds in all school subjects. Over time, Taya will learn to adapt to the company of other children. She will even seem sociable and sociable. But this is just a mask. In her heart, Tasya remains a closed girl who loves to be alone. When her many girlfriends play tag and bungee jump, she will read a fascinating book on the sidelines - often too difficult for her age. It is important for Tai's parents to protect their daughter during her school years from the excessive attention of teachers. An excellent student will deliberately “lag behind” if the glory flashes that she is a child prodigy, and she will be sent to all sorts of olympiads and competitions. It is best to gently cultivate healthy ambitions in the child.


During these years, mother should certainly achieve frankness and friendship with Taisiya. The characteristics of the name and fate for the girl are especially interconnected during the puberty period. Young Taya feels the magical power of the femininity of the goddess Isis growing in her. At the same time, isolation and shyness prevent her from finding a common language with boys. Because of this, complexes begin, leading to prolonged stress. Mom must help her daughter manage her feminine charms, stop being ashamed of them. However, the magic of the name itself inspires the girl with confidence in her abilities. In high school, Taya becomes more ambitious, overcomes her shyness and lack of communication skills. She is often chosen as head girl as she shows more and more leadership qualities. But it is difficult for her to choose a future profession. She does equally well in all subjects, although she does not like cramming. In the last grades and university, her studies increasingly depend on her mood. Parents need not scold her, but motivate her.

Professional Choice

The choice of occupation also largely depends on the characteristics of the name Taisiya. For a girl named after the legendary Thais of Athens, stage professions are more suitable: actresses, movie stars, ballerinas, singers. If the parents gave their daughter a name in memory of Christian "wise" saints, then she will choose science or business. In the latter, Taisiya will succeed the most, since she is always collected, focused and knows what she wants. In the world, quite a few women with this name have glorified themselves in the field of art. If young Taya manages to overcome her isolation in childhood, then in the future she will love working with people, and she will become an excellent teacher, coach, and doctor. The position of director is not suitable for her. Too cautious Taisiya does not like to take risks. But she will make an excellent deputy director. But no matter what profession a girl chooses, she will always strive to live in solitude. For her, it is the main component of spiritual comfort.

The meaning of the name Taisiya: character

A woman named after the greatest hetaera of all time knows how to seduce. This art is in her blood, and she applies it, even when she is still quite a baby. Femininity, intuition, gracefulness help her not only on the love front. Taisii often make a career as artists, poets, dancers, actresses. The magic of the name gives them some ability to heal with herbs. Often Taisii become psychologists, because they subtly feel human nature. At the same time, the women themselves, bearing this name, are very emotional. Behind the outward calm lies a whole volcano of passions. By the way, Taisii can be very vindictive and vengeful. But they also have many friends. The character of a woman with this name also depends on the time of her birth. Winter Taya is more courageous and independent, she loves risk. Spring - nature is more emotional. She is romantic and sentimental, which can hinder her career advancement. Summer Taisiya is cheerful, witty, but at the same time practical and cautious. But a girl with that name, born in the fall, will be assertive, pedantic, a little "crazy" in order.

Personal life

Let's continue with the name. Taisiya in the field of family life is constantly in search of "great love". And behind this occupation sometimes does not notice those who are ready to become it. Cautious Taisii are in no hurry to seal their relationship by marriage. They often leave their suitors because they consider them unworthy or because they are tired of them. It also happens that the marriage breaks up at the initiative of Taisiya. But she immediately rushes in search of a new husband. And if Taisia ​​finds her “great love”, she will reveal herself to this man without a trace. Women named after hetaeras are great in bed. They are passionate, unbridled and skillful. But they will demand the same return from their chosen one. As a wife and mistress of the house, only Taisiya, who was born in the fall, is good. Others are too emotional, passionate, romantic, or career addicted to spend time on boring cleaning and cooking. But Taya is a great mother. Children are drawn to her and consider her an authority.


The name Taisiya, whose characteristics we have given here, does not give its bearer any specific diseases. On the contrary, girls grow up strong and healthy. In infancy, they develop prematurely. The only exceptions are those Tasi who were born in December and March. They may have weak bronchi, lungs, predisposition to sore throats and gastrointestinal diseases. If a girl was born in the first half of the day, she will have good immunity. The "Achilles heel" of all Taisii is the nervous system. Emotional stress can lead to a breakdown, neurosis, depression. In adolescence and early youth, a girl can get sick with both bulimia and anorexia. Also, if there were cases of scoliosis in the family, this ailment can be transmitted to Taisiya. But in general, women with this name have enviable health.

Occult Talismans of Taisiya

It is not difficult to guess which planet patronizes getters and repentant harlots. It is, of course, Venus. From the characteristics of the name Taisiya, it becomes clear that her restless nature is more in line with the element of water. The totem animal is an assertive, powerful horse that knows no barriers, and the plants are poppy and walnut. The flower symbolizes passion and freedom, while the tree symbolizes fertility, wisdom and longevity. The number that Taisiya should bet on in the casino is three. If a woman with that name dresses in white, pink, yellow and blue, luck will smile at her even wider. In order to avert misfortune from herself, Taisiya should always carry opal or agate with her. These minerals also harmonize the environment, instill self-confidence. The metal that brings good luck is gold. It is good to name girls born under the signs of Gemini and Libra by the name Taisiya. The most favorable time of the year for her is autumn, and the day of the week is Friday.

What male names harmonize with Taisia

With whom does the union promise to be long-term and happy, and with whom - not? Since the characterization of the name Taisia ​​refers us, first of all, to the famous Athenian hetaera, Alexander will be the best match for her. But it is worth taking into account that in Russia it means “wise”, “prolific”, “late”. This is a well-forgotten old name. And so Taisia ​​will suit such male names. A long and happy marriage will be with Gennady, as well as Dmitry, whose name is also associated with the goddess of fertility, however, already of the Olympic pantheon.

Thais of Athens

Let's see which characters determined the main features of the characteristics of the name Taisiya. We have repeatedly mentioned this historical person. Thais of Athens was a hetero, courtesan, mistress of Alexander the Great, which did not prevent her from subsequently marrying the king of Egypt, Ptolemy Soter the First. A number of ancient historians mention that Thais was the initiator of the arson of the palace of the ruler of Persepolis Xerxes in 330 BC. According to Plutarch, this was revenge for the sack of Athens. However, the Roman historian Quintus Curtius Rufus argues that the fire arose due to the fact that Thais and Alexander the Great "were intoxicated." The chronicles also mention that the hetaera participated in the military campaigns of the young king.

Other famous Taisii

We have already mentioned two saints who lived in Egypt at the dawn of Christianity. Their asceticism influenced the characterization of Taisia ​​in later centuries. Women with this name have a modest disposition, although deep down they retain ardor and passion. Of the well-known Taisii of our time, we should mention the popular Ukrainian singer Povaliy, the opera diva Burtseva with an amazing soprano, the Russian actress Kalinchenko, the artist Shvetsova. But women with that name became famous in other fields. Taisiya Osintseva is a well-known neuropathologist in Russia.

Synonyms for the name Tai. Taya.
origin of the name Taya The name Taya is English.

The name Taya is a female name. Among the Russian-speaking population, the name Taya is used as a diminutive and affectionate appeal to the names Taisiya and Tayana, less often to the name Tatyana. Recording options are possible - Taya and Taya.

Currently, the name Taya as an independent name is used in the USA and Australia. In the foreign version, options are possible - Taya, Taja, Taia. The name of Tai occupied almost the last lines of the rating of 1000 names in the USA during 1997-2009 (the best position is 638th place), then disappeared. Since 2015, the name Taya has reappeared in the main pool of names, possibly due to a relationship in pronunciation with the names Maya and Kaya (Kaya).

The name Taya has various meanings, but the most common interpretations are "princess" and "goddess", which makes it closest in meaning to the name Taisiya.

The owner of the name Taya is a deeply human and altruistic person with a strong personality. Taya is extremely sensitive and surprisingly intuitive. Her high vibrations motivate her to advocate for a better world and care for the most disadvantaged people on this planet. The material side is of secondary importance to her. Taya is quite often enlightened in various fields - thanks to both her knowledge and creative talent.

Her emotional balance is often on the edge, because a high level of nervous tension is an integral part of such a passionate temperament. This girl is selfless, hypersensitive, emotionally fragile, dependent on the surrounding opinion, therefore she is easily subjected to suggestions, which further traumatizes her, especially in cases where the suggestions are contradictory.

As a little girl, Taya strives to be admired, which is why she is especially receptive to her family environment. It takes only a slight emotional upheaval or parental disagreement to change Taya's inner harmony for her to feel completely lost, becoming completely withdrawn. Parents should pay attention to the future independence of the girl, it is important to encourage her autonomy and develop a sense of duty, taking care to respect her fragile nature of the person and preserve the carefree innocence of her childhood.

The owner of the name Taya is a very emotionally oriented lady, with an active imagination, prone to flights of fantasy, expectation of magic and a miracle. Not particularly materialistic in nature, she tends to seek solace in her thoughts and daydreams as a way to escape the uninteresting side of material reality. She loves to travel to other countries, to study their mystery and unusualness, she has a desire for escapism. Music is another of the pleasant hobbies that Taya can give herself to in full. At the same time, it is not necessary that she will be able to play some musical instrument, but she can become an expert or a music critic.

In matters of the heart, Taya manifests herself as a romantic and gentle woman. She is an idealist, putting her man on a pedestal, risking disappointment in him when the romantic veil finally falls. She is a gentle, affectionate woman, sincerely looking for a harmonious union and may well forget about herself in the care of those she loves.

In this configuration, Taya has every opportunity to achieve brilliant success in areas where creativity is required. First of all, it is art in its various forms (sculpture, painting, acting, literature, music). The social sphere will also be close to her (psychology, pedagogy, sociology, counseling). People with this name have a deep inner desire for love and fellowship, and want to work with others to achieve peace and harmony.

Tai's name day

Taya does not celebrate a name day.

Notable people named Taya

  • Taya Parker ((born 1978) American model, actress, singer, also TV presenter)
  • Taya Straton ((1960-1996) Australian actress, best known for her role in the movie "Spider")
  • Taya Zinkin (1918-2003), English journalist and writer. She has written several reporting books as well as books on Gandhi and caste. Her journalism caused her to be declared persona non grata in Pakistan under President Ayub Khan. She wrote an autobiography in three volumes: "A Lonely Child" (1971), "Weeds Grow Fast" (1973) and the French "Memsahib" (1983).)
  • Taya (Taya) Rena Kyle ((born 1974) is an American writer, political commentator and family activist. Known as the widow of US Navy officer Chris Kyle, a sniper from the Navy SEAL unit, nicknamed the “Devil of Ramadi” for his shooting. Her story and her husband's story was adapted into the 2014 film The Sniper, based on the husband's memoirs and his wife's memories.)
  • Taya Rikizo ((1899-1988) Japanese singer)
  • Taya Sewell ((born 1962) American singer, songwriter and musician)
  • Taya (Tazha) Mohorcic ((born 1989) Slovenian tennis player)
  • Taia Smith (Australian singer for Hillsong United)

With the birth of a baby, in addition to the usual troubles, one exciting and entertaining activity comes into the life of adults - acquaintance with the secret meanings of the name. It is this feature of names that often becomes the decisive factor due to which the most promising name is preferred. How can you influence the future, if during the sacrament of baptism the baby was named Taisia, the meaning of the name, character and fate - relatives will have to work hard to find out in detail all the features.

The meaning of the name Taisiya for a girl briefly

Even a millennium ago, it was well known that fate is made up of many threads, one of which is the secret meaning embedded in each name. People carefully kept this information, passed it on from mouth to mouth, tried to name their child the happiest name. One of them is Taisia, the meaning of the name, the character and fate of which are described in numerous old scrolls and books. Legends have even survived in which the owner of this name was the main character and was distinguished by her strong character, fearlessness and loyalty. One can hope that in reality this will certainly affect the life and character traits of the baby and will certainly please all relatives who are not indifferent to the future of the girl.

The meaning of the name Taisia ​​for a girl is brief, as ancient Greek legends and myths testify - “wise”, “late”. You can find this name under a different meaning - “belonging to the goddess Isis”, but this causes a lot of controversy between scientists, because this goddess is considered ancient Egyptian and has nothing to do with Ancient Greece, where it came from. That is why it is customary to use the Greek interpretation, which is more reliable and more credible.

What does the name Taisia ​​mean for a girl according to the church calendar

Before baptizing a baby, parents try to find out the most important information related to the name that, through numerous disputes, was chosen for the child. It is recommended to use Orthodox literature for this - in the church calendar you can find everything you need - a secret meaning, patron saints, name day dates. You can study the calendar - they are also replete with useful and interesting information that can even contribute to the upbringing of a child.

Taisia, the meaning of the name, character and fate - what can church literature tell about this? There will be many pleasant surprises for relatives, because two saints will patronize the baby at once, and name days will have to be celebrated in May (23rd) and October (21st). The holy women are united by one feature - at first they were distinguished by their love for entertainment, but after they turned to God, they forgot about worldly fuss and began to sing it in prayers.

What does the name Taisia ​​mean for a girl according to the church calendar? One should not look for any special differences from the meaning laid down in Ancient Greece - Orthodox literature announces what it means "late" or "wise." How much this will correspond to reality is well known only to God and the highest patrons, who will certainly look after the baby.

The secret of the name Taisiya - signs, superstitions

Adults, who have chosen this name for their daughter, are sure to find out interesting details that may be associated with him. A girl who grows up will certainly ask how much the mystery of the name Taisiya is distinguished by inexplicable events. First of all, the patron saints of the baby deserve attention here, whose days are sacredly honored by many Christians. The autumn holiday enjoyed special respect, because it was on this day that the holy great martyr gave secret signs that you need to be able to decipher. If you recognize them correctly, you can determine the weather for the whole next summer.

In order to find out what the next summer season will be like, you definitely need to go outside late at night on the feast of the veneration of the saint and look at the moon. If it is round, then the sky will not please with rain and it may well happen that there will be a crop failure due to lack of moisture. If the crescent moon shines brightly in the sky, then we can safely expect rains in the summer - they will be frequent and plentiful, nourishing the soil and contributing to plant productivity.

The origin of the name Taisiya and its meaning for children

Many adults mistakenly believe that the origin of the name Taisiya and its meaning for children are the only important points that should be paid attention to. This opinion is wrong - practically nothing depends on the origin of the names, the main thing that can affect further events in the baby's life is only the secret meaning that was originally invested in the name and confirmed by many generations. That is why you should not worry about the fact that the name Taisia ​​has roots that penetrate deep into Greek mythology - in no way will this affect the character or fate of the baby.

The meaning of the name is considered much more important, because only it can give patron saints who will not only help raise the baby, but also turn away everything evil from it. The main thing that adults should remember is that you should teach your beloved child to pray to patronesses, and they will certainly hear and help in the most difficult moments that often occur in life.

The character of a girl named Taisiya

One of the moments that will certainly interest the relatives of the crumbs is the character of a girl named Taisiya. Will he be kind, or will you have to make an effort to help get rid of shortcomings? Adults will definitely be pleased with the number of advantages that a girl will differ in:

  1. determination;
  2. observation;
  3. hardness;
  4. friendliness;
  5. the ability to compromise;
  6. hospitality;
  7. emotionality;
  8. energy;
  9. persistence.

Among the shortcomings, secrecy and extreme pride can be distinguished. The girl always loves to be the first, and the second place, even in the company, will not satisfy her. She will certainly do everything so that attention is paid only to her, even if for this she has to commit a not very decent or virtuous act. Of course, he will soon regret this and, if necessary, apologize to his friends. The disadvantages include the inability to cook - even under the vigilant supervision of the mother, it will not be possible to obtain the necessary culinary skills. Only marriage and the desire to please her beloved husband can become an incentive to learn how to create culinary masterpieces.

The fate of a girl named Taisiya

Will the fate of a girl named Taisiya be the subject of concern for relatives and friends? They should not expect anything bad - a girl from her school desk will tune in to a prosperous life in abundance with her beloved husband and will firmly go towards this goal. She can choose a profession quite ordinary:

  1. teachers;
  2. doctor;
  3. accountant;
  4. secretary;
  5. educator.

If parents from childhood notice the ability to be creative, you can give it to a special studio, enroll in a music school or an art circle. Subsequently, this will help to choose a specialty related to art, although Taisiya does not aspire to fame, preferring simpler professions.

Taisiya will marry early. Despite this, the girl will have time to carefully consider her chosen one, to study his character, advantages and disadvantages. Only after that will he agree to the proposal of the hand and heart and with a clear conscience will go down the aisle. Thanks to strong feelings, the family will certainly be happy for a long life, and children will only decorate the common fate and give wonderful moments to the married couple.