Theatrical games in dhow. Educational and methodological material on the topic: Theatrical games in kindergarten

All theatrical games can be divided into two main groups: dramatization and directorial. In games - dramatizations, the child, playing the role as an "artist", independently creates an image with the help of a complex of means of expression.

The types of dramatization are: games - imitations of images of animals, people, literary characters. Dramatization games are role-playing dialogues based on text. But in the director's game, "artists" are toys or their deputies, and the child, organizing activities as a "screenwriter and director", controls the "artists". "Voicing" the characters and commenting on the plot, he uses different means of expression.

The types of director's games are determined in accordance with the variety of theaters used in kindergarten: tabletop, flat and three-dimensional, shadow puppet, finger, etc. In order to develop the independence and creativity of children in the process of theatrical activities, it is necessary to highlight several conditions:

Enriching the environment with the attributes of theatrical activities and the free development of this environment by children (a mini theater, which is periodically replenished with new attributes and decorations);

  • the content of games should correspond to the interests and abilities of children;
  • meaningful communication between the teacher and children;
  • the theatrical and gaming environment should be dynamically changing, and children take part in its creation;
  • teaching children expressive means of theatrical activity:

facial expressions- tells us without words about certain feelings and moods of a person, that is, when a person expresses any emotions.

Gestures– dynamic movement of the body: arms, legs, head, etc., as well as posture.

Pantomime- facial expressions combined with gestures.

AT younger preschool age the teacher creates the conditions for individual director's games by saturating the subject-play environment with small figurative toys (dolls, nesting dolls, animals, technical toys, designers, furniture, etc.). The participation of the teacher in individual director's games is manifested in playing out everyday and fairy-tale situations (from nursery rhymes, works by V. Berestov, E. Blaginina, etc.), showing the use of role-playing speech, onomatopoeia, drawing the child into the game, suggesting replicas, explaining actions.

AT middle group the teacher creates conditions for collective directorial games. In the subject-play environment, in addition to figurative toys, there should be a variety of waste material (boards, coils, unbreakable bubbles, etc.), which contributes to the development of imagination, the ability to act with substitute objects. When organizing directorial games, the teacher takes the position of an assistant: he asks the child to explain the meaning of actions, encourages him to role-play ("What did he say?", "Where did he go?"), sometimes acting as a carrier of game skills, showing fantastic stories with the help of toys and substitute objects, which helps the child to engage in such activities.

senior preschool age - the heyday of the director's game, which becomes a full-fledged joint activity. The content of the games are fantastic stories in which reality is intertwined with events from cartoons and books. The subject-play environment for director's games is constructed on the basis of multifunctional game material (map-layout of the game space). Its use helps the child to invent and act out the events that make up the plot outline, to imagine the plot situation even before it is played out, and then to concretize in the process of directing the game, filling it with game events. The closeness of the structure of the play and fairy tale plot makes it possible to use a literary fairy tale as a basis for the development of plot construction.

In each age group, it is desirable to have a corner for theatrical performances, performances. They allocate space for director's games with finger, table, poster theater, theater of balls and cubes, costumes, on mittens. In the corner are:

  • various types of theaters: bibabo, tabletop, puppet, flannelograph theater, etc.;
  • props for acting out scenes and performances: a set of puppets, puppet theater screens, costumes, costume elements, masks;
  • attributes for various game positions: theatrical props, makeup, scenery, director's chair, scripts, books, samples of musical works, seats for spectators, posters, cash desk, tickets, pencils, paints, glue, types of paper, natural material.

Classification of theatrical games

In children younger preschool age the primary development of the director's theatrical game is noted through:

  • tabletop toy theatre;
  • table plane theater;
  • planar theater on flannelgraph;
  • finger theatre.

Aged 4-5 years the child masters different types of table theater:

  • soft toys;
  • wooden theater;
  • cone theatre;
  • theater of folk toys;
  • planar figures;
  • theater of spoons;
  • theater of riding puppets (without a screen, and by the end of the academic year - with a screen), etc.

AT senior and preparatory age groups , children can be introduced to puppets, the theater of the "living hand", the shawl theater, people - puppets.

Card file of theatrical games for children 3 - 7 years old

Theatrical games for children of the 2nd junior group.

Playing out the situation “I don’t want semolina!”
Purpose: to teach intonation, expressively pronounce phrases.
Children are divided into pairs. One of them will be moms or dads, others will be children. Mom or dad should insist that the child eat semolina (hercules, buckwheat ...), giving various reasons. And the child can not stand this dish. Have the children try acting out the two conversations. In one case, the child is naughty, which annoys the parents. In another case, the child speaks so politely and softly that the parents give in to him.
The same situation can be played out with other characters, for example: a sparrow and sparrows, but with the condition that they should communicate only by chirping; cat and kitten - meowing; frog and frog - croaking.

Pantomime "Morning Toilet"
Purpose: to develop imagination, expressiveness of gestures.
The teacher says, the children do
- Imagine that you are lying in bed. But you need to get up, stretch, yawn, scratch your head. How you don't want to get up! But rise!
Let's go to the bathroom. Brush your teeth, wash your face, comb your hair, put on clothes. Go have breakfast. Fu, again porridge! But you need to eat. eat
without pleasure, but they give you candy. Hooray! You unfold it and place it on your cheek. Yes, but where is the fan? That's right, throw it in the bucket. And run outside!

The game is poetry.
The teacher reads a poem, the children imitate movements in the text:
The cat plays the button accordion
The pussy is the one on the drum
Well, Bunny on the pipe
You are in a hurry to play.
If you help,
We will play together. (L.P. Savina.)

The game is poetry.

Friendly circle.
If we get together
If we hold hands
And we smile at each other
Clap clap!
Top top!
Let's take a walk, walk, Like chanterelles ... (mice, soldiers,).

The game is poetry.
Purpose: to teach children to play with a literary text, to support the desire to independently seek expressive means to create an image, using movement, facial expressions, posture, gesture. \ The teacher reads a poem, the children imitate movements in the text:
Cats and mice
This pen is a mouse,
This pen is a cat,
Play cat and mouse
We can do a little.
The mouse scratches with its paws,
The mouse gnaws at the crust.
The cat hears it
And sneaks to the Mouse.
Mouse, grabbing a cat,
Runs into a hole.
The cat is sitting and waiting:
“Why doesn’t the Mouse come?”

The game is poetry.
Purpose: to teach children to play with a literary text, to support the desire to independently seek expressive means to create an image, using movement, facial expressions, posture, gesture. \ The teacher reads a poem, the children imitate movements in the text:
A cloud floats across the sky
And brings the storm with it.
Ba-ba-boom! The storm is coming!
Ba-ba-boom! Blows are heard!
Ba-ba-boom! Thunder roars!
Ba-ba-boom! We got scared!
We're all going to the house
And we will weather the storm.
A ray of sunshine appeared
The sun came out from behind the clouds.
You can jump and laugh
Don't be afraid of black clouds!
A moth flew, a moth fluttered!
He sat down to rest on a sad flower.
(Thoughtful, cheerful, withered, angry...)

Playing with an imaginary object
promote humane treatment of animals.
Children in a circle. The teacher folds his palms in front of him: Guys, look, I have a small kitten in my hands. He is very weak and helpless. I will give each of you to hold him, and you stroke him, caress him, only carefully and say kind words to him.
The teacher passes an imaginary kitten. Leading questions helps children find the right words and movements.

Playing with an imaginary object
Airplane wings and soft pillow
Purpose: to form the skills of working with imaginary objects;
Raise your arms to the sides, straightening all the joints to the limit, strain all the muscles from the shoulder to the ends of the fingers (depicting the wings of an airplane). Then, without lowering your arms, ease the tension, allowing your shoulders to drop slightly, and your elbows, hands, and fingers to bend passively. Hands seem to lie on a soft pillow.

Playing with an imaginary object: "The cat releases its claws"
Purpose: to form the skills of working with imaginary objects;
Gradual straightening and bending of the fingers and hands. Bend your arms at the elbows, palms down, clench your hands into fists and bend them up. Gradually, with an effort, straighten all the fingers up and spread them to the limit to the sides (“the cat releases its claws”). Then, without stopping, bend the hands down, at the same time squeezing the fingers into a fist (“the cat hid her claws”), and finally return to the starting position. The movement is repeated several times non-stop and smoothly, but with great tension. Later, the movement of the whole arm should be included in the exercise - either by bending it at the elbows and bringing the hand to the shoulders, or by straightening the entire arm (“the cat rakes with its paws”).

"Tasty candy"
Purpose: to form the skills of working with imaginary objects;
The girl is holding an imaginary box of chocolates. She hands it to the children one by one. They take one candy each and thank the girl, then unfold the papers and put the candy in their mouths. You can see from the childish faces that the food is delicious.
Facial expressions: chewing movements, smile.

Movement simulation game
Do you remember how children walk?
Little feet walked along the path. Big feet walked along the path.
(Children walk first with small steps, then with large - giant steps.)
- How does the Old Man - Lesovichok walk?
- How does the princess walk?
- How does the bun roll?
- How does a gray wolf roam the forest?
- How does a hare, with his ears flattened, run away from him?
Movement simulation game
The teacher addresses the children:

Purpose: to develop monologue speech.
Parsley makes a riddle:
And shines and shines
It doesn't flatter anyone.
And tell the truth to anyone -
Everything as it is will show him!
What is this? (Mirror.)
A large mirror is brought into the group (hall). Each of the team comes to the mirror, and, looking into it, the first one praises himself, admires himself, the second talks about what he does not like about himself. Then the members of the other team do the same.

Theatrical games for children of the middle group

Game-pantomime "Bears"
Purpose: to develop pantomime skills
But look, a mountain of old deadwood. Oh, it's a den! And bear cubs sleep in it. But the sun warmed up, melted the snow. Droplets of water seeped into the lair. Water got on the nose, ears, paws of the cubs.
The cubs stretched, snorted, opened their eyes and began to get out of the den. Parting the branches with their paws, they climbed out into the clearing. The rays of the sun blind the eyes. The cubs cover their eyes with their paws and growl in displeasure. But soon my eyes got used to it. The bear cubs looked around, sniffed the fresh air with their noses and quietly dispersed across the clearing. How many interesting things are here! Further improvisation is possible.

"Wooden and rag dolls"
When depicting wooden dolls, the muscles of the legs, the body, and the arms lowered along the body are tense. Sharp turns of the whole body are made to the right and left, the neck, arms, and shoulders remain immobile; feet firmly and motionless on the floor.
Imitating rag dolls, it is necessary to relieve excessive tension in the shoulders and body; hands hang passively.
In this position, you need to turn the body with short jerks to the right, then to the left; at the same time, the arms take off and wrap around the body, the head turns, the legs also turn, although the feet remain in place. Movements are performed several times in a row, then in one form, then in another.

Muscle tension and relaxation game
Free circular movement of the arms, describing large circles forward and up. Flying movement: after a quick, energetic push, the arms and shoulders are freed from any tension, describing a circle, falling freely. The movement is performed continuously, several times in a row, at a fairly fast pace (hands fly like “not their own”). It is necessary to ensure that there are no clamps in the shoulders, in which the correct circular movement is immediately violated and angularity appears.

Muscle tension and relaxation game
"Airplane Wings and a Soft Pillow"
Raise your arms to the sides, straightening all the joints to the limit, strain all the muscles from the shoulder to the ends of the fingers (depicting the wings of an airplane). Then, without lowering your arms, ease the tension, allowing your shoulders to drop slightly, and your elbows, hands and fingers to bend passively. Hands seem to lie on a soft pillow.

Muscle tension and relaxation game
Circular movements of the shoulders. The arms are bent at the elbows, the fingers are gathered into a fist. Continuous leisurely circular movement of the shoulders up - back - down - forward. Elbows are not retracted from the body. The amplitude in all directions should be maximum. When the shoulders are tilted back, the tension increases, the elbows come together, the head leans back. The exercise is performed several times without stopping. It is desirable that the movement of the shoulders starts up and back, and not forward, i.e. expanding rather than narrowing the chest.

Muscle tension and relaxation game
"Giants and Gnomes"

Muscle tension and relaxation game
The girl was walking in the garden and suddenly saw a big green grasshopper. She began to sneak up on him. She only stretched out her hands to cover him with her palms, and he jumped - and now he is chirping in a completely different place.
Expressive movements: stretch the neck forward, look closely, tilt the body slightly forward, step on the fingers.

Muscle tension and relaxation game
"New Doll"
The girl was given a new doll. She is happy, jumps merrily, spins, shows everyone the desired gift, presses her to her and spins again.

Role-playing the poem "Who thinks?"

Purpose: to develop intonational expressiveness of speech.
Picture theater is used. Pictures-characters children draw at home with their parents. The text of the poem is learned at home. Children are divided into two subgroups: one is the audience, the other is the actors, then they change. This dramatization can be shown at leisure to parents or children of other groups, or you can just play.
Rooster: I'm smarter than everyone!
Host: A rooster crowed.
Rooster: I can count to two!
Ferret: Think!
Host: The ferret grumbles.
Ferret: And I can do up to four!
Beetle: I'm up to six!
Host: The beetle exclaimed.
Spider: I'm up to eight!
Host: The spider whispered. Here crawled a centipede.
Centipede: I seem to be a little smarter
Beetle and even a spider -
I count to forty.
Oh, horror!
Host: I'm terrified.
Already: After all, I'm not stupid, but why
I don't have arms or legs
And then I could count!
Student: I have a pencil.
Whatever you want, you can ask him.
Multiply with one foot, add,
He can count everything in the world!

Pantomime game "The hare had a garden" (V.Stepanov.)
Purpose: to develop pantomime skills.
The teacher reads, the children imitate movements.
The bunny had a garden
Bunny walks happily.
Rovnenkie two beds.
But first, everything will dig up,
There he played snowballs in the winter,
And then it's all smoothed out
Well, in the summer - hide and seek.
Seeds sow cleverly
And in the spring in the garden
And he goes to plant carrots.
A hole is a seed, a hole is a seed,
And you look, in the garden again

Peas and carrots will grow.
And how autumn will come,
Harvest your own.

Game - poems: "Soap bubbles"
Purpose: to teach children to play with a literary text, to support the desire to independently seek expressive means to create an image, using movement, facial expressions, posture, gesture.
- Watch out for bubbles!
-Oh, what!
-Oh, look!
- Shine!
-Come off!
- Shine!
- Mine with a plum!
-My with a nut!
- Mine didn't burst the longest!

Game - poems: "Angry Goose"
Purpose: to teach children to play with a literary text, to support the desire to independently seek expressive means to create an image, using movement, facial expressions, posture, gesture.
Here is a big angry goose.
I'm very afraid of him!
Protecting five goslings
It hurts guys.
Loudly the goose hisses, cackles,
He wants to pinch the kids!
The goose is already coming at us!
Run away now!

Games - poems: "Airplane"
Purpose: to teach children to play with a literary text, to support the desire to independently seek expressive means to create an image, using movement, facial expressions, posture, gesture.
Shall we play airplane? (Yes.)
You are all wings, I am a pilot.
Received instruction -
Let's start piloting. (They line up one after the other.)
In the snow we fly and a blizzard, (Uuuuuu!)
We see someone's shore. (A-ah-ah-ah!)
Ry-ry-ry - the engine growls,
We fly above the mountains.
Here we all go down
To our runway!
Well, our flight is over.
Goodbye, plane.

Game - poems: "Bear"
Purpose: to teach children to play with a literary text, to support the desire to independently seek expressive means to create an image, using movement, facial expressions, posture, gesture.
Winter sleeps in a lair,
Guess and answer
Who is this sleeping? (Bear.)
Here he is Mishenka, a bear,
He walks through the forest.
Finds honey in hollows
And he puts it in his mouth.
licks paw,
Sweet clubfoot.
And the bees are flying
The bear is driven away.
And the bees sting Mishka:
"Don't eat our honey, thief!"

Walking along the forest road
Bear in his den
Lies down, falls asleep
And the bee remembers...
"King" (variant of the folk game)
Purpose: To develop actions with imaginary objects, the ability to act in concert.
Game progress: The child is chosen by means of a counting rhyme for the role of the king. The rest of the children - workers are divided into several groups (3 - 4) and agree on what they will do, what kind of work to be hired. Then they approach the king in groups.
Workers. Hello king!
King. Hello!
Workers. Do you need workers?
King. What can you do?
Workers. And you guess!
Children, acting with imaginary objects, demonstrate various professions: they cook food, wash clothes, sew clothes, embroider, water plants, etc. The king must guess the profession of the workers. If he does it right, he will catch up with the fleeing children. The first child caught becomes king. Over time, the game can be complicated by the introduction of new characters (queen, minister, princess, etc.), as well as come up with the characters of the characters (the king is greedy, cheerful, evil; the queen is kind, grumpy, frivolous).

Purpose: To be able to navigate in space, evenly placed on the site, without colliding with each other. Move at different paces. Attention training.
Game progress: At the teacher's clap, the children begin to randomly move around the hall, not colliding with other children and trying to fill the free space all the time.

"Wet Kittens"
Purpose: The ability to relieve tension alternately from the muscles of the arms, legs, neck, body; move loosely with a soft, springy step.
Game progress: Children move around the room in a scattered manner with a soft, slightly springy step, like little kittens. At the “rain” command, the children squat down and shrink into a ball, straining all the muscles. At the command of the “sun”, they slowly get up and shake off the “raindrops” in turn from each of the four “legs”, from the “head” and “tail”, respectively, removing the clamps from the muscles of the arms, legs, neck and body.

Theatrical games for older children

Circular movements of the shoulders. The arms are bent at the elbows, the fingers are gathered into a fist. Continuous unhurried circular movement of the shoulders up-back - down-forward. Elbows are not retracted from the body. The amplitude in all directions should be maximum. When the shoulders are tilted back, the tension increases, the elbows come together, the head leans back. The exercise is performed several times without stopping. It is desirable that the movement of the shoulders starts up and back, and not forward, i.e. expanding rather than narrowing the chest.
"Giants and Gnomes"
Putting your hands on your belt, stand with your heels together, moving your socks to the sides. Slowly rise to the toes, continuing to keep the heels together. After a short pause, lower yourself onto the entire foot, without transferring the weight to the heels.

"Mysteries Without Words"
Purpose: to develop the expressiveness of facial expressions and gestures.
The teacher calls the children:
I sit next to the bench
I will sit with you.
I'll tell you riddles
Who is smarter - I'll see.
The teacher, together with the first subgroup of children, sit on the modules and look at illustrations for riddles without words. Children choose pictures that they can think of without saying a word. The second subgroup at this time is located in another part of the hall.
Children of the first subgroup without words, with the help of facial expressions and gestures, depict, for example: the wind, the sea, a stream, a kettle (if it is difficult, then: a cat, a barking dog, a mouse, etc.). Children of the second subgroup guess. Then the second subgroup guesses, and the first one guesses.
Purpose: to develop fantasy, dialogical speech.
Parsley for a riddle:
I will turn the magic circle -
And my friend will hear me.
What is this? (Telephone.)
Petrushka invites two people from each team, especially those who like to talk on the phone. For each couple, a situation and a topic for conversation are proposed. A pair is made up of members of opposite teams.
1. Happy birthday and ask for a visit.
2. Invite a person who does not like to go to the theater to the performance.
3. They bought you new toys, and your friend wants to play with them.
4. You have been offended, and a friend comforts you.
5. Your friend (girlfriend) took away his favorite toy, and now he apologizes.
6. You have a name day

Pronunciation of the dialogue with different intonations
Child: The bear found honey in the forest ...
Bear: Little honey, a lot of bees!
The dialogue is spoken by all the children. The teacher helps to find the right intonation.
Children of one team use pantomime to show an object (train, iron, telephone, mushroom, tree, flower, bee, beetle, hare, dog, TV, crane, butterfly, book). The children of the other team guess.

Game: "At the mirror." Role gymnastics at the mirror.
Purpose: to improve figurative performing skills. Develop creative independence in the transfer of the image.
1) Frowning like:
a) king
b) a child whose toy was taken away,
c) a person hiding a smile.
2) Smile like:
a) polite Japanese
b) a dog to its owner,
c) mother to baby
d) mother's baby
d) a cat in the sun.
3) Sit like:
a) a bee on a flower,
b) punished Pinocchio,
c) an angry dog
d) the monkey that portrayed you,
d) horse rider
e) the bride at the wedding.
Game - poems: "Sounding day"
Purpose: to teach children to play with a literary text, to support the desire to independently seek expressive means to create an image, using movement, facial expressions, posture, gesture.
Toptygin took the double bass:
“Come on, everyone start dancing!
There is nothing to grumble and get angry,
Let's have fun!"
Here is the wolf in the meadow
Played the drum:
"Have fun, so be it!
I won't howl anymore!"
Miracles, miracles! At the piano Fox
Fox pianist - red soloist!
The old badger blew out the mouthpiece:
“What is the pipe
Excellent sound!”
Boredom escapes from this sound!
The drums knock yes knock
Hares on the lawn
Hedgehog-grandfather and Hedgehog - grandson
They took balalaikas ....
Picked up by Squirrels
Fashion plates.
Jing-ding! Shit!
A very busy day!

A game for the development of plastic expressiveness: "The Chanterelle overhears"
Chanterelle stands at the window of the hut in which Kotik and Cockerel live and eavesdrops on what they are talking about.
Pose: put the leg forward, the body of the body also slightly tilt forward.
Expressive movements: tilt your head to the side (listen, substituting your ear), look in the other direction, half open your mouth.
Hot Summer. It just rained. Children carefully step, walk around an imaginary puddle, trying not to get their feet wet. Then, having played pranks, they jump through the puddles so hard that the sprays fly in all directions. They have a lot of fun.
Game for the development of plastic expressiveness: "Dance of Roses"
Purpose: to teach children to control their bodies, freely and naturally use the movements of their arms and legs. To form the simplest figurative and expressive skills.
To a beautiful melody (recording, own melody) perform a dance of an amazingly beautiful flower - a rose. The child himself comes up with movements for him.
Suddenly the music stops. This gust of north wind "froze" a beautiful rose. The child freezes in any position invented by him.
1. Invite the children to walk through the pebbles through the stream on behalf of any character (fairy tale, story, cartoon) of their choice.
2. Invite the child to sneak up on a sleeping animal (hare, bear, wolf) on behalf of any character.
3. Offer to catch a butterfly or a fly on behalf of various characters.
4. Depict a walk of a family of three bears, but in such a way that all three bears behave and act differently.

Game for the development of plastic expressiveness: "Flower"
Purpose: to teach children to control their bodies, freely and naturally use the movements of their arms and legs. To form the simplest figurative and expressive skills.
Stretch up, straining the entire body to the fingertips (“the flower meets the sun”). Then successively drop the hands (“the sun hid, the head of the flower drooped”), bend the arms at the elbows (“the stalk broke”), releasing the muscles of the back, neck and shoulders from tension, allow the body, head and arms to passively “fall” forward and slightly bend knees ("withered flower").

Game for the development of plastic expressiveness: "Ropes"
Purpose: to teach children to control their bodies, freely and naturally use the movements of their arms and legs. To form the simplest figurative and expressive skills.
Lean forward slightly, raising your arms to the sides and then dropping them. Hanging, they passively sway until they stop. You should not actively swing your arms after a fall. You can suggest a game image: drop your hands like ropes.

Game for the development of plastic expressiveness: "Palma"
Purpose: To tense and relax alternately the muscles of the arms in the hands, elbows and shoulders.
Game progress: “A big, big palm tree has grown”: stretch your right hand up, reach for your hand, look at your hand.
“Leaves withered”: drop the brush. "Branches": drop the arm from the elbow. "whole palm tree": drop your hand down. Repeat the exercise with your left hand.

Game for the development of plastic expressiveness: "Barbell"
Purpose: Alternate tension and relaxation of the muscles of the shoulder girdle and arms.
Game progress: The child lifts the "heavy barbell". Then he leaves her and rests.

A game for the development of plastic expressiveness: "Airplanes and Butterflies"
Purpose: To teach children to control the muscles of the neck and arms; navigate in space, evenly placed on the site.
Game progress: Children move in all directions, as in the “Ants” exercise, on command “airplanes” run rapidly, arms outstretched to the sides (the muscles of the arms, neck and body are tense); on command, the “butterflies” switch to an easy run, making smooth waves with their arms, the head gently turns from side to side (“the butterfly is looking for a beautiful flower”), the hands, elbows, shoulders and neck are not clamped.
The exercise can be done to the music by selecting the appropriate works from the repertoire for musical education.

A game for the development of plastic expressiveness: "Who is in the picture?"
Purpose: To develop the ability to convey images of living beings with the help of plastic expressive movements.
Game progress: Children sort out cards depicting animals, birds, insects, etc. Then, one by one, the given image is transmitted in plastic, the rest guess. On several cards, the images may coincide, which makes it possible to compare several options for one task and mark the best performance.

Theatrical games for children of the preparatory school group

"Trip around the world"
Purpose: To develop the ability to justify one's behavior, develop faith and imagination, expand the knowledge of children.
Game progress: Children are invited to go on a trip around the world. They must figure out where their path will lie - through the desert, along a mountain path, through a swamp, through a forest, jungle, across the ocean on a ship - and accordingly change their behavior.

"Sick Tooth"
Game progress: Children are invited to imagine that they have a very painful tooth, and they begin to moan at the sound "m". The lips are slightly closed, all muscles are free. The sound is monotonous, stretching.

Game progress: Children portray a capricious child who whines, demanding to be picked up. Whine on the sound “n”, without raising or lowering the sound, looking for a tone in which the voice sounds even and free.

"Pantomime Theatre"
They are divided into two teams. The leader in the box has cards with the image of a boiling kettle, ice cream, an alarm clock, a telephone, etc. In turn, one player from each team comes up and pulls out tasks for themselves.
The player must draw what is drawn, and the teams guess. The team that first names what the child shows gets a token. By the end of the game, the winning team is revealed.

Muscle tension and relaxation games:
"Cactus and Willow"
Purpose: To develop the ability to control muscle tension and relaxation, navigate in space, coordinate movements, stop exactly at the signal of the teacher.
Game progress: At any signal, such as cotton, the children begin to move randomly around the hall, as in the Ants exercise. At the command of the “Cactus” teacher, the children stop and take the “cactus pose” - legs shoulder-width apart, arms slightly bent at the elbows, raised above their heads, palms turned back to each other, fingers spread out like thorns, all muscles tense. On the cotton of the teacher, the chaotic movement resumes, then the command follows: “Willow”. Children stop and assume the “willow” position: arms slightly spread apart are relaxed at the elbows and hang like branches of a willow; head hanging, neck muscles relaxed. Movement resumes, teams alternate.

Muscle tension and relaxation game:
"Pump and Inflatable Doll"
Purpose: The ability to strain and relax muscles, interact with a partner, train three types of exhalation, articulate the sounds "s" and "sh"; act on an imaginary object.
Game progress: Children are divided into pairs. One child is an inflatable doll from which air has been released, he is squatting, all muscles are relaxed, arms and head are lowered; the second - "pumps" air into the doll with a pump; leaning forward, each time you press the “lever”, he exhales air with the sound “sssss” (the second type of exhalation), while inhaling, he straightens up. The doll, “filling with air”, slowly rises and straightens, arms are spread upwards and slightly to the sides. Then the doll is blown off, the cork is pulled out, the air comes out with the sound “shhhhhh” (the first type of exhalation), the child squats down, again relaxing all the muscles. Then the children switch roles. You can offer to inflate the doll quickly, connecting the third type of exhalation: “S! WITH! WITH!"

A game for muscle tension and relaxation: "Pinocchio and Pierrot"
Purpose: To develop the ability to properly tighten and relax muscles.
Game progress: Children move as in the “Ants” exercise, at the “Pinocchio” command they stop in a pose: legs shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows, open to the side, hands straight, fingers spread out, all muscles tense. Movement around the hall resumes. At the command "Pierrot" - they freeze again, depicting a sad Pierrot: the head hangs, the neck is relaxed, the arms dangle below. In the future, you can invite the children to move, keeping the images of the wooden strong Pinocchio and the relaxed, soft Pierrot.

A game of muscle tension and relaxation: "Snowman"
Purpose: The ability to strain and relax the muscles of the neck, arms, legs and body.
Game progress: Children turn into snowmen: legs shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows are extended forward, the hands are rounded and directed towards each other, all muscles are tense. The teacher says: “The sun warmed up, under its warm spring rays the snowman began to slowly melt.” Children gradually relax their muscles: they lower their heads helplessly, drop their hands, then bend in half, squat down, fall to the floor, completely relaxing.

A game of muscle tension and relaxation: "Hypnotist"
Game progress: The teacher turns into a hypnotist and conducts a lulling session”; making characteristic smooth movements with runes, he says: "Sleep, sleep, sleep ... Your head, arms, and legs become heavy, your eyes close, you completely relax and hear the sound of the sea waves." Children gradually sink onto the carpet, lie down and completely relax.
You can use an audio cassette with music for meditation and relaxation.

A game of muscle tension and relaxation: "Shake off water from handkerchiefs"
Purpose: Teaching complete relaxation of the muscles of the whole body.
Bend your arms at the elbows, hands hanging down with your palm down. By moving the forearm several times in a row, drop them down passively. Before this movement, it is useful to clench the hands into fists in order to more clearly feel the difference in the tense and relaxed state of the muscles.

A game for muscle tension and relaxation: "Flower"
Purpose: Teaching complete relaxation of the muscles of the whole body.
A warm ray of sun fell on the ground and warmed the seed. A sprout sprouted from it. A beautiful flower grew from a sprout. A flower basks in the sun, exposes each petal to heat and light, turning its head after the sun.
Expressive movements: squat down, lower your head and arms; raise your head, straighten your body, raise your arms to the sides, then up - the flower has blossomed; tilt your head back slightly, slowly turn it after the sun.
Facial expressions: eyes half-closed, smile, facial muscles relaxed.

The game of muscle tension and relaxation: "Pendulum"
Purpose: Teaching complete relaxation of the muscles of the whole body.
Shifting body weight from heels to toes and vice versa. Hands are lowered down and pressed to the body. The weight of the body is transferred slowly forward to the front of the foot and toes; heels do not separate from the floor; the whole body leans forward slightly, while the body does not bend. Then the weight of the body is also transferred to the heels. Socks do not separate from the floor. Transferring the weight of the body is also possible in another way: from one foot to the other from side to side. The movement is carried out on legs apart, the right and left hands are pressed to the body. Swinging from foot to foot is slow, without leaving the floor.

"Room Transformation"
Game progress: Children are divided into 2-3 groups, and each of them comes up with their own version of the transformation of the room. The rest of the children, by the behavior of the participants in the transformation, guess what exactly the room has been turned into.
Possible options proposed by the children: shop, theater, seashore, clinic, zoo, Sleeping Beauty's castle, dragon cave, etc.

Purpose: To develop skills of action with imaginary objects, to cultivate goodwill and contact in relationships with peers.
Game progress: With the help of a counting rhyme, a child is selected who invites children to a “birthday”. Guests come in turn and bring imaginary gifts.
With the help of expressive movements, conditional play actions, children must show what exactly they decided to give.

"Make no mistake"
Purpose: To develop a sense of rhythm, voluntary attention, coordination.
Game progress: The teacher in different combinations and rhythms alternates clapping, stomping with the foot and clapping on the knees. Children repeat after him. Gradually, rhythmic patterns become more complex, and the tempo accelerates.

"Children's Transformation"
Purpose: To develop a sense of faith and truth, courage, ingenuity, imagination and fantasy
Game progress: At the command of the teacher, children turn into trees, flowers, mushrooms, toys, butterflies, snakes, frogs, kittens, etc. The teacher himself can turn into an evil sorceress and turn children at will.

"How are you?"
Purpose: To develop speed of reaction, coordination of movements, the ability to use gestures.
Game progress:
Educator Children
- How are you? - Like this! show with enthusiasm
- Do you swim? - Like this! Any style.
- How do you run? - Like this! Bending your arms at the elbows, stamp your feet alternately.
- Are you looking into the distance? - Like this! Hands "visor" or "binoculars" to the eyes.
- Are you looking forward to dinner? - Like this! Waiting position, support your cheek with your hand.
- Are you following? - Like this! The gesture is clear.
- Do you sleep in the morning? - Like this! Cheek handles.
- Are you kidding? - Like this! Puff out your cheeks and slap them with your fists.
(According to N. Pikuleva)

Purpose: To develop hand plasticity.
Game progress: Children stand scattered in the main stance, hands down, palms down, middle fingers connected.
1. In the morning, the tulip opens. Joining the palms, raise the hands to the chin, open the palms, connect the elbows.
2. Closes at night Connecting the palms, lower the hands down.
3. Tulip tree At the bottom, connect the backs of the palms and raise your arms over your head.
4. Spreads his Extend your arms out to the sides, palms up.
5. And in autumn the leaves fall Turn your palms down and gently lower down, slightly touching


Purpose: Development of coordination of movements, dexterity, sense of rhythm.
Game progress: Children lie on their backs, arms extended along the head, toes extended.
1. The hedgehog cringed Bend your knees, press
curled up, to the stomach, wrap your arms around them,
nose to knees.
2. Turned around...

Theatrical games in kindergarten.

Theatrical game is an effective means of socialization of a preschooler.

In a theatrical game, emotional development is carried out: children get acquainted with the feelings, moods of the characters, master the ways of their external expression, realize the reasons for this or that mood. The importance of theatrical play is also great for speech development (improving dialogues and monologues, mastering the expressiveness of speech). Finally, the theatrical game is a means of self-expression and self-realization of the child.

At the same time, it is believed that in preschool institutions the developing potential of theatrical and is not used enough, which can be explained two conflicting tendencies in ways of organizing.

  1. According to the first trend , theatrical games are used mainly as a kind of "spectacle" holidays. The desire to achieve good results makes teachers memorize with children not only the text, but also intonations and movements in the course and justifiably of a large number of individual and collective rehearsals. The child is taught to be a "good artist". And, as a result, the spectacle took place, the audience liked the performance. However, the skills mastered in this way are not transferred by children to freedom of play activity.
  2. The second trend in the organization of a theatrical game can be called adult non-intervention: the children are left to their own devices, the teacher only prepares the attributes for the "theater". From group to group, the child is accompanied by the same type of caps-masks, costume elements of hero figurines ... This attracts younger preschoolers, first of all, because of the opportunity to change clothes, which means changing, and this no longer satisfies the older preschooler, since it corresponds to his cognitive interests , the level of development of mental processes, increased opportunities for self-realization in creative activity. The consequence is the almost complete absence of theatricalization in the play experience of children aged 5-7 years, if they have an interest in this activity and need for it.

The contradiction between the developing potential of theatrical play and its insufficient use in a preschool institution can only be resolved if a practice-oriented methodology or pedagogical technology is studied and implemented. "Methodology and organization of theatrical activities of preschoolers" by E.G. Churilova offers a solution to this problem. To understand it, first of all, let us reveal the main theoretical ideas underlying the development of the theatrical game, and define its basic concepts.

Characteristic features of theatrical games are the literary or folklore basis of their content and the presence of spectators. They can be divided into two main groups: dramatization and directing (each of them, in turn, is divided into several types).

In drama games the child, playing the role as an "artist", independently creates an image with the help of a complex of means of verbal and non-verbal expressiveness. Types of dramatization are games that imitate images of animals, people, literary characters; role-playing dialogues based on the text; performances of works; staging performances based on one or more works; improvisational games with acting out a plot (or several plots) without prior preparation

In director's game“actors are toys or their substitutes, and the child, organizing activities as a “screenwriter and director”, controls the “artists”. "Voicing" the characters and commenting on the plot, he uses different means of verbal expression. The types of director's games are determined in accordance with the variety of theaters used in kindergarten: tabletop, flat and three-dimensional, puppet (bibabo, finger, puppets), etc.

So, the system of work on the development of theatrical activities is divided into three stages:

  • artistic perception of literary and folklore works;
  • mastering special skills for becoming basic ("actor", "director") and additional positions ("screenwriter", "designer", "costume designer");
  • independent creative activity.

The pedagogical task is complicated by the synthetic nature of theatrical activity, in which perception, thinking, imagination, speech are in close relationship with each other and manifest themselves in different types of children's activity (speech, motor, musical, etc.).

Theatrical activity integrative, moreover, activity and creativity are manifested in three aspects.

  1. First of all, in creating dramatic content, i.e. in the interpretation, rethinking of the plot given by the literary text or composing a variable or own plot.
  2. Secondly, in the execution of one's own plan, i.e. in the ability to adequately embody an artistic image with the help of various means of expression: intonation, facial expressions, pantomime, movement, melody.
  3. Thirdly, in the design of the performance, in the creation (selection, production, non-standard use) of scenery, costumes, musical accompaniment, posters, programs.

Because of these features of theatrical activity in relation to it, it is more often used the term "theatrical and game activity", which is considered in two interrelated aspects:

  • as kind of artistic activity , where it integrates with the following activities: literary, musical and visual;
  • as creative story game, existing in the independent play experience of the child

Let us now reveal the specifics of the goals, objectives and content of the work of the educator with children of different age groups.

Directions, tasks and content of work with children of primary preschool age.

Main directions

  • from watching a theatrical performance of an adult to independent play activities;
  • from individual play and "play side by side" to play in a group of three to five peers who play roles;
  • from imitation of the actions of folklore and literary characters to imitation of actions in combination with the transfer of the main emotions of the hero and the development of the role as the creation of a simple “typical” image in a dramatization game.

Tasks and content of the work.

First of all, it is necessary generate interest to theatrical games, which develops in the process of watching small puppet shows that the teacher shows, taking as a basis the content of nursery rhymes, poems and fairy tales familiar to the child.

In the future, it is important to stimulate it desire to be in the show, supplementing individual phrases in the dialogues of the characters, stable turns of the beginning and ending of the tale. The attention of the children is fixed on the fact that at the end the dolls bow and ask to thank them, clap their hands. Glove and other theatrical puppets are used in the classroom, in everyday communication. On their behalf, an adult thanks and praises the children, greets and says goodbye. The implementation of this task is achieved by the successive complication of game tasks and dramatization games, in which the child is included. The work steps are as follows:

  • Game-imitation of individual actions of a person, animals and birds(children woke up, stretched, sparrows flap their wings) and imitation of basic human emotions(the sun came out - the children were delighted: they smiled, clapped their hands, jumped in place).
  • Game-imitation of a chain of successive actions in combination with the transfer of the main emotions of the hero(merry nesting dolls clapped their hands and began to dance; the bunny saw the fox, got scared and jumped into the tree).
  • Game-imitation of images of well-known fairy-tale characters(clumsy bear goes to the house, a brave cockerel walks along the path).
  • Music improvisation game(“Merry rain”, “Leaves fly in the wind and fall on the path”, “Round dance around the Christmas tree”).
  • Wordless game-improvisation with one character but the texts of poems and jokes, which the teacher reads (“Katya, little Katya ...”, “Hare, dance ...”, V. Berestov “Sick doll”, A. Barto “Snow, snow”).
  • Game-improvisation based on the texts of short fairy tales, stories and poems, which the educator tells (3. Alexandrova "Herringbone"; K. Ushinsky "Cockerel with the family", "Vaska"; N. Pavlova "In the car", "Strawberry"; V. Charushin "Duck with ducklings").
  • Role dialogue of heroes of fairy tales("Mitten", "Zayushkina's hut", "Three. bears").
  • Staging fragments of fairy tales about animals("Teremok", "Cat, rooster and fox").
  • Dramatization game with several characters based on folk tales("Kolobok", "Turnip") and copyright texts(V. Suteev "Under the Mushroom", K. Chukovsky "Chicken").

Children of this age have primary development of the director's theatrical game- desktop toy theatre, table plane theater, plane theater on a flannelograph, finger theater. The development process includes mini-productions based on the texts of folk and author's poems, fairy tales, stories (“This finger is a grandfather ...”, “Tili-bom”, K. Ushinsky “Cockerel with a family”, A. Barto “Toys”, V . Suteev "Chicken and Duckling".) The child begins to use finger theater figures in joint improvisations with adults on given topics.

The enrichment of the gaming experience is possible only under the condition development of special gaming skills.

  1. The first group of skills is associated with mastering the position of "spectator" (the ability to be a benevolent spectator, watch and listen to the end, clap your hands, say thanks to the "artists").
  2. The second group of skills provides the primary formation of the “artist” position, which includes the ability to use certain means of expression (facial expressions, gestures, movements, strength and timbre of voice, speech tempo) to convey the image of the hero, his emotions and experiences and correctly hold and “lead” the puppet or a figure of the hero in the director's theatrical game.
  3. The third group of skills is the ability to interact with other participants in the game: play together, not quarrel, take turns playing attractive roles, etc.

Directions, tasks and content of work with children of middle preschool age.

Main directions development of theatrical play are:

  • in the gradual transition of the child from the game "for himself" to the game, focused on the viewer;
  • from a game in which the main thing is the process itself, to a game where both the process and the result are significant;
  • from playing in a small group of peers performing similar ("parallel") roles to playing in a group of five to seven peers whose role positions are different (equality, subordination, control);
  • from creating a simple “typical” image in a dramatization game to the embodiment of a holistic image that combines emotions, moods, states of the hero, and their change.

Tasks and content work

At this age, there is a deepening of interest in theatrical games. . The work of an educator with children 4-5 years old should consist in maintaining interest in a theatrical game, in its differentiation, which consists in preferring a certain type of game (dramatization or directing), becoming a motivation for interest in the game as a means of self-expression.

The expansion of the theatrical and gaming experience of children is carried out through the development of dramatization games. Almost all types of game tasks and dramatization games that a younger preschooler has mastered are useful and interesting for a child of middle preschool age. In addition to the games mentioned above, the following are used in working with children:

  • multi-character games-dramatizations based on the texts of two-three-part fairy tales about animals and fairy tales("Winter hut for animals", "The Fox and the Wolf", "Geese-swans", "Little Red Riding Hood");
  • dramatization games based on the texts of stories on topics"Children and their games", "Children and animals", "Adult labor";
  • staging a play based on the work.

The expansion of the gaming experience of children also occurs through the development of theatrical play. . At the age of 4-5 years, the child masters different types of table theater: soft toys, a wooden theater, a cone theater, a theater of folk toys and planar figures. The theater of riding puppets is also available to children (without a screen, and by the end of the school year - with a screen), the theater of spoons, etc. Children show productions based on poetic and prose texts (S. Marshak "The Tale of the Stupid Mouse"; K. Chukovsky "Confusion "). Finger theater is more often used in independent activities, when a child improvises on the basis of familiar poems and nursery rhymes, accompanying his speech with simple actions (“We lived with a granny”; S. Mikhalkov “Kittens”, 3ubkova “We shared an orange”).

Significantly more complicated theatrical skills preschoolers.

  1. The first group of skills ensures the further development of the “spectator” position to be an attentive and benevolent spectator; show elements of the audience culture: do not leave your seat during the performance, adequately respond to what is happening “on the stage”, respond to the appeal of the “artists”, thank them with the help of applause; positively evaluate the game of peers - "artists").
  2. The second group of skills is related to the improvement of the “artist” position, which mainly implies the ability to use non-verbal means (facial expressions, gestures, postures, movements) and intonation expressiveness to convey the image of the hero, his emotions, their development and change (Mashenka got lost in the forest - she was frightened , saw the hut - she was surprised, figured out how to deceive the bear - she was delighted), to convey the physical characteristics of the character, some of his character traits (the old grandfather pulls the turnip with difficulty, but the granddaughter does not pull very diligently, wants to run away and play with her friends; mouse so afraid of cats that he pulls with all his might). The ability to "manage" the puppet is also developing: to keep it unnoticed by the audience, to correctly "lead" the puppet or figure of the hero in the director's theatrical game, imitating walking, running, jumping, gestures and movements, symbolizing greetings and farewells, agreement and disagreement.
  3. The third group of skills provides the primary development of the position of "director" in the director's theatrical game, i.e. the ability to create a play space on the plane of the table, fill it with toys and figurines at your discretion.
  4. The fourth group allows the child to master the basic skills of a “performance designer”, which implies the ability to determine a place for a game, select attributes, use materials and elements of costumes in a variety of ways, and be included in the process of making the missing attributes for the game by the educator.
  5. The fifth group of skills, aimed at positive interaction with other participants in the game, includes the ability to negotiate, establish role-playing relationships, master elementary ways of resolving conflict situations during the game.

The teacher should pay attention to the development of interest in creativity and improvisation in the process of inventing the content of the game and embodying the intended image using various means of expression. Improvisation becomes the basis of work at the stage of discussing ways to embody the images of heroes and at the stage of analyzing the results of a theatrical game. Children are led to the idea that the same character, situation, plot can be shown in different ways. It is necessary to encourage the desire to come up with their own ways of implementing the plan, to act not on the basis of copying an adult or imitation of another child, but depending on their understanding of the content of the text.

Directions, tasks and content of work with children of senior preschool age.

Main directions The development of theatrical play consists in the gradual transition of the child:

  • from a game based on one literary or folklore text to a game-contamination, in which the literary basis is combined with its free interpretation by the child or several works are combined;
  • from the game, where means of expression are used to convey the characteristics of the character, to the game as a means of self-expression through the image of the hero;
  • from a game in which the “artist” is the center to a game in which a complex of positions “artist”, “director”, “screenwriter”, “designer”, “costume designer” is presented;
  • from a theatrical game to theatrical game activity as a means of personal self-expression and self-realization of abilities.

Tasks and content of the work

The first is the formation of a positive attitude of children to theatrical games . This implies a deepening of their interest in a certain type of theatrical game, the image of the hero, the plot, the presence of interest in theatrical culture, awareness of the reasons for a positive or indifferent attitude to the game, associated with the presence or absence of interest and the ability to express themselves in theatrical activities.

A new aspect of the joint activity of an adult and children is the introduction of children to theatrical culture, i.e. acquaintance with the purpose of the theater, the history of its emergence in Russia, the arrangement of the theater building, the activities of people working in the theater, prominent representatives of these professions, types and genres of theatrical art (dramatic, musical, puppet, animal theater, clownery, etc.).

At the senior preschool age, there is a deepening of theatrical and gaming experience through the development of different types of play-dramatization and directorial theatrical play. An older preschooler, along with figurative-play studies, improvisation games, staging, becomes available to independent performances, including those based on a “collage” of several literary works. For example, “Journey through the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin", "New Adventures of the Heroes of Ch. Perrault's fairy tales", etc. The experience of director's play is enriched by puppets, puppets with a "living hand", cane puppets.

The texts for performances are becoming more complicated. They are distinguished by a deeper moral meaning and hidden subtext, including humorous. Russian folk tales-fables about animals (“The Fox and the Crane”, “The Hare and the Hedgehog”), works by L. Tolstoy, I. Krylov, G.Kh. Andersen, M. Zoshchenko, N. Nosov.

A striking feature of the games of children after 6 years is their partial transition to the speech plan. This is due to the tendency to combine different types of story games, including fantasy games. It becomes the basis or an important part of the theatrical game, in which real, literary and fantasy plans complement each other. For older preschoolers, games "with continuation" are characteristic. They also master the new game “To the Theater”, which involves a combination of role-playing and theatrical play, based on acquaintance with the theater, the activities of people participating in the production of the play.

Children develop special skills, providing the development of a complex of game positions .

  1. The first group of skills is connected with the improvement of the position of the viewer as a “smart, kind adviser”.
  2. The second group involves the deepening of the position of "artist", the development of the ability to express one's attitude to the idea of ​​the performance, the hero and express oneself using a set of means of non-verbal, intonational and linguistic expressiveness.
  3. The third group ensures the formation of the position of "director-screenwriter", which implies the ability to realize their ideas not only on their own, but also by organizing the activities of other children.
  4. The fourth group allows the child to master some of the skills of a costume designer, i.e. the ability to designate the place of the “stage” and the “auditorium”, select, creatively use substitute objects and independently made attributes and costume elements, make posters, invitations, etc.
  5. The fifth group of skills involves the use of positive methods of communication with peers in the process of planning a game, during its course (transition from a game plan to a plan of real relationships) and when analyzing the results of a theatrical production.

Children show their independence and subjective position in a theatrical game more vividly and in a variety of ways. With specific examples, it is necessary to help the child understand that "the best improvisation is always prepared." Preparation is achieved by the presence of previous experience, the ability to interpret the content of the text and comprehend the images of the characters, a certain level of development of various means of realizing one's ideas, etc. The solution to this problem requires giving children the right to choose means for improvisation and self-expression.

Principles of organizing a theatrical game.

The implementation of these tasks and the content of work with children of all age groups requires taking into account the basic principles of organizing a theatrical game.

  1. The most important is the principle of the specificity of this activity, which combines the game (free, involuntary) and artistic (prepared, meaningfully experienced) components.
  2. The principle of complexity implies the relationship of a theatrical game with different types of art and different types of artistic activity of the child.
  3. According to the principle of improvisation, a theatrical game is considered as a creative activity, which causes a special interaction between an adult and a child, children among themselves, which is based on a free atmosphere, encouragement of children's initiative, lack of a role model, the presence of a child's own point of view, the desire for originality and self-expression.
  4. All the above principles find their expression in the principle of integrativity, according to which purposeful work on the development of theatrical and gaming activities is included in a holistic pedagogical process.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 slide

Description of the slide:

Theatrical games in kindergarten. The presentation was prepared by: music director Babkina Yu.V. OSB Kindergarten No. 10 "Smile" MBDOU "CRR Kindergarten No. 9 "Rodnichok" of the city of Nyandoma.

2 slide

Description of the slide:

A theatrical game is a play in the faces of literary works (fairy tales, stories, specially written dramatizations). The heroes of literary works become actors, and their adventures, life events, the plot of the game. It is easy to see the peculiarity of theatrical games: they have a ready-made plot, which means that the child's activity is largely predetermined by the text of the work. Theatrical games allow solving many pedagogical problems related to the formation of the expressiveness of speech of intellectual, communicative, artistic and aesthetic education, the development of musical and creative abilities.

3 slide

Description of the slide:

Classification of theatrical games: director's games dramatization games desktop toy theater desktop picture theater stand book flannelograph shadow theater finger dramatization games dramatization games with bibabo dolls improvisation

4 slide

Description of the slide:

Methods of work to improve the creative activity of children in a theatrical game: a method of modeling situations (involves the creation of plot-models, situations-models, sketches together with children in which they will master the methods of artistic and creative activity); the method of creative conversation (involves the introduction of children into an artistic image by a special formulation of the question, tactics of conducting a dialogue); method of associations (makes it possible to awaken the imagination and thinking of the child through associative comparisons and then, on the basis of the associations that arise, create new images in the mind). It should be noted that the general methods of managing a theatrical game are direct (the teacher shows the methods of action) and indirect (the teacher encourages the child to act independently) methods.

5 slide

Description of the slide:

Basic requirements for the organization of theatrical games: Content and variety of topics. The constant, daily inclusion of theatrical games in all forms of the pedagogical process, which makes them as necessary for children as role-playing games. The maximum activity of children at the stages of both preparation and conduct of games. Cooperation of children with each other and with adults at all stages of organizing a theatrical game. The sequence and complication of the content of topics and plots chosen for games correspond to the age and skills of children.

6 slide

Description of the slide:

In the younger group, role-playing games are the prototype of theatrical games. Toddlers, acting in accordance with the role, use their capabilities more fully and cope with many tasks much easier. Acting on behalf of cautious sparrows, brave mice or friendly geese, they learn, and imperceptibly for themselves. In addition, role-playing games activate and develop the imagination of children, prepare them for independent creative play. Children of the younger group are happy to transform into dogs, cats and other familiar animals, but they still cannot develop and beat the plot. They only imitate animals, copying them outwardly, without revealing the peculiarities of behavior. Forming interest in dramatization games, it is necessary to read and tell children fairy tales and other literary works as much as possible.

7 slide

Description of the slide:

In the middle group, you can already teach children to combine movement and word in roles, to use the pantomime of two or four characters. It is possible to use training exercises, for example, "Imagine yourself a little bunny and tell about yourself." With a group of the most active children, it is advisable to dramatize the simplest fairy tales using a table theater (the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man"). By involving inactive children in the games, you can dramatize works in which there are a small number of actions (the nursery rhyme “Kisonka-murisenka”). In the older group, children continue to improve their performing skills. The teacher teaches them to independently find ways of figurative expression. Dramatic conflict, the formation of characters, the severity of situations, emotional intensity, short, expressive dialogues, simplicity and figurativeness of the language - all this creates favorable conditions for dramatization games based on fairy tales.

8 slide

Description of the slide:

Fairy tales are reflected in children's games in different ways: kids reproduce individual plots, older preschoolers - the whole fairy tale. For preschoolers of 6-7 years old, a dramatization game often becomes a performance in which they play for the audience, and not for themselves, as in a regular game. At the same age, directorial games become available, where the characters are dolls and other toys, and the child makes them act and speak. This requires him to be able to regulate his behavior, to think about his words, to restrain his movements. An important role in the emergence of a special kind of theatrical game in children is the role-playing game. It is the role-playing game that is a kind of springboard on which the theatrical game receives its further development. Both types of play develop in parallel, but the role-playing game reaches its peak in children 5-6 years old, and theatrical in children 6-7 years old.

9 slide

Description of the slide:

For the successful formation of the creative activity of children in theatrical activities, a number of conditions must be observed: Introduce children to theatrical art, starting with viewing performances performed by adults. Alternating views of performances of puppet and drama theaters allow children to master the laws of the genre. The teacher must consciously choose a work of art. Illustrations play a huge role in understanding the cognitive and emotional material. Children should be given the opportunity to express themselves in their work. You can learn creativity only with the support of adults, including parents.

10 slide

Description of the slide:

By participating in theatrical games, children learn about the world around them, become participants in events from the life of people, animal plants. The theme of theatrical games can be varied. The educational value of theatrical games is in the formation of a respectful attitude of children towards each other, the development of collectivism. Especially important are the moral lessons of fairy tales-games that children receive as a result of a joint analysis of each game. In theatrical games, the creative activity of children develops. Children become interested when they not only speak, but also act like fairy-tale characters. Theatrical game is one of the most effective ways of influencing a child, in which the principle of learning is most clearly manifested: to teach while playing!

Valentina Voronina
Theatrical games in kindergarten by age

I JUNIOR GROUP (from 2 to 3 years old).

In the approximate list of entertainment and holidays suggested:

Staged songs.

II JUNIOR GROUP (from 3 to 4 years old).

Musical and literary (concerts for puppets, performances).

Theatrical performances.

Theatrical games:

Arouse interest in theatrically- game activity;

Develop the ability to follow the development of action in games - dramatizations and puppet shows;

Acquaintance with the techniques of driving table puppets;

To develop the desire to improvise on simple plots of songs, fairy tales.

MIDDLE GROUP (from 4 to 5 years old).

Theatrical staging and staging performances based on the plots of Russian folk tales.

Theatrical games:

To learn to play simple performances on familiar literary plots, using expressive means (intonation, facial expressions, gesture);

Teach children to use theatrical games, figurative toys and bibabo, self-sculpted figures from clay, plasticine, toys from kinder - surprises.

SENIOR GROUP (from 5 to 6 years old)

Theatrical using:

* shady

* finger

* desktop

* puppet theater

staging performances;

Dramatization of fairy tales, poems and other literary works, as well as songs.

Theatrical games:

Improve performance skills;

To teach how to create creative groups for the preparation and holding of performances, concerts;

Cultivate artistic qualities.

PREPARATORY GROUP (from 6 to 7 years old)

Theatrical -

staging theatrical performances, children's operas, musical and rhythmic pieces;

Staging of Russian folk tales, songs, literary works, dramatization games.

Theatrical games:

Develop independence in the organization theatrical games;

Develop creative independence;

Learn to use expressive means of dramatization (posture, gestures, facial expressions, voice, movements);

Widely use in theatrical children's activities of different types theater(shadow, finger, puppet).

Games- Dramatization with bibabo dolls.

In these games, a doll is put on the fingers of the hand. The movements of her head, arms, torso are carried out with the help of movements of the fingers, hands.

Bibabo dolls usually operate on a screen behind which the driver is hiding. But when the game is familiar or the children themselves drive the dolls, that is, the moment of mystery has disappeared, then the drivers can go out to the audience, communicate with them, give them something, take someone by the hand, involve them in the game, etc. Such "exposure" does not reduce, but rather raises the interest and activity of the guys.

When children see an adult play with bibabo dolls, they will most likely want to learn how to drive them themselves. If the doll is too big for child's hand, then two fingers can be inserted into the head instead of one. Shorten the doll's sleeves to children's fingers entered the cartridges of the hands. You can make dolls for children's hands. For this, well-preserved parts from old broken toys, soft animals will come in handy. Dress them up and make up for the role you want. Show the children how the doll should move, how to move it along the screen.

Imitation game “Affectionate Kitten”.

In the evening, in free activities, invite 3-4 children to play the game “Affectionate Kitten”.

Target: teaching children to imitate the image of a kitten using facial expressions, gestures, movements, voices.

An adult invites children to imagine that they are little kittens. When a kitten is stroked, caressed, it closes its eyes in pleasure, purrs, rubs its head against the owner's hand, thereby expressing its disposition towards him.

Every child is given the opportunity to become a petted kitten. An adult emotionally supports the mood of children, praises them.

Children really like to be kittens, they each try to portray an affectionate kitten in their own way, and they are very good at it. The game causes a lot of positive emotions, and other children join them. Preferably in such games attract shy children and those whose emotions are little expressed.

Directing game

caregiver: And so all the animals went into the field. We saw a house. What is the name of this house?

Children: Teremok.

caregiver: let's play a fairy tale "Teremok".

And he begins to develop the plot, while simultaneously playing the role of a mouse.

caregiver: It stands in the field of the teremok. A mouse runs past (shows). I saw the tower, stopped and asks Nobody responds. The mouse entered the tower and began to live in it.

caregiver: A frog frog galloped to the tower and asks.

At this time, the child shows how the frog jumped across the field.

Child - "frog": Terem-teremok, who lives in the terem?

caregiver: I am a mouse. And who are you?

Child - "frog": I am a frog.

caregiver: Come live with me. The frog jumped into the house and they began to live together. Runaway bunny runs past.

The child shows how a bunny runs across the field.

Child - "bunny": Terem-teremok, who lives in the terem?

caregiver: I am a mouse.

Child - "frog": I am a frog.

Together:And who are you?

Child - "bunny": And I'm a runaway bunny.

Together: Come live with us.

caregiver: Hare lope in the tower. And they began to live together. There is a fox-sister. She knocked on the window and asked.

Child - "chanterelle": Terem-teremok, who lives in the terem?

caregiver: I am a mouse.

Child - "frog": I am a frog.

Child - "bunny": I'm a runaway bunny.

Together: And who are you?

Child - "chanterelle": And I'm a fox-sister.

Together: Come live with us.

caregiver: The chanterelle climbed into the tower, and the four animals began to live.

caregiver: Here they all live in the tower, they sing songs. But suddenly a clumsy bear walks by, saw the tower, heard songs, stopped and roared.

Child - "bear": Terem-teremok, who lives in the terem?

caregiver: I am a mouse.

Child - "frog": I am a frog.

Child - "bunny": I'm a runaway bunny.

Child - "chanterelle": I'm a fox-sister.

The child is a wolf: I am a wolf - click teeth.

Together: And who are you?

Child - "bear": And I'm a clumsy bear.

Together: Come live with us.

caregiver: The bear climbed into the tower. He climbed, climbed into the teremok, he just couldn’t get in and said.

Child - "bear": I'd rather live on your roof.

Beasts: Aren't you crushing us?

Child - "bear": No, I will not crush.

Together: Well, come in.

caregiver: The bear climbed onto the roof. And he just sat down - bang - and crushed the tower. The tower crackled and fell on its side. And the animals ran out all safe and sound.