Thematic conversation for children: "How do animals winter?". Outline of the lesson on the world around (preparatory group) on the topic: Abstract of GCD on "Cognitive Development" in the preparatory group conversation on the topic "Wild Animals in Winter"

Conversation with children preparatory group. Wild animals in winter

Synopsis of the GCD for the implementation of the NGO " cognitive development" for kids preparatory group conversation on the topic "Wild animals in winter"

The course of directly educational activities

  1. Organizing time.

Guys, now I will describe the animals, and you will have to guess who I am talking about.
Educator: - Who is it? Cowardly, long-eared, gray or white?
Children: - Hare
Educator: - Brown, clubfoot, clumsy?
Children: - Bear
Educator: - Gray, angry, hungry? (how did you guess?)
Children: - Wolf
Educator: - Sly, red, dexterous?
Children: - Fox
Educator: - Agile, thrifty, red or gray?
Children: - Squirrel
Educator: - A pillow with needles lay between the trees. She lay quietly, then suddenly ran away.
Children: - Hedgehog

2. The main part.

Educator: - How can they all be called, in one word?
Children: - Animals.
Educator: - Why?
Children: - The body is covered with hair, 4 paws, torso, muzzle, tail.
Educator: - Where do these animals live?
Children: - In the forest

Educator: Why are they called wild animals?
Children: - They get their own food
Educator: - What is another name for them?
Children: - Animals
Educator: - Animals are part of nature. So, they are also changing. But what - we will now find out.
Educator: - Who can we meet in winter forest you will find out by guessing the riddle.
We recognize the animal with you
According to two such signs:
He is in a fur coat in a gray winter,
And in a red coat - in the summer.
Educator: - That's right, it's a squirrel. Why do you think she changes the color of her coat in winter? Yes, in order to make it easier for her to hide from her enemies, such as hawks and martens. In winter, the trees stand without leaves, and against the background of dark gray branches and trunks, the gray squirrel coat is less noticeable than if it were red.
In addition to the fact that the squirrel coat changes color, it also becomes warmer. And in the most very coldy the squirrel sleeps in its dwelling, who knows what it is called?
Children: - Duplo

Educator: - And who else from the forest dwellers changes the color of their coats for the winter?
Children: - Hare.
Educator: - That's right, hare. In the summer it was, what color?
Children: - Gray
Educator: - And by winter it gradually turns white: first the tail becomes white, then the hind legs, and only then the back and sides turn white. Why do you think a hare needs a white coat? (Children express their opinion.)
And the hare is helped by his quick legs. His hind legs are very strong, the hare repels them and makes big jumps, running away from his enemies - the fox and the wolf.
Educator: - And how does the hare arrange a house for himself?
Educator: - It turns out that he does not have a separate mink. On a winter day, he usually sleeps in a snow hole or buried in a snowdrift, and at night he goes out to get food: gnaw at the bark of fallen trees.

Educator: - The fox is also preparing for winter. In winter, thick hair grows on her paws so that it is not cold to step on the snow. The fox walks like in felt boots.
Educator: - Does anyone know why the fox has such a big fluffy tail.
Educator: - A long tail serves as a rudder for the fox, helping to abruptly change the direction of the run during the hunt.
Educator: - The white tip of the mother fox's tail is a guide for fox cubs at night. Seeing him as a beacon, they unmistakably follow her. In winter, in bitter frosts, the tail serves as a warm fluffy blanket and a soft pillow for the fox. She curls up in her hole, covers her paws with her tail and lies with her muzzle buried in delicate fur. Warm and cozy.

Educator: - Although the wolf does not change his coat, he insulates it. By winter, the wolf's coat becomes thicker and longer. This is necessary for wolves, because they sleep right on the snow, covering their nose and paws with their tail. The whole pack of wolves hunt deer, elk, wild boars. And in severe frosts, when all the animals hid, wolves can approach people's dwellings. They can drag a pig, a sheep, attack a calf.
Educator: - And during the day they hide in their lair. Where are they hiding?
Children: - In the lair
Educator: - In the forest you can meet a very unusual animal.
Educator: - The elk is the largest relative of the deer. Its body length reaches up to 3 meters.
Educator: - Does anyone know why the elk horns?
Children: - They serve to protect against predators.
Educator: - And what does the moose have on its feet?
Children: - Hooves
Educator: - they help him move around snowy forest, like on skis, it does not fail.

Hope Lichman

Target: systematization of children's knowledge about the life of wild animals in winter.


Expand and deepen children's ideas about winter and wild animals;

Exercise in recognizing and naming wild animals (wolf, fox, bear, hare, squirrel, hedgehog, elk) and their cubs);

Continue to work on the development of vocabulary;

Exercise children in the selection of adjectives for nouns;

Continue to improve the dialogical form of speech;

Continue to shape the emotional mood of children;

Develop children's interest in the life of wild animals, lead to an understanding that the entire natural environment must be protected and taken care of;

Cultivate respect for nature, a sense of kindness.

Educational Development Areas:

Physical development;

Speech development;

Social and communicative development;

cognitive development;

Teaching methods:




Forms of work:

conversation, situational conversation, poems, riddles, looking at pictures, game exercises, tasks, questions to children.

The course of educational activities


The children enter the group.

Educator: Now the time has come for us to come together. I look at you and see that you have such sunny, radiant smiles that, looking at them, the day becomes brighter, and the soul is warmer. Smile at each other. Come to me, please. Today we will talk, play. We will try to speak clearly, answer questions correctly, use the rule: “Think, and then answer.”

For your answers, "Beauty Zima" has prepared surprises for you.

Listen to an excerpt from the poem:

"White hats on white birches,

White hare on white snow

White pattern on the branches from frost,

By white forest I'm skiing."

(Ivan Surikov "Four colors of the year (white)")

What season is this poem about? (About winter)

Joint activity of adults and children.

Pick up signs for the word winter, substituting the question "what?".

Winter(what (frosty, cold, white, snowy, harsh).

Freezing(what (burning, strong, crackling, prickly).

Snow(what (shiny, sparkling, creaky, white, free-flowing, clean, cold, fluffy, wet, soft, deep, sticky).

Guys, to find out what we will do today, we need to solve riddles, put a picture with a guess on the board (wild animal). We listen carefully.

Agile little animal

Lives in a hollow hut.

At the red-haired baby

There are mushrooms and cones in the hollow. (Squirrel)

The oblique does not have a den,

He doesn't need a hole.

Legs save from enemies

And from hunger - bark. (Hare)

Angry touchy

Lives in the wilderness of the forest

Too many needles

And not a single thread. (Hedgehog)

Who is cold in winter

Walking angry, hungry? (Wolf)

Behind the trees, bushes

The flame flashed quickly.

Flashed, ran -

There is no smoke or fire. (Fox)

Likes pears and honey

Has a sweet tooth.

And I can also say

He loves to sleep very much. (Bear)

What are we going to talk about today?

(About wild animals.)

Explain why they are called wild? (They live in freedom and can do without human help. They build their own housing and get food.)

The game "Who is gone?"

Name all the animals in order, clearly pronouncing the words (pictures on the board). Who is it? (Squirrel, hare, hedgehog, wolf, fox, bear.)

The teacher invites the children to close their eyes, and she removes the picture.

Who ran away?(Wolf). Describe the wolf, what kind of wolf? (Strong, large., angry, hungry, toothy, grey.)

Who hid?(Fox). Describe the fox. What fox? (Cunning, fluffy, red, dexterous, beautiful, cautious, crafty.)

Who is missing?(Bear) Describe the bear, what kind of bear?

(Huge, clumsy, clumsy, hairy, powerful, brown, shaggy, clumsy)

Who ran away?(Hedgehog) Describe the hedgehog. What hedgehog? (Small, gray, prickly, smart, angry, cautious).

Who hid?(Squirrel) Describe the squirrel. What squirrel? (Nimble, nimble, beautiful, nimble, agile, wonderful, graceful, hardworking, thrifty, small, fluffy).

Who is gone?(Hare) Describe the hare. What hare? (White, fluffy, fleet-footed, long-eared, oblique, cowardly, cautious, shy).

And now, guys, tell us about how wild animals prepare and winter.

Squirrel and hare.

What do these animals have in common in preparing for winter?

Change the color of the fur - a hare: gray to white; squirrel - red to gray.

What is the difference? The squirrel stocks up, but the hare does not. The squirrel has a hollow where it hides from frost, while the hare does not have a house, lives under a bush.

Wolf and fox.

Are these animals preparing for winter? Not!

Why? They are predators. strong legs and sharp teeth help you get through the winter.

What do they eat in winter? The fox, with mice-voles, catches birds, hares, and can steal chickens in the village. Wolves hunt hares, they can drag a sheep, attack a calf.

Bear and hedgehog.

How do these animals prepare for winter? They feed heavily to accumulate fat for the long winter.

How do they spend the winter? The bear covers the den with leaves, moss, pine needles and goes to sleep in his soft bed.

When the cold comes, the hedgehog will climb into its warm and cozy mink and sleep soundly until spring.

Do you know other wild animals that also sleep?

(The teacher shows a picture of a badger).

And what animal finds it difficult to winter without human help?

Guess the riddle and you will recognize this animal.

Touching the grass with hooves,

A handsome man walks through the forest

Walks boldly and easily

Horns spread wide. (Elk)

Why is it difficult for a moose in winter? (Does not hunt, he is a herbivore).

Guys, we have such places where they protect the life of every animal, bird. Who knows what this place is called? (Reserve)

Correctly! Reserve.

A person who takes care of the animals, helps them survive in the harsh time of winter, feed himself, he is called a huntsman.

What is such a person called?

The role of every person living on earth is to protect animal world from extermination, because by their existence they help us to live.

You guys don't forget that you can help animals and birds to get through the harsh Siberian winter.

And now I suggest you take a break and move around a bit.

We go to the middle of the room and line up one after another.

I suggest you guys

I sneak into the winter forest. Normal walking.

The animals do not sleep there yet, High knee walking

There are snowdrifts to heaven

The winter forest is so dense Children rub their cheeks and rub their hands

And the frost is so prickly.

Let's run away from the frost rather Easy running,

Let's warm our legs. soft springs

Have a rest. Quietly sit down in your seats and continue our conversation.

Independent activity of children.

Guys, think and say who eats what?

Pictures on the board: carrot, cabbage,; nuts, mushrooms; raspberry honey; grass, chickens, hares. You need to put pictures to the corresponding animal and say, for example: "The hare loves carrots, cabbage."

Now guys let's play a game "Find a couple."

You will work in groups of three. Each group has several pairs of pictures (adult animals and cubs). You must sort the pictures into pairs. (Children's work).

I have an interesting picture. Game "Name the house"

On the paper in the left side, from top to bottom, pictures of wild

animals, and pictures with dwellings of animals are pasted on the right side. The child stretches the ribbon from the dwelling to the wild animal and says: “A squirrel lives in the hollow. A hare lives under a bush, etc.”

But this “wonderful bag” was sent to you by the beautiful Zima.

It is necessary to identify the animal (toy) by touch, name it and pull it out

from the bag. For the correct answer, the child opens an image of a snowflake with a certain letter.

The word should open: Well done!


What wild animals have we met?

Guys, what new did you learn about wild animals today?

What do you remember the most?

What was the most interesting?

A magical chest with treats appears.

Guys, this is Zimushka - the beauty treats you for your good knowledge.

Thank you for your attention, friends!

Like animals in the forest New Year met.

Winter is the time of great silent snows. Snow always comes unexpectedly. Suddenly, at night, the trees will whisper, make noise - something mysterious is happening in the forest. And in the morning everything is white-white, came real winter. The forest drowned in unprecedented snowdrifts. Under the cold sky, the white trees bowed their heavy heads.

Snow. All forest birds and animals disappeared somewhere, disappeared. Time drags on. The rivers were covered with ice. The day became short. The sun lower and lower passed its way over the forest. And the shadows from the trees were getting longer and longer.

The New Year was approaching. And somehow, on the eve of the holiday, birds and animals gathered at the edge of the forest. They began to keep advice: how would they have more fun to meet the coming of the new year.

Large snows densely enveloped the earth, and with it everything that fed the beast was hidden. The forest dwellers were hungry and cold at that time. There was a holiday on the nose, but what fun on an empty stomach? So they decided to bring on New Year's table everything that was tasty in store. Many birds and animals make tasty and healthy stocks for the winter in autumn.

The squirrel brought pine nuts. The hedgehog dragged dried mushrooms and apples on his needles. Black grouse brought dried rowan. The vole mouse found the grains. Hares dug up carrots in an abandoned garden. Titmouse flew in with sprigs of dried raspberries in their beaks. Chipmunks dug up sweet roots. So, little by little, they collected a whole mountain of treats!

Magpies, meanwhile, have chosen a Christmas tree in a clearing, the most fluffy and green. The squirrels decorated a huge two-meter Christmas tree with toys and garlands that they had made in advance. The Christmas tree shimmered with multi-colored lights, gleamed with the shiny sides of toys.The black grouse shook off the snow from it, and the hares trampled it with their paws so that there was a place for a round dance. They even made a snowman and gave him a broom made of birch twigs. What a holiday decoration!

But Mikhail Potapovich still did not come. Probably, he did not catch the waking invitation. So the animals decided to call the clubfoot again. We got to the lair, knocked, knocked, and left with nothing. Mishka sleeps very sweetly. The animals wandered into the clearing without him, and in the meantime the frost was getting stronger!

They approach the Christmas tree, but there is not a single toy on it. There is a Christmas tree sad and without festive decoration. The treat that was hidden under the Christmas tree also disappeared somewhere. As if there were neither sweet roots nor fragrant raspberries here. And someone broke the snowman too. Ouch! How upset the animals are!

And from behind the bushes, the wolf and the fox are laughing. They grabbed their stomachs and rolled in the snow!

Then Mikhail Potapovich unexpectedly stepped into the clearing. He saw how the robbers were having fun, and how he would roar with all his might. The wolf and the fox were scared! They dropped everything and, well, run while the head is intact!

The forest people rejoiced. We collected all the Christmas tree decorations, treats, dressed up the Christmas tree, made a new snowman and began to celebrate the long-awaited holiday! And Mikhail Potapovich brought with him a barrel of honey. The fun of the animals knew no bounds! They led a round dance under the Christmas tree, and sang, and danced, and organized competitions! So, together and cheerfully they met the New Year!

And there soon the day began to increase, the sun turned to the summer, the frosts began to weaken. The dawn of a new year has come. . .

In the abstract on cognitive development in the preparatory group, a conversation is presented on the topic "wild animals", where children are introduced to the forest inhabitants and their habits in a fascinating conversation. In addition, children see photos of animals and listen to the sounds of the forest (presentation).



Summary of the GCD on "Cognitive Development" in the preparatory group, a conversation on the topic "Wild Animals in Winter"

Educational area "Cognitive development"
Continue to reinforce children's knowledge of appearance wild animals, their habits, food, dwellings.
Expand understanding of the features of adaptation of animals to the environment.
Activate the dictionary on the topic
Continue to teach children to answer questions, to encourage participation in the conversation.
Develop explanatory speech when guessing riddles.
Develop fine and general motor skills through finger gymnastics and physical minutes

The course of directly educational activities

1. Organizational moment.
Game "Guess by description"
Educator: - The one who answers correctly will sit down.
Educator: - Who is it? Cowardly, long-eared, gray or white?
Children: - Hare
Educator: - Brown, clubfoot, clumsy?
Children: - Bear
Educator: - Gray, angry, hungry? (how did you guess?)
Children: - Wolf
Educator: - Sly, red, dexterous?
Children: - Fox
Educator: - Agile, thrifty, red or gray?
Children: - Squirrel
Educator: - A pillow with needles lay between the trees. She lay quietly, then suddenly ran away.
Children: - Hedgehog

2. The main part.

Educator: - How can they all be called, in one word?
Children: - Animals.
Educator: - Why?
Children: - The body is covered with hair, 4 paws, torso, muzzle, tail.
Educator: - Where do these animals live?
Children: - In the forest
Teacher: What are they called?
Children: - Wild animals
Teacher: Why are they called that?
Children: - They get their own food
Educator: - What is another name for them?
Children: - Animals
Educator: - Guys, we have already talked about how nature changes in winter, we talked about the signs of winter. But animals are also part of nature. So, they are also changing. But what - we will now find out.
Educator: - Who can we meet in the winter forest, you will find out by guessing the riddle.
We recognize the animal with you
According to two such signs:
He is in a fur coat in a gray winter,
And in a red coat - in the summer.
caregiver : Let's hear how she talks. (presentation, sound, slide)

That's right, it's white . Why do you think she changes the color of her coat in winter? Yes, in order to make it easier for her to hide from her enemies, such as hawks and martens. In winter, the trees stand without leaves, and against the background of dark gray branches and trunks, the gray squirrel coat is less noticeable than if it were red.
In addition to the fact that the squirrel coat changes color, it also becomes warmer. And in the most severe frosts, the squirrel sleeps in its home, who knows what it is called?
Children: - Duplo (slide)
Educator: - It is also prepared for the winter: in the fall, the squirrel dragged fallen leaves, dry moss there, so that it is dry, warm and soft in the hollow. (slide)
Educator: - Squirrel is a big troublemaker and hard worker. For the winter, she prepared not only a warm hollow. And you know what else? Of course, the supplies that the squirrel eats all winter. In summer and autumn, she collects nuts and acorns, dries mushrooms, and stores all this in special pantries - in empty hollows, under moss, near old stumps. She also collects spruce and pine cones and feeds on their seeds. So the squirrel does not have to starve in winter.
Educator: - And who else from the forest dwellers changes the color of their coats for the winter?
Children: - Hare.
Educator: - Right, hare . (slide) In the summer it was, what color?
Children: - Gray
Educator: - And by winter it gradually turns white: first the tail becomes white, then the hind legs, and only then the back and sides turn white. Remember, we talked about the fact that everything in nature has its own reason? Why do you think a hare needs a white coat? (Children express their opinion.)
And the hare is helped by his quick legs. (slide) His hind legs are very strong, the hare repels them and makes big jumps, running away from his enemies - the fox and the wolf.
Educator: - And how does the hare arrange a house for himself?
Educator: - It turns out that he does not have a separate mink. (slide) On a winter day, he usually sleeps in a snow hole or buried in a snowdrift, and at night he goes out to get food: gnaw the bark of fallen trees.
Educator: - Listen and guess whose voice it is? (slide sound)
Children: - It's a fox
Educator: - Fox it is also preparing for winter. (slide) In winter, thick hair grows on its paws so that it is not cold to step on the snow. The fox walks like in felt boots.
Educator: - Does anyone know why the fox has such a big fluffy tail.
Educator: - The long tail serves as a rudder for the fox, helping to abruptly change the direction of running during the hunt.(slide)
Educator: - The white tip of the mother fox's tail is a guide for fox cubs at night. Seeing him as a beacon, they unmistakably follow her. In winter, in bitter frosts, the tail serves as a warm fluffy blanket and a soft pillow for the fox.(slide)
She curls up in her hole, covers her paws with her tail and lies with her muzzle buried in delicate fur. Warm and cozy.
Educator: - Listen to another voice. (slide sound)
Educator: - Who is it?
Children: - Wolf.
Educator: - Wolf although he does not change his fur coat, he insulates it. (slide) By winter, wolf hair becomes thicker and longer. This is necessary for wolves, because they sleep right on the snow, covering their nose and paws with their tail. They usually sleep during the day and hunt at night. But wolves gather in packs in winter and walk in a chain, one after another, in search of prey - it’s easier to hunt this way.(slide)
AT wolf pack there is a leader - this is a strong, intelligent, experienced wolf. The whole pack of wolves hunt deer, elk, wild boars. And in severe frosts, when all the animals hid, wolves can approach people's dwellings. They can drag a pig, a sheep, attack a calf.(slide)
Educator: - And during the day they hide in their dwelling. What is it called, who knows?
Children: - In the lair
Educator: - But there are still interesting wild animals that we have not talked about yet. Can you name them for me?
That's how animals
Burrows do not dig
But they build dams
They are all wearing coats
Tool not saw-teeth
Educator: - Let's listen to the voice (slide voice)

Educator: - That's right, it's a beaver (slide).

The home of the beavers it's called so interesting - hut
Educator: - They build this dwelling themselves from fallen trees on ponds. The entrance to the burrow is under water, and the burrow itself is a complex structure with several entrances and exits, many burrows and nesting chambers.(slide) Beavers are very clean.
Educator: - And what are the beaver cubs called?
Children: - Beavers.
Educator: - Guys, but in the forest you can meet another animal, look at the slide, you will recognize it.
Educator: - This badger look what he has big family. Badger mother, badger cubs. They live in a hole, badgers are very ambitious animals. They feed on insects, larvae, worms.
Educator: - In the forest you can still meet a very unusual animal. (slide sound)
Educator: - Moose the largest relative of the deer.(slide)
Its body length reaches up to 3 meters.
Educator: - Does anyone know why the elk horns?
Children: - They serve to protect against predators.
Educator: - Consider carefully, what does the moose have on its feet?
Children: - Hooves
Educator: - They help him move through the snowy forest, like on skis, he does not fail.


"Fun in the Forest"

The hares got up early in the morning,

They had fun playing in the forest. (Jumping in place)

On the tracks jump-jump-jump!

Who is not used to charging? (Walking in place)

Here is a fox walking through the forest

Who is jumping there interesting? (Sipping - arms forward)

To answer a question

fox pulls his nose. (Jumping in place)

But hares run fast.

How could it be otherwise? (Running in place)

Workouts help!

And the bunnies run away. (Walking in place)

Here is a hungry fox

Looks sadly at the sky. (Sipping - arms up)

Sighs heavily (Deep breath in and out)

Sits down, rests. (sits down, rests)

Educator: - But what animals can not be found in the forest in winter?
Educator: - Why?(slide)
Educator: - Your lair bear diligently and skillfully cooks: covers with fallen leaves, soft fragrant needles, dry moss. As soon as snowflakes fly from the sky, the bear goes to bed.(slide) A snow blanket will cover the lair from above, it will become warm in the dwelling. His sleep will last until spring.
Educator: - Whose sound is this?(slide sound)
- And here is a hedgehog also does not stock up for the winter. When the cold comes, he climbs into his warm and cozy house and sleeps soundly until spring.(slide) A white snowball will cover the mink with a blanket, no one will find or disturb the hedgehog. Maybe the hedgehog will dream about how he wandered through the forest in the summer, catching worms, beetles, nimble lizards, poisonous snakes, mice and frogs. Do you remember your hedgehog's favorite treats?
Educator: - And now I suggest you collect pictures.
Educator: - Let's settle your animals at home.
Educator: - Where does the wolf live?
Children: - In the lair
Educator: - Who does he live with?
Children: - With wolves.
(for each animal)


Teacher: Who are we talking about today?
Why are they called wild?
Who hibernates in winter?
- What are the habitats of wild animals?
- What else have you learned?

Municipal Autonomous Preschool educational institution Kindergarten general developmental type No. 4 "Snowdrop"

142000, Moscow region, Domodedovo, Central microdistrict, st. 25 years of October, d.2a

Lesson summary

on ecology in middle group №8


Tanova Galina Anatolyevna


"A Conversation about Wild Animals in the Forest"

Target: to consolidate the knowledge of children 4-5 years old about wild animals (fox, hare, squirrel, wolf, hedgehog bear), continue to form children's knowledge about their life.


    Expand your horizons, develop an interest in wild animals;

    cultivate love for wildlife, arouse a desire to take care of the animals of the forest.

    Develop children's speech.

    Strengthen the skills of correct pronunciation.

Lesson progress

I suggest that you do not frown, but look at each other and smile. Now look at me and smile too. Today we will do everything with a smile, and together with you we will go to the forest.

Speech with the movement "On the path to the forest ..."

Let's go along the path to the forest (children are walking)

Let's go around the puddle (bypass the imaginary puddle)

Let's jump over the stream (jump over the "stream")

We looked to the left (look to the left)

We looked to the right (look to the right)

Looked up at the sun (look up, standing on tiptoes)

Ah, what a beauty! (surprised, spread their arms to the sides)

Well, we are with you and came to the forest.

Educator: Do you know what animals live in the forest? (children's answers).

Show pictures - animals

Solving riddles.

Sleeps in winter - stirs hives in summer? (bear)

"Bear": The clumsy bear lives in the forest. Likes to climb trees and swim. It feeds on berries, mushrooms, cedar cones, and fish. During the summer and autumn, he accumulates fat, and in the winter he sleeps in a den.

small, white

Jump through the woods

On a snowball poke-poke (hare).

"Hare": He lives in the forest and hides from his enemies the fox and the wolf in dense bushes and thickets. But if the enemy suddenly overtakes, then he immediately begins to fight back with his hind legs. Its fur coat is gray in spring, summer and autumn, and white in winter. It feeds on herbaceous plants, tree bark.

Not a tailor, but walks with needles all his life (hedgehog).

"Hedgehog": He has needles on his back, they help him defend himself from enemies. Lives in the forest in a hole. In autumn, on his needles, he transfers foliage and moss there so that it is warm in winter. And he eats mice and snakes.

I live in a fluffy coat

I live in a dense forest

In a hollow on an old oak

I gnaw nuts (squirrel).

"Squirrel": She lives in the forest. Arranges nests in hollows or branches of trees, and perfectly climbs on branches. The coat is gray in winter and red in summer. It feeds on seeds of spruce or pine, nuts, acorns, berries, mushrooms. When storing food for the winter, he makes many pantries: if one cache disappears, the rest will remain intact.

In the forest under a bush lies a redhead with a tail (fox)

"Fox": cunning and red cheat, lives in a deep hole in the forest. she is a predator, so she eats mice, hares with pleasure, and catches fish in the river. But he especially likes to eat birds. Therefore, he often looks into chicken coops.

"Wolf": he lives in the forest in a den, and looks like a dog. he is a predator, chasing rabbits. His coat is grey.

Educator: Do you think that only adult animals live in the forest? (children's answers: kids live in the forest).

speech game"Find the mistake"

The wolf has cubs

The bear has a rabbit

The fox has cubs

The hedgehog has squirrels

The squirrel has a hedgehog (Children name the correct answer)

Educator: Guys, how to call in one word all those who live in the forest? (wild animals).

Educator: And now we will have a rest, we will have a physical education session. We turn into forest animals.

One, two (squat, hands on the belt)

This is hare exercise, ears on top

And the cubs how to wake up (palms in fists, rubbing their eyes),

They like to stretch (stretch)

Be sure to yawn (imitation yawning)

Well, wag your tail

And the cubs arch their backs and quietly bounce

Well, the bear is clubfoot, paws wide apart,

With a bunny, they mark time together for a long time.

Guys, where did we go today? What animals do we meet? Where does the wolf live and what does it eat (fox, hedgehog, bear, hare, squirrel)? You are all great today!