Temperature on Mars during the day. What is the weather like on Mars? What is the atmosphere of Mars, its composition? Who said you can live on Mars? What is a Martian year? See what the "Climate of Mars" is in other dictionaries

Isn't every schoolboy dreaming of getting sick quickly? There is nothing better than spending time at home, at the computer, instead of nibbling on the uninteresting and partially unnecessary granite of science. I understand these people because I used to go to school myself. Indeed, I was not lucky enough to get sick, and at the necessary moments I simply skipped. at the moment, at a time when everyone has the Internet, the answer to the question of how to get sick at home? can take in addition a first-grader. And I will help you with this!

Before proceeding, I will tell you a terrible secret: it is unrealistic to get sick in one day. The fact is that a viral disease does not cover the body in one miserable day, since this is physically unrealistic. But if you tried to get infected in advance and are willing to wait a few days, then the possibility of catching a long-term disease is enormous. It goes without saying, if there is a sick person next to you. In another case, you will need to get by with short-term methods, which will provide you with a day off for one day.

The first method is iodine. We take a piece of bread or a cube of refined sugar, drip a drop of iodine on it. As a result, we get a temperature of about 37.5. Naturally, without additional factors, this practically does not affect your condition in any way, but it only plays into our hands. People say that with this method you need to be more careful. Those who want to get sick at home often got poisoned and fainted (this applies to people with a weak heart muscle).

The second method is graphite. Perhaps everyone knows about this: if you eat a pencil lead, the temperature will rise quickly, but at the same time it will quickly fall. On average, the temperature retention period is up to 4 hours. This is even more than necessary in order to save yourself from punishment throughout the lesson. Ate, waited for the lesson, went to the doctor and took the day off. There is also some possibility of poisoning, so do not overdo it! Colored pencil lead is prohibited!

The third method is to use a thermometer and a light bulb. With prolonged holding near an incandescent lamp, the temperature on the thermometer steadily increases. This is almost a classic of the genre, but you also need to look sick. You need to warm up your forehead. Many recommend using a hair dryer for this, but how can this be done if the parents are at home? No, that's the trouble. So the reception with a hairdryer can be discarded.

Personally, my technique for working with dilapidated thermometers is a simple shaking. This thought crossed my mind throughout shaking the band down. Then I thought: why not drive the lane opposite, up? And it worked! How to get sick at home Shake the thermometer and that's it! Just be sure that you have enough strength to drive the temperature to the required level and along with this not to break the thermometer. You will not be patted on the head for this.

The fourth method is rubbing the armpits with salt. Surprisingly, at the end of such a procedure, the temperature rises up to 39 degrees. Incredible! Instead of salt, it is possible to use garlic and this will not affect the effectiveness of the method. If I were you, I would choose just him.

The fifth method is a strong cooling of the body from the inside, as a result of which the non-specialized body temperature rises. We need a glass of 50 ml in which to pour a quarter of ice water and three quarters of well-crushed, but not melted ice. This hellishly cold mixture is swallowed in one jerk. As a result, hypothermia occurs. Well, everyone knows the ending.

Do you want to be sick for a long time? I can't give you options that will do it 100% successfully, but I do know a good method. To do this, we need refreshing sweets (like Rondo or Halls) and cold weather. We eat one or two sweets, go out onto the balcony and begin to actively breathe through the mouth. at best, there will be an increase in temperature and SARS, in a bad case, just hypothermia and sore throat.

02/02/2016 at 3:26 pm

Hello! Do you understand how to?
1. Rub armpits with salt and die the temperature! (It will be somewhere around 37.7)
2. Run, do exercises and die temperature! (It will be somewhere around 38.8)
3. If you do not have a thermometer, then sit next to the battery for about 20-30 minutes, and later go to your mother (dad, aunt, uncle, sister, brother, husband, etc.) And you will have warm forehead!
4. Spray your nose with drops and sniff! It will feel like you have a runny nose and you may be left at home!
5. Take a simple thermometer and shake it, the temperature will rise!
6. It is also possible to attach a thermometer to a hot or warm battery, a light bulb for 20-30 minutes!

01/29/2016 at 4:31 am

Guys, I read quite a lot of ways, tried a lot of things, and I just can’t get sick ... A couple of times the method with mint candy and breathing on the street helped, but after the end of pneumonia, I don’t do it, AND YOU STRONGLY DO NOT RECOMMEND THE LONG CONSUMPTION OF THIS Method! Because DANGEROUS!
There is a way that I use quite often, for this you need to be able to simulate well (pretend)
It is possible to embellish any cold by adding oil to the flame, so to speak)
So: You raised the temperature and caught a cold in your throat, but this may not be enough to take a break from school. In general, we add a simulated headache to our illness. Smiles, laughter, jumping, and excessive activity should be discarded for two days. As a result of this method, an ambulance will not be called! So do not worry) the main thing is to walk slowly and slightly bent all the time, it is also not enough to undereat breakfast, lunch and dinner, referring to lack of appetite and headache. And often complain to MOM about not feeling well! If everything is done correctly and
a truly rest for 7 days or even half a couple is guaranteed to you!

01/29/2016 at 4:29 am

I will write not a number of tips on how to get sick.

01/29/2016 at 4:28 am

Hai! Do not try the stylus. This is a nightmare, how sick it will be ((

01/27/2016 at 11:35 am

A day ago I ate iodine with both bread and sugar, it did not help. In the morning I tried salt under the armpits (because I probably have a digital thermometer) it didn’t help. Now my mother has gone to the store, I washed my hair with cold water and wet my feet, went out onto the balcony and breathed deeply through my mouth (no more dizzy), at the moment I poured water into a small glass and froze it. I also poured water into a huge mug, but already just in the refrigerator in order to cool it. After that, she took ice out of a small glass and put it in already chilled water in a huge glass (the ice was not damaged along with this). I drank it and sucked this piece of ice. at the moment the temperature is 38.7 and the throat hurts terribly. did not go to school). It was necessary to get sick, because now the results of the algebra test were supposed to be said, but I couldn’t write anything (because the system of equations, and even the equations, I didn’t understand at all) I already knew that the algebraist would count me out Glory to the Almighty carried me)

01/25/2016 at 6:15 pm

tomorrow kt save me a little

01/25/2016 at 6:07 pm

don't want to go to school ck how to get sick there is 12 o'clock help

01/18/2016 at 5:26 pm

What to do if Mom notices that I'm getting sick, and stuffs me with medicines and wants to steam me, but I'm not well, and I don't want to go to school. The most effective methods. Advise

01/16/2016 at 3:16 pm

judging by the spelling mistakes made by many (most) commentators, it is possible to conclude that you turned out to miss school)))

11/15/2015 at 8:49 pm

I'll try the salt. Tomorrow is a physics test, and I'm not ready at all. I didn't have it before. I was also late reading oral subjects like history and biology. The paragraphs are huge. Later, ironically, instead of spelling (an additional subject that the class of hands teaches), I did Kazakh, because I watched the schedule from the phone. (And there it hangs on the stand, in other words, some teachers have some lessons in the wrong places) My head already hurts because I don’t doze off, I have a slight runny nose, and coughing is easy. So I keep hope saved. I know that I won’t be saved from kr, I’ll take it anyway, but I’ll get ready.

Walker number 1.

11/11/2015 at 9:05 pm

At the time when next time I go from the artist's shop, I will definitely buy Rolndo Angina. where are you. I have a strong body. Sorrow

02/17/2015 at 6:06 pm

1. Moisten your head, do not dry your hair, and immediately go for a walk. If it's cold outside, you're guaranteed to catch a cold. In addition, do not forget that in cold weather such a walk can result in inflammation of the lining of the brain, which represents an important danger to you.2. Would you like to take a strong cough? Under such conditions, set fire to a plastic object in the room, later inhale the products of combustion. As a result of poisoning with gaseous substances (combustion products of polymeric materials), an increase in body temperature is likely, and the occurrence of a strong cough.3. Get some exercise, sweat it out. Then, in light clothes, go for a walk in the fresh air. 4. Take a warm bath, then look out into the balcony in a bathrobe. 5. To get severe pain in the throat, it is possible to eat ice cream, then chew chewing gum with menthol and eat a portion of ice cream again. If you measure the temperature in the doctor's office, then it is possible to quietly rub the tip of the thermometer on your clothes for a minute and you will be provided with absenteeism for a good reason! Just do it with caution so as not to break the thermometer.7. The reason for the development of a cold can be a simple draft. In addition, in those situations, at a time when you need to stay at home for some time, it is better to look for other methods than to expose your body to an important risk, trying by any means to cause the development of a cold, since it is dangerous to joke with your health.

How to get a cold in the summer?

It would seem how possible it is to catch a cold in the summer, because it's warm outside! Of course, just in the summer a cold comes so inopportunely. The warm sun, soft breeze call to the beach, and you are forced to lie in bed because you have a real cough, runny nose. Doctors are completely sure that colds in summer are much more difficult, longer than winter. period, having felt the first indicators of the development of colds, a person tries to get rid of them as soon as possible, takes preventive measures, protecting the body from colds, but in summer our vigilance in relation to colds is significantly reduced. As a result, precious time has been lost, and the treatment of colds is being delayed. How to get a cold in the summer? What is likely to cause this phenomenon? In summer, people forget about temperature changes, for example, after sunbathing in the warm sun, eating ice cream, they immediately go swimming, and the water temperature obviously differs from the temperature of direct sunlight. As a result, hypothermia of the body occurs, probably the origin of cold indicators. In addition, there is a high risk of taking colds in those situations, at a time when, after swimming, you return to a room with a working air conditioner, while in a car with open windows. You should not doze off at night with open windows and working air fans, as they are the cause of the origin of a draft in the room - a faithful herald and ally of colds.

Summer cold prevention tips

It is not recommended to set the air temperature in the room below 21 degrees Celsius; The ambient temperature in the room must differ by no more than 5-6 degrees from the street temperature; For prevention, it is necessary to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits; You should not abuse cold drinks, ice cream; Control the amount of sunbathing, their duration (overdose leads to burns);Use protective equipment from direct sunlight on your skin;Drink room temperature drinks;While on vacation in countries with a hot climate, remember to be careful. The body, entering an unusual environment for it, may be weakened by the action of pathogenic bacteria; It is forbidden to allow the mucous membranes to dry out, try to drink plenty of fluids, apply moisturizing drops in the nose; When washing hands, use disinfectant wet wipes; Do not talk with people infected with infectious diseases, use a lot of ascorbic acid; Enrich the diet with fresh herbs, seasonal vegetables and fruits; Try to get enough sleep, rest; Take preventive work on the immunity of your own body.

Safety measures or how to prevent colds in the summer?

So, it is a warm summer day outside, therefore, it is necessary not only to rejoice at the onset of heat, but also not to forget about caution. It is forbidden to use cold drinks on a hot day, as they can lead to the development of inflammatory processes in the throat. At the end of hypothermia, the mucous membrane will not be able to resist the penetration of bacteria and viruses into the body, therefore the mucous membrane reacts to all external stimuli: Cold food; Pungent odors; Dry airspace.

How much more often do they get colds in the summer?

Enough in the heat to use ice cream (a lot) or cold drinks, so that there is a sore throat, and a headache. Because of the cold liquid, it touches the upper sky, as a result, the vessels of the brain will experience a sharp rush of blood, they will expand, which leads to severe headaches. To reduce headaches, it is enough to drink warm tea. Remember that in order to protect the body from viral infections, in addition to summer, a person must have immunity. There is a direct link between immunity and nutrition. When eating a significant amount of vitamins and minerals, which are found in vegetables and fruits (in summer it is much easier to find them than in winter), the body's defense against the attack of viral infections increases significantly. Answering the question of how it is possible to get a cold quickly, it is possible to emphasize that much more often the cause of colds is stress. Due to the constant overload of the body caused by necessity, one day the body cannot withstand the onslaught of pathogenic bacteria, and viral colds develop. Many, ignoring the high temperature, severe runny nose, sore throat, again go to their workplace, thereby exposing their health to a high risk. Doctors are confident that a simple variant of the development of viral infections is associated with hypothermia of the body. The body of a healthy person contains a significant amount of various pathogenic bacteria, in case of hypothermia, in other words, a stressful situation, the activity of such bacteria is likely to awaken. How to treat a cold in a baby? Symptoms and treatment of ethmoiditis How to treat a runny nose during pregnancy? Washing the nose at home Drops in the ears with a cold


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As a rule, various colds worsen in the autumn and


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02/09/2015 at 6:41 am

For especially tough ones, the simplest method is recommended: *oops. The temperature there is 0.5 1 degree different from the axillary. It does not hurt. The enema is much worse. Just don't forget to wash it. I did this: at night I went to the bath, gave myself an enema, after that I measured the temperature in the anus, washed the thermometer with alcohol and voila. In the morning, parents say to measure the temperature, and there it is already 37.5. For the very smart, I repeat: it doesn't hurt. In many states in the 20th century, thermometers were used to measure the temperature there. Practically only in the USSR they used the usual axillary ones.

02/16/2016 at 7:55 am

Oh, you are a petty lover of anal toys.))) 00)))) 0

10/13/2015 at 11:28 am

You have to be a moron to put a thermometer in an opus.

02/14/2016 at 11:45 pm

Well, in case you need a method of not going to school, then faking a cough and sticking a thermometer in your ass will give you almost any time you need, no need to get sick, just cough four times an hour, and at the time when they ask to take the temperature!

01/29/2016 at 4:26 am

11/26/2015 at 9:38 pm

Do not eat corondash lead. maybe it was still under the USSR, but the rod contains lead, and this is a terrible thing.
Here are a couple of ways to get sick.
1. Bathe in a warm bath. wash your hair, and in a towel you will go to the balcony. there is no balcony, no bid, it is enough just to open the window completely before bathing and do not wrap yourself in a cloak very much, but rather naked and naked.
2. Break the ice, put it in a cup and take a quick sip so that the ice does not grow.
3. We collect a basin of ice water and sit on the balcony (in front of the window). veiny pugular. Serb iced tea with ice and the effect should be.
4. At the end of school (robots, etc.) we buy 2 ice creams and gnaw on healthy. Oh sorry for the disease, only without a jacket and hat and scarf.
P.S everything works only later in the autumn, winter or at the beginning of spring

03/06/2014 at 7:29 am

All this is absurd. It’s just that on a arats on a physical, what can I say, it’s not like it was three days to wait and you are on sick leave. And don’t eat refined sugar with iodine and lead, I used this method to root for the Aral team at all throats and I’m on sick leave.)))))))))))

03/03/2014 at 1:25 pm

You will like it:

Now Mars has a dry and cold climate (left), but in the early stages of the planet's evolution, it most likely had liquid water and a dense atmosphere (right).

The study

Observation history

Current Observations



The average temperature on Mars is much lower than on Earth: −63°C. Since the atmosphere of Mars is very rarefied, it does not smooth out daily fluctuations in surface temperature. Under the most favorable conditions in the summer on the day half of the planet air warms up to 20 ° C (and at the equator - up to +27 ° C) - quite an acceptable temperature for the inhabitants of the Earth. The maximum air temperature recorded Mars rover "Spirit", amounted to +35 °C. But winter at night, frost can reach even at the equator from -80 ° C to -125 ° C, and at the poles, night temperatures can drop to -143 ° C. However, daily temperature fluctuations are not as significant as on non-atmospheric moon and Mercury. On Mars, there are temperature oases, in the areas of the "lake" Phoenix (plateau of the Sun) and Noah's land temperature difference is from -53°С to +22°С in summer and from -103°С to -43°С in winter. Thus, Mars is a very cold world, the climate there is much more severe than in Antarctica.

Climate Mars, 4.5ºS, 137.4ºE (from 2012 - to today [ when? ])
Index Jan. Feb. March Apr. May June July Aug. Sen. Oct. Nov. Dec. Year
The absolute maximum °C 6 6 1 0 7 23 30 19 7 7 8 8 30
Average maximum, °C −7 −18 −23 −20 −4 0 2 1 1 4 −1 −3 −5,7
Average minimum, °C −82 −86 −88 −87 −85 −78 −76 −69 −68 −73 −73 −77 −78,5
Absolute minimum, °C −95 −127 −114 −97 −98 −125 −84 −80 −78 −79 −83 −110 −127
Source: Centro de Astrobiología, Weather Twitter Mars science laboratory

Atmosphere pressure

The atmosphere of Mars is thinner than the Earth's atmosphere, and more than 95% consists of carbon dioxide, and the content oxygen and water is a fraction of a percent. The average pressure of the atmosphere at the surface is on average 0.6 kPa or 6 m bar, which is 160 less than the earth or equal to the earth at an altitude of almost 35 km from the Earth's surface). Atmospheric pressure undergoes strong daily and seasonal changes.

Cloud cover and precipitation

Water vapor in the Martian atmosphere is no more than a thousandth of a percent, however, according to the results of recent (2013) studies, this is still more than previously thought, and more than in the upper layers of the Earth's atmosphere, and at low pressure and temperature, it is in a state close to saturation, so it often gathers in clouds. As a rule, water clouds form at altitudes of 10-30 km above the surface. They are concentrated mainly on the equator and are observed almost throughout the year. Clouds observed at high levels of the atmosphere (more than 20 km) are formed as a result of CO 2 condensation. The same process is responsible for the formation of low (at an altitude of less than 10 km) clouds in the polar regions in winter, when the atmospheric temperature drops below the freezing point of CO 2 (-126 °С); in summer, similar thin formations are formed from ice H 2 O

Formations of a condensation nature are also presented mists(or smoke). They often stand above lowlands - canyons, valleys - and at the bottom of craters during the cold time of the day.

In the atmosphere of Mars, there may be blizzards. Mars rover "Phoenix" in 2008 observed in the polar regions virgu- precipitation under the clouds, evaporating before reaching the surface of the planet. According to initial estimates, the rate of precipitation in the virga was very low. However, recent (2017) modeling of Martian atmospheric phenomena showed that at mid-latitudes, where there is a regular change of day and night, after sunset, the clouds cool sharply, and this can lead to snowstorms, during which particle speeds can actually reach 10 m /With. Scientists assume that strong winds combined with low cloudiness (usually Martian clouds form at an altitude of 10-20 km) can cause snow to fall on the surface of Mars. This phenomenon is similar to earthly microbursts- downwind squalls with speeds up to 35 m/s, often associated with thunderstorms.

Snow has indeed been observed more than once. So, in the winter of 1979 in the landing area " Viking-2“a thin layer of snow fell, which lay for several months.

Dust storms and tornadoes

A characteristic feature of the atmosphere of Mars is the constant presence of dust, the particles of which have a size of the order of 1.5 mm and consist mainly of iron oxide. Low gravity allows even rarefied air flows to raise huge clouds of dust to a height of up to 50 km. And the winds, which are one of the manifestations of the temperature difference, often blow over the surface of the planet (especially in late spring - early summer in the southern hemisphere, when the temperature difference between the hemispheres is especially sharp), and their speed reaches 100 m/s. In this way, extensive dust storms are formed, which have long been observed in the form of individual yellow clouds, and sometimes in the form of a continuous yellow veil covering the entire planet. Most often, dust storms occur near the polar caps, their duration can reach 50-100 days. Weak yellow haze in the atmosphere, as a rule, is observed after large dust storms and is easily detected by photometric and polarimetric methods.

Dust storms, which were well observed on images taken from orbiters, turned out to be barely visible when photographed from landers. The passage of dust storms at the landing sites of these space stations was recorded only by a sharp change in temperature, pressure, and a very slight darkening of the general sky background. The layer of dust that settled after the storm in the vicinity of the Viking landing sites amounted to only a few micrometers. All this indicates a rather low bearing capacity of the Martian atmosphere.

From September 1971 to January 1972, a global dust storm took place on Mars, which even prevented the surface from being photographed from the probe " Mariner-9» . The mass of dust in the atmospheric column (with an optical thickness of 0.1 to 10) estimated during this period ranged from 7.8⋅10 -5 to 1.66⋅10 -3 g/cm 2 . Thus, the total weight of dust particles in the Martian atmosphere during the period of global dust storms can reach up to 10 8 - 10 9 tons, which is commensurate with the total amount of dust in the Earth's atmosphere.

The question of water availability

For the stable existence of pure water in the liquid state, the temperature and partial pressure water vapor in the atmosphere should be higher triple point on the phase diagram, whereas now they are far from the corresponding values. Indeed, the studies carried out by the spacecraft " Mariner-4» in 1965, showed that there is currently no liquid water on Mars, but the data rovers NASA « Spirit" and " Opportunity” indicate the presence of water in the past. On July 31, 2008, water in the state of ice was discovered on Mars at the landing site of the NASA spacecraft " Phoenix". The device found ice deposits directly in the ground. There are several facts in support of the claim of the presence of water on the surface of the planet in the past. First, minerals have been found that could only form as a result of prolonged exposure to water. Secondly, very old craters are practically wiped off the face of Mars. The modern atmosphere could not cause such destruction. The study of the rate of education and erosion craters allowed us to establish that the strongest wind and water destroyed them about 3.5 billion years ago. Many gullies have approximately the same age.

NASA announced on September 28, 2015 that Mars currently has seasonal liquid salt water flows. These formations manifest themselves in the warm season and disappear - in the cold. Planetary scientists came to their conclusions by analyzing high-quality images obtained by a scientific instrument. High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) Mars Orbiter Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO).

On July 25, 2018, a report was released on a discovery based on radar research. MARSIS. The work showed the presence subglacial lake on Mars, located at a depth of 1.5 km under the ice south polar cap(on the Planum Australe), about 20 km wide. This became the first known permanent body of water on Mars.


Like on Earth, on Mars there is a change of seasons due to the inclination of the axis of rotation to the plane of the orbit, so in winter the polar cap grows in the northern hemisphere, and almost disappears in the southern, and after six months the hemispheres change places. At the same time, due to the rather large eccentricity of the planet's orbit at perihelion (winter solstice in the northern hemisphere), it receives up to 40% more solar radiation than in aphelion, and in the northern hemisphere, winter is short and relatively moderate, and summer is long, but cool, in in the south, on the contrary, summers are short and relatively warm, and winters are long and cold. In this regard, the southern cap in winter grows up to half the pole-equator distance, and the northern cap only up to a third. When summer comes at one of the poles, carbon dioxide from the corresponding polar cap evaporates and enters the atmosphere; the winds carry it to the opposite cap, where it freezes again. In this way, the carbon dioxide cycle occurs, which, along with the different sizes of the polar caps, causes a change in the pressure of the Martian atmosphere as it orbits the Sun. Due to the fact that in winter up to 20-30% of the entire atmosphere freezes in the polar cap, the pressure in the corresponding area drops accordingly.

Changes over time

As on Earth, the climate of Mars underwent long-term changes and in the early stages of the planet's evolution was very different from the current one. The difference is that the main role in cyclical changes in the Earth's climate play change orbital eccentricity and precession axes of rotation, though axis tilt remains approximately constant due to the stabilizing effect Moon, while Mars, without such a large satellite, can undergo significant changes in the inclination of its axis of rotation. Calculations have shown that the inclination of the axis of rotation of Mars, which is now 25 ° - about the same value as that of the Earth - was 45 ° in the recent past, and on a scale of millions of years could vary from 10 ° to 50 °.

atmospheric composition

The atmosphere of Mars is more rarefied than the air shell of the Earth, and 95% consists of carbon dioxide, about 4% is nitrogen and argon. Oxygen and water vapor in the Martian atmosphere is less than 1%. The average atmospheric pressure at the surface is 160 times less than at the Earth's surface.

The mass of the atmosphere during the year varies greatly due to condensation in winter and evaporation in summer, large volumes of carbon dioxide at the poles, in the polar caps.

Cloud cover and precipitation

There is very little water vapor in the Martian atmosphere, but at low pressure and temperature, it is in a state close to saturation, and often collects in clouds. Martian clouds are rather inexpressive compared to those on Earth.


The average temperature on Mars is much lower than on Earth - about -40°C. Under the most favorable conditions in the summer in the daytime half of the planet, the air warms up to 20 ° C - a completely acceptable temperature for the inhabitants of the Earth. But on winter nights, frost can reach up to -125°С. At winter temperatures, even carbon dioxide freezes, turning into dry ice. Such sharp temperature drops are caused by the fact that the rarefied atmosphere of Mars is not able to retain heat for a long time. As a result of numerous measurements of temperatures at various points on the surface of Mars, it turns out that during the day at the equator the temperature can reach up to + 27 ° C, but by morning it drops to -50 ° C.

There are also temperature oases on Mars, in the areas of the "lake" Phoenix (Sun Plateau) and the land of Noah, the temperature difference is from -53 ° C to + 22 ° C in summer and from -103 ° C to -43 ° C in winter. Thus, Mars is a very cold world, but the climate there is not much harsher than in Antarctica. When the first photographs of the surface of Mars taken by the Viking were transmitted to Earth, scientists were very surprised to see that the Martian sky was not black, as expected, but pink. It turned out that the dust hanging in the air absorbs 40% of the incoming sunlight, creating a color effect.

Dust storms and tornadoes

Winds are one of the manifestations of temperature difference. Strong winds often blow over the surface of the planet, the speed of which reaches 100 m/s. Low gravity allows even rarefied air currents to raise huge clouds of dust. Sometimes quite vast areas on Mars are covered by grandiose dust storms. Most often they occur near the polar caps. A global dust storm on Mars prevented photographing the surface from the Mariner 9 probe. It raged from September to January 1972, raising about a billion tons of dust into the atmosphere at an altitude of more than 10 km. Dust storms most often occur during periods of great opposition, when summer in the southern hemisphere coincides with the passage of Mars through perihelion.

Dust devils are another example of temperature-related processes on Mars. Such tornadoes are very frequent manifestations on Mars. They raise dust into the atmosphere and arise due to temperature differences. Reason: during the day, the surface of Mars heats up enough (sometimes to positive temperatures), but at a height of up to 2 meters from the surface, the atmosphere remains just as cold. Such a drop causes instability, raising dust into the air - as a result, dust devils are formed.


At the moment it is known that of all the planets of the solar system, Mars is the most similar to the Earth. The axis of rotation of Mars is inclined to its orbital plane by approximately 23.9 °, which is comparable to the tilt of the Earth's axis, which is 23.4 °, and the Martian day practically coincides with the Earth's - which is why, like on Earth, the seasons change. Seasonal changes are most pronounced in the polar regions. In winter, the polar caps occupy a significant area. The boundary of the northern polar cap can move away from the pole by a third of the distance to the equator, and the boundary of the southern cap overcomes half this distance. This difference is caused by the fact that in the northern hemisphere winter occurs when Mars passes through the perihelion of its orbit, and in the southern hemisphere when it passes through aphelion. Because of this, winters in the southern hemisphere are colder than in the northern. And the duration of each of the four Martian seasons varies depending on its distance from the Sun. Therefore, in the Martian northern hemisphere, winters are short and relatively "moderate", and summers are long, but cool. In the south, on the contrary, summers are short and relatively warm, and winters are long and cold.

With the onset of spring, the polar cap begins to “shrink”, leaving behind gradually disappearing islands of ice. At the same time, a so-called wave of darkening propagates from the poles to the equator. Modern theories explain it by the fact that spring winds carry large masses of soil along the meridians with different reflective properties.

Apparently, none of the caps disappear completely. Before the start of exploration of Mars with the help of interplanetary probes, it was assumed that its polar regions were covered with frozen water. More accurate modern ground and space measurements have also found frozen carbon dioxide in the composition of Martian ice. In summer, it evaporates and enters the atmosphere. The winds carry it to the opposite polar cap, where it freezes again. This cycle of carbon dioxide and the different sizes of the polar caps explain the variability in the pressure of the Martian atmosphere.

The relief of the Martian surface is complex and has many details. Dried channels and canyons on the surface of Mars gave rise to assumptions about the existence of an advanced civilization on Mars - for more details, see the article Life on Mars.

A typical Martian landscape resembles a terrestrial desert, and the surface of Mars has a reddish tint due to the increased content of iron oxides in the Martian sand.


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    The polar cap of Mars The hydrosphere of Mars is the totality of the water reserves of the planet Mars, represented by water ice in the polar caps of Mars, ice under the surface, and possible reservoirs of liquid water and aqueous salt solutions in the upper layers ... ... Wikipedia

    - "The Sands of Mars" The Sands of Mars Edition 1993, "North West" Genre: Novel

    Map of Mars by Giovanni Schiaparelli Martian channels A network of long straight lines in the equatorial region of Mars, discovered by the Italian astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli during the opposition of 1877, and confirmed by subsequent observations ... ... Wikipedia

If you are going to take a vacation on another planet, then it is important to know about possible climate changes :) But seriously, many people know that most planets in our solar system have extreme temperatures that are not suitable for a quiet life. But what exactly are the temperatures on the surface of these planets? Below I offer a small overview of the temperatures of the planets in the solar system.


Mercury is the planet closest to the Sun, so one might assume that it is constantly burning like a furnace. However, while the temperature on Mercury can reach 427°C, it can also drop as low as -173°C. Mercury has such a large temperature difference because it has no atmosphere.


Venus, the second closest planet to the Sun, has the highest average temperatures of any planet in our solar system, regularly reaching 460°C. Venus is so hot because of its proximity to the Sun and its dense atmosphere. The atmosphere of Venus consists of dense clouds containing carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide. This creates a strong greenhouse effect that traps the sun's heat in the atmosphere and turns the planet into a furnace.


Earth is the third planet from the Sun, and so far the only planet known for its ability to support life. The average temperature on Earth is 7.2°C, but it varies by large deviations from this indicator. The highest temperature ever recorded on Earth was 70.7°C in Iran. The lowest temperature was , and it reaches -91.2°C.


Mars is cold because, firstly, it does not have an atmosphere to maintain high temperature, and secondly, it is relatively far from the Sun. Since Mars has an elliptical orbit (it gets much closer to the Sun at some points in its orbit), during the summer its temperature can deviate up to 30°C from the norm in the northern and southern hemispheres. The minimum temperature on Mars is approximately -140°C and the highest is 20°C.


Jupiter doesn't have any solid surface, since it's a gas giant, so it doesn't have any surface temperature either. At the top of Jupiter's clouds, temperatures are around -145°C. As you descend closer to the center of the planet, the temperature increases. At a point where the atmospheric pressure is ten times that of Earth, the temperature is 21°C, which some scientists jokingly refer to as "room temperature." In the core of the planet, the temperature is much higher and reaches approximately 24,000°C. For comparison, it is worth noting that the core of Jupiter is hotter than the surface of the Sun.


As with Jupiter, the temperature in Saturn's upper atmosphere remains very low - down to about -175°C - and increases as you get closer to the center of the planet (up to 11,700°C at the core). Saturn, in fact, generates heat itself. It generates 2.5 times more energy than it receives from the Sun.


Uranus is the coldest planet with the lowest recorded temperature of -224°C. Although Uranus is far from the Sun, this is not the only reason for its low temperature. All other gas giants in our solar system emit more heat from their cores than they receive from the sun. Uranus has a core with a temperature of approximately 4737°C, which is only one-fifth the temperature of Jupiter's core.


With temperatures as low as -218°C in Neptune's upper atmosphere, this planet is one of the coldest in our solar system. Like the gas giants, Neptune has a much hotter core that is around 7000°C.

Below is a graph showing planetary temperatures in both Fahrenheit (°F) and Celsius (°C). Please note that Pluto has not been classified as a planet since 2006 (see below).