Examination test in social science spiritual sphere. Test on the topic "spiritual sphere". Education in society

5. Are the following statements correct? A. The purpose of science is the description, explanation and prediction of processes and phenomena. B. The purpose of science is the theoretical reflection of reality in the form of theoretical knowledge. 1) only A is true 2) only B is true 4) both judgments are wrong 3) both judgments are correct

8. Are the judgments correct? A. Culture is spread only by specialized educational institutions. B. Culture is spread through mass media. 1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are wrong

B-3 Match the characteristics and forms of culture: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column. CHARACTERISTIC FEATURES OF THE FORM 1) the complexity of the content A) elite culture 2) orientation to the needs of the consumer B) mass culture 3) difficulty for perception 4) standardization of content 1234 A B

B-6 “Culture in the broadest sense is defined as _______(1) organization and development of human life and its __________(2). This concept reflects an object that is everything created by people, the totality of products of human activity, social forms of organization, processes, ________ (3), everything that has already been done is being done, and even in a sense, what will be done by mankind. The culture of society life includes the problems of economic and political _______ (4) social _______ (5) as its basis. There are three main forms of spiritual activity or its main languages ​​in culture: science, art and ______(6). A) attitude D) morality G) research B) meaning E) organization H) result C) regulation F) method I) GAVIZE institute

Answer C-5. Worldview is a system of ideas about the relationship between a person and the world around him. The outlook can be optimistic or pessimistic. A worldview is always associated with a belief. A worldview can be formed spontaneously or consciously. Worldview is ordinary, scientific, religious.

C-6. Use three examples to reveal the influence of the spiritual sphere on the development of society Answer: 1) The ideas of the Enlightenment prepared a social upheaval that went down in history as the Great French Revolution 2) The spread of Protestantism played a role in establishing new capitalist relations 3) The adoption of Christianity in Rus' contributed to the strengthening of the grand duke's power

Answer: Mass culture is a channel for manipulating the masses and a stabilizer, a brake that gives modern society the necessary stability at sharp historical turns. Within the framework of mass culture, the following are transmitted: - moral values ​​- national traditions - acquaintance with the true peaks of culture

C-8. You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "Education, its significance for the individual and society." Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.

An approximate version of the plan 1) Education as a social institution that meets the needs of society in the transfer of knowledge, the socialization of the younger generation and the training of personnel. a) the concept and purpose of education b) the main ways of obtaining education c) the functions of education 2) The education system in the Russian Federation: a set of educational programs and standards, a network of educational institutions and governing bodies, principles of functioning. 3) General trends in the development of education a) democratization of the education system b) an increase in the duration of education c) continuity of education d) humanization and humanitarization of education e) computerization of education 4) Education is the basis of the general culture of the individual and society, a means of preserving and enriching it.

Essay topics: "A house without books is like a body without a soul." Cicero "Art consists in finding the extraordinary in the ordinary and the ordinary in the extraordinary." D. Diderot "Science and art belong to the whole world; interethnic barriers disappear before them." I. Goethe "Religions are like fireflies: in order to shine, they need darkness." A. Schopenhauer

Sources: Sources: 1. Averyanova G.I. Baranov, S.V. Shevchenko. Social science: 50 standard exam papers to prepare for the exam; ed. P. A. Baranova .- M .: AST: Astrel, Program "Passing a unified exam"

Spiritual realm. USE 2.

1. Establish a correspondence between social science and the subject of its study: for each position given in the first column, select a position from the second column.


    psychology A) human behavior

    political science B) the structure of society power in society

    economy C) production and exchange

4) sociology D) power in society

2. From the list below, select the sciences that study certain aspects of culture

(task type B).

    archeology; 2) pedagogy; 3) biology; 4) astronomy; 5) physics; 6) ethics.

3. Give three examples of methods for obtaining knowledge inherent in science (C).

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________

4. Name two manifestations of the social function of science and give two examples of its implementation (C). _______________________________________________________________


5. According to the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", it is mandatory

    secondary (complete) general education; 2) basic general education;

3) vocational education; 4) higher education

6. Humanization of education involves

    attention to the individual, his interests, requests

    introduction of new humanitarian disciplines into education

    refusal to teach technical sciences; 4) increase in the number of years of study

    The process of familiarization with the values ​​of human society, knowledge about the world,

accumulated by previous generations is called

    science; 2) art; 3) education; 4) creativity.

8. Are the following judgments about the development of education correct?

A. Education develops as part of the national culture of the people.

B. In the development of education, there is a tendency towards internationalization.

9. Are the following judgments about the social function of education correct?

A. The social function of education lies in the fact that in its process a person

acquires social experience, the socialization of the individual takes place.

B. The social function of education is that it directly

regulates social processes in society.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are true 4) both judgments are wrong.

10. Are the following judgments about the knowledge received at school correct?

A. The knowledge acquired at school must correspond to modern scientific


B. Knowledge acquired at school must correspond to cognitive abilities


1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are true 4) both judgments are wrong.

11. A. The main thing in the characterization of the personality is the social essence.

B. A newborn person has individual traits and can become


A) true A; B) right B

    Match lists:

1) social needs; A) striving for goodness;

2) spiritual needs; B) care for offspring;

3) material needs; B) communication.

    The term "culture" most fully characterizes the following definition:

A) the totality of the best works of art created by mankind;

B) patterns of behavior in society that people try to follow;

C) all types of transformative activity of a person and society, as well as its


D) features that distinguish advanced human civilizations from early societies

of people.

    The scientific understanding of religion does NOT include the statement that:

A) its first element is the belief in the existence of supernatural forces as the basis of the whole world;

B) the presence of religious knowledge among people makes it impossible to know the world;

C) religious faith includes moral norms;

D) an integral part of religion are various ritual actions.

    Required elements of religion include:

A) belief in the existence of the supernatural;

B) legislation on freedom of conscience;

C) scientific argumentation of the truth of religious dogmas;

D) active participation of church leaders in politics.

    A. Religion is one of the oldest forms of culture.

B. Religion includes certain scientifically based views and ideas of people.

A) true A; B) right B

C) both judgments are correct; D) both statements are wrong.

    In its most complete form, morality is:

A) the conclusions that a person makes on the basis of an analysis of his behavior;

B) the science of good manners;

C) a set of principles and norms of human behavior in society;

D) formulated and legislatively fixed norms of behavior of citizens.

    A. Morality arose on the basis of people's life experience.

B) Morality is strong in that all its norms are protected by law.

A) true A; B) right B

C) both judgments are correct; D) both statements are wrong.

    The rules “I don’t do to others what you don’t want for yourself”, “Don’t steal”, “Don’t lie”, “Honor your elders” are norms:

A) art B) science; B) morality D) right.

    Moral principles: do not kill, do not steal, do not lie - belong to:

A) Christianity only B) Christianity and Buddhism;

C) all world religions; D) only Buddhism.

    World religions include:

A) Buddhism B) Shintoism; B) Brahmanism D) Vedism.

    Among the listed religions, the oldest world religion is:

A) Christianity B) Islam; B) Buddhism; D) Judaism.

    A. The golden rule of morality is: “Act towards another as another

acts towards you."

B. The golden rule of morality is: “Do to others as you wish,

for another to act towards you."

A) true A; B) right B

C) both judgments are correct; D) both statements are wrong.

    Morality is different from law:

A) any law; B) the constitution of the state;

C) certain principles, norms of behavior adopted by society;

D) the charter of a public organization.

    The features of the modern stage of the development of science, in contrast to the previous ones, include the function:

A) cultural and worldview; C) an indispensable source of profit;

B) direct productive force; D) social power.

    The process of creating artistic images is necessarily inherent in:

A) science B) art; B) education; D) industrial production.

    All terms, except one, are associated with the concept of "science":

Law, theory, cult, concept, fact.

    Correlate the functions and elements of the spiritual sphere


A) replenishment of limitations, dependence, impotence of people;

B) fulfilling the role of the productive force of society;

C) streamlining the thoughts, aspirations of people, their activities;

D) development of plans and programs for economic and social development;

E) production of new knowledge about nature, society, thinking.

Elements: 1) science; 2) religion.

    Circle the statements that characterize science (B4):

1) mythmaking; 2) consistency; 3) rationality; 4) creativity;

5) uncriticality; 6) supernatural.

    Determine which statements are A) factual in nature, B) the nature of value judgments.

1) According to scientists, three types of spiritual production can be distinguished: science, art and religion. 2) From the point of view of some philosophers, morality, politics and law are added to them. 3) However, morality is created by society itself, and not invented by professionals. 4) Social ties that arise between people as a result of the political and legal activities of individual members of society, it seems, can hardly be called spiritual.

    Fill the gaps:

The type of activity that reproduces the world in specific images is called _____________ 1). The reason for dividing it into types is the variety of types of social ____________ 2) people, based on the satisfaction of __________ 3)

needs. There are no major and minor arts, each type has its own characteristics. The formation of reality according to the laws of beauty when creating buildings and structures is called ______________ 4). Spatial art, mastering the world in plastic images, is ______ 5). The image on the plane of pictures of the real world is called _____________ 6).

A) activity; B) art; B) painting; D) aesthetic;

D) commonality; E) architecture; G) consciousness; C) sculpture.

    Mark the functions of morality (B4):

    1. establishes the rules of human behavior;

      studies the phenomena of reality;

      consoles in grief and provides psychological assistance to believers;

      is the basis of the mentality of the people;

      through it a person joins the culture.

    Cognition: sensory and _______________________.

    Make a plan revealing the term "worldview"

Questions on other topics:

    Which of the following characterizes society as a system?

1) isolation from nature; 2) continuous development;

3) maintaining connection with nature; 4) the presence of spheres and institutions.

    The transition to a post-industrial society is characterized by:

    1. the formation of a market economy;

      limited social mobility;

      development of mass media;

      factory organization.

    There are several meanings of the concept "economy". Which position illustrates economics as a science:

    1. opening of a new supermarket;

      calculation of changes in demand for mobile phones;

      provision of medical services to the population;

      expansion of the network of hairdressing salons.

    Refusal to shake hands or maintain friendly relations is an example of the application of sanctions ...

1) informal positive; 2) formal positive;

3) informal negative; 4) formal negative.

Keys to the test

Spiritual realm. USE 2



    observation, experiment, scientific modeling

    functions: a) cultural and ideological, b) cognitive and explanatory, c) social forecasting (prognostic), d) social development and management ...

examples: a) helps a person explain knowledge about the world, build it into an integral system (the structure of the universe: it consists of galaxies, galaxies from star systems such as the Solar, star systems from stars and planets), consider the phenomena of the surrounding world in their unity and diversity, develop their own worldview; b) carries out knowledge and explanation of the structure of the world and the laws of its development; c) predicts the consequences of changes in the surrounding world, reveals possible dangerous trends in the development of society, formulates recommendations for overcoming them (ecologists are trying to determine the scale of global changes in natural processes and the future contours of human society; d) analyze the state of society, moods, well-being, problems ... ( demographers, analyzing the dynamics of the size and composition of the population, make adjustments to the social programs of the government; economists analyze current indicators and make their recommendations ...)

    2 27 - cult

    1 28 – 21211

    3 29 – 234

    3 30 - BBAB

    1 31 - BAGEZW

    3 32 – 145

11 V 33 - rational

12 1-C, 2-A, 3-B 34 - 1) definition,

13 B 2) types of worldview

14 B A) ordinary B) scientific

15 A B) philosophical,

16 A 3) functions A) gives guidance in

17 In practical and theoretical activities;

18 A B) definition of goals in activity (life);

19 B C) choice of methods for achieving goals;

20 C D) development of value attitudes.

21 A 35 - 4

22 V 36 - 3

23 B 37 - 2

24 V 38 - 3

25 B

26 B

Municipal educational institution

Secondary school №5

Tests for preparing for the exam

on this topic:

Prepared by:

a history teacher

Shchelukhina Anna


Topic: "Spiritual sphere".

Part 1 . Level A assignments.
A 1 A culture whose works are intended for a narrow circle of connoisseurs is called

1) folk

2) mass

3) national

4) elite

A 2. Mass culture

1) appeared with the development of mass media

2) accompanies the entire history of mankind

3) is a product of totalitarian societies with their desire for control, including the means of culture

4) originated in ancient Rome as a spectacle for the people

A 3. Art directly characterizes the sign

1) satisfaction of human needs

2) aesthetic development of the surrounding world

3) establishment of laws for the development of society

4) reflection of the essence of natural and social phenomena

A 4. Are the judgments correct?

Culture is:

A. The totality of everything created by man throughout history.

B. All types of transformational activities of society, as well as all their results.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

A 5. Are the judgments correct?

Works of popular culture

A. Reflect all the emotional problems of modern man.

B. Should not use the techniques of elite culture.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

A 6

1) influence on all spheres of public life

3) revealing the laws of the human psyche

A 7. Spiritual culture is

1) reading culture

2) religious cult

3) the process and result of spiritual production

4) sustainable predominance of spiritual needs over material ones

A 8. The diversity of cultures serves in the modern world as a manifestation of

1) national isolation

2) national differentiation

3) cultural stagnation

4) cultural globalization

A 9. Art differs from other forms of spiritual activity

1) explanation of facts by the intervention of supernatural forces

2) solving the fundamental problems of being

3) ensuring the development of individual industries

4) figurative perception of the surrounding world

A 10. Common to scientific and artistic creativity is

1) the desire to comprehend reality

2) the validity of the assumptions

3) the desire for reliability

4) the formation of a sense of beauty

A 11 Are the following statements about culture correct?

A. Material and spiritual cultures are weakly connected with each other

B. A society can exist without creating a culture.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

A 12. In the course of sociological surveys in 2004 and 2005. respondents were asked to answer the question: “Are you satisfied with the current education system in Russia?” The following results were obtained:

What conclusion can be drawn from the data in the table?
1) More than half of Russians could not determine their attitude to the problem.

2) The number of Russians who are satisfied with the quality of education has grown significantly

3) According to half of the respondents, the quality of education in Russia remains unsatisfactory.

4) The number of Russians who are not interested in the problems of national education is decreasing

A 13. Culture in the broadest sense means

1) the level of development of science and technology

2) the totality of all human achievements

3) the level of education of the population

4) all genres of art

A 14. What form of culture is a manifestation of a non-commercial film festival, a series of thematic concerts of symphonic music?

1) mass

2) folk

3) screen

4) elite

A 15 Works created by anonymous creators, often without professional training, belong to the culture

1) screen

2) folk

3) mass

4) spiritual

A 16. Art as a type of human activity is characterized

1) the plausibility of the results

2) the creation of artistic images

3) clarity and integrity of expression

4) the creation of wealth

A 17 Which of the following refers to the cultural and ideological function of modern science?

1) programming the development of society

2) development of new means of communication

3) development of the problem of the origin of life on Earth

4) forecasting the social consequences of reforms
A 18 Which of the following factors makes the problem of social responsibility of scientists especially relevant today?

2) the ambiguity of the consequences of scientific discoveries

3) the emergence of new scientific directions

4) striving for scientific truth

A 19. The Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" names the following stages of education

1) preschool general education

2) preschool, general, vocational, additional education

3) preschool, primary, vocational, additional education

4) basic, vocational education

A 20 The extensive way of development of education consists in

1) increasing the variety of types of educational institutions

2) merging several academic disciplines into one

3) improving the quality of educational services

4) increasing the number of disciplines studied at school

A 21 The humanization of education involves

1) special attention to social disciplines

2) unification of requirements for school equipment

3) variety of types of educational institutions

4) taking into account the possibilities and interests of the child

A 22. Are the following statements about religion correct?

A. A specific property of religion is its connection with the world of human experiences.

B. A specific property of religion is belief in the supernatural.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

A 23 Are the following judgments that characterize the cultural and ideological function of modern science correct?

The cultural and ideological function of science is manifested in

A. the formation of mankind's ideas about the world around.

B. creation of a scientific and technical base for the development of the productive forces of society.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

A 24. Are the following judgments about self-education correct?

Self-education can be done for

A. Extramural Education Acquisition

B. raising the individual level of culture

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

A 25 Works of mass art, as opposed to elite

2) provide for wide replication

3) have genre diversity

4) use a system of artistic images

A 26. Art, science, education are covered by the concept

1) spiritual culture

2) social progress

3) industrial society

4) social stratification

A 27. Are the following statements about art correct?

A. Art as a component of culture is distinguished by the greatest stability of its forms.

B. One of the manifestations of innovation in art is the change in artistic styles.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

A 28. The main functions of the school as a social institution include

1) development of scientific knowledge

2) socialization of the individual

3) creation of new jobs

4) deepening social differentiation

A 29 What science studies the origin and content of moral norms?

2) linguistics

3) literary criticism

4) aesthetics

A 30. The commonality of language, beliefs, customs, symbols is inherent in culture

1) mass

2) elite

3) national

1) elite culture

2) folk culture

3) mass culture

4) spiritual culture

A 32. Alexey B. is a first-year student at the College of Law. This means he gets

1) basic education

2) complete (secondary) education

3) secondary vocational education

4) higher professional education

A 33. Heroic epos, ritual dances and songs belong to

1) elite culture

2) screen culture

3) Hinduism

4) Confucianism

^ A 34. The world religions are

1) Christianity

2) Shinto

3) Hinduism

4) Confucianism

A 35. National religions are

1) Buddhism

2) Christianity

3) Confucianism

A 36. Are the following statements about mass culture correct?

A. The commercialization of mass culture allows its creators not to take into account the tastes and demands of the mass audience in their activities.

B. In mass culture, works of literature, painting, cinema are considered, first of all, as consumer goods that bring profit when sold.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both statements are wrong

A 37 Science reflects the world in

1) concepts and terms

2) artistic images

3) creeds

4) ordinary ideas

A 38. Are the following judgments about the role of education in modern society correct?

A. Education is considered one of the most important channels for the socialization of the individual.

B. In the system of modern education, the tendency to humanize it, to take into account the individual characteristics of schoolchildren, is becoming increasingly important.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both statements are wrong

A 39. Culture in the broadest sense of the word is

1) complex forms of human and animal behavior

2) everything that relates to activities in the field of art

3) the degree of upbringing of a certain person

4) all transformative human activity and its results

A 40. Are the following statements about science correct?

A. Science is characterized by comprehension of the patterns of development of nature, society and thinking.

B. Science is characterized by description, explanation and prediction of the processes and phenomena of reality.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both statements are wrong

A 41 Are the following statements about mass media (media) correct?

B. The demands of the mass audience are largely formed under the influence of the media.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both statements are wrong

A 42 The product of mass culture is

1) symphony

2) folklore

3) ballet performance

4) urban romance

A 43 For which science is the question of the relationship between the concepts of "good" and "evil" the main one?

1) psychology

3) aesthetics

4) sociology

A 44 What function of science is illustrated by the development of new ways to protect a person's home from unauthorized intrusion?

1) cognitive

2) prognostic

3) explanatory

4) social

A 45 The foundation of the spiritual life of society is

1) knowledge

2) art

4) culture
^ Part 2. Level B tasks.

IN 1 Complete the phrase

The set of norms that determine human behavior in society and are based on public opinion is _________

IN 2 Complete the phrase

A belief system that consistently denies belief in the existence of God and supernatural forces is _______________

AT 3. Read the text below, each position of which is numbered.

(1) Elite or "high" art is in decline today. (2) The circulation of literary classics has fallen. (3) Modern composers rarely create operatic works. (4) All this is most detrimentally reflected in the aesthetic tastes and predilections of the public.

A. actual character

B nature of value judgments





AT 4. Establish a correspondence between the areas of culture and the characteristics of activities in these areas: for each position indicated in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Write down the selected letters in the table, and then transfer the resulting sequence of letters to the answer sheet (without spaces or other characters).





AT 5 . Establish a correspondence: for each definition given in the first column, select the appropriate concept from the second column.




AT 6. Establish a correspondence: for each type of activity given in the first column, select the appropriate direction of culture from the second column.




creation of an artistic image


the science






experimental verification of theoretical conclusions


creating a sense of beauty

Write down the selected numbers in the table, and then transfer the resulting sequence of numbers to the answer sheet (without spaces or other characters).





AT 7 . Establish a correspondence between the attribute and the branch of culture that it characterizes: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.






the science


logical evidence




aesthetic exploration of the world


impact on human emotions


complex description of the object

Write down the selected numbers in the table, and then transfer the resulting sequence of numbers to the answer sheet (without spaces or other characters).






AT 8. Read the text below with a number of words missing.

“Scientists have created several classifications of religions. The simplest of them combines religions into three groups.

Primitive tribal beliefs. They arose in ___________(1), but over time they did not disappear from the consciousness of people, but survived and live to this day, along with more complex religions. From them come numerous ___________ (2) ...

National-state religions, which form the basis of the life of entire peoples and nations.

World religions, i.e. that have gone beyond national-state boundaries and have a huge number of followers all over the world. There are three world religions: Christianity, __________(3),______________(4).

All religions can also be combined into two large groups __________(5), i.e. recognizing the existence of a single God and ___________ (6), recognizing many gods.

Choose from the proposed list of words to be inserted in place of spaces. The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Keep in mind that there are more words in the list than you need to fill in the gaps.

Choose sequentially one word after another, mentally filling in each gap with words.

A) monotheism

B) polytheism

B) antiquity

E) Buddhism

G) Hinduism

h) superstition

I) Confucianism

Note that the spaces are numbered. The table below shows the space numbers. Write under each number the letter that represents the word you have chosen in the list.

Transfer the resulting sequence of letters to the answer sheet







AT 9. Establish a correspondence between the types of norms and their characteristics: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.




Rules that have been preserved for centuries and indicate how to behave in everyday life




Detailed Polite Rules




Rules relating to a wide range of social phenomena and supported by the power of public opinion




Rules that are binding and based on the power of state coercion



Write down the selected numbers in the table, and then transfer the resulting sequence of numbers to the answer sheet (without spaces or other characters).





AT 10 O'CLOCK Read the text below, each position of which is numbered.

(1) A person sitting on a meager “ration” of mass culture significantly impoverishes his spiritual life. (2) Mass culture was born almost a century ago. (3) Since then, the technical means used in its creation and replication have been significantly improved. (4) However, the products remained the same primitive, offending the taste of the discerning reader and viewer.

Determine which provisions of the text are worn

A) actual character

B) the nature of value judgments
Write under the position number the letter that indicates its nature.

Transfer the resulting sequence of letters to the answer sheet.

2) rule of law

3) devotion and love for the Fatherland

4) respect for nature

6) love for art

7) honest performance of duty

Answer ____________________________

At 14 Which of the following examples can be attributed to folk culture?

4) jokes

6) sayings

7) laws

At 15 Which of the following examples can be attributed to popular culture?

1) piano concerto

2) philosophical essay

3) detective novel

4) heroic epic

6) television

7) radio broadcast of a variety concert

From 1. Name two manifestations of the social function of science and give two examples of its implementation.

From 2. The star of the television series starred in a non-commercial black-and-white film, complex in content. The work was highly appreciated by critics and connoisseurs, but at the box office could not raise any significant funds. What form of culture does the described work belong to? List three features that you use to determine this.

From 3 Using three examples, illustrate the mutual influence of folk, mass, and elite culture.

From 4 The income of the print media consists of receipts from advertising and circulation sales. Today, the former are more than twice as large as the latter. Television shows are dominated by the same type of entertainment series that have proven their commercial effectiveness.

What conclusion about the relationship between modern media and mass culture can you draw on the basis of the data presented? Explain this conclusion by giving at least two statements. Give another example to support your conclusion.

C5 In the words of a well-known publisher, "a newspaper without sensationalism is only good for wrapping fish in it."

To what audience is this newspaper addressed? Based on this, name the category of media to which it belongs. Name any two other features of the media in this category that are not listed in the task.

From 6. Analyze data on government funding for research and development in Russia and the United States in 1991 and 1994.

Year Russia USA
1991 $9.6 billion $161 billion
1994 $6.0 billion $173 billion
Draw two possible conclusions from this table and explain why in Russia in 2000-2006 government funding for research and development has increased.

From 7 Read the text and do the tasks for it .

Education in society.

Education has become widespread during the last two or three centuries. Why did it take so long?...

The first of the fundamental changes was the democratic revolution. As the example of the French Revolution of the late 18th century shows, it was caused by the growing desire of the non-aristocratic classes ... to participate in political affairs. In response to this demand, first of all, educational opportunities were expanded: after all, new actors on the political stage should represent "the ignorant masses of the people." Therefore, in the 30s of the XIX century. Educational reformers in the United States were concerned with increasing the literacy of future voters, their awareness of social issues and the ability to make reasonable voting decisions... The ideal of an equal opportunity society represents another aspect of the democratic revolution... Equal social opportunity has become almost synonymous with equal educational opportunities...

The most important event ... was the industrial revolution ... The development of industry on a large scale required the expansion of the education system to train skilled workers who could perform new, more complex activities ... In countries competing with each other in the struggle for the world market, they quickly realized that superiority in industrial development is closely related to higher levels of education…

An important change ... was associated with the development of the institution of education itself. When a social institution consolidates its position, its members usually form a group united by common legitimate interests and make demands on society - for example, regarding the maintenance of their prestige or material support from the state ... (Besides) Americans have always been inclined to believe: the higher their level of education, the more likely they are to succeed in life.

N. Smelser.

1. With what three changes in public life does the author associate the formation of the modern education system?

2. The text mentions or characterizes three tasks that education was called upon to solve in the 19th-20th centuries. Name them.

3. The author characterizes the education system as a social institution. Based on the knowledge of the social science course, name any four social institutions (in addition to the institution of education). What two features of social groups that develop around social institutions does he mention?

4. The text states that Americans tend to believe that education improves a person's chances of "success in life." What concept should be used to characterize a person's movement towards "success in life"? With what function of education are these hopes connected? Give a term known to you from a social science course and name any two other social institutions that perform this function.

From 8 Read the text and do the tasks for it:

Values ​​are one of the components of socio-cultural forms. In the course of the development of society, ideas are formed that are distinguished and to which special value is attributed. They are assimilated by the subject in the experience and experiences of pleasure and displeasure, joy and indignation, i.e. through emotions. On the basis of values, evaluation criteria are formed that regulate people's attitudes towards objects of satisfaction of human needs. In the process of life, a person develops the perception of some objects as valuable, while others are not valuable and even "anti-value" ...

Values ​​can be individual, group, universal. Individual values ​​determine the activities of a particular person and may have a transient character, vary depending on the age of the individual. Group values ​​(meaning a group in a broad sense - as a social community, a type of society) are more general in nature: they are defined as ideas accepted in a given community about the desired type of socio-cultural form. Human values ​​are characterized by the fact that they are of an enduring nature, they are guidelines for most people, regardless of their gender, age, historical era in which they live. The number of such values ​​is limited. For example, they include truth, beauty, goodness.

Perceived and entrenched values ​​are transformed into social norms, with the help of which the forms of human activity are supported, reproduced, and regulated.

I.G. Petrov.

2 Name two factors that, in the author's opinion, contribute to the formation of values.

7What are the three groups of values ​​distinguished by the author? To which of these groups would you attribute the principle of equality of citizens before the law?

Choice task

Choose one of the statements below and state your thoughts (your point of view, attitude) about the problem raised.

When completing the task, you should use the relevant concepts of the social science course and, based on the knowledge gained in the course of social science, as well as the facts of social life and your own life experience, give the necessary arguments to justify your position.

1 “We are shaped by the things we do.”


2 “Independence and freethinking are the essence of creativity”

F. Mitterrand.

3 “In an immoral society, all inventions. Increasing the power of man over nature is not only not good, but an undeniable and obvious evil.

L. Tolstoy.

4 "He who has not acquired cultural skills is rude."

5 "Life is short - art is eternal."

Ancient aphorism.

6 "Art without the thought that a person without a soul is a corpse."

V.G. Belinsky

7 "The beautiful is comprehended through study and great effort, the bad is assimilated by itself, without difficulty."


Answers to tests on the topic "Spiritual sphere"

Part 1. Level A
job number answer
A 1 4
A 2 1
A 3 2
A 4 3
A 5 4
A 6 4
A 7 3
A 8 2
A 9 4
A 10 1
A 11 4
A 12 3
A 13 2
A 14 4
A 15 2
A 16 2
A 17 3
A 18 2
A 19 2
A 20 4
A 21 1
A 22 3
A 23 1
A 24 3
A 25 2
A 26 1
A 27 3
A 28 2
A 29 1
A 30 3
A 31 3
A 32 3
A 33 4
A 34 1
A 35 3
A 36 2
A 37 1
A 38 3
A 39 4
A 40 3
A 41 3
A 42 4
A 43 2
A 44 4
A 45 4
Part 2. Level B.
job number answer
IN 1 morality
IN 2 atheism
AT 4 A A B B
AT 5 132
AT 6 2112
AT 7 21221
AT 11 education
AT 12 right
At 13 1347
At 14 3456
At 15 67
Part 3. Level C.

From 1 1) Manifestations of the social function of science, for example:

Social development and management

social forecasting

2) examples, let's say:

Demographers, analyzing the dynamics of the size and composition of the country's population, make adjustments to the social programs of the government;

Economists analyze the current economic indicators of the country, the dynamics of the development of domestic and world markets, the data obtained form the basis for the development of the country's budget for the next year by the government;

Environmental scientists are trying to determine the scale of global changes in natural processes and the future contours of human society.

From 2 The correct answer must contain the following items:

1) an indication that the film belongs to an elite culture;

2) signs of an elite culture, for example, non-commercial nature, high content and aesthetic complexity to a limited circle of specialists and connoisseurs.

From 3 The response may include the following examples:

1) accompaniment of the ice show with fragments from classical music;

3) the use of folk art motifs in such a genre of mass lyrical song as a romance.

C 4 The answer contains a conclusion: the mass media have become the most important channels for the dissemination of mass culture.

This conclusion can be justified by the following points:

2) the artistic production that prevails on television also meets all the signs of mass culture: simplification, commercial efficiency. An additional example illustrating the main conclusion is the active penetration into the media of another type of mass culture - show business (broadcasting variety performances, coverage of various aspects of the life of "stars").

1) Should be:

The audience to which the newspaper is addressed is indicated - “mass audience”, “wide range of readers”;

2) any two signs of the "yellow press" that are not indicated in the assignment can be indicated, for example:

Focus on entertainment;

Refusal of serious analytics;

The predominance of information related to the private life of celebrities, crime chronicles, sports, etc.;

The priority of the interests of the collective over the interests of the individual.

The response must contain the following elements:

1) conclusions are formulated, for example:

State funding of science in Russia lagged significantly behind the United States;

During this period, this lag increased;

In Russia, during this period, funding for science was reduced;

In the United States, funding for science increased during this period;

2) an explanation is given, for example:

Russia is making efforts to accelerate scientific and technological progress;

Investments in science are designed to increase the competitiveness of our country in the world.

Other correct positions are possible.


Education in society.

1) The response should include the following changes:

Democratic revolution

Industrial Revolution

The formation of the institution of education itself

2) The answer should include the following tasks:

Increase the literacy of future voters;

Ensure equality of social opportunities;

Prepare qualified workers.

3). 1) Any four social institutions can be named, for example:


Political Party

2) Two features mentioned by the author should be named:

The Institute is a specific group whose members are united by common interests;

The Institute, represented by its members, makes certain demands on society and the state.

4) 1) The concept of “social mobility” should be given

2) The term "social lift" must be indicated

3) Any two institutions that perform the function of "social lifts" can be named, for example: the army, the church, political parties, trade unions.


Values ​​in human life and development of society

1) The answer states that

On the basis of values, assessments of various social phenomena, people's actions are formed;

2) The answer includes the following factors:

emotional experiences

3) The following groups of values ​​are named in the answer:




The answer concluded that the principle of equality of citizens before the law should be attributed to group values ​​(it is a product of a certain era.)

4) The answer indicates that with the help of norms, forms of human activity are supported, reproduced and regulated.

The answer names two main groups of social norms:

moral standards

Legal regulations.

An example of moral norms is the so-called simple norms of morality: do not kill, do not steal, etc.

As an example of a legal norm, individual rights can be used: to protect honor and dignity, to personal integrity, etc.

V. A. Kravtsova, MAOU "Secondary School No. 40", Stary Oskol, Belgorod Region


1. Write down the word missing in the table.

Types of religion

Types of religions


National religions

Shinto, Judaism, Hinduism

Christianity, Islam, Buddhism


2. Find a concept that is generalizing for all other concepts of the series below, and write down the number under which it is indicated.

1) spiritual culture; 2) spiritual values; 3) scientific research; 4) moral standards; 5) religious views; 6) moral deeds.

3. Below is a list of features. All of them, with the exception of two, belong to the characteristics of art.

1) figurativeness, 2) the awakening of fantasy and imagination, 3) the reliability and verifiability of the results, 4) the focus on obtaining objective truth, 5) the emotionality of perception, 6) visibility.

Find two terms that "drop out" of the general series, and write down the numbers under

by which they are indicated.

4. Select the correct judgments about the role of the media and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. Mass media in modern society can play a disintegrating, divisive role.

2. Public figures are forced to reckon with the media.

3. Leaders in various fields of science, culture and economy have to reckon with the mass media.

4. The rapid growth of computer technology leads to a reduction in the number of mass media.

5. With the development of informatization of society, the media begin to have a less tangible impact on various spheres of social life.


5. In recent years, several vocal and instrumental youth groups have developed in a large regional center. What features of the activities of these groups indicate their belonging to mass culture? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. develop the traditions of folk vocal art

2. perform compositions of their own composition

3. activity has a commercial focus

4. the repertoire is simple dance music

5. perform the function of accumulating cultural experience

6. works are addressed to the most aesthetically developed part of the public


6. Select the correct judgments about spiritual culture and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. Spiritual culture is one of the areas of human activity in society.

2. Spiritual culture includes cognitive activity and its results.

3. The objects of spiritual culture are ideology, morality, artistic creativity.

4. Spiritual culture is an artificial environment surrounding a person.

5. Spiritual culture includes material and spiritual values ​​created by man.


7. Establish a correspondence between the distinctive features of individual areas of culture and the branches of culture that they illustrate


Branches of culture

A) classification of phenomena and types of thinking

1) education

B) theoretical substantiation of the laws of development of nature and society

C) familiarizing the individual with the achievements of civilization

D) mastering the existing system of knowledge, norms and values

E) development of systematically organized methods of influencing the world around

Write in the table the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.

8. Medical scientists have conducted a number of studies and found means to combat the invisible enemies of human health - various viruses and pathogenic bacteria that cause infectious diseases. These funds have entered the practice of treating infectious diseases. What functions of science are illustrated by this example? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. worldview

2. social

3. cognitive

4. productive force

5. predictive

6. epistemological


9. Match the characteristics and functions of science



A) shows possible dangerous trends in the development of society

1) worldview

C) contributes to the construction of a holistic system of views on the world and a person's place in it

2) predictive

D) helps a person to consider the phenomena of the surrounding world in their unity and diversity

D) allows you to foresee the consequences of a change in the world around you

10. Establish a correspondence between characteristic features and types (varieties) of culture



A) commercialization of spiritual activity

1) bulk

B) priority development of entertainment genres

C) the need for special training of spectators

2) elite

D) focus on the needs of a wide range of consumers

D) the complexity of the content

11. Country Z is undergoing education reform. What facts indicate that the reform is aimed at the humanization of education? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. computerization of the educational process

2. orientation to the interests and inclinations of the student

3. application of technologies that save children's health

4. increase in the number of subjects

5. Reducing the time of studying natural sciences

6. special attention to the moral education of children


12. Match Traits to Types

(varieties) of culture



A) profit oriented

1) bulk

B) entertaining

C) non-standard artistic means

2) elite

D) focus on the needs of a wide range of consumers

D) the complexity of the content

13. Find in the list below the features that characterize an exclusively elite culture:

    expression of the refined tastes of the privileged part of society

    commercial focus

    complexity and inconsistency

    public accessibility

    calculation for a narrow circle of experts



14. Find examples of works of folk culture in the list below:

    school jokes

    historical novel

    the legend of Stepan Razin

    carol songs

    brazilian television series


15. Find in the list below the trends that characterize the development of modern education:

    reduction in the duration of education

    humanization of education

    strengthening the class character of education

    humanization of education

    refusal to teach social sciences

6. creation of a unified education system for different countries


16. Establish a correspondence between the sign of culture and its industry: for each position from the first column, select the corresponding position from the second.

branch of culture

A. imagery

B. logical evidence

B. aesthetic development of the world

2. art

D. impact on human emotions

E. complex description of the object

17. Find in the list below the levels of education in the Russian Federation, enshrined in the law "On Education":


  1. preschool

  2. additional




18. Establish a correspondence between the areas of culture and their characteristics: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.



A) striving for the reliability of knowledge about the world around

B) representation of reality in artistic images

2) art

B) knowledge of the objective patterns of development of nature and society

3) religion

D) belief in the influence of supernatural forces on human life

D) aesthetic development of the surrounding world

19. Find in the list below the characteristic features of art:

    setting the boundaries of individual freedom

    building a system of evidence

    form of knowledge of the world

    figurative reflection of reality

    emotional impact

    logical harmony


20. Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing. Choose from the proposed list of words that you want to insert in place of the gaps.

Initially, in the interaction of innovation and _______ (A) in culture, the latter plays a dominant role, consolidating and holding slowly accumulating innovations. Moreover, this system in the early stages of the development of society is necessarily characterized by extreme cruelty, not allowing even the shadow of _______ (B). The deeper into the past, the more we see a person wrapped in speech and figurative stamps and stencils, in the formulas of assessments and _________ (C), in the formulas of worldly _________ (D), practical _______ (D), beliefs. It is unloaded from the need to think: for almost every occasion of life, for almost every question, there is a saying, a proverb, a quote, a verse, a copybook, a generalized artistic ______ (E).

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word or phrase can only be used once.

Choose sequentially one word after another, mentally filling in each gap. Note that there are more words in the list than you need to fill in the gaps.

2. behavior

3. democracy

4. innovation

5. art

6. sanity

7. succession

8. tradition

9. wisdom

Read the text and complete tasks 21-24.

The modern meaning of the term "culture" is very diverse and often vague. Suffice it to recall that today culture is understood not only as a state or characteristic of society and a person in general, but also a very specific set of technologies, customs, traditions, lifestyle, statehood, etc.: “the culture of Ancient Rus'”, “the culture of the ancient world” , "West" or "Western culture", "East" or "culture of the East", etc. It is in this sense that one speaks, for example, about many cultures, about the comparison of cultures, about the dialogue and interaction of cultures. In these situations, the term "culture" denotes a real-life culture created in a certain area ...

This word (term) denotes art, museums, libraries, cinema, theaters, religion and many other very different things in everyday life. We define as "cultural" or "uncivilized" behavior of people; we use such expressions as “work culture”, “trade culture”, “production culture”, etc.

Cultural phenomena, by definition, arise only as results (traces) of human activity; they cannot appear in nature, in a "natural" way. These are, in particular, the same knowledge, beliefs, art, morals, law, customs and all other abilities, characteristics and habits acquired by a person as a member of society; it is language, symbols and codes, ideas, taboos, rituals, ceremonies, social institutions, tools, technologies and all the components associated with these phenomena...

Therefore, any manifestations of human activity that take place in a particular society, one way or another, represent the culture of this society.

If, even for the best and noblest reasons, some of them are arbitrarily removed (not included in the composition of culture), then the picture of a historically specific (local) actual culture will be incomplete, and the system of interactions between elements or components, sides of this culture will be distorted. . In other words, the culture of a concrete historical society appears even in crime,

drug addiction and other quite odious events and processes. Quite deserving of the label "anti-culture", such phenomena of social life nevertheless remain phenomena of the corresponding culture as a whole.

(D.A. Laletin)

21. Based on the text, give any three meanings of the term "culture".

25. What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of "religion". Drawing on the knowledge of the social science course, make two sentences: one sentence containing information about modern world religions, and one sentence revealing any of the functions of religion.

26. Name and illustrate with examples two signs of a social institution on the example of education.

27. In country Z, people with disabilities have the opportunity to receive quality general and vocational education. During the reform of the education system, students were given the opportunity to choose programs that correspond to their interests and abilities. What trend in the development of education does this example illustrate? Name and describe any other trend in the development of modern education.

28. You were instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "The relationship between education and science in modern society." Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.


1. world

9. 22112

17. 3568

10. 11212

18. 12132

7. 22112

12. 11212

16. 21221

20. 846921

21. 1) the state or characteristics of society and a person in general;

2) a very specific set of technologies, customs, traditions; Lifestyle; statehood;

3) art, museums, libraries, cinema, theaters (ordinary interpretation);

4) culture as people's behavior ("cultural" or "uncivilized").

22. 1) answer to the question: cultural phenomena arise as the results of activities:

2) an illustration of this connection on the examples of cultural phenomena indicated in the text, for example:

Language is the result of joint activity, communication of people:

Art is the result of human activity, figurative reflection of the world by man, artistic creativity of man.

23. 1) acquaintance with the culture of another nation, its mentality (museum experts from the Scandinavian countries came to Moscow to visit museums, exhibitions, theaters to get acquainted with the spiritual achievements of the peoples of Russia);

2) interpersonal communication at the level of real and virtual informal contacts with representatives of other cultures that contribute to understanding each other, overcoming stereotypes, mutual enrichment through different cultural experiences (teenagers communicate with their peers from different countries through social networks on the Internet);

3) the exchange of spiritual values, leading to the development of national cultures (holding "round tables" by university students with representatives of national-cultural autonomies, preparing book exhibitions "Masterpieces of national literatures", etc.)

24. 1) manifestations (including negative ones) of people's activities and interpersonal relations reflect the norms and sanctions, prohibitions and permissions existing in society;

2) manifestations of anticulture (crime, drug addiction, etc.) have social causes of occurrence, are the result and manifestation of social relations and, in general, the culture of a certain society, understood in the broad sense of the word (as a result of all human activities);

3) social vices are largely determined by the culture of the whole society, for example, the content of economic crimes in developed countries and countries with an undeveloped economic culture is different;

1) vices are not a manifestation of culture, since they contradict universal cultural norms and values;

2) verbal expressions and linguistic forms determine the manifestations of social vices as cultural acts, uncultured behavior (obscene language can hardly be considered cultural speech);

3) the need for purposeful formation (education) of culture is emphasized, in particular, a culture of behavior, economic culture, political culture of representatives of various asocial groups.

25. Religion - belief in God, spirits, supernatural forces.

1) World religions include Islam, Christianity and Buddhism.

2) One of the functions of religion is ideological - it sets the "ultimate" criteria, absolutes, from the point of view of which the world, society, man are comprehended, goal-setting and meaning-setting are provided.

26. - the presence of a role system - the main roles are defined (for example, student, teacher, school principal) and their hierarchy;

The presence of a set of institutions (for example, a comprehensive school, a gymnasium, a lyceum, education management);

Existence of regulations (eg education law, school charter);

The presence of important social functions (for example, the transfer of knowledge, skills, social experience, socialization of youth).

27. 1) trend (according to the text of the assignment) - humanization of education;

2) another trend with the corresponding characteristic, let's say:

Internationalization of education (integration of national educational systems);

Informatization of education (development of distance learning, widespread use of information technologies and digital resources in education, focus on developing students' skills in searching and analyzing various information).

28. 1. Science and education as areas of spiritual culture

2. Science and education as social institutions of society

1) the structure of education and science

2) the functions of education in modern society

3) the development of science as a factor in social progress

4) state regulation of science and education

3. The impact of education on science

1) training of scientific personnel in higher education

2) the formation of young people's ideas about scientific activity and the status of a scientist

4. The impact of science on education

1) studying the basics of science within the framework of school subjects

2) the transformation of universities into research centers

5. Prospects for further convergence of science and education