Timofeev Sergey Ivanovich (Sylvester). The unenviable fate of members of the Orekhovskaya organized criminal group (16 photos)

Law enforcement agencies of Moscow solved the murder of the once one of the most influential criminal "authorities", the leader of the "Orekhovskaya" group Sergei Timofeev named Sylvester . As it turned out, he was eliminated by his closest associate Sergei Butorin, nicknamed Osya who may face charges in the near future.

Sergei Timofeev was blown up in the center of Moscow back in 1994, and all these years the crime remained unsolved. For 17 years, both the Kurgan bandits who killed people on the order of Sylvester, and most of the members of the "Orekhovskaya" organized crime group However, they either did not want to shed light on the circumstances of the murder of the "authority" or could not. Recently, three Orekhovskys, who were among the leaders of the group, testified that Timofeev was eliminated at the direction of Sergei Butorin. Such frankness of gangsters is due to the fact that in March 2010 Osya was extradited from Spain to Russia and it became clear that he would never be released again. Butorin is accused of organizing dozens of murders and faces a life sentence.

The closest associate of the Axis, Marat Polyansky, was also brought to Moscow from Madrid, who fully pleaded guilty. Butorin does not admit guilt in any crime. “In addition to the testimony of members of the“ Orekhovskaya ” organized crime group, other evidence is now being collected of Butorin’s involvement in the murder of Timofeev,” the agency’s source noted. “When they are collected, he will be charged accordingly.”

Yuri Vershov

Sergey Timofeev - "the first who entered the international currency market and had a nightmare there"

The series "Brigada": Sasha Bely was written off from the leader of the most cruel gang in Moscow

The prototype of Sasha Bely - Sergey Timofeev (Sylvester) (right)

Television repeats the sensational Russian blockbuster "Brigade" about bandits "who also cry." Today, the shooting of the continuation of "Brigada-2" has been completed. Not admiring the so-called crime romance, we decided to find out how the shooting of the first and second films went. How truthfully the "Brigada" conveyed the aesthetics of the "dashing 90s" and what is the difference between the bandits of that time and modern ones. They also learned what is happening today in the criminal world of the country.

Few people know that the hero Bezrukov, the gangster Sasha Bely, who put together his friendly criminal brigade, has real prototype, "thief in law", the leader of the Orekhovo-Medvedkovskaya group Sylvester. Sylvester, like Sasha Bely, "raised" in the criminal world from scratch. He graduated from vocational school, but was inflated, strong, went in for sports. In the late 80s, he headed an organized criminal group, became an "authority" for thugs involved in robbery, car theft, racketeering, racketeering - what Bely's cinematic "brigade" hunted for. In his grouping there was an iron discipline, a hierarchy. And Sylvester demanded unconditional obedience. His brigade, according to the stories, was particularly cruel. Behind her were many murders. It is curious that, like the hero of the film Sasha Bely, Sylvester faked his death.

“The fact that Sylvester staged his murder was discussed in the criminal world,” crime reporter Maxim Gladky told KP. “People in the know told me that he organized his own fake funeral. The press reported that he was blown up (just like the hero of Sasha Bely) using a radio-controlled device. At the funeral, the coffin was not opened (as in the film). They gave me his address ex-wife. She lives in Israel. I interviewed her, and in the background we managed to photograph Sylvester himself ... He is alive, apparently, he returned to his wife after all the trials. Lives quietly, does not draw. “Own people” help him with money... If in the film Sasha Bely’s wife is a violinist, a normal girl who fell in love with a bandit, then Sylvester has more interesting story. When he was engaged in racketeering, he ran into Grigory Werner, the founder of a bank. Strictly speaking, Sylvester is the first who entered the international currency market and had a nightmare there. Werner sent him first. And then Sylvester listened to the advice of educated people: “Why are you breaking golden eggs? Bring Werner to us." They met - it was somewhere in the 90th year - and agreed on "cooperation". Then Werner, as a sign of friendship, gave Sylvester his mistress. This woman was a bartender in one of the Moscow clubs. Sylvester liked her and married her. After the alleged death of Sylvester, she ... married Werner and was engaged in helping in his "business" with financial pyramids. Then, when it smelled of fried food, I left for Israel. Werner was arrested in Israel, found guilty, tried. But he managed to escape from an Israeli prison. Agreed - he was released with a bracelet and a pistol. He shot off the bracelet and fled to Portugal with a friend. There they got drunk in the trash, with a million cash. They sit in a hotel room and drink. The police came. Conducted a search. We found money. They began to break through who they are. And Werner was immediately returned to Israel. They gave me one more time. Now he has lost his mind, he is serving his sentence in a psychiatric hospital... In fact, he is the shadow financial king of the group. Helped the leader Sylvester. All the money of the Russian mafia abroad passed through it. [...]"

Two Soldiers

Such big killers as the brothers Sasha Soldat and Lesha Soldier (who killed the "authority" Kvantrishvili ). As one of the operatives told us, Sasha Soldat proudly boasted that his know-how was also reflected in the Brigade, for example, psychological tricks problem solving. Once he received an order to kill an entrepreneur who did not want to share. He said: “I came to his house, put the cake on the table, asked his wife to cook seagulls and just talked to him about some nonsense. The white man was sitting. The wife could not bring tea, her hands were shaking. Everyone understood why I came ... Psychologically, I processed him in such a way that he called the right person and said that he would behave as he should. Business gave away something else. And he saved the life of himself and his family ... This one psychological method showed in the "Brigade", pay attention ... "But still, in the 90s, the bandits loved to shoot. The same Soldier told another story from his combat experience. I received an order to kill an Azerbaijani in a cafe behind the monument to Dolgorukov opposite the city hall. The order had to be completed exactly at 16.00, but he did not have time to bring a photo. He came in - he decided everyone who was sitting in the cafe, to be sure. There are such moments in the "Brigade" too ... People of the criminal world and law enforcement officials agree that in the "Brigade" - a complete picture of the "dashing 90s." By the way, money for filming, as people close to this world told us, could be given by brothers as well. It seems like the Orekhovo-Medvedkovskaya, Solntsevo groups, as well as the lads of Ukraine, made their contribution. In particular, we were given the names of Ukrainian "authorities" - Narik, Savlokha. “Narik himself boasted that he participated in the financing of the Brigada,” one lawyer familiar with the Ukrainian thief in law told us. - By the way, one of the characters in the series was written off from him. The episode when the bandit comes to the UBEP has the right to download, putting the policemen into a stupor, taken from real life Narika. The junkie was on the criminal wanted list, but in front of everyone he cut across the sea on an ATV and could still argue with the operas ... ”However, it is possible that people from the crime scene simply brag about their involvement in the famous series.

Who finances the continuation of the "Brigade", we do not know. But one of the members of the film group hinted that allegedly Andrei Makarevich pulled up tough investors. Rumor has it that his attention to the film is due to the fact that his son Ivan Makarevich received leading role- the son of Sasha Bely. “The well-known politician Alexei Mitrofanov also helped raise funds for filming and starred in the episode,” our source explained to KP. - Sponsors will be named in the credits. This is not the money of the lads, so there will be no secrecy here. This is understandable - the former criminal authorities have long settled down and become just "authorities" with their firms and banks ... [...]

Anna Veligzhanina, Artem Kostenko

Sylvester is the owner of Moscow January 16th, 2018

The 1990s became famous for rampant crime. Perestroika frenzy produced crooks, racketeers and bandits of all stripes. Rarely did a day in Moscow go by without shootings, explosions and corpses. Criminal gangs began to organize. And one of the most brutal groups was "Orekhovskaya", which was headed by Sergei Timofeev, also known as "Tractor Driver" and later "Sylvester".

Timofeev was born in the village of Klin, Moshensky district, Novgorod region. According to the recollections of fellow villagers, he was a normal guy, did not drink, did not smoke, went in for sports. But, interestingly, at that time he did not stand out with organizational skills. In 1973, he was drafted into the army, where he served in the Kremlin regiment. Later, he worked in the mechanization department of Glavmosstroy and was actively engaged in hand-to-hand combat in a hostel, where he lived with his friend Anatoly Voronov. He also actively visited the "rocking chair". For his muscles, he was given the nickname "Sylvester", in honor of the cult action hero Sylvester Stallone. And with the punks he began to engage in divorce on thimbles.


In 1988, Timofeev, who didn’t like working on trifles at all, organized the Orekhovskaya organized criminal group out of local punks and guys from the “rocking chair”. Former athletes who were not needed by the new government found "work" with Sylvester. Tracksuits are in vogue.

The Orekhovskys begin to rob truckers. The driver was thrown out on the highway, and the goods and cars were sold. At the same time, they begin to "protect" prostitutes at the Arbat restaurant on Kalininsky Prospekt, now Novy Arbat. Sylvester subjugates the entire south and south-west of Moscow. He is paid tribute by automobile and apartment thieves, private cabbies, car dealers, and businessmen. At the same time, in the late 80s, Sylvester did not particularly bother law enforcement. Here is what the legendary detective Alexander Gurov recalls: “He was a calm person, he didn’t finish our skin, as we say, especially much. He understood and didn’t complicate the operational situation.”

03. Sylvester in the army

Timofeev began an uncompromising war with the Caucasian criminal clans. Journalist Larisa Kislinskaya met with Sylvester in a pre-trial detention center when he was there on suspicion of extorting a large amount of money, and this is what she says: “They were still in the temporary detention center on Petrovka and I came to talk with the arrested Timofeev. He was such a simple village guy. In sweatpants with sagging knees. And he said, why, do you like that around, wherever you go, in a cafe, for example, there are only Caucasians?

Valery Karyshev, lawyer for killer Alexander Solonik ("Sasha Makedonsky"), who was a member of the Orekhovsky gang, on whose account the murdered thief in law Viktor Nikiforov ("Kalina") and the leader of the Bauman organized criminal group Vladislav Vanner ("Bobon"): "In Butyrka, sitting under As a result, he developed a blitz plan to destroy the leaders of the Chechen groups."

Alexander Solonik will escape from Matrosskaya Tishina, the only one in the history of the prison, and will be strangled in Greece on the orders of Sergei Butorin (Osya), along with his girlfriend, model, finalist of the Miss Russia-96 contest, 22-year-old Natalya Kotova. The order was performed by Alexei Gusev, Alexander Sharapov and Alexander Pustovalov.

Alexander Solonik and Natalia Kotova

One of the first, on the orders of Sylvester, was killed thief in law Viktor Dlugach ("Globus"). He was "baptized" by Caucasians. With his help, they wanted to strengthen their position in Moscow. Officially, Sylvester and Globus did not share control of the Arlekino club. Globus was killed by Alexander Solonik on the night of April 9-10 when leaving the LIS'S discotheque, owned by a well-known businessman, and now a senator in the Federation Council of the Russian Federation from the Kurgan Regional Duma Sergey Lisovsky. It was the first murder of a thief in law. Audacity unseen.

Zuri, Balda, Globe

And on January 17, 1994, Sergei Ananyevsky ("Kultik") killed Bobon, the "right" hand of Globus. The Arbat, which was controlled by the Baumansimi, passed into the possession of the Orekhovskys.

Grigory Gusyatinsky ("Grisha Severny") - a former KGB officer, shot dead in January 1995 in Kyiv by Lyosha the Soldier on the left. Sergey Dmitriev ("Half portion") in the center, Gusyatinsky's driver - will be strangled by Dmitry Znachkovsky in 1996. Znachkovsky will also be strangled by D. Turkin and A. Kondratiev in February 2000. And Sergey Ananievsky ("Kultik") - the champion of the USSR in 1991 in power triathlon on the right, will be shot by Pavel Zelenin in 1996. Pavel Zelenin will die of a heart attack in 1998 in "Matrosskaya Tishina"

Left - Vladislav Vanner ("Bobon")

Perhaps the most famous murder committed by the "Orekhovskaya" is the murder of Otari Kvantrishvili on April 5, 1994, which was committed by the legendary killer of the Orekhovskaya organized crime group Alexei Sherstobitov ("Lyosha the Soldier"). Kvantrishvili was leaving the Krasnopresnensky baths. The killer fired from the attic of the house, which was opposite. At the same time, Lyosha the Soldier did not bring down everyone who was nearby. According to his recollections, he saw his friend bend down to cover his murdered comrade with his body. As they say, this friend was the famous wrestler Mikhail Mamiashvili. The killer appreciated the nobility and courage and did not kill him and Kvantrishvili's bodyguards. The murder happened because of the redistribution of the Tuapse oil refinery, which Sylvester wanted to take over. Kvantrishvili had great influence and was close to President Yeltsin.

Otari Kvantrishvili

Alexey Sherstobitov ("Lesha the Soldier")

After the murder of Kvantrishvili, Sylvester flew to the USA, to Brooklyn, to another legendary thief in law, Vyacheslav Ivankov ("Jap"). Nobody knows what they were talking about.

Vyacheslav Ivankov ("Jap")

Alexander Trushkin, MUR operative officer in 1996-2006: “There were so many murders, shootouts and shootouts in Moscow that we didn’t have time to travel around. But this group, in my opinion, was twice as limitless as all the others because with no one did not conduct a dialogue, but dealt with everyone only by executions.

On June 7, 1994, the car of Boris Berezovsky, who at that time was the "grey eminence" of Russia, drove out of the gates of the Logovaz building on Novokuznetskaya Street. A nearby car exploded. A security guard and driver were killed. Berezovsky was slightly wounded. It seems that two outstanding bills of exchange, each for 500 million rubles, which the All-Russian Automobile Alliance "AVVA", headed by Berezovsky, bought on March 16, 1994 from the Moscow Trade and Cooperative Bank with a maturity date of April 16, 1994, became the subject of a showdown. Attempts to negotiate with Sylvester, who protected the bank, did not lead to anything. Later, all the money was returned to Berezovsky, and even with interest of one billion two hundred million rubles. And he himself insisted on the termination of the criminal case.

Boris Berezovsky after the assassination attempt

By the fall of 1994, Sylvester is called the uncrowned king of Moscow. On September 13, 1994, Sylvester got into his Mercedes, which was standing at house 46, on 3rd Tverskaya-Yamskaya Street, took out a mobile phone and an explosion thundered. The customer turned out to be his deputy, Sergei Butorin, who, as they say, was afraid that he would have to answer for those murders, orders for which he received orders from Sylvester. Osya became the head of the Orekhovskaya organized criminal group.

Sergei Butorin ("Osia")

With his first wife, Lyubov, Sylvester divorced and married Olga Zhlobinskaya. She was the chairman of the board of the Moscow Trade Bank, the head of CJSC Yustinlev Inc. and Arealinstrakh. Through these offices, the money of the Orekhovskaya organized crime group was laundered. She was detained by the Moscow RUBOP on suspicion of embezzling 18 billion rubles, and then released on bail and she immediately fled to Israel and took a new name - Ilona Rubinstein.

Olga Zhlobinskaya (Ilona Rubinstein)

Since the corpse of Sylvester was disfigured after the explosion, they say that he staged his murder, and now he lives happily ever after. They even call the country Israel. Everything can be.

Larisa KISLINSKAYA, columnist "Top Secret".

Top Secret, No. 7, 2002

Crime bosses of the new formation rule the ball

There are four powers in Russia: executive, legislative, judicial, informational. But the main thing is the fifth power. The power of crime over society and the state, which crushed the four previous ones. The most authoritarian and the most popular: she and her leading characters are the protagonists of the front pages of all newspapers, television and movie screens without exception, most parliamentary hearings and international conferences. They are not just heroes, but the masters of an entire empire. Evil empires.

But, despite the publicity, this power is the most mysterious. Its leaders and fighters, not tempted by knowledge, sacredly honor the basic law of the Italian "goat nostra" - the law of "omerta" (silence). Many well-known "generals of the underworld" have long been sent to another world, but only now, when some fighters of the "death battalions" have appeared before the court, we can find out the names of their killers. Only now can we say that the legendary Alexander Solonik, Sasha Makedonsky - not "killer number one", met and abruptly.

IN this year The Moscow City Court sentenced several members of the Bauman, Novokuznetsk and Kursk organized crime groups to long terms of imprisonment and began hearing the Orekhovsky case. In the district military court - the case of the Golyanovskys. The case of the "Medvedkovskys" is on the way. My story today is about three organized crime groups associated with such famous personalities, how Sylvester and Solonik. These are "Kurgan", "Orekhov" and "Medvedkov".

Seryozha Novgorodsky

Sergei Timofeev. Photo from "Top Secret" No. 7, 2002

From operational help. Sergei Timofeev, born in 1955. Former tractor driver from the Novgorod region. Nicknames - Sylvester and Seryozha Novgorodsky. The leader of the Orekhovskaya organized crime group, formed in Moscow from thimble thieves, apartment thieves and car thieves, former athletes. He became famous for his intransigence towards Caucasians, ambitiousness, he tried to lead all Slavic groups. Together with the "Solntsevo" patronized thimble-makers at the stores "Polish Fashion", "Leipzig", "Electronics", "Belgrade".

At the end of 1989, he was arrested on charges of extortion. According to the verdict of the court, he received three years in prison in a penal colony. In 1992, he married and applied for citizenship in Israel under the name of his wife Olga Zhlobinskaya.

September 13, 1994 at 19.00 at house number 50 on 3rd Tverskaya-Yamskaya was blown up in his "Mercedes-600" using a radio-controlled device equivalent to 400 grams of TNT.

I managed to meet Timofeev in December 1989 in the temporary detention center at 38 Petrovka, when he was detained on charges of extortion along with the brothers Averin, Mikhailov, Lyustarnov, Astashkin and Artemov. At that time, the legendary Sylvester looked like the one I published rare photo, - a simple guy over a glass of beer. Nothing formidable: sweatpants with bubbles on the knees, hands used to hard physical labor.

"And you, girl, do you like that in any restaurant - wherever you go - there are only Caucasians? Do you like that the Chechens have blossomed and dictate their will here?" To be honest, I didn't like it. "If the opera will release me for a while, I will arrange a walk around Caucasian Moscow for you," Timofeev promised. They didn't let go. Later in "MK" I read in Andrey Yakhontov's notes about his meeting with Sylvester in Israel. Timofeev asked if Yakhontov knew me. Maybe he remembered the promise? ..

The case of the murder of Sergei Timofeev, who was identified only by well-preserved dentures made in Israel, at first became another "hanging". Although there were many versions of its elimination. One of them was associated with the ubiquitous Boris Berezovsky.

In 1993, an interesting triangle formed: Grigory Lerner, who introduced Sylvester to his future wife Olga, - think tank; Olga herself is a figurehead for adventures, Timofeev-Zhlobinsky is a reliable and formidable "roof". In the same year, Olga Zhlobinskaya headed the Moscow merchant bank"("MTB"), which almost "threw" Boris Abramovich and the company "ABVA" headed by him. Many operatives believe that the first blow was delivered to Berezovsky - on June 7, on Novokuznetskaya Street, near the reception house "LogoVAZ" was blown up parked there" Opel. It was blown up at the moment when Berezovsky was passing by in his Mercedes. The driver died, and BAB received several shrapnel wounds and burns on his hands.

Soon MTB's debt to ABBA was returned. But on June 14, Olga Zhlobinskaya and several people from OPG Sylvester detained by employees of the Moscow RUBOP. In response, on June 17, there was an explosion in the office of United Bank, the leading shareholder of which is LogoVAZ. Boris Abramovich is hysterical - a war is brewing between him and Sylvester.

Then follows the explosion of the Mercedes, in which Timofeev was traveling on September 13th. A retaliatory strike for the explosion on Novokuznetskaya? But, one way or another, Boris Abramovich, who shouted the loudest about retribution in June, refuses to cooperate with the investigation in September.

The king is dead. Long live the king? Who could become him after the elimination of Sylvester, the leader and teacher of unknown guys from the provincial Kurgan, who, under his leadership, formed one of the most cruel and formidable gangs? On her account, hundreds of assassinations, including well-known "thieves in law", leaders and "authorities", big businessmen. "Kurgan" in the end eliminated their boss. Young wolves matured. In addition, they were not satisfied with the "fees" that Sylvester allocated to them for a long time.


They appeared in Moscow in the early 90s. In his native city, which, like the whole country, embarked on the path of transition from socialism to capitalism, there were no jobs for young, strong guys. But she was found in the capital. The "Kurgan" became the "Sonderkommando" of Sylvester, who started the war with the Bauman organized criminal group.

About two dozen "Kurgans" moved to Sylvester. Alexander Solonik, who later became famous, arrived with them. True, he always kept a little aloof from fellow countrymen. The first task that the "Kurgans" successfully completed was the murder of the leaders of the "Bauman": "thief in law" Valery Dlugach, nicknamed Globus, and "authority" Vyacheslav Vanner, nicknamed Bobon. Later, after the death of Sylvester, the "Kurgan" staged a demonstrative execution of the "Bauman" "opponents", since four countrymen were killed in the next battle. "Kurgan" tracked down the car of opponents and went after it. Near the Matrossky bridge, the killers opened heavy fire - the driver and passengers died on the spot. Having finished the job, the bandits doused with gasoline and burned their "Volga". Everything happened not far from the pre-trial detention center "Matrosskaya Tishina".

Another interesting address for committing a crime. In December 1997, the "Kurgan" shot one of their enemies, the leader of the Koptev organized crime group Vasily Naumov (nickname Naum Jr.), not far from famous building on Petrovka, 38. What is it - ignorance of the "sights" of Moscow or a special bandit chic?

The history of the group began in Kurgan. It included unconvictioned young guys - members of the Komsomol and athletes. Reserve lieutenant Andrey Kolegov, nicknamed Andrey Kurgansky, born in 1964, graduated from higher military school, was known as a Komsomol activist. Professional training helped him in the formation of a military-style organized criminal group. Group brain. Oleg Nelyubin, born in 1965, graduated from the Institute of Physical Education, his father is a famous sportsman in Kurgan. In the army, Oleg became a sniper, then worked at a school as a physical education teacher. Responsible for discipline in the gang. Vitaly Ignatov, born in 1962, a graduate of the same institute, dealt with financing and security operations.

The Kurgans were taken into "development" when it turned out that this trinity worked together with the former policeman Alexander Solonik. They were all gravediggers in the same cemetery. Solonik spoke about this page of his biography, however, without naming the names of his "colleagues" during the investigation.

Another member of the organized crime group is Vladimir Shugurov, a former traffic police inspector from Kurgan. Having retired from the organs, he began to serve the bandits. During the arrest - after the murder of Vasily Naumov - he offered cooperation to the Murovites, handed over all the addresses of the turnouts, telephones, weapons depots. It was he who answered the question of the investigation why Naum Jr. was banged next to MUR.

It turned out that the bandits really did not know Moscow.

The perpetrators of this murder, Nesterov, Shugurov and Malashevsky, recently received 20, 15 and 17 years in prison, respectively. It was the loudest of the eight murders sane for the gang.

Naum Sr. (Alexander Naumov) was killed by "Kurgan" at the end of March 1995 on the Leningrad highway. So in a few years the guest performers removed almost the entire top of the "Koptevsky", but at the same time they shifted the blame first on the Solnechnogorsk bandits, then on the Izmailovskys. This provoked large-scale gang wars. Favorite weapon"Kurgan" - the pistol "Agram" (it was from the "Agram", a rare and expensive weapon, that Galina Starovoitova was killed in St. Petersburg in 1998).

"Kurgans" use expensive optical equipment, train at special forces shooting ranges. Shots are fired one after another. The leader of the Kuntsevo organized crime group Kaligin and two of his friends were killed, the leader of the falconer organized crime group Kutepa, the owners of the Arlekino casino, and several militants of rival groups were shot dead.

On the conscience of the bandits - the murder of their accomplices. One of them, underage Balabutkin, they forced him to dig his own grave beforehand.

The "Kurgan" lawyer Solonik - Zavgorodniy was beaten half to death. Sasha the Great was unhappy with the fact that the defender rarely visited him in prison. (Solonika was also killed by his own, "Orekhovskaya". But more on that later.)

Although even according to rough estimates, only twenty "authorities" were killed by the "Kurgans", they were charged with eight contract killings, several attempts, robberies and extortion. Andrey Kolegov, who was not the first violinist in the band, received the longest term - 24 years. He was arrested back in 1997 - he was given six years for possession of drugs. The new term has swallowed up the old one. He was arrested in Greece, and I remember how unexpectedly Kolegov looked on a winter evening at Petrovka, 38, in light shorts - in this form the Murovites brought him from the plane. Vasily Ignatov disappeared - either he was killed, or he skillfully hides. Another member of the gang, Yuri Polkovnikov, who was under house arrest, also ran away. He received seven years in prison in absentia.

Oleg Nelyubin did not live to see the trial at all - he was killed in prison by a cellmate. Another member of the organized crime group, Pavel Zelenin, the gang's chief counterintelligence officer, died in prison, allegedly from a drug overdose. In fact, he was forcibly injected with a lethal dose. By the way, when Pavel was arrested, they found certificates of an employee of the Moscow prosecutor's office and an assistant to a State Duma deputy. Nelyubin and Zelenin died in Matrosskaya Tishina in February 1998, on the anniversary of the massacre of Solonik.

killer number one

When I was preparing material with versions about the murder of Solonik (Sovershenno sekretno. 1997. No. 3), Viktor Golovanov, who was then the head of the MUR, assured: Sasha Makedonsky, "killer number one", was mainly created by journalists. Like, the usual ordinary "six". And although now we can talk about cooler killers, Solonik cannot be considered an ordinary one. What are his three jailbreaks worth! The price of the last escape - from the famous "Matrosskaya Tishina" - is 500 thousand dollars. That is how much the killer's friends paid to the prison officer Sergei Menshikov. They say that Solonik was helped to escape so that he would not speak. But after all, it was easier and cheaper to remove him in the cell, as, for example, they did with Unlyubimy and Zelenin. Solonik needed someone in the wild? To whom?

Everyone knows that Solonik was killed in Greece, where he lived. But later, employees of the RUBOP, who were once given a diagram indicating where to find Solonik's corpse, told amazing things. Sasha of Macedon quietly traveled all over the world: Italy, Germany, Switzerland. He lived in the best hotels, bought expensive cars. But what about Interpol, which was oriented towards Solonik, who made all voyages under own name?

But that is not all. In his name, Solonik bought a house in ... the Vladimir region, where, as it turned out, he often visited and honed his skills as a shooter. It is curious that this house was adjacent to the house of the now former employee of the anti-terrorist department of the FSB of the Russian Federation, Alexander Litvinenko. The one who allegedly "ordered" Boris Abramovich Berezovsky. Now he is a "political refugee" and lives in London. In disgrace and Boris Abramovich. One must think that Solonik trained for a reason. He worked in his usual genre both in Europe and in Russia, about which he even told his accomplices in one of the nightclubs on Tverskaya. And how everyone was looking for him, although Tverskaya Street is not even the Vladimir Region.

As soon as Solonik's countrymen, "Kurgan", began to testify, in the suburbs of Barcelona, ​​two members of the Orekhovskaya organized criminal group were arrested near a brothel - Sergei Butorin, nicknamed Osya and Marat Polyansky. The operation was carried out by the Spanish police together with the operatives of the Russian criminal investigation department. Osya was suspected of organizing more than thirty contract killings, including the elimination of Solonik himself. The "Orekhovskys" could not forgive Sasha the Great for the murder of their leader Sylvester. Marat Polyansky - right hand axes. Involved in the preparation of twenty-eight murders. They say that he always went into business himself and always left a lot of evidence.


The trial of the Orekhovskys has already begun. But Sergei Butorin is still under arrest in Spain - the extradition process is dragging on. Some detectives assure that it is calmer this way - the Moscow lads have accumulated too many questions for the lawless Osa, and in our prisons he may suffer the sad fate of two murdered Kurgan "colleagues". Back in 1996, Osya organized his funeral in Moscow at the Nikola-Arkhangelsk cemetery, and in the meantime he made himself a plastic surgery. The tombstone with the old face of the Axis can be admired even now.

Until now, Dmitry Belkin (Belok), the leader of the Odintsovo organized crime group, which at a certain stage merged with the Kurgan one, is still on the run. This event was marked by the elimination of ten competitors in the Moscow region at once. In addition, the bandits dealt with the senior investigator of the special prosecutor's office of the Odintsovo district, Yuri Kerezem, who was in charge of the criminal case of Belkin and several of his accomplices.

The crime was executed "creatively". The killer pretended to be a drunk for several days and wallowed in the mud near the prosecutor's office. Waiting for Kerez, he shot at him almost point-blank.

On the basis of the execution of the murders, the former special forces soldier Alexander Pustovalov especially distinguished himself ( Sasha Soldier). That's who the Murovites call "killer number one." On his account, only on the episodes sane by the investigator, there were thirteen murders. It was he who put a noose around Solonik's neck, with whom, as the detectives say, he completed more than ten "orders" together. Later, he was killed in Greece and Solonik's girlfriend, fashion model Svetlana Kotova.

The most daring crime committed by the "Orekhovites" is the murder of the leader of the Assyrian organized crime group Alik Assyrian (Bid Zhamo) and his associates at the "arrow" appointed in the park near the monument to Yuri Dolgoruky opposite the Moscow City Hall. At the same time, Sasha Soldat left weapons and gloves near the building of the General Prosecutor's Office on Bolshaya Dmitrovka, and his accomplice, nicknamed Kirya (Kirillov), while running away, generally accidentally jumped over some kind of fence and ended up in the courtyard ... of the same Prosecutor General's Office.

An Assyrian who had problems with businessmen patronized by the Orekhovites took with him a certain Utkin, who had spent almost 50 years behind barbed wire, to the "strelka". The old recidivist, living by the rules, was a diplomat in his field. But the bandits of the times of capitalism have their own concepts ...

During the "showdowns" of the "Orekhovskaya" civilians suffered more than once. So, in January 1998, six members of the Koptev organized crime group who went over to the side of the Orekhovskys decided to deal with a certain Vyacheslav Stepanov. It happened on Novopeskovskaya street. Several bullets hit a passing tram - four people were injured.

Later, two killers then hid at the Orekhovskaya base in Solnechnogorsk, but the owners decided to eliminate them as unnecessary witnesses. Two more participants in the massacre who fled abroad, including Sergei Zimin, the son of Dmitry Zimin, the founder of Vimpelcom, were put on the international wanted list.

In October 1995, Sasha Soldat and his accomplice Dmitry Bulgakov, nicknamed Pirog, shot two members of the Kazan organized crime group - a commercial dispute also arose with this group. After the shooting, Sasha Soldat left, and Pirog, together with Roman Zaitsev, who was waiting for him at the Kutuzovskaya metro station, went down to the metro. Their appearance aroused the suspicion of two policemen, and they asked to show their documents. In response - fire from machine guns. One of the police officers, Anatoly Glebov, was killed, the other managed to survive. Roman Zaitsev was detained only four years later in Budapest, where he lived under forged documents.

Sergei Timofeev is one of the first among the "authorities" to start investing in legal business. He participates in the privatization of metallurgical enterprises in the Urals, controls half of the large commercial banks in Moscow, opens shops, restaurants, gyms. He has already received from New York from Yaponchik, who is sitting there, a "baby" in which he gives him the right to manage all of Moscow. He is no longer called Sylvester in the eye, but respectfully called: Sergei Ivanovich.

The meeting with Osya - Sergei Butorin was the main mistake of Sergei Ivanovich Timofeev.

Fate brought Sylvester to Osya while selling stolen paintings. This is the first serious case of Axis, an ensign who retired from the army and then served in the security of the Scarlet Flower cafe. In 1990, together with his brother Alexander, Evgeny Tokarev and Vladimir Stepanov, he organized the theft of the home collection of paintings by one of the most famous Russian collectors of paintings and icons, Victor Magids. Later it turned out that Osya acted on the order of another well-known collector - Jan Feldman. But the "customer" did not get anything - he was soon found hanged in Belgium. The driver Stepanov, who was supposed to wait for Osya with stolen paintings, but did not do so, was shot on the orders of Butorin. Osya's brother, Alexander, the detectives managed to detain. He received a respectable term, but now he is already at large - under an amnesty.

Yevgeny Tokarev was sent for compulsory treatment to a psychiatric hospital, but he managed to escape and is still wanted.

Paintings worth $9 million initial capital axes. In a few years, his capital will amount to hundreds of millions of dollars.

When forming the brigade, Osya did not focus on athletes, but on the military. As you know, "Solntsevo" are mostly former athletes. The brigade, formed by Osya and "colleague" Andrei Pylev, nicknamed Karlik, immediately included Dmitry Belkin (Belok), a former commando. Marat Polyansky - a graduate of the Leningrad military space academy. Three more classmates of Marat worked in the gang, indispensable in eliminating the "enemy". Separately, it is worth mentioning Alexander Pustovalov. Sasha Soldat is a native Muscovite, after graduating from the 8th grade he worked at the Khrunichev plant. He joined the army and ended up in the naval special forces - the most elite type of troops. Demobilized. A big lover of women, after the army, Sasha indulges in all serious. In one of the fights in the restaurant, he showed what the "black berets" are capable of, and he liked the "Ivanteevsky" ones. Worked for them for a while. Then he became friends with Belkin and together with him ended up in the Orekhovskaya organized crime group. As a highly qualified sniper, they were in great demand. Moreover, the cunning Osya did everything to ensure that many of the "exploits" of Sasha the Soldier were attributed to Solonik - Sasha of Macedon. In 1997, Pustovalov was sent abroad. He was detained in Moscow, on Magistralnaya Street, in the house where his mother was registered. The famous killer surrendered without a fight...


The case of the Medvedkovskaya organized crime group is now in the proceedings of the Moscow City Prosecutor's Office. This group is also largely formed from the "graduates" of the Sylvester school, but the former military and special forces that make it up differ sharply even from the Axis team, with whom, as I wrote, Andrey Pylev began his gangster career.

The organized criminal group was actually led by two brothers - Andrei and Oleg (wanted). The Pylev brothers, on pain of death, forbade their fighters to use their nicknames - Andrei was called the Dwarf, and Oleg the General. The brothers were called only by their first name and patronymic. Both are obsessed with healthy way life and demanded the same from subordinates. Once a week, they forced all the fighters to arrange fasting days and do cleansing enemas. No drunkenness, drugs, prostitutes, and no personal life at all. Strict discipline and "dosed" salary. No "non-working" contacts with "colleagues" in "Gangster Moscow". Sometimes, however, some fighters on the “shooters” met with the lads from the Izmailovo, Solntsevo, Lyubertsy organized crime groups and listened with envy to their stories about free life.

The grouping was supposed to completely put an end to the "thieves" movement, to eliminate competitors from other groups, some businessmen. The ringleaders were engaged serious business. During the arrest of the Orekhovskaya and part of the Medvedkovskaya, the Spanish police got documents about negotiations with representatives of the Air Force of Libya and Peru on the sale to them of our combat aircraft, as well as aircraft designed to destroy submarines. Every aircraft- at a cost of almost 5 million dollars. It is hardly possible to acquire unique equipment without "commonwealth" with someone from the Ministry of Defense.

But why be surprised now if the recent gathering of "thieves in law" took place on the territory of the F.E. Dzerzhinsky division (I remember what a shock the story of the thieves' gangway in Butyrka caused).

Although, perhaps, the old "thieves in law", sentenced to destruction by the "Medvedkovites", are safe only in such protected places? There is no good security for the "Medvedkovskys" - they will still get the victim. The exception is the president of Russian Gold, Mr. Tarantsev, whom the Medvedkovites could not even come close to. Nevertheless, the vice-president, Mr. Gelashvili, was brazenly shot in the office of this firm. According to the materials of the investigation, this is the work of the “Medvedkovskys”, reminding Tarantsev that old friends should not be forgotten. Tarantsev's firm, which was once "under Sylvester", was considered by the "Medvedkovskiye" to be the sphere of their interests.

The special services, or rather, some of their representatives, are also in the sphere of interests of the "Medvedkovskaya" organized criminal group. Its branch in Kyiv was headed by Sylvester's friend, former KGB senior lieutenant Gusyatinsky. Both Osya and the Pylev brothers completed an internship with him. Once Solonik, who had escaped from Matrosskaya Tishina, and the guard Menshikov, who helped him, arrived in Kyiv for false documents. Gusyatinsky was shot dead from a rifle with laser sight. His place was taken by two - Igor Smirnov, nicknamed Schultz and Yuri Fedulov (Charley). They were killed under various pretexts: at first they started up a "duck" that one works for the cops, and the other uses drugs.

Although executions are not very typical for the leaders of the "Medvedkovskaya": Oleg Pylev always believed that it was better to strangle the victims, cutting off their heads and hands, so that the corpses could not be identified. Perhaps this move was prompted by lawyers who served the OCG faithfully. Real gangster lawyers! It is quite possible that it was one of them who completely photocopied Butorin’s case, which, during his arrest in Barcelona, ​​was confiscated from Axis along with interrogation protocols, addresses and telephone numbers of witnesses by Moscow operatives and their Spanish colleagues.

The "Medvedkovskys" generally had a craving for paper archives. During the arrest of one of the fighters, a bag was found in his garage, where records were kept - a kind of martyrology of the killed Izmailov fighters from Aksen's brigade. The gang leaders sought to eliminate the "outsiders" who knew them by sight. After the execution of the "order", the killer was invited to the restaurant to assess his peace of mind, to find out if he was fit to perform further ingenious operations.

Operations were really developed ingenious. Here is one of them - the execution of the first founder of the club "Arlekino" Gusev (it was because of this club that Sylvester once quarreled with Dlugach and Bobon, who were killed on his orders). As usual, the killers threw away their weapons after the massacre of Gusev. One of the trunks is "Agram-2000". The organizers of the murder hoped that the detectives would identify him. And so it happened. Murovtsy quickly found out: it was from this machine gun that in 1994 they shot one of the leaders of the Chechen organized crime group - Nikolai Suleimanov, nicknamed Khoza. Then this murder was attributed to the fighters of Sylvester, who, together with the famous thief in law, Andrei Isaev, nicknamed Painting, declared war on the Caucasians. On the side of the "Slavs" was also "Izmaylovsky" Aksen, who quarreled on the eve of the murder with Khoza and boasted of reprisals against him.

A killer from the Dust Brigade, who kept the barrel from which he was shot for a year famous Chechen, who was friends with Ruslan Khasbulatov himself and Makhmud Esambaev, using this weapon, averted suspicion from the real killers.

Myths and reality

Having worked in the criminal field for many years, I constantly come across several persistent myths. First, every contract killing of a more or less important official or deputy is immediately declared political. This thesis has never been confirmed. All "showdowns" occur only because of money, on economic grounds. Myth two: a wave of contract killings, for example in 1994, gave rise to legends about the "White Arrow". Like, desperate honest detectives and intelligence officers decided in this way to eliminate the top of the underworld. In fact, this is a calm execution of the "order" - their own people kill their own.

But there is some truth about the "hand of the special services" here. Most often, specially trained people act as killers. The old "thief in law" Gayk Gevorkyan, Goga Yerevansky, was shot dead by a cadet of a higher police school (he worked part-time for a scholarship). Bobon and Globus - a former policeman Solonik. "Death battalions" "Kurgan", "Orekhov", "Medvedkov" were led by special forces.

Two years ago, when I was preparing a material about the forgery of documents when accepting an amnesty (Sovershenno sekretno. 2000, No. 6), I mentioned order-bearing killers, including Aleksey Sukach. He, like other "colleagues"-order-bearers, according to the original plan of the legislators, also fell under the amnesty. It was interesting to listen then to the objection of the deputies: they say, we did not know that our killers were awarded orders and medals. Aleksey Sukach, Denis Lebenkov, Pavel Lobov, who have now been convicted, are these commandos who went through Chechnya, holders of orders and medals, what could they do in current life? Just what the war had taught them. The thoughtless step of the legislators would also help them to establish themselves in their own impunity.

The secret services worked not only for Sylvester's pets (I mean all three organized crime groups connected with him in one way or another), but also for the "Novokuznetsk" - a cruel gang that terrorized Moscow for many years. For two years, the military court of the Moscow garrison has been hearing the case of Igor Kushnikov, who went through the military path from the head of the information and analytical department of the FSB of the Russian Federation to the godfather of the Golyanovskaya organized criminal group. Such is the reality.

I won't moralize about it. A few more examples are better. Now they are going to liquidate the department for the investigation of banditry and murders - the only division of the Moscow City Prosecutor's Office that has retained experienced professionals working in good conscience, and not "on order." What for? Maybe they learned too much by investigating the cases of the "Kurgan", "Orekhov", "Medvedkov"?

As you know, it takes ten years to grow an experienced detective. The state has done everything so that such people no longer serve. There are only a few of those who remember how at Petrovka, 38, the thermal physicist Arkady Murashov, appointed head of the Moscow Central Internal Affairs Directorate, demanded to collect assembly hall all agents "for a serious conversation." This caused Homeric laughter among professionals.

But then this agency still existed. Then it was systematically destroyed as an institution. Then they revived. But when it was more or less revived, it turned out that its owners themselves had already switched to the service of the "sponsored".

Recently, the police liquidated a whole division of super-professionals - the Moscow RUBOP. Those who survived this upheaval are now saying that almost former guards have been appointed to the positions of heads of departments of the current organized crime unit!

Recently, I calculated that since the moment I was "introduced" into my topic - since 1986 - I have been "surviving" the eleventh Minister of the Interior. Each of them shook up his unit. Time shook them all together.

As a result, we are now shaking, a country where the main power is still the fifth. The power of criminals and organized crime. And we are still citizens of the empire of the heirs of Yaponchik, Sylvester, Goga of Yerevan and Sasha of Macedon.

How a quiet boy from a Novgorod village became a legendary "authority"

On September 13, 1994, a car was blown up near house 46 on 3rd Tverskaya-Yamskaya - the 600th silver Mercedes. The next day, information will appear in the newspapers that Sylvester himself, a crime boss who took over the entire capital, burned down along with the car. However, there are still people who are sure: in fact, Sylvester is alive.

Was a good guy

Sergei Timofeev, the future leader of the "Orekhovskaya" Sylvester, grew up in the village of Felistovo, Novgorod Region. The teachers of the school where he studied remember Seryozha as a quiet, gentle boy - a non-smoker and a non-drinker, who earns money during the summer holidays. Like, he went in for sports, was fond of bodybuilding, was an exemplary Komsomol member - and it’s generally not clear how he managed to organize a criminal group in Moscow, because at school he didn’t differ in special leadership talents and generally didn’t stand out from the crowd.

Timofeev got to the capital back in the 70s - he came to work with a classmate. He lived in a hostel in the Orekhovo-Borisovo area, worked at a construction site. In the building where the hostel was located, there was a section hand-to-hand combat which he visited.

Read also:

From Novgorodsky to Stallone

In the early 80s, Sergei made new acquaintances - from among the Orekhovo-Borisov punks. They accept him into their circle and call him Seryoga of Novgorod. However, he does not bear this nickname for long; soon for spherical muscles and love for the "rocking chair" he is called Sylvester - as Sylvester Stallone, the idol of bodybuilders of those times. For a short time Timofeev also lingers in the street gop-stoppers: this is not enough for him, he wants to turn around.

In 1988, by merging several small gangs, the Orekhovskaya organized criminal group was born - an organized criminal group that very quickly turned into one of the most powerful criminal structures in the country. The “Orekhovites” start with robberies of truckers: they put on masks, jointly attack cars, throw the driver to the side of the road, and sell the cargo, like the car itself. Another profitable business there is a collection of tribute from moths working near the Arbat restaurant: the “girls” willingly pay to be protected from other hunters for easy money - and also to not be touched.

The head of the group is none other than Timofeev-Sylvester

Comfortable sweatpants

Soon, the "Orekhovskaya lads" begin to consider the entire south and south-west of Moscow as their territory. Their ranks are constantly replenished with unsuccessful athletes who understand that they will not do it. sports career and will not find a highly paid job, that it is much easier for them to engage in robberies. Perhaps it is they who bring sports suits into fashion among the "bros" - and not only "Orekhovskaya". Even Sylvester himself did not dress up in expensive costumes, like the hero of the movie " Godfather»; he preferred tank tops and stretched sweatpants.

By the beginning of the 90s, all the surrounding apartment and car thieves, private taxi drivers, car sellers turn out to be tributaries of Sylvester. Yes, and businessmen in the south of the capital prefer to pay him - it's calmer and ultimately cheaper than messing with his scumbags.

Read also:

Growing appetites

At first, Sylvester still behaves relatively quietly: yes, in the territories that he considers his own, a tough criminal order reigns - but there is no evidence of mass murder, no particularly high-profile robberies. This is one of the reasons why the police do not touch him.

Another reason is his opposition to the Caucasian criminal authorities.

However, rather quickly, he becomes interested in increasingly fatty pieces - such as oil business, Moscow banks, drug dealing in the capital. By order of Sylvester, a thief in law, nicknamed globe, closely associated with Caucasian groups, are removed Otari Kvantrishvili, who is in conflict with the head of the "Orekhovskaya" because of the Tuapse oil refinery. In the summer of 1994, Timofeev is faced with drug trafficking. And in September of the same year, his car suddenly exploded.

There is information that a few days before his death, Sylvester in a narrow circle of brothers said literally the following: "Brotherly life will end only when I am gone." And soon he really was gone.

Sylvester's car after the explosion

Sylvester is alive?

It is known that Sylvester turned very profitable frauds through the Moscow Trade Bank, which was managed by his wife. Olga Zhlobinskaya: his wards took large loans from other banks and sent money abroad - to the accounts of non-existent firms. Thus, about 18 billion rubles were stolen.

It is also known that the only one who could identify Sylvester's charred corpse was his personal dentist; he was specially invited to identify his former patient by the teeth.

There is a version that Sylvester, who was well aware of how many people want him to die, decided to retire and staged his own death, having bribed his personal dentist in advance - and now he lives happily ever after somewhere abroad on the stolen billions.

It is not possible to prove or disprove this version.

It's about Sergei Ivanovich Timofeev, nicknamed Sylvester. This is one of the most authoritative foremen of the times of criminal wars. Distinctive feature Sylvester was that he could not stand the "colored" criminal gangs, for which he was very much respected by law enforcement agencies. He served only a year and a half in prison. Sylvester is a typical representative of the "sports-military" gangsterism of the early 90s.

The future criminal authority was born in 1955 in the Novgorod region. After leaving school, he worked as a tractor driver on a collective farm. In 1975, he moved to Moscow on a limited basis, where he began working as a sports instructor in the housing and communal services department of Glavmosstroy. In the early 1980s, he joined the criminal gang of a recidivist Ionitsa from Orekhovo-Borisovo. Gradually, Timofeev gained more and more influence in the group. By the end of the 1980s, the "Orekhovskaya" group took control of cheaters in the South and South-West of Moscow, several car repair and spare parts sales cooperatives, as well as several restaurants.

Timofeev received his first term in 1989. He was sentenced to 3 years for a typical crime for those times - extortion. True, there is something else that is interesting. Sylvester extorted money from no one, but from Alla Pugacheva's ex-boyfriend Vladimir Kuzmin. Then there was such a practice - the bandits "protected" the artists, moreover, even the first magnitude. Hence, then, such close ties of some blue screen stars with the stars of the criminal world.

However, Timofeev served only half of his term - he was released on parole. At large, Sylvester again took up his usual business. Huge money was then circulating in Moscow, just manage to grab it. The fate of Sylvester was largely predetermined ... marriage. In 1992, he signed with Olga Zhlobinskaya, who, no less, headed the Moscow Trade Bank. It was in it that in 1994 she placed her money commercial structure Boris Berezovsky "Automobile All-Russian Alliance". The bank delayed the payment of this money to the great and terrible BAB...

In the same year, an attempt was made on Berezovsky's life ... Boris Yeltsin then publicly announced to all of Russia, as if no one knew this before, that "criminal lawlessness is in the country." As a result, the bank returned the money to the oligarch. But the Moscow RUBOP nevertheless arrested Olga Zhlobinskaya. And on September 13, 1994, the Mercedes in which Timofeev was traveling was blown up. Crime boss dead...

Already in the fall of 1994, the "Orekhovskaya" split into several dozen groups and came into conflict with each other.

Timofeev's grave is located in Moscow at the Khovansky cemetery. True, then there were rumors that Sylvester staged an attempt on himself in order to go abroad with a clean biography (as shown with the criminal authority Sasha Bely in the television series "Brigada"). But such rumors arise only around highly respected and significant people who are buried in closed coffins...