Three types of men: your future depends on this knowledge! The best rips from jumo aka end Hope for a sharp acceleration of human progress

After many years of searching, I can say that of all the classifications of men, this is the most natural (it is reproduced in the primate community) and correct. The rest is garbage.

I remember that when I was still a teenager, there were boys in our yard. I was afraid of someone because I felt animal strength from him. He considered someone absolutely equal to himself and immediately began to be friends with him. And there were also those who in any situation turned out to be weaklings and therefore it was a waste to be friends with them. And it was precisely next to such people that I began to behave as if I were the one from whom animal strength emanates. Like I'm strong. I liked it, but I didn’t understand where this strength went if there wasn’t a weakling nearby?

It was the same at school. Regardless of the academic performance, family wealth or appearance of my classmates, I felt the same distribution of roles as before: stronger than me, the same, weaker than me.

Then university. Here everything was repeated. But a new and important point has appeared - sex. In the future it will become clear why the role of sex is so important. Those who had this animal strength - girls always liked them, even if they pretended that they didn’t like them. The weaklings remained sexually hungry almost all year round. And they slept with people like me, but very rarely.

I read a lot of books I practiced spiritual methods and even believed that it was helping me and making me stronger. Fuck it. I’ll say it right away. I built up my internal and social capital, but the distribution of roles within the male community, which I realized as a child, has not gone away. I haven't changed in my heart.

And then I found out about men, which immediately answered all the questions. This put everything in its place in an instant. I realized the strength of those I was afraid of. I understood why such men have sex in any quantity. I understood who goes to pickup and personal growth trainings, I understood how I should think and act in order to get any woman (okay, almost any). And most importantly, I understood what a woman wants only after I understood men.

Just take the following for granted. After many years of searching, I can say that of all the classifications of men, this is the most natural (it is reproduced in the primate community) and correct. The rest is garbage.

Three types of men:


If you haven't seen the movie yet Thief 1997, then you must do it. You simply must!

Vladimir Mashkov brilliantly and in all its beauty conveyed the features of a high-ranking man.

The kind I was afraid of as a child, but in my heart I always wanted to be friends with them.

Need another example? – fresher?

Okay: Kuzma Scriabin, Oleg Lyashko (we leave out his sympathy for boys and shocking antics), Gennady Balashov, Radislav Gandapas, Evgeny Chichvarkin, Dmitry Nagiyev, etc.

I have now listed several famous names. But you must understand that a high-ranking man is everywhere. He can live in your entrance, house or on your street. Such a man could be your colleague at work. He doesn't have to be famous to be high-ranking.

It is these men who have an animal love for... life. And women. And women themselves feel it and are drawn to them. And to make it even clearer what exactly makes his rank high, let’s analyze the thinking and behavior of such a man on the shelves.

Criterion High ranking man


Personal needs:

Attitude to the future:

Attitude to society:





Level of openness:

Behavior in conflict:


Always tall, puts others down

Absent, believes in his infallibility

Can be described as “My needs come first”

Optimistic, belief in yourself and tomorrow

Takes quickly, without messing up

Acts regardless of the opinions of others

Rarely used


It’s unpleasant, so it doesn’t apply to itself

Decisive, persistent, proactive

Materially, socially, professionally – high

High: characterized by shamelessness

Stress-resistant, tries to seize the initiative


In demand, successful with women

High ranking man doesn't change!

He may lose all his property, his family or business may fall apart, but he will always build a new house or create a new family. However, it should be clear: he may never have a home in his entire life, he may not have a family, but his character will remain the same.

Andrei Myagkov managed to show the image of a low-ranking man.

Someone next to whom I always feel stronger than I really am.

You must understand that low-ranking men are everywhere. He can live in your entrance, house or on your street. Such a man could be your colleague at work. He can be your husband, brother, father. And if you are a man, then maybe this is you?

He may well be a famous and wealthy person if he has some kind of creative talent. But such a man does not know how to be an organizer. Therefore, someone else manages the money in his life.

It is these men who have an animal fear of... life. And women. And women themselves feel it and are drawn to them. In order to be friends. It is with low-ranking men that women can have friendship. This is the answer to the age-old question “is friendship possible between M and F?” - yes. Because such a man is not capable of offending a woman. And to make it even clearer what exactly makes his rank low, let’s look at the thinking and behavior of such a man in detail.

Criterion Low ranking man


Personal needs:

Attitude to the future:

Attitude to society:





Level of openness:

Behavior in conflict:


Always low, an inferiority complex is formed

Always doubts, seeks support, advice

Ready to put up with inconvenience, discomfort, poverty

Prone to pessimism, afraid of the future

Thinks very long before making decisions

Afraid of offending someone, depends on people's opinions

Constantly analyzes himself, delves into himself

Occurs for many reasons, bashful

Criticizes himself in many ways, playing the role of a victim

Shy, obedient, timid, indecisive

Absent, content with little

Secretive, reserved, introvert

Avoids, submits, fears, closes off

Tends to believe in gods, psychics, and sorcerers

Unsuccessful in women

Low ranking man doesn't change!

Such men lack the most important thing - desire! The desire for life, the desire for development, the desire for love, the desire for struggle, the desire for achievement, the desire to be a master. I don’t work with people like that, and if someone asks me to help a low-ranking man, I immediately say that this is a dead number. These people don't change.

They cannot be motivated. They don't make decisions or make choices. Any attempts to teach such a man to make choices and be responsible for his life are perceived by him as violence against his personality.

There are enough men like this. According to my observations - 3 out of 10. They have their own consumer - as a rule, these are women who have problems in their relationship with their mother. What is the connection here? It would take a long time to explain. But the connection is direct. Such women choose low-ranking men and then destroy them. They drive them under the heels, twist ropes out of them, and because of their powerlessness they begin to drink themselves to death. And if children appear in this family, then they become a continuation of their parents: a strong daughter, a weak son.


(this is about my status)

Let the film The Geographer Drank His Globe Away will help you understand this image.

Konstantin Khabensky skillfully showed the type of a middle-ranking man.

Although something tells me that this role was natural for him.

I always quickly found a common language with such people. I felt and easily understood such men. There are many of us. According to my observations, 5 out of 10 are middle-ranking men. The danger and at the same time the advantage of this status is that this man could potentially become a high-ranking man if a strong man is overthrown.

But on the other hand, such a man always experiences the fear of sliding down and becoming weak.

A middle-ranking man always can be identified by the chameleon effect: with the weak he behaves as if he were strong. And next to the strong, he behaves like a subordinate. And it works on an instinctive level.

The average ranker is in a constant struggle with himself. And therefore, for him, the decisive role is played by what kind of woman he meets: one can break him, the other will help him become a king. And next to him is the queen. So he struggles, in search of himself, his woman, his purpose, the meaning of life.

Criterion Mid-ranking man


Personal needs:

Attitude to the future:

Attitude to society:





Level of openness:

Behavior in conflict:


Fickle, depends on achievements

They are present, but he knows how to overcome them

Tries to please both himself and his neighbor

Variable: from minus to plus

If not alone, he makes decisions quickly. If you do it yourself - for a long time

If he knows what he is acting for, he goes ahead

If there is no woman in life, he drowns in self-digging


Likes to criticize himself and others


If there is support, then high

Selectively open


Inclined to faith until he has decided what he wants from life

Variable success

Mid-ranking men are changing!

But such a man will always need either the support of the woman with whom he will be in an alliance. Or in a more experienced comrade, a strong man.

These are the men who constantly go to trainings personal growth or some other growth: Sparta, Goal, leadership programs, pickups, etc. Such men try hard to copy the behavior and even thinking of strong men. And this can be misleading for women.

Their life is a search for themselves. And, unfortunately, if someone more experienced does not help them, then this search can continue throughout their lives, until death.

A woman with such a man can be happy and unhappy at the same time. Her future with him is unpredictable. Because he himself is unpredictable.


We had to go through these criteria to know about the ranking of men. Every woman, when meeting a new man, must first of all give herself an answer to the question of what kind of man is next to her. The future that awaits them if they are together depends on her ability to determine his rank.

How a woman instinctively tests a man for a high rank? – with the help of accusations, manipulations, provocations. If a man starts making excuses, he is low-ranking. If he begins to rationally put everything on the shelf and negotiate with her, he is mid-ranking. If he jokes or doesn’t attach any importance, he’s high-ranking. Simply put, if she can artificially provoke him, make him angry, then he is not strong enough for her. This is an indicator of his weakness in front of her. Which means sleeping with him... well, it’s possible, if he takes you to restaurants, he’ll give you nice gifts. Looks after him properly.

Women like it(I'm talking about the majority, about normal women) when she cannot manipulate a man. She likes it when she can't subdue him. And she likes it even more when he subjugates her. But not violently. This should happen naturally and then she realizes that she is ready to bear him children.

Does a woman have a rank?– by marrying a man, she becomes a bearer of the rank of her man. If a woman loses self-respect in an alliance with a man, it means that he is low-ranking or average, with complexes. Life with a high-ranking person does not promise to be happy and better. But a woman will never lose respect for herself next to such a man.

How to build relationships?– first you determine a man’s rank, and only then, to solve problems, you learn 5 love languages, socionic types, advice from books... what else is there?))) It won’t work the other way around. A man's rank is a foundation laid in childhood.

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§ 44. Protection of human health in the environment. The future of Homo sapiens

Man is an integral part of the biosphere. At the first stages of evolution, it had the same influence on the course of geochemical processes as any other heterotrophic species of living organisms. Over time, due to the accelerating pace of development of science and technology, humanity has become a significant geochemical force.

Throughout the history of the development of society, the main goal of human labor activity has usually been to quickly extract direct benefit for oneself from the environment. The long-term consequences of interference in the natural course of events in nature were of little interest to humans.

The impact on nature has been particularly strong in recent decades (the era of the scientific and technological revolution). Forest areas have decreased significantly, many species of organisms are disappearing, and biogeocenoses are becoming impoverished. Industrial waste pollutes the air, water, and soil. Territories are emerging that are unfavorable for life not only of plants and animals, but also of humans. Many synthetic, artificially created toxic substances are capable of passing through food chains in biogeocenoses without being destroyed, and accumulate in large quantities in the organisms of plants, animals, and humans.

Man as a species arose in a pure atmosphere. Global changes in some seemingly insignificant components of the environment in the modern biosphere may be the basis for the emergence of undesirable biological consequences. It has been proven that an unfavorable environmental situation can be a direct cause of health problems for both an individual and the population as a whole. An example is the spread of allergic diseases in recent decades. Here, humanity is faced with the body’s reaction to conditions previously not encountered during evolution (increased levels of previously absent chemicals and their compounds in the atmosphere of cities, the use of synthetic drugs in everyday life, impurities in drinking water, etc.). The solution to such problems lies in the field of medicine and environmental protection.

studies the patterns of interaction between man and the environment human ecology. This science examines issues of population, preservation and development of health, patterns of biosocial organization of the human population, and the influence of various environmental factors on the body.

The basic concept of human ecology is health. There is a distinction between the health of a specific individual and the health of the human population. The health of a certain person is formed individually based on hereditary factors and living conditions. Population health is a statistical indicator that is formed on the basis of a whole complex of characteristics, such as fertility, mortality, genetic polymorphism, life expectancy, age and sex composition of the population, morbidity, adaptability of the population to climatic conditions, etc.

The following groups of factors (arranged in descending order of importance) have a predominant influence on human health: lifestyle (nutrition, conditions and regime of work and rest, physical education, relationships in the family and team, bad habits); environment (state of atmospheric air, water and soil, sudden changes in atmospheric phenomena, increased heliocosmic, magnetic, radioactive and other radiation); hereditary predisposition to certain diseases; quality and timeliness of medical care.

Thus, human health largely depends on the state of the environment. From a historical perspective, even hereditary diseases are ultimately the result of interactions between many previous generations of people and their environment.

Considers aspects of the impact of the environment on human health ecological medicine. Its focus is on factors that directly lead to “environmental” diseases. Environmental medicine assesses the risk of using drugs and chemicals in industry, agriculture and everyday life; studies the causes and mechanisms of the formation of congenital anomalies in development, the occurrence of cancer and other diseases.

The future of the speciesHomo sapiens . As noted earlier, human evolution at the present stage is carried out within the framework of microevolutionary modifications that will continue to occur in the future.

It should be noted that the evolution of humans as a biological species is more closely connected with the evolution of other organisms than it seems at first glance. This refers to the direct connection of a person with the organisms living inside his body, on the surface of the skin, in the inhaled air, etc. Typically, these organisms are harmless, since during conjugate evolution they are co-adapted with humans and with each other. Many of them are necessary components in our body (intestinal flora, etc.). Pathogenic microorganisms are also indispensable evolutionary companions. Pollution of the environment with chemical and radioactive substances significantly affects the rate of mutation in microorganisms, which can lead to the emergence of new rather dangerous pathogenic diseases, since humans do not have an evolutionarily developed immunity to them.

The fate of humanity and all life on Earth largely depends on establishing a balance between meeting human needs and environmental constraints. The enormous pace of industrialization and urbanization under certain social conditions can lead to disruption of the ecological balance and cause degradation of the environment, which will also affect human health. Having directly disrupted the connections that have developed throughout the evolution of life, destroying the biosphere, humanity itself will no longer be able to exist and will be doomed to death.

Thus, the future of the species Homo sapiens directly related to the environment. It depends on the wise use of natural resources and the management of natural phenomena, which must be based on knowledge of the laws of the environment.

An unfavorable environmental situation can be a direct cause of health problems for both an individual and the population as a whole. Patterns of interaction between man and the environment are studied by human ecology. Human health is primarily influenced by lifestyle, environment, and hereditary predisposition to certain diseases; quality and timeliness of medical care. The fate of humanity and all life on Earth largely depends on striking a balance between meeting human needs and environmental constraints.

1. What impact does the environment have on human health? 2. What does human ecology study? 3. How is human evolution related to the evolution of other organisms? 4. What does the future of the species depend on? Homo sapiens?

General biology: Textbook for the 11th grade of an 11-year secondary school, for basic and advanced levels. N.D. Lisov, L.V. Kamlyuk, N.A. Lemeza et al. Ed. N.D. Lisova.- Mn.: Belarus, 2002.- 279 p.

Contents of the textbook General Biology: Textbook for 11th grade:

    Chapter 1. Species - a unit of existence of living organisms

  • § 2. Population is a structural unit of a species. Population characteristics
  • Chapter 2. Relationships of species, populations with the environment. Ecosystems

  • § 6. Ecosystem. Connections of organisms in an ecosystem. Biogeocenosis, structure of biogeocenosis
  • § 7. Movement of matter and energy in an ecosystem. Power circuits and networks
  • § 9. The circulation of substances and the flow of energy in ecosystems. Productivity of biocenoses
  • Chapter 3. Formation of evolutionary views

  • § 13. Prerequisites for the emergence of the evolutionary theory of Charles Darwin
  • § 14. General characteristics of the evolutionary theory of Charles Darwin
  • Chapter 4. Modern ideas about evolution

  • § 18. Development of evolutionary theory in the post-Darwinian period. Synthetic theory of evolution
  • § 19. Population is an elementary unit of evolution. Prerequisites for evolution
  • Chapter 5. Origin and development of life on Earth

  • § 27. Development of ideas about the origin of life. Hypotheses about the origin of life on Earth
  • § 32. The main stages of the evolution of flora and fauna
  • § 33. The diversity of the modern organic world. Principles of taxonomy
  • Chapter 6. Origin and evolution of man

  • § 35. Formation of ideas about the origin of man. The place of man in the zoological system
  • § 36. Stages and directions of human evolution. Predecessors of man. The earliest people
  • § 38. Biological and social factors of human evolution. Qualitative differences of a person

The future of humanity is really the main question. Even if the Earth at some point in its existence is subject to a real threat of extinction, humanity, by making predetermined efforts, can survive and continue its existence.

The whole question is whether humanity will be able to develop enough by this time to be able to survive.

Pessimistic scenarios for the future of humanity.

We will start with pessimistic scenarios that, if realized, could lead to the death of humanity in the future.

We will not consider global cataclysms that can radically change the future of humanity, since on the website page the general theory of interactions called the end of the world - 11 versions of the end of the world, we have described in sufficient detail all possible threats from the outside. Here we will look at internal threats that, in our opinion, can also lead to a dark future for humanity.

1. Rise of the machines.

This pessimistic scenario has been worked out in some detail by Hollywood scriptwriters, and, unfortunately, the direction of human development at the moment clearly indicates that such a scenario is the most likely. We will only continue the idea by showing that the winning machines themselves will be destroyed over time under the influence of external environmental factors and failures in the operation of the computer programs that control them. But this will not be the main reason for the death of objects with artificial intelligence. The future of humanity is largely determined by man’s desire for self-development, which will simply not be possible to impart to machines. As they say: life is life.

2. Degradation.

The future of humanity is also at risk due to another feature of the human brain. Many people, and I am no exception, continue to harm themselves, although they are well aware of it. Examples include smoking, drinking alcohol, drugs and other psychotropic drugs. Moreover, the actions of the governments of some states clearly indicate a certain interest in the development of such types of business. In the future, humanity may face the problem of widespread use of drugs containing drugs, or drugs themselves, and advertising efforts seem to be aimed at teaching our children to consider drugs as something vital, ordinary. Medicines are being transformed from a means of treatment into a food product, and this is fraught with very serious consequences in the future of humanity.

3. In a separate line we will raise the problem of consuming genetically modified products.

There is no doubt that GMOs can solve the problem of hunger on Earth. However, imagine the following, quite probable version of the future of humanity. Scientists, under pressure from corporations, justifying themselves by external reasons, allow the production of genetically modified products, and such products come into widespread use, quickly replacing conventional, environmentally friendly food products.

But let's assume that GMOs have a depressing effect on reproductive function. Such an impact, for example, will reduce by 5% the birth rate of offspring capable of reproducing in the tenth generation. Due to the multiplier effect, after 20 generations, 10% of those born will not be able to have normal children. When will such a trend be discovered? It will be impossible to change anything, since there will simply be no people left who did not consume the “new” products. The Earth's population will gradually, but with acceleration, approach zero.

4. The problem of overpopulation of the Earth may arise in the future

And if the development of modern chemistry, physicists and biologists continues to mark time, as has been the case for the last 50 years. It's not the scientists' fault, it's their problem. Sciences have come up against an insurmountable limitation, whose name is “QUANTUM”. And as long as physics is based on the quantum approach, it will not be possible to break through the ceiling. Fortunately, a way out has emerged in this matter, and finally a simple theory alternative to quantum mechanics has been created, which does not resort to virtuality and uncertainty when describing physical processes. This is a general theory of interactions.

5. The most unobvious, but, in my opinion, the most difficult to overcome is the threat of primitivization of human intelligence. Our logic is currently based on the recognition of the indisputability of the existence of two supposedly really existing categories - truth and lie. My argument against this approach is as follows. WHAT we see depends largely on WHERE we look FROM. In addition, WHAT we see depends on WHO is looking and HOW. One conclusion needs to be drawn from this: truth and falsehood are relative categories, transforming into each other. The scientific approach, in my opinion, will give the best result if scientists discard their categorical judgments and use the method of continuous logic, which allows, so to speak, the falsity of truth and the truth of lies.

The primitivization of intelligence is currently manifested in the absence of a unifying philosophy of cognition and learning.

Let us show the perversity of people’s logic with several examples.

The scientist who created the working theory of the use of semiconductors in radio electronics receives a monetary reward in the form of a Nobel Prize only 30-40 years after his discovery, which, in fact, changed our entire civilization. But I might not get it. While some athlete, let us note, even a mediocre athlete, earns this money in two or three years. This, in my opinion, indicates incorrect priorities for long-term planning.

Humanity invests billions of dollars, euros or rubles in the exploration of minerals, the extraction of energy from which could ultimately lead to the death of civilization, instead of directing efforts towards stimulating scientific developments that could lead to a complete abandonment of the use of minerals. non-renewable natural resources.

But most importantly, our education system is “tailored” for this type of “knowledge”, which consists in the thoughtless repetition of the opinions (and often misconceptions) of scientific luminaries of the past. We do not teach children to think and analyze. We instill in them the habit of acting like robots, copying our actions for the hundredth and thousandth time, although they very often do not bring the desired result. Our children's ears are clogged with headphones, their eyes are fixed on television screens or computer monitors, and they do not grasp the meaning, including the meaning of life. And if it goes on like this, then they will stop remembering the meaning altogether. This is what I call the primitivization of intelligence. But, enough about the sad stuff.

The future of humanity is an optimistic forecast.

1. Hope for a sharp acceleration in human progress

Hope for a sharp acceleration of human progress is given by some scientific theories that have appeared recently, offering a new understanding of the structure of the world and the mind. The future of humanity, if it applies these theories in practice, will expand the horizons of knowledge to an unprecedented breadth. The main one of these theories, I believe, is the general theory of interactions. Relying on it, humanity will cross the barrier in the form of discrete, two-dimensional logic, based on the diametrically opposed concepts of truth - false, yes - no, profitable - unprofitable, right - wrong. Humanity will be able to realize that it is beneficial for many when it is disadvantageous for some, that a mistake can become the right decision under certain conditions, that attraction between material objects can be a consequence of repulsion between parts of these objects, and so on. The second theory, which, in my opinion, can revolutionize the idea of ​​human brain activity and its understanding of the world, can be the views set forth in N. N. Vashkevich’s book “System Languages ​​of the Brain.” And you shouldn’t dismiss it without studying it in sufficient detail, based on the fact that it (the theory) identifies only two, Russian and Arabic, out of all the wealth and diversity of languages ​​that exist on our planet. Some have to stand out, after all. And with the idea of ​​the protective function of Russia and the Russian language for the entire Earth, I think many will agree. Those who disagree can be reminded that it was the Russians and the peoples living on the territory of modern Russia who saved Europe from the invasion of the Tatars in the Middle Ages, calmed the French in the 19th century, extinguished the fascist fire of the middle of the last century, and even now are mediators establishing dialogue between the East and the West.

An issue that requires a serious approach with the involvement of many experts. Because it's interesting and extremely important. Scientific American interviewed prominent figures in the field of science and technology, about whom we also often write and refer, to find out from them what the future of humanity will be.

Does humanity have a future beyond Earth?
“I think it is a dangerous delusion to strive for mass emigration from Earth. There is nowhere in the solar system anywhere as comfortable as the top of Everest or the South Pole. We need to deal with the world's problems here. However, I think that in the next century there will be groups of privately funded adventurers who will populate Mars and then perhaps other places in the solar system. We must certainly wish these pioneers good luck in using all methods of cyber- and biotechnological adaptation to an alien environment. In a few centuries they will transform into a new species: the post-human era will begin. Travel beyond the solar system will be the destiny of posthumanity - organic or not."

Martin Rees, English cosmologist and astrophysicist.

When and where do you think we will find extraterrestrial life?
“If Mars is teeming with microbial life, I suspect we will find it within 20 years - if it is similar enough to our life forms. If an alien life form were very different from what we have here on Earth, it would be difficult to detect. It's also possible that any remaining microbes on Mars are rare and in places that would be difficult for a robotic lander to find. Jupiter's moon Europa and Saturn's moon Titan seem like better places. And Titan is perhaps the most interesting place in the solar system to search for life. It is rich in organic molecules, but is very cold and has no liquid water; If life exists on Titan, it will be very different from life on Earth."

Carol Cleland is a professor of philosophy and co-investigator at the Center for Astrobiology at the University of Colorado Boulder.

Will we ever understand the nature of consciousness?
“Some philosophers, mystics and other talkers foam at the mouth and argue that it is impossible to ever understand the true nature of consciousness. However, there is little basis for such defeatist statements, but there is every reason to believe that one day, relatively soon, science will come to a naturalized, quantitative and predictive understanding of consciousness and its place in the Universe."

Kristof Koch, President and CSO of the Allen Institute for Brain Sciences.

Will the world ever receive adequate medical care?
“The global community has made great strides towards health equity over the past 25 years, but these advances have not reached the furthest corners of the world. Deep in the rainforest, where people are cut off from transportation and cell phone networks, mortality is very high, access to medical services is limited, and the quality of healthcare is abysmal. The World Health Organization estimates that a billion people go through their lives without ever seeing a healthcare professional due to distance. Health workers recruited directly from communities could reduce this gap. They could even fight epidemics like Ebola and maintain access to basic health care when hospitals are forced to close their doors. My organization, Last Mile Health, today includes more than 300 health workers in 300 communities across Liberia. But we can't do this job alone. If the global community is serious about ensuring access to health care for all, it must invest in health workers who can reach the most remote places."

Raj Punjabi, co-founder and CEO of Last Mile Health and instructor at Harvard Medical School.

Understanding the brain: will it change criminal law?
“In all likelihood, the brain is a cause-and-effect machine in the sense that it changes from one state to another depending on antecedent conditions. The consequences of this for criminal law are absolutely zero. First, all mammals and birds have preconditions for self-control that are modified by reinforcement learning (rewards for making correct choices), especially in a social context. Secondly, criminal law is aimed at the safety and welfare of the population. Even if we could identify conditions unique to serial child abusers, for example, they would simply be prohibited from moving freely because they are prone to relapse. If we were to conclude, for example, that a certain Boston priest, John Jogen, who tried to seduce about 130 children, “is not guilty of having a brain, so let him go home,” the result would undoubtedly be lynching. When brutal justice has a place in the criminal justice system that is rooted in years of impartial laws, things get ugly very quickly."

Patricia Churchland is a professor of philosophy and neuroscience at the University of California, San Diego.

What is the chance that Homo sapiens will survive the next 500 years?
“I think our chances of survival are pretty good. Even the biggest threats - nuclear war or the environmental disaster that could result from climate change - are not catastrophic in the sense that they will wipe us off the face of the earth completely. And this bogeyman of ours, in which our electronic offspring will grow up and decide that they can live without us, you can get rid of it by simply turning it off.”

Carlton Davis, professor emeritus of physics and astronomy at New Mexico State University.

How close are we to preventing a nuclear disaster?
“Since 9/11, the United States has devoted significant policy attention to reducing the threat of nuclear terrorism by increasing the security of highly enriched uranium and plutonium and removing them from wherever possible. An act of nuclear terrorism could kill 100,000 people. But still, thirty years after the end of the Cold War, a much greater danger lurks in a nuclear disaster involving thousands of nuclear explosions and from several tens to hundreds of millions of deaths due to a possible nuclear confrontation between the United States and Russia.

Remembering Pearl Harbor, the United States maintained its nuclear forces in case of a possible first strike by which the Soviet Union could try to destroy all available US forces. Today we do not expect such an attack, but each side still maintains about 1,000 intercontinental nuclear warheads in a state of full combat readiness. Since the flight time of a ballistic missile is only 15-30 minutes, decisions that could result in hundreds of millions of deaths must be made within minutes. The possibility of an accidental nuclear war or even hackers triggering a launch remains.

The Cold War is over, but the Doomsday Machine, which was born out of the US-USSR confrontation, is still with us - and its trigger is cocked."

Frank von Hippel, Professor Emeritus, School of Public and International Affairs. Woodrow Wilson at Princeton University, one of the founders of the Princeton Program on Science and Global Security.

Will sex become obsolete?
“No, but having sex to have children is likely to become much less common. In 20-40 years, we will be able to extract eggs and sperm from stem cells, perhaps the skin cells of the parents. This will allow for easy preimplantation genetic diagnosis of a large number of embryos - or easy genome modification for those who want to edit embryos rather than select." Sex of the future - read

Henry Greeley is director of the Center for Law and the Biosciences at Stanford University.

Will we one day be able to replace all tissue in the human body through engineering?
“In 1995, Joseph Vacanti and I wrote for this magazine about breakthroughs in artificial pancreas, plastic-based tissues like artificial skin, and electronics that could allow blind people to see. All this has come in the form of real products or is undergoing clinical trials. Over the next few centuries, it is possible that every fabric could be replaced in a similar way. Creating or regenerating tissues like those in the brain, which are extremely complex and poorly understood, would require an enormous amount of research. However, there is hope that research in this area will proceed quickly enough to help people with brain diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease quickly enough."

Robert Langer is a professor at the David Koch Institute at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Can we avoid the “sixth extinction”?
“It can be slowed down and then stopped if urgent action is taken. The biggest cause of species extinction is habitat loss. This is why I emphasize the need to assemble a global reserve (reserve), covering half land and half sea, if necessary. In addition to this initiative (and the development of species ecosystem science to a level that is better than today), the 10 million or so remaining species need to be discovered and characterized; To date, we have found and named only 2 million. In general, it is necessary to expand ecology to include what the living world should be like, and this, in my opinion, will become the largest initiative in science until the end of the century."

Edward Wilson, professor emeritus at Harvard University.

Is it possible to feed the planet without destroying it?
"Yes. Here's what you need to do: reduce crop waste, household waste and meat consumption; integrate quality grain technologies and management practices; educate consumers about the challenges faced by farmers in developed and developing countries; increase public funding for agricultural research and development and focus on promoting the socio-economic and environmental aspects of agriculture that characterize sustainable agricultural development"

Pamela Ronald is a professor emeritus in the Genome Center and Department of Plant Pathology at the University of California, Davis.

Are we colonizing space?
“It depends on the definition of “colonization.” If we mean the landing of robots, then this has already been done. If sending microbes from Earth to live and grow, then no, unfortunately, we have not achieved this yet - except inside the Curiosity rover, where the heat source is located and which was not completely warmed up like the Viking.

If we mean sending people anywhere for a long period of time, without reproducing, this will happen in the next 50 years or so. There might even be some level of reproduction; after all, primates are primates. But if the idea is to build a self-sufficient environment in which people can exist with the most modest help from Earth - colonies like the "European" colonies that were built outside of Europe - then this will happen far in the future, if at all. We currently do not fully understand how to create a closed ecosystem that is protected from disturbances caused by an influx of organisms or non-biological events (for example, Biosphere 2), and I suspect that the problem of a closed ecosystem will be much more complex than people think the vast majority of supporters of space colonization. There are a wide range of problems to be solved, such as air handling. We have not even colonized the underwater space of the Earth yet. And colonizing space, which has no atmosphere at all, is even more difficult.”

Katharina Conley, planetary protection specialist at NASA.

Will we find a second Earth?
“I bet you do. We have already found that planets near other stars are much more common and diverse than scientists imagined just a couple of decades ago. And we also found that the key ingredient for life on this planet—water—is abundant in space. I would say that nature has rather collected a wide range of planets, including Earth, and we just have to look for them."

Aki Roberge is an astrophysicist who studies exoplanets at NASA Goddard Space Center.

Will we find a cure for Alzheimer's disease?
“I’m not sure that it will be a cure per se, but I really hope that in the next ten years there will be a successful treatment that modifies Alzheimer’s disease. We have already begun preliminary trials to prevent the disease before a person shows symptoms of the disease. And we don't need to cure Alzheimer's - we just need to delay dementia by 5-10 years. Estimates show that delaying the dreaded and costly stage of dementia by five years could cut the cost of care by 50%. In addition, it follows that many elderly people will die dancing ballet, and not in a nursing home."

Reisa Sperling is a professor of neurology at Harvard Medical School.

Will wearable technology be able to detect our emotions?
“Emotions involve biochemical and electrical signals that reach every organ in our bodies - allowing stress, for example, to affect our physical and mental health. Wearable technology will allow us to quantify patterns in these signals over long periods of time. Over the next ten years, wearable technology will become our own health forecaster: predicting how you'll be doing next week with 80 percent accuracy, based on your recent activities. But unlike the weather, smart wearable technology will also be able to identify patterns that we can use to reduce unwanted storms: getting enough sleep to reduce stress levels by 60% over the next four days, for example. In the next 20 years, wearable devices and the analyzes obtained with their help can also significantly reduce psychiatric and neurological disorders."

Rosalind Picard is founder and director of the Affective Computing research group at the MIT Media Lab.

Will we figure out what dark matter is?
“Whether we can determine what dark matter is depends on what it turns out to be. Some forms of dark matter can be detected through minute interactions with ordinary matter, but otherwise they will be elusive. Others can be detected by their influence on structures such as galaxies. I hope we can learn more through experimentation and observation. But I can’t guarantee it"

Lisa Randall, theoretical physicist and cosmologist at Harvard University.

Will we be able to take control of difficult-to-treat brain diseases like schizophrenia or autism?
“Disorders like autism and schizophrenia remain elusive because neuroscience has not found a structural problem that can be corrected. Some believe this is because future answers lie entirely in biochemistry rather than in neural circuits. Others argue that neuroscientists need to start thinking in terms of overall brain architecture rather than specific neural failures. However, when it comes to the future, I am reminded of Nobel laureate Charles Townes' remark that the beauty of a new idea is that you don't know about it."

Michael Gazzaniga is director of the SAGE Center for the Study of the Mind at the University of California, Santa Barbara.

Will technology eliminate the need for drug testing on animals?
“If human organs-on-chips prove to be reliable and consistently rediscover the complex physiology of human organs and disease phenotypes in unrelated laboratories around the world, as early proof-of-concept studies have shown, then we will see them gradually replace the animal model. This will ultimately lead to a significant reduction in animal testing. Importantly, these devices will also open up new approaches to drug development not available with today's animal models, such as personalized medicine and the development of treatments for specific genetic subpopulations using chips using cells from specific patients."

Donald Ingber is the founding director of the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University.

Will gender equality in science be achieved?
“Gender equality can be achieved, but we cannot just sit back and wait for it to happen. We need to "fix the numbers" by getting more women into science and engineering. We need to fix institutions, reconsider the relationship between career and family, and show new leadership opportunities. More importantly, we need to correct people's attitudes by harnessing the creative power of gender analysis for discovery and innovation."

Londa Schiebinger is a professor of history of science at Stanford University.

Do you think we will one day be able to predict natural disasters like earthquakes hours or days in advance?
“Some natural disasters are easier to predict than others. Hurricanes occur within days, volcanoes often take hours or days to prepare to erupt, and tornadoes occur within minutes. Earthquakes are perhaps the most difficult. What we know about the physics of earthquakes suggests that we cannot predict them in advance. We can only predict soil damage immediately before an earthquake, thus providing a few seconds or minutes for alarm. This won’t be enough time to leave the city, but it will be enough to get to a safe place.”

Richard Allen, director of the Berkeley Seismological Laboratory at the University of California, Berkeley.

We are all passers-by in the world. We come to it and leave without even making an attempt to find out the purpose of our appearance and stay in it. Everyone is at a crossroads and no one knows what is happening, including those who think nothing is happening. How to escape from various problems and confusion? What forces control us? How to identify them and guide them correctly? Nobody knows. Our only hope is in our egoism, that thanks to it we will achieve success: we will develop, build, progress! This is how we have been moving since ancient times and have now arrived at a modern society of mass neurosis, where the problem at a global level is uncertainty in life, in the future. And it gradually leads to the question: am I living and acting correctly?

Everything stems from uncertainty, because no one today can vouch for what tomorrow will be like. The lack of knowledge about such a law of nature that would include the meaning and reasons for the appearance of man on Earth, who came after the inanimate, plant and animal levels of nature - this is all our trouble, constipation, if you like. If the meaninglessness of existence continues, then what awaits us is destruction, degradation, degeneration and the disappearance of man from the face of the Earth, with the exception of those who find the notorious meaning of life and begin to live according to its prescription.

The inability to control events, resist surprises, predict them, ignorance of the causality of phenomena - this is the source of uncertainty in life. Because of this, we feel a lack of strength and come to despair.

A few words about the past and future from the point of view of the system called “humanity”. The past could have been like this or not entirely, depending on the amplitude of the swing of the pendulum of those writing history: who to please? Or simply following within those myths that are built by upbringing, environment, education, you can edit history in your own way. What, she’s old, she can’t kick or spit in the face, but I want to live, and live well. Moreover, imagine a lower organization of society, i.e. the past is easy for us, because we judge it by ourselves, we give our own explanation to the actions of those people. But since the current level of egoism is much higher than before, it is difficult or impossible for us to understand their motivation, based on weaker egoistic desires.

The future is hidden from man. This gives him a kind of free choice: to study the unknown laws of nature that rule over us or to remain ignorant. If the future were known to a person, then he would not be faced with a choice and would act like an automaton, against his own will. Then it would not be a person, i.e. independent, but some result of the action of nature.

The future is hidden, but let's try to guess. It is not only cloudless, but also an airless, waterless, plant-animal future. This is how we are guided by what is happening on the planet. Therefore, no one wants to think or care about the future. In the meantime, the most a person can do in his understanding of the future is to talk about probability.

Yes, we know a number of factors that influence its outcome, but there are other determining factors that we know nothing about. The incompleteness of this knowledge leads to only partial predictability of the result of our current actions, i.e. future, and therefore is always a risky speculation. After all, how are forecasts made? Uncertainty about the future develops the art of customization, and modern methodology allows you to “prove” anything. With its help, you can justify any cause-and-effect relationship that comes to mind. And refute it too. This is what scientific luminaries who are hungry for Nobel and other prizes do.

If we knew the reason for our creation, its purpose, we would be able to understand where the flow of time is taking us. Unfortunately, we have not yet reached the understanding that development without a precisely directed vector will lead us to defeat. And a person will not want to change his destiny if he does not fail in it. He will not come to the realization that it is impossible for him to remain in uncertainty until, as they say, life forces him. "No one is smarter than an experienced one."

When a person is happy with what is happening, he does not need to be on the lookout; if he is dissatisfied, he protests, looking for why he feels bad. And he will start asking: where did this come from? What is the reason? What should we do? First he wants to feel good. But gradually he begins to see that it is impossible for only one person to be good - it will not help, because the world is global. A person gets smarter and already understands that it is necessary for others to feel good too. And then he comes to the realization that, first of all, they should feel good.

The only way to get rid of pain forever is to find its cause. We need knowledge of the laws of nature by which we exist. And this is only possible if we find common ground with it, all of us, without exception. It is not enough for us that globalization has connected us with each other as elements of one mechanism. It is important to know from the very beginning what program we will use and why we will act! And then a person will feel that the uncertainty of existence has disappeared, and a clear, high goal now determines a person’s life and his destiny. It turns out that the future of humanity depends only on understanding how disastrous the path in uncertainty is, and then it will invest itself in studying, knowing the law that governs the world.

Source – online newspaper United World