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We continue a series of articles about the benefits and harms of food. Today's topic is the wonderful exotic fruit pamela or pomelo. It is the largest citrus fruit in diameter and one of the richest in nutrients.

Unlike guava and pitahaya, the pomelo fruit is not so tender and is quite easily transported, stored for a long time and unpretentious. It is for these reasons that we have the opportunity to buy it in almost any supermarket and at a reasonable price. This is an indisputable plus of the pamela fruit, because you manage to escape on vacation one, maximum 2 times a year - this is not enough to eat plenty of super-tasty exotic fruits.

Pamela fruit - general information

Pomelo is a type of citrus fruit. They call it differently - pomelo, pamela, pompelmus, sheddok, citrus maxima. Pomelo trees are found mainly in Southeast Asia, as well as in some US states and Israel.

There are 3 types of pomelo:

1. Red. Fruit with red pulp, sour taste, with bitterness. Its shape is oval, the size of a small grapefruit, only a green peel. It was this type of pomelo that was crossed with an orange and received a grapefruit.

2. Pink. The flesh is pink in color, has many seeds, tastes sweet and juicy. It is considered a good anthelmintic agent.

3. White. This pomelo is larger in size, reaches a weight of 1-2 kilograms. Its shape is pear-shaped, and the flesh is white and sweet.

Application. From a sweet pomelo, very tasty candied fruits and marmalade are obtained. In Thailand, pamela is made into jam and canned in many ways. Of course, it is best to eat fresh pomelo, as it is more useful than after processing.

Pomelo - useful properties

Like other types of citrus fruits, pomelo is primarily rich in vitamin C, but it has a clear advantage - a small amount of citric acid is contraindicated for those who have problems with the health of the stomach and digestive system.

In addition to vitamin C, pomelo is rich in B vitamins, beta-carotene and minerals: calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, copper. Additionally, it is a good source of folic acid, which is useful for pregnant women, as it is a very important and necessary substance, especially in the first months of fetal development.

100 grams of pomelo pulp provides the daily requirement of vitamin C.

Calorie content. This is a very low-calorie product - contains approximately 50 calories per 100 grams.

What else is pamela fruit useful for:

  • It has anti-inflammatory properties, in Thailand it is believed that regular consumption of pomelo provides prevention of inflammatory processes in the urethra, its effectiveness has been especially proven in cases of Escherichia Coli infection;
  • Improves kidney function;
  • Strengthens the immune system, increases the body's resistance and its ability to regenerate cells;
  • Helps strengthen teeth and reduce bleeding gums;
  • It contains a sufficient amount of iron, which contributes to the production of hemoglobin, which means it is a good prevention of anemia. An indisputable plus of the pomelo is that it contains a large amount of vitamin C, which improves the absorption of iron.

We get many minerals from food, but a very, very negligible amount is absorbed, as they are capricious and need special conditions. Calcium, for example, is one of the most needed, but also the most difficult to digest. Only about 20 percent reach the "destination" so to speak, and this figure only decreases with age. That's it. And that is why, such products that provide all the conditions for trace elements are very important.

  • Regulates blood pressure;
  • Prevents the formation of osteoporosis;
  • It improves the functioning of the digestive system, as it contains a lot of useful fiber, which also cleanses and releases toxins.
  • This is an ideal product for losing weight, a lot of benefits and very few calories.
  • Flavonoids, essential oils and antioxidants contained in the pomelo make it a real fighter against the formation of cancer cells. Yes, and strong immunity is important in this fight.
  • Very useful in the treatment of atherosclerosis. Studies have shown a significant improvement in the well-being of patients after just a couple of months of regular consumption of pomelo fruit.
  • Improves the functioning of the heart and cardiovascular system.
  • Increases efficiency and concentration.

In general, a useful and fairly affordable fruit for us, why not buy more often and please yourself and your loved ones?

How to eat pomelo, how to choose and store

They eat pomelo in different ways, but the easiest way is to simply peel it, by the way, it is much easier to peel it than an orange or grapefruit, then the slices are separated. Film is removed from them. What remains is a delicious pulp ready to eat.

Pamela should be chosen in which the bark is elastic, without dents and brown spots. The pomelo should not be too soft, this is a sign that it has begun to deteriorate inside. The best fruit is one that is smaller but heavier, which means that the bark is thinner and the flesh is more juicy.

Unpeeled pomelo will keep in the refrigerator for about 2-3 weeks. If you have already peeled the fruit, then you will have to eat it no more than in 2-3 days.

Watch an interesting video on how to choose a pomelo:

Contraindications and harm pamela

Some citrus fruits have such a feature that they disrupt the absorption of various medicines. In particular, this applies to grapefruit and pomelo. So, it is not recommended to use these fruits during the period of treatment for various infections and diseases, and in the presence of chronic diseases, it is better to consult a doctor before introducing any new product into your diet.

It is only in relation to some medicines that absorption decreases, and in relation to others, things are quite the opposite. Pmela increases their effect, which is also bad.

The effect of pamela on the body lasts for three days, so keep this fact in mind and do not eat pamela and grapefruit during treatment.

Bonus. Recipes with pomelo

  • Thai salad with Yum Som O pomelo

One of the most popular, traditional Thai salads. Usually made with shrimp and pomelo or grapefruit.

Ingredients: 200 grams of pomelo pulp, 1 clove of garlic, 1 small onion, some fresh mint leaves, 100 grams of peeled shrimp, salt.

Refueling: 2 tablespoons lime juice, 2 tablespoons fish sauce and a little sugar to taste.

Cooking. Peel the pomelo, divide the pulp into small particles with your hands, fry the onion and garlic in a pan, and do the same with the shrimp. We put the salad on a plate: first pomelo, then onion and garlic, shrimp, sprinkle chopped mint on top and season with a mixture of lime juice and fish sauce.

  • Vietnamese salad with pomelo

Ingredients: 1 medium pomelo, 1 cucumber, 1 small onion, 1 carrot, 50 grams of roasted peanuts, a little fresh mint.

Refueling: 2 tablespoons fish sauce, 1 tablespoon lime juice, 1 tablespoon water, 1 teaspoon sugar, 1 minced garlic clove.

Cooking. Separate the pomelo pulp with your hands into small particles, cut the carrots and cucumber into strips, mix all the ingredients and add the dressing. Salad ready.

Pamela fruit (pomelo) is a healthy, affordable, and also low-calorie miracle that deserves much more attention. If you choose the right fruit, then you will be surprised by the sweetness and juiciness of this fruit.

Pomelo is not as popular in our country as other citrus fruits. But still there are admirers of this fruit.

They appreciate sheddok (the second name of the product) for an interesting sweet and sour taste with a slight bitterness, a delicate aroma slightly reminiscent of the smell of a banana, and dry pulp.

The peel of the fruit also comes into play - it is dried and added to tea. If we touch upon the question of the benefits of a pomelo, then we can at all be convinced that it deserves to be on our tables.

What is the feature of pomelo

This fruit originally grew in Malaysia, Fiji and Tonga, in the southeastern part of Asia. As early as 100 years BC. e. pomelo was common in China. The delicacy came to Europe much later - in the 14th century.

And he was nicknamed sheddock in honor of Captain Sheddock from England, who delivered pompelmus seeds to the West Indies in the 16th century. Today, the fruit is cultivated in many Asian countries, including Japan, Thailand, India, Vietnam, etc.

Pomelo has one feature - it is the largest representative of the genus Citrus. The most massive fruits weigh up to 10 kg, their diameter reaches 30 cm. The sheddok has a relatively thick peel - 2-4 cm.

The color of ripe fruits is yellowish green, the flesh is mostly white, and the shape is spherical or pear-shaped. The Thongdi variety has a dark green skin and a pink interior.

The chemical composition of pompelmus

Sheddock is very attractive in terms of its calorie content - only 38 kcal per 100 g of product. For losing weight - it's the most, because pomelo quickly creates a feeling of satiety.

If we consider the quantitative composition of the fruit, you can see that it is not very rich. But it contributes to the overall balance of essential substances:

  • beta-carotene - 30-100 mg;
  • vitamins B1, B2, B6;
  • vitamin C - 61 mg (this is 2/3 of the daily requirement);
  • vitamin PP - 0.22 mg;
  • proteins - 0.76 g;
  • fats - 0.04 g;
  • carbohydrates - 8.62 g;
  • dietary fiber - 1 g;
  • macronutrients: potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, sodium;
  • trace elements: iron, manganese, copper, zinc.

Pomelo is also rich in essential oils, which spread the characteristic aroma. These components are very valuable for the body.

As you may have noticed, sheddock is rich in vitamin C, which has a beneficial effect on the immune system. Now specifically about the beneficial properties of pomelo:

1. It saturates the body with vitamins and minerals, and this has a good effect on its work: metabolic processes occur faster, and well-being improves by an order of magnitude.

2. Better effect on the condition of the heart and blood vessels. The fruit is able to reduce high blood pressure and even out the work of our “motor”, in particular, to stabilize its rhythm.

3. Eat one pomelo every day and you will strengthen the myocardium. This is possible due to the sufficient amount of potassium.

4. The product prevents the development of thrombosis, strengthens blood vessels and makes them elastic.

5. Sheddock removes excess cholesterol, thereby preventing the development of atherosclerosis.

6. Essential oils, concentrated in pomelo slices, have a detrimental effect on viruses, bacteria and thereby speed up recovery. And vitamins A and C help them in this.

7. Sheddok relieves inflammation well, so if you have a cold, you should not exclude it from your diet.

9.Pomelo helps to eliminate the symptoms of poisoning and facilitates the rehabilitation period.

10. Pompelmus has antioxidant properties. It removes half-life products and free radicals from the body. Helps prevent cancer.

11. Improves well-being during chemotherapy, promotes accelerated recovery after serious illnesses and surgical interventions.

12. The fruit is very useful for pregnant women. Sheddok normalizes metabolism and relieves the symptoms of toxicosis.

13. The presence of folic acid makes pompelmus useful for women in position, because it has a good effect on the formation of the fetus, especially its central nervous system.

14. Pomelo increases efficiency, as it stimulates the blood supply to the brain.

15. Improves concentration and memory.

16. Restores vitality, gives energy, improves mood and keeps the body in good shape. Useful for those who work hard physically, and athletes.

17. Reduces the rate of accumulation of adipose tissue cells, which helps to effectively fight overweight. For pregnant women, this property is also important, as it allows you to gain at least a kilogram and provide the fetus with a normal weight.

18. Restores the work of the pancreas.

19. Perfectly quenches thirst, which is especially pleasant in the hot season. In this case, pomelo outperforms orange and grapefruit.

20. The peel of the fruit is also useful. It is rich in vitamin P, which has a beneficial effect on the work of the stomach and intestines.

In cosmetology, sheddok also takes its place of honor. Based on its extract, wonderful products for hair, face and body skin are made.

Pomelo wraps allow you to adjust the contours of the body, tighten the skin and smooth out cellulite bumps.

Pomelo harm and contraindications

First of all, it is worth abandoning this product for those who suffer from an allergy to citrus. The consequences can be different - from a slight rash and itching of the skin to swelling of the throat and suffocation.

Also, pompelmus should be abandoned to people with the following diseases:

Caution should be exercised in the use of bronchial asthma.

Do not forget about the golden mean, because only moderate amounts of pomelo will benefit. You can eat no more than half of an average fruit per day.

Even in a healthy person, an excess of pompelmus in the body can cause disruptions: insomnia, diarrhea, kidney failure.

Do not treat yourself to this fruit on an empty stomach. It is better to leave the role of dessert to sheddok, then its enzymes will also help to digest heavy food.

A useful product has a peel of the same color without any spots, its thickness is approximately the same throughout the fruit. The top of a good pomelo is dense, does not exceed 1 cm in diameter. The aroma is pronounced citrus, the size of the fruit is medium.

Before use, be sure to wash the sheddock to wash off the layer of paraffin. Most valuable substances in the pulp are preserved for three days after cutting.

Almost everyone loves juicy, fragrant, healthy and so tasty citrus fruits. Many of them have even ceased to seem exotic to us - for example, lemons, tangerines, oranges and grapefruits, which have already become an integral part of our diet. The fruit, which will be discussed today, is not as familiar as the above, but it has been familiar and to the taste of many for a very long time - consider the pomelo, its composition, useful properties and applications.

What does a citrus tree look like and where does it grow?

Pomelo is a large bright green, yellow or orange balls that resemble a very large grapefruit. The fruit is covered with a rather thick skin that hides juicy and sweet reddish, yellowish, greenish or almost white flesh.

The tree on which these citrus fruits grow is evergreen, it has an impressive growth, up to 15 m, and a spherical crown. China and Southeast Asia are considered to be the birthplace of this plant - it should be noted that in their native lands the pomelo symbolizes well-being and prosperity.

At the moment, it is grown on an industrial scale in many countries, namely the USA, Japan, China, Thailand, India, Indonesia, Vietnam, Israel, as well as Taiwan and Tahiti.

Did you know? For the first time, a pomelo tree was grown from a stone on the island of Barbados. This citrus is the largest on our planet.

Calorie content and chemical composition

Low calorie content and rich in vitamins and minerals make this citrus fruit especially attractive. And all because it contains vitamins: A, B, C and RR.

It contains the following minerals:

  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • manganese;
  • copper;
  • magnesium.

100 g of pomelo contains only 38 kcal, and its BJU indicators are as follows:

  • 0.6 g protein;
  • 0.2 g fat;
  • 6.7 g of carbohydrates.

Also in the pomelo is:

  • 89.1 g water;
  • 0.48 g of ash;
  • 1 g of dietary fiber.

Important! The seeds, pulp and peel of this fruit contain a large amount of essential oils.

What is useful pomelo

Due to the rich chemical composition, pomelo can bring great benefits to the body, namely:

  • Strengthen immunity.
  • Prevents aging of cells and the body as a whole.
  • Strengthens the heart and cleanses the blood vessels.
  • Normalizes blood pressure.
  • Reduces the level of bad cholesterol.
  • Accelerates metabolic processes in the body.
  • It is a product for the prevention of cancer.
  • Favorably affects the digestive system.
  • Reduces alcohol intoxication.
  • Effective for cough, even asthmatic.
  • Prevents the occurrence and development of atherosclerosis.
  • Helps with diarrhea.
  • Helps strengthen bones, accelerates their fusion in case of fractures.
  • Excellent thirst quencher.
  • Raises the mood.
  • Has a tonic effect.
  • Improves brain function.
  • Increases the endurance of the body.
  • Protects the skin from UV rays.

For women

The female body is greatly affected by malfunctions in the intestines, especially often this happens after eating fatty and fried foods. The result of improper intestinal motility can be constipation, and the retention of feces in the body, in turn, will have a bad effect on the condition of the skin.

The regular presence of a fruit such as pomelo in the diet will help prevent or correct such problems.

In addition, the citrus in question contributes to the prolongation of youth and the preservation of beauty. It also helps prevent the occurrence of breast cancer.

Did you know? The closest relative of the pomelo in terms of composition and taste is grapefruit, which, by the way, appeared as a result of pollination of an orange with the pollen of this plant.

For men

Pomelo is considered a powerful aphrodisiac, it is able to increase sexual desire, as well as favorably affect male potency and improve sperm quality.

In addition, this fruit is considered an excellent tool for the prevention of prostate cancer.

It also has a positive effect on the health of those men who regularly play sports, as it prevents ligament ruptures and muscle strains, and also contributes to the rapid recovery of the body after physical exertion.

Features of use

Pomelo, no doubt, belongs to useful products, but it is important to use it correctly, especially in situations where the body is especially vulnerable, that is, during the period of bearing and feeding a baby, during diets and certain diseases.

During pregnancy

This fruit is shown to women in an "interesting" position for a number of reasons, namely:

  • Saturates the body with vitamins and minerals.
  • Helps to cope with disorders of the nervous system, bad mood and depression.
  • Normalizes stool.
  • Removes puffiness and symptoms of toxicosis.
  • Helps to avoid weight gain during this period.
  • Contains folic acid, which is necessary for the development of the embryo.
  • It is an effective and safe remedy for the prevention of colds and viral diseases.
  • It has a positive effect on the formation of the skeleton of the fetus.

But it is worth remembering that, like all citrus fruits, pomelo can cause severe allergic reactions, so you need to eat it during pregnancy with caution, and if any adverse reactions occur, exclude it from the diet and immediately consult a doctor.

When breastfeeding

Moreover, the absence of allergic reactions in the mother does not at all guarantee that the use of a citrus fruit will not affect the baby, so it’s not worth the risk.

When losing weight

For those who want to lose extra pounds, pomelo can be a faithful assistant, because this fruit speeds up metabolism and helps cleanse the body.

In addition, the pomelo satisfies the feeling of hunger, saturates the body with energy and useful substances, although it is low in calories. It has become an integral part of many popular diets, as it has another feature - the ability to speed up the process of splitting fats.

With diabetes

People suffering from a disease such as diabetes are contraindicated in foods with a high glycemic index. In pomelo, it is low, so diabetics can and should use it: the fruit normalizes the amount of sugar in the blood and has a general strengthening effect on the body.

At what age can children

Opinions of pediatricians on this issue differ: someone believes that it is possible to introduce this fruit into the diet of a baby from a year old, and someone - not earlier than 3 years.

It is necessary to be guided by the state of health of each individual child.

If the crumbs do not have a tendency to allergic reactions, then you can carefully start introducing the pomelo into the diet after 12 months: first, give a teaspoon of juice to try, and if there are no problems, give the pulp in small portions and observe the reaction of the body.
In cases where there are no manifestations of allergies, feel free to indulge the baby with this delicious fruit.

In other cases, if the child is prone to dermatitis, diathesis and allergies, it is better to postpone acquaintance with this citrus until 3-5 years.

How to choose when buying

In order to choose a tasty and healthy fruit in a store or market, you should be guided by the following criteria:

  • it should be tight to the touch;
  • the peel should be uniform, without dents and cracks;
  • the color should be solid, without spots and have an exceptionally glossy shade;
  • the more the weight of the pomelo, the juicier it is.

Important! The fruits harvested in December - February are considered the most useful, so the end of winter - the beginning of spring isthe best time to buy citrus.

How to store at home

There will be no problems with storing the fruit, as it will feel great at room temperature for a month. If you plan to store it longer, then it is better to put the pomelo in the refrigerator, cellar or on the balcony, that is, store it in a cool, dark place.

If the pomelo is already peeled, then in this form it is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days.

Many are interested in the question of how to prepare the fruit for consumption, what it is combined with and how to use it in general. Let's look at all these points in detail.

How to clean and eat

To begin with, the fruit is washed and peeled from a thick peel. This can be done either with a knife or by hand. Then it is divided into slices, after which films are removed from each of them, leaving only juicy and sweet pulp.

Why can bitter

If the pomelo is properly cleaned and all white layers are removed from it, then bitterness can only be provoked by the fact that the fruit is not ripe. Unripe fruits cannot harm, but there is practically no benefit in them.

Is it possible to pomelo at night

The fruit contributes to the rapid saturation of the body, and also quenches thirst. Such a vitamin dinner will only benefit, even if it takes place at a very late time.

Did you know? Watermelon and pomelo have one thing in common: both a large berry and a large citrus have a strong diuretic effect.

What can be done and where to add

In addition to the fact that this fruit can be a separate snack or act as a dessert, its pulp can be added to fruit, vegetable, meat and fish salads, as well as used to make candied fruits, marmalades, jams and marmalades.

It should be noted that only thermally unprocessed fruits will bring great benefits to the body.

You can make juice from pomelo, which can be an independent drink and a component of various non-alcoholic and alcoholic cocktails.
This fruit goes well with almost all products, the only exception is milk, since in combination with milk proteins a reaction can occur that will lead to bloating and complicating the work of the stomach.

Important! It is better to consume pomelo after meals or before going to bed, and eating it on an empty stomach is not recommended.

How can it be used in cosmetology

If you combine the internal use of this fruit with the external one, you can achieve amazing results. Due to the high content of nutrients, this product is classified as a product of beauty, health and youth.

Moisturizing face mask

In order to fill the skin with moisture, improve its color and texture, you can prepare the following mask:

  • 3-4 pomelo slices must be cleaned of veins and finely chopped;
  • add 1 tsp to the fruit mass. honey and 1 tsp. lemon juice;
  • Mix thoroughly and apply evenly on the face, neck and décolleté.

After 15-20 minutes, the mask must be washed off with warm water or freshly brewed green tea, cooled to an acceptable temperature. After that, a moisturizer is applied to the skin and enjoy the result.

Body Scrub

Preparing a scrub will not take much of your time and work, and the results after the procedure will please you.

In order to prepare peeling at home, you will need:

  • pomelo peel and pulp - 100 g;
  • lemon - ½ pc.;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.

The peel and pulp of citrus fruits are crushed and mixed with the rest of the ingredients. The finished mass is evenly applied to the steamed body, avoiding the chest area.
The scrub should be left on the skin for 10-15 minutes, during which it is easy to massage the skin, then rinse with warm or contrast water and apply a moisturizer. The procedure should be carried out no more than once every 3 days.

Contraindications and harm

A pomelo can harm only in cases where a person has an individual intolerance to the components that make up its composition. It is also not recommended to eat too much of this citrus - 4-5 cloves a day are enough to maintain the tone of the body.

Do not eat this fruit:

  • with a stomach or duodenal ulcer;
  • during the acute course of hepatitis or colitis, as well as with nephritis;
  • with increased acidity.

It is also worth remembering that pomelo has a laxative effect, and can also worsen or improve the effect of certain medications, so if you have any health problems, it is better to consult your doctor before use.

Now you know about all the beneficial properties of this fruit, as well as how to eat it correctly and what to combine with.

If you adhere to a healthy diet, then the pomelo will certainly become a worthy addition to your balanced diet, it will help control weight and the concentration of nutrients in the body.

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The diet of those who want to lose weight should contain a minimum amount of sweets and fats. At the same time, most of the diet should come from fruits.

The expansion of trade relations between countries leads to the fact that the range of fruits and vegetables in stores is also constantly growing. Not so long ago, another fruit from the citrus family appeared on the shelves of retail outlets - pomelo. Only a few know what kind of fruit pomelo is, and what is its calorie content. Meanwhile, this is a very useful fruit for all groups of people, and especially for those who want to lose weight.

This fruit is striking in its size, as it can reach a weight of 10 kilograms. However, smaller options come to us - about 0.5-1.5 kg.

Outwardly, the pomelo is similar to an orange and a grapefruit, but its color is different. Most often, this citrus is greenish or yellow-pink. This fruit is distinguished by its taste. It has a pleasant sweetish taste with a slight sourness. But there is less juice in the pomelo than in other citrus fruits, so it is not stored for long.

You can use pomelo separately from other products, or you can use it in salads, pie fillings, combine with meat and fish dishes. The low calorie content of the pomelo allows it to be used during diets and fasting days.

How many calories are in a fresh pomelo?

Fresh pomelo refers to low-calorie foods. The average number of calories in a pomelo is about 32 units. The pulp of an average peeled pomelo weighs about 400 g. The calorie content of such a fruit will be 128 units. Such pleasant numbers indicate that you can safely eat one pomelo fruit per day - this will not negatively affect the figure.

At the same time, the pomelo will saturate the body with carbohydrates that are important for it. There are 6 to 8 grams of carbohydrates per 100 g of fruit, which give the body energy and improve brain activity. In addition, the pomelo contains a whole set of vitamins and minerals: vitamins of groups B, A, C, iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium. Such a complex is able to support the body during diets and weight loss.

Pomelo for weight loss

Low calorie pomelo nutritionists use for weight loss. Based on this fruit, several diets have been compiled that allow you to get rid of excess weight. For example, there is a three-day diet during which you can cleanse the body and lose a few pounds.

Diet menu:

  • 1st breakfast includes 50 g of low-fat cheese, 100 g of pomelo, a cup of coffee without sugar;
  • 2nd breakfast consists of only 150 g of fruit;
  • for lunch it is allowed to eat 150 g of vegetables cooked by stewing, about 100 g of boiled sea fish, a glass of coffee or tea;
  • afternoon tea includes an egg and part of a pomelo;
  • for dinner, you can eat a boiled egg, a portion of boiled cauliflower, part of a pomelo and an apple. In a glass of herbal tea, you can add 1 tsp. quality honey.

In addition to special diets, you can replace this fruit breakfast reception. Nutritionists say that in this case, after two months, extra pounds will become much less.

The benefits of the pomelo fruit lie in its low calorie content and properties. In addition to the fact that the pomelo does not carry extra calories to the body, it also helps to get rid of them. The systematic use of pomelo promotes the breakdown of proteins and fats, helps to gently cleanse the vessels and speed up. The fiber contained in the pomelo lingers in the digestive system, prolonging the feeling of satiety. In addition, fiber can bind fats in the intestines and remove them.

Although pomelo is a very healthy fruit, you should not get carried away with it, because it can cause allergic reactions.