Troparion Kontakion to the Apostle Andrew the First-Called. Prayer to Andrew the First-Called for various requests. Orthodox icons and prayers

Memorial Day of the Apostle Andrew the First-Called
December 13th

Troparion to the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called
Troparion, tone 4:

Like the First-Called Apostles, / and the Supreme Brother, / Lord of all, Andrew, pray, / grant peace to the universe, / and great mercy to our souls.

Russian translation: Of the apostles, the first to be called, / and Peter's brother. / To God, the Lord of all, Andrei, / pray, grant peace to the peoples, / and great mercy to our souls.

Kontakion, tone 2:

Let us praise the courage of the namesake god-spoken, / and the Church of the supreme investigator, / Peter's kinsman, / because of old times / and now cry out to us: / come: find the Desired One.

Russian translation: Courageous in name and deed, / and called for the Church, Christ was the first chosen. / We praise Petrov's relative. / He, as before, to him, / says to us: / "come, you have found the Desired Christ."


We magnify you, / the Apostle of Christ Andrew, / and we honor your illnesses and labors, / you worked in the image / in the gospel of Christ.

Russian translation: We magnify You, / Apostle of Christ Andrew, / and glorify Your sufferings and Your deeds, / which you did / preaching Christ.

history of the holiday

The Apostle Andrew was from Galilee. It was a picturesque fertile land, and its inhabitants were kind and hospitable. There were many Greeks in this area, some Galileans spoke Greek and had Greek names. Andrew in Greek means "courageous".

Andrew was the first to follow the Savior, so He was called the First-Called. From that time on Saint Andrew was constantly with Jesus Christ.

After the Descent of the Holy Spirit, the apostles cast lots as to who should go to what land and preach the teachings of Christ. Andrei got the land, which later became known as Russia.

He climbed along the Dnieper to the place where Kyiv was later built.

Apostle Andrew the First-Called erects a cross on the mountains of Kyiv.

Up the Dnieper, the Apostle Andrew ascended to the location of the future Kyiv, where, as the Monk Nestor the Chronicler narrates, he erected a cross on the Kyiv mountains, turning to his disciples with the words: "Do you see these mountains? On these mountains the grace of God will shine, there will be a great city, and God will raise up many churches."

From here, the Apostle Andrew passed through the lands of the Varangians to Rome and again returned to Thrace.

Here in a small village of Byzantium (future Constantinople) he founded the Christian Church. The Apostle Andrew traveled a lot around the Greek land and taught people the basics of the Christian faith.

On his way, the Apostle Andrew endured many sorrows from the pagans. He was beaten, expelled from the cities. But the Lord kept his chosen one and, through his prayers, performed wondrous miracles.

The last city where the holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called came with a sermon was the city of Patras (Patras), where the apostle was martyred.

The ruler of the city of Patras - Egeat - was an enemy of the Christians. The holy apostle, with love and humility, told him about the Christian faith, seeking to reveal to him the Christian mystery of eternal life, the miraculous power of the Holy Cross of the Lord.
The angry ruler sentenced the apostle to death and ordered the apostle to be crucified. With joy, Saint Andrew the First-Called accepted the decision of the ruler and went up to the place of execution.

To prolong the torment of the apostle, they did not nail his hands and feet to the cross, but tied them. But the apostle Andrew did not agree to be crucified on a straight cross, saying that he was not worthy to be crucified in the same way as the Lord was crucified. According to legend, the cross on which the holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called was crucified had the shape of an oblique cross or the letter "X" and was called the "St. Andrew's Cross".

For two days the apostle from the cross taught the townspeople gathered around. The people who listened to him sympathized with him with all their hearts and demanded that the holy apostle be taken down from the cross.

Frightened by popular indignation, Egeat ordered to stop the execution. But the holy apostle began to pray that the Lord would honor him with death on the cross. No matter how the soldiers tried to remove the Apostle Andrew, their hands did not obey.

"The Apostle Andrew" Barroso Miguel. Hermitage

Then the crucified Andrew the First-Called offered an ardent prayer to the Lord: “Receive me, O Lord, in peace in Your eternal tabernacles!”

According to legend, when the Apostle Andrew breathed his last, heavenly light shone on him, so that neither Egeat, nor the soldiers, nor anyone from the mourning crowd around could either approach him or look at him.

When this wonderful light faded, the body of the apostle was carefully removed from the cross and buried with honor.

The Russian Church, having adopted the faith from Byzantium, also considers itself the successor of the Orthodox Faith from the Apostle Andrew.

In Russia, the holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called is greatly revered.

Emperor Peter I established the first and highest order in honor of the Apostle Andrew. Particularly distinguished soldiers receive an award for military merit, the Order of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called.

The main flag of the Russian Navy is the St. Andrew's flag. It is a white cloth, crossed diagonally by two blue stripes, which form an inclined cross, which is called St. Andrew's. This cross gave the flag its name.

Why is the flag called St. Andrew's?

St. Andrew's flag appeared under Peter the Great. There were several drawings of this flag, which were made by Tsar Peter the Great himself. On December 11, 1699, Peter the Great established the St. Andrew's flag as a symbol of the Russian Navy, because the Apostle Andrew is revered in Russia as its patron and prayer book. The Apostle Andrew the First-Called is the patron saint of Russia, He taught the Slavic pagans the Christian faith.

The Russian Fleet, under the shadow of the St. Andrew's flag, has won many victories throughout the history of Russia.

Many Temples in Rus' were built in honor of the Apostle Andrew the First-Called.

The Russian people love and revere the holy apostle.

On December 13, 2013, a Festive Divine Liturgy was held in our Temple in honor of the memory of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called.

According to tradition, after the Divine Liturgy, all Andreevs were congratulated on their name days.

Our community - deaf, hard of hearing, deaf-eyed, and also hearing parishioners congratulated Archpriest Andrey, rector of the Temple of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God of the Patriarchal Metochion of the Simonov Monastery, on the name day, 20 years of pastoral service and the anniversary of our beloved father.

Good health to you, joy in life, well-being! God's help to you and the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos in pastoral service and spiritual nourishment of deaf, hard of hearing, deaf-blind and hearing Christians! May the Lord and the Most Holy Theotokos help you guide the ship (the Orthodox community of the deaf, hard of hearing and deafblind), which you manage, on the right path, despite all the difficulties and obstacles. And let the holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called help and protect you on the path of life! May evil always bypass you, and may Faith, Hope and Love always be with you!

13 Mar 2019

On March 4, 2019, N.N. Yezhova, a teacher of the OPK of boarding school No. 52 for children with hearing impairment, together with a deaf priest Valentin Terekhov, conducted classes on the OPK course in our monastery and a tour of the temple. The lesson and excursion were held with great interest, the children asked many questions to the priest, communication took place in sign language.

13 Mar 2019

The last Sunday of Maslenitsa is popularly called "Forgiveness Sunday". On this day, after the end of the Divine Liturgy, a special service is performed with the Rite of Forgiveness, during which priests and parishioners ask for forgiveness from each other before the start of Great Lent.

12 Mar 2019

On March 9, 2019, during the Divine Liturgy and at the memorial service, our community, with one heart and one mouth, offered up its prayers for the repose of the souls of our departed parishioners - the newly deceased Raisa Semyonovna Dardanova and the ever-remembered Lyudmila Nikolaevna Kovalkina, who reposed in the Lord 20 years ago.

26 Feb 2019

Saturday, February 23, the day of the glorification of the Hieromartyr Kharlampy and the Holy Martyr Valentina. On the same day, a civil holiday is celebrated - Defender of the Fatherland Day. In our church, the Divine Liturgy was served, during which everyone prayed for our God-protected country and its army, and also commemorated those who laid down their lives on the battlefield for the freedom and independence of our Fatherland.

Prayers to the saints

Commemorated: June 30 / July 13 (Council of the Twelve Apostles) and November 30 / December 13

The brother of the Apostle Peter, a disciple of the prophet John the Baptist, called first to the apostolic service, the holy Apostle Andrew was among the closest disciples of the Savior and preached the Gospel in many countries. According to legend, the Apostle Andrew was in Russia, went up the Dnieper to the Kyiv hills and, hoisting a cross on the mountain, said to his disciples: "In this place the grace of God will shine."

For preaching the faith of Christ, St. Apostle Andrew accepted a martyr's death, crucified on the cross around the year 62 after the birth of Christ.

Apostle Andrew is the patron saint of Ukraine, Russia, Scotland, Romania, Greece, Sicily, as well as sailors and fishermen. The Russian Navy has chosen the flag with the St. Andrew's Cross as its battle banner. They pray to the Apostle Andrei for the conversion to the Christian faith of the peoples of Russia, for the intercession of the Fatherland, for success in maritime military affairs and simply navigation.

Troparion to the Apostle Andrew the First-Called, tone 4

Kontakion to the Apostle Andrew the First-Called, tone 2

Prayer to the Apostle Andrew the First-Called

Akathist to the Apostle Andrew the First-Called:

Canon to the Apostle Andrew the First-Called:

Hagiographic and scientific-historical literature about the Apostle Andrew the First-Called:

  • Apostle Andrew the First-Called– Pravoslavie.Ru
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Prayer to the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called

The Holy Apostle Andrew is a unique person who has seen a lot in his long life. He traveled with reindeer herders, talked with philosophers from Greece, had acquaintances with merchants and officials, visited primitive tribes in Pakistan.

What to pray for a saint

Prayer to Andrew the First-Called has great power and sounds from the lips of sailors about success in military affairs.

He is contacted:

  • on the intercession of the Fatherland;
  • in the conversion of peoples to the faith of Christ;
  • for all the needs of life.

Apostle Andrew was a very wise man, his wisdom was not only divine, but also human. He had a habit of installing worship crosses wherever he went.

The saint walked the earth with a huge staff topped with a cross in his hands. He was a very modest Christian, but if any of the people were overcome by a strong need, he interceded for them before the Almighty.

Saint Andrew allowed himself to be crucified, being in his advanced years, although he could have easily avoided martyrdom. He chose the heavy cross for the sake of faith and followed Christ without a shred of doubt.

Like the apostles, the first-called and supreme brother of the Lord of all, Andrew, pray, grant peace to the universe and great mercy to our souls.

Let us praise the courage of the namesake diviner and the Church’s superintendent, Petrov’s relative, for as long ago and now we call: come, find the Desired One.

First-Called Apostle of God and Savior Jesus Christ, Follower of the Church, All-Praised Andrew! We glorify and magnify your apostolic labors, we sweetly remember your blessed coming to us, we bless your honest suffering, even if you suffered for Christ, we kiss your sacred relics, we honor your holy memory and we believe that the Lord lives, your soul is alive and with Him stay in heaven forever, even if you love us with love, you also loved us, when by the Holy Spirit you saw our conversion, even to Christ, and not just love, but also pray to God for us, in vain in the light of His all our needs. So we believe and so we confess our faith in the temple, even in your name, Saint Andrew, gloriously created, where your holy relics rest: believing, we ask and pray the Lord and God and our Savior Jesus Christ, but with your prayers, even always listen and accepts, gives us all that is necessary for the salvation of us sinners: yes, as if you were abie according to the voice of the Lord, leave your own land, you followed Him unswervingly, and everyone from us seeks not their own, but hedgehog to the creation of one’s neighbor and about the high calling, yes thinks. Having the same intercessor and intercessor for us, we hope that your prayer can do much before the Lord and our Savior Jesus Christ, He deserves all glory, honor and worship with the Father and the Holy Spirit and forever and ever. Amen.

First-Called Apostle of God and our Savior Jesus Christ, Supreme Follower of the Church, All-Praised Andrew!

We glorify and magnify your apostolic labors, we sweetly remember your blessed coming to us, we bless your honest suffering, even if you suffered for Christ, we kiss your sacred relics, we honor your holy memory and we believe that the Lord lives, your soul is alive, and with you remain with him forever in heaven, even if you do not leave us with your love, as if you loved our fathers, when by the Holy Spirit you saw the conversion of our land to Christ.

Everywhere in the name of the Lord Jesus, healing the sick, resurrecting the dead, casting out demons; All the people, seeing the power of God in you, crushing their idols, therefore the Lord appeared to you, like Paul sometimes in Corinth, and commanded you to take your Cross, having marked yours in Patras, for His sake, suffering. The same and we, marveling at the great grace in you, reverently cry out: Rejoice, great power of God almighty; Rejoice, precious treasure of miracles. Rejoice, enlightenment and adornment of ancient Patras; Rejoice, unbelief of the Anfipat in faith changing. Rejoice, as the Lord has appeared to you, calling you to the feat of the cross; rejoice, for the crown of truth has been prepared for you.

The meeting that changed my life

The holy martyr was born in Galilee. Here lived poor, but pious people, who were mainly engaged in fishing. This region was also inhabited by the Greeks, so the cultural traditions of the peoples gradually mixed.

As a child, the saint was a complaisant and pious child. Therefore, while meeting with John the Baptist, Andrew went over to his side. Soon, as John predicted, Jesus came to the Jordan and the future saint immediately believed in Him.

Together with brother Peter, they became His faithful disciples and never parted again. Apostle Andrew was one of the first who followed his Teacher. And after His Resurrection, the Lord blessed him on the path of spreading the Word of God. Andrew was ordered to carry the Commandments in the Kyiv lands, which is why the prayer to Andrew the First-Called is especially strong in the Russian side.

The earthly path of the apostle was not easy. The pagans tried to kill him, cripple him, but each time the saint turned out to be unharmed. Years later, the saint ended up in Paphros. It was here that his gift as a healer manifested itself: the eyes of the blind began to see, the immobilized stood on their feet and began to move independently, and the sick, lying on their deathbed, recovered.

Over time, most of the townspeople believed in Christ, but except for the city ruler named Egeat. Despite the miracles that he personally observed, he saw in the apostle only an enemy and ordered his execution. The saint was ready for such a turn of affairs and accepted martyrdom with humility. The cross was erected in the shape of an "X", and the saint was tied to it with ropes. For two days, with the last of his strength, he read prayers, and the people gathered under the cross listened to him. The ruler was frightened of the people's wrath and gave the order to remove the martyr from the cross, but the soldiers, no matter how hard they tried, could not untie the knots. But the fact was that the apostle begged the Almighty to grant the honor of martyrdom to end the earthly path. The elder praised the Heavenly King, immediately the cross shone with heavenly light, and the holy soul of Andrew the First-Called departed for Christ's monastery. And the wife of the city ruler removed the great preacher from the crucifix and buried according to Christian custom.

Patron saint of sailors and fishermen

An old legend says that the apostle resurrected the drowned. People sailed to Patras, where he delivered sermons, in order to hear blessed speeches and heed the Word of God. But a severe storm broke out in the sea and all the pilgrims drowned. Their bodies were washed ashore by the waves of the sea, where, by the Will of God, the saint was at that moment.

After praying over the mortal bodies, he brought them back to life. Thanks to this act, St. Andrew is revered as the patron of fishermen and sailors.

The flag of the Russian flotilla is decorated with the St. Andrew's Cross. It is on the mast of every Russian ship, and before sailing it is sprinkled with holy water and a prayer service is served.

And the holy apostle from heaven keeps people from misfortunes and troubles.

The icon with his face is always kept in the captain's cabin, in order to offer prayers for help in case of danger and, by the Will of God, to calm the sea element.

Important! Fishermen going out to sea always read a prayer to the holy elder, so that the waves would be merciful to them, and the catch would be generous.

Help with prayers

Saint Andrew intercedes before God through the prayers of people in a variety of situations:

  • they pray to him for harmony in family relationships;
  • girls ask for the gift of a meeting with a good groom;
  • sailors for unhindered travel;
  • fishermen about a rich catch;
  • sick about healing from ailments;
  • about returning to the faith of a loved one.

Advice! Prayer should be filled with gratitude and faith in the fulfillment of what is requested. You can speak with the holy martyr both in your own words and use the texts of prayer petitions.

Andrew the First-Called, through the heartfelt prayer of the petitioner, will quickly bring the need to the Almighty. The saints are close to people, because each of them went from beginning to end his life path on earth. They understand all human aspirations and experiences.

Important! Prayers offered on the day of honoring the memory of the saint - December 13, are considered especially effective, and dreams are fateful.

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Prayer to the Apostle Andrew the First-Called

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Believers greatly revere the Holy Great Martyrs and Apostles of the Orthodox. Suffering people turn to them for healing, for help in domestic and spiritual matters. Andrew the First-Called is one of the most famous apostles. But why he became so famous and with what problems those in need come to him, you will now find out.

The Apostle Andrew is known as the First-Called because he became the first of the 12 apostles of Jesus Christ. Together with his brother Simon (who later became the Apostle Peter), Andrew was engaged in fishing. Even as a young man, he decided to devote his life to the service of the Lord.

At first, the future evangelist was a disciple of John the Baptist. But after meeting with Jesus, he followed him, preaching and glorifying the Orthodox faith until the last day of the life of the Son of God. On the fiftieth day after the resurrection of Christ, the gift of God ascended to the apostles. They could heal the bodies and souls of believers.

In addition, they could speak different languages, which gave them the opportunity to preach in different countries. Apostle Andrew fell to the countries near the Black Sea and the Danube River. He devoted himself entirely to the service of the Lord. He suffered for his faith. He was crucified on a cross. But he was ready for suffering, because he chose this path for himself.

Prayer to the Apostle Andrew the First-Called

During his lifetime, Chief Apostle Andrew healed people, helped those in need in solving their problems. And now people are turning to him, asking:

  • On spiritual and physical health
  • About successful fishing
  • So that everything is fine on the sea trip
  • About a worthy groom.

Fishermen and sailors ask for help and protection from the messenger of the Lord Andrew, since he is their intercessor. Prayer to Andrew the First-Called by workers in the maritime and fishing business is read, both before the start of the business, and in the process. He helps them in a difficult task, protects them, allows them to return home safe and sound.

Prayer to Andrew the First-Called for marriage

Every young girl dreams of a wedding, a white dress and a prince on a white horse. But it happens that some young people cannot wait for this moment for various reasons. Sometimes girls sort out suitors for a long time, others cannot meet their chosen one in any way.

Then the prayer to Andrew the First-Called for good suitors will come in very handy. After all, the messenger of God Andrei is also the patron of young girls who dream of marriage.

This prayer service will be especially effective, how to read it on December 13, the day of memory of the Holy Chief Apostle. They say that even a dream that will be dreamed that night will be prophetic, fateful.

“The First-Called Apostle of God and our Savior Jesus Christ, the Supreme Follower of the Church, All-Praise Andrew!

We glorify and magnify your apostolic labors, we sweetly remember your blessed coming to us, we bless your honest suffering, even if you suffered for Christ, we kiss your sacred relics, we honor your holy memory and we believe that the Lord lives, your soul is alive, and with you remain with him forever in heaven, even if you do not leave us with your love, as if you loved our fathers, when by the Holy Spirit you saw the conversion of our land to Christ.

We believe, as if praying to God for us, in vain in the light of His all our needs. We confess this faith in your temple, and we pray to the Lord and God and our Savior Jesus Christ, that by your prayers we will be given all that is necessary for the salvation of us sinners: yes, even if you are abie to the voice of the Lord, leave your wounds, you followed Him unswervingly, and every one of us does not seek his own, but hedgehog for the creation of his neighbor, and thinks about the high rank.

Having the same intercessor and intercessor for us, we hope that your prayer can do much before the Lord and our Savior Jesus Christ, He deserves all glory, honor and worship with the Father and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen."

Now you know what problems to address to the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called.

May the Lord keep you!

You will also be interested in the video about the Holy Apostle Andrew:

Prayers and Akathist to the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called


Troparion, tone 4

Like the apostles, the first-called and supreme brother, the Lord of all, Andrew, pray, grant peace to the universe and great mercy to our souls.

Kontakion, tone 2

Let us praise the courage of the namesake diviner and the Church's superintendent, Petrov's kinsman;


First-Called Apostle of God and our Savior Jesus Christ, Supreme Follower of the Church, All-Praised Andrew! We glorify and magnify your apostolic labors, we sweetly remember your blessed coming to us, we bless your honest suffering, even if you suffered for Christ, we kiss your sacred relics, we honor your holy memory and we believe that the Lord lives, your soul is alive, and with you remain with him forever in heaven, even if you do not leave us with your love, as if you loved our fathers, when by the Holy Spirit you saw the conversion of our land to Christ.

We believe, as if praying to God for us, in vain in the light of His all our needs. We confess this faith in your temple, and we pray to the Lord and God and our Savior Jesus Christ, that by your prayers we will be given all that is necessary for the salvation of us sinners: yes, even if you are abie to the voice of the Lord, leave your wounds, you followed Him unswervingly, and every one of us does not seek his own, but hedgehog for the creation of his neighbor, and thinks about the high rank.

Having the same intercessor and intercessor for us, we hope that your prayer can do much before the Lord and our Savior Jesus Christ, He deserves all glory, honor and worship with the Father and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.


Rejoice, Andrew, First-Called Apostle of Christ.

Rejoice, Andrew, First-Called Apostle of Christ.

“Master, where do you live?” - you asked, Andrea, the Savior of our souls and, being one day with Him, you loved for all the days of your belly the Messiah you found, and you brought your elder brother to Him. The same and us, like your lesser brethren, do not stop drawing to Him, and we, following your steps, cry out to God: Alleluia.

Seeing in you, Saint Andrew, a flame of faith and love, the Lord will find you on Lake Gennisaretsta, like a fisherman, together with your brother, sweeping the net into the depths, and you will say: “Coming after Me, and I will create you a fisherman.” You abie followed Him, and with the inspired word, as if I were a guide, you caught the people of Christ, and with them we, caught by you for salvation, tell you:

Rejoice, for thou hast learned from the Samago of the Lord spiritual fishing;

Rejoice, for on the same lake with the rest the apostles were overwhelmed, by faith you were saved in the Lord, who forbids the wind and the sea.

Rejoice, having acquired great faith, when you saw the miraculous saturation of five thousand with five loaves;

Rejoice, gift received from the Lord to heal every ailment and every disease.

Rejoice, as a voice from heaven was heard by the Greeks, who saw Christ by you;

Rejoice, for on the Mount of Olives the former was revealed to you, and the future at the end of the world.

Rejoice, Andrew, First-Called Apostle of Christ.

Having enjoyed the wanderings of the Dominion and the Immortal Meal in the High Place of Zion, like a faithful friend of Christ, together with the other apostles, you saw the Lord and your God, from the Worthless and the Holy Spirit you received, in a hedgehog to knit and solve the sins of people. And again, in the same upper room of Zionstay, there was an abundant outpouring of the promised Spirit on you in fiery tongues. All the same, all the tribes were surprised at what language they spoke of the greatness of God, singing: Alleluia.

From the Lord we receive the commandment to preach the Gospel to all creation, thou hast flowed around many cities and countries, Apostle Andrew, calling people to the knowledge of the True God and baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit; with them, we will be blessed with the grace of Baptism. For this, for the sake of thanksgiving, let us write to you:

Rejoice, faithful proclaimer of the wonders of Christ;

Rejoice, loud preacher of the Holy Gospel.

Rejoice, idol service to the consumer;

Rejoice, planter of true piety.

Rejoice, for according to your word people are reborn with water and the Spirit;

rejoice, as the faithful of the Immortal Meal partake of you.

Rejoice, Andrew, First-Called Apostle of Christ.

From the power of God in the autumn of thee, the First-Called Apostle, in a hedgehog to proclaim the power and glory of the Son of God and affirm all the faith in the Holy Trinity called. The same for us, who worship the One God in the Three Hypostases, in the greener pasture of the faith of Christ, observe, but by the grace of the Holy Spirit we take out sanctification, we sing loudly to him: Alleluia.

Having brought your brother Simon Peter to Christ, the First-Called, you went out with him and to your apostolic ministry, first to Antioch and Sinope, and there you defeated the demons of the regiment, you freed your apostle Matthias from the bonds of the dungeon companion, and baptized the former with him, the supreme Peter from there to the western countries flowing, you gave him a brotherly kiss, you yourself labored well in the east. In the same way, we, the people of the Eastern Church, bless you:

Rejoice, power of God, driving away the armies of demons and crushing the bonds of prisons;

Rejoice, friend of the apostolic grace, from the bonds of hell, freeing us from the bonds of mystery.

Rejoice, west and east with your God-wise brother, preach for the sake of the word of God, dividing by lot;

Rejoice, in the city of Sinope you exposed the unbelief of the Jews by the power of your miracles.

Rejoice, for thou hast been there from the godless Christ for the sake of beaten;

Rejoice, as from Samago the Lord who appeared to you, the healing of ulcers was granted to you.

Rejoice, Andrew, First-Called Apostle of Christ.

Returning twice to the holy city, yes, with the apostles, celebrate the fiftieth day there, twice again you walked from holy Zion, preaching Christ to the universe, first with John the breastplate of the Lord, so with Simon the Zealot and Matthias, who was appointed by lot to be an apostle, and all the limits of Asia and Pontus flowed around you, announcing the word of salvation to everyone, so that they sing to God: Alleluia.

From the Sea of ​​Galilee to Pontus Euxinus, your apostolic netherlands and all the seaside surroundings, announcing your gospel, thou art risen, First-Called, and into the countries of Scythia, hoisting the Cross of Christ everywhere as a sign of our salvation. For this sake, we, even if you are born later, listening to your gospel and remembering your deeds, we call you:

Rejoice, in Nicaea the fierce robbers are tamed and the most fierce dragon is deadly;

Rejoice, having erected the Cross of Christ in the midst of this city, as the Forerunner of the God-bearing father twice gathered there.

Rejoice, as in Asia and Pontus the light of Christ's ascension is by you;

Rejoice, as your apostolic baton is the foothills of the Caucasus open to the light of Christ.

Rejoice, by whom the darkness of the Cimmerian was illuminated;

Rejoice, imzhe the universe is alive with jets of water to drink.

Rejoice, Andrew, First-Called Apostle of Christ.

Possessed by a storm of passions and, like the waters of the ocean, agitated, the tribes of men, even if they did not know the True God, brought you, apostle, to the quiet haven of Christ and those hearts, like a fragile boat, overwhelmed by unbelief, on the anchor of the Orthodox faith, you approved. In the same way, we, as children of the Orthodox faith, with a grateful heart and grateful lips cry out to God: Alleluia.

On Mount Eleonstey of your Divine Teacher, sometimes with the rest, the apostles asked you, Andrew: “Rest to us, what is the sign of Your coming?” On the mountains of Kyiv, as an organ of the grace of the Holy Spirit, you foreshadowed the coming glory of this place; but we, having been granted this mercy foretold to us, tenderly cry out to you:

Rejoice, for from Mount Zion you brought us the gospel law;

Rejoice, for on the waters of Vorisfen the Apostle of God has ascended to us.

Rejoice, grace of the Jordan, for the sake of our Baptism, granting this speech;

Rejoice, on the mountains of Kyiv the Cross of our salvation is erected.

Rejoice, for an abundant outpouring of the grace of God has been foretold here;

Rejoice, because the existence of the city is great and the churches of many here are foreshadowed.

Rejoice, Andrew, First-Called Apostle of Christ.

Today, in fulfillment of your prophetic voice, the most glorious temple flaunts on the spot, where you foresaw what is not as if by the gift of the Holy Spirit; around him, a great city with golden-domed churches bears witness to the truth of your words; In the same way, we, the realization of your divinely inspired words, are sighted, with a great voice we cry out to God: Alleluia.

From the luminous dawn, the First-Called Apostle, perceiving the light of theology, Saint Olga ascended the Russian land, like the day of our salvation, erecting after herself, like a radiant luminary, her grandson Vladimir, the enlightener of the entire midnight country. The same and we, having lifted our eyes to you, Andrey the God-wise, as to the initial herald of our salvation, we will describe this laudable:

Rejoice, as the day of our salvation, Olga of the saints, the light of Divine knowledge was bestowed;

rejoice, for by her pious faith the Kingdom of Christ was opened.

Rejoice, for with your blessing the most glorious luminary from this day of the day has come to us;

Rejoice, for according to your apostolic foreshadowing, the Equal-to-the-Apostles prince has appeared to us.

Rejoice, for through you, Saint Vladimir, join the earthly kingdom to the Heavenly one;

Rejoice, like the Dnieper and Pochaina, the rivers of Kiev, a saving font for us.

Rejoice, Andrew, First-Called Apostle of Christ.

The glorious city of Kyiv and the whole Russian country are preached by the shepherd and the pastor of the memory of your deeds, God-wise Apostle Andrew; in the bowels of the cave, the incorruptible resting servants of God, with Anthony and Theodosius, unsilent lips, as if you live, they proclaim your glory for centuries and generations, the Cross erected by you here, like a blessed-leaved tree, grow, in a hedgehog to bring us the fruits of piety and relics. We are your paradise garden, like spiritual chicks, you teach us to sing to God: Alleluia.

Not only Rus' was the only one, the herald of salvation, the First-Called Apostle of Christ, but also the entire Slovenian tribes, like kokosh, gathering their chicks under the krill, I brought you to Christ; you, looking from Chersonis into the darkness of the midnight country, to the people who exist there, may they learn the word of God, wise teachers, Cyril and Methodius, you have prepared for your preaching for many centuries; but we, like the mouths of these enlighteners of ours, loudly cry out to you:

Rejoice, blessed Slovene tribes from time immemorial;

Rejoice, thou wisest wisest word of their understanding by the word of God.

Rejoice, as to the word of God's obedience, the Church was a verbal child;

Rejoice, as if in Chersonissus, where thou didst preach, the first Russian writer Cyril, the saint, found and was pleasant to me.

Rejoice, for by those Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end - Christ of God's wisdom proclaimed to them;

Rejoice, as all the divinely inspired writings, these teachers, have translated into the Slovene language for us.

Rejoice, Andrew, First-Called Apostle of Christ.

Fearless of the deserted Scythia, in the depths of the midnight country you stretched out your apostolic wanderings, First-Called, from there you also came to old Rome, even then the head of the pagan world was; For the sake of darkness, for the sake of idols, leave him, and you came to the red shore of Vospor, there in the city of Byzantium, even if the new Rome and mother of Christians were, you established your apostolic throne, and from it the whole East and North will be illuminated with the light of faith, but the faithful children of the Church of Christ to God unanimously call: Alleluia.

“Mother Zion,” a man says in a Psalm, as if a person was spiritually born in him, but the new Zion was Kyiv for us: in it, the light and grace of God appeared to all the sons of Russia from the pulpit, you, the First-Called Apostle, established you in Byzantium. At the same time, we, illuminated by the Non-Evening Light, gratefully cry out to you:

Rejoice, from Mount Zion descended and with mountain light Kyiv is multi-hilled, illuminating;

Rejoice, thou who bestowed many spiritual fruits upon this city with thy blessing.

Rejoice, for in the midst of the universe you have established your apostolic throne;

Rejoice, as if under its shadow (in the new Rome), you gathered all the languages ​​\u200b\u200benlightened by you.

Rejoice, by whom Orthodoxy is affirmed in their souls;

Rejoice, because the darkness of the West is torn away from the East.

Rejoice, Andrew, First-Called Apostle of Christ.

When the time of your repose comes, blessed apostle, you came to the ancient Patras of Achaia, yes you will be devoured there, you ended the course, you fought a good feat, preaching Christ crucified to everyone, a temptation to a Jew, but madness to us, called and saved, - Christ, God's Power and God's Wisdom, from Neyazhe and learn to sing to God: Alleluia.

Everywhere, in the Name of the Lord Jesus, healing the sick, resurrecting the dead, casting out demons, and in Patras your dying sermon by miracles you confirmed, O Apostle of Christ, and you turned the Anthipat of the Blade to the knowledge of the truth, when you were struck by a wound for the sake of resistance, you were exalted from the bed of sickness; All the people, seeing the power of God in you, crushing their idols, therefore the Lord appeared to you, like Paul sometimes in Corinth, and commanded you to take your cross, having marked yours in Patras, for His sake, suffering. In the same way, we, marveling at the great grace in you, reverently cry out:

Rejoice, great power of God Almighty;

Rejoice, precious treasure of miracles.

Rejoice, enlightenment and adornment of ancient Patras;

Rejoice, unbelief of the Anfipat in faith changing.

Rejoice, as the Lord has appeared to you, calling you to the feat of the cross;

rejoice, for the crown of truth has been prepared for you.

Rejoice, Andrew, First-Called Apostle of Christ.

Nero Caesar, as sometimes Herod, having raised up persecution against all the faithful, I will behead Paul with a sword in Rome, crucifying Peter on the cross, likewise, the hand of the tormentor will reach you in Patra, always instead of the meek Blade, put Egeat the fierce judge, even if you do not endure the baptism of your brother, below, having been softened by the healing of his wife, throwing you into prison and, like the supreme Peter, condemn him to the cross. But you, this prisoner, in a darker dungeon, as if in a bright temple, you prophesied the brother of Anfipat Stratoklis as Bishop of Patrom, singing to God with all the faithful in the middle of the prison: Alleluia.

In place of the forehead, we raise the cross, having seen it, on it you had to be crucified, you were not afraid, apostle, even to death to testify to your beloved and beloved Christ, and stretching out your hand to this sign of salvation, tenderly cried out:

Rejoice, O Most Honorable Cross, I stand before him with joy, knowing you, my hope;

Rejoice, Life-Giving Cross, whose head reaches Heaven, crush the foot of the gates of hell.

Rejoice, venerable Cross, perceived by my Master, like the sweetest bunch, who exuded salvation for us;

Rejoice, blessed Cross, saving the thief and granting him the fruits of confession.

Rejoice, for thou hast fulfilled my joy as well;

the same rejoice also you, passion-bearer, on the Cross imprinting your faith in Christ.

Rejoice, Andrew, First-Called Apostle of Christ.

“Come, witness of my joy! - you called the apostle to the performer of the will of Egeat, - do my will to both, crucify me and, like a lamb, sacrifice to the Creator who created me. And this river, you ascended to the cross, as if to a mountain pulpit, for three days and three nights you preached the word of God around the standing people, but do not be afraid of death, confessing the Lord Jesus. When your face was illuminated with the light of Heaven, the tormentor was horrified and commanded to take you from the cross; Otherwise, you, passion-bearer, did not want to be resolved from the torments of the cross, until the outcome of your incessant cry to God: Alleluia.

Glorifying your apostolic deeds, Andrew the First-Called, we bless your holy death, with which you glorified the Life-giving Passion of the Son of God, and in tenderness of the heart we cry out to you:

Rejoice, friend of Christ, with joy the cross of suffering for Him endured;

Rejoice, faithful apostle, preaching the words of the Eternal Life to people from the cross.

Rejoice, for at the hour of the removal from the cross of autumn you are light, like lightning from heaven;

Rejoice, as you promised great grace to those who confess the Christ the Son of God preached by you.

Rejoice, apostolic foundation of the Mountainous Jerusalem;

Rejoice, sitting with the apostles on one of the twelve thrones, in a hedgehog to judge the whole tribe of Israel.

Rejoice, Andrew, First-Called Apostle of Christ.

O First-Called Apostle of Christ Andrew, look at this blessing of all those who honor your holy memory, and as if you erected the Tree of the Cross on the mountains of the city of Kyiv, always overshadow us with this saving sign, yes, by the Cross of the Lord God and our Savior, we will reach the measure of the age of fulfillment Christ and let us be honored with you and with all the saints, in a voice of joy, in endless ages to sing to God, our Savior: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)

The angel of the evangelist of the Lamb of Christ, who takes away the sins of the world, was thou Andrew the Apostle, and with Him forever dwell in Heaven; from there, look at the singing that is brought to you in your temple, in the place where your feet stand, and, as if you are rich in the grace of God, give us a good word, let us call you:

Rejoice, thou who didst shine upon us from the city of Bethsaida;

Rejoice, equal honorable brother of the supreme Peter.

Rejoice, disciple of the great Forerunner of Christ;

Rejoice, first of all the apostle, called to the apostolic ministry from the Samago of the Lord.

Rejoice, for thou hast called out with joy to others: “Come, find the desired Messiah”;

rejoice, and bring us to Him.

Rejoice, Andrew, First-Called Apostle of Christ.

The First-Called Apostle of Christ, the Gospel of the Holy Preacher, the Russian country of the divinely inspired Enlightener, Andrey the most glorious, we will praise with songs, standing on the hilltop, where the Cross is hoisted on his right hand, and to him, as the Church’s supreme investigator, following himself who showed her the way to Christ, we call in tenderness:

Rejoice, Andrew, First-Called Apostle of Christ.

Like the apostles, the first-called and supreme brother, the Lord of all, Andrew, pray, grant peace to the universe and great mercy to our souls.

Kontakion, tone 2

Let us praise the courage of the namesake diviner and the Church's superintendent, Petrov's kinsman;


Kondak 1

The First-Called Apostle of Christ, the Gospel of the Holy Preacher, the Russian country of the God-inspired Enlightener Andrei the Most Glorious, let us praise with songs, standing on the hilltop, where the Cross is erected on his right hand, and to him, as the Church’s supreme investigator, following himself who showed her the way to Christ, we call in tenderness:

Ikos 1

The angel of the evangelist of the Lamb of Christ, who takes away the sins of the world, was thou Andrew the Apostle, and with Him forever dwell in Heaven; from there, look at the singing that is brought to you in your temple, in the place where your feet stand, and, as if you are rich in the grace of God, give us a good word, let us call you:

Rejoice, thou who didst shine upon us from the city of Bethsaida;

Rejoice, equal honorable brother of the supreme Peter.

Rejoice, disciple of the great Forerunner of Christ;

rejoice first of all, the apostle called to the apostolic ministry from the Samago of the Lord.

Rejoice, for thou hast called out with joy to others: “Come, find the desired Messiah”;

rejoice, and bring us to Him.

Rejoice, Andrew, First-Called Apostle of Christ.

Kondak 2

Teacher, where do you live? - you asked, Andrea, the Savior of our souls and, being one day with Him, you loved for all the days of your belly the Messiah you found, and you brought your elder brother to Him. The same and us, like your lesser brethren, do not stop drawing to Him, and we, following your steps, cry out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Seeing in you, Saint Andrew, a flame of faith and love, the Lord will find you on Lake Gennisaretsta, like a fisherman, together with your brother, sweeping the net into the depths, and you will say: “Coming after Me, and I will create you a fisherman.” You followed Him abie and with the inspired word, as if I were a guide, you caught people to Christ, with them we caught you for salvation, we tell you:

Rejoice, for thou hast learned from the Samago of the Lord spiritual fishing;

Rejoice, for on the same lake with the rest the apostles were overwhelmed, by faith you were saved in the Lord, who forbids the wind and the sea.

Rejoice, having acquired great faith, when you saw the miraculous saturation of five thousand with five loaves;

Rejoice, gift received from the Lord to heal every ailment and every disease.

Rejoice, as a voice from heaven was heard by the Greeks, who saw Christ by you;

Rejoice, for on the Mount of Olives the former was revealed to you, and the future at the end of the world.

Rejoice, Andrew, First-Called Apostle of Christ.

Kondak 3

Having enjoyed the wanderings of the Dominion and the Immortal Meal in the High Place of Zion, like a faithful friend of Christ, together with the other apostles, you saw the Lord and your God, from the Worthless and the Holy Spirit you received, in a hedgehog to knit and solve the sins of people. And again, in the same upper room of Zionstay, there was an abundant outpouring of the promised Spirit on you in fiery tongues. All the same, all the tribes were surprised at what language they spoke of the greatness of God, singing: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

From the Lord we receive the commandment to preach the Gospel to all creation, thou hast flowed around many cities and countries, Apostle Andrew, calling people to the knowledge of the True God and baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit; with them, we will be blessed with the grace of Baptism. For this, for the sake of thanksgiving, let us write to you:

Rejoice, faithful proclaimer of the wonders of Christ;

Rejoice, loud preacher of the Holy Gospel.

Rejoice, idol service to the consumer;

Rejoice, planter of true piety.

Rejoice, for according to your word, people are reborn with water and the Spirit;

rejoice, as the faithful of the Immortal Meal partake of you.

Rejoice, Andrew, First-Called Apostle of Christ.

Kondak 4

The power of God in the autumn of thee, Apostle the First-Called, in a hedgehog to proclaim the power and glory of the Son of God and affirm all the faith in the Holy Trinity called. The same for us, who worship the One God in the Three Hypostases, keep the faith of Christ in the greener pasture of the faith of Christ, so that by the grace of the Holy Spirit we will be sanctified, we sing loudly to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Having brought your brother Simon Peter to Christ, the First-Called, you went out with him and to your apostolic service, first to Antioch and Sinope, there you defeated the demons of the regiment, you freed your apostle Matthias from the bonds of the dungeon companion, and baptized the former with him, supreme Peter from there to the western countries flowing, you gave him a brotherly kiss, you yourself labored well in the east. In the same way, we, the people of the Eastern Church, bless you:

Rejoice, power of God, driving away the armies of demons and crushing the bonds of prisons;

Rejoice, friend of the apostolic grace, from the bonds of hell, freeing us from the bonds of mystery.

Rejoice, west and east with your God-wise brother, preach for the sake of the word of God, dividing by lot;

Rejoice, in the city of Sinope you exposed the unbelief of the Jews by the power of your miracles.

Rejoice, as there was from the godless Christ for the sake of bien;

Rejoice, as from Samago the Lord who appeared to you, the healing of ulcers was granted to you.

Rejoice, Andrew, First-Called Apostle of Christ.

Kondak 5

Twice returning to the holy city, yes, together with the apostles, celebrate the fiftieth day there, twice you walked from holy Zion, in the hedgehog of Christ to preach to the universe, first with John the breastplate of the Lord, so with Simon the Zealot and Matthias, whose lot was marked to be an apostle, and all the limits of Asia and Pontus flowed around you, announcing the word of salvation to everyone, so that they sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

From the Sea of ​​Galilee to Pontus Euxinus, your apostolic netherlands and all the seaside surroundings, announcing your gospel, thou art risen, First-Called, and into the countries of Scythia, hoisting the Cross of Christ everywhere as a sign of our salvation. For this sake, we, even if you are born later, listening to your gospel and remembering your deeds, we call you:

Rejoice, in Nicaea the fierce robbers are tamed and the most fierce dragon is deadly;

Rejoice, having erected the Cross of Christ in the midst of this city, as the Forerunner of the God-bearing father twice gathered there.

Rejoice, as in Asia and Pontus the light of Christ's ascension is by you;

Rejoice, as your apostolic baton opens the foothills of the Caucasus to the light of Christ.

Rejoice, by whom the darkness of the Cimmerian was illuminated;

Rejoice, imzhe the universe is alive with jets of water to drink.

Rejoice, Andrew, First-Called Apostle of Christ.

Kondak 6

Possessed by a storm of passions and, like the waters of the ocean, agitated, the tribes of men, even if they did not know the True God, brought you, apostle, to the quiet haven of Christ and those hearts, like a fragile boat overwhelmed by unbelief, on the anchor of the Orthodox faith, you approved. In the same way, we, as children of the Orthodox faith, with a grateful heart and grateful lips cry out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

On the Mount of Eleonstey of your Divine Teacher, sometimes with the rest, the apostles asked you, Andrew: “Rest to us, what is the sign of Your coming?” On the mountains of Kyiv, as an organ of the grace of the Holy Spirit, you foreshadowed the coming glory of this place; we, foretold on the mercy of sowing, have been vouchsafed, tenderly crying out to you:

Rejoice, for from Mount Zion you brought us the gospel law;

Rejoice, for on the waters of Vorisfen the Apostle of God has ascended to us.

Rejoice, grace of the Jordan, for the sake of our Baptism, granting this speech;

Rejoice, on the mountains of Kyiv the Cross of our salvation is erected.

Rejoice, for an abundant outpouring of the grace of God has been foretold here;

Rejoice, because the existence of the city is great and the churches of many here are foreshadowed.

Rejoice, Andrew, First-Called Apostle of Christ.

Kondak 7

Today, in fulfillment of your prophetic voice, the most glorious temple flaunts on the spot, where you foresaw what is not as if by the gift of the Holy Spirit; around him, a great city with golden-domed churches bears witness to the truth of your words; In the same way, we, the realization of your divinely inspired words, are sighted, with a great voice we cry out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

From the luminous dawn, having received the light of theology from the First-Called Apostle, Saint Olga the ascension of the Russian land is like the day of our salvation, erecting after herself, like a radiant luminary, her grandson Vladimir, the enlightener of the whole midnight country. The same and we, having lifted our eyes to you, Andrey the God-wise, as to the initial herald of our salvation, we will describe this laudable:

Rejoice, as the day of our salvation, Olga of the saints, the light of Divine knowledge was bestowed;

rejoice, for by her pious faith the Kingdom of Christ was opened.

Rejoice, for with your blessing the most glorious luminary from this day of the day has come to us;

Rejoice, for according to your apostolic foreshadowing, the Equal-to-the-Apostles prince has appeared to us.

Rejoice, for through you, Saint Vladimir, join the earthly kingdom to the Heavenly one;

Rejoice, like the Dnieper and Pochaina, the Kiev River, a saving font for us.

Rejoice, Andrew, First-Called Apostle of Christ.

Kondak 8

The glorious city of Kyiv and the whole Russian country are preached by the shepherd and the pastor of the memory of your deeds, God-wise Apostle Andrew; in the bowels of the cave, the incorruptible resting servants of God, with Anthony and Theodosius, unsilent lips, as if you live, they proclaim your glory for centuries and generations, the Cross erected by you here, like a blessed-leaved tree, grow, in a hedgehog to bring us the fruits of piety and relics. We are your paradise garden, like spiritual chicks, you teach us to sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

Not only Rus' was the only one, the herald of salvation, the First-Called Apostle of Christ, but also the entire Slovenian tribes, like kokosh, gathering their chicks under the krill, I brought you to Christ; you, from Chersonissus into the darkness of the midnight country, despising the people who exist there, may they learn the word of God, wise teachers, Cyril and Methodius, you have prepared for your preaching for many centuries; but we, like the mouths of these enlighteners of ours, loudly cry out to you:

Rejoice, blessed Slovene tribes from time immemorial;

Rejoice, thou wisest wisest word of their understanding by the word of God.

Rejoice, as to the word of God's obedience, the Church was a verbal child;

Rejoice, as if in Chersonissus, where thou didst preach, the first Russian writer Cyril, the saint, found and was pleasant to me.

Rejoice, for by those Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end - Christ of God's wisdom proclaimed to them;

Rejoice, as all the divinely inspired writings, these teachers, have translated into the Slovene language for us.

Rejoice, Andrew, First-Called Apostle of Christ.

Kondak 9

Not afraid of the desert Scythia, in the depths of the midnight country, you stretched out your apostolic wanderings, First-Called, from there you also came to old Rome, even then the head of the pagan world was; For the sake of darkness, for the sake of idolatry, leave him, and come to the red shore of Vospor, there in the city of Byzantium, even if the new Rome and the mother of Christians were, you approved your apostolic throne. Yes, from him the East and North will be illuminated with the light of faith, but the faithful children of the Church of Christ unanimously call God: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

Mati Zion - a man says in a psalm, as if a person was spiritually born in him, but the new Zion was Kyiv for us: in it, the light and grace of God appeared to all the sons of Russia from the pulpit, you, the First-Called Apostle, approved you in Byzantium. At the same time, we, illuminated by the Non-Evening Light, gratefully cry out to you:

Rejoice, from the mountain of Zion descended and with the mountain light Kyiv is illumined by many hills;

Rejoice, thou who has bestowed many spiritual blessings upon this city.

Rejoice, for in the midst of the universe you have established your apostolic throne;

Rejoice, as if under its shadow (in the new Rome), you gathered all the languages ​​\u200b\u200benlightened by you.

Rejoice, by whom Orthodoxy is affirmed in their souls;

Rejoice, because the darkness of the West is torn away from the East.

Rejoice, Andrew, First-Called Apostle of Christ.

Kondak 10

When the time of your repose comes, blessed apostle, you came to the ancient Patras of Achaia, yes you will be devoured there, you ended the course, you fought a good feat, preaching Christ crucified to everyone, a temptation to a Jew, but madness to us, called and saved, - Christ, God's Power and God's Wisdom, from Neyazhe and learn to sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

Everywhere in the name of the Lord Jesus, healing the sick, resurrecting the dead, casting out demons; All the people, seeing the power of God in you, crushing their idols, therefore the Lord appeared to you, like Paul sometimes in Corinth, and commanded you to take your Cross, having marked yours in Patras, for His sake, suffering. In the same way, we, marveling at the great grace in you, reverently cry out:

Rejoice, great power of God Almighty;

Rejoice, precious treasure of miracles.

Rejoice, enlightenment and adornment of ancient Patras;

Rejoice, unbelief of the Anfipat in faith changing.

Rejoice, as the Lord has appeared to you, calling you to the feat of the cross;

rejoice, for the crown of truth has been prepared for you.

Rejoice, Andrew, First-Called Apostle of Christ.

Kondak 11

Nero Caesar, as sometimes Herod, having persecuted all the faithful, I will behead Paul with a sword in Rome, crucifying Peter on the cross, similarly, the hand of the tormentor will reach you in Patra, always instead of the meek Blade, put Egeat the fierce judge, even if you do not endure the baptism of your brother, below, having been softened by the healing of his wife, throwing you into prison and, like the supreme Peter, condemn him to the cross. But you, this prisoner, in a darker dungeon, as if in a bright temple, you prophesied the brother of Anfipat Stratoklis as Bishop of Patrom, singing to God with all the faithful in the middle of the prison: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

In place of the forehead, we raise the cross, having seen it, on it you had to be crucified, you were not afraid, apostle, even to death to testify to your beloved and beloved Christ, and stretching out your hand to this sign of salvation, tenderly cried out:

Rejoice, O Most Honorable Cross, I stand before him with joy, knowing you, my hope;

Rejoice, Life-Giving Cross, whose head reaches Heaven, crush the foot of the gates of hell.

Rejoice, venerable Cross, perceived by my Master, like the sweetest bunch, who exuded salvation for us;

Rejoice, blessed Cross, saving the thief and granting him the fruits of confession.

Rejoice, for thou hast fulfilled my joy as well;

the same rejoice also you, passion-bearer, on the Cross imprinting your faith in Christ.

Rejoice, Andrew, First-Called Apostle of Christ.

Kondak 12

Come, witness of my joy! - you called the apostle to the performer of the will of Egeat, - do your will over me, crucify me and, like a lamb, sacrifice to the Creator who created me. And this river, you ascended to the cross, as if to a mountain pulpit, for three days and three nights you preached the word of God around the standing people, but do not be afraid of death, confessing the Lord Jesus. When your face was illuminated with heavenly light, the tormentor was horrified and commanded to take you from the cross; Otherwise, you, passion-bearer, did not want to be resolved from the torments of the cross, until the outcome of your incessant cry to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Glorifying your apostolic deeds, Andrew the First-Called, we bless your holy death, with which you glorified the Life-giving Passion of the Son of God, and in tenderness of the heart we cry out to you:

Rejoice, friend of Christ, with joy the cross of suffering for Him endured;

Rejoice, faithful apostle, preaching the words of the Eternal Life to people from the cross.

Rejoice, for at the hour of the removal from the cross of autumn you are light, like lightning from heaven;

Rejoice, as if you promised great grace to those who confess the Christ the Son of God preached by you.

Rejoice, apostolic foundation of the Mountainous Jerusalem;

Rejoice, sitting with the apostles on one of the twelve thrones, in a hedgehog to judge the whole tribe of Israel.

Rejoice, Andrew, First-Called Apostle of Christ.

Kondak 13

O First-Called Apostle of Christ Andrew, look at this blessing of all those who honor your holy memory, and as if you erected the Tree of the Cross on the mountains of the city of Kyiv, always overshadow us with this saving sign, yes, by the Cross of the Lord God and our Savior, we will reach the measure of the age of fulfillment Christ and let us be honored with you and with all the saints, in a voice of joy, in endless ages to sing to God, our Savior: Alleluia.

This Kontakion is read three times. Then Ikos 1 and Kontakion 1 are read.

Prayer to the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called

First-Called Apostle of God and Savior Jesus Christ, the Supreme Follower of the Church, all-mighty Andrew, we glorify and magnify your apostolic labors, we sweetly remember your blessed coming to us, we bless your honest suffering, even if you suffered for Christ, we kiss your sacred relics, we honor the holy memory yours and we believe, as the Lord lives, your soul lives, and with Him you are forever in Heaven, where you love us the same love, with which you loved us, when by the Holy Spirit you saw our conversion to Christ, and love not just, but also pray to God for us, in vain in His Light all our needs. This is how we believe and this is how we confess our faith in the temple, even in your name, Saint Andrew, gloriously created, where your holy relics rest; believing, we ask and pray to the Lord and God and our Savior Jesus Christ, that by your prayers, even if he always listens and accepts, he will give us all that is necessary for the salvation of us sinners; yes, as if you were abie according to the voice of the Lord, leave your nether, you followed him steadily, so that everyone from us is looking not for his own, but for the creation of his neighbor and for the high calling, let him think. Having the same intercessor and intercessor for us, we hope that your prayer can do much before the Lord and our Savior Jesus Christ, He deserves all glory, honor and worship with the Father and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Miraculous words: a personal prayer to Andrew the First-Called in full description from all the sources we found.

Commemorated: June 30 / July 13 (Council of the Twelve Apostles) and November 30 / December 13

The brother of the Apostle Peter, a disciple of the prophet John the Baptist, called first to the apostolic service, the holy Apostle Andrew was among the closest disciples of the Savior and preached the Gospel in many countries. According to legend, the Apostle Andrew was in Russia, went up the Dnieper to the Kyiv hills and, hoisting a cross on the mountain, said to his disciples: "In this place the grace of God will shine."

For preaching the faith of Christ, St. Apostle Andrew accepted a martyr's death, crucified on the cross around the year 62 after the birth of Christ.

Apostle Andrew is the patron saint of Ukraine, Russia, Scotland, Romania, Greece, Sicily, as well as sailors and fishermen. The Russian Navy has chosen the flag with the St. Andrew's Cross as its battle banner. They pray to the Apostle Andrei for the conversion to the Christian faith of the peoples of Russia, for the intercession of the Fatherland, for success in maritime military affairs and simply navigation.

Troparion to the Apostle Andrew the First-Called, tone 4

Like the apostles, the first-called and supreme brother of the Lord of all, Andrew, pray, grant peace to the universe and great mercy to our souls.

Kontakion to the Apostle Andrew the First-Called, tone 2

Let us praise the courage of the namesake diviner and the Church’s superintendent, Petrov’s relative, for as long ago and now we call: come, find the Desired One.

Prayer to the Apostle Andrew the First-Called

Akathist to the Apostle Andrew the First-Called:

Canon to the Apostle Andrew the First-Called:

Hagiographic and scientific-historical literature about the Apostle Andrew the First-Called:

  • Apostle Andrew the First-Called– Pravoslavie.Ru
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Prayer to the Apostle Andrew the First-Called

(about the gift of a husband, about healing, about sailors and fishermen)

“The first-called apostle of God and our Savior Jesus Christ, the supreme follower of the Church, all-mighty Andrew, we glorify and magnify your apostolic labors, we sweetly remember your blessed coming to us, we bless your honest suffering, even for Christ you suffered, we kiss your sacred relics, we honor the holy your memory and we believe, as the Lord lives, your soul lives, and with Him you are forever in Heaven, where you love us with the same love, with which you loved us, when by the Holy Spirit you saw our conversion to Christ, and not just love but also pray to God for us, in vain in His Light all our needs. This is how we believe and this is how we confess our faith in the temple, even in your name, Saint Andrew, gloriously created, where your holy relics rest; believing, we ask and pray to the Lord and God and our Savior Jesus Christ, that by your prayers, even he will always listen and accept, give us everything we need for the salvation of us sinners; yes, as if you were abie according to the voice of the Lord, leave your nether, you followed him steadily, so that everyone from us is looking not for his own, but for the creation of his neighbor and for the high calling, let him think. Having the same intercessor and intercessor for us, we hope that your prayer can do much before the Lord and our Savior Jesus Christ, He deserves all glory, honor and worship with the Father and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen."

Prayer to Andrew the First-Called, which is read on December 13

On the night of St. Andrew the First-Called, the girls guessed at the betrothed. It was also believed that the dreams that dream on St. Andrew's Night are prophetic. In order to see such a dream on the night of St. Andrew, one had to put a knife, a mirror or a man's hat under the pillow.

In different regions, the feast of St. Andrew the First-Called on December 13 was celebrated in different ways: St. Andrew's fires were lit from evil spirits, seeds were sown near the house, guessing for a future life. In Ukrainian Polissya this day was celebrated the holiday of young men.

The Holy Apostle Andrew is also considered the patron saint of marriage, so it is customary for Andrew the First-Called to pray on December 13 for chastity and the successful marriage of his daughters.

Before the icon of St. Andrew the First-Called, they ask for protection in families where people of maritime professions live. They also order a prayer service to Andrew the First-Called sailors before a long journey. Such prayers serve both on a ship and before a sea voyage, so that the Lord, through the intercession of the holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called, would help the sailors, protect and protect them.

First-Called Apostle of God and Savior Jesus Christ, Follower of the Church, All-Praised Andrew! We glorify and magnify your apostolic labors, we sweetly remember your blessed coming to us, we bless your honest suffering, even if you suffered for Christ, we kiss your sacred relics, we honor your holy memory and we believe that the Lord lives, your soul is alive and with Him stay in heaven forever, even if you love us with love, you also loved us, when by the Holy Spirit you saw our conversion, even to Christ, and not just love, but also pray to God for us, in vain in the light of His all our needs. So we believe and so we confess our faith in the temple, even in your name, Saint Andrew, gloriously created, where your holy relics rest: believing, we ask and pray the Lord and God and our Savior Jesus Christ, but with your prayers, even always listen and accepts, gives us all that is necessary for the salvation of us sinners: yes, as if you were abie according to the voice of the Lord, leave your own land, you followed Him unswervingly, and everyone from us seeks not their own, but hedgehog to the creation of one’s neighbor and about the high calling, yes thinks. Having the same intercessor and intercessor for us, we hope that your prayer can do much before the Lord and our Savior Jesus Christ, He deserves all glory, honor and worship with the Father and the Holy Spirit and forever and ever. Amen.


Oh, all-good Lord, I know that my great happiness depends on me loving You with all my soul and with all my heart and on doing Your will in everything. Govern yourself, O my God, my soul and fill my heart: I want to please You alone, for You are the Creator and my God. Save me from pride and pride: let reason, modesty and chastity adorn me. Idleness is contrary to You and gives rise to vices, give me a desire for diligence and bless my labors. Since Your law commands people to live in an honest marriage, then bring me, Holy Father, to this title consecrated by You, not to please my desire, but to fulfill Your destiny, for You Yourself said: it is not good for a man to be alone, and having created his wife as a helper, blessed them to grow, multiply and inhabit the earth. Hear my humble prayer, from the depths of a girl's heart sent to you; give me an honest and pious spouse, so that in love with him and in harmony we glorify You, the merciful God: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.!

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Orthodox prayer to Andrew the First-Called

St. Andrew the First-Called lived a unique and amazing life. Prayer to this martyr has great power. The material will tell the story of the apostle.

The meeting that changed my life

This martyr was destined to be born in Galilee. This region was inhabited by poor, but very good people. Most of them were engaged in fishing. Many Greeks lived on this land, who peacefully coexisted with the local population. Therefore, the traditions and cultures of different nations were mixed. Even the word "Andrey" is a Greek name meaning "courageous."

From childhood, the future apostle was a very humble and pious child. Therefore, when fate brought him to John the Baptist, he became his supporter. However, this person could not answer all of Andrey's questions. He also declared that the Messiah would soon appear. And so it happened. Several years passed, and Christ came to the banks of the Jordan. The future apostle, and then still a simple fisherman, immediately believed in Jesus and, together with his brother Peter, became his disciple. This saint was one of the first to follow Christ, which is why the prayer to Andrew the First-Called has such power.

However, at that time the disciples could not leave their homes. After a while, they went to their parents and again engaged in their usual business - fishing. When Jesus met them again, he told the men that from now on they would be “fishers of men.” After that, the preachers did not part with their teacher.

Defender of the Russian land

After the Resurrection of the Lord, the disciples met with Christ. On the mountain, the Son of God blessed them on their way. The apostles cast lots as to which direction they should go in order to spread the word of the Almighty. Andrew was predicted to preach on the territory of the future Kievan Rus. The apostle became a kind of protector of these lands. That is why the prayer to Andrew the First-Called in our territories has such great power.

When the saint came to the place where Kyiv grew centuries later, he said: “The grace of the Most High will descend on these lands. A glorious city will be built here. God will bless this land with baptism, and many churches will be built here.”

The path of the apostle was not always simple and easy. His road passed between the settlements of the pagans, who tried to cripple and kill the saint. Andrei was pelted with stones, but each time he and his students remained intact.

Subsequently, fate brought him to the city of Pafros. It was here that the gift of the healer manifested itself to the maximum. Since the saint could heal people, the prayer to Andrew the First-Called helps the sick and destitute.

heavenly gift

After the miracles that the apostle worked with God's blessing, the blind began to see, the crippled to walk. And people who were predicted to die by the best doctors recovered. Andrew treated everyone equally well. He helped both the poor and the rich. As a result, many people in Paphros came to believe in Jesus.

The only one who did not open his soul to the Lord was the ruler of the city, whose name was Egeat. Although the man himself saw how the apostle works miracles, he still did not believe in the power of heaven. The saint repeatedly addressed the ruler with a good word. But he remained unperturbed.

Prayer to the Apostle Andrew the First-Called provides for unshakable faith in the Most High. Anyone who sincerely wishes well for his loved ones and for himself does not question the law of God. This means he will be saved.

Despite the persuasion of relatives and friends who already believed in God, Egeat saw the enemy in the saint. Without hesitation, he ordered the execution of the apostle.

Death of a martyr

However, Andrei was ready for such an event and accepted this news humbly. He himself went to the place of death. It seemed to the ruler that another punishment for the saint would be the crucifixion, which he so desperately glorified. But the pagan did not know what power this symbol conceals. It is worth noting that the cross was erected with the letter "X".

During the next two days, a prayer sounded from the lips of the martyr. Apostle Andrew the First-Called was very hard. To make the suffering of the saint last longer, the ruler ordered that his hands should not be nailed to the boards, but only tied.

A crowd gathered under the cross, which sincerely listened to the last words of the martyr. It was then that Aegeat was afraid of the revenge of the people and ordered the removal of the apostle. But Andrew asked the Lord to grant him the honor to die a martyr. No matter how hard the soldiers tried, they could not untie the man. When the elder offered up praise to God, his cross shone with a pleasant heavenly light and the soul went to heaven.

The ruler's wife, a woman named Maximilla, removed the preacher and buried him.

Knowing the history of the life of the apostle, it is not difficult to understand why prayer to Andrew the First-Called can heal.

What to deal with?

Since ancient times, the martyr was considered the protector of sailors and fishermen. All those who went on a big voyage turned to the preacher. It should be noted that after the apostles were blessed to travel to foreign lands, they began to speak different languages. Therefore, Andrei is also considered the patron saint of translators.

Those who suffer from various diseases, from blindness to migraines, can also turn to the martyr. Prayer to Andrew the First-Called for marriage is most often said by parents. They turn to the saint when their child cannot find happiness in his personal life. They ask the saint for chastity and prosperity in marriage.

To him, like other heavenly patrons, the main thing is sincerity of thoughts and humility. You can speak with the martyr in your own words. It is best, of course, to memorize the prayer that church ministers wrote. But a personal request is in no way inferior to spiritual texts.

The prayer to Andrew the First-Called for marriage, which sounds from the lips of an unmarried woman, should not be with demands or reproaches. It is better to fill the prayer with gratitude and hope.

Road to God

They also turn to the saint when they want to return a loved one to the faith. Such a prayer is very symbolic, because the apostle was called the First-Called. He was the first to follow Jesus and even took his brother, Saint Peter, with him.

The words that must be spoken at the same time may be as follows: “The First-Called Apostle, a disciple of our Christ, kind and wise Andrew. You were given the power to guide people on the path of truth. Your bright words led unfaithful people to our Lord. We pray, give us strength to go to the truth. Enlighten the servant of God (name) to step on the path of truth. May your heart be pure, and your blessing fall on your soul. Ask Jesus Christ for us. Amen".

Return to faith - that's what Andrew the First-Called will never refuse. Prayer will be the first step towards the kingdom of God.

Prayer to Andrew the First-Called - how does prayer help the saint?

Believers revere a huge number of saints who led a righteous life and died in agony. Andrew the First-Called was the first of 12 novices of Jesus Christ. He could heal the bodies and souls of people. Believers turn to the saint with various problems and sincere forgiveness never goes unanswered.

How does prayer help Andrew the First-Called?

Being a young saint, he decided that his life would be dedicated to serving God. Together with his brother, he was engaged in fishing. At first he studied with John the Baptist, but after meeting with Jesus, he decided to follow him, preaching and glorifying the Orthodox faith. After the death of the teacher, the faithful student did not become a hermit, but continued to tell others about the word of the Lord. He traveled to different countries, spreading the Christian faith. The pagans subjected the disciple of Christ to persecution, beaten, threw stones and inflicted serious injuries.

On the 50th day after the ascension of Christ, the gift of God ascended to him, and he could heal injuries not only of the soul, but also of the body. The saint suffered for his faith and was crucified on the cross, like the teacher, but only the cross was not even, and the limbs were not nailed, because they were tied. By the way, the cross on which the disciple of Christ was crucified became the flag of the Russian fleet, so the symbol in the form of the letter “X” was depicted on it.

In ancient times, he was considered the main protector of sailors and fishermen, so all the people who set sail asked him for help. This is no coincidence, since one miracle is associated with the sea, so according to legend, a disciple of Christ calmed a strong storm by simply reading prayer texts. When people received a blessing to travel to other countries, and they began to speak other languages, the saint was also called the patron saint of translators. Prayer texts help to cope with diseases.

Prayer to St. Andrew the First-Called helps single people find their soul mate, and even parents can read it about their children. Believers ask for well-being and harmony in marriage. You can turn to the Higher powers not only using sacred texts, but also in your own words, because for him the main thing is sincerity in thought and humility. It is important to fill the prayer with gratitude and hope, and then it will certainly be heard.

Prayer to Andrew the First-Called for love

Many guys and girls, desperate to improve their personal lives, ask for help from the Higher Forces. Andrew the First-Called, whose prayer for help has already helped a huge number of people, will definitely hear lengthy and sincere prayer petitions, and will help to improve relationships in a couple, find a worthy life partner and solve other personal troubles. There is no text that is specifically intended for the search for love, that is, a universal prayer to Andrew the First-Called, which helps to cope with problems in personal life too.

Prayer to Andrew the First-Called for the marriage of his daughter

Parents want to see their children happy, so they are worried about which chosen one is destined for them. It is not easy to please parents with a fiancé, but they themselves can take care of choosing a worthy life partner for their child by turning to the Higher Forces. Prayer to Andrew the First-Called for marriage will help protect your daughter from a sinful marriage and a bad choice of a life partner.

You need to go to the church and put there about three candles near the image of Nicholas the Wonderworker, Jesus and his main disciple. When leaving home, buy candles and take consecrated water. If the above images are not available, then buy them. At home, alone, light candles in front of the image and place a container with consecrated water next to it. First read the Lord's Prayer and Psalm 90, and then cross yourself. Repeat the following petitions three times in a row, be sure to make the sign of the cross.

Prayer to Andrew the First-Called for a good groom

It is difficult to meet a young girl who would not dream of marrying a modern prince. At the same time, it is not so easy to meet a worthy contender for the heart, but you can increase your chances, for which the prayer to St. Andrew the First-Called is intended. She has great energy, because the messenger of God is considered the patron of young girls who dream of marriage. This prayer service will have the greatest power if you pronounce it on December 13 on the day of the memory of the saint. Prayer to the Apostle Andrew the First-Called can be said both in church and at home.

Andrew the First-Called - prayer for work

A huge number of people are faced with various troubles at work that make work unbearable. Prayer of St. to the Apostle Andrew the First-Called, it helps to establish relations in the team and with the boss, receive an increase in wages and move up the career ladder. Unemployed people can read it to find a decent job. The main thing is to ask from a pure heart and without bad thoughts. Repeat the universal appeal mentioned earlier daily.

Prayer to Andrew the First-Called for health

Health is the most valuable thing for a person, and often diseases lead to the fact that a person turns to the Higher powers. Prayer to Andrew the First-Called for health will help to quickly cope with the disease, but you can also say it as a preventive measure. The ministers of the church assure that by praying you can heal the soul and, as a result, gain and strengthen health.

It is recommended to find time to go to the temple and put three candles each near the image of Jesus and his main disciple, the Great Martyr and Panteleimon. When you leave, fill up with blessed water and buy nine church candles. At home, there should also be the icons listed earlier. After sunset, retire, light candles, place images and a container of water near them.

Prayer to Andrew the First-Called for healing

It is allowed to pray not only in case of one's own illness, since one can also pray for a loved one who has health problems. Prayer to the holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called can be said in the church in front of the appropriate way or at home. Place an image near a sick person and periodically wash it with holy water. In the temple, it is recommended to light a candle for the health of a loved one.

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Like the apostles, the first-called / and supreme brother / Lord of all, Andrew, pray, / grant peace to the universe / and great mercy to our souls

Apostle James Zebedee

2. The Holy Apostle James Zebedee, one of the 12 Apostles, was called by the Lord Jesus Christ to apostolic service together with his brother, the Apostle John the Theologian. Both of them came from a family of a wealthy fisherman, named Zebedee, and then followed Christ. To them and to the Apostle Peter, Jesus Christ primarily revealed His Divine Mysteries before the other apostles: at the resurrection of the daughter of Jairus, on Mount Tabor and in the Garden of Gethsemane. Jesus named brothers Voanerges(literally "sons of thunder"), obviously for his impetuous character. In literature, James of Zebedee is also often referred to as James the Elder to distinguish him from the apostle James the Alpheus and James the brother of the Lord or James the Younger.

Saint James, after the descent of the Holy Spirit, preached in Spain and other countries, and then returned to Jerusalem. He openly and boldly taught about Jesus Christ as the Savior of the world, with the words of Holy Scripture he denounced the Pharisees and scribes, reproaching them for their hardness of heart and unbelief. The Jews were not able to resist the apostolic word and for money they hired the philosopher-sorcerer Hermogenes to enter into a dispute with the apostle and refute his arguments about Christ as the promised Messiah who had come to earth. The sorcerer sent his disciple Philip to the holy apostle, but he believed in the Lord Jesus Christ. Then Hermogenes himself became convinced of the power of God, burned his magic books, accepted holy Baptism and became a true follower of Christ.

Unbelieving Jews persuaded Herod Agrippa (40-44) to seize the Apostle James and condemn him to death. Saint James calmly listened to the death sentence and continued to testify about Christ. One of the scammers against the apostle named Josiah was struck by the courage of Saint James. He believed in the truth of the words about the coming of Christ the Messiah. When the apostle was led to his execution, Josiah fell at his feet, repented of his sin and begged for forgiveness. The apostle hugged him, kissed him and said: "Peace be with you and forgiveness." Then Josiah publicly confessed his faith in Christ and was beheaded along with Saint James in the year 44 in Jerusalem. The death of the apostle is reported in Acts. 12:1-2, according to this report King Herod Agrippa I "killed James the brother of John with the sword". Judging by the further text, this happened in the year 44. The Apostle James is the only apostle whose death is described on the pages of the New Testament.

The relics of the apostle were transported to Spain, to the city of Santiago de Compostela. The second acquisition of the relics of the saint took place in 813. Probably, the tradition of the Western Church about the preaching of James himself in the Iberian Peninsula goes back to the same time.

Troparion of the Apostle James of Zebedee, brother of John the Theologian. Voice 3

Apostle Saint James, / pray to the Merciful God, / that forgiveness of sins / will give to our souls.

Troparion to James Zebedee

You were the chosen apostle of Christ / and the only-begotten brother of the Theologian, /
O all-praise Jacob, / ask for forgiveness of sins for you / and great mercy to our souls.