Difficult exam questions in social studies. Knowing the wording will help solve the test question of the exam in social studies. Preparation for the exam in social studies

The manual contains 25 variants of typical test tasks in social studies, as well as 80 additional tasks of part 2. All tasks are compiled taking into account the features and requirements of the Unified State Exam in 2015.
The purpose of the manual is to provide readers with information about the structure and content of KIM in social studies, the degree of difficulty of the task, a large number of different types of tasks to develop sustainable skills for their implementation.

The authors of the assignments are leading specialists who are directly involved in the development of assignments for the USE and methodological materials for preparing for the implementation of control measuring materials.
The collection also contains:
answers to all variants of tests and tasks of part 2;
detailed analysis of the execution of tasks of a typical variant;
evaluation criteria of part 2;
sample forms used on the exam to record answers.
The manual is addressed to teachers to prepare students for the Unified State Exam in Social Studies. as well as high school students and applicants for self-training and self-control.

Task examples.
The qualities of a person as a person are manifested primarily in
1) features of thinking and memory
2) participation in society
3) the course of mental processes
4) inherited qualities

Scientific knowledge differs from ordinary knowledge in that it
1) passed down from generation to generation
2) involve verification of the truth of the information received
3) are formed on the basis of observations
4) reflect the surrounding reality

Are the following judgments about areas (forms) of culture correct?
A. Philosophy (science) refers primarily to reason. B. Art appeals primarily to feelings.
1) only A is true 3) both judgments are true
2) only B is correct 4) both judgments are wrong

Find in the list of provisions that can serve as definitions of the concept of "society". Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
1) a group of people united for joint activities and communication
2) a certain stage in the historical development of mankind
3) the entire material world as a whole
4) the totality of all peoples inhabiting our planet
5) stable stereotypes of human behavior
6) the results of the material-transforming activities of people

Instructions for performing work.
Option 1
Part 1.
Part 2.
Option 2
Part 1.
Part 2.
Option 3
Part 1.
Part 2.
Option 4
Part 1.
Part 2.
Option 5
Part 1.
Part 2.
Option 6
Part 1.
Part 2.
Option 7
Part 1.
Part 2.
Option 8
Part 1.
Part 2.
Option 9
Part 1.
Part 2.
Option 10
Part 1.
Part 2.
Option 11
Part 1.
Part 2.
Option 12
Part 1.
Part 2.
Option 13
Part 1.
Part 2.
Option 14
Part 1.
Part 2.
Option 15
Part 1.
Part 2.
Option 16
Part 1.
Part 2.
Option 17
Part 1.
Part 2.
Option 18
Part 1.
Part 2.
Option 19
Part 1.
Part 2.
Option 20
Part 1.
Part 2.
Option 21
Part 1.
Part 2.
Option 22
Part 1.
Part 2.
Option 23
Part 1.
Part 2.
Option 24
Part 1.
Part 2.
Option 25
Part 1.
Part 2.
The system of assessment of examination work in social science.
Option 1.
Option 2.
Option 3.
Option 4.
Option 5.
Option 6.
Option 7.
Option 8.
Option 9.
Option 10.
Option 11.
Option 12.
Option 13.
Option 14.
Option 15.
Option 16.
Option 17.
Option 18.
Option 19.
Option 20.
Option 21.
Option 22.
Option 23.
Option 24.
Option 25.
Additional tasks of part 2.
Answers to additional tasks of part 2.
Analysis of individual tasks.

Free download e-book in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book USE 2015, social studies, 25 options for typical test tasks and preparation for the implementation of part 2, Lazebnikova A.Yu., Rutkovskaya E.L., Korolkova E.S. - fileskachat.com, fast and free download.

  • USE, Social Studies, Expert in the USE, Lazebnikova A.Yu., Rutkovskaya E.L., Korolkova E.S., Brandt M.Yu., 2015
  • Unified State Examination 2015, social science, practical work on the implementation of typical test tasks of the Unified State Examination, Lazebnikova A.Yu., Rutkovskaya E.L., Korolkova E.S.

Each passed test adds serious experience to our life. It may or may not be successful, but it remains with us, helping to overcome further obstacles. The experience of each USE campaign is invaluable. Let's look at the tasks of the USE in 2015 with an eye to preparing for the USE in 2016.

Rejection of the test part

Please see my daughter's work. Is it possible to try to get something additionally in the second part. In the first she has 33 out of 35 points, but in the second only 16 out of 27, in total 74 test points.

It should be noted that this is the average that is shown by applicants using our video course in preparation for the exam. Note that this score 16 points ABOVE the average Russian indicator, which in 2015 amounted to 58.6 on the Unified State Examination in social studies.

We analyze the tasks of the USE 2015 in social science

Further, we received from our subscriber scanned forms for completing written assignments. Let's analyze them. We will not be able to do this completely, unfortunately, since we do not have to which assignments 28-31 were given. I had to rely on logic here.

Question 29: three principles of public law + name another principle not mentioned in the text.

Expert opinion:

28. For this task, the graduate received 1 point out of two possible. Everything is written correctly, there are no direct errors in the text. Perhaps (?) from the text it was necessary to find one more difference? In general, either part of the question (answer) is lost, or can be appealed.

29. For this task, the graduate received 0 points out of two possible. Points 2 and 3 in the answer contradict each other. Especially point 2 looks like a mistake, since, of course, not only the criminal prosecution of the offender will be for violation of the norms of public law.

Here is an example of what could be true. Public law is characterized by:

  • unilateral will;
  • subordination of subjects and legal acts;
  • the predominance of imperative norms;
  • orientation to meet the public interest.

There is no point in appealing here.

30. No question, I can't answer.

Let's look at the following student responses:

The best way to consolidate the USE topic you have passed is to solve a number of test tasks, analyze them with an USE expert in social studies and get answers to them. This is how the classes of our VKontakte group are built, the number of subscribers of which has already exceeded 2300 people. So, let's solve the USE tests on the right with answers!

The eminent economist, industrialist and businessman Henry Ford once wittily remarked that “…it's good that people don't understand how our banking system works. Otherwise tomorrow there would be a revolution.” The creator of the conveyor could afford this statement, we - no! We will solve typical test tasks for the "Economics" block of the Unified State Examination in Social Studies 2015.

The concept of "culture" can include almost everything that a person does. At the same time, the block "Spiritual Culture" of the Unified State Examination in Social Studies 2015 is represented by a number of topics, most of which we have already analyzed on the site. I propose to test our knowledge and solve test tasks on the topics covered!

"Hard in teaching - easy in battle"! As never before, the thesis of the great Suvorov is applicable to preparing for the Unified State Examination in social science. Why is constant testing of the exam important? The more tests you solve, the more “full” your hand is, the faster the solution speed, the more recognizable the tasks! We offer you an example of intermediate testing of the exam.

Do you want to consolidate your knowledge in the first block of the USE codifier in social studies "Man and Society"? Then solve the introductory test. Here, those definitions, processes and problems are checked, without understanding which it is difficult to count on the assimilation of the following complex blocks of the exam. Let's take the USE test "Society".

How to pass the test?

If you want to get the maximum score on the Unified State Exam in social studies, you, first of all, will have to learn how to solve tests. Let's discuss what the USE tests are, and how to solve them, what tricks and nuances exist here? What online tests to solve?

First, let's define what tests are.

These are tasks to choose from several proposed. In general, all tasks offered in the demo version of the USE 2014 and USE 2015 are divided into two large blocks - part A + part B, these are test tasks, and part C is complex written tasks.

Each of these social studies exam blocks require a different approach. If in part of the USE tests you, in fact, just need to find out the already familiar wording (studied during preparation), or choose the most suitable one from the proposed ones, then in part With You will have to show the ability to work with text and express your thoughts yourself. And this, you see, is more difficult.

However, test (parts BUT and AT USE-2015) and written (part With) give approximately the same result, expressed in USE scores. Therefore, as the experience of passing the USE-2014 and previous years shows, you need to be equally successful in completing both blocks.

In addition, in part B, some tasks, for example, IN 1, do not contain an answer choice. For example, if you do not know the function of money, you will not solve a similar task from the USE 2014:

IN 1. Write down the missing word in the diagram:

Of course, this significantly complicates our task; we cannot do without special theoretical knowledge in social science.

So, what will help you solve the USE tests in social studies for the maximum score? First of all, read the question! A correctly understood question is half the correct answer. We look:

A1. The following cannot be classified as a small social group:

1) classmates 3) women of Moscow 3) swarthy people 4) a team of workers

We immediately see classmates - a small group, BUT they asked those who CANNOT be taken. Moscow is a city, there are many millions of women, this is not a small group!

Answer: 3) women of Moscow.

Knowing the wording will help solve the test question of the exam in social studies.

Let's see, for example, such a task of the trial exam in social studies in 2014:

A2. Of the listed sciences, the knowledge of society as a system of elements is engaged in:

1) cultural studies 2) jurisprudence 3) sociology 4) ethics

Knowing that society is society, we answer 3) sociology.

Another way is the enumeration method.

Rejection of incorrect answers in reasoning. For example, solve another task of part 1 of the Unified State Examination in Social Studies 2014:

A3. Explanation, description and prediction of reality is the immediate goal:

A) art B) science C) education D) culture

Answers concerning spiritual culture are offered. But, culture is a general designation of all types of human activity, the purpose of art is not to explain, and education does not predict events. So the answer B) science.

We pay special attention to the functions, types, signs of phenomena. Consider

Consider the difficult question of the “Law” block from the Unified State Examination in 2013:

A3. In the Russian Federation, by-laws include:

1) Decree of the President of the Russian Federation

2) The Constitution of the Russian Federation

3) international treaty of the Russian Federation

You need to know the types of by-laws - these are presidential decrees, government decrees, orders, instructions, orders of ministries and departments. And the Constitution is the main Law, the code has the status of a Federal Law (FZ), international treaties generally stand apart in this system and may not comply with the norms of Russian legislation, surpassing them in legal force.

The answer is thus 1) Decree of the President of the Russian Federation.

Correspondence - correlation of phenomena and their signs, functions.

And one more type of test tasks is presented in part AT. The difficulty here is that a larger amount of material is checked, it is easier to get confused. For example, let's look at another question from the real exam in social studies:

IN 2. Establish a correspondence between the criterion of social status and its type: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


1) social origin A) attainable
2) wealth B) prescribed
3) age
4) profession
5) gender

Write down the letters of the selected answers in the table, and then transfer the resulting sequence of letters to the answer sheet (without spaces or other symbols).

Status - position in society. Achievable status, in the theory of social science - the ability to achieve which is in life. Prescribed - given from birth. It turns out that the achieved statuses will be profession, education. And the rest - prescribed (origin, for example).

Now we pay attention to the correctness of writing the answer in such tasks: “transfer the resulting sequence of letters to the answer sheet (without spaces and other characters)”. Get:

Answer: BABAB.

Why is it important to follow the instructions exactly when submitting an answer?

Parts BUT and B are checked by computer, the machine simply discards all non-corresponding answers using a special program.

Therefore, for example, option 1B2A3B4A5B is NOT TRUE.

Just like B, A, B, A, B.

And, the last tip: decide maximum number of tests, be mistaken, remember!

Solve all available tests of the USE trial exams of 2013 and 2014, they can be found on the net, solve tests online.

It is better to solve tests prepared by FIPI. So, in 2013 and 2014, the institute expanded the base of the open segment of tasks for all subjects of the USE, and social science. However, it will not be possible to solve them online, there are no answers on the FIPI portal. We are ready to help you, please contact us with complex, incomprehensible tests for you, in the comments we will consider them online.

USE 2015. Social studies. The optimal bank of tasks for preparing for the exam. Rutkovskaya E.L., Koval T.V.

M.: 2015. - 136 p.

This manual presents a system of preparation for passing the exam in social studies, which is based on familiarity with the content of examination tasks, algorithms and reasoning patterns for their correct implementation. It contains general guidelines for preparing for the exam, as well as a set of typical training tasks with guidelines and answers, which allows you to consolidate your knowledge and prepare for the exam. The manual is addressed to high school students, teachers and parents. It will help schoolchildren to test their knowledge and skills in the subject, and teachers to assess the degree to which individual students achieve the requirements of educational standards.
and ensure their targeted preparation for the exam.

Format: pdf

The size: 2.8 MB

Watch, download: yandex.disk

Section 1. Thematic selection of tasks 25
Content line "Society" 25
Content line "Spiritual Realm" 32
Content line "Man" 39
Content line "Knowledge" 46
Content line "Economic sphere" 52
Content line "Social sphere" 59
Content line "Political sphere" 66
Content line "Right" 73
Section 2. Varieties of tasks of all types. 90
Multiple Choice Tasks 90
Short answer questions. 96
Questions with a detailed answer. 103

The book before you has a number of features. Like many other guides for preparing for the unified state exam, it contains a large array of test tasks and answers to them. But, unlike a large number of other manuals, the tasks presented in it are strictly selected, systematized and structured on two grounds: according to their thematic component and according to the nature of the cognitive activity that the task requires to be carried out. Two separate sections of the book correspond to these two foundations.
The first of the sections, built on large thematic blocks of the social science course, is designed to help students master individual sections and topics of school social science as they progress through the educational process and carry out thematic repetition. Moving from topic to topic, completing tasks of various modifications, types and levels of difficulty, students have the opportunity to use the materials in this book to test their level of knowledge and ability to apply them.
The second section helps to learn and check the result of mastering the necessary intellectual skills required in the exam. It sequentially, one after another, presents various models of examination tasks that occupy strictly defined positions in the work. Students have the opportunity, based on various thematic content, to train their intellectual skills, directly reflected by a particular model.
All tasks are accompanied by answers, evaluation criteria and possible options for the required judgments, examples, arguments.
In addition, the book contains versatile comments, including a description of the examination work and individual tasks of different models and types, as well as an analysis of the results of the USE in different years and methodological recommendations for graduates to overcome typical difficulties in preparing for the exam.
All control measuring materials of the Unified State Examination are developed in accordance with school programs in social studies. Therefore, the main literature for preparing for the exam should be school textbooks and a set of training materials developed for them: workshops, collections of tasks, anthologies.
It is advisable to use this manual in the process of mastering the course for thematic, intermediate and final control, as well as in the course of repeating the course in direct preparation for the exam.

Online attracts with the convenience of passing the test. In order to prepare for exam, the student only needs a computer with Internet access, while to work with a regular demo version, you need to constantly make printouts. Options, which are offered by online services, are formed from a bank of tasks compiled and approved by FIPI. Test questions are completely similar to exam questions. They have the same complexity and format. At the same time, the online exam in social studies in 2015 includes only the questions of the first part, which must be answered briefly. The remaining tasks are not included in it, since they do not require detailed explanations and cannot be checked automatically. They must be done separately in writing.

Take an online exam in social studies offered in any order. Graduates can choose an arbitrary sequence of solving tasks, check answers and return to missed questions. This allows you to make the preparation as convenient as possible. Solve online in social studies possible without time limits. At the beginning, this makes it possible to analyze the test in detail and learn the principles of performing complex tasks. At the final stages of preparation, it is necessary to limit the time yourself. 235 minutes will be given to complete the examination paper in social studies. FIPI experts recommend distributing it as follows:

  • questions 1-3, 5-8, 10, 11, 13-15, 17-19, 22-24 should be spent no more than four minutes;
  • for questions 4, 9, 12, 16, 20, 21, 25-35 - no more than eight minutes;
  • essay (task 36) - 45 minutes.

It must be recalled that the demo version cannot completely replace classes with textbooks and teachers. Sample USE tests do not contain questions on specific topics that are included in the exam program. Their complete list is presented in the codifier, which can be found on the FIPI website. There is also a specification and a demo version of social studies.