Tunisian republic, map. What is the sea in Tunisia? Which sea in tunisia

Tunisia is an African state that annually increases the number of its fans. Tourists adore Tunisia, first of all, for the beautiful beaches. Many of them are interested in what kind of sea is in Tunisia? In this article, we will answer this question and talk about the beach resort in the country.

General information about Tunisia

This is a small country located in North Africa. The name of the capital of Tunisia is the same as the name of the country itself. Once upon a time, Tunisia was one of the French colonies. This was reflected in the architecture of the country. Walking the streets of Tunisia, you can feel this French atmosphere. This is one of the main reasons why tourists love to come here so much.

Despite the fact that Tunisia is a tourist country, the basis of its economy is the agricultural sector. Most of the country's population are Arabs.

In addition to beautiful beaches, Tunisia can offer tourists to look at the most ancient architectural structures, the most famous of which is Carthage, visit a water park, a zoo, many museums and beautiful places.

The sea that washes Tunisia

The coast of the country is washed by the Mediterranean Sea. Many tourists have long called Tunisia a real paradise for relaxation, because the beaches there are incredibly clean and beautiful. In the northern part of the country, the coast is rocky. It has steep cliffs that drop sharply into the sea. In these rocks you can find a huge number of bays where couples in love go on boats with pleasure.

On the East side, there are no rocks on the coast, but there are incredibly beautiful blue lagoons. It is enough to see this beauty once, as you will certainly want to return there again. Tourists especially like to visit the island of Djerba, because the sea is not deep there, so you can often find a shoal.

The sand on the coasts of Tunisia deserves special attention. It is not only crystal clear, but also very beautiful. Also, on some beaches of this country, beautiful palm trees grow that complement the beauty of the landscapes of Tunisia.

A feature of Tunisian beaches is their municipality, so they are always protected. There are practically no local people on the beaches. Most hotels in Tunisia are trying to create the most comfortable conditions for vacationers, so the beaches there are furnished with sunbeds, hammocks and umbrellas.

The best time to swim in Tunisia

You can relax in this country at any time of the year, as the climatic conditions and weather allow. As for swimming, the best period for this is the beginning of April - the end of October. Even in such a sunny country as Tunisia, the arrival of autumn with its cooling cannot but be reflected.

Most tourists come here in May and June, as the weather is the most "bathing" in these months. In the middle of summer, there are a lot of jellyfish on the coast of Tunisia, but here they are not always safe. This scares away many tourists and almost no one comes here during this period.

With the onset of November, the weather will not deteriorate significantly, this month we can expect rain and cold snap. Some even like such weather conditions, and they are happy to come to Tunisia at the end of autumn.

Perhaps this is the most famous resort in Tunisia. It is slightly warmer here than on any coast of Tunisia.

This place is incredibly beautiful. What is attractive about the island of Djerba?

  • Tourists love to come to the island to watch the sunset.
  • There is a lagoon in which pink flamingos live. These birds have long been accustomed to tourists and therefore are absolutely not afraid of them.
  • Tourists can visit one of the world's oldest synagogues, La Mushroom, on the island.
  • And, of course, it is impossible not to visit the island of Djerba and not to taste the famous Djerba rice.

The beaches of Tunisia

This country has some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. Among the most beautiful beaches in Tunisia are the following:

  • Monastir beach and others.

This beach is a real gem of Tunisia. But Russian tourists do not really like to relax here, since Cape Gammarth has some of the most expensive hotels in the country. A feature of this coast is a rather long coastline, more than six kilometers. The shore on the cape smoothly descends into the sea, which is why there are almost never big waves here.

There are many rocky areas on Gammarth, where tourists are very fond of taking pictures.

Perhaps, Cape Gammarth is a beach that is as close as possible to civilization. There are shops, hotels along almost the entire length of the coastline, and there is a road not far from the beach itself. For those tourists who want to take a break from the bustle of the city, it is better to go to another beach.

Mahdia Beach is one of the most beautiful and cleanest beaches in Tunisia, so it is considered the pride of the country. This beach has the finest white sand. If you take a little sand in your palm, then you may get the feeling that there is flour in your hand.

The beach of Mahdia is very wide, the sea is calm - these are certainly strengths. The color of the sea deserves special attention: the water here is azure. We can say that this coast is the exact opposite of Cape Gammarth. There are practically no buildings here, you can rarely find a shop, and the nearest hotels are quite far from the beach, which is both a disadvantage and an advantage of Mahdia.

This coast is perfect for those who want to feel solitude with nature, listen to the sea breeze, lie on the waves and just relax quietly.

This beach is ideal for those who want, as they say, to take everything from life. Most tourists vacationing on Sousse are young people. Life here is in full swing. Discos, bars, restaurants, shops and other private businesses are located on Sousse beach. Therefore, this place is considered the most "noisy" resort in Tunisia.

A rather pleasant moment for tourists is that the prices in such institutions are very reasonable. You can even find several supermarkets on the beach. This is its advantage, since in the supermarket you can buy any goods necessary for the most comfortable holiday on the coast: sunscreen, cold water, bedspreads, sunglasses, etc.

Since a huge number of tourists rest on the beach of Sousse every day, it is impossible to call this territory crystal clear. But it is also impossible to say that it is unacceptably dirty there.

The main feature of Djerba beach is that there are almost no people there. Night clubs, supermarkets and bars replace museums and parks here. The desertedness of this beach makes it something of a nature reserve.

But travel to the beach and rest on it is absolutely not prohibited, however, tourists rarely come here. People come here to enjoy loneliness, to listen to the sound of the surf. Also, there are pink flamingos. And on the beach of Djerba there are a lot of palm trees and olive trees. All this helps the visiting tourist feel like on a desert island.

It is quite easy to feel comfortable on this beach. Clear sea, beautiful scenery, white sand. Prices in shops on Monastir beach are much lower than on other beaches. But it also has its drawback, to get here, you need to walk quite a long time from the nearest hotel. Those who do not like to walk will have to take a taxi every time. Also, there is practically no entertainment on this beach. Those who like to have fun on the beach will need to go to Sousse.

For a cozy and relaxing holiday. Travelers, going to this exotic place, are interested in what kind of sea is in Tunisia. Completely unnecessary experiences: it is warm, shallow and very calm.

Mediterranean motifs

What seas wash Tunisia? You should not ask this question in the plural, because there is only one sea here - the Mediterranean. The entire northeast is washed by its waters. It is on this part of the warm coast that the main resorts of the country are located, which are annually visited by millions of tourists.

For every taste and mood

The main resort towns are located on the coast, like beads. The most popular for recreation are conservative and prim Hammamet, noisy and incendiary Sousse, hot southern Mahdia, the fishing port of Monastir and the elite Port El Kantaoui.

And in Tunisia there is the most beautiful island of Jeria, which is comfortably nestled in the Mediterranean Sea in the south of the country. It is here that the largest number of luxurious hotels with the level of "5 stars", many bright and enticing casinos, entertainment clubs and a large yacht parking are located.

Holidays for families with children

What is the sea in Tunisia? This question can be answered in the following way: family. Because this coast, thanks to its calmness and affection, is perfect for relaxing with the whole family, especially with children. Clean and wide beaches are mostly sandy. The sand is very fine, almost like dust, it is soft and surprisingly beautiful white. The depth of the sea is small - you can enter it for a very long time and splash in the coastal waves. Such natural tranquility makes the rest here safe and comfortable.

In summer, the temperature of sea water reaches 28°C, but in winter it does not fall below plus 15. Quite strong undercurrents are observed in this place, and such cold water in the sea lasts until about June. But then comes paradise for those who love the heat.

Best months to travel

  • June. The first month of summer is the most suitable for a relaxing holiday on the beach. The air temperature during this period reaches 26-28°C, and the water in the sea has already warmed up to 18°C. It hardly rains at this time of the year. Such warm weather is favorable for excursions and swimming in the sea. June is considered the best month for diving - the sea is calm and very clear.
  • July. At the top of summer, the water on the coast already warms up to 25°C, and the air - 30-32°C. Swimming in the sea during this period is a heavenly pleasure, the water is like fresh milk, and the intense heat is not felt due to the light breeze.
  • August. In August, the heat increases somewhat, and the water in the sea warms up to 28 °. True, jellyfish often swim up to the shore, which not all bathers like. But, you see, it gives a certain exoticism.

Entertaining diving

If you dream of diving, the coast of Tunisia is just for you. What sea is Tunisia on? On the Mediterranean. This sea is clear and very beautiful. At its relatively shallow depths, it is great to observe the wonderful underwater world. Beautiful multi-colored algae, many fish of different colors, bizarre corals in their shape, mysterious grottoes and mysterious caves.

Each resort has its own diving centers where scuba equipment is available for rent. Here you can also go through a training school for a novice diver - experienced instructors will conduct classes for beginners and go on a sea voyage with you. Under water, you can easily take pictures with sponges of various shapes and colors, and if you're lucky, with an octopus, which is very friendly to underwater tourists.

romantic bays

What is the sea in Tunisia? Romantic and magical. On the northern coast there are many quaint bays and grottoes. Here the coast is indented by rocks, which smoothly pass from the land into the water. Of course, such a wealth of underwater life, as, for example, in the Red Sea, should not be expected here, but still the underwater world of Mediterranean Tunisia is very exotic.

And the Mediterranean Sea is a great place for boat trips. From the boat you can admire the bizarre outlines of the coast, fish and engage in sea hunting. When you hook your first prey, your delight will know no bounds!

What sea is Tunisia on? That's right, in therapy. Algae that are especially beneficial for the skin grow here. Experienced specialists combine them with healing mud and, please, a rejuvenating mask or rub for sore joints, or a cleansing body scrub is ready for you. Thalasso centers operate at all resorts in the country, which have already become a landmark of Tunisia. It is because of them that many tourists come to the sea coast of this African country.

What is the sea in Tunisia? For everyone it is different - romantic and exciting, healing and affectionate, family and for lovers ... It leaves its own unique image for everyone.

    Judging by the geographical map - the Mediterranean Sea.

    The shores of resort Tunisia are washed by the only Mediterranean Sea.

    On its coast are the most famous Tunisian resorts: Sousse, Monastir, Hammamet and Mahdia.

    The Mediterranean Sea in Tunisia is perfect for families with children. Beaches with the finest soft white sand and a gentle entrance are a safe and comfortable place to relax.

    The Mediterranean coast of Tunisia is a great place for lovers of not only beach, but also outdoor activities on the water. Fishing, boat trips, catamarans, water skiing are all here. The Mediterranean Sea is rich in healing algae and mud, so thalassotherapy is very popular in Tunisian resorts. The holiday season lasts from late April to early November.

    In Tunisia, the Mediterranean Sea. I have been to Tunisia twice and I can say that compared to the Red Sea in Egypt, the underwater world there is rather weak, not so colorful and interesting. The swimming season lasts from May to the end of November, although after November 10 in the evenings you already have to put on a light jacket or sweater.

    Tunisia is located in North Africa. Tunisia is washed by the waters mediterranean sea. The season when you can swim in Tunisia begins at the end of April, the water temperature at this time rises to +20 degrees and the swimming season continues until mid-November.

    There is a nuisance when the water temperature rises above + 23 degrees, then jellyfish appear off the coast of Tunisia.

    Tunisia is located in northeast Africa and borders the Mediterranean Sea. The sea is quite warm, it is pleasant to swim in it. In July, August and early September, the water is very comfortable for both adults and children to swim. The sea is not as picturesque as the red one, but there are a lot of fish, you can snorkel or go diving. In many places the sea is very clear. Jellyfish also love the Tunisian coast, they especially note that there are a lot of jellyfish in Sousse, the least jellyfish, they say, on the island of Djerba

    There are many sandy beaches in Tunisia, most of them with a gentle entrance, comfortable for children. As for the cleanliness of the beaches, it all depends on the hotel, but from experience I must say that Tunisians are not as clean-fruited as the Egyptians, they don’t clean the sand, there is small debris. Yes, and I should note that trading on the beach for Tunisia is a common thing. True, merchants do not come close to vacationers, but rather loudly attract attention. Well, if you cast a glance at the product, then hold on, they won’t get rid of you for a long time.

    Sea in Tunisia wonderful, warm and gentle Mediterranean Sea. It washes Tunisia from the north and east, softening the heat and making the climate of this desert region surprisingly favorable. No wonder it was here that the main rival of Ancient Rome, Carthage, was located.

    Sea in Tunisia clear and blue, white sand. There are stunningly beautiful diving spots in the Tabarka area.

    Tunisia- a country in Africa with sunny and beautiful resorts.

    Tunisia has Mediterranean Sea.

    It washes the coast of Tunisia from the eastern and northern parts.

    Its white sand beaches stretch for 600 meters.

    Swimming in the sea near Tunisia is best from May until the end of October.

    In Tunisia, the beaches of the Mediterranean Sea. It is very pleasant and warm for half a year. Already in April, you can start the swimming season and enjoy swimming in this cozy and colorful place until mid-autumn.

    If you are going to go on vacation to Tunisia, then it will be useful for you to know that this North African state is washed by mediterranean sea. The climate there is very warm, the beaches are sandy, you can visit the ruins of the legendary Carthage. 98% of the population are Arabs of the Muslim faith, they extract oil and grow olives. Local residents do not drink, but alcohol is not prohibited and it is not a problem to buy it.

    Tunisia is located in northern Africa.

    Washed by the Mediterranean Sea.

    The swimming season starts in May and ends in October.

    The sea at this time is warm, the water warms up well, the water temperature is not less than +20.

    The beaches are sandy.

    African exotic.

    Tunisia is a small African state located in the north of the continent. Has access to the sea.

    The northern and eastern outskirts of Tunisia are washed by the waters of the Mediterranean Sea. The coasts are dominated by a subtropical Mediterranean climate. The farther inland, the hotter and drier the climate turns into a tropical desert.

This small African state is steadily increasing the number of its fans. Going to a sunny country, sometimes you don’t know which waters of the sea in Tunisia wash the shores.

The small African state of Tunisia is located in the north of the Black Continent. Its capital bears the same name as the state - Tunisia. Once, in the very recent past, it was a land under the protectorate of France, in fact, part of its colonial empire. Separate quarters of old cities and a high level of development of thalassotherapy remind of that time today. It is to this art of healing that the country owes a plentiful tourist flow in winter, when the bathing season is closed. Although mud therapy procedures are in demand in the summer.

Which sea washes the resorts of Tunisia

First of all, let's answer a question that worries many travelers who are not very interested in geography. The coast of Tunisia is washed by the Mediterranean Sea from the northeast side. The same sea that gave a unique climate to Italy and Greece, numerous islands (Majorca, Crete, Cyprus, Rhodes), which attracts to the resorts of Turkey, Egypt, Israel.

Water temperature in the Mediterranean Sea, °C
Winter Spring Summer Autumn
12 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11
+16 +15 +15 +15 +16 +16 +20 +23 +28 +26 +26 +21

The coast of the country is not only very beautiful, it also has gorgeous beaches with white sand. The sapphire sea creates a harmonious picture with the emerald vegetation of Tunisia. Plantations of palms, olives, vineyards feel good under the hot African sun. In Tunisia, you can find beautiful lagoons and picturesque bays formed by cliffs.

Despite the fact that Tunisia is an Islamic country, wine, liquors, beer and even fig vodka are made here.

The main resorts of the country are:

  • Hammamet;
  • Mahdia;
  • Suss;
  • the island of Djerba;
  • Monastir;
  • Bizerte;
  • Nabeul;
  • Tabarka;
  • Gammarth;
  • Ain Draham (thermal mountain resort).

Attractions by the sea

So, what kind of sea is in Tunisia, we have already found out. It remains to find out what entertainment this country has prepared for its guests.

Historical heritage

Tunisia is a country with a rich history, where different civilizations have left their traces. And today you can see the ruins of Carthage, the enemy city of Rome, the baths of Emperor Antoninus Pius, huge cisterns for collecting water. Ancient culture left in the city of Dugga the monument of the "Three Gods", a magnificent temple, a triumphal arch, an amphitheater and baths. In the capital, you can see the masterpieces built by the Arabs: several palaces, the Zituna mosque, the mausoleum.

Wonders of nature and excursions

The village of Sidi Bou Said on the shore of the Gulf of Carthage is famous for its amazingly picturesque area. Tunisians call the city of Douz the gateway to the Sahara, it is from here that excursions to the desert depart. Interesting for tourists will be sightseeing trips in jeeps, camel riding, visiting the Berber settlement, the holy city of Kairouan and the Zulu show. Only pleasant emotions will cause a visit to the Phrygia animal park, Tunisian Switzerland - Ain Draham.

I would like to say a few words about diving. The underwater world off the coast of resorts in Tunisia may not be as rich as in neighboring Egypt. However, a person, having descended to the bottom with scuba gear, will be able to see groupers, shrimps, sea bass, octopuses, red mullet, squid, carp and bream. Near the resort of Tabarka is the largest coral reef in the Mediterranean, and in the city itself - the largest diving center in Tunisia. In addition, it is here that the festival of underwater photography is held annually. Also, dive centers can be found in Mahdia and Port El Kantaoui, which can be safely recommended to beginners.

If you are wondering " Where is Tunisia?«, « Tunisia is Turkey or Egypt"," Tunisia - what country is this? or " What is the sea in Tunisia?"This article is for you. Tunisia is a small Arab state in the north of the African continent, which separates two large countries: Algeria and Libya.

Where is Tunisia on the map

Tunisia is easy to find on the map - it is located in the north of Africa, and from Tunisia is a stone's throw from Europe - only 200 kilometers! Malta, Italy, Spain are sea neighbors of Tunisia.

The area of ​​Tunisia is only 164 thousand square kilometers. From almost any part you can easily get to the coast, where there are many hotels and resorts.

What sea is Tunisia on?

Of course on the Mediterranean! The sea that washes southern Europe also splashes off the coast of northern Africa. It is the Mediterranean Sea that determines the surprisingly mild climate of this African country.

On the coast of Tunisia, it is never excessively hot. The summer temperature of 35 degrees is easily tolerated, because the air is not oversaturated with moisture. In winter, the thermometer readings do not fall below 21 degrees. You can swim in the gentle waves of the Mediterranean Sea from May to the end of October. During the summer months, the water warms up perfectly, so that even in late autumn the sea keeps the temperature above 20 degrees.

If you choose between holidays in Tunisia and other countries, read these articles:

The beaches of Tunisia: what the country's coastline looks like

Having found out where Tunisia is located and which sea washes the shores of this country, I want to know in more detail what exactly attracts tourists to the resorts of this state, because the Mediterranean can be very different.

  • The northern coast, especially in the Gulf of Tunis, forms a rocky ridge with many romantic coves. Swimming here is not very convenient, but you can take boat trips.
  • The east coast is gently sloping, conducive to a beach holiday. Do you want to experience for yourself what kind of sea washes Tunisia? Head to the east coast of the country, where azure lagoons, white sand and gentle sun await you.
  • What kind of sea on vacation in Tunisia is required for tourists who cannot swim like a fish or vacationers with small children? Necessarily shallow, where you can fearlessly flounder or wander through the shallows in search of beautiful shells. It is such a shallow and safe sea that awaits you.

Beach in Sousse

The Mediterranean climate with dry summers in Tunisia is moderated by cool breezes. Winds constantly blowing from the sea play the role of a kind of temperature regulator. The absence of sweltering heat allows olive and palm groves to lush green. By the way, amazingly delicious dates and many varieties of olive oil are a great choice for a gift from Tunisia.

All beaches in Tunisia are public. Some hotels have assigned areas with their own security. There are almost no locals there. The hotel usually provides sun loungers and umbrellas for vacationers, although it’s nice to lie down on the exceptionally clean white sand just like that, without a sunbed.

What characteristic to give the sea in Tunisia? Delightful, affectionate, hugging, lulling, azure. The best epithets cannot convey the delight of vacationers on the Mediterranean coast in Tunisia.

Experts say that the beach season in northern Africa begins in April and ends in September, although tourists like to relax on the same island of Djerba at any time of the year, since the shallow sea warms up enough even in the winter months.

Where to relax in Tunisia:

The sea and beaches of Tunisia in the photo

Hotels in Tunisia often have their own beach
The beaches in Tunisia are being cleaned, so even if seaweed is thrown ashore, they will be removed
The peculiarity of the beaches is camel and horseback riding

What to see in Tunisia besides the sea

Having learned which sea Tunisia washes, study the map of the country in more detail. Getting to know the country should not be limited to white sand beaches.

  • are of sincere interest to everyone who remembers the phrase of the Roman commander Cato the Elder that Carthage must be destroyed.
  • If you like intact, not destroyed, ancient monuments, then be sure to admire the remains of the Roman civilization in El Jem.
  • Make the most famous desert in the world. The singing sands of the Sahara are an amazing natural phenomenon.
  • - this is what many of the fair sex go to Tunisia for. Healing wrapping procedures are performed at the highest level, and are quite inexpensive.

And also wander around the shops, coffee houses and pastry shops. Try wonderful, taste at least some varieties of olive oil. Let your seaside vacation in Tunisia be varied, bright and memorable.