The angular velocity of the earth's rotation around the sun. If the Earth stops, what will happen? The speed of the earth's rotation. North and South Pole

It took man many millennia to understand that the Earth is not the center of the universe and is in constant motion.

The phrase of Galileo Galilei "And yet it spins!" forever went down in history and became a kind of symbol of that era when scientists from different countries tried to refute the theory of the geocentric system of the world.

Although the rotation of the Earth was proven about five centuries ago, the exact reasons that prompt it to move are still unknown.

Why does the earth spin on its axis?

In the Middle Ages, people believed that the Earth was stationary, and the Sun and other planets revolved around it. Only in the 16th century did astronomers manage to prove the opposite. Despite the fact that many associate this discovery with Galileo, in fact it belongs to another scientist - Nicolaus Copernicus.

It was he who in 1543 wrote the treatise "On the Revolution of the Celestial Spheres", where he put forward a theory about the motion of the Earth. For a long time this idea did not receive support either from his colleagues or from the church, but in the end it had a huge impact on the scientific revolution in Europe and became fundamental in the further development of astronomy.

After the theory of the rotation of the Earth was proven, scientists began to look for the causes of this phenomenon. Over the past centuries, many hypotheses have been put forward, but even today no astronomer can accurately answer this question.

Currently, there are three main versions that have the right to life - theories about inertial rotation, magnetic fields and the impact of solar radiation on the planet.

Theory of inertial rotation

Some scientists are inclined to believe that once (during the time of its appearance and formation) the Earth spun, and now it rotates by inertia. Formed from cosmic dust, it began to attract other bodies to itself, which gave it an additional impulse. This assumption also applies to other planets in the solar system.

The theory has many opponents, since it cannot explain why at different times the speed of the Earth's movement either increases or decreases. It is also unclear why some planets in the solar system rotate in the opposite direction, such as Venus.

Theory about magnetic fields

If you try to connect two magnets with the same charged pole together, they will start to repel each other. The theory of magnetic fields suggests that the poles of the Earth are also charged in the same way and, as it were, repel each other, which causes the planet to rotate.

Interestingly, scientists recently made a discovery that the Earth's magnetic field pushes its inner core from west to east and causes it to rotate faster than the rest of the planet.

Sun exposure hypothesis

The most probable is considered to be the theory of solar radiation. It is well known that it warms up the surface shells of the Earth (air, seas, oceans), but heating occurs unevenly, resulting in the formation of sea and air currents.

It is they who, when interacting with the solid shell of the planet, make it rotate. A kind of turbines that determine the speed and direction of movement are the continents. If they are not monolithic enough, they begin to drift, which affects the increase or decrease in speed.

Why does the earth move around the sun?

The reason for the revolution of the Earth around the Sun is called inertia. According to the theory about the formation of our star, about 4.57 billion years ago, a huge amount of dust arose in space, which gradually turned into a disk, and then into the Sun.

The outer particles of this dust began to combine with each other, forming planets. Even then, by inertia, they began to rotate around the star and continue to move along the same trajectory today.

According to Newton's law, all cosmic bodies move in a straight line, that is, in fact, the planets of the solar system, including the Earth, should have long flown into outer space. But that doesn't happen.

The reason is that the Sun has a large mass and, accordingly, a huge force of attraction. The Earth, during its movement, is constantly trying to rush away from it in a straight line, but gravitational forces pull it back, so the planet is kept in orbit and revolves around the Sun.

Our planet is constantly in motion:

  • rotation around its own axis, movement around the Sun;
  • rotation together with the Sun around the center of our galaxy;
  • motion relative to the center of the Local Group of galaxies and others.

Earth's motion around its own axis

Rotation of the Earth around its axis(Fig. 1). An imaginary line is taken for the earth's axis, around which it rotates. This axis is deviated by 23 ° 27 "from the perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic. The earth's axis intersects with the earth's surface at two points - the poles - the North and South. When viewed from the North Pole, the Earth's rotation occurs counterclockwise or, as is commonly believed, with west to east.The planet makes a complete rotation around its axis in one day.

Rice. 1. Rotation of the Earth around its axis

A day is a unit of time. Separate sidereal and solar days.

sidereal day is the amount of time it takes the earth to rotate on its axis with respect to the stars. They are equal to 23 hours 56 minutes 4 seconds.

solar day is the amount of time it takes for the earth to rotate on its axis with respect to the sun.

The angle of rotation of our planet around its axis is the same at all latitudes. In one hour, each point on the surface of the Earth moves 15° from its original position. But at the same time, the speed of movement is inversely proportional to the geographical latitude: at the equator it is 464 m / s, and at a latitude of 65 ° - only 195 m / s.

The rotation of the Earth around its axis in 1851 was proved by J. Foucault in his experiment. In Paris, in the Pantheon, a pendulum was hung under the dome, and under it a circle with divisions. With each subsequent movement, the pendulum turned out to be on new divisions. This can only happen if the surface of the Earth under the pendulum rotates. The position of the swing plane of the pendulum at the equator does not change, because the plane coincides with the meridian. The axial rotation of the Earth has important geographic implications.

When the Earth rotates, a centrifugal force arises, which plays an important role in shaping the shape of the planet and reduces the force of gravity.

Another of the most important consequences of axial rotation is the formation of a turning force - Coriolis forces. In the 19th century it was first calculated by a French scientist in the field of mechanics G. Coriolis (1792-1843). This is one of the inertial forces introduced to take into account the influence of the rotation of a moving frame of reference on the relative motion of a material point. Its effect can be briefly expressed as follows: every moving body in the Northern Hemisphere deviates to the right, and in the Southern - to the left. At the equator, the Coriolis force is zero (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Action of the Coriolis force

The action of the Coriolis force extends to many phenomena of the geographic envelope. Its deflecting effect is especially noticeable in the direction of movement of air masses. Under the influence of the deflecting force of the Earth's rotation, the winds of temperate latitudes of both hemispheres take a predominantly westerly direction, and in tropical latitudes - east. A similar manifestation of the Coriolis force is found in the direction of movement of ocean waters. The asymmetry of river valleys is also associated with this force (the right bank is usually high in the Northern Hemisphere, in the Southern - the left).

The rotation of the Earth around its axis also leads to the movement of solar illumination across the earth's surface from east to west, i.e., to the change of day and night.

The change of day and night creates a daily rhythm in animate and inanimate nature. The daily rhythm is closely related to light and temperature conditions. The daily course of temperature, day and night breezes, etc. are well known. Daily rhythms also occur in wildlife - photosynthesis is possible only during the day, most plants open their flowers at different hours; Some animals are active during the day, others at night. Human life also proceeds in a daily rhythm.

Another consequence of the rotation of the Earth around its axis is the difference in time at different points on our planet.

Since 1884, a zone time account was adopted, that is, the entire surface of the Earth was divided into 24 time zones of 15 ° each. Behind standard time take the local time of the middle meridian of each belt. Neighboring time zones differ by one hour. The boundaries of the belts are drawn taking into account political, administrative and economic boundaries.

The zero belt is Greenwich (by the name of the Greenwich Observatory near London), which runs on both sides of the prime meridian. The time of the zero, or initial, meridian is considered World time.

Meridian 180° accepted as international date measurement line- a conditional line on the surface of the globe, on both sides of which hours and minutes coincide, and calendar dates differ by one day.

For a more rational use of daylight in summer in 1930, our country introduced maternity time, ahead of the zone by one hour. To do this, the hands of the clock were moved forward one hour. In this regard, Moscow, being in the second time zone, lives according to the time of the third time zone.

Since 1981, between April and October, the time has been moved forward one hour. This so-called summer time. It is introduced to save energy. In summer, Moscow is two hours ahead of standard time.

The time zone in which Moscow is located is Moscow.

Movement of the Earth around the Sun

Rotating around its axis, the Earth simultaneously moves around the Sun, going around the circle in 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes 46 seconds. This period is called astronomical year. For convenience, it is considered that there are 365 days in a year, and every four years, when 24 hours out of six hours “accumulate”, there are not 365, but 366 days in a year. This year is called leap year, and one day is added to February.

The path in space along which the Earth moves around the Sun is called orbit(Fig. 4). The Earth's orbit is elliptical, so the distance from the Earth to the Sun is not constant. When the earth is in perihelion(from Greek. peri- near, around and helios- Sun) - the closest point of the orbit to the Sun - on January 3, the distance is 147 million km. It is winter in the Northern Hemisphere at this time. The farthest distance from the Sun in aphelion(from Greek. aro- away from and helios- Sun) - the greatest distance from the Sun - July 5. It is equal to 152 million km. At this time, it is summer in the Northern Hemisphere.

Rice. 4. Movement of the Earth around the Sun

The annual movement of the Earth around the Sun is observed by the continuous change in the position of the Sun in the sky - the midday height of the Sun and the position of its sunrise and sunset change, the duration of the bright and dark parts of the day changes.

When moving in orbit, the direction of the earth's axis does not change, it is always directed towards the North Star.

As a result of a change in the distance from the Earth to the Sun, as well as due to the inclination of the Earth's axis to the plane of its movement around the Sun, an uneven distribution of solar radiation is observed on Earth during the year. This is how the seasons change, which is typical for all planets that have an inclination of the axis of rotation to the plane of its orbit. (ecliptic) different from 90°. The orbital speed of the planet in the Northern Hemisphere is higher in winter and lower in summer. Therefore, the winter half-year lasts 179, and the summer half-year - 186 days.

As a result of the movement of the Earth around the Sun and the inclination of the earth's axis to the plane of its orbit by 66.5 °, not only the change of seasons is observed on our planet, but also a change in the length of day and night.

The rotation of the Earth around the Sun and the change of seasons on Earth are shown in Fig. 81 (equinoxes and solstices according to the seasons in the Northern Hemisphere).

Only twice a year - on the days of the equinox, the length of day and night on the whole Earth is almost the same.

Equinox- the moment at which the center of the Sun, during its apparent annual movement along the ecliptic, crosses the celestial equator. There are spring and autumn equinoxes.

The inclination of the Earth's axis of rotation around the Sun on the equinoxes of March 20-21 and September 22-23 is neutral with respect to the Sun, and the parts of the planet facing it are uniformly illuminated from pole to pole (Fig. 5). The sun's rays fall vertically at the equator.

The longest day and shortest night occur on the summer solstice.

Rice. 5. Illumination of the Earth by the Sun on the days of the equinox

Solstice- the moment of passage by the center of the Sun of the points of the ecliptic, the most distant from the equator (solstice points). There are summer and winter solstices.

On the day of the summer solstice on June 21-22, the Earth takes a position in which the northern end of its axis is tilted towards the Sun. And the rays fall vertically not on the equator, but on the northern tropic, whose latitude is 23 ° 27 "All day and night, not only the polar regions are illuminated, but also the space beyond them up to latitude 66 ° 33" (Arctic Circle). In the Southern Hemisphere at this time, only that part of it that lies between the equator and the southern Arctic Circle (66 ° 33 ") turns out to be illuminated. Beyond it, on this day, the earth's surface is not illuminated.

On the day of the winter solstice on December 21-22, everything happens the other way around (Fig. 6). The sun's rays are already falling sheer on the southern tropic. Lighted in the Southern Hemisphere are areas that lie not only between the equator and the tropic, but also around the South Pole. This situation continues until the spring equinox.

Rice. 6. Illumination of the Earth on the day of the winter solstice

At two parallels of the Earth on the days of the solstice, the Sun at noon is directly above the head of the observer, that is, at the zenith. Such parallels are called tropics. On the Tropic of the North (23° N), the Sun is at its zenith on June 22, on the Tropic of the South (23° S) on December 22.

At the equator, day is always equal to night. The angle of incidence of the sun's rays on the earth's surface and the length of the day there change little, so the change of seasons is not expressed.

arctic circles remarkable in that they are the boundaries of areas where there are polar days and nights.

polar day- the period when the sun does not fall below the horizon. The farther from the Arctic Circle near the pole, the longer the polar day. At the latitude of the Arctic Circle (66.5°) it lasts only one day, and at the Pole it lasts 189 days. In the Northern Hemisphere at the latitude of the Arctic Circle, the polar day is observed on June 22 - the day of the summer solstice, and in the Southern Hemisphere at the latitude of the Southern Arctic Circle - on December 22.

polar night lasts from one day at the latitude of the Arctic Circle to 176 days at the poles. During the polar night, the Sun does not appear above the horizon. In the Northern Hemisphere, at the latitude of the Arctic Circle, this phenomenon is observed on December 22.

It is impossible not to note such a wonderful natural phenomenon as white nights. White Nights- these are bright nights at the beginning of summer, when the evening dawn converges with the morning dawn and twilight lasts all night. They are observed in both hemispheres at latitudes exceeding 60°, when the center of the Sun at midnight falls below the horizon by no more than 7°. In St. Petersburg (about 60°N) white nights last from June 11 to July 2, in Arkhangelsk (64°N) from May 13 to July 30.

The seasonal rhythm in connection with the annual movement primarily affects the illumination of the earth's surface. Depending on the change in the height of the Sun above the horizon on Earth, there are five lighting belts. The hot belt lies between the Northern and Southern tropics (the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn), occupies 40% of the earth's surface and is distinguished by the largest amount of heat coming from the Sun. Between the tropics and the Arctic Circles in the Southern and Northern Hemispheres there are moderate zones of illumination. The seasons of the year are already expressed here: the farther from the tropics, the shorter and cooler the summer, the longer and colder the winter. The polar belts in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres are limited by the Arctic Circles. Here, the height of the Sun above the horizon during the year is low, so the amount of solar heat is minimal. The polar zones are characterized by polar days and nights.

Depending on the annual movement of the Earth around the Sun are not only the change of seasons and the associated uneven illumination of the earth's surface across latitudes, but also a significant part of the processes in the geographical envelope: seasonal weather changes, the regime of rivers and lakes, the rhythm in the life of plants and animals, types and terms of agricultural work.

Calendar.Calendar- a system for calculating long periods of time. This system is based on periodic natural phenomena associated with the movement of celestial bodies. The calendar uses astronomical phenomena - the change of seasons, day and night, the change in the lunar phases. The first calendar was Egyptian, created in the 4th century. BC e. On January 1, 45, Julius Caesar introduced the Julian calendar, which is still used by the Russian Orthodox Church. Due to the fact that the duration of the Julian year is longer than the astronomical one by 11 minutes 14 seconds, by the 16th century. an “error” of 10 days accumulated - the day of the vernal equinox did not come on March 21, but on March 11. This mistake was corrected in 1582 by a decree of Pope Gregory XIII. The count of days was moved forward by 10 days, and the day after October 4 was prescribed to be considered Friday, but not October 5, but October 15. The spring equinox was again returned to March 21, and the calendar became known as the Gregorian. It was introduced in Russia in 1918. However, it also has a number of drawbacks: uneven length of months (28, 29, 30, 31 days), inequality of quarters (90, 91, 92 days), inconsistency of numbers of months by days of the week.

Scientists have come to the following conclusions - the speed of rotation of the earth is falling. This leads to the following consequences - the day lengthens. If you do not go into details, then in the northern hemisphere the bright part of the day becomes somewhat longer than in winter. But this interpretation is only suitable for the uninitiated. Geophysicists come to deeper conclusions - the days increase their time frames not only in the spring. The reason for the lengthening of the day lies primarily in the influence of the moon.

The force of attraction of the natural satellite of the earth is so great that it causes excitement in the oceans, causing them to sway. At the same time, the earth acts by analogy with the figure skaters, who, in order to slow down the rotation during the execution of their programs, put out their hands. It is because of this that after some time in an ordinary earthly day there will be one hour more than we are used to. One astronomer from the UK came to the conclusion that since 700 BC there has been a continuous slowdown in the rotation of the Earth around its axis. He calculated the speed of rotation of the Earth, based on data that have survived since those times - clay tablets and historical evidence that describes lunar and solar eclipses. Based on them, the scientist calculated the position of the Sun and was able to determine what braking distance our planet was doing relative to its star. For 530 million years, the Earth's rotation rate was much slower, and there were only 21 hours in a day.

And the dinosaurs that inhabited the expanses of our planet a hundred million years ago already lived at 23 hours a day. This can be determined by examining the calcareous deposits that the corals left behind. Their thickness depends on what season is present on the planet. On this basis, it is possible to determine quite accurately - in what interval were the springs from each other. And this duration is reduced throughout the entire existence of our planet. Half a million years ago, our planet was moving around the axis faster, while the movement around the star remains constant. This means that the year for all these millions of years has remained the same, it has the same number of hours. But this year there were not 365 days, as today, but 420. After the emergence of mankind, this trend did not cease to exist. The speed of the Earth's rotation around its axis is constantly slowing down. The Journal for the History of Astronomy published an article on this phenomenon in 2008.

Stephenson, who works at the University of Durham (Great Britain), in order to be completely sure and confirm the hypothesis, analyzed hundreds of eclipses that have occurred over the past 2.7 thousand years. In the clay tablets of ancient Babylon, all celestial phenomena recorded in cuneiform are described in great detail. Scientists noted both the time of the event and its exact date. Another feature - a total solar eclipse on Earth is observed not so often, only once every 300 years. At this moment, the Sun is completely hidden behind the Earth and complete darkness descends on it for several minutes. Very often, ancient scientists described both the beginning of an eclipse and its end with great accuracy. And these data were used by a modern astronomer in order to determine the position of our star relative to the Earth.

The recalculation of the dates of the Babylonian calendar took place according to specially compiled tables, which facilitated the work. It is these data that allow astronomers to determine with great accuracy. How did the deceleration of the Earth occur? Correct data on its position relative to the Sun, allow you to determine its position at the moment when it passes by the Sun. The trajectory of the planet around the Sun depends on the movement around its own axis. Terrestrial time, which is derived from this dependence, is an independent quantity. This universal time is a generally accepted indicator, which is calculated based on how the earth rotates on its axis and in what position it is relative to the sun. This universal time is constantly shifting back, since every year one more second is added to the year, which is caused, precisely, by the process of Earth's deceleration. And as it turned out, the difference between terrestrial and universal time is getting bigger, depending on how long ago the solar eclipse happened. This can only mean one thing - every millennium adds as much as 0.002 seconds to the day. These data are also confirmed by changes carried out from satellite laboratories launched into earth's orbit.

The deceleration rate is fully consistent with the calculations made by a scientist from the UK. And at the time when the flourishing of the Babylonian civilization was observed, the day on earth lasted somewhat less, the difference with modern time was 0.04 seconds. And this meager deviation was calculated by Stephenson due to the fact that he was able to compare universal time and evaluate the errors accumulated in it. Since about a million days have passed from the year 700 to the present day, we could translate our electronic clocks by 7 hours, so much time was added to the time of the Earth's rotation around its axis.

Recent years have become an exception for the Earth, during this time there is practically no lengthening of the day and the Earth continues to move at a constant speed. The masses inside the earth may have begun to compensate for the fluctuations caused by the influence of the magnetic field of the moon. And the acceleration of the planet's movement could be caused, for example, by the earthquake in Argentina in 2004, after which the day was shortened by 8 millionths of a second. The shortest day in history was recorded in 2003, when they did not even have 24 hours (1,005 seconds were not enough). The international service that studies the rotation of the Earth and geophysicists are closely watching the problem of slowing down the speed of the earth's rotation and the processes that affect its movement. After all, this will provide answers to many global questions related to the structure of the planet and the processes that occur in deep structures - the mantle and the core. What covers the research and scientific activities of seismologists and geophysicists.

We are all inhabitants of the most beautiful planet in the universe, it is called "blue" because of the abundance of water. It is the only one in the solar system, but all good things come to an end sooner or later. Have you ever wondered if the Earth stops, what will happen? We will try to find the answer to this question in this article.

Everyone knows from the time of the school bench that our earth has the shape of a ball and rotates around its axis. It is also in continuous motion around our source of heat and light, the Sun. But what is the reason for the rotation of the Earth?

All these questions are quite interesting, for sure, every inhabitant of our planet has asked this at least once in his life. The school course gives us little information of this kind. For example, everyone knows that as a result of the movement of the Earth, we have a change of day and night, the air temperature that is familiar to all of us is maintained. But this is not enough, because this process is not only limited to this.

Rotation around the sun

So, we figured out that our planet is always in motion, but why and at what speed does the Earth rotate? It is important to know that all the planets in the solar system rotate at a certain speed, and all in the same direction. Coincidence? Of course not!

Long before the appearance of man, our planet was formed, it arose in a hydrogen cloud. After that, a strong push was obtained, as a result of which the cloud began to rotate. In order to answer the question "why", let's remember that each particle, when passing through a vacuum, has its own inertia, while all particles balance it.

Thus, the entire solar system rotates faster and faster. Our Sun was formed from this, and then all the other planets, and they inherited those very movements from the luminary.

Rotations around own axis

This question is of interest to scientists even now, there are many hypotheses, but we will give the most plausible one.

So, in the previous paragraph, we already said that the entire solar system was formed from the accumulation of "garbage", which was accumulated as a result of the fact that the young, at that time, Sun attracted it. Despite the fact that most of its mass went to our Sun, planets nevertheless formed around. Initially, they did not have a form familiar to us.

Sometimes, colliding with objects, they collapsed, but they had the ability to attract smaller particles, and so they gained their mass. Our planet was forced to rotate by several factors:

  • Time.
  • Wind.
  • Asymmetry.

And the last is not a mistake, then the Earth resembled the shape of a snowball made by a small child. The irregular shape made the planet unstable, it was exposed to wind and solar radiation. Despite, she got out of an unbalanced position and began to spin, pushed by the same factors. In short, our planet does not move by itself, but it was pushed many billions of years ago. We have not specified how fast the Earth rotates. She is always on the move. And in almost twenty-four hours it makes a complete revolution around its axis. This movement is called diurnal. The speed of rotation is not the same everywhere. So at the equator, it is approximately 1670 kilometers per hour, and the North and South Poles may even remain in place.

But besides this, our planet is still moving along a different trajectory. A complete revolution of the Earth around the Sun takes three hundred and sixty-five days and five hours. This explains the fact that there is a leap year, that is, it has one more day.

Is it possible to stop?

If the Earth stops, what will happen? Let's start with the fact that the stop can be considered both around its axis and around the Sun. We will analyze all the options in more detail. In this chapter, we will discuss some general points, and whether this is even possible.

If we consider a sharp stop in the rotation of the Earth around its axis, then this is practically unrealistic. This can only be caused by a collision with a large object. Let us clarify right away that there will no longer be any difference whether the planet is rotating or has left its orbit altogether, since such a large object can cause a stop that the Earth simply cannot withstand such an impact.

If the Earth stops, what will happen? If a sudden stop is practically impossible, then slow braking is quite possible. Although it is not felt, our planet is already gradually slowing down.

If we talk about flying around the Sun, then stopping the planet in this case is something from the realm of fantasy. But we will discard all probabilities and assume that this did happen. We suggest that you analyze each case separately.

abrupt stop

Although this option is hypothetically impossible, we still assume. If the Earth stops, what will happen? The speed of our planet is so great that a sudden stop for any reason will simply demolish everything on it.

First, in which direction does the earth rotate? From West to East at a speed of more than five hundred meters per second. From this we can assume that everything that moves on the planet will continue to move at a speed of more than 1.5 thousand kilometers per hour. The wind that will blow at the same speed will cause the strongest tsunami. On one hemisphere there will be six months of daylight, and then, those who are not burned by the highest temperature, will be finished off by six months of severe frost and night. What if they are still alive after that? The radiation will kill them. In addition, after the Earth stops, our core will make a few more revolutions, while volcanoes will erupt in places where they have not met before.

The atmosphere also will not stop its movement instantly, that is, there will be a wind blowing at a speed of 500 meters per second. In addition, partial loss of the atmosphere is possible.

This version of the catastrophe is the best outcome for humanity, because everything will happen so quickly that not a single person will simply have time to come to his senses, will not understand what is happening. Since the most likely outcome is an explosion of the planet. Another thing is the slow and gradual stop of the planet.

For many, the first thing that comes to mind is eternal day on one side, and eternal night on the other, but this is actually not much of a problem compared to the others.

soft stop

Our planet is slowing down its rotation, scientists say that a person will not find it completely stopped, since it will happen in billions of years, and long before that the Sun will increase in volume and simply burn the Earth. But, nevertheless, we will simulate a stop situation in the foreseeable future. Just to begin with, let's deal with the question: why does the slow stop occur?

Previously, a day on our planet lasted about six hours, and the Moon has a strong influence on this factor. But how? It causes the water to vibrate with its force of attraction, and as a result of this process, a slow stop occurs.

It happened anyway

We are waiting for eternal night or eternal day in one of the hemispheres, but this is not the biggest problem compared to the redistribution of land and ocean, which will lead to the mass destruction of all life.

Where there is sun, all plants will gradually die out, and the soil will crack from drought, but the other side is the snowy tundra. The most suitable area for habitation will be in between, where there will be an eternal sunrise or sunset. At the same time, these territories will be quite small. Land will be located only at the equator. The North and South Poles will be two large oceans.

It is no exception that a person will need to adapt to exist in the ground, and spacesuits will be needed for walking on the surface.

No movement around the sun

This scenario is simple, everything that was on the front side will fly away into the free space of space, because our planet is moving at a very high speed, while others will receive an equally strong impact on the ground.

Even if the Earth gradually slows down its movement, then in the end it will fall into the Sun, and this whole process will take sixty-five days, but no one will live to the last, since the temperature will be about three thousand degrees Celsius. According to the calculations of scientists, in a month on our planet the temperature will reach 50 degrees.

This scenario is practically unrealistic, but the absorption of the Earth by the Sun is a fact that cannot be avoided, but humanity will not be able to catch this day.

Earth is out of orbit

This is the most fantastic option. No, we will not go on a journey through space, because there are laws of physics. If at least one planet from the solar system flies out of orbit, then it will bring chaos to the movement of all the others, as a result, it will fall into the "paws" of the Sun, which will absorb it, attracting it with its mass.

Since childhood, you have been bombarded with information about the Round Earth, which moves around the Sun, plus it itself rotates around its own axis. Drawings, films, atlases, maps, even weather forecasts and film studio logos are made with the globe of the Earth.

But once you think about it why?“at least for a minute, you understand that you zombie. And the Flat Earth is much more obvious, simple and beautiful than the most incredible attempts to make you believe EARS, not EYES or FEELINGS.

Do you know why Flat Earth is so popular with ordinary people?

1. From the window looks flat to the horizon.
2. The earth feels stationary. Any part of the world. At the Pole and at the Equator.
3. The sun and moon look the same in size. Although you are persistently buzzing in your ears that the Moon is 400 times closer, and 400 times smaller than the Sun. Ideal " 2 » 400 matches.
4. 99% of photographs from space are simply created by NASA PHOTOSHOP, or assembled from pieces. Flat pieces of the Flat Earth stretched over the Ball.

Therefore, one does not have to go far to understand why the Flat Earth is understandable to people. She is attractive and you have always felt that Beauty should be simple.

Because always

« ingenious = simple»

Today is our Final Scene.

We will discuss one more thing that puts an end to the conversation about the Round or Flat Earth. We will discuss how Earth is spinning.

As always, help us Professor Sharov (PS ) from the official point of view, Professor Wonderful (PZ ) with an original point of view. And you make a choice which explanation you like best.

I.e, YOU DECIDE- "Round Earth or not" as a result of the vote I will give you 5 easy examples, and you put your ratings.

Play: Star Wars. The flat earthers strike back."

Scene 3. "Planet Earth Spinning?"


Let's check our reality based on 5 examples. I will put a vote after each of the examples so that readers can appreciate the explanations of the professors.

Question 1. How does water hold onto the spinning Earth? Examples: washing machine, carousel and hammers of the Olympians.
Question 2. As the ashes of moving volcanoes and explosions rise vertically UP. And the smoke from a moving train always goes BACK. LOTS OF PHOTOS.
Question 3. How bombs from an aircraft hit the target + the flight time of the East-West aircraft. Flights and SCREENSHOTS.
Question 4. A person's jump from a height of 30 km = "". How they take us for fools.
Question 5.Shooting Artillery and



You : Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen PS and PZ. We haven't seen each other for a long time, and I want to ask you so many questions. Today we finally managed to meet, and let's get down to business.

I have questions and want to find out what is the best explanation with your help.

PS : With pleasure.

You : Professor Sharov, tell us the official version of how the Earth is spinning so that we can refresh our memory of physics and geography.

PS : The earth rotates on its axis from West to East.

The speed of the Earth's rotation at the equator is 1,666 km/h. The rotation speed at the poles is 0 km/h.

The speed at the Equator is easy to calculate by the formula: the length of the Equator / the time of a complete revolution - 40,000 km / 24 hours. We know that Noon occurs in 24 hours, that is, the Sun is at its zenith 24 hours after the previous zenith, which is considered a complete circular rotation.

You: OK.

You : What about you, Professor Wonderful?

PZ : The earth does not spin and you know it very well. Look around you. Can you see the wind at 1,666 km/h? No, you don't.

Do you know why?

Because there is no rotation. Here is the still Lake Victoria at the Equator, between Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda. It is so motionless that you can see the sky, mountains and yourself in its reflection.

Do you think that this is possible when there is supposedly wind 1 666 km / h? Do you know what speed is? 1 666 km / h? How awesome is this power?

The most powerful level 5 hurricane has an air speed of only 250 km/h.

Do you know what a human face looks like at a speed of 250 km/h? Show?

Hurricane at 250 km/h in the face.

With lips really can BLOW OFF lipstick!

However, on Earth we see the following patterns, where the rotation speed NAMNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO exceeds 250 km/h, almost 7 times! Will there be a similar landscape with such a wind? Risk money, what is it possible?

So it seems to me a little lie Let's put it mildly when scientists say that the Earth rotates at a speed 1,666 km / h at the Equator, and at a speed of about 950 km/h at latitude Moscow. Moscow is located at a latitude of 55 degrees, between Oslo and Kiev. AT Moscow the rotation speed is 4 times the effect that you saw with the faces of the people above.

PS : I'm surprised to hear this from you. Professor Wonderful that you don't believe the official science.

PZ : Science does not need FAITH, Professor Sharov. Science needs evidence and facts. If there is no evidence and facts, then such information is called RELIGION. And you know it very well. Nevertheless, you claim that there is a speed of 1,666 km/h?

PS : Of course have. You don't feel it because the atmosphere spins along with the Earth's surface. That is, explaining in simple terms, the Earth's atmosphere is glued tightly to the surface, ABOVE which it spins and behaves like the same stone lying ON the Earth.

A rock ON THE earth = air ABOVE Earth.

You: Seriously?

In other words, official science chooses the option where The earth spins with the atmosphere, which is also tightly glued to it?

PS: Yes.

You : I'll know. So my first question is:

Question 1. How does water stay on the spinning Earth?

I am surprised by the fact that PS states: Earth = Spinning and 70% of the Earth's surface is water. There is a direct contradiction between these two statements.

What is the contradiction?

Look, here is a washing machine.

She has a function water extraction. When the drum begins to rotate very quickly, and the water flies to the sides, passing through the slots in the drum. Depending on the speed, a different amount of water is squeezed out. At 1000 rpm - the maximum effect.

What you see is called centrifugal force. When an object moving along an arc is subjected to a buoyant force, pushing it away from the center.

This is how the car behaves on the road when it sharply goes into a turn.

This is what the carousel looks like at low speed. Armchairs are hanging. When the speed increases, the chair raises above the rest point, in the maximum position it goes up to 90 degrees.

Here are the athletes who disperse " the hammer» before the throw. Athletes spin around its axis"and the ball on the wire flies away at 85 meters!


Then tell me, Professor Sharov, how does water stay on the rotating Sphere-Earth?

For those who did not understand what this example was about, here are thousands experiments how water would behave at the Equator of the Spinning Ball if it were true. Water doesn't stick to the spinning ball!

PS : The earth is spinning too slowly! Water doesn't feel it. And I don't feel it either.

You :What do you think Professor Wonderful?

PZ : There is no rotation, just as there is no ball. It is obvious. Water is at rest. I trust the facts and what I see in thousands of Experiments around.

Example 1. Water and washers.

Water and washing machines? Yes, okay... Then question 2 will not leave you indifferent.

Question 2. like ashes moving volcanoes and explosions rises vertically UP. And the smoke from moving trains always leave BACK? LOTS OF PHOTOS.

I think you are familiar with such pictures? When steam trains were running on rails, the smoke from them always went BACK. The train is moving, but the smoke is not.

But the same train is at the station. STANDS motionless. The smoke rises UP.


And now it starts MAGIC !

What do they look like ash emissions from volcanoes and ash emissions from bomb explosions on

« rotating at 1,666 km/h Earth «?

Sinaburg volcano, Malaysia. Right on the Equator.
1 666 km/h wind speed around.

The height of the ash is 3 km! Vertical pole! On the Equator!

Another ejection of a 6 km ash column. Volcano Klyuchevskiy in Kamchatka. Higher than clouds! Vertically up!

Volcano Sakurajima. Japan. The height of the pillar is 5 kilometers! How does a big steam locomotive smoke outside the city, right?

Little height?

Here is the explosion of the nuclear bomb "Unicorn" (Licorne) in French Polynesia, Muroroa Atoll. 20 degrees south latitude. Under the Equator. Speed 1500 km/h in this place.

The height of the mushroom is 24 kilometers!

Feel the wind at the Equator?

Mushroom from the explosion of a hydrogen bomb on Eniwetok Atoll, in the Pacific Ocean.

Mushroom height 24 km.

See the clouds below?

The upper part of the fungus has reached the Stratosphere.

But, all this is nonsense, compared to what kind of bomb was detonated on Novaya Zemlya. Meet. Photo of the fungus Tsar Bomba from a distance of 160 km!

The height of the mushroom is 64 km!

And this is for comparison. Near the airplane below is the height of the first bomb "Unicorn = Licorne".

Now a question?

Where did the speed of the earth's rotation go??

Each of these mushrooms, from volcanoes, from explosions, rises vertically upwards. It does not blow away, does not inflate, nothing at all happens to thousands of tons of dust.

What do you say Professor Sharov?

PS : This is how it should be on a rotating Earth. I told you that the atmosphere spins with the surface.

You : Yes? The only problem is that with height the wind speed must rise! And the higher, the stronger. The mushroom should be smeared in the direction of rotation, that is, from East to West. It's just basic mechanics.

Here is a disk with 3 areas, red, green, blue.

You understand that the closer to the center of the disk, the lower the speed. In the black dot in the center - the speed is 0, the farther from the center, the higher the speed. After all, the disk makes a full circle with any of its parts. The edge of the blue disk rotates simultaneously with the edge of the green and red disks.

Here are 2 guys on the carousel. One sits pressed to the center, and he is fine, and the legs of the second describe huge circles around.

Why am I saying this?

To the fact that if the Earth is Spinning, then your air speed should rise with Height if it is firmly stuck to the surface of the Earth, as stated Professor Sharov.

With height= rising SPEED air.

If so,

then we have huge cumulus the clouds should be stretching in an easterly direction, because the Earth is spinning in the East direction, and the speed of the Atmosphere increases with height! This is according to you, Professor Sharov.

What do we have? We have mushrooms 24 and 64 km, which


I keep trying to see the wind in the East direction.

PS: It's impossible.

You : Impossible in your theory. What about you, Professor Wonderful?

PZ: The earth doesn't spin, and the atmosphere is not spinning. Air masses are carried by wind and temperature differences over specific areas of the Earth. Everything as you see with your own eyes. As altitude increases, air speed does not increase. She has nowhere to go. Therefore, mushrooms from nuclear explosions will simply rise up and dissipate in the upper atmosphere. Matches the photo.

Asking readers for help

Example 2. Volcanoes, explosions, clouds.

    The earth is motionless. The atmosphere is still. 78%, 1166 votes

    I see a speed of 1,666 km / h! 14%, 205 votes

    I see clouds that break strictly in height! 9%, 132 votes

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Let's move on to the bombing and the war.

Question 3. How bombs from an airplane hit the target, + East-West flight time. Flights and SCREENSHOTS.

You know what's in the world bombers= planes that drop bombs from a height?

What interests me?

How do they hit the target when:


The bomb falls from a height at 7000 m in 37.7 sec.

Math minute :)

Bomb drop time = square root (2*height / 9.81).

37.7 seconds flies "parcel" from 7 km!

The aircraft is moving and the bomb travels an additional distance from the location " Reset» to the place « bang". Right right?


The only problem is that what they saw on the SCHEME is possible only on STANDING EARTH.

As soon as you talk about the rotating Earth, then you have


If we take this moment into account, then it is possible to bomb targets only by entering from the EASTERN direction, compensating for the rotation of the Earth.

FACTS say otherwise. You can bomb targets from any direction. Here is an excerpt from pilot's manual .

Page 136. You can reach the target with ANYONE directions. No amendment to the East direction (such as the official Rotation of the Earth). Aim edits are calculated immediately FOR ALL directions.

Page 137-138. The crew must be able to drop bombs from any previously unknown direction, excluding North South. Because the main direction can be protected by anti-aircraft guns, poor visibility, etc.

Dropping bombs does not depend on the rotation of the Earth. And why? But because she is motionless.

Another interesting fact in the piggy bank.

Airplane from London to New York flies LONGER than a plane from New York to London. Longer exactly for an hour.

And the whole jump was needed, to show you more pictures of the ROTATING Round Earth.


If a person does not see the difference between the first and second photo below, then in such a head you can pour ANYTHING.

See how the line bends to the left, on the word " ZENITH» at the bottom of the photo.

You : Professor Sharov Did the earth forget to turn that day? Instead of a turn of 1000 km, at least, we saw only 68 kilometers?

PS : Felix did not leave the Earth's atmosphere, so in this case he did not feel the rotation. He would have to climb to a height of 150 km and above.

You : That is, we will not be able to see any wind up to a height of 150 km?

PS : Yes. Up to 150 km altitude, everything will look exactly the same as on non-rotating earth.

You : Who can fly to an altitude above 150 km?

PS : Exactly not you. Military, and only verified personnel.

PZ : I'll put in my reply. Here Richard Branson(billionaire from England).

He promised back in 2004 that there would soon be space flights for everyone. Collected money from gullible citizens, showed a couple of prototypes. Moreover, he called the Cosmos a height of 16 km, with the necessary 100-150 km (Professor Sharov). Outside 2017, his Virgin Galactic ships still don't fly. One crashed under suspicious circumstances, after that everything went quiet.

Now a new billionaire, Elon Musk, claims space flights for tourists in the near future ... Moon, Mars, applicants are being selected. See, nothing will come of it again. Just like last time. And all because:

Space = CLOSED.

If you can make sure from Space that the Earth is Round or the Earth is Flat, will everyone be allowed to fly into Space in the near future?

Example 4. Will space be opened to ordinary people?

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And now the cash prize, those who were with us until the very end

Question 5.Shooting Artillery and opportunity to earn 1 500 c.u.

Artillery is a large caliber firearm. In order for her projectile to hit the target, the gunner must take into account many amendments. The main ones are:

- wind,
- time of the year,
- condensate in the barrel,
- air temperature.

Knowing these things, you can shoot quite well. Do you know what amendment they never take into account:

DO NOT take into account the MOVEMENT ( ROTATION) of the EARTH.

They don't pay attention to her at all. At the same time they hit!

Let's move on to the deal 1 500 USD.

For those who still believe that The earth is spinning I propose the following experiment.

1. We take a cannon, we tie our "believer" to it. Expect calm weather.

2. We understand the gun at an angle of 90 degrees (vertically up).

3. We shoot!

We wait…

The projectile, according to the official theory, must deflect to the side, for every second that it is not tied to the surface of the Earth, and is not tied to the gun. Next to the blue little man he fall



But, if it so happens that a shell falls on his head, then he will be given + he will go down in the history of science forever! Ready to make the easiest money of your life without risking anything?

I bet a thousand bucks that the Earth doesn't spin!