A corner of nature in our group. Unknown corners of nature in Russia Elgygytgyn crater lake

Last week, the world was stirred by the news of the discovery in the Peruvian Amazonian jungle of the legendary boiling river, in which, literally, you can boil yourself alive. However, this is far from the only natural phenomenon, the beauty of which can make you speechless, which we invite you to verify by looking at our selection.

An illusion of an underwater waterfall off the coast of Mauritius.
At first glance, it may seem that a whirlpool has opened off the coast of a tropical island in the Indian Ocean, but in fact this is an optical illusion created by deposits of silt and sand on the seabed.

Aircraft pilots are the only lucky ones who have the opportunity to observe this amazing natural phenomenon with their own eyes. Red flashes of light lasting a few milliseconds appear at an altitude of more than 80 kilometers above the Earth during a severe thunderstorm.

Methane bubbles on the Vermilion lakes in Canada.
Thousands of methane bubbles frozen into ice on the Vermilion Lakes in Banff National Park in Alberta look like mysterious inhabitants of the underwater depths.

Lake Natron in Tanzania.
Salt Lake Natron is located in the East African Rift Valley in Tanzania near the Kenyan border. Algae give the red color to the water.

Road of the Giants in Northern Ireland.
This monument of nature, consisting of more than 40 thousand basalt columns, formed as a result of a volcanic eruption tens of millions of years ago, looks like scenery for a movie.

Eucalyptus rainbow.
The bark of the rainbow eucalyptus can be green, orange or purple depending on the age of the tree.

Carpet of flowers in the Atacama Desert in Chile.
Atacama is the driest desert in the world, but during the rainy season, it miraculously transforms. Every 5-7 years the lifeless desert is covered with a carpet of pink flowers.

Crab migration on Christmas Island in Australia.
The tiny island is home to over 43 million red earth crabs, which rush to the coast to spawn during the breeding season.

Great Blue Hole in Belize.
An underwater sinkhole with a diameter of more than 300 meters and a depth of 124 meters off the coast of Belize is a popular diving site.

The Caño Cristales River in Colombia.
The river is called the "liquid rainbow" due to the abundance of multi-colored algae of the species macarenia clavigera, which are found only on the Macarena mountain range.

Lenticular clouds.
Lenticular clouds form over mountain ranges in the presence of strong winds and high humidity. This is a fairly common natural phenomenon, but at the same time it is difficult to notice due to the presence of other clouds.

"The door to the underworld", Turkmenistan.
Gas crater Darvaza in Turkmenistan. Natural gas escaping from the crater has been burning continuously since 1971.

Migration of Monarch butterflies.
In late summer and early autumn, butterflies of the Danaid Monarch species migrate from the USA and Canada to Mexico, during which females lay eggs.

The vine-covered fishing village of Hotuwan in China.

Richat, Marvitania.
Geological formation Richat in the Sahara desert in Mauritania.

Flowers in Death Valley.
In winter, the arid Death Valley National Park is covered with a floral carpet.

Pearlescent clouds.
Mother-of-pearl clouds, turning the heavenly slope into an impressionist canvas, appear over Norway and other polar regions.

Trees with twisted trunks in Poland.
About 400 pine trees with mysteriously twisted trunks grow in a forest in northwestern Poland.

Zhangye Danxia National Geopark in Gansu Province, China.
The beauty of this landscape is given by deposits of sandstone and minerals that have been formed over 24 million years.

Spotted Kliluk Lake in British Columbia, Canada.
At first glance, it may seem that the multi-colored spots on the surface of the water are accumulations of algae, but in fact these are islands of minerals that are exposed when the lake becomes shallow due to water evaporation in the summer.

A mass tourist, as a rule, always visits those places that are most written about on the Internet and which are the most popular, but in every country there are unknown, but such magnificent and impressive places. If we take into account the vast territory of Russia, then there are dozens of such places here: unique lakes, mountains, hills, stone pillars. Before compiling your tourist route, you should definitely pave the way, http://www.tourister.ru/tips/ 3119 will help you with this. And let's start the description of the most mysterious and beautiful, secret places from the Komi Republic.

Seven pillars of weathering rising from the plateau create a fantastic landscape. The height of the largest pillar reaches 34 meters, and some of them resemble the body of an animal. Weathering pillars are the remains of large mountains that succumbed to destruction under the force of the wind.

Unusual pillars are located in the Republic of Sakha. Along the right bank of the Lena River, the Lena Pillars rise, which appeared as a result of the impact of the wind on the once impregnable stone cliffs. No one lives in these wild stone places, and for many tourists they cause mystical experiences, inspire fear.

Lake Elton in the Volgograd region, resembling a large salt puddle of 150 sq. Km. Surprisingly, the depth of the lake does not exceed 10 cm in summer, and 70 cm in winter. The water in the lake has useful healing properties.

Curonian Spit, Kaliningrad region. On a large strip of sand there is a beautiful forest with unusually curved trees, with rare species of animals and birds. From a bird's eye view, the scythe looks like a huge saber.

Multinsky lakes in Altai: a group of small lakes cascading over each other create unusually beautiful landscapes in the mountains. The rarest plant species are also found here.

The landmark of Altai is Mount Belukha, the highest point of the region, on which there are many glaciers, which makes climbing the mountain dangerous.

Kamchatka itself is a region of amazing and impregnable beauty, and the valley of geysers replenishes these landscapes. This is one of the largest geyser fields in the world, which is very difficult to get to, but the landscapes are worth the effort and nerves expended. The best way to see the valley of geysers is a helicopter tour, as there is a strict protected regime on the territory.

Two unique places are immediately located in the Perm Territory: the Kungur ice cave, 5700 m long, inside which there are about 70 lakes, and the Orda underwater cave, a favorite place for cave divers. Ordinskaya cave is dangerous for descent due to numerous dead-end sections, long tunnels.

9 Let's move to the southwest coast of Australia. Here is the world-famous group of rocks called the Twelve Apostles (The Twelve Apostles).

10 And this incredibly beautiful place is located in southern Africa in South Africa. Dragon Mountains, I think, looking at the photo, it’s not difficult to understand where such a name came from.

11 And back to Australia! Why not? Indeed, in real life it is difficult to make such jumps ... Banda Rocks is the place that most of all looks like the real end of the world. The Australian Nullarbor Plain ends abruptly in southern Australia. Imagine what the first sailors who visited here thought.

12 Eleuthera is an island on the border between the shallow Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. The island has a length of 180 km, and in some places it reaches the width shown in the photo above.

13 The volcanic island of Ogashima in Japan. If you want to live inside a volcano, then you are here. Approximately 200 people live here permanently. People are quite satisfied with their position, and do not want to go anywhere.

17 And this is already China: here is such an unusual place as the Stone Forest. Yes, you heard right, although these places have another name - the mountains of Guilin.

The stone forest consists mainly of limestone, that is, it is roughly the bottom of the ancient sea, which eventually rose to the surface. Weaker rocks collapsed and eroded under the influence of erosion (water, wind, rain, etc.) and only these stone idols remained.

18 What can be special about the field? But even here, nature manages to surprise and delight us! Emerald fields Palouse (Palouse) in the USA (states of Idaho, Washington and Oregon). These beautiful meadows are spread over dunes and hills, and look like an emerald sea. These dunes and hills were formed during the ice age, and when the ice left, green meadows appeared in its place.

The most beautiful place on earth is your native land. How many interesting things happened here, how many pleasant memories are associated with this place! Here is a nice house where my mother was waiting from school. You return home, and on the table are fragrant pancakes with milk. Could there be anything tastier!

In whatever corner of the earth a person finds himself, he will never forget his native land. And, of course, each of us has a favorite corner of nature in our homeland. This is the most beautiful place where you can be alone with yourself. So for me it is a forest with a small river. Why is this place so attractive? I remember winter days when a snowstorm is circling, the trees put on a luxurious snow-white outfit, the bright sun shines. The forest path becomes bright and spacious, snow crunches underfoot. How nice it is to wander through such a forest, admire its decorations, plunge into your dreams. The walk leads to a beautiful clearing where we often spend time with friends. This is my favorite cozy corner. It's good to be here alone. Gentle sun, blue sky, green grass. And how beautiful the mountain ash looks here. From spring to autumn, she is elegant. Every day the berries on it become brighter and more orange. And then rowan bonfires flare up at the forest edge. They burn for a long time and illuminate the forest glade with their brightness. For a merry feast, gangs of thrushes arrive here. Isn't it nice to enjoy the beauty of such a corner of nature? Near the mountain ash, the aspen shudders with its leaves. We all know that the aspen constantly trembles as soon as there is even a slight breeze. A thin long petiole, to which the leaf blade is attached, contributes to this state of the tree. The wind twists the aspen leaves as it wants, so it trembles. Amazing tree! It seems that because of his movement, the forest just comes to life.

Of course, you can find other wonderful places in my favorite forest, but it was this clearing that I remember the most. Every time I go there I enjoy it. It is very important to notice the beauty of native nature, peer and see its secrets.

I also want to note that next to my favorite forest clearing there is a small river, where we spent all our early childhood. If you look closely, it seems that the river is bordered by an unusual lace, which seems to be created by the hands of skilled craftswomen. This amazingly beautiful lace is created by birches and sprawling willows, thickets of reeds and poplars. You will come to such a clearing, lie down on the grass and look at the sky, trusting your own dreams to the running clouds, watching how the sun's rays fade and play like bunnies in the trees, in the water, in the foliage.

Therefore, we can say that the favorite corner of native nature is the most beautiful place for each of us. This place is hidden from prying eyes. Here you can sit in silence, stay with your thoughts and dreams. And you can sit with friends by the fire. Nature always helps us to understand ourselves. And we want to return to our native lands again and again. This place will remain in the heart of every person forever.

    • It was a foggy autumn morning. I walked through the forest deep in thought. I walked slowly, slowly, and the wind fluttered my scarf and leaves hanging from high branches. They swayed in the wind and seemed to be talking peacefully about something. What were those leaves whispering about? Perhaps they whispered about the past summer and the hot rays of the sun, without which now they have become so yellow and dry. Perhaps they were trying to call for cool streams that could give them drink and bring them back to life. Perhaps they were whispering about me. But only a whisper […]
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    • Autumn beauty in a bright dress. In summer, rowan is invisible. It merges with other trees. But in autumn, when the trees are dressed in yellow outfits, it can be seen from afar. Bright red berries attract the attention of people and birds. People admire the tree. Birds feast on his gifts. Even in winter, when snow is whitening everywhere, mountain ash pleases with its juicy tassels. Her images can be found on many New Year's cards. Artists love mountain ash because it makes winter more fun and colorful. They love wood and poets. Her […]
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    • Since childhood, my parents have told me that our country is the largest and strongest in the world. At school, in the classroom, the teacher and I read a lot of poems dedicated to Russia. And I believe that every Russian should be proud of his Motherland. We are proud of our grandparents. They fought against the Nazis so that today we could live in a quiet and peaceful world, so that we, their children and grandchildren, would not be affected by the arrow of war. My Motherland has not lost a single war, and if things were bad, Russia would still […]
    • Language ... How much meaning carries one word of five letters. With the help of language, a person from early childhood gets the opportunity to know the world, convey emotions, communicate his needs, and communicate. A language arose in the distant prehistoric period, when our ancestors needed, during joint work, to convey their thoughts, feelings, desires to their relatives. With its help, we can now study any objects, phenomena, the world around us, and over time improve our knowledge. We've got […]
    • Since childhood, we go to school and study different subjects. Some believe that this is an unnecessary business and only takes away free time that can be spent on computer games and something else. I think differently. There is a Russian proverb: "Learning is light, and ignorance is darkness." This means that for those who learn a lot of new things and strive for this, a bright road to the future opens up ahead. And those who are lazy and do not study at school will remain all their lives in the darkness of stupidity and ignorance. People who aspire to […]
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    • Our whole life is governed by certain sets of rules, the absence of which can provoke anarchy. Just imagine if the rules of the road, the constitution and the criminal code, the rules of conduct in public places are canceled, chaos will begin. The same applies to speech etiquette. Today, many do not attach much importance to the culture of speech, for example, in social networks you can increasingly meet young people who write illiterately, on the street - illiterate and rudely communicating. I think this is a problem […]
    • Since ancient times, language has helped people understand each other. A person has repeatedly thought about why he is needed, who invented him and when? And why is it different from the language of animals and other peoples. Unlike the signal cry of animals, with the help of language, a person can convey a whole range of emotions, his mood, information. Depending on the nationality, each person has his own language. We live in Russia, so our native language is Russian. Russian is spoken by our parents, friends, as well as great writers […]
    • It was a beautiful day - June 22, 1941. People were going about their usual business when the terrible news sounded - the war began. On this day, fascist Germany, which had conquered Europe up to this point, attacked Russia as well. No one doubted that our Motherland would be able to defeat the enemy. Thanks to patriotism and heroism, our people were able to survive this terrible time. In the period from 41 to 45 years of the last century, the country lost millions of people. They fell victim to relentless battles for territory and power. Neither […]
    • Native and the best in the world, my Russia. This summer, my parents and sister and I went on vacation to the sea in the city of Sochi. There were several other families where we lived. A young couple (they recently got married) came from Tatarstan, they said that they met when they worked on the construction of sports facilities for the Universiade. In the room next to us lived a family with four small children from Kuzbass, their father is a miner, extracts coal (he called it "black gold"). Another family came from the Voronezh region, […]
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  • Elena Kandakova

    Good day to everyone who looked at the page!

    In October 2015, I got the idea to design a new corner of nature.

    Purpose of creation corner of nature - to promote the development of the child as a whole, to form him as a person, to satisfy his needs in various activities, to teach children an environmentally sound lifestyle.

    To achieve this goal, I created conditions for the formation in children of elements of ecological culture, environmentally competent behavior, the implementation of new ideas about universality and self-worth nature.

    Buy ready corner no funds, the budget does not allow, so I made it from improvised materials. Administration our kindergarten helped buy ceiling tiles, I pasted them on the wall between two windows and started decorating. I downloaded suitable pictures for the calendar from Internet resources, printed it out, laminated it (using adhesive tape, inserted arrows that I took from old watches and games. It turned out to be a calendar nature, which takes into account seasonality, time of day, and days of the week.

    I drew a tree on a sheet of drawing paper, colored it and cut it out. The tree was glued to the finished wall of ceiling tiles. Now the guys and I can change "outfit" trees by season.

    Our tree in autumn

    tree in winter

    tree in spring

    summer decoration corner will be arranged according to the season.

    Paper dolls, which we "we dress" by season.

    Doll "Autumn"

    Doll "Zimushka"

    Doll "Vesnyanka"

    AT corner there is a selection of pictures of seasonal changes, which we fix on the fishing line with paper clips.

    All pictures are collected and distributed in envelopes and albums, with the appropriate inscription.

    On the calendar nature there is a selection of riddles, signs, proverbs and sayings about every season.

    All removable items (leaves, flowers, animals, birds, etc.) With corner of nature stacked in a box.

    For each season, my students and I make compositions from natural and improvised material.

    Children record systematic observations of the state of the weather in the calendar nature. Every day we talk with the children about weather changes, find out why they happen. Children of the eldest subgroups mark the features of the weather with conventional signs. Working with the calendar develops visual-figurative and schematic thinking of preschoolers.

    available in corner Literature helps to consolidate in children the knowledge that they receive in the FTsKM classes and what they cannot see on their own. In such cases, children's literature comes to the rescue, in which everything is shown step by step in colorful illustrations. In their free time, children look at this literature. If they have questions, I help them find answers.

    AT corner of nature there is a small number of rooms plants: begonia, gloxinia, cactus (non-thorny, as Group we are located on the north side, there is little sunlight. For the rest of the plants, we take care of the children in a small mine-flower garden. The flower garden is located in the passage, near the pool.

    Throughout the school year, we take care of indoor plants with children. Children learn to take care of plants, water, wipe, loosen, spray. So that the child understands his inseparability from nature, it is important to surround him with it.

    Watering flowers is one of the tricky things to do. We need to teach children that not all flowers are watered the same way. Some flowers do not like moisture, others suffer from its lack. Children also learn to keep track of time. of the year: during enhanced growth - water heavily, during dormancy - watering is reduced.

    We learn to wipe the dust from the leaves of plants.

    Children learn to spray houseplants with a spray bottle.

    Collect dry leaves and loosen the ground.

    Learning to plant flowers.

    Learning to measure (using measurements) and to monitor the growth of plants, all changes are recorded and sketched.

    On the window there is a mini garden, which every year has a different name. This year the children named our garden "Aunt Rose's Garden". Why do we call the garden that? Yes, because the guys and I made Aunt Rosa out of natural material, and she settled in our garden!

    Together with children we grow in group of onions and garlic"feather", seedlings of street flowers and vegetables (parsley, lettuce, cucumbers, beets). Creating a garden contributes to the development of curiosity and observation in children. Helps to better know plant life, forms research skills. It helps to expand children's ideas about plants as living organisms, about the conditions necessary for growth and development. It develops aesthetic feelings, instills a desire to work and the ability to see the result of one's work.

    Children learn how to plant seeds and vegetables. For seedlings, we used containers from kinders, yogurts, sour cream, etc. For soil, we used both earth and sawdust (during observation, the children noted that onions grow better and faster in sawdust).

    So we planted our onion and garlic! Now let's wait and see.

    Let's start planting seeds of street flowers and vegetables.

    Planted a garden! Now we will water, we will watch the sprouts!

    The guys are looking forward to the first shoots ...

    In their free time, children look at the collected natural"hidden treasures", that's what they call natural material(shells, pebbles, cones, nuts, etc.)

    It is a place of systematic labor and observation. Where children have the opportunity to be as active and independent as possible. In everyday life, my preschool children develop a cognitive attitude towards nature, desire to care for objects, good feelings, responsibility, humanity.

    Thank you all for your attention! All the best!