Caladium care at home. Luxury in your home - Caladium flowers. Video about the development of caladium

Caladiums are members of the Aroid family (Araceae). It is a tropical herbaceous species found in South America. The French botanist Etienne Pierre Ventan first described this species in 1800 in Malaysia. The genus is not at all numerous, in total 15 species are currently known. Due to the wide and brightly colored leaves, the plant is most often used as an ornamental. In tropical regions, it is used as an agricultural crop, as the flower tubers are rich in starch.

For beautiful leaves, the people call the flower: “Christ's heart”, “angel wings”, “elephant ears”. Bright and variedly colored leaves form a dense undergrowth in their traditional habitats (Brazil and Florida).

Under home and natural conditions, the plant can grow up to 90 cm in height. Beautiful caladium leaves on thin fleshy petioles are painted in various colors, both variegated and plain. The size of the leaf plate reaches 50 cm, the shape is swept or heart-shaped.

Flowering is very unusual, appears after 3-4 leaves. The flower has an unusual appearance - an ear. It has male and female flowers. There is no perianth, the flower is covered with a white or pink pointed veil. As a result of flowering, berries are formed.

There is only one species with an edible rhizome rich in starch. The root system is represented by a flattened tuber, with a diameter of 7 to 10 cm. During the growing season, thin fibrous roots appear from the tuber, which die off when the plant retires.

plant species

Caladium Humboldt

Caladium Humboldt

This species has become the ancestor of many domestic varieties and is most often used in culture. Arrow-shaped leaves 10 cm long are collected in a rosette. An almost white (silver) leaf plate with a green edge hides an inconspicuous flowering. A small cob flower blooms in April, odorless.

Caladium Schomburg

Caladium Schomburg

Sheet plates have an exotic look. The length of the sheet is 15 cm, it is painted in silver-crimson color with dark green veins. The varieties bred on its basis have an unusual beautiful color with a red border and silvery patterns along the veins. This species is native to Brazil.

Caladium bicolor

Caladium bicolor

Caladium bicolor arrived in our greenhouses from the Antilles. Most often, hybrid varieties are grown, as they have more resistant characteristics to diseases and dry air. They are distinguished by a large leaf plate (up to 30 cm), raspberry, red, purple color.

plant care

Caladium flower is an ornamental plant that delights with its foliage for several months. Caladium care is not very difficult, but it is necessary to observe the conditions of the dormant period.

Care in the natural habitat

The natural habitat for this species is tropical and less often subtropical forests. The lower tier of the forest, where the plant lives, covers them from direct sunlight. The natural high humidity of the air does not allow the leaves to dry.

In gardens, a flower is planted along with a pot. Given its tropical origin, it will not winter within Russia, but in summer it can decorate any garden or open veranda.

Home care

For good development, the plant needs to maintain a dormant regimen. Good lighting without direct sunlight or additional lighting if the flower is on the north window. The plant also needs to maintain humidity at 70%.

Location selection

At home, the western and eastern sides are suitable for the caladium. The bright sun can leave burns on tender leaves. The lack of light will have a bad effect on the color of the leaves, it will be less bright, the pattern is not expressive.

In a garden plot, a plant in a pot is dug in or placed under the crowns of trees, arbors are decorated with it, protecting the plant from direct sunlight.


The flower feels great both at home and in summer in gardens in temperate climates. During the dormant period, it is very important to maintain the temperature at + 18 ... + 20 degrees. Temperatures below +15 degrees will lead to the appearance of diseases and affect the germination of caladium.

Watering and humidity

The ideal humidity during the active growing season should be 70%. The room is the most difficult to maintain humidity, but you should not splash water. Drops of water can leave dark spots on the leaves. You can humidify the air by spraying water around the flower, or by placing the plant on a tray of pebbles and water.

The flower pot is chosen not very large. The soil is loose, so the earth dries out quickly. It should be watered little by little and often, stagnant water will lead to rotting of the tuber. During the dormant period, the tubers are not watered, and only after planting in the ground in the spring, they begin at first slight watering, then plentiful. Lack of moisture will lead to rapid wilting of the leaves.

Diseases and pests

Tender leaves are attacked by whiteflies, aphids and mealybugs. To fight using special insecticides. Leaves can also suffer from late blight. Before each planting, the tubers are checked for rot and fungus. The affected areas are cut off and treated with fungicide powder.

Planting and reproduction


There is a vegetative and generative method of reproduction. It is difficult to obtain seeds on your own, they will not carry hereditary characteristics and will quickly lose their germination. For germination, soil for aroid plants is sterilized and well moistened. The container with seeds is covered with glass or film, placed in a warm place + 25 ... + 30 degrees. By autumn, small tubers are formed.

At the end of February, a large tuber can be divided into parts. Each part should have several kidneys. The cut site is treated with coal or fungicide, dried. Often, children are formed next to the mother tuber. They can be carefully separated and planted as an independent plant.

In May, propagation by cuttings is possible. The stalk with a leaf is cut off at the base and rooted in water. After the appearance of a small tuber, it is rooted in the soil.


Every spring, after checking and cleaning the tubers, they are planted in pots with a large layer of drainage. In one pot, you can plant either one large or several small bulbs. The soil should be nutritious and loose. The composition of the land includes humus, peat and garden soil in a ratio of 1:1:1. It is useful to add sphagnum or coal in a small amount. The finished mixture is pre-sterilized.

Plant root stimulants

Rooting stimulants help not only the rapid rooting of the cutting, but also, thanks to phytohormones, improve the plant's survival in a new place. The composition of Kornevin, Heteroauxin, Kornerost includes substances such as indolyl-3-acetic, naphthylacetic and beta-indoleacetic acids. They promote cell division and stretching, forming new roots.

rest period

In September, the plant begins to prepare for hibernation. By this time, reduce watering and stop fertilizing. The tubers are removed, cleaned from the ground and checked for fungal attack. After processing, store in vermiculite or moss at normal room temperature until the first sprouts appear.

Use in landscape design

Caladium looks very exotic in our gardens, its bright leaves will decorate any flower bed. A planter with a flower can be put on a veranda or balcony, protected from direct rays. High views look good under the shade of trees.

The genus Caladium is a member of the Aroid family. In total, there are 15 species, three of which: two-color, Humboldt and Schomburg are actively used in cultural breeding. A stemless plant in its natural habitat - tropical forests is able to stretch up to several meters in height. Its tubers are edible.

In indoor floriculture, Caladium is valued for the unsurpassed beauty of the leaves. They are red, white, pink, purple. Some with small specks, others with large spots, clearly drawn, like veins along a ruler, or with bizarre patterns. For such unusual sheet plates, Caladium was given the name "Angel Wings". The plant has another name - "Elephant Ears". The flower owes them to the dimensions of the heart-shaped at the base and tapering to the edge of the leaves. But the flowers of Caladium are small and inconspicuous.

You can enjoy the riot of colors only during the growing season (from mid-spring to early autumn). The plant is considered one of the most capricious in care. However, according to flower growers, there is no more trouble with him than with any tuberous. With the correct organization of the dormant period, Caladium will please the eye for several years.

Interestingly, by varying the level of tuber planting, different effects can be achieved. For example, with a deep one, the size of the leaves increases, with a shallow one, the number of shoots.

By the way, Caladium gets along well with other plants, which allows you to create luxurious floral arrangements.

Caladium was brought to Europe at the beginning of the 19th century, and since then breeders have not stopped working on developing new hybrids.


Caladium is demanding on the conditions of detention, not only during the growing season, but also during the dormant period. Drying leaves indicate that "winter hibernation" is approaching. In no case should you speed up the process by cutting them off on your own, as well as leaving those that have already fallen in a pot. Watering stops completely, when the leaf fall ends and the soil dries out completely, the tubers can be removed from the container. They should be carefully inspected for rot for prompt removal. Then the tubers are placed in sphagnum and sent to winter in a dark place. It is necessary to take care of observing the temperature regime (+ 15–18 ° C). A decrease in indicators is fraught with decay and death. During the dormant period, the tubers are allowed to occasionally moisten.

Transplantation is carried out in the spring after the appearance of the kidneys. A pot with a hole in the bottom should be 3 times the size of the tuber. If the tubers are small, then 2-3 pieces can be placed in one container. It is important to provide a reliable drainage layer.

Diseases and pests

Fusarium rot, wet bacterial rot, aphids, mealybugs, spider mites.


Tuber, tuber division, seeds.

First steps after purchase

Caladium is one of those plants that are best not to buy in a "ready-made form." As a rule, a tuber is bought for further cultivation. It needs to be carefully inspected, paying attention to such characteristics as size (at least 5 cm in diameter), density (softening is unacceptable), integrity (no damage), uniform color (black spots are the first sign of decay). If the buds have already formed, the flower can be planted immediately. Otherwise, the tuber should be kept warm and in the light for several days. Haste is usually costly - until the buds appear, it is impossible to determine the "top-bottom" of the tuber.

Success Secrets

Caladium is photophilous, but easily tolerates shading. The plant feels most comfortable in diffused sunlight. Thus, the ideal place for a flower to live indoors is windows facing the northeast and northwest. Direct sunlight negatively affects the decorativeness of the plant.

During active growth, Caladium needs an air temperature in the range of 22–25 ° C during the day, a night “cooling” of up to 20 degrees is acceptable.

The plant needs high humidity - 70%. In this case, it is categorically unacceptable for drops of water to fall directly on the leaves. In other words, spraying should be fine and cover the area next to the flower. It is also advisable to place the Caladium pot in a tray of damp peat.

During the growing season, the flower is abundantly watered with soft settled water, preferably boiled. As the rest period approaches, the amount of fluid decreases. After transplantation, watering begins with small doses, gradually increasing to normal. It is very important to protect the flower from a dangerous enemy - a draft.

In spring and summer, Caladium is fed once a week alternately with mineral and organic fertilizers.

Possible difficulties

Tuber rot

Reasons: 1) waterlogging, 2) hypothermia.

Yellowing leaves

Reasons: 1) phytophthora.

The appearance of brown spots on the leaves

Causes: 1) ingress of water drops.

Falling lower leaves

Reasons: 1) insufficient watering.

Drying of leaves around the edges

Causes: 1) overheating, 2) excess sunlight, 3) excess fertilizer.

The Aroid family, to which the Caladium belongs, are considered natives of the southern parts of America and have more than 12 species. Caladium is a perennial with juicy tubers. Another name for it is angel wings, since this herbaceous plant has large colorful leaves that resemble arrows, or a heart.

The shape of the tuber of an adult plant resembles a dark brown turnip, and a young one resembles a cone. A pink sprout with sleeping buds, quite thick and powerful, is located in the center of the tuber. Roots are thick, fibrous.

The cut leaves emerge from the bud. They can form a pseudo stem, but the caladium does not have a real stem. The lush rosette of the plant consists of long-petiolate vaginal leaves. Sometimes the diameter of the bush exceeds 0.5 meters. The color of the leaves is quite bright and varied. The veins are distinct, mostly in the opposite tone.

When the first leaves develop sufficiently, the appearance of a peduncle can be observed. There is no plant near the flower garden, the flowers form an inflorescence-cob, located in the middle of a snow-white bedspread with a slight greenish tint. Spherical berries will ripen a couple of months after pollination.

Species and varieties

Indoor caladiums are not species representatives - they are hybrids. For selection, 3 species representatives were selected, endowed with some features.

Caladium bicolor

The plant is native to the Antilles, Brazil. It has arrow-shaped oval leaves of a very large size. The coloring is quite diverse and, in addition, the leaves are covered with spots of various colors and shapes.

Caladium Humboldt

It grows in the damp forests of Brazil. Arrow-oval dark green leaves do not exceed 10 cm in length and are covered with whitish spots.

Caladium Schomburg

The leaves are medium in size and oval-elliptical in shape. Varieties of the plant differ in color.


Caladium cannot be called a capricious plant, but also unpretentious as well. He needs specific conditions.


All year round the temperature regime should be moderate.


The intensity of lighting depends on the color of the foliage - bright greens require a lot of light. The only condition is the absence of direct rays, that is, only diffused light is needed.

The rest period is clearly expressed and lasts six months. During this period of sleep, the leaves fall completely.

soil for caladium

Any neutral soil with sufficient nutrition and good drainage will do.

The growing season requires weekly top dressing. Fertilizer is selected complex mineral. With the end of watering, stop feeding.


From the beginning of the growing season until the end of summer, the plant requires a lot of moisture. Watering is done as soon as the top layer of the earth dries up. Water needs soft, settled, room temperature. Watering is very important to maintain decorativeness; an overdried plant will become dull. But it is impossible to overmoisten the caladium, as the tuber easily rots. At the end of summer, watering is gradually reduced, causing the foliage to wilt. After their complete fall, watering is stopped.

Humidity must be quite high. To create the desired microclimate, use a household steam generator or place the plant in a florarium. Spraying will result in ugly spots on the foliage.


Very early spring, the caladium needs an annual transplant. In proportion to the tuber, a container is taken, filled with new earth. Small nodules are spaciously planted in one large pot. Tubers are planted in 2 ways: for the growth of a lush bush, deepen by 4 inches, and to get babies, they are slightly added. After planting, watering the caladium is not recommended, it is only necessary to slightly moisten the soil. Increase watering as leaves appear.


Caladium can be propagated by children, seeds, division of the mother tuber. A sufficiently large healthy tuber is chosen, cut into slices so that each has a kidney. Places of cuts are treated with coal, slightly dried. Landing is carried out in the usual way.

Due to the loss of varietal qualities by seedlings, propagation by seeds is used extremely rarely.

Tuber storage

After waiting for the complete drying of the earth in a pot, it is removed along with the tubers and carefully removed. Carefully clean the remnants of the roots and the ground. The tubers are sorted out, looking for damage, rotten spots. All this is removed by immediately treating the place with crushed coal. Prepared tubers are harvested. By the end of January, a bud begins to form, which will ripen in February.

Pests and diseases

Mealybugs, aphids, and spider mites are named as enemies of Caladium. In the fight against them, insecticidal preparations are used.

Caladium is prone to tuber rot. To prevent this from happening, you should strictly observe the level of humidity and the abundance of watering the plant.

- this is the common name of tropical plants of the Aroid family, which includes about 15 species, each of which differs in leaf shape, color scheme, size, and so on. The plant is also popularly known as: "Elephant Ears", "Heart", "Angel Wings" due to the shape of its leaves.

This plant was first described in 1800 by the French botanist Etienne Pierre Ventana. The sample he received was brought from the Malaysian archipelago. Interestingly, the locals used this plant as a vegetable crop and is still used in some countries to produce starch.

The main place of natural growth is tropical America (Brazil, Florida). In their natural habitat, caladiums form a dense undergrowth up to five meters high.

Caladium is a perennial herb with large, heart-shaped, thin leaves. The color of the leaves is juicy, and the shape is very beautiful: arrow-shaped, triangular, pointed or heart-shaped. The patterns on the leaves are whimsical and decorative, they consist of beautiful spots, veins and multi-colored transitions. Under natural conditions, the leaves reach from 30 to 50 cm in width. Caladium grows best in greenhouses, home gardens and conservatories.

The color range of caladium leaves is very diverse: from silver and pink to crimson and purple. With proper care, the plant looks just great and will delight not only you, but also guests who will certainly want something similar in their home. True, the plant cannot be called beautifully flowering, the flowers are inconspicuous - same-sex without a single flower. Collected on the cob (inflorescence).

[!] Do not confuse this plant with a cladium from the Sedge family.

The founders for creating homemade options were: Caladium Humboldt (Caladium humboldtii), Caladium Bicolor (Caladium bicolor), Caladium Schomburg (Caladium schomburgkii).

K. Humboldt, K. two-color, K. Schomburg

Subsequently, various hybrids were bred, differing from each other in the shape, size and color of the leaves. Now there are a lot of varieties of caladium, and every year more and more new, even more exotic, plant species appear.

Caladium, or to be more precise, indoor hybrids, are very common among owners of small apartments with glazed balconies or loggias. But due to seasonality, that is, a period of long dormancy required by the caladium, not every grower is ready to grow a capricious exotic guest. In addition, during "hibernation" it is necessary to have a free, warm place for storage. But over time, and as information spreads, the situation changes. And the beauty of the caladium certainly attracts attention.

As mentioned above, there are now a huge number of varieties of caladium. Some of the most beautiful and popular in front of you:

  • 'Candyland' - green leaves with wide creamy pink veins
  • "Florida Sweetheart" - pink-purple leaves with a narrow green border around the edges
  • "Florida Red Ruffles" - pink leaves, smoothly turning into green, the edge of the leaf plate is wavy

  • 'Fannie Munson' - raspberry-pink leaves with darker veining
  • "Florida Sunrise" - an elongated silver-green leaf plate decorated with scarlet veins
  • "Pink Beauty" - pink-green spots over the entire leaf surface

  • 'Scarlet Pimpernel' - light gray-green leaves are decorated with wide bright pink stripes along the veins
  • "Rosalie" - glossy red-brown leaf plates, leaf edge - green
  • "Carolyn Whorton" - mottled pattern all over the leaf

Caladium Care

rest period

The most important information that every flower lover who decides to start a caladium needs is how to organize a dormant period that is vital for the plant.

All summer, the caladium grows and develops in the usual, typical for other indoor plants, conditions. But gradually, starting in September, the caladium needs to prepare for a dormant period. At this time, the watering of the plant is gradually reduced and bait with mineral fertilizers is excluded.

Then, in October, the caladium is prepared for wintering. The exact time of the beginning of the dormant period will be prompted by the plant itself - if mass drying and leaf fall begins, then the time has come.

Preparation for the dormant period goes like this - fallen dry leaves are removed, while the leaves remaining on the plant must be preserved, and the plant tubers are laid for winter storage.

You can store the plant both in pots and in another way - after the leaves fall at the end of the season and the substrate dries, the tubers can be removed from the bowl and shaken off the ground. After that, put on the windowsill under the lamp for a week. The air temperature should be around + 20 degrees Celsius. Then you need to remove the tubers in a bag with moss, perlite or sand in a dark and warm place, in the spring they can be planted again.

[!] Before re-planting, the tubers must be carefully checked. They should not be fungus, mold, various diseases and pests, otherwise all the work will be in vain.

The air temperature in the room in which the wintering caladiums are stored is very important. It should be around 18-21 degrees Celsius. If the temperature drops below 15 degrees, there is a high probability of various diseases appearing on the tubers. And at a temperature of 10 degrees, the caladium may even die.

Lighting, air humidity

Caladium loves diffused light. With a small amount of sunlight, the color of the leaves becomes not so bright and saturated. It is good if the window where the plant is located is oriented to the west or east. On the northern windowsill, with a lack of light, you can use special fitolamps, which are presented in a wide range in specialized stores.

The optimum air humidity is about 70%. Leaves from time to time must be wiped from dust and sprayed from a sprayer, especially in dry weather or when exposed to direct sunlight.


During the period of activity, caladium, like other tropical plants, loves humidity, heat and does not tolerate drafts and cold. The optimum temperature for growing caladium is from + 15 to +26 degrees Celsius. During rest, the optimum temperature will be from + 15 to + 20 degrees Celsius. Sharp temperature fluctuations are unacceptable in any season.


The plant reproduces in two ways:

  • seeds
  • tuber division

Propagation by seeds is used extremely rarely. This is a very time-consuming method, available only to experienced flower growers.

[!] In the hands of a novice inexperienced grower, a plant obtained from seeds may lose its varietal qualities.

Seeds should only be dealt with if there are no other options. Also, this method is used in the selection of new varieties.

Reproduction by dividing the tuber is much preferable, since this method is quite simple - the tuber is cut into several parts in March. Each of the parts should be with a kidney-eye. It is better to sprinkle tuber slices with ash to avoid infection with rot. Then each tuber must be planted separately. Watering at first should be minimal, otherwise the tubers will begin to rot.

How to choose and buy Caladium

Before disembarking, you need to make sure that the climate is comfortable - this is a temperature from + 20 to + 25 degrees. In some cases, + 15 is enough. Lighting should be diffused, and direct sunlight is unacceptable, otherwise the leaves will begin to dry out from the edges.

You can buy caladium in tubers or pots, already germinated. The plant is sold both in florist shops in your city and on the Internet. When buying, pay attention to the size of the tubers: the larger they are, the larger the plants will be in the end, of course, subject to proper care. It is easiest to find caladium in online stores, as the plant is not common and is quite difficult to obtain.

The best time to buy caladium is early spring. If you bought a germinated specimen, then you just need to transplant it.

Before buying, you need to find out everything about the variety - climatic preferences, care features, etc. There are a lot of varieties and each time new ones appear, for example, shade-tolerant ones. Each hybrid has its own pattern, color combination and leaf shape. As a rule, flower shop employees will help with the choice and give general recommendations regarding planting, care, transplanting, reproduction.

Planting in a pot

When planting a tuber in a pot on the bottom, it is necessary to lay a drainage layer about 2 cm high and immediately check it by pouring a little water. If the water does not drain, then the drainage is not good enough. After drainage, a layer of sand is placed and half of the prepared substrate is placed on top, which is pre-moistened. The rest of the substrate is reported as a slide, in the middle of which a recess is made. A small amount of sand is also placed in the recess.

The tuber itself is planted in the sand by a third. After filling up the main part of the substrate.

[!] If the tuber is planted shallowly, then it will give a lot of "children", but to the detriment of the size of the leaves: they are likely to be very small. Their decorative effect may also suffer.

If the tubers are very small, then about three pieces can be planted in one pot with a diameter of 10 cm. Three to five tubers can be placed in a dish with a diameter of 15 cm. Landing takes place in the same way, as described above. The most beautiful caladiums, with proper care, are obtained from adult tubers of the second year.

Drop off on the street

If the caladium will grow outdoors, it is best to plant it next to ferns, moss and balsam in order to avoid direct sunlight. And replanting under trees would be ideal. It will also protect the plant from strong winds that can damage the leaves and shoots. If there are no trees, then it is necessary to choose a calm side with a small amount of direct sunlight.

When planted outdoors, the plant needs well-drained soil. For this, compost or chopped leaves are suitable. All this is placed to a depth of 15 cm. Regarding the soil, all recommendations are the same as with the potted version, only tubers should be planted at a distance of about 20 - 30 cm from each other.

Planting seeds

If you still want to try a more difficult way to plant caladium - seeds, here are some tips. Small seeds are placed in small bowls at a temperature of +20 - +25 degrees. Periodically, the soil is moistened by spraying, after 10-20 days the first sprouts should appear.

Watering, fertilizing, soil

It is necessary to water the caladium with settled water at room temperature strictly around the tuber. Overhead watering is unacceptable: water can get on tender leaves and they will rot. The frequency of watering should be optimal - both overflow and drought are harmful to the plant.

In summer, the plant can be watered with a frequency of 1 time per week. During summer watering, be guided by the soil moisture in the pot - the top layer should dry out a little. Gradually, by autumn, watering should become more and more rare.

In winter, during “hibernation”, the caladium should be watered no more than once every 20 or 30 days, provided that the tubers remain in pots. When storing tubers in bags, this is not necessary, but you can ventilate them from time to time and check them for mold or putrefactive diseases.

In addition, in the summer, at least once every 12 - 14 days, mineral supplements can be applied. In winter, feeding the plant is not required.

As for the soil, it should be coarse-fibred, loose and nutritious with neutral acidity. Of the ready-made options, soil for roses or palm trees is not bad. For self-preparation of soil, it is necessary to take one part of soddy land, humus soil, peat and sand.

Diseases and pests

Caladium is very often affected. Mealybug is also often found. To combat these pests, use special chemicals - insecticides. Use all drugs very carefully and be sure to read the instructions. Carefully monitor the condition of the plant after the application of insecticides.

The most common disease of Caladium is. The appearance of rot is most often associated with a violation of the irrigation regime, as well as with improper storage of the plant during the dormant period.

Possible Problems When Growing Caladium

  • mold on leaves. A possible cause of mold is waterlogging of the soil or the influence of drafts. Try watering less frequently or moving the caladium bowl to a draft-free area.
  • Leaves are twisted. Most likely, watering is too poor or the ambient temperature is unnecessarily high. Try to increase the intensity of watering, spray the flower.
  • The edges of the leaves are brown. Most likely, the plant is freezing and it is necessary to move it to a warmer room.
  • The leaves are pale, the pattern on the leaves is not contrast enough. The likely reason is the lack of sunlight.
  • Leaves and shoots sticky and deformed- this . It is necessary to use insecticides or pyrethrum.
  • The tuber starts to rot. Check watering frequency and temperature. Too frequent watering and low air temperature lead to the appearance of rot.
  • Leaves turn yellow and dry out. If this phenomenon occurs in the fall, this is normal, as the plant is preparing for a dormant period. However, if the leaves turn yellow and shrivel during the active season, it is likely that there is not enough water, and there is also a problem with the pot's drainage system.
  • Dried leaf edges. Most likely, the plant is harmed by an excess of sunlight, very frequent top dressing or insufficient watering.
  • Poor growth or small leaves- lack of fertilizer and lighting, insufficient watering, improperly prepared substrate.

One of the most common problems when growing caladium is tuber rot. It is very easy to determine whether the root system is in order: if new shoots do not appear in the soil in a month and a half after planting the tubers, then most likely the tuber has rotted. In this case, dig up the soil, remove the tuber, clean it of dirt and carefully inspect it. If the tuber is soft and light yellow in color, the plant has died and a new crop will no longer give.

In nature, it is a herbaceous plant resembling a liana. Under natural conditions, it reaches up to 5 meters in height, and the leaves are such that a person can hide under them during rain. Under natural conditions, caladium grows as an undergrowth in tropical forests.

The name translates as "a plant with edible roots" is not accidental. One species, called Caladium esculentum, is grown in the tropics of South America, harvesting regularly from starch-rich rhizomes.

Leaves caladiums have an original shape, for which they are popularly called "Elephant Ears", "Angel Wings", "Christ's Heart". Patterns on sheet plates have a variety of patterns, and the range of colors does not contain only blue and blue shades.

Most often, the color is white, red, green, yellow, purple. Perhaps the presence of multi-colored spots.

Liana-like plant does not have a stem and creates a basal growth of leaflets, developing into dense rosettes, reaching a diameter of up to half a meter.

Caladium is a perennial tuberous a plant, at the base of the root system there is a flattened rough tuber, resembling a dark brown cone at the beginning, and then grows into a turnip with a diameter of no more than 10 centimeters. In the center of the tuber, a strong base of the bush is visible, and on the sides there are dormant buds. Fibrous and strong roots grow from the root collar.

When three or four leaves appear, you can expect flowering. It is an ear-shaped inflorescence containing male and female flowers wrapped in a pointed white or green veil, observed for up to several days. After pollination, after 2 months, round reddish berries ripen.

Caladium is a poisonous plant, its juice is dangerous if it enters the esophagus and upon direct contact, it can cause allergies. Garden work on the care and planting of Caladium should be done with gloves. It is necessary to exclude possible contact of children with this plant, and also not to place it in children's rooms.

There are 15 known types of caladium, consider the popular ones.

This is the ancestor of potted hybrids with a characteristic dark green leaf color with silver stripes tapering to the edge. The arrow-shaped leaves are up to 10 centimeters long and up to 5 centimeters wide. Flowers that open in spring, resembling candles, have no decorative value.

This variety of caladium is distinguished by oval leaf surfaces up to 15 centimeters long and a variety of colors. A reddish-silver leaf pattern with green veins is common.

This species has arrow-shaped leaves, reaching a length of up to 30 centimeters. Drawing in the form of a red spot on a green background. Various color options available.

Favorite Caladium hybrids by gardeners:

Rosalie- the plant is distinguished by reddish leaves with a green border.

pink beauty- a variety with red veins of the leaf surface, pink in the center with a green border.

Florida Cardinal- leaves with a raspberry center and a green border.

Home care

Hybrid varieties of caladium grown by flower growers do not enjoy their sympathy, despite their original appearance. The reason is a six-month dormant period that occurs in the fall.


The growth period begins in late March or early April, when the caladium is brought into the light and provided with abundant moisture at a temperature of +22 to +27 degrees Celsius. The frequency of watering is approximately 1 time per week. Excess water from the pan must be removed.

In summer, the plant needs 0.5 liters of moisture per day, divided into morning and evening intake. The water temperature should not be lower than +22 degrees Celsius.

It is desirable to water carefully, when drops of moisture get on the leaves, dark spots appear. Systematic removal of dust from the leaf surface is required.


A tropical guest is kept at a humidity of about 70%. To do this, you can install a jar of water nearby, or place a flower pot on wet pebbles in a pan, and cover the surface of the earth with moss. You can also humidify the air with a household humidifier or steam generator.

top dressing

Top dressing is introduced from the end of May, only 2-3 times for the entire season. For this, a special liquid mineral fertilizer is used.

Leaves are falling

In September, when the leaves turn yellow and fall off, the plant goes to sleep. Flower pots are cleaned in a dark place until spring. The minimum temperature during this period is about +20 degrees Celsius.

During hibernation, care for the plant continues. A few tablespoons of water is enough to keep the soil from drying out.

If rotting is detected, it is necessary to cut out sore spots with a sterile knife and process the sections with crushed coal.

Illumination and air temperature

When grown at home Caladium is preferably placed in partial shade, with northern or western window illumination, excluding direct sunlight and drafts.

A guest from the tropics prefers an air temperature of at least 22 degrees Celsius and a humidity of about 70 percent. During the growth period, it is necessary to water abundantly and spray around the flower, avoiding direct moisture on the leaf surface.

The soil

For growing at home, use ready-made soil for Aroids. But you can prepare the substrate yourself, using a mixture of one part of peat, one part of leafy soil, one part of compost and half of the sand.

Feature of flowering: in room conditions, the caladium blooms and bears fruit extremely rarely.

Growing in the garden

When growing caladium in the garden
it is planted in places of scattered sunlight. This corresponds to the conditions of natural growth of vines in the shade of other plants. In summer, abundant soil moisture is comfortable.

The soil for growing caladium is made from a mixture of compost, leafy soil, turf and sand with the addition of peat.

In late autumn, tubers are dug out of the ground, cleaned of old roots and placed in a box with sawdust, sphagnum moss or vermiculite.


Caladium can reproduce vegetatively and seeds.


For vegetative reproduction, daughter tubers are used or a large tuber is divided into several parts, each of them requires the presence of at least one kidney. It is important to sprinkle the cut surfaces with charcoal powder and dry them in the air.


reproduction seeds produced to obtain new hybrid varieties. Therefore, they are used from specialized stores. Growing caladium from your own seeds does not make sense, since this method does not preserve varietal characteristics.

Sowing seeds is carried out in a mixture of sand and hardwood, moistened at a constant temperature of +30 degrees Celsius under a film or glass. After 3 weeks, you can observe the spitting of the sprouts, and after a month they must be planted in separate containers. By autumn, full-fledged tubers are already growing.

Diseases and pests

A common disease of Caladium is root rot from overwatering. Fusarium and wet rot often appear on the roots during the first month after planting, when the first leaves have not yet grown.

If after 1.5 months the caladium has not acquired leaves, it is necessary to check the root for rot. Using a sterile knife, cut off the damaged parts and sprinkle the sections with powdered fungicides.

Caladium can become a victim of an attack by aphids, mealybugs, spider mites. Upon detection pests the plant needs to be treated with insecticides.

What to do if mold appears?

mold on leaves appears due to waterlogging and drafts. To eliminate it, it is necessary to reduce humidity and remove the flower pot in a closed place without drafts.

What to do if the leaves turn yellow and others?

Appearance yellow leaves can be explained both by the unsatisfactory conditions of the plant, and its infection with phytophthora, which can be controlled with the help of fungicides.

swirling leaves indicate a lack of moisture in the soil and high air temperature. To cure the flower, spraying and increasing watering are used.

Brown edges of the leaf surface indicate the freezing of the plant.

and the need to move it to a warmer place.

leaf pallor and the loss of contrast of patterns occurs with a lack of sunlight. You can use special lamps or move the vine to a comfortable lighting zone.

Video review

Caladium requires attention all year round, but the efforts of caring gardeners pay off handsomely in the summer with a generous fireworks display of new unique patterns, magnificence of colors that delight the eyes of connoisseurs of exotic elegant variety.

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