Unique folk methods of clay treatment at home. Clay types properties and applications

Natural, inexpensive, effective and easy to use - all this is about blue clay, which has been used for centuries to treat and prevent many diseases. Gray powder diluted with water is used as face and hair masks, as a healing drink and in the form of therapeutic applications, compresses and baths. So what is blue clay and what are its healing properties?

What is blue clay: description, composition

Blue or Cambrian clay (kaolin) is a sedimentary volcanic rock that is more than half a billion years old. Formed on the basis of minerals: mica, marble, limestone, spar and kaolinite. The main production regions are Crimea and Altai.

The natural product has the form of a fine dirty-gray powder, does not dissolve in liquids, and settles to the bottom as part of mixtures. When mixed with water, the natural green dye, the copper complex of chlorophyllins, which is part of it, gives the clay a bluish undertone. On the skin, under the influence of oxygen, it changes color to gray-green.

The chemical composition of the product differs depending on where it was mined. The basis of the powdered substance is:

  • silicon oxide;
  • aluminosilicates;
  • zinc oxide;
  • nitrogen oxide;
  • magnesium;
  • manganese;
  • molybdenum;
  • copper;
  • silver ions;
  • potassium;
  • iron;
  • calcium;
  • radium (in a minimal amount).

Benefits of Blue Clay

Kaolin is a source of useful trace elements, which determines its therapeutic effect on the human body. The healing properties of powder of volcanic origin are presented in the table:

Effect Characteristic
Antiseptic Disinfects and heals wounds on the skin, kills bacteria
Immunomodulatory Increases local resistance to infections and viruses
Absorbent Absorbs and removes toxins, poisons, excess secretion of glands
Stimulating Activates metabolic and regenerative processes in cells
Antitumor Radium (a radioactive element) contained in the composition prevents the formation of cancer cells
anti-aging Due to silver ions, it increases the synthesis of natural elements of collagen and elastin
Lymphatic drainage Eliminates swelling of tissues, fights the accumulation of adipose tissue

Cosmetic clay since ancient times has the status of an excellent and effective tool in the care of the skin of the face and body. Cleopatra herself regularly used it to preserve youth and beauty of the skin.

The beneficial effect of mineral clay was widely used not only in cosmetology, its properties were also valued in medicine. Pharaonic doctors used it as an excellent remedy with anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. In addition, it was included in the composition during mummification. Ancient healers on its basis made various kinds of rubbing, medicinal ointments and pastes. Cosmetic clay was also used for internal use, if it was necessary to achieve an absorbent effect. With its help, they got rid of bacteria and removed toxins from the body. Also, natural mineral clay was used for serious poisoning, muscle pain, epidemics.

Modern application in medicine and cosmetology.
Cosmetic clay is widely used in the field of cosmetology, it is usually included in various face masks that have a cleansing and drying effect. Clay has a wonderful property, like a sponge, it absorbs excess secretions of the sebaceous and sweat glands. In addition to cleansing qualities, it relieves inflammation and redness, and also relieves the skin of peeling. Especially clay-based masks are effective for oily, combination and dry skin. It should also be noted the ability of clay to enhance the bactericidal properties of certain substances, due to this, in fact, clay is included in the compositions of anti-inflammatory ointments and masks.

Types of cosmetic clays.
In general, there are several types of clay in nature, and all of them not only differ in color (due to different mineral composition, depending on the place of origin), but also have different properties, which is why they are used in cosmetology and medicine to solve different problems. Clay can be white, blue, green, red, yellow, gray, black and blue. You can buy natural cosmetic clay in almost any pharmacy or cosmetics store.

It should be remembered that when using cosmetic clay, it is necessary to mix their types or dilute with the addition of other components only in earthenware, but not in iron. Since cosmetic clay loves light, it is important to expose it to the sun.

White clay (Anapskaya).
The most commonly used of all types of cosmetic clay is white or kaolin, it is added to masks, ointments, diarrhea remedies. Often used to treat skin diseases, gynecological diseases, diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Also, white clay perfectly removes toxins.

This type has the most effective effect on oily (absorbs excess secretions of the sebaceous glands), mixed and problematic skin of the face, perfectly cleansing it, drying pimples (acne) and inflammation, narrowing pores, and also providing a lifting effect. But it is contraindicated to use in the presence of rosacea. It should be noted that this type of cosmetic clay has the property of whitening the skin. It also helps women to correct the oval of the face, to make it more even. Due to its antiseptic properties, white clay is added to various bactericidal and anti-inflammatory facial products. The systematic use of white clay increases the elasticity of the skin, makes it velvety, improves complexion.

The use of this type of clay is also useful for hair. Masks based on it make hair thicker, manageable and eliminate dandruff. The effect will be noticeable after a week or two weeks of use.

Blue clay (Cambrian, Valdai).
It contains a huge amount of salts and trace elements that are necessary for the beauty and youth of our skin. Thanks to its stimulating effect, blue cosmetic clay gives a pronounced rejuvenating effect, it is especially effective for oily skin. Regular use of blue clay is the prevention of acne, due to its disinfectant and astringent action, it dries up small inflammations and pimples, and also effectively smoothes mimic wrinkles.

In addition to the cleansing action, this type of cosmetic clay nourishes the skin at a deep level, supplying the skin cells with the necessary substances and energy of natural compounds, stimulating regeneration processes in the tissues of the epidermis, which helps to accelerate the healing process of wounds and damage to the skin. Cosmetic products based on blue clay activate blood circulation processes and accelerate metabolic processes in skin cells, restoring firmness, elasticity and healthy appearance to the skin. It is also worth noting that this clay has a slight lightening effect on freckles and age spots.

The use of blue clay for hair, due to the presence of silicon in its composition, activates hair growth, and also helps to eliminate dandruff.

Masks based on it are also effective for the legs in order to improve blood microcirculation, reduce swelling and heaviness in the legs. In addition, such products can help cope with cellulite, sweating, eliminate unpleasant odors, and also be a prevention of fungal and bacterial diseases.

Green clay.
The green color of this type of clay is due to the content of iron oxide in it. Most often used in cosmetology, it is added to the composition of masks, wraps and compresses. The composition of the clay, rich in microelements, helps to restore the water balance of the skin, and also provides excellent absorbent properties. The use of green clay cleanses and softens the skin, eliminates inflammation and irritation, smoothes wrinkles, and also has a drying effect. Often it is recommended to improve capillary circulation, as well as general skin rejuvenation. Masks based on it perfectly cleanse the pores and get rid of oily sheen. This type of clay can be combined with other types.

It should also be noted that this clay is recommended for bathing in order to relieve stress, tension, fatigue and irritation. This recommendation is due to the property of green clay to take away the negative energy accumulated during the day.

Red clay.
The color is due to the presence of copper and iron oxide in the composition. This type of cosmetic clay is recommended in the care of dry, dehydrated, and sensitive skin, which is prone to allergic reactions. Products based on red clay, in particular masks, improve blood circulation in the tissues of the epidermis, help soften and moisturize the skin, perfectly exfoliate the dead layer of cells, eliminate itching, irritation and redness on the face. In addition, they perfectly eliminate the signs of skin peeling. Also, this type of clay can help in the care of aging skin, as it improves tissue oxygenation. It is often prescribed for iron deficiency in the body. Red clay is often combined with white.

Red clay is also effective in hair care, products based on it help nourish hair follicles, strengthen weak and brittle hair, and also eliminate oily seborrhea.

Pink clay.
Pink cosmetic clay is recommended for all skin types. It is obtained by mixing red clay and kaolin, which allows it to have the effect inherent in both types of clay. Its use promotes skin rejuvenation, smoothing wrinkles and tightening the contour of the face. The use of masks based on it cleanses, nourishes and softens the skin, restoring elasticity and providing a refreshing and regenerating effect. Baths based on pink clay promote deep hydration of the skin, have a tonic effect, improving metabolic processes in tissues.

Yellow clay.
This type of clay contains a huge amount of iron and potassium, which improves the oxygen supply of tissues, and also determines its ability to remove toxins in cases of various inflammatory processes. Masks based on yellow clay have a tonic effect, improving complexion. It is recommended for use in the care of oily, mixed, aging and dull skin.

Due to the rare chemical composition, experts recommend it for the correction of various cosmetic flaws, as well as a prophylactic against many skin diseases. Yellow clay has the ability to absorb the waste products of the body, in addition, it has a detrimental effect on pathogenic bacteria. Baths based on it perfectly relieve fatigue, accelerate metabolic processes in tissues, improving the appearance of the skin.

Gray clay.
This type of cosmetic clay is mined in the sea at great depths. Its use gives a pronounced moisturizing and tonic effect. In most cases, it is recommended in the care of problematic, dry and dehydrated skin. Gray clay promotes deep detoxification of the skin and the body as a whole.

Masks based on gray clay effectively cleanse and deeply nourish the skin, tighten pores, due to its antiseptic properties, have a healing effect on acne and boils, and also have a pronounced rejuvenating effect.

The use of clay in the composition of hair products helps to strengthen the hair, prevent their fragility and loss, and is also the prevention of peeling of the skin.

Baths made of gray clay perfectly soften the rough skin of the hands and feet, heal small cracks and damage to the skin.

Black clay (Dead Sea).
The composition of this type of clay contains iron, strontium, magnesium, quartz and calcium. Means based on it perfectly cleanse the skin of impurities and toxins, narrow pores. Best suited for combination and oily skin, as well as for normal skin types.

Mud therapy with the use of black clay improves blood circulation and lymph circulation, as well as metabolic processes. In addition to this, procedures based on it stimulate tissue respiration, regeneration processes, and promote the resorption of inflammation processes. Black clay masks are an excellent means of moisturizing and toning the skin.

Black clay body wraps have an excellent volumizing effect as they promote fat burning.

Blue clay.
Masks based on blue clay have a cleansing, whitening and softening effect, help tighten pores, and also have a pronounced rejuvenating effect. Baths with the use of this type of clay have an antiseptic effect, accelerate the regeneration of skin cells.

In addition, it has a stimulating effect on metabolic processes in cells, increasing blood circulation and providing an anti-stress effect. Blue clay is recommended for use for any skin.

Clay is a sedimentary rock having a fine-grained structure. This is a very interesting type of rock in terms of its properties, because in the dry state it is crumbly and looks like dust, but in the wet state it is soft and plastic, capable of taking any given shape. When solidified after moistening, the clay becomes surprisingly strong and durable.

Clay is a sedimentary rock, which is a secondary product of the earth's crust, which was formed as a result of the destruction of rocks by weathering.

The most important source for the formation of clay is feldspar, which, in the process of decomposition under the influence of atmospheric precipitation, forms kaolinite and other constituents of clays.

Minerals in clay

The composition of the clay includes one or more minerals of the kaolinite, montmorillonite or other layered clay minerals group. The clay may also contain carbonate and sand particles.

Depending on the quantity and quality of the minerals that make up the clay, this mineral can be of various colors and shades - light yellow, orange, reddish brown, gray, white and many others.

The following minerals are included in various grades of clay:

  • kaolinite
  • andalusite
  • montmorillonite
  • halloysite
  • muscovite
  • hydrargillite
  • nakrit
  • diasporas
  • pyrophyllite
  • corundum
  • monotermite

There are also some types of minerals that contaminate clays. Among them are the following:

  • quartz
  • calcium
  • dolomite
  • glauconite
  • limonite
  • magnetite
  • marcosite
  • rutile
  • pyrite
  • sertpentin
  • siderite

Bentonite clay contains montmorillonite in its composition

clay properties

Among the main characteristic properties of clay are the following:

  1. High level of plasticity
  2. The ability to take any given shape
  3. Refractory properties
  4. Ability to air and thermal shrinkage
  5. Excellent caking
  6. Viscosity of clays of various grades
  7. Degree of shrinkage
  8. Clay porosity
  9. Clay swelling
  10. Density
  11. Waterproof

Types of clay

There are several types of clays, among which are the following:

  • Kaolin- this is the name of the famous white clay, which is used to produce beautiful porcelain and refractory products.
  • building clay- used for the preparation of solutions that are used in the process of erecting structures for various purposes.
  • Shale used in the cement production process.
  • Fire-clay- suitable for the manufacture of refractory bricks and other heat-resistant products.
  • Bentonite- when immersed in water, it increases in volume several times, it is used in drilling fluids in the process of drilling wells.
  • Smectite- has bleaching and filtering properties. Fuller clay filters are widely used to remove impurities from petroleum products, as well as various types of oils, both food and technical.
  • Pottery(lump) clay is used in the process of making pottery.
  • - used as a therapeutic and cosmetic agent for applying masks to the face and body.
  • Sandstone Clay- used for the manufacture of dishes, decorative ceramics and souvenirs.

Kaolin - white clay

Scope of clay

After combining with the right amount of water, the clay is able to form a dough-like mass with plastic properties. Depending on the location of the deposit of this natural raw material, clay is characterized by various quality indicators. Therefore, it is used for various purposes. Among the areas of application of various grades of clay are the following:

  • Ceramic production- one of the most important areas of application of clay. Fine examples of ceramic dishes, faience and are made from various varieties of this natural material. Pottery has been around for several millennia, and continues to improve even today.

  • Production of building materials- clay is widely used in production. Today, the vast majority of brick products are manufactured in factories, but there is also an artisanal way of hand-molding bricks, which is successfully used in some regions.

  • Cement production- for the manufacture of cement, a mixture of clay (25%) with limestone (75%) is used. In the production process, the raw materials are carefully crushed and then thoroughly mixed. In this case, a strict dosage of the components must be observed, otherwise it will turn out to be of poor quality.

  • Technical ceramics is a fairly extensive group of special ceramic products made from a plastic mass, the basis of which is clay. technical purpose is widely used in various areas of human life and activity - in the form of sanitary ceramics, as insulators of electric current in appliances and wiring, and in many other areas.

  • adobe construction- adobe buildings are architectural structures, the main material for the construction of which is clay. Clay houses are among the first samples of the most ancient. However, clay can be used in different ways. So, the clay mass can be tamped into a form of wooden planks, or clay is mixed with chopped straw and the plank base is smeared with this composition.

  • Medicine and cosmetology Clay has long been widely used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. Clay is part of some medicinal ointments, as well as sorbents and preparations for getting rid of diarrhea. And in cosmetology, clay is used to make masks for the face and body, and also includes it in some creams.

  • food clay- some types of clay are edible and are eaten. Edible clay is a special supplement to the basic human diet, and is a valuable source of mineral salts and trace elements. Edible clay serves as a sorbent of natural origin, which helps to cleanse the human body of slag deposits and harmful toxins. At the same time, clay has an enveloping effect and can be used as a natural antiseptic.

Treatment with clay in terms of impact on the body is similar to mud therapy. As well as mud, therapeutic clay has a beneficial effect on the body. The use of clay in medicine and modern cosmetology is quite widespread, this method of thermal exposure has very few contraindications and is recommended in the treatment of skin diseases such as seborrhea, psoriasis, etc.

What is clay and clay treatment

It is worth starting a story about the healing properties of clay and its use with an explanation of what clay and clay treatment in medicine are.

Clay (Diatomaceus Earth, Argilla) is a plastic sedimentary rock. Clays are a product of the chemical destruction of rocks and differ in quantitative composition and color, the ability to form a pasty, easily stirred mass, which can be given any shape. With a significant liquefaction, the clay loses its plasticity and spreads. The main part of the clay is a colloidal hydrate of silica and alumina, which determines its basic physical properties, including poor heat capacity and thermal conductivity.

cosmetic clay- These are mineral substances of natural origin, with significant plasticity, used for cosmetic procedures. Rich in biologically active substances and (magnesium, barium, beryllium, gallium, copper, cobalt, molybdenum, etc.).

Clay treatment is a method of thermal influence based on the use of heated therapeutic clay.

The healing properties of clay are used as one of the methods of natural healing of the body. Clays treat more than 30 diseases and about 70 - in combination with medicinal plants, vegetables and fruits.

In medicine, cosmetic clay is used only purified, discolored and finely dispersed. Often they use white or Chinese clay (kaolin), dispersion, etc. They are characterized by high hygroscopicity, plasticity, as well as stimulating and antiseptic efficiency, they are used in cosmetic masks, powder, hygienic talc.

What types of clays are there, their properties and indications for use

There are many different types of clays, differing in density, plasticity, color, mineral and organic compositions. What types of clays are there and how are they used?

Different categories of clays - liquid, plastic, greasy, low-plastic - have completely different applications. Refractory clays, including faience and kaolin, and fusible clays are also distinguished. The color of clay depends on its mineral composition (presence of iron, copper). There are white, green, blue, pink and red clays. When deciding which clay to choose, keep in mind that white and green clays are most often used in cosmetology.

The main minerals that make up cosmetic clays are quartz, mica, etc.

Look at the photo: The composition of medicinal clays depends on their place of origin. In Bulgaria, in the Rhodope Mountains, blue clay is mined. The population of the Crimea and Transcaucasia uses local clays "kil", "gilyabi", "gumbrin". In the north-west of Russia, the so-called Glukhovets kaolin and Pulkovo clay are mined. In the Urals, the Kamyshlovskoye deposit of greenish-gray clay is known.

Moroccan clay mined in the mountains adjacent to the Sahara. It is red-brown in color, has healing properties and is effective for burns, and its deposits belong to very rich sheikhs.

green clay colored with iron oxide. It also contains magnesium, calcium, potash, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, aluminum, copper, cobalt, molybdenum. This type of healing clay is used in cosmetics mainly for oily skin and hair - anti-dandruff, pH = 7. It contains about 50% silicon dioxide, 13% aluminum and 15% other minerals: silver, copper, gold, heavy metals.

Silicon has a positive effect on the epidermis, gives flexibility to blood vessels, stimulates hair growth, lipid metabolism, the formation of collagen, bone tissue. Aluminum has drying and astringent properties.

red clay has its color due to the combination of iron oxide and copper. It is a less good adsorbent than green clay. Used for iron deficiency in the body. It is not very suitable as a base for masks, as it gives the skin a reddish tint.

pink clay contains red and white clay in various proportions. It contains trace elements, has a disinfecting and smoothing effect on the skin. Since pink clay is very soft, it is recommended for delicate care of the epidermis. Used as a smoothing and astringent mask and in shampoos for normal hair.

See how the types of clay look in the photo - external differences, mainly in its color and structure:

Healing properties of white and blue clay

White clay (kaolin, chinese clay) is a traditional raw material component in the manufacture of cosmetics. Purity, whiteness, non-abrasive nature and harmlessness make this mineral a valuable ingredient in cosmetology. In pharmacy, it is used in the form of powders, ointments, pastes, as well as for diaper rash and burns, and is part of cleansing masks. An indication for the use of clay may be acne. In addition, clay for medicinal purposes:

  • cleanses the epidermis;
  • has an antiseptic and regenerating surface effect;
  • stimulates the body's defenses, having a special effect on the epidermis exposed to environmental pollution;
  • saturates the epidermis with minerals;
  • prevents the spread of microbes due to its ability to absorb toxins and pollution;
  • has enveloping and adsorbing properties;
  • facilitates cellular regeneration by stimulating metabolism.

It has a structure similar to green clay, and differs from it in the presence of trace elements. It has pH = 5 and can therefore be used even for sensitive skin.

The healing properties of white clay are due to the high percentage of aluminum and silicon with an admixture of magnesium and calcium silicates. It is used in masks, milk and shampoos for dry hair and in children's cosmetics.

Medicinal blue clay is mined in the Rhodope Mountains (Bulgaria). It is a powdery mass with pH = 7.3, contains a large amount of copper and chromium, salts, which give it a bluish tint. Recommended in its pure form (when mixed with water) for use as masks for hair and skin of the face and body. When deciding which cosmetic clay to choose, keep in mind that blue clay softens and tones the skin, cleanses acne, whitens, smoothes wrinkles, has a beneficial effect on oily hair, and has anti-cellulite, antibacterial and anti-stress effects. It has a good effect on dehydrated, sluggish, atopic skin.

For cosmetic purposes, kaolin is most often used.

Clay is everywhere, it is very easy to recognize, it is thin and dense. It can be found in places where the earth cracks: in quarries, near brick factories. Even in the garden, sometimes it is enough to dig one meter deep into the ground to find good clay. For cosmetic purposes and internal use, clay should only be purchased at a pharmacy. There it is of the required quality and undergoes radiation control. In addition, pharmacists will tell you in detail about the types of clay, its properties and applications, as well as advise which clay is right for your skin.

What clay is healing and how to prepare it

Knowing what clay is healing, you need to decide for what purpose it can be used. For external use, the most preferred clay, which has the best healing properties, is suitable for modeling. It is used in the manufacture of bricks and ceramic products. The purer it is, the more powerful the effect.

For external use, in cases of urgent treatment, and also if it is impossible to immediately obtain the desired clay, you can use the earth similar to it (loam). The loam must be clean. But still it is more expedient to use clay, since it has a stronger healing effect. Any clay mined in an ecologically unfavorable area must be tested for radioactivity.

The easiest way to prepare clay is as follows. Take good clay and lay it out to dry in the sun. If the clay is not dried enough, it will not dissolve easily in water. If there is little sun, then clay should be placed near a stove, heater, or any source of heat or light.

Before using clay, clean it of various particles, pebbles, roots and other foreign matter. Pour the clay into a bowl or other enamelled, wooden, or fired earthenware vessel. Dishes with chipped enamel will not work.

Pour the clay with fresh clean water so that it is completely covered. Let stand for several hours so that the clay gains moisture, stir, crush hard lumps with your hands or a wooden spatula. Do not use a metal tool - it can adversely affect the cooked mass. It should be homogeneous in composition, without lumps, should resemble mastic prepared by craftsmen for modeling.

This mass is ready for use. If necessary, slightly dilute the solution with water so that the mass is in the desired consistency, always ready for use. So it can be stored indefinitely.

The effect of clay on the skin and the body as a whole

The effect of clay on the body consists mainly of three components: thermal; mechanical; chemical.

The clay mass of the required temperature, in contact with the skin, heats it up, followed by a significant expansion of the peripheral vessels. Hyperemia has an analgesic effect, promotes the resorption of inflammatory elements, enhances tissue nutrition and metabolism, and also has an antispasmodic effect. Sweating, often profuse, is of great importance in a number of diseases. Simultaneously with sweat, some metabolic products, such as uric acid, as well as various kinds of toxins, are excreted from the body. Thus, clay heated to a fairly high temperature is a strong thermal procedure. The basis of the thermal reaction during clay treatment is the activation of body cells, which is accompanied by the stimulation of biochemical processes.

mechanical action manifests itself in the pressure of the mass of clay on the skin, perceived by the body as an irritant, to the action of which, depending on its quality, quantity and strength, the body responds with an active reaction, accompanied by a number of changes in its functions.

Chemical action clay on the skin is due to the chemical composition of the clay containing salts of various elements, oxides of iron, calcium, magnesium, silicon, as well as sulfuric anhydride, carbon dioxide and organic substances, which to a certain extent irritate the skin.

Clay for medicinal purposes and contraindications to clay treatment

In terms of its effect on the body, clay treatment is close to mud therapy. Therefore, contraindications to clay treatment and mud therapy are common: diseases of the cardiovascular system, thyroid gland, tuberculosis.

Indications for the use of clays for therapeutic purposes are inflammatory or traumatic processes of a chronic nature: poorly healing fractures, bruises, inflammatory skin diseases.

In cosmetology, medicinal clays are widely used in wraps for the prevention and treatment of cellulite, seborrhea, hair loss, psoriasis, in masks and shampoos.

Clay treatment: lotions, compresses and baths with clay water at home

Clay treatments include:

  • lotions from clay;
  • clay compresses (wraps or dressings);
  • baths with clay (clay water).

In order to prepare lotions, you need to take a linen, cotton or woolen fabric, you can use any canvas or napkin. Fold it in half, four times or more - to the desired thickness, put the fabric on a table or flat surface. With a wooden spatula, remove the mass from the vessel and spread it on a napkin. The layer of clay should be wider than the sore spot, 2-3 cm thick.

Wipe the affected area with a damp cloth. If it is an ulcer, then wash it with fresh warm water. Apply the prepared lotion directly to the sore spot and make sure that it fits snugly. Tie the lotion with a bandage so that it does not move and is constantly in contact with it. Fasten the bandage, cover everything with woolen cloth. Do not tighten the bandage tightly to avoid circulatory disorders.

Usually a lotion of clay should be left on the sore spot for 2-3 hours. If it becomes dry and hot, it should be replaced with a new one.

To remove the lotion, you must first remove the upper woolen cloth, then unbandage the bandage and remove the clay in one motion, trying not to leave pieces of it on the sore spot. Rinse the affected area with warm water. Do not reuse used clay.

The number of procedures depends on the specific case and on the condition of the patient. As a rule, 2-3 lotions per day are enough, but you can put more: one after the other day and night. After complete recovery, you need to continue the procedure for some more time.

You should never put lotions on the chest and stomach during and immediately after eating, but only after 1-1.5 hours. You can put it on other parts of the body at any time. In this case, you can put 2 or 3 lotions at the same time on different parts of the body.

When it is difficult to apply a lotion (for example, on the eyes, ears, etc.), wraps (compresses) can be done. To do this, it is necessary to wet the canvas in a semi-liquid clay mass so that it is well saturated, put the fabric on the diseased part of the body and cover it with a woolen blanket. Clay-impregnated canvas must be changed frequently. Such procedures use and, if necessary, expose a large surface of the skin to the clay.

Partial (incomplete) and full baths in clay water play an important role in the treatment of skin diseases - they are very useful. To take a bath with clay at home, hold the upper part of the hands, soles of the feet or hands completely in a vessel filled with a very thin solution of clay for about 20 minutes. This solution can be used 2 or 3 times.

For pain in the arms and legs after frostbite, it is better to use limb baths. For this method of treatment with clay water, you can use a basin with a clay solution, which has previously stood in the sun.

Full baths are taken outside. To do this, you need to make a fairly large round hole in the ground, fill it with water and good clay. Mix the clay with water well to get a light liquid mass.

Outdoors, this can only be done during the warm season. In cool weather, baths are made with warm water, without renewing the clay, 6-7 times (2 times a week).

After the bath, you should go to bed, cover yourself and drink a hot infusion of herbs.

Bath time- from 30 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the specific case and the tolerance of the procedure by the patient.

What diseases does clay treat: psoriasis, seborrhea, baldness

And what diseases does clay treat and how to use it for burns?

Clays can be used for medicinal purposes in the following skin diseases:

Psoriasis. Clay should be mixed with coarse salt (at a ratio of 1:1) and the resulting mixture should be applied to the affected areas of the skin for 1-2 hours once a day. It is better to use clay diluted with vinegar in a ratio of 1: 3.

Seborrhea (oily skin). For oily hair - wash your hair with clay water, for oily skin, you need to make a mask.

Baldness. Rub the head 3 times a day with a mixture of crushed garlic, onion juice and clay water.

Burns. Put clay lotions up to 3-4 cm thick on gauze, apply to the burn surface. Change lozenges every 2 hours until epithelization. After that, apply 3-4 compresses per day to the burn area and keep for 2 hours.

Clay can be used to remove radionuclides from the body: as a strong adsorbent, it actively absorbs various toxic substances, including radioactive ones.

Clay treatment of skin diseases and cosmetic imperfections

The widespread use of clay for skin diseases and to get rid of cosmetic imperfections has been practiced since ancient times. Various kinds of creams were made from it, compresses were made on the face, hands and other parts of the body. And of course, clay treatment of skin diseases was carried out with the help of various cleansing and tonic baths.

Of particular interest is the question of the correct application of clays. There are commercially available clays that are suggested to be used by mixing the powder and water immediately before use, and then applying the resulting mixture to the skin or hair. At the same time, clay-based masks are also on the market, where one or another type of clay is part of the emulsion base in an amount of 10-40 percent. The choice of the type of clay depends on the problem being solved, and also largely on the condition of the skin.

Clay- a plastic natural material used in construction, folk crafts, treatment and improvement of the body and in other areas of human life. It is this widespread use that determines certain qualities and properties of clay. And the properties of clay are largely influenced by its composition.

Clay application

Clay is very affordable, and its benefits are invaluable, and therefore it has been used by people since very ancient times. There are many references to this wonderful material in the history textbooks of all countries of the world.

Construction. Currently, clay is used as a material for making red bricks. Clay of a certain composition is molded and fired according to a certain technology, obtaining a durable and inexpensive ingot - a brick. Buildings and structures are already being built from bricks. In some countries and regions, clay is still used to build dwellings - mud huts, and clay is widely used in the construction of brick ovens, where clay serves as a binder (as cement). The same clay is also used for plastering ovens.

The medicine. Wellness and traditional medicine uses clay in the form of mud baths and masks. The whole point is to nourish the surface of the skin with beneficial clay elements. Of course, not all clay will do here.

Souvenirs and tableware. I combine two large areas into one, since many items of dishes are only souvenirs. Plates, pots, jugs and vases are in abundance in modern stores. Not a single fair is complete without the sale of clay souvenirs - smoke toys, whistles, tablets, key chains and much more. We will try to mold a lot on our own.

Clay may be included in composition of other materials. Chasovoyarskaya clay of fine grinding, for example, is an element of artistic paints (gouache), sauce, pastels and sanguine. Read about it in the articles "Help the artist".

clay properties

Color. Clay of various compositions has many shades. Clay is called by its colors: red, blue, white... True, during drying and further firing, the color can completely change. This is worth paying attention to when working with clay.

Plastic. It was the ability to deform and retain the shape given to it that allowed a person to find the use of clay in his life. Here it is worth noting that it all depends on the consistency - the ratio of the amount of water, clay and sand. Different jobs require different compositions. So, for modeling sand may be generally redundant.

Hygroscopicity allows clay to absorb water, changing its properties of viscosity and plasticity. But after firing, clay products acquire water resistance, strength and lightness. The development of technology made it possible to obtain faience and porcelain, indispensable in the modern world.

fire resistance. A property used more in construction than in art crafts, except for the firing of products. The firing technology is different for a particular clay composition. The property of clay shrinkage or compressibility is closely related to drying and firing - a change in mass and size due to the removal of part of the water from the composition.

Clay composition

The properties of clay determines its chemical composition. Different types of clay have different chemical compositions. So, for example, red clay contains a lot of iron oxides. Clay basically contains certain substances - clay minerals - which are formed during various natural phenomena. The format of the article does not include consideration of the chemical properties and composition of the clay, so I will not go into details.

The composition of clay suitable for use in folk crafts, as already mentioned, is determined by three important elements: clay minerals, water and sand.

The proportions of these elements can be changed, although it is much easier to add than to remove. So, for example, dry clay can be quickly dissolved, however, it is not at all easy to make clay liquid like sour cream suitable for modeling. Sand is very easy to add, but removing it from clay is not a trivial task.

Distinguish "skinny" and "fat" clay. The fat content scale determines the coefficient of plasticity, and the binding properties of clay allow you to adjust the fat content by mixing it with other natural materials, such as sand. Skinny clay has less plasticity, its binding strength is weaker, but it shrinks less during drying and firing.

Clay deposits are found in various states throughout the world. This ensured the use of it by artisans of different nationalities, and served as the emergence of such a variety of products and technologies.

Artisans have learned to control the behavior and condition of clay through various additives to the composition. So you can thin the clay, elutriate, give it greater fire resistance, reduce shrinkage. As a result of such manipulations, an experienced master will be able to end up with a high-quality, highly artistic product.