Reading lesson on the topic N. Gribachev Red leaves. A fairy tale. Gribachev Nikolay Matveevich - Red leaves N m Gribachev red leaves read

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Gribachev Nikolay Matveevich
Red leaves

Nikolai Matveevich Gribachev

Red leaves

Autumn has come to the forest. Only the pines and fir trees remained green; other trees began to turn yellow, red, and red. But most of all, of course, yellow. And the leaves flew off - a leaf floats through the air, falls into the grass, rustles shshu-shshu-shshurkh! The cold wind rustles between the trees - chshu-chshu-chshu!

The fox Lariska was happy. “This is how well everything is turning out,” she thinks, the yellow and red leaves look like my skin. He will sweep them in heaps along the ditches, I will hide there and lie in wait for the hare Koska. He won’t notice me among the yellow and red leaves, but I will - and I’ll eat it!”

And the hare Koska lived for the first year in the world, he had not yet seen autumn. And he was very afraid - he couldn’t sleep at night. There is noise all around, rustling, and it seems to him that someone is crawling up, about to eat him. He looks, looks into the darkness, pierces his eyes with his paws, but still nothing can be seen.

In the morning I got up and washed my eyes with cold water. “I’ll go,” he decided, I’ll go wander around and talk to the hedgehog Kiryukha. He’s been living in the world for four years, maybe he’ll tell me something.”

He came to the hedgehog's house, knocked on the door - no one answered, knocked on the window - no one answered either. “Maybe the hedgehog Kiryukha is sick?” thought the hare Koska. “Maybe he needs an ambulance? I’ll have to come in without an invitation.”

I went into the hallway - there was no one. I went into the kitchen and there was no one there. The hedgehog Kiryukha was found in the farthest room, where there were no windows.

- Why is it so dark and damp here, Kiryukha the hedgehog? - Koska the hare was surprised. Maybe you're sick?

- O-oah! – Kiryukha the hedgehog yawned. “I’m not sick, I just want to sleep.”

- Well, you need to sleep at night, but it’s morning now!

“You don’t understand anything,” said the hedgehog Kiryukha and yawned again. – Autumn has arrived, followed by winter with snow and frost. And we hedgehogs sleep all winter. We don’t need to eat or drink, we sleep – that’s all. So you go about your business, and I’ll get settled. Come back in the spring, maybe you can tell me something.

“Well, this hedgehog Kiryukha is lazy,” thought Koska the hare. “You really need to sleep all winter! Your sides will probably hurt. I’ll go to Potap the bear, maybe he’ll give me some advice.”

Potap the bear was lying near the den. Head on paws, eyes closed. The hare Koska greeted him once, but the bear did not hear him; The second one said hello again and didn’t hear him. Then he almost shouted in my ear:

- Hello, Potap the bear!

The bear opened one eye halfway and asked in a sleepy voice:

- Who's making noise here?

- Yes, it’s me, Koska the hare!

- What do you want? I want to sleep.

- So they sleep at night, and now it’s morning!

“You don’t understand anything,” Potap the bear grumbled good-naturedly, surprised that the hare doesn’t know such simple things. - We bears sleep all the time when winter comes. I don’t like frost and snow, my paws get cold.

- Oh, you will die of hunger, Potap the bear!

- I won’t die, I’m under my fur coat, do you know how much fat I have? Enough until warmer days. Come to me in the spring and tell me the news. Now go, there are skis in the corner over there - take them for yourself. Last year I made them for Mishutka, but now he has grown up, they are too small for him.

- Why do I need skis? – Koska the hare was surprised. “I don’t even know how to walk on them.”

- Take it, take it, when winter comes, you’ll learn. Neither the fox nor the wolf will catch you. Come and see me in the spring and let’s talk, umm!

And again the bear closed his eyes and began to doze. And although the hare Koska did not understand why he needed the skis, he took them and took them home. After lunch he went to look for Borka the beaver - maybe he could tell him something interesting? The bank of the river has become slippery from the rains, waves are moving along the water from the wind, and the beaver Borka is gnawing on vine branches and dragging them somewhere under the water.

- Hello, Borka the beaver! - said the hare Koska. “Don’t you know what’s going on in our forest?” The hedgehog Kiryukha has become completely lazy, he can’t even talk, the bear Potap only has one eye half open. They say they will sleep all winter. How will you, Borka the beaver, go to bed too?

“I’ll hide in my hut under the shore.” There will be ice on the river, but it will be warm there. I will gnaw on the vine when I read a book, when I sleep. That's when the spill ends, come back, okay? And now I have no time, there is a lot of work.

The hare Koska became completely bored, he even wanted to cry - he was left alone, and there was no one to talk to. He walks, hanging his head, and suddenly hears on the Christmas tree:

- Clack-clack! Why are you, Koska the hare, so boring? Or what kind of trouble happened?

The hare Koska looks - it’s the squirrel Lenka sitting on the tree, gnawing on a pine cone. He told her about the hedgehog Kiryukha, and about the bear Potap, and about the beaver Borka.

- Well, let them sleep! - said the squirrel. “They’ve been quitters since forever.” Do you know how good it is in the forest in winter? Blue frost on the branches, fluffy snow, blue skies in cold weather, you want to walk all day. Otherwise, all summer and summer – it’s even boring! Eh, you and I will run races through the snowdrifts!

– Aren’t you going to sleep, Lenka the squirrel?

- I won’t.

- Thank you, otherwise I was completely bored. I'll come to you often, okay?

- Come.

The hare Koska is cheerful, he will still have company for the winter. I even started composing a song on the fly:

Autumn is coming

Rain from all directions.

The linden tree drops a leaf,

The leaf drops from the maple tree.

Hiding his belly in the needles,

For five months

The hedgehog Kiryukha will lie down

Sleep soundly.

Let him dream

Sun and river

Lungwort grass,

Forty-three beetles.

And I won't sleep

I'll hit the road in the morning,

I'll get the white one

A fur coat somewhere.

Close to the white clouds

White land.

Hey, fox Lariska,

Find out - where am I?

And as soon as the hare Koska sang, something yellow and red, similar to leaves, began to move to his right. And before he had time to think anything, his side seemed to be burned. He jumped as hard as he could, flew over the stump like an arrow, over the hole. Behind a large oak tree I stopped to catch my breath. I looked back - and the fox Lariska was sitting in the clearing.

- Hee-hee-hee! – the fox Lariska laughed. - What, did you try my claws? I’m still full, it’s hard for me to jump, otherwise I’d eat you and hang your bones on the bushes. Well, you can’t get away from me - now there are yellow and red leaves everywhere, they look like my skin. I’ll hide among them and you won’t notice, you’ll end up in your mouth. And your friends, the hedgehog Kiryukha and the bear Potap, will not help, they have become couch potatoes, their eyes are swollen with fat. Hee hee hee!

“But winter will come soon,” said the hare Koska, “and I’ll put on a white fur coat.” You will be visible, but you won’t be able to distinguish me from a snowdrift.

- Hee-hee-hee! – the fox Lariska showed her teeth. “If you don’t live to see winter, I’ll watch for you and eat you.” Hee hee hee!

The hare Koska ran home. “Well,” he thought, “since it’s become difficult to distinguish the fox Lariska from the leaves, I won’t walk through the forest. I’d rather lie hungry, and in extreme cases I’ll run into the field, you can still see a long way there.”

So I did. From morning until lunch, the fox Lariska lies in yellow and red leaves, she watches the hare - he is not there; from lunch until evening he runs through the forest, looking for nothing and nothing.

She never caught the hare Koska until winter.

Gribachev Nikolay Matveevich
Red leaves
Nikolai Matveevich Gribachev
Red leaves
Autumn has come to the forest. Only the pines and fir trees remained green; other trees began to turn yellow, red, and red. But most of all, of course, yellow. And the leaves flew off - a leaf floats through the air, falls into the grass, rustles shshu-shshu-shshurkh! The cold wind rustles between the trees - chshu-chshu-chshu!
The fox Lariska was happy. “This is how well everything is turning out,” she thinks, the yellow and red leaves look like my skin. He will sweep them in heaps along the ditches, I will hide there and lie in wait for the hare Koska. He won’t notice me among the yellow and red leaves, but I will - and I’ll eat it!”
And the hare Koska lived for the first year in the world, he had not yet seen autumn. And he was very afraid - he couldn’t sleep at night. There is noise all around, rustling, and it seems to him that someone is crawling up, about to eat him. He looks, looks into the darkness, pierces his eyes with his paws, but still nothing can be seen.
In the morning I got up and washed my eyes with cold water. “I’ll go,” he decided, I’ll go wander around and talk to the hedgehog Kiryukha. He’s been living in the world for four years, maybe he’ll tell me something.”
He came to the hedgehog's house, knocked on the door - no one answered, knocked on the window - no one answered either. “Maybe the hedgehog Kiryukha is sick?” thought the hare Koska. “Maybe he needs an ambulance? I’ll have to come in without an invitation.”
I went into the hallway - there was no one. I went into the kitchen - there was no one. The hedgehog Kiryukha was found in the farthest room, where there were no windows.
- Why is it that you, Kiryukha the hedgehog, are so dark and damp? - Koska the hare was surprised. Maybe you're sick?
- O-oah! - Kiryukha the hedgehog yawned. “I’m not sick, I just want to sleep.”
- Well, you need to sleep at night, but it’s morning now!
“You don’t understand anything,” said the hedgehog Kiryukha and yawned again. - Autumn has arrived, followed by winter with snow and frost. And we hedgehogs sleep all winter. We don't need to eat or drink, we sleep - that's all. So you go about your business, and I’ll get settled. Come back in the spring, maybe you can tell me something.
“Well, this hedgehog Kiryukha is lazy,” thought Koska the hare. “You really need to sleep all winter! Your sides will probably hurt. I’ll go to Potap the bear, maybe he’ll give me some advice.”
Potap the bear was lying near the den. Head on paws, eyes closed. The hare Koska greeted him once, but the bear did not hear him; The second one said hello again and didn’t hear him. Then he almost shouted in my ear:
- Hello, Potap the bear!
The bear opened one eye halfway and asked in a sleepy voice:
- Who's making noise here?
- Yes, it’s me, Koska the hare!
- What do you want? I want to sleep.
- So they sleep at night, and now it’s morning!
“You don’t understand anything,” Potap the bear grumbled good-naturedly, surprised that the hare doesn’t know such simple things. - We bears sleep all the time when winter comes. I don’t like frost and snow, my paws get cold.
- Oh, you will die of hunger, Potap the bear!
- I won’t die, I’m under my fur coat, do you know how much fat I have? Enough until warmer days. Come to me in the spring and tell me the news. Now go, there are skis in the corner over there - take them for yourself. Last year I made them for Mishutka, but now he has grown up, they are too small for him.
- Why do I need skis? - Koska the hare was surprised. - I don’t even know how to walk on them.
- Take it, take it, when winter comes, you’ll learn. Neither the fox nor the wolf will catch you. Come and see me in the spring and let’s talk, umm!
And again the bear closed his eyes and began to doze. And although the hare Koska did not understand why he needed the skis, he took them and took them home. After lunch he went to look for Borka the beaver - maybe he could tell him something interesting? The bank of the river has become slippery from the rains, waves are moving along the water from the wind, and the beaver Borka is gnawing on vine branches and dragging them somewhere under the water.
- Hello, Borka the beaver! - said the hare Koska. - Don’t you know what’s going on in our forest? The hedgehog Kiryukha has become completely lazy, he can’t even talk, the bear Potap only has one eye half open. They say they will sleep all winter. How will you, Borka the beaver, go to bed too?
- I’ll hide in my hut under the shore. There will be ice on the river, but it will be warm there. I will gnaw on the vine when I read a book, when I sleep. That's when the spill ends, come back, okay? And now I have no time, there is a lot of work.
The hare Koska became completely bored, he even wanted to cry - he was left alone, and there was no one to talk to. He walks, hanging his head, and suddenly hears on the Christmas tree:
- Clack-clack! Why are you, Koska the hare, so boring? Or what kind of trouble happened?
The hare Koska looks - it’s the squirrel Lenka sitting on the tree, gnawing on a pine cone. He told her about the hedgehog Kiryukha, and about the bear Potap, and about the beaver Borka.
- Well, let them sleep! - said the squirrel. - They've been quitters since forever. Do you know how good it is in the forest in winter? Blue frost on the branches, fluffy snow, blue skies in cold weather, you want to walk all day. And then all summer and summer - it’s even boring! Eh, you and I will run races through the snowdrifts!
- Aren’t you going to sleep, Lenka the squirrel?
- I won't.
- Thank you, otherwise I was completely bored. I'll come to you often, okay?
- Come.
The hare Koska is cheerful, he will still have company for the winter. I even started composing a song on the fly:
Autumn is coming
Rain from all directions.
The linden tree drops a leaf,
The leaf drops from the maple tree.
Hiding his belly in the needles,
For five months
The hedgehog Kiryukha will lie down
Sleep soundly.
Let him dream
Sun and river
Lungwort grass,
Forty-three beetles.
And I won't sleep
I'll hit the road in the morning,
I'll get the white one
A fur coat somewhere.
Close to the white clouds
White land.
Hey, fox Lariska,
Find out - where am I?
And as soon as the hare Koska sang, something yellow and red, similar to leaves, began to move to his right. And before he had time to think anything, his side seemed to be burned. He jumped as hard as he could, flew over the stump like an arrow, over the hole. Behind a large oak tree I stopped to catch my breath. I looked back - and the fox Lariska was sitting in the clearing.
- Hee-hee-hee! - the fox Lariska laughed. - What, did you try my claws? I’m still full, it’s hard for me to jump, otherwise I’d eat you and hang your bones on the bushes. Well, you can’t get away from me - now there are yellow and red leaves everywhere, they look like my skin. I’ll hide among them and you won’t notice, you’ll end up in your mouth. And your friends, the hedgehog Kiryukha and the bear Potap, will not help, they have become couch potatoes, their eyes are swollen with fat. Hee hee hee!
“But winter will come soon,” said the hare Koska, “and I’ll put on a white fur coat.” You will be visible, but you won’t be able to distinguish me from a snowdrift.
- Hee-hee-hee! - the fox Lariska showed her teeth. - If you don’t live to see winter, I’ll watch for you and eat you. Hee hee hee!
The hare Koska ran home. “Well,” he thought, “since it’s become difficult to distinguish the fox Lariska from the leaves, I won’t walk through the forest. I’d rather lie there hungry, and in extreme cases I’ll run to the field, you can still see a long way there.”
So I did. From morning until lunch, the fox Lariska lies in yellow and red leaves, she watches the hare - he is not there; from lunch to evening he runs through the forest, looking for nothing and nothing.
She never caught the hare Koska until winter.

Gribachev Nikolay MatveevichRed leaves

Nikolai Matveevich Gribachev

Red leaves

Autumn has come to the forest. Only the pines and fir trees remained green; other trees began to turn yellow, red, and red. But most of all, of course, yellow. And the leaves flew off - a leaf floats through the air, falls into the grass, rustles shshu-shshu-shshurkh! The cold wind rustles between the trees - chshu-chshu-chshu!

The fox Lariska was happy. “This is how well everything is turning out,” she thinks, the yellow and red leaves look like my skin. He will sweep them in heaps along the ditches, I will hide there and lie in wait for the hare Koska. He won’t notice me among the yellow and red leaves, but I will - and I’ll eat it!”

And the hare Koska lived for the first year in the world, he had not yet seen autumn. And he was very afraid - he couldn’t sleep at night. There is noise all around, rustling, and it seems to him that someone is crawling up, about to eat him. He looks, looks into the darkness, pierces his eyes with his paws, but still nothing can be seen.

In the morning I got up and washed my eyes with cold water. “I’ll go,” he decided, I’ll go wander around and talk to the hedgehog Kiryukha. He’s been living in the world for four years, maybe he’ll tell me something.”

He came to the hedgehog's house, knocked on the door - no one answered, knocked on the window - no one answered either. “Perhaps the hedgehog Kiryukha is sick?” thought the hare Koska. “Maybe he needs an ambulance? I’ll have to come in without an invitation.”

I went into the hallway - there was no one. I went into the kitchen - there was no one. The hedgehog Kiryukha was found in the farthest room, where there were no windows.

Why is it that you, Kiryukha the hedgehog, are so dark and damp? - Koska the hare was surprised. Maybe you're sick?

Oooh! - Kiryukha the hedgehog yawned. “I’m not sick, I just want to sleep.”

So you need to sleep at night, but now it’s morning!

“You don’t understand anything,” said the hedgehog Kiryukha and yawned again. - Autumn has arrived, followed by winter with snow and frost. And we hedgehogs sleep all winter. We don't need to eat or drink, we sleep - that's all. So you go about your business, and I’ll get settled. Come back in the spring, maybe you can tell me something.

“Well, this hedgehog Kiryukha is lazy,” thought Koska the hare. “You really need to sleep all winter! Your sides will probably hurt. I’ll go to Potap the bear, maybe he’ll give me some advice.”

Potap the bear was lying near the den. Head on paws, eyes closed. The hare Koska greeted him once, but the bear did not hear him; The second one said hello again and didn’t hear him. Then he almost shouted in my ear:

Hello, Potap the bear!

The bear opened one eye halfway and asked in a sleepy voice:

Who's making noise here?

Yes, that's me, Koska the hare!

What do you want? I want to sleep.

So they sleep at night, and now it’s morning!

“You don’t understand anything,” Potap the bear grumbled good-naturedly, surprised that the hare doesn’t know such simple things. - We bears sleep all the time when winter comes. I don’t like frost and snow, my paws get cold.

Oh, you will die of hunger, Potap the bear!

I won’t die, I’m under my fur coat. Do you know how much fat I have? Enough until warmer days. Come to me in the spring and tell me the news. Now go, there are skis in the corner over there - take them for yourself. Last year I made them for Mishutka, but now he has grown up, they are too small for him.

Why do I need skis? - Koska the hare was surprised. - I don’t even know how to walk on them.

Take it, take it, when winter comes, you’ll learn. Neither the fox nor the wolf will catch you. Come and see me in the spring and let’s talk, umm!

And again the bear closed his eyes and began to doze. And although the hare Koska did not understand why he needed the skis, he took them and took them home. After lunch he went to look for Borka the beaver - maybe he could tell him something interesting? The bank of the river has become slippery from the rains, waves are moving along the water from the wind, and the beaver Borka is gnawing on vine branches and dragging them somewhere under the water.

Hello, beaver Borka! - said the hare Koska. - Don’t you know what’s going on in our forest? The hedgehog Kiryukha has become completely lazy, he can’t even talk, the bear Potap only has one eye half open. They say they will sleep all winter. How will you, Borka the beaver, go to bed too?

I'll hide in my hut under the shore. There will be ice on the river, but it will be warm there. I will gnaw on the vine when I read a book, when I sleep. That's when the spill ends, come back, okay? And now I have no time, there is a lot of work.

The hare Koska became completely bored, he even wanted to cry - he was left alone, and there was no one to talk to. He walks, hanging his head, and suddenly hears on the Christmas tree:

Clack-clack! Why are you, Koska the hare, so boring? Or what kind of trouble happened?

The hare Koska looks - it’s the squirrel Lenka sitting on the tree, gnawing on a pine cone. He told her about the hedgehog Kiryukha, and about the bear Potap, and about the beaver Borka.

Well, let them sleep! - said the squirrel. - They've been quitters since forever. Do you know how good it is in the forest in winter? Blue frost on the branches, fluffy snow, blue skies in cold weather, you want to walk all day. And then all summer and summer - it’s even boring! Eh, you and I will run races through the snowdrifts!

Won't you sleep, Lenka the squirrel?

I won't.

Thank you, otherwise I was completely bored. I'll come to you often, okay?


The hare Koska is cheerful, he will still have company for the winter. I even started composing a song on the fly:

Autumn is coming

Rain from all directions.

The linden tree drops a leaf,

The leaf drops from the maple tree.

Hiding his belly in the needles,

For five months

The hedgehog Kiryukha will lie down

Sleep soundly.

Let him dream

Sun and river

Lungwort grass,

Forty-three beetles.

And I won't sleep

I'll hit the road in the morning,

I'll get the white one

A fur coat somewhere.

Close to the white clouds

White land.

Hey, fox Lariska,

Find out - where am I?

And as soon as the hare Koska sang, something yellow and red, similar to leaves, began to move to his right. And before he had time to think anything, his side seemed to be burned. He jumped as hard as he could, flew over the stump like an arrow, over the hole. Behind a large oak tree I stopped to catch my breath. I looked back - and the fox Lariska was sitting in the clearing.

Hee hee hee! - the fox Lariska laughed. - What, did you try my claws? I’m still full, it’s hard for me to jump, otherwise I’d eat you and hang your bones on the bushes. Well, you can’t get away from me - now there are yellow and red leaves everywhere, they look like my skin. I’ll hide among them and you won’t notice, you’ll end up in your mouth. And your friends, the hedgehog Kiryukha and the bear Potap, will not help, they have become couch potatoes, their eyes are swollen with fat. Hee hee hee!

But soon winter will come,” said the hare Koska, “and I will put on a white fur coat.” You will be visible, but you won’t be able to distinguish me from a snowdrift.

Hee hee hee! - the fox Lariska showed her teeth. - If you don’t live to see winter, I’ll watch for you and eat you. Hee hee hee!

The hare Koska ran home. “Well,” he thought, “since it’s become difficult to distinguish the fox Lariska from the leaves, I won’t walk through the forest. I’d rather lie there hungry, and in extreme cases I’ll run to the field, you can still see a long way there.”

So I did. From morning until lunch, the fox Lariska lies in yellow and red leaves, she watches the hare - he is not there; from lunch to evening he runs through the forest, looking for nothing and nothing.

She never caught the hare Koska until winter.

Nikolai Matveevich Gribachev

Red leaves

Autumn has come to the forest. Only the pines and fir trees remained green; other trees began to turn yellow, red, and red. But most of all, of course, yellow. And the leaves flew off - a leaf floats through the air, falls into the grass, rustles shshu-shshu-shshurkh! The cold wind rustles between the trees - chshu-chshu-chshu!

The fox Lariska was happy. “This is how well everything is turning out,” she thinks, the yellow and red leaves look like my skin. He will sweep them in heaps along the ditches, I will hide there and lie in wait for the hare Koska. He won’t notice me among the yellow and red leaves, but I will - and I’ll eat it!”

And the hare Koska lived for the first year in the world, he had not yet seen autumn. And he was very afraid - he couldn’t sleep at night. There is noise all around, rustling, and it seems to him that someone is crawling up, about to eat him. He looks, looks into the darkness, pierces his eyes with his paws, but still nothing can be seen.

In the morning I got up and washed my eyes with cold water. “I’ll go,” he decided, I’ll go wander around and talk to the hedgehog Kiryukha. He’s been living in the world for four years, maybe he’ll tell me something.”

He came to the hedgehog's house, knocked on the door - no one answered, knocked on the window - no one answered either. “Perhaps the hedgehog Kiryukha is sick?” thought the hare Koska. “Maybe he needs an ambulance? I’ll have to come in without an invitation.”

I went into the hallway - there was no one. I went into the kitchen - there was no one. The hedgehog Kiryukha was found in the farthest room, where there were no windows.

Why is it that you, Kiryukha the hedgehog, are so dark and damp? - Koska the hare was surprised. Maybe you're sick?

Oooh! - Kiryukha the hedgehog yawned. “I’m not sick, I just want to sleep.”

So you need to sleep at night, but now it’s morning!

“You don’t understand anything,” said the hedgehog Kiryukha and yawned again. - Autumn has arrived, followed by winter with snow and frost. And we hedgehogs sleep all winter. We don't need to eat or drink, we sleep - that's all. So you go about your business, and I’ll get settled. Come back in the spring, maybe you can tell me something.

“Well, this hedgehog Kiryukha is lazy,” thought Koska the hare. “You really need to sleep all winter! Your sides will probably hurt. I’ll go to Potap the bear, maybe he’ll give me some advice.”

Potap the bear was lying near the den. Head on paws, eyes closed. The hare Koska greeted him once, but the bear did not hear him; The second one said hello again and didn’t hear him. Then he almost shouted in my ear:

Hello, Potap the bear!

The bear opened one eye halfway and asked in a sleepy voice:

Who's making noise here?

Yes, that's me, Koska the hare!

What do you want? I want to sleep.

So they sleep at night, and now it’s morning!

“You don’t understand anything,” Potap the bear grumbled good-naturedly, surprised that the hare doesn’t know such simple things. - We bears sleep all the time when winter comes. I don’t like frost and snow, my paws get cold.

Oh, you will die of hunger, Potap the bear!

I won’t die, I’m under my fur coat. Do you know how much fat I have? Enough until warmer days. Come to me in the spring and tell me the news. Now go, there are skis in the corner over there - take them for yourself. Last year I made them for Mishutka, but now he has grown up, they are too small for him.

Why do I need skis? - Koska the hare was surprised. - I don’t even know how to walk on them.

Take it, take it, when winter comes, you’ll learn. Neither the fox nor the wolf will catch you. Come and see me in the spring and let’s talk, umm!

And again the bear closed his eyes and began to doze. And although the hare Koska did not understand why he needed the skis, he took them and took them home. After lunch he went to look for Borka the beaver - maybe he could tell him something interesting? The bank of the river has become slippery from the rains, waves are moving along the water from the wind, and the beaver Borka is gnawing on vine branches and dragging them somewhere under the water.

Hello, beaver Borka! - said the hare Koska. - Don’t you know what’s going on in our forest? The hedgehog Kiryukha has become completely lazy, he can’t even talk, the bear Potap only has one eye half open. They say they will sleep all winter. How will you, Borka the beaver, go to bed too?

I'll hide in my hut under the shore. There will be ice on the river, but it will be warm there. I will gnaw on the vine when I read a book, when I sleep. That's when the spill ends, come back, okay? And now I have no time, there is a lot of work.

The hare Koska became completely bored, he even wanted to cry - he was left alone, and there was no one to talk to. He walks, hanging his head, and suddenly hears on the Christmas tree:

Clack-clack! Why are you, Koska the hare, so boring? Or what kind of trouble happened?

The hare Koska looks - it’s the squirrel Lenka sitting on the tree, gnawing on a pine cone. He told her about the hedgehog Kiryukha, and about the bear Potap, and about the beaver Borka.

Well, let them sleep! - said the squirrel. - They've been quitters since forever. Do you know how good it is in the forest in winter? Blue frost on the branches, fluffy snow, blue skies in cold weather, you want to walk all day. And then all summer and summer - it’s even boring! Eh, you and I will run races through the snowdrifts!

Won't you sleep, Lenka the squirrel?

I won't.

Thank you, otherwise I was completely bored. I'll come to you often, okay?


The hare Koska is cheerful, he will still have company for the winter. I even started composing a song on the fly:

Autumn is coming

Rain from all directions.

The linden tree drops a leaf,

The leaf drops from the maple tree.

Hiding his belly in the needles,

For five months

The hedgehog Kiryukha will lie down

Sleep soundly.

Let him dream

Sun and river

Lungwort grass,

Forty-three beetles.

And I won't sleep

I'll hit the road in the morning,

I'll get the white one

A fur coat somewhere.

Close to the white clouds

White land.

Hey, fox Lariska,

Find out - where am I?

And as soon as the hare Koska sang, something yellow and red, similar to leaves, began to move to his right. And before he had time to think anything, his side seemed to be burned. He jumped as hard as he could, flew over the stump like an arrow, over the hole. Behind a large oak tree I stopped to catch my breath. I looked back - and the fox Lariska was sitting in the clearing.

Hee hee hee! - the fox Lariska laughed. - What, did you try my claws? I’m still full, it’s hard for me to jump, otherwise I’d eat you and hang your bones on the bushes. Well, you can’t get away from me - now there are yellow and red leaves everywhere, they look like my skin. I’ll hide among them and you won’t notice, you’ll end up in your mouth. And your friends, the hedgehog Kiryukha and the bear Potap, will not help, they have become couch potatoes, their eyes are swollen with fat. Hee hee hee!

But soon winter will come,” said the hare Koska, “and I will put on a white fur coat.” You will be visible, but you won’t be able to distinguish me from a snowdrift.

Hee hee hee! - the fox Lariska showed her teeth. - If you don’t live to see winter, I’ll watch for you and eat you. Hee hee hee!

The hare Koska ran home. “Well,” he thought, “since it’s become difficult to distinguish the fox Lariska from the leaves, I won’t walk through the forest. I’d rather lie there hungry, and in extreme cases I’ll run to the field, you can still see a long way there.”

So I did. From morning until lunch, the fox Lariska lies in yellow and red leaves, she watches the hare - he is not there; from lunch to evening he runs through the forest, looking for nothing and nothing.

She never caught the hare Koska until winter.

Autumn has come to the forest. Only the pines and fir trees remained green; other trees began to turn yellow, red, and red. But most of all, of course, yellow. And the leaves flew off - a leaf floats through the air, falls into the grass, rustles shshu-shshu-shshurkh! The cold wind rustles between the trees - chshu-chshu-chshu!
The fox Lariska was happy. “This is how well everything turns out,” she thinks, the yellow and red leaves look like my skin. He will sweep them in heaps along the ditches, I will hide there and lie in wait for the hare Koska. He won’t notice me among the yellow and red leaves, but I will eat him!”
And the hare Koska lived for the first year in the world, he had not yet seen autumn. And he was very afraid - he couldn’t sleep at night. There is noise all around, rustling, and it seems to him that someone is crawling up, about to eat him. He looks, looks into the darkness, pierces his eyes with his paws, but still nothing can be seen.
In the morning I got up and washed my eyes with cold water. “I’ll go,” he decided, I’ll go wander around and talk to the hedgehog Kiryukha. He’s been living in this world for four years, maybe he’ll tell you something.”
He came to the hedgehog's house, knocked on the door - no one answered, knocked on the window - no one answered either. “Maybe Kiryukha the hedgehog is sick? - thought the hare Koska. - Maybe he needs an ambulance? You’ll have to come in without an invitation.”
I went into the hallway - there was no one. I went into the kitchen - there was no one. The hedgehog Kiryukha was found in the farthest room, where there were no windows.
- Why is it so dark and damp, Kiryukha the hedgehog? - Koska the hare was surprised. Maybe you're sick?
- O-oah! - Kiryukha the hedgehog yawned. “I’m not sick, I just want to sleep.”
- Well, you need to sleep at night, but now it’s morning!
“You don’t understand anything,” said the hedgehog Kiryukha and yawned again. — Autumn has arrived, followed by winter with snow and frost. And we hedgehogs sleep all winter. We don’t need to eat or drink, we sleep and that’s it. So you go about your business, and I’ll get settled. Come back in the spring, maybe you can tell me something.
“Well, this hedgehog Kiryukha is lazy,” thought the hare Koska. - You have to sleep all winter! Your sides will probably hurt. I’ll go to Potap the bear, maybe he’ll recommend something.”
The bear Potap was lying near the den. Head on paws, eyes closed. The hare Koska greeted him once, but the bear did not hear him; The second one said hello again and didn’t hear him. Then he almost shouted in my ear:
- Hello, Potap the bear!
The bear opened one eye halfway and asked in a sleepy voice:
- Who's making noise here?
- Yes, it’s me, Koska the hare!
- What do you want? I want to sleep.
- So they sleep at night, and now it’s morning!
“You don’t understand anything,” Potap the bear grumbled good-naturedly, surprised that the hare doesn’t know such simple things. - We bears sleep all the time when winter comes. I don’t like frost and snow, my paws get cold.
- Oh, you will die of hunger, Potap the bear!
- I won’t die, I’m under my fur coat, do you know how much fat I have? Enough until warmer days. Come to me in the spring and tell me the news. Now go, there are skis in the corner over there - take them for yourself. Last year I made them for Mishutka, but now he has grown up, they are too small for him.
- Why do I need skis? - Koska the hare was surprised. “I don’t even know how to walk on them.”
- Take it, take it, when winter comes, you’ll learn. Neither the fox nor the wolf will catch you. Come and see me in the spring and let’s talk, umm!
And again the bear closed his eyes and began to doze. And although the hare Koska did not understand why he needed the skis, he took them and took them home. After lunch, he went to look for the beaver Borka - maybe he could tell him something interesting? The bank of the river has become slippery from the rains, waves are moving along the water from the wind, and the beaver Borka is gnawing on vine branches and dragging them somewhere under the water.
- Hello, Borka the beaver! - said the hare Koska. “Don’t you know what’s going on in our forest?” The hedgehog Kiryukha has become completely lazy, he can’t even talk, the bear Potap only has one eye half open. They say they will sleep all winter. How will you, Borka the beaver, go to bed too?
“I’ll hide in my hut under the shore.” There will be ice on the river, but it will be warm there. I will gnaw on the vine when I read a book, when I sleep. That's when the spill ends, come back, okay? And now I have no time, there is a lot of work.
The hare Koska became completely bored, he even wanted to cry - he was left alone, and there was no one to talk to. He walks, hanging his head, and suddenly hears on the Christmas tree:
- Clack-clack! Why are you, Koska the hare, so boring? Or what kind of trouble happened?
The hare Koska looks - it’s Lenka the squirrel sitting on the tree, gnawing on a pine cone. He told her about the hedgehog Kiryukha, and about the bear Potap, and about the beaver Borka.
- Well, let them sleep! - said the squirrel. “They’ve been quitters since forever.” Do you know how good it is in the forest in winter? Blue frost on the branches, fluffy snow, blue skies in cold weather, you want to walk all day. Otherwise, all summer and summer - it’s even boring! Eh, you and I will run races through the snowdrifts!
- Aren’t you going to sleep, Lenka the squirrel?
- I won’t.
- Thank you, otherwise I was completely bored. I'll come to you often, okay?
- Come.
The hare Koska is cheerful, he will still have company for the winter. I even started composing a song on the fly:
Autumn is coming
Rain from all directions.
The linden tree drops a leaf,
The leaf drops from the maple tree.
Hiding his belly in the needles,
For five months
The hedgehog Kiryukha will lie down
Sleep soundly.
Let him dream
Sun and river
Lungwort grass,
Forty-three beetles.
And I won't sleep
I'll hit the road in the morning,
I'll get the white one
A fur coat somewhere.
Close to the white clouds
White land.
Hey, fox Lariska,
Find out - where am I?
And as soon as the hare Koska sang, something yellow and red, similar to leaves, began to move to his right. And before he had time to think anything, his side seemed to be burned. He jumped as hard as he could, flew over the stump like an arrow, over the hole. Behind a large oak tree I stopped to catch my breath. I looked back - and the fox Lariska was sitting in the clearing.
- Hee-hee-hee! — the fox Lariska laughed. - What, did you try my claws? I’m still full, it’s hard for me to jump, otherwise I’d eat you and hang your bones on the bushes. Well, you can’t get away from me - now there are yellow and red leaves everywhere, they look like my skin. I’ll hide among them and you won’t notice, you’ll end up in your mouth. And your friends, the hedgehog Kiryukha and the bear Potap, will not help, they have become couch potatoes, their eyes are swollen with fat. Hee hee hee!
“But winter will come soon,” said the hare Koska, “and I will put on a white fur coat.” You will be visible, but you won’t be able to distinguish me from a snowdrift.
- Hee-hee-hee! — the fox Lariska showed her teeth. “If you don’t live to see winter, I’ll watch for you and eat you.” Hee hee hee!
The hare Koska ran home. “Well,” he thought, “since it has become difficult to distinguish the fox Lariska from the leaves, I will not walk through the forest. I’d rather lie there hungry, and in extreme cases I’ll run to the field, you can still see far there.”
So I did. From morning until lunch, the fox Lariska lies in yellow and red leaves, she watches the hare - he is not there; from lunch until evening he runs through the forest, looking for nothing and nothing.
She never caught the hare Koska until winter.