Ultrasound obp with choleretic breakfast. Ultrasound of the gallbladder preparation for the procedure. Preparation for a functional ultrasound

If you suspect such ailments as cholecystitis, blockage of the biliary tract or cholelithiasis, doctors prescribe an ultrasound diagnosis to the patient. This method of hardware research allows you to determine the pathology in the gallbladder to select an effective method of therapy.

Preparation for the examination procedure

Since the gallbladder is a particularly sensitive part of the gastrointestinal tract, the preparatory stage for diagnosing problems will require some adjustments in the diet. The procedure itself is completely painless and will take no more than 10 minutes, but in order for the results to be as informative as possible, all recommendations of specialists should be followed. before ultrasound of the gallbladder. This will allow the attending physician, based on the results of a detailed study, to prescribe the most effective and safe course of drug therapy.

Algorithm of preparation for adult patients

Doctors recommend starting the preparation of the body for diagnosis 48 hours in advance, gradually adjusting the diet:

- The ban list includes the following products that increase gas formation: milk in any form, crackers and black bread, all legumes, fresh fruits, as well as alcoholic and carbonated drinks;

It is necessary to refuse food intake 6-7 hours before the procedure. So that at this time there are no temptations, doctors recommend conducting a study in the morning on an empty stomach.

120 minutes before the diagnosis, it is strictly forbidden to drink any liquid. It is better to take a bottle of water with you and immediately quench your thirst after the procedure.

How to prepare a child for an ultrasound?

Making fundamental adjustments to a child's diet is much more problematic for two reasons. Firstly, babies of the first years of life need mandatory systematic nutrition, and secondly, it is almost impossible to control the food intake of a child of preschool or school age. Given these features do an ultrasound According to the “adult” rules of preparation for small patients, it is impossible and even dangerous for their health, therefore, specialists for each age of babies have developed a certain training system:

- It is recommended not to feed babies for 2-4 hours before the procedure. If possible, doctors advise skipping 1 meal completely, then the interval will be about 6 hours;

Crumbs from one to 3 years old should not eat 4-5 hours before the study. And an hour before the procedure, completely exclude the intake of any liquid;

For children who have reached the age of three, doctors recommend increasing the preparation interval and excluding food for 6 hours. So that the child does not experience an acute feeling of hunger, the procedure is carried out after a night's sleep on an empty stomach, the liquid is excluded 2 hours before the procedure. For older children, two days before the diagnosis, it is necessary to minimize or completely eliminate foods that increase gas formation.

If the patient is clearly guided by the recommendations described above, the result of the study will be as accurate as possible. This will allow the attending doctor to correctly diagnose the disease and prescribe a complex therapy that will give the fastest effective result.

The importance of an ultrasound procedure

In modern medicine ultrasonography is one of the most informative detailed methods for diagnosing diseases of the gallbladder. The procedure is completely safe, so it can be performed even on newborns in order to detect abnormalities of internal organs.

Thanks to the accuracy of modern equipment and the experience of doctors, you can diagnose pathology at an early stage and gently correct the work of the affected organ with drug therapy.

3 Edition

Ultrasound of the gallbladder is performed on an empty stomach: children under 3 years old - hunger for 4 hours, from 3 to 12 years old - hunger for 6 hours; adults - hunger for 8 hours, do not drink or smoke for 3 hours.

When food from the stomach enters the duodenum, the gallbladder contracts and secretes bile. Biliary dyskinesia is a mismatched contraction/relaxation.

At hypomotor dyskinesia heaviness in the right side is common, sometimes bitterness in the mouth and nausea; due to stagnation of bile, the liver is enlarged.

At hypermotor dyskinesia often paroxysmal pain in the right hypochondrium after fatty and spicy foods, sometimes from fast walking and running.

The contractility of the gallbladder depends on the tension of the wall and the play of the sphincters. You can evaluate the work of the gallbladder on ultrasound after a choleretic "breakfast".

As a cholagogue, it is convenient to use Hofitol 20%: children under 10 years old - 1 ml per year of life, over 10 years old and adults - 10-20 ml. To distinguish the stomach, the medicine is washed down with water.

Before the contraction of the gallbladder, ultrasound is performed continuously, then every 8-10 minutes. The common bile duct and gallbladder volume are measured.

Gallbladder volume: V \u003d D * V² * 0.523, where D is the length, and B is the height in the longitudinal section.

The reaction of the gallbladder to the choleretic

  • Type 1 - uniform contraction up to 30 minutes, relaxation at 40 minutes;
  • Type 2 - contraction up to 15 minutes, then persistent relaxation;
  • Type 3 - very weak contraction, the volume almost does not change or slowly increases;
  • Type 4 - relaxation up to 15 minutes, contraction between 15-30 minutes, relaxation at 40 minutes;
  • Type 5 - contraction up to 15 minutes, relaxation and contraction again, persistent relaxation at 40 minutes.

Types 4 and 5, where the phases of contraction and relaxation alternate, can be considered as manifestations of instability of the motor function of the gallbladder.

Violation of evacuation from the stomach can slow down the process of bile secretion, then hypomotor biliary dyskinesia is mistakenly diagnosed.

Function of the gallbladder and bile duct sphincters

- from taking choleretic to the minimum volume of the gallbladder; normally 20-40 minutes.

latent period- from taking a choleretic to the beginning of the contraction of the gallbladder; normally up to 5 minutes.

Primary reaction- an increase in the volume of the gallbladder in the latent period.

Duration of contraction- from the beginning of the contraction to the minimum volume of the gallbladder; normally 15-30 minutes.

Ejection fraction– PV(%)=(1-Vmin/Vmax)*100%, where Vmin is the minimum and Vmax is the maximum volume; normally 40-70%.

Common bile duct 60 minutes after exercise: dilated duct is reduced - likely dyskinesia with spasm of the sphincter of Oddi; The duct expanded even more, pain appeared - stenosis of the sphincter of Oddi is likely.


Timely emptying- maximum contraction time 20-40 minutes:

  • dysfunction of the gallbladder is not determined;
  • weak contraction of the gallbladder with insufficiency of sphincters;
  • a strong contraction of the gallbladder with spasm of the sphincters.

Rapid emptying- maximum contraction time less than 20 minutes:

  • insufficiency of sphincters;
  • strong contraction of the gallbladder.

Delayed emptying- time of maximum contraction of more than 40 minutes:

  • spasm of sphincters;
  • weak contraction of the gallbladder.

Protocol for ultrasound of the gallbladder with the definition of function

Task 1

A 10-year-old girl with complaints of recurrent abdominal pain, not related to food intake.

Gallbladder on an empty stomach: The topography has not changed. The shape is an inflection in a funnel. The walls have not been changed. The content is homogeneous, there are no calculi. Perivesicular tissues are not changed. Cholagogue "breakfast" - Hofitol 20% 10 ml.

Time, minutes 0 15 25 35 40 50 60 70
Volume, cm 3 18 12 10 13
EF, ml 8
EF, % -44%
Reduction + +
Relaxation +
OZHP, cm 0,17 0,3 0,3 0,2

Time of maximum contraction- from taking a choleretic to the minimum volume of the gallbladder (N 20-40 minutes): 25 minutes.

latent period

Primary reaction

Duration of contraction

Ejection fraction– EF(%)=(1-Vmin/Vmax)*100%, where Vmin is the minimum and Vmax is the maximum volume (N 40-70%): 44%.

Conclusion: Timely emptying of the gallbladder. At the time of the study, gallbladder dysfunction was not determined.

Task 2

An 8-year-old boy complains of abdominal cramps after eating.

Gallbladder on an empty stomach: The topography has not changed. Shape - S-bend. The walls have not been changed. The content is homogeneous, there are no calculi. Perivesicular tissues are not changed. Cholagogue "breakfast" - Hofitol 20% 8 ml. After taking the medicine, nausea and abdominal pain appeared.

Time, minutes 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Volume, cm 3 36 21 18 27 33
EF, ml 18
EF, % -50%
Reduction + +
Relaxation + +
OZHP, mm 2 2 2 2 2

Time of maximum contraction- from taking a choleretic to the minimum volume of the gallbladder (N 20-40 minutes): 20 minutes.

latent period- from the moment of taking a choleretic agent to the beginning of the contraction of the gallbladder (N up to 5 minutes): up to 5 minutes.

Primary reaction- an increase in the volume of the gallbladder in the latent period: absent.

Duration of contraction- from the beginning of the contraction to the minimum volume of the gallbladder (N 15-30 minutes): 15 minutes.

Ejection fraction

Conclusion: Accelerated emptying of the gallbladder due to a strong contraction of the muscular wall.

Task 3

A 6-year-old boy complains of pain around the navel after eating.

Gallbladder on an empty stomach: The topography has not changed. The shape is an inflection in a funnel. The walls have not been changed. The content is homogeneous, there are no calculi. Perivesicular tissues are not changed. Cholagogue "breakfast" - Hofitol 20% 6 ml.

Time, minutes 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Volume, cm 3 17 21 19 14 8 12 17
EF, ml +4 -12
EF, % +24% -57%
Reduction + + +
Relaxation + + +
OZHP, cm 0,2 0,3 0,35 0,3 0,2 0,2 0,2

Time of maximum contraction- from taking a choleretic to the minimum volume of the gallbladder (N 20-40 minutes): 40 minutes.

latent period- from the moment of taking the choleretic to the beginning of the contraction of the gallbladder (N to 5 minutes): 15-20 minutes.

Primary reaction- an increase in the volume of the gallbladder in the latent period: + 24%.

Duration of contraction- from the beginning of the contraction to the minimum volume of the gallbladder (N 15-30 minutes): 20-25 minutes.

Ejection fraction– EF(%)=(1-Vmin/Vmax)*100%, where Vmin is the minimum and Vmax is the maximum volume (N 40-70%): 57%.

Conclusion: Timely emptying of the gallbladder with a slow start, sphincter spasm is likely.

Task 4

A 3-year-old girl complains of a tendency to constipation. It is required to exclude the hypomotor variant of JVP.

Gallbladder on an empty stomach: The topography has not changed. Shape - S-bend. The walls have not been changed. Contents - a small amount of fine suspension, no stones. Perivesicular tissues are not changed. Cholagogue "breakfast" - Hofitol 20% 3 ml.

Time, minutes 0 15 25 35 45 50 60 70
Volume, cm 3 6 7,5 5,5 4 4 7
EF, ml +1,5 -3,5
EF, % +25% -47%
Reduction + +
Relaxation + +
OZHP, cm 0,12 0,2 0,19 0,15 0,15

Time of maximum contraction- from taking a choleretic to the minimum volume of the gallbladder (N 20-40 minutes): 35 minutes.

latent period- from the moment of taking the choleretic to the beginning of the contraction of the gallbladder (N to 5 minutes): more than 15 minutes.

Primary reaction- an increase in the volume of the gallbladder in the latent period: + 25%.

Duration of contraction- from the beginning of the contraction to the minimum volume of the gallbladder (N 15-30 minutes): 20 minutes.

Ejection fraction– EF(%)=(1-Vmin/Vmax)*100%, where Vmin is the minimum and Vmax is the maximum volume (N 40-70%): 47%.

Conclusion: Timely emptying of the gallbladder with a slow start. Probably a strong contraction of the wall with sphincter spasm. Data for hypomotor dyskinesia at the time of the study is not determined.

Task 5

A 15-year-old boy complains of abdominal pain after eating, nausea and bitterness in the mouth in the morning. On ultrasound, the size of the liver is at the upper limit of normal.

Gallbladder on an empty stomach: The topography has not changed. The shape is an inflection in a funnel. The walls have not been changed. The content is homogeneous, there are no calculi. Perivesicular tissues are not changed. Cholagogue "breakfast" - Hofitol 20% 15 ml.

Time, minutes 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 85
D*V, cm 6,5*3,2 7,3*2,7 7,2*2,7 6,9*2,7 6,8*2,4 6,5*2,6 7,1*2,9
Volume, cm 3 35 28 28 27 20 23 31
EF, ml 15
EF, % 43%
Reduction + +
Relaxation + +
OZHP, cm 0,3 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,3 0,3

Time of maximum contraction

latent period- from the moment of taking a choleretic agent to the beginning of the contraction of the gallbladder (N up to 5 minutes): up to 5 minutes.

Primary reaction- an increase in the volume of the gallbladder in the latent period: absent.

Duration of contraction- from the beginning of the contraction to the minimum volume of the gallbladder (N 15-30 minutes): 45 minutes.

Ejection fraction– EF(%)=(1-Vmin/Vmax)*100%, where Vmin is the minimum and Vmax is the maximum volume (N 40-70%): 43%.

Conclusion: Delayed emptying of the gallbladder. Probably, the combined effect of hypotension of the muscle wall with sphincter spasm.

Task 6

A 15-year-old boy complains of abdominal cramps in the morning after breakfast.

Gallbladder on an empty stomach: The topography has not changed. The shape is an inflection in a funnel. The walls have not been changed. Content - the level of fine suspension, there are no stones. Perivesicular tissues are not changed. Cholagogue "breakfast" - Hofitol 20% 15 ml. Feels discomfort in the abdomen after taking the medicine.

Time, minutes 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Volume, cm 3 42 48 48 34 38 24 24 39
EF, ml +6 0 -14 +4 -14 0 +15
EF, % +14% -50%
Reduction + +
Relaxation + + +
OZHP, cm 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,4

Time of maximum contraction- from taking a choleretic to the minimum volume of the gallbladder (N 20-40 minutes): 50 minutes.

latent period- from the moment of taking a choleretic agent to the beginning of the contraction of the gallbladder (N up to 5 minutes): more than 20 minutes.

Primary reaction- an increase in the volume of the gallbladder in the latent period: + 14%.

Duration of contraction- from the beginning of the contraction to the minimum volume of the gallbladder (N 15-30 minutes): 30 minutes.

Ejection fraction– EF(%)=(1-Vmin/Vmax)*100%, where Vmin is the minimum and Vmax is the maximum volume (N 40-70%): 50%.

Conclusion: Instability of the motor function of the gallbladder: delayed start, delayed emptying, alternating phases of contraction and relaxation. A spasm of the sphincters of the biliary tract is likely. echoes of dyscholia.

Task 7

A 6-year-old girl with complaints of abdominal pain.

Gallbladder on an empty stomach: The topography has not changed. The shape is a pronounced S-bend. The walls have not been changed. Content is homogenous there are no stones. Perivesicular tissues are not changed. Cholagogue "breakfast" - Hofitol 20% 5 ml. From the 20th minute, the girl complains of severe pain near the navel, at 75 minutes the pain became calmer, mild pain persists until the end of the study.

Time, minutes 0 10 15 30 45 60 75 90
Volume, cm 3 23 12 8 8 2 8 10 12
EF, ml -11 -15 -16 -21 -14
EF, % 67% 91% -50%
Reduction + + + +
Relaxation + + +
OZHP, cm 0,2 0,15 0,2 0,15 0,15 0,15 0,15 0,15

Time of maximum contraction- from taking a choleretic to the minimum volume of the gallbladder (N 20-40 minutes): main portion in 15 minutes.

latent period- from the moment of taking a choleretic agent to the beginning of the contraction of the gallbladder (N up to 5 minutes): up to 5 minutes.

Primary reaction- an increase in the volume of the gallbladder in the latent period: absent.

Duration of contraction- from the beginning of the contraction to the minimum volume of the gallbladder (N 15-30 minutes): main portion in 10 minutes.

Ejection fraction– EF(%)=(1-Vmin/Vmax)*100%, where Vmin is the minimum and Vmax is the maximum volume (N 40-70%): 91%.

Conclusion: Instability of the motor function of the gallbladder: accelerated emptying, then another episode of contraction with a pronounced pain attack, relaxation is much slower. The pain is probably caused by severe contraction of the muscular wall of the gallbladder and difficulty in relaxing; the influence of the ugly shape of the organ cannot be excluded. Spasm of sphincters at the time of the study is not determined.

Take care of yourself, Your Diagnostician!

Ultrasound of the gallbladder with the definition of its function is aimed at a detailed assessment of the state of this organ, as well as checking its main parameters in order to identify possible pathology.

The essence of the method involves the use of ultrasonic waves that are safe for the human body. Due to the harmlessness of the impulses sent, the analysis is prescribed even for women during pregnancy and small children, which cannot be said about MRI and CT.

When a functional procedure is required

Sometimes an ultrasound of the gallbladder, with the definition of function, is prescribed immediately along with an examination of other internal organs located in the abdominal cavity. Most often, experts recommend checking the liver along the way to rule out serious and extensive inflammatory processes.

It is mandatory to come to the appointment strictly on an empty stomach. Such abstinence allows you to control the processes that occur inside the body.

In addition to the fact that the technique provides for non-invasive intervention, which guarantees the absence of pain during the manipulation, it has another advantage. Manipulation is an informative option for establishing an accurate picture of what is happening inside the specified zone.

Instead of only determining the alleged lesion, with the help of the collected information, it is possible to study in detail the severity of the disease, as well as the spread of the inflammatory process to neighboring organs and tissues.

Due to the fact that only waves that are harmless to humans are involved in the study, doctors allow analysis to be carried out several times in a row within a short period of time. Such a scenario of development of events will not affect health.

A procedure involving function definition is often prescribed by a gastroenterologist. Somewhat less often, an organ that has lost its former stability in functioning is sent to check, suspecting a neoplasm. Moreover, it is not necessary that they be malignant. Cases of detection of benign tumors at the initial stage of their development with the help of ultrasound are a frequent occurrence.

If the doctor still has doubts about whether the detected neoplasm is malignant, then the patient will be sent for additional examinations. It could be an MRI with contrast, a test for cancer markers. It is worth preparing for the fact that the price of an integrated approach to diagnostics will be somewhat higher.

The main symptoms that indicate that the victim should go for a study of the gallbladder are:

  • pain behind the ribs on the right side;
  • bitter taste;
  • nausea of ​​unknown origin;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • yellow skin and mucous membranes.

Also, malnutrition contributes to the fact that the body has ceased to cope with the duties assigned to it. The risks of developing abnormalities are especially high if the victim consumes a number of non-recommended foods too often, such as fried, spicy, fatty foods, smoked meats with spices.

With a regular violation of the rules of a healthy diet, a person in a few months may encounter the first manifestations of destabilization of the functionality of the gallbladder.

People who have already been diagnosed with gastrointestinal pathology are also sent for diagnosis. This is about:

  • pancreatitis;
  • stones or sand;
  • cholecystitis;
  • abnormal development of the gallbladder.

Evaluation of contractility is a mandatory link in order to check the functioning of the internal organ after an abdominal injury. Also, regular checks will have to be carried out with previously prescribed medication.

Control studies will show how effective the prescribed therapy was and whether it needs to be adjusted. The resulting visualization is sometimes used as a kind of navigator for the operation of the specified zone.

And after surgery, you will have to do a few more monitoring to make sure that the intervention was successful.

Execution scheme

Ultrasound, which also provides for the definition of function, is carried out in stages. Initially, the diagnostician will record the indicators of the gallbladder in a state of complete rest. Then the person should have breakfast, and ten minutes after eating, a control study is performed. The second stage is aimed at assessing the functionality of not only the bladder itself, but also the bile ducts.

First, the patient is placed directly on his back, and then they are offered to roll over on his side. Sometimes, if it is impossible to clearly see the area under study, you have to stand or even kneel.

Precautionary measures

In order for everything to go as smoothly as possible, some preparation will be required. A week before the scheduled examination, the patient should give up alcohol-containing drinks and problem foods. The list of the latter includes those foods that contribute to the formation of flatulence. This category includes raw vegetables, fruits, berries, as well as legumes, black and baked goods. Also, you can not drink raw. All this hinders the compilation of a detailed visualization.

A few days before the due date should be taken after prior consultation with the treating specialist. He should also clarify whether it is necessary to abandon the standard previously approved treatment program for the period of preparatory measures.

On the eve of the procedure with the definition of function, it is worth taking care of a light and nutritious dinner. Best of all, if it turns out to be cereal porridge with little or no. And you need to eat no later than at eight o'clock in the evening. If possible, you should go to the toilet, but you do not need to put an enema.

In the morning, even before going to the diagnostic room, it is necessary to boil the eggs, and then separate them, which will be the key to creating the optimal load for the gallbladder. After waking up, even drinking is prohibited, since the incoming liquid can reduce the working volume of the bladder.

Approximate transcript

The patient receives a conclusion in his hands, which is rather problematic for ordinary people to understand. The problem lies in the encrypted data, which only people with medical education understand.

But an approximate decoding is subject to almost everyone. So, if the victim was suspected of acute cholecystitis, then the visualization will show:

  • thickened walls;
  • increase in size;
  • internal partitions;
  • increased blood flow.

The average size of the body must fit into a strict framework. A healthy bladder is 4 to 14 centimeters long and 2 to 4 centimeters wide. Standards for wall width - 4 mm.

As soon as there is a load on the organ, then within forty-five minutes it should be reduced in volume by approximately 60-70%. Only such an indicator indicates the stability of motor function.

In addition, the expert will take into account the following parameters: the contraction period, the efficiency of bile secretion, the tone of the sphincter of Oddi.

If the victim's organ has decreased at the very beginning of the examination, and its walls have thickened and deformed, the contours are blurred, then this indicates a chronic form of cholecystitis. The same will be told by small inclusions localized in the lumen.

35 years .

Education:1975-1982, 1MMI, San-Gig, highest qualification, infectious diseases doctor.

Science degree: doctor of the highest category, candidate of medical sciences.


Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) is an informative, non-invasive, practically safe examination of the internal organs of a person.

The main obstacle to ultrasound is the presence of air. Therefore, the main task of preparing for an ultrasound examination is to remove all excess air from the intestines. Preparation for ultrasound is especially important for obese people, since fat is the second most important obstacle to ultrasound.



2-3 days do not consume black bread, milk, carbonated water and drinks, vegetables, fruits, juices, confectionery, alcohol.

In the absence of contraindications, you can also take any enterosorbent (polysorb, polyphepan, "white coal", enterosgel) in a standard dosage, it is also advisable to make a cleansing enema 1.5–2 hours before the study.

The study is carried out strictly on an empty stomach (at least 6, and preferably 12 hours after a meal). For example, the pancreas in a living person is located behind the stomach, and with a full stomach, it is practically invisible on ultrasound.

Ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs.

With the help of ultrasound, it is possible to examine parenchymal organs, as well as hollow organs filled with fluid. In the abdominal cavity, these include liver, gallbladder, pancreas and spleen, bile ducts. kidneys anatomically located in the retroperitoneal space, but usually they are examined together with the above abdominal organs.

The intestines and stomach are hollow organs in which air is almost always present, so it is extremely difficult to examine them. And although very good preparation of the patient for ultrasound allows partially examine the walls of the stomach and colon, these techniques are extremely complex, time-consuming and painful for patients (the colon is first completely emptied using siphon enemas, and then filled with liquid). Therefore, for the study of the intestine, a simpler and more informative method is used - colonoscopy.

Ultrasound is performed with the patient in the supine position. Sometimes the doctor asks the patient to turn on his right or left side, take a deep breath, hold his breath to get a better picture. Some patients with individual characteristics (for example, with a high position of the spleen) have to be examined while sitting or even standing.

During the ultrasound process, dimensions liver, her position, shape, ability to transmit ultrasonic waves, structure, condition of blood vessels and bile ducts, the presence of foreign inclusions(e.g. stones) shape, condition of the walls, size of the gallbladder, its position, the state of bile, the presence of foreign inclusions, structure, shape, position, ability to transmit ultrasonic waves, the state of the pancreatic duct, study condition of the biliary tract (with measurement of their lumen), portal, inferior vena cava and splenic veins. The same scheme is used to evaluate pancreas, spleen, kidney. At the end of the study, the general condition of the upper floor of the abdominal cavity is assessed.

According to the results of the ultrasound, the doctor writes a study protocol with a conclusion.

Important note. We have all seen photographs of internal organs obtained with the help of an ultrasound machine - echograms. They are not the subject of study, they are not commented on. and serve only as an additional, optional appendix to the ultrasound protocol.

The activity of our body depends on many different factors, and even a slight disturbance in the functioning of organs and systems very quickly affects our well-being. So, for example, the average person does not even suspect the role of bile in our body. But with some disturbances in the production of this substance, people understand its importance for many processes occurring in the body. A variety of medications can be used to speed up the production of bile, but it is often possible to cope with this problem using choleretic foods, the list of which I will now give, and I will also tell you how to properly organize a choleretic breakfast for ultrasound.

List of choleretic foods

Vegetable fats

Vegetable fats are excellent choleretic foods. By including them in your daily diet, you can improve the production of bile by an order of magnitude and activate its excretion into the intestines from the gallbladder. Experts say that people with similar problems should consume about eighty to ninety grams of fat. To fill this need, you should pay attention to vegetable oils - sunflower, as well as olive, corn and peanut, and also avocado oil.

Olive oil is especially useful, as it has a positive effect on the digestive processes. It is extremely important not to subject such products to heat treatment - add them to salads or use them to prepare sauces and dressings.

Choleretic fruits and vegetables

To activate the production of bile, you can also turn your attention to various leafy vegetables, as well as citrus fruits and other foods that have vitamin C in their composition. They not only stimulate the synthesis of bile, but also prevent the formation of gallstones well. Nutritionists advise eating five to seven servings a day.

Such choleretic products include dill, spinach, celery, and rhubarb. In addition, they are represented by cabbage, tomatoes, carrots and olives. The same list includes grapefruits, oranges, lemons, as well as figs, dried apricots and all kinds of sour fruits with berries.

Choleretic properties have corn or oat bran, as well as whole grain cereals.

Experts say that avocados are especially useful, which have monounsaturated fats in their composition, which contribute to the breakdown of excessive cholesterol in the blood.

Spices and seasonings

Some seasonings and a number of spices also differ in good choleretic qualities. For example, ginger is an excellent natural spice that can increase the production of bile by an order of magnitude. It can be used both fresh and dried. However, if you suffer from severe ailments of the liver or gallbladder, then before consuming such a supplement, you should consult your doctor.

A good choleretic effect is exerted by chicory root and its leaves. So you may well consume coffee based on this plant.

Eating peppermint tea will also increase bile secretion, help you calm down, and relieve cramps. Also, experts in traditional medicine claim that when cinnamon is added to tea, an excellent release of bile is observed.

The drinks

To maintain optimal bile secretion, the body must receive a significant amount of fluid - at least one and a half liters per day. And part of it can be represented by rosehip broth and unsweetened juices. To achieve a choleretic effect, you can drink a glass of water with the addition of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar before a meal.
You can also turn your attention to juices obtained from fresh cabbage, black turnip radish, Jerusalem artichoke and horseradish. A good choleretic effect is also distinguished by grape and beet juice.

Cholagogue products for breakfast before ultrasound

In some cases, it becomes necessary to conduct an ultrasound with an assessment of the function of the gallbladder. This procedure is non-invasive and perfectly shows the state of the body and changes in its activity. It is necessary to prepare for such a study: a week before it is carried out, it is extremely necessary to abandon the consumption of alcohol, and also to exclude from the diet all food that promotes gas formation.

Approximately three days before the ultrasound, enzyme and carminative preparations should be taken, and lactulose is prescribed to correct constipation (if any).

On the eve of the study, it is necessary to prepare a light dinner, for example, porridge from cereals without sugar. Dinner should be no later than 20.00. Also, before going to bed, be sure to empty the intestines.

You can’t eat in the morning, you shouldn’t drink water either, but you need to take a couple of raw eggs with you for research, or one hundred grams of cream or fatty sour cream. You can also use chocolate and a couple of bananas for this purpose. It is these products that are called choleretic breakfast.

If it is necessary to conduct an ultrasound with an assessment of the activity of the gallbladder, you should follow all the recommendations of the specialist who sends you to such a study.

Thus, conventional foods can be a good alternative to various choleretic drugs. Use these foods before an ultrasound. To select an effective and optimal diet, you should consult with your doctor.

Ekaterina, www.site

P.S. The text uses some forms characteristic of oral speech.