Help for the practitioner. Awareness of life lessons The lesson will be repeated until you learn

Help for the practitioner

Ten instructions to the human soul

(Before her arrival in the physical world).

1. You will be given a body.

You can love it or hate it, but it is your "native", and you must take care of it for the entire allotted time.

2. You will be "taught" all the time.

You will be enrolled in a 24-hour non-formal school called "life". Knowing it from all sides is your task. Learn through action, not just observation. And you will work on your personal qualities and, above all, on distortions in their structure.

3. There are no mistakes, there are only lessons.

Development is a process of testing, trial and error. Moreover, there will be failures as often as brilliant results. And they are no less valuable if you draw the right conclusions from them and check them with the next action.

4. Lessons will be repeated until you learn them "by heart".

The lesson will be presented to you in various forms until you learn it. But each last attempt will be repeated under more severe conditions. When you learn, can move on to the next one.

5. Learning the "subject" has no end.

Each period of your life will contain its lessons. The conditions for their holding have been prepared. If you are still living on Earth, it means that there are still lessons to be learned. And it's not up to you to decide when "enough" is enough.

6. "There" is no better than "here".

When you finally get from "here" to the cherished place "there", you will have a reason to make sure that from "here" it looked more attractive. And yet, the conditions will be optimal - does not mean the easiest. But now you have chosen "LIFE" and, therefore, you are claiming a responsible place in her body. Can you stand it?

7. Other people will be your mirror.

You cannot love or dislike anything in other people, because what you see is a reflection of what you love or hate in yourself. If you want to see less bad things around - cleanse yourself of this. If you want to be among good people, become worthy of their company. Like to like.

8. What will you do with this life of yours... it's as you please, buddy.

You have all the tools and resources to accomplish the tasks of your incarnation. What you will do with them is up to you. The plan is scheduled. Time is limited. The choice is yours.

9. The answers to questions are within you.

You will find the answers to the questions posed by life in yourself. Keep your attention. Be kind. In your affairs, listen to your inner voice. Trust your intuition. Don't "drift".

10. You (during the transition) will safely forget all this.

How exactly does a person heal? Nobody knows. It is described in quantum physics: if you change the behavior of one particle, then another particle located in a different place will respond to this change. instantly. And it doesn't matter what distance will be between the particles - a few centimeters or several Universes. Why is that? I do not know that. And no one knows this, no matter what anyone says... Only one's own experience can provide answers to many questions. To which I urge you, dear friends.

Welcome to the seminar!


At birth, no one gives us written instructions or guidance on how to live life the right way. There is no magic formula for how to be human, but there are certain rules that can definitely help us walk our earthly path with dignity. It would probably be ideal if they became a priority for all members of the human race. So, 9 rules of life found on an ancient Sanskrit manuscript. They are not one thousand years old, but they are still relevant and, apparently, timeless.

Rule 1: Your physical body is given to you for life

You may not like your body, but it is yours forever, so you must accept it as it is.

Rule 2: You will be taught endless lessons

No one knows all the secrets of life and the universe. Life is a constant acquisition of experience, and every day is a new lesson. The ability to learn these lessons well is the key to gradually unlocking the secrets of life.

Rule 3: See your mistakes as lessons

Your growth and development is actually a series of mistakes, failures and blunders, so you must be ready for them. Do not lose heart and accept them as a given and inevitability. Or rather - as an invaluable lesson ... a lot of lessons. Laugh at your own failures and gain experience.

Rule 4: The lesson will be repeated until you learn it

The lessons of life are repeated many times until you learn them. Obstacles will appear again and again if you do not draw conclusions from your actions. Recognize that you are not a victim of circumstances, and everything that happens to you is the work of your hands. Blaming others for your own mistakes is denial. You alone are responsible for your actions.

Rule 5: The learning process never ends

Make no mistake: you will never stop learning as long as you live. There is no magic key to happiness, so instead of criticizing yourself and losing confidence, learn to adapt and change. Accept your flaws and be flexible, otherwise you will be stuck in a never-ending cycle of your mistakes.

Rule 6: Be grateful for what you have

Yes, the grass in your neighbor's yard may be fresher and greener, but you should be grateful for what you have. Learn to value your own tangible and intangible things rather than comparing them to what other people have. Live in the present, not the future or the past, and you will be at peace and harmony with yourself.

Rule 7: Others are a reflection of yourself

Depending on what you love or hate about yourself, you likewise love or hate something about others. Learn to be tolerant and accept the difference of all people. Be objective. If you are unable to do this, you will not be able to cope with life.

Rule 8: Only you control your own destiny

When you are born, you have at your disposal all the resources you need to be happy and successful. But how you use them is entirely up to you. Take responsibility for your choices and let go of what doesn't work for you. Do not let in anger and negativity - they will "spoil" your thinking. Humans are adventurous creatures, and we all have the power to change our lives for the better.

Rule 9: All the answers are within you.

If you want to succeed in life, learn to trust your intuition. Believe me, this inner voice always gives you the right clues, just be able to hear it and understand it correctly.

Once an angel turned to God with a request:

Father, I have a problem.

What worries you, my angel? The Lord smiled kindly.

You see, Creator, it became difficult for me to fulfill the duties of an Angel, because I somehow began to understand people worse .... At times it seems to me that a little more - and they will begin to annoy me! And I'm supposed to show angelic patience!

What exactly annoys you in people?

They are always dissatisfied with what they have, but often do not know what they want. They are always complaining about something. They fight each other and destroy the surrounding nature. They hate those who are not like them. They depend on the opinions of others and often do not trust wise men, but talkers and demagogues. They pray in church to immediately sin again. And it depresses me!

Yes, my son, this is a serious matter, - the Lord stroked his gray beard in thought. You're right, something needs to be done about this. And urgently! Evaluation has appeared in you - and this is a sign that you are ceasing to be an Angel ... Probably, you got infected from people!

That's what I'm talking about, - dejectedly answered the Angel. “I feel like I need professional growth. I have heard that some Angels are being sent to Professional Development Courses. Can I ask to be sent to study?

You can, my son. Such courses really exist, and they are very effective! Those who study well tend to achieve excellent results.

What subjects are taught there?

different. A variety of items! I would say a versatile education! Literally a university for the Angels. You will definitely find friends and like-minded people there, and you will not be bored.

And in what form is the training? Lectures? Seminars?

Mostly interactive. All through personal experience, feelings and sensations. Well, there will be little theory, and from different points of view. This is to increase pluralism and for the sake of freedom of choice.

Yes, Creator, this is exactly what I need! I really want to take these courses. What is needed for that?

What do you need? Just get acquainted with the conditions of admission, son ... First, you will receive the body, it is issued once and for all, there will be no replacement. You may or may not like it, but it is the only thing that will definitely be at your disposal until the end of the training. Everything else you will receive for temporary use, for one or another period. It is clear?

It's clear. There is nothing mine but the body. It must be protected, because it is one for the entire time of training.

What if they're wrong?

There are no mistakes, only Lessons. And the teacher. You will also be a Teacher for someone, keep in mind.

I? teacher??? But i can not! And if it doesn't work?

Well, this can be... Failure is an integral part of success. Every failure can be analyzed and turned into a new success!

Is it possible to refuse the Lesson if it doesn't work out?

The lesson will be repeated in the most varied forms until it is fully learned. If you do not master the easy Lessons, they will become more difficult. When you learn, you will pass the test and move on to the next Lesson.

Such a program, do not blame me!

How will I know that the Lesson has been learned?

You will understand that the Lesson has been learned when your behavior and understanding change. Wisdom is gained by practice.

Yes I understand. Rather, to gain more Wisdom!

Don't be greedy, Angel! Sometimes a little something is better than a lot of nothing. You will get everything you want. You will subconsciously correctly determine how much energy to spend on what and what kind of people to attract to you. Look at what you have - and know that this is exactly what you wanted. Your "today" will be determined by your "yesterday" and your "tomorrow" will be determined by your "today".

But what if I made a mistake, what if I chose the wrong one and that caused me problems?

What is outside, so is inside. And vice versa. External problems are an accurate reflection of your internal state. Change what is inside - and outside everything will gradually change. Life will tell!

But as? How will I hear her prompt?

Pain is the way the universe uses to get your attention. If the soul or body hurts - this is a signal that it's time to change something!

Are the other Angels in the course going to hurt me, Father?

Remember that you are all Disciples, and all are on an equal footing. Others are just a reflection of you. You cannot love or hate what is in others if it does not reflect your own qualities. Remember: there are only Angels, only like you, there are simply no other creatures there. So any pain will be just a game, an assessment, a reaction of your mind.

Is there anything else I should know, Lord?

Perhaps yes. I want you to try to understand that where you are going, there is no better place than "here". "There" is no better than "here". The past should be immediately forgotten, you will not be able to foresee the future, only the moment in which you are “now” will be truly important for you.

It's hard for me to understand what you're talking about. But I will try. I think the Masters will explain everything to me, right?

Do not shift the responsibility to the Teachers or anyone else. Teachers give you a program, but you learn! As much as you want to learn, so much will remain with you.

I will try to learn everything that is possible!

Yes, my angel! Do the best you can and you won't miss.

But you - you, Lord, will you still guide me? Or will I have to learn from books and notes?

I won't leave you for a moment, son! I will be with you and in you. But we will be far apart, and you will have to learn to hear me again. I can console you: all the answers are in you. You know more than what is written in books or notes. All you have to do is look inward, listen to yourself and trust yourself. So, if you have not changed your mind, perhaps I will now transport you there, to the place of training!

Okay. Thank you Father! I'm ready. Just do not forget all these wisdom!

And here a surprise awaits you, baby, - the Creator laughed. “You see, the essence of the retraining of the Angels is that they go through the entire program again, from scratch. So you will forget about everything that I told you here. And you will remember this when you are ready .... Let's go?

Go! – the Angel decisively shook his wings and saw the tunnel that opened before him, where, closing his eyes, he dived, as if into an abyss. In complete obscurity. But he trusted God, and therefore did not hesitate. However, his flight was short-lived ....

... There was a cry, and somewhere on Earth another person was born.

And now ... A BRIEF "Instruction for life" from the Creator)))

1. You will get a body. You may or may not like it, but this is the only thing that will definitely be at your disposal for the rest of your days.

2. You will have to go to a school called Life on Planet Earth. Every person and every event is your Universal Teacher.

3. There are no mistakes, only lessons. Failure is an integral part of success. There are no victims - only students.

4. The lesson will be repeated in the most varied forms until it is fully learned. If you don't learn the easy lessons, they get harder. Once you've mastered it, you'll move on to the next lesson.

5. External problems are an accurate reflection of your internal state. If you change your inner world, the outer world will also change for you. Pain is the way the universe uses to get your attention.

6. You will realize that the lesson has been learned when your behavior changes. Wisdom is gained by practice. A little something is better than a lot of nothing.

7. There is no better place than "here". "There" is no better than "here". When your "there" becomes "here", you will get another "there", which again will seem better than "here".

8. Others are just a reflection of you. You cannot love or hate what is in others if it does not reflect your own qualities.

9. Life makes the frame, and you paint the picture. If you don't take responsibility for painting a picture, others will paint it for you.

10. You will get everything you want. You will subconsciously correctly determine how much energy to spend on what and what kind of people to attract to you. Therefore, the only sure way to determine what you want is to look at what you already have.

11. In determining "right" and "wrong", morality is a poor helper. Do the best you can.

12. All answers are in you. You know more than what's in the books. All you have to do is look inward, listen to yourself and trust yourself.

13. You will forget about all this.

14. You will remember this whenever you want.

You already know that new results require new actions. However, that's not all. The results will stay the same and even get worse until you start using the Life Lessons Principle. Understand it, learn how to use it, and you can get out of the vicious circle and move to a new level of life!

Familiar situation

You have heard many stories about women who married alcoholics 3 times in a row; young people who are always in debt: only after paying the last debt, they immediately get into debt again; girls who are always betrayed by boys; people whose third business of their own is falling apart again for the same reason, etc.? And if you remember your life? Surely, if you think about it, you are also haunted by the same conditions, problems and situations from year to year.

Think right now - what negative, unpleasant situations are repeated in your life over and over again? Write down a few such situations, later we will analyze them. These should be situations, problems that have been repeated several times in your life, and which hinder your development, prevent you from moving forward. Now think about why each of these situations arises again and again, only intensifying each time. Write down the answers if they come. Read on.

So this is the Life Lessons Principle. It says: “Problematic and unpleasant situations will be repeated in your life until you learn the lesson they carry. At the same time, the situations will worsen each time - until you just have to learn the lesson after all! So, every trouble, difficulty carries a lesson. If the lesson is not understood and you do not change, according to this lesson, a similar situation will repeat itself again, then again in a more and more complicated version.

So, if you don't have enough money all the time, this is a lesson. And the further you go, the worse your financial situation will be if you don’t learn it. If you have problems all the time at work, with clients, this is also a lesson. Relations with loved ones do not go well all the time - a lesson, some unpleasant illness haunts again and again - also a lesson. Etc.

The bad news is that a person realizes the lesson, as a rule, when the situation is already very much running. When it was repeated for the umpteenth time in the most difficult version and with worse consequences. As they say, until the thunder breaks out, the peasant will not cross himself. Why is that? Because people, for the most part, are unconscious. And people can't change quickly. And generally change with great difficulty. When we receive problems, troubles, negative situations, we do not understand that this is a lesson, but we begin to think - “no luck”, “why am I doing this”, get angry at the situation and at ourselves, etc. And we don’t change, but simply we wait or try to resolve the situation in the old way of acting, thinking. But in two cases, the lessons are still learned:

  1. If the situation worsened and became simply catastrophic - for example, a serious illness, a life-threatening situation, fear for loved ones, etc. Everyone knows the proverb “there would be no happiness, but misfortune helped.” It's about learning life lessons. Often, having become seriously ill, people reconsider their whole life, all life principles and attitudes, become completely different and recover. Or after a situation that poses a threat to life, a person realizes a lot and changes dramatically. But why bring the situation to such serious consequences?
  2. The second case is purposeful work on oneself with the aim of learning and learning lessons, independently or with a psychologist. Either you remember a situation that torments you, often repeats itself, and you want to change it - you look for a lesson in it and act to resolve this situation in accordance with the lesson learned. Either you immediately consider all current situations that cause a negative attitude from the point of view of lessons. But this requires discipline and experience.


Let me give you a few examples from my own life.

Example one. I have my own business and several managers work under my supervision. I have been in the same situation several times. When managers work well, I stop systematically monitoring their work in detail, I relax. And suddenly I find myself in a situation in which, like snow on my head, complaints from almost all clients begin to fall, pointing to the disgusting work of managers. I begin to delve into the situation and literally grab my head, seeing how everything is running, we are losing several large regular customers, we fire the manager, we hire a new one. It turns out that the manager's work has been very bad for several months now, they have been making mistakes for a long time, which become more and more serious with time. No wonder, because the control over their work is weakened. The first months after hiring a new employee, I supervise the work of the manager very carefully, but after six months, I begin to supervise less, and everything repeats again. I perfectly understand that I need to change, otherwise the situation will repeat itself again and its consequences will be more and more catastrophic - spent nerves, stress, loss of regular customers, damaged reputation of the company. I wrote this situation down in my diary. And I put the splash screen “Daily control of the work of managers!” on the computer. Now, finally, I learned my lesson, made important conclusions, and the situation began to change.

Another example: I have never made archival copies of computer files before, and they are very important to me - they contain my business and many other developments. I completely lost all the accumulated information and personal archives 5 times before I finally learned how to make copies. The last time I lost, along with a stolen laptop, for example, the half-finished text of this book. I had to write again. Now every Thursday I make a scheduled backup of my files. Lesson learned and files are no longer lost.

There are many such situations in my life. In my diary, I started a page with a table of contents: “I remember the lessons!”. And there I write down all the lessons that I received and conclusions for the future, what you need to remember, what to do in order to avoid them. I make notes as soon as the situation arises. And I watch them regularly. I recommend that you start such a page, both in your home and work diaries.

The most important rule for working with lessons: take action so that the situation never happens again straightaway after the situation has arisen. What it means to learn a lesson: it means taking action to prevent such situations from occurring in the future, and not just to eliminate the consequences. Only this will allow you to go to the next level - to the next class. This is the only way we develop.

For example: if you have erased information on your computer, you straightaway, on the same day you solve the issue of backup. You install an appropriate program that will automatically copy files to another hard drive, or you start making manual weekly backups of important files.

Another example: once again you find yourself in a situation with debts, you again have 5 debts from different sources that you cannot pay, 3 loans and you also borrowed money from your parents and friends. You need to act decisively - as soon as you realize the situation. The first is to block credit cards so that it is not possible to borrow more money, the second is to go to your parents and friends and seriously ask them not to lend money anymore. And hang yourself a reminder - "Do not borrow money!!". The lack of the ability to easily and easily find borrowed money will force you to better plan your finances, reduce unnecessary expenses and find sources to increase income. We need to act immediately precisely because over time we forget the complexity and negative emotions from the situation, and the fewer negative emotions remain, the less we want to change ourselves, invest time, money in preventing the problem that arose earlier. There is growing hope that this will not happen again. Probably, a month after losing important information on your computer, you will not go to buy a new hard drive for backup. And you don't start putting important papers back in place a month after you lost another important document. Only tough measures and only immediately - this is the rule of effective people!

Lessons can be general or private.

Learn the Biggest Lesson!

First general lesson for any situations that cause negativity - a lesson in non-attachment. Attachment is called differently by different authors. For example, Alexander Sviyash calls it "idealization", Vadim Zeland "the work of pendulums". Much has been written about this in the ancient treatises on yoga.

This law reflects the following: if in some situation you want everything to be exactly your way, exactly the way you want, you consider it right, and if everything goes wrong, you get angry and upset. This means that the situation that is unpleasant for you will be repeated again and again until you give up your claims “Be in my opinion and nothing else!”. For example, a girl does not like very much that her husband sits at the computer all evenings and nights. Or a man does not approve of watching television series by his young wife. And they in every possible way demand that he (she) refuse this behavior, talk with a partner, insist, demand, quarrel, set ultimatums, scandal, ask. But it would never occur to them to step back and let the man do as he does. That is, to reduce the importance for oneself of one’s desire “I want to stop sitting at the computer / watching TV shows!”. Scandals can almost lead to a divorce, and the demanding partner will be indignant: “why is HE SUCH ?!”. And we often find ourselves in such situations. It can be a harmful mother-in-law / mother-in-law, a terrible colleague, a disgusting director or neighbor, every time you see their manifestations that you don’t like, you get angry, upset: “why is he like that”?

The same goes for situations that don't involve other people. You can be angry that you are not promoted at work, that you have low incomes, that you are not the first and not the best in your circle of friends, that you have a bad car, do not like your figure or health, that you constantly do not have enough money, etc. e. As long as you overestimate the importance of this situation for yourself, that is, you experience a lot of negativity if everything does not go the way you want, the situation will not change. And only when you “let go” of the situation and allow the situation to be as it is (“be as it will be”) - it can change for the better. This does not mean the absence of actions on your part to correct the situation, on the contrary, only by calming down and “letting go” of the result, you will be able to act effectively, which will allow you to successfully and quickly resolve the situation, change it.

Second general lesson: taking responsibility for everything that happens in your life. It says - when repeating negative situations, when you are not satisfied with the state of things in some area of ​​your life, it is important to learn a lesson: that you created any situation in your life, they also say “pulled” it yourself. How exactly did he create, "pulled"? It is the results of your negative thoughts or actions in the past that have come back to you. For example, if you were afraid for a long time that you would be fired from your job, and that is exactly what happened. Or thought that her husband would cheat on you - and so it happened. And if you didn’t think anything bad, but something bad happened, for example, someone did something bad to you, look for the same bad deed in your past. The path is even turned to another person, but that act returned to your life like a boomerang.

In personal relationships, the principle of "mirror" also operates. If you think that your loved one is bad, has some negative qualities, or behaves badly towards you, then you see your negative qualities and bad deeds towards this person. Your loved one - husband, wife, mom or dad, child, mother-in-law - acts as a mirror. It “shows”, “reflects” such qualities that you do not notice and do not accept in yourself. Thus, you have a chance to see and change these shortcomings of yours. And it will improve relationships. Let me give you an example: a wife complains that her husband pays little attention to her and is not interested in her affairs, that he is focused only on his own interests, an egoist. If you start asking her about her behavior towards her husband, it turns out that this is exactly how she behaves - inattentively, not devoting time and neglecting his interests.

This is a very important aspect - as long as you do not realize that you yourself created your poverty, poor health and well-being, your bad relationships with others, lack of work or problems at work, situations will repeat themselves again and again.

Private lessons

Now let's talk about private lessons. It is very easy to realize them in relation to simple everyday situations:

  • overweight problems - eat right and lead a healthy lifestyle,
  • late for work - get up earlier,
  • you constantly fall short of the next salary - better plan your budget,
  • Lost your cell phone again - don't carry it in your pocket.

However, despite the fact that life lessons are easily understood, changing behavior in relation to even the simplest situations is quite difficult. As experience shows, we are late for work for years, we are overweight all our lives, we do not create savings and investments (although we read a lot about this), etc.

The most difficult for understanding are serious spiritual lessons that directly affect our development, and lead us immediately to the step up. These are lessons of unconditional love for one's neighbor, rejection of pride, overcoming one's own complexes and weaknesses, one's own fears, reassessment of values, etc. Therefore, if major troubles happen in life that bring great suffering, these are the most valuable lessons for us! Many have heard the phrase: "Development comes through suffering." It is about the fact that we can move to a new, higher stage of development only after receiving a major lesson, and we receive such a lesson only in serious life trials that bring suffering.

Bodo Schaefer says: in order to achieve success, you need to go through pain, the pain of difficulties, mistakes and defeats. Realizing a spiritual lesson is quite difficult, but very important! A serious problem situation is a gift of fate, it helps to move to a new step if the lesson is learned. One of the methods of awareness is meditation on the topic of the lesson. Sufficient time should be taken to meditate on the situation. You don’t need to ask “why am I doing this?”, look for the guilty, feel sorry for yourself. You need to conduct another meditation: ask yourself (your subconscious), God, the Universe: “What is this lesson about?”, “Why did this situation appear in my life?”, “What do they want to convey to me through this situation”? It is important not to close yourself off from a difficult situation, not to try to forget it as soon as possible, but to try to understand the meaning of the spiritual lesson contained in it. Meditations can be done many times, you can use the visualization method, asking to “show” the lesson, or the written fixation method, writing down the thoughts that come on paper. With persistent meditation on a difficult situation, the lesson will surely be revealed to you. Now you need to understand it, fix it on paper, and think over new behavior in connection with the lesson learned. Most often, the very state of a person, the qualities of his personality, spiritual qualities change after realizing an important lesson.


Again I want to give an example: my brother had a difficult life situation, and I was very worried about him. I was under a lot of stress, until suddenly I understood the lesson of this difficult situation for me personally. It was a lesson in how much I love him, how important he is to me and how shallow my long-standing resentment against him, my envy in some situations. Having learned the lesson, I was cleansed, and my unconditional love for my brother became stronger and brighter, everything else was completely discarded. Our relations during that period changed, became deeper, warmer, which I was very happy about!

Practice "Awareness of life lessons"

Choose a life situation that you would like to work on in order to understand the spiritual lesson: it can be a bad relationship with loved ones (husband / wife, parents, children), a difficult financial situation, a mess with work, depressive moods, failures in other areas of life. Start meditating on the topic of the lesson: ask your subconscious, God, the universe - what is this lesson about, visualize, write down thoughts on paper. Devote enough time to this until you get an answer. Think about how you want to change your behavior now, your life in accordance with the lesson you have learned. Write it down and start implementing.

Are you constantly reading about new practices and useful exercises? But you don’t implement them: do you forget, don’t want to, sabotage useful changes in your life in every possible way? I have a free one. Listen to the audio that will get you on your toes and get you started!

You were not provided with instructions for life at the time of your birth?!

But if you got it, it would look like this:

1. You will be given a body.

You may or may not like it, but this is the only thing that will definitely be at your disposal for the rest of your days.

2. You will learn lessons.

You entered an informal school that goes on all the time and is called LIFE. Every day you will have the opportunity to receive a lesson. Although they may seem unrealistic or stupid to you. Every person and every event is your Universal Teacher.

3. There are no mistakes, there are only lessons.

Failure is an integral part of success. There are no innocent victims - everyone is just students.
Growing up is a process of experiences and mistakes, experiments. "Failed" experiments are as much a part of the process as experiments that are unambiguously successful.

4. The lesson is repeated until it is learned.

The lesson will be repeated in the most varied forms until it is fully learned. If you don't learn the easy lessons, they get harder. Once you've mastered it, you'll move on to the next lesson.

5. The learning process never ends.

Each life stage contains its lessons. If you are alive, there will definitely be lessons to be learned.

6. External problems are an accurate reflection of your internal state.

If you change your inner world, the outer world will also change for you. Pain is the way the universe uses to get your attention when something is wrong. You will realize that the lesson has been learned when your behavior and attitude towards suffering changes. Wisdom is gained by practice. A little something- better than a lot nothing.

7. "There" nothing better than "Here".

When your "there" will turn into "here" you just invent something new "there", which again will seem better than "here".

8. People around you are a reflection of you.

You can't love or hate what someone else has unless it's a reflection of what you love or hate about yourself.

9. What happens from your life depends only on you.

Life makes the frame, and you paint the picture. If you do not take responsibility for painting a picture, then others will write it for you. You have all the resources and tools you need. What to do with them is up to you. The choice is yours.

10. The answers are always within you.

All answers are in you. You know more than what's in the books. But to remember this, you need to read books, look into yourself, listen to yourself and trust yourself.

11. You will get everything you want.

Your past and present desires and thoughts determine your future. But remember that eternity and your true and Higher Self are something that should not be changed for anything and never.

12. If you say that you can or cannot do something, you are right in any case.

13. You will forget about all this.

You will remember this when you want to find the right solution to your problems and make your life successful.

14. And then the whole Universe will help you to return to Yourself and to the Eternal Truths.

Have a good trip!!!