Important features of feeding orchids. Ammonia: A Safe Nitrogen Plant Fertilizer and Pest Control Ammonia for Orchids

Ammonia is a clear white liquid with a pungent odor; the product is widely used for domestic and medical needs. Ammonium solution or in other words ammonia tincture. Many flower growers use ammonia as a fertilizer for indoor flowers, garden and garden plants. This chemical compound can serve as a good source of nitrogen for plants.

Nitrogen is one of the most important elements for plants. It promotes the process of photosynthesis. With a lack of nitrogen in the soil, the production of chlorophyll is disrupted and plant diseases appear - chlorosis. At the same time, the leaves lose their color, turn yellow and discolor. Over time, the leaves die off, the buds and flowers fall off. The plant may die.

Fertilization with nitrogen compounds promotes the growth of leaves and stems. The plant acquires a juicy rich green color. Nitrogen is necessary for all living cultures, the difference is only in the amount of the consumed element.

How to use ammonia solution

Dilute 3 tbsp. tablespoons of ammonia in 5 liters of water. The resulting fertilizer is applied to home flowers by watering under the root. For some flowers, such top dressing must be done regularly, without waiting for alarming signs of a lack of nutrients. Geraniums, clematis, lilies, hydrangeas and even garden crops on the windowsill will grow.

A solution of 50 ml of ammonia in 4 liters of water is used as a foliar application.

Universal fertilizer is very easy to prepare from available products. Such ammonia solutions are an easily digestible form of nitrogen for houseplants and horticultural crops.

During the period of active growth, the plant especially needs top dressing. Fertilizer is applied from February - March to moist soil every 15–20 days until buds form. Non-flowering specimens feed during growth and development, usually from spring to autumn. The exception is those plants that begin to wake up from dormancy in autumn, bloom in winter (camellias, azaleas, etc.).

Pest control

Ammonia is a real two-in-one remedy that will help not only saturate the soil with useful elements, but also resist pests. Even typical garden pests can enter an indoor garden through an open window or in a bag of purchased vegetables. In this case, pampered indoor flowers can become easy prey for pests. After feeding with the appropriate ammonia solution, uninvited guests disappear.

  • Midges can cause significant damage to ornamental houseplants. They spread along the windowsill and around the apartment very quickly. Combine 25 ml of ammonia with 2 liters of settled water, water the plants under the root with the resulting solution.
  • Aphid. A dangerous enemy for indoor flowers, especially on an open window or balcony. Destroys greens and can lead to the death of the plant. A solution of 50 ml of ammonia in 7 liters of water is suitable for watering under the root and spraying the leaves.
  • Weevil. A frequent visitor to gardens and orchards, can do a lot of harm. For tillage, mix 25 ml of ammonia solution with 5 liters of water, repeat the procedure every 7–8 days until the pest disappears.

Safety in use

The treatment of plants with ammonia should be carried out very carefully. In order to properly prepare fertilizer and not harm, it is important to adhere to the above proportions. Fertilizer is applied to moist, loose soil.

When using ammonia, safety precautions must be observed.

  • Do not inhale the vapors deeply and avoid prolonged contact
  • Avoid contact with eyes
  • Ensure room is ventilated or well ventilated
  • Avoid contact of children and animals with the solution

Every owner of a neat green bush and a bright flower in a pot wants the plants to be strong, healthy, develop well and bear fruit. Fertilizing the soil, especially in the limited space of a flower pot, is one of the main conditions for normal growth. With moderate use, ammonia acts as a nitrogen fertilizer. Even when using ammonia for treatment against pests, the ammonia solution will not harm the plant itself, but even nourish it.

In nature, this "queen of flowers" is one of the most leisurely. On the one hand, it has a lot of sun, heat and moisture at its disposal. But on the other hand, there is a significant lack of nutrients, in which the epiphytic lifestyle is to blame. In artificial conditions (if we are not talking about an orchidarium and a greenhouse), growth rates slow down even more. And it is this feature that is extremely important to keep in mind when feeding orchids.

What fertilizer to choose?

Fertilizers can be mineral or organic; liquid, granular, in the form of sticks or tablets (we wrote about this in detail in the article). In addition, the percentage of minerals also differs.

When choosing between complex mineral and organic top dressings, the choice should fall on mineral. Why? In organic fertilizers, often, of all possible components, nitrogen predominates. At the same time, nitrogen is in them in toxic ammonia (NH4) form (although for most other plants, ammonia nitrogen may be more beneficial than nitrate). Nitrogen will pass into an easily digestible mineral form only after processing by microorganisms. The amount, speed and efficiency of processing depend on many factors: temperature, humidity, light level. Thus, it is quite easy to make a mistake with the dosage of organic fertilizers, which threatens to inhibit the growth of the roots, and then the entire plant (organic nitrogen - ammonia, initially accumulates in the roots).

The final symptoms of an overdose of organic nitrogen: decrease in plant immunity, increased risk of damage by pests, delayed flowering up to 1-3 years.

If we talk about the choice of the form of fertilizers, it is recommended to focus on liquid concentrates. Sticks and tablets dissolve poorly and unevenly in loose orchid substrate, which can lead to a lack or excess of nutrients.

ON THE PICTURE: Separate fertilizers for hydroponics are ideal for feeding orchids. During the period of active growth, you can increase the amount of nitrogen (Grow), during the budding period - phosphorus (Bloom). Trace elements must be added constantly in a small dosage (Micro)

The orchid needs a balanced diet. When choosing fertilizers, you should carefully read the label. As mentioned earlier, it indicates the ratio of the main elements: nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). The formula may look like NPK 7–3–6. This means that this mineral fertilizer contains 7% nitrogen, 3% and 6% phosphorus and potassium, respectively.

What is this information for? As we have said, nitrogen stimulates the growth of green mass. Nitrogen fertilizers are applied during the period of active growth. Potassium and phosphorus contribute to the development of the root system, strengthening the immunity of the plant. They are used in the formation of peduncles and buds.

Fertilization Rules

Exist two fundamentally different approach to feeding: constant (with every watering) and periodical (e.g. once a week). Both approaches are used successfully, but constant top dressing is more suitable for orchids in greenhouses and. For irrigation, only liquid fertilizers are used at a concentration 3–5 times less than indicated. Approximately once a month it is necessary to “spill” the orchids with clean water to wash off the accumulated salts.

Periodic watering - popular among numerous hobbyists, when once or twice a month a pot with a substrate and a plant is placed in water with dissolved fertilizers for 15–20 minutes. The rest of the time it is watered with clean water without fertilizers. This method is convenient in that it is not necessary to prepare a highly diluted solution each time. However, there is evidence that with this method of fertilization, the number of flowers and the frequency of flowering are 20–30% less than with a constant one.

The concentration of universal mineral fertilizers must be reduced by three to four times from the recommended one.

Root top dressing can be entered in different ways. Main methods:

  • Regular watering + watering with fertilizer diluted in water;
  • Dipping a pot of Orchid into a container with diluted mineral fertilizer.

Fertilizers are best applied after 20-30 minutes. after watering. This will protect the roots from possible burns.

foliar top dressing necessary for weakened plants (for example, after an illness or transplant with significant pruning of the roots). It is applied by carefully spraying the upper and lower surfaces of the leaves, without touching the buds and flowers. If you place the sprayed plant under the bag, the effectiveness of the fertilizer will increase many times over.
ON THE PICTURE: ON THE PHOTO: Foliar feeding of Orchids

Water for root and foliar top dressing is highly desirable to use after filtration with a reverse osmosis filter. Distilled water is also suitable. Remember: the less salt in the water for irrigation, the less will be the total salinity of the solution with fertilizers. In addition, it will get rid of ugly white streaks on spots and leaves.

Boiled water is strictly unacceptable for irrigation, because. contains insoluble carbonates. In the absence of a choice, settled tap water should be used.

  • During the dormant period;
  • During illness, and also if the plants are affected by pests;
  • After transplanting for one to two months (except for spraying on the leaf), it is also advisable to avoid the use of nitrogen fertilizers until the first new roots appear;
  • After the purchase. Flowering plants do not feed until the end of flowering, non-flowering - until the end of the acclimatization period.

Features of feeding certain types of orchids

If we talk about specific types, then, most often, each of them requires an individual approach.

So, for example, they feed during periods of active growth, when a new leaf appears and grows. During the formation of the peduncle and directly flowering, potassium-phosphorus fertilizers are used for top dressing. The concentration of universal fertilizers should be reduced by 4 times compared to the instructions.

Feed from the end of January or after the end of flowering. Fertilizers are applied at every second watering at a dosage of 25% of the recommended for Orchids. The best option would be to use complex mineral fertilizers with equal parts of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (for example, NPK 8–8–8). At the end of August, top dressing is completed, the plant goes into a dormant period.

The so-called and other hybrids are based on Odontoglossum and begin to be fed with small doses from about mid-February. Gradually increase the concentration so that by mid-March it reaches the norm recommended by the manufacturer (when using mineral fertilizers for Orchids). In the last month of feeding, September, the concentration is gradually reduced. The frequency of fertilization is about twice a month.
ON THE PICTURE: Beautiful abundant flowering is the result of proper feeding of Dendrobium

The main rule: the lack of nutrients is not as destructive as their excess. It is absolutely impossible to overfeed any kind of Orchids - the plant may die!

Almost every house has indoor plants. Recently, phalaenopsis, in other words, an orchid, has become very popular among indoor plants. There are many types and colors of orchids. This is a very beautiful, bright and long-flowering plant. Some people think that the orchid is a very capricious flower that requires a lot of attention. But in fact, the orchid is unpretentious. The main thing in her care is to carry out proper watering and fertilize.

than phalaenopsis?

Top dressing and, as with any other flowers, are important. The development of the root system depends on the correct application of fertilizers. If the root system of the flower is powerful, developed, this will contribute to the emergence of new leaves and peduncles. It is important to know that all fertilizers and top dressings should be water soluble and less concentrated.

Fertilizer during the growing season of orchids

The role of leaves in the life of a plant is enormous. The more leaves, the stronger and more powerful the peduncle will be, and the longer the flowering period of phalaenopsis will be. Nitrogen fertilizers are necessary for the formation and growth of new leaves. Complex fertilizers, which, in addition to nitrogen, also contain phosphorus and potassium, can be used if nitrogen prevails in the composition. Nitrogen is responsible for the growth of leaves, phosphorus is responsible for the formation and development of the root system and peduncles, and potassium is responsible for the general condition and health of the plant.

To prepare the solution, it is better to use a double dose of water. This will make the solution less concentrated. If phalaenopsis is overfed with fertilizers, then sticky secretions may form on the leaves, the leaves will begin to turn yellow, and the buds and flowers will fall off. If this happens, you must stop fertilizing the plant for six months.

During the growing season, the plant should be fed with the following frequency: in summer, 2 times a month, in winter, 1 time per month. For a year, you can fertilize the plant up to 6 times.

If the plant was bought in a store, then the first time it can be fertilized no earlier than six months after the purchase. Since the soil in which the flowers are planted is saturated with fertilizers. You need to make sure that all fertilizers applied by the manufacturer are completely dissolved or washed out.

Before you feed a flower, you need to carefully moisten its substrate. If fertilizer is applied to dry roots, they may be damaged. Real burns form on the roots. This may cause the plant to die.

When buying nitrogen fertilizers for orchids, you should choose those that do not use urea. It is best if the fertilizer is obtained from ammonia or nitrates. This is a more gentle option for phalaenopsos.

Fertilizer during the flowering period of orchids

After the phalaenopsis has formed new leaves, you need to take care of the growth of the peduncle. For this, it is necessary to use fertilizers with phosphorus and potassium. The concentration of nitrogen in complex fertilizers should be reduced. Otherwise, the plant will direct all its forces to the growth of leaves. You can use liquid ready-made fertilizers for flowering orchids. They are used only during the flowering period. This top dressing will increase the duration of flowering.

If the plant suddenly began to turn yellow lower leaves, then you definitely need to study its root system - it can rot from an excess of moisture. If everything is in order with the roots, then the phalaenopsis needs fertilizer.

Orchids need to be watered only with soft water as the soil dries. During the active growing season, watering should be plentiful, and during the dormant period - moderate. It also depends on the air temperature in the room, humidity, pot size, type of soil, and the variety of the orchid itself.

Together with watering, it is possible to simultaneously feed the plant with nutrients:

  • So, you can acidify the substrate with coffee or tea.
  • Quite a lot of potassium is found in onion peel. It needs to be crushed, boiled, insisted well and cooled. Water, diluted with water.
  • Strained water is also used after boiling potatoes, it contains potassium.
  • You can feed with infused tree bark, but with a very weak solution.
  • Many people use water from washed meat with blood, diluted manure for rare watering, but it’s still better not to do this, since there is a big risk of infecting the orchid with dangerous microorganisms.

You can not water the flowers with running tap water, since most often it is hard and contains many different harmful impurities.

How to feed the plant so that it blooms blue?

How to process an orchid so that it turns blue? Need to remember! There are no blue orchids! If this is sold in a store, then it is most likely white, just dyed with a chemical dye that will wash off over time.

For the first time, blue phalaenopsis was presented at an exhibition in the USA in 2011. Then a few months later, in Holland, the famous nursery "Geest Orchideeën" presented to the public the Royal Blue Phalaenopsis (Phalaenopsis Royal Blue), painted using a patented technology.

This dye is natural and does not harm the plant. The secret of this technology is not disclosed. But many sellers, wanting to make good money and not caring about the health of the orchid, try to paint it the right color without any technology. Most often, these are simply injections of ink or blue into the stem or root of the plant. After the purchase, the orchid may simply die.

Japanese breeders have bred the only truly blue species of orchid by introducing the blue-eye gene, but, unfortunately, it is not on sale.

If you still really want to try “coloring”, it is better to use food coloring. Dissolve the paint in water for irrigation. The more saturated the color of the water, the brighter the color of the plant will be. The procedure is simple, but not very effective and not durable.

If you stop watering the dye, the original color of the orchid will return. Flower growers recommend using water in which aluminum alum has been soaked for safe coloring. The injection is more effective, but the damage to the plant is enormous. Most likely it will get sick and require constant care.

It is necessary to think carefully whether it is worth subjecting it to such tests for the sake of a temporary change in the color of an orchid.

What kind of water should be used?

For watering orchids, soft, settled tap water is used, as well as boiled, rain, distilled water, and melted snow.

Rainwater collected in the city and melted snow will not benefit the plants due to the presence of a large amount of gases and dust. Country snow and rainwater are stored in a cold place.

If this water is not available, you can boil tap water to soften it and remove bacteria. A water filtration method is also suitable. Oxalic acid helps soften water. And you can remove high acidity with a few drops of lemon juice.

Distilled water is considered dead, it does not contain salts, so it is diluted with tap water: if the water is very hard, then 2 parts of distilled water are taken from the tap, with medium hardness - one to one.

Any water is advised to be enriched with oxygen., pouring it before watering from one dish to another.

Can supplements be used?

Hydrogen peroxide

In small quantities, hydrogen peroxide accelerates orchid flowering and growth, eliminates bacteria and pests, saturates the soil with oxygen, prevents roots from rotting, and strengthens them.

More often, peroxide is used for disinfection and as fertilizer during illnesses., various plant damage. First, dry leaves, rotten flowers are removed from the orchid, and the earth is loosened. Then watered with a solution of hydrogen peroxide (30 ml per full glass of water).

Potassium permanganate

Manganese is involved in plant photosynthesis, and its deficiency (in alkaline soils) or excess (in acidic ones) adversely affects the well-being of the orchid, chlorosis begins. But if you use the right soil (pH 5.5 - 6.5), this should not happen.

At home, a weak solution of potassium permanganate is used to disinfect orchids and as a fertilizer.

To do this, warm water is poured into a glass container and a few particles of manganese are lowered with a toothpick. Stir until they are completely dissolved so as not to burn the plant. Then the solution is mixed with settled water to the desired concentration.


Yeast is a good top dressing for orchids, affect their growth, help to cope with diseases and some pests.

The solution is prepared at the rate of 1 gram of dry yeast per liter of water and infused for one day.

The solution can be both watered or sprayed. It is also advised to add a teaspoon of sugar or a few drops of valerian for a stronger effect of top dressing.

cytokinin paste

Cytokinin paste is, first of all, phytohormones that promote the growth of shoots and buds. It is applied with a needle to the kidney and after about ten days a shoot appears from it.

The paste also helps to "raise" a dying orchid. But it should be used in very small quantities.


Ammonium chloride is used for orchids as fertilizer and as protection against certain pests (mites, midges), but you must be very careful with it so as not to burn the roots and poison the plant. Therefore, the solution should be minimally concentrated (preferably 10%).

It must be remembered that all these substances are beneficial only in small doses. Concentrated solutions can harm the orchid even more and even lead to death.


Phytolavin is a systemic antibiotic and treats plants mainly from rot. This is a fairly safe and effective remedy both for the prevention of diseases and in the early stages of a flower disease.

For orchids, phytolavin is often used for vascular wilt. The solution is prepared quite simply: 2 ml of antibiotic per 1 liter of water. Spray only with freshly prepared solution.

What are the results of improper watering?

Improper watering can lead to the death of the orchid. Although this plant is moisture-loving, it is still better to underfill than overflow. Otherwise, the roots will simply rot. Indeed, in nature, orchids grow on stones and tree branches.

Do not allow stagnation of water in the pan and in the orchid pot. This will cause the roots to rot and the plant to die.
With an excess of moisture, edema appears on the leaves., which are not amenable to treatment, they only need to be removed.

We must not forget that the orchid is a capricious plant, and proper watering is one of the important conditions for its health. Subject to simple rules, the orchid will please with its flowering for a long time.

How to correct errors?

If the overflow nevertheless occurred, the leaves wrinkled, and the flowers or buds fell off, it is necessary to transplant the orchid. In no case should you dry a flooded orchid near heaters or other sources of heat.

  1. You need to get the flower out of the pot without damaging the roots, clean the ground from them and soak in water for 15 minutes.
  2. Then let it dry and examine each spine.
  3. Remove all soaked or sick with a fungus with secateurs, and treat the cuts with charcoal.
  4. Disinfect and transplant a new pot without tamping the ground.

If almost all the roots have died, then you can not immediately transplant. The orchid should be placed in a plastic jar of water so that its remaining roots almost touch the water. Maintain water at this level, and spray the plant. When the roots reach at least 5 cm, you can transplant (?).

Practice shows that One of the main reasons for the death of orchids is improper watering. Therefore, in order to avoid mistakes, especially for beginner flower growers, you first need to study how the orchid grows in nature, how it eats, and, starting from this knowledge, try to recreate natural conditions for it as much as possible.

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Many flower growers have successfully used affordable houseplant care products. Among the well-known, time-tested dressings, ammonia. It is used for all house flowers, including when caring for orchids. In our article we will talk about its effect on plants and consider how to use it.

The chemical formula of ammonia is - NH 3 H 2 O, It is often written as NH4OH and is called ammonium hydroxide.

Specialist consultation

Sometimes ammonia is called "Nashatyr". It is not right. This name refers to ammonium chloride and the minerals in which it is included.

Based on the materials of the publication "Ammonia - a medicinal product",

The composition of the product and its role in plant life

Ammonia is an ammonium solution and looks like a clear liquid. It is impossible to confuse with another drug, because of the sharp, specific smell. In medicine, it is used for fainting to return to consciousness. When caring for plants, it is used as a source of nitrogen.

  • The element activates the growth of all organs, especially stems and leaves.
  • Also, he is a direct participant in photosynthesis, from a lack of nitrogen, chlorophyll cannot be produced in sufficient quantities. And the leaves become pale and cannot provide other parts of the plants with sufficient return nutrients.
  • As a result, metabolic processes are disturbed, and flowering worsens. In the worst case, the leaves turn yellow and wither, and the flower buds that have set up cannot bloom. Severe nutrient deficiency leads to the death of orchids.

One of the sources of nitrogen is ammonia, which ensures the active growth of leaves, forms a bright green color, and promotes abundant and spectacular flowering. Main condition - correct use of the tool.

Release form

Ammonia for orchids: application, reviews. The name on the label "Ammonia" or "Ammonia solution" is the name of one substance

You can buy ammonia at any pharmacy, where it is sold in dark glass vials. Most often there are containers of 30 ml, 40 ml, 50 ml.

Printing design depends on the manufacturer. Sold in a pharmacy without a prescription. But for safe use, you must follow certain rules for working with the drug.

Security measures

Before opening a bottle with a pungent odor, it is better to use a mask or a disposable respirator. But even then you can not inhale the vapors of the ammonia solution. They are not as harmless as some gardeners think.

In preparation and work, it is better to wear protective garden goggles that fit snugly to the face. This measure is necessary in order to protect the eyes from accidental contact with liquid or vapors.

To prevent the liquid from getting on your hands, you need to use rubber or latex gloves.

On each vial it is written that the product is intended for external use. This means that accidental ingress of liquid into food is unacceptable. It is especially important to protect children from contact with the drug.

How to prepare a working solution

In the care of orchids, ammonia is used for root watering and leaf spraying. In each case, the concentration of the solution is different. When the product is poured under the root, the saturation is 3 times greater than for processing the green part of orchids.

Advice. The exact volume of liquid can be measured with a medical syringe. If not, then follow this rule:

  • It is better to take the drug a little less than to exceed the concentration. Excess ammonia in the solution can cause burns to the roots and leaves.

Instructions for use


  • First watering session a solution of ammonia is carried out after planting (transplantation), when the full survival of the orchid has passed. It can be determined by the growth of two or three new leaves. It is not worth it to apply nitrogen fertilizers before, the plant must adapt to new conditions and get stronger after stress.
  • With current care root dressing replaces one of the waterings. During the period when orchids do not bloom, nitrogen fertilizer is applied at intervals of 15 to 20 days.
  • During flowering well-developed specimens are fertilized with foliar feeding, as well as to protect orchid pests.


For orchids, such insects and arachnids are dangerous:

Mealy bug They are dangerous because they are difficult to detect. They live in the axils of the leaves and inside the buds of orchids and in the immediate vicinity of the plant. The larva looks like a grayish fluff. Inexperienced gardeners do not attach importance to such formations until it is too late. The main damage is caused by larvae - tramps and adult insects that suck the juices from plants.
Root mealybug If the orchid fades sharply, and white, oblong larvae of 2–4 mm each appear on the aerial roots, then the root bug attacked the orchid. Sometimes it is difficult to identify if he settled on the roots in the substrate. To prevent this, the plant is treated for prevention, without waiting for the characteristic symptoms.
Aphid Most likely, the pest can be brought in with the substrate. Small insects settle on the tops of young leaves and buds. Before spraying, it is better to remove insects with thin rubber gloves.
whitefly A sucking pest that leaves unsightly light brown marks. They disrupt sap flow, and, therefore, the normal development of plants.
Shield and false shield Insidious pests can be seen on the underside of the leaves. They stick to the surface like glued. An adult female is protected by a dense shell, through which protective equipment does not penetrate well. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to deal with it. Basically, insecticides act on mobile "youth".
Mushroom mosquitoes They live in the upper layers of the soil, and are activated when the temperature drops. For example, when the heating is turned off in the house and it becomes damp. At this time, it is better to water the orchids less often and include a solution of ammonia in the irrigation.
spider mite The pest itself is difficult to detect, but traces of its presence are clearly visible - the thinnest, white web. As soon as she appeared, the orchid must be treated with a weak solution of ammonia.

Important!Orchids affected by pests are susceptible to infection with infectious diseases.

Preventive spraying against pests also has a protective effect against fungal, viral and bacterial diseases.

The treatment is carried out with a weak solution of ammonia (10 ml per 1 liter of water) using an atomizer.

In the initial stage of damage, orchids are sprayed once every 10 to 15 days. If the disease is neglected, then full resuscitation will be needed:

  • The orchid is taken out of the pot and completely freed from the substrate. It is infected and can no longer be used.
  • The plant is washed under a stream of warm running water, carefully removing the remnants of the plant mixture and pests.
  • After that, dry and spray with a solution of ammonia.
  • Planted in fresh substrate.
  • Placed separately from other plants for quarantine until full survival.

In order not to go to extremes, it is better to feed and spray orchids on time.