Great Diveevo secret. "tenderness" - the icon of the mother of God, prayer, meaning

Video and photos about the amazing miraculous icon "Tenderness" of the Most Holy Theotokos, which travels the world and is of great importance for Christians, is a poster calendar of one believing woman who suddenly began to smell fragrant. A huge number of believers received healing and grace from her. This is a favorite icon of Seraphim of Sarov.

Icon "Tenderness" (settlement Lokot, Bryansk region). This is the only two-sided miraculous myrrh-streaming icon in the world. The myrrh-streaming icon of the Mother of God “Tenderness” has miraculous power, it heals bodily and mental illnesses. Yes, and the appearance of the icon itself can be called a miracle.

A resident of the village of Lokot, Bryansk region, Natalia Shishkova, as usual, went to the local department store and saw calendars with the image of the Mother of God lying around on the counter of the store.

She remarked to the saleswoman that even though the calendars are not church calendars, since there is an image of the face of the Mother of God, it is unworthy to store it in this form, but it is necessary to store the ego in a proper way. To which the saleswoman said that these calendars were expired, and anyway no one would buy them and they would have to be thrown away.

Natalya went home, and on the way the thought occurred to her that she had denounced the saleswoman, but she herself just had to buy this calendar. She came back and bought the last two calendars of the Mother of God with the icon “Tenderness”. I cut off the numbers and hung them at home and at work with ordinary pushpins on the wall.

Time passed, and now, one day, while at home, she was reading a book published by the Trinity-Sergius Lavra “Russia before the Second Coming”. When she read the chapter about the custodian of the Montreal Icon of the Mother of God, Jose Joseph Munes-Cortez, at that moment she felt an unusual aroma, a fragrance.

Icon of the Mother of God "Tenderness" photo

Icon of the Mother of God "Tenderness" photo

As in the case of the Iberian Montreal Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, at first she thought that someone in the house had spilled cologne or perfume, but when she began to look for the source of the fragrance, she discovered that a large, oily, fragrant spot had formed on the face of the Mother of God.

She invited the priest, who, having looked, noticed that this often happens now, when not only in churches, but also in the homes of worldly people, images begin to stream myrrh, that you don’t need to pay attention to this, you look - it streams myrrh and will pass. But the myrrh-streaming and fragrance did not stop, moreover: over time, the myrrh-streaming increased in such quantity that the myrrh flowed from the image into the wall.

Seeing this, the priest said that this should be treated with caution - suddenly this miracle is not from God: "Let's pray, and if during Great Lent this miracle stops, then this miracle is not God's." But, on Easter, all the icons that they have, and there are quite a lot of them, were streaming myrrh in their house.

It became clear that this was indeed a miracle and they decided to place this image in an icon case, as a salary. They took it off the wall and, to their amazement, found this: you know that myrrh is such an oily substance that soaks through the paper, and since the whole image was covered with the world, it would seem that the calendar should have been soaked with this through the world.

But, when they removed it from the wall, they saw that only the face of the Mother of God was soaked with peace on the reverse side! The rest of the surface of the calendar remained as white and dry as before.

For this reason, the kiot and the salary of this icon were made double. This icon is not ordinary: no matter which side you look at, there is an image and there an image. Over time, they began to notice that healings began to occur from this icon. And people who began to come to this house with their icons, after prayers and akathists, are not always, but mostly covered with peace.

Over the past years, more than thirteen thousand kilometers have been covered in religious processions around Holy Russia with this icon, which first streamed myrrh in the village of Lokot, Bryansk Region in 1999. The uniqueness of the “Tenderness” icon is that once, through the myrrh abundantly exuding from the image of the Mother of God, the second face of the Most Holy Theotokos, identical to the original, began to miraculously appear on the back of the icon.

Therefore, this icon is double. The study of miracles associated with the icon of "Tenderness" is carried out by a special expert group on miraculous phenomena in the Russian Orthodox Church, led by Professor P.V. Florensky. Over the past eleven years, many cases of healing and grace-filled help in everyday needs have been noted for people who came to her to bow and apply.

The meaning of the icon "Tenderness" of the Blessed Virgin of photography

The meaning of the icon "Tenderness" of the Blessed Virgin of the photo The reverse miraculous side of the icon "Tenderness", below you can see the image of the Savior on the Shroud of Turin - abundant myrrh-streaming with various fragrances;

- several times the icon bled and teared up;

- next to this image, many icons were consecrated, covered with a grace-filled world and renewed;

- during prayers with water blessing, water acquired an unusual smell and taste, the same happened during the consecration of sources;

- through prayers before this image, many receive grace-filled help and healing, and the missing are found.

Unbelievers and doubters, seeing the many miracles revealed from this icon of “Tenderness”, turn to the Orthodox faith and bring repentance.

Troparion, tone 4th

Let us fall to the Theotokos with tenderness, all burdened with sins, Her miraculous icon Tenderness kissing and crying with tears: Mistress, accept the prayer of Your unworthy servants and give us, who ask, great Your mercy.

Kontakion, voice 3

I imitating the barren fig tree, I am accursed, I by no means bring tenderness of fruit and I am afraid of the flogging, but, looking at the miraculous icon of Your Tenderness, Lady, I wall from the heart and cry out: Thou hast been touched, Merciful, and to me, a petrified heart, favor the tribute of the soul and the heart.

Once in 1994, a resident of the village. Elbow of the Bryansk region Natalya Nikolaevna (spiritual daughter of Father Melety (Demina), in the Detsky Mir store drew attention to a wall calendar depicting the icon of the Mother of God “Tenderness” - a favorite image of St. Seraphim of Sarov.

The calendar was from last year, and frustrated, she left the store. But the heart sank due to the fact that it looked so lonely in the store, among the crowds of indifferent people, this image is “overdue”, which no one acquired. She returned and bought the two remaining calendars. At home I cut out the images and hung them on the wall.

Once, during an illness in 1999, Natalya Nikolaevna was reading a book, on the cover of which was depicted the image of the Mother of God “Tenderness”. And suddenly she felt a fragrance, very surprised. She had never experienced such an unusually dense aroma of flowers, the feeling of dawn - the whole room was saturated with it.

The fragrance came from the icon from the old calendar. With her husband, they decided to put the miraculous image in a frame and, turning it over, they saw that the face of the Mother of God appeared on the other side. They called a priest, sang an akathist - the icon began to stream myrrh...

Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary "Tenderness" for which videos and photos pray

Myrrh-streaming continues to this day, except for the periods of Great Lent. She was made a two-sided riza, and on the other side this riza follows the pattern of the image that has come through. Placed in a kiot, the icon streams myrrh inside it, and often the outer side of the glass is also covered with streams of the world.

The front side of the icon, covered with the world for so many years, contrary to the laws of physics, does not soak through the paper. On the other hand, only the tread image is covered with an oil layer. Because of the robe, we do not see it completely, but in the photographs shown, in the area of ​​​​the womb of the Virgin, the face of Christ appears from the Shroud of Turin.

To this day, the icon abundantly streams myrrh itself, and the icons of numerous pilgrims placed in front of it also stream myrrh. The world covers bread and water, exhibited right there. Sometimes the worshipers are sprinkled like a drizzle.

The old icons in this house are being renewed, the split ones are spliced ​​together, the white metal robes are covered with gold before our eyes (although the owner, laughing, noted that no one had done a chemical examination, it was only a question of color so far). The experts presented videos of myrrh-streaming in Lokt. Other amazing events are taking place, according to Natalya Nikolaevna, through the prayers of Elder Meletius and the mercy of the Most Holy Theotokos.

Archpriest Alexander Mitrushin, rector of the Church of All Who Sorrow in the Oryol diocese, noticed that the plants also react to the icon. The priest recalled the case when his parishioner, who received a dried rose that once adorned this image, was forced to stop the car in which he was returning home with his gift: the salon was filled with a strong fragrance, and the windows were covered with dew.

What does the miraculous icon "Tenderness" of the Blessed Virgin Mary mean?

There were also cases of miraculous healing of seriously ill people after praying before this image. So, after a trip to Elbow, an ultrasound scan did not reveal a tumor in a resident of Bryansk, who was preparing for a serious oncological operation. The keeper of the icon, Natalya Nikolaevna, being a doctor herself, strongly advised the woman to have the operation.

During the operation, a small sore was found at the site of the former tumor, which was fixed by X-rays and tests, and the metastases were as if cauterized.

Rector of St. Nicholas Church in the village of Lyamtsino, Domodedovo District, Fr. Alexander Trushin told how, having laid out his icon of St. Nicholas, he secretly planned following the example of Gideon from the Old Testament: "Lord, if it is Your will, then let one icon - mine - remain dry."

And on the screen we saw among the abundantly myrrh-streaming images of the “dry” Saint Nicholas. The priest also gave a spiritual understanding of what he saw in Lokt: the property of all the miracles sent to us by God is in the humility, joy and grace with which they fill our soul.

At the round table meeting held on February 2, 2006. within the framework of the XVI International Christmas Readings at Moscow University, which was attended by members of the expert working group on describing the miraculous events taking place in the Russian Orthodox Church under the Synodal Theological Commission of the Moscow Patriarchate, Orthodox priests, icon painters, editors of Orthodox publications, the events under study - myrrh-streaming in settlement Elbow of the Bryansk region, were unanimously recognized as a miracle.

In Christianity, among the Orthodox, several main types of shrines are honored, depicting the image of the Blessed Virgin and one of these shrines is the icon of the Mother of God “Tenderness”. It belongs to the main Russian type of icon painting, the so-called Eleusa, where the Son of God sits in the arms of the Mother and rests his cheek on Her. Therefore, on the icon of “Tenderness”, the Mother of God, as a rule, is represented in this type, depicted to the waist, with the Baby, whom she looks tenderly, with tenderness.

History of the icon

It is known that the Pskov-Pechersk icon “Tenderness”, or as it is also called Vladimirskaya (name of the same name), is presented as a list of the famous miraculous icon “Vladimirskaya”, which was brought from Kyiv by Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky in the distant years of the XII century. In Moscow, namely in the Assumption Cathedral, the shrine arrived after the middle of 1395. In the future, the icon of the Mother of God "Tenderness" of Pskov-Pechersk miraculously survived the blockade of the city of Pskov by the Grand Duke of Lithuania Stefan Batory in 1581, and after and in 1812 played a significant role in the battle with Napoleon Bonaparte. According to history, the Mother of God was saved from destruction more than once, and thanks to her people were cured of serious illnesses. So there was a case when, after long prayers to the icon "Tenderness", a blind widow again saw the world around, and such miracles were not uncommon.

Lokot Icon "Tenderness" (Serafimo-Diveevskaya)

In contrast to the Vladimir shrine, the Seraphim-Diveevo Icon of the Mother of God has a number of distinctive features that distinguish it from the rest, since it does not belong to the Eleusa type. Among its differences is the fact that the Lokotskaya Mother of God is depicted alone on the icon “Tenderness”. The hands of the Virgin are crossed in the chest area, and the face of the Saint expresses strong and bright feelings. On the “Tenderness” icon of Seraphim-Diveevskaya, the Blessed Virgin Mary is depicted during the happiest moment when the Archangel Gabriel tells about the upcoming birth of the Savior. Her gaze is filled with kindness, sanity, calmness and love in anxious anticipation of her child.

Initially, the icon of the Mother of God "Tenderness" was executed on canvas, attached to a cypress board. Already after the All-Russian Emperor Nicholas II gave the shrine a precious salary. In 1991, the image of the Saint was presented to Patriarch Alexei II at the Moscow Patriarchal Church, from where it is moved from year to year to the Cathedral of the Epiphany, where it is venerated. Over time, copies began to appear from the original image, however, they are also famous for their abilities no less than the original.

Novgorod and Smolensk icons

For about 700 years, residents of a town in northwestern Russia have been honoring the Novgorod icon "Tenderness". The shrine is famous for its miraculous power, which was experienced by those who prayed before it. She protected the people from ruin, fires and wars, gave physical and mental healing to those in need.

The icon of the Mother of God "Tenderness" of Smolensk, in turn, also became famous for the protection of local residents: during the attack of Polish troops on the townspeople at the beginning of the 17th century. The Mother of God is depicted on it together with the Son, and this image has gained popularity since 1103.

The meaning of the icon "Tenderness"

As you know, the images of the Mother of God are one of the main ones in Christianity, therefore the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "Tenderness" is of great importance for the Orthodox. The face of the Virgin is distinguished by penetration and sensitivity in relation to those who pray to Her for protection.

The miraculous icon of the Mother of God "Tenderness" supports those who pray during the hours of difficult trials and oppressive everyday life, which suppress their state of mind.

The shrine is asked for assistance in resolving conflicts and reconciliation of the warring parties, for saving the family and homeland. In addition, women and girls often turn to the icon of the Mother of God "Tenderness" with a petition for family well-being and successful marriage, the birth of a healthy child.

What helps the icon "Tenderness"

As mentioned earlier, the shrine of the Virgin is very important for believers. So the face of the Virgin Mary helps in difficult life circumstances, illnesses, giving strength to those who pray. Especially the miraculous icon of "Tenderness" patronizes the weaker sex, favoring the preservation of purity and chastity, and also supports at significant moments in the life of every representative of the female half: marriage, family, conception, the birth of a child.

Prayer icon

If you pray correctly to the icon "Tenderness", then help will certainly come. First of all, it is necessary to give strength to words so that they return in double size. They ask the shrine for deliverance from suffering and mental pain, for the relief of childbirth, for harmony, but even despite the difference in these petitions, they need one thing - sincerity, the purity of what they want. Therefore, having gathered heart to receive the support of the Blessed Virgin, you need to say the following prayer:

Accept, all-merciful, Most Pure Lady, Lady of the Theotokos, these honest gifts, the only applied to You, from us, Your unworthy servants: chosen from all generations, the highest being of all creatures of heaven and earth, for the sake of You, the Lord of Forces be with us, and with You We will know the Son of God and be made worthy of His holy Body and His most pure Blood; even more blessed are you in the birth of childbirth, God-blessed, the brightest cherubim and the most honest seraphim. And now, all-singing Most Holy Theotokos, do not stop praying for us, Thy unworthy servants, to deliver us from every evil advice and every circumstance and keep us intact from every poisonous pretense of the devil; but even to the end with your prayers, keep us uncondemned, as if by your intercession and help we save, glory, praise, thanksgiving and worship for the whole in the Trinity to the one God and all the Creator we send, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

The icon "Tenderness of the Most Holy Theotokos" is associated with the name of the great Russian saint - St. Seraphim of Sarov. His life and spiritual exploits have extraordinary power and patronage for all of Christianity. His name is inextricably linked with the name of the Mother of God "Tenderness". The meaning of the icon "Tenderness of the Most Holy Theotokos" and the question of what it helps are of interest to many.

Even Father Seraphim called this image "Joy of all joys." He was the founder of the amazing spiritual convent of Serafimo - Diveevsky Monastery, so the image began to be called the icon "Tenderness" Serafimo - Diveevsky. This spiritual center is the fourth lot of the Mother of God, there is also the famous groove of the Virgin, along which She walked with her feet.

Father Seraphim called this image "Joy of all joys"

A prayer request to the Most Holy Theotokos is a thin, but very strong thread between heaven and us sinners, if the heart and soul ignites and is imbued with the words of prayer. The name of the icon is very pure, gentle, warm. Sincere prayer before the icon "Tenderness of the Most Holy Theotokos" will acquire the same properties.

Accept, all-merciful, Most Pure Lady, Lady of the Mother of God, this honest gift, the only applied to You, from us, Your unworthy servants: chosen from all generations, the highest being of all creatures of heaven and earth, for the sake of You, the Lord of Forces be with us, and with You We will know the Son of God and be made worthy of His holy Body and His most pure Blood; even more blessed are you in the birth of childbirth, God-blessed, the brightest of the Cherubim and the most honest of the Seraphim. And now, all-singing Most Holy Theotokos, do not stop praying for us, Thy unworthy servants, to deliver us from every evil advice and every circumstance and keep us intact from every poisonous pretense of the devil; but even to the end with your prayers, keep us uncondemned, as if by your intercession and help we save, glory, praise, thanksgiving and worship for the whole in the Trinity to the one God and all the Creator we send now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

The history of the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary "Tenderness"

The image of "Theotokos Tenderness" was the cell shrine of the Monk Seraphim. His whole life passed under the visible and invisible cover of the Virgin Mary from childhood. She came to him and said: "This one of our kind." The monk departed to the Lord while praying before this icon.

When the monastery was closed during the October Revolution, the shrine was secretly taken out and saved from desecration. For many years it was kept by pious Orthodox Christians.

Today, returned in the early 1990s, the icon of the Mother of God "Tenderness" lives in the residence of the Patriarch. Alexy II did not bless the return of the shrine to Diveevo. Once a year, she is taken out to the Epiphany Patriarchal Church on the day of the celebration of the praise of the Virgin Mary.

The image of "Theotokos Tenderness" was the cell shrine of the Monk Seraphim

A large number of lists from this image were made and they acquired, as it were, additional “patronymic names”: “Tenderness” Lokotskaya, Smolenskaya, Pskov-Pecherskaya. This is due to the manifestation of the miraculous properties of icons in those spiritual abodes where they are located.

The meaning of the icon "Tenderness of the Virgin"

Having acquired this image for home cell prayer, the question arises: how more correctly and where to hang the icon “Tenderness of the Most Holy Theotokos” meaning, in what way it helps so that these properties are not lost.

The icon must be freely available

Basically, the answer of the priests today sounds like this: the icon should be freely available so that you can calmly pray in front of the home shrine. The meaning of the icon is acquired not by the location, but by the attention and reverence that the believer pays to it.

Icon of the Mother of God "Tenderness": what helps

Despite the fact that the image and name are more commonly considered “feminine”, this does not mean that prayer in front of her will not help men.

On the contrary, the meaning, in which the icon “Tenderness of the Most Holy Theotokos” helps, is to improve relations with the mother, wife, in search of a soul mate to create a family. And if the parents of their daughters pray for the chastity of their daughters, their pious prayer will be heard.

Icons do not have any "specialization" problems

Remember that icons don't have any "specialized" problems. The icon of the Virgin "Tenderness" is an image that reflects a specific quality brighter than others. But this does not mean that they do not exist, it just dominates in this image.

You can pray before her about any of your pure intentions or your needs:

  • well-being in household chores;
  • success at work;
  • about children and their problems;
  • about health;
  • creating a family;
  • about the gift of compassion and heartfelt mercy.

Before the icon they pray for health

An interesting fact is that no matter how the icon is made - a fresco, a list, a photo, the meaning of the icon "Tenderness of the Most Holy Theotokos", and in what it helps, they manifest themselves in an inexplicable way. This is clearly evidenced by the icon found in the village. Elbow of the Bryansk region. This is a miracle that has already happened today.

A woman, seeing an expired calendar with the image of the “Tenderness” icon in the store and learning that the saleswoman wanted to throw it away, did not allow this desecration and bought the publication. Having cut off the numbers and hung the lithograph of the icon at home, he began to stream myrrh and smell fragrant.

The woman informed the clergy about this, the arriving ruling bishop, taking the icon in his hands, was amazed, because myrrh began to flow down his hands. He blessed to keep the image of this family at home, adding a small chapel.

The meaning of the “Tenderness” icon of the Most Holy Theotokos was so important that it was taken to the Pskov-Pechersky Monastery, where the inspired elder Hermogenes spoke about the special gifts of this icon. Those praying before her will:

  • successfully resolved in childbirth;
  • receive healing from oncological diseases;
  • find missing people;
  • change the sinful path of life to a charitable path.

In which temples is the icon "Tenderness" today

Wherever the list of the icon of the Mother of God “Tenderness” is located, the value in which it helps, its power is not lost. Each list of icons has its own evidence of miracles. Many Orthodox churches have a copy of this image.

Also in churches built in memory of the miraculous icon - in the Arkhangelsk, Ivanovo, Kaluga, Kostroma, Leningrad, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Novgorod, Pskov, Samara, Sverdlovsk regions; Republics of Karelia and Tatarstan; Cyprus, Ukraine. This is only a small part of the geography of the icon of the Mother of God "Tenderness", confirming the significance and special grace of this wondrous image.

In Moscow, you can visit the feast of praise of the Most Holy Theotokos and bow to the great shrine, which Seraphim of Sarov himself prayed to.

Download the text of the prayer in front of the icon "Tenderness of the Most Holy Theotokos"

Revered by the Monk Seraphim of Sarov, according to the faith of those who ask, it gives healing.

Young virgins pray before her asking for help in maintaining chastity, piety and morality. They call on Her and in the hope of meeting a kind man, they ask for a successful marriage, a strong and happy family life. They pray to the Queen of Heaven before Her image of “Tenderness” and for the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy and a successful delivery.

As in front of any icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, before “Tenderness” you can pray about everything that disturbs the soul and heart. And it is very important not to forget to turn to the Mother of God not only with sorrows and anxieties, but also with a prayer of thanksgiving for Her bright help and intercession.

The biography, which was compiled according to the recollections of those who were closely acquainted with Seraphim of Sarov, says that the course of his entire life proceeded under the auspices of the Mother of God: She and our Lord came to him in dreams and phenomena, cured him of deadly ailments. The Monk Seraphim of Sarov was the owner of far more than one icon of the Mother of God - he had several of them, but the cell icon of Tenderness was among them in a place of honor. No one can say for sure how Father Seraphim took possession of this image. He himself called it "The Joy of All Joys": St. Seraphim applied the oil from the lamp that burned before the icon to the affected areas of the body of the sick, from which they were all cured. Some people managed to find solace in sorrows when Father Seraphim let them cling to the icon of the Mother of God. On January 2, 1833, during a prayer service, Father Seraphim of Sarov gave his soul to God.

The priest never tired of repeating to the sisters from the Diveevo Monastery, pointing to the sacred image: “I trust and deprive you of the care of our Great Mother.”

In 1927, it so happened that the monastery was destined to close its doors, and the final service before dispersal was ruled on the eve of the Nativity of the Virgin - the twenty-first of September. In the same place, the Diveevo sisters said goodbye, bowing at each other's feet and bursting into tears. Nobody openly kicked them out into the street, but the conditions formed such that you would not stay: it was not allowed to wear a monastic robe, in the alter workshops the images had to be removed, and portraits of V.I. Lenin. That year, 2 bishops lived in Diveevo in exile, called Bishop Seraphim Zvezdinsky and Archbishop Zinovy ​​of Tambov. And they said to the sisters: “We will not free you from monasticism: even in the world, however, keep your monasticism. Now all of you have been given cups, and who will drink from it, who will only sip, who will take a sip, and who will empty it completely ".

Images from the monastic churches were collected by joint efforts and thrown into the Church of the Nativity of Christ. By the end of the first half of the twentieth century, the terms of imprisonment for many exiles ended, and let them go back to Diveevo.

In 1941, after the death of Abbess Alexandra, the miraculous icon of the Mother of God passed into the custody of the nun Maria, and when her years and her life came to an end, she handed the shrine as a gift to Patriarch Pimen.

In 1991, all images from Diveevo, including the holy image "Tenderness" were sent to be preserved in the hands of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow. To date, it is known that the image is preserved in the chambers of His Holiness the Patriarch - in the temple in honor of the icon of Our Lady of Vladimir. Every year, on the day of the celebration of the Praise of the Most Holy Mother of God, the image of Tenderness is delivered for mass worship at the Moscow Patriarchal Epiphany Church.

Located in the Epiphany Cathedral, Moscow

Serafimo-Diveevo Icon of the Mother of God "Tenderness"

The icon of the Mother of God "Tenderness" Serafimo-Diveevo was before the revolution in the Trinity Cathedral of the Seraphim-Diveevo Monastery.

The Mother of God on this icon is depicted half-height, with her arms folded crosswise on her chest, without the Divine Infant at the moment when She pronounces the words to the Archangel Gabriel during the Annunciation: "Behold the servant of the Lord, be me according to thy word." The icon is painted in oil on canvas, mounted on a cypress board, 67x49 cm in size.

With oil from the lamp that burned in front of this holy icon, the Monk Seraphim of Sarov anointed the sick, who received healing after the anointing. The ascetic called the icon "Tenderness" - "Joy of All Joys", and in front of it he died at a prayer on January 2 (15), 1833.

Father repeatedly said to the Diveyevo sisters, pointing to the icon of the Mother of God "Tenderness": "I entrust and leave you in the care of this Queen of Heaven."

After the death of the Monk Seraphim of Sarov, in fulfilling his will, rector Fr. Nifont gave the holy icon to the sisters of the Diveevo monastery.

At the first opportunity, a gilded riza was made. Another precious riza with stones was donated by Sovereign Nicholas II during the glorification of St. Seraphim. The halo on this riza was made in the form of diverging rays of radiance, consisting of precious stones and pearls. Many lists were made from the icon, some of them also became miraculous.

In 1903 the icon "Tenderness" was brought in procession from Diveevo to Sarov for the celebration of the glorification of the Reverend.

After the dispersal of the monastery and the closure of the monastery in 1927, Bishop Seraphim (Zvezdinsky), Archbishop Zinovy ​​(Drozdov) of Tambov, and Abbess Alexandra were arrested and sent to Moscow. After her release, Mother Alexandra and several sisters settled in Murom, managing to save and take with her the miraculous icon of the Mother of God "Tenderness" along with the rest of Father Seraphim's belongings.

After her death in 1941, the nun Maria (Barinova) kept the icon. At the end of her life, she decided to give the shrine to Patriarch Pimen, who once, while still a hieromonk, served in Murom, visited the Diveyevo sisters and kissed the shrines of St. Seraphim, carrying love for the Holy Elder and the Diveyevo monastery through all his life. However, the patriarch decided that the shrines should be given for safekeeping to Archpriest Viktor Shipovalnikov, who lived in the village of Kratovo near Moscow.

For nineteen years, Father Victor and his mother carefully kept the belongings of the Reverend Seraphim. Accepting those who came to the shrines, they repeatedly witnessed miracles and healings. In 1991, the icon, salary and belongings of the monk were handed over to Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia.

Now the icon of the Mother of God "Tenderness", which belonged to Father Seraphim, is at the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill. Once a year - on the feast of the Praise of the Most Holy Theotokos - it is taken out for general worship at the Patriarchal Cathedral of the Epiphany in Moscow.

Information about the icon "Tenderness" Serafimo-Diveevskaya

This icon was a private icon of St. Seraphim of Sarov. From the life of St. Seraphim: “With special love, the holy elder received sincerely and humbly penitents and those who showed ardent zeal for the Christian spiritual life. After a conversation with them, the Monk Seraphim used to lay on their bowed heads the end of the stole and his right hand. At the same time, he offered to say a short prayer of repentance behind him, after which he himself said a prayer of permission, from which those who came received relief of conscience and some special spiritual pleasure; then the elder crosswise anointed the visitor with oil from a lamp burning in front of the icon of the Mother of God of Tenderness, which was in his cell, which he called the icon of the Mother of God - the Joy of all joys, ... then - he christened with every Christian, no matter what time it happened, reminding those of the saving power of the Resurrection of Christ, and gave it to be applied to the image of the Mother of God or to the cross hanging on his chest. Through the prayers of the monk, many miracles were performed in front of this icon. Saint Seraphim died on his knees before the icon of the Mother of God Tenderness. He was found in his cell in an ordinary white robe, in front of a small lectern, kneeling with cross-folded hands.

From the annals of the Seraphim-Diveevo Monastery it is known that even during his lifetime, the Monk Seraphim foresaw that this icon would be in the Diveevo Monastery. “The sister of their nobles, Olga Mikhailovna Klimova, said that having the obedience to be a“ horsewoman ”, she carried wood and firewood. One day, Father Seraphim gave her a thousand rubles, saying: “This is mother for the arrangement and arrangement of a large cell for you, for the High Lady, who will live with you! Everything must be prepared for Her; Here you go, make sure you have everything ready. And when She arrives, then you all serve Her, and let Glafira Vasilyevna follow Her. With this money, a building was built, which was later a refectory. Then Olga Mikhailovna added: “And everything was wonderful to me, what kind of Lady the Great will settle in it with us! The father died, and the late hegumen Nifont called Fr. Pavel, the cell-attendant of the father, to him, gave him the miraculous icon of the Queen of Heaven “Tenderness”, in front of which Fr. Seraphim always prayed, and ordered to give it to the millers. “She belongs there!” - said the abbot. Then the words of the priest were clarified when they brought our Lady, our Lady, to the new cell prepared for the Lady High.”

The celebration of the icon of the Mother of God "Tenderness" takes place on July 28 / August 10 and December 9/22 - on the day of the founding of the Virgin Mill Community by St. Seraphim.

Pentagrams on the frame of the icon "Tenderness"

In the photo album: "Opening of the relics and glorification of St. Seraphim of Sarov the miracle worker, in the presence of Their Imperial Majesties, July 1903", there is a photograph of the miraculous icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "Tenderness", in front of which Rev. about. Seraphim. The photograph clearly shows the pre-revolutionary frame of the icon, which depicts the stars of David (not hexagrams!), Meaning and symbolizing the six basic aspirations or feelings of a person. The main one is the desire of man for his God and Creator. This desire expresses the upper end of the star.

For reference. In Judaism, the star of David was replaced by the mark of Satan - a hexagram, and faith in the one God was replaced by faith in Satan. Many ordinary Jews, due to their spiritual blindness, do not see the difference between the hexagram and the star of David, which was depicted only along the contour and was the basis of his royal seal. It was in imitation of this seal that some Russian princes and tsars took the Star of David as the basis of their seals.

The hierarchs committed blasphemy: the great shrine of Orthodoxy - the icon "Tenderness", before which Father Seraphim of Sarov prayed - was dressed in a precious salary with satanic five-pointed stars - the stars of magicians, sorcerers, masons and communists - and put up for "prayer" in the residence of the "patriarch" .

The five-pointed star - the pentagram - is nothing more than a mutilated star of David, which was cut off by a ray, symbolizing the connection with God and Heaven. That is why the pentagram is a favorite symbol of demons (cast down from Heaven) and the forces of evil, Kabbalah, magic and witchcraft.

The pentagram at the lower levels of symbolic correspondences means "liberated man" and is sometimes depicted with the figure of a naked man inscribed in it, spreading his arms and legs, so that the phallus is especially clearly visible. This is a sign of "liberation" from obedience to God's moral law, His commandments - the emblem of "humanism", revolutions, democracy and "progress" throughout the world. At deeper levels of symbolism, it can have even more terrible meanings.

According to the teachings of Kabbalah, the pentagram, facing upwards with two rays, means Satan, and facing upwards with one ray - "Messiah". But every Orthodox knows what kind of "messiah" the Kabbalists are waiting for. No matter how unclean, he will remain unclean. Both that, and another position of a five-pointed star means actually one and the same. The point down is the falling down, overthrown Satan, the point up is the rising Antichrist - the false messiah.

The symbol of "workers' and peasants'" power - a five-pointed star - clearly revealing the satanic essence of Bolshevism, appeared everywhere: at metro stations, on school textbooks, on locomotives and railway stations, on the facades of official institutions and, of course, on the Kremlin towers. But first, a star appeared on the headdresses of the soldiers of the Red Army (just as it burned in the forehead of the famous Baphomet), which Lev Davidovich Trotsky personally took care of.

The pentagrams on the shoulders of Our Most Holy Lady Theotokos look exactly like in the Soviet army... The photograph of the icon was taken from a calendar, under the icon on the calendar is the inscription: "After the death of Father Seraphim, the Tenderness icon was given as a consolation to the Diveyevo sisters and has since become be called Serafimo-Diveevskaya. Currently, this great shrine is located in the Cross Church of the Patriarchal residence. "