Vertical check valve for sewerage. Check valve for sewerage. How to install a sewer check valve in the system

Both for residents of multi-storey buildings and for owners of private buildings, protection against unexpected leakage of the sewage system plays a huge role. The check valve for sewerage is used specifically for the safe operation of the plumbing system.

A non-return sewer valve is a device that prevents the reverse flow of water into an apartment or other room. This often happens when drains are clogged, because water always moves in the direction where there is no resistance. If a blockage forms in the pipe that prevents the normal flow of fluid, then the flow of water simply turns in the other direction. In the event that a blockage forms in the communication, but the movement of water does not stop, the flow can simply flow in the direction of the sink mixer, toilet bowl and other consumer outlets.

Photo - vacuum model

What is the installation of a check valve on the sewer:

  1. In order to protect the dwelling from the smell from the sewer. In addition to protecting your belongings and home from flooding, constipation protects you from unpleasant sewer odors. Very often, an additional air vacuum valve is used, which forms a kind of bubble that holds the stench. At the same time, thanks to the same ventilation, fresh air enters the sewer, providing a kind of circulation of flows;
  2. To protect the internal and external sewer system taps;
  3. To protect storm and drainage systems from leaks and breakthroughs;
  4. For the safety of consumers of water supply in an apartment or cottage (washing machine, shower, sink, sink, hose, etc.).


The device comes in several varieties:

  1. Membrane (KESSEL, McAlpine for fan pipes);
  2. Lever or ball (Redi);
  3. With lid (Karmat);
  4. Cast iron and metal flanged.

Membrane works due to a special membrane that opens the duct in only one direction. If the water starts to flow in the other direction, the diaphragm will bend, but the leak will not form. This will hold the fecal or water flow for some time, but it cannot be used as a permanent method of protection - with a strong pressure of the water flow, the diaphragm may not withstand. The system is used more often in non-pressure sewers, because the diaphragm does not withstand strong pressure.

Photo - cast iron valve

The membrane valve for sewerage is 50, 110 mm or more, it can be double-leaf and single or spring. Such plumbing is not equipped with a plastic or rubber membrane, but with a metal one, which provides more reliable control of the back pressure of the pipe. It is recommended to put it on communications with strong pressure, but where it is not possible to equip other types of constipation.

Photo - air fungus

The lever-type device works by means of a handle and a locking mechanism, like a ball valve. The principle of the system is very simple. When the handle is turned, the ball (locking mechanism) rotates in a certain direction, closing the duct. In addition, there are models equipped with a spring or electric drive. Mechanical and electrical taps are often used for a common riser, this allows the valve to automatically close when back pressure (from the pipe) rises. The check valve works in the same way.

Photo - coupling

This device has many benefits:

  1. Excellent maintainability. This property allows you to repair and replace flanged and lever valve models in case of any breakdowns;
  2. Ease of installation and operation;
  3. Availability.

The model with a cover is similar to the membrane type, but instead of a diaphragm, a special cover is installed on such a device. It opens only in one direction and even under the influence of pressure from the opposite side, it will not let the flow through. This is due to its special design (the size of the cover exceeds the diameter of the closed hole, as a result of which it cannot move in the opposite direction). Such models are very easy to manufacture, so a simple home-made valve of this design is often used in domestic sewers.

Photo - the principle of operation of the lid model

For an external pressurized sewer system, a flanged check valve is often used. Its installation is carried out exclusively in a static (permanent) way, i.e., in the event of a breakdown, it will be necessary to cut off an entire section of the pipe in order to remove the device and reinstall it in another place. Such a sewer constipation is the most reliable, since it excludes the possibility of leakage or breakage, but at the same time, it is difficult to operate and install. It cannot be simply removed and replaced if necessary and cleaned.

According to the type of installation, the lights are divided into:

  1. Horizontal;
  2. Vertical.

Accordingly, the horizontal is installed exclusively in the horizontal direction, mainly this design is used on large diameter pipes. Vertical - on communications, where the dimensions of the control pipe do not exceed 50 mm.

In addition, valves with a shutter and a locking mechanism are classified according to the materials from which they are made. It can be HDPE, PVC, steel, cast iron and even copper. The metal valve is often made of a ball type, it tolerates physical impacts well, but the steel locking mechanism fails relatively quickly.

In this regard, a float or polypropylene (PPN) valve is much more profitable. It does not give in to rust, and the locking equipment is more resistant to constant friction. Also, the propylene and plastic valve is of the membrane type.


Consider how to install a DU-50 ball check valve for domestic sewage with your own hands:

  1. The valves are mounted in the main riser. This allows them to control the pressure of the entire system;
  2. To do this, it is necessary to cut a certain section of the pipe, into which a locking device is then installed. The hole must correspond to the valve both in diameter and in other geometric parameters;
  3. After the device is set to communication. To do this, you will need a design diagram and manufacturer's recommendations for installation. The preferred position of the constipation and its features (membrane direction, type of opening, etc.) must be taken into account;
  4. Operation of the device is possible only after 12 hours after installation. This is necessary to solidify the sealant, which lubricates all holes and valve insertion areas.

Photo - installation location

A non-return valve for sewage with a diameter of 110 mm and 50 mm (the most common in apartments and private houses) is able to save the owners of a house or apartment from a lot of trouble associated with blockages and reverse flow of drains. Not expensive and not difficult to install, the device will protect property and prevent unnecessary waste of funds.

The occurrence of sewer backflow can be caused by various reasons, including:

  • Misuse sewer system, as a result of which rags, plastic bags and other things block the pipe clearance.
  • Appearance during long-term operation sediment on the inner walls of pipes. In this case, not only the clearance decreases, but also a roughness appears on the walls, which contributes to the settling of solid particles and even faster plug formation.
  • Incorrect slope of the sewer pipeline. Moreover, both too large and too small a slope contributes to blockages. In order for solid particles not to settle on the inner walls, the water flow that moves them must move at a certain speed. You can change the slope only by completely redoing the system.
  • The presence of bends located at right angles, causes the flow of water to change its speed dramatically, while large inclusions can be delayed, forming a plug over time.

Types of check valves

A non-return valve for sewers is a device that allows water to flow in only one direction and prevents reverse flow. Such devices can be installed at pipe joints, in flanges, or cut into the pipeline using threaded connections.

An element blocking the flow of water can be, for example, "plate", fixed inside the housing in such a way that under the pressure of the flow in the right direction it opens easily, and with reverse current it only presses more tightly against the support ring.

Check valve for sewerage - photo of a plastic model

Also common are ball models operating on a similar principle, but having a ball inside instead of a plate and characterized by greater reliability, ease of maintenance (to maintain efficiency, the device must be periodically cleaned) and maintainability.

The choice between coupling and flange models is made subject to certain rules:

  • Flanged Models are suitable for both vertical and horizontal sections of the sewer pipeline, and coupling - only for vertical ones.
  • Union valves are optimal for pipes 2.5 inches or less, and flanged ones are suitable for communications with a diameter of 40 to 600 mm. Thus, the most common sizes - a check valve for sewage 50 mm and 110 mm can be in different designs.

Principle of operation and device

Any non-return valve for sewage, vertical or horizontal, blocks the flow of water in the opposite direction. The check valve for pressure sewage has inlet and outlet pipes of different diameters with a chamber between them. Due to the difference in cross-sectional area, different pressures are created in the nozzles, and the ball in the chamber freely passes water. During the reverse stroke, the pressure in the nozzles changes, and the ball presses the membrane blocking the lumen, completely eliminating the ingress of water from the outlet to the inlet.

In other models, the shut-off "plate" in the presence of pressure rises and passes wastewater, and then immediately takes a vertical position, thereby preventing the possible passage of drains in the opposite direction.

Such devices have a cover fixed with bolts and supplemented with a seal. It is quite easy to open it if necessary to clean the device. Often the check valve in the sewer system is equipped with a shut-off valve.

A plate instead of a ball as a blocking device can be used in large diameter models, such as, for example, a 110 mm sewer check valve, although this condition is not mandatory.

Materials and dimensions of products

The dimensions (mounting diameter) of the check valve for sewerage in an apartment depend on the section of the pipeline for which it is intended:

  • for toilets choose check valves DN110 mm,
  • for the main pipelines of internal systems DN50 mm,
  • for external sewage systems - Du150-Du200 mm and more if necessary.

32 mm and 40 mm products are also used.

For the manufacture of non-return sewer valves, the same materials are used as for the production of pipes:

  • plastic,
  • steel,
  • cast iron.

Plastic models are often installed in internal systems from appropriate pipes with a small diameter.

Cast iron pipes and, accordingly, cast iron check valves are recommended for powerful (mainly external) pipelines with a large cross-sectional area that are under heavy loads.

Installation of sewer check valves

Do-it-yourself installation of a check valve on a sewer can be done in various ways.

  • Models with high capacity can be used for installation on a common sewer pipe. Such options are suitable for private houses, summer cottages and cottages, but not for an apartment in a high-rise building.
  • Installing a valve at each drain point in the apartment will prevent an emergency and is especially recommended for residents of the lower (first and second) floors of multi-storey buildings, which are most at risk of flooding when the sewer system is clogged.
  • On sewer lines with a reverse slope - without fail to ensure the normal functioning of the system.

Installation Features

It is best to take care of installing a sewer check valve at the stage. Regardless of the type of device (flanged or coupling), the valve will have to be inserted into the finished system, turning off, draining and disassembling the sewer line. It should also be taken into account that the coupling valve has its own length, therefore, when reassembling the line, it will be necessary to adjust the size of the pipes.

  • Optimally, if the diameter of the valve exactly matches the diameter of the pipeline. Otherwise, you will have to use adapters, which unnecessarily complicates the design (the more joining elements, the less reliable the communications section).
  • Adapters will also be required if the material of the pipes differs from the material of the check valve, however, it is best to initially select a model that is suitable in all respects without complicating your task.
  • A preliminary check of the operability (tightness) of the valve can only be carried out visually. Install the product only if it has no visible defects.

Before you install a check valve on the sewer, you need to know the basic rules that must be observed during installation:

  • When choosing a place to install a check valve on an internal or external sewer line, consider the need for easy access to the device for inspection, cleaning and repair.
  • The orienting arrow, which is provided with each sewer ball check valve, shows the correct direction of water flow, and therefore should point to the sewer collector. The valve, set the other way around, will not interfere with the drain, but will not perform protective functions.
  • All connections must be sealed during installation (for example, with FUM tape).

The appearance of noise and vibration of the check valve indicates a violation of its tightness. To restore the device's performance, there is no need to dismantle the system, it is enough to change the shutter or gasket by opening the valve cover.

If we talk about cost, then for a 110 mm sewer check valve, the price will be about 2,600 rubles (PVC product), and a 50 mm check valve made of the same material will cost approximately 1,150 rubles. These valves also have the ability to forcibly close the drain and use them outdoors.

Do not confuse the check valve and . These are completely different types of equipment.

There are situations when a sewer pump is needed in the kitchen. More about this we.

Non-return valve for sewage photo

Here you can see some photos related to the topic of our article.

At times, we are faced with a situation where their contents flow through the sewer pipes in the opposite direction. The main reason for this phenomenon is a blockage in the sewer. In a private house, this can happen when the well overflows. It is possible to avoid such trouble. You need to put a check valve on the sewer. This simple but effective device completely blocks the reverse flow of drains.

Why and who needs it

The purpose of the sewer check valve is to block the flow of fluid going in the opposite direction. In this regard, the main area of ​​\u200b\u200bapplication looms - lower-floor apartments in high-rise buildings, especially in old buildings.

In multi-storey buildings, the owners of apartments on the first floors very often have problems with toilet bowls, from which the contents of the sewer flow. The blockage usually occurs somewhere in the "beds" - horizontal pipes in the basement. Then all the contents rise through the pipe to the first branch and pour out through the first available point - the toilet bowl, spill onto the floor, sometimes even bathtubs and washbasins are filled.
To solve this problem, it is necessary to put a check valve on the sewer. It will cut off the return flow going to your apartment. True, those who live on the floor above will have a problem - fecal water can even rise there. Then they will also have to install a sewer check valve. Above this level, the drain column usually does not rise - it pushes through the cork, everything goes away.

However, residents of high floors should not rejoice - they can also suffer. Sometimes blockages happen somewhere between floors. This comes mainly due to violations of the rules for operating the sewer - someone lowers objects that should not be there, they get stuck, a traffic jam forms. In this case, toilet bowls on any floor can “gush” - it depends on where the blockage has formed. So on any floor, except for the last one, it makes sense to put a check valve - “just in case”.

The third group of consumers are the owners of private houses. In principle, the sewerage of a private house should be designed so that the reverse flow of drains is impossible. Even so, many prefer to play it safe than to scoop out foul-smelling "treasures" from the house later. The non-return valve for the sewer in a private house also performs another function - it does not allow rodents and other living creatures to penetrate through the sewer pipe.

Ventilation in the bathroom and toilet is described here.

Types of check valves and the principle of their operation

The main task of the check (shut-off) valve is to block the flow going in the opposite direction. To do this, a movable barrier is placed in these mechanical devices. The basic principle of operation is that in a calm state, the mechanical damper is lowered down, blocking the lumen of the sewer pipe and preventing the reverse flow from passing. When drains appear, it rises (moves to the side), the drains leave, and it closes again. By the type of this barrier and the principle of its operation, this equipment differs.

Swivel (petal)

In sewer valves of this type, a spring-loaded round membrane (plate) is installed. If the flow moves in the “right” direction, it turns, rising up does not prevent drains from leaving. If the movement starts in the other direction, the membrane (plate) is pressed against the rim inside the valve, tightly and hermetically blocking the pipe lumen. Some models have a manual shutter. This is the second membrane, which can be controlled using a button mounted on the body.

Due to the shape of the membrane, such shut-off valves are also called flap valves, and sometimes you can hear the term “slams” - this is because of the way they work - the membrane slams if there is no drain.

The device itself is larger than the pipe on which it is installed. So in the pipeline there is first an expansion, and then a narrowing of the lumen, and these are potential places for blockages to form. To be able to quickly eliminate blockages, a removable cover is made in the upper part of the check valve body. By removing it, the problem can be quickly eliminated.

Lift check valve for sewerage

This type of locking device for a sewer pipe is so named because when the drains pass in the “correct” direction, the locking element rises. Drains press on the plate blocking the passage, compressing the spring, which rises. There are no drains - the spring is unclenched, the passage is locked. When effluents come in from the "wrong" side, there is no way to open the passage. This is achieved by a non-linear hull shape.

The lift check valve is more reliable, but its design is such that it often clogs and requires periodic cleaning. Why do you need to remove the cover (unscrew four bolts), clean or replace the mechanism.

Ball check valve

Another option for a locking device in a check valve is a ball. In these devices, the internal structure of the case plays an important role. Its upper part is designed in such a way that when passing through the drains, the ball rolls into a special recess in the body, opening the passage.

When it is dry in the pipe, it blocks the section; when the flow passes in the opposite direction, it blocks the lumen of the pipe. The main drawback of this design is the leakage of drains during flooding - the ball and the side wall of the body do not always fit perfectly, which leads to the fact that some of the drains still leak. But mass flooding and a geyser from the toilet will not be for sure.

Why you need an air valve in the sewer and how to install it, read here.

Wafer type

Many people like this type of check valves more because of their miniature size. This is a very small cylinder, inside of which a rotary damper is installed. It may consist of two parts that are attached to the central rod, or it may look like a small plate, attached to the housing wall in one place with the help of a spring.

Despite its compactness, it is better not to install this type of check valve on the sewer: this is plumbing equipment and it will not work well on the sewer. The second disadvantage is the impossibility of quick cleaning - the design is such that you can get to the valve only by disassembling the connection.

What are they made of and what sizes are there?

The most common sewer check valves are made of plastic (PVC) and cast iron. If your sewer pipes are plastic, it makes sense to install the same valve, choosing it in size. Exactly the same situation with cast iron. The point is not that the materials do not fit, but the need for additional adapters that make the design even more cumbersome.

According to the installation method, the shut-off valve for the sewer can be horizontal and vertical. Choose the type depending on the installation location. It must be installed with the same diameter as the pipe, narrowing is not allowed. Accordingly, there are valves for each size. The parameters of some are given in the table.

Name/manufacturer Diameter Body/flap material Application area Price Notes
VIEGA / Germany 110 mm polypropylene/polypropylene Outdoor sewerage 150$ Two shutters, the second with manual blocking
CAPRICORN / Poland 50 mm polypropylene/polypropylene Internal sewerage 25$ single valve
Mc Alpine / Scotland 32,40,50,90,110 mm plastic Internal wiring 11-21$ Has small dimensions
Capricorn / Poland 110 mm, 160 mm ABS/stainless steel Universal 53-84$ Emergency manual closing
Ostendorf / Germany 50 mm / 110 mm PVC/PVC Universal 13-24$ Emergency manual override
Politron / Russia 110 mm Polypropylene outdoor installation 14$ Emergency manual override
Politek / Russia 110 mm Polypropylene outdoor installation 23$ Emergency manual override

When and where to put

As already mentioned, the sewer check valve is a rather bulky device. In apartments, bathrooms are usually small, it’s difficult to find a place, but you have to - if you don’t want to have a geyser instead of a toilet bowl.

The exact dimensions of the sewer valves depend on the diameter of the pipe on which the device is placed. For example, for a 100 sewer pipe diameter, the minimum length is 40 cm, the height and width are slightly less. Such a box must be installed before entering the riser.

In this case, it is often necessary to break the floor, the tiles already laid - it is necessary to combine the holes in the body with the pipes, center everything, follow the required angle of inclination. Such a prospect is especially “pleasing” if a renovation has recently been made. In this case, there is also an option - to embed a check valve in the riser above your entrance. But for such work - interference in the general house system (the installation of plumbing fixtures on your branch does not fall under this category), and they require written permission, you will have to notify the residents, turn off the water, representatives of the operating organization or the water utility will work. In general, it’s still a hassle, because this method of solving a problem is used very rarely.

If there is no place for a common device, they put back sewer valves on each plumbing fixture - separately on the toilet, bathtub, washbasin, sink, etc. This is if pipes from each of the devices separately go to the riser. If you have only two directions - to the toilet, and then to the bath-washbasin-sink, etc., then it will cost to install two devices - one personal on the toilet (the diameter matches the diameter of the outlet pipe) and the second - common, on a branch that goes to all other devices. Its size must match the diameter of the wiring pipe, and most often it is 50 mm.

How to install a toilet with your own hands, see here.

Installation rules

The main thing to consider is the direction of movement of effluents. It is marked with a large arrow on the body. The device must be rotated so that the normal direction of the drains coincides with the arrow. The following are the features of the installation:

  • The installation of a plastic check valve on the sewer takes place in the standard way for this type of pipe: there is a socket and sealing gum. The straight end of the pipe is inserted into this socket. Such a connection is already tight, but for greater reliability, the junction can be additionally smeared with sanitary silicone.
  • Installation of cast-iron models - with the help of sealing rubber bands and bolts that tighten the mounting plates, there are models with sockets - for traditional installation on tow and filling the seam with sealant.
  • It is necessary to set it so that there is free access to the lid - periodically the check valve for the sewer becomes clogged, so it must be cleaned.

Causes of sewer clogging

It is naive to believe that the clogging of sewer pipes occurs solely from the fact that large solid objects get into them. Rather, it is a trigger that activates a mechanism that has long been ready for operation. Often the problem lies elsewhere.

Incorrect slope of the outlet pipes

For normal operation of the system, it is necessary that wastewater moves through the pipeline at a certain speed. It is provided by the slope laid down during the installation of the structure. If it was initially insufficient or decreased as a result of subsidence of the foundation during operation, then the flow rate slows down.

In this case, larger solid inclusions will settle on the walls, since the strength of the water current will not be enough to move them. Sooner or later, these deposits will completely block the pipe gap. Almost the same thing happens if the slope is too steep: the water simply does not have time to carry away the waste.

Pipeline wear

Long-term operation of the system leads to a gradual uniform deposition of sediment on the pipe walls. The clearance inside the pipe is getting smaller and even with a normal flow rate, it becomes easier for large inclusions to gain a foothold on the walls. They accumulate, harden and form a blockage.

Right angle installation of horizontal outlets

Horizontal bends, mounted at right angles, dramatically change the configuration of the pipeline. This, in turn, changes the speed of the effluents. They can both accelerate and slow down, which in any case will affect the operation of the system negatively, and lead to the formation of blockage.

Do not forget about the improper operation of the structure, which also leads to problems. However, if in the latter case, cleaning the structure will be quite enough to get rid of the blockage, then troubles that occur for other reasons will appear with enviable regularity. That is why experts strongly recommend that everyone whose apartments are located on the first two floors, as well as owners of private houses, install a shut-off valve for sewage.

Check valve: installation methods and types of devices

There are two ways to prevent a flood from sewage:

  • by installing a separate locking device for each of the plumbing fixtures in the apartment;
  • by installing one structure with a large throughput on a common pipe.

You need to know that the second option is only suitable for private houses, it is best for residents of high-rise buildings to use the first method.

There are two fundamentally different devices that are mounted in the sewer system:

  • non-return valve to prevent backflow of sewage;
  • a vacuum valve that equalizes the pressure in the system. It is recommended to install in structures with a counter-slope, which is almost impossible to eliminate without a complete rework of the pipeline.

Locking structure: device and installation features

The knot can be made of plastic or metal, with the former being more common.

Principle of operation

The part is equipped with two nozzles, releasing and receiving. Between them is a chamber with an element filled with air, made in the form of a ball. How it works can be seen in the illustration:

The unit needs regular cleaning, so it has a collapsible body. Cleaning is fairly easy. It must be carried out regularly, otherwise, due to contamination on the seal of the inlet pipe, it will not be possible to close the pipe. The system can be mounted both vertically and horizontally.

Basic installation rules

Before starting installation, you should determine the installation site, taking into account the need to provide free access to the unit for its cleaning and maintenance.

When choosing a device model, you need to be guided by common sense and not buy a part just because you like the price. The cost of a quality valve cannot be compared with the cost of repairing an apartment in case of flooding with sewage. In addition, you need to pay attention to the way the node is installed. Most often they are universal, but there are separate models designed only for horizontal or vertical installation.

Another caveat: before installation, it is worth checking the valve for leaks. For installation, it is necessary to make a cut of the required size in the pipeline and bring pipes into the valve. If the sewer is cast iron, then you will have to mount adapters from metal to plastic. The installation of the part is carried out strictly in accordance with the direction of the fluid flow. Each valve has an arrow showing that direction. It should face towards the sewer.

Check air valve

According to SNiPs, in all buildings with more than two floors, a fan valve must be installed, in which case the sewage system will work more efficiently, without unpleasant odors and noise. The unit performs the functions of a distribution and control device that allows you to automatically remove the gases formed in the system and create an air flow.

How is the node arranged and functioning?

The principle of operation of the element is quite simple. Consider how the sewer system functions without a valve. When flushing the toilet or any other discharge of a large amount of liquid, a vacuum occurs in the pipeline. It causes the system to draw air to equalize pressure from the plumbing fixture where the sewer seal is least. This moment will be accompanied by a loud squelching sound and the appearance of an unpleasant odor. The vacuum valve equalizes the pressure inside the sewer system, letting in air when a vacuum occurs, and releasing the gases formed inside the pipeline.

The standard part has a plastic housing with a side hole. The main structural element is a rod that raises a side hole through which gases are released from the sewer. When the pressure drops, the stem goes down and closes the hole. To prevent the element from rising higher than necessary, a rubber gasket is installed above it. There are units with a rubber membrane instead of a stem, but they require frequent replacement due to the rapid wear of the rubber.

Manufacturers offer two types of air valves:

  • 50 mm for sinks;
  • 110mm for common riser.

It should be borne in mind that the first node can only be installed for one or two devices, for example, for a toilet bowl and a sink.

Air valve mounting features

The part can only be mounted in rooms with a constant positive temperature. If negative, the node will not be able to function. The place for installation is selected depending on the presence of a floor drain. If there is a ladder, then the valve is installed at a height of at least 35 cm from the floor.

The absence of a ladder involves the installation of a device on a section of the pipeline located above the highest inlet of the drainage system coming from the plumbing equipment. The part is installed by mounting on the free end of the pipe or in a special socket.

It should be noted that the installation of a check valve on the sewer is a necessary measure. It will protect an apartment or a private house from the penetration of sewage, unpleasant smell and noise. You can carry out the work yourself, having previously read the installation instructions, or entrust the arrangement to specialists. In any case, the result will be trouble-free operation of the sewer system.

Types of valves for the sewer pipe

A non-return valve is installed on the sewer to block the rise of drains and their outflow from plumbing fixtures. If you do not install a water seal, then you can suffer serious losses in the future. Since there are no obstacles for waste.

Types of valves for sewerage:

  • Check sewer valve;
  • Vacuum (air) plumbing valve.

The principle of operation of the device is to block the passage of the pipe with the help of a membrane valve under the action of air pressure. The valve circuit includes an overlapping membrane. She creates a block for the reverse raising of drains. The device also includes a lever for the withdrawal of drains and a cover that is used for cleaning.

The non-return valve must be installed on the ground floor in apartment buildings. When the riser is contaminated, this is the only way to protect the apartment from flooding with waste.

Features of the air valve for sewerage

The SNiP regulations provide for the installation of an air valve for each sewer drain. If it is not possible to install an exhaust valve, use a ventilation element. The vacuum device is mounted on a pipe with a diameter of 110 mm.

Air valve diagram:

  • Equipment body;
  • Air vent for air flow;
  • Pressure regulation rod;
  • Rubber gasket;
  • Instrument cover.

The vacuum valve works according to the following principle: equalization of atmospheric pressure in the pipe, suction of excess discharged air. When water enters the sewer under a certain pressure, the shut-off valve cover opens. If the pressure stops, the spring is activated, which closes the lid.

The air valve performs an important function - noise protection.

The ventilation unit is available in different materials. The most popular is plastic. It guarantees easy installation, easy maintenance, easy cleaning, inexpensive, durable.

Types of air valves:

  1. Auto. It has a small throughput. It is used in private houses for separate parts of the sewerage system. Releases air that accumulates in the system.
  2. Anti-vacuum. The most popular type. Used for various purposes. Releases and lets in air.
  3. Combined. Combines the functions of automatic and anti-vacuum type.

Each type is selected according to the features of the room. The combined form is more commonly used. It is installed on the sewer in the bathroom, in the kitchen.

Installation of an air valve on the sewer from the smell

An air valve is used to protect the apartment from unpleasant odors. Its installation is quite simple. It is necessary to mount it on the free part of the plumbing pipe.

Vacuum valve installation sequence:

  1. Choose a place for mounting the shutter. You can put the valve on any part of the device and for the entire sewer system. The air mechanism is installed at a distance of 20 cm from the nearest siphon and 30 cm from the pipe.
  2. We fix the valve to the pipe with the chosen method. Can use fittings, threads.
  3. We check the tightness of the installation.
  4. Operation of the sewer system.

Stop valves are mounted inside the room, as they are used at a temperature not lower than 0 degrees. The device quickly pays for itself, as it protects plumbing from breakdowns, and the apartment from unpleasant odors.

Problems during operation can be caused not only by a breakdown of the shutter, but also by changes in the sewer. For example, when installing a washing machine.

Thanks to the air valves in the apartment, not only an unpleasant smell does not spread, but also noise. This is a significant advantage of the device. Thanks to this, the most comfortable conditions are created in the house.

Characteristics of the check valve for the toilet

The check valve has the form of a special element that is mounted on the sewer riser. This part has a round shape, and the diameter matches the size of the pipe.

Toilet check valve feature:

  1. The device is mounted not only on the toilet, but also on other plumbing fixtures;
  2. The valve prevents effluent from flowing back into the room;
  3. A water seal blocks the penetration of an unpleasant odor into the room;
  4. Required for installation on the first floors of apartment buildings.

Mounting a non-return valve on the toilet is a simple task. The locking device can be mounted on the entire sewer. Here it is necessary to choose the right type of device and the place where the shutter will best cope with the tasks.

The non-return valve can only be used in a room with a positive temperature. In the cold, the device will not work.

Also, installation can be carried out on one device. They serve as a toilet. It is through it that drains can get back into the apartment. Also, a shut-off valve for reinsurance is installed on the sink or bathroom.

For long-term operation, the mechanism must be periodically cleaned. The reinforcing cover is easily removed, and the necessary measures are taken. Also, the mechanism is equipped with a shut-off valve, which allows you to conveniently close the system and perform cleaning.

Sewer shut-off valve device

For valves, various materials are used in the manufacture. Use stainless steel, cast iron, plastic, bronze. A part is bought from a material similar to pipes. Most often they are plastic.

In addition to cleaning, the non-return valve does not require any other maintenance.

Pipes in a residential area normally have a diameter of 50 mm. The shut-off valve is purchased in the same size. The device has a special cover for easy cleaning and a lever for shutting off the flow of drains on its own.

Check valve components:

  • Connecting part - used for fastening to the pipe;
  • The main part of the lock is the locking mechanism;
  • Limiter retainer;
  • The final part is used for fastening to the pipe at the outlet.

With proper maintenance, the locking device can last 50 years. In contrast to the purpose of the application, I distinguish between different sizes of valves. Devices with a diameter of 50 mm are used for pipes, 110 mm for toilet bowls. Air valves are also used to prevent unpleasant odors.

When choosing a valve, pay attention to the strength and reliability of the design. The material must be able to withstand the aggressive environment. The cap in the valve must be easily removed for cleaning. Also, a lever must be provided for self-closing the sewer.

Often a water shut-off valve is used to determine the direction of water in only one direction. Such a mechanism is useful for self-priming pumps and autonomous water supply. Shut-off valves prevent the return movement of the liquid that is pumped out by the pump back into the well or well.

Installation of a check valve on the sewer

Installation on a drainage system first provides for the correct choice of location. It is important that the valve was accessible. For its normal operation, it is necessary to periodically inspect the device and clean it.

When buying a locking mechanism, do not rely only on the price indicator. A cheap model will not please with quality, and if it breaks, it will lead to serious losses. After installation, make sure the device is tight. If it is broken, then the device is not of high quality.

When buying a check valve, you need to pay attention to the installation method. As a rule, many models are universal for any pipes. But there are options only for horizontal or vertical pipes. Also take into account the diameter of the valve.

Check valve installation steps:

  1. At the installation site, a section is cut out to the length of the valve;
  2. The shutter element is connected to the pipes;
  3. It is necessary to pay attention to the direction of the arrows on the body, which should look towards the outlet;
  4. After installation, the joints are treated with sealant.

This completes the installation and the device is ready for use. If a noticeable noise is heard during operation, then the problem is poor tightness. The element needs to be replaced.

The principle of its operation is the same as that of a nipple: it allows the flow to pass in one direction, but does not let them pass back. In other words, if the sewer system suddenly becomes clogged, the waste will not get into your home. The diameter of such a valve can be different, so it is necessary to choose it based on the diameter of the sewer pipes. For example, in order to connect to the central riser, you need a valve of 11 centimeters, and in other places you usually need a smaller valve, often no more than 5 centimeters.

Such valves are made of stainless steel, brass, cast iron and bronze. Regarding metal valves, but today they are practically not used (the reason for this is unreliability and high cost). For indoor installation, polypropylene is considered the most popular material, and for external installation, PVC is considered.

There are several places where you can install a sewer check valve, everything will depend on your goals. In most cases, it is found near the entrance to the riser. We also note that it should be installed for each apartment separately, on an individual basis. But why, you ask, not install a common valve for the entire riser? In this case, the whole point is that if the riser becomes clogged, then the waste will rise up the pipe. Thus, the inhabitants of the first floor are flooded. So if you live on the ground floor, but do not hesitate to install such a valve for yourself - it will protect you from such troubles.

In addition to the valve described above, others with a smaller size are often used. They are placed in front of every type of plumbing, for example, in the bathroom. Their throughput is somewhat less, but for small housing this will be quite enough. In addition, the installation of such a valve is highly recommended if the drain pipes in your system have a reverse slope.

Stages of mounting a check valve in the sewer system

In order to select a specific model in the store, you must rely on the following data:

  1. The amount of money you can spend on it.
  2. The material used in the manufacture of the valve.

Stage one

It should be noted that even the cheapest and most primitive valve does its job well. You just need to know exactly the diameter of your sewer pipes and purchase a model of the right size. But if the diameters differ (when the measurements were taken incorrectly), then special adapters can be used, but it is advisable to avoid such a problem, since we do not need extra connections.

Stage two

If it is necessary to install a large sewer check valve directly next to the riser, then it is advisable to do this in a horizontal position, while the vertical one is not used so often, and such an installation is not recommended.

Stage three

After purchasing the valve, you may notice that on its body (as well as on the body of all similar products) there is a special arrow that will indicate the direction of water movement through the pipes. It is important that this arrow must necessarily be directed to the sewer riser. It is best to install such a valve at the same time that old sewer pipes will be replaced.

Stage four

If you have already changed the pipes before, you will have to embed the valve. Before you start tapping, turn off all the water. After turning off, we cut a piece of pipe of a certain size and mount a check valve there.

Stage five: proceed directly to the installation.

In fact, this process is not too complicated. Each valve has two holes equipped with rubber seals, to each of which a cut pipe must be connected.

After completing the installation, you must make sure that the tightness of the connections is at the proper level. To do this, you need to turn on the water and observe the junction for several minutes. If the check valve for the sewer vibrates, then you will have to redo everything again.

Benefits of check valve

As we have already said, such a valve is intended primarily to create an obstacle to the flow of waste going in the opposite direction in case of clogging. Thus, the technical and sanitary indicators of the building are significantly improved. The benefits of check valves include:

  1. They close quietly.
  2. There is no water hammer.
  3. Such devices can be equipped both in a horizontal and vertical state.
  4. Minor resistance.
  5. The loss of fluid pressure is halved.
  6. And, of course, excellent tightness.

What it is

What is a check valve is easy to guess. Obviously, this is a device that allows the working environment to move in only one direction. Check valves are widely used in the installation of plumbing and heating systems, so their concept will not seem unusual to the reader.

The use of this product for wastewater requires, however, some adaptations:

  1. The valve must open and close at minimum pressure.. As you know, in most cases, domestic sewage is gravity;

Valves that require significant excess pressure to open (for example, ball valves) can be used in pressurized sewer systems. They are mounted at the beginning of the pressure section immediately after the pump and prevent the reverse movement of wastewater after it has stopped.

  1. Since the valve and seat will inevitably become overgrown with grease, slurry and other deposits, the valve must be easily opened for service.

Typical valve materials are plastics, primarily unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (UPVC) and polypropylene. As a rule, products are marked with a color: valves intended for internal sewerage are gray, for outdoor installation they are orange.

Valves are single-chamber (with one damper) and two-chamber (with two dampers). For obvious reasons, the latter are more reliable: even if a contaminated seat of one damper prevents it from closing completely, the second one will ensure tightness.

A non-return valve can often be found on sale under a different name - a sewer gate.

Many valves provide for manual control: the damper can be forcibly transferred to a fully closed state.

In addition to mechanical, many manufacturers offer electrified devices. The servomotor, which blocks the path to the drains with a damper, starts after the filling sensor is triggered. Electrified devices are often equipped with batteries that provide long-term (up to a week) autonomous operation in case of power failures.

Installation goals

Why do you need a valve in the sewer?

In order to ensure that, in case of blockage, the drains of the upper floors do not fall into the premises of the lower ones. The principle of communicating vessels works here: as soon as the outlet to the well or collector ceases to perform its functions, wastewater begins to pour out through a plumbing fixture located below the others. It is worth installing a valve in front of it - and the sewage will have to look for another way.

In addition to the reverse movement of wastewater, valve flaps prevent rats and mice from moving through the sewer. In the absence of drains, the damper is completely closed, and when the water is drained, it rises just enough to let the flow through.

Air (vacuum) valves, which prevent the disruption of water locks on devices connected to non-ventilated risers, are also reverse in their design.
They pass air in only one direction - inside the riser, compensating for the vacuum that occurs in it during flushing.

Place of installation

Correct location

Where exactly are the valves installed?

  • Their most typical location is at the outlet to the well of the sewer network of the basement or basement floor. Such premises should be equipped with a separate outlet; alternatively, the outlets may be combined after the check valve. When backing up the yard sewer, the sides of the plumbing fixtures will be below the edges of the well; however, thanks to the valve, the room will not be flooded;

According to the requirements of SNiP 2.04.01 - 85, electrified valves must be installed at the sewer outlet of the basement and basement floors, which, when triggered, send a signal to the dispatcher's console.
An exception is rooms used around the clock: they may have manually operated valves.

  • In an apartment on the first floor of an apartment building, shutters can be installed after individual plumbing fixtures. So, a 110 mm PVC sewer check valve can be mounted after the toilet, and 50 mm devices can be installed on the outlets for connecting a bathtub, washbasin and sink. An even simpler solution is to install a common shutter with a diameter of 110 mm at the entrance to the apartment, immediately after the tee or cross;
  • In a private house connected to a central sewer, the valve can be installed before being released to the well from the inside of the foundation. Of course, its location should be convenient for maintenance: once every 3-6 months, the hatch of the device is opened to clean the seat and damper from grease and other deposits.

Wrong location

I strongly advise against placing a vertical valve (as well as various debris traps blocking the mesh pipe under revision covers and other handicraft devices) in the gap of the sewer riser.

What is the instructions for?

Due to the fact that the damper, even in the fully open position, is an obstacle to drains, an unevenness inside the pipe. She will inevitably collect large-sized garbage traveling along the riser, first of all, rags missed in the toilet bowls. Yes, their entry into the sewer is a gross violation of the rules for its operation; however, we live in a far from ideal world, and we have to put up with reality.

As a result, the valve will provoke frequent blockages of the riser with backwater at the level of your floor. Where it leads?

  1. To the flooding of your own apartment, but not through plumbing fixtures, but from above - through the ceiling;
  2. To the inevitable, like the collapse of capitalism, damage to the valve flap when cleaning the next blockage. Sewer wire is a fairly durable tool that allows great effort when used;

In especially difficult cases, blockages are cleared by lowering a crowbar on a rope into the riser through a fan pipe on the roof.
What will happen to the valve petal in this case is easy to guess.

  1. To draw up an act on unauthorized changes in the configuration of the public utility network with billing for the restoration of the riser, and, possibly, for repairs from neighbors from above.

Why do I pay so much attention to the wrong installation of the valve in the riser? Yes, simply because when he was a plumber he often had a big and bright feeling with a variety of valves and traps installed so that the upstairs neighbors themselves reap the benefits of improper use of the sewer. Alas, they do more harm than good.

Mounting technique

How to install a check valve correctly? The simplest case is the installation of a cuff valve after the toilet.

It consists of three stages:

As always, there are a couple of caveats:

  1. The toilet must be connected to a pipe with a straight section after the socket. The damper must not rest against the outlet wall;
  2. Do not collect joints on sealant and sit the toilet on cement or mastic. Sooner or later the valve will need cleaning.

Check valves with flare connections are mounted in the same way as any other plastic fitting: a smooth, chamfered section is inserted into a flare with an O-ring rubber seal. To simplify assembly, liquid soap or any other water-based lubricant can be applied to the seal.

Of particular interest is only the installation of the valve in the gap of the previously assembled sewer section. In this case, we need an additional shaped element - a compensating pipe. It is a short tube with an elongated bell.

The installation sequence will be as follows:

There are a couple of nuances here:

  1. On the cut pipe, the burrs on the inside must be cleaned, and the outer chamfer is removed. Burrs can trap debris during sewer operation, increasing the chance of clogging. The chamfer will help to assemble the socket connection with minimal effort;
  1. After assembling the sewer, the check valve socket must be fixed with a separate clamp. Thus, we will prevent spontaneous disconnection of the connection during sewer backwater: the compensator is able to move up the pipe.

Is it possible to install a check valve where there is no bell? Of course. To do this, in addition to the compensator, we will have to purchase a sewer coupling.

It is mounted on a cut-to-size pipe below the valve installation site. Further actions are no different from those described above.

Sample study

I told where and how sewer check valves are used, but did not mention what they are and how much they cost. I will hasten to correct this defect. As an object for research, I will focus on the products of the Hutterer & Lechner company - not the cheapest, but, of course, one of the highest quality in the post-Soviet space.

HL damper blades with a diameter of 110 mm or more are made of stainless steel and are capable of withstanding significant deforming loads.
Its semicircular shape makes the valve more resistant to high backflow pressures.

The senior valve in the HL model range is equipped with an electric drive powered by a 220 volt network and a battery that provides autonomy up to 7 days. Accession — bell-shaped, under diameter of 110 mm. In addition, the manufacturer offers gates with a diameter of 160 and 200 mm.

Here are the most interesting features of the device for the consumer:

  • The closing force due to the 300-watt electric motor reaches 50 kgf. Large effluent fractions caught between the damper and the saddle cannot prevent its closure: they are simply ground;
  • The damper closing time is 11 seconds;
  • The control unit with a standard cable can be moved up to 6 meters from the shutter;
  • The damper can be closed forcibly not only manually, but also from the remote control;
  • The device of the valve provides only horizontal installation.

The retail price of the shutter is 102,970 rubles.

The cost of the products cited by me as samples is, let's say, far from budgetary. In order not to scare the reader with the upcoming expenses, I will introduce him to a couple of valves of domestic production.

This Novosibirsk-made valve is also designed for internal and external sewage. Like the previous device, it provides for manual locking of the damper in the closed state and the possibility of maintenance through the technological hatch.

Unlike TP85, here you need a tool to open the hatch - an open-end or socket wrench. The cost of the valve is even more attractive: it will cost the buyer only 1,500 rubles.

Sewerage has become an integral part of our everyday life. Such systems are equipped with both apartment buildings and private buildings. Even in many suburban areas there is a sewerage system. Albeit in a truncated form.

But sometimes trouble happens with such a system, it clogs. This happens if you uncontrollably throw large debris into the toilet or sink. As a result, the first floors will be flooded with fecal masses, and this is very unpleasant.

Helpful information! Not only will you feel an unpleasant smell at home for several weeks after breaking through the pipes, but you can’t avoid major repairs. And in private homes, flooding with sewer masses can happen in the spring, when groundwater rises and can enter your house through the toilet.

But modern technology makes it possible to avoid such situations. To do this, you need to equip your sewer with a check valve.

What is it for?

To avoid flooding with fecal matter, a check valve for sewage is installed. Its principle of operation resembles a nipple - the liquid passes freely in one direction, but does not pass in the opposite direction. If your sewer is clogged, then such a device will not allow drains to get to your home.

Check valves for sewerage are produced in various diameters. When purchasing such a device, you need to know the place of its installation and the pipes used. As a rule, the sewer riser is 110 mm in diameter, while other pipes have a diameter of 50 mm. In accordance with this, a check valve is selected.

The materials used in the manufacture of such products are also diverse. It can be copper, bronze, brass, carbon steel or stainless steel.

Check valves are also made of plastic and PVC.

  • Metal products are gradually going out of circulation, they are too expensive and do not have sufficient durability.
  • Products made of plastic (for indoor use) and PVC (for indoor and outdoor use) are most commonly used.

Where is the check valve installed?

Depending on the tasks, the check valve (or, as it is also called the fan valve) can be installed in several places. Most often, such devices are installed in each apartment at the entrance of the sewer to the common riser.

Some people think that it is better to install a common check valve on the sewer riser. But such an opinion is erroneous. The fact is that if the riser gets clogged below (for example, in the basement, which often happens), then the drains will go up and get into the apartments on the first floor. Therefore, it is better for their owners to play it safe and install a check valve inside the apartment.

Sometimes such structures are installed in front of a plumbing fixture or group. For example, in the bathroom, you can mount a check valve on the sewer pipe, it will prevent the flow of drains into the bath if the pipe becomes clogged. Also, such devices must be installed with a reverse slope of the pipe.

Sewer check valve device

In stores, you can find various designs of a non-return valve for sewage, but the principle of their design is almost the same. It looks like a pipe, inside of which a plate with rubber seals is installed. It is this plate that acts as a constipation, a spring is attached to it, which prevents the drains from flowing in the opposite direction.

In order to periodically clean the valve, a removable cover is provided on its body. Also, a lever is installed on the valve, with its help you can manually open or close the plate. In this case, if the valve is opened, then the plate will be in a stationary state in the open form. It will also happen if you close it manually, the plate will always be closed.

When the drains pass from the plumbing fixture, they open the plate with their pressure and freely pass into the sewer. Then the spring comes into play, it closes the hole with a plate and prevents the drains from going in the opposite direction. The plate itself has a larger size than the emphasis on which it rests. This allows the valve neck to be hermetically sealed.

Smaller diameter valves sometimes use a different system. In this case, the inlet and outlet pipes are at different levels. There is air between them. If a reverse flow occurs, the air bubble presses on the membrane and closes the return pipe, which prevents the flow of wastewater.

Installation of a check valve on the sewer

The choice of one or another check valve for sewage is up to you. Today you can buy such devices made of various materials and with different prices. But in any case, the valve will reliably protect you from flooding with sewage.

The main thing, is to choose the desired diameter of the device. Today, various adapters are on sale, with their help you can mount a valve even with a different diameter than your sewer pipes. But such work will be more difficult and less reliable, so it is better to find a device of the right size.

The non-return valve itself is installed in front of the entrance to the standing in a horizontal position. Rarely, but in principle, it is possible to mount such a device in a vertical position. The main thing is not to confuse the direction. An arrow is drawn on the valve body; after its installation, it should indicate the direction to the common riser.

It is better to install the check valve at the same time as changing the pipes. If you have already replaced your sewer, you will have to do a sidebar. To do this, turn off all the water so as not to flood the neighbors from below. Then we measure and cut off the desired piece of sewer pipe.

To make it easier, you can watch the video:

As you can see, the work itself is not particularly difficult. The valve, on each side, has sockets. They are equipped with rubber seals. It is in them that the sewer pipe trims are inserted. You can do this if your pipes are made of plastic.

More difficult work is the installation of a check valve in the presence of cast iron pipes. In this case, it is necessary to use cast iron-plastic and plastic-cast iron adapters. You also need to be more careful about trimming.

After completion of work, check the tightness of the connections. To do this, turn on the water in the sink or bathtub and see if there is a leak. Also pay attention to possible vibrations, if any, then you need to get rid of them. Otherwise, the connections may fall apart.

In what case is it recommended to install a check valve on the sewer

Finally, it is worth mentioning the cases when it is worth installing a check valve on the sewer:

  • For residents of the first floors and private houses, the installation of a check valve is a must. Such residential premises have a very high risk of being flooded by drains.
  • If you live on the second floor, then you should install such devices. If the drains rise, and the valves are already installed on the first floor, then the fecal matter will go to you.
  • For residents of the third and higher floors, it is not necessary to install a valve. A column of liquid feces will simply squeeze out the cork in the basement, and they will not reach you.

Do not forget that it is not necessary to install a check valve on a common riser in the basement. Very often, pipes are clogged above this level, and there is simply no point in installing a valve.

Electricity, gas, water supply and sanitation are the necessary minimum of communications in a modern house. Accustomed to the numerous benefits of civilization, the current inhabitants of the metropolis seek to improve the existing amenities. Therefore, an unpleasant smell from sewer pipes and sometimes frightening “squishing” sounds from there do not cause enthusiasm among homeowners. Installing an air valve on the sewer will help get rid of them. This is exactly what will be discussed in the article.

What is a sewer air valve

An aerator (namely, this is how it would be more correct to call an air or vacuum valve for sewage) is a device designed to solve one of the most unpleasant problems in an apartment or a private house: an unbearable smell that no air freshener can handle. This is not surprising, because the reason lies in the improper installation of the sewer pipe system. Because of this, gases accumulate in it and pressure drops occur. Installing an aerator can also eliminate the strange sounds that pipes make.

  • Why is this happening? In multi-storey buildings, it is still considered the standard solution to bring the riser to the roof of the building. This is a simple and proven way of ventilation. However, quite often the system is unable to cope with its task and unpleasant odors return to the living room instead of going outside. But it is much worse if the fetid streams begin to whip out of the siphons. Here, moral damage alone will not work.
  • The purpose of the air valve mounted in the internal sewage system is to create a barrier and prevent gases and odors from flowing back into the apartment. It automatically blocks the system when the pressure in it rises. When it subsides, the barrier is also automatically removed. That is, the device responds to violent processes inside the pipes. As a result, dirty sewage and unwanted amber are completely absent in the apartment.

The working principle of the air valve can be described as follows:

  • when water is drained from the apartment, it goes into the general system. In this case, the pressure in it becomes less than atmospheric;
  • this difference does not go unnoticed by the device, and the air valve opens slightly. At the same time, air is supplied through the side opening;
  • when enough air enters the system, the pressure in it will be equal to atmospheric. Then the valve stem returns to its place.

The design of aerators is the same in all cases, despite the differences in the mechanism of operation or fastening:

  • frame. It is made of rigid polymers, special requirements are placed on its tightness. The top cover is removable, with a reliable threaded connection. This is necessary for external visual inspection of the device and its cleaning. For a snug fit, there is always a rubber gasket;
  • air inlet;
  • opening mechanism- valve closing. It can be a stem or a single acting diaphragm. The second is considered more reliable, since it cannot be jammed with debris that inevitably enters the system.

Types of air valves for sewerage

According to the principle of operation, valves in the device can be of three types:

  • auto. These are mainly installed in small private buildings. It just can't handle heavy loads. Its design will not withstand the strong pressure of water and a significant amount of air;

  • kinetic. Sometimes it can be found under the name "anti-vacuum". It can only work at low pressures. Such a valve prevents the accumulation of air in large volumes when draining occurs and the system is filled with water;
  • combined. It is a device that combines the capabilities of both of the above types.

Since the main pipeline can be mounted vertically or horizontally, each of them will require different types of aerators. When choosing them for installation, such a nuance as the diameter of the pipes should be taken into account. The following types of valves are commercially available:

  • receiving aerator. Its diameter is 20 cm, and the device itself is equipped with a filter that traps solid particles from the water and does not pass them further into the system. This type of valve is mounted in front of the horizontal pipeline pump;
  • ball model. Mounted on horizontally running pipes of small diameter. Basically, these are drainage systems from plumbing fixtures. The aerator got its name because it uses a ball element as a shutter, and the spring provides downforce;
  • wafer model more compact and lightweight. It can be installed in both horizontal and vertical pipelines. It can be through passage (when the water flow passing through it does not change its direction) and angular (the flow of the working medium passing through the valve changes its course by 90 °). Disc spring modifications come in diameters from one and a half to 20 cm. Their work is similar to ball aerators, but the shutter is a plate. Bivalve variations are produced with a diameter of 5 - 70 cm;

  • check air valve for sewerage (petal or rotary). A spool acts as a locking element in it. It then slams shut if necessary, when the pressure in the system drops. Large diameter valves in such an arrangement have one drawback: they break quickly due to the fact that the spool hits the seat very hard. And as a result, when such a damaged valve is triggered, a water hammer occurs during further operation. The solution for valves with large diameters is the use of a shock absorber. Reverse aerators are divided into simple ones (less than 400 mm in diameter) and shockless ones, equipped with a damper. The first are installed in systems that are not afraid of possible water hammer.

There is also a classification according to the method of attachment:

  • welding method. It is used in the presence of particularly aggressive environments; it is not used in apartments and private residential buildings;
  • coupling mount Designed for small diameter pipes. The non-return valve in this case is attached with a threaded coupling;
  • already mentioned flange type connection when there is no fastener on the valve itself. In this case, it is clamped between the flanges in the pipeline. Due to its compactness, it is advisable to use such an aerator in areas of the sewer system of small sizes;
  • fastening through flanges with sealing.

Do-it-yourself air valve for sewage

You can install the air valve yourself, but if there is even the slightest doubt, it is better to rely on the experience of professionals and invite a specialist. Such rules can be listed as general installation requirements.

  • Aerators must not be installed in rooms that do not have constant heating. Air temperatures below zero degrees are a good reason to refuse installation.
  • Do not place the device in a place where later access to it would be inconvenient or not possible at all. In the course of its operation, more than once it will be necessary to carry out preventive examinations.

  • If the installation is carried out in a room equipped with a grate in the floor, then the air valve must be installed at a height of more than 35 cm from the level of the base.
  • To carry out the installation of an automatic aerator, the system will need to determine the point of the highest flow into the common riser. The valve is installed at a height exceeding 10 cm from this point.
  • The valve of the device must be located directly in the socket of the straight section using an o-ring. Vertical arrangement in the system will ensure its efficient operation.
  • The minimum distances specified in the rules make it possible to prevent a situation where waste and fecal masses flushed into the system clog the aerator.

Possible installation locations for the air valve

  • Aerators with a modern design can be installed both in the toilet and in the bathroom. They are easily mounted in a vertical riser of the sewerage system (with access to the attic).
  • Simple devices are placed on a sink, washbasin or bathroom. If we are talking about a fan pipe, then for it it is better to purchase a cylindrical aerator with a lid.

  • Air dampers for sewerage 50 mm rarefy the air in the horizontal parts of the sewage system (baths, sinks in the kitchen and sinks). They will definitely have to be installed if the length of the pipes is large enough or there is a transition from one pipe diameter to another. Observance of the slope when installing the drain system will contribute to the natural elimination of dirty water and prevent the accumulation of liquid, and therefore an unpleasant odor.
  • Air valves for sewerage 110 mm are primarily intended for fan pipes. As an option, it is possible to mount the device on an auxiliary riser, if we are talking about a house where two families live. But at the same time, a prerequisite is the removal of at least one of them on the roof of the building.
  • Regardless of the installation location, the aerator must not be introduced into the system at a slope or in a horizontal position.

How to choose the right air valve

In addition to focusing on the horizontal and vertical arrangement of the sewerage system, nominal pressure, installation dimensions and method of attachment, when choosing an aerator, a number of other nuances must be taken into account.

  • Material. All elements of the device must be made of durable materials that can withstand the aggressive environment of the sewer system and other destructive factors.

  • It is important that in the event of a breakdown of the mechanism, it remains possible to regulate its operation manually.
  • Only a reliable valve, which is the basis of the entire design, can provide decent protection against unpleasant odors and the return of polluted water.
  • Since aerators can serve as an excellent transition for rodents from the sewer to the living quarters, properly designed models provide protection for this case.

Installing an aerator

  • Before starting work, you must make sure that the flow of water throughout the riser is blocked. The necessary part of the pipe is dismantled, and an aerator is installed in its place. The instructions that come with it describe the entire process in sufficient detail. If the pipe is horizontal, then during installation it is important to check the direction of water flow with the pointer on the device. The inlet pipe and the socket must not be interchanged, otherwise the valve simply will not work.

Scheme of installing an air valve on a sewer

  • Aerators for fan pipes allow their installation without violating the integrity and length of the system. Most often, this is a design with a lid, having the shape of a cylinder, with a diameter of 110 mm. When water pressure is applied to the lid, it will open. The release of pressure will cause closing (provided by a spring). And no matter how strong the pressure of the drain water going in the opposite direction, they will not pass into the room.

Prices and manufacturers

Aerators are positioned by sellers not just as effective and necessary devices (it is easy to see this after reading the above), but also as affordable mechanisms. But their cost varies greatly depending on the manufacturer and some design features. For comparison, some prices are combined in the table below.

Diameter Price, rub.) Brand / country of origin Notes
110 150 Politek / Russia
110 1300 - 1240 McAlpine / UK The price range is indicated depending on the throughput of the aerator (from 29.2 l / s to 19.4 l / s)
110 365 SINICON / Russia
75/100 2350 Maxi - Vent / European Union Wavin Ecoplastic
32/50 1580 Mini - Vent / European Union Wavin Ecoplastic
50 2380 - 620 McAlpine / UK The price range is specified according to the capacity of the valve (from 8.9 l/s to 3 l/s)
50 90 SINICON / Russia
40 520 - 400 McAlpine / UK The price varies depending on the throughput of the device (from 3 l / s to 1 l / s)

As you can easily see, Russian counterparts are cheaper, but the last word will always remain with the consumer.