Fun summer competitions on etiquette. Scenario of the evening: "Modern etiquette." Poetry game "Dictionary of polite words"

Leisure scenario for older preschoolers: “Fun etiquette or setting a table for the holiday”

Description of work: In development is a leisure scenario “Fun Etiquette or Setting a Table for the Holidays,” in which teachers and children participate, and there are a variety of activities. The script is intended for teachers and music directors of kindergartens to spend leisure time with children of senior preschool age.
Target: Formation of skills of cultural behavior at the table and rules of etiquette when visiting.
1) study with preschoolers the concepts of “etiquette” and “cultured person”, in a playful way, give an idea of ​​​​various holidays
2) develop in children imaginative thinking, speech, memory, collectivism and the desire to participate in various competitive tasks;
3) cultivate interest in gaming activities and respectful attitude towards others.
Leisure activities:
Presenter: Hello, my friends! I'm glad to see you all.
Guys, smile at each other and smile at the guests.
Let a smile and a good mood be your helpers at the holiday. And we dedicate our today's holiday to etiquette.
What is etiquette? Your teachers will tell us.
1st teacher:
We should know what etiquette is from childhood.
These are norms of behavior: How to go to a birthday party?
How to meet? As it is? How to call? How to get up? How to sit down?
How to greet an adult? There are many different questions.
And this very etiquette gives the answer to them. (A. Usachev)
2nd teacher: WHAT IS ETIQUETTE?
This is possible, This is not... Etiquette, like a label
And a good mark, But not only in the diary,
In people's language... It is very easy to live culturally.
Everything is fine, which is not bad. (A. Stepanov)
3rd teacher: What is etiquette?
Some people know, some don't. Hundreds of rules in ETIQUETTE,
You can’t learn everything at once. But please, children,
Don't upset us.
These rules are extremely simple,
If you want, you can do everything! (Yu. Chichev)
4th teacher: Remember rule number one in education:
Always say “Hello” and “Goodbye”!
You can never tell anyone
Offensive or bad words!
Don't tease, never be a bully!
Always call all the guys by name!
Don't disturb adults' conversation
Don't interrupt their conversation!
Remember the simple rule:
Don't take someone else's stuff without asking!
Try to help your elders in everything,
Always give up your seat in transport! (K. Demidova)
Presenter: Etiquette is the magic rules that will help you become a well-mannered, polite and friendly person. Today we will talk about table etiquette. Look at what wonderful tables you have set for various holidays. Let's find out: who set the table for what holiday. And how he will behave behind him.
1st group

1st child: New Year is knocking on the door! Open it to him quickly.
New Year! It’s so nice to dream about him even in the summer!
The Christmas tree will shine with such a magical, wonderful light.
As we hang the balloons, we cover the branches with rain.
Let's sing a fun song about Grandfather Frost.
2nd child: Let’s sit down at the table now
And we'll tell you about it.
Sit quietly at the table
Don't push, don't shout
This rule is like this
All kids should know.
3rd child: Eat the porridge, don’t rush
Hold the spoon correctly.
Wipe your mouth with a napkin,
Quietly move your chair.
Don't forget to say THANK YOU!
Words of gratitude
We always need them!
Presenter: Well, we understand everything. Your table is set for the New Year holiday. Then I suggest you sing the most New Year’s song, “Little Christmas Tree.” (performed by all children)
Presenter: And now I invite the next group. What kind of holiday are they having? We really want to know?!
2nd group

1st child Why and why did fun come to us?
After all, it’s not New Year or housewarming anymore.
But it’s not for nothing that we have fun with our friends now.
What do we have, what do we have? Guess for yourself!
2nd child: Why and why the lamps shine brightly,
And who is so happy and hot on this day?
And it’s not for nothing that there are jam pies at this hour.
Because today is... our birthday!
3rd child: First you make an agreement, then get ready to visit.
We dress smartly to look smart.
You got dressed, combed your hair... Why didn’t you wash your face?
Don't go without a gift, You shouldn't feel sorry for it!
4th child: If you are not invited, do not force your way in.
Don't forget to take off your shoes, you can't walk around in them at home!
Don't be naughty and don't bite, don't be offended for no reason.
Don’t break tables and furniture, no matter where you’re visiting, my friend.
5th child: Be well-mannered and modest, don’t wander around in secluded places.
No need to kick the cat or throw potatoes under the table!
Praise the owners, the house, and also what is in the house.
You put on your shoes, took your jacket... and “Goodbye!” said?
Presenter: Now we understand what kind of holiday you have. And now I want to test you: do you know how to behave when visiting?
1. Is it possible to be late for a holiday?
2. Should the birthday boy be given gifts?
3. Is it possible to walk around someone else’s apartment wherever you want?
4. Is it possible to sit down at the festive table without an invitation?
5. How should you eat the cake: with your hands or with a spoon?
6. Is it possible to wipe dirty hands on the tablecloth?
7. Is it possible to swing on a chair?
8. Talk with your mouth full?
9. Is it possible to lick salty objects?
10. Will you take food from your neighbor if he hasn’t finished it?
11. What should you tell your owner when you go home?
Well done, I'm glad that you know the rules of behavior when visiting. Well, let's listen to another group of guys.
3rd group

1st child March Eighth, Mothers' Day,
Knock Knock! - knocking on our doors.
He only comes to the house where they help his mother.
We will sweep the floor for mom, we will set the table ourselves.
We'll cook lunch for her. We will sing and dance with her.
We will paint her portrait as a gift.
2nd child: Friends, it’s lunch time! We invite you to the table!
Everything is already covered for lunch, bon appetit.
3rd child: Wash your hands, don’t be lazy, and only then sit down at the table!
On your lap, baby, put a napkin.
To look neat, eat nice and neat!
And don’t swing your legs, and don’t push your neighbor!
4th child: For the second one, remember too, you need to take a fork and a knife.
Cut off a piece, then eat the second one.
Don’t reach for food, but turn to your neighbor.
Your neighbor will give you compote and vinaigrette.
5th child: Of course, you will spill the soup if you drink from the plate.
Tilt it a little and finish your soup with a spoon.
The treats are good, eat calmly, don't rush.
Don't talk with your mouth full, talk later!
Presenter: Since you have set the table for your mother's holiday, let's check if you are a good mother's helper?
Let's play a game with you: “Help Mom clear the table”
There are a lot of dirty dishes left on the holiday table, who will remove them first?
Great. I like it. Now let's take a look at some more guys: what kind of holiday are they having?
4th group:

1st child: A happy holiday has come to us,
Music flows all around.
Today we are this holiday
Let's call it Valentine's Day.
2nd child: Happy Valentine's Day,
Happy holiday of love,
Girls and boys
We congratulate you.
Presenter: Valentine's Day is a holiday for couples in love.
So now we will look for a sweet couple. Just a couple of candies, not people. I have a lot of candies, but not everyone has pairs. Your task: find a pair for each candy.
Game "Sweet couple"
Presenter: Well done, we played well. Next, I suggest moving to the next table.
5th group

1st child: It’s very fun today,
The songs sound loud,
Because it's a birthday
Celebrates kindergarten!
2nd child: It’s Barbos’ birthday!
There will be dancing and food!
On the porch, at the door
Barbos is waiting for his guests.
Presenter: We congratulate Barbosa
We wish you happiness and goodness!
Now don't yawn
Sing “loaf”
Song "Loaf".

Presenter: Well, we have one table left. Perhaps the most unusual and mysterious. What kind of holiday awaits us here?
6th group

1st child Halloween is not a scary holiday,
And cheerful and funny!
Look at me - isn't it
Could a witch be like that?
purple nails,
Cockroaches in hair
But the anger is not visible at all
In my mischievous eyes.
2nd child: Skeletons are dancing in the streets,
And the witches are still waving their brooms
And a terrible devil knocks on the house,
And asks the owners for a cake.
3rd child: And the witch didn’t wash her hands well:
Just moistened it with some water,
I didn’t try to wash with soap -
All the dirt remained on my hands.
The towel has black spots!
How unpleasant it is!
Germs will get into your mouth -
Then your stomach will hurt.
So kids, try your best
Wash your face with soap more often!
Need warm water
Wash your hands before eating!
4th child: The little imp chewed bread on the holiday -
Dropped bread crumbs.
He spoke with his mouth full -
What? Nobody could understand.
Then I took up the compote -
The table wet its stomach too!
Everyone laughs loudly at him,
Everyone put the little devil to shame:
- You do not know? At the table
You have to eat with your mouth closed
Don't rush, don't talk,
Don't leave crumbs on the floor.
5th child: Skeletons are sitting at the table,
They turn up their nose and don’t eat:
– We don’t want this porridge!
We don't eat black bread!
Let me remind you of one thing:
Don't grimace at the table
Don't be capricious here - eat whatever they give you!

Presenter: The witch rushes on a broom,
Devils are dancing on the table
What a fun holiday
Got it in January.
Well, guys, we were surprised, it was not in vain that you taught poetry!
I like it! And you? It's time to go home!
But first we’ll sing a song and invite all our friends to the table!
(to the tune of the song “Blue Car”).
1. If you came to visit us today,
We will be happy to treat you to tea.
You are in time for our rich pies,
The taste of them all may surprise you.
Chorus: Good riddance, good riddance,
Set the table quickly.
And pour it out for everyone
Fragrant tea.
2. We know better than a serious doctor -
Tea cures both boredom and melancholy.
We invite adults and children
Drink some fragrant tea!
Presenter: Our holiday is over, what else can I tell you:
Let me wish you good health in parting.

The hall is decorated with bouquets of flowers and greenery.

Teacher. Flowers are with us all our lives; they are beautiful children of nature. Giving flowers is a wonderful tradition.

Boys! Today I will give you all the flowers, and you give them to the girls. But to get these flowers, you must answer the quiz questions. Divide into 2 teams. For the correct answer, the team receives a point (flower). Whichever team has the most flowers in its vase will be the winner.

Each team has its own fans. In case a team does not answer a question, they can earn them a point by giving the correct answer.

Each team is given mugs.

So, here's a quiz. The team in which the participant was the first to raise the circle answers first.


1. How to pick flowers correctly? (They are not plucked, but cut off.)

2. Who do they give flowers to? (Mom, dad, family, teachers, friends, etc.)

3. You are going to visit. What flowers are best to present? Homemade bouquet or purchased? (It’s better to make your own, but you can also buy one.)

4. What should a gift bouquet look like? (It must be completely wrapped in paper or cellophane.)

5. You entered the apartment. Your actions? (Remove the paper from the flowers or open the bouquet halfway.)

6. How many flowers should there be in a bouquet? (If there are up to 10 colors, then their number should be odd (1, 3, 5, 7, 9). If the number is larger, it should be arbitrary.)

7. In which hand should you hold the bouquet? (First in the left, after the greeting, the bouquet is taken in the right hand and handed over.)

8. Show me how to hold a bouquet correctly? (Stems down, flowers up.)

9. What should the hostess (host) do when receiving flowers as a gift? (Say “thank you” and immediately put it in a vase in a prominent place.)

12. What flowers are best to visit a sick person with? (Better with gentle ones, without a pungent odor.)

13. What rules do you need to know when making a bouquet? (Place the flower heads in different planes; do not allow them to cross at the top; destroy spines, thorns, and other sharp parts; large flowers should not have their heads facing each other or down, much less hang down.)

HOLIDAYS - 9 mistakes in organization (part 1", "2)")">Video: CHILDREN'S HOLIDAYS - 9 mistakes in organization (part 1

CHILDREN'S PARTY - 9 mistakes in organizing (part 1/2)

9 mistakes when organizing a children's party.

CHILDREN'S HOLIDAYS are our profession.

Whoever says that, I'll hit you in the ear,

I am strong beyond my years!

Oh, leave me alone

Oh, leave me alone.

Education is rubbish.

Relax, have fun...

/The King tries to talk to Ham/

Why are you bothering to talk?

Are you pushing all sorts of bullshit?

You will hover under the fence

And stop watching the movie.

Oh, leave me alone

Oh, leave me alone.

Education is rubbish.

Relax, have fun...

/The king addresses the dragon to the tune of the song “Kings Can Do Anything”/

I'm asking, I'm asking

Give me back my daughter

After all, people cannot live without politeness.

Do you want me to pay you money?

^ Ham

No, daddy, I don't want to

And you will have to forget about your daughter.

Well, then I'll take it

And I'll call you right away

To my friends,

They will help me

^ Ham

And who is this?

And then the students

Sixth grade with the letter "G".

Now I'll call

I'll just dial the number

And you, wait here,

They will come in droves.

Then don't blame

And blame yourself

But they will talk to you politely,

But they will talk to you politely!

/Class students come out onto the playground with a song to the tune of “Don’t think down on the seconds”/

Think about education on time,

She, my friend, is a necessary thing in life,

And politeness will always be useful to you

And the relationship will be very friendly.

Say hello, shake hands in gratitude

And never offend the younger ones,

Then there will be only joys in life.

Poems are made from kind words,

Your destiny is made up of good deeds,

And our times may be hard,

Those who are educated can still cope with them

Well, guys, then I'm okay. Then I agree. Take the princess... and I'm with you!

/To the tune of “It’s fun to walk together,” everyone leaves the site./

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Scenario for the etiquette festival "knightly tournament of politeness"

Stage decoration:

We swear to be knights

And get knighthood in the fight!

Down with the armor and visor!

We are the knights of Good

And this is the glory!

I throw down the gauntlet of challenge

I challenge you to a fair fight.

Announcement of the beginning (poster in front of the entrance to the hall):

"Oh, venerable knights, young lords of souls! Experts in politeness and courtesy! Come to the call of the tournament trumpets! The tournament of knights awaits you! Your armor is politeness and courtesy, attention and goodwill. Be thrice worthy of your knighthood!

May the best man win!!! The tournament will take place..."

The back of the scene is a kneeling knight in armor, on a ribbon attached to the tip of a spear - the inscription: “Tournament of Courtesy.”

On the side curtains there are posters with the inscriptions:

“Nothing costs us so little and is valued so dearly as politeness. (M. Cervantes)”

“True politeness lies in a benevolent attitude towards people. (J. Rousseau)”, “In every person nature grows either as grains or as weeds; let him water the first in a timely manner and destroy the second. (F. Bacon).”


audio recording of the sounds of a trumpet, march, cheerful music; items for serving two tables, 2 glasses of compote, theater tickets, imitation auditorium seats; texts of poems for readers, signs with the names of teams, jury.

Tournament holding:

I. Beginning.

The trumpet signal sounds. The presenters enter.

1st presenter: Good afternoon, dear guys!

2nd presenter: Hello!

3rd presenter: We are glad to see you in this room!

1st presenter: Today an unusual competition will take place here - a tournament of knights of politeness.

2nd presenter: Our boys, experts in the rules of politeness and good manners, will take part in it.

3rd presenter: We wish them success in the competition. May the best man win!

The trumpet sounds, then the march.

1st presenter: I ask the teams to take their places.

2nd presenter: (represents the teams): Team “Gentlemen”, team “Don Quixote”, ...

3rd presenter: Introducing the jury of the competition: ...

(The jury may take an oath to judge fairly on the book)

1st presenter: The jury will evaluate the competition using a five-point system. Attention! The tournament is declared open.

The trumpet signal sounds.

2nd presenter:

To win the knight's tournament,

You have to be very smart and kind.

Don't hide behind shields,

Don't be afraid of a sharp sword.

Learn all the laws of behavior!

3rd presenter:

It is very difficult to win the tournament,

Here they fight for every point.

The battle begins

According to the laws of respect.

Winning the tournament is very difficult!

A musical theme plays.

1st presenter: Before starting the competition program, we invite the teams to greet each other, and the more politely, the better...

The teams speak.

I. First competition "Warm-up"

2nd presenter: We are announcing the first “Warm-up” competition.

3rd presenter: I will ask each of the teams one question.

After finishing the warm-up, I ask the jury to sum up the results.

Question: 1. Who were called knights in the past?

2. What kind of person do we call a knight these days?

The teams take turns speaking, the jury listens.

1st presenter: While the jury is summing up the results, we will do a warm-up with the fans and find out if they know the magic words?

Poetic game "Dictionary of polite words":

1. Even a block of ice will melt

From a warm word... (thank you)

2. The old stump will turn green,

When he hears... (good afternoon)

3. If you can’t eat anymore

Let's tell mom... (thank you)

4. A boy, polite and developed,

He says, meeting... (hello)

5. When we are scolded for pranks,

We say... (sorry please)

6. In both France and Denmark

They say goodbye... (goodbye)

2nd presenter: The distinguished jury summed up the results of the greetings and warm-up (the jury names the scores).

II. Second competition "Knightly Manners".

3rd presenter: Announcing the second competition "Knightly Manners".

Task 1: Magic words.

In the everyday life of a polite, well-mannered person there are always words that we call “magic”. With the help of these words, it is fashionable to help even a sad or offended person regain a good mood and good mood. Each of you will have to name one such “magic” word. For each word named, the team receives one point.

Task 2: Magical deeds.

Question: Where did the custom of taking off your hat when you enter a house come to us?

Question: Where did the custom of taking off a glove come to us when greeting?

Question: What advice can you give to a person going to visit?

1st presenter: Task 3: We are going to the theater.

Question: How many minutes before the start of the performance should I arrive at the theater?

Question: What to do with ice cream if you don’t have time to eat it and already have to go to the auditorium?

Question: When can I go to the wardrobe to get dressed?

III. Third competition "From Theory to Practice".

2nd presenter: We are announcing the third competition “From Theory to Practice”.

Task 1: Table setting.

One participant from each team is invited. They must place cutlery on the table (a plate, a fork to the left, a knife and spoon to the right (with the knife and fork concave side down).

Task 2: One participant from each team is invited. Cups of compote are brought out for them. They are invited to drink compote without violating the rules of good manners. (to do this, you first need to drink the compote, then use a spoon to take out the fruits, spit out the seed first onto the spoon, then put it on the saucer).

3rd presenter: Task 3: Theatergoers.

(To complete the task, bring a bell/alarm clock)

3rd presenter: We want to know how you learned the rules of behavior in the auditorium. The bell will now ring, signaling that the performance will begin soon. I give two team representatives each a ticket, which indicates a place in the auditorium. The participant must, according to all the rules of good manners, go to his place.

1st presenter: I ask the jury to sum up the results of the competition “From Theory to Practice.”

IV. The fourth competition "Readers".

2nd presenter: We are announcing the 4th competition "Readers' Competition". (children read the poem in turn or each team separately)

1. M. Karapuzov “Very polite turkey”:

He suddenly showed up at the house,

A very polite turkey.

30 times a day, at least

He shouted “Hey, you ignoramuses!

Come on in for a visit -

Learn politeness.

“I myself,” shouted the Turkey, “

Doctor of Polite Sciences.

And my wife is an example

Wonderful manners.

Even when she sleeps

It's obvious that she's brought up.

Don't be shy, you Donkey!

Come in and sit at the table!

Why are you silent like a fish?

Say: “I’ll come, thank you.”

Don't be a pig, Pig,

My family is waiting for you.

I wish I had washed my face sooner

You are your own pig's snout."

No matter how hard he fought, however

No one came to Turkey -

Neither Cow nor Dog,

Neither Khavronya nor Donkey.

Turkey turned blue with anger:

Don't go, you impudent people are visiting!

All the work wasted in vain!

Of your greatness:

"They didn't understand, you brutes,

Moral standards!"

2. I. Kibalenko “Sorry”:

Dad broke a precious vase.

Grandmother and mother frowned immediately

But dad was found, looked them in the eyes

And he timidly and quietly said “Sorry.”

And mom is silent, she even smiles.

We'll buy another one. There are better ones on sale.

“Sorry” - it would seem, what’s wrong with it?

But what a wonderful word.

3rd presenter: We ask the distinguished jury to sum up the results of the reading competition. (the floor is given to the jury).

V. Fifth fan competition.

2nd presenter: We are announcing the fifth competition “Fan Contest”. For the fans' correct answer, the team is awarded one extra point.

So, the problems are not about addition -

Respect tasks!

Question: A boy running shouted to a passer-by, “What time is it?” By treating this way, the boy made three mistakes. Which?

Answer: He should have calmly asked, “Excuse me, please, could you tell me what time it is?”

Question: Two boys collided at the door and couldn’t separate. Which of them should give way if the boys are 8 and 11 years old?

Answer: Usually the one who is more polite gives way first.

2nd presenter: Dear jury, please announce the results of the fan competition. (jury speaking)

VI. Sixth competition "Knights crossed swords"

3rd presenter: We announce the sixth competition “Knights crossed swords”. For each correct answer, the team gets one point. (questions are asked to teams in turn)

1. You are walking down the street with a friend. He paused and greeted a man you didn’t know. Do I need to say hello to you? (discussing)

2. You often meet a person (for example, on the way to school), but you don’t know him. Is it appropriate to say hello in such cases?

3. When visiting a sick friend, do not stay long, because...

4. When talking about something interesting, do not wave your arms with all your might, as this could...

1st presenter: Our tournament is coming to an end. We ask the distinguished jury to sum up the final results.

2nd presenter: To sum up the final results of the competition, the chairman of the jury is given the floor.

VII. Ending.

Music is playing. Participants of the competition take the oath of knights.

1. We swear to be knights,

Always say thank you

Good afternoon and goodbye -

There is no better title in the world!

2. We swear to be knights!

And forget laziness and rudeness,

Learn etiquette -

Science to remember this.

3. We swear to be knights!

To gain good in the fight against evil,

Smash the ignorant with a magic sword,

Both a stern word and a healing one.

Everyone (in unison): We swear to be knights!

1st presenter: Dear guys! Our tournament is over, but we think that true friends, courageous and noble people, capable of always coming to the rescue and protecting the weak, will never disappear from our land; people are strong, brave and noble - real knights!

2nd presenter: And now, dear mothers, grandmothers and of course our dear girls! Let me sincerely congratulate you on this warm spring holiday - Women's Day.

3rd presenter: I would like to wish you happiness, joy, health and mutual understanding, which we sometimes lack so much. Let there always be a smile on your faces, and let sadness pass by.

All the best to you!

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Visiting the gnome of etiquette, or a celebration of politeness / school scenarios

holiday for children in grades 2-3

Target: Develop knowledge of the basic rules of etiquette.


1. Introduce the rules of behavior in transport.

2. Introduce the rules of conduct when visiting.

3. Introduce the rules of behavior at school.

4. Repeat “polite” words.5. Develop memory.

6. Develop imagination.

Hall decoration: Forest scenery, several paper bushes and trees on the stage.


Gnome Etiquette.

Ignorant Wolf.

Wolf's retinue - two robbers.

1st baby squirrel.

2nd little squirrel.

Fairy Politeness.

Costume elements

Dwarf Etiquette - cane, cap.

Ignorant Wolf - jeans, wide belt, shirt sleeves rolled up.

Hare - cardboard ears or bunny mask.

Squirrels - fluffy tails made of fur, sewn to trousers, fur ears.

Fairy Politeness - an elegant dress, a magic wand wrapped in foil or gold.

An old grandfather enters - the gnome Etiquette.

Etiquette: Oh, things are bad in our state now... There are a lot of ignoramuses... But where does that come from? One does not give up his place to the elders, The other is late for school for the hundredth time... What will happen to us next? Unknown! And therefore I issue a decree: From now on, everyone will become different - Everyone should be polite a long time ago! Much better than now - different! After all, you are all residents of my country!

The out of breath Hare runs in.

Hare: Grandfather, grandfather, I know why everyone has become ignorant...

Etiquette: Why so?

Hare: Our fairy Politeness has been stolen! Etiquette (surprised): Who?

Hare: The ignoramus of all ignoramuses is the Wolf!!! He hid her in the deepest part of the magical forest and is waiting for us all to quarrel, fight and be rude to each other.

Etiquette: Don't let this happen!!!

If grief happens to a friend,

You must save him from trouble,

No matter what misfortune happens,

It's much easier on the road together!

Offer your help, you’re a friend,

And you will overcome every illness!

Hare: So, we need to help out Politeness! We are friends! Etiquette: Let's run quickly.

They run away.

Dancing to the music, the Wolf comes out with his retinue - two boys dressed as robbers. The wolf sings to the tune of the song “Island of Bad Luck” (from the film “The Diamond Arm”). The “retinue” in the background creates the appearance of a fight.

All overgrown with spruce trees,

Absolutely all

House in the wilderness

Ignoramus has it.

House in the wilderness

Ignoramus has

All overgrown with spruce trees,

Absolutely all...

The unhappy woman is sitting there

Fairy under the castle

And my guards

Protecting the house

And my guards

Protecting the house...

Where is the unfortunate one sitting?

Fairy under the castle

What don't you do now?

There is no politeness.

Everyone is angry and arrogant,

Where is your Etiquette?

Won't do anything

Gnome is your Etiquette.

All evil and arrogant...

1st baby squirrel : I scribbled candy wrappers on the bus!

2nd little squirrel : And I threw bread in the school cafeteria!

1st little squirrel: And I painted the wallpaper at home!

2nd little squirrel: And I played loud music when all the neighbors were already asleep!

Squirrels (together): FUN!!!

Laughing, they hold hands and run away. The wolf rubs his hands.

Wolf: Everything goes according to plan!!!

Etiquette enters, followed by the Hare.

Etiquette: No, we can't do it together! The wolf safely hid Politeness, and the chaos had already begun - look how many boors appeared around.

The wolf comes out of hiding.

Wolf: Eh, Etiquette... you've become old, no one listens to you. Don’t try, I hid the fairy safely. And everyone around is swearing and fighting. Check this out.

The same two little squirrels run in, call each other names, kick each other... The hare rushes towards them.

Hare: What's wrong??? We are educated!!! They simply stole our Politeness!

Squirrels (stop fighting, in unison): Who stole?

Hare: Here he is, Ignorant Wolf.

The baby squirrels roll up their sleeves and go to the Wolf.

1st little squirrel: Now everything will be returned!

2nd little squirrel: We will force you!

Wolf: Okay, okay, don't get too excited. Why do you need Politeness when you don't know the rules of etiquette?

Squirrels (in chorus): We know!!!

Etiquette: Guys, do you know? Let's remember all the “magic” words you use! What words do we call “magic”?

Children: "Polite" words.

Etiquette: Right!

Game "Magic" words"

Participants take turns calling out the “magic” words. Anyone who can't find something to say is out of the game. You can't repeat yourself.

Wolf: You are probably a little familiar with etiquette... Then I will tell you what happens in the country without Politeness. If you answer correctly, as it should be, I will return the Politeness.

Hare, squirrels (agree): Come on!

Game “How do we know etiquette”

A part of the poem is read, which describes the wrong actions of the heroes. The players must say what the heroes should not do.

Wolf: A "smart" student in the class

I took and drew a diary,

I also started painting the walls,

The chair rocked with his foot,

The door opened with a kick,

What's wrong? Help!

Hare: You can't draw on the walls at school.

Etiquette: You can't swing on a chair!

Squirrels : You can't open the door with your foot!

Wolf (smiling): Who else knows the rules of behavior at school?


You can't spoil school textbooks!

You can't run during recess!

You can't write it off!

You can't offend those who are younger!

You can't talk or eat in class!

Wolf: Well, you give it - you did it! Okay, now the task is more difficult. Listen:

The student does not have a ticket

The schoolboy is hiding

After all, there is no controller yet.

He's afraid of the hare and everyone!

The conductor is hiding in the corner and hiding!

It’s a pity for money, it’s better to become a “hare”!

And don’t buy a ticket at all!

Hare: And what about the hare? In transport you need to buy a ticket! I never ride as a hare!

1st little squirrel: I won't litter in public transport anymore!

2nd little squirrel: We must give way to elders.


You can't lean out the window!

You can't get on the bus with ice cream!

No need to talk loudly.

Don't step on passengers' feet!

Wolf: That's right. The following situation:

Invited to visit -

Loser Slava,

The table was set deliciously,

The table is beautiful!

Only Slava said:

Well, sour cabbage soup!

A vegetable salad

It smells like cabbage soup!

I won’t eat at your place!

Let me be hungry!

Etiquette : Well, that's too much. When visiting, you cannot criticize the food; on the contrary, you need to praise the hostess and her dishes.

Hare: And when visiting, you need to take off your shoes.


We need to help clear the hostess’s table after the holiday.

You can't bring friends with you if you're the only one invited.

It's not good to be late.

You must wash your hands before eating.

You can't litter while visiting.

Don’t be annoying with your presence and stay up late.

Wolf: How smart!!! I see that it’s not in vain that you want to save the fairy Politeness. But I have one more task for you...

Etiquette: You are a cunning one, Ignoramus! Free Politeness!

Z ayats: Or maybe he doesn’t have Politeness at all?

Wolf (laughs): I have, I have. Do you hear?

My friends are not with me

I hear the Wolf is coming here...

I will close the doors tightly,

The wolf won't get to me...

Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh...

Who would come for me?

Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh...


Hare (shouting): Politeness!!! Don't be sad! We will find you!

Etiquette (To the wolf): Give me your task!

Game "Insert a Word"

Phrases are written on the board. They are missing words. You need to insert words according to their meaning so that they comply with the rules of etiquette:

The girl met the teacher and said hello: “...”.

Misha left his friend and said to him: “...” - and to his parents: “...”.

When Sveta found out that Tamara Andreevna was admitted to the hospital, she called her and asked: “...”.

In the buffet, Igor accidentally pushed Olesya and said: “...”.

After eating, the son said to his mother: “...”.

Wolf: Now try to show all these “polite” words with gestures.

For example, “hello” - handshake, “bye”

waves his hand, “thank you” - nods his head, “sorry” - hand on heart, and so on...

Etiquette: Well, did we complete the task?

The wolf does not have time to answer. The fairy Politeness comes out from behind the trees.

Politeness: Thanks friends. I knew that you would save me! And you, Wolf, will be punished. Our country is ruled by Etiquette and I, there is no place for ignoramuses. Go to a place where you are not familiar with the rules of etiquette.

Wolf (sad): Forgive me! I won't be rude anymore. I also want to become polite.

Fairy: Forgive the Wolf???

All: YES!!!

Everyone joins hands, dances and sings to the melody of the song “We wish you happiness...”:

In a world where there is goodness and there are no ignoramuses,

Where is love, care, happiness, light,

Where we help everyone

You shouldn't be rude...

There must be Politeness,

So that it lives in everyone’s soul,

So that it lives in everyone’s soul,

Tatiana Sapezhinskaya
Scenario of the event “Etiquette and us”

Subject: Etiquette and us.

Target: check the level of knowledge in the field etiquette, replenish their stock through a competitive program.

Progress of the event.

1. Opening remarks

Leading. Hello, dear children and dear adults!

Today we will talk about etiquette. I invite you to watch the educational competition program « Etiquette and us» .

Word « etiquette» - French origin. At one of the magnificent receptions of King Louis, 14 guests were given cards listing some rules of behavior. Word "card" in French it sounds like « Label» . Hence the name « etiquette» - rules of good behavior.

I would like to ask you to greet our jury. (I call you full name)

And now we invite guys who are pleasant, neat, polite, attentive, and in mandatory matters, 1st team "Thank you", 2nd team "Please".

(Children go out and sit in their places on stage.)

1 competition "Hello, Etiquette»

For correct completion of the task 2 points.

In this competition you have to choose words that relate to the word « etiquette» . (A list of words is attached. A team representative reads out the words they have chosen.)

2 competition "Gift Etiquette»

For the best gift design 2 points.

In this competition you must design a birthday gift for a friend or girlfriend.

(While the teams are completing the task, I play with the fans)

A game "Magic bag"

The bag contains items that the children know.

Task: Guess what kind of object it is.

3 competition "Signal cards"

For each correct answer 1 point.

I will call the situation a, you silently show the red signal circle - if you do not agree, and the green signal circle - if you agree. I will name the situations to the teams one by one.


1. Never share a toy with a friend (red)

2. Try to help a friend do something he can’t do. (green)

3. Get angry and jealous when you lose a game. (red)

4. Don’t quarrel with friends, try to play together (green)

5. Never give in. Argue over trifles (red)

6. Know how to accept help, advice, or a friend’s remark. (green)

7. If a friend is in trouble, don't help him. You can laugh (red)

8. Resolve disputes with words, not fists. (green)

4 competition "Puzzles"

For each riddle solved 1 point.

Each team prepares 5 riddles in advance about etiquette. Read the riddles yourself.

1. It’s not too lazy to tell your friends,

Smiling... (Good afternoon)

2. Saying goodbye to each other

We'll say... (Goodbye)

3. Don't blame each other

Better soon... (Sorry)

4. How beautiful it is

Good word... (Thank you)

5. When you are guilty, you rush to say

I beg you, please... (Sorry)

6. Never get involved in someone else's conversation,

And you're better than adults (Do not interrupt)

7. If you met someone,

According to the laws etiquette,

So that the conversation goes uphill,

We ask: "How…" (Affairs)

8. Children Dasha and Egorka

Pizza cheese is grated.

The mice are asking to come out of the hole:

"Give! Be..." (So ​​kind)

And to him all over the oak grove

The sparrows were screaming: Bravo!

10. Lula the Cow

She was eating hay and sneezed.

So as not to sneeze again,

We'll tell her: Be healthy!

11. At sunset a moth

Flew into the light.

We are, of course, glad to meet you.

Let's tell the guest:. Good evening!

12. Katya baby Ignatka

Put me to bed in bed -

He doesn't want to play anymore

Speaks:. Good night!

5 competition "Napkin"

Whoever folds a napkin faster step by step and correctly gets 1 point.

Fold the napkin in stages at speed.

"Game with the audience and teams"

Now let's rest a little. I'll call the rules etiquette, if they are correct, then you clap, if not, then stomp.

Chew with your mouth open.

Wipe your hands with a napkin.

To talk loudly.

Eat with a knife.

Run during recess.

Laugh out loud.

Pushing everyone aside in transport.

Wear clean clothes.

Say hello to teachers.

Thank you for your help.

6 competition "Table etiquette»

For the correct answer 1 point.

Questions with answers are asked to the teams in turn.

1. When can you sit down to the festive table?

As soon as we entered the room.

Only after the owners sit down.

After the hostess's invitation +

2. You sit down at the table, take a napkin and...

Tuck it into the collar.

Place it on your knees +

Place it next to the plate.

3. How to behave if you are offered a dish that you don’t really like?

Angrily refuse.

Refuse, stating the reason for refusal.

Take a little, thanking +

4. How to eat a cutlet correctly?

With a knife and fork.

One fork +

With one knife.

5. Why is a knife applied to fish?

To separate meat from bones +

To cut a large piece into small ones.

To hold the piece when using a fork.

6. Which cuts from the common dishes should you choose?

The biggest.

The smallest ones.

Those that are closer to you +

7. If you need to cut food into pieces, which hand should you hold the knife in and which hand should you hold the fork in?

In the right hand is a fork, in the left is a knife.

In the right hand - a knife, in the left - a fork +

One by one.

8. What should you do if you accidentally dropped a fork, knife or spoon on the floor?

Get up and continue eating.

Ask for another device.

Apologize and ask for another device +

7 competition "Who is faster"

Whoever completed the task faster and completed everything correctly will receive 2 points.

Find polite words in the encrypted table. (Table attached) 8 words





Game with the audience "Continue the sentence"

I ask you to finish the sentences I started in unison.:

Even a block of ice will melt

From a warm word (Thank you).

The old stump will turn green,

When will he hear (Good afternoon).

If you can't eat anymore,

We'll tell mom (Thank you).

The boy is polite and developed

Speaks when meeting (Hello).

When we are scolded for our pranks,

Let's talk (forgive me please)

Both in France and Denmark

They say goodbye (Goodbye)

8 competition "Question answer"

I ask questions to the teams one by one. For each correct answer 1 point.

1.Who should go first: entering the store or leaving it at the same time?

(They say that the one who is better educated gives way. In general, when leaving, the one entering must let the one leaving).

2. Is it possible to enter the store with a dog? (Dogs are not allowed into any public building).

3. If the start of a play or concert is delayed, should you applaud to hurry up the performers? (No. If the start is delayed, it means that unexpected problems have arisen. Once they are resolved, the action will begin without any reminders).

4.How to walk along those sitting in a row to your seat: facing them or with your back? (Face).

5. What word should a caller begin a telephone conversation with? (Hello).

6. Which side should you stay on when walking? walk down the street: right or left? (Right).

7. What should you do if you accidentally bump into someone? (Apologize).

8. Is it possible to look into a book or magazine of a person sitting or standing next to you? (No).

9.Who should say hello first?: older or younger? (Jr).

10. What to do with a teaspoon after you have stirred sugar in a cup? (Take it out and put it on a saucer).

Summarizing Events.

Extracurricular event “Let's get acquainted - Etiquette!”



: Good afternoon, dear guests! We are very glad to see you!

Guys, look at each other, smile at each other, smile at the guests. Let a smile and a good mood be your helpers at the holiday.

We dedicate our today's holiday to etiquette.

What is etiquette?

What is etiquette -
We should know from childhood.
These are the norms of behavior:
How to go to a birthday party?
How to meet?
As it is?
How to call?
How to get up?
How to sit down?
How to greet an adult?
There are many different questions.
And it gives the answer
This very etiquette

Leading: - The guys at our Academy have prepared several interesting lessons for you that will reveal all the secrets of etiquette.

(bell rings) -

Lesson 1. History of etiquette

1st presenter

And it all started as soon as people began to live together. It was then that there was an urgent need to make communication with each other as comfortable and enjoyable as possible. This is where etiquette was invented. It developed simultaneously with society. In ancient times, people loved to fight; if any dispute arose, it was immediately over weapons. This is how it appeareddiplomatic etiquette.

2nd presenter

In the era of kings and emperors, when each ruling dynasty came up with its own ceremony, less or more solemn, arosecourt etiquette.

In Russia, etiquette appeared thanks to Tsar Peter, who believed that Russia was a great power and should not yield to Europe.

1st presenter

Modern etiquette) describes the behavior of people in everyday life, at work, in public places and on the street, at a party and at various kinds of official events - receptions, ceremonies, negotiations. The basic rule of modern etiquette is to always respect other people

Etiquette these days continues to actively develop, as they say, keeping up with the times. For example, now, when nothing and no one can do without a computer, there is alreadyInternet communication etiquette.

Etiquette means the form, manner of behavior, rules of courtesy and politeness accepted in a particular society.

(there is a knock on the door) The King of Etiquette enters with Princess Politeness and members of the club.

King: “Hello, I heard a conversation about me here. Well, let's get acquainted. I am the king of Etiquette, and next to me is Princess Politeness. And these are my assistants from the Academy of Polite Sciences, you are already familiar with them. They will tell you how to make friends with me.”

Leading: Let's start our lessons on etiquette.


First you agree
Then get ready to visit.
We dress smartly
To look smart.
You got dressed, combed your hair...
Why didn't you wash your face?

Don't go without a gift
You shouldn't feel sorry for him!
If you are not invited,
Don't force your way in.
Don't forget to take off your shoes,
You can't walk around in them at home!

Don't be naughty and don't bite
Don't be offended for no reason.
Don't break tables and furniture,
Wherever you have been as a guest, my friend.
Be well-mannered and modest
Don't poke around in secluded places.

No need to kick a cat
And throw potatoes under the table!
Praise the owners, the house,
And also what’s in the house.
You put on your shoes, took your jacket...
And "Goodbye!" said?

(bell rings)

Leading: Our next lesson. ETIQUETTE IN TRANSPORT

Lesson 3
Give way to old ladies
If it gets too crowded.
Don't shout that you're dreaming of sitting down -
Stand still and not melt.
Stand still and hold on
Don't cry and don't turn around.

There is no need to litter anything here -
It's a joy to be educated.
Don't throw the candy wrapper on the floor,
If he fell, pick him up.
Don't kick others
And don't get your boots dirty.

Lesson 3

Eat your bread carefully -
This is a kitchen, not a barn.
Don't turn around like a top on your chair,
Don't put your head in the pan.
Eat the soup carefully,
Don't spit it back out.

Drink your tea without spilling!
What is this big puddle?
What's that noise? What fell?
Katya was dreaming at the table.

Wipe your mouth with a napkin.
And don't drip on your stomach.
Eat jelly and porridge with a spoon,
Soup, puree and yogurt.

You can take potatoes with a fork,
Meat, rice... No need for a spoon!
You can take the pie with your hand,
Glazed curd.
And say thank you to everyone
Who did you eat food from?

The King of Etiquette and Princess Politeness take the stage in front of the audience.

King: “Guys, we have prepared questions for you. Think about it and answer honestly.

Riddles are asked one by one.


Which of you, waking up cheerfully,

Will he say “Good morning” firmly?


Tell me which one of you, brothers,

Forgets to wash your face?


Which one of you is okay?

Bag, books and notebooks?


Which one of you is in a cramped tram?

Gives place to elders?


Which one of you is silent like a fish?

Instead of a kind “thank you”?


Who wants to be polite

Doesn't it offend kids?

King of Etiquette: Well done! . (Etiquette and Politeness disappear quietly).

Leading: "Now we will teach our next lesson

Lesson 4 Rules of behavior at school.

1.You look like forty

Didn't hear the call!

And when the bell rings -

The lesson begins!

2.If you want to answer,

Can you raise your hand?

And when they asked you,

You must stand at your desk,

Answer what was taught

And then you will get a “5”!

3.If a teacher enters the class,

Don't turn around, don't scream,

And stand quietly at the desks -

Let the teacher take a look

How beautiful you stand

And then he orders you to sit down.

4. Be diligent in class

And try to understand everything

And then not twos, threes,

You will receive a “5”.

5.Answer calmly, loudly,

If you've learned your lesson,

But then sit there like a little mouse,

If you couldn't learn.

6. There is no need to whisper in class

And quietly chew the sausage,

Admire the crows outside the window

And pick your nose snifflingly.

During the lesson it is advisable to listen to:

What will the teacher tell you now?

And try to study better

Make your class proud of you.

7.When the lesson is over,

All tasks are done

We will tell the teacher everything:

"Thank you bye!»

Princess Politeness

/Fanfare sounds. The heralds take the stage/
Listen to residents of all kinds,
Every representative of an honest people!
Some are on the platform, and some are completely barefoot,
Some with hair and some hairless!
Horror has happened in our kingdom.
There have never been such disasters in life!
The terrible dragon and the immoral Ham
Our princess was stolen by a hooligan!
Our poor king Etiquette is crying.
/The crying King Etiquette comes out./
We have no life without our sweet princess.
We all can’t live without her now.
Sweet Politeness was her name
/The dragon Ham comes out with a song to the tune of “...We say baks - beeches...” / along with him Rudeness and Laziness.

Ham sings:
They say I’m a buffoon, but among the people I’m just a boor,
Whoever says that, I'll hit you in the ear,
I am strong beyond my years!
(everyone sings together)
Oh, leave me alone
Oh, leave me alone.
Education is rubbish.
Relax, have fun...
Eh, ma-ah!

/The King approaches and tries to talk to Ham/

Why are you bothering to talk?
Are you pushing all sorts of bullshit?
You will hover under the fence
And stop watching the movie.
Oh, leave me alone
Oh, leave me alone.
Education is rubbish.
Relax, have fun...
Eh, ma-ah!

/The king addresses the dragon to the tune of the song “Kings Can Do Anything”/

I'm asking, I'm asking
Give me back my daughter
After all, people cannot live without politeness.
Do you want me to pay you money?
Ham :
No, daddy, I don't want to
And you will have to forget about your daughter.
Well, then I'll take it
And I'll call you right away
To my friends,
They will help me
And who is it?
And then the students
second class with the letter “b”.
Now I'll call
I'll just dial the number
And you, wait here,
They will come in droves.
Then don't blame
And blame yourself
But they will talk to you politely,
But they will talk to you politely!

/Class students come out onto the playground with a song to the tune of “Don’t think down on the seconds”/

Think about education on time,
She, my friend, is a necessary thing in life,
And politeness will always be useful to you
And the relationship will be very friendly.

Poems are made from kind words,
Your destiny is made up of good deeds,
And our times may be hard,
Those who are educated can still cope with them

Well, guys, then I'm fine. Then I agree. Take the princess... and I'm with you!
/To the tune of “It’s fun to walk together,” everyone leaves the site./

Students read M. Tanich’s poem “Magic Words.”

1 student: Sorry, please forgive and allow.
These are not words, but a key to the soul.
Besides our companion -
Multiplication tables
There is also a table
Respect table!
Remember like the alphabet
Like two and two:
“Thank you” and “Please” -
Magic words!

2nd student: Everywhere where immodest
They will point from the gate,
Polite will ask
And it will pass
Before the word polite
The doors are opening!
Let it be repeated more often everywhere.
Remember like the alphabet
Like two and two:
“Thank you” and “Please” -
Magic words!

Final words from the teacher.

Scenario of the competitive program for the summer camp


1. Competition "Chamomile".

2. “So that man does not interfere with man”:

a) refreshing memory;

b) a story about etiquette.

3. Jokes about etiquette.

4. School of etiquette.

1. Competition "Chamomile".

Assignment: dramatize the situation and explain where the characters did wrong and what should have been done.

Evaluated on a 5-point system.

Situation 1. On the bus.

The lady asks:

I'm sorry, are you leaving?

Are they coming ahead of you?

Have you asked them?

I asked and asked.

What did they answer you?

Situation 2. A man on the subway gives up his seat to an elderly woman.

Well, what are you doing! Do not worry! “I’ll stand,” she says.

Nothing, nothing! Sit down. Don't think that men give way only to the young and pretty.

Situation 3. Two people are talking in a cinema during a screening.

One of the spectators sitting in front turns around and says:

Sorry, monsieur, I can't hear anything.

Why, in fact, should you hear what we are talking about?

Situation 4. Phone call.

The man picks up the phone. On the other end of the line:

Hello! Is it you, my beloved?

I! And who says this?

Situation 5. A little boy says to his aunt:

Thank you very much for the gift.

You're welcome, my dear!

I know you're welcome, but my mom told me to thank her.

Situation 6. Having dialed the phone number you need, say hello, talk about the weather, find out about your health, and only then check whether you dialed the right number.

2. Reasoning competition “So that man does not interfere with man.”

a) Refresh your memory.

The guys remember what rules of “good manners” they know and talk about them.

For each correct answer the team receives 2 points.

b) The presenter tells something new about the rules of etiquette in modern times. Participants in the game must prepare a story about the practical application of this rule.

3. Jokes about etiquette.

The guys, having read the jokes and anecdotes on the cards, must dramatize them. Evaluated on a 5-point system.

Joke 1. Mother teaches her son:

Never reach across the table if you need something, don't you have a tongue?

Yes, but the arms are longer.

Joke 2. Grandmother raising her grandson:

Andrey, when you cough, cover your mouth with your palm.

Don't be afraid, grandma, my teeth won't fall out.

Joke 3. In a museum, a father and son stand in front of the statue of Venus de Milo.

Dad, why is she without arms?

If you bite your nails, the same thing will happen to you.

Joke 4. Two Englishmen are arguing:

My lord, you are a bastard!

I hear it from my lord.

Joke 5. - Well, Vovochka, say goodbye to your aunt, she extended her hand to you... What should you say when your aunt leaves?

God bless!

Joke 6. - Dad, explain to me what tradition is?

This is what has been passed down to us from previous generations.

I see, that means my trousers are also a tradition...

4. School of etiquette.

One student from each team comes to the board. They are given cards with questions and answer options; For a correct answer, the team receives 5 points. Questions:

1. a) Is it possible to take the dish you like a second time when visiting? b) Or is it indecent?

Answer: a) 5; 6) 0.

2. a) Do you think that bread should be taken from the breadbox with a fork? b) Or by hand?

ANSWER: a) 0; b) 5.

3. Should a left-handed person extend his left hand to shake hands? Answer: yes - 0; no - 5.

4. Is it possible to express condolences over the phone? Answer: yes - 0; no - 5.

5. If for some reason one of the guests is late, should you wait for the late person?

Answer: yes - 0; no - 5.

6. When accompanying a woman, can a man ask the lady’s permission to smoke?

Answer: yes - 0; no - 5.

7. If a stranger greets you, do you need to return his greeting?

Answer: yes - 5; no - 0.

8. a) Can a girl at a disco invite a gentleman herself?

b) Or should she wait for initiative on his part? Answer: a) 5; b) 0.

9. a) Should a gentleman accompany a girl to the door of her house? b) Or is it enough to put her in a taxi?