Types of bank accounts by number. The main purpose of current accounts. Types of bank accounts of legal entities

Today, few people imagine their life without plastic cards and deposits. All monetary transactions go through banking organizations for convenience and improving the quality of life. The main thing is to skillfully use accounts, and then a plastic card will become a powerful tool in your hands. There are many varieties of them, each of which, in fact, will be discussed in this article.

Tool of modern man

First you need to figure out what is the meaning of the phrase bank account. First of all, it is a system that accumulates non-cash funds of enterprises and citizens, as well as finances in economic activities. In order to carry out monetary transactions, as a rule, customers open different types of bank accounts with legal status. They are a source of funding and a variety of activities for each client. Opened depending on the goals of the citizen.


There are the following types of bank accounts:

1. Settlement accounts - necessary for doing business. With their help, financial resources are credited, settlements with contractors and suppliers, various transfers, operations with credit funds, as well as payments and salaries to employees. Both an enterprise and an individual can open current accounts in banks to carry out monetary transactions that are directly related to their economic activity.

2. Transit. As a rule, they are used to accrue export earnings, which can be sold if the terms of the contract are met. This account can be called temporary. It is opened as an addition to the currency.

3. Current. It is necessary for ordinary citizens or commercial organizations. As a rule, money is received on it, which can be withdrawn using an ATM or bank cash desk.

4. Deposit. It is concluded under the contract and is intended for the storage of funds.

5. Loan - used for loans issued to customers, taking into account the return.

6. at the bank. Required for financial transactions when working with funds presented in foreign currency. With it, you can easily pay for goods and transfer funds for certain services.

7. Card. Used to transfer money using a bank card.

Types of accounts opened in the bank can be registered and numbered. This also needs to be taken into account. The first are opened, as a rule, according to a standard package. It is impossible to work with them without presenting documents confirming the identity. Number plates serve for maximum protection of documentation and funds of each client. To open such an account, it is necessary to use a certain cipher, a digital code that hides all the information of the applicant. This code is known only to selected bank employees and the client of the bank. The scheme of registered and numbered accounts is widely used in Swiss banks and is the most reliable.

Special bank accounts for a short period

If you need to open an account for an indefinite period, use a term deposit. As a rule, it opens for a period of one month to two years. It can be longer. You can demand a payout at any time, but you risk losing your accumulated profit. There is also a bank account on demand, where you can put a certain amount of money on any day and withdraw it at the first need. When opening it, you should know that the interest is charged the most minimal. To date, you can open accounts in US dollars, Euros, as well as Russian rubles. With the help you can convert currencies from one to another. This is very convenient for those who often travel or go on business trips abroad.

Foreign currency

The wording foreign currency should be understood as banknotes that are recognized as legal tender corresponding to foreign states. If banknotes were withdrawn from circulation or limited in circulation, they cannot be called foreign currency. For the purpose of transferring and settling such funds, a foreign currency account was created. In addition to it, there is a deposit, or deposit, designed to store free finance. Deposits are made to the client of the bank on the basis of a formal agreement. It states that the party that accepted the amount of money received from the depositor or investor is obliged to return the funds with the payment of interest at the rate stipulated by the agreement.

Interest accrual

In addition, there are also bank accounts for the calculation of interest. There are several types of them. The first one is monthly. Profit is added to the main contribution once a month. In the second case, interest is accrued to the depositor at the end of the term, adding to the total amount of the deposit. The third option you can choose when making a deposit is quarterly. You will receive interest from the deposit every week, three months or even six months. It already depends on the bank you choose or the specific deposit. It is always necessary to remember that when opening any bank account, you are required to pay a minimum deposit. It is different for each financial institution and varies from one hundred rubles to several hundred thousand. But in most cases, the amount does not exceed 10 thousand Russian rubles.

What is a checking account for?

According to the current legislation, opening bank accounts is not mandatory, but it provides an excellent opportunity to make non-cash payments to some individual entrepreneurs. In other words, any monetary transactions made in this way give the right to create their own enterprise, while not obliging customers to anything. If you have your own account, you can fully carry out entrepreneurial activities. It can be opened at any banking institution, regardless of the place of residence, registration or the territory where the enterprise is located. If an individual entrepreneur closes or opens a current account, it is imperative to notify the tax service about this, and within ten days, no later. Thus, the entrepreneur needs to draw up a written application on a special form, which is sent to the tax office. If you are already a client of a financial institution, you also need to notify the tax authority about this, indicating in which bank the current account was opened before registering as an individual entrepreneur.

When concluding an agreement (during the creation of a settlement account), you need to be aware that the bank institution is obliged to accept and credit funds incoming to the wallet according to your order. At the same time, financial institutions have the right to dispose of the money that is on your current account. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Regulatory framework, or What you should pay special attention to

To begin with, consider the obligations of the bank when concluding an agreement:

  1. Uninterrupted payment of funds within a clearly defined time frame.
  2. Payment of interest for the fact that a financial institution uses the client's funds. Compliance with the terms stipulated by the contract, and payment at the end of each quarter;
  3. Carrying out transactions with customer accounts as provided by law.

If you are planning to open a bank account (IP), please note that financial institutions do not have the right to disclose transactions carried out on it. They are responsible for the confidentiality of each client. Information relating to any monetary transactions can only be received by the owner or his representative. If you have opened a bank account for an LLC, the bank may provide government law enforcement or other officials with information of interest to them. But! Only in cases provided for by applicable law.

Thus, when opening a current account with a financial institution, it is necessary to adhere to the regulatory framework, collect all the necessary documentation, and register with the tax office. If you are planning to open a bank account for an individual entrepreneur on your own, this attempt is unlikely to be successful. As a result, the bank has the right to suspend access to the electronic wallet of a legal entity or individual. It is best to turn to professionals who know their business. They will select a suitable financial institution for you and prepare all the necessary documents.

Special and universal bank accounts

You should know that thanks to universal accounts, you can make absolutely any operations with your money. True, there are certain restrictions established by regulatory legal acts and directly by the bank itself. The current account, which we have already talked about, refers to the universal one. It is basic and provides for compliance with certain regulatory requirements. To open it, the client must provide the following documents: a certificate of tax registration, state registration of a legal entity or registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that the number of settlement accounts that a client has the right to open is not limited by the current legislation. Organizations and institutions that have separate branches, stores and warehouses can open sub-accounts for making transfers and crediting revenue at the place of their divisions. This is an important factor to take into account. Settlement accounts include accounts for the performance of work on production sharing. They are used for transactions of crediting funds, as well as paying expenses associated with a tax payment, own agreement, and so on.

Unlike universal, special accounts provide for the targeted use of existing financial resources. In addition, there must be an entity that will exercise control.

Accounts of legal entities in the bank

To create a bank account in a bank, a legal entity must provide the following papers:

  • founding documentation;
  • certificate of state registration;
  • card;
  • a license (special permit), which is usually issued to a legal entity in the manner prescribed by law;
  • documents that can confirm the powers of the executive body;
  • official documents that confirm the authority of the persons indicated in the card. They are allowed to dispose of the funds that are on the account of a legal entity.

It should be noted that bank accounts, the types of which allow you to perform many operations, have several modes. The first is legal and is partly determined by legislation. The second one is special. As a rule, it is established either by a formal contract or by law.

A special one is set for budget, currency, ruble (in banks of the Russian Federation), deposit and card accounts. Here, the bank is exclusively engaged in attracting funds to wallets not for their storage. The main goal is to use finance as a resource for issuing loans. When a bank enters into a transaction, it does not assume responsibility for any specific transactions that comply with constitutional commissions or instructions. The Bank assumes the obligation to make settlement transactions in the future, if there is any need for them. It should also be said that the bank does not have the legal right to refuse the client to conclude settlement transactions if they fully comply with the law and cover all cash costs.

In order to open a bank account for an LLC, it is necessary to fill out a lot of papers, notarize copies of all constituent documents. There are also companies that offer their services to save you time. An experienced legal consultant will bring you up to date, recommend a good branch and transfer your data there. Even turning to a professional, you should pay attention to the following types of bank accounts and agreements:

  • framework agreement - consideration of settlement transactions that will be performed by you in the future;
  • services prescribed in the contract - accounting for the balance, which will constantly change on your electronic wallet;
  • independent species - the remainder.

Basic moments

The bank is obliged to make all settlement transactions in accordance with the official agreement. The main element defines the legal purpose of bank accounts and cashless payments.

Operations can be carried out by both parties to the contract - as well as directly by the client himself. In this case, the bank must have an appropriate license. An individual, state, legal (both Russian and foreign person) using the services can make settlement transactions. A personal bank account is drawn up using an agreement, which is a single document. However, its absence does not mean that the contractual relationship was not drawn up. When a client submits an application to open a bank account for an LLC, he makes an offer. Acceptance is made only after the signature of the head.

Bank obligations

The Bank has its obligations towards customers. Firstly, he must manage all the operations performed. This means that the banking system is obliged to credit funds and write them off. Secondly, a financial institution must timely entrust the client with settlement and cash issues, without abandoning cash transactions that serve the interests of the client. Thirdly, the bank is obliged to pay each client for the balance of funds in his account. It is also important that the accounts of organizations in banks are under the strictest protection. That is, the bank is obliged to keep secret and not disclose the client's personal information to third parties regarding payments and funds that are received on his personal account. The correct and timely implementation of settlement operations consists in the observance by the bank of all established legislative terms of priority and the grounds for payment.

Among other things, the bank must, within a certain period of time, make transfers that are addressed to the client, in accordance with the settlement document. The term for transferring funds to special bank accounts should not exceed one day. This condition may not be met only if the contract contains clauses on the terms provided for by law.

For all types of bank accounts, as a rule, appropriate agreements are drawn up, according to which both parties (the owner and the banking system) have certain obligations. One of them is the order of payments. In accordance with the law, upon the due date of payment, the sequence of writing off the funds of the owners according to the relevant documents must be observed.

There are two rules that determine the order. First, the balance fully allows you to cover all the claims. In this case, the documents are paid in accordance with the calendar sequence of payments. The second rule is determined by the fact that in the event of a lack of funds, all claims are automatically canceled. Then the owner is obliged to deposit a certain amount into the bank account. For the second option, the legislation provides for six separate groups of non-cash payments:

Regardless of which types of accounts you choose, the system has the right to control the use of your funds and transfers. This should be remembered, since this clause is mandatory prescribed in the contract. Also, the bank may establish other restrictions that are not provided for by law or the agreement. This means that your finances can be disposed of by the banking system at its discretion, and bank accounts of organizations are no exception to the rule.

Client obligations

The client is obliged to pay a certain amount as a reward for settlement and cash services. Also, in connection with the stipulated agreement, transactions on bank accounts made by transferring funds on the owner's account are fully paid. By signing the agreement, the client undertakes to provide financial coverage for settlement and cash transactions, which is carried out by making a cash deposit or transfers from third parties. It should be noted that the owner has the right not to invest all his funds in a particular bank account. Despite this, he must leave enough money on it for the banking system to carry out cash and settlement transactions.

In case of non-compliance with these conditions, the bank has the full right to refuse to conduct settlement and cash transactions and provide other services. At the same time, the owner is not obliged to invest his funds in bank accounts, the types of which can be studied at the beginning of the article. It is also possible to terminate the contract if the balance is below the required amount. As a rule, clients receive appropriate warnings.

To conduct non-cash transactions, every citizen is required to have a kind of wallet in a financial institution. This allows you to deposit, transfer, withdraw funds. There are several types of bank accounts for individuals, differing in the principle of use and the type of operations performed. Among them are often used:

  • Current
  • Correspondent
  • card
  • Credit
  • Special
  • Deposit

A more detailed description is contained in the instruction of the Central Bank of Russia No. 28-I dated 14.09.06.

Current account

On the current account, settlement operations are performed that are not related to entrepreneurial activity and private practice. It also allows you to store cash. With its help, settlements are made with suppliers of services or goods, transfers to other accounts, utility bills are paid.

The account is not limited to a specific time period. Withdrawal and investment of funds is available at any time - one of the differences from other types of bank accounts for individuals. Thanks to this, they were given a second name - "on demand".

When opening this type of account, a one-time fee or a minimum amount of the minimum balance is paid.

If the account is used for business purposes, it holds funds related only to business activities:

  • sale of goods/products;
  • provision of services;
  • production support;
  • production costs;
  • receipt of revenue;
  • payment of wages;
  • payment of taxes.

There are also budgetary current accounts. They keep records of funds received from the state treasury. These are subsidies, grants and subventions. All of them have a purpose. Their spending is controlled by the state.

Correspondent account

Opening this type of account is not paid. Not used very often. He was supplanted by a card account.

Card account

Of all types of bank accounts for individuals, it is especially popular. The main advantage is the presence of a plastic card, which is a round-the-clock access to funds. Among the additional services, it is worth noting the combination of a credit limit with accumulative functions.

The cost of maintenance is determined by the level of plastic: premium, platinum, gold, standard, instant.

credit account

It is a means of issuing credit funds to the user. As soon as the client repays the debt on the loan and interest, the invoice and the corresponding agreement are cancelled.

special account

This type of bank accounts for individuals is provided for specific transactions established by the laws of the Russian Federation.

Deposit account

The banking product is designed to place rather large amounts for long periods of time. For the use of this type of bank accounts for individuals, the financial institution charges the agreed interest. This is an excellent method of saving money from inflation.

A savings account can be opened in different currencies: euro, dollar, ruble. Additional features have been developed for it. Such as replenishment, capitalization, prolongation.

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When opening a bank account, a specialist will provide you with a combination of numbers, which will serve as an individual cipher for storing funds. However, few people think about how the number is deciphered, what these numbers mean and how many of them should be in the account.

In fact, the current account is a strict sequence of numbers. Knowing the meaning of the number, you can tell a lot about the score. For example, for what purposes it was opened and in what currency the money is stored on it. Let's talk about decoding a current account in more detail in our article.

Bank account structure

The current account consists of 20 digits, each of which has its own purpose. All numbers included in the number are divided into groups. A separate group reflects a certain characteristic of the account. At the same time, externally, the invoice on the payment document or in the details of the company looks like one long number without any spaces or dots.

If we consider the value of the account, then it is more convenient to do this with a breakdown of the number into groups: 111.22.333.4.5555.6666666. Each section has its own definition:

  • 111 - account of the 1st order of the bank balance (by these figures you can find out who opened the account and for what purposes);
  • 22 - an account of the 2nd order of the bank balance (the numbers make it clear the specifics of the activity of the account holder);
  • 333 — the currency in which the funds are kept on the account;
  • 4 - verification code;
  • 5555 - a combination meaning the branch of the bank in which the account is opened;
  • 6666666 is the serial number of the bank account.

Bank accounts are opened for individuals, various organizations and government agencies. Therefore, combinations of account numbers are very different. It is important not to make a mistake with the numbers when sending a payment, otherwise the funds will go to another addressee. What combinations of numbers can be within one account? We talk about this below.

How is it decrypted?

Now let's take a closer look at what the decoding of the first 5 digits in the current account means. They constitute a certain group of accounts of the bank's balance sheet. These accounts are approved by the Bank of Russia and include two sections.

The first consists of three digits and means the specifics of the calculations. For example, the following combinations have different decoding:

  • from 102 to 109 - fund accounts, as well as capital storage, profit and loss accounting;
  • 203 and 204 - accounts for accounting for precious metals;
  • from 301 to 329 - accounts for transactions between banks;
  • 401 and 402 - accounts for transfers to the budget;
  • 403 - management of money administered by the Ministry of Finance;
  • 404 - off-budget funds;
  • 405 and 406 - accounts of state companies;
  • 407 - law firms and individual entrepreneurs;
  • 408 - individuals;
  • from 411 to 419 - deposits opened by government agencies;
  • from 420 to 422 - storage of funds of legal entities;
  • 423 - the deposit is opened by a resident individual;
  • 424 - funds of foreign companies;
  • 425 - the funds on the deposit belong to a non-resident individual;
  • 430 - bank funds;
  • from 501 to 526 - accounts required for accounting for securities.

The next 2 digits of the numbering in the bank current account supplement the 3 previous ones and are treated inseparably with them. Let's look at the example of law firms (the first three digits are 407):

  • 40701 - the organization is related to the financial sector (it can be a microfinance company, a pension fund, etc.);
  • 40702 - this includes open and closed companies;
  • 40703 - accounts of non-profit associations;
  • 40704 - funds allocated for holding elections or public meetings.

Other sections of the account number

Next on the account are three digits, indicating the currency in which the account is opened. The most common among them are the combinations presented in the table.

For example, if it starts with the numbers 408, and 643 are indicated from 7 to 9, then the account is opened by an individual in rubles. If the combination 407018 40 is present, then the account is opened by a financial institution in dollars.

Then comes the check digit. It is also called the key, which will allow you to find out if the account is correctly indicated using computer processing. The Bank of Russia has developed a special method for calculating it based on the remaining figures included in the number. For the account holder, such a figure does not carry significant significance.

The next 4 digits indicate in which branch the account was opened. If zeros are indicated instead, then it is possible that the bank does not own branches, and the account was opened at the head office.

The last 7 characters of the account mean the ordinal register of the account in the credit institution. Any bank has the right to apply its own classification of these figures. However, there are some limitations. For example, if a correspondent account of a credit institution is opened with the Central Bank, then the last 3 digits will be the last 3 of the BIC, and 4 in front of them will be zeros.

Ruble code 810 or 643 - explanation of the Central Bank

Here is a document from the official website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation:

What does decryption give?

If you open a bank account, then you do not need to know all the features of decoding its categories. Credit organizations work on the basis of the law, and a combination of numbers is formed by a specially installed computer system. Thus, there can be no errors in numerical designations, and all accounts that the bank opens are unique and valid.

However, superficial knowledge is still useful. An error in two digits when sending a payment to the account of a legal entity can cause a loss of funds. After that, you will have to draw up an application for the withdrawal of money, which is not a quick operation.

It is better for an organization to have the details entered into the computer in advance, in particular the account numbers of its counterparties. This will avoid many mistakes. Today, most banks offer electronic account management services that allow you to save payment templates, which eliminates the need to re-enter information about the recipient of funds.

Physical account. faces always begin with the numbers 408. This combination is the same for all Russian banks. Despite the fact that individual entrepreneurs also act as individuals, their accounts begin in the same way as legal ones, with 407.

A client who first applied to a credit institution to make a deposit resembles a knight at a crossroads. Different types of bank accounts (current, settlement, deposit) can easily confuse an ignorant person who is poorly versed in how one type of opened balance differs from another. However, there is nothing complicated here, and after spending only 5-10 minutes studying the accompanying information, you will clearly know which option suits you best.

What is a bank account

Regardless of whether we are talking about an individual or a legal entity, many financial transactions require an account. It is necessary for the concentration of funds and their further targeted use. Such an account can be used for non-cash payments between organizations, crediting funds (salaries) to an employee of an enterprise, accumulating interest on deposits, and many other ways. Information about the amount of the deposit and the movement of funds on it is a banking secret and is protected by law.


This is the main account where funds are accumulated for non-cash transfers or cash withdrawals. For legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, this entry is called a current account, for citizens it is a current account (but often these concepts are mixed up, creating confusion). According to the banking service agreement, the financial institution assumes the obligation to credit, write off and store the client's funds, conducting financial transactions with them at his order.

Special bank accounts

In many cases (for example, at large enterprises with a large turnover and diverse cash flows), in order to simplify the accounting and distribution of financial resources, they use special banking services that are attached to the main settlement balance. The most common types include: deposit accounts, enterprise letters of credit, corporate plastic cards, currency, special loan and other types. Both the owner of the enterprise and the chief accountant can open such a special account.

What are bank accounts

The classification of banking products for customer service can be varied and depend on the mobility of funds or the intended purpose. It is also important to whom the deposit is opened - to an individual, or is intended to serve the activities of organizations, enterprises or individual entrepreneurs. Guided by the legislation, the turnover of funds is possible both in Russian rubles and in foreign currencies.

For individuals

Although financial institutions offer their customers a wide variety of types of bank accounts, all options for individuals have one important feature - the movement of funds should not be related to the client's business activities. The user is offered a very wide range of banking services designed for a variety of purposes: storage of funds, cashless purchases, loan repayments, etc.

For legal entities

These types of bank accounts are designed to serve individual entrepreneurs, enterprises and non-profit organizations, and therefore require accounting support. Subject to the requirements of the current legislation, the passage of funds can be monitored by state tax authorities (for example, incoming and outgoing documentation is checked).

Classification of bank accounts

A certain problem is the current situation, when the current legislation, although it defines the type of bank account, does not contain a complete and clear classification. In such a situation, the best way out would be to resort to special legal literature, where the issue of the type of bank accounts has been studied in great detail.

By subject composition

The subdivision provided by the legislation into types of bank accounts by subject composition has two categories:

  • Client - opened by the bank for individuals or legal entities, and can be settlement, current, deposit, etc.
  • Interbank - open for another bank on the basis of correspondent relations, when the settlement takes place by means and on behalf of another credit institution that is part of the federal payment system.

By appointment

In accordance with this division, the following main types of accounts are distinguished, the purpose of which is already clear from the name:

  • settlement - for use as the main balance of a legal entity;
  • current - for individuals or organizations that are not legal entities;
  • budget - for enterprises and organizations financed from the federal budget;
  • deposit - for storing funds and making a profit with the help of interest charges;
  • loan - for servicing credit cards and operations to fulfill a monetary obligation.

By type of currency

The current legislation divides bank settlements as follows:

  • Ruble - carried out in Russian monetary units (rubles).
  • Currency - which are opened in the monetary units of other countries. Such accounts may require a currency license from the Bank of Russia.
  • Foreign currency - foreign currency deposits of residents of the Russian Federation outside the country.
  • Multicurrency - in this case, by concluding one agreement with the bank, several different currency deposits are issued (with the possibility of converting funds between them).

By expiration date

For operations with foreign currency, according to Russian law, it is necessary to have two types of bank accounts:

  • Permanent – ​​for making all current currency payments.
  • Transit - funds from export operations with non-residents and other foreign currency proceeds come here. These funds can be used only after a series of mandatory procedures (identification of the received amount, etc.).

When possible, replenish or withdraw funds

According to this possibility, there are three types of bank accounts:

  • Without replenishment. Money is credited here once and there are no additional contributions.
  • With the possibility of replenishment. It is allowed to deposit new amounts during the term of the deposit.
  • With the possibility of partial withdrawal. You can use the money from the deposit, but there is a limit that must remain.

By purpose of use

Depending on the target ownership of funds, the law provides for several types of bank accounts:

  • Current - implying the owner's freedom of disposal regarding the expenditure of funds held in a financial institution (including with the help of payment orders and other settlement documents).
  • Target - their purpose is determined by the contract or directly indicated by law. For example, it can be investment funds from the federal budget intended to finance specific projects.

By volume of settlement transactions

There are three types of bank accounts, depending on how many settlement transactions are allowed for them:

  • No restrictions on operations - when all operations can be performed on this account.
  • With a limited range of operations - for example, on an account with trust management, you can not accrue your own funds.
  • Temporary or accumulative - for which settlement operations are generally excluded. This may be, for example, a deposit deposit of the court, opened to the client by the bank for crediting funds, but not pursuing the goal of deriving commercial benefits.

Types of bank accounts for individuals

Modern Russian banks offer Russian citizens a wide range of financial services that take into account a variety of needs. Thus, the types of Sberbank accounts for individuals include current, deposit, card and currency deposit options. This greatly expands the client's ability to choose different banking products for their purposes.

Current accounts

This bank account for individuals is designed to serve the daily needs of the owner - wages are transferred here, and services or goods in stores are paid for from here. Using such an account has several features:

  • It must not be used for commercial purposes.
  • Service is possible only in bank branches (by linking a debit card to your account, you can significantly expand the functionality using ATMs and payment terminals).
  • Interest on the balance of the amount is not charged here or they are purely symbolic.

If necessary, the client can have several bank balances at once, for example, to make settlements with different currencies. To open such an account, you must provide the bank with the following package of documents:

  • application and client questionnaire,
  • passport (other ID),
  • contract,

The cost of servicing depends on a particular bank, but often it is symbolic (for example, in Russian Standard - 50 rubles per year). If you are going to stop using the services of a financial institution, the client should write an application for closing, after which the balance of funds is issued in cash through the cash desk or transferred to the specified details.


This account is created in accordance with the instructions of the Bank of Russia for long-term storage of funds with the receipt of interest income. The determining factor here is the amount of the deposit and the period for which the money is placed. Depending on the mode of use of finance, deposits are of two types:

  • Poste restante. Partial or full withdrawal of money is allowed, so the interest rate is not very high - up to 1%.
  • Urgent. They have a storage period of a year, a higher interest rate than “on demand”, but it will be problematic to withdraw money on them before the end of the contract with the bank. Term deposits are divided into savings, savings and settlement, differing in the nuances of replenishment and withdrawal of funds.

The interest rate on a term deposit in the leading financial institutions of the country (Sberbank, BTB 24, etc.) is 7-10%. Small financial institutions (Loko-bank, YAR-bank, Riabank) can offer higher rates, over 13%, but this happens only as part of special promotions and with deposits of 300,000 rubles, so not everyone can take advantage of these offers.

They open deposit services in a bank with the same package of documents as for the current balance, but in some cases a military ID or pension certificate may be required. Closing a bank deposit implies the expiration of the contract, the accrual of the prescribed interest and the issuance of money to the client or transfer to another account.

Loan accounts

To service the loan taken, a loan account is opened, which reflects the movement of funds for payments. It may have a negative balance and on its basis, cash receipts are kept for the payment of debts by credit institutions. If the borrower is an individual, no opening or maintenance fee is allowed. Currently, the following types of interest payments on loans are used in banking practice:

  • The annuity method implies a fixed monthly payment. This form of payment is very convenient for the creditor, because he knows in advance exactly what income he is expected to receive, but for a debtor planning to repay the loan ahead of schedule, it will not work.
  • The differentiated method provides for the calculation of the minimum contribution, which the client can exceed at his own discretion. In this case, the amounts of payments are periodically recalculated, and the overpayment on the loan is reduced. This method is not very profitable for financial institutions, therefore it is not used so often in lending.


Accounts (SCS) can be used to service plastic cards, allowing the use of ATMs for receiving cash and terminals for cashless payments. The procedure for opening such a card is not difficult - often only a passport is needed from the documents. Issue and annual maintenance implies payment (for example, a Zenith Bank Standard card - 600 rubles per year), but if the card belongs to payroll projects, then the services will be free for the client. The card number consists of 16 digits (there are twenty in the usual balance).

Settlement accounts for legal entities

Special types of bank accounts for legal entities take into account the specifics of their activities, providing more opportunities for banking rules than for individuals. In order to open an account, you need to submit to the bank:

  • application and questionnaire
  • samples of signatures and seals,
  • identity card of the founder and chief accountant,
  • certificate of no tax debt,
  • copy of constituent documents and certificate of registration.

The cost of opening as of mid-2019 is from 2,000 to 5,000 thousand rubles, depending on the bank (for example, Sberbank - 4,700 rubles). Annual maintenance in the minimum configuration will cost from 17,280 rubles (Otkritie Bank), but many necessary functions, such as cash withdrawals or online banking, were not taken into account.

Interbank accounts

The procedure for settlements between banks is regulated by special legal regulations and basic legal documents (for example, Article 860 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), defining for this purpose special types of bank accounts - foreign currency or ruble correspondent. The general organization of such interaction can be centralized or decentralized, depending on who is engaged in servicing correspondent relations.

Correspondent in the Bank of Russia

According to the current legislation, every bank whose activities are carried out on the territory of our country must have a correspondent account with the Central Bank of Russia. With centralized interbank interaction, this correspondent account will be used for non-cash settlements between two credit institutions. The participation of the Bank of Russia (the Settlement and Cash Center acts on its behalf in the agreement) is an additional guarantee for the participants in the transaction.

loro nostro

If the correspondent account does not belong to the Central Bank, then it is of the "loro-nostro" type. The specific name of envy from the viewing angle:

  • For a bank that opens an account with another credit institution, to regulate financial issues, this will be a loro account.
  • For the bank in which this record is opened, such a correspondent account is called "nostro".

Why do you need a bank account?

To carry out many transactions in the bank, customers often need to open an account. You can deposit money into this account, make transfers / payments, pay for services. According to their functionality, accounts are divided by type, urgency, capabilities and purpose. Each account has its own unique number, which also stores encrypted information.

What is a bank account?

This is an account that a bank opens to a client (FL \ YL) for transactions with the direct participation of their owners in non-cash circulation of money. The account allows the bank to keep records and record all ongoing transactions of customers, as well as all the finances of the bank. All money of the bank and the client is accounted for in special accounts that have distinctive features. Based on the need for accounting and the needs of customers, accounts are of the following types:

  • Current. They are opened for individuals to conduct transactions, store money, and so on. Most of the time they are free. Usually 40817
  • Estimated. These accounts are also opened for legal entities to carry out operations. The requirement of a legal entity to have its own account is spelled out in the law. Almost no settlement operation of a legal entity is carried out without the use of a current account. This account is paid and is paid according to the selected tariffs.
  • Savings/deposit. These accounts are urgent, i.e. have a start date and an end date. They serve to store and accumulate money. On the balance of funds, according to the conditions prescribed in the agreement, the bank accrues interest with a certain frequency: once a day / week / month / half a year / year, etc. They usually start with 423 but may be 40817
  • Transit, correspondent. These accounts are used by banks for interbank settlements and transactions. Counts start at 30
  • Credit, loan. They serve to reflect borrowed amounts that are issued to borrowers and then returned back, etc.

Since 1998 applied 20-digit account designation. At the same time, the combination is not a chaotic set of numbers, but rather a digital combination that stores information about the purpose of the account. The account number is divided into 5 parts:

  • Part 1 is five-digit and indicates the purpose of the account, for example, 40817 - current account FL, 42305 - deposit account, etc.
  • Part 2 consists of 3 digits indicating the currency of the account, for example, 810 - rubles, 840 - dollars.
  • Part 3 consists of only one character, the so-called "account key". It is calculated according to a special algorithm. Using this key, you can eliminate errors when entering or using an account by its owner in another bank.
  • The 4th part consists of 4 digits and indicates the branch of the bank where the account was opened. The combination varies according to accounting policy.
  • Part 5 - this is the account number itself, which can also be divided into components, depending on the accounting and balance sheet policy of the bank.

What is an account for?

With the opening of a bank account, the F/LE entrusts its funds to the financial institution, and the bank undertakes:

  • Accept funds.
  • Calculate payments.
  • Send transfers.
  • Fulfill orders.
  • Issue and transfer cash to the specified details, etc.

The Bank does not have the right to refuse to open an account and perform operations, if this is in accordance with the law. The legitimacy of maintaining FL / LE accounts is provided for by a banking license issued by the Central Bank. The account agreement is bilateral, and the relations of the parties are regulated by Art. 845 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Each bank develops its own contractual form and terms of service. According to Art. 846 of the Civil Code, the client has the right to refuse to conclude an agreement if he does not agree with at least one clause.

The cost of opening an account.

The bank has the right to charge a fee for opening and maintaining an account. Usually FL accounts are free. But legal entities have almost no free accounts. The cost of the account is determined in accordance with the selected tariff. Most often, package offers are used when the client receives a number of additional services along with the account, for example, a corporate card, a certain number of payment orders, access to a personal account, a safe deposit box, and so on. The package is paid once a month/semester/year.

Accounts can be opened at any credit institution that has a license to do so. If a legal entity has permanent counterparties, then they can open accounts with one bank so that transactions are carried out faster.

Prohibited account transactions.

All transactions carried out through bank accounts are strictly controlled by the financial monitoring group. Employees monitor the legitimacy of the transaction, the legality of the funds received.

Law No. 115 forces banks to monitor the legality of incoming and outgoing funds. In the event that suspicions arise, the bank may impose restrictions until the client submits documents confirming where the money came from and where it will be sent. If the client finds it difficult to provide such documents, the bank stops servicing the account until clarified. If a violation is detected, the account agreement may be terminated unilaterally or by a court decision. Prohibited transactions include transfers of large amounts without confirmation of the origin of funds, laundering of illegally obtained money, financing of criminal activities, terrorists, extremists, and so on.