Vkontakte search for people by name, surname and other data. How to enter a contact without registering to use and search for people

If you want to find a person, or rather information about him, then, most likely, go to social networks. And since The main social network in Russia is still VKontakte, then the search will take place there. But what about people who have not yet registered with VK? Don't despair! Because the search for people on VKontakte without registration is possible, and we will tell you about it right away.

We search through VKontakte

In general, the developers of social networks are trying to limit the possibilities of Internet users who are not in a hurry to register as much as possible. They do this in order to protect their users, which is not without common sense. Indeed, the transparency of information can go sideways in some cases, so it is very important to ensure the security of user data. But we will assume by default that our readers are exceptionally nice and kind people who just want to find their friends.

So, we drive the address of the social network into the browser line: www.vk.com. Immediately we get to the authorization page, where, logically, we must enter our registration data - login and password. However, we did not start an account, so we have nothing to drive in. And now we are faced with the first serious obstacle - and there is no search anywhere! Although a few years ago there was a “People” section at the bottom of the main page, which led us to the cherished search ... But time passed, and the developers closed the loophole ...

However, it’s too early, too early to close VK with a frustrated face! We do the following: we drive www.vk.com/search into the address bar of the browser - and the secret entrance to the search section is complete! Next, we are already acting according to the standard scheme - we are looking for by name and surname (or what you know about the person), adding filters:

  • country and city of residence;
  • school, university;
  • place of work;
  • age;
  • Date of Birth;
  • marital status;
  • life position;
  • military service.

As you can see, you can not go to My page using the authorization forms, but in the usual mode, use the search capabilities of Contact. Although, of course, by not registering, you lose access to most of the functions of the service. In particular, you will not be able to write to the user, invite to the group, send a photo, and also view information to the extent that members of the "contact" community can do this. The latter is the most critical if you want to know as much as possible about a person. And the majority of users access to Internet users not registered in the social network as much as possible.

Searching through search engines

There is another way to search for people on VKontakte without registration - through search engines. There should not be any difficulties at all during the process. We go into the search engine, enter the name of the person you are looking for and view the results. Most likely, the system will issue links to the profiles of social networks VK, Facebook and Odnoklassniki.

However, this method is not perfect. And that's why. First, you need to know the last name and first name of the person, otherwise what will you enter in the search box? If you want to find a girl 20-25 years old, living, say, in Samara, Google or Yandex are unlikely to help you. In this case, it is definitely worth logging into VK and trying your luck through an internal search.

Secondly, many VKontakte users monitor their privacy and put a ban on the display of their profiles in search results by search services. So it is likely that your attempts will be in vain.

Therefore, we still advise you to use the first method and conduct a search through VK itself. It's completely free, and the entire interface is in Russian - what then to expect? Forward! Look for who you want to find! And maybe for the sake of this person you will finally register on VKontakte ...

Today we will have a final such generalizing article on finding people on Vkontakte. Therefore, let's imagine a situation that you know the name and surname of a person and want to find him on Vkontakte. Or maybe you only know the last name and how old he is, as well as where he works or studied. We will now analyze all these nuances with you.

You can log in, you can not log in to your Vkontakte account. You may not be registered there at all, it doesn't matter. Let's move on to practice.

Built-in search for the social network Vkontakte

The developers of the social network have provided a built-in search for registered users. The system is powerful enough. Using its settings and knowing certain data, you can find almost anyone who is registered there.

To use the search, go to: https://vk.com/people :

At the top in the line, enter the first and last name, press enter and the system finds us people with exactly the same first and last name.

In my case, there were 142 people:

Pay attention to the right side of the window. Here we can enter the country and city of residence, as well as where he studied and worked. You need to enter at least some additional information to narrow your search.

When I look for someone, I put the approximate age range, as well as the country of residence, if I do not know the city.

It is also worth noting that a friend could register, somehow distorting his last name or first name. This can make searching difficult.

To find myself on VKontakte, I entered the city where I live, as well as my age - from 30 years old. And that's all, from all this huge list, I was left alone.

Search by people from Yandex

Another way to search for people who once registered on the Vkontakte social network is kindly provided by the Yandex system. There, in the same way, you can enter the name and surname of the person you are looking for, also enter his age and place of residence.

As you can see from the picture, I entered only the city, as well as the social network in which I am registered. Immediately, the Yandex search engine found a link to my account on the social network Vkontakte.

And that's all, we have learned how to search for VK users, knowing only some data about them.

Communication with friends is an integral part of our life. With them we share sorrows and joys, work and rest. There are good friends and not so good friends. Therefore, losing touch with a good friend, we get upset. But we will not do this, but rather we will try to find our friend through the now popular social network " In contact with”, where more than 60 million people have already registered. It is quite possible that there you will find not only your old friend, but also many of your old acquaintances, whom you have already forgotten about.

You probably could have met your friends at school or university, in the army, at work, or just lived on the same street. Each new user of the social network fills out a questionnaire with personal data, where he indicates his school, university, work and many other data. Nobody is obliged to fill in all the fields, but in order to view the pages of other users, a person must fill out his data by 25% (just post your photo or indicate the school and some other data). Thus, the search base of the social network is formed. It is enough to know at least one item of a person's profile in order to find him.

However, the problem of finding Vkontakte friends is that not everyone fills out their profile 100%, so it’s quite difficult to find some people, but possible. Let's try to figure out how.

"Learning is light!"

To find a classmate or classmate, click on the Search button, on the right panel, select the People item. Next, in the search bar, we type your friend’s last name (you can also type the first name, but it’s worth considering that many people write different configurations instead of their full name: Dimka, Dima, Dimon, Dimych, etc., which is reflected in the search results) and look for on the right panel, the School or University button.

Clicking on any of them opens the scroll bars Any Country and Year of Manufacture. By choosing a country, you automatically go to the menu for selecting your region, city, district and schools / universities that are located in it. In the school or university submenu, you select your class, faculty or department. Choose the year of release. Now let's look at the search results for people. It is likely that you will see your friend in the search results.

If it is not there, make the search less detailed by specifying the Any class submenu instead of your class. Then you will see all the graduates of your school for the specified year with that last name. The fact is that many people like to indicate the school, but do not indicate the class. The same story with the university: a person can simply indicate his university or technical school, but not indicate the faculty or department. The year of issue is indicated by the vast majority of users.

If you do not type anything in the search bar, but select only your school, class and year of graduation from the menu, then you can see all your classmates who indicated their class in the questionnaire. You can also see the graduates of your department for a particular year. Looking through the lists of those with whom you studied, you will notice possibly other names of girls from your class who got married, but forgot to leave their maiden name in the questionnaire, which is why old friends cannot find them.

Street dear

If you know a friend's address where they live or have lived, try searching for them through the Places submenu on the right pane. Here you can also select a country, city, street, and even a house or apartment number. To find a person, sometimes it is enough to indicate the city and the exact year of birth (if you know the date, even better). The addresses of their streets or quarters indicate no more than 30% of users, which reduces the likelihood of their finding on this data.

Work and the army

In contact with you can find your former colleagues with whom you sat in the office or in the tank. To search for employees of your company, go to the Work submenu and indicate the name of the organization and your position in the appropriate lines. There is a high chance that you will find some, but not all.

Some do not indicate their place of work, and those who do may call their home enterprise different from you. For example, you indicated the place of work of CJSC "Moscow Meat Processing Plant", and your colleague in the column Work wrote the trivial "Butcher" or simply "ZAO ...".

Naturally, you will not find it by the search parameter you set.

As for the army, everyone who served usually indicates the exact name of the military unit and years of service, which greatly facilitates the search for colleagues. To find them on Vkontakte, go to the submenu, Military service and indicate the country, unit and years of service.

Where else? And How?

Perhaps, having done all of the above, you still have not found the one you were looking for. Yes, there are Vkontakte users who have only their favorite movies, music and leisure activities in their profiles. But on the other hand, you can find it through mutual friends who are also registered on the network! Now you know how to search for people in contact!

Find a few people you know are talking to your friend and view their friends list in the Friends section of their page. It is quite possible that there you will see your friend in the list of friends, recognizing him by a photo or by name.

Having found your friend after such a long search, add him as a friend through the option Add as Friend and be sure to write a short message so that the friend understands that it's you. Add him as a friend, exchange contacts and never lose again, because real friends are worth their weight in gold!

Where people are asked to tell how to search on this social network, but without registering a personal page. We have posted one of these questions below.


I have such a problem. I have been registered in another social network for a very long time and do not want to, but I need to find one person and talk to him.

So. Is it possible to somehow find and view a person's page without registering on the VKontakte website?

Therefore, today we will consider several options with which you can find people on VKontakte without registering on the site.

Search on the site VK.com if there is no page

At first, many said that this method is a social network bug. But, it has been working for quite a long time and many people use it.

And so, go to the site vk.com. Next, you need a field for entering a search query. It is not on the main page and is not available to unauthorized users, but if you follow the link vk.com/search- it will appear.

In the line we drive in the Name and Surname of the person you want to find. You can also enter his nickname. If you remember only the last name, but not the first name, you will have to work hard to find it.

For example, by the name of Anya, it knocks out more than 2,500,000 results and all Annas ...

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Search by city, gender and age

Fortunately, it is possible to set the search by many different criteria.

For example, you can specify the region to search for a person in it, the school or university where he studied, set the age "FROM" and "TO". We choose the gender of the person, his marital status (married / actively searching, etc.), his place of work or military service.

If you know any of the above parameters, be sure to specify it.

For example, by sorting the name Anna according to criteria such as country, city, and age from 25 to 30 years, we narrowed down the search and got only 7,800 users. Before that, we had over 2.5 million results.

Communication with colleagues, friends and family is a very important part of the life of any person. Losing touch with old friends is always frustrating. But instead of being discouraged, you can try to find a person through the popular social network Vkontakte. More than 60 million people are registered in this network and there are high chances that the person you are looking for has a personal account on this site.

When registering on the Vkontakte social network, each user fills out a form with their personal data. In the questionnaire, he, as a rule, indicates the school, university and place of work. Most of the fields in the form are optional. In addition to personal data, a person can post his photo on the account. Unfortunately, not everyone fills out the questionnaire in detail. Such people are more difficult to find and only a photo with a familiar face can help.

How to find a person in the social network "Vkontakte"?

How to find a classmate or classmate "Vkontakte"

To search for a classmate, first click on the "People" button in the top panel of the page. In the search bar that appears, write the last name and first name of the person you are looking for. Do not ignore the fact that many register their name in all sorts of variations: Maksimka, Maksik, Maksimych, Max. This greatly affects search results. Therefore, it would be wiser to first write the last name without the first name. Next, on the right panel you need to find the buttons "School", "University". By clicking on any of these buttons, we see the appearance of the scroll bars "Any country", "Year of issue". When you select a country, a menu appears for selecting the region, city, district, and then the educational institutions located in it. In the menu of the school or university, you need to select your class, faculty or department. At the end, choose the year of release. After that, we study the results of your search. There is a high chance that you will see your wanted friend in the search results.

If in the results you could not find your friend, then the search should be made less detailed. Then you can view all the graduates of your school with your friend's last name.

By removing the last name from the search bar, but leaving the school, class and year of graduation in the right menu, you can see your classmates who indicated the class in which they studied in the questionnaires. If you are looking for a classmate, then think about whether she got married, because. many girls do not leave their maiden name on their account.

How to find a friend on Vkontakte at the address of residence

If you know where your friend lives, use the Places button in the right pane. In this submenu, you need to select the country, city, street, house and apartment number. The problem is that less than 30% of users indicate addresses in their profiles. Remembering the exact year of birth of a friend, you can try to find him by entering the date of birth and the city in which he lives.

How to find a colleague "Vkontakte"

In order to find an army comrade, you need to go to the "Military service" submenu. You will also have to indicate the country, military unit and years of your service.

How to find "Vkontakte" a person at the place of work

To search for a colleague or former employee of your company, go to the "Job" submenu and in the appropriate fields indicate the name of the organization and the position of the person you are looking for.

How else to find a person "Vkontakte"

Perhaps you have not found a person at his place of education, work, military service or residence. Then there is the last option! You need to remember the people with whom the wanted person can communicate on a social network. View lists with friends on the pages of these people. It is likely that you will recognize the friend you have been looking for for so long by his photo or name.

If you are lucky and after a long search you find your friend, then be sure to add him as a friend using the "Add to friends" option and write him a short message.

Appreciate communication and never lose your true friends!