Military housing registry. Electronic database for military personnel. Legislative regulation of the issue of payment for capital repairs of apartment buildings

State guarantees to citizens are associated with the benefits that the latter bring to society. This principle, in particular, was applied in the drafting of legislation regulating the provision of housing to military personnel in need. Officers and soldiers have the right to free square meters at the expense of the treasury. In order to equitably distribute space, the Russian Ministry of Defense created a database - a unified register of military personnel in need of housing (URV).

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Why do we need a registry?

The need to create a unified database of waiting lists is caused by several circumstances. We list them in order of importance:

  1. The authorities do not have time to fulfill their obligations to the soldiers. There is a long queue at the moment. It consists of both active military personnel and retirees;
  2. The previous principle of housing distribution led to abuse of power, bribery, and unfair allocation of apartments. It has been criticized for its lack of transparency;
  3. Retirees, as a rule, move to other regions. It was difficult to take into account those on the waiting list without a unified register, since they moved around the country:
    • due to official necessity;
    • due to family circumstances and other factors.

Attention: ERV allows you to create a mechanism for distributing subsidized housing:

  • transparent;
  • fair;
  • uniform for the entire expanse of a large country.

This database is a convenient tool for the department responsible for the distribution of apartments. The resource is also useful for users waiting for the desired housing. In addition, it guarantees fairness in allocating apartments to those on the waiting list. Everyone can find out information of interest at any time, familiarize themselves with regulatory documents and changes in them.

Important: only registered users can receive information from the database. They are assigned a number - a password to enter.

Now those on the waiting list can receive the necessary information without taking into account their place of stay from any geographical point.

The essence and form of the electronic database

EPB became available to users on September 30, 2010. Interested parties can find it. However, only contract officers who have the official status of needing residential premises will be able to obtain information on the resource. This is assigned to the Ministry of Defense through local units.

The methodology for working with military personnel in need of apartments comes down to the following:

  1. The applicant collects a package of documents and writes a report;
  2. The package arrives at the Housing Department of the Moscow Region, where it is checked;
  3. The applicant is assigned a personal number;
  4. Information is transmitted to the officer through the personnel department of the unit (entered in the personal file).
Important: you can enter your personal account on the registry website only using your personal number. Therefore, it must be written down so as not to be lost.

Registry Features

ERV is part of the state program to provide soldiers with living quarters. This circumstance guarantees the complete preservation of all personal data entered into the register. Thus, concerns about the unauthorized release of information have no basis. Site codes are regularly checked for reliability and likelihood of hacking.

Users in 2019 are provided with the following opportunities:

  1. To verify the correctness of entering personal information and family information. If necessary, the data should be corrected in a legal way (submit a new report with a package of documents);
  2. Upon receipt of information affecting the state of affairs in this area:
    • laws;
    • by-laws;
    • Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation;
    • others;
  3. About housing under construction. The Russian Ministry of Defense plans to construct buildings for soldiers in the most popular regions. Users of the portal have the opportunity to track the status of construction, plan future occupancy down to the day;
  4. About the plans of the Russian Ministry of Defense for future developments in all regions of Russia. The person on the waiting list has the right to choose an object at his own discretion;
  5. About the place in the queue, the dynamics of its progress. The portal also contains useful information regarding benefits. It is recommended to use them if available.
Recommendation: if an error is discovered, you should definitely notify the specialists involved in maintaining the registry about it. Attention: the website contains information about the hotline number. It should be used when urgent issues or misunderstandings arise.

How to get to ERV

The state program is designed for military personnel, for whom, by law, the state guarantees housing. Therefore, it is necessary to confirm the status. After receiving a letter with a personal number from the personnel department, you need to log into the portal and go through the authorization process.

It must be taken into account that document flow does not occur instantly. MoD employees need time to:

  • receiving papers from the unit;
  • studying the package;
  • checking data for accuracy;
  • entering information into the register;
  • sending an email with a code.
Hint: at least a month passes from the date of submission of the report to the time of registration.

Features of housing distribution

The procedure for providing military apartments was approved along with the State Program. It was compiled taking into account the professional characteristics of applicants for government assistance and the general norms of Russian legislation. This means that certain categories of contract workers have benefits. So, the distribution takes into account the following factors:

  • queue dates;
  • marital status and number of minors;
  • service life;
  • the chosen location of the future housing location.

The following categories of applicants enjoy priority rights:

  • (three or more minor children);
  • widows of officers and soldiers who died in the line of military duty;
  • soldiers who received in the service.
Attention: widows of deceased officers are placed on a waiting list by the Department of the Ministry of Defense for Housing. The application along with a package of supporting documents must be sent to his address.

An important factor is the place chosen for living. The fact is that the Russian Ministry of Defense is carrying out construction according to a long-term plan. The latter is compiled taking into account the number of applications. For example, in 2017, those on the waiting list considered the outskirts of St. Petersburg to be the most promising place to live. In this area, construction was actively carried out for military personnel.

The same citizens who chose the southern regions will have to wait for the next tranche to be allocated. The state is not able to build the required number of houses at once. But the problem with the queue is planned to be eliminated in the near future. In addition, in 2019, officers and soldiers were given the right to use alternative methods of obtaining an apartment. For example, the military mortgage program.

For information: the essence of a military mortgage is that a serviceman takes out a loan from a bank and purchases residential premises in any region of the country. The mortgage will be repaid by the budget through the Russian Ministry of Defense. The register of available funds can be viewed on the official website of the Moscow Region. It is much wider than the stock of ready-made houses.

Video about housing for military personnel

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March 1, 2018, 17:50 March 3, 2019 13:38

Even in developed countries, there are housing problems for different groups of the population. The Russian Federation is no exception, especially when it comes to military personnel. Today, about 70 thousand military personnel do not have their own living space. But as the state program says, in 2017 apartments will become available to everyone without exception. A few years ago, it was much easier to get an apartment, since the registration procedure was carried out through the military unit where the officer or soldier served. Today apartments are issued by the Ministry of Defense. The process is slower, but much more efficient.

Providing military personnel with housing according to a unified housing register

The Housing Department today independently makes decisions about who needs housing. The choice of a soldier is based on the following parameters:

  • When the officer was registered;
  • How many people are in his family?
  • Number of years served;
  • Location.

First on the waiting list will be someone who has been registered for a long time, has a large family, and has the number of years of contract service.

There must be housing of a suitable size in the selected region, otherwise you will be refused.

There are some categories of citizens who will be able to get an apartment without waiting in line. These include military families where the officer died while on duty, has a serious chronic illness, has many children, and so on. Each decision must be justified by relevant documents. Changes are quickly reflected in the registry. The list of permanent housing facilities is changing all the time. At the moment, several housing complexes are being developed that are intended for future officers.

Calculator for subsidies for military personnel for the purchase of housing in 2017

Even in 2017, many Russian citizens will find it difficult to get their own housing. Taking out a mortgage is almost impossible for ordinary families. This is due to the high interest rates offered by banking organizations. But the government is committed to providing apartments to everyone who needs them. Military personnel are no exception. Today they can take advantage of government subsidies. A calculator has been developed specifically for this purpose, which allows you to calculate subsidies for military personnel for the purchase of housing in 2017.

Compensation for subletting

Compensation for renting an apartment to military personnel in 2017 or renting is paid to officers who have the military rank of midshipman, warrant officer, and who are serving under a military contract. If he was fired, then the family is paid in the amount of current income, but not more than those determined by the total living area and the maximum price per square meter.

Queue for housing for military personnel by personal number

The Government of the Russian Federation contributed to the creation of a unified register of military personnel on the waiting list. This makes it possible to eliminate the illegal distribution of residential premises, as well as to ensure that those on the waiting list have access to information about the distribution of control and housing to exercise their rights to preferential receipt of free space. The local community association will be responsible for recognizing the right to benefits, entering into the main waiting list, as well as creating a Unified Register.

Procedure for booking housing for military personnel

Free housing for officers and those dismissed from service is provided on a first-come, first-served basis in accordance with current legislation according to the electronic queue. These include:

  • Date of registration of the person in need of an apartment;
  • Family composition;
  • Chosen place of residence;
  • Duration of military service.

This is the order in which these criteria are used. Each subsequent item is considered only if the previous item is evaluated.

How to obtain a certificate of lack of housing?

Regulatory acts state that it is necessary to provide a certificate that the service apartment has been rented out. Sometimes officers demanded that there be a choice of one of them. In fact, this practice does not work, since the certificate itself confirms various kinds of legal facts. And the reason why military personnel want to have such a certificate lies in the fact that they can replace it with another strictly reporting document. After all, the serviceman had to present it at his place of stay.

List of documents

To get the opportunity, you must provide the following documents for subletting housing to military personnel in 2017:

  • Copies of documents that prove the identity of both the officer and the family;
  • Registration details;
  • Extract from the house register at the place of registration;
  • Copies of personal accounts;
  • Copies of documents confirming the right to optional benefits;
  • Information about the absence or presence of residential premises.

Cost of housing for military personnel

Full compensation for hiring is not actually given, since the amount is limited to certain amounts. For example, for Moscow it cannot exceed 15,000 rubles, for large cities - 3,600 rubles, in small towns - 2,700 rubles. Naturally, such amounts do not fully compensate for expenses. But if several families live with the officers, the cost increases to 50 percent. In a particular case, rent is provided as a necessary measure if there are business trips or it needs to be done for a short time.

How to get on the unified register of military personnel in need of housing

The Ministry of Defense program for the resettlement of military personnel has acquired significant scope. To facilitate the work of authorized persons responsible for its implementation, as well as for the convenience of the military themselves, a website was created that contains all the key information about the program. The register includes data on military personnel who need new housing, as well as all regulatory and legal documentation.

What is he?

For the first time, a unified register from the RF Ministry of Defense began operating in 2010. Access to it is open only to those officers and contract soldiers who are in line to receive new living space. Participants in military mortgages or applicants for housing subsidies are not taken into account in the unified register, since these are various programs that are carried out by the Ministry of Defense with a single goal: to improve the housing situation of military personnel.

Gradually, the capabilities of the single portal expanded. If initially it was possible to find out only the number in the queue, now it provides a lot of useful information:

  • complete information about the serviceman himself, including his rank and branch of service, length of service, family composition, time spent in line, etc.;
  • data on housing being built in various regions of the Russian Federation, including deadlines for the completion of the next projects;
  • possible options for allocating apartments;
  • various legal information that will help the military man defend his rights in case of difficulties.

All this data can be obtained in closed access mode. Only the regulatory framework and news of the program are publicly available, as well as a list of documents that must be submitted in order for a serviceman to be recognized as in need of improved living conditions.

Naturally, this raises the question of personal data protection. According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, this information is securely encrypted. Access is provided only by the individual number of the program participant and the personal number of the military personnel, so there is no fear of information leakage.

How to get involved?

There is no need to take special actions to enter into the unified register. The Defense Ministry independently carries out all activities related to the formation of lists of military personnel. The only thing required is to become a participant in the program. To do this, you need to contact the unit command and submit an application. To be included in the program, you must meet the requirements, including the absence of a personal apartment and a certain length of service (from 10 to 20).

To date, the Department of Housing Policy of the Ministry of Defense has carried out truly extensive work. According to representatives of the department, information about 95% of program participants is currently included in the unified register of the RF Ministry of Defense.

Naturally, the work continues. Direct filling of information about program participants began in 2014, and not all military personnel are aware of this opportunity to track their place in line.

Errors and inaccuracies are possible, but by requesting the department’s housing policy department, they can be promptly corrected. It is possible that in the near future it will be possible to make a similar request directly from the portal.

How to access

To check the correctness of the information entered, you first need to obtain your individual number from the command, which also serves as a password to enter the closed part of the site.

The user will be taken to his personal account, where he can familiarize himself with all the information he is interested in, find out his number in the queue and see what kind of housing is being built in the subject of the Russian Federation that interests him.

You cannot enter the unified register if you do not have:

  • personal number;
  • housing program participant numbers;
  • information entered into the register by the RF Ministry of Defense.

Only if all data is entered correctly will access to your account be granted. Otherwise, the user will only be able to view publicly available information.

The site is available 24 hours a day. Accessing the portal can significantly save a program participant’s time, since he does not need to create a request and send it to the command and to the department’s housing department. It is enough for him to receive authorization data once, and he will be able to track his movement in line in real time.

If information is blocked

In some cases, the user cannot access his account, even if all the numbers are correct. This is usually due to one of two reasons:

  • the information simply did not have time to be transferred from the register of the RF Ministry of Defense to electronic form;
  • the participant for some reason (possibly erroneous) “dropped out” from the lists.

In both cases, the soldier who discovers blocked access should:

  • collect a complete package of documents confirming the right to receive housing;
  • contact the military command authority of the Ministry of Defense where the unit in which he is serving (or served before dismissal) is located;
  • submit a report on reconciliation of the provided data.

As a rule, problems are resolved quite simply, and the information simply turns out not to be entered on the site, while in the housing department of the RF Ministry of Defense the records are kept correctly.

If any information changes, for example, when changing a surname or when moving to another subject of Russia, a similar report should be sent to the command on reconciliation of data with supporting documentation attached. It is recommended to check the correctness of the changes made after some time.

Families of those killed in the line of military duty can obtain information about their participation in the housing distribution program by sending a request to the housing authority. security and receiving information to log into the site.

Those military personnel who for some reason were not included in the list on the website do not need to worry. The main records are kept in the housing department of the Ministry of Defense, and the portal is an information resource created more for convenience. It allows you to quickly find out all the information the user is interested in about the movement of the queue for apartments, get acquainted with the options and prepare in advance the documents necessary for entering into use of the living space.

And all these services can be obtained without creating a special request, at any time from any locality in Russia. The convenience of the portal is undeniable, and this is another step in the implementation of the Ministry of Defense’s policy of providing housing for employees of its department.

Hello. Why is the city chosen for permanent housing not written down in the unified register? Thank you.

I want to know the savings part, but my personal number is not confirmed; it is included in the register “on the savings-mortgage housing system for military personnel.”

Hello, please tell me, if we are not included in the unified register for receiving housing allowance in the RF Ministry of Defense, will we not lose the right to receive this? We were told that we need to submit documents six months before receiving. Is this true? And another question: will we get enough for our daughter, who got married but is registered with us? Thank you))

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Hello. I am in line to receive EDV for housing at the RF Ministry of Defense and they are offering me to register ownership of a garden plot. Will there be any difficulties or problems if such property appears?

Hello, problems may arise and you will be excluded from the queue.

Purpose of the Unified Register of Military Housing

Assistance in the issuance and distribution of housing for military personnel in the Russian Federation from the authorities has always been a pressing issue.

But, despite its partial solution thanks to the active use of a system of one-time financial payments for the purchase of apartments, the queue for housing has not lost its relevance.

A Unified Register has been created to record everyone who wants to receive their own allocated squares.

What specifics of placing on the waiting list must be observed in order to be guaranteed to receive living space for a serviceman’s family over time?

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What it is

The interest and control of the Ministry of Defense today in the construction of housing intended for army families is very high. For proper occupancy when handing over new areas, it was created in electronic form Single register. Now new residents receive rights to an apartment only if it is their turn for a housewarming party.

Previously, this was complicated by the time spent on processing documentation manually, and often those whose part was located in close proximity to the newly commissioned new building received living space. Now this deficiency has been eliminated and every military man has access to the waiting list. He can view the information at any time of the day.

Purpose of the register, its advantages, disadvantages

Advantages of this register there is no doubt:

  • transparent procedure for housing distribution;
  • independent control of the serviceman over his position on the waiting list;
  • lack of illegal allocation of apartments by officials;
  • reduction of time for processing and making changes thanks to electronic technologies throughout the Russian Federation.

Electronic records are maintained on the website of the Ministry of Defense. Thus, the state takes the most responsible approach to implementing the norms of Federal Law No. 76 of May 27, 1998, approved in Russia, “On the status of military personnel.”

There are some in this procedure flaws. Officers have many complaints about the register. For example, a person on the waiting list can see his data in the list, but the system will not show him his number. It is impossible to find out how many people have already been provided with housing, and how many still need to be provided with housing.

How to enter data

You can register on the electronic waiting list after registering on the Ministry of Defense website. There you need to familiarize yourself with the procedure for familiarizing yourself with information from the unified register. To find out your personal identification number, the person on the waiting list needs to contact the personnel service. A family member of a deceased service member will need to go to the Department of Housing to obtain an access number.

Forming a register in a certain sequence of actions:

  1. The applicant is recognized as entitled to the benefit of receiving a free apartment. To do this, the information received is verified through all non-departmental requests.
  2. Data about the waiting list is entered into the Unified Register. The day the application and documents are submitted to the local Housing Department is considered the date of registration. If a package of papers was sent through a postal communication center, then the date of inclusion in the list coincides with the day they were sent.

If in accepting documents will be refused, then the response is sent to the serviceman in writing.

The list of documentation that must be attached to the application is indicated in the instructions in the appendix to Order No. 1280 dated September 30, 2010. You can familiarize yourself with the text of this regulatory act on the website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

IN documentation package includes:

  • papers to confirm the right to be recognized as an applicant in need of permanent housing;
  • document confirming rights to other benefits (copy);
  • passport data for the applicant and his family members who have already received them (copies of all pages);
  • if available, a marriage or divorce certificate (a copy, necessarily certified by a notary or by the unit commander with a seal);
  • birth certificate for the child (copies must be provided only for those who did not receive a passport);
  • originals and copies of certificates from personal accounts and places of registration from all addresses where the applicant and his family members have lived for the last 5 years;
  • reference information showing the presence or absence of living space owned by a military personnel or other family member or rented under a valid contract (Appendix 2 to the above instructions).

When submitting a package of documents, you must have the originals with you to confirm the accuracy of the copies.

Over the past 5 years, reference information has been collected and submitted to verify the facts of deliberate actions aimed at worsening existing housing conditions in order to obtain a new apartment. To obtain data, you need to contact the organizations that operate the housing stock.

System capabilities

What opportunities do military personnel who are registered on the electronic list have?

  1. Check the correctness of filling in all personal data about the applicant.
  2. Monitor the adoption of changes to existing laws and other regulations adopted at the level of the Government of the Russian Federation.
  3. Get information about the location of future new buildings. You can even determine the exact address of such a property.
  4. Find out the parameters and planned map of the planned construction, as well as possible options for housing distribution.
  5. Specify the date of registration in the queue and your place.
  6. Study the list of necessary documentation intended for registration of ownership rights to residential real estate.

Regardless of the location of the applicant and the time zone in which he resides, access to the online database is constant. Since the site is constantly developing, the volume of information is gradually increasing. You can now gain access not only to information about yourself, but also to other citizens serving in the army under contract. Every day the total amount of information is gradually increasing.

The rules for entering data into the military housing register are described in the following video:

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Queue for housing for military personnel by personal number: how it is formed and how to get into it - let's figure it out

Today, Russian military personnel are actively supported by the state. A number of citizens in this category can receive two types of state support: a one-time payment for the purchase of a house or apartment and full-fledged housing.

As practice shows, most often the military choose the route of designing square meters, considering it more convenient for themselves. In the process of registration and placement on the appropriate queue, people, as a rule, do not have problems, since at their place of duty all stages of the procedure are literally chewed over. However, military personnel are often not given recommendations regarding subsequent control of the movement of the queue.

Knowing this, our resource decided to cover this issue in more detail. You can get all the important information below on the page.

Housing for military personnel

Military housing program. Photo No. 1

The housing issue for military personnel in the Russian Federation has been actively resolved over the past 10-15 years. During this time, many bills were considered and laws were adopted, but one system remained unchanged. More precisely, we are talking about the procedure for issuing housing to the military by placing them in the appropriate queue.

At the moment, the distribution of living space in the sphere of military personnel is handled either by special education under military government agencies or by the Housing Departments.

According to the law, housing can be issued to any military personnel in the Russian Federation (naturally, if military service is a type of detail, and not a temporary performance of duties to the Fatherland). In this case, control over the issuance is carried out in the appropriate register using the identification data of the person applying to receive housing from the state.

The determination of the military’s place in the queue is carried out by previously noted bodies, taking into account the following parameters:

  • service life of a military man;
  • the date of their application for housing;
  • the number of members in his family;
  • the officer has his own home;
  • his place of residence and region of receipt of residential meters;
  • the serviceman has a need for housing.

The principle in distributing the queue is extremely simple - the higher the merit and the greater the need for housing, the higher the position in the queue when placed in it you can count on.

Let us note that the law provides for categories of citizens who can receive military housing without waiting in line. In particular, these include very needy and large military families, close relatives of an officer who died while on duty, a serviceman with a serious illness, and the like.

In any case, the need to provide living space to an officer is determined by the authorities, so it is impossible to say anything specific in this regard, since each specific case is individual.

Unified register of housing for military personnel

How is the waiting list for housing formed? Photo No. 2

To systematize and conveniently manage the queues of those military personnel who wish to receive living space, several years ago the Russian state created a special register. It is a unified system that stores data about all officers awaiting the issuance of living space, and about those who have already received it.

That is, a unified register not only simplifies the management of queues, but also eliminates manipulation by unscrupulous military personnel who try several times to obtain housing due to their service.

All military personnel in the Russian Federation who meet the provisions of the relevant law on the issuance of housing in the military sphere can get into this register. To queue up and receive an identification number, it is enough to confirm your right to free living space by submitting the following documentation to the previously mentioned authorities:

  1. Copies of identification documents of the officer and all members of his family.
  2. Extract from the house register on registration.
  3. Certificate of registration in a specific place.
  4. Personal account numbers and copies of their documents.
  5. Copies of papers confirming the right to receive benefits due to military status (issued at the place of service).
  6. Information about the presence or absence of your own living space.
  7. Application for placement in the housing queue.

After checking all the documents, special education under military government agencies or the Department of Housing will determine whether the applicant-military has the right to receive housing or not. If the result is positive, then the citizen is placed in the appropriate queue and entered into the Unified Register, through which he can control the process of obtaining housing.

Otherwise, all that remains is to sue the authorities that refused to provide housing and prove them wrong, of course, if such circumstances exist.

Obtaining information from the registry

How to obtain information from the unified register of military personnel? Photo No. 3

The Unified Register of Military Personnel is an open system, information from which is available to absolutely all citizens of the Russian Federation. However, to obtain data from the registry, it is important to meet two basic conditions:

  • know the identification number of the person being tracked in the queue;
  • gain access to relevant resources.

The Housing Department is the body that helps enforce these conditions. It is not surprising that they are the ones who are given the personal number of the military personnel, taken for use in the Unified Register.

Please note that you can also obtain information about this identifier from the human resources department at your place of duty. Regardless of the place of application, to obtain data you will need to provide a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and a corresponding application for the issuance of a personal number.

Having received one, you can obtain their registry data, which is possible in two ways:

  • visiting the Housing Department;
  • by visiting the website of the Unified Register, either all-Russian or by region of residence.

By providing or entering a personal number in specific fields, any military man will be able to find out information about the date his data was entered into the registry, his place in the queue for the provision of housing, and basic information regarding these points (full name of the serviceman, the area of ​​the housing provided, its type, etc. .).

As you can see, there are no particular difficulties in placing military personnel on the housing queue, and even more so in monitoring it. We hope the material presented above was useful to you. Good luck in all your endeavors!

You can learn about the grounds and procedure for receiving service housing for military personnel by watching the video:

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Electronic database for military personnel

The problem of housing for Russian military personnel has not lost its relevance for many years. Until recently, the only form of providing permanent apartments was the issuance of ready-made housing to those on the waiting list. The discrepancy between the pace of apartment construction and the resignation of officers led to the emergence of long-term queues, which have not been dealt with to this day. However, now the Government is taking successful steps towards solving the problem. One of the important points was the creation of a waiting list database - the Unified State Register of Military Housing, which includes all military personnel who are recognized as needing housing. Thus, it became clear who was entitled to apartments for military personnel of the Russian Defense Ministry.

What is an electronic database

An electronic database of housing for military personnel and information about their place in the housing queue first became available on September 30, 2010. The Housing Department of the Ministry of Defense has done a lot of work to collect a database of all military personnel and combine them into a single list.

All contract officers who have received a personal unique number have access to the military housing database. According to the military mortgage program - personal number, i.e. NIS participant registration number has a different meaning. The housing register of military personnel of the Russian Defense Ministry can be used online, regardless of region and time zone. In order to get to the section Providing housing for military personnel without complications, it is better to write down your personal number in a notebook.

The electronic database can be visited by going to the website of the Ministry of Defense. If previously the Unified Register of Military Housing contained only information about the military personnel themselves, now the range of available information has expanded significantly.

Through the site for the distribution of housing for military personnel, or more precisely, through the unified register for receiving housing for military personnel, it is possible to do the following:

  • Check that your personal data is entered correctly into the register. It is clear that even a slight inaccuracy when filling out the last name, first name, branch of service and other data can lead to very unpleasant consequences.
  • Get the latest information on government regulations and legislative changes. Recently, the issue of replacing a finished apartment with a lump sum cash payment has been actively discussed, after which the concept of a queue will disappear by itself. It is expected that the new system will be finally adopted next year, but for now it is only an alternative.
  • Find out the proposed location for housing construction. It can be indicated right down to the locality and future address. The situation with housing for military personnel is constantly monitored by the ministry, and houses will be built where there is the greatest need. Using the registry, you can see a map of housing construction for the near future and learn about possible settlement options.
  • Find out the registration date, place in the queue and get a list of documents required to obtain ownership of the apartment.

Many officers are concerned about the possibility of theft of personal data, but those who distribute housing to military personnel claim that without a personal unique number it is impossible to get into the base.

The number is a kind of password and protection, so information about you and your family will not fall into the wrong hands. On the website you will find hotline numbers where you can get all the necessary clarifications if you have any questions.

How to enter information about yourself into the register?

If you do not find your data in the register, or you do not yet have a personal number, then you need to contact the Housing Department by sending a request there in writing.

The queue of military personnel in need of housing is available after data verification and inclusion in the register. After receiving the number, you will be able to track all changes in the queue.

After processing the information, it will be reflected in the database.

How are apartments distributed among military personnel?

The procedure for the distribution of residential premises is determined by the Department of Housing, and 4 parameters play a major role in it: the date of registration of the officer, the composition of his family, the length of service under the contract and the chosen place of residence.

The first officer to receive housing will be the one with more years of service and more children in the family. However, it is important that the selected region has housing of suitable size.

Some categories of citizens who have the right to priority receipt of apartments have also been identified. These are families of military personnel who died during their service, military personnel with severe chronic diseases, large families, etc.

Each decision must be justified and supported by the necessary documents. All changes in the queue are quickly reflected in the registry.

The list of permanent housing facilities is constantly changing. Construction is currently underway in several popular regions at once, for example, near St. Petersburg.

We can expect that the queue will be significantly reduced in the near future, and according to the Government, it will completely disappear by the end of next year. The distribution of ready-made apartments for military personnel is planned to stop after the queue is eliminated.

Finding housing for military personnel via the Internet is only possible for informational purposes, since it is difficult to imagine how the situation will change in a year, when the turn comes.

Alternative solutions in finding housing

Young officers in need of housing can solve their problems today without waiting for years.

The base of apartments under military mortgage is much wider than what the military department offers ready-made, because many leading developers work with this program. A unified register of apartments for military personnel is contained on the website of the Ministry of Defense.

You won’t need to collect documents for a long time and sit in queues in front of offices, because to get a mortgage you will only need:

  1. Certificate of NIS participant, received in the 4th year of service under the contract;
  2. Copy of the passport;
  3. Additional documents that the bank may require. Usually this is only a marriage certificate or military ID.

Real estate agencies with a large database, including options throughout the country, will help you choose an apartment. The program includes not only apartments, but also private houses, and there is also the opportunity to participate in shared construction, securing an apartment in a new building at more favorable prices.

  • the wait is significantly reduced, there are no queues for apartments;
  • the amount of EDV (cash payment) increases with the service life;
  • The subsidy can be used together with maternity capital, credit or personal funds;
  • you can independently choose your place of residence, housing area and other nuances;
  • the funds that have already been credited to the applicant’s account belong only to him and can be freely disposed of.

The state “covers” 80% of the costs of purchasing real estate within the accounting norm. The remaining amount is paid by the military themselves. It is important that EDV is not subject to taxation. Receiving a housing subsidy for military personnel is considered gratuitous assistance.

Providing housing subsidies to military personnel in 2019 – 2019

  • Federal Law On the status of military personnel in the Russian Federation – Article 15.
  • In the Housing Code of the Russian Federation - Article 51 (the procedure for joining the queue is indicated).
  • By order of the Ministry of Defense issued in 2014. It approves the procedure for issuing housing subsidies to military personnel on a contract basis and those already dismissed.
  • Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation On approval of the procedure for calculating housing subsidies for members of the Russian Armed Forces. It guarantees the military the opportunity to become a recipient of state support, and also establishes a formula for calculating the amount of payment.
  • Decree of the President of the Russian Federation.
  • Living in living space that does not meet the requirements established by law (square footage, general condition, etc.).
  • Living in an office building whose area is smaller than that established in the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.
  • Those living in the premises without concluding a social tenancy agreement or under a social tenancy agreement. rental, but in a communal apartment.

How to find out the queue for subsidies for military personnel by personal number

After the serviceman’s application for a housing subsidy has been reviewed and a positive decision has been made, documents must be submitted to the Department. According to instruction No. 1280, all materials are submitted within five days from the date of receipt of the notice.

  1. An extract from the house register from all addresses where the serviceman and his family had to live over the past five years.
  2. Personal accounts (originals and photocopies) of the military personnel and family members from the places where they worked in the last five years.
  3. A copy and original of a document confirming the right to receive a subsidy and recognizing the serviceman as in need of improved living conditions.
  4. Information about housing owned or under a rental agreement.

How does the electronic queue for military housing work?

The assessment criteria are used strictly in this order, and each subsequent item is assessed only if the previous one meets the necessary requirements. So, with equal conditions on the first two points, housing will first be provided to those for whom there are premises of the required size, taking into account the composition of the family. If both candidates meet the requirements for these parameters, the duration of service in the armed forces is taken into account.

  1. Upon verification of the data and receipt of additional information through interdepartmental requests, the right to benefits of the serviceman is recognized, after which his data is entered into a unified register.
  2. The date of registration of a serviceman is the date of submission or mailing of documents to a departmental unit.
  3. If the right to free housing is denied, the service member will be notified of the department's decision in writing.

Preferential queue for military personnel to receive housing subsidies

A military serviceman and a retired citizen of the Russian Federation, having additional benefits in the form of his own savings, a bank loan received or maternity capital allocated by the state to his family, can use the entire cash balance to purchase a new home at the same time. As a general rule, social benefits for military personnel are a right - therefore, they can use it at their discretion if they meet the requirements of Order No. 510 of July 21, 2014 (for example, at the end of their service or after leaving the reserve). Moreover, the size of the subsidy will increase with the duration of service.

Recent changes in legislation (Law 360-FZ of November 24, 2014) adjust the subject composition of recipients of receiving a one-time cash payment for the purchase of housing. For citizens recognized as needing housing before 01/01/2005 or after 01/01/2005, from the category “discharged from military service and in need of improved housing conditions”, the mandatory requirement to serve at least 10 years was canceled if this was related to relocation (amendments have been made to paragraph 2.1 Article 15 of the Law “On the Status of Military Personnel”, concerning the right to choose the type of housing provision).

Electronic queue of military personnel for housing

In order to join the electronic queue and gain access to the Unified Register for monitoring and making changes to personal data, you must register on the official website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and familiarize yourself with the procedure for providing information from the Unified Register. A serviceman can obtain a personal identification number from the personnel authorities. Family members of military personnel who died in the line of military service can obtain an access number from the Housing Department at the time of submitting documents to be placed on the waiting list for an apartment.

Please note that the assessment criteria are applied in the specific order mentioned above, and each subsequent item is assessed only if the previous one fully complies with the relevant requirements. For example, if applicants who have equal conditions according to the first two criteria, those for whom premises are available in accordance with the established rules of square meters, taking into account the composition of the family, have a priority right to receive free housing. In the event that two candidates for free housing meet the requirements for the above parameters, preference will be given to those with a longer duration of service in the armed forces.

Forum for mutual legal assistance of military personnel

7. The decision to provide housing subsidies to military personnel, citizens discharged from military service, and members of their families, with the attachment of the documents specified in paragraph 4 of this Procedure, within three working days from the date of its adoption, is sent by the authorized body (structural unit of the authorized body) to the assigned behind it is the financial support department (department) of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the financial authority).

Queue to receive housing subsidies for military personnel in 2019

Since the introduction of the new form of housing provision, more than 5 thousand military personnel of the Eastern Military District have received housing subsidies. More than 2.5 thousand more military personnel applied for subsidies. In accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law “On the Status of Military Personnel,” housing subsidies are also provided to those military personnel who refused the housing offered to them or expressed a desire to change their previously chosen place of residence.

Thus, the head of the housing department of the Ministry of Defense, Sergei Pirogov, told a radio station that the department will no longer build houses to provide permanent housing for military personnel. Housing subsidies are now available to those on the waiting list. “This practice is in great demand and has shown itself very well,” said Pirogov. “A steady trend is emerging: a serviceman, having a choice, refuses an apartment as a form of housing provision and asks to be transferred to a housing subsidy.”

For how long should a housing subsidy be provided to a military personnel? The order of provision of housing subsidies

In this case, you can appeal the inaction of the housing authorities in court or to the military prosecutor's office. If necessary, you can contact us for help in drawing up the necessary documents, as well as representing your interests in court.

The decision to provide housing subsidies to military personnel, citizens discharged from military service, and members of their families is made by the authorized body (structural unit of the authorized body) no later than ten working days from the date of receipt of the information specified in paragraph one of this paragraph, in the absence of grounds for removing them from the register as those recognized as needing residential premises.”

Housing subsidies for military personnel in 2019

The contract must include a clause on repayment of the entire cost of the apartment or house or part of this cost from the funds of the military certificate. Otherwise, the agreement may not be taken into account as a basis for receiving subsidies from the state.

According to housing standards, one member of a family of more than three people must have 18 square meters of space. If the apartment or house is smaller, the family is considered to be in need of subsidies. Download and print for free

27 Jul 2018 2518
Today, in the world of high technology, registration for housing can be done remotely via telecommunication networks. In our article we will talk about what an electronic queue of military personnel for housing is, what procedure the law provides for, and how military personnel receive housing in the future.

The military electronic queue for housing, which operates today on the territory of the Russian Federation, allows you to independently monitor the implementation of benefits for military personnel, which are guaranteed by the current legislation and the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Important! Federal Law No. 76 of May 27, 1998 “On the status of military personnel” guarantees the provision of housing or funds for its purchase for military personnel in the manner prescribed by the relevant regulations.

The procedure for exercising the rights to obtain housing and registration in a military unit of military personnel, in particular those serving under a contract or dismissed from service, as well as members of their families, is determined by the Instruction to the Order of the Ministry of Defense No. 1280 of September 30, 2010 “On providing military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, residential premises under a social tenancy agreement and service residential premises." In accordance with this document, registration for housing is carried out on the basis of an application from a military person or the personnel department of a military unit, which is submitted to the local housing department (HOD) of the Ministry of Defense. In turn, recognition of a military person as needing housing is carried out in the manner prescribed by Instruction No. 1280 of September 30, 2010, as well as Art. 52 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2004 No. 188-FZ. Russian legislation provides for certain important points that are taken into account when registering and providing preferential housing to military personnel:

  • If a serviceman recognized as incompetent has not exercised the right to housing, his legal representative has the right to submit a corresponding application on his behalf. Acceptance of documents from a military personnel for registration and receipt of housing is carried out both at the place of permanent registration and at the place of actual residence.
This condition allows those dismissed from service to independently choose a place to live. The right to apply for registration arises after completing the registration procedure at the place of residence in a given region.
  • Military personnel will not be recognized as needing housing if it is established that they have committed actions that deliberately worsen their housing situation over the past 5 years.
This condition also applies if the apartment is purchased through a military mortgage.
  • Submission of documents and applications for registration to the Housing Department of the Ministry of Defense must be carried out against a receipt, which is handed to the applicant by the responsible person. The receipt is accompanied by a complete list of documents provided, including those that will be received on the basis of interdepartmental requests.
  • The area of ​​the premises under a social rental agreement for military personnel cannot exceed 18 square meters for each family member (the norm is established by the local government in a particular region).
  • Active military personnel receive housing in a military camp or in a nearby locality.

How the electronic queue of military personnel for housing is formed

The electronic queue system represents the creation of a unified register of waiting lists, including only military personnel. This register was initiated by the Government of the Russian Federation in order to prevent the illegal distribution of residential space, as well as to provide access to persons on the electronic queue to data on the distribution of housing and the exercise of their rights to receive the required living space on preferential terms. The regional body of the Department of Housing is responsible for recognizing the right to benefits of a military personnel, timely making changes and the accuracy of information in the unified register.

Important! Access for those on the waiting list to the Unified Register is provided on the official website of the Ministry of Defense.

Access to the information available in the register is carried out through the identification number of the serviceman who has joined the military queue for housing. Using a personal number, a person who has the right to receive a free apartment can check the entered data, get acquainted with the list of persons also included in the queue, find information about objects preparing for occupancy in a particular region, and also obtain information about the date of receipt your home. The procedure for creating the Unified Register includes the following steps:

1. Recognition of the right to benefits of a military person and entering data about him into a unified register. Carried out upon verification of data and additional information received as a result of interdepartmental requests.

2. The date a military person is placed on the electronic queue for housing is the date of submission of the application and package of documents to the local unit of the Housing Department.

Important! In the case of sending documents by post to the Department, the date of registration is considered to be the date of sending the documents.

3. A refusal to obtain a military serviceman’s right to be placed on a waiting list and receive free housing must be provided to the applicant in writing.

Distribution of housing to military personnel via electronic queue

Military personnel, as well as those transferred to the reserve, have the right to receive free housing in the order of priority and in accordance with the current electronic queue. The order of priority is established automatically, excluding third-party interference from interested parties. The criteria for assessing the electronic queue for housing include the following order of compliance:

  • the date on which a person in need of housing was placed on the military waiting list;
  • the place of residence chosen by the applicant and the availability of housing there ready for occupancy;
  • composition of the military personnel's family;
  • the duration of military service by the applicant.

Please note that the assessment criteria are applied in the specific order mentioned above, and each subsequent item is assessed only if the previous one fully complies with the relevant requirements. For example, if applicants who have equal conditions according to the first two criteria, those for whom premises are available in accordance with the established rules of square meters, taking into account the composition of the family, have a priority right to receive free housing. In the event that two candidates for free housing meet the requirements for the above parameters, preference will be given to the person with a longer duration of service in the armed forces. Let us recall that the current housing legislation and Federal Law No. 76 of May 27, 1998 “On the status of military personnel” defines the circle of military personnel as having the right to priority receipt of housing:

  • military personnel living in premises that do not meet normal living conditions, as well as those that are not subject to reconstruction and repair;
  • orphans and children left without parental care after the end of their stay in orphanages and other special institutions, as well as those living in foster families upon termination of guardianship or guardianship, having completed military service;
  • military personnel suffering from severe forms of chronic diseases;
  • family members of military personnel who died (died) both during service and after discharge from service, if they served for more than 10 years.

Military personnel or members of their families belonging to one of the above-mentioned categories of persons must provide, along with an application for placement on the electronic queue for housing, documents that confirm the right to receive additional benefits.

The procedure for obtaining housing for military personnel via electronic queue

In order to join the electronic queue and gain access to the Unified Register for monitoring and making changes to personal data, you must register on the official website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and familiarize yourself with the procedure for providing information from the Unified Register. A serviceman can obtain a personal identification number from the personnel authorities. Family members of military personnel who died in the line of military service can obtain an access number from the Housing Department at the time of submitting documents to be placed on the waiting list for an apartment. Let us note that the Department must be promptly aware of all changes in the data of a military person, in particular, the composition of his family and place of registration; in the event of a discrepancy between the data in the register and the actual data, it is necessary to notify the relevant authorities and monitor the introduction of changes into the unified register. After a positive decision is made, the serviceman receives a notification about the distribution of housing, and if he agrees to use the right to free housing, he must provide documents to the Department in accordance with paragraph 13 of instruction No. 1280 no later than 5 days from the date of receipt of the notification . The basis for concluding a social rental agreement with a military personnel is an extract from the decision on the provision of housing. If a serviceman refuses to receive housing, the authorities are also notified of this no later than within 5 days. List of documents required for registration on the electronic queue for housing, corresponding to the instructions in the appendix to Order No. 1280 of September 30, 2010:

  • Original and copies of all pages of the serviceman's passport.
  • Originals and copies of all pages of identification documents of all family members of the military personnel (in particular, passports with a registration mark, as well as birth certificates for minors).
  • Original and copy of marriage or divorce certificate.
Important! This document must be certified by a notary or by the unit commander with a seal.
  • Original extract from the house register at the place of registration/registration from all addresses of registration/registration of the serviceman and his family members for 5 years.
  • Originals and copies of personal accounts from all places of residence of the serviceman and family members for the last 5 years.
  • Originals and copies of documents confirming the right to receive and use additional benefits.
  • Information on the presence or absence of residential premises owned by a military personnel or members of his family on the basis of property rights or a valid rental agreement, according to the sample presented in Appendix 2 to the instructions approved by Order No. 1280 of September 30, 2010.
  • Original documents confirming the applicant's right to be recognized as in need of permanent housing.

The Russian Federation has developed a clear mechanism for providing housing to military personnel. But not always this category of citizens can easily get their well-deserved square meters.

The housing registration procedure is complicated by some bureaucratic nuances, and even with all its seemingly transparent and easy registration and queue formation, there are many aspects that can radically affect the timing of the issuance of housing.

How are military personnel provided with housing in Russia?

At this stage of social development, the provision of housing for contract military personnel has begun to play a fairly significant role for Russian society. The provision of housing to army personnel is an authorized activity of bodies, regulated by law and aimed at providing the military, as well as members of their families who live with them, with living quarters.

The legislative framework regarding the provision of housing to the military consists of several legislative acts, the most important of which is “On the procedure for providing housing in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.”

  • those soldiers and their family members who, after receiving education, are appointed to an officer position.
  • those officers who were recruited to serve by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, as well as those who entered into a service contract in the period from January 1, 1998.
  • those employees who signed a contract for military service after January 1, 1998.

A serviceman who has been provided with housing reserves the right to write a refusal of housing if there are compelling reasons for this. For example, if a serviceman has material or technological complaints about the level of housing.

What factors do the Ministry of Defense take into account when building housing for military personnel?

According to the legislative framework of the Russian Federation, when purchasing or constructing housing, the Ministry of Defense takes into account the following factors:

  1. Regional housing need. To monitor this indicator, experts regularly monitor the level of this need in different regions. The most important factors in accordance with which the situation is analyzed: compliance with state standards for living space and agreement with the military about the place of their future residence.
  2. Level of infrastructure development at the site of future housing construction. When developing plans for the construction of various residential facilities, the availability of communal and social infrastructure must be taken into account. Social facilities such as parks, parking lots, public gardens, playgrounds and the like should be created from funds from budgets of different levels (federal and municipal).
  3. Certain level of quality living space. The Ministry of Defense is investing huge amounts of money to ensure that the apartments under construction are equipped with amenities and are completely ready for occupancy. Before renting out apartments, all household communications must be checked.

Are there problems of interaction between municipal and federal authorities when considering military personnel’s applications for housing?

If a military man is registered and his data is included in the Unified Register of the Ministry of Defense, then there should be no problems between municipal and federal authorities. The Unified Register assumes all the main functions of the information desk.

Only by having access to this database can a military man find out in which area he will be provided with living space, during what time construction activities are planned to be completed. You can also find out your queue number, registration date and other necessary information.

The main feature of interaction between authorities at different levels in the housing issue is that living space for military personnel can be purchased both separately and in specialized complexes.

These complexes are specially built for such categories of military personnel as retired officers, retired military personnel, and families of military personnel killed in service.

The construction of such complexes is especially developed in Kaliningrad, Moscow, Ryazan, Orel, Ufa, and Taganrog. Municipal authorities are developing suitable infrastructure for these microdistricts, road junctions, and laying out routes for public transport.

Thanks to the creation of the Unified Register, the process of interaction between the military and the authorities has been greatly facilitated.

The formation of lists and registration of military personnel is almost completely automated and requires minimal participation of federal authorities.

Moreover, according to the newly developed draft federal law “On the Status of Military Personnel,” the military received the opportunity to expand the square meters due to them for an additional fee, which is indicated in the law.

The main package of documents required to recognize a serviceman or his family as needing housing

The list of those categories of documents that must be submitted to the relevant authorities in order to obtain an apartment under a special social tenancy agreement is established by special instructions. This list includes such types of documents as:

  1. Copy of the passport or other certificate that can verify the identity of the military personnel and copies of similar documents of people included in his family (passport or birth certificate).
  2. Copy of certificate that the military man is married or a certificate of divorce. A copy of such a certificate must be certified by the commander of the military unit; if this is not possible, then it must be notarized.
  3. Extract form from the house book.
  4. Copies of bank personal cash accounts from your last place of residence. The period for which you need to make copies of the relevant documents is 5 years.
  5. Copy of the document, which indicates a special right and the presence of social guarantees in the field of housing.
  6. Documentation who can confirm the presence or absence of residential premises in the property.
  7. Certificate or obligation about the rental of residential premises. This type of document must be notarized.

How is the queue for housing formed?

The formation of various lists and queues for the provision of housing to army soldiers occurs after all the data has been processed by special housing commissions. For this purpose, protocols are deliberately created, which must be certified by the commanders of military units.

Officers who underwent training and returned to their units after completion should be reinstated on the lists in need of housing.

Military personnel who have documented the need for housing and were transferred from one unit to another should be immediately included in the lists.

If a problematic situation arises regarding the issuance of housing and the housing commission will have to consider several applicants, then their priority is determined by the time of submission of the relevant documents and the time of submission of the report for registration.

There are several types of special lists for the provision of preferential residence.
These include priority And extraordinary.

Military consisting on the priority list, have special benefits, and are higher than those army soldiers who entered service in the same year, or those who do not have benefits. Extraordinary right to receive housing secures an advantage over those categories of military personnel who are registered in the general queue and in the priority lists.

The transfer of military personnel from one list to another is possible only if strong evidence of the need for this transfer has been presented.

The following categories of army personnel receive the priority right to provide housing:

  • Army soldiers who have served for more than 10 years.
  • Those military personnel who are protected by the Labor Code, that is, those who were dismissed from service due to reaching the age limit for service, poor health, or in case of staff reduction.

How is housing distributed?

The distribution of living space between army soldiers is organized in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and is implemented only after the approval and commissioning of houses and their communications, registration of federal property rights and other formal procedures. The entire process of registration and acceptance can take from six months to one and a half years.

In practice, the question of abolishing these procedures and starting the distribution of housing before it was put into operation was often raised.

This approach actually takes place, since the procedure for any preliminary distribution of residential premises is not regulated.

Now the procedure for distributing living quarters between the military looks like this:

  1. Construction or searching for and purchasing military housing.
  2. Preliminary redistribution of housing that, for technical reasons, has not yet been put into operation, between different categories of military personnel according to their place in the queue.
  3. Adoption or the employee’s refusal of residential premises.
  4. Preparation documents for registration.
  5. Fixing housing for the military.

What to do if your data is not included in the Unified Register of Military Personnel in Need of Housing?

If any employee data were not included in the Unified Register on time, then he will not be able to gain access to the information located in it. Military personnel who do not have a personal code, or those military personnel whose documents were not processed by the department responsible for housing provision, are not entitled to receive information from the registry.

If the serviceman’s data has not been entered into the register, he must send a request to personnel bodies to assign a personal number or send a corresponding request to Department of Housing of the Ministry of Defense.

How to access the Unified Register by number and make changes to personal data?

Access to the Unified Register can be obtained by visiting the corresponding website and entering the military personnel’s personal code, which serves as a password. In this access mode, any serviceman can find out all the necessary information about the necessary documents, his place in the queue and other similar issues.

Changes to personal data can be made by editing previously provided information. Changes will take some time to be accepted as all data changes are tracked and verified. The registry website also contains a list of telephone numbers where you can get more detailed information.

To sum up, we can say that the system of providing housing for employees is far from ideal. There are many nuances that significantly complicate the process of registration and provision of residence for army personnel.

The main thing a serviceman can do to get housing as quickly as possible is:

  • collect information about whether he has the right to subsidized housing;
  • prepare a package of necessary documents;
  • submit documents for registration in the register;
  • obtain a personal number;
  • monitor the progress of the case in the Unified Register;

In general, registration in the Unified Register will greatly help the military. Using such a service to obtain information will help save time. Moreover, tracking information in this database is possible at any stage, which makes the housing allocation process more transparent.

Dmitry Balandin