Indeed, Allah does not change the condition of people. Allah will not change our position until we change ourselves. Dear my brothers

Hidden vices, moreover, widespread, include the case when the servant of Allah is in the good that Allah has given him and which He has chosen for him, and the slave is tired of it, and he seeks to move from this good to what he considers due to his ignorance the best for yourself. And his Lord, by His mercy, does not lead him out of this blessing, condescendingly treating his ignorance and bad choice. And when this blessing begins to embarrass him and cause him displeasure, and he begins to grumble and it bores him greatly, Allah deprives him of this blessing. And then, moving on to what he was striving for, he realizes the difference between his former position and the present, and begins to worry and regret what he has lost and strive to return to what he has lost. And if Allah desires good and prudence for His servant, He helps him to see those blessings and favors that He grants him, to be pleased with them and give thanks for them. And if his soul begins to push him to move from this good to something else, he turns to his Lord for advice, not knowing what is really good for him, and realizing his inability to choose the best. He surrenders himself to Allah, asking Him to choose the best for him.

There is nothing more harmful for the servant of Allah than to stop appreciating the blessings that Allah has given him, and not to thank Him for them and not to rejoice in them, but instead to show displeasure, complain about them and consider these blessings a disaster, despite the fact that in reality it is one of the greatest favors granted to him by Allah.

Most people are enemies of the blessings that Allah bestows on them and do not feel how Allah bestows these blessings on them.

They diligently reject them and push them away from themselves, acting ignorantly and unjustly. How many blessings come to a person, and he stubbornly pushes them away from himself! And how many of them came to him, while he was zealous in getting rid of them and was striving for their disappearance because of his ignorance and injustice.

Allah Almighty said: “This happened because Allah does not cancel the mercy that He has shown people until they themselves change what is in their souls” (Sura 8 "Spoils", verse 53).

And Allah Almighty said: “Indeed, Allah does not change the condition of people until they change themselves.” (Sura 13 "Thunder", verse 11).

Mercies have no worse enemy than the soul of the servant of Allah.

A man helps his enemy against himself, and his enemy kindles a fire in the midst of the favors bestowed on man. And he kindles this fire. He himself allows him to kindle this fire and himself inflates it. And when the flame flares up, he begins to call for help because of the fire that has begun and begins to blame predestination:

The owner of inconsistent opinions misses his chances,

With the Name of Allah the Merciful and Merciful... Praise be to Allah Almighty... Peace and blessings be upon His Messenger Muhammad...

وَيُحِقُّ اللّهُ الْحَقَّ بِكَلِمَاتِهِ وَلَوْ كَرِهَ الْمُجْرِمُونَ

Allah will establish the truth with His Words, even if it is hateful to sinners ”(Yunus, 10/82).

Dear and respected parishioners!

In this sermon, I want to talk about the three unchanging rules of Allah Almighty. We will try to convey these rules through the verse of the Qur'an:

The first rule of God:

إِنَّ اللّهَ لاَ يُصْلِحُ عَمَلَ الْمُفْسِدِينَ

“Allah does not correct deeds that spread wickedness” (Yunus, 10/81).

Second rule:

إِنَّ اللّهَ لاَ يُغَيِّرُ مَا بِقَوْمٍ حَتَّى يُغَيِّرُواْ مَا بِأَنْفُسِهِمْ

“Indeed, Allah does not change the condition of people until they change themselves” (Rad, 13/11).

Third rule:

وَلَوْ أَنَّ أَهْلَ الْقُرَى آمَنُواْ وَاتَّقَواْ لَفَتَحْنَا عَلَيْهِم بَرَكَاتٍ مِّنَ السَّمَاءِ وَالأَرْضِ وَلَـكِن كَذَّبُواْ فَأَخَذْنَاهُم بِمَا كَانُواْ يَكْسِبُونَ

“If the inhabitants of the villages had believed and become God-fearing, We would have opened before them grace from heaven and earth. But they considered it a lie, and We seized them for what they gained ”(Araf, 7/96).

Dear parishioners!

Here are the three rules of the Almighty... These rules will never change.

Muslims should study them very carefully and adjust themselves to them. So, let's see what is needed so that our temper does not deteriorate:

The solution lies both in the physical body and in the spiritual perception, these two parameters must be educated and nurtured in the light of the principles of Islam.

First of all, a person must have a beautiful spiritual content. The same can be achieved when you follow the commands of the Almighty Allah, that is, the Koran and obey its laws.

The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said:

“There will be strife, there will be strife…” - Ali (radiallahu anhu) asked:

“O Messenger of Allah, how can people get rid of these strife?”

The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) replied:

"Holding on to the book of the Almighty - the Qur'an ..."

Dear parishioners!

Now let's look at today's Muslims, especially the youth.

Let's start with teenagers aged 12-15, who still have the wind in their heads. Let's think about where the money comes from for cigarettes, drugs and alcohol, the size of which can be compared with the budget of small countries.

The so-called Muslims, who have no idea about faith, have the Book of Allah Almighty put away on dusty shelves, the same Muslims have their bookshelves replaced with American bars. And now the reading and teaching of the Qur'an remains only on the conscience of people of a certain age.

Now, these young people who smoke and use other poisonous substances, the harm of which extends from the tips of the hair to the very heels, have become addicted to these same poisons and drugs.

No one deals with these young guys, even the rubbish that lies on the street and that gets more attention.

“I became addicted to these habits, even if I wanted to, I still couldn’t quit” - what can such words be but a false excuse?

The Day of Judgment in the full sense of the word has drawn near. No one knows except Allah Almighty when it will happen.

Muslims! Let's be at peace with Allah Almighty. I swear by Allah, if we truly nurtured our souls for real, the whole world would bow before them. You know the companions of the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam), how they, by the example of their faith, brought the whole world to its knees ...

Now let's go back a little to the past, take a look at the lines that tell about the time of the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam), let's see what happened then:

Once a man from Yemen whose eyes were bloodshot, armed with a sword, went straight to Medina. Umar (radiallahu anhu) was a very smart and wise companion, and when he saw him, he immediately realized that the intention of this man was bad. The name of this man who came out of Yemen was Sumama. Umar (radiallahu anhu) asked him:

“You are a pagan who does not believe in the one and only Allah. Why did you come to Medina, tell me?”

Sumama said in response:

“Oh Umar, I don’t need anything, I just came to kill Muhammad.” Umar (radallahu anhu), after hearing these words, immediately grabbed him by the collar, drew his sword and tied him to one of the walls of the mosque. Stealthily went to the Messenger of the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) and told everything as it is. The prophet could have said, "Now go and cut off his head." But this did not happen, after a while the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam), leaving the house, approached a man firmly tied to one of the walls of the mosque. Umar (radiallahu anhu) and other companions anxiously waited for the moment when the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) ordered:

"Kill him".

The Messenger of the Almighty looked at him carefully, studied, then looked at the worried companions and said:

“Have you prepared food and drink for this person?”

Umar (glad Allah anhu) could not say anything. I'm going? “This man came to kill you, not visit you. How can a person who came to kill you deserve food? He couldn't say it. The Messenger of Allah completed the beginning of the word:

"Go to my house and get some milk."

Immediately they went and brought some fresh milk. After that he ordered:

"Untie the ropes, let him be free!"

Yes, the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) orders to bring milk and untie the ropes so that he can drink in peace.

This man drank the milk brought to him. After that, our Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam), addressing him, said:

"Say 'La ilaha illallah' (there is no god but Allah)"

"No, I won't talk," he said in response.

Messenger of the Almighty (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam):

“Ashhadu alla ilaha illallah wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan Rasulullah” (I testify that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is his messenger),” he called again.

He again refused.

Despite all this, the Messenger of Allah still ordered him to be released. After he was released, he went straight home. Umar (radallahu anhu) was ready to explode with anger.

That person, after leaving the Mosque after a while, returned and said to the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam):

“O Messenger of Allah! I testify that there is no god but Allah and that you are His Messenger.”

Messenger of Allah Almighty (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam):

"Well, why didn't you say those words when I asked you to?"

“Because at that moment I was in your arms. If I testified, "Look, he became a Muslim because he was afraid," they would say. But after you let me go, just to earn the mercy of the Lord of the worlds, I became a Muslim,” he replied.

My dear brothers!

Then this person said:

“When I left Yemen and went to Medina, the most hated person for me was Muhammad. But after I found out and left him in an instant, he became my most beloved person.

This is how decisions are made and people govern. There should be no place for anger in making a decision.

Islam will not impose its religion, but it will not agree with those obstacles that are created in order not to accept the faith, no matter where they are and no matter what power they possess. And won't let that happen.

He will not give an opportunity to hinder those who say: "There is no deity but Allah."

Let's now leave the state of Yemen and all together go to Byzantium and see what is happening there:

During the reign of Umar bin Khattab (radiallahu anhu), Emperor Heraclius prevented the spread of monotheism and this was the reason for sending troops against him. During the battle, the Byzantine emperor captured several companions of the Messenger of the Almighty (sallallahu aleikhi wa sallam).

Among them was such a well-known companion as Abdullah bin Huzafa (pleadyallahu anhu). This tyrant forced them into disbelief. What kind of dialogue took place between the emperor and a respected associate, let's see. Let's take a look and compare the level of Muslims of that and that time.

Heraclius offer:

"Oh Abdullah, leave your religion and then I will give you half of my property."

Look at the offer friends! I wonder what Abdullah answered him? As you know, among people there are those who are ready to bear false witness for the sake of one cigarette. For the sake of one bottle of beer, they will give up the rights of others, how many papers and checks they will sign for this! People with a lost conscience...

So what did the great companion answer Heraclius?

“Oh, Heraclius! Even if you give me the whole world, I still will not leave the religion of Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam)!”

Therefore, it was said that even if the whole world belongs to one person, it will not benefit him. Because both man and this world are all mortal. Both of them will go nowhere.

Heraclius then began with threats:

“Then I will subject you to unbearable torture!”

"Do whatever you want. Because you will only torture a mortal body. And no one can be the master of my soul except Allah.”

After that, Heraclius ordered that he be hanged and that a rain of fiery arrows be rained down on him. When the arrows pierced him, he said “La ilaha illallah” (there is no god but Allah). Heraclius, seeing that this did not bring any benefit, ordered: "Take off his clothes." They boiled water in a large cauldron, and Heraclius again asked him:

“Either you turn your back on your religion, or we will throw you into this cauldron!”

Abdullah bin Huzafa (pleased Allah anhu) slowly, slowly went to the specified cauldron. During this time he was crying. Heraclius asked him:

“Oh Abdullah, why are you crying?”

Look at the answer of Abdullah (radallahu anhu):

“By Allah, I am not crying out of fear! In any case, I will go to my Almighty. I cry because I have only one body. I would like there to be a hundred of them and all of them were tested in the way of Allah!...”

Heraclius was very surprised and immediately gave the order:

"Give it back!"

Returned, brought back. This time he wanted to brainwash him. Spoil his temper and bring him to one singer.

They immediately brought the singer and locked her with an associate in the same room. The woman began to flirt with him ... But all for nothing. This great man did not even have the intention that she could attract him. A lot of time has passed:

“Call this woman, ask her what was there?” - Heraclius said and called this woman. When asked what happened, she replied:

“Sir, I didn’t understand to whom you sent me, to a person or to a motionless stone? When I approached him and wanted to somehow attract, he kept saying: “La ilaha illallah” (there is no god but Allah).

The word of monotheism ... The great word of monotheism, with which we live, die and stand before the Almighty.

Heraclius was surprised again... This time he decided to use a different method.

“Lock him alone in a room. And let her eat only pork and wine, let's see what he will do? - he said.

They locked him in one room. Pork and wine were placed next to it. And they left him alone.

After three days had passed, they entered the room. And they saw that both food and drink both stood, and stand, untouched. Abdullah bin Khuzaf (radiallahu anhu) also read namaz and performed dhikr (remembrance of Allah). They were very surprised and asked:

“Three days remaining hungry, why did not eat or drink anything. What kept you from doing this?"

Abdullah bin Khuzaf (pleased by Allah anhu):

“I did not want to please the enemies in the matter of the faith of Almighty Allah, I did not want to succumb to them ...” - he answered.

What an unusual answer, right?

Dies of hunger and thirst, but thus will not be allowed to laugh at religion.

Heraclius, already losing hope, said:

"Kiss my head and I will set you free!"

Abdullah (radiallahu anhu):

"I'll kiss your head if you free my friends!" - he said.

When Heraclius accepted his offer, he went to him to kiss his head and at that moment he made a dua:

“Oh my Allah! You know it's a dirty idolater. I'm not kissing his head now, but spitting on him. If you ask me about this on the Day of Judgment, I will answer:

“I did this just to free my friends, oh my Allah!”

So, he and his friends were released from captivity.

They went to the Radiant Medina and when they told Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) what happened to them, he said:

"Oh, Abdullah! Everyone should kiss your head. You deserved it".

At first he himself began to kiss him. Then everyone present in turn began to approach and kiss his head. This happened to him because he was strong and strong in his faith. They were like this.

May the Greatest of the great, our Lord, guide us all along their path. On Mahshar and in Jannat will give the opportunity to be with them. Amen…

Mufti of Tatarstan Kamil Hazrat Samigullin

With the Name of Allah the Merciful and Merciful... Praise be to Allah Almighty... Peace and blessings be upon His Messenger Muhammad...

وَيُحِقُّ اللّهُ الْحَقَّ بِكَلِمَاتِهِ وَلَوْ كَرِهَ الْمُجْرِمُونَ

« Allah will establish the truth with His Words, even if it is hateful to sinners (Sura Yunus, verse 82).

Dear and respected parishioners! In this sermon, I want to talk about the three unchanging rules of Allah Almighty. We will try to convey these rules through the verses of the Qur'an:

The first rule of God:

إِنَّ اللّهَ لاَ يُصْلِحُ عَمَلَ الْمُفْسِدِينَ

« Allah does not correct the deeds that spread wickedness "(Yunus, 10/81).

Second rule:

إِنَّ اللّهَ لاَ يُغَيِّرُ مَا بِقَوْمٍ حَتَّى يُغَيِّرُواْ مَا بِأَنْفُسِهِمْ

« Indeed, Allah does not change the condition of people until they change themselves. "(Rad, 13/11).

Third rule:

وَلَوْ أَنَّ أَهْلَ الْقُرَى آمَنُواْ وَاتَّقَواْ لَفَتَحْنَا عَلَيْهِم بَرَكَاتٍ مِّنَ السَّمَاءِ وَالأَرْضِ وَلَـكِن كَذَّبُواْ فَأَخَذْنَاهُم بِمَا كَانُواْ يَكْسِبُونَ

« If the inhabitants of the villages would believe and become God-fearing, We would reveal to them grace from heaven and earth. But they considered it a lie, and We seized them for what they acquired (Sura Araf, verse 96).

Dear parishioners!

Here are the three rules of the Almighty... These rules will never change.

Muslims should study them very carefully and adjust themselves to them. So, let's see what is needed so that our temper does not deteriorate:

The solution lies both in the physical body and in the spiritual perception, these two parameters must be educated and nurtured in the light of the principles of Islam.

First of all, a person must have a beautiful spiritual content. The same can be achieved when you follow the commands of the Almighty Allah, that is, the Koran and obey its laws.

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: There will be strife, there will be strife... ". Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) asked: O Messenger of Allah, how can people get rid of these strife? The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) replied: Holding on to the book of the Almighty - the Qur'an ... ».

Dear parishioners! Now let's look at today's Muslims, especially the youth. Let's start with teenagers aged 12-15, who still have the wind in their heads. Let's think about where the money comes from for cigarettes, drugs and alcohol, the size of which can be compared with the budget of small countries.

The so-called Muslims, who have no idea about faith, have the Book of Allah Almighty put away on dusty shelves, the same Muslims have their bookshelves replaced with American bars. And now reading the Qur'an and teaching it remains only on the conscience of people of a certain age.

Now, these young people who smoke and use other poisonous substances, the harm of which extends from the tips of the hair to the very heels, have become addicted to these same poisons and drugs.

No one deals with these young guys, even the rubbish that lies on the street and that gets more attention.

« I became addicted to these habits, even if I wanted to, I still couldn’t quit,” what could such words be but a false excuse? »

The Day of Judgment in the full sense of the word has drawn near. No one knows except Allah Almighty when it will happen.

Muslims! Let's be at peace with Allah Almighty. I swear by Allah, if we truly nurtured our souls for real, the whole world would bow before them. You know the companions of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), how they, by the example of their faith, brought the whole world to its knees ...

Now let's go back a little to the past, take a look at the lines that tell about the time of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), let's see what happened then:

Once a man from Yemen whose eyes were bloodshot, armed with a sword, went straight to Medina. Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) was a very intelligent and wise companion, and when he saw him, he immediately realized that the intention of this man was bad. The name of this man who came out of Yemen was Sumama. Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) asked him: “You are a pagan who does not believe in Allah alone. Why did you come to Medina, tell me?”

Sumama said in response: Oh Umar, I don't need anything, I just came to kill Muhammad". Umar (may Allah be pleased with him), after hearing these words, immediately grabbed him by the collar, drew his sword and tied him to one of the walls of the mosque. Stealthily went to the Messenger of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and told everything as it is.

The prophet could have said, "Now go and cut off his head." But this did not happen, after a while the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), leaving the house, approached a man firmly tied to one of the walls of the mosque. Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) and other companions anxiously waited for the moment when the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) ordered: "Kill him."

The Messenger of the Almighty looked at him carefully, studied, then looked at the worried companions and said: “ Have you prepared food and drink for this person? »

Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) could not say anything. I'm going? " This man came to kill you, not visit. How can a man who came to kill you deserve food?". He couldn't say it.

The Messenger of Allah completed the beginning of the word: Come to my house bring some milk ". Immediately they went and brought some fresh milk. After that he ordered: Untie the ropes, let it be free!»

Yes, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) orders to bring milk and untie the ropes so that he can drink in peace. This man drank the milk brought to him. After that, our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), addressing him, said: “Say “La ilaha illallah”, (there is no deity except Allah)”

Man: "No, I won't talk," he said in response.

The Messenger of the Almighty (peace and blessings be upon him): “Ashhadu alla ilaha illallah wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan Rasulullah” (I testify that there is no deity but Allah and that Muhammad is his messenger),” called him again.

He again refused.

Despite all this, the Messenger of Allah still ordered him to be released. After he was released, he went straight home. Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) was ready to explode with anger.

That person, after leaving the Mosque after a while, returned and said to the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him): “ Oh Messenger of Allah! I testify that there is no god but Allah and that you are His Messenger».

Messenger of Allah Almighty (peace and blessings be upon him): Okay, why didn't you say those words when I asked you to?»

The man said: Because at that moment I was in your arms. If I testified, "Look, he became a Muslim because he was afraid', everyone would say. But after you let me go, just to earn the mercy of the Lord of the worlds, I became a Muslim,” he replied.

My dear brothers! The man then said: When I left Yemen and went to Medina, the most hated person for me was Muhammad. But after I found out and left him in an instant, he became my most beloved person.».

This is how decisions are made and people govern. There should be no place for anger in making a decision.

Islam will not impose its religion, but it will not agree with those obstacles that are created in order not to accept the faith, no matter where they are and no matter what power they possess. And won't let that happen.

He will not give an opportunity to hinder those who say: "There is no deity but Allah."

Let's now leave the state of Yemen and all together go to Byzantium and see what happened there:

During the reign of Umar bin Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him), Emperor Heraclius prevented the spread of monotheism, and this was the reason for sending troops against him. During the battle, the Byzantine emperor captured several companions of the Messenger of the Most High (peace and blessings be upon him). Among them was such a famous companion as Abdullah bin Khuzaf (may Allah be pleased with him). This tyrant forced them into disbelief. What kind of dialogue took place between the emperor and a respected associate, let's see and compare the level of Muslims of that and that time.

Heraclius' suggestion: " Oh Abdullah, leave your religion and then I will give you half of my property».

Look at the offer friends! I wonder what Abdullah answered him? As you know, among people there are those who are ready to bear false witness for the sake of one cigarette. For the sake of one bottle of beer, they will give up the rights of others, how many papers and checks they will sign for this! People with a lost conscience...

So what did the great companion answer to Heraclius? “Oh, Heraclius! Even if you give me the whole world, I still will not leave the religion of Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him)!”

Therefore, it was said that even if the whole world belongs to one person, it will not benefit him. Because both man and this world are all mortal. Both of them will go nowhere.

Heraclius then began with threats: Then I will subject you to unbearable torture!»

Abdullah bin Khuzaf (may Allah be pleased with him) replied: Do whatever you want. Because you will only torture a mortal body. And no one can be the master of my soul but Allah».

After that, Heraclius ordered that he be hanged and that a rain of fiery arrows be rained down on him. When the arrows pierced him, he said “La ilaha illallah” (there is no god but Allah). Heraclius, seeing that this did not bring any benefit, ordered: "Take off his clothes." They boiled water in a large cauldron, and Heraclius again asked him: “Either you turn away from your religion, or we will throw you into this cauldron!”

Abdullah bin Khuzaf (may Allah be pleased with him) slowly, slowly went to the indicated cauldron. During this time he was crying. Heraclius asked him: “Oh, Abdullah, why are you crying?”

Look at the answer of Abdullah (may Allah be pleased with him): “ I swear by Allah I'm not crying out of fear! In any case, I will go to my Almighty. I cry because I have only one body. I wish there were a hundred of them and all of them were tested in the way of Allah!...»

Heraclius was very surprised and immediately gave the order: Bring it back!»

Returned, brought back. This time he wanted to brainwash him. Spoil his temper and bring him to one singer.

They immediately brought the singer and locked her with an associate in the same room. The woman began to flirt with him ... But all for nothing. This great man had no intention of taking an interest in her. A lot of time has passed:

« Call this woman, ask her what was there?"- said Heraclius and called this woman. When asked what happened, she replied:

“Sir, I didn’t understand to whom you sent me, to a person or to a motionless stone? When I approached him and wanted to somehow attract, he kept saying: “La ilaha illallah” (there is no god but Allah).

The word of monotheism ... The great word of monotheism, with which we live, die and stand before the Almighty.

Heraclius was surprised again... This time he decided to use a different method.

“Lock him alone in a room. And let her eat only pork and wine, let's see what he will do? - he said.

The companion was locked in a room, pork and wine were placed next to him, and he was left alone.

After three days had passed, they entered the room. And they saw that both food and drink both stood, and stand, untouched. Abdullah bin Khuzaf (may Allah be pleased with him) also read namaz and performed dhikr (remembrance of Allah). They were very surprised and asked:

“Three days remaining hungry, why did not eat or drink anything. What kept you from doing this?"

Abdullah bin Hudhafa (may Allah be pleased with him) replied:

"I did not want to please the enemies in the matter of the faith of Allah Almighty, I did not want to succumb to them ...".

What an unusual answer, right?

Dies of hunger and thirst, but thus does not allow to laugh at religion.

Heraclius, already losing hope, said: “Kiss my head and I will free you!”

Abdullah (may Allah be pleased with him): "I will kiss your head if you free my friends!".

When Heraclius accepted his offer, he went to him to kiss his head and at that moment he made a dua: “ Oh my Allah! You know it's a dirty idolater. I'm not kissing his head now, but spitting on him. If You ask me about this on the Day of Judgment, I will answer: “I did this only to free my friends, oh my Allah!»

So, he and his friends were released from captivity. They went to Radiant Medina and when they told Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) what happened to them, he said: “O Abdullah! Everyone should kiss your head. You deserved it".

At first he himself began to kiss him. Then everyone present in turn began to approach and kiss his head. This happened to him because he was strong and strong in his faith. These were the companions of the Messenger of the Most High (peace and blessings be upon him).

May the Greatest of the great, our Lord, guide us all along their path. On Mahshar and in Jannat will give the opportunity to be with them. Amen…

Mufti of the Republic of Tatarstan Kamil hazrat Samigullin

Options Listen Original Original text لَهُ مُعَقِّبَاتٌ مِّن بَيْنِ يَدَيْهِ وَمِنْ خَلْفِهِ يَحْفَظُونَهُ مِنْ أَمْرِ اللَّهِ إِنَّ اللَّهَ لَا يُغَيِّرُ مَا بِقَوْمٍ حَتَّى يُغَيِّرُوا مَا بِأَنفُسِهِمْ وَإِذَا أَرَادَ اللَّهُ بِقَوْمٍ سُوءًا فَلَا مَرَدَّ لَهُ وَمَا لَهُم مِّن دُونِهِ مِن وَالٍ Transliteration Lahu Mu`aqqibā tun Mi n Bayni Yadayhi Wa Min Kh alfihi Yaĥfažūnahu Min "Am r i A l-Lahi ۗ "Inn a A l-Laha Lā Yu gh ayyir u Mā Biqawmin Ĥatta Yu gh ayyirū Mā Bi "an fusihim ۗ Wa" I dhā "Arā da A l-Lahu Biqawmin Sū "ā an Falā Maradda Lahu ۚ Wa Mā Lahum Min Dūnihi Min Wa A - He (a person) has angels following in front of him and behind him and protecting him by the command of Allah. Indeed, Allah does not change the condition of people until they change themselves. If Allah wishes evil to people, then nothing will prevent it. They have no master but Him. He [Allah] has (angels) following directly and in front of him [a person] and behind him, who write down his (deeds) by the command of Allah. Indeed, Allah does not change that (situation), (in which they are) people until they themselves change what is with them [the position in which they are] (both good to bad and bad to good). And if Allah wishes (to cause) people evil (as a punishment), then nothing can turn it away [His decision], and they have no intercessor [helper] besides Him (which would turn away His punishment from them)! He (a man) has angels who go ahead of him and behind him and guard him by the command of Allah. Indeed, Allah does not change the condition of people until they change themselves. If Allah wishes evil to people, then nothing will prevent it. They have no master but Him. [[Every person is assigned angels who follow the person day and night. They protect the soul and body of a person from everything that can harm them. And along with this, they preserve the deeds that a person commits, and never part with him. Certainly, Allah never leaves a person outside of His knowledge. Despite this, He sent angels so that their deeds and deeds would not be hidden from the creatures and would not be forgotten. Allah never deprives people of His mercy and worldly well-being until people prefer disbelief to the right faith, disobedience - humility, and arrogance - gratitude. But if they do so, Allah deprives them of much. And, on the contrary, if the slaves refuse to disobey and begin to obey their Lord, then Almighty Allah saves them from misfortunes and bestows prosperity, joy and great mercy. And if Almighty Allah decides to punish people, bring misfortune or attack on them, then the wish will certainly come true. No one is able to interfere with Allah, and no one is able to take people who have angered Him under their protection. No one will satisfy the desires of such people, and no one will save them from trouble. Let the servants of Allah beware of deeds that are hateful to Him, lest a punishment befall them, which can no longer be turned away from the criminal people.]] Ibn Kathir

He has following immediately and in front of him and behind him, who guard him by the command of Allah. Indeed, Allah does not change what is with people until they themselves change what is with them. And when Allah wills evil to people, then there is no way to avert it, they have no intercessor besides Him! Further, Allah says: ( لَهُ مُعَقِّبَـتٌ مِّن بَيْنِ يَدَيْهِ وَمِنْ خَلْفِهِ يَحْفَظُونَهُ مِنْ أَمْرِ اللَّهِ ) “He has followers directly in front of him and behind him, who protect him by the command of Allah” - there are angels who replace each other night and day, protecting a person from evil and accidents. Some keep the deeds of a person, some record bad deeds, others good deeds. Angels by night and angels by day. Two angels on the right and left, on the right write down good deeds, on the left bad deeds. Two other angels guard him, one behind the other in front. Thus, two clerk angels, two guardian angels. Man is between the four angels day and night. In a reliable Hadith, it is said: "يتعاقبون فيكم ملائكة بالليل وملائكة بالنهار, وَيَجْتَمِعُونَ فِي صَلَاةِ الصُّبْحِ وَصَلَاةِ الْعَصْرِ، فَيَصْعَدُ إِلَيْهِ الَّذِينَ بَاتُوا فِيكُمْ فَيَسْأَلُهُمْ وَهُوَ أَعْلَمُ بِكُمْ : كَيْفَ تَرَكْتُمْ عِبَادِي؟ فَيَقُولُونَ : أَتَيْنَاهُمْ وَهُمْ يُصَلُّونَ، وَتَرَكْنَاهُمْ وَهُمْ يُصَلُّون » «Angels are changing around you – angels at night and angels during the day. They meet during the morning and afternoon prayers. Those angels who spent the night with you rise to Allah, and He asks them, although He knows better about you: “In what state did you leave My servants?” They answer: “We came to them when they were praying, and we left them when they were praying.” [Bukhari 555, Muslim 632]

Imam Ahmad narrates from Abdullah that the Messenger of Allah (May Allah bless and greet him!) Said: "ما منكم من أحدلا وقد وكل به قرينه من الجن وقرينه من الملائكة" "Satellite from Ginov and satellite from Angels are attached to any of you. He was asked: “O Messenger of Allah, and even to you?” He replied: "وإياي, ولكن الله أأانني عليه, فلا يأمرني إلا بخير" "And even to me, but Allah helped me defeat him (Gina), and he only commands good." [Ahmad 1/397, Muslim also narrates this hadeeth].

Ibn Abu Hatim reports from Ibrahim: “Allah inspired one of the prophets of the children of Israel: “Tell your people that if the inhabitants of any village or any house turn from obedience to Allah to sins, Allah will change what they love to what they hate, and this is confirmed by the words of Allah: ( إِنَّ اللَّهَ لاَ يُغَيِّرُ مَا بِقَوْمٍ حَتَّى يُغَيِّرُواْ مَا بِأَنفُسِهِمْ ) “Indeed, Allah does not change what is with people until they themselves change what is with them.”

Studying the verse

I have studied and understood this verse!

Women's Will
I, _________________________________________________________________, being of sound mind and memory, myself revoke any and every one of my former wills and additions to them and declare this document as my Last Will.


Ashhadu an la ilaha illa Allah, wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan Rasulu Allah! I testify that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is the slave and messenger of Allah!


The following is my advice to my family and friends: parents, spouse, children, relatives, friends, Muslim brothers and sisters and all who are worried about me.

Try to be true Muslims. Serve our Creator, for He is the only one to be served. Tie your unconditional fear, hope, love and humility to Him alone. I instruct you with the words that Ibrahim and Yaqub instructed their children: "Oh, my children, do not die except as Muslims."
Honor Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) and worship Him alone and beware of polytheism (shirk). Get ready to say goodbye to this life. Stock up on good deeds. Stay in the company of righteous Muslims. Let your appearance and behavior reflect Islam in the best possible way. Strive to spread and establish the religion of Islam.
Obey Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) and His Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him). Hold fast to the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) in the understanding of our salaf (righteous predecessors: Companions, followers of the Companions, followers of the followers of the Companions). Beware of innovators and innovators. Do not listen to them and do not communicate with them. Study tawhid from the following sources: The Book of Monotheism (Kitabu At-Tawhid), The Three Principles and Their Proofs (Al-Usulu Al-Salyasa), The Four Rules (Al-Qawaidu Al-Arba), and Clarifying Doubts tawhide” (Keshfush Shubuhat). Learn aqida from the following sources: Al-Aqida al-Wasytiyya (authored by Sheikh-l-Islam ibn Taymiyyah), Lumatu al-Itikad (authored by ibn Kudam Al-Maqdisi), Al-Aqida Al-Tahawiya (authored by al-imam at-Tahawi), "Sharhu Sunnah" (authored by imam al-Barbahari) and others. Stick only to the scholars of Ahlu Sunnah wa al-Jama'a, such as: Imam Abu Hanifa, Imam Malik, Imam ash-Shafi'i, Imam Ahmad, Ibn Taymiyyah, Ibn Al-Qayyim, Ibn Kathir, Az-Dhahabi and others. And from our age: Imam ibn Baz, Al-Uthaymeen, Al-Fawzan, Al-Albani. Beware of misguided people, including: Sufis, Shiites, Ashharites, Muatazilites, Murjiites, Jahmits, Maturidites, Khawarijs, Ihuan Muslimeen, Tabligh Jamaat, Hizbut Tahrir, Takfirites.

Offer prayers to Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) at the time prescribed for them.
InshaAllah pray for me and ask Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) to forgive me and have mercy on me.
Avoid any act of disobedience. Beware of innovations and changes in any provisions in Islam. I renounce before Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) any act of disobedience and any innovation that anyone may do or make after my death.


InshaAllah, when I feel the approach of death, gather wise and God-fearing Muslim women around me. And let them remind me that I think kindly of Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala), continue to hope for His Mercy and forgiveness, and that I repeat Shahada.
After my soul has left the body, I prescribe to my family or to those who will be present the following:
Close my eyes and tie up my jaw to keep my mouth from opening.
Cover me with some stuff.
Pray well for me (but not loudly), invoking the Grace and Forgiveness of Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) on me.
Take action and quickly prepare me for burial.
Refrain from announcing my death in the papers and over the loudspeaker.
Stop reminding me to repeat the Shahada after my soul separates from my body.
And do not read Surah Yasin, because there is no reliable evidence for this.
Hasten to pay all my debts.

Nobody dies before the appointed time. Therefore, I prescribe the following to my family:

Do not be preoccupied with my death, but in return prepare worthily for yours.
Do not lose patience and calmness and accept with humility the will of Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala).
Do not cry more than necessary, do not raise your voice, do not wail, do not slap your cheeks, and do not scream with cries of ignorance, which, in essence, are disagreement with the will of Allah.
Please don't cancel any scheduled activities because you're grieving for me. Women are not allowed to mourn for me for more than 3 days.


I prescribe that all procedures related to my funeral and burial be performed by Muslims in full compliance with the Muslim religion and the Sunnah of the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). Absolutely no non-Muslim religious services or rites should be performed on my death or over my body. In particular:

My body cannot be opened or embalmed or burned.
My burial cannot be delayed for reasons that are unforgivable from the point of view of Islam, such as waiting for a special day or the arrival of a certain person.
My body should be washed three to five times (or more if necessary) with soap and water, and for the last bath, add fragrant oil (bowl) to the water.
My body should be wrapped in a white cloth properly according to the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) - five white materials; without any images on the fabric or ornaments or decorations.
I must be buried where I die, my body must not be transported an exorbitant distance, except to reach the nearest Muslim cemetery.
My funeral procession must move quickly.
Women may participate in the funeral prayer if it is not held in a cemetery.
Women cannot accompany my funeral procession.
During my funeral, no one is allowed to raise his voice, reciting the Qur'an, reciting the Shahada or any prayers.
My salatul-janazah (funeral prayer) should be done in the mosque, and if it didn’t work out in the mosque, then in the cemetery. But in no case should you pray between the graves.
Invite the maximum possible number of Muslims to salatul-janazah, they should be at least three rows.


I prescribe:
That my grave be dug in accordance with the rules laid down in the Sunnah.
If possible, my grave should be made like a lahd (closer to the bottom of the grave, in its wall, looking at the qibla (Kaaba), a horizontal niche should be made, spacious enough to accommodate my body), and if not, then make a check.
My body must be buried without a coffin or any other case that separated the wrapped body from the surrounding soil.
My body should be laid in lahd with the right side down, facing the qibla, and my back should be supported by bricks.
The people who lay my body should say: "Bismillahi wa ala sunnati rasuli llahi" or "Bismillahi wa ala milyati rasuli llahi."
No pillow may be placed under my head, no incense or ornaments may be placed on my grave, and no worldly possessions may be buried with me.
Everyone present at my burial should pour three handfuls of dust into the head end of my grave.
At the completion of my burial, Muslims remind people to make dua, praying for me in an undertone and asking Allah to grant me mercy, forgiveness and firmness in words during interrogation by angels in the grave. And there is no sin if one makes dua, and the rest say: "Amen."

I prescribe:

  • Do not erect any buildings over my grave.
  • Do not make a layer of soil above my grave higher than the height of one span.
  • Don't build any fences around my grave.
  • Do not place any inscriptions or symbols on my grave, except to put just a stone with my name engraved on it only as a meta.


I prescribe that no innovations, insults be allowed at my funeral Islam and rituals of non-Muslims. In particular:
No one should be dressed in black as a sign of mourning. No paintings, decorations, flowers, wreaths, flags or symbols may be used in any of the stages of my burial, nor may they be placed in any of the areas of my grave.
No Qur'an quotations should be recited over my body during funeral ceremonies.


I prescribe:

People should be told to express their condolences in a manner and expression appropriate to Muslims.
My family does not have to prepare food for people who come with consolations, nor is it obliged to hire or appoint Qur'an reciters because of what happened.
Meetings should not be held solely to accept condolences, especially those offered on Fridays, on the third day, in a week, in forty days, on anniversaries, etc.

I renounce before Allah, the Almighty, any deed or statement that contradicts the Sunnah of the Noble Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).
And finally, I ask all my relatives, friends and everyone else, whether they believe in the same way as I believe or not, to honor my right to share these beliefs. I ask them to honor this document, not to obstruct its execution or to make any changes to it. Let them better see to it that I am buried in the way I have indicated above, and let my inheritance be divided in the way indicated below.


I further direct that my executor first use my property to meet all my legal debts, including the expenses incurred by my dying illness and funeral, as well as the expenses of managing and disposing of my inheritance.
I direct that the said Executor pay for any unfulfilled obligations that I am bound to Allah, including unpaid Zakat, unfulfilled vows, Kaffarat and my imperfect Hajj.


I assign and bequeath all the unbequeathed part of my inheritance only to my Muslim heirs, whose relationship to me in ascending or descending line has been established in all cases without exception, through blood relationship or legal marriage. The distribution of the unbequeathed part of my inheritance must be made in strict accordance with Islamic inheritance law.
I prescribe that no part of my bequeathed inheritance be inherited by a non-Muslim relative.

I, _______________________________________________________________, declare that my inheritance also includes the following:
· _______________________________________________________
· ________ _______________________________________________
· _______________________________________________________
· ______________________________ _________________________
· _______________________________________________________
· ____________________________________________________ ___
· _______________________________________________________
· _______________________________________________________

I declare:
1. I have debts:
? Name: _______________________________ Phone: __________ Amount: ________________________________________________
? Name: _______________________________ Phone: __________ Amount: ________________________________________________
? Name: _______________________________ Phone: __________ Amount: ________________________________________________
2. I have vows:
_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________
? _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________
? _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________
3. I did not make the hajj, so I ask you to allocate the amount for the hajj.
4. I missed __ days from Ramadan, so I ask one of my relatives to make up the fast for me.
5. I have the following amana (trusted to me for safekeeping):
? Item: _________________________________________________ Name of the owner: _____________________ Phone: ____________
? Item: _________________________________________________ Name of the owner: _____________________ Phone: ____________
? Item: _________________________________________________ Name of the owner: _____________________ Phone: ____________
6. I have lent to the following people:
? Full name of the debtor: _____________________ Phone: __________ Amount: ________________________________________________
? Full name of the debtor: _____________________ Phone: __________ Amount: ________________________________________________
? Full name of the debtor: _____________________ Phone: __________ Amount: ________________________________________________
7. I prescribe that after my debts, vows, etc. have been closed, to distribute sadaqa on my behalf, spending no more than one third of my property on this, for the following:
? Build a mosque, make a well, plant trees, buy a Qur'an and leave it in the mosque, build a boarding school, etc.
? _______________________________________________________
? _______________________________________________________
? ______________ _________________________________________
I want my executor to be _______________________

This is my will, which I have just stated.
"If anyone changes will after he listened to him, then the blame falls only on those who changed him. Verily, Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing." (Al-Baqara, 2:181).

I ask Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) to guide me and all Muslims and grant us righteousness, a good, good death and death as evidence of the correctness of Islam.

Name of the testator: _________________________________________________
Date of ____________________

Signature of testator ____________________

Name of two witnesses ______________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

Signatures of witnesses _________________ ___________________

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