Harm from sweets, excessive consumption of sweets. Are sweets good for the brain? The influence of sweets on

The brain is the most important organ of the human body, because the proper functioning of all other organs and systems depends on it. Carrying out brain activity requires enormous energy expenditure - with a mass of no more than 2% of the total body weight, the brain consumes 20% of the total energy produced by the body.

The main source of energy for our body is carbohydrates

Once in the body, carbohydrates are broken down in the gastrointestinal tract and absorbed into the blood mainly in the form of glucose. For good functioning, our brain needs good nutrition, which contains a sufficient amount of vitamins B and C, iron, calcium, magnesium, lecithin, Omega acids and other microelements, but still the main source of energy for the brain is glucose.

If the brain does not have enough glucose, we experience weakness and nervousness. With a significant drop in the level of its content in the blood, a person simply loses consciousness. So glucose, which is found in abundance in sweets, is absolutely necessary for us, just like air and water.

“And sweets also help the production of serotonin - the hormone of happiness!” - lovers of chocolates and cakes will exclaim. And they will be right!

But what then to do with the statement that sweets are harmful?

Scientists from many countries around the world unanimously say that, according to recent studies, sweet foods have a detrimental effect on the brain and even cause premature aging of the body.

For example, experts from the California State University conducted research in 803 boarding schools and 9 juvenile colonies. In the children's diet, sugar and sweets were replaced with vegetables and fruits. The result was surprising: the students’ academic performance increased by an average of 1 point on a 5-point system, and 50% of mentally retarded children were recognized as healthy.

Spanish scientists, in experiments with mice, investigated a rare hereditary disease - Lafora syndrome, in which glycogen begins to be deposited in brain cells. As a result, epileptic seizures, movement disorders and dementia develop.

Independent studies by scientists from Germany and their American colleagues from the Salk Institute for Biological Research in California have shown that consuming large amounts of glucose contributes to premature aging, shortening a person's life by an average of about 15 years.

The main thing is to know when to stop!

You need to understand that all these negative consequences can only occur if you abuse sweet foods, especially refined sugar. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends consuming about 6 teaspoons of sugar (25 - 30 g) per day, which is about 5% of calories consumed. When doing this, you need to take into account all the sugar contained in the foods you eat.

Moderate consumption of sweets saturates the body with carbohydrates, which are needed for its good functioning. In addition, not only sugar is a source of much-needed glucose for the brain, we get it from almost everything we eat. Many foods contain substances that are beneficial for the brain. Let's look at some of them.

Sweets that are good for the brain:

Dark chocolate with high cocoa content (from 70%)- an excellent stimulant of brain activity. Activates brain cells, dilates blood vessels, promotes the production of serotonin - the “happiness hormone”. Chocolate is useful for disorders of the brain caused by lack of sleep and overwork, and helps with rapid recovery after a stroke. Contains a lot of substances that are beneficial for the brain: phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron and antioxidants. True, you should not overuse this delicacy; a healthy dose of chocolate is 25 g per day, which is 1/4 of a regular bar.

Honey has the same calorie content as sugar, but contains iron and amino acids that are beneficial for the brain.

Dried fruits Rich in iron, magnesium and other nutrients, but higher in calories than fresh fruit. When consuming dried fruits, it is also recommended to observe moderation, for example, do not eat more than 4 - 6 dates per day.

Muesli They contain B vitamins, calcium and iron, which are beneficial for the brain.

Fruits and berries, undoubtedly, contain a large number of substances important for brain function, in particular vitamin C. Blueberries stand out among the berries, they activate brain functions and help improve memory.

Halva It is very high in calories, but it (especially peanut) contains many vitamins and microelements that are beneficial for brain activity. The main thing is to be careful, a safe dose is no more than 50 g per day.

Candied fruit
slightly less healthy than dried fruits, but even more high in calories. Therefore, they should be consumed with extreme moderation.

Jam retains many of the nutritional properties of fruits and berries, so it is also good for the brain, especially blueberry.

Marshmallow cannot be called very useful, but still it is not as harmful as sweets. In addition, it contains a lot of iron and phosphorus.

Definitely Sugary carbonated drinks are bad for your brain. In addition to being high in sugar, they contain chemicals that are harmful to brain activity.

The golden mean is the best choice!

It is clear that sugary foods are essential for normal brain function, and completely avoiding them can be harmful to health. But you still need to be careful not to overeat sweets and avoid downright harmful foods. Do not deny yourself pleasure, but choose among sweets what is most useful. This way you will ensure your health for many years.

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There are not enough pleasures in life to deprive yourself of sweets - they say. Meanwhile, sugar can hardly be called a person’s friend. Recent research by scientists has shown that the love of sweet food can bring a lot of trouble. In addition to the familiar diseases and conditions caused by heavy consumption of sweets, such as excess weight accumulation, obesity and diabetes, sweet foods also affect a woman’s fertility, desire for intimacy and the appearance of PMS. We are investigating what the connection is between the sweet life and these problems.

The female reproductive system is sensitive to many factors. All it takes is a little stress, increased levels of physical or emotional stress, or dieting, and the measured rhythm of life will be disrupted. The greatest danger for a woman is hormonal imbalance. It can contribute to decreased fertility, lead to problems with conception, the appearance of PMS, the development of endometriosis and other diseases.

Among other factors, food may be the “culprit” for hormonal imbalance. So, experts believe that a lot of sugar, caffeine and alcohol in the diet can confuse a woman's hormones.

Refined sugar and all products containing it - cakes, buns, candies, compotes, marmalade, as well as any fast carbohydrates - honey, sweet fruits, when entering the human body, increase the level of insulin in the blood. As soon as this happens, the person feels great - there is a surge of strength and energy, the mood improves, and the appetite is dulled. But after some time, the insulin level drops sharply and the opposite effect occurs: euphoria is replaced by fatigue and irritability, the person feels hungry. Many people in such a situation lean on rich, fatty foods, and then the accumulation of extra pounds is only a matter of time.

Expert commentary

The more sugar and sweet foods in general you eat, the more insulin your body produces. Its excess risks the fact that the body does not have time to break down accumulated fat deposits, since it constantly has to react to new food intake. Consequently, fat accumulates.

Body fat can be compared to a factory for the production of estrogen, the excessive amount of which leads to hormone imbalance. If you want to be healthy, you need to give up heavy consumption of sweets, this will reduce the likelihood of hormonal imbalances. Remember: sugar is empty calories, they do not provide any benefit!

Why can't you eat sweets? 5 facts against

According to the observations of foreign scientists, 9 out of 10 women of childbearing age suffer from the appearance of PMS (premenstrual syndrome). Scientists have not yet been able to find out why this happens. But one thing is clear: the painful sensations preceding the onset of menstruation are influenced by two hormones - progesterone and estrogen. And they, in turn, are greatly influenced by stress and diet. The more sugar you eat, the worse you may feel during your period, according to a study published in the Journal of Reproductive Medicine.

Expert commentary

Many women have managed to cope with PMS simply by changing their diet. They stopped relying on sweet foods and now feel good before and during menstruation.

If you also want to see positive changes, eat small, frequent meals and include some protein in every meal and snack. And avoid sweets to keep your blood levels of the hormone insulin stable.

Fact 2: A love of sweets can cause endometriosis

Endometriosis is one of the most common factors leading to female infertility. In this disease, endometrial cells grow beyond the inner layer of the uterine wall. Scientists say that one of the reasons for this fact is excessive consumption of sweets. As mentioned above, the love of sweets contributes to an increase in the level of the hormone estrogen in the body, which in turn provokes the development of endometriosis.

Polycystic ovary syndrome affects many women today. Its appearance is preceded by a hormonal imbalance. This syndrome is characterized by disruption of the normal functioning of the ovaries and accompanying symptoms - the appearance of acne, increased growth of unwanted hair on a woman’s body, and obesity.

According to doctors, this syndrome develops due to excess insulin. The more sugary foods a woman consumes, the more insulin is produced in the pancreas, which can lead to insulin resistance or resistance.

This condition is very dangerous for a woman. Research shows that women who have been diagnosed with endometriosis by doctors have a 7-fold higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes compared to those who do not suffer from this disease. In addition, polycystic ovary syndrome is accompanied by other serious problems - ovulation disorders, problems with implantation of the embryo into the uterine mucosa and an increased likelihood of miscarriage.

Fact 4: Less sugar - better sex life

If a woman's diet is balanced and her hormone levels are stable, she feels great throughout her menstrual cycle. Excellent health, in turn, is a guarantee of an active life and a woman’s confidence in herself and her abilities. She feels attractive and desired, she wants intimacy and is ready for it.

But the abuse of sweets, on the contrary, leads to a decrease in libido. Therefore, if a woman wants to get pregnant in the near future, she better say goodbye to bars, cakes and candies!

It's no secret that many women today experience problems getting pregnant. For conception to occur, a representative of the fair sex must monitor her health, her cells must work optimally, and the body must constantly receive nutrients.

Sweet foods have a negative effect on the uterus and contribute to the development of inflammatory processes in it. Therefore, if you want to conceive, bear and give birth to a baby, reconsider your diet! The sweet life, as numerous studies show, can turn into the bitterness of unfulfilled hopes.

Since childhood, vigilant mothers and grandmothers have taught us: you shouldn’t eat too much sweets - sweets spoil your teeth, your figure, and in general it’s harmful! Undoubtedly, there is truth in these words. But it turns out that avoiding sweets completely is not very good for your health either. It’s probably still worth figuring out why the sweets on your table are useful.

Harmful pleasure

It is impossible not to admit that our grandmothers and mothers are right: an excess of chocolate, cookies and sweets on the menu significantly reduces the reserves of vitamin B1 in your body. And this is fraught with increased fatigue and muscle weakness. In addition, uncontrolled consumption of sweets reduces magnesium reserves, which leads to irritability, depression, and aggressiveness. And you, of course, know that excess sugar in the body is insidiously converted into fat, which tends to accumulate under the skin and can cause a lot of grief. But the figure is not so bad. Excess fat in the human body is the main cause of lipid metabolism disorders and, as a result, the occurrence of very unpleasant diseases (atherosclerosis, diabetes and coronary heart disease). And of course, unbridled eating of sweets destabilizes metabolism, creates additional stress on the liver and contributes to the occurrence of allergic reactions.
Are you from the tribe of sweet tooths, but after reading this you have firmly decided to lead a healthy lifestyle? Then keep in mind that chocolate and sweets are in some ways similar to drugs: with a sharp decrease in the amount of sweets eaten, a person experiences withdrawal syndrome, in other words, drug “withdrawal”: dizziness appears, attention is lost. Therefore, you need to gradually bring your daily sweet diet back to normal.
Just don’t swear to yourself that now, having learned in detail about all these horrors, you won’t go anywhere near the counters with a variety of candies and chocolate! We do not claim that in the name of maintaining health it is necessary to completely give up sweets. On the contrary, brain cells feed exclusively on glucose and are very sensitive to a decrease in its content in the blood. In addition, carbohydrates contained in sweets are involved in the construction of many important substances in our body and are therefore important for your health. Let's try to figure out how to find a middle ground, determine which sweets and in which cases will bring the greatest benefit to your health.


Chocolate as a bitter hot drink made from cocoa beans with a lot of spices has been known since the times of the Aztecs. After the discovery of America, Columbus, among other wonders of the New World, brought cocoa beans to Europe. The first chocolate bar in the form in which you buy (and love!) it now was released only in 1847.
Real chocolate is rich in magnesium, iron, antioxidants, stimulates the production of endorphins - “happiness hormones”, and a better remedy for depression has not yet been invented. Chocolate contains tonin, which slows down the growth of oral bacteria, zinc, which strengthens the immune system, stearic acid, which lowers blood cholesterol levels, and valeric acid, which has a calming effect. Phenylethylamine, found in chocolate, provides energy by increasing levels of the hormone serotonin, and antioxidants are a cancer preventative. Chocolate contains twice as many antioxidants as red wine and three times as much as green tea!

A fifty-gram chocolate bar contains the same amount of antioxidants as 28 glasses of white wine, 17 glasses of orange juice or 2 glasses of red wine.

Dark chocolate is especially useful: 100 g of this delicacy per day improves the functioning of blood vessels and protects the body from the destructive effects of free radicals. Scientists have found that two hours after a person eats a little dark chocolate, blood circulation through the vessels improves and the likelihood of blood clots decreases. Milk chocolate contains large amounts of calcium and manganese, which help maintain strong bones and healthy teeth, as well as magnesium, which is beneficial for the nervous system. And thanks to the high content of protein, calcium and phosphate, milk chocolate has a beneficial effect on tooth enamel.
By the way, American nutritionists and gynecologists who studied more than three hundred pregnant women found that drinking dark chocolate during pregnancy has a positive effect on both the course of pregnancy and its tolerance. Chocolate is an excellent protection against various stressful situations. Moreover, scientists noted that babies born to chocolate lovers were more active, more positive and less fearful than their peers. However, it must be remembered that chocolate is a strong allergen, and therefore, at the moment, scientists are faced with the task of calculating the optimal dose of chocolate that will not harm the body of expectant mothers and their children. And if you are not yet thinking about becoming a mother, and this fact has left you indifferent, remember that chocolate is a strong aphrodisiac that has a beneficial effect on the libido of both women and men.

Dried fruits

Dried fruits are rightfully considered the safest and healthiest sweets. And therefore they are a real consolation for those with a sweet tooth. They contain many microelements, biologically active substances, vitamins and pectins that cleanse the intestines. And besides, to our delight, they contain almost half as many calories as sugar. And instead of sugar, dried fruits contain fructose, which, due to the peculiarities of its chemical structure, does not allow the intestines to absorb large amounts of sugar and cholesterol and, unlike ordinary sweets, does not increase the level of insulin in the blood.
It is clear that dried fruits are an absolutely natural product that does not contain dyes, stabilizers, emulsifiers and other things. In addition, dried fruits contain a large amount of calcium, which helps strengthen hair and nails, magnesium, which stabilizes blood pressure, potassium, which improves the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, as well as sodium and iron, which maintain hemoglobin levels in the blood. And of course, fiber and pectin, which normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. However, this information should not obscure the fact that dried fruits are a concentrated version of fresh fruits, and therefore excessive consumption can lead to flatulence and diarrhea. Nutritionists believe that usually during the day it is enough for an adult to eat 4-5 dried apricots or prunes, 2-3 dried figs or a handful of raisins. By the way, you, of course, know that muesli, which contains a large number of different dried fruits, is called “beauty breakfast”? If you eat them regularly, you don’t have to worry about your digestion and nervous system. Muesli also lowers blood cholesterol levels and contains calcium, iron, phosphorus and potassium.

Other joys of life

Marmalade is made from molasses, pectin and gelatin. Experts say that gelatin, which is part of marmalade, is beneficial for muscles, skin, hair and blood vessels. Pectin helps remove waste and toxins, cleanses the intestines, and reduces cholesterol levels in the blood. In addition, marmalade and jellies are enriched with fruit juices, do not contain fat and are low in calories. And marshmallows and marshmallows are good for muscles, increase immunity and have a positive effect on hair, nails and blood vessels. By the way, remember that marshmallows and marshmallows will bring you more benefit if you eat them from 16 to 18 hours: it is at this time that the glucose level in your blood drops. And even ice cream, criticized by many nutritionists, in addition to a large number of calories, contains more than thirty different mineral salts needed by the body, twenty vitamins, enzymes and amino acids. And of course, when you’re in a bad mood, there’s nothing better than a serving of your favorite ice cream covered in delicious and healthy chocolate icing.
Another healthy but high-calorie option is halva. Yes, there are more calories in halva than in all other sweets; It also contains a large amount of vegetable oils, protein, fiber and minerals. You know that halva has a rejuvenating effect, contains proteins, sodium, iron, magnesium and copper, and also improves digestion and, like most sweets, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system? And if a young man at the cinema offers you sweet popcorn, don’t rush to make a disgusted face: the large amount of coarse fiber contained in this product helps cleanse the intestines.
In a word, if sweets are made from natural products, then if consumed wisely they will bring undoubted health benefits, since they are a natural stimulant of vital activity. Just don’t forget to brush your teeth after you eat a delicious and very healthy, as we already understood, chocolate bar - caries, alas, has not been canceled.

If at the cinema a young man offers you sweet popcorn, do not rush to frown with disgust.

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“Sweets will make your teeth fall out,” “if you eat cakes, you will get fat,” “sweet tea is the path to diabetes,” “sugar is white death.” How many horrors have we known since childhood about this delicious ingredient in our favorite delicacies! But are the scary claims really true? Maybe most of them are just myths?

website will help all sweet tooth lovers figure out whether, in order to be healthy, it is really necessary to give up sweets, cakes and sweet tea.

Myth No. 1. Sweets are the main cause of excess weight.

Avoiding sweets is the basis of most diets, and therefore it seems that every piece of cake, candy or cup of sweet tea will certainly turn into fat and an extra kilogram. But studies have proven that weight gain is affected not by the consumption of sugar and sugar-based products, but by exceeding the daily calorie intake required by our body. And although sweet foods are higher in calories, sugar is not a direct cause of obesity.

Myth No. 2. Sweets destroy teeth.

Caries can be caused not only by sugar, but by any food that remains on the teeth for a long time. Caries occurs from complex carbohydrates, the process of digestion of which begins in the oral cavity. Therefore, it is recommended to rinse your mouth after eating and brush your teeth regularly.

Myth No. 3. Sugar is the main cause of diabetes.

Sugar entering the body is converted into energy, and large amounts of energy and glucose promote the growth of cancer cells. But giving up sweets will not help slow down the spread of cancer: the tumor will find access to glucose in any case.

Myth No. 5. Sugar is addictive, like a drug.

Sweeteners are usually used by those for whom sugar is not recommended for medical reasons. But many healthy people also believe that replacing sugar with artificial additives and sweeteners is healthier for the body. In fact, it has been proven that synthetic sweeteners have a negative impact on health: they do not increase blood glucose levels, but only affect taste buds, and therefore provoke overeating, contributing to weight gain. And sweeteners based on natural ingredients are practically no different from sugar in terms of calorie content.

Myth No. 7. Sweets are best consumed in the first half of the day.

There is a theory that it is better to eat foods containing sugar in the morning, since carbohydrates in the afternoon raise blood sugar levels and the body takes longer to stabilize. But in reality, all foods raise blood sugar levels, and there is no evidence that carbohydrates are most active at any particular time.

Myth No. 8. Sweets have an impact on the child’s psyche

The myth that sugar makes children hyperactive is deeply ingrained in the minds of some parents. But numerous studies have not confirmed that sugar can somehow affect children's behavior and activity.

Myth No. 9. Sugar from sweets is different from sugar from fruits and vegetables.

Sweet fruits and berries contain exactly the same sugar as refined sugar. True, its concentration is lower and it is absorbed faster, and along with sugar, the body receives the necessary minerals and vitamins. Therefore, it is still better to prefer a banana to a cake.

Myth No. 10. Most sugar enters the body through sweets.

Since childhood, we have heard and read about the dangers of sugar. And all this time, sugar remains one of the main sources of energy for us. So in what form can sugar be dangerous? And which foods containing natural sugars are still good for us?

Believe me: rumors about the dangers of sweets are greatly exaggerated. Giving up on them is a surefire way to gain weight, become depressed and ruin your health.

MYTH No. 1

Sugar is too much for us
COUNTS that caries develops from sweets. In the sugar syrup into which saliva turns after sweets or cake, bacteria that cause tooth decay multiply with incredible enthusiasm.

And baked goods have the unpleasant property of leaving a viscous coating on the teeth, where harmful bacteria are again free to roam!

HOWEVER all these unpleasant effects can be negated by simply brushing your teeth after dessert or eating an apple, carrot, cabbage stalk or a piece of turnip. The dense fiber they contain (by the way, also a carbohydrate!) perfectly cleanses the enamel.

In addition, dentists insist on the following precaution: if you are invited to "sweet table", before leaving the house, be sure to use a toothbrush. By removing plaque from your mouth, you will get rid of most of the bacteria that live on your teeth: in their absence, sweets will not harm you.
But if sweets make your teeth hurt, hurry to the dentist: sugar is an express test for the strength of enamel. When it becomes thinner, sugar becomes no joy!

Each day, each of us should receive 350-500 g of carbohydrates, mainly polysaccharides of plant origin: starch, pectin (found in the pulp of fruits and berries) and fiber, which prevent a sharp increase in blood glucose levels...

MYTH No. 2

All evil comes from simple carbohydrates
COUNTS, that you need to give them up for the sake of health and under no circumstances teach children to eat sweets.

No wonder sugar is called “sweet death”!

HOWEVER so-called fast carbohydrates (primarily sugar), which are instantly absorbed by the body and serve as a source of energy for cells, are especially necessary for children (they are more active than adults and consume more calories), as well as for those who are engaged in fitness and mental work (gray cells work exclusively on glucose).

Moreover, a cup of sweet tea or coffee perfectly helps with a tendency to low blood pressure (hypotension) and vascular reactions, including fainting.


How much to eat in grams(based on raw product) to get 50g carbohydrates (half the daily requirement).

Rye bread - 120
Wheat bread - 110
Wheat crackers - 75
Cookies - 95
Oatmeal and buckwheat - 80
Millet - 75
Semolina, rice and pasta -70
Peas and beans - 100
Beet - 490
Potatoes - 250
Carrots - 660
Cabbage - 790
Dried apricots - 85
Raisins - 60
Dried apples - 90
Jam - 80
Honey - 65
Sugar - 52
Milk - 600

MYTH No. 3

The path to diabetes is paved with refined sugar cubes

COUNTS, that excessive consumption of sweets depletes the pancreas. It begins to produce less and less of the hormone insulin, which normalizes blood glucose levels. As a result, carbohydrate metabolism is disrupted, which leads to diabetes.
HOWEVER This is not the main and far from the only cause of the “sweet disease”. Most often, diabetes develops due to hereditary factors. Moreover, for this disease, sugar can also be a medicine: patients are recommended to constantly carry with them several cubes of refined sugar or 2-3 lollipops.

They need to be dissolved in the mouth in case of severe weakness and dizziness - signs of a drop in blood glucose levels.

MYTH No. 4

The sweeter life is, the higher the weight and blood pressure

COUNTS, that eating sweets makes you fat and causes cardiovascular diseases. This is true if you eat more than 80-100 g of sugar per day.

Refined white is especially harmful. y - it increases cholesterol levels.

HOWEVER brown (lightly refined) sugar is good for you. The vitamins, minerals and plant fibers it contains make the process of its absorption easy for the body.

Moreover, carbohydrates- not the most high-calorie part of the diet.

MYTH No. 5

A piece of cake is the best cure for grief

COUNTS, that during stress, a little sweet will not hurt, but, on the contrary, will reduce the degree of nervous tension.
HOWEVER Sweetening up troubles is a direct path to diabetes!

Adrenalin, produced in a state of stress, belongs to the so-called counter-insular hormones: it prevents insulin from normalizing blood glucose levels.

Scientists have discovered: in people who drink a little sugar syrup on an empty stomach, the adrenal glands secrete twice as much adrenaline within 2-3 hours. And since its content is already increased due to worries, eating sweets may well trigger the mechanism of diabetes.

MYTH No. 6

Sweets damage your skin
COUNTS that sweets cause acne (acne vulgaris).
HOWEVER dermatologists are convinced: this is a purely endocrine problem associated with the increased production of male sex hormones androgens. They are also present in the female body - the adrenal glands are responsible for their production.

Excess androgens enhance the activity of the sebaceous glands, worsen the condition of the skin and disrupt carbohydrate metabolism. This is why you should abstain from sugar until your hormonal levels normalize (and not because it causes acne!).

MYTH No. 7

Treats only on holidays or as a reward

COUNTS that candy is the best reward for a child for eating lunch, putting away toys and getting “A” in the diary.

HOWEVER Children are not circus animals: they do not need to be rewarded with sweets for success and good behavior! Try to develop a calm attitude towards sweets in your family.

Don't turn it into something special, festive - and to a large extent you will remove the effect of the forbidden fruit. You won’t always be able to control your child!

And having grabbed the candy bowl at a party or received a bag of goodies from Santa Claus, a child brought up on restrictions will certainly have a blast. By the way, the same thing will happen to adults if you introduce a strict quota for sweets. oh.

At the same time do not tempt yourself and your loved ones holding a plate of cookies or a box of chocolates on the table. It’s rare that someone doesn’t want to put their hand in there in passing. It’s better, as our grandmothers did, store sweets in the cupboard and give them out for dessert at the right time.

MYTH No. 8

Powdered sugar is the same as cocaine
COUNTS that the love of sweets is akin to drug addiction. It even has a corresponding name: saccharolism, if in Russian, or sugarolism- in the English manner. The taste for carbohydrates is “programmed” by a special gene that stimulates the taste buds of the tongue.

It forces them to produce a special protein that combines with sugar molecules and triggers a cascade of biochemical reactions. The brain perceives them as impulses of pleasure.

Women are naturally less sensitive to sweet taste, therefore they have a great need for sweets. Blocking "sweet" gene, experts plan to rid them of their obsessive cravings for candy.

HOWEVER Thus, scientists will deprive women of a powerful weapon in the fight against depression. And in the cold season, about 40% of Russian women are susceptible to it. Considering this, don't deny yourself sweets at the end of autumn and early spring. Just 150-200 g of carbohydrate food is enough to restore high spirits.


Type of carbohydrate How many molecules are there in a carbohydrate? Sources Representatives


Glucose, fructose, lactose, xylose, arabinose Honey, grapes and other fruits, sweet vegetables, milk


Sucrose (glucose + fructose)

Lactose (glucose + galactose)

Maltose (glucose + glucose)

Trehalose (glucose + glucose)

Sugar beets and cane, Milk, Malt (sprouted cereals), Yeast


Consist of a long chain of monosaccharides

Plant fiber (cellulose)
Glycogen (animal starch)

Potatoes and other vegetables, flour, cereals
Vegetables, fruits, dietary fiber, microcellulose preparations (used to cleanse the intestines for weight loss)
Liver and meat

Energy value of fats twice as high: 9 versus 4 kcal per 1 g.

Hence the conclusion: To lose weight, you must first limit your fat intake. However, a low-carbohydrate diet is an unpromising way to lose weight: losing weight is quite difficult, but damaging your health is, on the contrary, easy! But food with a high carbohydrate content is lower in calories, takes up more volume in the stomach and allows you to lose weight without allowing hunger to run rampant.

About the benefits of such a diet evidenced by an experiment conducted by American nutritionists. For 2 years they observed the nutrition of 10 thousand people.

The experiment participants were divided into 4 groups. The first group allocated carbohydrates less than 30% of the daily calorie intake, the second - 30-45%, the third - 45-55%, and the fourth - more than 55%. As a result, representatives of the fourth group had the lowest body mass index (BMI) - they consumed 300 kcal (per day) less, although they did not limit themselves in food.

Dark chocolate is healthy

Dark chocolate (more than 70% pure cocoa) is high in fat and low in sugar and contains large amounts of natural antioxidants known as flavonoids. Thanks to this increased content of flavonoids, which thin the blood, we can consume dark chocolate instead of aspirin or... red wine. Consume dark chocolate 1-3 times a month. This allows for increased blood flow and will have a positive effect on blood pressure and libido!

What you need to know about fructose

Fructose, in the form in which it is found in fruits, is beneficial because with fruit we consume both fiber and water, which is very important for maintaining optimal intestinal health. Fructose in a highly concentrated form, such as glucose-fructose starch-corn syrup (GFCS), which is found in many drinks and foods, has a negative effect on our body. According to research, GFCA is directly linked to obesity by increasing levels of ghrelin, a hormone that stimulates hunger. Therefore, when choosing “healthy” drinks in fitness bars, make sure that they do not contain the sweetener GFCC. Better yet, include more fresh fruits in your diet, ideally for breakfast.