All about sports and nutrition. Nutrition during sports. The truth about diet and fitness

Many people tremble in fear at the word diet because they imagine celery sticks and a long list of forbidden foods. While it's hard to dismiss these negative associations, it's important to remember that "diet" is not a bad word. Your diet, or the foods you eat, is key to maintaining your fitness goals.

In the nutrition section of most strength training manuals, they try to insert a standard nutrition plan, but this is not what we need. We want to instill the idea that metabolically and physiologically your body is unique. What works for one may not work for another. Understanding how your body works and discovering your dietary needs is an important concept for understanding how to shape your own nutritional strategy.

Calories are essentially food energy that your body uses to carry out its daily functions, such as breathing, heart rate regulation, digestion, and others. The amount of calories a food contains depends on its composition. Each product consists of a combination of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Collectively they are called "macronutrients".

Everyone needs a minimum amount of calories to live. This minimum amount is called the basal metabolic rate (BMR) and may depend on the amount of a person's lean muscle mass. The total number of calories your body uses in a day is made up of the sum of your BMR plus the extra calories used for walking, sleeping, exercising, driving, and even laughing. Together they make up the total energy expenditure (TEE) or daily calorie requirement.

Each TEE is different, so the diet that works for your friend may not work for you. Generally, men have a higher TEE than women because they have more muscle mass.


There are three nutrients: proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Together they make up all the calories or nutritional energy you get from food.


Protein is a key ingredient for building muscle and shaping your body. No, eating more protein will not make your muscles huge. Although, building muscle mass is important in order to look toned. Protein is made up of amino acids, which are the body's building blocks for numerous functions, including building muscle protein.

Lifting weights causes tension and breakdown of muscle fibers that need to be repaired. These fluctuations in muscle breakdown (catabolism) during exercise and recovery (anabolism) during rest help you get stronger and more focused over time.

The general recommendation for individual absorption is one gram of protein per 0.5 kg of your body weight. If your weight is 62 kg, then your goal is to eat about 135 grams of protein. Of course, it's hard to get that much protein in two or three meals, which is why people tend to make multiple meals including some form of protein in each one.

Each gram of protein provides 4 calories.

Foods containing protein:

  • Lean meat
  • Milk
  • Greek yogurt
  • Quinoa
  • nuts
  • Legumes


Poor fat is so underestimated and neglected. Dietary fats got a bad rap due to a major landmark study from the 80's that grossly misplaced dietary fats as a cause of heart attacks and other diseases. As a result, the government urged people to eat as little fat as possible, and corporations began producing fat-free and low-fat foods to protect everyone from heart failure.

In fact, fats claim their rightful place on your plate; they are associated with maintaining optimal health. Plus, it's a macronutrient that your body needs to function. Essential fatty acids (EFAs) such as omega-6 and omega-3s help maintain good health, protect internal organs, help absorb fat-soluble vitamins, support essential intelligence and development, and have many other benefits.

However, processed fats, which are added in the food industry to increase the shelf life of products, should be avoided. Check product labels for any "hydrotreated oils"; this definitely means that this product is not worth eating. Support the absorption of dietary fats by avoiding trans fats!

What's more, fat doesn't make you fat. The claim that the fat you eat is quickly deposited in your tissues has long been debunked. Weight gain is an inherent attribute of overeating calories that your body doesn't know what to do with.

Each gram of fat provides 9 calories.

Sources of healthy fats:

  • Avocado
  • Olive oil
  • Coconut oil
  • Melted butter
  • nuts


Carbohydrates are another macronutrient that has the same bad reputation as fat. Contrary to what many people will tell you, carbohydrates are not bad.

Carbohydrates include all sugars, including single molecular sugars and two-component sugars. When three or more sugar molecules come together, they form complex carbohydrates in foods like potatoes, oatmeal, broccoli, and countless other vegetables.

Most of your carbs should come from these complex carbs because they take longer to digest, making you feel full longer, and don't raise your blood sugar levels as quickly as simple sugar. An added bonus is that complex carbohydrates are high in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Your diet should include both simple and complex carbohydrates, but long-term success in managing blood sugar and weight may depend on limiting your intake of simple sugars.

Each gram of carbohydrates provides 4 calories.

Healthy sources of complex carbohydrates:

Should I cut down on carbs for weight loss?

One popular recommendation to lose weight is to reduce carbohydrates. The level to which you really need to reduce carbohydrates varies from person to person, but in general, take about 50-150 grams of carbohydrates per day. Fifteen grams of carbohydrates is a cup of cereal or two slices of bread. It is not difficult to calculate that this can be accommodated in one meal or even a snack. To replace carbohydrates in your diet, include more healthy fats and proteins.

While many people support a carb-reducing strategy for weight loss, this isn't always ideal. Losing weight may be easy at first, but chronic carb starvation has a negative long-term effect. A woman's delicately balancing hormonal system can be disrupted by exposure to a low-carbohydrate diet, which can backfire in bone density loss and chronic sleep loss. On a low-carb diet, some women may experience delayed or disrupted periods because the body perceives chronically low energy levels as starvation and stress.

Thus, some women may do well on a low-carbohydrate diet. If you decide to try it, then it is important to monitor the reaction of your body.

Your body type and diet

The ratio of how many calories you get from proteins, carbohydrates and fats is important for building your body. Usually macronutrients are divided into 40% carbohydrates, 30% proteins and 30% fats, but this ratio does not work for everyone. The best way to determine your macronutrient ratio is to determine your body type. Your body type is more than just body type, it provides key information about how your body responds and processes macronutrients.

Body type is divided into three categories:


  • In general, ectomorphs are thin, with small bone structure and limbs, with a high metabolism, they can absorb large amounts of carbohydrates.
  • They look like long distance runners
  • Recommended macronutrient ratio: 50% carbs, 30% protein, 20% fat


  • Mesomorphs have the best of both worlds, they can easily build muscle and stay lean. They have a medium bone structure and an athletic appearance.
  • They look like bodybuilders, gymnasts
  • Recommended macronutrient ratio: 40% carbs, 30% protein, 30% fat


  • Endomorphs are built to be bigger and stronger. They usually have a large bone structure. Because of their size, they are better at absorbing more fat and less carbohydrate.
  • They look like weightlifters
  • Recommended macronutrient ratio: 25% carbs, 35% protein, 40% fat

Portion control

Calorie counting is a popular way to estimate portion size and calories. This meticulous record of what you eat certainly has its benefits, but who wants to keep a food chart all their lives?

Calorie counting doesn't have to be lifelong. This does not work exactly for the long term. Studies have shown that calorie counting has a margin of error of 25%, even if you triple-check your calculations and sources. Differences come from label errors, inaccurate portion sizes and measurements that cannot be taken correctly, differences in product quality, and a lot of guesswork.

A more manageable way to track your nutrition is to determine a reasonable portion size. Most restaurants tend to serve you a portion with a huge pile of food, more food means a better investment for your money, right? Getting bigger portions for less money means you'll pay for them elsewhere, like your waistline.

Studies have shown that when people pour large portions, they turn off the internal satiety system and eat every last bite after they have long been satiated, but do not feel it.

Get to grips with portion control

Eating until full is not always the best way to determine portion size. Instead, we recommend using the more appropriate and personalized tool at your disposal - your hands:

  • Use your palm to determine protein absorption
  • Use a clenched fist to determine your vegetable intake
  • Use a Handful to Determine Your Carbohydrate Intake
  • Use your thumb to determine your fat intake

Assuming you eat 4 meals a day, below are the servings for each meal:

For ectomorphs

  • 2 handfuls of carbohydrates
  • 1 palm of proteins
  • 1 fist of vegetables
  • ½ thumb fat

For mesomorphs

  • 1 handful of carbs
  • 1 palm of proteins
  • 1 fist of vegetables
  • 1 thumb fat

For endomorphs

  • 1/2 handful of carbs
  • 1 palm of proteins
  • 1 fist of vegetables
  • 2 fat thumbs

These are great general guidelines because your arms are in proportion to your body. Be flexible and adjust your portion according to how you feel and look. For example, if you're gaining unwanted weight, then try reducing your carbs to half a handful per meal and your fat to half a finger.

Meal frequency

Whether you eat small meals often or eat everything in two sets, meal frequency should revolve around your food list and be comfortable for you. As long as you get the right food in the right amount, how you eat depends on your preference.

25.08.2015 04.08.2018

If you do not monitor your diet, it is almost impossible to lose weight even with regular training. How to build nutrition while exercising to be effective and safe? Is it possible to combine fitness and diet? Are there alternatives to counting calories? Read the answers to these questions below.

But first, it’s worth once again remembering the basic rule of losing weight. Nutrition is 80% of success in the fight against excess weight, fitness is only the remaining 20%. Yes, you will not build relief and strengthen muscles without sports. However, without limited nutrition, you will not be able to get rid of fat. Therefore, as soon as you decide to go in for fitness, immediately get ready to take on the adjustment of your diet.

Diets VS sports: what to eat when doing fitness?

1. The best way to eat while exercising

The best way to eat while exercising is counting calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It is this method that will help to make your diet as balanced as possible. Previously, a detailed article was published on how to count calories correctly. It remains only to add that proteins, carbohydrates and fats should be in the following correspondence: 30-40-30. For detailed calculations, you can use the dietaonline service, which will automatically calculate the KBJU numbers in accordance with your input data: weight, age, lifestyle activity.

What is important to know:

  • Don't eat below your calorie limit. Your diet should be nutritious so that during fitness activities the body does not try to burn muscles for energy. Meals for 1200 calories ( and even lower) is a direct way to kill your metabolism.
  • You should also not exceed the allowable daily calorie intake. If you regularly consume more calories than you spend during the day, then you will not lose weight even with active fitness.
  • Remember to count proteins, carbohydrates and fats. When playing sports, it is especially important to consume the right amount of protein in order not to lose muscle mass. See also: how to calculate BJU and why is it needed?

2. Acceptable dietary options for sports

If counting calories seems too complicated for you to lose weight, then you can choose sparing diet options. For example, the Protasov, Dukan diet, minus 60 system. If you follow all the rules of these diets, they can lead you to good results. Such nutrition systems during sports, although not desirable, are possible. If you are unable to switch to proper nutrition on your own, such diets can help you with this.

What is important to know:

  • Avoid fitness on days when you feel like you have eaten less than you should. For example, skipping a meal system minus 60), there were no necessary products at home ( brawl, Dukan), had no appetite during the day.
  • With such dietary restrictions, it is not recommended to engage in intense workouts ( e.g. Insanity) and lengthy workouts ( longer than 45 minutes).
  • Do not exercise during Dukan's "attacks". During this period, you will be limited in carbohydrates, so you will not have enough energy during classes.
  • If you are choosing between the KBJU calculation and the above diets, it is better to stop at the first option. It's more efficient and safe way to lose weight.

3. Unwanted diets while playing sports

What diets during sports are contraindicated for the body? It's all rigid diets with severe dietary restrictions. For example:

  1. mono-diets based on the consumption of any one product. These are well-known: buckwheat, kefir, rice, oatmeal diets, etc. Such an unbalanced diet clearly deprives you of the norm of carbohydrates and proteins, which means that training will only harm the body.
  2. "Hungry Diets", at which you will eat less than 1200 kcal per day. For example, the popular Japanese diet. The reasons are the same as described above: lack of energy ( carbohydrates) the body will compensate with muscles. And the material for their construction ( with limited protein) just won't.
  3. "Carbohydrate Diets" in which it is proposed to exclude carbohydrate foods. You need carbohydrates to provide energy during fitness activities. Without them, you will, at best, feel overwhelmed during training. And at worst, you'll faint. In this case, no positive results can be expected.

If you still decide to go on a strict diet, then training for this period of time it is better to exclude. Fitness is effective only with a competent and nutritious diet. If you want to lose weight and stay healthy, sports nutrition should be:

  • optimal in terms of calories;
  • optimal for BJU;
  • without sharp jumps from "blockages" to fasting days and vice versa.

Excess weight is the cause of many diseases, poor health, self-doubt and, as a result, bad mood. The best helpers in the fight against extra pounds are proper, healthy nutrition and exercise. The article will talk about how to achieve good results in weight loss easily and without harming your body.

Many of us at least once decided for ourselves that it was time to change, start exercising, eating right, and finally get ourselves in good physical shape. But, it wasn’t there, not everyone has the willpower and patience to devote several hours a week to sports and cook tasty and healthy meals for themselves.

It's all about the strategy of behavior:

Set aside three days a week for exercise. Start small. Let it be a walk in the park, a trip to the pool, a bike ride, rollerblading, a trip to the forest for mushrooms. It is necessary to choose a physical activity that will bring you positive emotions and will not cause unpleasant physical sensations. This type of exercise should become a habit.

The same approach should be applied to food. It is clear that it is difficult to immediately refuse all the goodies. The mood deteriorates, the stomach rumbles. Try a slightly different approach. Select a few of yours that you can refuse for the next month and replace them with useful ones. For example, if you really like fried potatoes, try roasted potatoes instead. And change your favorite chocolates in a vase for dried apricots and prunes. The rest of the habits are not worth changing yet. Giving up your normal lifestyle too abruptly is likely to cause a negative reaction. After a month, you can try to replace something else in this way. For example, white bread for bran, tea with sugar for tea with honey, sausage sandwiches for sandwiches with chicken breast. It is important not to rush and let the body get used to the absence of harmful food and the appearance of useful food.

Proper nutrition and sports for weight loss

Having developed an action plan, and following it, you will gradually come to the realization that walking and skating in the fresh air on a bicycle or rollerblading is not enough for you. The body will tell you this. There will be energy and strength. The main thing is not to miss this moment. It's time to start more active workouts: fitness, water aerobics, Nordic walking, exercise equipment, shaping. The choice is wide. You just need to get the direction right. Then sports will bring joy, and contribute to recovery.

But, at the same time, one should not forget about adjusting the diet. As you start exercising more intensely, you may start to experience nutritional deficiencies. In order not to feel hungry, you should develop a nutrition plan and try to follow it. Frequent, fractional, healthy, medium-calorie. Here are the main characteristics that will help you choose dishes for main meals and snacks. Well, no one canceled the water. Everyone should drink enough water (ordinary drinking water).

By sticking to this lifestyle, you will definitely begin to lose weight. Moreover, it will leave smoothly, unnoticed by you, but steadily.

Proper nutrition and sports: results

The effect of a healthy lifestyle is not always as fast as a variety of diets. But you will definitely notice it. You need to understand that the slower you take off those extra pounds, the easier it will be for your body to adapt. The body is not in shock. And in the future, it will not begin to gain back the lost grams with a vengeance. The result of proper nutrition and sports is different for everyone. Someone comes to the desired weight faster, others slowly. We are all different.

Nutrition and Sports Month

Adhering to proper nutrition, even for a short time, you can achieve quite tangible results.

Proper nutrition and sports: reviews

Liana (26 years old): “On proper nutrition for about six months. I didn’t come to this on my own, the nutritionist advised. I lost, of course, not so much, I would like more. From the initial weight of only 6 kg. But, I'm not hungry. I eat well. I even eat sweets sometimes.
Vera (36 years old): “I don’t even know if proper nutrition suits everyone. I personally really like it. I lost only three kg, but I feel like I was 20 years old. And the skin has become much better, and hair, and nails. I didn't even expect it. I used to stuff myself with vitamins, but it turns out you just need to eat right. ”
Inga Andreevna (48 years old): “I have been on a healthy lifestyle for 15 years. I don't know who the doctors and clinics are. I also do hardening and douse myself with cold water in the morning. I feel great!”

Sports are good for the body. Everyone knows this since childhood, but only a few devote their lives to this occupation. In order to stay healthy, beautiful and slim, to feel great, it is not necessary to play sports professionally. It is enough to find time several times a week to visit the gym or swimming pool, go for walks or ride a bike. Any physical activity is an opportunity to improve your well-being, as well as adjust body parameters. All about sports and nutrition Let's try to consider in this article.

It's no secret that when playing sports, you need to control your diet. The menu should be made taking into account what goals you set for yourself - to reduce weight, build muscle mass, keep the body in shape, and so on. For each goal - its own diet. It will differ in the caloric content of dishes, the balance and percentage of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, the number of meals per day.

The issue of compiling a daily menu for sports is quite difficult, and there is not always time for it. After all, after work, you need to have time to go to the gym, to the store, stand at the stove, having previously compiled a menu, calculated calories and portion weight, calculated the amount of protein, fat and carbohydrates you need individually, then wash a mountain of dishes. Agree, you don’t really want to devote your time, which is always in short supply, to these processes.

How to organize nutrition during sports?

The problem of compiling a menu and preparing food is solved very simply. It is enough to become a client of GrowFood, and a person will be able to eat properly, balanced, tasty and healthy. After all, nutrition and - two complementary components of one whole - your health.

Depending on what kind of physical activity the body experiences, how many calories it spends, it is necessary to choose food. GrowFood has developed several nutrition lines, taking into account the above criteria. Lines available:

  • POWER.
  • DAILY.
  • Other.

Features of nutrition during sports can be described as follows:

  • For those who want to know in while doing bodybuilding or other types of heavy sports, you should pay attention to a sufficient amount of protein in the diet.
  • To lose weight, it is necessary to ensure the intake of a large amount of the right carbohydrates in the body.
  • Meals should be fractional, with the same intervals between meals throughout the day. Prolonged abstinence from food contributes to increased hunger and can lead to uncontrolled appetite, which is fraught with excess weight, and this is avoided by athletes. GrowFood also keeps a balance in their meals.
  • Replacing animal fats with vegetable ones has a positive effect on the body.
  • Eating vegetables and fruits, as well as greens, saturates the body with useful substances, vitamins and microelements, which increase well-being and performance, which means that even at the end of the working day a person will find enough strength for intensive training and classes.
  • Flour products are now replaced with healthy and tasty desserts, and complemented by cocktails.
  • Nobody canceled the drinking regime, and everyone should drink at least 2-3 liters of purified water during the day.
  • makes sure that the food is varied, tasty, and aesthetically designed when delivered to customers.

Sports and nutrition are the key to health, beauty, confidence and well-being. These concepts should not be separated from each other. On the contrary, they should become a single entity in order to prove their effectiveness and demonstrate results as quickly as possible.

A beautiful athletic figure is the dream of many people, both women and men. But not everyone puts maximum effort into this. Sometimes training doesn't bring you what you want ]]>

Fundamental rules

Some people suffer from physical inactivity - a lack of movement and activity, but they eat very well. This causes the appearance of excess weight, and then, having come to the gym, a person finds that he has no energy and strength for training at all.

Lack of calories minimizes the effect of training, as a person will feel a breakdown. Therefore, before you start actively playing sports, you need to develop a special sports nutrition for yourself.

The specific diet will depend on which sport you have chosen and how trained you were before. For professional athletes, their diet is selected by nutritionists. But there are also general principles of nutrition that are suitable for everyone that, one way or another, is related to sports:

  • Complete or partial fasting is prohibited. It exhausts the body, and you will not see any results because of this.
  • When changing your diet, you need to consult a trainer or sports doctor who knows exactly what adjustments you need.
  • Harmful overeating, as well as food in haste.
  • When eating, you need to concentrate on this process, and not on TV or conversations.
  • Eat when you really want to. Do not eat for company, or just when you have nothing to do.

How to plan a diet

Muscle growth is possible only when the number of calories consumed exceeds the number of calories expended in training. Otherwise, muscle mass, on the contrary, will go away, and even exhaustion of the body is possible. Therefore, you need to monitor the calorie content of the diet and the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the foods used.

  • The main building material for muscles is protein, which promotes their growth. It is found in cottage cheese, seafood, eggs, meat (it is better to choose chicken and turkey). These foods should always be in your diet.
  • While protein is considered a building block, carbohydrates are a source of energy. Thanks to them, the body receives enough energy for training, so they should be in the diet. These are complex carbohydrates that are beneficial to the body. Their sources are cereals, pasta, vegetables and fruits.
  • Some believe that it is necessary to minimize the consumption of fats, as they lead to fat accumulation. At the same time, they cannot be completely abandoned, since fats contain elements that create the necessary conditions for muscle growth. However, their number should not be higher than 15% of the daily diet. Plant-based fats such as nuts, vegetable oils, avocados, and fish oils are desirable.
  • It is necessary to eat in small portions and often - about 5-6 times a day. It is important to drink enough pure plain water. You can also drink during a workout, as otherwise you risk getting dehydrated.

Your first breakfast should not be too heavy - it should be about 5% of the daily diet. You can eat some cottage cheese, drink kefir or yogurt, tea or unsweetened coffee. The second breakfast is already needed more dense - about 30%. That same 20% should be for lunch, 5% for an afternoon snack, 25% for dinner, and 5% can be left over for post-workout food. It is important not to convey. If, for example, your weight is 70-80 kg, then you do not need to exceed the amount eaten per day - your maximum is 4 kg of food. At least one fifth should be vegetables and fruits.

Not everyone can clearly adhere to such a regime, but you can always find a way out. For example, two breakfasts can be combined into one - it's not so scary. But do not forget that breakfast and lunch should be more dense and nutritious than dinner.

Lunch time is two hours after lunch. On the day of training, you need to include carbohydrates in every meal - this will provide you with energy for training. It is important that the food is varied. Eating the same foods over and over, you will soon be unable to look at them. Along with cottage cheese and chicken breasts, you can eat other boiled meat, low-fat soups, oatmeal, legumes. Along with meat and chicken, you can eat fish. A useful side dish can be potatoes, buckwheat, rice, pasta. Fatty sauces are best avoided. The calorie intake partly depends on the time of year. In summer, less high-calorie foods are acceptable, while in winter, you can reduce the amount of fat in the diet and increase the amount of protein.

What is the best way to limit

There are products that are better not to use if you are focused on the result. These are sweet soda, tea and coffee with an abundance of sugar, sweets, cakes, pastries, pastries. Naturally, you should not set strict prohibitions and completely deprive yourself of all the goodies. You can treat yourself occasionally, but remember that everything should be in moderation.

During class and after

During training, food is prohibited. The last meal should be at least 1.5-2 hours before going to the gym. But drinking water during training is allowed. It is better to drink several sips every 20-30 minutes. Do not swallow water quickly and immediately. To quench your thirst better, hold the water in your mouth for a while. You should drink only pure water - not soda, not cola and not lemonade. It is important that it is not cold - during a workout you can get hot, and the low temperature of the liquid can play a trick on you. When playing sports, you do not need to limit yourself in the water. Its lack during active loads can negatively affect the heart, provoke pressure drops and simply lead to dehydration.