All types of massage description. Various types of massage and their descriptions. Brazilian method with bamboo sticks

Depending on what is used and how the effect on the body surface is carried out (i.e. by what means), there are hygienic, periosteal, rehabilitation, percussion, therapeutic, cupping, cryomassage, sports, segmental reflex, cosmetic, hardware massage and Finally, self-massage.

The action of cupping is based on a reflex method (like motor-visceral reflexes), based on the occurrence of congestive hyperemia (redness), irritation of skin receptors by the vacuum created in the jar.

Percussion massage is indicated for bronchitis and pneumonia to improve blood and lymph circulation and improve pulmonary ventilation.

With percussion, extrapulmonary conditions are created that improve breathing. Mechanical irritations stimulate breathing and promote the discharge of bronchial secretions (sputum). Compression of the chest irritates the receptors of the alveoli, root of the lung and pleura - this creates conditions for increasing the excitability of the respiratory center (inspiratory neurons) and active inhalation. When exposed to the respiratory intercostal muscles (proprioceptors), a reflex effect on the respiratory center occurs, stimulating the act of breathing.

Massage during resuscitation. Sometimes severe injuries occur (with large loss of blood), which can cause the heart to stop and breathing to stop. However, biological death of a person does not occur immediately after this. And if you immediately apply modern resuscitation methods, you can prevent its onset. One such method is.

Rice. 25. Artificial ventilation of the lungs using the mouth-to-mouth method (a): indirect (external) heart massage: 6 - position of the hands; c - systole; g - diastole

In case of cardiac arrest, external cardiac massage is used, which involves rhythmically compressing it between the sternum and the spine (Fig. 25). When compressed, blood from the left ventricle flows through the vessels to the brain and heart. After the pressure on the sternum ceases, it fills the cavities of the heart again.

Technique for performing external cardiac massage. The hand (palm surface), for example the right one, is placed on the lower part of the sternum, and the left one is placed on top and pressed on it towards the spinal column, placing its entire weight on the hands. The compression should be maximum and last 1.5 seconds, after which it quickly stops. It is necessary to repeat compression of the sternum at least once per second, since less frequent pressure does not create sufficient blood flow. In the intervals between pressures, the hands are not removed from the sternum. The effectiveness of massage is judged by:

pulse impulses on the carotid artery in time with pressure;

constriction of the pupils;

the appearance of independent respiratory movements.

Changes in skin color are also taken into account.

Heart massage is combined with ventilation (artificial respiration) - simultaneous blowing of air into the lungs. In the event that resuscitation is carried out by one person, it is necessary to do 15 compressions of the sternum for 15 seconds every two quick blows of air into the lungs (using the mouth-to-mouth or mouth-to-nose system). The patient's head should be tilted back and the tongue should be extended forward.

The procedure continues until a spontaneous pulse occurs (artificial respiration until spontaneous breathing occurs).

Sports massage is used to increase the functional state of an athlete, improve athletic fitness, relieve fatigue, increase physical strength and prevent injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Sports massage includes pre-start (mobilization) and recovery (reparative) massage.

Pre-start (mobilization) massage is carried out before training (competition). Its task is to prepare the neuromuscular system, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, accelerate the process of working out, and prevent injuries to the musculoskeletal system. Depending on the nature of the work ahead, the type of sport, and the athlete’s condition, a distinction is made between soothing and stimulating massage.

Restorative (reparative) massage is indicated after heavy physical and mental stress. Its goal is to restore the athlete’s functional state, increase physical performance, and relieve general fatigue. As a rule, a general restorative massage is carried out, less often a local one, for example, during breaks between performances of wrestlers, boxers, and gymnasts. After heavy physical exertion it is gentle, and on rest days it is deeper. The frequency of use of restorative massage depends on the stage of fatigue, the stage of preparation and other factors.

Preventive (prophylactic) massage is a type of massage that is used for preventive purposes in cases of overload, overexertion, overtraining, and exacerbations of chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Segmental reflex massage is one of the methods of influencing the reflex zones of the skin surface of the body. When exposed to special massage techniques on segments of the spinal cord, so-called cutaneous-visceral (internal) reflexes arise, causing changes in the activity of internal organs and in them. The mechanism of action of segmental reflex massage is irritation of skin receptors. The response to it depends on the intensity, duration, area and location of exposure, as well as on the functional state.

Depending on the techniques, segmental, connective tissue, periosteal, acupressure, and other types of segmental reflex massage are distinguished. All of them are used for the purpose and in sports practice.

Periosteal massage is a stimulation of osteogenesis in the post-traumatic period in athletes. with oxygen therapy helps accelerate the formation of callus. Under the influence of periosteal massage, the vascularization of bone tissue improves, its elasticity increases, and the period of disability decreases.

Cosmetic massage (local only) is used to care for normal skin, to prevent its premature aging, for various cosmetic imperfections, diseases, etc. It comes in three types: hygienic (preventive), therapeutic, and plastic.

Depending on whether it is performed with hands or with a device, a distinction is made between hardware and manual massage. Their combined use is a combined massage.

Hardware massage is carried out using devices of various design and physiological effects on tissue (vibromassage, vacuum, hydromassage, etc.). It can be general and local. It is used for medicinal purposes and in sports practice.

Self-massage is one of the means of body care for the complex treatment of certain injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and is also used before a start, after a competition (to relieve fatigue) in saunas, etc. It can be both general and local . Self-massage can also be performed with various massagers, brushes, and vibration devices of various devices.

When conducting sports, it is necessary to take into account the degree of fatigue and the mental state of the athlete. Thus, when conducting a pre-launch massage, taking into account the mental state plays a major role (for mental agitation, a soothing massage is indicated, for apathy, an exciting one). It has now been established that various massage techniques can cause different reactions from various systems and organs (V.I. Dubrovsky, 1983).

Rice. 26. techniques and the body’s reaction to their use

The impact on the body surface is carried out in various ways (special techniques). So in sports massage this is stroking, rubbing, kneading, squeezing, patting, chopping, tapping; in treatment - stroking, rubbing, kneading, vibration, percussion techniques, stretching. In addition, there are a number of auxiliary techniques, as well as active-passive movements in the joints. Each such technique is performed in a certain sequence and causes various changes in the nervous,



Striking techniques



Leg Stroking Kneading



Stroking Rubbing




Kneading L Rubbing


G Impact techniques

Vibration g Rubbing


Rice. 27: Schematic representation of the depth of influence of various massage techniques on human connective tissue formations: m - muscle; n - nerve; c - vein; a - artery; k - bone; leather

Rice. 28. Areas of the human body:

A - anterior surface: 1 - parietal region, 2 - frontal region, 3 - orbital region, 4 - mouth region, 5 - chin region, b - anterior neck region,

  1. - lateral neck region, 8 - clavicle region, 9 - palm of the hand, 10 - anterior forearm region, 11 - anterior ulnar region, 12 - posterior shoulder region, 13 - axillary region, 14 - thoracic region, 15 - subcostal region, 16 - epigastric region, 20 - pubic region, 21 - medial thigh region, 22 - anterior thigh region, 23 - anterior knee region, 24 - anterior shin region, 25 - posterior shin region, 26 - anterior ankle region, 27 - dorsum of the foot, 28 - heel region, 29 - dorsum of the hand, 30 - forearm, 31 - posterior forearm region, 32 - posterior ulnar region, 33 - posterior shoulder region, 34 - anterior shoulder region, 35 - mammary gland region, 36 - deltoid region, 37 - clavipectoral triangle, 38 - subclavian fossa, 39 - sternocleidomastoid region, 40 - nasal region, 41 - occipital region B - posterior surface: 1 - parietal region, 2 - temporal region, 3 - frontal region, 4 - orbital region, 5 - zygomatic region, 6 - buccal region, 7 - submandibular triangle, 8 - sternocleidomastoid region, 9 - acromial region, 10 - interscapular region, 11 - scapular region, 12 - deltoid region, 13 - lateral thoracic region, 14 - posterior shoulder region, 15 - hypochondrium region, 16 - posterior elbow region, 17 - posterior forearm region,
  2. - anterior area of ​​the forearm. 19 - palm of the hand, 20 - heel area, 21 - sole of the foot, 22 - dorsum of the foot, 23 - anterior area of ​​the lower leg, 24 - posterior area of ​​the lower leg, 25 - posterior area of ​​the knee, 26 - posterior area of ​​the thigh, 27 - anal area, 28 - gluteal region, 29 - sacral region, 30 - lateral abdominal region, 31 - lumbar region, 32 - subscapular region, 33 - vertebral region, 34 - posterior shoulder region, 35 - posterior ulnar region, 36 - posterior forearm region, 37 - back of the hand, 38 - anterior region of the shoulder, 39 - suprascapular region, 40 - posterior region of the neck, 41 - occipital region of the muscular and cardiovascular systems. Each body reacts to them in its own way; these manifestations depend on the gender, age and functional state of the athlete. Depending on the techniques used, their strength and duration of exposure, a tonic or calming effect can be obtained (Fig. 26).

Clinical and experimental studies show that for successful massage it is necessary to have a correct understanding of the condition of the tissues and the characteristics of massage techniques. Thus, when performing massage for injuries and diseases, the massage therapist must take into account the pathophysiological processes occurring in the tissues in order to avoid their disruption during the massage procedure.

In Fig. Figure 27 shows a diagram of the effect of various massage techniques on human connective formations.

The technique of layer-by-layer effects on connective tissue formations was developed taking into account the anatomical and physiological characteristics of a particular topographic zone (Fig. 28).

Massage is a way of healing the body using physical and reflex methods, known for a very long time - the famous Greek scientist and doctor Hippocrates wrote about it. The name of this procedure, which comes from the French word massage - “to rub” - fully reveals its essence, which consists of pressing, rubbing, vibrations carried out on different parts of the human body, both with bare hands and with special devices. Over several thousand years of its existence, massage has turned into a real art, with the help of which you can solve cosmetic, medical and psychological problems without poisoning the body with drugs. Let's look at what types of massage there are. Below you will find a list of massage types with their descriptions.

Classification of classical technology

Some types of massages are so similar that they can only be distinguished by description. And yet there is a classification according to which they are divided based on their ultimate goals.

Classic is the most popular and universal variety, used to treat acute and chronic diseases of various types:

  • pain;
  • adhesions;
  • dysfunctions and disorders of the sexual sphere in both men and women;
  • swelling;
  • joint problems;
  • diseases of the muscular system.


In the video you can see how a classic massage is performed:

Classic massage is one of the most ancient types of manual influence on the body, which became the basis for many other variations. During it, the massage therapist uses the techniques of kneading, squeezing, stroking, vibration and rubbing. The main criterion is the patient’s comfort and general condition. Focusing on these indicators, the specialist determines the optimal duration of the procedure and the strength of the effects (shock, deep and medium-deep). But there are also rules that are mandatory for everyone:

  1. classic - always begins with soft and relaxing techniques, followed by medium-intensity and percussive effects;
  2. The procedure should begin with large parts of the body, gradually moving to the limbs;
  3. important - the specialist’s hand movements are made only in the direction of the lymph nodes;
  4. The collar area is the first to be massaged, from which the masseur goes down.

During a classic massage, if necessary, additional products can be used: creams, mass, cosmetic tiles. They must be selected taking into account the patient’s possible allergies to the components included in their composition. This type is not difficult to learn: just take a couple of consultations with a professional, and you will be able to please your household with a pleasant relaxing procedure. Follow the link to find information.

Treatment type for problem areas of the whole body

The purpose of therapeutic massage is not only the general strengthening of the patient’s body and harmonization of his state of mind, but also the treatment of certain diseases. It is best when it is prescribed by a doctor - only a physician will be able to objectively assess the patient’s condition and choose the right treatment tactics: frequency of procedures, area of ​​influence. There are many indications for therapeutic massage: various injuries, diseases of internal organs, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, headaches, osteochondrosis.

In combination with other measures, it helps well with arthritis, after heart attacks and strokes, with radiculitis and paralysis. There are also contraindications. Before referring a patient to a massage therapist, the doctor must make sure that he does not suffer from the following ailments:

  • inflammatory process accompanied by fever;
  • acute cardiovascular failure;
  • poisoning;
  • allergies in the acute stage;
  • hypertensive or hypotensive crisis;
  • internal or external bleeding;
  • active form of tuberculosis;
  • inflamed lymph nodes;
  • benign and malignant tumors before treatment;
  • aneurysms;
  • mental illnesses complicated by increased excitability of the patient;
  • purulent, inflammatory, fungal and other skin diseases.

Most of the list of contraindications is temporary - after they are localized or completely eliminated, you can return to treatment.

The video talks about therapeutic massage and its types:

There are many types of therapeutic massage: according to the area of ​​influence it is classified into massage of the head, feet, back, collar area, etc., and according to the techniques used - into acupressure, reflex, connective tissue, periosteal, hardware. Separately, we can highlight the visceral abdominal massage, which is described.

Types of relaxing mutual massage techniques

The purpose of this type of healing manual influence on the body is indicated by its name. Relaxing massage and mutual massage are recommended for absolutely everyone, especially residents of big cities. It gives the patient a feeling of complete recovery, a surge of strength, relieves stress, relieves depression; normalizes sleep, restores the feeling of fullness of life.

Just like all other types, a relaxing massage has a general effect on the body: relieves muscle tension, normalizes blood pressure, blood and lymph circulation, reduces swelling, and prevents varicose veins. A relaxing massage can be performed both on the entire surface of the body and on individual areas: back, head, limbs. In addition, experts talk about a big one. The atmosphere should be appropriate: dim lighting, pleasant relaxing music, aromas of essential oils help relieve psychological stress in the patient.

Video of a relaxing massage:

The following types of relaxing massage are popular:

The meaning of Tibetan massage

An ancient anti-stress technique, which in its homeland was called Ku Nye. Translated, this means “massage using oils.” During each session, the master applies individually selected oil to the entire surface of the massaged person’s body, including the head, and carefully works on each area. At the end of the procedure, he warms the areas where the joints are located with his palms - this helps the nutrients contained in the oil penetrate deeper into the pores.

Briefly about chiromassage

Its homeland is Spain, and the peculiarity is that there is no clear system in chiromassage. During each session, the specialist can use different techniques and work on different parts of the body, experimenting and being creative. This has a positive effect on the patient's nervous system and acts as an additional relaxing factor.

Incredible stone therapy

A new-fangled type of massage, the therapeutic and relaxing effect of which lies in its impact on energy points. This is done with the help of heated and cold stones: such a contrast helps to harden the blood vessels due to their sequential expansion and contraction. Stone therapy uses minerals that conduct heat and cold well: marble and basalt rocks.

Thai relaxing

Based on the theory of energy lines and acupuncture points located on them. During the procedure, the massage therapist acts on these points, using mainly pressure, and does this not only with his hands, but also with his knees, elbows, backs of the hands, forearms, and in some varieties, the whole body.

A variation of the Thai technique

Thai massage is a whole direction that includes several varieties. In addition to the relaxing effect, it helps restore the musculoskeletal system, removes toxins, improves immunity, strengthens muscles, and heals internal organs. Using the pads of his fingers, an experienced master finds areas on the patient’s body with increased temperature - these are energy points - and presses on them. The session, as a rule, lasts a long time, up to 2.5 hours, and during it the massage therapist painlessly and gently stretches the spine, twists and straightens the joints. When determining the duration of the procedure, the master focuses on the condition of his client.

On the video - types of Thai massage:

Thai massage comes in the following types:


Traditional: before the session, the professional determines which muscle groups are particularly tight and works primarily on them. To achieve results, yoga massage techniques are used, among others: the master twists and stretches the body. The session is carried out on a special mat, and the patient is asked to dress in loose, non-restrictive clothing: shorts and a T-shirt.

Thai massage techniques

For the head and collar area

Massage of the head and collar area has a rejuvenating effect on the skin, makes it soft, eliminates dark circles and bags under the eyes. It has a pronounced therapeutic and relaxing effect, since the head and shoulder girdle are places where tension accumulates. Head massage helps normalize sleep, relieves back pain, and improves posture.

Basic for legs

Foot massage involves kneading, pressing and rubbing the legs from the feet to the knees. The procedure is carried out both with the hands of the master and with special sticks, with which he presses on energy points. At first, this technique may cause pain, but the result will definitely please you: you will feel a release of tension, a feeling of lightness in your legs.

For weight loss

For weight loss, it begins with quickly warming up the body with special creams and energetic movements of the massage therapist’s hands. After this, the master proceeds to pinching, which helps to break down fat deposits, restore the body's slimness and get rid of cellulite.


Oil massage - it may seem the most shocking - is the most relaxing of all types of Thai massage. During it, it is forbidden to use stretching and twisting techniques; the impact is limited only to kneading and stroking. The relaxing effect is facilitated by the aroma of the oil, generously applied to the body - before the session, the client himself chooses it from the many offered.

Various herbal bags

Massage with herbal bags is a great way to restore the body. It is carried out in linen bags filled with medicinal herbs. Herbs and flowers are pre-steamed to a temperature that is pleasant to the client.

Cosmetic for face

Massage in cosmetology preserves youth and beauty, eliminates skin imperfections. Each of its varieties gives an incredible effect - it helps to get rid of sagging, double chin, restore facial contour, and restore muscle tone. With regular cosmetic massage, the skin becomes smooth and healthy. Depending on the patient’s needs, the cosmetologist may offer him one of the following procedures.

  1. Classical consists of stroking and rubbing, which are carried out on top of massage cream and oil.
  2. Myostimulating(plastic) involves a deeply penetrating mechanical effect on the facial muscles; recommended after 35 years.
  3. Jacquet massage(plucked) includes plucking with vibration. It is carried out using talcum powder, without the use of cream and oil. This is a therapeutic massage that eliminates acne, seborrhea, post-acne, and comedones. The duration of the procedure is no more than 20 minutes.
  4. Sculptural: regular sessions can replace the famous beauty injections, eliminating age-related imperfections and returning youthful texture to the face.
  5. Lymphatic drainage massage is to stimulate lymph flows in order to normalize the outflow of lymph and its circulation in the upper layers of the epidermis. Indicated after plastic surgery. Described in the link. It is important to know that lymphatic drainage massage has contraindications and they are described in this article.
  6. Lifting massage tightens the skin without surgical intervention, eliminates deep wrinkles, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, removes the stratum corneum of the skin, and makes it elastic.

Acupressure massage, which can be found out about, also has an effective effect on facial skin.

In the video - cosmetic massage:

Contraindications for cosmetic massage are inflammation of the facial nerve, various skin lesions, rosacea, excess facial hair, neoplasms, and fungus.


Compared to classic massage, hardware massage has certain advantages. This is an enhanced deep effect on the muscles, which cannot be achieved with manual techniques. The result comes much earlier and has a more pronounced effect. The most popular types of massage are:

  • vibrating massage: consists of irritating receptors located in the muscles and on the surface of the skin;
  • hydromassage: consists of a complex effect on the patient’s body of water and air;
  • vacuum: built on the principle of alternately increasing and decreasing air pressure in the massaged area.

Any of the listed procedures has a double effect: it heals internal organs and strengthens skin tone, and also eliminates cellulite and excess weight.

On video - hardware massage:

Unusual types of massage and their implementation

In addition to classic, cosmetic and hardware, modern massage parlors offer many new exotic types of massage, which not only provide physical and psychological well-being, but allow the client to come into contact with the culture of any other country.

  • Lomi-lomi came to us from the Hawaiian Islands. Just like during a Thai massage, the master can use his palms, elbows, forearms, and phalanges of his fingers during the session.
  • Turkish with soap foam: a pleasant rejuvenating treatment including hammam, soap massage and whole body peeling.
  • Shirodhara- an Indian ritual performed simultaneously by two masters. During this procedure, the master pours heated oil from a special vessel onto the third eye area (the center of the forehead).
  • Esalen massage– a complex system that combines the principles of Gestalt therapy, fitness, reflex and Swedish massage and deep breathing techniques.
  • Reiki– a procedure in which a massage therapist applies pressure to acupuncture points of the body. Helps get rid of negative energy.

Video: Lomi-lomi massage:


The characteristics of the female body and the problems that periodically arise in connection with this require a special approach. A sedentary and sedentary lifestyle leads to poor circulation in the pelvic area, where the female organs are located: the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes. The result is inflammatory and congestive processes, muscle weakness and, as a result, gynecological diseases. The doctor may include gynecological massage in the treatment complex, which helps normalize lymph flow and restore lost tone to the muscles.

Video of a female body massage:

The session is carried out in a gynecological chair or on a massage table, where the patient is positioned as for a regular examination or in a knee-elbow position. The first session lasts no more than three minutes, during which the doctor teaches the woman to breathe properly and relax. Gynecological massage is a very gentle therapy that helps get rid of many diseases of the female genital area, including infertility.


The negative factors of modern life also negatively affect men's health. Most often, representatives of the stronger half of humanity suffer from prostate diseases and their consequences:

  • infertility;
  • deterioration of potency;
  • risk of prostate cancer;
  • problems with urination;
  • irritability, anger;
  • cysts.

For the prevention and treatment of prostate diseases, a special massage has been developed, performed by a urologist. The number of sessions reaches 15, and their duration is 1-2 minutes.

Description of baby massage

This is the name of massages aimed at solving problems that arise in children aged 0 to 3 years. Parents can also do them, but it is better to entrust the procedure to a specialist. Sessions help:

  1. get rid of colic;
  2. strengthen the immune system;
  3. prevent the development of rickets;
  4. improve blood circulation;
  5. relieve muscle tone;
  6. normalize the state of the nervous system;
  7. solve congenital orthopedic problems: hip dislocation, torticollis, X- and O-shaped leg deformities, etc.

The main technique used in infant massage is stroking; after a year you can use patting, vibration and rubbing.

Video: baby massage:


Honey massage has become very popular recently. can be viewed via the link. The technique for performing it is so simple that you can do it yourself: take a small amount (about two tablespoons) of honey in your hands, hold it a little to warm it up, then apply it to problem areas of the body: thighs, stomach, buttocks, shoulders. Massage the skin with soft, smooth movements until the honey begins to thicken. After this, start placing your palms on your body and peel them off with sharp movements. At the end of the procedure, you can wrap the affected areas with cling film and lie down for 40-60 minutes - this will enhance the effect obtained. However, some people are wary.

Massage is a way to maintain health without drugs or surgery. It improves the emotional state and restores after hard work, nervous shock, injury, and illness. Ideally, every person should receive massage sessions at least twice a year - this will help normalize energy flow, get rid of tension and tightness, improve immunity, and restore feelings of happiness and harmony.

Massage is a physiotherapeutic procedure that involves mechanical effects on the body through the skin. Massage includes basic techniques such as stroking, rubbing, kneading, vibration and patting. This effect on the muscles irritates the nerve endings, which, in turn, send impulses to the brain.
The effect of massage on the body is difficult to overestimate. Its foundations came to us from ancient times. Gradually developing and supplemented with new data, massage techniques were honed to perfection, which affected the degree of its therapeutic effect.

There are a huge number of different massage techniques. It is carried out with hands, feet, jars, stones and special devices.

First of all, massage is prescribed for problems with the musculoskeletal system, since mechanical action places the main load on the muscles and spine. After a course of massage, pain in the problem area goes away, muscles become more elastic, flexibility and mobility return.

But massage affects not only the muscular system. The resulting reflex response also affects the functioning of internal organs, improving their functioning.

  • This kind of physiotherapy is indispensable for problems with the immune system. Massage not only improves well-being, it stabilizes blood pressure, normalizes sleep and strengthens the body's natural protective functions. It has been proven that people who regularly undergo massage courses get sick much less often. And if the disease could not be avoided, then it occurs in a much milder form.
  • Improving the functioning of the respiratory system also helps strengthen the immune system. Due to the fact that breathing becomes deeper during a massage, stiffness in the muscles of the thoracic region goes away, and all internal organs are better enriched with oxygen.
  • In addition, blood vessels dilate, thereby improving blood circulation, which in turn has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. After a massage session, the number of capillaries in the cross-section of the muscles increases significantly. Due to this, the movement of blood through the arteries is facilitated and venous outflow is improved. Moreover, such changes occur not only in the specific area of ​​the body being massaged, but also at distant points.
  • Massage also has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the body. After physical impact on the skin, not only does the supply of oxygen to tissues improve, but also the removal of breakdown products, primarily lactic acid, is accelerated.
  • Massage is also indispensable for problems with the digestive tract. It stabilizes its functioning due to the reflex improvement of intestinal motility. Therefore, such a physiotherapeutic effect is necessary primarily for people suffering from constipation and other intestinal disorders.

Massage ranks first among a large number of rehabilitation procedures. With its help, you can influence both individual organs and problem areas, and the entire body as a whole.

History of the development of massage

There is still debate among researchers about where the word “massage” itself came from. Some argue that the source was the Greek designation “masso” - “to squeeze with the hands.” Others argue that it was originally the French word “masser,” interpreted as “to rub.” There are other versions of the origin of this concept. But all of them only confirm that the history of the development of massage goes back more than one century.

Massage in the ancient world

Treatment by mechanical action on the skin is a method of therapy proven by centuries of practice. Its origins go back to ancient times. The first mentions of massage were found in rock paintings. They depicted people rubbing each other. In addition, during excavations, jars were found that once contained ointments mixed with medicinal herbs, which also indicates the use of this method of treatment.

In India, massage was originally used as a treatment and prevention for many diseases. Then his techniques became firmly established in all everyday spheres of life. There were also traditions associated with this method of influencing the body. There is a custom to massage the bride and groom before the wedding. It was in India that children's massage first appeared and began to develop.
A feature of Indian teachings in this area was the combination of classical massage and sauna. First, the skin was moisturized with steam, the pores were opened, after which the procedure itself began. It included not only classic kneading of the body, but also rubbing all kinds of essential oils into the skin.

Treatment by mechanical action on the skin is a method of therapy proven by centuries of practice.

As for China, the first schools appeared in this country, teaching the art of massage. Later, the first institute was created there, specializing only in this area. It was thanks to the Chinese clergy dealing with this issue that the “amma” technique was developed and has survived to this day - influencing certain points.
This is where acupuncture therapy, which is very popular in our time, originates - treatment with special needles that are placed only at strictly defined points.

This is where acupuncture therapy, which is very popular in our time, originates - treatment with special needles that are placed only at strictly defined points.

The amma technique was also widespread in Japan. Here it became the starting point for the development of the Japanese technique of manual massage - shiatsu. Specialists in this field, using acupressure, can not only affect problem areas of the body, but also treat a number of diseases.

Ancient Egypt was not spared massage either. Judging by the ancient bas-reliefs, you can see that foot massage was very popular in this country. In addition, it was in Egypt that much attention was paid to this technique from the point of view of cosmetology. During the excavations, a large number of jugs were discovered with traces of all kinds of oils and rubbing.

Developing more and more, massage techniques gradually penetrated from the East to European countries.

Development of massage in the Middle Ages

But not always and not everywhere massage was so popular. In a number of European countries, this procedure was equated to a type of “carnal pleasure,” which automatically ranked it as one of the most terrible sins. Massage was performed only by healers; this knowledge was passed on secretly from generation to generation.

But not everything was so difficult everywhere. For example, in Ancient Rus' such mechanical action on the body was practiced for rheumatism and bruises. The famous beating with a broom in the baths was also widespread. In this case, the massage was combined with the healing effects of oak and birch leaves.

In Europe, surgeon Ambroise Pare made a great contribution to the development of massage. He treated not only kings. It wasn't just kings who were his patients. The famous doctor also practiced on courtiers. It was he who proposed the classification of massage that we still use today.

Modern history of massage

The first serious publication on massage was published in 1780 by the Coemen physician Joseph Tissot. In his work, he collected all the data that was known at that time. Massage has been widely used in sports and in the field of traumatology.

Therapist Heinrich Ling, who is considered the founder of the “Swedish” system, also conducted research. The result of his research was the scientific publication “General Fundamentals of Gymnastics,” where he collected the results of all his experiments.

In Holland, Georg Metzger was actively involved in the development of massage techniques. He built his theories based on knowledge of human anatomy and physiology. Later his research became widespread in America and Germany.

Massage became increasingly popular. It began to be taught in those institutions that trained nursing staff.

Under the supervision of doctors, trained nurses provided massage to patients suffering from rheumatism and gout.

The First World War was a big impetus for the development of massage techniques. In hospitals, the method of mechanical impact on muscles was widely used in the rehabilitation of the wounded. The need for qualified specialists grew, and the number of educational institutions training the necessary personnel also grew.

In peacetime, sports achievements and the Olympics became an incentive for further development and improvement of massage techniques. More and more people began to talk specifically about sports massage and its role in the training of athletes.

At the end of the last century, massage became firmly established in traditional medicine and began to be perceived not only as a cosmetic procedure, but also as an effective remedy in the treatment of many diseases.

Indications for massage

For a healthy person, a massage session will bring a boost of vigor and good mood. It will also be a good prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

In addition, massage is prescribed for many diseases of internal organs and systems.

In neurology, massage techniques are used for neuritis and neuralgia, migraines. A relaxing massage is recommended for insomnia and other sleep disorders.

This type of therapy is also widely used in the presence of intervertebral hernias. The main condition for this is that massage is not prescribed during an exacerbation, otherwise such an effect can cause significant harm to the body.

Another application in the field of neurology is the mandatory inclusion of massage in the list of rehabilitation procedures after a stroke. Very often, acute cerebrovascular accident leads to complete or partial paralysis of the limbs. In this case, massage is an indispensable factor in restoring mobility in the arms and legs.

As for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, massage is used for problems with posture, increased salt deposition, arthritis and osteochondrosis. It can also be prescribed for chronic pain in the spine caused by its degenerative-dystrophic changes.

It is probably difficult now to name an area of ​​medicine in which massage is not used. It is used both in rehabilitation and in the direct treatment of the disease.

In traumatology, massage is used during the rehabilitation period after fractures accompanied by bruises and rupture of muscle fibers. The main goal of massage in this case is to improve tissue nutrition, which contributes to the speedy restoration of their functions.

Massage is also widely used in orthopedics. It is indispensable for flat feet, club feet, and hip dysplasia. This method of treatment is especially relevant in childhood, when the skeleton is still in its infancy and many problems can be solved without resorting to more complex techniques.

In general therapeutic practice, massage is prescribed for angina pectoris, fluctuations in blood pressure, and during rehabilitation after myocardial infarction. They also resort to it for diseases of the digestive system (gastritis, ulcers, constipation), metabolic disorders (problems with excess weight), and diabetes.

It is probably difficult now to name an area of ​​medicine in which massage is not used. It is used both in rehabilitation and in the direct treatment of the disease. The correct selection of the necessary techniques in combination with drug therapy contributes to the rapid cure of even the most severe pathologies.

Contraindications for prescribing massage

Despite its undoubtedly beneficial effect on the body, there are a number of contraindications for prescribing this type of treatment.

Massage is not performed if you have cancer. Improving blood circulation can provoke further growth of the tumor.

Massage is also not prescribed for exacerbation of heart and vascular diseases. This applies to sharp fluctuations in blood pressure, heart rhythm disturbances and heart failure.

Mechanical effects on the skin are contraindicated in the presence of pustular formations and other inflammatory processes. There is a high risk of infection and the development of a diffuse process on the skin.

Diseases of the hematopoietic organs are an absolute contraindication for massage. Improving microcirculation can provoke an exacerbation of the process and cause extensive bleeding.

Physiotherapy cannot be carried out in the presence of an acute infectious or viral process in the body. Especially if this condition is accompanied by an increase in body temperature.

Failure to comply with these rules can negatively affect the patient’s health and, instead of benefit, massage will only bring significant harm to the body.

Rules for massage

There are a number of features that need to be known and observed when performing mechanical effects on the patient’s body.

  • The massage is carried out in a warm room, 30-40 minutes after eating. If treatment is carried out in a hospital, then the patient cannot be taken immediately after an IV or other medical procedures.
  • The massage is carried out in accordance with the system to which it belongs. If you follow the rules of the Russian school, then in this case all movements go from the periphery to the center, that is, the limbs are massaged first, and only then the torso.
  • Exposure to the genital area, kidney projection, groin, elbow and popliteal folds is strictly prohibited.
  • The patient's body should be relaxed and the massage should be enjoyable. Psycho-emotional agitation and excessive muscle tension are contraindications for a massage session.
  • The specialist’s hands should be warm, and the massage should not cause discomfort. A special cream or oil is applied to the skin to make it easier for the hands to glide over the body.

Compliance with all the rules increases the effectiveness of the procedure and promotes rapid relief from the pathological process.

The effect of massage on the body

Massage is one of the most famous ways to influence the body as a whole. It helps not only to relax and restore strength. With its help, many diseases are treated, including those that were previously considered practically incurable.

Mechanical effects on the body through the skin not only improve blood circulation and relax muscles. Massage helps strengthen the immune system, accelerates metabolic processes in the body, strengthens the back muscles and calms increased excitability. Due to its ability to speed up metabolic processes, regular massage sessions help reduce excess weight and remove toxins from the body.

Massage is also necessary for those who want a beautiful figure. There are many types of cosmetic types of such effects. It is widely used in the fight against cellulite, while the skin becomes firm and elastic.

All kinds of wraps and peels, widely used in cosmetology, lose almost half of their effectiveness if they were not supported by massage of problem areas.

A facial and head massage tones the skin, accelerates its regeneration processes and improves its appearance. In addition, head massage is an excellent remedy for increased excitability. It helps to relax and relieve nervous tension.

Mechanical stress on the body has a wide variety of effects on the functioning of the body. In this case, changes can concern both general reactions and conditions, and individual organs and systems.

  • Metabolism. Massage accelerates blood circulation by approximately 30%. At the same time, the kidneys and skin begin to actively remove lactic acid, which leads to improved metabolism. Metabolism also improves due to the production of special hormones, which occurs when the skin is irritated. This process is the humoral factor in the action of massage.
  • Nervous system. Depending on what type of effect is used (relaxing or intense), the nervous system is relaxed or toned. The neuro-reflex factor of massage is based on this. Mechanical impact on the skin causes irritation of nerve endings. Transmitted through neurons, the received impulses reach the cerebral hemispheres, where an adequate response to such irritation is formed.
  • Musculature. Massage is a direct physical effect on human muscles. During intensive massage, the number of working capillaries increases, and the tissues begin to be more actively supplied with oxygen. Thanks to this, the muscular system improves and its adaptive properties increase.
  • Joints and ligamentous apparatus. By improving lymph outflow, massage sessions help reduce swelling in the tissues surrounding the joint. There is also an improvement in the removal of decay products from tissues formed when they are damaged. This complex effect helps restore joint mobility and is a good prevention of ligamentous diseases.
  • Leather. The effect of massage on the skin is difficult to overestimate. During the session, dead cells are removed, blood circulation in small capillaries improves. This complex improves skin nutrition, it receives more oxygen. Regular massage sessions help maintain the elasticity of the skin and its attractive appearance.

Massage classification

As for the division of massage into types and subtypes, there are a huge number of them. Almost every country has its own system for dividing this type of physiotherapy. Let's consider the most popular classification used in classical medicine.

  • By force of influence. Depending on the force with which the pressure is applied to the muscles, there are superficial, medium and deep massages. Deep massage has a calming effect on the nervous system and affects the internal organs. Superficial massage improves metabolism and tones the main processes occurring in the body.
  • By tempo. Massage is divided into fast, medium and slow. In the latter case, it has a calming and relaxing effect on the body. The same effect is achieved with an average pace of the procedure. With a quick massage, the nervous system is stimulated.
  • By the nature of the impact. Basically, this includes the variety of techniques with which you can influence the patient’s body. These are stroking, kneading, rubbing, vibration and others. Almost all types of massage include complexes of such effects in one or another combination.
  • By methods of implementation. With this classification, massage is divided into manual (when a specialist works only with his hands) and hardware (special devices are used). In addition, massage on the body can be performed with the feet, which is typical for oriental medicine, or with the help of additional devices (cupping massage). For different diseases, either a separate type of mechanical effect on the skin or a combination of different techniques can be used.
  • By purpose. This criterion implies the division of massage according to its purpose. General, therapeutic, classical, sports and other types of effects on the patient’s body are distinguished.

Depending on the problem with which a person contacts a specialist, the appropriate type of massage will be selected.

Systematization of massage

Over the centuries-old history of the development of massage, several systems have emerged that have become widespread throughout the world. The most famous of them - Finnish, Swedish and Russian - belong to the European school of massage. No less popular Korean and Thai systems are part of the Eastern school. Let us consider in more detail the features of each of the existing systems.

Swedish system

It includes several basic techniques: rubbing, kneading and stroking. A special feature of this system is that about 30% of the total massage time is spent developing movements in the joints. That is why this system has become so widespread in the sports environment.

A special feature of the Swedish school of massage is the strength of its impact on the patient’s muscles. This is a deep massage that is aimed at stretching the neurovascular bundles. During the session, the specialist conducts a complete palpation diagnosis of the patient’s condition, determines the presence and localization of pathological seals. The massage program is developed separately for each patient, depending on the results of the examination.

The sequence of treated areas also differs. The massage goes from bottom to top - sequentially from foot to shoulder. The classical school offers a different focus when working with the patient's body.

Russian system

This school is fundamentally different from all others. It includes many techniques that replace each other. This saves specialist effort. In this case, the main method of influence is the kneading technique. It helps improve the removal of lactic acid from the muscles, which is especially important during heavy physical activity.

All techniques used in the Russian system are distributed in accordance with the anatomical structure and disease of the patient.

The pace and depth of the massage are distributed according to the same principle.

Another feature of this school is the complexity of its impact. The large number of techniques used makes it possible to solve many problems at once. Changing the speed of the massage therapist’s work and the depth of pressure on the body affects both internal organs and the skin.

Finnish system

This system is somewhat similar to the Swedish one, but at the same time there are significant differences. As in the Swedish school of massage, massage is carried out from the bottom up. But the pressure is applied only with the pads of the thumbs.

Due to the poverty of the techniques used (mostly just rubbing), this system has not become as widespread as the two listed above. Recently, the Finnish school has begun to use the kneading technique, which was introduced into it from the Swedish system.

Eastern system

She has a number of features that are unique to her. The main difference is the fact that when massaging, it is carried out not only with the help of hands, but also with the help of feet. For maximum contact with the patient’s body, and, consequently, for a deeper effect, no oils or special creams are used during the massage.

The main goal of oriental massage can be considered to be the liberation of tissues from decay products, which makes them more elastic.

In addition to the classical techniques used in European massage, the Eastern school also includes twisting of limbs. Despite the variety of methods of influence used in this technique, massaging is always carried out with great pressure.

This allows you to maximize the development of problem areas and promotes rapid recovery of the body.

The school of oriental massage also includes meridian massage, the teaching of which is based on the concept of meridians along which energy moves. The impact is on biologically active points located along the meridians.

Pressure on certain points is also widely used in acupressure, which is also widespread in the East. In this case, massage can be carried out both with hands and with special devices.

Types of massage

As mentioned above, massage is divided not only by the pace and depth of impact, but also by the purpose of its implementation. Below are the most common types of this physical therapy method.

Classic massage

The purpose of this type of effect on the body is to improve blood circulation, normalize the functioning of internal organs and activate the immune system. Improving metabolism ensures the removal of toxins and improves skin elasticity.

Classic massage is a good prophylactic remedy for preventing the development of many diseases. The complex of techniques used (stroking, kneading, rubbing, effleurage) allows you to immediately influence large muscle groups and internal systems.

The main techniques of classical massage include the following methods of influence.

  • Stroking. This is the main technique with which any massage begins. Movements should be smooth and calm. Stroking has a relaxing effect; it seems to prepare the patient’s body for further exposure.
  • Trituration. This technique is designed to improve blood flow to problem areas, thereby softening scars and other seals.
  • Squeezing. Performed with the inside of the palm or fist. The main task is to improve blood circulation and lymph outflow.
  • Vibration. Thanks to this method of influence, the functioning of the neuromuscular system improves and muscle spasms are relieved.
  • Kneading. This technique improves muscle tone. The depth of exposure helps stimulate the removal of lactic acid and other breakdown products.
  • Pat. One of the most profound methods of influence. Aimed at stimulating the functioning of internal organs.


This is one of the most effective treatment methods, actively used in physiotherapy. It is prescribed at all stages of treatment, but it becomes most effective during the rehabilitation stage.

In combination with the main method of treatment, medical massage enhances the effect of drugs and stimulates the process of tissue restoration.

Depending on the area of ​​influence, therapeutic massage is divided into the following subtypes.

  • Gynecological. Reduces the tone of the uterus, improves blood circulation in the pelvis. It is widely used in the postoperative period, as it is a good prophylactic agent that prevents the development of adhesions. Improves postpartum recovery, increases libido.
  • Urological. It is used for diseases of the prostate, seminal vesicles and pathological processes of the urinary system.
  • Dermatological. Prescribed for inflammatory skin diseases. By improving blood circulation and lymph outflow, regeneration processes are improved and the process of removing decay products is accelerated.
  • Ophthalmological. It is used for problems with the oculomotor nerve and functional vision loss. Improving blood circulation helps solve many ophthalmological problems.
  • Dental. Recommended for pathologies of the maxillofacial area. In this case, the massage is carried out both with hands and with the help of special equipment.
  • Otolaryngological. Prescribed for diseases of the ENT organs. The neck and face area is massaged. In otolaryngology, in addition to classical massage, acupressure techniques are widely used.
  • Speech therapy. Used for speech disorders, widespread in childhood. The impact is carried out on the masticatory and articulatory muscles. Due to their constant stimulation, the speech apparatus develops and speech therapy problems are solved.

The peculiarity of therapeutic massage is that only a qualified specialist can prescribe it after a thorough examination of the whole body.

Sports massage

This is a special type of direction in a massage school. It has a deeper effect on all muscle groups. It is truly indispensable both when preparing an athlete for an upcoming competition, and during the recovery period after an injury.
Depending on your goals, there are several specific subtypes of this massage.

  • Preliminary. The main task of such a massage is to prepare the athlete’s body as much as possible for the upcoming loads. The intensive massage technique used stimulates the nervous system, promoting the release of adrenaline. As a result, tension is relieved, and the athlete is more prepared for high loads.
  • Training. It is required to be included in the training complex before the competition. The main direction of such a massage is maximum preparation of those areas that are subject to the main load - for example, when preparing swimmers, special attention is paid to the hands.
  • Restorative (rehabilitation). Used after completion of all exercise, it helps restore overstrained muscle groups. Stimulation of blood circulation promotes rapid healing of microtraumas.

Sports massage helps reduce the sensitivity of nerve endings, resolve swelling and bruises. Its task is also to strengthen the muscle corset and prevent atrophy of those muscle groups that are not used during basic training.

Baby massage

Massage used in pediatrics combines the key points of classical and therapeutic massage. Its main difference is that when affecting a child’s body, there is a fairly wide range of restrictions and contraindications. That is why children's massage is classified as a separate subtype.

Massaging a child strengthens his immunity and is used in complex therapy for a number of diseases.

Massage is widely used in pediatric orthopedics. It helps correct the problems of flat feet and club feet in a child. Corrects posture and corrects spinal curvature.

It is difficult to overestimate the impact of massage on a child’s development. Muscles are closely connected to the central nervous system. When muscle fibers are irritated, the resulting impulses are transmitted through neurons to the brain. Thanks to this, not only the physical, but also the psycho-emotional development of the baby improves.

Segmental reflex massage

This massage differs from other subtypes in its effect on certain parts of the spinal cord and in the technique of its implementation.

As for the techniques used in this type of massage, in addition to the basic ones used in the classical technique, stretching, sawing, shaking, squeezing and others are used here.

Based on the mechanism of action, several directions of this type of massage can be distinguished.

  • Connective tissue. It is based on the effect on reflex zones that are located in connective tissues. It is carried out with 3-4 fingers, the main technique involves displacing the skin and subcutaneous tissue.
  • Segmental. It is based on the doctrine that any disease entails changes not only in the damaged organ, but also in certain areas of the body innervated by a certain area of ​​the spinal cord.
  • Periosteal. It consists of acting on bony protrusions and the most clearly defined places of attachment of tendons and muscles.

In segmental reflex massage, oriental techniques of acupressure are widely used.

Psychobiostructural massage

This is a special type of massage that includes European and Eastern schools. Its main feature can be considered the inclusion in one session of more than 50 types of techniques used in body massage. In this case, any repetitions are completely excluded.

This subtype is mainly included in the complex of cosmetic and sports massage. As for the mechanisms of influence, the main ones include the following.

  • Myostructural. Helps build muscles and improve muscle endurance.
  • Neurosedative. Has a relaxing effect and relieves increased irritation.
  • Lymphatic drainage. Promotes the removal of lactic acid and other breakdown products.

Cosmetic massage

Used as an effective means to maintain skin in good condition. Prevents the appearance of wrinkles, relieves puffiness, and fights cosmetic imperfections.

There are several varieties of this massage.

Preventive helps to moisturize the skin. By increasing blood circulation, its nutrition improves and oxygen saturation increases. It is a good preventative against early skin aging and improves its appearance.

Therapeutic and cosmetic is used for existing problems with the skin. Effectively fights cellulite, stretch marks, excess weight. Promotes the removal of personal fluid, due to which the figure is corrected.

Plastic surgery is carried out to restore tone and increase skin elasticity. There is a good result in the fight against deep wrinkles and other cosmetic imperfections.

Cosmetic massage can be performed at any age. For those who are under 30 years old, this is a good way to prevent the appearance of the first signs of aging, facial wrinkles. Therapeutic and cosmetic massage is prescribed at a more mature age and is good at combating irreversible changes in the skin.

For older people, plastic massage is a good way to combat age-related changes, which not only improves the appearance of the skin, but also improves its regenerative functions.

Hardware massage

Massaging problem areas is carried out not only with the hands, but also with the help of special equipment or devices. Vacuum massage is widespread, which is a good preventive and therapeutic tool in the fight against cellulite. Honey massage has the same effect, which restores the contour of the body and improves the appearance of the skin.

Cryomassage (using nitrogen) is prescribed for problems with facial skin. Effectively fights minor inflammatory processes, improves trophism, stimulates improved blood circulation in small capillaries.

Hydromassage (underwater, Charcot shower, circulation) is widely used in physiotherapy. This type of impact on the body is unusually popular for pathologies of the spinal column. It speeds up recovery after illness and improves mobility in damaged joints. By relieving pressure from pinched nerve roots, pain relief occurs during hernias and other degenerative changes in the spinal column.

Ultrasonic massage. Actively used in cosmetology and physiotherapy. Thanks to the high penetrating ability of vibration waves, ultrasound massage can effectively combat the appearance of “orange peel” and other skin imperfections. In physiotherapy, this type of massage is used in combination with medications. Ultrasound helps the substance penetrate deep into the cells, which significantly increases its effectiveness.

Baromassage. To carry it out you need a special camera. The effect is carried out by changing the air pressure in the pressure chamber. It is prescribed for diseases of the respiratory tract, cardiovascular system and pathologies of the spinal column.

There are still quite a few different types of hardware massage, but all of them are carried out only under the supervision of qualified specialists.


Not everyone has the opportunity to contact a specialist immediately after the occurrence of some pathological processes in the body. Therefore, the technique of self-massage at home is becoming increasingly widespread. This is a simple procedure that can be carried out without the help of outsiders. It is only important to know a number of certain rules.

  • Massage of the limbs is carried out in the direction from bottom to top, that is, from the tips of the fingers to the shoulder or thigh.
  • All movements are carried out smoothly and should not cause pain. It is better to moisturize the skin with cream or oil first.
  • After self-massage, it is not recommended to get up immediately after it is finished. Massaging the skin and muscles has a warming effect. To preserve it, it is recommended to lie down for 5-10 minutes under a warm blanket.

Self-massage can be performed to alleviate the condition of any disease and for cosmetic purposes. Self-massage of the face is very popular among women. It allows you to improve facial contours, remove puffiness and effectively fight other age-related changes.

Complex treatment with massage and other physiotherapeutic methods

Massage is a complete treatment method used in physiotherapy. It is used both as an independent method of treatment and in combination with other procedures.

Mechanical effects on the body can be combined with the following types of physiotherapy.

  • magnetotherapy, which uses magnetic waves of different frequencies;
  • inhalation, which is especially effective in the treatment of respiratory tract diseases;
  • ultrasound therapy, widely used for dystrophic changes in the spinal column;
  • electrotherapy, which includes darsonval, electrosleep and other effective methods to combat many pathologies;
  • oxygen therapy, popular during pregnancy among women. In combination with a relaxing massage, it has a beneficial effect on the condition of the mother, and, consequently, the unborn child.

It is not recommended to combine massage and UV irradiation, as well as taking galvanic and radon baths. And stress on the spine during water traction is also contraindicated. This can lead to overstrain of joints and ligaments, which can lead to adverse consequences.

If, in addition to massage, electrotherapy was prescribed, it is recommended to first massage the body and only then contact a physiotherapist.

Prescribing massage in combination with other types of physiotherapy allows you to achieve maximum effect in the shortest possible time. And if at the same time an additional course of drug therapy is carried out, then you can be sure of a speedy relief from the developed disease.

Today, massage is the most effective way to treat many diseases. It is widely used in sports, cosmetology, medical practice and other fields. Despite the centuries-old history of development and accumulated knowledge, its technology does not stand still. New research is constantly emerging in this area, making it possible to successfully treat pathologies that were previously considered hopeless.

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Massage is the impact on the patient’s body with the help of hands, special devices and devices, carried out by a massage therapist, with the aim of providing a therapeutic, health-improving, relaxing and relaxing effect. Some types of body massage were formed as originally therapeutic areas, and some techniques are aimed at meditation and studying one’s sensuality.

Designed specifically for athletes, it is a type of massage for men and women leading an active lifestyle. His goals:

  • relieving fatigue;
  • relaxation and release of the body from tension;
  • rehabilitation after injuries.

Sports massage is included in the training complex and prepares athletes for successful participation in competitions. Direction of restorative influence:

  • increased blood supply to joints;
  • muscle relaxation;
  • cleansing the skin of dying cells, activating capillary circulation;
  • opening pores for epithelial respiration;
  • removal of waste through the sebaceous and sweat glands;
  • restoration of vascular activity.

After the massage, the ability of all parts of the body to function normally is renewed, rested and restored muscles are ready for new work.

Indications: changes in the muscular system due to stress, risk of injury, rehabilitation after injury.

Contraindications: diseases, inflammatory processes, pregnancy.

Sports massage techniques can both excite the nervous system and calm it. They often consist of:

  • Stroking. Rhythmic stroking movements with the hands can be carried out at both a fast and slow pace. Feature: one hand copies the movement of the second. A slow pace leads to relaxation.
  • Squeezing movements. They are produced by applying pressure from the palm and thumb.
  • Rubbing is an energetic effect, necessary to disperse stagnation and further remove it through the lymph nodes.
  • Impacts on the body associated with the resistance of the person being massaged. Produced to warm up muscles.


The function of therapeutic massage is to restore the body after illnesses. The technique of healing massage depends on what type of illness the rehabilitation is taking place from.

Massaging movements can be carried out both on the entire body and on its individual parts. Movements are performed in the direction of lymph flow and help stimulate its movement.

Diseases that require restorative massage treatments:

  • radiculitis;
  • arthritis;
  • bronchitis;
  • diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • nervous diseases;
  • cardiovascular;
  • disorders in the musculoskeletal system.
  • intense physical activity and recovery after fractures.

Massage is not intended for the treatment of diseases, but for recovery after treatment. Therefore, the main contraindication is the disease in its active phase, both physical and mental illness, as well as any types of intoxication, pregnancy.

  • Classical- a set of techniques for influencing body tissue, based on the principle of deepening penetration into tissue layers. Types of European classical massage: Russian, Finnish and Swedish. Russian massage is performed in the form of movements along the flow of lymph; stroking and pinching are used during the movements. Finnish refers to a type of back massage designed to relieve pain. Swedish is a subtype of classical massage with an accentuated effect on the joints.
  • Reflex. It influences areas to cause nerve reflexes, which have a certain effect on the nervous system.


The massage mainly affects the back, which has a large number of points and nerve endings; when activated, a state of rest and relaxation spreads throughout the body. The process is carried out using special aromatic oils, accompanied by unobtrusive music, which promotes the activation of alpha waves (waves that occur in the brain during the process of falling asleep).

The patient needs to show trust in the process, let go of all unnecessary thoughts, then his sensations will be deeper, a minimum of resistance will allow the massage therapist to come into contact with the patient. The meditative and emotional component makes relaxing massage one of the favorite types of massage for women.

Main goals of massage:

  • relieving fatigue;
  • immersion in deep relaxation;
  • calming the nervous system.

Indications: stress, fatigue, chronic tension of individual parts of the body.

Contraindications: oncology, skin and blood lesions, inflammatory and purulent processes, infections, thrombosis.

  • Stroking is a wide movement of the palm and its edge for the purpose of primary softening of the epithelium, intended to prepare the skin for in-depth exposure.
  • Rubbing is done to warm up the deeper layers of the skin, using hand movements in a zigzag shape.
  • Kneading individual points is done on heated skin. Methods of kneading: with knuckles, thumbs, by pressing the right hand on the left, with the elbow. Kneading can be either targeted or rhythmic up the spine. This technique is carried out with the aim of activating blood flow in the spinal column.
  • Vibration presses are made using rhythmic point pressure of the index and middle finger with both hands.
  • Standard back massage using oil;
  • Full body massage.
  • Foot massage.
  • Neck and shoulder massage.
  • Head and face massage.
  • Deep massage is a longer session that can put you into a deep trance state and start the body’s self-healing process.


Baby massage can be prescribed to a child from the first 3 months after birth; techniques are selected depending on age and problem.

Contraindications: vaccinations, crying before the procedure, illness.

  • Medicinal. Intended for the treatment of developmental pathologies.
  • Correctional. Prescribed after a course of treatment.
  • Prophylactic. Used to avoid developmental disorders.
  • Stroking is a soothing movement in the direction of lymph flow.
  • Rubbing - intense actions are performed by the phalanges of the fingers.
  • Kneading - circular movements targeting muscles.
  • Vibration - vibrations of individual areas of the body to relieve spasms, performed with two index fingers simultaneously.


Cosmetic massage is done for the face and body. Its functions are to improve skin quality, fight skin diseases, and stop the aging of the epithelium. During the session, special products (ointments, oils, cosmetic products) are used.

Indications for facial massage: skin diseases, excessive fatty epithelial layer, aging, chronic tension of the facial muscles, dark circles around the eyes, sagging facial contour.

Contraindications: allergic reactions to oils used for massage, increased intracranial pressure, viral infections and inflammatory processes in the body.

  • Classical. It is performed using cream or oil and consists of stroking and rubbing movements of the fingers.
  • Myostimulating. Movements on dry skin are carried out with force and pressure. Helps get rid of excess oily skin and improve muscle tone of the face.
  • Pinch according to Jacquet. His technique involves pinching the skin along massage lines.
  • Sculptural. This is a type of manual massage associated with a deep impact on all layers of the skin using several types of massaging movements - pressing, stroking, pinching.
  • Lymphatic drainage. This type of massage triggers the correct movement of lymph in the facial area. Promotes facial rejuvenation. It is done both manually and using a special apparatus.


Eastern countries are rich in massage techniques.

Indications for use: nervous disorders, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, stress. Oriental massages will help you achieve a state of deep meditation, which will launch restoration processes in the energetic and physical body.

For almost every subtype of oriental massage, a contraindication may be skin diseases, inflammatory processes, infections. If the purpose of massage is treatment, then it is necessary to discuss existing diseases with the master and find out what pathological processes in the body can be cured by massage. If the purpose of massage is relaxation, then the presence of diseases is a contraindication.

  • Point (Acupressure). It is based on the idea of ​​the presence of meridian channels through which Qi energy flows; in the basic state, these channels are clean and supply the human body with energy, its organs receive sufficient nutrition. According to Chinese philosophy, if these channels become clogged, then energy stops flowing into the physical body and a problem arises. Acupressure is designed to use stimulation of certain points to unblock a clogged channel and restore the correct movement of energy along the meridian. Types of acupressure: acupuncture and finger stimulation. The location of the points itself is the same, however, for the acupuncture procedure you need to be very skilled in the technique and have the appropriate tool. To practice acupressure, it is enough to know the location of the points and learn how to press them correctly with your thumbs.
  • Thai. The massage is based on Ayurveda and Chinese medicine. It is not intended for relaxation, but for healing. It consists of a set of movements with the arms and legs from a position, both standing and sitting; the massage therapist can take a certain position while in contact with the client. Pressure can occur with the hand, foot, or elbow. With his hands, the massage therapist can probe the body, examining it and finding a pain point, which he then seeks to massage. Relaxation and healing effect occurs due to the release of tension in the internal muscles.
  • Guasha- one of the types of Chinese massage. It is carried out using scrapers - these are plates of various sizes made of stones and animal bones. The massage is performed using oil; the technique allows you to adjust the depth of pressure.
  • Canning- another type of Chinese massage. Cupping massage uses an original technique. Special jars are placed at certain points according to the energy of the meridians; the skin is first lubricated with ointment or oil. After installation, the massage therapist gently glides the cups, this procedure has a relaxing effect and harmonizes the energy of the meridians.
  • Qigong. This is a very subtle type of Chinese massage, it is aimed at healing not only the body, but also the energy field. It is not enough for a massage therapist to know some memorized movements; he must feel the human body and know where the meridians pass. The massage therapist tests how energy flows through the meridians. With the help of special movements, he harmonizes the body, intuitively feeling where to touch. The movements correspond to the elements. Strong pressure - earth, point pressure - metal, rubbing - fire, stroking - water, non-contact touch - air, pinching - wood.
  • Amma- This is a Japanese meridian massage. Performed from a sitting position. The master determines which parts correspond to Yang energy and which to Yin energy. Then he covers the Yin parts with a pillow and stimulates the Yang areas. It is believed that this procedure harmonizes the Yin and Yang energies in the body.
  • Shiatsu- a type of Japanese massage, which is carried out by pressing on biologically active points of the body, which are selected intuitively. Pressure is applied both with the fingers and the base of the palm. It can be short - a few seconds and long - 1-3 minutes.
  • Ayurvedic. This is the application of essential oils to the human body in order to relax along certain lines. Various oils can be used, each of which brings the effect described in Ayurveda. The massage can be either short or long, up to 3 hours, which leads to deep relaxation.


Indications for hardware massage: cellulite, nervous diseases, excess weight, radiculitis.

Contraindications: diseases of the cardiovascular system, problems with blood pressure, pregnancy, infections, inflammatory processes, diseases of the blood and lymph.

  • Vibromassage. It is performed using a vibratode device. Indicated for restoring lymph flow and kneading muscles.
  • Hydromassage. It has several subtypes: underwater massage, Charcot shower, circular. All of them are types of massage for weight loss and provide an anti-cellulite effect. Massage using directed jets of water in special baths, such as Jacuzzis and swimming pools, helps calm the nervous system, is used for varicose veins, treats the spine and relieves chronic fatigue.
  • Ultrasonic. Produced using special equipment. Relieves spasms, pain and inflammation.
  • Vacuum. This is a type of anti-cellulite massage. The impact is carried out using a special device, the suction cups of which are attached to the body and pump out air over certain areas, and then start it up again. Helps heal the nervous system.
  • Canned. It is performed by sliding the cans over the oiled body in the direction of the lymph flow. Types of cupping massage: Chinese and Russian. Their procedure is similar. The only difference is that Chinese massage takes into account the meridian lines, while Russian massage only takes into account the direction of movement of the lymph.
  • Pressure chamber. The massage is performed inside a pressure chamber using an artificial change in atmospheric pressure.


Erotic massage is received to experience sexual pleasure, satisfaction and explore your sensuality. The session requires an appropriate atmosphere that causes complete relaxation and pleasant music.

Erotic massage techniques are different, this is a field for experimentation. Its peculiarity is that it begins with a full body massage. The massage therapist uses pleasant stroking movements on the back, legs, and buttocks. The person being massaged can be either lying on his back or on his stomach.

Gradually, as you stroke, the massage therapist touches the erogenous zones. In men - buttocks, testicles, penis. For women, it is worth starting with light touches of the erogenous zones, then random tingling may occur, stimulation of the clitoris begins with rare touches. The essence of erotic massage is the gradual intensification of pleasure, due to the fact that touches flow from very light to more intense and smoothly turn into targeted stimulation of one or two erogenous zones at the same time, which leads the patient to an inevitable orgasm. However, in the process of erotic massage, it is not so much the orgasm itself that is important, but the entire process.

Erotic massage can be used both for pleasure and for medicinal purposes - vaginismus, anorgasmia in women, erectile dysfunction in men. Difficulties in arousal are sometimes associated with mental tension arising from the relationship with a partner, massage promotes mental relaxation and helps to focus on the sensations rather than the emotions associated with the relationship. This helps a person learn to highlight his sensuality as an independent process.

  • Classic massage with stimulation of erogenous zones by massage techniques;
  • Thai body massage which the girl spends with her body;
  • Aqua foam carried out in a bathroom or Turkish steam room using gel or soap foam.
  • Tantricmassage is a massage direction that appeared based on the practices of Osho Tantra. The practice of tantra leads to the achievement of inner harmony between feelings and sensations in the process of intimacy with a partner. Tantric meditative massage is performed by a massage therapist who helps the patient enter a state of contact, trust and meditation.

Various types of massage and their descriptions

Massage in the modern sense is a method of treatment using systematic techniques: stroking, rubbing, kneading, tapping and vibration or shaking.

Massage has been known for its healing, relaxing and revitalizing effects for many hundreds of years. A massage performed by the hands of a professional is incomparable to anything else. Perhaps you have noticed that after just one or two massage procedures, real miracles happen: the skin becomes elastic and smooth, painful migraine attacks pass, the body seems to awaken, it is filled with energy and strength.

History of massage

The history of the development of massage is very difficult to trace, since this type of treatment (health) has a very pronounced national character and developed in each country in its own specific direction. Therefore, one type of classification is based on the country of origin (or development) of a certain area of ​​massage. And although the emergence of massage dates back to the birth of humanity (since people from time immemorial have been stroking and rubbing to relieve pain), fixed confirmation dates back to the 6th century BC - at that time already in Ancient China there were schools for training doctors who studied massage as one of the important disciplines.

And here is what Hippocrates (4th century BC) said about massage:
“A doctor must be experienced in many things, and no less in massage, because massage can bind a joint that is too relaxed and soften a joint that is too tight. Rubbing causes contraction or relaxation of tissues, leading to fullness or emaciation; soft, gentle and moderate rubbing thickens tissues, and dry and frequent rubbing tightens them.”

The famous physician Avicenna (ibn Sina), in his classic work “The Canon of Medicine” and “The Book of Healing,” divided massage into types. He proposed the following mini-classification:

  • relaxing
  • preparatory
  • strengthening
  • restorative.

The main classification (enlarged) of massage includes massage:

  • sports
  • medicinal
  • hygienic
  • cosmetic

The most common types of massage and their descriptions

Swedish massage

Swedish massage belongs to the European school.
This is the most common type of massage. This is the type of massage that many people think of when they hear the word “massage” or when they are trying to give themselves or someone else a good massage. Swedish massage uses a combination of the following basic techniques:

  • long and wide strokes (effleurage, stroking). As a rule, they are performed at the beginning and end of the massage;
  • massaging and squeezing muscles (kneading): they work on the muscles literally as if they were kneading dough;
  • rubbing, during which deep pressure is applied to certain points with the tips or knuckles of the fingers, or the thumb;
  • rhythmic tapping (tapping): rapid percussive movements similar to chopping (grinding) blows and even pounding (crushing). Although some experts argue that the technique of such percussive techniques is no longer welcome in Swedish massage due to the fact that it does not promote relaxation (slashing blows to a naked, oiled body can cause discomfort and is comparable to karate blows).

Best for: stress relief, relaxation, loosening tight or tense muscles, couples massage, and as an introductory part to a massage.

Deep muscle massage

As the name suggests, deep muscle massage applies deep pressure to specific problem areas. It's very similar to someone deliberately torturing you by pressing on your tight (tight) muscles. And after the massage you may still have a painful sensation. This is not just applying increased pressure to the entire body (that would be real torture), it is a very specific, methodical treatment.

Massage therapy experts explain: Deep muscle massage is a very specific therapeutic massage in which the therapist uses his fingers and elbows to cut into the muscle tissue as deeply as possible.

Sounds harsh and intrusive? The way it is! This massage is definitely not for everyone. However, there are millions of people who would never want to be treated in any other way. These types of (therapeutic) interventions may be useful for the following people:

  1. athletes whose bodies are significantly denser (due to muscle tissue) than the average person;
  2. for people undergoing physical therapy to help the process of breaking down scar tissue (ONLY AFTER PROPER HEALING);
  3. or for those who have very dense muscle tissue and, thus, are better amenable to this particular massage effect.

It is very important to ALWAYS inform your therapist during such a massage that the pressure needs to be adjusted (that is, if it needs to be loosened when the penetration is too deep, or increased when it is not deep enough). Almost everyone needs more pressure in some areas and less pressure in others. This occurs because the muscle tissue containing trigger points is more sensitive to pressure and may be tender to the touch.

This is not the massage you should consider if you want to feel relaxation during your therapy. After such a massage, you may (but not necessarily) have pain for several days.

Best for: Treatment of sedentary, painful problem spots (such as the shoulder area).

Shiatsu massage

Shiatsu literally means “finger pressure.” This is a fairly ancient massage technique originally from Japan. The idea of ​​this massage is to equalize imbalances in your body (even out energy flows). Traditional medicine does not classify (does not confirm) this type of massage as a treatment method. Although experts who use shiatsu massage say that it:

  • has a positive effect on the sympathetic nervous system (calms);
  • relieves muscle tension;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • relieves stress.

This type of massage has proven to be very effective in cosmetology, as an element of procedures for tightening the skin and improving complexion.
Shiatsu massage (as pressure on certain points) is part of lymphatic drainage massage, in which the movement ends with gentle pressure (fixation) in the area of ​​​​the lymph nodes.

Unlike some other types of massage, it is performed while the patient is dressed.

Video: Shiatsu head massage.

Sports massage

This type of massage is designed specifically for people with a high degree of physical activity and, of course, primarily for professional athletes. And for athletes, this is simply a separate part of the physical training system.

Sports massage includes Swedish massage and shiatsu and other methods that allow you to reach the specific area that is most heavily involved in a particular sport. Athletes often use massage to prepare for peak performance, to prevent injury, or to treat an injury. Therefore, sports massage is also divided into massage:

  1. training - it solves specific problems depending on the type of sport (increasing the amplitude of movement, relaxing a particular muscle group...);
  2. preliminary - massage carried out immediately before the load and its task is to increase the functionality of the athlete. is carried out immediately before performing at competitions);
  3. restorative.

Sports clinic specialists claim that sports massage:

  • increases blood and lymphatic fluid circulation;
  • provides a certain stretching of muscle tissue and muscle relaxation;
  • reduces pain.

Hot stone massage

This type of massage comes from China. It is used to relax tired muscles.

Several types of stones are used: hot and cold (room temperature).

Hot stones warm muscles and tissues quite deeply. Due to this, muscles and tissues relax. This is important, since the cause of most modern diseases is stress, which leads to “tightness and stiffness” of the muscles.

  • the body is pre-lubricated with massage oil (the stones are also lubricated with oil for better glide);
  • stones are placed on some areas of the body (heels, neck...) and they lie there throughout the massage;
  • first, movements are made with warm hands (the massage therapist takes the stones out of the oven and the hands take part of the temperature) so that the client feels and prepares for the fact that the stones are hot;
  • movements are made quickly enough so as not to burn.

Massage on massage chairs

Of course, you have seen these massive massage chairs in large shopping centers, beauty salons, spas and even large offices. This massage is very convenient because you do not need to take off your clothes, you will not be anointed with oil, you do not need to allocate enough time and the risks of negative effects are quite low.

The bad thing is that it is impossible to get a whole body massage in a massage chair; this massage is aimed at a separate part of the body (back, feet...). It’s also not going to be much easier to relax, because... Visitors walking nearby have an “invigorating” effect. However, this massage can relieve a certain degree of tension in the lumbar or neck area. Although from a professional point of view, this is rather an introductory chord to a real massage.

Thai massage

This is the most invigorating massage. The massage therapist influences and works with the whole body. Sometimes this massage is called “yoga for the lazy.” Thai massage includes:

  • deep pressure on muscle tissue;
  • passive exercises, very similar to yoga asanas;
  • reflexology;
  • stretching;
  • opening of joints;
  • acupressure.

How is Thai massage performed and what happens during it?

The first and surprising thing for those who have heard about Thai massage is that the person being massaged is dressed in light pants and a T-shirt. A Thai massage session is quite long: from 1 to 3 hours. The client lies on a special sports mat during the massage. This is also the difference between this type of massage and classic ones.

The massage begins with pressure on certain points on the feet, which should lead to relaxation and calming of the client. All movements of the massage therapist: soft, smooth and deep.

During body twists, similar to the practice of yoga, it is possible to influence deep-lying skeletal muscles that are inaccessible to conventional classical massage. The whole body is deeply stretched, tense muscles gradually relax and return to normal. Since in Thai massage the entire body is worked out, from the heels to the crown, even the most deeply hidden muscle tension becomes the object of careful work - in such places the massage therapist lingers, kneading the tense place. Signals about this also go to the brain. By pressing on special reflexogenic points responsible for the functioning of organs and systems of the body, an additional healing effect is achieved.

Classification of massage depending on the body part being massaged

Full body massage is not always used, nor is it always the most appropriate. Often, to achieve a particular goal, it is better to concentrate and massage individual parts of the body.

Hand massage

The muscles of the arms are affected by the heavy loads they experience every day. As a result of accumulated tension, muscle pain radiates to the shoulders or neck. Hand massage relieves these unpleasant sensations. Indications for it include sprains, tendon tears and joint dislocations, ligament ruptures, and previous bone fractures. It is also effective in cases of Raynaud's disease, obliterating atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower/upper extremities, vibration disease, previous hemorrhagic/ischemic stroke, and injuries of peripheral nerves.

Foot massage

Foot massage promotes muscle relaxation after physical activity, prevents the appearance of edema and the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Stimulates blood and lymphatic outflow, relieves feelings of heaviness, cramps and muscle fatigue. Indications for massage: high physical activity, nagging pain and spasms. It is also necessary for diseases of the ligaments and joints, vegetative-vascular dystonia, cellulite, muscle and ligament sprains, recovery after surgery or injury, migraines, hypotension, atherosclerosis.

Foot massage

Foot massage activates the entire body, and not just the leg muscles, as those unfamiliar with this massage might think. There are many reflex points on the soles of the feet that influence a person’s well-being. By influencing them, you can “establish” the work of different organs. It improves hemodynamics and metabolism, relieves general fatigue, increases immunity, stimulates the nervous and cardiovascular system, normalizes sleep, reduces or completely eliminates swelling of the legs, which together gives a general health effect. This massage is indicated for acute respiratory infections, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, hemodynamic disorders, stress and anxiety, headaches, arrhythmia, and nausea.

Abdominal massage

Abdominal massage is effective in preventing many diseases. It improves intestinal function, which helps with problems such as persistent long-term constipation or intestinal atony, improves the secretory function of the pancreas and liver, and normalizes digestion. Abdominal massage is also effective for cellulite. It is indicated for flatulence, colitis, congestion in the pelvis, prostatitis, biliary dyskinesia, and long-term diseases of the reproductive system. It is very important that the massage is performed by an experienced specialist! It is necessary to consult a doctor and undergo an examination. An improperly performed massage can harm important organs, and in the presence of certain diseases it is even contraindicated!

Before performing any massage, you should consult a specialist about possible contraindications.

Therapeutic massage and its types

Therapeutic massage is a course medical procedure. We will look at what types of massage there are and what problems can be solved with its help in this article.

Therapeutic massage is one of the most ancient ways to strengthen and improve health. It appeared when man had neither medicine nor medical science. Over the centuries, methods have been improved, and now modern doctors use massage as one of the highly effective means for treating many diseases.

The main advantages of therapeutic massage are: a wide spectrum of action, a small number of contraindications, a beneficial effect on the general condition, and the fact that the treatment is carried out without the use of medications.

In the previous article, we mentioned that massage and manual therapy should not be confused. Massage affects the skin and soft tissues, while manual therapy works with joints, ligaments, muscles, and bones.

Therapeutic massage is effective:

  1. for general strengthening of the body;
  2. during rehabilitation after injury or illness;
  3. as part of complex therapy or as an independent remedy for the treatment of diseases:
  • of cardio-vascular system,
  • nervous system,
  • musculoskeletal system,
  • joints,
  • digestive system,
  • respiratory tract,
  • as well as treatment of flat feet, obesity, salt deposits, poor posture, neuritis and neuralgia, blood pressure, disorders in the field of gynecology, ophthalmology, dermatology.

Of course, the advisability of a massage should be determined by the attending physician. Depending on individual indications, he decides what massage is needed, with what frequency and how many procedures the patient needs to achieve a positive treatment result.

Therapeutic massage comes in different types and produces significant results only when it is prescribed by a doctor and performed by a highly qualified massage therapist.

There are the following types of therapeutic massage:

1. Classic

It is performed directly in the affected area or in an area adjacent to it. The techniques that are familiar to us are used without taking into account the reflex component.

2. Spot

Classic massage techniques are used, and reflexogenic points are also worked out. Impact on such points has an effect on the organs associated with them, relieves pain, relieves spasms and nervous tension.

3. Periosteal

It involves influencing pain points that have a reflex connection with damaged systems and organs. It is effective for treating the musculoskeletal system and joints.

4. Connective tissue

As the name suggests, this type of massage affects the connective tissue in reflex areas.

5. Reflex

Impact on internal organs through certain areas of the skin. It is carried out by stimulating nerve endings connected to the spinal cord, which send impulses to the organs.

6. Hardware

This massage is performed using devices that use various impact technologies: ultrasound, radio waves, infrared radiation, electrical impulses, vacuum, vibration, mechanical impact with a roller massager. Sometimes the device implements a combination of effects, for example, vacuum-roller massage.

7. Self-massage

You can massage yourself, but how and in what cases should be explained by your attending physician.

Let us emphasize once again that therapeutic massage is a medical procedure, and therefore, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions. The doctor will determine the type of massage, as well as the number and intensity of procedures. Massage is a course procedure, and results should not be expected from one session.

The Apecsmed clinic employs qualified neurologists and massage therapists. We prescribe massage both as part of complex therapy and separately - to successfully solve the above-mentioned health problems.

What types of massage are there: description and beneficial effects

Body massage is a very effective and useful procedure, there are many ways to perform it. Depending on the methodology, equipment used and methods of influence, the main types of massage can be classified. A detailed description of each of them is provided below.

Classic massage technique

The main variety includes the so-called general classic body massage. This is a sequential workout of all muscle groups in the body, as in a general massage.

Approximate execution algorithm:

  1. A back massage takes approximately 20 – 25 minutes.
  2. Next, you need to pay attention to your hands (5 – 8 minutes).
  3. The legs are treated for approximately 10 minutes.
  4. Up to 10 minutes are also given for the stomach and chest.
  5. Lastly, a head massage is performed (5 minutes).

The time for the manipulations is presented approximately, because the main thing here is to sufficiently work out all muscle groups.

On video: classic massage

Review of face creams from Garnier here.

Hardware. Description

As you can already understand from the name, this type of massage is carried out using special devices.

Moreover, it can be completely hardware-based, and also include elements of manual influence.

This type of procedure will be called combined.

Main types:

  1. Hydromassage. Special baths are used for it, in which manipulations are carried out with directed jets of water of varying intensity and diameter, performing a massage of the whole body.
  2. Vacuum effect. Such devices operate on the pneumatic principle, creating a pressure difference in the treated area.
  3. Vibration effects. Suitable for general and local effects.
  4. Lymphatic drainage. This procedure is an extremely popular service in many beauty salons. There is a manual and hardware method of execution. During the procedure, harmful substances are released from the subcutaneous layers, blood circulation and lymph outflow improves.

In addition to the devices described above, there is many varieties of hand massagers, as well as vacuum jars. They are designed for more serious muscle work, as well as to enhance the impact of a certain direction.

On video: hardware and vacuum massage


This type can be equally classified as cosmetic and medical procedures.

You can use cups, massagers and special anti-cellulite massage creams that enhance and direct the effect. Honey massage for cellulite is no less effective. It is advisable that The treatment was prescribed by a cosmetologist with medical education, based on the degree of tissue damage and possible healing methods, since there are contraindications to anti-cellulite massage.

You can find out whether massage with a jar on the stomach is harmful or beneficial from the contents of this article.


Its main task is to eliminate existing health problems in men, women and children.

Types of therapeutic massage:

  • Local(specific area of ​​the body).
  • Segmental – reflex(impact on spinal segments).
  • Gynecological(infertility treatment, childbirth or surgery).
  • Urological(stimulation of the prostate and urethra).
  • Dermatological(improving blood circulation and stimulating wound healing).
  • Ophthalmic(toning of the eye muscles).
  • Dental(development of the maxillofacial muscle group).
  • Speech therapy(stimulation of facial muscles).
  • Otorhinolaryngological(face and neck).
  • Visceral(manual technique of influencing internal organs).

No therapeutic procedures can be performed with exacerbation of chronic diseases, as well as colds, fever and oncology.

Abuse such procedures are also not worth it, because their effectiveness is very high.

On video: therapeutic massage


It is impossible to imagine physical exercise, especially at a professional level, without massage techniques.

Sports massage can affect the entire body, as well as be performed on a specific part of it.

Depending on the methods of influence there are distinguished following categories.

What is a sports massage?

  1. Preliminary procedure Designed for active warm-up of body muscles before training. Depending on the task at hand, one of the methods is used. First of all, these are warm-up manipulations that are needed to condition the muscles before loading. Warming massage is used if there is a need to stretch the muscles using thermal methods before a competition.
  2. Training procedure carried out after certain physical exertion, one might say during training. This helps distribute the load and avoid overexertion and muscle injury.
  3. Restorative massage performed after the competition. These manipulations are necessary so that the muscles cool down more slowly and do not cause discomfort. Properly performed massage helps promote success in athletes, because the body will respond much better to further stress after such rest.

Moreover, this is not just a course of procedures, but a complex impact of several specialists at once. If necessary, control by an orthopedist, laboratory and X-ray studies of the dynamics of recovery is required.

Find out how often you should massage your back.


One of the most effective rejuvenating procedures is the method of performing such a massage. This simultaneously therapeutic and preventive effects, aimed at the skin of the face, hair, neck and hands.

Beneficial effects of cosmetic massage:

  • Improved skin color.
  • Elimination of cosmetic defects.
  • Helps calm the nervous system and has a relaxing effect.
  • Metabolic reactions accelerate.
  • Normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  • Improves blood circulation.
  • Stimulates cellular respiration.
  • Strengthens muscle tone.
  • Tightens the oval of the face.
  • Eliminates swelling and sagging.

After properly performed procedures, the skin is cleansed and becomes more elastic, tightened and fresh.
Massage of the scalp stimulates blood circulation of the bulbs, promoting rapid growth.

The following categories of cosmetic massage are distinguished:

  1. Healing procedures. Used to eliminate cosmetic defects, bruises, swelling or accumulation of fatty tissue.
  2. Plastic massage. Correction of facial contours, elimination of fatty tissues, tightening of sagging skin.
  3. Hygienic manipulations. Regular use of such methods will help to effectively cleanse the skin of clogged pores, increased secretion of sebaceous glands and eliminate swelling.

All types of procedures should be performed after consultation with a cosmetologist and only by a qualified specialist.

The skin on the face and neck is very thin and sensitive, so you should not stretch or wrinkle it too intensely.

To achieve maximum effect, it is advisable to regularly undergo a course of such treatment procedures, as well as use other methods of protecting beauty and youth.

On video: Thai massage

Eastern techniques

The listed types of manipulations can be attributed to the European school of massage. The impact occurs using tactile methods, without the use of additional devices (except for hardware and combined massage). The range of movements is also a little limited, because mainly four types of manipulations are used.

At the same time, the eastern school has a completely different approach.

First of all, spiritual connection is carried out, and then physical contact.

To ensure maximum results many more movements are used, and they are not entirely traditional, because in addition to the hands, pressure can be performed with the legs, knees, elbows and even buttocks.

Main types of oriental massage:

  1. Spot(the impact is aimed at active energy centers).
  2. Meridional(movements occur in a certain direction - the meridians of the body).
  3. Thai(manual therapy together with “classics”).
  4. Tibetan(a combination of acupressure and classical techniques, there are many varieties)
  5. Stonethurapia(manipulations are carried out with special stones).
  6. Chiromassage(couples massage, complex effects).
  7. Contactless(special manual techniques).
  8. Printed(processing occurs with blows of a certain frequency with wooden sticks.
  9. Cryomassage(use ice cubes)

The listed methods are very diverse and multifaceted. Their use requires certain preparation, not only physical, but also spiritual.

On video: unusual types of massage

There are also many more varieties of oriental procedures, which differ not only in different techniques, but also in the use of unusual objects and devices.

And check out the review of Pupa cosmetics here, and cosmetics from Lierak here.

Massage is always relevant and in demand, because this procedure has a literally magical effect on our body.
In order for such a procedure to solve the existing problem, it is necessary to choose the optimal type of massage.
Basic classifications and a brief description of the most common techniques can be found in the information in our article.

The article was written based on materials from the sites:,,

Thanks to massage you can get rid of many health problems. However, many people underestimate its benefits. A massage performed by an experienced specialist will help you get rid of headaches, fatigue, muscle spasms or cellulite. After the first session, positive changes can be observed. Thanks to our article, you can find out what types of massages there are.

general information

Massage has a therapeutic effect. When using this type of therapy, systematicity is important. Massage involves the use of special techniques to activate or relax muscles. This type of therapy is usually used to relieve stress or improve blood circulation. There are various ones that have both indications for use and contraindications. Before resorting to this type of therapy, it is recommended to consult with your doctor. Otherwise, massage may not bring benefit, but harm and worsen the condition. The doctor will select the most suitable type and method of massage therapy for you. It is also important that the massage therapist you turn to for help has experience and good reviews.

There are the following types of therapeutic massage:

  • Balinese;
  • Swedish;
  • Thai;
  • health;
  • can;
  • anti-cellulite;
  • self-massage;
  • sports;
  • point;
  • tantric and others.

Each of them can help get rid of a particular problem. Consultation with the attending physician is extremely important, since the final result depends on the correct therapy.

In some situations, you cannot visit massage parlors. This type of therapy is contraindicated:

  • immediately after consuming food, alcohol or drugs;
  • after recent surgery (an exception can only be if there is a referral from a doctor);
  • if you have heart disease (in this case, massage can only be performed as prescribed by a doctor);
  • people who have cancer;
  • in the presence of infections;
  • with venous dilatation of veins.

Massage is often used to treat a particular disease. The types and techniques described in our article will help you understand which therapy is right for you.

The following massage techniques are known:

  • sliding;
  • kneading;
  • vibration;
  • stroking;
  • squeezing

Each technique is suitable for getting rid of a particular problem.


The most common types of classical massage. One of them is reflexology. After the course, your well-being improves significantly.

Reflexology is used by some people as an alternative to medical treatment. Patients believe that it is more effective than taking medications. Reflexology involves applying pressure to certain so-called biological points on the hands and feet. It is carried out without the use of oil or lotion. This type of therapy, unlike some others, does not cause discomfort to the patient.

Reflexology is based on ancient Chinese teachings. According to him, blood flows through the body and circulates through special channels. There are points on them that interact with all internal organs. They are all interconnected. By influencing them, you can significantly improve the general condition of the body and get rid of some health problems. It is known that reflexology can relieve pain and relieve inflammation.

The concept of reflexology is largely based on the belief that a lack of qi can prevent or slow down the healing process. By influencing certain biological points, you can activate it. In some countries, reflexology may be prescribed by a doctor. Types of therapeutic massage, which are based on ancient Chinese teachings, are no less popular in Russia.

This system is quite complex. Experts draw up a diagram that can clearly show which parts of the arms and legs need to be given special attention during massage in order to improve the condition of a particular internal organ.

However, there is no scientific evidence that these theories are completely accurate and effective in treating specific diseases.

Swedish massage

Not everyone knows what massages are. That is why not all of their types are in demand. Swedish is considered the most gentle. It is often recommended for those who have never visited a massage parlor before. This species is considered medicinal. The Swedish variety of manual therapy can only be performed by a qualified professional, like almost any other medical massage. Training can be completed in specialized courses.

It is the basis for other types of Western massage, including sports and aromatherapy. Most people undergo 50 or 60 minute therapy. However, to get results as quickly as possible, it is recommended to give preference to sessions that last more than an hour.

A Swedish massage can be slow and gentle or energetic and invigorating - it all depends on the massage therapist's personal style and what exactly they are trying to achieve. During this type of treatment, the specialist uses a special oil and uses various techniques. Thanks to them, it warms up the muscle tissue and relieves the patient of tension. Swedish massage promotes relaxation.

Before performing the procedure, the specialist should ask the patient about the presence of any physical injuries or illnesses. During a Swedish massage, the patient usually needs to be naked under a towel. The specialist reveals only the necessary part of the body. If nudity bothers the patient, he can leave his underwear on.

When selecting a specialist, you need to pay attention to the cleanliness of the office. It is important to find out in advance whether this person has a medical book and whether he has completed courses as a massage therapist. A good specialist is the key to the effectiveness of the therapy.

A Swedish massage usually begins with a back treatment. The first stage of the procedure lasts at least 10 minutes. The specialist uses various massage techniques, which include kneading, friction and squeezing.

When the process of warming up the back muscles is completed, the specialist moves to the back of each leg. Some massage therapists work in a different order, and they all have their own style and use different techniques.

Lymphatic massage

Not everyone knows what types of massages there are, and therefore they believe that many of the problems cannot be solved with the help of such procedures. This opinion is wrong. Any type of massage has a therapeutic effect. Each of them allows you to get rid of a specific health problem.

Lymphatic massage is one of those types that are designed to promote healthy lymph flow. Proponents of this type of treatment believe that it helps remove toxins from the body. This type of massage is usually very gentle. It has contraindications because it affects the state of the lymphatic system and can significantly worsen a person’s well-being. It is important to consult with your doctor before choosing this type of therapy.

Lymphatic massage reduces swelling and cleanses the lymphatic system. It also stimulates the flow of other interstitial fluids.

Some experts recommend using this type of massage before surgery to ensure that the lymphatic system is clear. It may also be used after surgery to reduce swelling.

People suffering from inflammatory and infectious diseases should not use lymphatic massage. It can contribute to the spread of the disease. It is also contraindicated for people with blood clotting problems and heart disease.

This type of massage has been practiced since the last century. Clients should always report any pain they experience during the procedure. They should also be aware that swollen lymph nodes may be a sign of a serious condition that requires medical attention.

When looking for a specialist, do not forget to ask where he studied. A reputable massage therapist will be happy to provide such data. He must have a medical record. There must also be a diploma, which indicates that the specialist has completed courses as a massage therapist.

Anticellulite massage

Cellulite is a problem that many women face. It is quite difficult to get rid of it. There are many procedures that make the skin elastic. One of them is a general anti-cellulite massage.

The procedure allows you to even out the most problematic areas of the skin. After the course, they become elastic and resilient, blood circulation in the treated area improves.

May weaken the tissue that connects fat cells. There are several types of such therapy. Anti-cellulite massage can be performed either manually or using special devices.

Treatment of cellulite with massage consists of several intensive sessions. So deep and energetic. Some claim that it may be painful at first, but over time the patient gets used to it and relaxes during the procedure.

Acupressure in the treatment of cough in a child

Acupressure for children who complain of a severe cough is an excellent way to get rid of the disorder without the use of medications. It is especially popular in the cold season.

Many parents will be surprised to realize how effective acupressure is in treating coughs. Thanks to him, the child recovers in the shortest possible time. His health also improves significantly.

Acupressure involves using only your hands and completely eliminating medications. It is economical, safe and effective. When it is carried out, special oils are used. It is important that the massage takes place in a warm room without drafts.

With acupressure, a specialist or parents work on important areas that are located on the face, hands and chest area. This type of therapy originated in China. It has been used there for many years and is considered one of the most effective.

Spinal massage using massage cups

Cupping massage of the spine is effective due to the reflex mechanisms of the human body. The idea is that cupping causes minor hemorrhages, and the breakdown products of blood and tissue irritate nerve receptors in the skin. This improves blood circulation and reduces swelling and inflammation.

Medical cups are used for massage. You can buy them at any pharmacy. The painful area on the back is lubricated with Vaseline or warm vegetable oil and the jars are heated for a few seconds, and then quickly applied to the skin. After this, the massage therapist begins to move the device along the spine.

The duration of the cupping procedure is 5-7 minutes. After a high-quality massage, there should be no bruises on the body.

Cupping massage is effective not only in the treatment of osteochondrosis, but also in getting rid of muscle pain, neuritis, asthma, chronic bronchitis and other diseases. The procedure is contraindicated in the presence of skin diseases such as dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis. It is not recommended for people who have different types of tumors. Cupping massage is contraindicated in the acute stage of osteoarthritis, as the procedure causes overexcitation, increased swelling and inflammation in the nerve roots. In most cases, it is recommended for chronic osteochondrosis. Sometimes cupping massage is used in the first hours after the onset of painful sensations. In this case, the pathological process is interrupted, and the patient recovers literally after the first session.

Carrying out massage at home

Some people, despite having various health problems, do not have the opportunity to visit massage parlors. Most often this is due to a lack of free time or money. You can also do a massage at home. However, to do this you will need to study its basic techniques and types so as not to harm yourself or a loved one who needs help.

It is important that the massage is carried out only in a warm room, the air temperature in which is at least 21 degrees Celsius. It is necessary that there is enough light in it. Everyone knows that a massage is performed on a patient on a couch. However, if the house does not have such a device, you can use any hard surface. The person who will do the massage needs to learn to save his energy and not make unnecessary movements. Otherwise, the hands of an inexperienced massage therapist will get tired.

Professional massage and self-massage have a lot of differences. Of course, any therapy performed by a qualified specialist will be more effective. However, not everyone is ready to go for a massage from a stranger. In this case, you can help yourself or ask a loved one about it.

When performing a massage, you can use special creams, oils and lotions. As a rule, they have a warming effect. Often, girls give themselves an anti-cellulite massage at home. In this case, the most effective procedure is the one using special cups. It's important not to overdo it. Otherwise, cupping massage at home will be painful, and at the end of it, bruises will remain on the body.

Is special training required for home massage?

A massage performed at home will not be effective if the person performing it is not familiar with general information about a particular type of therapy. Relaxing procedures can be carried out at home without any special skills. Medical massage requires more serious preparation. In this case, training is essential. This is due to the fact that a person, without special knowledge, may not only fail to help himself and his loved ones get rid of any disease, but will also aggravate the situation.

Let's sum it up

Massage has a lot of positive qualities. Thanks to it, you can get rid of any problem in the body, relax after a hard day at work and recover from an illness. Many people do not find massage therapy effective. This opinion is wrong. You found out what types of massages are in our article. Before choosing one, consult your doctor to make sure it will not harm your health.