World Quality Day was celebrated for the first time. World Quality Day is all about the holiday. Quality Day: European and Russian recognition

World Quality Day is an annual holiday celebrated by the leading countries of the world on the second Thursday of November. The initiator of the establishment of this day is the European Organization for Quality with the support of the United Nations (UN).

World Quality Day, which falls on November 10 this year, was approved in 1990. And six years later, the European Quality Organization declared the week in which this second Thursday in November falls, European Quality Week. The All-Russian Quality Organization was formed on the territory of Russia, which, since 2005, has decided to hold mandatory annual forums within the framework of World Quality Day throughout the Russian Federation.

World Quality Day is a beloved and long-awaited holiday for many countries around the world. On this day, events are held to analyze and prove the quality of products and services produced and provided by various organizations.

The purpose of this holiday is to optimize and improve the quality of goods and services for the population, as well as to intensify activities aimed at attracting public attention to quality problems. After all, we are talking not only about the safety of products for humans and the environment, but also about the degree of satisfaction of the needs and expectations of consumers.

Rospotrebnadzor bodies, which consistently and systematically carry out activities aimed at ensuring the rights of consumers to the quality of goods, works and services, are forced to admit that the production and distribution of obviously low-quality products in our country is becoming an independent business.

In the current situation, according to the Office of Rospotrebnadzor for the Krasnoyarsk Territory, it is not enough to give an adequate assessment of the conditions and reasons that impede the full implementation of consumer rights to the quality of goods, works (services), the main thing is to take comprehensive measures to eliminate them, which will ultimately allow to create confidence among the population in the protection of their rights and legitimate interests in terms of legislative guarantees.

In order to prevent an increase in the number of violations of consumer legislation, the Department is making active efforts to optimize law enforcement activities in the consumer market by improving the forms and methods of preventive measures aimed at:

Prevention of violations of consumer legislation,

Increasing the efficiency of control over the safety and quality of goods (work, services) in the Krasnoyarsk Territory based on coordination of actions of executive authorities and public organizations;

Improving legal training and advocacy in the field of consumer protection;

Increasing the efficiency of the consumer information system and promoting the development of a fair business system.

The sturgeon was sent second freshness - ... this is nonsense! ...
There is only one freshness - the first, and it is the last.
And if the sturgeon is second freshness, then this means that it is rotten!
M. Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita”

In many countries around the world, quality is one of the primary problems in the economy. It is the key to success in the development of every enterprise. This concept is closely related to quality of life, which includes the environment, physical and emotional well-being of a person. In order to attract attention to this problem, an international holiday was established.

History of the holiday

The event was created thanks to the European Quality Organization (EOC) with the assistance of the UN in 1989. The main objective of World Quality Day is to increase the importance of high quality services and manufactured products presented on the world market. One of the main goals of the holiday is to strengthen and promote activities that help draw attention to issues related to the level of quality of goods and services. The first criterion that products must meet is safety for people and the environment, the second is that they must meet the stated standards, demands and expectations of consumers.


On this day, various conferences, forums and exhibitions are held, where problems of the quality of services and goods are discussed.

In times of general shortage, how nice it was to buy a beautiful, high-quality item. This purchase brought so much joy, and the buyer knew that if the item was made well, it would last a long time. The problem of the quality of manufactured products is one of the important areas in the economy of any country. After all, it is quality that determines how successful the enterprise is, and in a market economy, product quality is the guarantor of the further successful development of the enterprise and its competitiveness. Quality issues are not only issues of directly manufactured products, but also issues of ecology, safety, and the use of resource-saving technologies in production. To attract the attention of the entire society to the importance of quality in life, since 1989, with the support of the UN, World Quality Day is celebrated on November 11.

Happy World Quality Day
I congratulate you,
Strive for the ideal
I wish you all the best.

I wish the quality
It has become the norm of life
So that in the race for quantity
It was not damaged.

I wish you to be responsible
We were down to business
And its quality
Everyone was proud of the work.

May the sky be peaceful
And the quality is excellent!
Happy World Quality Day
I hasten to congratulate you personally!

Let there be no marriage
Nothing really
And GOST protects us
From misunderstandings!

On World Quality Day, I would like to wish excellent performance of instruments and equipment, excellent products and quality services, high control in production and strict compliance with standards, an ideal combination of high quality, affordable prices and long service.

Let quality reign everywhere
I sincerely wish you success,
I wish you to always be on top.

Let everything be fair
Let everything be fine.
Let quality be the motive
For everyone in the area and everything.

Happy World Quality Day!
A kind of holiday, no matter how you look at it.
Let quality flourish everywhere,
Live in comfort, with quality.

Of course, I wish you success,
Let your affairs be resolved easily.
Don't let any obstacles get in your way,
May everything succeed, everywhere and always.

World Quality Day has arrived!
Congratulations to everyone! After all, it
Gives a strong impetus to progress
And it makes life better!

Who is diligently friends with quality -
Will make dreams come true.
That's why luck in life serves
And everything around will transform!

I hasten to congratulate you on Quality Day,
I wish you high standards,
So that from defective goods
You wouldn't have to get hurt.

Let everything be only in the best possible way,
Let defects not upset you,
Let him confirm all purchases
Only a genuine certificate.

This is not eccentricity -
Celebrate Quality Day,
We will all live better
If we begin to value

Ecology around,
Also the quality of services,
Pay attention
For your food

In general, quality in everything
To improve the common house,
The Earth will become joyful,
Everyone and everyone will smile!

I always stand for quality
I put in a lot of effort
To make sure everything is done right,
So that the quality does not suffer.

And I wish all of us around,
Even if it's winter or hot,
Always take strength of spirit as a rule
And always keep your brand!

On Quality Day we wish you joy,
Success, inspiration, sweet life,
Let the beauty of the soul flourish,
And the standard of living is moving forward.

Let's do everything better with our own hands,
Let good friends be with us,
Smiles, health to everyone and love,
Strive and always go forward!

In all things, in any product
It doesn't hurt to keep an eye on the quality.
Manufacturers in pursuit of price
Sometimes the rules are not followed at all.

The purpose of this day is to attract attention,
To ensure that all standards are strictly observed,
To protect us all from counterfeit goods,
So that they buy the best things.

Congratulations: 36 in verse, 4 in prose.

In the Soviet Union, Quality Day never existed, because there was no most important thing - the notorious quality. Perhaps this same quality was present only in the defense industry, but the common man, craving sausage and spectacle (movies at 21.30 on Channel One), did not care much about the quality of warheads. And if there is no quality, then there is no official holiday. And then, what is quality? Neither touch it, nor put it in your pocket, nor give it as a gift.

World Quality Day: what about Russia?

Now times have changed. And if earlier a milkmaid from the state farm “Ray of Communism” had no complaints about the set lunch at the “Romashka” sanatorium, today this same collective farmer writes devastating reviews about her past holiday in Egypt, lamenting the small selection (only 10 types) of cheese slices at breakfast .

And why all? Because the quality is growing, not only of goods and services, but also of customers. We have become spoiled, which means that manufacturers are obliged to take us into account.

European procession of World Quality Day

In general, in “decaying” Europe, World Quality Day was also introduced not so long ago - in 1989. The uproar was caused by the European quality organization of the same name, which was founded back in 1956. It turns out that there was quality, but there was no official Quality Day. In total, this organization consists of 46 states. Surprisingly, Russia is among the participants in quality life!

Quality Day: European and Russian recognition

The holiday began to be celebrated only in 1990, and only after a magical kick-off from the UN, they say, it’s time, dear friends, to think about quality. Apparently, the United Nations has absolutely no other problems. There is no Sudan, Somalia, Equatorial Guinea and other countries where there is no such thing as quality in their national languages. Well, these are no longer our problems!

Quality Day: perceptions of other countries

In those countries of the world where the state, and at the same time all its citizens, are truly fighting for the quality of life, rallies, meetings and processions are held in support of high-quality, harmless and necessary goods. Along with consumers, producers also participate in these actions, thereby emphasizing that they exist not only for the sake of profit. True, in some, especially “decaying” Western countries, clashes with the police occur. Local residents fight too zealously for this very quality. In our country, people began to think about quality not so long ago, so if you have not yet thought in your spare time about the quality of your life, as well as the lives of your relatives and friends, then now is the time.

When is World Quality Day celebrated in 2020?

In Russia and all over the world, Quality Day is celebrated annually on the second Thursday of November. In 2020, the date for celebrating World Quality Day will be November 12.


On November 10 in Moscow, at the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Certification (VNIIS), a conference dedicated to World Quality Day and European Quality Week was held, organized by the All-Russian Quality Organization (VOK), VNIIS, Rosstandart, Committee on Technical Regulation, Standardization and Quality products of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, RIA “Standards and Quality”. The VNIIS site was not chosen by chance - for many years the institute has been a scientific center for the study and practical application of modern approaches in the field of quality management and competitiveness, sustainable development of enterprises and companies in various fields of activity.

The event was attended by representatives of government authorities, industry, business, academia, leading experts in the field of quality from Moscow and the regions, and students of capital universities. The conference participants had a good opportunity to exchange views on the current state of quality in the Russian market of goods and services, consider current issues of increasing competitiveness by improving quality, and evaluate the role of quality management in the global world.

The meeting was opened by the President of the VOK G.P. Voronin, who congratulated those gathered on World Quality Day and wished everyone happiness, prosperity and creative success for the benefit of Russian quality.

Leading experts in the field of quality management made presentations at the conference: First Deputy General Director of VNIIS I.I. Gull, Chairman of the Asian Network for Quality (ANQ), First Vice-President of the EQA Yu.A. Gusakov, Chairman of the Consumer Union of the Russian Federation P.B. Shelishch, General Director of LLC “Certification and Consulting Center for International Business”, head of the youth project of the VOK “Quality Relay Race” A.N. Voronov etc.

The participants' presentations touched on quality issues in the military-industrial complex, automotive industry, construction and education. The new version of the ISO 9000:2015 standard was analyzed in detail.

At the end of the conference, a solemn ceremony was held to award the laureates of the Honorary Medal of the All-Russian Olympic Committee named after. I.A. Ilyin enterprises, organizations and specialists for outstanding scientific and practical achievements in the field of quality.