Wot blitz how to set fire to a tank. Where is the ammo rack located? Regular and Premium

Good afternoon or night everyone!

The popularity of the game is the envy of any other project.

They talk about the game literally everywhere, except perhaps for babies in a stroller.

It is enthusiastically played by millions of players around the world.

Accordingly, everyone is looking for ways to success and answers to frequently asked questions. Players are especially interested in how to set fire to World of Tanks.

We all know that in the popular arcade tank simulator, the characteristics are as close as possible to the real ones. The most popular military equipment of the 20th century is presented here.

It is so exciting to fight and defeat opponents on it, feeling the spirit of those valiant times.

The task of setting fire to an enemy tank in the browser necessarily appears when the player is in charge of medium tanks and has started to complete the main tasks.

How to do it right? Now I will tell you about this and more. You will find out why and where it is better to hide, where to shoot.

The caliber of weapons and its significance

So, you have started the battle in World of Tanks. It is more rational to set fire to the enemy tank with the help of arson. At the same time, do not try to take tanks with maximum caliber guns.

After all, it is important not only where to set fire to the tank, but also when to do it.

Hitting enemy vehicles is easier when using small-caliber guns. The minimum indicators give results when shooting, produced by the key module.

Hidden parameter is important

All guns mounted on tanks have hidden indicators. This is damage by modules. To make it more comfortable to play, it has a balanced parameter, and taking into account the difference in the team of military equipment, the chances of small tanks are equalized.

Vehicles with small-caliber rapid-fire cannons have several times higher damage per minute by modules, unlike large-sized counterparts.

In order to set fire to a tank in World of Tanks, you just need to indicate certain actions.

How it's done?

  1. Aim at engines or fuel tanks. This will lead to the fastest possible defeat of the enemy tank. Moreover, the opponent will lose some of his HP and he will have damaged modules. This situation is especially rational when it is required to complete the task of double arson.
  2. The higher the rate of fire and the smaller the calibers, the more likely you are to hit the engine or fuel tank. In this case, large calibers are practically useless.
  3. Use "skins" on tanks. This makes aiming much easier. It becomes much easier to remember the location of engines and tanks on all models.
  4. With a successful hit in the transmission, the game counts the damaged motor. It depends on its outcome whether the equipment will be set on fire or not. Therefore, do not be surprised if a German tank catches fire from hitting the NLD, because it has a transmission unit in front of the hull. I advise you to initially study the layout of all modules on various military equipment. Only in this case you will receive a worthy reward for completing the task "set fire to the tank".

Here are the features. Now you can easily defeat the enemy, because you know how to set fire to the tank. Do you want to know other features of World of Tdnks or secrets of the game?

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If you haven't played this exciting arcade tank simulator yet, then you are clearly behind the times!

Join, especially since the online game is constantly improving and becoming more and more interesting.

I wish you good luck and, of course, victories! Waiting for you with friends, bye!

Many players are interested in the issue of setting tanks on fire in World of Tanks, because burning a tank disables its modules and makes it an easy target, making it impossible to fully return fire.

Without going into too much detail, here are a few tanks that have the highest statistic for setting tanks on fire. These are the American heavy T34, the Soviet medium tank T-34-85 and the ST tank class in general. Let's find out how they do it?

What shells are better to set fire to tanks

Any tanks are set on fire when hit with a penetration into the engine. High-explosive fragmentation shells cope with this task especially effectively. It is these ammunition that are incendiary. But not the only ones. So, for example, cumulative shells perfectly pierce armor and when it hits the engine, provided that the shell pierced the tank module through and through, ignition is also inevitable. Let's figure out where to shoot to set tanks on fire in World of Tanks

Tankers often talk about how to set fire to a tank you need to shoot it in the ammo rack. This is fundamentally wrong. The ammunition rack will never set fire to a tank, but will immediately detonate. In addition, getting into it is much more difficult than into a gas tank, the probability of igniting equipment from damage to which is 50%. Thus, only two modules can effectively set fire to tanks - the engine and the gas tank. Attached (extra) fuel tanks are also a great target for projectiles. Usually they are located in the stern of the tank on the hull. Often, firing at tanks will set the tank on fire in World of Tanks. If this does not happen, add a few shots to the engine.

How to set fire to 2 tanks in WOT

To one shot set fire to two tanks at once, you need first of all shoot high-explosive projectiles. It is the fragments of this projectile that can hit several targets and cause a fire. The splash damage of land mines is approximately one to two squares. For premium shells, this indicator for self-propelled guns reaches three squares from the point of impact.

Thus, it is possible to set fire to 2 tanks only if they are nearby, firing a high-explosive fragmentation projectile. Ideally, the targets should be close to each other astern. The projectile must fall between them and hit at least one tank. Then fire cannot be avoided by both tanks.

An interesting note: in personal combat missions (LBZ) it is more difficult to set fire to tanks of a higher level. There is no official information on this matter, but from the practical point of view, the probability of a tank catching fire that exceeds even one level of firing at it is reduced to a few percent per 100 shots. That is why there was a special "LBZ set fire to the tank" to practice aiming. How to set fire to the tank in this case - use our guide or read the tips below.

Which tank is easier to set on fire

This is a rhetorical question, but here you can give some actionable advice. According to the portal site, it is easier to set fire to a tank whose active module is large in comparison with the modules of other tanks. This refers to the same engine and gas tank. Also an important factor is the presence of open parts and external fuel tanks in the tank. This category includes most low-level SPGs and some tank destroyers. Many players know what ways to set fire to a tank are most effective in battle. We analyzed a lot of information on this subject in order to draw comprehensive conclusions for you on the issue of how to set fire to a tank in order to destroy the enemy.

Please note that a tank moving at maximum speed, especially uphill, is easier to set on fire. Probably, the developers added the consideration of the load factor on the engine when calculating the ignition coefficient when a projectile hits.

Conclusion: It doesn't matter which tank is better on fire, the ability to target the necessary modules, hit and break through them is important. Whatever tank you have, any hit in the gas tank will already half set the tank on fire. As we said above, the probability of fire will be 1 to 2. If the engine is pierced through, the tank will catch fire with one hundred percent probability.

Good luck in battles and beautifully burning enemies!

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  • Update date: 11 Jan 2018
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Updated on 01/11/2018:
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For World of Tanks, modmakers have already created several variants of skins with weak points, but this mod is a little different, because it marks the location of fuel tanks and ammunition on the texture of the vehicle.

Description of the penetration zones of the ammunition rack and fuel tanks

The usefulness of these skins lies in the fact that you will be more likely to destroy the enemy by blowing up or damaging his ammo. In addition to ammunition, fire can also be fired at fuel tanks, damage to which can cause a fire in an enemy tank. Remembering the location of these zones on absolutely all vehicles in the game is unrealistic, in each tank the modules are located differently, but thanks to the mod, everything will be shown clearly.

  • Damage to fuel tanks. A fire in a tank can be caused in two ways - by shooting at the engine or tanks. In the first case, the tank will be slowed down (if the engine is damaged), but if the tanks are damaged, the likelihood of fire will increase. If the enemy does not have time to put out the fire in time, he will lose not only a huge number of hit points, but also receive damage to many important modules.
  • Shooting at ammunition is also a very effective technique. With it, you can increase the reload time, and if luck smiles at you, then the enemy will completely lose the tower, it will come off as a result of the ammo explosion.

As you can see in the screenshot below, the fuel tanks are marked in dark pink, and the ammunition is displayed as a turquoise shell icon on the skin.

You can install other skins, for example, they will show the location of the crew and mark weak areas in the protection of the car. But keep in mind that skins from this material will conflict with them, so choose one thing.

As a result, your performance will increase, because you will not have to waste shells on thick armor. Most of all, such mods are useful for beginners, but experienced tankers will also get a significant advantage.


  • The archive contains the "vehicles" folder, it must be extracted to World_of_Tanks\res_mods\[current update].

Updated on 12/13/2016: adapted for 0.9.17;

We present to your attention another variant of penetration skins, the purpose of which is to increase your chances of setting fire to an enemy tank or undermining its ammo rack.

The standard textures of tanks imitate the armor of real combat vehicles; you can’t guess from them what exactly is under the surface. In a clean client, without mods and penetration skins, an enemy fire or explosion is a player experience or an accident. But, regardless of the reason, this game event has a huge impact on the outcome of the battle - the enemy tank is completely destroyed or receives significant damage to internal modules, loses durability points.

Penetration skins make such an event less random. You get the ability to target specific vulnerable areas. When pierced, you damage internal modules and, with some probability, inflict critical damage. In the case of the engine or fuel tanks, the enemy tank will catch fire and lose a certain percentage of hit points every second. In the case of an ammo rack, critical damage causes an explosion and resets the tank's HP.

This mod marks the penetration zones of only the engine, fuel tanks and ammo racks with intuitive icons. This distinguishes it, for example, from, in which all internal modules are indicated, as well as crew members.

These textures are related to the iconic skins of penetration. The screenshots below show bright icons that are clearly visible on the tank's armor and are convenient for aiming.

In this version of the textures, it is not very clear where the vulnerable zone ends, but, for example, it is clearly seen that the MT-25 feed is one continuous fire.

Not all tanks have been added to the skins pack - for example, there are no low-level ones, for which there is not much difference whether they were destroyed by an explosion or simply shot. To see for which combat vehicles there are penetration textures, just go to the "vehicles" folder and select the folder with the name of the nation you are interested in.


  • Download the archive with skins from the link below
  • Copy the vehicles folder from the archive to res_modsgame_version - penetration textures are installed

The player's task World of Tanks clear from the first minutes of the game - you need to be able not to get lost in all the turmoil of the battle, and neutralize the maximum number of opponents. But what is the best way to do this, are there tactics to destroy enemy tanks, and if so, what are they?

Of course, there are dozens of tactics and techniques for quickly neutralizing enemies, one of which will be discussed in the article. One of the fastest ways to destroy an enemy tank is to set it on fire. But making the tank burn is not the easiest task, and therefore let's take a closer look at how to set fire to a tank in World of Tanks

We find the weak point of the enemy tank

Both people and tanks have weak points. Therefore, if there is a desire to inflict maximum damage on the enemy with several shots, it is necessary to aim at these places.

The tank has a weak point - the gas tank. Once in it, you can not only seriously damage the car, but also set it on fire. Gas tanks, regardless of the model of the tank, as a rule, are always located in the back of the car, so that's where you should aim to achieve what you want.

Another weak point of the tank is the engine. But the percentage of its ignition is very small. If you believe the statistics, then only fifteen shots out of a hundred will end in success.

What shells to set fire to tanks?

So, gas tank or engine the enemy is detected, but do not rush to shoot, because it is more difficult to set fire to them with simple armor-piercing shells. To cause combustion, you need not only to accurately hit the gas tank or engine, but also use high-explosive fragmentation shells. However, even when hitting the target, there is no one hundred percent chance of igniting the tank. Therefore, it is recommended to make a series of shots at once, mainly in one place.

It is also worth considering the number of remaining tankers. The probability of a successful tank ignition is much greater if the enemy has few crew members left or there are damaged modules - the engine or tanks. Because the fewer tankers left in the composition, the more difficult it is for them to cope with the fire that has arisen (provided that the player has not taken or has already used a fire extinguisher), which gives the fire a chance to flare up in earnest and completely destroy the enemy tank.

Where and how is this tactic useful?

In war, all means are good! If it succeeds set fire to a tank in World of Tanks, belonging to the enemy, it will bring undoubted benefits to the team in any battles. By the way, a tank on fire through its burning will bring the player who managed to set it on fire additional experience and credits. Seriously perfecting the technique of setting fire to tanks is worth the players who often play in company or clan battles.


World of Tanks is a game in which you need to think over your every action and fight for the benefit of the whole team. It will take months of training to quickly disable enemies, and even more time to practice various techniques for destroying and intercepting enemies. But there are methods that are more loyal to beginners and do not require special knowledge of the game mechanics. Set fire to a tank in WOT not so difficult as it seems at first glance.