I want to be with you poetry. Damn I just want someone to be there for real I want to be there for her

“Today is the day when I can confess my feelings to her. Damn, I’m too soft, I’ve become too soft because of this girl.” – Aomine had a wide variety of thoughts, but it’s not strange because he decided to tell her how he felt. He decided that he would no longer be her best friend, he wanted something more than just friendship. The guy wants to feel the warmth of her embrace, hear her non-intrusive laughter, but what can I say, he just wants to walk with her, hold her hand. He only needs this girl, she is her dose of “drug”. His heart breaks when he sees her in the company of other guys. How is he worse than those brainless oafs? Nothing. He's the same. But still, even the “Monster” of the Generation of Miracles is scared. Yes, he is afraid, afraid that she will reject him, stop communicating with him, and will no longer illuminate him with her sweet smile. But no, he firmly decided that today he would take this risk, and she would find out everything. And then the doorbell rang, unexpectedly, however, because Daiki was not expecting anyone. Grumbling, the boy slowly trudged towards the door, and there was only one thought: “And who dared to interrupt my thoughts? Well, now this unknown person will get it!” The door creaks and then the lover’s eyes widen in surprise. - Kise? Why did you come? “The girl’s face was offended. - Aomine-cchi, why didn’t you open it for so long? And in general, what kind of attitude is this, so I wanted to and came. “Come in.” A loud exit was heard. “Yours, why did she come, I’m not ready yet.” -Are you not happy with me? - No no. Everything is fine. - Exactly? – The girl looked closely at the guy until he blushed. But he immediately pulled himself together and nodded in agreement with a stupid smile. And the guy’s heart began to flutter, his soul began to sing, he rejoiced at her every word. After all, she is so small, so fragile. Ryota has a natural talent for attracting people, on the one hand Daiki liked it, but on the other he didn’t. Why does he like her sociability? Yes, he himself doesn’t know, maybe because she is bright and mediocre, every day she has more and more new acquaintances, but there is also the other side of the coin. Jealousy. What could be worse if you love, and she, the one you need, flirts, laughs and simply gives her smile to other people who barely know her. And then her gentle voice brought him back to reality. - Aomine-cchi, will you have some coffee, otherwise I personally want it. So I fall asleep on the go. - Yeah, do it. You're just like a servant. - And then came a blow from the pillow to the face and a playful laugh with the phrase: “Try, catch up.” But the girl did not run into the kitchen as he thought. Meanwhile in the bedroom. Kise climbed into the closet and giggled quietly, she liked to make Aomine angry, he was never really angry with her. And now she’s sitting in his closet, hiding. Footsteps are heard and the blonde holds her breath Daiki heard “That little one” climb into the closet, but he did everything as he should when an adult plays hide and seek with a child. And with a sharp movement he opened the closet and said triumphantly: “Yeah, I got it.” - Oh, mommies. – Ryota began to bury herself in things, pretending that he didn’t see her. “You have nowhere to go,” Daiki bent down on the poor fellow, as many things that were hanging on the hangers fell on them. - I caught it. - Well, I caught it, so what? – The model said somehow offended. - Here's what. “Without realizing it, he kissed her. But this lasted only two or three seconds, no more, the girl pushed him away. And in an embarrassed voice, almost shouting, she said: “What are you doing?” -Sorry Sorry. I couldn't resist. – And different thoughts were swirling in my head. He was glad that he was able to kiss her, and at the same time he was ashamed. And so we need to take the conversation in a different direction. “Come on, get out of here before the closet collapses on us.” - Well, I do not. “And she did something that the guy didn’t expect. She hugged me and then said in a calmer, but still trembling voice: “Until you explain what it was, we won’t get out.” - Well... you tell me uh... - “Damn, can’t I confess to her? No, you need to take the cat by the tail. When will I ever get such a wonderful chance again?” - In general, I love you. - The girl’s eyes slowly widened, and her cheeks began to blush again, she wanted to run away from him and think about everything, but no, Aomine understood what she wanted to do, and with a maneuver, he turned the girl on her back and hung over her face. “Come on, Kise, answer me.” He begged directly. - Aomine-cchi, you... I like you too. “And then everything inside both of them contracted pleasantly, they felt that the emptiness that was inside was filled with warmth. The warmth of their mutual love. Then everything was like oblivion. They both only remembered how they kissed, oh how passionate their kisses were. Simple lovers enjoyed each other. But then the phone rang furiously, and Kise was told to immediately go to the studio, as a new order had been received. Hey, there was nothing to do but obey. - Aomine-cchi, I'm sorry. But I need to leave. - Is it possible with you? “This question clearly puzzled the girl, but she quickly found a way out of it and answered joyfully. - Yes, sure. -Then I'll wait until you finish. – And on this note I end the “Tale” about two lovers.

I don't ask for much - all I want is for someone to be there.

This has nothing to do with how independent a woman I am, how self-sufficient I am. This isn't about finding "my soul mate" or that I'm a feminist who questions the need for men.

Because the truth is that I'm tired as hell. Exhausted, seriously. I'm tired of not having anyone by my side, in the simplest sense, and the only thing I want is for someone to be there when I need him.

I want someone who can come in the evening and stay until the morning, and even more: I want to live with someone. I want to sit next to him in bed when it’s windy and frosty outside, reading or watching a movie. I want to feel the presence of his spirit and his body nearby.

Sex is great, adventure is even better, but living with someone who can support you is the most incredible thing.

I just want to be there, eat pizza, warm up under the covers, and for the most important decision to be the choice of movie to watch. I want to talk all day about what we're going to do in the evening and whose turn it is to cook dinner.

I want to hear about his plans and schedule, I want to spend Saturday evening shopping at the store, choosing the products that we will cook later.

I want him to see me in the morning light, I want to feel the touch of his strong arms, how he holds me closer to him, meeting me at the moment when dream and reality collide.

Life isn't always rosy, but it's made up of the moments in between, because everyone can smile when the sun is shining, but I need someone who can make me dance even in the rain.

I want him to take care of me when I'm sick: to buy me medicine and my favorite dessert on the way home, because he knows what I need.

I want to take care of him, even if he never thought he needed it. I want to make him soups and tea, I want to kiss his forehead so that he knows that I will be there no matter what.

I'm tired of being alone and pretending that I can find what I want by scrolling through profiles on dating sites, responding to messages on Facebook, because I'm tired of this superficiality.

I want to celebrate family holidays, laugh together in the middle of the night when we can't sleep. I want to greet him with a kiss from work and put my head on his chest, falling asleep in my arms.

I want to plan the future with him—vacations, dreams, ambitions. I want someone with whom I can build a life.

I want a man who doesn’t need to explain everything I think, because he will understand anyway.

I need someone who can be there: when I need him, when I need help, when I myself don’t know what I need. To be there without me even asking for it, and not because he has to, but because he doesn’t want to be with anyone else.

I want to be next to you,
And I don’t have enough warmth without you.
I'm afraid to even think sometimes
That I will lose you forever.

And even if the mood is not always there,
But this is nonsense for us!
You and I love with our souls
Know that I cannot be without you.

I'm looking forward to when,
I can see you again.
Hear tender words
afraid to somehow offend!

And who came up with the idea of ​​distance?
I miss you so much,
my dearest wish,
be with you everywhere!

I want to run to meet you
to touches and hugs!
I can’t breathe without you, my love,
and sometimes I lose consciousness...

I need you, I miss you,
and all that remains is to wait.
When you hug me,
kindly and with love!

I'm proud of you
You are my only hero
I only love you,
I want to see your smile!

My heart is filled with sadness
when you're not around, I'm really sorry
carelessness immediately arises
And time lasts forever!

I need you,
like the sun on earth,
like a flower to a bee,
and without you the world around is lonely...

When you're walking next to me
touching me with your shoulder
It's like blood boiling
turning into something else...

I want to be next to you...
I want to dream about you at night...
I want to tell you... my...
In thoughts to be...
If suddenly you can’t sleep.

I want to kiss you...
I want to cuddle with you.
To meet sunrises with you...
Enjoy the sunset together.

I want to be everything for you...
So that you couldn't live without me.
I want you to love me...
Just as much... as I love you.

Larisa M.

I want to be with you, even if we become enemies.
Even if the orbits of the planets speak, this is nonsense.
All the same, the warmth that once arose between us
Forever brought a warming light into our destinies.
I wanna be with you. Even if you see otherwise.
Even if you sometimes hear otherwise from me.
Don't listen with your ears. My soul whispers something else.
It’s just that your nerves bring you close to the sources of the fire.
I wanna be with you. This is the only way I can be happy.
This is the only way I can simply be, preserving my essence.
I wanna be with you. Spicy. Eagerly. Unbearable.
If you want the same and expect from me.

Zlata Litvinova

I want to be with you despite all words and prohibitions.
Wake up in the morning and feel your hand trembling.
I want to be with you despite these book plots,
I want to be with you, together with the whole world, despite...

I wanna be with you. Cook breakfast for you, darling,
See you off to work and look forward to new meetings with trepidation
And argue with you again about kissing nonsense,
And at night I touch your naked and large shoulders.

I want to fall asleep in your warm cozy bed
And in your arms, on your cozy chest.
You know, your words warmed my soul very much,
When you whispered: “We will be together in spite of everything.”

Irina Ershova

Half your life will probably pass without me:
Your family dinner will be in full swing,
You will suddenly shudder and the fork will fall,
And you will break the conversation with silence.

You go into the room and open the window,
Take a notebook from a forgotten far shelf,
And you will breathe quietly in rhymes,
Drilling the heart with a sharp needle.

Caressing every line with your gaze,
You'll remember how you held my hands,
How he hid his gaze... insane melancholy...
...and our shadows on the edge of separation...

You will bring the sheets to your lips,
Kissing them like my shoulders
You will turn your gaze to the heavens...
Where does the pain come from?... and time doesn’t heal...

I won't be with you... in another country,
Where there are no trains, no timetables...
Where it is easy to get... but only in a dream....
This country is simply called Memory...

And your soul will burst into flames again,
And you will understand that you needed air...
Having put away the notebook, you will return......
.....at the table
Your family and your cold dinner

Tears are quietly rolling from my eyes
From powerlessness, fear and pain...
I will dream of you more than once.
Well... Let me at least be near you in your dreams.

I'm so sad and there's rain in my heart,
And I tried for so long to forget...
Just someone whispers to me: “You wait,”
And I remained loyal again...

I'm writing letters to you again,
But I can’t decide to send it...
I love you, do you hear, I love you!
And I fall in love with you more and more...

Sky is your star name
He draws on black velvet for me...
I can't find my place
And the soul endlessly yearns.

I'll have to let you go
To the one that has become dearer to you.
I just can’t stop loving...
Or rather, the heart cannot

I quietly close my eyes
I smile and just remain silent.
You can’t do that, I understand everything!
I understand...But I'm not leaving...

Quietly pass by
I can’t - my heart is squeezing in anguish...
I want to hold your hand
On your unshaven cheek,

Barely touch with lips
To slightly tousled hair.
And, barely audible, whisper: “You know,
I will never give you away to somebody!"

You are a stranger and I am a stranger too.
I'm not crying, I'm just silent.
This is not possible, I understand everything...
Understand! But I do not want!!!