Anniversary in the style of Chicago script. Gangster party. Gangster Wedding & Party Chicago Style Things to Do

Want to throw an awesome gangster-themed birthday or anniversary party? Scenario gangster party will help you with this!

Competition No. 1 "Creative"

Everyone present takes turns drawing a card. Each card has a simple, funny gangster name written on it.

The task of each guest is to show the nickname without words using the action, and the task of the guests is to guess it.The one who names the closest value gets 1 point. And so on until all the nicknames are guessed.

According to the results of the competition, the winner receives the title of Don of the Corleone clan and he is given a prize to the one who scored the most points.

Possible nicknames

1) Khromulya (lame),
2) Lucky,
3) Brain,
4) Dog,
5) shorty,
6) Silent,
7) Macho,
8) Shooter,
9) Cobra,
10) Dragon,
11) smart,
12) Senior,
13) Best,
14) Velcro;
15) Bat;
16) Jaguar;
17) Jumper;
18) Mad;
19) Heartthrob;
20) Nomad

Competition No. 2 "Bone and Clyde"

The roles of Bonnie and Clyde can be performed by any couple at your party, if there is none, you can make it yourself by choosing a girl and a guy.

In advance, all guests present are given cards, on 5 (10) cards the amount of money is indicated, on the remaining cards it is written that Bonnie and Clyde must complete. You can also make the actions come up with those present themselves.

The task of Bonnie and Clyde is to rob each guest in turn, using the favorite words of the gangsters “Everyone stay in your places! This is a robbery! Hands up!" and collect all the money cards, along the way performing.

Action Cards

1) Together congratulate the hero of the occasion in gangster slang.

2) Take a special gangsta-style group photo. To do this, you need to arrange all the guests in unusual poses and photograph them.

3) Draw a gift for the Anniversary in this way: one of you will pick up a felt-tip pen and close your eyes, and the other will guide his hand.

4) Sing the chorus of any song together: one meowing and the other grunting, so naturally that the guests do not guess the song.

Competition No. 3 "Game fast gangster"

For the game you will need ordinary cards (but you can make your own cards). The host will pull out one card at a time.

The task of all players at the sight of a card is to shout out the word “Gangster” faster than others. The one who calls out last is out of the game. The last remaining participant receives a prize.

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Pair competition No. 4 "Dances of the 30s"

For this competition, several young couples will be needed. Each couple in turn needs to dance as best as possible to a small excerpt from various gangster songs of the 30s.

Sinatra songs, jazz and rock and roll music are suitable for the competition.

Uninvolved guests will play the role of the jury. To do this, they are given cards with the numbers 4 or 5. They must evaluate each performance in order to determine the winner of the competition.

The couple with the most points wins and gets a prize.

Competition No. 5 "Accurate Eye"

Any self-respecting gangster should be able to shoot accurately. Therefore, each participant is given 10 bullets (it can be sweets) and the task is to get into an upside down gangster's hat or into another container from a certain distance.

Incorporate these real gangster contests into your gangster party and your birthday, anniversary and any other celebration will be fun and provocative!

I wish you lots of fun
Ekaterina Akhmetzyanova, screenwriter.

A gangster party will help you to go back to the atmosphere of Chicago in the 30s, plunge into the world of chic and gloss, find yourself in a pub filled with the smoke of expensive cigars. Gambling, expensive jewelry, alcohol are forbidden, but such alluring pleasures that await the participants of the grand meeting of the “bad guys”.

gangster party invitations

The general mood of the evening should be created long before the event. All guests receive information in advance about where and when the “mafia gathering” will take place, as well as requirements to comply with the dress code.

Since the party is secret, the invitations must also be secret. If such an event is planned as a corporate party, then you can, for example, throw leaflets with the necessary information into the desktop drawers.

How to welcome guests?

At the entrance to the room where the event will be held, you can put a person who will invite guests with appropriate enthusiasm. It can be a guy in a dress a la "a boy who sells newspapers", he will tell you about the latest news, about who is getting married, or who has an anniversary today.

You can invite a photographer with an old camera, he will meet guests and capture happy faces. In order to make the photos memorable, you can organize a special stand against which to take pictures. It would be useful to have a beautiful arrival of the hero of the occasion to the main entrance in a rented rare car, and the waiting time will be brightened up by a waitress from the past who will offer guests fragrant coffee (cups can contain both coffee itself and gin, whiskey).

Gangster entourage

Walls are best decorated with posters in the style of the 30s. Black-and-white "Wanted" flyers, photos of New York, portraits of artists and musicians of that period. Tables for playing roulette, game chips, as if by chance forgotten by previous visitors, any rare things - all this must be put into use, because it is from such trifles that the general mood of the evening is formed.

Lay newspapers about gangsters on the tables, of course, use the real names of the participants in the evening and fictitious events about them, do not forget about humor - you will get a wonderful publication that will brighten up the minutes of waiting and become a wonderful souvenir.

By the way, do not forget to pour alcohol into coffee pots, teapots, or into “milk” bags - this is required by an era when many things were banned. Glasses will also have to be put away somewhere far away - coffee cups are quite suitable, encrypted - so for real.

Dressing like a gangster

It would be nice to attach a small educational program on costumes to each invitation. For women, these are silk dresses, feathers, furs, cigarette holders, flirty hats, retro hairstyles. To create a male image, you will need suspenders, ties, striped suits, hair combed to one side, a small mustache, cigars, revolvers.

gangster menu

Fresh meat fried in a hot pan, juicy vegetables (fresh and baked), potato slices - the menu can be quite varied. But with alcohol, things are more complicated, since the dry law, which was in force in the 30s in America, makes you go for tricks. You need to think about a beautiful serving of strong drinks in advance. Maybe you should order bottle stickers in the style of those years with the inscriptions “Juice, Milk” in the printing house.

We select musical accompaniment

The sound of retro music helps to finally feel the era, to feel the rhythm of that time, its melody. In the 1930s, it was very popular

  • jazz,
  • foxtrot,
  • Argentine tango.

If you plan to perform a live musical group, then it is best to stop at the guys performing jazz. And to play the music in the recording, select tunes from The Godfather, the musical Chicago. You can play Chicago the Musical without sound on your TV.

Here are just a few vivid examples to create the right gangster mood:

gangster entertainment

Initiation into mafia

Hand out mafia code leaflets to guests. Let the participants know that they join the mafia for life, and only death can break these bonds. To become a member of the society, all participants must stand in a circle, read the mafia code in unison and kiss the hand of the party organizer or the leader of the mafia, if one has already been elected.

Mafia code text

  • Members of the mafia mutually help each other, whatever the nature of this assistance.
  • Any attack on one of the members of the mafia in any form is an attack on all; he must be avenged at any cost.
  • They commit themselves to complete obedience to their superiors.
  • When it is necessary to do justice, the members of the mafia turn not to the civil authorities, but to the mafia itself. She is the one who makes the judgment. It is she who carries out the sentence.
  • If anyone, for whatever reason, gives out the names of the members of the organization, he can be killed by anyone, at any time; revenge extends not only to him, but to his entire family.

During the party, you can distribute various secret messages to guests, written on small pieces of paper, in which there will be puzzles, riddles or questions related to the theme of the party. If the message is solved, then the one who solves his message receives a prize.

Organize a mini-casino

Use a toy roulette. Roulette should be with numbers, on which bets will be accepted. Choose a croupier from especially active guests. You can bet on winning chips or personal items, and the prizes will again be gangster-oriented items.

Competition "Gangster couple"

Several couples participate in the competition, they are handcuffed to each other or their hands are tied with a rope. Each pair is given a bottle of whiskey and a ribbon. The task of each pair is to tie a bow from a ribbon on a bottle. The winner is the pair that completed the task faster and better than everyone else.

Contest "Disarm the enemy"

The participants are divided into two teams. Each team receives a set of paper pistols and revolvers, printed on a printer, with the name of a particular team. Each team hides its arsenal in different places, and then the teams at the “start” of the leader must find all the “weapons” of the enemy. The team that finds more quickly or more will be the winner.

Set up shop

Instead of currency, use chips that guests received for winning competitions. These gangster chips can be exchanged for goods they like, namely a cigarette case, cigar, whiskey, a deck of cards, a mouthpiece, women's jewelry.

A Chicago-style party is an opportunity to feel like a real mafia, try on chic outfits, put on the skin of conspirators and lawbreakers. Such fun, forbidden, but attractive, will remain in memory for a long time.

Attracted by strict outfits for men, beautifully dressed women and weapons? Then we have developed a Chicago party scenario just for you. .

Organizing a holiday in this style will take a lot of time, but you will get fantastic pleasure!

We've got the best Chicago party ideas for you. Take advantage of our tips and recreate the incredible atmosphere of America during Prohibition.

Party in the style of Chicago 30s: what to wear?

Dreaming of a birthday or a friendly party in this style, you need to think - are you ready to take the issue seriously ?! After all, this is not just a costume party, it is an imitation of a certain style and demeanor. Therefore, clothes and accessories for a Chicago-style party should be chosen carefully and correctly.

To make it easier for you, we will tell you what and how they wore at that time. So, what to wear to a Mafia-style party?

For women in the 1930s, the following were relevant:

  • straight dresses that do not emphasize the waist below the knees
  • headbands or intricate curls
  • gloves, a large number of pearl beads and bracelets
  • shoes with a small heel, stockings with an imitation seam at the back
  • heavy dark eye makeup, general pallor of the skin and bright scarlet lips
  • use of a boa made of feathers, natural (or artificial) fur in an outfit
  • from accessories it is worth stopping at a fan or a mouthpiece

In general, a decent fashionista in 1930 looked like this :)

Men preferred to walk in strict three-piece suits, regardless of who they work and how they live. For men, a great choice would be:

  • dark suits - gray, black, chocolate shades with a vest
  • a light or black shirt with rolled up sleeves and the obligatory presence of suspenders
  • use of tie and hat
  • from outerwear, an ideal solution would be a coat or raincoat, on the legs - shoes
  • As for accessories, you can opt for a cane umbrella, a cigar, a good pocket (!) watch or any weapon. Most often it is a revolver or "Thompson"

In general, a decent man from Chicago in those days looked like this:

However, a gangster-style party also implies the presence of themed entertainment, original drinks and snacks. It is not enough just to come nicely dressed, you need to feel the atmosphere of those unforgettable and at the same time already forgotten years.

Chicago Party Script, food, drinks

Planning a table for such a party, it is better to give preference to the buffet type of menu, which you can find. However, you can create your own menu for a gangster party. , whose signature dishes will be pasta (pasta with interesting sauces) with meat or seafood and.

You can also use the following recipes for a Chicago-style party:

From drinks, give preference to elite alcohol - whiskey, gin, martini or rum. If your party is anti-alcohol, prepare interesting fresh fruit cocktails.

decorating the house , use a couple of interesting ideas. For example, hang posters on the walls looking for dangerous criminals. The criminals, of course, will be your guests :).

Use the template below for more similarity.

Also, an interesting solution would be to print and prepare a growth meter or a poster of the evening city on one of the walls. There, everyone can take photos for memory.

Of course, a gangster-style party is an incredible opportunity to show imagination and originality. So, you can organize:

  • Casinos where real scammers play
  • Thematic game with distribution of roles
  • A real round-up of cops on a bar where they sell whiskey from under the floor
  • Bank robbery and more.

Gangster Party Script

When preparing for a party, you can distribute cards to the guests in advance with the roles that they will perform at your party. Use our example or create your own roles:

  • Red-haired Mary - a prostitute, unrequitedly in love with a doctor
  • Doc - a doctor who prescribes alcohol treatment for his patients
  • Little Sophie is a little thief who pulls off everything that comes to hand throughout the evening
  • Jim and Louis Armstrong are brothers who rob banks all the time.
  • Baby Coco is a killer
  • Rosa's corpse is the prototype of the murdered girl, who can die at the most unexpected moments of the party 🙂

As you can see, fantasy is limitless, and you can come up with a great many such characters. Use plots from famous movies about gangsters, music from the game of the same name and famous quotes and your gangsta party will become unforgettable.

From entertainment, you can use any contests, rewards, in which - souvenir US dollars. At the end of the evening, with these dollars, everyone will be able to purchase auction lots - these can be both interesting and compromising photos, as well as various souvenirs.

Another wonderful and thematic pastime will be the Mafia game, the rules and cards for which you can download. Just print them on thick paper and plunge into the world of exciting peaceful and at the same time gangster Chicago, where your gangster party takes place.

Chicago 30s- this is the time that has become a legend, these are scams and gangsters, "prohibition" and whiskey with ice ...
The atmosphere of the solemn event is maintained in the style of this high-profile era: posters with plots from musicals are hung on the walls "Chicago", "Cats", and films "Cabaret", "Only Girls in Jazz" and etc.

In the hall of the restaurant, guests arriving for the celebration are greeted by a flower girl who fastens carnations to the men's buttonholes, and a dark-skinned young man who throws luxurious boas over the ladies' shoulders.

While waiting for the start in a mini photo studio, everyone will be able to try on the costume of those years or, using the tantamare, take part in an unforgettable photo shoot, and at the end of the evening get wonderful stylized photos with themselves in the lead role. Meanwhile, waiters in disguise offer guests an aperitif in coffee cups for the purpose of conspiracy, explaining that in our time in Chicago there is a dry law!
Unobtrusive jazz compositions are pouring from the stage, performed live by a group in gangster costumes and a languid singer in an elegant dress. A saxophonist slowly moves along the hall, and the soulful sounds of his saxophone disperse fragrant cigar smoke, which covers unhurried social conversation with a light veil.

The host welcomes the most notorious mafiosi Chicago in the 30s. He announces that today they have all the forbidden truly gangster entertainment at their disposal: colorful cigar fights, an underground mobile casino, a cabaret show, incendiary step, cancan, bottle shooting in a pneumatic shooting range or exciting darts, a master class in making "non-alcoholic" cocktails in an enchanting bartender show, card tricks performed by the best micro magician and much, much more.

A cigar corner is comfortably located in a specially equipped relaxation room, where you can relax, unwind and enjoy the nobility of real cigars. A professional fumilie, a cigar expert, will help the guests of the celebration to choose the appropriate sort of tobacco, and those who do not consider themselves an expert in smoking cigars, he will be happy to teach them how to properly handle them and demonstrate a wide selection of elite cigars of various brands.

The surprises don't end there!
See you at an event in the style of Chicago 30s!

Idea: Organize a Chicago-style Valentine's Day party.

  • A list of invited couples is compiled in advance and an invitation is sent to them indicating the date, time and place of the celebration in honor of Valentine's Day (competitions for couples in love will be selected on the occasion of this holiday). Also be warned that a Chicago-style script will be used.
  • For the holiday, you should choose the right costumes. If you are a man, then you can wear a suit like Don Corleone, that is, for men at this event, a striped suit, suspenders, a hat, patent leather shoes with pointed toes and a cigarette in their mouths will be an appropriate choice. For a woman, the image of Beauty Mary is suitable, for this you will need an evening dress, a long cigarette in the mouthpiece and a small handbag.
  • The gift at this event should also be in Chicago style, it can be cigars for men tied with a ribbon with a heart, cards or toy weapons, women can be presented with a small bag, gloves, a fan. But if you want to give a gift to a couple, then you can give a photo of the couple, stylized as Chicago in the 30s, in a frame. You can also pick up gifts in the "Gift Catalog" section. This section has gifts for every taste.
  • The tables are served with dishes from American and Mexican cuisine. There are no bottles of booze on the tables, because Chicago has a dry law. But that doesn't mean there's no booze on the table. It is, but for the purpose of conspiracy, it is poured into juice decanters, coffee pots and teapots. And it should be poured into cups and glasses. As the inhabitants of Chicago said in the 30s: “Coffee is stronger for me!”.
  • The guests are divided into pairs, each pair is assigned a name for the evening, for example, “the Ivanov family” or “the Petrov clan”. In the future, these couples will earn money in order to seize power in the future.
  • All couples should prepare in advance for the party and put on suitable costumes, but if someone failed to do this, then a table with the necessary attributes will come to the rescue. Boas, pistols (toy, of course), hats and caps, feathers should be laid out on this table, everyone who needs additional attributes can come up and pick up what they need. The hall is decorated with "WANTED" posters depicting the couples present, posters with scenes from the movie "Cabaret" and the musical "Chicago". You can also attach banknotes to the walls (of course, not real ones).
  • During the whole party, couples will participate in competitions and earn money, towards the end of the event, the family that has earned the most money is awarded the main prize, and all “cases” are transferred to this family. The man from the winning couple becomes the Godfather.
  • As already mentioned, all couples receive a nickname for the evening. There are posters on the wall with the words "WANTED" and the name of the family, these posters will keep a count of the money that couples will win. The first contest is held "Sharp Shooter" - For this contest you will need a set of darts. Boy-girl couples participate in the competition. Each pair is given 2 darts, one dart for each participant. Then the couples take turns throwing darts, trying to hit the top ten. After the throws, the host calculates how many points each pair has scored. The three couples with the most points are given one more attempt each. Points are counted again, the first result is subtracted from the second result and the resulting number becomes the result for this competition. The couple with the highest score wins the competition and receives the title of "Sharpshooter". , since one of the main characteristics of a man from the time of Chicago in the 30s was accuracy. In this competition, couples will compete with each other and choose the most accurate. According to the results of the competition, the couple with the highest result is awarded a reward in this amount. This result is also recorded on the WANTED poster.
  • Based on the results of the competitions, the presenter names the winning family, gives her the main prize - a box of sweets in the shape of a heart and gives her "cases", hands her a bunch of keys, supposedly from all the enterprises of the city. All competitions are held to jazz music.

· RETRO WEDDING: 1930s Chicago Style

· As you know, fashion is cyclical - everything always returns, but in a slightly modified, improved version. Therefore, we have been observing for many years an unrelenting interest in "retro" - the style, fashion and atmosphere of those years, opening before us from the screens of old wonderful films, continue to inspire and give new ideas, and the popularity of themed holidays, including weddings, all increases. You will not be the first to play such a wedding. But on the other hand, this pays off with the simplicity of styling (costumes are close to our time and guests will only need accessories, unlike non-banal musketeers or pharaohs), the richest experience accumulated on the Internet, from which you can draw the most interesting ideas, and ample opportunities for improvisations on the theme of jazz and the girls in it, godfathers, the mafia and other "signs" of that time.

If you are interested in this topic, first you should “refresh” its primary sources in your memory - watch movies or read books. It is worth mentioning that the "Chicago 30s" style is a very conditional name. It covers a period of more than a dozen years, so do not get hung up on the details - it is unlikely that any of the guests will remember that the action of the film "The Godfather" takes place in the 1940-50s and in New York, and not in Chicago , but there are significantly more opportunities for the script (you can please the future father-in-law and guests with the clause “no Sicilian can refuse requests on his daughter’s wedding day”). Together with the presenter, think over the scenario “from and to” - from the solemn arrival of the groom on a bicycle (as in the film “Only Girls in Jazz”) to the competition program (rolling cigars on the hips of beauties). You can beat the dry law that prevailed at that time (whisky in cups, whoever says the name of alcohol aloud - a fine, etc.). These tips are not a role model, but only a direction of thought.

One of the main points of successful styling is costumes. For the groom, a three-piece suit with a butterfly is suitable (due to the solemnity of the moment, it is better to use the image of Colombo-white leggings for one of the guests), while the bride should pay attention to the hairstyle and accessories - diamonds (or rhinestones), tiaras, large flowers should be present in the image , feathers or long gloves. Guests should be warned about the dress code in advance in invitations, which also need to be decorated in an appropriate style, but it is better to play it safe and prepare a few additional accessories yourself - boas, long beads, small ladies' and brutal men's hats, etc. This will avoid embarrassment if one of the guests did not have time to prepare a costume, and will ensure that everyone is in the right mood.

For such a wedding, a hall with white columns or stucco is well suited, which can be decorated with gramophones, vinyl records and fresh flowers in large floor vases. In the scenery, you can focus on the musical "Chicago", for example. The wedding procession must include at least one retro limousine or convertible. All this will be a great backdrop for a photo shoot, which should be black and white or with the effect of "aged" photos.

Particular attention should be paid to the musical arrangement. It will be great if a saxophonist or a jazz band will perform at such a wedding. For background accompaniment, you can pick up tunes from the repertoire of Billie Holiday, Diana Krall, Bill Evans, Nat King Cole, Duke Ellington, Ella Fitzgerald. For the dance part of the evening, you can use modern arrangements of old melodies or make a slight error in stylization (in the direction of Elvis, for example).

A piece of history that you will touch in such a playfully carnival form will allow you to feel the memory and continuity of generations, and this feeling will not be out of place at your wedding. I would like to believe that a celebration in the style of Chicago in the 30s is “an offer you cannot refuse”!

· Anastasia Fedyanina

January 25, 2016

Tough guys with machine guns, amazing Chicago, showdowns between different mafia and fatal beauties in silk dresses - all this will certainly take everyone to the mysterious and dangerous atmosphere of the 20s of the XIX century. This period attracts many people with its indescribable entourage. Nowadays, books, video games and films about the American mafia are widely popular. There are even special themed clubs dedicated to that time. Interest is easy to explain, what is it worth to take part in a bank robbery, go on vacation to an underground bar, where you will be splashed with the most delicious forbidden whiskey, participate in drug smuggling and feel the whole atmosphere of the mafia world.

It is now possible to embody an entire era in a super-incendiary gangster style party! Its scenario is ideal for corporate events, New Year's Eve, hen and stag parties or even weddings, birthdays and many other events.

1. Venue

A gangster-style party can be held in a cafe, bar, in the country or at home, the main thing is to create the appropriate atmosphere and set the right mood for the guests. If the organizers of the holiday are not constrained by the budget, then it would be ideal to order several actors and the host of the evening. Actors in the role of tough mafiosi will check each guest for weapons and drugs at the entrance, and beautiful girls will offer guests a Cuban cigar. The presence of specially trained and healthy people will enliven the guests of the holiday and bring a lot of positive.

2. Invitations

It is best to make invitations for such a themed party with your own hands, so they will look more presentable, and each guest will be able to keep it as a keepsake of the holiday.

The style of making inviting leaflets should characterize everything that any person associates with a gangster. And these are weapons, large sums of money, legends of the American automobile industry of the 20s, jazz and roulette. A good option would be to design invitations in the form of dollars of different denominations or announcements in the style of "Wanted dead or alive", which was relevant for those times. To do this, of course, you don’t have to sacrifice real currency, you can print fake bucks on a printer and decorate them with images of playing cards or Al Capone, and for the “Wanted” ad, you just need to find a quality template on the net.

It is important that the invitations to the event be dull tones, made in black and white or in sepia style, only in this way they can accurately convey the spirit of that time. For writing texts, it is best to use Beckett, Budapest, FetteFraktur or RosewoodStd-Regular fonts. Invitations should contain information about the place, date of the event and the availability of a dress code for everyone.

3. Interior and attributes

The room should fully recreate the atmosphere of mafia America in the 20s. The interior and decor are best designed in white, red and black colors. For example, you can decorate a room with garlands with card suits cut out of cardboard. Which can be connected with a thin rope or fishing line, and attached to pieces of furniture, walls or ceilings.

It will not be superfluous to purchase attributes for the gangster party that are most suitable for the theme of the holiday. For example, stacks of fake dollars would be very out of place. It’s not worth it to be petty, because it’s advisable to put 1 million of them in a suitcase, and you can also scatter a certain amount of “green” around the room and put it on the guests’ tables. For such counterfeit banknotes, you can “buy” booze at a holiday, treats, etc.
A mandatory attribute of the event will be large posters in the “Wanted” style, the wanted person can be a birthday boy, newlyweds, TOP company executives or just guests of the holiday. As an option, you can also order banners from specialized companies depicting gangster themes, famous personalities of that time, panoramas of New York or Chicago at night, 2 by 3 meters in size. This will help to complement the overall mafia atmosphere of the evening.
Anyone can take bright and interesting photos against the background of thematic posters.
You should also definitely buy a height meter for a gangster party, this is such a background picture with the application of growth meters and numbers, against which intruders are photographed.

Each table should have name plates for guests. Such a card will indicate to each guest his place at the table. The organizers of the party themselves choose the principle of seating the guests, but you should not break up married or couples in love, and it is very useful to put single individuals of the opposite sex at the same table.
For themed photo shoots, you need to prepare in advance a lot of toy weapons, handcuffs, boas, elegant hats and cigars.

Since the “dry law” was introduced in America in the 20s of the 19th century, for serving drinks, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic, you can prepare samovars, thermoses, teapots in advance, and use ordinary cups instead of glasses.

It would be nice to arrange tables with white tablecloths with red elements. If you are celebrating a party in a cafe, then it is better that the hall is aimed at people who smoke, since not a single gangster will refuse a good Cuban cigar. Subdued lights and cigarette smoke will complement the overall entourage of the party.

4. Dress code

See more about creating gangster costumes.

The image for a gangsta party should be carefully thought out and brought to life in the form of beautiful clothes, accessories and shoes from the time of Al Capone.

There is no such girl who would refuse to spend the evening in the image of a mysterious film star of the 20s or try on the image of her beloved girl of a "bad" guy from the mafia. As for men, everything is simple here: weapons, big money, a beauty is nearby and probably a Cadillac is parked on the street. Who wouldn't want to be the tough guy for the evening with all that?

A male gangster party costume should include a headdress, a white or striped shirt, stylish trousers, boots, suspenders, an elegant scarf around the neck or a bow tie, and each mafia can also put on a massive ring and take your favorite cigars with you. It is important that the costume is solid and made in deep blue, black and brown tones.

Also, the classic version of the gangster outfit is a black suit, black shirt and white tie.

A woman's outfit must contain such an important attribute as a hat or a feather in a headdress. Not many people know that the hat was preferred by girls who themselves are associated with dark mafia affairs, and those who inserted feathers into their headdress were only gangsters' girlfriends.

For the beautiful half of humanity, an image for a gangster party can consist of the following elements: a black floor-length dress with a deep neckline, chains with a small diamond on the chest, stilettos in the same tone with the dress, fur capes on the shoulders or boa. Some girls prefer to wear a pantsuit to such an event, but then it is worth finding suspenders and a headdress in advance. Alternatively, you can wear a short black dress and fishnet stockings, and be sure not to forget about the garter to complete the spicy look. The best hairstyle will be big twisted curls, and a veil with a hat on top.

Makeup for a gangster party is best applied bright, with pronounced smoke eyes, red lipstick and the use of a suitable face tone.

At such a thematic event, an image thought out to the smallest detail will look most impressive, that is, one where the guests of the evening took care not only of having an interesting outfit, but also of suitable accessories, shoes, hairstyles and makeup.

Nowadays, it is not a problem to buy the right accessories for a gangster party. , there are plenty of stores online and in the real world, which offer a wide range of necessary parts to complete the image. These can be short or long gloves, long strings of pearls, large rings, bright hairpins, suspenders, hats, etc.

Which image each guest of the party will choose for himself depends only on his imagination.

For those who ignore the presence of a dress code, you need to prepare hats, fur capes, cigars, braces and toy machines in advance.

5. Food and drink

You can also fantasize about the menu, but still with a certain degree of seriousness. Refreshments will be served in the form of a buffet. Since Italy is the birthplace of the mafia, you can choose Italian cuisine: lasagna, risotto, pasta, basil sauce, pizza, olives, mozzarella, salads with parmesan, tomatoes, capers, etc.

Light snacks will not be superfluous, for example, sandwiches, sandwiches with salted fish, caviar, hot sandwiches, fruits, etc.

You can come up with a mafia-ridiculous name for each treat, for example, "Poppy Salad" or "Don Corleone's Offer" pizza - it will be impossible to refuse it.

Since the dry law applies at the party, and all alcohol is prohibited, you can stick your own labels on the bottles with the inscription “Cherry juice” or “Grape nectar”. Gangsters' favorite drink is whiskey , bourbon, scotch or gin are perfect alcohol for such an event. It is worth considering that not all guests drink alcohol, and it is worth taking care of the availability of orange juice and mineral water.

For dessert, you can serve black truffles, panna cotta or tiramisu with espresso coffee. As an option, bake cupcakes and cakes in the shape of a bullet, a hat or with a picture of a weapon.

6. Musical accompaniment

Music is selected thematic and atmospheric. The soundtracks from the movie "The Godfather" and "Pulp Fiction" will be the ideal backdrop for such an event, as well as the best jazz songs of the 20s and 30s.

7. Entertainment program

Games and contests are an important part of any thematic event. The more original the entertainment program, the more guests will be happy. Gangster style party contests should be fun and energetic.

« Thematic quest to release a partner from prison». A detailed scenario of such a quest can be viewed.


Perhaps one of the best themed games will be Mafia. The essence of the game is tied to the human factor, psychology and emotions. "Mafia" comes in several versions, but it is best to play its classic version.

First of all, a leader is selected, who should be well versed in the aspects and rules of the game. Participants are seated at the table at some distance from each other. If necessary, the course of the game can be recorded. To play the "Mafia" you need to buy special cards, which indicate the main characters.

After the distribution of the game, night falls, each player closes his eyes and waits for the leader's instructions. After the phrase “The city falls asleep, the mafia wakes up”, people with a mafia card open their eyes and a visual acquaintance occurs. All this happens in absolute silence, only the presenter speaks. After the instructions to sleep, the next player wakes up, and so the maniac, the killer, the lawyer wake up in turn, only civilians do not wake up.

After the host announces the coming of the day, all players open their eyes and choose a candidate for arrest. To find out who is who, it is possible only by studying the sounds from one or another participant, which could be heard by civilians when meeting with representatives of the mafia. The main task of the peaceful is to determine the mafia, and to prevent her from detaining her people. After the card of the participant who should be arrested is revealed, the city again plunges into a dream. On the second night, the mafia takes out one civilian.

The finish of the game determines the ratio of participants from different groups, the group with more live wins.

"Stash for loot"

For the competition, you will need two women and two men, who are divided into pairs. Each pair is given 25 counterfeit banknotes of different denominations. Girls must hide all the money on the body of their couple in half a minute. It is important not to place more than one bill in one place. The winner is the couple that hid more pieces of paper.


This game is an analogue of the legendary "Crocodile". The bottom line is this: all guests are divided into two teams, each of them makes a word to a representative of the opposing team. It must be shown with movements, without the help of speech. The team guesses the word for 5 minutes. The one who guessed all the words wins.

"Smell of Money"

This is a competition for smell. Participation is accepted from two people. The players sit down at the table, after which they are blindfolded. A stand with different bills is placed in front of the participants, you need to determine its denomination by smell. The one who correctly determines more bills, he won.

"Creative Gangster"

A lot of guests can participate in this competition. Each is given a long ball, inflating which you need to form a new type of weapon. The one who makes the most fun and constructively correct model, as well as comes up with a name and explains how it works, will receive a prize.

"Sharing the loot"

In advance, counterfeit bills and coins of different denominations are placed in a three-liter jar. The bank is stuffed to the top. About ten participants are selected, each of whom makes a bet, how much is in the bank and how much money will fall on each gangster. The one who more accurately determined the amount in the bank wins.

« Thematic photo session»

At any party, a photo shoot is an important part of it. Any guest will not refuse to receive a picture as a keepsake, where he acts as a cold-blooded but fair gangster or a sultry beauty in chic outfits.

Due to objective reasons, it is impossible to take a high-quality picture even on the most advanced smartphone models, therefore we recommend using the services of a professional photographer- do not save (better cut the part of the holiday budget that you plan to spend on food and drink). Thus, guests will be delighted with bright and interesting photos taken at the suggestion of a professional photographer at an exciting gangsta party!

In addition to the games described above, you can organize a casino where real attributes will be used: chips, money and excitement, or card games - poker and blackjack. It is important that the contests are fun and liberate the guests, but they should not be in excess.

8. Incentive prizes

For the victory in the contests, the participant should be awarded incentive prizes. These can be: themed playing cards, counterfeit money, cigars, toy car models of the time, boas or red lipstick for girls, etc.

A gangster party is ideal for a group of friends who plan to completely forget about everyday problems for one evening and plunge into the world of mysterious mafiosi. A well-organized holiday will certainly appeal to all guests, and pleasant memories of it will remain in their memory for a long time.