Why do we need an army of stories for children. Topic: "Armed forces of the Russian Federation. Types of troops." outline of the lesson on the world around (senior group) on the topic. Ballistic railway missile system "Barguzin"

Integrated educational activities in the preparatory group "Our Army is strong (military equipment)"

Sotnikova Svetlana Anatolievna,


MADOU d / s No. 158 of the city of Tyumen

Program tasks:

"Social and personal development"

Deepen children's knowledge of the Russian army.

Form an idea about the types of troops.

Cultivate respect for the defenders of the Fatherland.

"Communication Development"

Teach children to draw their own conclusions, form judgments .

Activate the vocabulary of children with new words: landing troops, artillerymen, navy, air aviation.

"Cognitive Development"

Improve the skills of quantitative and ordinal counting within 10.

Continue to develop the ability to plan the process of erecting a building. Build a structure in accordance with its purpose.

To consolidate the ability to design from paper (a boat) by bending a sheet of paper in half, combining sides and corners.

"Physical development"

Strengthen the ability to participate in various outdoor games.

Develop coordination of movements, the ability to navigate in space.

Equipment: soft modules; illustrations of military equipment for "exhibition" and games; presentation; signs "clouds", "earth", "water"; 2 pools with water; for experience package and iron items; sheets of paper for each child; colour pencils; musical accompaniment; sound of the sea.

Game for coordination of movements "Soldier".

Stay on one leg

If you are a solid soldier.

And then stay on the right

If you are a brave soldier.

And then stay on the left

If you are a brave soldier.

Educator: Our land feeds us with delicious bread, gives us water from spring water, pleases our eyes with marvelous expanses, forests and fields. In order for all people to live happily, it is necessary to protect their land, their homeland.

Educator: Guys, Sasha has prepared a poem for you, let's listen.

The golden sun shines over the country

This is the Russian land, this is the native land.

It's good for the guys to live in their native land,

We love our country with all our hearts.

Educator: Guys, how do you understand the word Motherland?

Children's answers.

Educator: Yes, the Motherland is our home, kindergarten, city, our forests, fields and lakes, a happy childhood and a peaceful sky.

Who do you think is protecting our Motherland?

Children's answers: soldiers, military.

Educator: The soldiers defended our Motherland during the war, but now there is no war, what are the soldiers doing now?

Children's answers: they serve in the army, study, train, study technology in order to be ready at any moment to defend the Motherland.

Educator: Guys, what country do we live in?

Children's answers: we live in Russia.

There are many other countries around Russia, but what separates our country from other countries?

Children's answers: the border separates.

Educator: We have already talked about how and where the borders pass. So where do they go?

Children's answers: by land, water and air.

Educator: Do you want to know what kind of military equipment the soldiers use to guard the borders?

Children's answers:

Educator: Where can we see military equipment?

Children's answers: In pictures, in books, in museums, at an exhibition.

Educator: I suggest you go to an exhibition of military equipment, but what are we going to go there?

Children's answers: By ship, by car, etc.

Educator: Raise your hands who will go by car, and Sasha will count the number of children. Raise your hands who wants to go on a ship - Masha will count the number of people.

Educator: Ira, what number is greater than 8 or 7?

Children's answers: More number 8.

Teacher: So where are we going?

Educator: Guys, what will we build a car from?

Children's answers: from the constructor, from the modules.

Educator: Great! We will build a car from modules.

Children build a car and get into it.

During the "trip" with the children, we repeat proverbs about the army.

The Russian army is not alone - the whole country is with it.

A soldier is led to glory by learning and work.

No defense - crows will peck.

I took an oath - not a step away from it.

Discipline is the soul of an army.

Take care of your dear land, like a beloved mother.

Finger gymnastics "Fighters - well done" (we choose the leader).

These fingers are all fighters,

Children show palms with straightened fingers.

Remote fellows.

Squeeze and unclench fingers.

Two - large and strong small.

And a soldier in battle experienced.

The fingers are clenched into a fist, only the big ones are raised.

Two brave guardsmen,

Show index fingers.

Two smart young men.

Show middle fingers.

Two - nameless heroes,

But in work they are very zealous.

Show ring fingers.

Two little fingers - shorties - Very nice boys!

Show little fingers.

One two three four five -

Alternately bend the fingers on the right and left hand.

Squeeze and unclench fingers.

Fingers stood together in a row.

They show their palms, spread their fingers apart and bring them together.

Ten strong soldiers.

They clap their hands.

Exhibition of military equipment (examination of illustrations).

Educator: So we arrived at the exhibition of military equipment, look around, what do you see?

Children's answers: I see a tank, a submarine.

Educator: Why was it called underwater?

What is to the right of the submarine?

What is located to the left of the tank?

What is between the tank and the gun?

What is next to the gun?

What is next to the ship?

What is the number of aircraft?

Where is the submarine located?

Look guys, here all the equipment is mixed up air, water and ground. I have exactly the same pictures on the cards. Please help me sort them out. And the signs will help us in this.

I show the signs "cloud", "earth", "water".

Educator: What do you think, what types of technology relate to these signs?

Children's answers: The sign "cloud" refers to air equipment.

Educator: Why is military equipment called air? ground? one?

Children's answers.

Educator: On your own, select and arrange types of military equipment on the carpet so that they correspond to the signs.

Teacher: Start doing the task.

Educator: What is the air military equipment? Name water military equipment? Name ground military equipment?

How do you think you coped with this task? Amazing! I agree with you.

Educator: Seryozha, Dima, please help me collect the pictures.

Guys, I propose to play the game "Depict military equipment." To the music of the march, you walk in all directions, at the end of the music, you depict the technique shown in the picture.

The game "Depict military equipment."

Educator: Great! Everyone tried.

Masha has a military grandfather, she has prepared a presentation for you. We invite you to take a look.

Viewing a presentation.

Teacher: What did you watch the presentation about? What military equipment did you like, why?

Suggested responses from children.

Educator: Have you all seen the ship, tell me, what material is it made of?

Children's answers: The ship is made of iron.

Educator: Is iron light or heavy?

Children's answers: iron is heavy.

Educator: If the ship is made of iron, then it is also heavy, and why does it not sink?

Suggested responses from children.

Educator: Remember the experience with the ball and water and air. Why didn't the ball sink?

Children's answers: Because there was air in the balloon.

Educator: So what if the balloon is filled with air, why didn’t it drown?

Children's answers: Because the air is light and the ball is also light, that's why it did not drown.

Educator: To find out why the ship does not sink, we will conduct an experiment with iron, air and water. Let's go to the pool.

Research activities (children approach the pool of water).

Educator: Take iron objects and lower them into the water. What happened to them?

Children: iron objects drowned.

Educator: So what are the objects made of iron?

Children: iron objects are heavy.

Educator: Katya, take a small plastic bag filled with air and put it in water, what happened to it?

Children's answers: The bag swam.

Educator: Sveta, carefully put an iron plate on the bag. What happened to iron?

Children: Iron floats on the bag.

Teacher: Why is it floating?

Children: The air does not allow the iron to sink, because the air is light.

Educator: So the ship has a lot of empty rooms filled with air, so it does not sink.

Educator: Tell me, what holiday is approaching us?

Teacher: How else can you say?

Children: Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Educator: On this day, military parades are held in many cities of our country, and in the evening fireworks are sparkling in honor of the defenders of our country - soldiers.

Educator: I suggest you arrange a military parade of ships. To do this, you need to make ships out of paper.

Explanation of the sequence of making a ship (boat) out of paper .

The guys who made the ship, you can launch it into the water for the parade.

Playing in the water with boats. Musical accompaniment sounds in the background.

Resources Used

Irina Sedykh "Song of the Motherland".

Kovalko V.I. ABC of physical education minutes for preschoolers: middle, senior, preparatory groups. - M.: VAKO, 2011. - 176s. - (Preschoolers: teach, develop, educate).

http://speech therapist-class.rf/index.php/razvitie-obshey-motoriki.html Karelskaya E.G. "Development of fine motor skills of hands" (finger games).

http://sbornik-mudrosti.ru/poslovicy-i-pogovorki-pro-soldata/ Proverbs and sayings about a soldier

We invite teachers of preschool education in the Tyumen region, YaNAO and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra to publish their methodological material:
- Pedagogical experience, author's programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including video), forms of work with families and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?

Target: Raise pride in the Russian army


Developing. To acquaint children with literary works describing service in the modern Russian army, to expand their horizons.

Educational.To teach children to reflect on the actions of the hero of a literary work and see in them manifestations of his character; help extract generalized features of a positive image of a Russian soldier from specific plots.Strengthen the ability to answer the question using a detailed phrase.Expand words knowledge.

Educational. Raise interest in the world around;

Arouse interest in military service, a positive attitude towards it;

Raise interest in the public holidays of Russia;

Cultivate a respectful attitude towards the defenders of the Fatherland.

Preliminary work.Learning: poems, songs about the army and the military; dancing.

Classes on art activities.

Conversations on the topics: “Conversations about courage and courage”, “Relatives serving in the Army”, “Profession - military”, “Our army”, “Types of troops”, “My dad, grandfather, brother - what are they”, “Uniforms ”, “Difference in ranks”, viewing illustrations about the Russian army, reading newspaper clippings about our valiant Army.

Didactic games: “Types of troops”, “Guess who is gone”, “Tools”, “Who needs what for work”.

Outdoor games: "Cunning and courageous", "Tug of war", "Crossing", "Deliver a report", "Sailors and pilots".

Materials and equipment:army slides.

Vocabulary work:courage, bravery,specialty, frontier, self-control, resourcefulness, undisciplined, barracks, reconnaissance, platoon, indulgence, updraft,endurance, composure, ingenuity,gas mask, simulator, gyroscope, paratrooper, caterpillar, tower, crew, armored, periscope, driver, tankodrome.

Introductory part.

Educator. Guys, the holiday is approaching - Defender of the Fatherland Day. The military has many different specialties. Tell me, which ones do you know?

Children: Artillerymen, tankers, sailors, radio operators, etc.

Educator. Why are there such different armies?

Children: In order to ensure the security of the borders of our country.

Educator. Is it hard work to defend the Motherland? What qualities should a person who has dedicated his life to military service possess?

Children's answers.

Educator. I suggest you listen to two stories about how young soldiers serve in the army, what and how they are taught.

Reading the story of Boris Nikolsky "Private Bashmakov". After reading, the teacher asks the children:

Did you like the story?

Why did everyone consider Bashmakov's soldier unlucky? What happened to him? (Bashmakov's bullet hit someone else's target, confused his boots, twisted his leg, everything is not like people do.)

Are there really unlucky people in the world? What did the commander, Lieutenant Petukhov, say about this? (There are no unlucky people, there are undisciplined ones.) What incident helped Bashmakov stop being unlucky? (When Bashmakov jumped from his parachute.) What qualities did the soldier Bashmakov show in this situation? (Self-control and resourcefulness.)

Educator: Guys, what is "self-control" and "resourcefulness"?

Children: Self-control is when a person has the ability to control himself, he has great endurance and composure. Resourcefulness -the ability to quickly find a way out of a difficult situation, ingenuity.Please give examples from your own experience when someone showed these qualities.

Children's answers.


Like soldiers on parade

We walk side by side

Left - one, right - one!

Look at us!

We squat quickly, deftly.

Sailors need dexterity

To strengthen muscles

And walk on the deck! (squats - arms forward)

Guys, I propose to listen to another story by Boris Nikolsky "How the tank went down into the water."

Educator. How are tankers trained for underwater driving?

Children: Tankers are examined by doctors: they check the ears, throat, nose, and listen to the lungs. Soldiers must know the device of a gas mask, be able to work under water. Future tankers train on special tank simulators under water.

Educator. Who decides how the car will pass along the bottom of the river?

Children. From the driver.

Educator. What device helps the driver to drive the tank blindly.

Children. Gyroscope.

Educator. Guys, who will tell you what a floating tank simulator looks like?

Children. It looks like half a tank: there are no tracks, no guns, and the stern is cut off. Armor and turret, manhole cover - real.

Educator. What qualities should future tankers - submariners, paratroopers have?

Children's answers: Patience, endurance, health, resourcefulness, courage, willpower, ingenuity, etc.


Educator. Guys, what military specialties did we get acquainted with today? (Paratrooper, scout, driver, tanker).

What qualities do you need to train in yourself to cope with difficult situations in life? (Courage, resourcefulness, ingenuity, willpower.)

What does it mean to love your country? (It means being proud of your country,love her, protect and protect; to be a worthy citizen of your country, by your efforts to help the prosperity and development of the country, to know the history of your people, to respect the elders and the weak; be kind and honest.)


War stories for children

Soldier's Secret. Boris Nikolsky

To be honest, for the first time I really understood that I actually had to jump with a parachute only when I arrived at the airfield in full paratrooper uniform. Overalls, helmet, main parachute - behind, behind, spare - in front, everything is as it should be. Previously, while we were training, while we were doing all sorts of tricky exercises, I kept somehow thinking: it’s still far away, it won’t be long before the jump comes.
And then we arrived at the airfield, and before I had time to look back, the command is distributed:
- By planes!
The small An-2 was already waiting for us. Now we'll get on the plane, it will take off into the air and...

It's no joke to say - from a thousand meters down to fly! As I thought about it, I feel it: goosebumps ran up my back.
He looked at the soldiers, at his comrades, and they - at least that! They climbed one by one into the plane as if nothing had happened. And Smirnov from Leningrad, and Nurpeisov from Alma-Ata, and Sinitsyn from the village of Malye Grebeshki. And my fellow countryman Vasya Vasiliev - he even smiles like that.
"Really, - I think, - am I the only one so nervous?"
And I'm ashamed, I try my best not to show that I'm afraid.
We got on the plane and sat down.
The engine hummed, our An-2 took off into the air.
I looked out the window, and the earth floats farther and farther down. The road down there winds like a ribbon, the tractor runs quite small, like a toy. And so at that moment I envied the tractor driver - words can not describe! Good for him - no need to jump anywhere! No, apparently, I won't make a paratrooper.
I looked at my comrades, and they were sitting quietly. And Smirnov from Leningrad is calm, and Nurpeisov from Alma-Ata, and Sinitsyn from the village of Malye Grebeshki. And my countryman Vasya Vasiliev - so he even closed his eyes, dozing.
As if skydiving is the most common thing for him.
I also closed my eyes and thought:
"It turns out that they are not at all afraid, but I am afraid? What secret do they know, or what?"
And here is the command:
- Get ready!
And all the soldiers get up on this command. And Smirnov from Leningrad, and Nurpeisov from Alma-Ata, and Sinitsyn from the village of Malye Grebeshki. And my fellow countryman Vasya Vasiliev - so he even stretches a little, as if he really had a good night's sleep.
And I stand with everyone.
The wind blows into the plane. The door is already ajar, and our commander, releasing, is standing near the door.
- Went!
The door swings open to its full extent.
Air whirlwinds swirl outside. Only a few steps separate me from this open door. And immediately the legs weaken, and a nasty chill runs through the stomach. No, I will never take those few steps!
- Went!
And Smirnov has already jumped from Leningrad. And Nurpeisov from Alma-Ata! And Sinitsyn from the village of Malye Grebeshki! And my fellow countryman Vasya Vasiliev - so he even winked at me in parting.
Even evil dismantled, honestly! What, I'm the worst, or something ...
But I didn't have time to think. Because the hand of the issuer lay on my shoulder.
- Went!
And I flew after Smirnov from Leningrad, after Nurpeisov from Alma-Ata, after Sinitsyn from the village of Malye Grebeshki.
Then I shook - and the parachute opened.
And I was so happy!
I swayed smoothly under a huge white dome, and above there was a blue-blue sky, and clouds floated above me.
And to the right of me, Smirnov from Leningrad, Nurpeisov from Alma-Ata and Sinitsyn from the village of Malye Grebeshki descended on their parachutes. And my countryman Vasya Vasiliev - he even sang a song like that.
On this day in the barracks, there was only talk about the first jump.
- Honestly, guys, - said Smirnov from Leningrad. - I already thought: there's no way I can jump. As the door opened slightly, as I looked down, my knees began to shake, I swear! And then I look at Nurpeisych, I look at Sinitsyn - at least they have something! Secret, I think they know what, or what? Am I the only one who is so indecisive? No, I think, no matter what happens, I will not leave the others...
- And I looked at you! - Nurpeisov is surprised.
- And I took an example from you! Sinitsyn says.
- And I'm with you! - my fellow countryman Vasya Vasiliev tells me.
And then we all looked at each other and laughed.
And our platoon commander, lieutenant, says:
- It turns out that you, without knowing it, cheered each other up. That's the way it should be. You're talking about a secret now. And it is true, the paratroopers have one secret. The usual secret, a soldier's - no matter how hard it is for you, but support your comrade, cheer up. This is the law for a soldier. Well, what was scary before the first jump - so there is nothing to be ashamed of. No wonder they say: not the brave man who does not know fear, but the one who will be able to overcome his fear. Fear won - it means that he became a real soldier. That's it.
- Good story! agreed the tanker. - Only courage after all not one paratroopers is necessary. So you jumped from the sky more than once, but you probably never had to go under water, huh?
“No,” the paratrooper replies. - Under water - it was not necessary.
“Then,” the tanker says, “I will tell the story of…

How did the tank sink into the water? Boris Nikolsky

A powerful machine is a tank. On land, he is not afraid of any obstacles. What if the river is on the way? What then? Stop and wait until the sappers bring the crossing?
It used to be so.
And now - no, now the river is not a barrier for tankers. There are tanks that float, there are tanks that boldly go under water, right along the bottom.
Only, of course, without training, without preliminary preparation, no tanker will be allowed to go under water. And they prepare tankers for underwater driving, I must say, no less carefully than paratroopers for the first jump.
Medical examination - this time. The doctors will definitely check the ear-throat-nose and listen to the lungs.
To learn the device of a special gas mask by heart is two.
Learning how to work in an underwater pool is three things.

I remember they brought us to the pool for the first time. We were still newbies. I look: in the pool, some soldiers in life jackets, in gas masks walk underwater, while others ... What others are doing, I, frankly, did not even immediately understand.
I see - in the corner, near the pool, some strange structure rises. It seems to be like a tank, only there are no tracks, no guns, and the entire stern part is cut off. In a word, half a tank. And so - and the armor, and the tower, and the hatch cover - everything is real.
“Now look from the side,” the commander tells us. - And then you will have to do this exercise.
We stand, we look.
Meanwhile, four tankers, the entire crew, climb into the tower one by one. Close the manhole cover tightly behind them.
“Look here, look here,” the commander tells us.
Only then did we notice: in the armor, it turns out, a window was made - as if from thick mica. Through it you can see everything that is going on inside the tank.
Here the tankers took their places, talking to each other. Words, of course, are not audible, you can only see how the lips move.
And suddenly... Water gushed into the tank!
Like a waterfall collapsed.
The soldiers pulled rubber gas masks out of their bags and quickly pulled them on.
And the water is coming.
Here she is already knee-deep. Here to the waist. It's already swaying in the throat.
It can be seen how the soldiers show each other something with gestures, move their hands. And we look at them through the glass - it seems to be like fish in an aquarium.
The water has already covered them with their heads, it is already licking the back side of the armored manhole cover... So a minute passes, then another...
And suddenly - time! - the armored cover leaned back. Again, one by one, in turn, the tankers get out into the wild. Wet, water flows from them.
- Exercise, - they report, - done!
To be honest, I was surprised at the time. "What a strange, - I think, - exercise? We sat in the water, bathed and got out - why is this?"
And the commander explains to us:
“Imagine that something happened to the tank underwater. The motor stalled, or the caterpillar, if it happens in a war, in a battle, was torn apart by a mine. In a word, the tank got stuck at the bottom. What to do? It seems as easy as shelling pears - put on a gas mask and get out of the tank. Yes, it was not there! Do not open the hatch for tankers. No matter what strongman is found among them, it still cannot be opened.
Because water is pressing on the manhole cover from the outside. Presses with great force. So it turns out: the tankers are immured in their tank.
What do you mean there is no way out? Wait, wait for help to arrive? No, there is a way out. To get out of the tank, you must first flood the tank. Yes, yes, flood. Tankers put on gas masks, open viewing slots, and water bursts into the tank through these slots. As soon as the tank is filled with water, the pressure from inside and outside is equal, and then it is not harder to open the hatch cover than on land. Just? But in fact, try not to get confused when it’s dark in the tank, water is gushing around, a rubber mask tightens your face, it’s hard to breathe ... In order not to get confused, the tankers, so that they are ready for any surprises, they are trained first on land.
Here, it turns out, what an important exercise!
Then, of course, I myself did this exercise more than once. And in the pool under water I learned to work - there were a lot of all kinds of training.
But the drivers are most carefully prepared for the descent into the water. After all, it depends on the driver, on his skill, how the car will pass along the bottom of the river, whether it will get lost, whether it will go astray.
Have you ever seen tanks play hide and seek?
No? And I saw.
They glue, close all the viewing slots tightly to the tank. It's like a person's eyes are being tied. Then the driver gets into the tank. The officer gives a command on the radio, and the tank moves off. And what a miracle! - goes smoothly, confidently, as if on a ruler.
At first, I could not even believe that the driver was driving the tank blindly.
Maybe he's still peeping on the sly? Sees the road?
I even then asked our driver, Sasha Morozov: "Tell me honestly: are you not peeping?" And he laughs.
Yes, I myself knew that there was no need for him to peep. A special smart device, a gyroscope, helps him. The arrow of the device is always in front of the driver's eyes. As long as the tank goes straight, the arrow does not fluctuate. As the target tank deviated from the direct path, so the arrow immediately becomes worried, swings to the side. Attention, they say, driver, do not yawn!
After all, along the bottom of the river, the tanker will have to drive his car blindly: apart from water, he will not see anything through viewing devices. So the driver learns to control the tank using a gyroscope, first on land, at the tank track, before going under water.
Finally, the day came for which we had all prepared so diligently.
Now the first tank moved to the water. The caterpillars and the tower disappeared under the water, only the barrel of the gun still looks menacingly out of the water. And now it was not visible either - now only the top of the pipe, like a submarine's periscope, plows the surface of the river. Through this high, five-meter pipe, air is now entering the tank.
Our turn has come.
We climb into the car through the driver's hatch.
For the first time in my life I had to sink to the bottom of the river, under the water. Do not dive for a few seconds, but descend in a huge steel machine. Interesting! And a little uncomfortable.
The motor rumbles in full, the car shakes - the tank enters the water.
And suddenly there is silence. For a second, I even got scared: did the engine stall? But no, the tank keeps moving. It's just that he has already plunged into the water - and the water extinguishes the roar of the motor.
The water, muddy, yellow, oscillates behind the glass of viewing instruments.
Front, right, left. Everywhere.
Now the fate of the tank is in the hands of the driver, our Sasha Morozov. Will it work, won't it get lost? Now he holds the answer, what he learned on land, at the tankodrome.
The rumble of the motor came as suddenly as it stopped.
The tank crawls out of the water, climbs onto the shore, stops with a clang of caterpillars.
We get out of the tank, jump off the armor, look at the opposite bank. How long would it take to build a bridge and transport tanks across the bridge! And then a few minutes - and the tank is again ready for battle. Great!
To be honest, I was even a little offended then: because everything ended so quickly. Prepared, prepared, and then two minutes - and that's it!
But then I thought: this is our soldier's service. You try, you train for the sake of such decisive minutes. So that in these Main Minutes in the exercises or, if necessary, in a real battle with the enemy, not to get confused, not to blunder, to act skillfully, accurately - in a word, like a soldier!

Private Bashmakov

There was in our platoon, a platoon of paratroopers, a soldier named Bashmakov - a surprisingly unlucky person. He was unlucky all the time. Always and in everything. We go to the shooting - everyone shoots normally, he will definitely manage to put a bullet into someone else's target. On alarm we rise - the boots will mix up. We'll run the cross - the leg will dislocate. In short, everything about him is not like people.

Therefore, the platoon commander tried to keep Bashmakov away from the eyes of his superiors. As the exercises or testing begin, Bashmakov is either sent to the outfit in the kitchen to peel potatoes, or as orderly in the barracks, or somewhere else - if only away.

It was like that until the platoon leader changed.

The new commander, Lieutenant Petukhov, summoned Bashmakov to him and said:

There are no unlucky people, Bashmakov - there are people who don't-dis-qi-pli-ni-ro-van-ny-e. It's clear?

From now on, there will be no concessions for you, ”the lieutenant says. - And you throw your little things. It's clear?

That's right, - says Bashmakov. - It's clear.

And here in a few days just exercises. And our platoon had a special task - to conduct reconnaissance in the rear of the "enemy".

Lieutenant Petukhov, just in case, did not take his eyes off Bashmakov. And on the plane he sat next to him. On purpose.

And jumped right after him.

Their parachutes opened almost simultaneously.

And then suddenly the lieutenant saw that Bashmakov was flying up, not down.

Yes, yes, his parachute went up!

Private Bashmakov! shouted the lieutenant. - Where are you going?

I can not know! shouted Bashmakov.

Come back immediately! shouted the lieutenant.

But Bashmakov continued to slowly fly up.

Come back now! the lieutenant shouted even louder.

What Bashmakov answered, he no longer heard. After all, the lieutenant was flying down, and Bashmakov was flying up, and the distance between them was increasing.

Meanwhile, everything was explained simply: Bashmakov's parachute fell into an ascending stream of warm air.

If there had been another soldier in Bashmakov's place, he would certainly have been confused and done some stupid things out of fear. But Bashmakov was not afraid. He wasn't even surprised. Because he is used to the fact that something always happens to him.

He flew calmly, as if in a balloon, and looked down.

And I remembered everything that was below.

And below was a forest. And in the woods are the tanks of the "enemy".

So Bashmakov flew for quite a long time. And when he landed, he immediately made his way to his own. And reported on the tanks. And Lieutenant Petukhov, after the exercises, thanked him for his self-control and resourcefulness.

GENNADY STALINGRADOVICHDuring the Great Patriotic War, not only adults, but also children experienced suffering and grief. You will learn about one such boy by reading the story of Sergei Alekseev. Learn about the kind heart of a Soviet soldier.

In the fighting Stalingrad, in the midst of the fighting, among the smoke, metal, fire and ruins, the soldiers picked up the boy. A tiny boy, a bead boy.

What is your name?


How old are you?

Five, - importantly answered the boy.

The soldiers warmed, fed, sheltered the boy. They took the bead to headquarters. He ended up at the command post of General Chuikov.

The boy was smart. Only a day had passed, and he already remembered almost all the commanders. Not only did he not confuse his face, he knew the names of everyone and even, imagine, he could call everyone by their first and middle names.

The baby knows that the commander of the army, Lieutenant General Chuikov, is Vasily Ivanovich. Chief of Staff of the Army, Major General Krylov - Nikolai Ivanovich. Member of the Military Council of the Army Divisional Commissar Gurov - Kuzma Akimovich. Artillery Commander General Pozharsky - Nikolai Mitrofanovich. The head of the armored forces of the Weinrub army is Matvey Grigorievich.

The boy was amazing. Brave. I immediately sniffed out where the warehouse was, where the kitchen was, how the staff cook Glinka was called by his first name and patronymic, how to call adjutants, messengers, messengers. Walks importantly, greets everyone:

Hello, Pavel Vasilyevich! ..

Hello Atkar Ibrahimovic!..

I wish you good health, Semyon Nikodimovich! ..

Greetings to you, Kayum Kalimulinovich! ..

And the generals, and officers, and privates - everyone fell in love with the boy. They also began to call the baby by name and patronymic. Someone first said:


And so it went. Meet the little bead boy:

We wish you good health, Gennady Stalingradovich! Satisfied boy. Pouts lips:

Thank you

War is raging all around. No place in hell for a boy.

To the left bank of it! To the left! The soldiers began to say goodbye to the boy:

Good road to you, Stalingradovich!

Gain strength!



Take care of honor from a young age, Stalingradovich! He left with a passing boat. A boy is standing on the side. Waving his hand to the soldiers.

The soldiers escorted the bead and again to their military affairs. As if there was no boy, as if a dream had been dreamed.


"Baby" is a tank. Tank T-6O. He really is a baby compared to other Soviet tanks. The crew of such a tank consisted of only two people.
Tanks helped the Soviet troops break through the fascist encirclement near Leningrad. Including "Baby". The "Babies" became famous in these battles. They are smaller in size. More evasive. Places near Leningrad are damp and swampy. It is easier for "Babies" to stay on swampy, marshy ground.
The tank was especially distinguished, the commander of which was Lieutenant Dmitry Osatyuk, and the driver was foreman Ivan Makarenkov. They became friends the commander and driver of the tank. From half a word, without words, they understood each other.
The fighters of the Leningrad Front crossed the ice across the Neva River, stormed the coastal fortifications of the Nazis, and began to break forward to join the troops of the Volkhov Front coming towards them from the Volkhov River and the city of Volkhov. Rushed forward and "Baby" Osatyuk.
The "Baby" is advancing, and suddenly three huge fascist tanks have grown up in front of the "Baby" on the left, right and in front. As in the trap "Baby". Shoot "Baby" fascist tanks. They will launch shells - goodbye "Baby".
The Nazis fell to their sights. A second, and shells will fly at the target.
Lieutenant Osatyuk sees trouble.
- Vanya, dance! shouted to the driver.
The driver Ivan Makarenkov understood the command. Spinning in front of the Nazis, as if in a dance, a Soviet tank.
The Nazis are aiming, and the tank is dancing. You won't be able to get a hold of him.
- Come on kabardinka! Come on lezginka! shouts Osatyuk.
You look at the tank at that moment, and indeed - the tank is dancing the lezginka.
The Nazis shoot, they shoot - everything is past. Dodgy Soviet tank. He maneuvered the tank under the fire of the Nazis, the "Baby" came out of the encirclement.
The Nazis rushed in pursuit of her. They overtake, beat from guns. Yes, only Lieutenant Osatyuk vigilantly watches the enemies. He himself responds with fire to the fire of the Nazis. Gives commands to the driver. The tank maneuvers: it will rush to the right, then it will turn to the left, then it will slow down a little, then it will speed up its pace. The "Baby" is not given to the Nazis in the hands.
Lieutenant Osatyuk did not just escape from the fire of the Nazis. He led the Nazi tanks to the place where the Soviet batteries were hidden.
Brought. Batteries hit. Second, second. And there are no more fascist tanks.
Then the batteries were admired:
- Oh yes, “Baby”, like that, “Baby”! Small spool but precious!
The soldiers then said:
- Eagle - Lieutenant Osatyuk!
- Eagle - foreman Makarenkov!
And after that, "Baby" Lieutenant Osatyuk accomplished many feats. She crushed the machine-gun nests of the enemy, bravely went to the fascist guns, burst into the thick of the fascist soldiers. More than two hundred fascists were destroyed in these battles by the "Baby".
And again there is a rumor about the tank:
- He has no price, priceless!
And again among the soldiers:
- Eagle - Lieutenant Osatyuk!
- The foreman Makarenkov is on a par with him!
Lieutenant Dmitry Ivanovich Osatyuk and foreman Ivan Mikhailovich Makarenkov became heroes of the Soviet Union. Glorified the names of these tanks. They glorified the tank of the surname.

War is war. Anything happens here. The shovel shoots. Moscow was preparing for a fight with the enemy. Defensive lines were erected around the city. Digging trenches. Barricades, blockages were created, wire fences were erected, "hedgehogs" and gouges were installed. Thousands of women, old men and teenagers picked up picks, crowbars, shovels...
The ditch leaves in a long strip. Here he is walking straight, here he is slightly bent, he made a knee. Crawled a little up the hill. Ran down to the bottom. Crossed an open field. He left for the nearest forest. This is an anti-tank ditch. Many of them are near the borders of Moscow. And this one. And a little to the right. And a little to the left. And further - beyond the forest. And further - beyond the field. And further, and further - blocking the horizon.
Kostya Nezlobin is a textile student. In an earthmoving student brigade. Kostya is asking for the army:
- I want a mouth. I am a sniper.
They did not take Nezlobin into the army. The sight was weak. And now Nezlobin is a digger. Together with others, he digs a ditch. Girls nearby, teenagers, women. Senior - the old man Ordyntsev.
- Kostya explains:
- Didn't take in snipers.
- Here too. Nezlobin, front, - answers Ordyntsev.
- Just think, the front, - Kostya grinned, - a ditch, a moat.
- Not a moat, but a military facility, - the old man Hordyntsev corrects.
He just said how low in the sky, completely above the ground, above the people, over the trench, a fascist pilot flew by. He dropped the bomb. Opened fire.
- Lie down! shouted Ordyntsev.
People rushed to the bottom of the trench. Were out the fire of the enemy. The Nazis came here three times that day.
“Well, why don’t you have a front,” looking at Kostya, the old man Ordyntsev grinned.
Night fell over the forest, over the field. The soldiers went on vacation. There is a village on a hill nearby. Settled in cozy huts.
As soon as Nezlobin began to fall asleep, suddenly a voice:
- Anxiety! Anxiety!
Nezlobin jumped up. The moment is outside. Found out what it was. It turned out that a fascist landing was dropped from the air. People woke up. They run on the field. Horses rushed - a guard outfit. Kostya returned to the hut, to the barn. Grabbed a shovel - forward, for everyone.
Runs to the trenches, where the gathering place is. And here are the girls, and here is Ordyntsev. Suddenly from the sky - a fascist soldier. Hanging on slings. And right into the group.
The girls did not expect a "guest".
- Hey, hey! - with fear.
And Kostya seemed to be just waiting for the moment. Nezlobin grabbed a spade-axe. Fascist in the back.
- Ah-ah-ah! the paratrooper roared. Donkey and collapsed. Lies with his arms outstretched.
Kostya was kissed by friends-girls.
- Sniper, well, right, sniper, - said Ordyntsev.
People recaptured the landing of the Nazis. We returned to the huts, to sleep, to peace. And in the morning the wake-up call sounds again. And again people in a harsh field.
Mixed with the front rear, convoys. Around the motto, around the password:
"We won't let the enemy in!"
"We will overcome the enemy!"
And the swing of a shovel, like an explosion of a shell. And if necessary, she digs. And if necessary, she shoots.

General Panfilov

Many troops distinguished themselves in the battles near Moscow. Especially the division commanded by General Panfilov. 28 Panfilov heroes just from the division of General Panfilov.
Panfilov is no longer young. Gray hair ran up to the temples. Wrinkled face and forehead. Panfilov always pulls up like a soldier. Hat with ear flaps. Short fur coat Siberian. Chest straps from a pistol, from the commander's bag grabbed crosswise.
Panfilov does not know fatigue. Often happens in the circle of soldiers. The soldiers love Panfilov. And now the general is in combat positions.
It is difficult for the Panfilovites. Five enemy divisions storm one, the Soviet one, for 30 days. And all fight and fight.
Panfilov came to the artillerymen:
- Hi, scorers-magicians!
Smiling gunners. It's nice to hear that.
“Beat, sons,” Panfilov instructs, “a fascist with direct fire. Do not forget - guns have wheels. Cannon, sons, you can roll up to the devil himself.
- That's right, you can, - the gunners laugh.
That's what gunners do. Cannons are advanced towards the enemy. They strike the Nazis with fire and steel.
The general came to the machine gunners:
- Hello, young, sharp eyes!
Machine gunners bloom in a smile. Praise, warmth in the general's words. Instructs the soldier Panfilov:
- Do not torment, sons, a long-range bullet. Hit the enemy at close range.
Yes, Comrade General! - machine gunners cheerfully answer.
Soldiers carry out the advice of the general in battle. They let the fascists in close range.
Panfilov came to the tank destroyers, to the grenade launchers:
- Hello, trainers Durovs, tamers of the fascist beast!
Smiling grenade launchers. After all, such words are not without reason. And indeed they are tamers. Soldiers do not know fear.
Panfilov instructs soldiers:
- The fascist is sitting behind the armor. That is why he is brave. And you tear off the shell from it. Pluck the shell, sons, tear it off.
The soldiers laugh. They like it about the shell. Fight bravely grenade launchers. They hit point-blank at fascist tanks. The shell is torn off the enemies.
The soldiers love General Panfilov. He is a caring general. Is the soldier fed, drunk, is he warmly dressed, shod? Are there any delays with smoking? How long has a soldier washed himself in a bathhouse? Everything worries Panfilov. Soldiers love their general. With him, even into the fire, even into the abyss.
Major General Ivan Vasilyevich Panfilov did not live to see the victory. Defending Moscow from the Nazis, General Panfilov died a heroic death. The general died, but left the Panfilovites - brave and staunch warriors. More than once, the Panfilovites distinguished themselves in battles near Moscow.
You say "Panfilov" - immediately the heroes are born by memory.

Separate tank battalion

The fierce battle with the Nazis continues. Heavy fighting is going on near the village and Kryukovo station. With special force, the Nazis are pressing here. Not enough soldiers. The soldiers are about to leave.
Commanders call senior commanders. Ask for urgent help. Senior leaders have no help. All reserves have been in combat for a long time.
Things are getting harder and harder near Kryukov. The commanders are calling the chiefs again.
“Okay,” the leaders say. - Wait for the tank battalion.
And it is true that soon a tank officer appeared at the command post of the regiment fighting here. Young, handsome tanker. In a leather jacket, in a tank helmet. The eyes are blue-blue. As if in May, he grabbed azure from the sky and put it under his eyelids.
A tanker approached the regiment commander, raised his hand to his helmet, and introduced himself:
- Comrade regiment commander, a separate tank battalion has arrived at your disposal. The battalion commander senior lieutenant Logvinenko reports.
Satisfied - no strength - regiment commander. Not only happy happy. Hugs the officer
Thanks, brother, thanks. - And straight to the point: - How many tanks are there in a battalion?
- One car, - the tankman answers. And looks at the commander with azure sky.
- How much? - the regiment commander does not believe his ears.
- One car, - the tankman repeats. - One remained ... A tank of the "T-37" type.
The Nazis suffered heavy losses near Moscow. But ours also have considerable ones ... All the joy from the face of the regiment commander - as if someone huge blew flew off in a second. Tank "T-37" - the most obsolete Soviet tank. The oldest and smallest. One machine gun - that's all the weapons. Armor as thick as a little finger.
- I'm waiting for a combat mission, - said the tankman.
"Go to hell - that's the whole combat mission," the regiment commander wanted to say. However, he restrained himself, mastered himself.
- Go to the disposal of the first battalion, - said the regimental commander.
This battalion was attacked the most by the Nazis now.
A tanker arrived at the battalion and immediately rushed into battle with the infantrymen. The tanker was smart. Either in one place it will support infantrymen with armor, then it quickly changes positions. And now you can see it in a new place. Soldiers see the armor. It is easier for soldiers in battle. A rumor goes from soldier to soldier - a tank battalion has arrived.
The heroes survived. They didn’t let the Nazis go forward. Slide 1

Tank forces

When you are attacked, defend yourself, and if the enemy attacked our country, then all of Russia, every man must take up arms and stand up for the Motherland, his children, wives and mothers. Our army exists in order to repulse enemies at any moment and win in the name of freedom and independence of our country.

Russia is a peaceful state, we do not want war and are not going to attack anyone. But we will not allow ourselves to be offended, our Armed Forces are there for this. During the war, all military personnel take part in hostilities, and in peacetime they study martial arts, study weapons and new military equipment.

The Supreme Commander of the Russian Armed Forces is our President.

Our army consists of several types of troops. Ground forces are the most numerous branch of the military, which includes infantry and artillery, tanks and other more complex military equipment. The infantry conducts combat operations on land, moving on foot. Tankers operate complex My Motherland - Russia armored vehicles, supporting the infantry. The air defense troops, with the help of special highly sensitive instruments, ensure that not a single enemy aircraft intrudes into our airspace. And the border guards protect the Russian State border, and if enemy troops violate it, they immediately go into battle and take the first blow on themselves, not letting the enemy deep into the country.

The air force is designed to repel enemy attacks from the air. Russian pilots fly modern aircraft, and strategic bombers patrol Russia's borders and attack enemy territory at any time in the event of an attack.

Our Naval Forces are ready to defend from the sea. Warships and submarines, marines and sailors are on duty to guard the Motherland's maritime borders. At all times, Russia has been proud and proud of its heroic sailors. Our army has special airborne troops. Paratroopers are able to skydive and perform combat missions anywhere in the world.

The Strategic Missile Forces are armed with ballistic missiles with a nuclear warhead. They must ensure the nuclear defense of our state and, in the event of an attack with nuclear missiles, attack enemy territory.

Separate types of troops are commanded by marshals and generals.

All the healthy young men of the country who are 18 years old must serve in the Russian army. They take an oath of allegiance to the Motherland, swear to defend it from the enemy, to honestly fulfill their duty and the orders of their commanders. Protecting our Motherland is a great honor for every man in our country. And in order to get into the branch of the military that you like best, you need to study well at school, because every year military equipment and small arms become more and more complicated, and a poorly educated person cannot understand it.

Krymova Yulia Evgenievna

Program tasks:

Educational tasks: Continue children's ideas about Russian army, about different genera troops to their mission. Tell about the difficult but honorable duty to defend the Motherland, to protect its peace and security.

Development tasks: Develop intelligence, ingenuity, logical thinking, memory, attention; stimulate the speech activity of children.

Educational tasks: Instill a sense of patriotism and pride in Russian army, cause a desire to be like strong, courageous Russian soldiers.

Material used: Illustrations and pictures depicting various genera troops

Conversation flow:

caregiver: We live in a country called Russia. There are many countries on earth and not all of them live together. Sometimes there are wars. Therefore, each country has a strong and powerful Army.

caregiver: And what troops of the Russian army you know?

Children's answers: sea, land, landing.

caregiver: Look at this image. On the board are images of various genera troops. Who do you see here?

caregiver: why in Armies so many branches of service?

Children: To protect our Motherland from all sides - both from land, and from the sea, and from the air.

caregiver: That's right, in the sky our Motherland is guarded by the Air Force Troops are helicopters, planes, missiles.

Our maritime borders are guarded by the navy - these are submarines, warships and boats.

On earth, we are guarded by the Land troops.

caregiver: Why do you need Army in peacetime?

Children: In peacetime, soldiers learn to control military equipment, conduct training battles, learn to shoot from all types of weapons).

caregiver: Guys, now let's solve riddles with you.

Riddles about military equipment:

1. Which bird has a star on its wings? (Airplane)

2. There are no clouds on the horizon, but an umbrella opened in the sky, after a few minutes it fell (parachute)

3. A turtle is crawling - a steel shirt, the enemy is in the ravine and she is where the enemy is. (Tank)

4. Iron fish swims under water, threatens the enemy with fire and misfortune. (Submarine).

5. The black pipe chirps, the fire wants to fly out. (A gun).

caregiver: Well done, you coped with the test and guessed all the riddles.

caregiver: I offer you a warm-up for future warriors.

Hands made in expansion - the plane turned out

Wing to and fro,

Do one and do two.

Keep your hands to the sides.

And look at your friend.

Get down quickly

Get on the landing.

caregiver: Let's play a game "What is redundant and why?"

Rocketeer, helicopter pilot, football player.

Plane, tank, parachutist.

Automatic, pistol, tanker

Submariner, gunner, ship.

caregiver: And now I suggest you play another game called "One is Many"- didactic game.

border guard - border guards



Tankman ….


Gun …

Airplane …

Helicopter ….

caregiver: Guys, you did a great job.

caregiver: Do you know that a holiday will come soon - February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day. And who are the Defenders of the Fatherland?

Children's Assumptions:

Defenders of the Fatherland are warriors who protect their people, their homeland from enemies. This army. Every nation, every country has its own army. Our country also has army. And she defended her people from invaders more than once.

Guys, who do we congratulate on this day?

Children's answers: Dads, grandfathers and boys.

caregiver: Guys, do you know in what troops, in armies, your grandfathers and dads served.

Children: (answer).

caregiver: For the sake of you and me, for the sake of peace in our vast country, they adequately carry out their difficult service Russian soldiers. Our boys, when they grow up and become adults, will also go to serve in army and become real Defenders of the Fatherland.

Related publications:

Scenario of the holiday dedicated to February 23 "Our story will be about the Russian Army" Congratulations! Let words sound in your honor today! Let the smile touch the heart, Shine with happiness look. Feast of Courage and Passion Na.

Conversation with the children of the preparatory group "200 years since the Battle of Borodino" Purpose: To consolidate knowledge about the defenders of the fatherland, to acquaint with the Patriotic War of 1812, with the heroism of Russian soldiers and ordinary people.

Conversation with children of the preparatory school group "We and adults" Conversation with children in a preparatory group for school on the topic: "We and adults." Purpose: -to expand and deepen the concept of the status of the older generation.

Conversation with the children of the preparatory school group "Rights and Duties"(6–7 years) Tasks: To consolidate children's ideas about laws that protect human rights; Contribute to the growth of self-awareness, opportunities and.

Scenario of the sports festival "Day of the Russian Army" Sports holiday. "Day of the Russian Army" Defender of the Fatherland Day. "Day of the Russian Army". (preparatory group) Children and parents.

Leading: This holiday is very important. We celebrate it in February. Holiday of brave warriors, Holiday of peace on Earth! Saved our planet from war.

Explanatory note.
The article contains a summary of the integrated direct educational activity "Our army is dear" for children 6-7 years old. Aimed at the formation of patriotic feelings of preschoolers on the basis of familiarization with the fighting traditions of the Russian people. The article includes photographs, printable material and presentation "Military Professions".

teacher of preschool educational institution No. 108, military unit 68889, Vladikavkaz
Purpose: To form patriotic feelings of preschoolers on the basis of familiarization with the fighting traditions of the Russian people.
Educational area "Cognition"
Systematize children's knowledge about the Russian army, military branches, military equipment, military professions. To form the first ideas about the features of military service: soldiers train to become strong, skillful, learn to shoot accurately, overcome obstacles.
Educational area "Communication"
Develop coherent speech, thinking.
Educational area "Music"
Develop a sense of rhythm, the ability to change movements in accordance with musical phrases.
Educational area "Socialization"
Cultivate a sense of pride in your army and arouse a desire to be like strong, courageous Russian soldiers.
Educational area "Physical culture"
Develop gross motor skills and coordination.
Vocabulary work: military ID, armored personnel carrier, aircraft carrier, shoulder straps, tunic, parachute, gas mask.
Preliminary work:

Reading stories, poems on the topic: "Our army."
Learning by heart poems, proverbs.
Photo gallery: acquaintance with the historical sights of the native city.
Didactic tools: a computer, illustrations of military professions, military equipment, photographs of fathers and grandfathers in military service, an army duffel bag, museum exhibits (army household items), counting sticks, geometric sets.
Integration of educational areas: Cognition, Communication, Music, Artistic creativity, Socialization, Physical culture.
The course of activity.
Motivation. Guys, how are our soldiers preparing to become defenders of the Motherland?

1. Guess the riddle
We are the defenders of the country
Trained, strong
Border guards, tankers,
Sailors, gunners.
We serve everywhere
On land and on water.
Who are we talking about?
Today, guys, we will talk about the soldiers of our Russian Army, about its
invincible power, about its mighty technology, about what a special honor it is to serve in its ranks. There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland.
When do we celebrate the holiday of all the military?
(February 23)
What is the correct name for it?
(Defender of the Fatherland Day)

2. Conversation "Type of troops"
What three groups can the Russian armed forces be divided into?
(Armed forces can be divided into three main groups - these are ground or ground forces; air forces and naval forces)
Why do they have such a name? (operate on land; protect Russia in the air; keep watch in the seas and oceans)
Land Air Force Naval
troops forces fleet
The flag is a two-sided red flag. In the center of the cloth is an image of a small emblem of the Ground Forces (golden flaming grenada against the background of two crossed swords). The flaming grenada (an iron ball filled with gunpowder) symbolizes the combat power of the Ground Forces. Crossed swords are the most common traditional symbol of armed struggle.
The flag of the Air Force is a rectangular double-sided blue panel. In the center of the panel is an image of a crossed silver propeller and an anti-aircraft gun on silver soaring wings.
From the center of the cloth to the corners and edges, 14 expanding yellow rays diverge.
St. Andrew's flag - the stern flag of the ships of the Russian Navy; white color (since 1865) with the image of a diagonal blue cross of St. Andrew the First-Called (the first disciple of Jesus Christ, preached Christianity in the Russian lands), a saint who was considered the patron saint of Russia.

3. Presentation "Military professions"
(Children name military professions)

What professions are included in the ground forces?
motorized rifles
Artillerymen and missilemen
What do gunners shoot? (shells)
What do rocket launchers shoot? (missiles)
border guards

What are the professions in the Air Force?
Pilots - first, second pilot.
The navigator plots the course of the aircraft in the sky.
The radio operator keeps in touch with the airfield.
The mechanic is repairing the plane.

What are the professions in the navy?
The navigator plots a course at sea.
Boatswain keeps order.
The radio operator establishes contact with the ground and other ships.
Kok is the ship's cook.

4. The game "Pick up military equipment or an item for each profession"
(children select equipment for each military specialty, or items related to it)
Sailor - cruiser, binoculars, sailor's peakless cap, life buoy.
Tanker - tank, tanker overalls, tablet, tanker helmet.
Fighter pilot, pilot's helmet, oxygen mask, pilot's goggles.
Paratrooper - parachute, walkie-talkie, takes a paratrooper.
Border guard - dog, raincoat, border post.
Motorized rifleman - armored personnel carrier, tent, helmet.

5. Finger gymnastics "Well done fighters"

These fingers are all fighters

Remote fellows.

Two - large and strong small
And a soldier in battle experienced.
Two - brave guardsmen,
Two - quick-witted youngsters.
Two - nameless heroes,
But in work they are very zealous.
Two little fingers - shorties -
Very nice boys!
One two three four five.
One two three four five -

Fingers stood together in a row -

Ten strong soldiers. Children show palms with straightened fingers.

The fingers are clenched into a fist, only the big ones are raised.
Show index fingers.
Show middle fingers.
Show ring fingers.

Show little fingers.

The fingers on the left hand are alternately counted, starting with the little finger, then on the right hand.
Squeeze and unclench the fingers of both hands.
They show their palms, spread their fingers apart and bring them together.
Show palms with straight fingers, clap their hands.

6. Counting sticks.
(Children lay out military equipment that would relate to a particular type of troops)

7. Guess by sound
(Children hear the sound of a moving tank, plane, helicopter and guess what kind of equipment it is)

8. Exercise to coordinate speech with the movement "We will serve in the army"

We are still preschoolers

And we walk like soldiers!
I'll be a brave tanker

I'll take my tank everywhere!

I am my formidable rocket

I'll get the target in the starry sky!

I'm sure guys

I will be a military pilot!

I am a fearless captain

I'll sail the oceans!

I want to be an officer

To go on the attack first!

We are still preschoolers

And we walk like soldiers!
Let's serve in the army
Let's keep the Motherland

So that we always have

It's good to live in the world! Children press the palms of both hands to their chest; show "growth" at waist level.
Walking in place
The right hand to the chest, then both hands forward, form the "muzzle of the tank."
Hands forward, fists clenched, alternately bend them at the elbows
Right hand to chest, then palms together, raise arms up.
The right hand is pressed with the edge of the palm to the head, the left on the back - a shelf.
The right hand to the chest, then spread the arms forward - to the sides.
Hands are straightened to the sides, show "wings".
Both hands represent binoculars.
Circular movements of the hands forward - to the sides.

Palms on the shoulders, showing "shoulder straps".
Walking in place.

The palms of both hands are pressed to the chest, show "growth" at the level of the belt.
Walking in place.
Walking with a drill step in a circle, the right hand is “under the visor”, the left is pressed to the body.
They stop facing in a circle, hands forward - to the sides.
They put their hands on the shoulders of the neighbors, feet shoulder-width apart, sway

9. Work on the word formation "Continue the sentence ..." (sitting on the carpet)
Guys, the main thing in the army is order, so we will answer in a military way clearly, loudly. But there is one condition, the one to whom I give the flag in his hand answers, the rest sit quietly.
The tank is controlled by ... (tanker)
Shoots from a cannon ... (artilleryman)
At the helm of the aircraft ... (pilot)
Scribbling from a machine gun ... (machine gunner)
He goes to reconnaissance ... (scout)
Guards the border ... (border guard)
Serves on a submarine ... (submarine)
Jumping with a parachute ... (paratrooper)
Serves on ships ... (sailor)

And now you must listen carefully and correct inaccuracies.
The tanker jumps with a parachute.
Our army protects the people.
The rocketeer puts a peakless cap on his head.
In the sky we are protected by sailors, and in the blue sea by pilots.

10. Game "Scouts" (at the board)
The military sometimes has to perform difficult tasks and be smart. Show your ingenuity, as scouts?

How many planes took off for testing? (10)
- 5 tanks entered the field, and then 3 more. How many tanks went on combat duty?
- What geometric shapes is the ship made of?
- How many sailors on the left, how many peakless caps on the right, will there be enough of them for all the sailors? etc.

11. Museum "Military Affairs"
Guys, a museum has opened in our group, look at what exhibits are presented in it? (Items belonging to the military are laid out on the shelves). Who do you think they belong to? That's right, the military, the museum is called: "Military Affairs". Who do you think provided us with all these things? (grandfathers, fathers, great-grandfathers).
But before we look at all these exhibits, I want to draw your attention to one item (a medal). What is it? This order belonged to a soldier - this is the order of my grandfather. Unfortunately, he is no longer alive. How do you think, where and for what did he receive this medal? (In the Great Patriotic War, in the fight against the Nazis)

12. Fizminutka "What should be the soldier of the Russian army?"
Now we will pass this order in a circle and name the qualities of a warrior - Defender of the Fatherland.
(Bold, brave, dexterous, smart, courageous, strong, caring, courageous, fearless, healthy, athletic, etc.)

Children examine and discuss museum exhibits: a cape, a bowler hat, a flask, a belt, pagons, medals, letters from the war (triangles), body armor, a military ID, a tablet, photographs of fathers and grandfathers, a tunic, etc.

13. The result of the lesson.
What did we talk about today?
What new did you learn?
Which part did you like more?
Conclusion: everyone should respect the soldiers and officers of the Russian Army, be proud of their exploits, if they want to be like them;

The game "Pick up military equipment or an object for each profession" (material for printing)