Zapashnye who are older. Mstislav Zapashny: biography, family, awards and titles. Edgard Zapashny now

Askold Zapashny - producer, Honored and People's Artist of the Russian Federation. He is the artistic director of the Great Moscow Circus, which is located on Vernadsky Avenue. To see the grand shows of legendary trainers called “Sadko”, “Camelot” and “Legend”, “K.U.K.L.A.” and “System”, many spectators regularly come and leave the circus performance in a state of complete admiration.

Askold Valterovich Zapashny is the youngest representative of the famous Zapashny circus dynasty. A dynasty that spans four generations. Not only their parents, but also their grandparents and great-grandfathers were circus performers. He is a German by birth, the eccentric clown Carl Thompson, who performed in Russia under the stage name Milton.

It is difficult to say exactly what nationality Askold and his brother are, because the family has different roots.

To follow in the footsteps of famous ancestors and continue the glorious circus dynasty was destined for the great-grandsons of Milton - and Askold Zapashny. Parents even gave bright names to their children so that they would sound beautiful under the circus big top and be remembered well.

The family toured the country - such a “nomadic” fate for circus performers. The eldest son Edgard was born in Yalta, but a year younger Askold was born in September 1977 in Kharkov, Ukraine.

Zapashnye specialized in training predatory animals. This most dangerous profession more than once put the lives of parents, Walter and Tatyana Zapashny, on a fine line beyond which this life could end. Terrible wounds were left on the mother's legs after the tiger attacked. And one can talk for hours about the injuries received by his father: numerous broken limbs, lacerations and even a broken neck, after which Walter Zapashny miraculously returned to life.

However, such a life - always on the edge - turned out to be the only possible and familiar one for the parents. She became the same for Askold Zapashny and his older brother.

The future trainers studied in the same class, although there was a one-year difference between them. This was the decision of the father, who saw the future of his sons under the circus big top. The family traveled around many large cities in Russia, so the boys changed several schools. However, this did not give them the right to study in any way: the boys’ progress was monitored by a strict father. And although he was terribly tired after exhausting training and difficult attractions, he always found time to raise his sons.

Askold Zapashny's circus biography began at an early age. He went to the arena as a child, but the boy took part in his first circus act when he was 10 years old. The official debut is considered to be entering the stage at the age of 11. Then, in the winter of 1988-89, the Zapashnys toured in Riga. Askold and Edgard took part in the “Time Machine” number, which was warmly received by the audience.


In 1991, Askold Zapashny and his family went to the Middle Kingdom. The advent of the “dashing 90s” brought their charges to the brink of starvation, because the required provisions for lions and tigers were a considerable expense every day. And in the 90s, it became more and more difficult to buy food for animals every day.

Fortunately, a solution was found. The Chinese offered the parents a lucrative contract. At that time, the sons graduated from school. There were no obstacles to traveling abroad.

In a famous holiday destination, Safari Park in the suburbs of Shenzhen, a summer circus was erected for the Zapashnys. Walter Zapashny's responsibilities included training Chinese trainers. The sons also participated in the process. And to be different from the Chinese, they became blondes.

Askold Zapashny learned the complex Chinese language, which he still speaks today. During these years, he learned to juggle while standing on horses and train monkeys. Later, in this type of training, he and his brother reached such heights that they received the main prize “Golden Troika” from the First All-Russian festival-competition of circus art, which was held in Yaroslavl in 1997.

In addition, Askold Zapashny is an excellent vaulting acrobat, tightrope walker, Segway juggler and roller acrobat.

After the end of the Chinese contract, the circus family returned to Moscow. During these years they toured a lot, visiting all the major cities of the post-Soviet space and distant foreign countries. We even visited Japan.

Also, Askold and Edgard Zapashny began working with lions and tigers at this time. In 1998, the father passed on the famous attraction “Among Predators” to his sons. Askold and his brother adopted from him the wisdom of training predatory animals and developed this dangerous and beautiful art. Askold Zapashny with his author's trick “The longest jump on a lion” is included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Soon the brothers created their own circus, calling it the “Zapashny Brothers Circus.” He is distinguished by a special style that none of his colleagues have either in the country or abroad.

In 2012, Askold Zapashny became the artistic director of the Great Moscow State Circus. Edgard took over as director.

Askold Zapashny in the show “Ice Age”

In 2013, the brothers presented the show “Emotions...” at the Fontanka Circus. The peculiarity of this program is that each performance can be considered the main one. That same year, the artist shared in an interview that they began building a 5D circus. And by 2018, or maximum by 2021, such a circus will be created in Russia.

Askold Zapashny is a real star. Therefore, a man is often invited to television shows. He and he became a participant in the 4th season of the TV show “Ice Age” in 2013. He also appeared in the top-rated television projects “The Safronov Brothers”, “Veselaya Street”, “One Hundred to One” and “Dinner Party”.

Askold Zapashny in the “Dinner Party” program

Askold Zapashny actively participates in the socio-political life of the country. In 2011, he and his brother signed an Appeal from members of the public, which condemned the pressure on the judicial system in the case of the Yukos leaders.

And in the spring of 2014, Zapashny Jr. signed an appeal from cultural figures of the Russian Federation who expressed support for the president’s policy on the issue of annexing Crimea.

Askold Zapashny in the program “Legends of the Circus”

In 2015, Zapashny became the hero of the “Legends of the Circus” project, where the trainer’s brother acted as the host.

In the same year, the artist participated in the filming of a series about life. At the work site, Askold was unexpectedly attacked by the tigress Shakira and cut the artist’s thigh with a blow of her paw. Zapashny was immediately sent to the hospital.

Askold Zapashny in the program “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”

In January 2016, Askold Valterovich participated in the program “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” The actress played opposite the famous artist.

In September, Askold, like his brother, became a confidant of the United Russia party in the elections to the State Duma of the 7th convocation.

Personal life

For a long time, the famous trainer was considered an eligible bachelor. Handsome, famous, rich, prominent (Askold’s height is 177 cm) - crowds of beauties hunted for the young man’s heart. But later it became known that Askold Zapashny’s personal life was arranged. He also had two charming daughters with sonorous names, like everyone else in this glorious circus dynasty, Eva and Elsa.

The artist met his wife Ellen Raichlin, who has Israeli citizenship, in Minsk while on tour. The girl is Jewish by nationality. At the time of the meeting, he turned 27. Behind him was an 8-year civil marriage with Elena Baranenko, also a circus performer, with whom Askold never decided to get married. Helen was born in Belarus, but as a child she moved with her parents to Israel. She received higher education in her small homeland.

The beautiful student and several other friends were brought with him to the circus by Zapashny’s friend Andrey. Askold immediately liked the girl. She turned out to be not only charming, but also an intelligent conversationalist and an interesting person. But the main thing that intrigued the trainer, spoiled by female attention, was that Helen did not know or hear anything about him until the moment of the meeting.

They dated for three years. These were occasional meetings, because the girl did not give up her studies, and Askold Zapashny could not cancel the planned tour.

There were more obstacles in the way of this beautiful couple than one could imagine. The relatives of each of the young people were not too happy about this union. Helen Reichlin's parents dreamed of a Jewish son-in-law, preferably a doctor. And the circus artist’s family saw Askold’s wife as a girl from the “circus” circle, who would understand and share a specific lifestyle.

However, love overcame obstacles, and two charming daughters only cemented this marriage.

In one interview, Askold’s mother, Tatyana Zapashnaya, recalled that at first she did not treat her daughter-in-law very well, and then fell in love with the girl. The woman also mentioned the spree of her son from his wife. Then Tatyana told Askold that even if he broke up with Helen, she would remain in the family.

In 2016, Eva and Elsa performed for the first time under the circus big top together with their famous dad and uncle. If they connect their future life with the circus, they will turn out to be circus performers in the 5th generation, continuing the glorious Zapashny dynasty.

Thousands of fans watch the artist on social networks “ Instagram", where Askold posts personal and work photos and videos. Often, animal rights activists write in the comments to the pictures asking the trainers to close the show.

Zapashny also leads “

On Thursday, September 22, trainer Mstislav Zapashny, one of the most prominent representatives of the oldest circus dynasty in Russia, died at the age of 79. NTV talks about who the Zapashnys are and what made their circus dynasty famous.

Read below

Walter and Mstislav Zapashny

Mikhail and Lydia Zapashny had five children: Sergei, Walter, Anna, Mstislav and Igor.

Mikhail did not want his children to work in the circus, he hoped that they would receive a good education and therefore, on principle, did not take them on tour. However, during the Great Patriotic War, 16-year-old Walter and 6-year-old Mstislav had to perform an acrobatic act in the Saratov Circus in order to feed their family. After the war, the boys remained in the circus and performed in a variety of genres: clowning, aerial gymnastics, horse riding, motorcycle racing, animal training, and taming predators.

And although over time the brothers began to perform separately, both came to training.

By the way, it was Walter Zapashny who first rode a lion in the arena and created the “Among Predators” attraction, in which tigers, lions, panthers and lynxes simultaneously participated.

And Mstislav graduated from the directing department of GITIS and became famous not only as a trainer, but also as a director of circus programs. So, in 1977, he created the only performance in the world where elephants and tigers were in the same cage; in 1996, the artist received the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of literature and art for it. No less famous is Mstislav Zapashny’s heroic-historical circus pantomime performance “Spartak”, which has no analogues in the world in terms of the scale of its production. From 2003 to 2009, Mstislav Zapashny served as general director of the Russian State Circus.

Founders of the dynasty

The founder of the Zapashny circus dynasty of tamers, gymnasts and acrobats was the clown Karl Thomson, who toured in Tsarist Russia under the pseudonym Milton. Thompson's daughter, Lydia, performed in the circus as a rider and gymnast from the age of 15, and her husband Mikhail Zapashny gave the dynasty a well-known surname.

Mikhail Zapashny was born in 1900 and had nothing to do with the circus; he worked as a port loader in the small seaside town of Yeysk. He was invited to the arena by wrestler Ivan Poddubny, who noticed the young man’s remarkable strength. So, Mikhail began to practice in the genre of French wrestling and for some time performed under the pseudonym Eaglet. Later, he became interested in power acrobatics and became especially famous with the act “Acrobats-Snipers,” the element of which was shooting from a small-caliber rifle.

Edgard and Askold Zapashny

Edgar and Askold Zapashny are the most famous successors of the family tradition, the children of Walter Zapashny. At the age of seven, the brothers first entered a cage with predators and have since worked in a variety of circus genres. Now they are successfully touring the country. They received a number of circus awards, were recognized as “Best Circus Artists of the Year”, since 1999 Honored Artists of Russia, and since 2012 they were awarded the title of People's Artists.

Their older sister Maritza also became a circus performer, the only black panther trainer in the world. In addition, Askold and Edgard have a huge number of cousins, all of them are somehow connected with the circus and perform in the arena independently of each other.

Zapashny dynasty of trainers

The Zapashny family has always been famous for a large number of misunderstandings and conflicts. Dni.Ru decided to figure out why people who are closest not only by blood, but also by life’s work, cannot always live in harmony.

The dynasty of circus performers dates back to 1900. Then Mikhail Zapashny was born, and five years later - his future wife Lida, who, by the way, was also the daughter of the then famous circus artist - clown Carl Thompson.

Mikhail had nothing to do with the circus and came to the arena quite by accident, immediately after the end of the civil war. The future great artist worked as a port loader; he was invited to try his hand at the circus by the famous wrestler Ivan Poddubny. Judging by the written memoirs of his contemporaries, Poddubny immediately noticed Zapashny’s unprecedented power and strength.

By the age of 30, Mikhail had several high-profile numbers, some of which he later performed with his sons - Walter, Mstislav, Sergei and Igor. Almost throughout the Second World War, Zapashny’s three youngest sons and daughter Anna were in besieged Leningrad under the supervision of their grandmother. The artist’s wife did not manage to return from the tour before the city was surrounded.

In 1954, the Zapashny brothers, in full force, released the issue “Acrobats-Voltigeurs”. To this day, he is recognized as the most brilliant and talented circus act in the world.

The first public scandal associated with the Zapashny family occurred during Mstislav’s divorce from Dolores. The couple were together for more than 25 years. Later, Dolores gave several interviews in which she admitted that she did not regret the years she lived with the great artist, but in their family life everything was not so rosy. And it all started very touchingly: Zapashny supported Dolores as best he could after the death of her husband and offered to participate in his act. Of course, the friendly relationship soon developed into a romantic one. Zapashny left his first wife Inna Abakarova for the sake of Dolores.

After the separation of Dolores and Mstislav, evil tongues said that he left the family for the sake of his next wife, Irina. But as it turned out, the initial reason for the breakup was not so much another woman as banal jealousy. As Dolores said, Mstislav Sr. was always jealous of her, almost from the first day they met. But then both of them were not free.

Nevertheless, after the divorce, Mstislav and Dolores maintained friendly relations. After all, they had behind them not only many years of work together, but also family life with two common children - Mstislav Jr. and Helen.

In 2008-2009, the complex relationships of the younger generation of the dynasty were revealed. The sons of Walter and Mstislav still do not get along with each other. Edgard, Askold and Mstislav, of course, are forced to meet from time to time. But increasingly, each of them admits that he considers the other side too arrogant. In an interview seven years ago, Edgard Zapashny spoke ambiguously about Mstislav Jr.

"He is his father's son. We have met several times, and I know how disparaging he speaks of us."

Currently, Edgard and Askold perform in the Zapashny Brothers Circus, which they founded. Mstislav is engaged in his own career, without interfering with his cousins. The idea of ​​the famous act, in which tigers waltz on balloons, belongs to his father, Mstislav Sr.

Mstislav Jr. also has a difficult personal history. According to official information, Mstislav Mstislavovich has eight children. He accustoms three of them to the playpen from an early age. So, in 2007, Mstislav performed with his ten-month-old son, and at that time the eldest son was already starting his acrobat career. By the way, another high-profile scandal is associated with the eldest son: after the divorce, the boy stayed with his mother, but after some time he ran away, resolutely declaring that he would live only with his father.

Of course, it is very, very unfortunate that members of such a talented and famous family do not always get along with each other, or even do not want to communicate with each other at all. However, there were times when things were different. According to sources close to the Zapashnys, previously the founder of the dynasty, Mikhail Sergeevich, liked to gather the whole family. After his death, this mission passed to Mstislav Mikhailovich, but, unfortunately, the artist was unable to properly unite everyone. And even more so - to make peace.

Mstislav Mikhailovich spent the last years of his life at the resort with his wife Irina. The death of the maestro is a great loss for all the luminaries of circus art. The ingenious acts “Elephants and Tigers”, “Flight to the Stars”, as well as the pantomime “Spartacus”, invented by Mstislav, will remain for a long time not only in the memory of the audience, but also in circus programs around the world.

The circus is one of the favorite entertainments not only for children, but also for adults. Each circus performance is not just a show, but a well-developed act with real elements of “magic”. Over the years, several dynasties have emerged to give us that very drop of magic of laughter and joy.


The Durovs are one of the most famous “circus” families, which became famous back in the 18th century. Its founders are considered to be two brothers - Vladimir and Anatoly Durov. Clownery and animal training - this is what circus performances of that time were based on.


The Zapashny dynasty brought a wide variety of trends to the world of circus, which are still key performances. Taming and training animals, gymnastics and acrobatics - all this could be seen in the circus arena of the 19th century.


Kio is one of the most famous and unusual circus dynasties. It was founded by Emil Teodorovich Girshfeld-Renard, who was an excellent illusionist. His own surname seemed inappropriate to him, and he took the pseudonym Kyo.

4 Valentin Filatov

Valentin Filatov came from a circus family, but he went much further than his parents. He gained fame thanks to his attraction “Bear Circus”.

5 Kantemirov Dynasty

KANTEMIROVS, dynasty of circus performers, Ossetian horsemen. The ancestor is Alibek Tuzarovich Kantemirov (16.5.1882-5.7.1975). Nar. art. RSFSR (1966). Artistic He began his activities in 1907 in the N. Malyugin circus in Batum with a solo horseman act. He became famous for performing unique tricks: crawling under the belly of a galloping horse with access to the saddle, shooting a pistol at a target, crawling between the horse’s hind legs with access to the croup. In 1924 he created the first group number of horsemen - “Dzhigits Ali-Bek”. A colorful picture of a mountain festival unfolded in the arena, the participants of which competed in horseback riding, cutting vines, shooting at a target at full gallop, and in temperamental Ossetian dances. In addition to Alibek, Ibrahim and Mariam K., M. Nurmagomaev, T. Nugzarov, S. Perets took part in the issue. In 1921-31, K.'s troupe toured the best circuses in Europe, causing a sensation everywhere. Subsequently, Ali Bey's sons joined the attraction - USSR champions in equestrian sports Hasanbek, Irbek and Mukhtarbek, future People's Artists of Russia. Under them, the attraction gained even greater fame and popularity.
The Kantemirovs gave a powerful impetus to the appearance of group horseman acts in the domestic circus.
In the photo is Mukhtarbek Kantemirov, the last surviving son of the founder of the Kantemirov Dynasty. He is the creator of the world's first horse stunt circus.


The Bagdasarovs are the most famous dynasty of tiger tamers, which to this day puts on magnificent shows throughout Russia and beyond. Their performances include Ussuri and Bengal tigers, so it is not surprising that tiger taming is the most daring and courageous profession.


The Zaripovs are the most famous dynasty of circus performers in Uzbekistan. It dates back more than 115 years, and during this time it has made many great performances. It brings together more than 50 masters of their craft of different genres and ages.


Grignier - this dynasty at first consisted of only husband and wife, whose performances were held as musical concerts. Afterwards, they began to do revolutionary shows and performances, which earned them the love of the audience.


Fratellini is the most famous and unique dynasty of clowns, or as the participants themselves say, “the dynasty of laughter.”

10 The Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Dynasty

The dynasty of the Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey was always famous for the fact that during their performance you could watch seven attractions at the same time.

Zapashny Mstislav Mikhailovich is a Soviet and Russian circus performer. He was involved in animal training. He was People's Artist of the USSR. Together with his brothers (Igor and Walter) he was a member of the Zapashny Brothers circus group. The article will describe a brief biography of the artist. So let's get started.

Mstislav Zapashny: family

The hero of this article was born in Leningrad in 1938. The boy's mother, Lydia Karlovna, was the daughter of the clown Milton. Already at the age of fifteen she knew how to play the piano, juggle, do somersaults and dashingly ride a horse. And my father, Mikhail Sergeevich, had just arrived at the arena and was a newbie. Before that, he worked in Yeisk as a port loader and was famous for his enormous strength. After the Civil War, Mikhail was noticed by Ivan Poddubny and suggested that he try his hand at wrestling. At that time, competitions in this type of martial arts were held in the circus. The surname Zapashny was not very suitable for posters, so Mikhail took a pseudonym - Orlyonok.

But soon the newly minted artist became bored with demonstrating only his physical strength. Therefore, the young wrestler began to master different circus genres. After some time, Mikhail came up with a power number with Georgy Melchenko. From then on, they began performing under the pseudonym Milton Brothers. The partners also had a funny number “Acrobats-losers” and a dangerous “Acrobats-snipers”. Mikhail had greater strength, so he played the role of a living pedestal - he held George in various positions. And he aimed with the help of a small mirror, shooting from the “small gun” at the target. The success of the act depended on the accuracy of the shot and the well-coordinated, cold-blooded work of the acrobats.

It was into such a family that Mstislav Zapashny was born. The sister and five brothers inherited both obvious talent and high efficiency from their parents. But Mikhail Sergeevich himself did not really want his children to follow in his footsteps. He sought to give each of them a good education and a sought-after profession. In order not to drag his relatives with him on tour, Zapashny Sr. bought a small house in Leningrad. It was here that the war found the whole family. Mikhail Sergeevich went to the front with his eldest son. His wife was on tour and was unable to return to the besieged city. Anya, Mstislav, Igor and Walter remained in besieged Leningrad along with Anna Makarovna (grandmother). Then there was an evacuation, and they went to the Volga region. There the children met their mother. Lydia Karlovna performed with her husband’s partner in the “Sharp Shooters” act. The Zapashnys lived in poverty, so after the performances the mother had to unload the wagons and barges.

Young artist

In the Saratov bomb shelter, little Slava and Walter began to rehearse their circus act. Soon they began to enter the arena with their mother. Mstislav was seven, and Walter was seventeen years old. In 1946, the boys were officially recognized as artists, but a year later, during a tour in the Far East, they decided to disband their act. The brothers were very indignant. Walter convinced his mother to go to Moscow. The boys were allowed to perform on the capital's stage. A stern commission from the headquarters came to evaluate the circus performers. After the ringmaster announced, “Young acrobats,” the boys ran onto the stage. Walter had no doubt about the audience's support for the performance, since in his arms his younger brother performed pirouettes and somersaults - the most complex trick combination of the seven elements available. Those sitting in the hall got the impression that Walter was juggling with Mstislav. The audience gave the guys a standing ovation. They were called for an encore more than ten times. At the same time, Karandash himself carried Slava into the arena. After the Zapashnys’ triumphant performance, they were not only allowed to perform further, but were also given the highest salary.

New genres

In 1949, Walter received a summons to join the army. Mstislav followed his older brother, becoming the son of the regiment. The boys began working in the song and dance ensemble (Odessa Military District). It was here that the Zapashnys fell in love with ballet and learned to dance. Until the end of his days, Mstislav, a recognized circus master and director, paid great attention to the plastic side of the acts. He used both circus and choreographic means when creating performances.

In subsequent years, in the room with Walter, Mstislav was replaced by Igor (younger brother). Well, the hero of this story began to try himself in different genres: training (predators, large exotic animals, horses), clowning and aerial gymnastics.

"Vaulting Acrobats"

This was the name of the number that Mstislav Zapashny and his three brothers came up with in 1954. It was a very masterly work. Igor and Mstislav literally flew up in the arms of their older brothers, flawlessly performing unique stunts. And to this day no one has been able to repeat them. Zapashny's records were warmly welcomed by the audience.


Meanwhile, new plans appeared in Mstislav’s head. At the age of twenty, he probably already knew that all his circus acts would be a real discovery. Partners and genres changed, but one thing was constant: absolutely all of Zapashny’s undertakings were distinguished by their grandeur and large-scale scope. That is why his performances were so popular among viewers and over time entered the golden fund of both domestic and world circus art.

New genre

In 1964, Mstislav Mikhailovich Zapashny prepared a new act called “Vaulting Acrobats on Horses.” That is, the athletes stood on the backs of animals. This is exactly how this new circus genre appeared. During the tour in Japan and France, the act received the highest world prizes.


In 1977, Mstislav Zapashny created an act with the simultaneous participation of the eternal enemies of the jungle - tigers and elephants - in one cage. No one in the world has ever done this before. Training large animals, and even predators, is quite dangerous in itself. And when you introduce tigers into the cage of elephants, everything becomes much more complicated. This attraction was not just an exciting and vibrant spectacle. “Elephants and Tigers” was a work of art with a strictly and precisely constructed composition. The main message to the viewer was the idea of ​​friendship, as well as human care for the environment. The performance became the largest achievement not only of domestic, but also of world circus art. Soon the attraction received the State Prize of the Russian Federation.

In 1991, Mstislav Zapashny staged a new play. It was the heroic-historical circus pantomime "Spartacus". In terms of the availability of technical means, the number of animals, the cast of characters and artistic expression, it had no analogues.

Circus of Mstislav Zapashny in Sochi

From 1992 to 2003, the hero of this article not only headed this institution, but was also its artistic director. In 1996, for the anniversary of the Sochi Circus (25 years), the artist staged two programs: “Stars of the World Circus” and “I Love You, Russia.” The children of Mstislav Zapashny helped him in everything. For a couple of seasons, the show was a huge success both in Sochi itself and in all major cities of Russia. These two programs formed the basis for the creation of a new gala performance, with which Zapashny went on a farewell artistic tour of Southeast Asia (Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Italy) and Europe. The tour also took place in Sochi, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kazan, Saratov, Voronezh, Rostov and Krasnodar.


In recent years, Mstislav Zapashny, whose biography is presented above, has successfully implemented new major programs. This is the construction of a theater of sea animals in Sochi, the transformation of an auditorium for 2 thousand people and turning it into a variety theater or music hall, constant operation of restaurants, a casino and a dance hall in the building at night. Having considerable experience in show business and knowing pop and circus art from the inside, Mstislav Mikhailovich sought to multiply and preserve the best circus traditions in our country.

From 2003 to 2009, the hero of this article headed the Russian State Circus. In 2010, he was replaced in this post by A. Kalmykov. September 22, 2016 is the date when Mstislav Zapashny died in Sochi. The cause of the artist's death was not disclosed. The farewell took place at the circus on Vernadsky Avenue. Mstislav Mikhailovich was buried on