Asian animals. The fauna of Asia - a list, types, description and photos of the Asian fauna What to do next

Member of the cat family - This is a majestic and beautiful predator. It has been badly damaged by human activity. It was systematically destroyed because of the valuable fur. At the moment - this animal is listed in the Red Book.

Appearance of the snow leopard

In appearance, the leopard strongly resembles a leopard. The length of the leopard's body reaches a meter, weight is from 20 to 40 kg. The leopard has a very long tail almost the same length as the body. The color of the coat is light gray with dark gray spots, the belly is white.

The animal has very thick and warm fur, which grows even between the fingers to protect the paws from cold and heat.

Snow leopard habitat

The predator lives in the mountains. Prefers the Himalayas, Pamir, Altai. They inhabit areas with bare rocks and only in winter can descend into the valleys. Bars can climb up to 6 km and feel great in such an environment.

These animals prefer to live alone. They live mainly in caves. Predators do not conflict with each other, as they live far from each other. One individual can occupy a fairly vast territory, which other leopards do not stumble upon.

In Russia, these animals can be found in the mountain systems of Siberia (Altai, Sayan). According to a census conducted in 2002, up to two hundred individuals live in the country. At the moment, their number has decreased several times.

What does a snow leopard eat

Snow leopards are hunting on the inhabitants of the mountains: goats, rams, roe deer. If it is not possible to catch a larger animal, they can get by with rodents or birds. In summer, in addition to the meat diet, they can eat plant foods.

The predator goes hunting before sunset or early in the morning. A sharp scent and coloring help him track down the victim, thanks to which he is invisible among the stones. He sneaks up unnoticed and abruptly jumps on the prey. Can jump from a high rock to kill even faster. Leopard jumps can reach 10 meters in length.

If it is not possible to catch the prey, the animal stops hunting for it and looks for another prey. If the prey is large, the predator drags it closer to the rocks. At a time, he eats several kilograms of meat. He throws away the rest and never returns to them.
In times of famine, snow leopards can hunt near settlements and attack domestic animals.

Snow leopard breeding

The mating season of snow leopards falls in the spring months. At this time, males make sounds similar to meowing to attract females. The male takes part only in fertilization. The female is responsible for raising the young. The pregnancy lasts three months. The female equips a lair in the gorges of rocks, where she brings kittens into the world. Usually leopards give birth to 2-4 babies. Babies are born covered in brown fur with dark spots, similar in appearance and size to domestic cats. Little leopards are absolutely helpless and need mother's care.

For up to two months, kittens feed on their mother's milk. Upon reaching this age, the female begins to feed the children with meat. They are no longer afraid to leave the lair and can play at its entrance.
At three months, the children begin to follow their mother, and after a few months they hunt with her. The prey is hunted down by the whole family, but the female attacks. Snow leopards begin to live independently at the age of one year.

Snow leopards they live a little: in captivity they can live for about 20 years, while in the wild they barely live up to 14 years.
These predators have no enemies among wild animals. Their numbers are affected by the lack of food. Due to the harsh living conditions, the number of leopards is decreasing. Man is considered the only enemy of the leopard. The fur of these animals is very valuable, therefore, despite the fact that this is a rather rare animal, hunting for it was quite common. At the moment, hunting for it is prohibited. But poaching still threatens him. Snow leopard fur is valued at tens of thousands of dollars on the black markets.

Zoos around the world contain several thousand representatives of this species. Successfully breed in captivity.
Very little information has been obtained by researchers about snow leopards. It is rare for anyone to see it in the wild. Only traces of leopards living in the mountains can be found.

Snow Leopard belongs to rare and endangered species and is under protection in many countries. For many peoples of Asia, this predator is a symbol of power and strength. On the coats of arms of many Asian cities, you can see the image of a leopard.

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The fauna of Asia includes all animals living on its territory and adjacent seas and islands. Since there is no natural biogeographic boundary in the west between Europe and Asia, the term "fauna of Asia" is somewhat arbitrary. Asia is located in the eastern part of the Palaearctic, and its southeastern part belongs to the Indomalayan zone.

This part of the world is famous for its diversity of habitats, with significant fluctuations in precipitation, elevation, temperature and geological history, which directly affects the wealth of the animal and.
This article provides a list of some species of mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles and fish that are typical of the Asian fauna.

Subfamily big cats:

  • tiger;
  • smoky leopard;
  • leopard;
  • Snow Leopard.

Subfamily small cats:

  • caracal;
  • cheetah;
  • common lynx;
  • marble cat;
  • representatives of the genera: catopums (Catopuma), cats (Felis)(excluding black-footed cat), oriental cats (Prionailurus).

Red Wolf

Rhinos are characterized by their large size, plant-based diet, thick protective skin, 1.5-5 cm thick, relatively small brain (400-600 g) for a mammal of this size, and large horn. As a rule, they eat leaves, although they are adapted to digest more fibrous vegetation.

Two species belong to the genus of orangutans: which live respectively on the island of Kalimantan or Borneo, and the island of Sumatra. Orangutans, whose name means "people of the forest," live in tropical and wetland forests. These shaggy red monkeys are the largest arboreal mammals in the Asian region.

The long, curly, reddish coat covers much of the orangutan's gray skin. They have a stocky body, flexible pelvis, thick neck and bent legs. The arms of the orangutan are longer than the legs and almost reach the level of the ankles when the animal is standing. Orangutans spend most of their lives in the trees, moving confidently from branch to branch, but they look a bit clumsy on the ground. Adult male orangutans are larger than females.


Saiga belongs to the subfamily of true antelopes. The geographical habitat includes: Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Russia and western Mongolia. They live in steppes, semi-deserts, and feed on various types of vegetation.

The saiga weighs from 26 to 69 kg, has a body length of 100-140 cm and a height at the withers of 61-81 cm. A characteristic feature of these antelopes is a pair of closely spaced, swollen nostrils directed downwards. They have long ears (7-12 cm). During summer migrations, their nose helps filter the dust that the herd raises and also cools the animal's blood. In winter, the nose warms up cold air before it enters the lungs.


This representative of the goat subfamily lives in Asia Minor. Chamois are found at moderately high altitudes and are adapted to life in rocky terrain. They can be found at altitudes up to at least 3600 m. In winter, they descend to lower places (about 800 m) and live in forests, preferring pine trees.

Adults reach a height at the withers of 70-80 cm and a body length of 107-137 cm. Sexual dimorphism is pronounced, males weighing 30-60 kg more than females, which weigh 25-45 kg. Both sexes have short horns that curve back slightly at the tips, with the males having thicker horns. The fur is a rich brown in summer, turning to light gray in winter. There are light contrasting stripes on the head, and black under the eyes.

black-backed tapir

The black-backed tapir is the largest species of tapir and the only representative of the genus in Asia. Prefers dense tropical forests and nocturnal lifestyle.

This animal is easy to identify by its characteristic color: the back, sides and belly, as well as the tips of the ears are light in color, and the rest of the body is black. Black-backed tapirs grow from 1.8 to 2.5 m in length, not counting the short tail, 5-10 cm long. The height at the withers is 90-110 cm, and the weight is 250-320 kg, although some adults can weigh up to 540 kg. Females are usually larger than males. Like other types of tapirs, they have short and flexible proboscises.


Big Indian kalao

The Greater Indian Kalao is one of the largest members of the hornbill family. The species is distributed throughout the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia. In captivity, it can live up to 50 years. It is predominantly a frugivorous bird, preying on small mammals, reptiles and birds.

The body length is 95-130 cm, the wingspan is 152 cm, and the weight varies from 2.15 to 4 kg. It is the heaviest, but not the longest, Asian hornbill. Females are smaller than males and have bluish-white eyes instead of red ones. The most characteristic feature of this species is its bright yellow, black-spotted beak, on top of which is a U-shaped helmet.

Siamese lofur

The Siamese lofur is a relatively large representative of the pheasant family, with a body length of about 80 cm. This bird is common in the lowlands of the evergreen forests of Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam. The Siamese Lofur is the national bird of Thailand.

Males are characterized by gray plumage, crimson legs, a head crest of black feathers, red skin around the eyes, and long, curved dark tails. The color of the feathers of the female is brown, with blackish wings and tail.

Argus pheasant

Argus pheasant is one of the largest birds of the pheasant family, living in the jungles of Southeast Asia. Males are larger than females and have a more impressive appearance. The body length is 160-200 cm, the tail is 105-143 cm, and the weight is 2.04-2.72 kg. The tail feathers are very long. The most impressive features of the males are the huge, wide and highly elongated middle wing feathers, adorned with large eyes. Females are smaller and duller than males, with shorter tails and smaller eyes. The length of their body is 72-76 cm, the tail is 30-36 cm, and their weight is 1.59-1.70 kg.

Helmeted Hornbill

The helmeted hornbill lives on the Malay Peninsula, the islands of Sumatra and Borneo. This species has a helmet, which is located at the base of the beak. The head together with the helmet weighs about 11% of 3 kg of body weight. Unlike other hornbills, this bird has a hard enough helmet, and it is used in fights between males.

The helmeted hornbill has blackish plumage except for the white underbelly and legs. The tail is white with a black stripe near the tip. The body length is 110-120 cm, excluding the length of the tail feathers, which are about 50 cm. Males weigh an average of 3.1 kg, and females - 2.7 kg. This species has a hairless, wrinkled neck that is pale blue to greenish in females and red in males. The helmet and beak are colored yellow, however, due to the secretions of the coccygeal gland, there is a reddish tint.

Japanese crane

The Japanese crane is a rare species of large birds from the crane family, native to East Asia. In some parts of its range, this crane is a symbol of good luck, longevity and fidelity. Adults have red bare skin on the crown that becomes brighter during the mating season. In general, they are white with black flight feathers on the wings, which may appear as a black tail when the wings are folded. Males are black on the cheeks, throat and neck, while females are pearl grey. The beak is olive-greenish in color, the legs are greyish-black, and the iris is dark brown.

This species is one of the largest cranes, with a height of 150-158 cm and a body length of 101.2-150 cm (beak to tail tip). The wingspan is 220-250 cm, and the body weight ranges from 4.8 to 10.5 kg, with males slightly larger and heavier than females.


Far Eastern toad

The Far Eastern toad is a representative of the class of amphibians from the toad family. It is common in East Asia. This species avoids dense forests, but is found in most other habitats, including grasslands, open forests, and crop areas. The Far Eastern toad prefers humid areas and is rarely found above 800 meters. The diet consists of insects.

Body length varies from 56 to 102 mm. On the entire surface of the body there are skin growths and spikes. The color of the back includes dark gray and olive brown, and the belly is yellow or gray.

Zagros newt

The Zagros newt is a very colorful species of amphibian from the salamander family. It is distributed in the southern part of the Zagros Mountains in Iran. It can be found in mountain rivers, as well as in ponds and pools. Water is absent from its habitat for much of the year, and the newt migrates into the surrounding forests. As you know, this species spends the summer in hibernation.

Semirechensky frogtooth

Salamander is common in Central Asia, in the mountains of Dzungarian Alatau, on the border of China and Kazakhstan. Its natural habitats include temperate forests, tundra, temperate grasslands, rivers, freshwater swamps, and freshwater springs. The species is threatened due to habitat loss. Its diet consists of aquatic and terrestrial invertebrates.

The body length, including the tail, is 21.3 cm. The head is flattened, the body is strong and the tail is strong. The color is yellow or olive, sometimes with small spots.


combed crocodile

Salted crocodile is considered the largest modern reptile from the family Crocodylidae. Males can grow up to 7 m in length, but usually individuals are about 6 m and weigh 1-1.2 tons. Sexual dimorphism is pronounced, the body length of females often does not exceed 3 m. This species is adapted to life in sea water, but is more common in salty mangrove swamps, estuaries, deltas and lagoons. It is distributed from the east coast of India to most of Southeast Asia.

This crocodile is the most dangerous reptile to humans due to its extensive distribution, aggressiveness and large size.

Other species of the order of crocodiles common in Asia are:

  • Philippine crocodiles;
  • New Guinea crocodiles;
  • Swamp crocodiles;
  • Siamese crocodiles;
  • Gangetic gharials;
  • Gharial crocodiles.

Indian roof turtle

The Indian roof turtle is a species of reptile from the Asian freshwater turtle family. Distributed in large rivers of South Asia. It feeds on aquatic and terrestrial vegetation, as well as small aquatic animals.

The length of the shell is 23 cm. The turtle has an oval, streamlined shape and a greenish-brown color. The head is small. A distinctive feature of the species is the serrated upper part of the shell.

Chinese alligator

The Chinese alligator is a very rare species of alligator (no more than 200 individuals live in the wild), endemic to Eastern China.

An adult alligator reaches a body length of 1.5 m and a weight of 36 kg. The usual habitat of this species includes low altitudes and the presence of fresh water sources: swamps, lakes, rivers, ponds. Wetlands are extremely important to Chinese alligators due to their biodiversity.

King Cobra

The king cobra is found predominantly in the forests of India and Southeast Asia. This species is the longest venomous snake in the world (5.6 to 5.7 m). Despite the word "Cobra" in the common name, this snake is not a member of the genus Naja(real cobras), which includes most species of cobras, but stands out in a separate genus Ophiophagus. The king cobra mainly preys on other snakes, and some small vertebrates such as lizards and rodents. This snake has gained fame as a dangerous reptile, although it avoids collisions with people whenever possible.

Striped bald eye

The striped naked eye is a small lizard whose body length does not exceed 5-6 cm (excluding 7-8 cm of the tail). It is distributed in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, northwestern Iran and Turkey. Prefers to live at an altitude of 2300 to 3300 m.

The body color is olive brown or brownish brown, with stripes. On each side are wide brown stripes. In males, during the breeding season, the belly becomes pinkish or golden-orange.

horned agama

The horned agama belongs to the agama family. The species is endemic to the island of Sri Lanka and is distributed in mountain forests. Its diet consists of arthropods.

The head of this lizard is oval. Above the upper lip is a small process, light in color, similar to a horn. The back is brownish-green or yellowish-brown. There are 10-16 dark brown stripes on the tail. The belly is light or brownish-gray.


Amur pike

The Amur pike is native to the Amur River in East Asia. It reaches a body length of 115 cm and a weight of 12.5 kg. The color is silvery with small black spots. Her body is elongated, covered with scales. This species has a large mouth, the lower jaw protrudes slightly forward. The Amur pike is a typical predator that switches to a carnivorous diet after reaching a body length of 5 cm. Its diet consists of carp in lakes, and minnow with minnows in rivers.

Ganges shark

The Gangetic shark is a critically endangered species that lives in the Indian rivers Ganges and Brahmaputra. It is often confused with the more common gray bull shark, which is also found in the Ganges River. Unlike bull sharks, which must migrate to salt water to breed, the Gangetic shark is a true river dweller. It grows up to 2 m in length. It is a typical shark in appearance, with a stocky body and two spineless fins: dorsal and anal.

Giant shilb catfish

The giant shilb catfish is a large, critically endangered species of catfish that lives in the Mekong River basin in Southeast Asia.

With a color from gray to white, without stripes, antennae and teeth, the giant shinba catfish is different from other large catfish that live in the Mekong River. This is one of the largest freshwater fish species in the world, with a maximum body length of about 3 m and a mass of over 250 kg.

Currently, the IUCN Red List classifies the giant shilb catfish as an endangered species; The number of individuals living in the wild is unknown, but data indicate that the population of these fish has declined by 80% over the past 14 years.

Far Eastern catfish

Far Eastern or Amur catfish is one of the species of fish of the catfish family. This large freshwater fish lives in East Asia and Japan. Prefers slowly flowing rivers, lakes and irrigation canals. Adult fish have only two pairs of antennae. This species grows up to 130 cm in total length and weighs up to 8 kg.


The snakehead is a species of freshwater fish native to China, Russia, North and South Korea, found from the Amur River to Hainan. It has also been introduced to other regions where it is considered invasive.

The body length of the snakehead ranges from 85-100 cm, but sometimes specimens up to 150 cm long are found. The largest snakehead registered by the International Game Fish Association weighed 8.05 kg, although a specimen caught in 2016 weighing 8.36 kg broke this record.

In terms of body size, the snow leopard is slightly inferior to the leopard, in general appearance it is similar to it. This is a large, strong beast of a typical feline appearance. It has a thin, long, flexible body, low legs, a small head and a very long tail. Adult snow leopards are from 100 to 130 cm long and up to 40 kg in weight. The tail reaches 105 cm. Unlike the leopard, the color of the hairline of the leopard does not contain either red or reddish tones. The coloration of winter fur is dominated by a light smoky gray background, over which solid or ring-shaped dark spots of indistinct outlines are scattered. Sometimes there is a slight light yellowish tint in the color. Among other large cats, the snow leopard stands out for its long, thick and soft hair, but, despite the splendor of the fur, it looks like a slender, graceful animal. It is not as massive as a leopard, it has a less muscular body.

Irbis is an alpine animal. In summer, it inhabits the belts of subalpine and alpine meadows in the mountains of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, in Russia - Altai and reaches the border of eternal snows. Its traces were repeatedly noted at an altitude of 5000 m above sea level. It lives in rocky places, among stony placers, steep gorges. In the belt of alpine meadows, the irbis rises after the Siberian mountain goat, which is its main prey all year round. Occasionally hunts mountain sheep, roe deer, young wild boars. In winter, the snow leopard descends into the middle belt of mountains for migratory goats and other ungulates. Irbis - "gambling hunter". When attacking a flock of sheep, he kills not one animal, like a tiger or leopard, but several. There are cases when he crushed seven or eight sheep in one attack. Irbis choose caves, crevices, heaps of rocks for arranging a lair. Most of the daylight hours are spent in lairs. They hunt in the evening twilight and in the morning at dawn.

The rut takes place in early spring. 90-100 days after fertilization, the female gives birth to up to five kittens. Irbis are few everywhere. Hunting for him is prohibited everywhere.

Spreading . An insignificant part of the snow leopard's range is located in the Russian Federation, which is the northern periphery of the species range. In the XIX - XX centuries. there was a decrease in the area inhabited by the snow leopard, the northern border of the permanent habitat of this predator receded to the south, the lace of the range thinned out (1 - 3). Currently, the snow leopard is found within Russia in the Altai and Krasnoyarsk Territories and in Tuva. In Altai, the snow leopard inhabits the Southern Altai, Tabyn-Bogdo-Ola, Katunsky, Yuzhno-Chuysky, Severo-Chuysky, Sailyugem, Chikhachev ridges; during visits, it also appears on the Aigulak, Kurai, Chulyshman, Shapshal ridges, as well as on the Chulyshman highlands. Meeting places of snow leopards in the 70s: Mount Aytynkalak near the river. Karakul and Ongudaysky district (1972), Kosh-Agachsky district (1974), upper reaches of the river. Koksha (1976) and the watershed between the rivers Koetru and Tushken (1976) are both the last points in the Altai Reserve. In the same reserve on Mount Pogranichnaya, Shapshalsky Range, in 1973 a leopard den was discovered (4 - 6). In the Krasnoyarsk Territory and Tuva, there is much that is unclear about the current distribution of this predator. Although the snow leopard was quite widespread in the Western Sayan and inhabited the entire mountain system, with the exception of the Sayansky, Kurtushibinsky and Ergak-Targak-Taiga ranges (2), detailed surveys of the 60s - 70s. did not reveal its presence in the central and eastern parts of the Western Sayan. It is assumed that the snow leopard survived in the high-altitude parts of the Sayan Range and at the northwestern tip of the Khemchinsky Range. Shot reported in the late 1960s. one snow leopard in the vicinity of the lake. Uluk-MungashKhol (the headwaters of the Ona river, which flows into the Abakan river) and about the encounters of these predators in the headwaters of the Malaye Ury, Rybnaya and SystygKhem rivers. Leopard visits to the Eastern Sayan are explained by the abundance of reindeer and deer in this area (7). The upper reaches of the Abakan and the basins of the Us and Kantegir rivers in the Western Sayan and the upper reaches of the Kazyr and Kizir rivers in the highlands of the Eastern Sayan are indicated as probable locations of the modern foci of this predator (8). In Kazakhstan and the Central Asian states, the leopard lives in the Western Altai, in Tarbagatai, Dzungarian Alatau, in the Tien Shan and Pamir systems (1 - 3, 9). In addition, it is found in the Mongolian People's Republic, China, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Nepal. The snow leopard is adapted to living in harsh climatic conditions. He lives in sparsely populated highland areas, rising to 5 thousand meters above sea level. sea, adheres to the subalpine and alpine belts, slopes of gorges, often overgrown with dense shrubs, as well as treeless highlands, stony placers and snowfields. The main prey of the leopard is mountain goats and rams, roe deer, wild boars, and partly marmots, hares and snowcocks. Therefore, the places of concentration are confined to lands with a high population density of these animals.

population. There is incomplete information about the number of snow leopards. In Altai, they are more numerous in the south and east. According to G. G. Sobansky, the snow leopard has survived in some numbers now in the middle reaches of the river. Argut, from the confluence of the river. Coke to the mouth. In the lands of the Kurai and Chulyshman ranges for 1968 - 1975. along the way or accidentally shot 7 leopards. In the systems of the left tributaries of the Bashkaus, the Upper and Lower Idulgen, several families of this predator lived for more than ten years. When carrying out accounting work on the territory of 400 sq. km, traces of three leopards were found (0.75 individuals per 100 sq. km). At present, single encounters of a predator are noted here. It was assumed that in the mid-70s. about 40 snow leopards lived in Altai (4). Now this number has decreased. There is no reason to believe that the total number of these predators in Russia exceeds several dozen heads. Outside of Russia, separate attempts have been made to determine the number of snow leopards. In Kazakhstan, in the Alma-Ata Reserve, at the end of the 70s, three or four families of these cats probably lived (10). Rough estimates showed that in 1975 there were 220 predators of this species in Tajikistan. The number of snow leopards in the former USSR does not exceed 800 - 1000 individuals (3).

limiting factors. Among the reasons for the reduction in the number and range of the snow leopard are: depletion of the food supply due to a decrease in the number of artiodactyl animals, which this predator mainly feeds on; increased disturbance factor due to the intensive development of mountain pastures by a growing number of domestic animals, as well as due to developing tourism and more frequent human penetration into the hidden areas of the mountains; illegal hunting driven by the high market price and unlimited demand for snow leopard pelts; the ongoing illegal and completely unjustified persecution of the predator as a "dangerous enemy of animal husbandry" (3, 6, 7, 10). There are also limiting factors of a natural nature. The snow leopard is characterized by a relatively low rate of reproduction; there are usually less than five kittens in a litter, and two on average. Parents weakly protect offspring. Sexual maturity occurs in the second or third year of life, the female does not mate every year. In addition, the leopard is poorly adapted to moving on high, loose snow cover. The snow leopard is an unguarded, trusting animal; noticing the persecution, he is in no hurry to take cover or get away from the dogs. All this complicates the restoration of the snow leopard population and their protection.

Security measures. The snow leopard is included in Appendix I to the CITES Convention. It is necessary to carry out extensive explanatory work among the local population, and especially among the shepherds, about the importance of observing the ban on hunting and preserving a rare and scientifically interesting animal. It is necessary to better study the current distribution, identify the features of distribution across the territory, and determine the number of snow leopards. It is recommended to introduce a ban on catching this predator in the places where it is currently carried out, until the livestock is restored. Organize long-term sanctuaries closed for grazing. Lives in the Sayanoshushensky Reserve.

Sources of information: 1. Novikov, 1963; 2. Geptner and Sludsky, 1972; 3. Sludsky, 1973; 4. Sopin, 1977; 5. Geyts, Makarov, 1977; 6. Shilov and Baskakov, 1977; 7. Sokolov, 1979; 8. Syroechkovsky, Rogacheva, 1980; 9. Geyts, Shopin, 1977; 10. Satimbekov, 1979. Compiled by N. P. Lavrov.

Big cats are the largest members of the cat family. And yet the main criterion for belonging to big cats is not size, but structure.

So, big cats include the lion, tiger, jaguar, leopard, snow leopard and clouded leopard, but not such species as the cougar and cheetah.

Let's get to know these most beautiful and graceful predators in the wild.
a lion

A lion. King of beasts. One of four representatives of the genus Panthera, belonging to the subfamily of big cats. It is the second largest cat after the tiger - the weight of males can reach 250 kg. But in terms of shoulder height, the lion is the champion among all cats.

This species originally evolved in Africa about 800,000 - 1 million years ago.

The appearance of a lion is very characteristic: males are much larger than females and have a luxurious mane up to 40 cm long. No other cat has anything like it. The mane visually enlarges the lion, and also helps to intimidate other males and attract females who prefer "men" with more luxurious hair.

Both the lion and the lioness have a fluffy tuft at the end of the tail - a “tassel” about 5 cm long. At birth, it is absent and begins to appear at about 5 months of age.

The color of the lion is usually yellow-gray in various shades, the mane is the same color as the skin, but it can be dark, even black.

At the end of the 20th century, evidence of the existence of white lions appeared. Before that, for hundreds of years, they were considered the fruit of legends wandering around South Africa:

These are very rare cats:

Lions are super predators, i.e. occupy the top position in the food chain. However, besides humans, there is another predatory animal that can pose a threat to a lion - this is a crocodile. In a collision, these two species are capable of inflicting very serious injuries on each other. Lions are able to attack crocodiles when they come out onto land, while the oldest reptiles attack lions when they enter the water.

Unlike other cats, they do not live alone, but in special family flocks - prides. Hunting and getting food is usually done by females, who act in groups. Males are engaged in the protection of the territory, expelling uninvited guests from them. Another reason why males do not hunt is the mane, which can interfere with camouflage. The fangs of a lion are 8 cm long, so these cats are able to kill fairly large animals. Despite the fact that lionesses have very sharp teeth, prey in most cases is killed by strangulation.

In nature, lions live from 10 to 15 years, in captivity they can live more than 20 years. True, males rarely live more than 10 years, since constant fights with other lions significantly reduce their life expectancy.

Unfortunately, these big cats are classified as vulnerable species due to the irreversible decline in their population. Over the past 20 years, the number of lions in Africa has decreased by 35-50%.


This is the third largest cat in the world, and the largest cat in the New World. One of four members of the Panthera genus. The body length without a tail is usually 120-185 cm, and in some cases the weight is up to 120 kg. The record in nature is 158 kg. In the Guarani language, yaguara means "a beast that kills with one leap."

The oldest remains of the jaguar date back to the late Pliocene (about 2 million years). According to morphological features, the jaguar is most closely related to the leopard, it is very similar to it, but larger and heavier.

The main body color of the jaguar is closer to sand. Spots are scattered over the body, which are darker than the general background of the body: solid, rings and rosettes. There are also completely black jaguars that look like panthers:

Unlike lions, the lifestyle of jaguars is solitary. Like all cats, jaguars are territorial predators; The hunting area of ​​one jaguar occupies 25-100 sq. km, depending on the landscape and the amount of prey, and is usually a triangle.

The jaguar is a crepuscular predator. He hunts after sunset and before dawn. The main prey of the jaguar are capybaras and ungulates like deer, bakers, although it also hunts turtles: its powerful jaws can even bite through the shell. When attacking, this cat tries to injure the victim with the strongest blow at the time of the fall. This is a one-shot hunter: if the prey takes off running, the jaguar never pursues it.

The jaguar's main hunting method is ambush in a tree or in tall grass. Also, prey will not be able to escape in the water - jaguars are excellent swimmers.

In a significant part of its former range, this species is almost or completely exterminated. The jaguar is included in the international Red Book.

Snow Leopard

The irbis, or snow leopard, lives in the mountains of Central Asia. This is a rather large cat, but smaller than a leopard, with a long, flexible body, relatively short legs and a very long tail. Length with tail - 200–230 cm, weight - up to 55 kg. Recent studies show that snow leopards were distributed probably from 1.2 to 1.4 million years ago.

The color of the fur of the snow leopard is light smoky gray with circular and solid dark spots. Since the irbis is an inhabitant of the high rocky mountains of Central and Central Asia, its coat is very thick, its length on the back reaches 55 mm - it provides protection from cold, harsh habitat conditions. So, in the Himalayas, the snow leopard was met at an altitude of 5400-6000 meters above sea level.

Snow leopards lead a solitary lifestyle. In a territory with a low amount of prey, an area of ​​\u200b\u200b1,000 square kilometers, only up to 5 cats can live. The snow leopard's lair suits in caves and clefts of rocks.

The snow leopard is able to cope with prey three times its mass. He hunts in most cases before sunset and at dawn, attacking from behind a shelter. The snow leopard tries to grab a large prey by the throat, and then strangle it.

Currently, the number of snow leopards is catastrophically small. In the 20th century, this cat was included in the Red Book of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and in the Red Book of Russia.


The leopard is another representative of big cats, significantly inferior in size to the lion and tiger, one of the four representatives of the panther genus. Outwardly, it looks like a jaguar, reduced in size. Body length without tail - up to 190 cm, weight - up to 75 kg. According to fossil remains, the first ancestor of the leopard appeared in Asia as early as 3.8 million years ago.

The skin of the animal is a golden background, on which black spots are randomly scattered or in the form of rings. Usually the color of the fur is paler and duller in winter than in summer. As in the case of the jaguar, in nature (usually in Southeast Asia) there are melanistic leopards, which are called black panthers. Leopard is perhaps one of the most graceful and beautiful cats.

The leopard is a solitary and nocturnal animal. He climbs trees so deftly that sometimes he even catches monkeys. However, the leopard hunts mainly on the ground, using two techniques: sneaking up on prey and waiting in ambush.

To prevent the prey from getting to the hyenas, the leopards drag it into the trees. The area of ​​the hunting area of ​​a leopard can reach 400 sq. km. depending on the region, topography and abundance of prey.

Like lions and tigers, there are cannibals among leopards; usually these are old or sick individuals, unable to hunt their usual prey. Man for this predatory cat is a very easy target. So, in the 20s of the 20th century, the “Rudraprayag cannibal” was operating in India. On account of this leopard was 125! cases of officially registered murders of people.

For many nations, the leopard is a symbol of cruelty, ferocity, aggressiveness, fearlessness. Unfortunately, the leopard is an endangered species. In the XX century, it was included in the IUCN Red Book, in the Red Book of Russia.

clouded leopard

The clouded leopard is a large cat that lives in Southeast Asia and vaguely resembles a leopard. This is a fairly ancient species, as well as a possible ancestor of the current large cats.

The clouded leopard is the smallest "big cat": its size is approximately the size of a shepherd dog. Body length - 80–100 cm, weight - up to 21 kg. A characteristic feature of this cat is a long tail.
Small but toothy:

Clouded leopards are found in southeast Asia and live alone. Among cats, clouded leopards are the best at climbing trees, even better than the leopard itself. They wait for their victims (deer, wild boars, monkeys and birds) on the branches and suddenly attack from above.
The pattern on the coat of a smoky leopard is unusual: large, unevenly shaped black spots are scattered on a yellowish background. The entire species is classified as endangered.


The tiger is the largest and heaviest cat and one of the largest terrestrial predators, second in mass only to the white and brown bears, one of the four representatives of the panther genus. Already about 2 million years ago, tigers were widespread in eastern Asia.

Tiger subspecies vary greatly in size and weight, but the largest are the Bengal and Amur. Males can reach up to 2.4–2.8 meters in length without a tail and weigh up to 275 kg, and in some cases up to 300–320 kg. The record in captivity is 423 kg for the Amur tiger. For comparison, the weight of lions usually does not exceed 250 kg with approximately the same length.

The entire body of the tiger is covered with stripes that vary in color from brown to completely black, and the tail always ends with a black tip.

Due to mutation, there are very rare animals in nature - white tigers. The frequency of their appearance is one individual per 10,000 with normal coloration. These are Bengal tigers with black and brown stripes on white fur and blue eyes. Zoos now contain 130 white tigers:

An even more rare discoloration is gold. There are only 30 golden tigers in zoos around the world:

Tigers are solitary and territorial predators. The territory of one male is usually 60–100 sq. km. During the hunt, tigers use two techniques: sneaking up on prey, moving with short cautious steps, often falling to the ground, and waiting in ambush.

During the attack, the tiger can reach speeds of up to 60 km / h on almost any terrain, as well as jump to a height of up to 5 meters and 9-10 meters in length. Sometimes the prey weight of this powerful cat is 6-7 times higher than its own.

These majestic cats are also endangered species. In the XX century, it was included in the IUCN Red Book, in the Red Book of Russia.

Almost all wild cats, from huge and rather formidable to small and adorable, are endangered in one way or another. We offer you to pay attention to these amazing graceful animals, which are a real rare treasure of wildlife.

1. Asiatic cheetah

This magnificent cat once adorned the expanses of the Middle East, Central Asia, Kazakhstan and southeast India.

Currently, due to habitat destruction, poaching and excessive hunting, there are approximately 70-110 Asiatic cheetahs left in the wild worldwide. All of them live in the arid conditions of the central plateau of Iran.

2. Irbis (snow leopard)

Found in the rocky mountains of Central Asia, snow leopards are well adapted to the cold conditions of the desert landscapes of their habitat.

Unfortunately, the chic fur of the snow leopard attracts a huge number of hunters. For this reason, there are only 4000-6500 of these beautiful cats left in the world.

3. Fishing cat (speckled cat)

Unlike many family members who prefer to avoid water procedures, this cat is a professional swimmer who lives on the banks of rivers, streams and mangrove swamps.

In 2008, this species added to the list of endangered animals, as the favorite habitats of fishing cats - swamps - are gradually drained and become the focus of people.

4. Kalimantan cat

Also known as the Borneo cat, this animal can only be found on the island of Borneo. This extremely rare representative of the cat family is listed in the Red Book by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. The photo in front of you is one of the few shots of such a rare species.

5. Sumatran cat

This cat with a slender body and an unusual (slightly flattened) head shape loves to feast on fish and walks by itself in the vastness of Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and Sumatra. It has been listed in the Red Book since 2008 due to habitat destruction. The current number of individuals living on the planet is estimated to be less than 2,500.

6. Andean cat

Among the two dozen small species of wild cats that exist in the world, one of the rarest, information about which is rather scarce, is an animal called the Andean cat. Alas, while millions of dollars are allocated to preserve the populations of her larger relatives from the feline family, hardly thousands remain from the budgets of protective organizations to support such small cats.

7. Pyrenean lynx

The Pyrenean or Iberian lynx is considered the most endangered species of wild cats. Also, this species is currently one of the rarest mammals on the planet.

A disease called myxomatosis in the 1950s wiped out the rabbit population (the mainstay of the lynx diet) in Spain on a massive scale. Now only about 100 individuals of this species of wild cat remain in the wild.

8. Manul

These beauties prefer to spend the morning hours in caves, crevices and even marmot burrows, going hunting only in the afternoon. Due to the depletion of their habitat, declining food supplies and incessant hunting, in 2002 this species was endangered.

9. Long-tailed cat (margay)

Margai are created by ideal poison dart frogs. Only these cats have the ability to rotate their hind limbs 180 degrees, which allows them to run upside down in trees, like squirrels. Margai can even hang from a branch, clinging to it with only one paw. Every year, people kill about 14,000 long-tailed cats for their skins. This extermination trend is fatal for margays, because it takes them two years to produce offspring, while the risk of kitten mortality is 50%.

10. Serval (bush cat)

These cats love to roam the African savannah. The serval is the owner of the longest legs in relation to the body in comparison with any other representative of the feline genus. Unfortunately, in pursuit of their elegant skin, hunters do not skimp on bullets and traps, subsequently offering tourists serval fur, which is passed off as leopard or cheetah.

11. Caracal

Also known as the desert lynx, this cat is capable of making barking sounds as a warning signal. The caracal is considered an endangered species in North Africa and is regarded as rare in Central Asia and India.

12. African golden cat

Only relatively recently have people been able to obtain photographs of this rare nocturnal resident in its habitat.

The golden cat is only twice the size of the domestic cat we are used to. Life expectancy in natural conditions in individuals of this species has not been established, but it is known that in captivity they can live up to 12 years.

13. Temminka the cat

This cat lives in tropical and subtropical moist evergreen and dry deciduous forests. Deforestation, as well as hunting for skin and bones, have become the reasons for finding this species under the threat of total extinction.

14. Dune cat

This unique cat features an extended head shape and fur that grows between its toes to protect it when walking on hot surfaces. The sand cat is listed as a threatened species, and therefore hunting for it is prohibited in many countries.

15. Far Eastern leopard

The Amur (Far Eastern) leopard is endangered due to the destruction of its habitat, as well as the constant danger posed by people. According to the latest data, only 30 individuals of this species have been recorded in the wild so far.

16. Sumatran tiger

The Sumatran tiger is the last species of tiger in Indonesia to survive in the wild.

Despite the active policy of protective organizations in the fight against poaching, these tigers are constantly hunted, dooming them to extinction. World markets are continuously replenished with products made from these wild cats. Under these circumstances, fewer than 400 Sumatran tigers remain in the world.

17 Clouded Leopard

Clouded leopard is considered an intermediate evolutionary link between large and small cats. This species has been placed under conditions of gradual habitat loss as a result of large-scale deforestation. Also contributing to the extermination of this species is commercial poaching aimed at the trade in wild animals. The total clouded leopard population is currently believed to be less than 10,000 adults.

18. Marble cat

This cat is often mistaken for a marbled leopard, but its size is much more graceful, and the tail has a high degree of fluffiness. The destruction of the habitat conditions of this species in the forests of Southeast Asia, as well as the reduction in the food supply, lead to a rapid decrease in the population of marbled cats in the world.

19. Bengal cat

The color of the skin of a beautiful Bengal cat can vary from gray to red with white with a very light chest. This is the first species to have successfully crossed wild and domestic cats. The result was a beautiful and rather friendly beast.

20. Maltese (blue) tiger

This view in the East is considered almost mythical. Most of the Maltese tigers belong to the subspecies of the South China tiger, which is endangered due to the frequent use of parts of the body of this animal in traditional medicine. Individuals that are distinguished by their "blue" skin at the moment may have already been completely exterminated.

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21. Golden striped tiger

"Gold striped" is not the name of a species, but the definition of a color deviation.

As a rule, such individuals are the result of directed breeding of animals in captivity, however, in India there is evidence of a meeting with a golden tiger dating back to 1900.

22. White lion

White lions are not albinos. They are the owners of a rare genetic set that was distributed only in one place on Earth, the Kruger National Park in South Africa. Two decades before the creation of the Society for the Protection of White Lions, this species was almost completely exterminated, so now a unique program is underway to restore the population in their natural habitat.

23. Anatolian leopard

For the past 30 years, this Turkish leopard species was thought to be completely extinct. However, in 2013, a shepherd in the southeastern province of Diyarbakır killed a large cat that attacked his herd. Later, biologists determined that it was an Anatolian leopard. Although this story has such a sad outcome, nevertheless, it gives hope that the rarest species may still exist.

24. Rusty cat

A rusty or red-spotted cat, whose length, including the tail, is only 50-70 cm, and its weight is about 2-3 kg, is the smallest wild cat in the world. Man knows practically nothing about this species, whose representatives lead an extremely secretive life. Unfortunately, despite this, the rusty cat has already managed to get on the list of “vulnerable” species, since most of its natural habitats have now been turned into farmland.

25. Scottish Forest Cat

Known as the "Highland Tiger" in the UK, the Scottish Forest Cat is now critically endangered, with a recent population estimate of less than 400 individuals.

26. Black-footed cat

The smallest of all African wild cats, the black-footed cat has black fur on the soles of its paws to protect it from the hot sand of the desert. These animals are no strangers to scavenging for food, and this habit puts them in great danger as it leads them into the traps set for other animals.