The meaning of the name Ulyana for a girl is summer. The origin and nature of the name Ulyana

Each name is a secret, by unraveling which you can become more successful, develop hidden talents and find out your strengths. A detailed description of the name Ulyana will lead its owner to happiness.

The meaning and origin of the name

Scientists suggest that the name Ulyana could come from the name Juliania, which goes back to the Roman male name Julian, and then, in turn, to the name Julius. This name was generic in Rome, and then it turns out that Ulyana is born "in the Julius family." As the legend said, this family was famous and revered, and it led its history from the goddess Venus. Emperor Gaius Julius Caesar belonged to him. The similar name Juliana, as well as Julia - its more common variant - are also formed from these male Roman names.

The name Julius, like Julian, is associated with the summer month of July, so Ulyana is "July" in the second meaning. The names Ulyana, Juliana and Julia are therefore very suitable for girls born in July. Another meaning of these related names is "curly" or "fluffy".

Fate and character

Ulyana is characterized by seething energy and openness to the world. The owner of this name does not like to hide or conceal something, does not play a double game and does not approve of hypocrisy, preferring clarity to vague intentions. At the same time, Ulyana is not without a mystery, she is often creatively gifted, and this combination of honesty and hidden poetry makes her especially attractive to the opposite sex. Friends love and appreciate Ulyana for her love of life and optimism, as well as her sense of humor - Ulyana does not like offensive witticisms and will not tolerate them from others.

Despite the seething energy, constantly traveling is not in Ulyana's character, so it is better for her to look for work without business trips. She also travels infrequently, but she carefully planned the trip and organized everything. Ulyana prefers rare but memorable places to regular vacations "for show". For several years she may not go beyond the summer cottage or the apartment of her best friends, spend time with a cozy hobby like knitting, and then wave to the ends of the world. And only Ulyana herself will know how much she prepared for this start.

Diligence and perseverance are two features on which many of Ulyana's successes are built. She knows how to concentrate, to put together little things and details. Therefore, she loves hobbies related to fine motor skills of her hands so much. Embroidery, knitting, beading, tailoring or paintings with many details - such things in Ulyana's house will not be rare. And in career matters, optimism and willingness to work play a decisive role for Ulyana. She is valued as a responsible and executive employee, and as a boss, Ulyana is loved by her subordinates, as she is devoid of arrogance and is rooted in her soul for the common cause.

Ulyana's fate largely depends on family well-being, since it is very important for her to feel loved and the only woman next to her husband. Ulyana is a girl of strict rules, and prefers a formal relationship. She will not forgive betrayal, even if she really wants to. She is a delicate wife, on whom much will depend in marriage, but at the same time, Ulyana does not strive for a leading role at all costs. Most often, Ulyana and her husband lead the family boat together, insuring each other in difficult life situations.

The meaning of the name Ulyana for a girl

From early childhood, Ulyana has been interested in creativity in all its manifestations. She may listen to music when she is still a toddler, or try to draw before she can hold a pencil properly. When parents give Ulyana a wide scope for the development of creativity, she grows up to be a diversified and extraordinary person.

In the team, Ulyana prefers to protect the weak and take care of those who are dear to her. She is a devoted friend. At first, Illyana can be timid or indecisive. But at the same time he likes to command, so he can become the headman in the class and in the future claim the role of leader. The Ulyana girl is not one of the followers, but one of those who prefer to stand out.

The name Ulyana used to be shortened to the form Ulya. But today it is sometimes also brought to the form Yang, which should not be confused with an independent name.

Characteristics of the name Ulyana

name day Ulyana celebrates April 2, January 3, December 17, January 15, July 5 and 19, March 17, August 30 and November 14.

To what patronymic the name fits: Alexandrovna, Viktorovna, Maksimovna, Timofeevna, Andreevna, Matveevna, Romanovna.

Energy bright, mobile, lively, prone to transforming the world around.

Lucky number: five.

Name element: Ulyana's energy is associated with fire and water. These two opposing principles help Ulyana, on the one hand, to be energetic and assertive, and on the other hand, to adapt to the circumstances when necessary.

Zodiacality: astrologers believe that this name is most suitable for those born under the Sign of Scorpio.

Charm stone: solar stone amber, patron of spiritual quests. It also helps to turn the intention into a visible result.

Metal: a strong amulet against evil and evil spirits - silver. Ulyana is recommended to wear silver earrings, rings or pendants.

Colour: Ulyana is enhanced by warm colors - yellow, orange or red. At the same time, it is better that the shades are bright and saturated.

Guardian planet: Pluto or Venus. From the goddess Venus, as already mentioned, according to legend, the genus Julius comes. Pluto, although it symbolizes the dark beginning, can bring Ulyana good luck.

Totem animal: snail. Perhaps this is due to the diminutive form of the name Ulyana, which sounds like Ulya. Despite the apparent unsightliness of such a totem, Ulyana should not worry. The snail crawling to the top of Mount Fuji is a well-known image, and it perfectly symbolizes how, day after day, going to the goal, Ulyana achieves it. A talisman in the form of a snail will help you conquer peaks.

Charm plant: medicinal lemon balm and maple - a tree of inner strength.

Notable Representatives: Ulyana Gromova (hero of the USSR, was among the leaders of the Young Guard underground), Ulyana Semenova (Olympic champion in the USSR), Ulyana Lopatkina (prima ballerina of the Mariinsky Theater), Ulyana Lapteva (actress), Ulyana Sergeenko (designer).

Ulyana is the name of assertive, determined representatives of the fair sex, while not devoid of grace, charm and mystery. The fate of Ulyana, as a rule, is bright and rich.

Numerology of the female name Ulyana

Five is the number under the sign of which the name Ulyana passes. Five - not only privileges, but also obligations. Mind, diligence, perseverance, responsibility, pedantry, punctuality, accuracy. In addition to these virtues, she is distinguished by high moral qualities, which few can boast of. At the same time, Ulyana is not arrogant and can soberly assess her merits ... A more detailed numerological analysis of the name is possible.

All names in alphabetical order:

The day will go much better if you stock up on a positive attitude and tips from astrologers. In the lunar calendar you...

The beautiful and melodic name Ulyana became widespread in Slavic culture, especially in the eighteenth century. The meaning of the name Ulyana is happiness (translated from Latin). This name contains a powerful charge of optimism and inexhaustible love of life. A refined sense of humor, openness and sociability - these qualities are possessed by the bearer of the name Ulyana.

Name origin

The origin of the name Ulyana has several versions. According to one of them, the name came to the Slavs from the Romans and is derived from the male name Julianus. According to another version, it is associated with the well-known Roman patrician family of Julius (the name meant "from the Julius clan").

There is an assumption that Uliana is a derivative of the male names Ulyan, Julian or Julian. The church name Ulyana sounds like Juliana, it came to Russia in this form. Over time, it changed into a more convenient form for pronunciation.

There is also a more eccentric version: the name owes its origin to the surname of V. I. Lenin - Ulyanov.

Ulyana is a full name, and many diminutive derivatives have been invented. The most common of them are Ulya, Ulka, Yulchik, Ulyasha, Ulik, Ulichka.

Time of birth

Even the time of year depends on how the character manifests itself. The name Ulyana has the following features:

Winter. Kindness, sensitivity, a heightened sense of justice pushes Ulyana to a violent protest. Straightforwardness costs her dearly. She is not able to adequately survive even small setbacks. This can lead to withdrawal and even depression.

Spring. Spring mood is manifested in an easy and carefree attitude to life. Adventurous, interesting, ironic and open, she simply attracts success and good luck. The meaning of the name Ulyana - happiness - is fully manifested. A little lack of prudence, but fate protects from serious troubles.

Summer. She is like a soft sunbeam, kind-hearted and gentle. Her responsiveness and disinterestedness can be used by others, bringing Ulyana disappointment. But this does not kill her faith in people, and good people meet on her life path.

Autumn. Pragmatic, reasonable, capable of making an excellent career. Her goal is a secure life and no unexpected surprises. She never sets herself impossible tasks, confidently goes to the goal, not paying attention to obstacles. Autumn Ulyanas are closed, they do not trust anyone.

Mystery of the name

The secret of the name Ulyana is revealed in the following characteristics:

The talisman of the name is a beautiful and unusual labrador stone. He suits her character perfectly. Protects from evil and envious people, helps to better reveal the creative nature, brings good luck.

The name stone is amber. Assistant to refined natures, gives them determination and confidence.

Totem - snail. In many cultures of the planet, a symbol of prosperity, fertility and prosperity. It symbolizes eternity, the cyclical rebirth of the entire world around.

Zodiac sign - Scorpio. In all likelihood, it is he who influences the commander's warehouse of Ulyana's character. There is only one opinion - hers, and it is correct.

Suitable for a girl with that name is dark yellow, thick red or orange. Black color, strong and deep, evokes a feeling of peace (by no means mourning) and reliability, goes well with the rare name Ulyana.

The ruling planet is Pluto. He helps to reveal her creative nature.

Plants - maple and lemon balm. Both of them act as symbols of love, spirituality, restraint, modesty.


Most parents think about how the meaning of the name will affect their child. As a child, Uliana is a little cowardly and indecisive child, with frequent bouts of irritation. Nervous exhaustion is a consequence of the girl's frequent illnesses.

But this does not prevent her from being friendly and sociable. She enjoys communicating with her peers, preferring noisy and fun games in a big company to all other entertainment.

Creativity shows up early. A child beyond his years can form his own opinion and evaluate a painting or talk about some other art form early.

A difficult and crucial moment is to choose a name for the girl. Ulyana is currently a rare name. It is not given to girls as often as in past centuries, however, it is found everywhere. In different countries, the name has its own derivatives.


An adult woman somewhat changes the meaning of the name Ulyana. This is a strong personality, able to steadfastly withstand the blows of fate. She has no penchant for hypocrisy and flattery. The need for career growth makes her learn to control her emotions and seek compromises.

Zodiac signs

The meaning of the name Ulyana for each zodiac sign is individual. All zodiac signs bring their influence and determine the characteristic features:

Aries is endowed with perseverance and determination. For a couple, he chooses a strong male shoulder.

Taurus always has an opinion. Serious and thorough Ulyana often suffers from loneliness. An excellent partner for her will be a man with a developed sense of humor, easy to communicate, by nature - an optimist.

Geminis are cheerful and energetic. Ulyana's cheerfulness is surprisingly combined with calmness and poise. This sign needs a passionate partner who can dilute an established life with a drop of adventurism.

Cancer will not take responsibility, so there is no need to dream of a career. Naive, withdrawn and very insecure, Ulyana needs a man with patience, strength of character and self-confidence.

Leo will require special attention. Under this sign, vanity and narcissism are manifested. This character requires absolute submission in love relationships. A weak and spineless man just for her.

Virgo is vulnerable, sentimental, intelligent and reasonable. The spirit of an adventurer and a passionate traveler lives in her. If a man does not share her addiction and craving for new, unknown sensations, he will very quickly cease to interest her.

Libras are highly intuitive. Ulyana is distinguished by tact and gentleness, she can be an excellent diplomat. In men, he appreciates responsiveness and kindness.

Scorpio does not tolerate objections. A complex character destroys harmony with the outside world. To be close to such Ulyana, a man must by all means indulge the pride of his chosen one.

Sagittarius too often experiences disappointment and resentment. Blame it all - a naive and gullible character. She was not created for loneliness; early marriage is not uncommon for Ulyana-Sagittarius. The chosen one is a strong and reliable man.

Capricorn quickly gains ill-wishers for his straightforwardness and honesty. Her hobbies and numerous hobbies leave no room for boredom. Her gentleman must be sincere, have a sense of humor.

Aquarius can negotiate with anyone. Restrained and calm, she always makes a good impression on people. This helps her to acquire the "necessary" connections. A self-confident man, sedate and thorough, will suit her.

The fish lives in the endless sea of ​​their fantasies and illusions. She often forgets about human meanness, dishonesty and cruelty. A man who is able to take responsibility for solving all her problems will find a wonderful wife and the most devoted friend.

Famous people

Among the famous women bearing the name Ulyana, there are many famous athletes and actresses. Uliana Semenova shone in basketball, Uliana Denisova and Uliana Kaisheva in biathlon, Uliana Trofimova and Uliana Donskova in gymnastics.

Actresses Ulyana Lapteva, Ulyana Urvantseva, Ulyana Ivashchenko distinguished themselves in theater and cinema. Uliana Lopatkina-Korneva danced on the stage of the Mariinsky Theatre. Contemporary Albanian singer Yuliana Pasha (see photo).

Of the crowned persons, the name of Julian was borne by the Queen of the Netherlands (photo in the text). Her full name is Juliana Louise Emma Maria Wilhelmina of Orange-Nassau.

name day

Several times a year, Ulyanas celebrate their Angel Day: in January - 3 and 15, in March - 17, in April - 2, in June - 15, in July - 5 and 19, in August - 30 and 31, in October - 11 , in November - 14, in December - 17.


The name Uliana is of Latin origin and comes from the Roman personal name Julianus. At the same time, there were also intermediate names. For example, the first was the name Juliana, from which the name Juliana came, and only then Ulyana. It means "happiness" in translation.

The female name Ulyana is not particularly popular today, but despite this, it is a rather interesting variant of the name for newborn girls. It has a very strong energy, ancient Roman roots and good compatibility with male names.

Conversational options: Juliana, Uliana, Juliana

Modern English counterparts: Ulyanka, Ulya, Ulyakha

The meaning and interpretation of the name

There is an opinion that the meaning of the name Ulyana for newborn girls is primarily promised such traits as cruelty and fragility, masculinity and excessive femininity, pliability and stubbornness. In other words, a very difficult character and a contradictory nature are promised. Although, on the other hand, all Ulyanas, without exception, have a very big heart and are kind by nature. These women always help everyone around, try not to deceive anyone and act only according to their conscience.

It is difficult to say how the fate of such a woman will turn out, and how she will feel in the company of people, but one thing is for sure - she will never be an outcast. These women, for the most part, enjoy prestige in society ...

Advantages and positive features: kindness, benevolence, the ability to give in at critical moments and do good to people who, it would seem, do not even deserve it. And Ulyana never does bad things to even those people who deserve bad things ...

Ulyana treats badly men who dominate women and try to control them, hate people who manipulate the weak, and avoid communication with those who cannot achieve anything on their own, without someone else's help.

The name Ulyana is popular only in countries with a Russian-speaking population and has never been in demand in Western countries ...

The nature of the name Ulyana

The nature of the name Ulyana is such that it promises the bearer of this name a difficult, but at the same time, mostly positive nature from all sides. Yes, the character named after Ulyana is complex, yes, she cannot restrain herself when criticizing her, and yes, she does not like people who are weak in spirit and will, but she will never leave a friend in trouble and is ready to help the weak to a person. The character of this girl implies the presence of such qualities as kindness, attentiveness, caring, adherence to principles, self-confidence, determination, regularity, good nature, goodwill, and cheerfulness. In addition, the character can be replenished with a number of other characteristics, but their manifestation already depends on a bunch of additional factors.

Among the factors that determine the character of Ulyana, for example, earlier parental upbringing, the impact of the energy of the zodiac sign that patronizes a girl named Ulyana, and even the animal symbol according to the Chinese horoscope. By the way, the time of the year plays an equally important role, in one of the months of which the girl named in this way is born ...

Early childhood

The character of the girl who received the female name Ulyana from her parents at birth is quite good in all respects, without exception. The meaning of the name Ulyana endows the bearer of this name with exclusively positive features. She is kind, fair, calm, obedient, never allows herself to disobey her parents, honors their opinion and follows their advice in everything. Her relationship with her parents is excellent, this is a fact, and her mother and father have something to be proud of.

Reasonableness, determination, self-confidence, purposefulness, obedience, calmness, kindness, justice, good nature, goodwill and cheerfulness, amazing for a child - this is what almost every Ulyana can boast of without exception. And the energy of this name bestows on the nature of the girl and many other important qualities, including the inability to give up halfway, perseverance, a unique mindset, talent and a desire to learn.

Little Ulyana also gets along well with her peers - no, she is not a leader, not an organizer, but a respected member of society, even at such a young age. She does not conflict with anyone and is always ready to help a person in need of help.


A girl who has reached adolescence, for whom her parents decided to choose the name Ulyana in childhood, is already a completely different person. Usually the nature of this girl is overflowing with good emotions and a huge number of ideas of a very different nature.

Judgment, arrogance, adherence to principles, non-conflict and justice, diligence and discipline, planning and efficiency - these are the features that can characterize the nature of the girl named after Ulyana.

But she also has other features. So, one of them is intractability and distrust - she will never tell anyone about her experiences, she will not entrust her secrets to anyone, she tries to keep all secrets under lock and key. And all this is not just like that - this girl just has such a nature that she does not allow her to take risks and trust secrets to anyone, she believes that it is better not to trust anyone with her secrets, so as not to be disappointed in people later.

Everything is excellent in her studies - she easily copes with the study of any subject available in the school curriculum. The only “but” is that she herself loves the humanities, while she is condescending towards the exact sciences, realizing that although she does not need them in the future, she still needs to learn them.

grown woman

Adult Ulyana is unique in her own way. She is still friendly and eloquent, sociable and cheerful, principled and at the same time compliant. At its core, this is a good woman, but poorly versed in people. She, in order to find out what a person really is, needs to check it on herself. At the same time, it is impossible not to note her hatred of selfish, deceitful, timid and weak-willed people. She tries not to keep them close to her.

Her environment is usually courageous, strong-willed, persistent and stubborn people, self-confident. So she is always ready to help, moreover, free of charge. However, the weak Ulyana will never leave in trouble - she is even ready to sacrifice something important for her, for the good of another person and help him.

As for work and professional activities, everything is simple here - she is not a leader, not an organizer, but an excellent worker, a reliable, executive, responsible and obligatory person. You can rely on this in any business without exception, Ulyana will never let you down.

The interaction of Ulyan's character with the seasons

Autumn - born from the womb at the moment of the influence of the meaning of this season, the bearer of the name Ulyana, has such properties as prudence, perseverance, purposefulness, pragmatism and prudence. This is a successful person, rapidly moving towards her goals, and achieving everything that she dreams of.

Spring - this will be a simple and light, open and even slightly vulnerable girl. She is adventurous and adventurous, trying to move through life, taking risks and looking for problems. Interesting, and loved, but not stable - this repels men.

Summer - this girl, according to astrologers, has a soft, gentle, kind and disinterested character. This is a clear virtue, a man with a capital letter, who believes in human perfection and reveres ideal people. This one will not betray or deceive, on the contrary, it is inclined to self-sacrifice for the benefit of others.

Winter - this baby, by the origin of nature, is the ruler of a complex and unbearable character to understand. Yes, she is sensitive and kind, fair and honest, but she can flare up like a match at any moment, especially when it comes to criticizing her own “I”. Too vulnerable, and even closed.

The fate of the name Ulyana

The fate of the name is a complex, unsolved, and too inaccurate factor. But despite all its mystery and theoreticality, it is still of interest to almost every person on the planet. Well, as for what will be the fate of the girl named Ulyana's variation, everything is also very difficult here. Nevertheless, the researchers managed to find out some interesting points.

One of these moments speaks of Ulyana's intolerance towards weak-willed people. Her fate is such that she will never and in no case connect her life with an indecisive, weak spirit or will, unsure of herself, or just a selfish person, a man. The fate named after Ulyana is such that it involves the creation of a really strong couple only with a strong, self-confident, but at the same time ready to make concessions man.

Well, in addition to all of the above, it is worth noting another important point - Ulyana, having become a wife, will never betray her soulmate, and even in a strong quarrel she will never allow herself to say something that can hurt the pride and dignity of her chosen one. men.

Love and marriage

Ulyana, as a rather attractive and mysterious woman, never lacks fans, although her modesty makes her remain "in the shadow" of more flamboyant ladies. She prefers to wait for that one thing, rather than exchanging for petty intrigues with no future. She will give her beloved not only a heart, but also a soul.

Ulya approaches the creation of a family very seriously, because later all the responsibility in the family will be placed on her fragile shoulders. She simply cannot do otherwise, it is important for her that it is she who becomes the head of the family.

Of course, not every man will agree to this. But on the other hand, she is ready to support her husband and respect him if he does not interfere with her sense of freedom and does not doubt the trust in their relationship, because such a woman is simply not capable of meanness. Ulyana values ​​marital fidelity and will never betray her husband, but she will not forgive him for betrayal either.

After marriage, Ulya devotes herself entirely to her family, spouse and children. She becomes a wonderful and very hospitable hostess. Comfort, atmosphere of warmth and joy, homeliness - this is what everyone who comes to her home sees.

Ulyana as mother

Ulyana, as a rule, plans the appearance of children in her life very seriously. She clearly knows when these little angels will be really desired and long-awaited. She gives all of herself for the benefit of her family and her kids, and plunges headlong into the process of raising and educating children.

It is important for her that children from the cradle know the price of honesty and trust in relationships, and also learn self-reliance and independence as the main qualities of a successful person. She makes sure that her children treat others with respect, and also teaches them to care and help each other.

She puts a lot of effort into the education and development of children. Sports sections, circles, dances, school, ice rink, tutor - this is how an exemplary diary of a child Uli at the age of a schoolboy looks like.

Compatibility with male names

The topic of compatibility of the name Ulyana with male names is complex and was studied by researchers back in the Soviet years.

So, it turned out that Ulyana's best compatibility in terms of feelings would be with such names as Akim, August, Julius, Ostap, Pankrat, Sevastyan, Kirill, Kondrat, Taras and Lev.

With Spartak, Yermolai, Kazimir, Lavr, Andrey and Alexander, Ulya can create a really strong marriage couple.

Well, with people like Rodion, Eric, Isaac, Pantelei and Vsevolod, it’s better not to try to build relationships at all, since nothing good will come of such an alliance.

In this article you will find information about the meaning of the name Ulyana, its origin, history, learn about the interpretation of the name.

  • Zodiac Ulyana - Scorpio
  • Planet - Pluto
  • The color of the name Ulyana is dark yellow
  • Auspicious tree - maple
  • Ulyana's cherished plant is lemon balm
  • Ulyana's patron saint is a snail
  • Ulyana's talisman stone - amber

What does the name Ulyana mean?: Polish (name Ulyana of Latin origin).

The short meaning of the name Ulyana: Ulyanka, Ulya, Ulyasha, Lyulya, Lyalya.

Ulyana's Angel Day: The name Ulyana celebrates a name day once a year: November 14 (1) - St. Martyr Ulyana suffered for Christ in the 4th century.

Signs of the name Ulyana: If on Ulyanin day the leaf is still on the tree, then the next year will be frosty. A snowy day promises a big flood in the spring.

Positive traits of the name Ulyana: Impressiveness, sensuality. Ulyana is affectionate, gentle, affectionate. She loves to laugh and joke. Her heart is always open to people. Ulyana's house is always full of friends and guests. She loves fun, laughter, jokes. A girl named Ulyana is quick-witted: she can become violently indignant, react to troubles, but soon calms down, not remembering what happened. Nevertheless, she has developed self-esteem, so the name Ulyana does not forgive betrayal and betrayal.

Negative traits of the name Ulyana: Excessive softness, optionality, restlessness, laziness. The name Ulyana lives in the world of dreams and hopes she invented. She does not always study brilliantly because of her lack of assembly and too broad interests. The exact sciences seem boring to her, but she excels in the humanities. A girl named Ulyana takes great pleasure in various circles and studios, leaving little time for lessons.

The nature of the name Ulyana: Ulyana is very open, easy to communicate, no matter what position she occupies in society. But with all the openness in the name of Ulyana, there is always some kind of mystery, which is a large part of her attractiveness. Ulyana is delicate, she cannot tell someone in the eye that he is dishonorable, even if she feels this dishonesty on herself. Having inadvertently offended someone, he is executed for a long time.

The name Ulyana loves her house very much and spends all her free time decorating it. Likes to receive guests. The name Ulyana can achieve great success in life.

The girl Ulya is very sincere and sociable. Since childhood, Ulyana has shown features of an addicted nature. She loves to draw, sing, dance, is delighted with the circus, cinema, puppet theater. She has a lively mind, at school she grasps everything on the fly. She's just not good at math.

A girl named Ulyana is a creative, addicted person. She is hardworking, fair, very delicate and - no penetrating abilities. But a girl named Ulyana chose her business at school and goes through life with a calm step, reaching professional heights. Can become a musician, art historian, artist. Ulyana is sensitive, with a well-developed fantasy and imagination.

Ulyana is gentle and charming, but for a long time she does not notice the loving glances fixed on her, and she will be very surprised if they say that she is beautiful. Ulyana's nature is whole, all directed towards creativity. She is easy to communicate, but there is some detachment, mystery in her, which especially attracts men in her. But Ulyana prefers to love herself rather than to be loved. Behind a clean and clear look, restraint and balance, a passionate, sensitive nature is hidden.

Ulyana does not think about the family for a long time, until she suddenly realizes that this is also important in life. She loves her house, gladly decorates it with works of art, she has a very individual one.

The name Ulyana lives well with her husband, she is very delicate, she will never offend a person, she is kind and sympathetic, she appreciates a sense of humor. She loves to receive guests very much, her house is always open for numerous companies. Only betrayal of her husband will force Ulyana to break off all relations with him. In doing so, she will execute herself, believing that she did something wrong. But the meaning of the name does not forgive betrayal, after some time she marries again.

Choosing a profession by name: Ulyana is fond of art, she is more attracted to intellectual work than physical work. She is interested in exotic exhibitions, unusual people and environmental objects. Ulyana, can become an artist of arts and crafts. She is also interested in working with children in the field of preschool education.

Ulyana's business and career: Ulyana does not set high goals for herself. She lives one day, knows how to use the available funds with joy for herself and others. She is easy on money. For her, communication is key. For the company, the name Ulyana is capable of labor exploits, adventures.

Love and marriage of Ulyana: Ulyana does not forgive betrayal. Treason for her is the collapse of the foundations of life, a tragedy from which it is not easy to recover. Men are surprised by her emotionality, sensuality, tearfulness, unpredictability. She can announce a divorce with a smile. The marriage of the name with Anton, Danila, Dobrynya, Ilya, Nikolai, Sergey, Stepan is favorable. Difficult relations of the name are likely with Boris, Luka, Miron, Fedor, Philip, Yakov.

Health and talent named after Ulyana: Ulyana is unforgivably careless with her health, does not care about strengthening it, has many bad habits. She is prone to colds. Her illnesses hit hard and for a long time. Ulyana often has skin problems.

Name Ulyana in other countries: The translation of the name Ulyana in different languages ​​​​has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. In Danish it is translated as Juliana, in Polish: Juliana, in Magyar: Julianna.

The fate of the name Ulyana in history:

  1. Ulyaniya Lazarevskaya - from a family of noble Nedyurevs, the owner of the village of Lazarevsky; at the age of sixteen she married Yuri Osorin, became famous for her pious life, supported the poor and prisoners. During the famine under Tsar Boris, she sold all her property to buy bread for the poor. She died in 1604; counted among the saints.
  2. Ulyaniya Alexandrovna is the daughter of the Grand Duke of Tver Alexander Mikhailovich. In 1349, the Grand Duke of Moscow Simeon Ioannovich gave her in marriage to Olgerd Gedimiiovich of Lithuania, who, in her opinion, was baptized. In 1368, Prince Mikhail Alexandrovich, who fled to Olgerd, incited her to persuade her husband to go against Grand Duke Dimitri Ivanovich. After the death of her husband in 1399, Ulyania took the veil as a nun under the name of Marina.
  3. Uliana Donskova - (born 1992) Russian gymnast. Member of the Russian national rhythmic gymnastics team in group all-around since 2006. Multiple European and World Champion. Honored Master of Sports of Russia (2010). Olympic Champion 2012 in rhythmic gymnastics in group all-around.
  4. Uliana Trofimova - (born 1990) Uzbek gymnast. Master of sports of international class. The leader of the national team of Uzbekistan in rhythmic gymnastics.
  5. Uliana Shilkina - (born 1970) Russian director, screenwriter.
  6. Ulyana Gromova - (1924 - 1943) member of the headquarters of the Young Guard organization, Hero of the Soviet Union.
  7. Princess Juliana Dmitrievna Paletskaya, Ulyana Specific - (d.1569) in monasticism - Alexandra; wife of Uglich Prince Yuri Vasilyevich, brother of Tsar Ivan the Terrible.
  8. Uliana Lapteva - (born 1979) Russian theater and film actress.
  9. Uliana Rudakova - (born 1979) before marriage - Petrova; Ukrainian singer.
  10. Ulyana Ivashchenko - (born 2002) Russian film and dubbing actress.
  11. Uliana Kaisheva - (born 1994) Russian biathlete, 7.5 km pursuit champion and bronze medalist in the 6 km sprint at the 2012 Winter Youth Olympic Games in Innsbruck. The winner of the Olympic festivals in biathlon among juniors.
  12. Ulyana Yarmolenko - Soviet ski racer, seven-time champion of the USSR. In 1949, after two seasons of training, for the first time she became the champion of the USSR in the 5 km race and the 4-5 km relay (RSFSR team), and also received bronze in the 8 km race. In 1950, she retained the championship title in the 5 km race and the 4-5 km relay, and rose to second place in the 8 km race. In 1951, the results in the 5 and 8 km races remained the same, and in the relay race her team took bronze. In 1952, she took gold in the 5 km race and the 4-5 km relay.
  13. Uliana "IF" Elina - (born 1980) Russian singer.

What is the meaning of the name Ulyana for a girl

The meaning of the name Ulyana for a girl is revealed from a very early age. She loves communication and games. This girl is incredibly sociable and always has many friends. She reaches out to people, and they respond to her in return. Parents should be attentive to her health, as Ulyana is often sick. Already at a young age, she shows great interest in drawing, singing, dancing. She likes going to the circus or the cinema. She studies well at school, many sciences are easy for her. Others may notice that Ulyana has the same character as her father.

The meaning of the name for a child is great, and it continues to act on an already adult woman. She has a rather complex character. She perceives life from a material and realistic point of view. Ulyana has no illusions and will never achieve her goals at the expense of others. She believes only in herself and strives to get what she wants on her own. She knows well that only a hardworking person can achieve anything in life. The meaning of the name Ulyana for a girl and a woman reveals to us an honest and open personality. She is not afraid of difficulties, she is ready to overcome them. She has a well-developed self-criticism. Ulyana will not blame her own failures on someone. This woman will not quickly build a career. Rather, it will slowly and gradually win its place in society. Many of her failures are due to her lack of business acumen and punching ability.

The meaning of the name Ulyana for a girl suggests that we have a creative person with great potential. She will easily master the profession of an artist, musician, singer, art historian. With colleagues at work she has respectful and friendly relations. However, they rarely develop into true friendship.

Ulyana has an attractive appearance. But she is unlikely to spend a long time in front of the mirror. It is easy and pleasant to communicate with her. Ulyana is characterized by some detachment and mystery, which cannot but attract the opposite sex. Ulyana is almost always calm, at least outwardly. She behaves with restraint and without unnecessary emotions. This meaning of the name Ulyana for a girl leaves its mark on an adult woman.
Love for communication and people will not prevent her from marrying late. She will do this only when she understands how important and necessary it is to have a strong family and children. Most likely, she will try to become the head of the family, but she will do it very delicately, so that her husband may not notice anything. Ulyana is very patient and ready to turn a blind eye to the many shortcomings of a man. The only thing she will never forgive is betrayal and betrayal. She will not feel sorry for herself for a long time and will divorce the offender.

Before naming a girl, parents should carefully study women's names. Ulyana: the meaning of this name, for example, may vary somewhat depending on the time of the year when the child was born. "Winter" girls are characterized by kindness and naivety. They can be called homebodies and needlewomen. "Summer" is characterized by prudence and purposefulness.

The mystery, origin and meaning of the name Ulyana

The beautiful and melodic name Ulyana became widespread in Slavic culture, especially in the eighteenth century. The meaning of the name Ulyana is happiness (translated from Latin). This name contains a powerful charge of optimism and inexhaustible love of life. A refined sense of humor, openness and sociability - these qualities are possessed by the bearer of the name Ulyana.

Name origin

The origin of the name Ulyana has several versions. According to one of them, the name came to the Slavs from the Romans and is derived from the male name Julianus. According to another version, it is associated with the well-known Roman patrician family of Julius (the name meant "from the Julius clan").

There is an assumption that Uliana is a derivative of the male names Ulyan, Julian or Julian. The church name Ulyana sounds like Juliana, it came to Russia in this form. Over time, it changed into a more convenient form for pronunciation.

There is a more eccentric version: the name owes its origin to the surname of V. I. Lenin - Ulyanov.

Ulyana is a full name, and many diminutive derivatives have been invented. The most common of them are Ulya, Ulka, Yulchik, Ulyasha, Ulik, Ulichka.

Time of birth

Even the time of year depends on how the character manifests itself. The name Ulyana has the following features:

Winter. Kindness, sensitivity, a heightened sense of justice pushes Ulyana to a violent protest. Straightforwardness costs her dearly. She is not able to adequately survive even small setbacks. This can lead to withdrawal and even depression.

Spring. Spring mood is manifested in an easy and carefree attitude to life. Adventurous, interesting, ironic and open, she simply attracts success and good luck. The meaning of the name Ulyana - happiness - is fully manifested. A little lack of prudence, but fate protects from serious troubles.

Summer. She is like a soft sunbeam, kind-hearted and gentle. Her responsiveness and disinterestedness can be used by others, bringing Ulyana disappointment. But this does not kill her faith in people, and good people meet on her life path.

Autumn. Pragmatic, reasonable, capable of making an excellent career. Her goal is a secure life and no unexpected surprises. She never sets herself impossible tasks, confidently goes to the goal, not paying attention to obstacles. Autumn Ulyanas are closed, they do not trust anyone.

Mystery of the name

The secret of the name Ulyana is revealed in the following characteristics:

The talisman of the name is a beautiful and unusual labrador stone. He suits her character perfectly. Protects from evil and envious people, helps to better reveal the creative nature, brings good luck.

The name stone is amber. Assistant to refined natures, gives them determination and confidence.

Totem is a snail. In many cultures of the planet, a symbol of prosperity, fertility and prosperity. It symbolizes eternity, the cyclical rebirth of the entire world around.

Zodiac sign - Scorpio. In all likelihood, it is he who influences the commander's warehouse of Ulyana's character. There is only one opinion - hers, and it is correct.

Suitable for a girl with that name is dark yellow, thick red or orange. Black color, strong and deep, evokes a feeling of peace (by no means mourning) and reliability, goes well with the rare name Ulyana.

The ruling planet is Pluto. He helps to reveal her creative nature.

Plants - maple and lemon balm. Both of them act as symbols of love, spirituality, restraint, modesty.


Most parents think about how the meaning of the name will affect their child. As a child, Uliana is a little cowardly and indecisive child, with frequent bouts of irritation. Nervous exhaustion is a consequence of the girl's frequent illnesses.

But this does not prevent her from being friendly and sociable. She enjoys communicating with her peers, preferring noisy and fun games in a big company to all other entertainment.

Creativity shows up early. A child beyond his years can form his own opinion and evaluate a painting or talk about some other art form early.

A difficult and crucial moment is to choose a name for the girl. Ulyana is now a rare name. It is not given to girls as often as in past centuries, however, it is found everywhere. In different countries, the name has its own derivatives.


An adult woman somewhat changes the meaning of the name Ulyana. This is a strong personality, able to steadfastly withstand the blows of fate. She has no penchant for hypocrisy and flattery. The need for career growth makes her learn to control her emotions and seek compromises.

Zodiac signs

The meaning of the name Ulyana for each zodiac sign is individual. All zodiac signs bring their influence and determine the characteristic features:

Aries is endowed with perseverance and determination. For a couple, he chooses a strong male shoulder.

Taurus always has an opinion. Serious and thorough Ulyana often suffers from loneliness. An excellent partner for her will be a man with a developed sense of humor, easy to communicate, by nature - an optimist.

Geminis are cheerful and energetic. Ulyana's cheerfulness is surprisingly combined with calmness and poise. This sign needs a passionate partner who can dilute an established life with a drop of adventurism.

Cancer will not take responsibility, so there is no need to dream of a career. Naive, withdrawn and very insecure, Ulyana needs a man with patience, strength of character and self-confidence.

Leo will require special attention. Under this sign, vanity and narcissism are manifested. This character requires absolute submission in love relationships. A weak and spineless man just for her.

Virgo is vulnerable, sentimental, intelligent and reasonable. The spirit of an adventurer and a passionate traveler lives in her. If a man does not share her addiction and craving for new, unknown sensations, he will very quickly cease to interest her.

Libras are highly intuitive. Ulyana is distinguished by tact and gentleness, she can be an excellent diplomat. In men, he appreciates responsiveness and kindness.

Scorpio does not tolerate objections. A complex character destroys harmony with the outside world. To be close to such Ulyana, a man must by all means indulge the pride of his chosen one.

Sagittarius too often experiences disappointment and resentment. Blame it all - a naive and gullible character. She was not created for loneliness; early marriage is not uncommon for Ulyana-Sagittarius. The chosen one is a strong and reliable man.

Capricorn quickly gains ill-wishers for his straightforwardness and honesty. Her hobbies and numerous hobbies leave no room for boredom. Her gentleman must be sincere, have a sense of humor.

Aquarius can negotiate with anyone. Restrained and calm, she always makes a good impression on people. This helps her to acquire the "necessary" connections. A self-confident man, sedate and thorough, will suit her.

The fish lives in the endless sea of ​​their fantasies and illusions. She often forgets about human meanness, dishonesty and cruelty. A man who is able to take responsibility for solving all her problems will find a wonderful wife and the most devoted friend.

Famous people

Among the famous women bearing the name Ulyana, there are many famous athletes and actresses. Uliana Semenova shone in basketball, Uliana Denisova and Uliana Kaisheva in biathlon, Uliana Trofimova and Uliana Donskova in gymnastics.

Actresses Ulyana Lapteva, Ulyana Urvantseva, Ulyana Ivashchenko distinguished themselves in theater and cinema. Uliana Lopatkina-Korneva danced on the stage of the Mariinsky Theatre. Contemporary Albanian singer Yuliana Pasha (see photo).

Of the crowned persons, the name of Julian was borne by the Queen of the Netherlands (photo in the text). Her full name is Juliana Louise Emma Maria Wilhelmina of Orange-Nassau.

name day

Several times a year, Ulyanas celebrate their Angel Day: in January - 3 and 15, in March - 17, in April - 2, in June - 15, in July - 5 and 19, in August - 30 and 31, in October - 11 , in November - 14, in December - 17.

Ulyana's name day according to the church calendar. Name characteristic

The name Ulyana appeared in Ancient Russia. There are two versions of his appearance. According to the first version, it came from Julia, meaning "curly" and "fluffy." The second version says that the name was formed from Iliana. From the article you will find out when Ulyana's name day is and what kind of character this girl has. After all, some mothers, naming their daughter, do not know what awaits them.

The meaning of the name Ulyana

The main character trait of a girl or woman with that name is justice. She is energetic, strong and open to others. No one will say that Ulyana is a very gentle and gentle person, because these qualities are hidden in the depths of her soul. Only close people know that she will come to the rescue at any moment. However, not to everyone, but only to those people who are really dear to her. From an early age, Ulyana is fond of art, creativity and loves to do crafts with her own hands, which she keeps as a keepsake. However, she has a slight problem with the exact sciences. Therefore, she often lags behind her peers in her studies.

Ulyana loves children very much, plays with them for a long time, nurses the neighbor's children. You will never say that this girl has strict rules in relation not only to others, but also to herself. Ulyana knows exactly what she wants to achieve in life, and as a rule, she has a goal since childhood. The nature of this girl is stubborn, complex, therefore, by older age, fewer people understand her. Yet she does not suffer from loneliness. When she manages to be alone, she will go with pleasure to communicate with nature. By the way, according to the church calendar, Ulyana's name day is almost every month. Only there is no her angel day in February and September. Therefore, if you have a daughter, you can safely call her Ulyana. Then the angel will protect her all her life.

Ulyana's compatibility in marriage and in love

As described above, this is a subtle and at the same time complex nature. It needs a certain approach. Therefore, it is not easy for Ulyana to find a life partner who suits her in spirit. However, many pay attention to the name of the guy. After all, he will become a reliable rear both in marriage and in love.

Ulyana is usually approached by men with rare names. It could be August, Casimir, Nikita, Pankrat, Taras or Julius. Sometimes good compatibility happens with Alexander, Andrey, Igor. An unsuccessful marriage can develop with Arkady, Vadim, Isaac, Rodion or Eric. Therefore, in order not to regret in the future, it is advisable to pay attention to the name and character if Ulyana plans to marry these men.

There is an opinion that a girl with such a rare but beautiful name finds an approach to absolutely everyone. Therefore, it is not surprising that many men gladly offer their company to her. After all, she's a lot of fun. Ulyana knows how to joke, tell jokes and support in difficult times. However, we must not forget about the special attention that the girl wants to receive. After all, she respects herself and requires the same attitude from others.

What are the days of Ulyana's name day according to the church calendar?

Try to make sure that your daughter is guarded by an angel all her life. Most of the time it depends on the parents. They are recommended to name the newborn baby according to the next day of the angel. To do this, read what days Ulyana's name day is.

Angel Day in the church calendar is celebrated almost every month. This is twice in January - on the 3rd and 15th, and also on March 17, April 2, May 16, June 15, in July - 5 and 19, in August - 30 and 31, October 11, November 14, December 17. It is on these significant dates that Ulyana celebrates the day of the angel. Therefore, if your daughter was born close to these numbers, then you can safely call her your favorite name. As you can see, only in February and September, name days are missed.


Now we can sum up. Ulyana is a passionate, ardent, but strict girl who requires increased attention, respect and a good attitude. However, she is a very sensual person, although few people know this. Ulyana skillfully hides her feelings. She can open up only to a close person. According to the church calendar, Ulyana's name day is celebrated almost every month. Angel Day is absent only in February and September. Therefore, every mother can name her daughter Ulyana so that she will be accompanied by a guardian angel all her life.

A girl with this name always finds a common language with both a child and an adult. Therefore, she will never suffer from loneliness. Ulyana likes to be alone to go to the forest, to the park or to the lake. She will be happy to communicate with nature, feed the birds or just sit in silence.

Not only men, but also women communicate with Ulyana. After all, they know that she will always reassure, say a kind word and advise something sensible. Ulyana is loved by colleagues, friends and family. It is important to accept her for who she is. Then Ulyana will try to do the impossible for you. After all, this is a true friend and comrade.

Is the name for a girl Ulyana beautiful?

The name is beautiful, not ordinary. HISTORY AND SIGNIFICANCE OF THE NAME OF ULYANA - The name Ulyana is a Russian colloquial form from the name Juliania (old Julian), which, in turn, comes from the Roman personal name Julianus. Translated from Latin means happiness.
This name contains a huge charge of vitality and optimism. Today, this beautiful, sonorous name is very rare.


The history of Christianity keeps many stories about how the saints stole demons. Saint Juliana was among such ascetics. There is no exact indication of which of the saints it is. But, obviously, it could be any of the following. Juliania of Amisia (Pontus), martyr, April 2 (March 20).
Juliana Vyazemskaya, Novotorzhskaya, princess, martyr, June 15 (2), January 3 (December 21).
Juliana of Iliopolskaya, martyr, December 17 (4).
Juliania Lazarevskaya, Muromskaya, 15 (2) January.
Juliana the Martyr, July 5 (June 22).
Juliana of Nicomedia, virgin, martyr, January 3 (December 21).
Juliana Olshanskaya, Pecherskaya, princess, virgin, in the Near (Antoniev) caves, (Pecherskaya), on the third week after Pentecost (Belarusian saints), recluse, July 19 (6), October 11 (September 28).
Juliana of Ptolemaida, martyr, sister of the martyr Paul of Ptolemaida, March 17 (4), August 30 (17).
Juliana of Rossony, martyr, suffered for Christ in the 4th century. , 14 (1) November.



COLOR NAMED AFTER ULYAN - Dark yellow, orange, deep red. The most favorable color for greater concentration is black.

ULYANA'S TALISMAN STONE - Labrador, amber.

ULYANA'S PLANT - Maple, lemon balm.



ULYANA'S TYPE - Strong, energetic.

ULYANA'S NAME CHARACTER - Ulyana is very open, easy to communicate, no matter what position she occupies in society. The name inclines her towards rather mild humor. The energy of the name suggests great sensuality, the suppression of which is fraught with trouble.

ULYANA'S FATE - Usually, from the very childhood, Ulya begins to show features of an addicted nature. Most likely, she will experience love for a variety of areas of art. At school, there may be problems with academic performance in the exact sciences. Ulya loves children and knows how to play with them. Looks like a father. "Winter" Ulya is stubborn, very difficult. Ulyana jokes juicy, figuratively, purposefully.

ULYANA'S PSYCHE - Ulyana is bashful, she experiences troubles deeply. Indecisive, afraid of everything.

ULYANA'S INTUITION - Ulyana is sensitive to the point of naivety.

ULYANA'S MORALITY - Ulyana is collected, adheres to strict rules. Delicate, cannot tell someone in the face that he is dishonorable, even if he feels this dishonesty on himself. Having inadvertently offended someone, he is executed for a long time. Knows how to appreciate a sense of humor in people when it is not painted in aggressive tones. This is almost a universal key to communicating with her. Never hides behind the backs of others. "Winter" Ulyana is a difficult, but kind and sympathetic woman, she fights for justice, therefore she often suffers from this.

ULYANA'S HEALTH - Ulyana has been sickly, irritable, and very weak since early childhood.

Names: origin and forms

Ulyana- (from the Roman) personal name.

Old: Yuliana, Juliana.
Derivatives: Ulya, Ulyakha, Ulyasha, Lyana, Yana, Julianka, Julia, Liana, Ana.

Directory of Russian names

From Julian(from Latin).

Fair, collected, adheres to strict rules. Steep Mordyukovskaya femininity merged with this name: he will stop a galloping horse. They joke juicy, figuratively, purposefully: sharply and cleansingly. At the same time, she is shy, she experiences troubles deeply, in herself. Hard worker, "Vladimir heavy truck". He is lucky on himself and the yard, and a large family, and husband's love. Worthy of admiration.

The secret of the name

Ulyana- happiness (Latin).
Russian form of the name from the Roman Julianus. Old Russian pronunciation of Juliana.
Today this beautiful, sonorous name is very rare.
name zodiac: Scorpion.
Planet: Pluto.
Name color: dark yellow.
Talisman Stone: amber.
auspicious plant: maple, lemon balm.
name patron: snail.
Happy day: Tuesday.
happy season: autumn.
Diminutive forms: Ulyanka, Ulya, Ulyasha, Lyulya, Lyalya.
Main features: love of life, justice.


Juliana of Amisia (Pontic), martyr, April 2 (March 20).
Juliana Vyazemskaya, Novotorzhskaya, princess, martyr, June 15 (2), January 3 (December 21).
Juliana of Iliopolskaya, martyr, December 17 (4).
Juliana Martyr, July 5 (June 22).
Juliana of Nicomedia, virgin, martyr, January 3 (December 21).
Juliana Olshanskaya, Pechora, princess, maiden, in the Near (Antoniev) caves, (Pecherskaya), on the third week after Pentecost (Belarusian saints), recluse, July 19 (6), October 11 (September 28).
Juliana of Ptolemaida, martyr, sister of the martyr Paul of Ptolemais, March 17 (4), August 30 (17).
Juliana Rossonskaya, martyr, suffered for Christ in the GU century, November 14 (1).
Juliana Lazarevskaya, Muromskaya, 15 (2) January. Righteous Juliana was born into a family of pious nobles, but her parents died when the girl was only six years old, and her mother's sister took her in. From childhood, she loved work, fasting and prayer, and strove for a pious life. The owner of the village of Lazarevsky (near Murom), Georgy Osorin, having learned about the pious girl, took her as his wife, but new household chores did not interrupt the spiritual feat of the righteous (then she was only 16 years old). New relatives fell in love with her for her meekness and friendliness and soon entrusted her with the management of the house. Righteous Juliana spent her whole long life in prayer and doing good deeds, and she departed in peace to Christ (in 1604). After her death, miraculous signs began to happen, and 10 years later, the holy relics of the righteous were found, exuding a wonderful myrrh that healed many sick people.


If on November 14, on Ulyanin day, the leaf still remains on the tree, then next year will be frosty. A snowy day promises a big gap in spring.


The girl Ulya is very sincere and sociable. Since childhood, Ulya has shown features of an addictive nature. She loves to draw, sing, dance, is delighted with the circus, cinema, puppet theater. She has a lively mind, at school she grasps everything on the fly. She's just not good at math.

Ulyana is a creative, addicted person. She is hardworking, fair, very delicate and - no penetrating abilities. But she chose her business at school and goes through life with a calm step, reaching professional heights. Can become a musician, art historian, artist. She is sensitive, with a well-developed fantasy and imagination.

Ulyana is gentle and charming, but for a long time she does not notice the loving glances fixed on her, and she will be very surprised if they say that she is beautiful. Ulyana's nature is whole, all directed towards creativity. She is easy to communicate, but there is some detachment, mystery in her, which especially attracts men in her. But Ulyana prefers to love herself rather than to be loved. Behind a clean and clear look, restraint and balance, a passionate, sensitive nature is hidden.

Ulyana does not think about the family for a long time, until she suddenly realizes that this is also important in life. She loves her house, gladly decorates it with works of art, she has a very individual one.

Ulyana lives well with her husband, she is very delicate, she will never offend a person, kind and sympathetic, she appreciates a sense of humor. She loves to receive guests very much, her house is always open for numerous companies. Only the betrayal of her husband can force Ulyana to break off all relations with him. In doing so, she will execute herself, believing that she did something wrong. But Ulyana does not forgive betrayal, after some time she marries again.


History knows Uliana Alexandrovna - the daughter of the Grand Duke of Tver Alexander Mikhailovich (1301-1339), who was killed in the Horde.

In 1349, the Grand Duke of Moscow Simeon Ioannovich married her to the Lithuanian prince Olgerd Gedeminovich.

In 1368, her brother, Prince Mikhail Alexandrovich, incited Ulyana to persuade her husband to go to the Grand Duke Dmitry, to whom he came as a guest, but became a prisoner.

Twice Mikhail Alexandrovich pointed his son-in-law Olgerd to Moscow, for which he paid with the loss of his city of Mikulin and the disasters of besieged Tver.

After the death of her husband in 1399, Ulyana took the veil as a nun.

Published with the kind permission of the Oculus project - astropsychology.