Zodiac sign Aries: horoscope, meaning and description. Characteristics of the sign Aries • Detailed description Description of the zodiac Aries

The zodiac sign Aries (lat. Aries) is the first in the zodiac circle. People born from March 21 to April 20 are purposeful, assertive, impulsive, ambitious, independent, and have childlike sincerity and straightforwardness.

General characteristics of the sign


The designation of the first sign is the head of a ram, carrying the desire to show initiative and courage. Such qualities help to overcome the most difficult obstacles.

The first place in the list of zodiac signs gives the stubborn person the quality of a leader, the desire to overtake everyone. Often, having taken up any business, Aries can give it up if patience and painstaking work are required. He needs quick work, otherwise the person will get bored.

Patron Mars gives confidence, courage, and the ability to inspire people to overcome obstacles by becoming an example. If an obstacle is encountered that Aries cannot overcome, then he enters into a meaningless struggle, trying to prove his superiority and strength. The fire element, together with the first place in the horoscope, forces you to constantly compete with other signs.

Representatives of the sign do not learn from their mistakes, and they also do not engage in spiritual development. For them, the most important thing is actions, not thoughts. Aries are extroverts, which means they love public speaking, but only in a leading role. When they fail to seize leadership status, which almost never happens, they lose interest in the activities and people around them.

Aries in love and marriage

In sex, Aries are passionate and frantic. Their ardent disposition allows them not to hide their feelings; they are not shy about moans and screams. Passion makes them forget about decency.


In marriage, the Aries woman is a leader, an idealist. Everything will be according to her wishes, nothing else. Her self-respect will not allow her to cheat on her husband. She craves the absolute trust of her chosen one, just as he should trust his partner.

The Aries woman is an owner and will not allow anyone to encroach on her possessions. There should be no signs of attention, smiles, or glances towards other girls. Otherwise, she will become cold towards her partner. Due to stubbornness, it is not always possible to completely melt this iceberg; the woman will harbor resentment deep in her heart.

In sex, Aries women are proactive and, succumbing to their assertive nature, choose a place for this at random.


A man loves sincerely, passionately, ardently. He is the head of the family, the leader. He quickly warms up to his partner, but also quickly cools down. When breaking up, he must be the initiator, otherwise he will bring down all the negativity on the girl who hurt his pride. True, the aggression will not last long and he will soon find himself a new love.

For an Aries husband, cheating is par for the course. In search of new sensations, he can easily repeatedly betray the feelings of his chosen one. But he makes the opposite demands on his companion. Any hint of flirting or attraction to other men can make him angry.

A man of this sign can be rude and unpredictable in bed. Everything is aimed at surprising and making your partner admire you. Remarks about sexual performance that hurt pride can provoke aggression.

But even with such a sexual characteristic, for the leader of the zodiac, sex and love are two different concepts. The choice of partners in both cases is a matter of principle.


Aries are too active and assertive for boring and routine work. Working as a politician or teacher is not suitable for them. Although thanks to their talents, they could advance in all possible directions.

It is best for a sign whose patron is named after the God of War to work in the army or in law enforcement agencies. These people need a job that requires quick results. They will also look for any opportunity to get into the ranks of leaders. This is explained by Aries' desire to always be in first place.


This sign is one of the healthiest according to the horoscope and is rarely susceptible to illness. Health is mainly determined by the position of the planets at the time of birth. The part of the body that Aries rules is the head. They are susceptible to frequent headaches, dizziness, and dermatological diseases of the face and scalp.

Aries men

Freedom-loving, independent, brave, stubborn. They will never give up, overcoming difficulties and obstacles. They strive to try everything in life. They demonstratively try to evoke a positive impression in people.

They remain big children at heart and don’t want to grow up for a long time. Easy to communicate, what they think about is what they talk about. They are mediocre in manipulating people and do not accept authority. They often make enemies, but do not notice it until the last moment.

Not made for long-term courtship or romantic walks. Men expect women to instantly respond to their attentions.

Men of this sign are selfish, possessive, recognizing only the personal “I”.

Aries Women

Energetic, self-sufficient, independent. They can easily get along without men. From childhood they are accustomed to do everything on their own, even superior to men. Despite this, deep down they dream of a courageous and independent partner like themselves. Having found the ideal, Aries women act decisively. Do not hesitate to be the first to ask for a date if the chosen one is indecisive.

They are good housewives, they know how to cook, and they keep the house clean. But they do not like to do household chores, considering such work unworthy of their status.

Aries Child

The qualities inherent in Aries appear from childhood. Children are assertive and purposeful. Always in the spotlight, it is difficult not to notice them. They do not pay attention to manners and cleanliness of clothing.

Such a child must be raised with caution. He is aggressive, but in his heart he is afraid of losing the love of his parents. Extra negativity will make him a rude, tough person.

The Aries child does not study well in childhood and often resolves conflicts with his fists. In education, it is necessary to take into account and encourage the manifestation of one’s “I”, to direct him to the path to which he is drawn. At the same time, show firmness and affection, maintaining a fine line between them.

Compatibility with other signs

Stubborn horoscope leaders find it difficult to find a suitable match. Compatibility of zodiac signs with Aries:

  1. . Together with Aries, everything will not work out very well. Because everyone wants to be the best, constant quarrels cannot be avoided. If an Aries woman finds strength in herself and gives up primacy, then an idyll ensues. They are sexually compatible, therefore, when they quarrel, they make up quickly and intensely.
  2. . The next sign after Aries. Aries suits Taurus and creates strong marriages. They are different, but they complement each other, and in bed they will bring the relationship to perfection.
  3. . Geminis are good friends, nothing more. Gemini will not give Aries peace of mind and trust. Too different characters. But Aries will never be bored in the company of Gemini.
  4. . Together with Cancer they form a difficult alliance that has no prospects for both signs. They live in different worlds and are not capable of living together. Sensitive Cancer will suffer from the rough pressure of Aries. Only sex can connect them. But such an alliance will quickly fall apart.
  5. . Aries and Leo have an amazing relationship. They constantly compete with each other. But Aries in many cases gives in, afraid of losing their soul mate. Leo relieves the tension with humor and jokes. Thanks to these actions, such a marriage can last a long time.
  6. . A marriage with a Virgo is successful if both parties have common goals. Virgos are conservatives who live by reason. Aries, who live by their hearts, cannot stand constancy and stagnation. By suppressing the egoism that shows whose interests are more important, they can give each other a lot.
  7. . They have unique compatibility with Libra. Their relationship is filled with mutuality. Libra's lack of emotionality will stabilize the impulsiveness of Aries. Aries, with its inner fire, will instill confidence and optimism in its partner.
  8. . An ideal union awaits with Scorpio. As representatives of emotional signs, they will live in abundance of feelings, satisfaction of desires in relationships and in sex.
  9. . Despite the signs' temper, they get along well. They are united by love of life, optimism, and mutual understanding. This will be the basis of their relationship.
  10. . With Capricorn they will build a strong alliance based on mutual understanding. Disagreements and quarrels will not last long, interest in each other will not disappear after many years. Capricorns will bring stability and perseverance to relationships, Aries will bring inspiration and enthusiasm.
  11. . Aquarius is not the best partner in terms of starting a family. Aries will assert the rights of the owner, in every possible way controlling the freedom-loving Aquarius, who does not allow himself to be limited. Such a union would work better as friends or lovers than as a couple.
  12. . Aries and Pisces are rarely seen together. Pisces are subtle, sensual natures that the down-to-earth Aries cannot understand. But if this couple fell in love with each other, the union will be long and strong. Aries is able to provide the care and confidence that Pisces needs.

The characteristics of each union also depend on the position of the planets at the time of birth.

People born under the sign of Aries

Great actors, writers, and philosophers were born under the auspices of this sign. They have all achieved success in life. Among them:

  • Johann Sebastian Bach;
  • Wilhelm Roentgen;
  • Maksim Gorky;
  • Vincent Van Gogh;
  • Charlie Chaplin;
  • Michael Fassbender;
  • Keira Knightley;
  • Thomas Jefferson;
  • Hans Christian Andersen.

Aries is a rude and stubborn zodiac sign. He is selfish in the struggle for leadership. He may seem harsh, but at heart he is kind, sympathetic, and noble. Ready to help, overcome obstacles, and lead. Instills confidence and inspires. Aries has exactly those qualities that other signs do not have. Thanks to his assertiveness, he will always achieve success and recognition from people.

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac after the spring equinox. This is the main initiator, starting a huge number of projects, but he does not always have enough strength to complete things. Aries stones are capable of rationally distributing energy in all areas of life. Talisman stones by date of birth When choosing a talisman, you need to focus on your date of birth and the dominant planet. First decade (21.03-31.03) The period passes under...

The Aries man is incredibly charismatic, energetic and purposeful. He knows how to interest others in a new idea, but he himself can give up halfway. A sporty appearance and youthfulness are characteristic of the representatives of the constellation. Aries do not like routine, monotony and a clear sequence of actions. They are creative and smart, which makes them attractive in the eyes of women. General characteristics Influential Mars endowed the representatives of the sign with incredible activity....

Planet of Aries

Aries is ruled by Mars. According to ancient Roman mythology, Mars is the god of war. Therefore, he rewards his players with fearlessness and determination.

These are brave and aggressive people. They are able to mobilize all their internal forces and meet any opponent with dignity, while having a good chance of winning.

Unfortunately, they rarely bring the matter to a victorious end. Most likely, by the time they can reap their laurels, they will plunge headlong into solving a new problem.

Element of Aries

Aries is a Fire sign. The influence of Mars and the Sun gives spark, tireless movement and a tendency to exaggerate. Aries will do anything to avoid boredom and depression. They feel more than they think. Aries lead an active lifestyle, so they don’t get stuck on the sidelines of life for long, if they ever find themselves there at all. They are not afraid to step into new territory, enter the fight decisively and make a significant contribution to victory. Of course, some of the decisions they make may later seem too hasty, but you will never meet an Aries who regrets what they did. The motto of this fire sign is: “Always forward!” Aries enthusiastically make plans, although they do not always translate them into reality.

The zodiac is compared to the path of life. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, and therefore it symbolizes birth. This is the baby of the zodiac and, like any baby, he is completely absorbed in himself and his sensations. His needs are primary, he doesn’t care about others, so it’s not surprising that the main distinguishing feature of Aries is obvious egocentrism. He thinks first of all about himself.

However, they are very friendly people, usually with energetic manners. They fight against any injustice without mincing words, can be hot and furious and always express their point of view directly. There is nothing hidden or complicated about this sign.

Appearance indicates extreme self-confidence and egocentrism, but not pessimism. Aries is a young sign, he has a need for bravado and showing off. He does not feel that he can cause any inconvenience to others. Such innocent narcissism softens the impression of Aries's aggressiveness; it is as difficult to be offended by him as by a child.

Aries are not afraid of new things. Those born under this sign are often called the pioneers of the zodiac, and it is this ability to step into the unknown without fear that often brings them success. But Aries does not like to plan, because plans bring order. When everything is in order, it is difficult to hide imperfections. Doing things spontaneously is the motto of Aries. The main thing is to start, and others will finish it.

As a rule, Aries achieve success in their careers.

From Aries come out wonderful salesmen, traveling salesmen, lecturers, dentists, veterinarians, soldiers, policemen, butchers, wonderful surgeons, sculptors. They get along well with fire and metal. But regardless of the choice of profession, Aries strives to be the first, the best.

However, they are bad politicians: they do not know how to hide their thoughts, feelings and intentions, and they have very unique ideas about what the people need, but they know how to put their ideas into practice.

Aries is confident that no one else will do the job as well as he does. This can lead to nervous exhaustion; Aries cannot be accused of laziness. Aries never sit idly by, waiting for success to come to them on its own, without their help. If you give them the opportunity to show organizational skills and initiative and give them some freedom of action, then you will see what real work is like.

Aries the boss Can't stand quitters and hacks. When working under the supervision of an Aries, be prepared to stay late, and sometimes come to work on Sunday. But he will turn a blind eye if you are late for work, return half an hour later than your lunch break, or ask for a day off in the middle of the week.

The energy of Aries drives many people crazy, but in principle they can be calm when they want. Creative energy can embrace Aries at any time of the day, and then you shouldn’t disturb him. Despite his lack of attention to detail, he will do his job to perfection. Money plays a secondary role as an incentive. If Aries has to choose between fame and money, he will choose the former.

Aries will never admit that he is wrong. Aries, who are under the protection of Mars, are generally incapable of admitting defeat in anything and will stop at nothing in the pursuit of success. And for most Aries, luck really accompanies them - both in art and in business.

Despite the excessive straightforwardness that shocks many, Aries, if he wants, can be a model of social manners and talk for hours in an exciting way about things about which he has only a superficial understanding.

Aries speech can be ironic, it is extremely easy to provoke anger in him, which quickly passes. They quickly forget grievances. If possible, they can even apologize to their enemy if they feel that they have offended him. Aries hate gossip, if only because they are too busy with themselves to waste time on other people's behavior, secret plans and affairs.

As a rule, Aries has no undertones in his assessment of people and events: there are enemies and friends; There is black and white, but there is no gray; something can be good or bad, but not average. He is only interested in today, or rather in the present moment. However, he surprisingly combines a realist and an idealist, prone to poetry, sentimentality, and belief in miracles.

Despite outward self-confidence, Aries needs approval and support from employees, wives, and even passers-by. He can be terribly happy when someone recognizes his merits, and, on the contrary, he can become despondent if he finds out that his subordinates do not approve of his leadership methods or underestimate his abilities.

Although Aries are desperately brave, courageous, and determined, they absolutely cannot stand physical pain. Therefore, for example, a visit to the dentist will be postponed until the last minute. It's hard to put them to bed when they don't feel well, but if they go to bed, it means they're really sick. Aries is an impatient patient. His attitude towards illness: do not go to bed, move, do not give up. The real cause of their illnesses lies in impatience.

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The zodiac sign Aries (March 21 - April 20) is the first sign of the zodiac, symbolizing the beginning. The characteristics of Aries are quite interesting. Aries is characterized by restlessness. He is an active, active person. If Aries has a new plan or idea, if his imagination is captured by a new idea, he immediately rushes to implement his plan. When you meet some people, he will immediately impress you as a bright, lively, talkative person. Others will be lucky if they get one word out of him. If your interlocutor brings up some problem, he will willingly and in detail share his opinion. Aries strives to be the center of attention. He is a natural leader who exudes self-confidence. From childhood, he feels that he was born for success, and treats obstacles as annoying trifles that should be swept out of his way.

The horoscope describes the zodiac sign Aries as -. Both in word and in blow. He won't figure it out - straight to the point. If he realizes that he made a mistake and came to the wrong address, he will apologize quite sincerely, but what does that bring to you other than moral satisfaction? The bruise or bump will glow for a long time. And in his judgments he is just as categorical: all or nothing, “with me he is a friend, without me he is an enemy.” True, he is easygoing, anger quickly passes, and it seems to him that others react the same way. “Are you offended? After all, I told the truth! I said it right to your face, so why be offended?” He's prickly, really. It’s difficult to talk to him - he does most of the talking. If you try to get a word in, he begins to speak louder and in the end he does not speak, but shouts. For many, shouting means swearing, so they ask why he is swearing. At this he is sincerely amazed: “Who is swearing? Me? I didn’t even think about it!” Anyone whose zodiac sign is Aries generally loves to argue. Often starts an argument for the sake of arguing. Probably when there is nowhere else to dump energy. He most likely believes that he has the gift of persuasion, but in fact people simply retreat in the face of pressure and do not argue with him. What's the point of arguing if he doesn't take your arguments into account, and more often than not, doesn't hear them at all. And he often doesn’t choose his words, so he can easily get caught up in something painful. But if your skin is not very delicate, then it is quite possible to communicate with him.

At least with him everything is clear: he will not keep anything in his bosom: he will lay everything out as it is. There is no need to think about double meaning and background. Working side by side with him is also difficult, because everything must be done as he considers necessary and correct, he tries to manage everything. If you need a presenter, then this is not bad, however, if you are willing to periodically listen to accusations of clumsiness. But it’s not scary, you can adapt. And in action he is too hot. Once he “gets excited about the idea,” he “bites the bit” and nothing can stop him.

A person born under the zodiac sign Aries is alien to cowardice. He is ready to take risks, follow his dreams, set goals and achieve their implementation with inexhaustible enthusiasm. His optimism attracts other people. There may be uncertainty lurking in his soul, but no one will guess about it. This does not mean that he is unfamiliar with depression and bad mood. But despair quickly passes. He has unshakable optimism. However, Aries are easily offended by perceived missteps and tactlessness. They are unrestrained and childishly capricious, and do not tolerate boredom well. If success does not come immediately, he may lose interest in the endeavor and go in search of other entertainment. He wants to get what he wants as quickly as possible; he cannot wait at all. But if he “slips” past the target, then it is better not to get under his arm until he “let off steam”, otherwise there will be no stone left on you. I will say this: if you get involved with Aries, then you will have to run in the morning, and twirl on the horizontal bar, and be in a brawl, and sleep on damp ground, and stand on a pedestal. If you want to breathe life to the fullest, find yourself an Aries. He won't let you get bored, that's for sure. It’s as if there are forty lives in him and everyone is running at full speed.

Aries are deservedly considered people who do not bring what they start to completion. They sometimes expend energy on different things at once, like Ring Lardner's character who got on a horse and rode in all directions at once. The motto of those with the zodiac sign Aries is independence. He can become gloomy and irritable if forced to obey. He believes that it is better to be the largest lizard in the world than the smallest dragon. He wants to command. If he fails, he abandons his bets and seeks a situation in which he can demonstrate his individuality and brilliance.

When faced with overwhelming force, it will bend but not break. His assertive fighting spirit cannot be broken by anyone - except himself. The characteristics of Aries indicate that Aries is sincere and honest, but is still capable of an innocent lie if it seems beneficial. He is not a very skilled deceiver, people see right through him. Sometimes he lacks tact and diplomacy, but there is no malicious intent in his words. , for example, also lack tact because they do not know how to take detours. Aries' tactlessness is impulsive, it is a careless manifestation of his innate strength. He too often says the first words that come to mind without thinking and usually later regrets his impulsiveness.

Those whose zodiac sign is Aries are lucky in financial matters, but they do not know how to keep what they have acquired. They tend to live extravagantly, on a grand scale, and go beyond their budget. However, they usually find a way to repay the debt. Aries is too proud to remain someone's debtor. No one would call Aries shy. He is creative, sincere, courageous, capable of being a pioneer, but at the same time vain, irritable and impatient. The main problem of his loved ones: how to keep up with him? Courage and childishness. Recklessness and naivety. Complete dedication and cynicism. These seemingly incompatible things somehow come together in Aries.

Characteristics of Aries

  • Influence: Mars, Sun.
  • Symbols: ram, deer, red-yellow and green squares.
  • Colors: bright red, carmine, orange, blue, lilac, crimson and all shiny ones (purple is an unlucky color).
  • Stones: diamond, ruby, amethyst, bloodstone, heliotrope, moonstone, aquamarine, emerald.
  • Flowers: hawthorn, anemone (anemone), sweet pea, violet, cornflower.
  • Metal: iron, steel.
  • Mascot: hammer, golden fleece.
  • Favorable numbers: 4, 7, 9 (all numbers divisible by 9), 11
  • Happy Days: Tuesday, Sunday.
  • Unlucky days: Friday Saturday.
  • Countries: England, Germany, Denmark, Syria, Italy, countries of Asia Minor.

> Zodiac sign Aries: dates of birth

Dates of birth of Aries and characteristics of the zodiac sign

The Aries zodiac sign by date of birth is easy to recognize at the first meeting. The astrological forecast describes you as a confident, active and cheerful person with a strong handshake and a friendly attitude towards others. The important thing is that they do not deceive or deceive, and if something does not suit them, they will calmly express their dissatisfaction in person.

Sometimes Aries behaves like a child, especially when they selfishly put their own interests and needs above the needs of others. Moreover, he does not always think about the consequences and gets used to acting spontaneously. However, this is not done intentionally, but is part of your nature. It is difficult to be angry with Aries, because he even does dirty tricks with an innocent look, since he really does not realize what is happening.

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Horoscope for Aries by date of birth

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From the moment of birth, these are pure children, devoid of negative tendencies. These are people with a kind heart, open to communication and any emotions. You can say that they are incredibly easy to work with because they seem easy to communicate with. But Aries, by all dates, numbers and birthdays, is distinguished by touchiness and vulnerability.

This is a purposeful person who prefers to move directly rather than look for workarounds. The zodiac sign lacks patience and tact, which is why quarrels often arise. Directness and lack of restraint are especially dangerous. But there are also positive qualities, such as honesty and frankness, that attract people's attention to you.

Aries is a passionate fan of various technological innovations and developments. Therefore, do not forget to add something useful and new to your birthday card (some interesting device). Speaking of fears, Aries' knees tremble if they need to go to the dentist. He is ready to endure terrible pain for months just to avoid getting a filling and injections.

Often does not respond to illnesses at all, triggering the problem into a chronic form. Even at high temperatures, he will prefer to work at his usual pace and it will be difficult to force him to adhere to bed rest. The desire to take risks and increased activity often lead to injuries. Susceptible to high blood pressure.

The Aries zodiac sign has an interesting birth month because your characteristics almost completely exclude laziness and apathy. This zodiac representative is 100% confident in his own abilities and is convinced that no one can do the job better than him. Unfortunately, this position often leads to overwork, fatigue and overwork.

Aries can be cruel and instantly flare up in anger, but they quickly move away and do not hold a grudge for long. He has a heightened sense of justice, so he will find the strength to apologize even to the enemy if he was wrong. For Aries, the world is divided into black and white, good and evil. Prefers to live in a specific moment, without holding on to the past and not trying to catch up with the future.

For Aries, there is no loss or defeat. He just doesn't believe he can lose. Innate optimism makes you get up every time after a fall and move forward. Not afraid of barriers and obstacles. The zodiac sign rushes through life towards new adventures and events.

Date of Birth Zodiac sign Happy dates lucky stones
Aries 3, 12, 21 and 30
Aries 1, 4, 10, 13, 19, 22, 28, 31
Aries 3, 5, 12, 14, 21, 23 and 30 diamond, all shiny stones 3, 5, 12, 14, 21, 23, 30
Aries 3, 6, 12, 15, 21, 24 and 30 turquoise and all blue stones 6, 15, 24, 3, 12, 21 and 30
Aries 2,11, 16, 20, 25 and 29
Aries 3, 8, 12, 13, 17, 21, 22, 26, 30, 31 black pearl, black diamond, amethyst and sapphire 3, 4, 8, 13, 17, 21, 22, 26 and 31
Aries 3, 6, 12, 15, 21, 24 and 30 ruby, garnet, heliotrope and amethyst 3, 9, 12, 18, 21, 27, 30
Aries 1, 3, 4, 10, 12, 13, 19, 21, 22, 28, 30 and 31 diamond, topaz, pearl and sapphire, any yellow stones 1, 3, 10, 13, 19, 22, 28 and 31
Aries 2, 3, 7, 11, 12, 16, 20, 21, 25, 29 and 30 green jasper, pearl, moonstone and opal, amethyst 1, 2, 4, 7, 10, 11, 13, 16, 19, 20, 22, 25, 28, 29, 31
Date of Birth Zodiac sign Happy dates lucky stones Successful alliances with people born on this day
Aries 3, 12, 21 and 30 amethyst and all stones with violet and purple tints 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 21, 24, 27, 30
Aries 1, 3, 4, 10, 12, 13, 19, 21, 22, 28, 30 and 31 sapphire, blue stones, diamond, topaz 1, 4, 10, 13, 19, 22, 28, 31
Aries 1, 9, 10, 18, 19, 27 and 28
Aries 2, 7, 9, 27
Aries amethyst and all stones with violet and purple tints
Aries 1, 4, 9, 10, 13, 18, 19, 22, 27, 28 sapphire and blue stones, topaz, yellow diamonds, amber 4, 8, 13, 22, 26 and 31
Aries 5, 9, 14, 18, 23 and 27 diamonds, rubies and all white shiny stones 5, 14 and 22
Aries 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27 and 30 turquoise and all blue stones 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27 and 30
Aries 2, 7, 11, 16, 20, 25, 29 green jasper, moonstone, pearl 1, 2, 7, 10, 11, 16, 19, 20, 25 and 29
Aries 4, 8, 17, 22, 26, 31 diamond, topaz, amber, ruby, garnet 4, 6, 8, 13, 15, 17, 22, 24 26 and 31
Aries 1, 9, 10, 18,19, 27 and 28 ruby, garnet, red stones, diamonds 1, 10, 19, 28, 9, 18, 27
Aries 1, 9, 10, 18, 19, 27 and 28 topaz, amber, diamond and red stones 1, 4, 8, 9, 10, 13, 17, 18, 19, 22, 26, 27, 28, 31
Date of Birth Zodiac sign Happy dates lucky stones Successful alliances with people born on this day
Aries 2, 7, 9, 11, 16, 18, 20, 25, 27, 29 green agate, moonstone, cat's eye 2, 7, 9, 27
Aries 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27 and 30 amethyst and all stones with violet and purple tints W, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27 and 30

Aries (Latin: Aries) is the first sign of the zodiac cycle. The Aries period begins on March 21 and lasts until April 20. An astrologer talks about the main features of people born under the auspices of this sign.

Background information about the sign of Aries

  • Ruling planet -
  • Planet in exaltation -
  • Planet in fall -
  • Element - Fire
  • Symbol - ram's head

Aries character

Aries, as a rule, are distinguished by their explosive character, sincerity, energy and almost childish naivety. They always act honestly and openly, they do not like two-faced people and deceivers. They are confident in themselves and are not afraid of anything.

Aries Man: Characteristics

- real knights. They protect the weak, do not fight with women and are a real support for loved ones. Busy exclusively with exploits; An Aries man most likely will not wash dishes or do laundry. But he will take on all the men’s work and cope with it “with an A.” Like true warriors, they may attach little importance to erudition and erudition, therefore they can be straightforward, sincere, friendly, but not too educated. Their main advantages are courage, responsibility, and fortitude. Cons: lack of sensitivity and spiritual subtlety.

Aries Woman: Characteristics

Aries women are brave and temperamental. They won't be able to be invisible, even if they wanted to. In any team and in any company, they loudly express their opinions and take initiative, so they soon find themselves in leading roles. You can't expect meanness from them. If they are friends or love, then with complete dedication, and if they hate, then they behave accordingly, and do not keep a stone in their bosom. Their advantages are sincerity, activity, enthusiasm, goodwill, and independence. Disadvantages: some tactlessness, impatience.

Which celebrities were born under the sign of Aries?

Lifestyle and psychological portrait of Aries

Aries feel best in an environment where moments of activity and rest alternate. They should have the opportunity to play sports, have fun, and do something at any time. But in the same way, rest should be available to them as soon as they feel tired.

Maybe this is why Aries rarely plan things ahead and don’t like it when obligations are placed on them: how do they know how they will feel tomorrow or in a week? For the same reason, Aries love to go somewhere on vacation: there they don’t owe anyone anything and every day brings them new adventures.

An Aries house will definitely have plumbing and construction tools, a collection of bladed weapons or a sports corner. But for complete comfort, Aries needs both a soft chair with a TV and a cozy, quiet bedroom - places where Aries regains strength.

But Aries most often do not get along well, just like with small domestic animals - Achatina snails, fish, hamsters. A temperamental, active dog is the best friend for Aries.

Aries in relationships and love

In love, Aries are sincere and faithful. They light up quickly. They don't want a relationship that lacks passion. Neither calculation, nor respect, nor habit will keep them where there is no love. Aries needs to choose temperamental, sensual and passionate people who love romance and adventure. The partner should always remain a little bit of a mystery for Aries, excite the imagination and keep them in suspense. It is important that romantic mystery does not cross the line and turn into secrecy and duplicity - not in a love game, but in everyday communication, Aries hate lies and hypocrisy.

Aries' love relationships with people of their own sign, Leo and Sagittarius, develop easily and harmoniously. Relationships will be sharper and piquant, and therefore more interesting, with Gemini and Aquarius. In these couples, passion will never develop into a habit. Aries and Libra attract and at the same time repel each other. Either persistent hostility or great love is possible between them.

Aries will have conflictual and tense (but quite possibly passionate) relationships with the Water signs - Cancers, Scorpios and Pisces. The most obvious conflict, but at the same time the greatest attraction, will be with Cancers. With Scorpios you have the best chance of finding a common language, learning to appreciate and respect each other. Pisces and Aries often do not notice each other.

There is rarely mutual interest with Taurus and Virgo. There can be a successful union with Capricorns if the couple has a common cause and they spend energy on it, and not on fighting each other.

Aries in the business world

At work, Aries are energetic and proactive. They are brave and not afraid of competition. Work for them is always a challenge to their abilities. They approach work as if it were a fight. They like to be the first, ahead of competitors, build their own business, or, if they have to obey, receive praise from their superiors and feel indispensable. They like professions where they can show courage and bravery.

It would seem that among them there should be many military personnel, emergency workers, and police officers. However, they prefer to be lone heroes in the spirit of Superman: Aries are self-sufficient and do not like to obey. Therefore, not all Aries choose a military career. Among them are many social service workers: helping the weak is their strong point. Aries are also very successful as entrepreneurs, especially in small businesses. They are not interested in managing a large team; they feel better working on an equal basis with subordinates or without subordinates at all, on their own.

Aries are brilliant as pioneers. They are capable of creating something fundamentally new, be it a new direction in art, a new service to the population, or the invention, release and distribution of technical innovations.

Aries and money

Aries handle money boldly; they are generous, but selfish. They make money gambling, and money loves them: there are not too many rich people among Aries, but there are no beggars either. People of this Sign do not have great wealth only because they do not like to save, and they rarely set big earnings as their main goal. Money comes to them as a concomitant circumstance of sports and creative victories, careers, and everyday successes.

Often Aries, regardless of gender, are the breadwinners of the family. They like to manage their money on their own. They don't like to be kept. They are reluctant to pool their money with other people's money. They don't like hoarding. They clearly distinguish between what is theirs and what is foreign; They don’t pretend to be someone else’s, but they won’t be able to turn them into a resigned “ATM.” They will easily spend money on another person, but only then and in the form in which they themselves want.

Aries' financial losses are associated with risk, excitement and impulsive decisions. They need to beware of situations in which they are taken “weakly” or played for pity. However, those who do this also have something to fear: Aries will very quickly figure out what’s what, and the manipulator will be in trouble.