English conditional sentences with translation. All types of conditional sentences in English

Conditional sentences in English or Conditional Sentences if clauses describe the result of something that could happen in the present or future tense, or could have happened but did not happen (in the past). They can occur in various temporary forms.

Types of Conditional Sentences in English

Look at the table representing the 4 types of Conditional Sentences. The first type is called “zero”, which is why you can often hear in English about “three types of conditional sentences”.

The Zero Conditional

If + Present Simple, … Present Simple

If you go out in the winter without warm clothes, you catch a cold.
(If you go outside in winter without warm clothes, you will catch a cold.)

The 1st Conditional

If + Present Simple, … will + Infinitive

If it snows tomorrow, we will stay at home.
(If it snows tomorrow, we will stay at home).

The 2nd Conditional

If + Past Simple, … would + Infinitive

If I had a lot of time, I would read this book.
(If I had a lot of time, I would read this book.)

The 3rd Conditional

If + Present Perfect, … would + have + Past Participle

If I had called him, I would have known the latest news.
(If I had called him, I would have found out the latest news.)

Let's now look in more detail at each case of using Conditional Sentences.

The Zero Conditional

Sentences of the “zero” type occur with two verbs in the present tense. This type is used when the result is always sure to happen. Such a statement has the connotation of a verified phenomenon, a fact. The conversation is about general phenomena and does not concern any specific situation.

If people eat too much, they get fat. – If people eat too much, they get fat.

Snakes bite if they are scared. – Snakes bite if they are scared.

If babies are hungry, they cry. – If babies are hungry, they cry.

The 1st Conditional

In the first conditional, the present tense is used first, and then the future tense. It is used to express events that are likely to happen in the future.

If it rains, they will cancel the trip. If it rains, they will cancel the trip.

She'll miss her bus if she doesn't leave now. “She’ll be late for the bus if she doesn’t get off now.”

If I meet her, I will tell her the truth. – If I meet her, I will tell her the truth.

Unlike the “zero” type, which talks about events in general, the first type describes a specific situation. Compare two examples:

If you sit in the rain, you get soaked. – If any person sits in the rain, he will get wet - this will be a natural consequence for anyone.

If you sit in the rain, you will get soaked. – If you sit in the rain today, you will get wet – we are talking about a certain situation.

The 2nd Conditional

In one part of the sentence the past tense is used, in the other - would and the infinitive. The second type of conditional has two uses.

  • In the first, we talk about events in the future that may not be present. For example, we can represent something.

    If I won a lot of money, I would buy a huge house. – If I won a lot of money, I would buy a huge house.

    She would travel all over the world if she were rich. “She would travel all over the world if she were rich.”

    They would pass the exams if they ever studied. “They would pass the exams if they ever studied.”

    Please note: instead of were you can use was with the personal pronouns I, he, she, it.

  • In the second case, we are talking about a result that cannot happen because the events are not true. Let's look at an example.

    If she had his address, she would visit him. – If she had his address, she would visit him (but she doesn’t have an address).

    If I were you, I wouldn’t speak with such mean personas him. – If I were in your place, I would not talk to such a vile person like him (but I, of course, am not you).

Second type of conditional sentences

Let's compare this type with the previous one. Its main semantic difference is the lower probability of performing the action.

If I had enough money I would buy two cars, a restaurant and a big house.

If I have enough money, I’ll buy a pair of new boots.

The first situation is less likely for the speaker; most likely, he will not have enough money to immediately buy two cars, a restaurant and a big house. The first option is more a dream than a reality. In the second case, the speaker assumes that he will most likely have enough money to buy a new pair of boots.

The 3rdConditional

In the third type of conditional sentence we use Time Past Perfect after if, and then would have with Past Participle. Let us remind you that Past Participle is the 3rd form of verbs from the table (irregular), or regular verbs with –ed.

Here we are talking about events in the past that did not happen, but we imagine what the result would have been if they did happen. Examples will help you understand this type better.

If she had studied, she would have passed the exams. – If she had studied, she would have passed the exams (but she did not study and did not pass.)

If he had left early, he wouldn’t have missed his train. – If he had left earlier, he would not have been late for the train (but he was late because he was late).

She would have become a very good doctor if she hadn’t decided to become a teacher. - She would good doctor, if I had not decided to become a teacher.

If I hadn't eaten so many cookies, I wouldn't have felt so sick. – If I hadn’t eaten so many cookies, I wouldn’t feel so bad.

She would have been on time if she hadn’t met her friend from school. “She would have come on time if she hadn’t met her friend from school.”

English conditional sentences - table

Video lessons will help you repeat the material:

If ... Simple Past ..., ... would + verb...
… would + verb... if ... Simple Past ...


Conditional sentences of the second type in English describe events of the present and future. The situations described in such sentences are unreal (impossible, incredible, imaginary). Such proposals have an impossible, hypothetical connotation. Please note that these sentences are translated into Russian in the subjunctive mood, with the particle “would”.

For example:
If you asked, they would help you.
If You asked, They would help you.

If it rained, you would get wet.
If I went rain, you I would get wet.

If you loved her, she would love you.
If You I loved her, she I would love you.

I would buy a new car if I had more money.
I I would buy new car, if I have was more money.

He would pass the exam if he studied more.
He I would have passed exam, if he's bigger was studying.

I would lower the taxes if I were the President.
I would lower taxes, if I was president.

Conditional sentences of the first and second types - what to choose

Real and imaginary situations

Conditional sentences of the first type are often called feasible conditional sentences. They are used to describe real and possible situations. Conditional sentences of the second type are used to describe unreal (impossible, incredible, imaginary) situations.

If I become the President, I will give free electricity to farmers.
If I become president I I'll do it The presidential candidate's speech is a conditional sentence of the first type.)

If I win this race, I will
If I win these races I… ( The speech of the fastest racer is a conditional sentence of the first type.)

If I became the President, I would give free electricity to farmers.
If I became president I I would do electricity is free for farmers. ( The child’s speech is a conditional sentence of the second type.)

If I won this race, I would
If I won this race I… ( The speech of the slowest racer is a conditional sentence of the second type.)

Requests and suggestions

In ordinary requests and offers, conditionals of the first type are used. To give a request or proposal a more polite tone, conditional sentences of the second type are used.

I will be grateful if you lend me some money.
I will grateful If You will you lend me give me some money. ( )

It will be nice if you help me.
Will Fine, If you tell me will you help. (The usual request is a conditional sentence of the first type.)

I would be grateful if you tape me some money.
I will grateful If You will you lend me give me some money. ( )

It would be nice if you helped me.
Will Fine, If you tell me will you help. (A more polite request is a conditional sentence of the second type.)

Other forms of conditional sentences of the second type

Using modal verbs in a result clause

would verb can be used could meaning "to be able to". Synonymous construction - would be able to.

For example:
If you were more serious about your work, you could (= would be able to) finish it in time.
If You belonged take your work seriously, you I wish I could finish her on time.

If I had more money, I could (= would be able to) buy a new car.
If I have was more money I could buy new car.

If you spoke a foreign language, you could (= would be able to) get a better job.
If You said on some foreign language, You I wish I could find it better job.

In the result sentence, instead of would verb can be used might meaning "maybe", "possibly". Synonymous constructions – would perhaps And would probably.

For example:
If you requested them more politely, they might (= would perhaps) help you.
If You appealed they are more polite to them, Maybe, would help you.

Design were to

After the union if a conditional sentence may be followed by the construction " subject + were to" to show that we are talking about an imaginary situation.

For example:
If I were to buy a new car, what would you say?
If I bought what a new car would You said?

If you were to lose your job, what would you do?
If you were lost work that would You did?

If you were to win, what would you give me?
If you had won, What would you to me gave?

Construction if it were not for

This construction is used to show that the completion of one event depends on another, and is translated as “if not for...”.

For example:
If it weren't for his dedication, this company wouldn't exist.
If it weren't for his dedication, this company would not exist.

If it weren't for his wife's money, he wouldn't be a millionaire.
If it weren't for his wife's money, he wouldn't be a millionaire.

If it weren't for that lucky chance, they wouldn't win that competition.
If not for this Lucky case, they wouldn't have won the competition.

Using supposing

Word supposing("if", "suppose that", "suppose that") can be used instead of a conjunction if to emphasize the unreality of the situation. This use is more typical for everyday speech.

For example:
Supposing he came to visit you, what would you do? (= If he came to visit you, what would you do?)
Let's assume that If he came to you, what would you do?

Supposing I became the Miss World, what would you say?
Let's pretend that If I became Miss World, what would I say?

Today we will touch on one of the most difficult topics in the English language: "Conditional Sentences" or Conditional Sentences (from the word condition- condition).

Exists three main types of conditionals. They are divided into types depending on:

Probabilities of actions and their relationship to reality
. the time to which these actions relate.

Conditional sentences of the first type(First Conditional) are considered the simplest type of conditional sentences. This topic is studied at the level pre-intermediate. The action that conveys this type of conditional sentence refers to present or future time. This real action, it can happen in the future if the condition is met.

Conditional sentences always consist of two parts (clauses):

1. Conditional part (if-clause), which contains the word if (if) and provides a condition under which an action-consequence is possible.
2. A consequence or result depending on a condition. This part is called the main part(main clause)

The main formula by which conditional sentences of the first type are constructed:



This is the simplest construction that all students are familiar with when they first encounter First Conditional. However, despite its simplicity, First Conditional has a number of variations: the formula may change. Moreover, changes can occur in both parts of the conditional sentence. As you study at different levels, more and more First Conditional options are given. Let's look at these options for each part of the conditional sentence.

Conditional part (If-clause).

First of all, remember that in conditional part(after if ) never future tense is not used. In other words, will never not placed after if .

In the conditional part of conditional sentences of the first type, the following tenses and constructions can be used:

  • Present Simple
  • Present Continuous
  • Present Perfect
  • Be going to
  • Should + bare infinitive/happen to

Let's look at each option with examples. In the main part of the sentences we will use Future Simple.


Present Simple in the conditional part conveys future action and is translated into Russian by the future tense.

If the weather is fine, we will go for a walk. - If the weather is good, we will go for a walk.

If I get this job, I will earn a lot of money. - If I get this job, I will earn a lot of money.

If I go to London, I will see the Tower of London. - If I go to London, I will visit the Tower of London.

If you don't hurry, we will miss


Present Continuous is used when talking about an action that is happening at the moment of speech, "right now" or is planned action in the future.

If you are watching TV, I will join soon you. - If you're watching TV, I'll join you soon. (The action occurs at the moment of speech).

If he is having a meeting at the moment, I will call him later. - If he is at a meeting now, then I will call you back later. (The action occurs at the moment of speech).

If they are going to Africa, they must have all the injections. - If they go to Africa, they must get all their vaccinations. (Future planned action).


The Present Perfect should be used to indicate completeness of action or him (visible) result in the future. The action expressed by the main part will occur if the condition is fulfilled to the end and a certain result is obtained:

If I have finished the cleaning by 6 o’clock, I’ll go to the cinema. - If I finish cleaning by six o'clock, I'll go to the cinema.

If she has passed her test, she’ll enter a university. - If she passes the test, she will go to university.


In the conditional part, the construction be going to is used in the meaning "to intend/to do something":

If you are going to live abroad, you will have to learn the language. - If you intend to live in another country, you will have to learn the language.

If he is going to drop his studies, he will not get his certificate. - If he's going to skip classes, he won't get a certificate.

SHOULD + bare infinitive


Should is a modal verb, so after it it is used - an infinitive without a particle to, which is usually used after most modal verbs. Should in the conditional part indicates that the action unlikely, but still theoretically possible. The verb happen (to do something) in the conditional part has a similar meaning. This construction is translated into Russian by the phrase "If suddenly...":

If she should call/ happens to call, he"ll tell her everything. - If suddenly she calls, he will tell her everything.

If I should win/ happen to win the lottery, I'll make a world tour. - If I suddenly win the lottery, I will go on a trip around the world.

Main Clause.

In the main part you can use:

  • Future Simple
  • Imperative
  • Modal Verbs
  • Present Simple
  • Be going to

We will not dwell on Future Simple, since this tense is present in all the examples given above in this article. Let's consider the other options. In the conditional part we will use Present Simple.


The imperative mood of the verb. Simply put, just a verb, without a particle to: Read! (Read!), Repeat after me! (Repeat after me!).

This conditional sentence structure is used to:

Give an instruction or direction

If you feel tired, go to bed. - If you're tired, go to bed.
If he calls, ask him this question. - If he calls, ask him this question.

. give a permission

If they pay for the season ticket, they can attend the training every day. - If they buy a membership, they can train every day.


In the main part of conditional sentences of the first type can be used modal verbs: can, may, must, should and others. Such sentences can have different functions, depending on the function of the modal verb: ability, permission, prohibition, advice, obligation, necessity etc.

If you know English, you can understand him. - If you know English, you can understand it. (Ability).

If you lend me your dress, you can take my blouse. - If you lend me your dress, you can take my blouse. (Permission / permission).

If you tidy your room, you may come with your friends. - If you clean your room, you can go with your friends. (Permission/permission).

If she is an entrepreneur, she must pay the tax. - If she is an entrepreneur, then she must pay tax. (Obligation).

If he has a toothache, he should see a dentist. - If he has a toothache, he should go to the dentist. (Advice).


Some reference books distinguish this construction into a separate type of conditional sentences: “Zero Conditional”. Others disagree and define this option in First Conditional.

Anyway, this conditional sentence is used when we talk about laws of nature or other unchanging actions (Laws of nature, general truth):

If you heat water, it boils at 100° C. - If you heat water, it will boil at 100°.

In addition, the Present Simple in both parts is used when talking about familiar situations that usually occur in real life:

If I stay up late,I feel sleepy the whole day after. - If I stay up late, I'm sleepy all day afterwards.

When the weather is nasty, he usually stays at home. - When the weather is bad, he usually stays at home.


This conditional sentence structure is used when it is important to emphasize the inevitability of a certain result:

If they continue arguing so heatedly, they are going to fight. - If they continue to argue so heatedly, they will fight.

If we don’t ask somebody for the directions, we are going to get lost. - If we don’t find out the way from someone, we will get lost.

Difference between IF and WHEN.

In the conditional part, not only the word IF (if), but also WHEN (when) can be used. Let's look at the situation.

It's your friend's birthday. He hasn't invited you yet, but there is a chance that he will call you. You haven't bought a gift yet. You can say:

In the first example, you are not sure whether you will receive an invitation, there is a possibility that you will not be invited, so you are in no hurry to buy a gift. In the second sentence, you know that your friend will invite you sooner or later, and when this happens, you will buy a gift for him. It's a matter of time.

Let's look at a couple more examples:

If you reach the summit of this mountain, we will be proud of you. - If you reach the top of this mountain, we will be proud of you. (There is a chance they won't make it).

When you reach the corner of the street, you’ll see my house. - When you reach the corner of the street, you will see my house. (It's a matter of time, there is a 99.9% chance that you will reach the corner).

Use of UNLESS and other words replacing IF.

You also need to consider the word unless, which is used along with if in the conditional part of sentences of the first type. Unless it has negative meaning , this is the same as if not (If not). Let's remember the example given at the beginning of the article:

If you don'thurry, we willmiss the train. - If you don't hurry up, we'll miss the train.

This sentence can be rephrased using unless :

Unless you hurry, we willmiss the train. - If you don't hurry up, we'll miss the train.

Please note that when in the conditional part has already the word unless , then the negative particle not not placed, since unless already contains a negative value:

Unless you apologize to her, she won’t forgive you. - If you don't apologize to her, she won't forgive you.

Unless he comes in time, the meeting will be started without him. - If he doesn't come on time, the meeting will start without him.

In the conditional part, you can also use the words provided (that), providing and as long as. All these words replace if and have a similar translation: If; provided that; If only; in case if:

Provided that you don’t make noise, father will allow you to play in the garden. - Provided that you don’t make any noise, dad will allow you to play in the garden.

I will tell you everything aslongas you keep it secret. - I'll tell you everything, on the condition that you keep it a secret.

Punctuation in conditional sentences.

And another important aspect of conditional sentences is comma. In Russian, we usually separate parts of a complex sentence with a comma, regardless of which part comes first: the conditional or the main part. It's different in English. If you looked closely at the examples, you may have noticed that in all the sentences the conditional part comes first and is separated by a comma.

But if we swap the parts, then there will be no comma, because if is in the middle of a sentence, then in front of him no comma:

If he calls, tell him the news. - If he calls, tell him the news.

Tell him the news if he calls. - Tell him the news if he calls.

As you can see, changing the places of the “terms” does not change the value, but the comma disappears.

Let's summarize everything that has been said.

Conditional sentences consist of two parts, one of which expresses condition(conditional part), and the other - action depending on this condition(main part).

In the conditional and main parts it is possible to use forms of different tenses and some constructions and verbs, and each option has its own meaning and functions:

Conditional part (if-clause)

Main clause


MODAL VERB + bare infinitive
IF SHOULD+bare infinitive,

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If ... Simple Present ..., ... Simple Present ...
Simple Present ... if ... Simple Present ...


Conditional sentences of zero type in English are used when events, things, phenomena are described that are always true, real (for example, well-known truths, scientific facts, and so on.).

For example:
If you give respect, you get respect.
If You respect those around you, and also you respect.

If you heat ice, it melts.
If heated ice, then he melts.

If I am late, my father takes me to school.
If I I'm late then father takes me to school.

If he comes to town, we have dinner together.
If He arrives to the city, we're together having dinner.

Ask him to wait if he gets there before me.
Ask wait for him If He will come there before me.

In conditional sentences of zero type, the conjunction if can be replaced by a conjunction when:

When I am late, my father takes me to school.
When I I'm late then father takes me to school.

When he comes to town, we have dinner together.
When He arrives to the city, we're together having dinner.

If ... Simple Present ..., ... Simple Future ...
Simple Future ... if ... Simple Present ...


Conditional sentences of the first type in English describe events in the future. The situations described in such sentences are real and quite possible. Please note that in Russian such sentences have the future tense.

For example:
If I see her, I will give her your love.
If I I'll see her, me I'll tell you Hello from you.

If you finish on time, you will go to the movies.
If You you'll finish on time then you go to the cinema.

The match will be canceled if it rains.
Match will be canceled, If it will rain.

You will be late if you don't hurry up.
You you'll be late, if you don't hurry up.

I will buy a car if I get my rise.
I I'll buy car, If to me will raise salary.

Other forms of conditional sentences of the first type

Using only the future tense

Sometimes both parts of a conditional sentence (both the condition clause and the result clause) can use the future tense. This use is especially typical for polite requests.

For example:
If you will marry me, I will love you forever.
If you're on me get married, I will always you be in love. (This proposal sounds more polite than If you marry me… )

If you will wait for me, I will come with you.
If you me wait, I I'll go with you.

If you will help us, we will be Grateful.
If you tell us will you help, We we will grateful.

To give an even greater shade of politeness, instead of a verb will can be used in a conditional clause would.

For example:
If you would help us, we will be extremely grateful.
If you tell us will you help, We we will overly grateful.

If you would come this way, I will take you to the theatre.
If You you'll pass here I am I'll take you you to the theater.

The going to form in a result sentence

Form going to often replaces a verb will in conditional sentences of the first type. This use emphasizes the result sentence.

For example:
If you skip your classes, you are going to fail.
If You you'll miss it classes, you you won't pass exams.

If you don't mend your ways, you are going to land in trouble.
If You you won't improve, That you'll get there in trouble.

Also form going to can be used in a conditional clause meaning “intend”, “intend to”.

For example:
If you are going to skip school, you certainly won't pass your exams.
If You are you going to there's no way you're skipping class you won't pass exams.

Time present perfect in the clause-condition

Sometimes in a conditional sentence instead of time simple present can be used present perfect. This use emphasizes the completeness of the action-condition. In Russian this difference is not reflected in any way.

We will go to the movies if you have finished your work. ( The action described in the condition is emphasized.)
We will go to the movies if you finish your work. ( The action described in the condition is not emphasized in any way.)
We let's go to to the cinema, If You you'll finish work.

Using should in a conditional clause

Verb should can be used in a conditional clause to show that what is described in the condition is possible, but unlikely. As in previous case, in the Russian language this difference is not visible in any way.

For example:
If he should arrive, we will invite him along to the dinner.
If He will come, We we'll invite him to have dinner with us. ( It's unlikely that he will come. But if he does come, we will invite him to dinner.)

Usage should in conditional sentences of the first type has a stronger connotation than the use of conditional sentences of the second type, where imaginary or unreal situations are described.

If he arrives, we will invite him along to dinner.
If He will come, We we'll invite him to have dinner with us. ( Conditional sentence of the first type - it is very likely that he will come.)

If he arrived, we would invite him to dinner.
If he would came, We would be invited him to have dinner with us. ( Conditional sentence of the second type - it is very likely that he will not come.)

If he studied, he would pass the exam.
If He was preparing, He I would have passed exam. ( Conditional sentence of the second type - it is very likely that he will not pass the exam.)

If he studies, he will pass the exam.
If He will be preparing, He will pass exam. ( Conditional sentence of the first type - it is very likely that he will be preparing. And if so, he will pass the exam.)

If he should study, he will pass the exam.
If He will be preparing, He will pass exam. ( Conditional sentence of the first type using should - it is very likely that he will not prepare. But if he does, he will pass the exam.)

Using happen to / should happen to

The conditional clause may sometimes use expressions happen to, should happen to. This usage suggests that what is expressed in the condition is unlikely, but if it does happen, then what is described in the result clause will happen.

For example:
If they happen to come to town, we will meet them.
Happen like this, what are they will come to the city, we them we'll meet. (It's unlikely that they will come. But if they come, we will meet them.)

Expression should happen to has the same meaning:

If he should happen to get stuck in that town, he will be able to find a good hotel.
It happens that he will be stuck in this city, he will be able find a good hotel.

Using modal verbs in a result clause

A result sentence can use modal verbs to describe a future opportunity, permission, advice, etc.

For example:
If you finish your work, you can go out and play.
If You you'll finish work, then you can go go outside to play.

You should see a doctor if you continue to feel bad.
To you should go to the doctor, If you continue you will to feel yourself bad.

If I arrive early, I might give him a call.
If I I'll arrive early, I Maybe, I'll call to him.

Using conjunctions provided (that), as long as

Instead of a union if conjunctions may be used provided (that) And as long as to emphasize that in order for what is described in the result clause to happen, a certain condition must be met.

For example:
Provided (that) he finishes his studies, he will find an excellent job. (= If he finishes his studies, he will find an excellent job.)
In case if He will finish training, he will find great job.

As long as you pay off the loan, the house will be yours at the end of this year. (= If you pay off the loan, the house will be yours at the end of this year.)
If You you pay loan, house will become yours until the end of this year.