What surrounds us? Man-made world Objects of nature

Arch (from Latin arcus, arc, bend) in architecture, a curvilinear covering of an opening in a wall or the space between two supports with pillars, columns, pylons, etc. Depending on the size of the span, load, and purpose, arches are made of stone, reinforced concrete, metal, wood.

Man has always found form in nature. Since ancient times, nature has been an inexhaustible source of creative inspiration. Bucket in the form of a duck or goose, crane in the form of a crane, heron or stork. The shape of the aircraft wing is associated with the shape of a bird, with an eagle, a falcon, an albatross. The web formed the basis for the weaving of lace of many nationalities. geometric shape snowflakes or starfish evokes positive emotions in a person, is associated with a work of art. The beauty of nature is an inexhaustible source of creating a harmonious and beautiful form. Insects, mushrooms, flowers, trees, birds, fish, fruits, stones, mountain ranges and many other objects of nature give a person ideas for the development of hand-made products.

Mamaev Kurgan was the main link in common system defense of the Stalingrad front. Here, in recent months In 1942, fierce battles took place. The slopes of the mound were plowed up with bombs and shells, the soil was mixed with fragments of metal. This is a place of great loss of life.

St. Basil's Cathedral is not only the main temple of Red Square, but also a symbol of all of Russia. It was built in the years by decree of Ivan the Terrible in honor of the capture of the Kazan Khanate. The assault on Kazan began on October 1, 1552, on the feast of the Intercession Mother of God, therefore the "official" name of the temple is the Church of the Intercession of the Mother of God.

The top of the Man-Pupu-ner ridge was decorated with original figures - weathering pillars of ancient metamorphic schists. No one sculpted or turned them, they were created indefinitely - for 200 million years! Frosty weathering. Ostantsev 7, height from 30 to 42 m.

As ancient as the world, Baikal has existed for about millions of years. With an average "life" of lakes in millions of years, he has twice become a record holder. The phenomenal depth of Baikal is striking, reaching 1637 meters, which allows it to rightfully bear the title of the deepest lake in the world.

The world

Grade 2

Nature and man-made world

Look around you. What do you think of the environment around you relates to nature?

What is not related to nature?

If you look around, you can see a lot of interesting things that surround us.

This and autumn leaves, this is the sun, this is the air ...

Everything from old pine at the fence

To the big dark forest

And from the lake to the pond -


And also a bear, and an elk,

And the kitten Vaska, I suppose?

Even a fly - wow! -


I love silence on the lake

And in the pond reflections of the roofs,

I love picking blueberries in the forest,

I love the badger and the fox...

I love you forever,


What items do you see?

Guys! I often go to nature and take various pictures. Look at these photos - they depict everything that surrounds us.

What is related to nature? And what is not?

Everything related to nature has existed for many centuries.

and will exist independently of man.

Man is also part of nature.

But he brings some changes to this world.

Beautiful nature! Amazing person! The structures of man are remarkable: cities, palaces, temples, monuments to great people

and many many others!

Think and tell what should be the attitude of a person towards himself, towards other people,

to nature, to the man-made world.

Man must take care of himself

take care of yourself, take care of your health, be clean, eat right, dress according to the season, take care of your belongings.

People around you should be treated with respect - help the elderly, do not offend the younger ones,

take care of loved ones.

Nature must be treated with care - make birdhouses, feeders, do not destroy bird nests, do not offend birds,

don't break branches...

We live in the same family, we sing in the same circle,

Walk in the same formation, fly in the same flight ...

Let's keep the chamomile in the meadow

Water lily on the river and cranberries in the swamp.

Oh how mother nature

Be patient and good!

But so that her dashing fate does not suffer,

Let's save

On the rods - sturgeon,

Killer whale in the sky

In the taiga wilds - a tiger.

Kohl is destined to breathe

We are the same air

Let's all of us

Let's unite forever.

Let's save our souls

Then we are on earth and we will be preserved.

Nature is what surrounds us, but is not created by man. Good, respectful attitude

to the world around makes a person better.

The world

Grade 2

Nature and man-made world

Look around you. What do you think of the environment around you relates to nature?

What is not related to nature?

If you look around, you can see a lot of interesting things that surround us.

This is autumn leaves, this is the sun, this is air ...

Everything - from the old pine at the fence

To the big dark forest

And from the lake to the pond -


And also a bear, and an elk,

And the kitten Vaska, I suppose?

Even a fly - wow! -


I love silence on the lake

And in the pond reflections of the roofs,

I love picking blueberries in the forest,

I love the badger and the fox...

I love you forever,


Guys! I often go to nature and take various pictures. Look at these photos - they depict everything that surrounds us.

What items do you see?

What is related to nature? And what is not?

Everything related to nature has existed for many centuries.

and will exist independently of man.

Man is also part of nature.

But he brings some changes to this world.

Beautiful nature! Amazing person! The structures of man are remarkable: cities, palaces, temples, monuments to great people

and many many others!

Think and tell what should be the attitude of a person towards himself, towards other people,

to nature, to the man-made world.

Man must take care of himself

take care of yourself, take care of your health, be clean, eat right, dress according to the season, take care of your belongings.

People around you should be treated with respect - help the elderly, do not offend the younger ones,

take care of loved ones.

Nature must be treated with care - make birdhouses, feeders, do not destroy bird nests, do not offend birds,

don't break branches...

We live in the same family, we sing in the same circle,

Walk in the same formation, fly in the same flight ...

Let's keep the chamomile in the meadow

Water lily on the river and cranberries in the swamp.

Oh how mother nature

Be patient and good!

But so that her dashing fate does not suffer,

Let's save

On the rods - sturgeon,

Killer whale in the sky

In the taiga wilds - a tiger.

Kohl is destined to breathe

We are the same air

Let's all of us

Let's unite forever.

Let's save our souls

Then we are on earth and we will be preserved.

Nature is what surrounds us, but is not created by man. Good, respectful attitude

to the world around makes a person better.




















Goals: to form an idea of ​​what nature is; to learn to distinguish between objects of nature and objects of the man-made world, to classify them.

Planned results: students will learn to evaluate their own attitude to the world around them; to distinguish between objects of nature and objects of the man-made world; draw conclusions from the studied material.

Equipment: pictures depicting objects of nature and objects of the man-made world, presentations “Views of nature”, “Human creations” (you can video clips, pictures, photographs); students have colored chips.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

II. Knowledge update

What do you know about your city or village?

- State your address.

What street is your house on?

Who knows how old your house is?

- What decorates your house, creates comfort and warmth?

(Drawing competition "My house". You can use KIMS (tests 2, 3, p. 7-8).)

III. Self-determination to activity

(On the board are pictures depicting objects of nature and objects of the man-made world.)

- Guys, look carefully at the board. What two groups would you divide these objects into? (What is in nature and what is made by man.)

What do you think is the topic of our lesson today? (Children's answers.)

Read the topic of the lesson on p. 14 textbooks. (Nature and man-made world.)

- What kind learning objectives put before us? (Find out what belongs to nature and what to the man-made world.)

Read the tasks of the lesson in the textbook.

IV. Work on the topic of the lesson

1. Conversation, work on the textbook

Guys, look around. How many objects surround us! Discuss what we attribute to nature and what does not apply to nature. (Children's answers.)

Nature is the whole diverse world that surrounds a person and exists without his participation. We refer to living nature plants, animals, fungi, bacteria, to inanimate nature - stones, water, air, etc. Some of the objects around us were created by man himself - these are artificial objects, products or things. These include cars, clothes, utensils, furniture, buildings, etc.

- Look at the photos on p. 14-15. Cover what belongs to nature with green chips, and what is man-made with yellow. Check the correctness of the task with each other.

— How did you understand what a man-made world is? (What is created by human hands.)

2. Completing the task in the workbook

- Play words with a neighbor on the desk: one calls the objects of nature, and the other - the man-made world (in turn). Who more words will name. Then change.

- Fill the table.

V. Physical education

The game "Nature is not nature"

(The teacher names the object or shows a drawing with its image. If the object belongs to nature, the children clap, if it was created by man, they stomp.)

VI. Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson

(The teacher shows presentations "Views of nature", "Creations of man." If there are no presentations, you can show video clips, photographs or pictures.)

What feelings does what you see make you feel? (Admiration, surprise by nature, pride in man.)

And now let's talk about a person's attitude to this beauty, to the world around him.

(The class is divided into groups.)

- Look at the pictures on p. 16-17 textbook. Discuss in groups the attitude of a person to himself and other people, to nature, to the man-made world.

- Answer the questions about the pictures.

(Group discussion. Then each group answers one question.)

What conclusion can be drawn from all that has been said? (Children's answers.)

Read what the Turtle concluded.

VII. Reflection

(Students answer textbook questions (p. 17, boxed).)

(Students take out one of the signs and explain their choice.)

VIII. Summing up the lesson

Read the lesson questions again. Check if we have done everything.


2. Workbook: No. 2 (p. 5).


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