There is no money but you hold on to the memes. Dmitry Medvedev to Crimean pensioners: There is no money, but you hold on

During Dmitry Medvedev's working trip to Crimea, a pensioner asked him a question about the indexation of pensions. A video of the Prime Minister's response went viral on the Internet.

Dmitry Medvedev on one of the streets of Feodosia after visiting the Ivan Aivazovsky art gallery as part of a working trip to Crimea. Photo: Dmitry Astakhov/TASS

The decision on additional indexation of pensions in 2016 will be made after July 1 based on the results of the first half of the year, Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets told RIA Novosti. She emphasized that the government's social bloc will insist on indexation based on actual inflation.

Earlier, a video appeared on the Internet where Dmitry Medvedev, speaking about pensions with a resident of Feodosia, stated that the state has no money. An assistant hands papers to the Prime Minister, surrounded by security. Suddenly, a question comes from the crowd surrounding the security ring. A woman behind the scenes asks the head of government about when pension indexation will happen in Crimea. "No money left. You stay here, all the best to you,” Dmitry Medvedev concluded his answer.

Internet users actively reacted to the video. “Have you seen pensions in Belgorod?” — one of them wrote in the comments.

The minimum pension in Russia is 6 thousand rubles. This year, Russians' pensions were increased by only 4%. The government's social bloc insisted on additional indexation. The day before, the chairman of the State Duma Budget Committee, Andrei Makarov, told RBC that the issue of additional indexation of pensions would be considered by the new composition of the lower chamber in October. A decision on it will be made even later, other sources noted.

Is it true that the situation with pensions is special on the peninsula? Crimean blogger Alexander Gorny answered this question from Business FM:

Alexander Gorny blogger “As for pensioners in Crimea, indeed, their situation has worsened a little. This is due to the devaluation of the ruble, and the equivalent, if we take it in dollars, of course, has decreased. Food prices in Crimea are higher than on the mainland by about 10%, somewhere by 20%, somewhere by 30%. IN Ukrainian years, of course, the level of pension provision was much lower: if we take dollar conversion, maybe about 100 dollars, maybe 150 dollars. When Crimea passed to Russia, both pensioners and civil servants benefited from this situation, whose salaries increased several times. But taking into account the devaluation that is happening in the country and inflation, the standard of living is falling not only in Crimea, but throughout Russia. And this remark to Dmitry Medvedev is really a cry from the heart not only of Crimean, but also of all Russian pensioners. Of course, pensioners do not fully understand that the situation is similar throughout Russia. Pensioners, like civil servants, benefited financially from this, but when they go to the market and realize that this money is also not enough, when they returned to Russia, they hoped that life would still become a little better.”

Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Crimea Dmitry Polonsky, in an interview with Govorit Moskva radio, said that there are no problems with pensions in the republic. “We are no different from other regions. There is always dissatisfaction among citizens; they always want salaries and pensions to be higher, prices to be lower. There are some objective difficulties. But there is no special Crimean problem regarding particularly low Crimean pensions,” Polonsky said. The former speaker of the Supreme Council of Crimea, the first secretary of the Crimean republican branch Party "Communists of Russia" Leonid Grach:

Leonid Grach first secretary of the Crimean republican branch of the party "Communists of Russia"“Tariffs for everything have also increased; taxes have been introduced for all these re-registrations of one’s property and re-conclusion of contracts with the gas industry. Even to this day, a lot of Crimeans stand in queues, and they pay for this to re-register meters or any other indicators. Today, in terms of food pricing, we are not inferior to Moscow, and everything that has already accumulated is socially very significant, because a person is in a good mood when there is bread, when there is some kind of penny. Yesterday Dmitry Medvedev visited art gallery Aivazovsky, walked about 300 meters to the Green Museum, and people stood, this was not a meeting, and people immediately went on the attack, as they say, that it is impossible to live on 8 thousand rubles. I would say that such a “shot” of a social nature has already taken place. I think that Dmitry Medvedev's answer is quite clumsy, dismissive. It was necessary to change the tone of the conversation, and not get away with a remark, especially since he didn’t even see the people, he was walking surrounded by a retinue consisting of guards and officials. And this added to the heat in Feodosia, because there were still dead bodies in the city. industrial production, factories are not working. Everyone expected that Medvedev’s arrival in Feodosia would be devoted to this topic.”

The Kremlin refused to comment on Medvedev's statements. Presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov said that the issue of pensions relates to the government, which has the broadest powers, so it is incorrect to comment on the work of the head of the Cabinet of Ministers.

Medvedev to Crimean pensioners: THERE IS NO MONEY, BUT YOU HOLD ON!

“There is no money, but you hold on” - a new Internet meme

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, during his visit to Crimea on May 23, 2016, spoke with local residents on the topic of pensions. In response to a request from an elderly Crimean woman to raise pensions, the prime minister said that there is no money in the budget now. A video of the meeting was published on YouTube.

In the video, you can hear an elderly woman complaining about her eight thousand ruble pension and asking Medvedev where the promised indexation is.

The prime minister, in turn, says that it is impossible to raise pensions in one region. After this, he adds that the country now has no money at all to raise pensions.

“Well, hang in there, all the best to you, Have a good mood and health!” Medvedev concludes and leaves.

Dorenko: Medvedev - there is no money, but you hold on

Medvedev's phrase ""There is no money, but you hold on. Well, hang in there, all the best to you, good mood and health!" almost instantly became an Internet meme and a mega-hit. It also attracted a lot of folk art:

There is no money, but you hang in there. I wish you health and good mood

There is no paper but you hold on. All the best, good mood and health


“And I’m like, ‘There’s no money. Hang in there, all the best and good mood to you! See you again!"

Towards the elections: “There is no money, but you hold on!”

Sample of filling out receipts for payment of housing and communal services in 2016: “There is no money, but you hang in there!”

Sample filling tax return: “There’s no money, but you hang in there!”

There is no money, but you hang in there!

I went to the store, filled a whole cart, and at the checkout I said: “There is no money, well, hang in there, have a good mood,” and went home.

Government Decree Russian Federation: 1. There is no money 2. You stay here 3. All the best to you, good mood, health

Where's the money, Lebowski? - There is no money, but you hold on! All the best!

"There is no money! You hold on! Have a good mood!"

Money "There is no money! You hold on!"

Words from Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, who wished pensioners in Crimea
“in a good mood” and advised to “hold on” could have been taken out of context,
Moreover, the size of the pension in the Russian Federation is an order of magnitude higher than in Ukraine.
Putin said.

We got it all wrong.
That's how it is.

“The government is aimed at fulfilling all social obligations. I can tell you this for sure.
I have not seen Dmitry Anatolyevich speak on this matter. You can always take some phrase from the context as such,
or take it from that general conversation: also, according to the words, everything may be the same, but in spirit the meaning may look somehow different,” the head of state said.

First of all, the Cabinet of Ministers, according to Putin, is trying to support low-income segments of the population,
however, in the current difficult situation forced to look various options solving the problem.
“What are these options? Or index social benefits, including pensions, without even complying with
let's say with budget revenues. Or try, on the one hand, to index by some value,
but take all measures to suppress inflation,” the president said.

Putin cited Ukraine as an example, recalling that in 2015 inflation there reached 48 percent with pensions
the size of which is an order of magnitude lower than in Russia. “Our average pension is $200, in dollar equivalent, and in Ukraine it is $76.
There is a difference? Yes, we have indexed at least four percent. In Ukraine there is no indexation at all,
plus a raise retirement age", concluded Putin.

Footage of Medvedev’s conversation with residents of the peninsula, who complained, was published online.
that “it’s impossible to live on a pension, the prices are crazy.”
In response, the head of government referred to the lack of funds and assured that “there is no indexation anywhere at all.”

“If we find the money, we’ll do indexation. You hang in here, all the best to you, good mood and health,”- wished
Prime Minister and then left the meeting place.

The phrase became a catchphrase.

Well, in general...
We got it all wrong.
Let's hold on!

IN Lately Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev did not please the public with bright public speaking. The protracted pause in this matter, the head Russian government completed brilliantly, at one point becoming the most discussed figure in that part of the Internet that covers the post-Soviet space.

“There’s just no money. All the best to you, good mood and health!”

Having visited Crimea, Medvedev talked with people who complained to him about rising prices, which leads to sharp decline purchasing power of citizens.

A Crimean pensioner complained to the prime minister: “It’s impossible to live on a pension, the prices are crazy. They are indexing us incorrectly.” Medvedev responded: “There is no indexation anywhere at all: there is simply no money.” Then, apparently wanting to cheer up the Crimean woman, the prime minister said: “You stay here, all the best to you, good mood and health.”

The phrase “No money, good mood”, which literally blew up the Internet space and caused particular joy among the Ukrainian media, will undoubtedly be included in the top three best sayings Dmitry Medvedev throughout his political career.

The Russian prime minister and ex-president at one time repeatedly made loud and controversial statements that made the public think - what exactly did the politician mean and what was the secret meaning of his words?

“What I say is cast in granite”

Perhaps the most famous saying Dmitry Medvedev’s words were spoken at a meeting of the commission on economic modernization in December 2009.

After the performance Head of Russian Technologies Sergei Chemezov, who spoke, in particular, about the implementation energy saving lamps, Medvedev noted: “But this is not innovation, colleagues. This is simply the production of modern types of products that we need.”

Chemezov asked to speak to respond to the “president’s remark.” The official’s words caused noticeable irritation in Medvedev, and he uttered a phrase that became legendary: “My is not a remark, but a sentence. You have the replicas. But what I say is cast in granite.”

“The WTO is not a carrot”

In September 2008, at a meeting with representatives Russian business Medvedev spoke about negotiations on Russia's accession to the WTO that have dragged on for two decades. In order to characterize the current situation, the politician found a rather unusual figurative comparison: “The WTO is not a carrot, it is a set of rather complex responsibilities that are assigned to us, and if we accept them, let them do it humanely, but They don’t scare us with the idea that we ourselves will take on something additional.” Over the past eight years, no one has been able to challenge the thesis that the WTO is not a carrot.

“We need to stop creating a nightmare for business”

Dmitry Medvedev's 2008 turned out to be especially rich in outstanding performances. In August, at a meeting on the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the city of Gagarin, he shared his vision of the situation: “The problems remain the same, I mean the problems that our entrepreneurs face. We were tormented by checks and all sorts of raids based on commercial tips. It is necessary that the authorities law enforcement agencies stopped creating a nightmare for business.”

The phrase “Stop making business a nightmare!” over time it almost became a motto Russian entrepreneurs. But even eight years later, judging by their complaints, business is getting worse and worse.

“Federations are big and fat, like cats”

IN recent months Russian sport is shaking from doping scandals, which have jeopardized the performance at the 2016 Olympics not only of Russian athletes, but also of the Russian team as a whole. Meanwhile, Dmitry Medvedev made a striking statement on this topic, however, back in 2010. Then the Russian team failed miserably at the Winter Olympics in Vancouver.

Speaking at a meeting with the leadership of the United Russia party, Medvedev said that the situation needs to be changed, and even indicated who should start with: “The figure of the athlete himself should be put at the forefront - not the federations, which in our country are sometimes big and fat, like cats, not, especially, the heads of federations and not even coaches, with all the colossal respect for them: athletes achieve success.”

It is worth noting that the head of Russian sports in 2010 Vitaly Mutko still holds his post, and the latest doping scandals have not changed this situation.