Electronic version of the September magazine house 2. Phil's ex-girlfriend about betrayal and beatings of a guy

On August 26th, the new September issue of the magazine goes on sale! The heroine of the September issue was Tata Blumenkranz. The issue is dedicated to love and everything connected with it.

Tata Blumenkranz about childbirth and motherhood

When she was lying on the maternity table, she grabbed Valera and shouted that this was the first and last time. But when the baby was placed on the chest, I instantly forgot about the hellish pain. Therefore, I dream that my beloved and I will have many children. I’m already ready to go for the second and even the third.

Sasha Cherno about her mother’s criminal past

My mother stole. Money, expensive jewelry - everything valuable that she could find from people whom she ingratiated herself with. She sold their cars and cars. Naturally, illegal. She was caught, convicted of fraud and sent to prison. Twice.

Masha Kokhno about family scandal

When the topic of the parents’ imaginary divorce was raised at the front office and circulated on the Internet, the father was simply overwhelmed with calls from all over the country, because he famous musician, People's Artist Russia. Now my dad doesn't communicate with me.

Ex-girlfriend Fila about cheating and beating a guy

It came to the point of assault. As Phil himself said, I was the first one he raised his hand to. There were many negative aspects. I often caught him having intimate correspondence with other girls. Moreover, he for a long time lived at my expense.

Vera Kurochka about an intimate photo shoot

For Petya, it is unacceptable for a girl to be naked even in front of a photographer. I think somewhere deep down he hoped that I wouldn't have to take off my clothes. Yes, and I honestly admit, until the last moment I thought that I would be dressed. However, during the shooting I was only wearing a thong and a mountain of flour.

On September 27th, the new October issue of the magazine goes on sale! The heroes of the October issue were Anton Gusev and Victoria Romanets. The issue is dedicated to love and everything connected with it.

Frank interview with Victoria Romanets and Anton Gusev
The cover of the issue will be decorated by newlyweds Victoria Romanets and Anton Gusev. We'll show you exclusive photos from the wedding shoot and we’ll tell you all the details honeymoon. IN frank interview Victoria Romanets and Anton Gusev admitted why they decided to hide the celebration from their relatives and how much money they spent on it. The couple explained why they cannot have children and who is in charge in their family.

Lera Frost passed a lie detector test
Lera Frost passed a lie detector test and revealed everything hidden secrets of your past. Cheating, breakups, romances with show business stars. What else is the sexy brunette hiding? All details in the October issue.

Maya Dontsova showed for the first time a three-room apartment
Maya Dontsova showed a three-room apartment for the first time. The participant admitted who gave her luxury housing in the center of Moscow, and told what life would be like outside the perimeter. Exclusive photos- in the new room.

On August 25th, the new September issue of the magazine goes on sale! The heroine of the September issue was Tata Blumenkranz. The issue is dedicated to love and everything connected with it.

Tata Blumenkranz about childbirth and motherhood
« When she was lying on the maternity table, she grabbed Valera and shouted that this was the first and last time. But when the baby was placed on the chest, I instantly forgot about the hellish pain. Therefore, I dream that my beloved and I will have many children. I'm already ready to go for the second and even the third».

Sasha Cherno about her mother’s criminal past
« My mother stole. Money, expensive jewelry - everything valuable that she could find from people whom she ingratiated herself with. She sold their cars and cars. Naturally, illegal. She was caught, convicted of fraud and sent to prison. Twice».

Masha Kokhno about family scandal
« When the topic of the parents’ imaginary divorce was raised at front office and circulated on the Internet, my father was simply overwhelmed with calls from all over the country, because he is a famous musician, People’s Artist of Russia. Now my dad doesn't talk to me».

Phil's ex-girlfriend talks about his boyfriend's cheating and beatings
« It came to the point of assault. As Phil himself said, I was the first one he raised his hand to. There were many negative aspects. I often caught him having intimate correspondence with other girls. Besides, he lived at my expense for a long time.».

Vera Kurochka about an intimate photo shoot
« For Petya, it is unacceptable for a girl to be naked even in front of a photographer. I think somewhere deep down he hoped that I wouldn't have to take off my clothes. Yes, and I honestly admit, until the last moment I thought that I would be dressed. However, during the shooting I was only wearing a thong and a mountain of flour».

On January 21st, the new February issue of the magazine goes on sale! It has already become our tradition to make two different covers of one issue, and the heroes of the February one were Dmitry Dmitrenko with Olga Rapunzel and Valery Blumenkrants with Tata Abramson. The issue is dedicated to love and everything connected with it.

Tata Abramson and Valera Blumenkranz about plans and expecting a baby
Valera: « Of course, sometimes it occurred to me that someone could negatively influence us, but I pushed all these thoughts away. And, pah-pah, we go to the doctors, and they say that everything is fine. And the doctor also said that Tata and I are physically very good for each other, because we have the same Rh factor. It is in this case that pregnancy proceeds most favorably».

Olga Rapunzel and Dima Dmitrenko about leaving
Olya: « There are times when we think about leaving, but we would like to leave gracefully. For example, win a competition and leave. On the other hand, if we win, then why leave? This means that we are loved and appreciated, and then Dimochka and I can stay and show it on camera further development our relationship. And if there is no victory, and even difficult relationships with the team, then it’s better to leave».

Dads of "At Home 2" about child manipulation
Konstantin Ivanov: « After my separation from my wife, there was some kind of blackmail on her part as a child, but I did not take it seriously. Moreover we're talking about specifically about blackmail, since I was always close to my son, and the ex-wife could not have any complaints. I help them financially and now, while I am on the project, I did this before, when I lived in Vladivostok. But on at the moment ex-wife does not allow me to take my son abroad...»

Polygalova about the first magic and sexuality
Lisa: « I don’t like the professionals who compete in the bodybuilding category; I don’t like huge builds. They are attracted to athletic, moderately inflated guys with a proportional body. Everything should be in moderation, I think. And convenient for life. As I already said, for me the owner of the ideal male figure on the project is Sergei Zakharyash».

Sergei Zakharyash about military service
Sergey: « If people love each other, then a year and a half is not such a period that cannot be survived. Before the service, those who do not see the development of relationships usually break up. Many men propose after demobilization, because during their service one of the most important components of a relationship is tested - fidelity! If the couple passes the test, then they can start a family!».

On August 25th, the new September issue of the magazine goes on sale! The heroes of the September issue were Olga Rapunzel and Dmitry Dmitrenko with their daughter Anastasia. The issue is dedicated to love and everything connected with it.

Olya Rapunzel about health problems
“At some point I became nervous about Alenka, cried a lot, and the milk completely disappeared from one breast. I take everything to heart and was really very upset then because of misunderstandings with relatives, this is always the most painful thing. To be honest, when we were still on maternity leave, I already had little milk in one breast.”

Nastya Kochervey about Andrei Shabarin’s infidelities
“We could quarrel for a week, and he would immediately leave with Alena for the dacha. And I, humiliated, sat at home and waited. I looked at photos on social networks of Shabarin feeding her oysters in a restaurant, and wanted to punch her rival in the face. He often humiliated me - he sat and said right to my face that the next day he would go on vacation with her. He constantly used his mistress as an example.”

Darina Markina about beating Nikita Kuznetsov
“We often clashed, and I lost a lot of weight because of my worries. Our last quarrel happened before our trip to Tunisia. I wanted to celebrate my birthday there, naturally, at my own expense. Friends wrote to me, supported me, and also invited me to rest, but there was no flirting on my part. However, Nikita lost his temper, hit me hard on the head and broke the phone on the eve of the holiday.”

Nikita Turchin about losing his virginity
“If we talk about the fantasies that I had about this, it would be great if the first “magic” took place in Paris, against the backdrop of the Eiffel Tower under starry sky, or at dawn. I want it to be romantic, sincere, very tender and sensual.”